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Höchli, Bettina Rebekka; Dorn, Michael; Holenweger, Geraldine; Messner, Claude; Schuller, Simone; Rohrbach, Helene (2023). Improving Hand Hygiene Adherence in Small Animal Hospitals: A Social Marketing Approach. Social marketing quarterly, 29(3) Sage 10.1177/15245004231191567
Stöckli, Sabrina; Dorn, Michael (2021). Awareness, intention, and behavior: Three empirical perspectives on predicting the purchase of abnormally shaped fruits and vegetables. Resources, conservation and recycling, 168, p. 105431. Elsevier 10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.105431
Stöckli, Sabrina; Höchli, Bettina; Dorn, Michael Hans; Messner, Claude Mathias (21 June 2019). Improving Personality-Mining Algorithms Used for Psychological Targeting with a Psychometric Scale for Susceptibility to Social Influence (Unpublished). In: INFORMS Marketing Science Conference. Roma, Italy. 20.-22.06.2019.
Stöckli, Sabrina; Dorn, Michael Hans; Messner, Claude Mathias (3 May 2019). The better-than-average effect drives norm misperceptions (Unpublished). In: 6th International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Social Sciences. Utrecht, Netherlands. 02.-04.05. 2019.
Stöckli, Sabrina; Messner, Claude; Sterchi, Martin; Dorn, Michael (2019). Unreliable is better: Theoretical and practical impulses for performance management. Die Unternehmung : Swiss journal of business research and practice, 73(2), pp. 167-180. Nomos 10.5771/0042-059X-2019-2-167
Brügger, Adrian; Dorn, Michael H.; Messner, Claude; Kaiser, Florian G. (2019). Conformity Within the Campbell Paradigm: Proposing a New Measurement Instrument. Social Psychology, 50(3), pp. 133-144. Hogrefe & Huber 10.1027/1864-9335/a000366
Dorn, Michael Hans; Stöckli, Sabrina (2018). Social influence fosters the use of a reusable takeaway box. Waste management, 79, pp. 296-301. Elsevier 10.1016/j.wasman.2018.07.027
Stöckli, Sabrina; Niklaus, Eva Simona; Dorn, Michael Hans (2018). Call for testing interventions to prevent consumer food waste. Resources, conservation and recycling, 136, pp. 445-462. Elsevier 10.1016/j.resconrec.2018.03.029
Stöckli, Sabrina; Dorn, Michael Hans; Liechti, Stefan (2018). Normative Prompts Reduce Consumer Food Waste in Restaurants. Waste management, 77, pp. 532-536. Elsevier 10.1016/j.wasman.2018.04.047
Dorn, Michael Hans; Brügger, Adrian; Messner, Claude (28 October 2016). Do you cut in line? Predicting individuals’ compliance to social norms from day-to-day behavior (Unpublished). In: North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research. Berlin. 27.-30.10.2016.
Dorn, Michael; Messner, Claude; Wänke, Michaela (2016). Partitioning the choice task makes Starbucks coffee taste better. Journal of Marketing Behavior, 1(3-4), pp. 363-384. now publishers 10.1561/107.00000023
Dorn, Michael; Messner, Claude; Wänke, Michaela (2016). Partitioning the Choice Task Makes Starbucks Coffee Taste Better. Corrigendum. Journal of Marketing Behavior, 1(3-4), pp. 363-384. now publishers 10.1561/107.00000023-corr
Dorn, Michael Hans; Messner, Claude; Brügger, Adrian (1 October 2015). A double-edged sword: How perceived variety and perceived choice difficulty jointly determine consumers’ satisfaction with a customized product. In: North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research. New Orleans, USA. 01.-04.10.2015.
Dorn, Michael Hans; Messner, Claude; Ouertani, Jasmin (2015). Pay for performance does not always increase performance. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 59(2), pp. 85-94. Hogrefe 10.1026/0932-4089/a000180
Dorn, Michael Hans; Messner, Claude (24 October 2014). Pralines from a smaller gift box taste better. In: Association for Consumer Research North American Conference 2014. Baltimore, MD. 23.-26.10. 2014.
Dorn, Michael Hans; Brügger, Adrian; Messner, Claude (2014). Repeatedly experiencing information overload in a product customization: a case of sequential overchoice. In: Society for Consumer Psychology 2014 Annual Winter Conference. Miami, USA. 6.-8. Mrz. 2014.
Dorn, Michael Hans; Brügger, Adrian; Messner, Claude (3 October 2013). Sequential overchoice in product customization. In: North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research 2013. Chicago, USA. 03.-06.10.2013.
Messner, Claude; Dorn, Michael Hans (7 August 2013). Eine Vorlesung dauert 90 Minuten. NZZ Campus NZZ
Dorn, Michael Hans; Messner, Claude (28 February 2013). Balance theory in eWOM: Even if you red-flag this product, I like it, as I dislike you. In: Society for Consumer Psychology 2013 Annual Winter Conference. Society for Consumer Psychology
Dorn, Michael Hans; Messner, Claude (4 October 2012). Devaluing the recommendation of a proficient but dissimilar reviewer (Unpublished). In: North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research 2012. Vancouver, Kanada. 04.-07.10.2012.
Dorn, Michael Hans; Messner, Claude (2012). Assimilation and contrast in web product reviews: devaluing the recommendation of a proficient but dissimilar reviewer (Unpublished). In: Transfer of Knowledge Conference. Estoril, Portugal. 05.-09.09.2012.
Dorn, Michael (2012). Social Information in Web Product Reviews (Unpublished). In: SoDoc 2012. Würzburg. 01.06.2012.
Messner, Claude; Ouertani, J.; Dorn, M. (2011). Leistungslohn reduziert nicht immer die Leistung. In: 7. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- & Wirtschaftspsychologie. Rostock.