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Rummel, Christian; Slavova, Nedelina Bozhidarova; Seiler, Andrea Barbara; Abela, Eugenio; Hauf, Martinus; Burren, Yuliya; Weisstanner, Christian; Vulliemoz, Serge; Seeck, Margitta; Schindler, Kaspar Anton; Wiest, Roland (2018). Publisher Correction: Personalized structural image analysis in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Scientific Reports, 8(1), p. 681. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41598-017-16213-8
Reichenbach, Fabian; Burren, Yuliya; Flückiger, Christoph; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Moggi, Franz (2018). Swiss Study to Validate the Mannheimer Craving Scale (MaCS). Sucht, 64(1), pp. 11-20. Hogrefe 10.1024/0939-5911/a000520
Rummel, Christian; Slavova, Nedelina Bozhidarova; Seiler, Andrea Barbara; Abela, Eugenio; Hauf, Martinus; Burren, Yuliya; Weisstanner, Christian; Vulliemoz, Serge; Seeck, Margitta; Schindler, Kaspar Anton; Wiest, Roland (2017). Personalized structural image analysis in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Scientific Reports, 7(1), p. 10883. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41598-017-10707-1
Wapp, Manuela; Burren, Yuliya; Znoj, Hansjörg; Moggi, Franz (2015). Association of alcohol craving and proximal outcomes of a residential treatment program for patients with alcohol use disorders. Journal of Substance Use, 20(1), pp. 11-15. Informa Healthcare 10.3109/14659891.2013.858782
Wapp, Manuela; Everts, Regula; Burren, Yuliya; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; El-Koussy, Marwan; Wiest, Roland; Federspiel, Andrea; Michel, Patrik; Schroth, Gerhard (2015). Cognitive improvement in patients with carotid stenosis is independent of treatment type. Swiss medical weekly, 145, w14226. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2015.14226
van Emmerik-van Oortmerssen, Katelijne; van de Glind, Geurt; Koeter, Maarten W. J.; Allsop, Steve; Auriacombe, Marc; Barta, Csaba; Bu, Eli Torild H.; Burren, Yuliya; Carpentier, Pieter-Jan; Carruthers, Susan; Casas, Miguel; Demetrovics, Zsolt; Dom, Geert; Faraone, Stephen V.; Fatseas, Melina; Franck, Johan; Johnson, Brian; Kapitány-Fövény, Máté; Kaye, Sharlene; Konstenius, Maija; ... (2014). Psychiatric comorbidity in treatment-seeking substance use disorder patients with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: results of the IASP study. Addiction, 109(2), pp. 262-272. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/add.12370
Kamm, Christian Philipp; El-Koussy, Marwan; Humpert, Sebastian Jörg; Findling, Oliver; Burren, Yuliya; Schwegler, Guido; Donati, Filippo; Müller, Andrea Martin; Slotboom, Johannes; Kappos, Ludwig; Naegelin, Yvonne; Mattle, Heinrich; Müller, Felix (2014). Atorvastatin added to interferon beta for relapsing multiple sclerosis: 12-month treatment extension of the randomized multicenter SWABIMS trial. PLoS ONE, 9(1), e86663. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0086663
Everts, Regula; Wapp, Manuela; Burren, Yuliya; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; El-Koussy, Marwan; Jann, Kay; Delameilluer Lenoir, Jessica; Michel, Patrik; Schroth, Gerhard (2014). Cognitive and emotional effects of carotid stenosis. Swiss medical weekly, 144, w13970. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2014.13970
Wiest, R; Burren, Y; Hauf, M; Schroth, G; Pruessner, J; Zbinden, M; Cattapan-Ludewig, K; Kiefer, C (2013). Classification of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer Disease Using Model-Based MR and Magnetization Transfer Imaging. American journal of neuroradiology AJNR, 34(4), pp. 740-6. Oak Brook, Ill.: American Society of Neuroradiology 10.3174/ajnr.A3307
Seitz, Andrea; Wapp, Manuela; Burren, Yuliya; Stutz, Sonja; Schläfli, Katrin; Moggi, Franz (2013). Association between craving and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms among patients with alcohol use disorders. American journal on addictions, 22(3), pp. 292-6. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1521-0391.2012.12000.x
Kamm, Christian Philipp; El-Koussy, Marwan; Humpert, Sebastian; Findling, Oliver; von Bredow, Ferdinand; Burren, Yuliya; Schwegler, Guido; Schött, Dagmar; Donati, Filippo; Müller, Martin; Goebels, Norbert; Müller, Felix; Slotboom, Johannes; Tettenborn, Barbara; Kappos, Ludwig; Naegelin, Yvonne; Mattle, Heinrich Paul (2012). Atorvastatin added to interferon beta for relapsing multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of neurology, 259(11), pp. 2401-13. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00415-012-6513-7
Kiefer, Claus; Brockhaus, Lisa; Cattapan-Ludewig, Katja; Ballinari, Pietro; Burren, Yuliya; Schroth, Gerhard; Wiest, Roland (2009). Multi-parametric classification of Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment: the impact of quantitative magnetization transfer MR imaging. NeuroImage, 48(4), pp. 657-67. San Diego, Calif.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2009.07.005