Haller, Tobias

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Haller, Tobias; Joniak-Lüthi, Agnieszka; Oberlack, Christoph; Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara M.; Hurni, Kaspar; Weissman, Samuel (2023). The new global connect: Mega-infrastructure projects and their local impacts (Swiss Academies Factsheets 18 (1)). Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz (SCNAT)

Gargallo, Eduard; Haller, Tobias; Chatty, Dawn; Weissman, Samuel; Meessen, Heino; Giger, Markus; Maisuradze, Roman; Iashvili, Nikoloz; Chkhobadze, Nino (2022). The new green grabbing frontier and participation. Conserving drylands with or without people. In: Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias; van Dijk, Han; Samimi, Cyrus; Warner, Jeroen (eds.) Drylands Facing Change. Interventions, Investments and Identities. Routledge

Pase, Andrea; Hofman, Irna; Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias; Cirillo, Davide; Giger, Markus; Abebe, Manuel; Hurni, Kaspar; Bertoncin, Marina (2022). Large-scale agricultural investments in drylands: Facing some blind spots in the grabbing debate. In: Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias; van Dijk, Han; Samimi, Cyrus; Warner, Jeroen (eds.) Drylands Facing Change. Interventions, Investments and Identities. Routledge

Alvarado Grefa-Lüscher, Lisa; Haller, Tobias; Zangger, Ariane Nora; Weissman, Samuel (26 October 2021). Convivial Constitutionality: Human-Predator Interrelations in Complex Social-Ecological Systems (Unpublished). In: RAI2021: Anthropology and Conservation. Virtual Conference (online). 25-29 October 2021.

Haller, Tobias; Zangger, Ariane Nora; Weissman, Samuel; Alvarado Grefa-Lüscher, Lisa (14 December 2020). Convivial Constitutionality: Human Predator Interrelations in Complex Social Ecological Systems. (Unpublished). In: Convivial Constitutionality: Human Predator Interrelations in Complex Social Ecological Systems.. Universität Bern, onine. 14.12.2020.

Haller, Tobias (10 November 2020). Energy Ethics, Renewable Energy and Social Sustainability: Large-Scale Green Energy Projects, Commons Grabbing and Resilience (Unpublished). In: ENERGY ETHICS 2020. University of St Andrews, online. 9-13 November 2020.

Haller, Tobias; Gmür, Désirée Ruth; Merten, S.; Felber, Selina Chiara; Owolodun, Babatunde (29 October 2020). Foodways Sinergia Project meeting Food systems in Senegal (Unpublished). In: Foodways Sinergia Project meeting Food systems in Senegal. online. 29. Oktober 2020.

Haller, Tobias; Gerber, Jean-Daniel (23 July 2020). The drama of the grabbed commons: CSR as anti-politics machines and local responses. (Unpublished). In: IASC African Commons Web Conference. online. 13.-27.07.2020.

Haller, Tobias; Zingerli, C. (2020). Conclusion. Explorations and lessons for shared research. In: Haller, Tobias; Zingerli, Claudia (eds.) Towards Shared Research Participatory and Integrative Approaches in Researching African Environments. Kultur und soziale Praxis (pp. 167-182). Bielefeld: trancript Verlag

Haller, Tobias (6 December 2019). Zusammenleben mit Prädatoren in der Schweiz? Zwischen Naturschutz und Kulturlandschaftsverlust (Unpublished). In: Vortrag. Universität Bern. 06.12.19.

Haller, Tobias (22 November 2019). Swiss Commons Institutions under Change: Lessons from a comparative study on pastures and forests in Switzerland from 1750 onwards (Unpublished). In: CfP: Historical Forms of Sustainability - Models for the Future? Collective Forests and Pastures since 1700 in a European Perspective. Universität Bern. 22. - 23.11.19.

Haller, Tobias (15 October 2019). Social Anthropology and Nutrition-Health Group in Researching Foodways in Senegal (Unpublished). In: Workshop: Social Anthropology and Nutrition-Health Group in Researching Foodways in Senegal. Universität Genf. 15.10.2019.

Haller, Tobias (1 September 2019). Kommunal verwaltete Wälder und Weiden in der Schweiz im Wandel (Unpublished). In: Waldtag zum Thema «Kommunal verwaltete Wälder und Weiden in der Schweiz im Wandel». Burgergemeinde Bannwil. 01.09.2019.

Haller, Tobias; Gerber, Jean-David (14 July 2019). The drama of the grabbed commons: CSR as anti-politics machines and local responses. (Unpublished). In: ECAS Conference: Connections and Disruptions. University of Edinburgh, UK. June 12-14, 2019.

Haller, Tobias (3 July 2019). Institutional Change in the Management of Swiss Commons (Pastures and Forests): The SCALES-Projekt (Unpublished). In: IASC Biennal Conference Lima. Lima. 1.-5.07.2019.

Haller, Tobias (2 July 2019). Connecting europe and the global commons: a new institutional political ecology (NIPE) perspective (Unpublished). In: IASC Biennal Conference Lima. Lima. 1.-5.07.2019.

Haller, Tobias (14 June 2019). Land Grabbing and the Political Economy of Investments in export horticulture in Africa (Unpublished). In: ECAS Conference: Connections and Disruptions. University of Edinburgh, UK. 11 - 14.06.2019.

Haller, Tobias; Paese, Andra; Kronenburg García, Angela; Bertoncin, Marina (13 June 2019). Institutional change, conflicts and responses in the Sahelian commons (Unpublished). In: ECAS Conference: Connections and Disruptions. University of Edinburgh, UK. June 11-14, 2019. 10.22582/ecas2019prg

Haller, Tobias; Gerber, Jean-David (24 April 2019). The drama of the grabbed commons: CSR as anti-politics machines and local responses (Unpublished). In: 4th Open Science Meeting of the Global Land Programme (GLP). Bern, Switzerland. 24.-26.04.2019.

Haller, Tobias (6 February 2019). Paradigm Change or Old Wine in New Bottles? Debating and Reformulating SDGs – An Experiment (Unpublished). In: Seminar. Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK. 06.02.2019.

Haller, Tobias (4 February 2019). Towards a New Institutional Political Ecology (NIPE): How to marry external effects, institutional change and the role of power and ideology in commons studies Workshop (Unpublished). In: Towards a New Institutional Political Ecology (NIPE): How to marry external effects, institutional change and the role of power and ideology in commons studies workshop. The Sheffield Institute for International Development, UK. 4.02.2019.

Haller, Tobias; Gerber, Jean-David; Rohr, Christian; Mann, Stefan; Nahrath, Stéphane (8 June 2018). „Kollektives Ressourcenmanagement“ oder „Allmend-Regelwerke“? Überlegungen zu einem interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekt (Unpublished). In: „Pâturages et fôrets collectifs – économie, participation, durabilité“ / „Alpi e boschi comuni – economia, partecipazione, sostentibilità“ / „Kollektive Weiden und Wälder – Ökonomie, Partizipation, Nachhaltigkeit“. Altdorf. 08.-09.06.2018.

Haller, Tobias (2018). Paradigm Change or Old Wine in New Bottles? Debating and Reformulating SDGs - An Experiment (Unpublished) Institute of Social Anthropology, University of Bern, Switzerland

Rist, Stephan; Golay, Christophe; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Delgado Burgoa, Freddy; Kiteme, Boniface P.; Haller, Tobias; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe (2016). Towards food sustainability: Reshaping the coexistence of different food systems in South America and Africa – project description (Towards Food Sustainability Working Paper 1). Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern

Haller, Tobias (October 2014). Managing the Commons with Floods: The role of institutions and power relations for water governance and food resilience in African Floodplains (Unpublished). In: Water and Food – Africa in a Global Context: Workshop paper presented at the Nordic Africa Institute. Uppsala. 23.-24.10.2014.

Haller, Tobias (September 2014). Land Acquisitions, Common Pool Resources and Common Property Institutions: Some Theoretical Reflexions in Anthropology. Panel The Political Economy of Large Scale Land Acquisitions I: Institutional Diagnostics (Unpublished). In: 8th conference of the European Commission on Political Research. Glasgow. 03.-06.09.2014.

Haller, Tobias (2012). We are Ila – we do not plant rice! Institutionelle Landrechte, Wandel und Rituale der Legitimation in den Kafue Flats, Sambia. In: Hangartner, Judith; Hostettler, Ueli; Sieber Egger, Anja; Wehrli, Angelica (eds.) Alltag und Ritual: Statusübergänge und Ritualisierungen in sozialen und politischen Feldern. Sozialer Zusammenhalt und kultureller Pluralismus (pp. 275-293). Zürich: Seismo

Haller, Tobias; Acciaioli, Gregory; Rist, Stephan (2012). Constitutionality: Emic Perceptions of Bottom-up Institution Building Processes (Unpublished). In: Conference: Design and Dynamics of Institutions for Collective Action 2nd Thematic Conference of the IASC (International Association for the Study of the Commons). Utrecht University. 29/11-1/12/2012.

Haller, Tobias (2012). Pulling Down Fences, Crafting New Rules: Resource Governance, Resistance and Opportunities in Zambia’s Kafue Flats (Unpublished). In: 3rd International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2012) Research for Global Transformation. Bern, Switzerland. 20 - 22 August 2012.

Haller, Tobias (2012). Presentation on Panel Land Rights and Citizenship. Between open access, privatisation and collective action: A comparative analysis of institutional change governing use of commonpool resources in African floodplains (Unpublished). In: Schweizerische Tage der Afrikaforschung – Journées suisses d'études africaines – Swiss Researching Africa Days, Annual Conference of the Swiss Society for African Studies (SGAS). Bern. 19-20 October 2012.

Haller, Tobias (2012). Management of complex commons (Unpublished). In: Jahrestagung der Schweiz. Ethnologischen Gesellschaft - Colloque Annuel de la Société Suisse d'Ethnologie. Luzern. 2.-3.11.2011.

Haller, Tobias; Galvin, Marc (2011). Challenges for Participatory Conservation in Times of Global Change: Lessons from a Comparative Analysis and New Developments. In: Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans (eds.) Research for Sustainable Development. Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research NCCR North-South University of Bern: Vol. 6 (pp. 467-503). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Ludi, Eva; Amsalu, Aklilu; Chiuri, Wanjiku; Haller, Tobias; Mbeyale, Gimbage; Mhando, David (2011). Sustainable Livelihoods for Coffee Producers in East Africa: Is Producing Speciality Coffee a Way Out of Poverty? In: Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans (eds.) Research for Sustainable Development. Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research NCCR North-South University of Bern: Vol. 6 (pp. 505-524). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Rist, Stephan; Haller, Tobias; Alvarez, Alex; Gilbert, Fokou (2008). Inspirations: Modernities and Selling Development. In: International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2008). Pre-conference Proceedings University of Bern, Switzerland, 2-4 July 2008. NCCR North-South Dialogue: Vol. 21 (p. 87). Bern: CDE / NCCR North-South

Galvin, Marc; Haller, Tobias (eds.) (2008). People, Protected Areas and Global Change. Participatory conservation in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research NCCR North-South University of Bern: Vol. 3. Bern: Geographica Bernensia


Haller, Tobias; Weissman, Samuel (2024). Disenchanted Modernities. Mega-Infrastructure Projects, Socio-Ecological changes and Local Responses. Action Anthropology/Aktionsethnologie: Vol. 3. Zürich: Lit Verlag

Marfurt, Franziska; Haller, Tobias; Bottazzi, Patrick (2023). Participatory guarantee systems in Senegal: shifting labour dynamics in agroecology. The journal of peasant studies, 51(2), pp. 466-488. Routledge 10.1080/03066150.2023.2246384

Gmür, Désirée; Haller, Tobias (2023). Resetting the forestry commons: Constitutionality as a conflict resolution strategy in African woodlands. Forest policy and economics, 153, pp. 1-9. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.forpol.2023.102965

Ombere, Stephen O; Nyambedha, Erick O; Haller, Tobias; Merten, Sonja (2023). Local perspectives on policy implementation of free maternity health services in Kenya: Implications for universal health coverage. African journal of reproductive health, 27(5s), pp. 71-81. Women's Health and Action Research Center

Marfurt, Franziska; Haller, Tobias; Bottazzi, Patrick (2023). Green Agendas and White Markets: The Coloniality of Agroecology in Senegal. Land, 12(7), p. 1324. MDPI 10.3390/land12071324

Merten, Sonja; Haller, Tobias (2023). Interwoven Landscapes: Gender and Land in the Kafue Flats, Zambia. Land, 12(9), p. 1657. MDPI 10.3390/land12091657

Ombere, Stephen Okumu; Nyambedha, Erick Otieno; Haller, Tobias; Merten, Sonja (2023). Anti-Politics and Free Maternal Health Services in Kilifi County, Kenya. African studies, 82(1), pp. 85-97. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/00020184.2023.2241833

Arnold, Carmen; Ashley, Sophie; Bachmann, Lene; Bindschedler, Lisa; Bornhauser, Leo; Eggenberg, Neva; Flügel, Nina; Hutmacher, Christophe; Imdorf, Elena; Kingsley, Alexandra; Kleeb, Ruben; Lüthi, Till; Müller, Lorena; Németh, Deborah; Oppitz, Sebastian; Plüss, Kristelle; Plüss, Kristelle; Reinhardt, Svenja; Sutter, Lucy; Vögeli, Anaëlle; ... (2023). New Debates and Implementations of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A Critical Social Anthropology Perspective University of Bern: Institute of Social Anthropology

Haller, Tobias; Weissman, Samuel (2023). The Great ‘Anti-politics’ Progress Machine: Mega-Infrastructure Projects, Disenchanted Institutional Change and Dramas of Grabbed Commons. In: Neef, Andreas; Ngin, Chanrith; Moreda, Tsegaye; Mollett, Sharlene (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Global Land and Resource Grabbing (pp. 358-372). London: Routledge Taylor & Francis

Ombere, Stephen O; Nyambedha, Erick O; Haller, Tobias; Merten, Sonja (2022). Measures adopted by indigent mothers in Kilifi County to tackle maternal health challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study. African journal of reproductive health, 26(12s), pp. 57-65. Women's Health and Action Research Center

Haller, Tobias (2022). From commons to resilience grabbing: Insights from historically-oriented social anthropological research on African peasants. Continuity and Change, 37(1), pp. 69-95. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S026841602200011X

Larsen, Peter Bille; Haller, Tobias; Kothari, Ashish (2022). Sanctioning Disciplined Grabs (SDGs): From SDGs as Green Anti-Politics Machine to Radical Alternatives? Geoforum, 131, pp. 20-26. Elsevier 10.1016/j.geoforum.2022.02.007

Chambers, Josephine M.; Wyborn, Carina; Klenk, Nicole L.; Ryan, Melanie; Serban, Anca; Bennett, Nathan J.; Brennan, Ruth; Charli-Joseph, Lakshmi; Fernández-Giménez, María E.; Galvin, Kathleen A.; Goldstein, Bruce E.; Haller, Tobias; Hill, Rosemary; Munera, Claudia; Nel, Jeanne L.; Österblom, Henrik; Reid, Robin S.; Riechers, Maraja; Spierenburg, Marja; Tengö, Maria; ... (2022). Co-productive agility and four collaborative pathways to sustainability transformations. Global environmental change, 72, p. 102422. Elsevier 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2021.102422

Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias; van Dijk, Han; Samimi, Cyrus; Warner, Jeroen (eds.) (2022). Drylands Facing Change: Interventions, Investments and Identities. London: Routledge 10.4324/9781003174486

Gmür, D.; Felber, S.; Owolodun, B.; Ollier, C.; Camara, L.; Beye, A.; Haller, T. (2022). 4. Climate change, vulnerability of food systems and institutional transformations in Senegal. In: Bruce, Donald; Bruce, Ann (eds.) EurSafe 2022. Transforming food systems: ethics, innovation and responsibility (pp. 40-45). The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers 10.3920/978-90-8686-939-8_4

Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias; van Dijk, Han; Warner, Jeroen; Samimi, Cyrus (2022). Drylands, frontiers, and the politics of change. In: Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias; van Dijk, Han; Samimi, Cyrus; Warner, Jeroen (eds.) Drylands Facing Change: Interventions, Investments and Identities (pp. 1-12). London, Routledge Taylor & Francis 10.4324/9781003174486-1

Warner, Jeroen; Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias (2022). Environmental crisis narratives in drylands. In: Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias; van Dijk, Han; Samimi, Cyrus; Warner, Jeroen (eds.) Drylands Facing Change: Interventions, Investments and Identities (pp. 32-50). London, Routledge Taylor & Francis 10.4324/9781003174486-4

Sternberg, Troy; Bolay, Matthieu; Haller, Tobias; Niederberger, Thomas (2022). The ‘open cut’ in drylands: Challenges of artisanal mining and pastoralism encountering industrial mining, development, and resource grabbing. In: Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias; van Dijk, Han; Samimi, Cyrus; Warner, Jeroen (eds.) Drylands Facing Change: Interventions, Investments and Identities (pp. 93-111). London, Routledge Taylor & Francis 10.4324/9781003174486-8

Haller, Tobias; Pase, Andrea; Warner, Jeroen; Hashimshony-Yaffe, Nurit; Kronenburg García, Angela; Bertoncin, Marina (2022). Mega-infrastructure projects in drylands: From enchantments to disenchantments. In: Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias; van Dijk, Han; Samimi, Cyrus; Warner, Jeroen (eds.) Drylands Facing Change: Interventions, Investments and Identities (pp. 112-131). London, Routledge Taylor & Francis 10.4324/9781003174486-9

Pas, Annemiek; Haller, Tobias; Blanco-Gutiérrez, Irene; Sternberg, Troy; Meyfroidt, Patrick (2022). Alternative perspectives: A bright side of natural resource governance in drylands. In: Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias; van Dijk, Han; Samimi, Cyrus; Warner, Jeroen (eds.) Drylands Facing Change: Interventions, Investments and Identities (pp. 236-252). London: Routledge Taylor & Francis 10.4324/9781003174486-17

Chambers, Josephine M.; Wyborn, Carina; Ryan, Melanie E.; Reid, Robin S.; Riechers, Maraja; Serban, Anca; Bennett, Nathan J.; Cvitanovic, Christopher; Fernández-Giménez, María E.; Galvin, Kathleen A.; Goldstein, Bruce E.; Klenk, Nicole L.; Tengö, Maria; Brennan, Ruth; Cockburn, Jessica J.; Hill, Rosemary; Munera, Claudia; Nel, Jeanne L.; Österblom, Henrik; Bednarek, Angela T.; ... (2021). Six modes of co-production for sustainability. Nature sustainability, 4(11), pp. 983-996. Springer 10.1038/s41893-021-00755-x

Haller, Tobias; Gerber, Jean-David; Liechti, Karina; Nahrath, Stéphane; Rohr, Christian; Stuber, Martin; Viallon, François-Xavier; Wunderli, Rahel (2021). Ostrom’s legacy on robustness and the ‘Swiss commons lab’: Introductory reflections on change and power in commons studies. In: Haller, Tobias; Liechti, Karina; Stuber, Martin; Viallon, François-Xavier; Wunderli, Rahel (eds.) Balancing the Commons in Switzerland. Institutional Transformations and Sustainable Innovations. Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management (pp. 1-13). London: Routledge

Haller, Tobias; Liechti, Karina; Stuber, Martin; Viallon, François-Xavier; Wunderli, Rahel (eds.) (2021). Balancing the Commons in Switzerland - Institutional Transformations and Sustainable Innovations. Routledge

Adam, James Natia; Adams, Timothy; Gerber, Jean-David; Haller, Tobias (2021). Decentralization for Increased Sustainability in Natural Resource Management? Two Cautionary Cases from Ghana. Sustainability, 13(12), p. 6885. MDPI 10.3390/su13126885

Eibach, Joachim; Haller, Tobias (2021). Pioneering political ecology: perceptions of nature, Indigenous practices and power relations during Alexander von Humboldt's travels in Latin America. Journal of political ecology, 28(1), pp. 663-676. University of Arizona 10.2458/jpe.3028

Haller, Tobias; Liechti, Karina; Mann, Stefan (2021). Commons and peasant studies: Insights from social anthropology, human geography and agrarian economics. In: Haller, Tobias; Liechti, Karina; Stuber, Martin; Viallon, François-Xavier; Wunderli, Rahel (eds.) Balancing the Commons in Switzerland. Institutional Transformations and Sustainable Innovations (pp. 45-56). London: Routledge

Haller, Tobias; Bertogliati, Mark; Liechti, Karina; Viallon, François-Xavier; Wunderli, Rahel (2021). Transformation and diversity: Synthesis of the case studies. In: Haller, Tobias; Liechti, Karina; Stuber, Martin; Viallon, François-Xavier; Wunderli, Rahel (eds.) Balancing the Commons in Switzerland. Institutional Transformations and Sustainable Innovations. Earthscan from Routledge (pp. 277-300). London: Routledge 10.4324/9781003043263

Haller, Tobias; Käser, Fabian; Ngutu, Mariah (2020). Does Commons Grabbing Lead to Resilience Grabbing? The Anti-Politics Machine of Neo-Liberal Agrarian Development and Local Responses. Land, 9(7), p. 220. MDPI 10.3390/land9070220

Gerber, Jean-David; Haller, Tobias (2020). The drama of the grabbed commons: anti-politics machine and local responses. The journal of peasant studies, 48(6), pp. 1304-1327. Routledge 10.1080/03066150.2020.1758673

Haller, Tobias; Käser, Fabian; Ngutu, Mariah (eds.) (2020). Does Commons Grabbing lead to Resilience Grabbing? The Anti-Politics Machine of Neo-Liberal Development and Local Responses. Land. MDPI

Jacobi, Johanna; Mukhovi, Stellah; Llanque, Aymara; Giger, Markus; Bessa, Adriana; Golay, Christophe; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Mwangi, Veronica; Augstburger, Horacio; Buergi-Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Haller, Tobias; Kiteme, Boniface P.; Delgado Burgoa, José M. F.; Tribaldos, Theresa M.; Rist, Stephan (2020). A new understanding and evaluation of food sustainability in six different food systems in Kenya and Bolivia. Scientific reports, 10(1), p. 19145. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41598-020-76284-y

Haller, Tobias (2020). Institution Shopping and Resilience Grabbing: Changing Scapes and Grabbing Pastoral Commons in African Floodplain Wetlands. Conservation & society : an interdisciplinary journal exploring linkages between society, environment and development, 18(3), pp. 252-267. Medknow, Wolters Kluwer

Zingerli, Claudia; Haller, Tobias (2020). Researching African environments: lessons for shared research. GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 29(3), pp. 198-200. Oekom Verlag 10.14512/gaia.29.3.13

Haller, Tobias; Zingerli, Claudia (eds.) (2020). Towards Shared Research: Participatory and Integrative Approaches to Researching African Environments. Culture and Social Practice. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag

Haller, Tobias; Zingerli, Claudia (2020). Towards collaborative and integrative research in African environments. An Introduction. In: Haller, Tobias; Zingerli, Claudia (eds.) Towards Shared Research: Participatory and Integrative Approaches to Researching African Environments. Culture and cocial practice (pp. 11-24). Bielefeld: trancript Verlag

Kimengsi, Jude Ndzifon; Aung, Pyi Soe; Pretzsch, Jürgen; Haller, Tobias; Auch, Eckhard (2019). Constitutionality and the Co-Management of Protected Areas: Reflections from Cameroon and Myanmar. International journal of the commons, 13(2), pp. 1003-1020. Igitur 10.5334/ijc.934

Haller, Tobias (2019). The Different Meanings of Land in the Age of Neoliberalism: Theoretical Reflections on Commons and Resilience Grabbing from a Social Anthropological Perspective. Land, 8(7), pp. 1-22. MDPI 10.3390/land8070104

Haller, Tobias; Adams, Timothy; Gmür, Désirée Ruth; Käser, Fabian David; Lanz, Kristina Verena; Marfurt, Franziska; Ryser, Sarah; Schubiger, Elisabeth; von Sury, Anna Asha; Gerber, Jean-David (2019). Large Scale Land Acquisition as Commons Grabbing: A comparative study on cases from Africa. In: Lozny, Ludomir R.; McGovern, Thomas (eds.) Global Perspectives on Long Term Community Resource Management. Studies in Human Ecology and Adaptation: Vol. 11 (pp. 125-164). Berlin, New York: Springer International Publishing

Haller, Tobias; Breu, Thomas; De Moor, Tine; Rohr, Christian; Znoj, Heinzpeter (2019). Introduction on commons in a glocal world: linking local and global systems, power processes and local reactions in the management of common pool resources. In: Haller, Tobias; Breu, Thomas; De Moor, Tine; Rohr, Christian; Znoj, Heinzpeter (eds.) The Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses. Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management (pp. 1-19). Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge

Giger, Markus; Nolte, Kerstin; Anseeuw, Ward; Breu, Thomas; Chamberlain, Wytske O.; Messerli, Peter; Oberlack, Christoph; Haller, Tobias (2019). Impacts of large-scale land acquisitions on common-pool resources: evidence from the land matrix. In: Haller, Tobias; Breu, Thomas; De Moor, Tine; Rohr, Christian; Znoj, Heinzpeter (eds.) The Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses. Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management (pp. 257-279). Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge

Haller, Tobias (2019). Towards a new institutional political ecology: how to marry external effects, institutional change and the role of power and ideology in commons studies. In: Haller, Tobias; Breu, Thomas; De Moor, Tine; Rohr, Christian; Znoj, Heinzpeter (eds.) The Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses. Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management (pp. 90-119). Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge

Niederberger, Thomas; Kobi, Madlen; Haller, Tobias (2019). The open cut: mining, transnational corporations and the commons. In: Haller, Tobias; Breu, Thomas; De Moor, Tine; Rohr, Christian; Znoj, Heinzpeter (eds.) The Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses. Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management (pp. 336-351). Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge

Haller, Tobias; Breu, Thomas; De Moor, Tine; Rohr, Christian; Znoj, Heinzpeter (eds.) (2019). The Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses. Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management. Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge

Padfield, Rory; Hansen, Sune; Davies, Zoe G.; Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Slade, Eleanor M.; Evers, Stephanie; Papargyropoulou, Effie; Bessou, Cécile; Abdullah, Norhayati; Page, Susan; Ancrenaz, Marc; Aplin, Paul; Dzulkafli, Shahirah Balqis; Barclay, Holly; Chellaiah, Darshanaa; Choudhary, Sonal; Conway, Samantha; Cook, Sarah; Copeland, Alison; Campos-Arceiz, Ahimsa; ... (2019). Co-producing a Research Agenda for Sustainable Palm Oil. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 2, pp. 1-17. Frontiers 10.3389/ffgc.2019.00013

Adams, Timothy; Gerber, Jean-David; Amacker, Michèle; Haller, Tobias (2018). Who gains from contract farming? Dependencies, power relations, and institutional change. The journal of peasant studies, 46(7), pp. 1435-1457. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/03066150.2018.1534100

Haller, Tobias; Belsky, Jill M.; Rist, Stephan (2018). The Constitutionality Approach: Conditions, Opportunities, and Challenges for Bottom-Up Institution Building. Human ecology, 46(1), pp. 1-2. Springer 10.1007/s10745-018-9966-1

Haller, Tobias; Merten, Sonja (2018). Crafting Our Own Rules: Constitutionality as a Bottom-Up Approach for the development of By-Laws in Zambia. Human ecology, 46(1), pp. 3-13. Springer 10.1007/s10745-017-9917-2

Eid, Ramez; Haller, Tobias (2018). Burning Forests, Rising Power: Towards a Constitutionality Process in Mount Carmel Biosphere Reserve. Human ecology, 46(1), pp. 41-50. Springer 10.1007/s10745-018-9968-z

Faye, Papa; Haller, Tobias; Ribot, Jesse (2018). Shaping Rules and Practice for More Justice? Local Conventions and Local Resistance in Eastern Senegal. Human ecology, 46(1), pp. 15-25. Springer 10.1007/s10745-017-9918-1

Lanz, Kristina Verena; Gerber, Jean-David; Haller, Tobias (2018). Land Grabbing, the State and Chiefs: The Politics of Extending Commercial Agriculture in Ghana. Development and Change, 49(6), pp. 1526-1552. Wiley 10.1111/dech.12429

Ngutu, Mariah; Bukachi, Salome; Olungah, Charles; Kiteme, Boniface; Kaeser, Fabian; Haller, Tobias (2018). The Actors, Rules and Regulations Linked to Export Horticulture Production and Access to Land and Water as Common Pool Resources in Laikipia County, Northwest Mount Kenya. Land, 7(3), p. 110. MDPI 10.3390/land7030110

Chabeda Barthe, Anne Jemaiyo; Haller, Tobias (2018). Resilience of Traditional Livelihood Approaches Despite Forest Grabbing: Ogiek to the West of Mau Forest, Uasin Gishu County. Land, 7(4), pp. 1-22. MDPI 10.3390/land7040140

Ameso, Edwin Ambani; Buckachi, Salome Atieno; Olungah, Charles Owuor; Haller, Tobias; Wandibba, Simiyu; Nangendo, Steve (2018). Pastoral Resilience among the Maasai Pastoralists of Laikipia County, Kenya. Land, 7(2), p. 78. MDPI 10.3390/land7020078

Haller, Tobias (2017). Perceptions and control of assemblage in a ‘Glocal’ World. Dialogues in human geography, 7(2), pp. 207-211. Sage 10.1177/2043820617720095

Schneider, Lysann; Haller, Tobias (2017). A Region Under Threat? Climate Change Impacts, Institutional Change and Response of Local Communities in Coastal Yucatán. In: Leal Filho, Walter; Keenan, Jesse M. (eds.) Climate Change Adaptation in North America: Fostering Resilience and the Regional Capacity to Adapt (pp. 161-175). Berlin: Springer 10.1007/978-3-319-53742-9_10

Haller, Tobias; Acciaioli, Gregory; Rist, Stephan (2016). Constitutionality: Conditions for Crafting Local Ownership of Institution-Building Processes. Society & Natural Resources, 29(1), pp. 68-87. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/08941920.2015.1041661

Wartmann, F.; Haller, Tobias; Backhaus, N. (2016). 'Institutional Shopping' for Natural Resource Management in a Protected Area and Indigenous Territory in the Bolivian Amazon. Human organization, 75(3), pp. 218-229. Society for Applied Anthropology 10.17730/1938-3525-75.3.218

Haller, T.; van Dijk, H. (2016). Conflicts, security and marginalization: institutional change of the pastoral commons in a 'glocal' World. Revue scientifique et technique, 35(2), pp. 405-416. International Office of Epizootics 10.20506/rst.35.2.2532

Bikketi, Edward; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Bieri, Sabin; Haller, Tobias; Wiesmann, Urs (2016). Gendered division of labour and feminisation of responsibilities in Kenya; Implications for development interventions. Gender, Place and Culture, 23(10), pp. 1432-1449. Routledge 10.1080/0966369X.2016.1204996

Niederberger, Thomas; Haller, Tobias (2016). Introduction to The Open Cut: Mining, Transnational Corporations and Local Populations. In: Niederberger, Thomas; Haller, Tobias; Gambon, Helen; Kobi, Madlen; Wenk, Irina (eds.) The open cut: Mining, transnational corporations and local populations. Action Anthropology/Aktionsethnologie: Vol. 2 (pp. 15-34). Zürich: LIT Verlag

Niederberger, Thomas; Haller, Tobias (2016). Part III: Case Study Comparison. In: Niederberger, Thomas; Haller, Tobias; Gambon, Helen; Kobi, Madlen; Wenk, Irina (eds.) The open cut: Mining, transnational corporations and local populations. Action Anthropology/Aktionsethnologie: Vol. 2 (pp. 409-508). Zürich: LIT Verlag

Haller, Tobias (2016). Managing the Commons with Floods: The role of institutions and power Relations for water governance and Food resilience in African Floodplains. In: Tvedt, Terje; Oestigaard, Terje; Bakke, Jostein (eds.) Water and Food - Africa in a Global Context. A History of Water: Water and Climate Change: Vol. 3 (pp. 369-397). Uppsala: I.B. Tauris

Haller, Tobias; Rist, Stephan (2016). Why Switzerland and Europe? Welcome Adress at the IASC European conference in Bern. Commons Digest(20), pp. 1-5. International Association for the Study of the Commons

Loher, David; Piart, Luisa; Schild, Pascale; Strasser, Sabine; Haller, Tobias (2016). On the New Politics of Distribution: A Conversation with James Ferguson. Tsantsa, 21, pp. 166-176. Seismo

Landolt, Gabriela; Haller, Tobias (2015). Alpine Common Property Institutions under Change: Conditions for Successful and Unsuccessful Collective Action by Alpine Farmers in the Canton of Grisons, Switzerland. Human organization, 74(1), pp. 100-111. Society for Applied Anthropology

Haller, Tobias (2015). Climate change impacts, institutional resilience and livelihoods vulnerability: A comparative analysis of climate change and adaptation strategies in Asia, Africa and Latin America. In: Rosendhal, Judith; Zanella, Matheus A.; Weigelt, Jes (eds.) Pro-poor Resource Governance under Changing Climates - Addressing vulnerabilities in rural Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Ecuador and India (pp. 160-181). Potsdam: IASS

Haller, Tobias; Nyikahadzoi, Kefasi; Mhlanga, Lindah; Hara, Mafaniso (2014). Defragmenting natural resources management within the Lake Kariba environs. In: Nyikahadzoi, Kefasi; Mhlanga, Lindah; Haller, Tobias (eds.) Fragmentation of Natural Resources Management. Experiences from Lake Kariba. Defragmenting African Resource Management: Vol. 2 (pp. 163-176). Wien: LIT Verlag

Haller, Tobias (2014). Making Businesses in the Open: Coping with Economic and Institutional Risk and Insecurity in the Kafue Flats, Zambia. Journal des Africanistes, 80(1), pp. 60-79. Société des Africanistes

Haller, Tobias (2014). Making business in the open: coping with economic and institutional risk and insecurity in the Kafue flats, Zambia. Journal des Africanistes, 84(1), pp. 60-79. Société des Africanistes

Haller, Tobias; Mhlanga, Lindah; Nyikahodozi, Kefasi (eds.) (2014). Fragmentation of Natural Resources Management: Experiences from Lake Kariba. Defragmenting African Resource Management (DARMA): Vol. 2. Berlin/Münster/Zürich/London: LIT Verlag

Haller, Tobias; Fokou, Gilbert; Mbeyale, Gimbage; Meroka, Patrick (2013). How fit turns into misfit and back: institutional transformations of pastoral commons in African floodplains. Ecology and Society, 18(1), pp. 1-16. Resilience Alliance Publications 10.5751/ES-05510-180134

Mhando, David; Haller, Tobias; Mbeyale, Gimbage; Ludi, Eva (2013). Adaptation to Changes in the Coffee Value Chain and the Price of Coiffee among Coffee Producers in Two Villages in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. African Study Monographs, 34(1), pp. 27-56. Center for African Area Studies

Haller, Tobias (2013). The Contested Floodplain. Institutional Change of the Commons in the Kafue Flats, Zambia. Lanham USA: Lexington (Rowman & Littlefield)

Haller, Tobias; Merten, Sonja (2013). Losing the commons – fighting with magic: Institutional Change, Fortress Conservation and Livelihood Strategies of the Batwa, Kafue Flats Floodplain, Zambia. In: Cliggett, Lisa; Bond, Virginia (eds.) Tonga Timeline. Appraising Sixty Years of Multidisciplinary Research in Zambia and Zimbabwe (pp. 207-238). Lusaka/Oxford: Limbani Trust /ABC books

Mvula, Peter Mathias; Haller, Tobias (2009). Common pool resource management in Lake Chilwa, Malawi: a wetland under pressure. Development Southern Africa, 26(4), pp. 539-553. Colchester: Routledge 10.1080/03768350903181332

Boillat, Sébastien; Rist, Stephan; Serrano, Elvira; Ponce, Dora; Delgadillo, Jaime (2008). Struggling "Ontological Communities": The Transformation of Conservationists' and Peasants' Discourses in the Tunari National Park, Bolivia. In: Galvin, Marc; Haller, Tobias (eds.) People, Protected Areas and Global Change: Participatory Conservation in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South (pp. 37-80). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Haller, Tobias; Merten, Sonja (2008). We are Zambians - Don’t Tell Us How to Fish!" Institutional Change, Power Relations and Conflicts in the Kafue Flats Fisheries in Zambia. Human ecology, 36(5), pp. 699-715. New-York, NY: Springer 10.1007/s10745-008-9191-4

Haller, Tobias; Galvin, Marc; Meroka, Patrick; Alca, Jamil; Alvarez, Alex (2008). Who Gains From Community Conservation? Intended and Unintended Costs and Benefits of Participative Approaches in Peru and Tanzania. Journal of environment & development, 17(2), pp. 118-144. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage 10.1177/1070496508316853

Haller, Tobias; Blöchlinger, Annja; John, Markus; Marthaler, Esther; Ziegler, Sabine (eds.) (2007). Fossil Resources, Indigenous Peoples and Oil Companies. Strategies of multinational oil companies, states, and ethnic minorities. Impact on environment, livelihoods and cultural change. Action anthropology: Vol. 1. Wien: LIT

Haller, Tobias; Merten, Sonja (2007). Culture, changing livelihoods, and HIV/AIDS discourse: Reframing the institutionalization of fish-for-sex exchange in the Zambian Kafue Flats. Culture, health & sexuality, 10(1), pp. 69-83. Taylor & Francis

Haller, Tobias (2007). Understanding Institutions and Their Links to Resource Management from the Perspective of New Institutionalism (NCCR North-South Dialogue 2). NCCR North-South, Bern

Haller, Tobias (2007). Is there a culture of sustainability? What social and cultural anthropology has to offer 15 years after Rio. In: Burger, P.; Kaufmann- Hayoz, R. (eds.) 15 Jahre nach Rio – Der Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurs in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften: Perspektiven – Leistungen – Defizite. (pp. 329-356). Bern: Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften SAGW

Haller, Tobias; Merten, Sonja (2006). „No capital needed!“ De facto open access to Common Pool Resources, Poverty and Conservation in the Kafue Flats, Zambia. Policy Matters; newsletter of the IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy, 14, pp. 103-113. IUCN

Haller, Tobias; Merten, Sonja (2005). Polygamy and Livestock: Security during the 2002 Drought in an Ila chiefdom in Zambia. In: Mayor, Anne; Roth, Claudia; Droz, Yvan (eds.) Soziale Sicherheit und Entwicklung / Sécurité Sociale et Développement. Schweizerische Afrikastudien - Etudes africaines suisses: Vol. 5 (pp. 69-90). Münster: Lit Verlag

Haller, Tobias; Fokou, Gilbert; Zinsstag, Jakob (2004). A la recherche des déterminants institutionnels pour le bien-être des populations sédentaires et nomades dans la plaine du Waza-Logone de la frontière camerounaise et tchadienne. Médecine tropicale, 64, pp. 474-478. Institut de médecine tropicale du Service de santé des armées, Marseille

Haller, Tobias (2003). Rules which pay are going to stay: Indigenous institutions, sustainable resource use and land tenure among the Ouldeme and Platha, Mandara Mountains, Northern Cameroon. In: Le Meur, P.-Y.; Lund, C. (eds.) Gouvernance foncière au quotidien en Afrique / Everyday Governance of Land in Africa. APAD- Bulletin: Vol. 22 (pp. 117-134). Münster: Lit Verlag

Haller, Tobias (2002). Common Property Resource Management, Institutional Change and Conflicts in African Floodplain Wetlands: Presentation of a research project and reflections on institutional change and conflicts. The African Anthropologist, 9(1), pp. 25-35. 10.4314/aa.v9i1.23068

Haller, Tobias (2002). Spiel gegen Risiken in der ‘Natur’. In: Giordano, Christian; Boscoboinik, Andrea (eds.) Constructing Risk, Threat, Catastrophe. Anthropological Perspectives. Studia Ethnographica Friburgensia: Vol. 27 (pp. 53-68). University Press Freiburg

Haller, Tobias (2001). Leere Speicher, erodierte Felder und das Bier der Frauen. Umweltanpassung und Krise bei den Ouldeme und Platha in den Mandarabergen Nord-Kameruns. Studien zur Sozialanthropologie. Berlin: Reimer Verlag

Haller, Tobias (1999). Bodendegradierung und Ernährungskrise bei den Ouldeme und Platha. Umwelt- und Ernährungsprobleme bei zwei Feldbauerngruppen in den Mandarabergen Nord- Kameruns: Eine Folge der Adaptation an Monetarisierung und Wandel traditioneller institutioneller Rahmenbedingungen. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 124(2), pp. 335-354. Reimer

Haller, Tobias (1999). Migration, Bierproduktion und Umweltkrise: Anpassungsstrategien an die monetäre Umwelt in den Mandarabergen Nord-Kameruns. In: Roost-Vischer, Lilo; Mayor, Anne; Henrichsen, Dag (eds.) Brücken und Grenzen/Passage et frontières. Le forum suisse des africanistes: Vol. 2 (pp. 116-135). Münster: Lit Verlag

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