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Bonvin, Raphael; Nendaz, Mathieu; Frey, Peter; Schnabel, Kai; Huwendiek, Sören; Schirlo, Christian (2019). Looking back: twenty years of reforming undergraduate medical training and curriculum frameworks in Switzerland. GMS Journal for Medical Education, 2019 German Medical Science 10.3205/zma001272
Lew, Mei Sien; L'Allemand, Dagmar; Meli, Damian; Frey, Peter; Maire, Micheline; Isenschmid, Bettina; Tal, Kali; Molinari, Beatrice; Auer, Reto (2019). Evaluating a childhood obesity program with the Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, Maintenance (RE-AIM) framework. Preventive Medicine Reports, 13, pp. 321-326. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pmedr.2019.01.017
Hari, Roman; Harris, Michael; Frey, Peter; Streit, Sven (2018). Broadening the clinical spectrum for medical students towards primary care: a pre-post analysis of the effect of the implementation of a longitudinal clerkship in general practice. BMC medical education, 18(1), p. 34. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12909-018-1152-z
Kronenberg, Andreas Oskar; Bütikofer, Lukas; Odutayo, Ayodele; Mühlemann, Kathrin; Da Costa, Bruno R; Battaglia, Markus; Meli, Damian N; Frey, Peter; Limacher, Andreas; Reichenbach, Stephan; Jüni, Peter (2017). Symptomatic treatment of uncomplicated lower urinary tract infections in the ambulatory setting: randomised, double blind trial. BMJ, 359, j4784. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/bmj.j4784
Déruaz-Luyet, Anouk; N'Goran, A Alexandra; Senn, Nicolas; Bodenmann, Patrick; Pasquier, Jérôme; Widmer, Daniel; Tandjung, Ryan; Rosemann, Thomas; Frey, Peter; Streit, Sven; Zeller, Andreas; Haller, Dagmar M; Excoffier, Sophie; Burnand, Bernard; Herzig, Lilli (2017). Multimorbidity and patterns of chronic conditions in a primary care population in Switzerland: a cross-sectional study. BMJ open, 7(6), e013664. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013664
N'Goran, Alexandra A; Blaser, Jeremie; Deruaz-Luyet, Anouk; Senn, Nicolas; Frey, Peter; Haller, Dagmar M; Tandjung, Ryan; Zeller, Andreas; Burnand, Bernard; Herzig, Lilli (2016). From chronic conditions to relevance in multimorbidity: a four-step study in family medicine. Family practice, 33(4), pp. 439-444. Oxford University Press 10.1093/fampra/cmw030
Boef, Anna G C; le Cessie, Saskia; Dekkers, Olaf M; Frey, Peter; Kearney, Patricia M; Kerse, Ngaire; Mallen, Christian D; McCarthy, Vera J C; Mooijaart, Simon P; Muth, Christiane; Rodondi, Nicolas; Rosemann, Thomas; Russell, Audrey; Schers, Henk; Virgini, Vanessa; de Waal, Margot W M; Warner, Alex; Gussekloo, Jacobijn; den Elzen, Wendy P J (2016). Physician's Prescribing Preference as an Instrumental Variable: Exploring Assumptions Using Survey Data. Epidemiology, 27(2), pp. 276-283. Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/EDE.0000000000000425
Harris, Michael; Frey, Peter; Esteva, Magdalena; Gašparović-Babić, Svjetlana; Marzo-Castillejo, Mercè; Petek, Davorina; Petek Ster, Marija; Thulesius, Hans (2016). How health system factors influence referral decisions in patients that may have cancer: European symposium report. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapy, 4(1), pp. 7-10. NobleResearch Publishers 10.14312/2052-4994.2016-2
Kedzia, Sarah; Kunz, Regina; Zeller, Andreas; Rosemann, Thomas; Frey, Peter; Sommer, Johanna; Herzig, Lilli; Alexanderson, Kristina; de Boer, Wout E L (2015). Sickness certification in primary care: a survey on views and practices among Swiss physicians. Swiss medical weekly, 145, w14201. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2015.14201
Déruaz-Luyet, Anouk; N'Goran, A Alexandra; Tandjung, Ryan; Frey, Peter; Zeller, Andreas; Haller, Dagmar M; Rosemann, Thomas; Burnand, Bernard; Bodenmann, Patrick; Senn, Nicolas; Widmer, Daniel; Herzig, Lilli (2015). Multimorbidity in primary care: protocol of a national cross-sectional study in Switzerland. BMJ open, 5(10), e009165. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009165
Baumgartner, Christine; den Elzen, Wendy P J; Blum, Manuel R; Coslovsky, Michael; Streit, Sven; Frey, Peter; Herzig, Lilli; Haller, Dagmar M; Mooijaart, Simon P; Bischoff, Thomas; Rosemann, Thomas; Gussekloo, Jacobijn; Rodondi, Nicolas (2015). Variation in treatment strategies of Swiss general practitioners for subclinical hypothyroidism in older adults. Swiss medical weekly, 145, w14156. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2015.14156
Streit, Sven; Frey, Peter; Singer, Sarah; Bollag, Ueli; Meli, Damian N (2015). Clinical and haematological predictors of antibiotic prescribing for acute cough in adults in Swiss practices - an observational study. BMC family practice, 16(15), p. 15. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12875-015-0226-9
den Elzen, W. P.; Lefebre-van de Fliert, A. A.; Virgini, Vanessa; Mooijaart, S. P.; Frey, Peter; Kearney, P. M.; Kerse, N.; Mallen, C. D.; McCarthy, V. J.; Muth, C.; Rosemann, T.; Russell, A.; Schers, H.; Stott, D. J.; de Waal, M. W.; Warner, A.; Westendorp, R. G.; Rodondi, Nicolas; Gussekloo, J. (2015). International variation in GP treatment strategies for subclinical hypothyroidism in older adults: a case-based survey. British journal of general practice, 65(631), e121-e132. Royal College of General Practitioners 10.3399/bjgp15X683569
Meli, Damian; Ng Meli, Angie; Singer, Sarah; Frey, Peter; Schaufelberger, Mireille (2014). General practitioner teachers’ job satisfaction and their medical students' wish to join the field – a correlational study. BMC family practice, 15(1), p. 50. BioMed Central 10.1186/1471-2296-15-50
Virgini, V; Baumgartner, Christine; Bischoff, T; Haller, D M; Frey, P; Rosemann, T; Collet, T-H; Sykiotis, G; Pitteloud, N; Rodondi, Nicolas (2014). How do Swiss family physicians treat subclinical hypothyroidism? Revue médicale suisse, 10(420), pp. 526-529. Médecine & Hygiène
Streit, Sven; Da Costa, Bruno; Bauer, Douglas C; Collet, Tinh-Hai; Weiler, Stefan; Zimmerli, Lukas; Frey, Peter; Cornuz, Jacques; Gaspoz, Jean-Michel; Battegay, Edouard; Kerr, Eve; Aujesky, Drahomir; Rodondi, Nicolas (2014). Multimorbidity and quality of preventive care in Swiss university primary care cohorts. PLoS ONE, 9(4), e96142. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0096142
Bollag, Ueli; Meli, Damian; Singer, Sarah; Frey, Peter (6 November 2013). Diagnosis an Therapy of Acute Cough and Lower Respiratory Tract Infection in General Practice of Switzerland: a Cross-sectional Study Conducted by Students. In: SAMW Symposium. Bern. 06.11.2013.
Meli, Damian N.; Ng, Angie; Singer, Sarah; Frey, Peter; Schaufelberger, Mireille (29 August 2013). The General Practicioner Teacher's Job: Satisfaction Influences Their Medical Students' Wish to Join the Field. In: SwissFamilyDocs Conference. Bern. 29.-30.08.2013.
Frey, Peter (29 August 2013). iMedicine - Was taugen medizinische APP's für den Hausarzt? In: SwissFamilyDocs Conference. Bern. 29.-30.08.2013.
Blum, Manuel R.; Collet, Tinh-Hai; Krebs, Danielle; Stettler, Christoph; Christ, Emanuel; Virgini, Vanessa; Sykiotis, Gerasimos; Frey, Peter; Reichenbach, Stephan; Boulat, Olivier; Mooser, Vincent; Jüni, Peter; Fiedler, Martin; Aujesky, Drahomir; Pitteloud, Nelly; Rodondi, Nicolas (2013). Subklinische Hypothyreose: Risiken, aktuelle Empfehlungen und randomisierte Studie in der Schweiz. Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum SMF / Swiss medical forum / Forum médical suisse FMS, 13(39), pp. 772-775. EMH Editores Medicorum Helveticorum
Schaufelberger, Mireille; Frey, Peter; Woermann, Ulrich; Schnabel, Kai; Barth, Jürgen (2012). Benefits of communication skills training after real patient exposure. Clinical teacher, 9(2), pp. 85-8. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/j.1743-498X.2011.00511.x
Schaufelberger, M; Harris, M; Frey, P (2012). Emergency Telephone Consultations: A new course for medical students. Clinical teacher, 9(6), pp. 373-5. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing
Schaufelberger, M; Harris, M; Frey, P (2011). "Telefonische Notfallkonsultationen" - ein neues Ausbildungsmodul für Studierende. PrimaryCare, 11(22), pp. 392-3. Muttenz: EMH Editores Medicorum Helveticorum - Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag AG
Jegerlehner, Sabrina; Müller, Thomas Jörg; Cattapan-Ludewig, Katja; Frey, Peter; Grossenbacher, Marcus; Wagner, Lukas; Ort, Daniel; Seifritz, Erich; Umbricht, Daniel; Simon, Andor (2011). Beginnende Schizophrenien in der hausärztlichen Praxis werden besser erkannt. PrimaryCare, 2, pp. 27-29. Muttenz: EMH Editores Medicorum Helveticorum - Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag AG
Simon, AE; Jegerlehner, S; Müller, T; Cattapan-Ludewig, K; Frey, P; Grossenbacher, M; Seifritz, E; Umbricht, D (2010). Prodromal schizophrenia in primary care: a randomised sensitisation study. British journal of general practice, 60(578), 660-5 (e353-359). London: Royal College of General Practitioners 10.3399/bjgp10X515377
Schaufelberger, M; Streit, S; Käch, C; Rothenbühler, A; Frey, P; Häuptle, C (2010). Weiterbildungskurse des BIHAM. PrimaryCare, 10(12), pp. 225-6. Muttenz: EMH Editores Medicorum Helveticorum - Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag AG
Molinari-Büchi, Beatrice; Barth, Jürgen; Janner, Marco; Frey, Peter (2010). Surcharge pondérale et obésité chez l'enfant: les acquis et les nouvelles tendances. Revue médicale suisse, 6(249), pp. 1022-1025. Genève: Médecine & Hygiène
Schaufelberger, M; Käch, C; Rothenbühler, A; Frey, P; Häuptle, C (2010). Umfrage zu fachspezifischen Kursen bei Assistenzärztinnen und Assistenzärzten in der Weiterbildung Hausarztmedizin. VSAO-Journal -Verband schweizerischer Assistenz- und Oberärzte / Journal ASMAC(4), pp. 12-3. Bern: Mediservice VSAO-ASMAC
Trachsel, S; Schaufelberger, M; Feller, S; Küng, L; Frey, P; Guttormsen, S (2010). Evaluation of a new undergraduate mentoring program in general practitioners' offices: experiences of students and mentors. GMS Zeitschrift für medizinische Ausbildung, 27(3) Köln: German Medical Science 10.3205/zma000679
Frey, P (2009). Hausarzt als Akademische Karriere. VSAO-Journal -Verband schweizerischer Assistenz- und Oberärzte / Journal ASMAC, 28(1), p. 26. Bern: Mediservice VSAO-ASMAC
Schaufelberger, Mireille; Trachsel, Sandra; Rothenbühler, Andreas Peter; Frey, Peter (2009). Defining Goals and Learning Objectives for a Longitudinal Clerkship in the Complex Context of Health Care. In: WONCA-Kongress 2009. Basel, Switzerland. 16-19 September 2009.
Schaufelberger, Mireille; Rothenbühler, Andreas Peter; Frey, Peter (2009). Teaching students in the complex setting of ambulatory primary care: how can we motivate GP's for this task and enhance their satisfaction in their role as teacher? In: WONCA-Kongress 2009. Basel, Switzerland. 16–19 September 2009.
Bollag, U; Frey, P (2009). From monitoring to research - validating asthma data from the Swiss Sentinel Surveillance Network (SSSN). In: WONCA-Kongress. Basel.
Dürrenmatt, Urs; Frey, Peter (2009). Electronic medical records and computer usage in a Swiss Primary Care Network. In: WONCA-Kongress 2009. Basel, Switzerland. 16–19 September 2009.
Frey, P (2007). Ärztliche Kompetenzen zuverlässig prüfen - OSCE-Prüfungen im Medizinstudium. Beiträge zur Lehrerbildung: Zeitschrift zu Theorie und Praxis der Aus- und Weiterbildung von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern, 1(25), pp. 71-79. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung, SGL