Keogh-Stroka, Deborah M.; Plock, Jan Alexander; Beldi, Guido; Frese, Steffen R.; Keogh, Adrian; Bisch-Knaden, Sonja Maria; Dufour, Jean-François; Brunner, Thomas; Candinas, Daniel (2006). Temporary hypoxic stress protects the liver from Fas-mediated apoptosis and ischemia reperfusion injury. In: 93. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie. Lugano, Switzerland. 21.-23.6.2006.
Molecular responses to hypoxia restore oxygen homeostasis and promote cell survival, and are mainly regulated through the activation of the hypoxia-inducible transcription factor (HIF)-1 and its target genes. In this study we questioned whether surgically depleting the liver s arterial blood supply, by clamping the hepatic artery (HA), would be sufficient to mount a hypoxia-driven molecular response, the up-regulation of hepatoprotective genes and thereby protect the liver from subsequent damaging insults.;;The HA of normal male Balb/c mice was clamped with a micro vascular clip for 2 hours. The liver s saturated oxygen concentration (SO2) was measured using an O2C surface probe (LEA-Medizintechnik) and interstitial fluid was collected with microdialysis membranes to monitor tissue damage. Mice without clamping served as sham operated controls. Interstitial fluid was assessed for lactate pyruvate (L/P) and glycerol content and the mRNA of hepatoprotective genes was analyzed by real time PCR. Subsequently, mice received either a tail vein injection of anti-Fas antibody (Jo2, 0.2 mg/kg) or the liver was made ischemic (60min) followed by 6 hours reperfusion. Caspase 3-activity and cleaved lamin A were used to assess apoptosis. In separate groups, animal were monitored for survival.;;After 30min of clamping the HA the SO2 of the liver decreased and remained at a reduced level for up to 2 hours, without an increase in L/P ratio or glycerol release. We demonstrate the activation of a hypoxia-inducible signaling pathway by the stabilization of HIF-1 protein (Western blot) and by an increase of its target gene, Epo, mRNA. There was an up-regulation of the hepatoprotective genes IL-6, IGFBP-1, HO-1 and A20 mRNA. When subsequently injected with Jo2, animals preconditioned with HA clamping, had a significantly decreased caspase-3 activity (avg21044 vs. avg3637; p=0.001, T-test) and there were fewer positive cells for cleaved Lamin A. The survival probability (10.5 hours, n=12) of mice with HA clamping was significantly higher (3.2 hours, n=13; p=0.014, Logrank test). Likewise, survival after 60 minutes of partial hepatic ischemia and 6 hours of reperfusion was reduced from 86% in mice with pretreatment by HA clamping to 56% in sham treated controls.;;This study demonstrates that a localized hypoxic stress can be achieved by surgically removing the livers arterial blood supply. Furthermore it can stimulate a hepatoprotective response that protects the liver against Fas-mediated apoptosis and ischemia-reperfusion injury. Our findings offer an innovative approach to induce hepatoprotective genes to defend the liver against subsequent insults.