Baldauf, Artur

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Number of items: 68.

Journal Article

Guenzi, Paolo; Baldauf, Artur; Panagopoulos, Nikolaos G. (2014). The influence of formal and informal sales controls on customer-directed selling behaviors and sales unit effectiveness. Industrial Marketing Management, 43(5), pp. 786-800. Elsevier 10.1016/j.indmarman.2014.04.014

Cron, William L.; Baldauf, Artur; Leigh, Thomas W.; Grossenbacher, Samuel (2014). The Strategic Role of the Sales Force: Perceptions of Senior Sales Executives. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 42(5), pp. 471-489. Springer Science + Business Media LLC 10.1007/s11747-014-0377-6

Baldauf, Artur (2010). Wie es um die Weitsicht von Managern bestellt ist. Die Bedeutung der Identifikation und Bewertung von Ressourcen in Konkurrenzsituationen. IO new management - Zeitschrift für Unternehmenswissenschaft und Führungspraxis, 78(22.1.2010) Zürich: Springer Schweiz

Baldauf, Artur; Cravens, Karen S.; Diamantopoulos, Adamantios; Zeugner-Roth, Katharina Petra (2009). The Impact of Product-Country Image and Marketing Efforts on Retailer-Perceived Brand Equity. An Empirical Analysis. Journal of retailing, 85(4), pp. 437-452. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jretai.2009.04.004

Cravens, David W.; Piercy, Nigel F.; Baldauf, Artur (2009). Management framework guiding strategic thinking in rapidly changing markets. Journal of marketing management, 25(1-2), pp. 31-49. Helensburgh, UK: Westburn Publishers 10.1362/026725709X410025

Baldauf, Artur; Rank, Olaf (2008). Ressourcen, Risikoneigung und Unternehmenserfolg. Eine Analyse von international tätigen kleinen und mittleren Schweizer Unternehmen. Die Unternehmung : Swiss journal of business research and practice, 62(6), pp. 542-572. Versus, Zürich

Newspaper or Magazine Article

Baldauf, Artur (2011). Währungsproblematik trifft die "Kleinen". Berner Zeitung (BZ)(22.1.2011)

Baldauf, Artur (2011). Die guttenbergsche Plagiatsdiskussion greift zu kurz. Berner Zeitung (BZ)(21.3.2011)

Baldauf, Artur (2011). Hansjörg Wyss - ein Entrepreneur. Berner Zeitung (BZ)(7.5.2011)

Baldauf, Artur (2011). Unternehmertum statt Staatsapparat. Berner Zeitung (BZ)(2.7.2011)

Baldauf, Artur (2011). Fit in die Zukunft - dank eines gesunden Bildungssystems. Berner Zeitung (BZ)(20.8.2011)

Baldauf, Artur (2011). Unternehmertum - warum so "verherrlichen"? Berner Zeitung (BZ)(8.10.2011)

Baldauf, Artur (2010). Bern ist gar nicht so schlecht [Interview]. Berner Zeitung (BZ)(22.5.2010), p. 4.

Baldauf, Artur (2010). Auf Premiumqualität setzen [Interview]. Competence (Swiss Post International)(20.5.2010), pp. 3-5.


Pfammatter, Adrian; Baldauf, Artur; Bandi Tanner, Monika (2022). Umgang mit lokalen Mitbewerbern. Empirische Analyse der Erfolgsauswirkungen (Tourismus-Impulse 26). CRED - Center for Regional Economic Development

Pfammatter, Adrian; Bandi Tanner, Monika; Baldauf, Artur (2021). Teilen von Ressourcen im lokalen Tourismusnetzwerk. Theoretische Überlegungen und empirische Nutzenanalyse für Hotels (Tourismus-Impulse 25). Bern: CRED - Center for Regional Economic Development

Conference or Workshop Item

Villiger, Jessica; Wüthrich, Adrian; Baldauf, Artur (12 August 2018). Internal Corporate Venture Teams - A Systematic Literature Review. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1), p. 10371. Academy of Management 10.5465/AMBPP.2018.10371abstract

Notter, Isabelle; Marttila, Noora Annika; Schweiger, Simone; Stettler, Tatiana; Baldauf, Artur (10 August 2018). Knowledge Antecedents of Absorptive Capacity: A Meta-Analysis. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1), p. 10334. New York: Academy of Management 10.5465/AMBPP.2018.10334abstract

Marttila, Noora Annika; Notter, Isabelle; Schweiger, Simone; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Baldauf, Artur (January 2017). Illuminating the Relationship between Absorptive Capacity and Firm Performance : a Meta-Analysis. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017(1), p. 10687. New York: Academy of Management 10.5465/AMBPP.2017.10687abstract

Wüthrich, Adrian; Baldauf, Artur (January 2017). The Multi-Edged Sword of Heterogeneity in Nascent New Venture Teams. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017(1), p. 15668. New York: Academy of Management 10.5465/AMBPP.2017.15668abstract

Marttila, Noora Annika; Notter, Isabelle; Schweiger, Simone; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Baldauf, Artur (2017). Synthesizing the Knowledge Base on Absorptive Capacity : a Meta-Analysis (Unpublished). In: SMS Special Conference. Mailand, Italien. 31.03.-01.04.2017.

Wüthrich, Adrian; Baldauf, Artur (2017). The Multi-Edged Sword of Heterogeneity in Nascent New Venture Teams (Unpublished). In: 5th International QCA Expert Workshop 2017. Zürich, Switzerland. 13.12-14.12.2017.

Wüthrich, Adrian; Baldauf, Artur (15 October 2015). New Venture Team Personality Composition – A Configurational Approach (Unpublished). In: GSOM Emerging Markets Conference. St. Petersburg (Russia). 15.-17.10.2015.

Wüthrich, Adrian; Baldauf, Artur (11 August 2015). Heterogeneity in New Venture Teams - Towards a Configurational Perspective (Unpublished). In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Vancouver (Canada). 07.-11.08.2015.

Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone (30 June 2015). Exploring the Role of Formalization, Centralization, and Coordination on Cultural Competitiveness and Firm Performance (Unpublished). In: Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting. Bengaluru (India). 27.-30.06.2015.

Wüthrich, Adrian; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Baldauf, Artur (13 June 2015). New Venture Team Composition - A Configurational Approach (Unpublished). In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC). Wellesley (Mass.). 10.-13.06.2015.

Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Shirokova, Galina; Bogatyreva, Karina; Baldauf, Artur (4 August 2014). A longitudinal cross-country study of entrepreneurial orientation (Submitted). In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, USA. 01.08.-05.08.2014. 10.5465/AMBPP.2014.1425

Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana (11 March 2014). The Roles of Strategic Orientations: A Configurational Perspective on Strategic Fit (Unpublished). In: Strategic Management Society Special Conference. Tel Aviv, Israel. 09.-11.03.2014.

Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana (10 January 2014). Investigating an Organization's Learning Orientation in the Multi-Facet EO-Performance Relationship (Unpublished). In: United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Conference. Fort Worth, USA. 09.01.-12.01.2014.

Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Schweiger, Simone; Baldauf, Artur (8 June 2013). Three Versus Five Dimensions? A Meta-Analysis Of The Entrepreneurial Orientation–Firm Performance Relationship. In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC).

Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone; Garcia Freire, Marcela (13 January 2013). Technology-Based New Venture Firms: Resources in The Seed Stage (Unpublished). In: United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE). San Francisco, California. 10.-13.01.2013.

Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone; Wüthrich, Adrian (2013). Which Combinations Of New Venture Firms Resources Payoff? A Configurational Perspective. In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Lyon. June 5-8, 2013.

Baldauf, Artur; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Schweiger, Simone A. (2012). Innovativeness, Proactiveness and Risk-taking: More than Dimensions of Entrepreneurial Orientation? (Unpublished). In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Summer 2012. Fort Worth, Texas.

Baldauf, Artur; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Schweiger, Simone A. (2012). Successful Entrepreneurial Teams and Relational Capital: The Role of Communal Schemas and Contracting Practices (Unpublished). In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Summer 2012. Fort Worth, Texas.

Baldauf, Artur; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Schweiger, Simone A. (2012). Core Strategic Orientations: A Meta-analysis of their Interplay and Firm Performance Relationship (Unpublished). In: Academy of Management Conference 2012. Boston, Massachusetts.

Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone A. (2012). Strategic Fit Perspectives on Strategic Orientations, Organizational Structure and Firm Performance (Unpublished). In: Academy of Management Conference 2012. Boston, Massachusetts.

Baldauf, Artur; König, Jonas P.; Tremp, Karin (2012). The Impact of Management's Coordination Effort on the Relatedness-Performance Relationship (Unpublished). In: Strategic Management Society Conference 2012. Prague, Czech Republic.

Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone A. (2012). Creating Innovation Positional Advantages: The Combined Role of Market Intelligence, Innovativeness and Learning (Unpublished). In: Strategic Management Society Special Conference 2012. Singapore.

Baldauf, Artur; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Schweiger, Simone A. (2012). Alternative Concepts of Fit Among Innovativeness, Proactiveness and Risk-Taking, in Explaining Firm Performance (Unpublished). In: Strategic Management Society Special Conference 2012. Singapore.

Baldauf, Artur; Tremp, Karin (2012). Advancing Dominant Logic Research: Literature Review and Empirical Study (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management Conference 2012. Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Lomberg, Carina; Baldauf, Artur (2012). The Ambivalent Role of Risk-Taking Orientation in Uncertain Environments for Internationally Operating SMEs (Unpublished). In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Summer 2012. Fort Worth, Texas.

Lomberg, Carina; Baldauf, Artur (2012). The Ambivalent Role of Risk-Taking Orientation in Uncertain Environments for Internationally Operating SMEs (Unpublished). In: RENT XXV - Research in Trepreneurship & Small Business. Lyon, France.

Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone A.; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana (2011). Toward Construct Clarity and Validity in Firm-Level Entrepreneurship Research. In: SMS 31st Annual International Conference. Strategies for a Multi-Polar World: National Institutions and Global Competition.

Baldauf, Artur; Wolf, Barbara; Schweiger, Simone A. (2011). The Multifaceted Role of Learning Orientation in the Entrepreneurial Firm. In: SMS 31st Annual International Conference. Strategies for a Multi-Polar World: National Institutions and Global Competition.

Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone A.; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana (2011). Toward Construct Clarity and Validity in Firm-Level Entrepreneurship Research, Stategic Management Society Annual Conference, Miami, Florida, 6.11.-9.11.2011.

Baldauf, Artur; Wolf, Barbara; Schweiger, Simone A. (2011). The Multifaceted Role of Learning Orientation in the Entrepreneurial Firm, Stategic Management Society Annual Conference, Miami, Florida, 6.11.-9.11.2011.

Baldauf, Artur; Tremp, Karin (2011). Advancing the Dominant Logic Construct: Literature Review and Empirical Study. In: CK Prahalad: Reaching over Boundaries and Expanding Possibilities, SMS Special Conference 2011, San Diego.

Baldauf, Artur; Tremp, Karin (2011). Advancing the Dominant Logic Construct: Literature Review and Empirical Study, CK Prahalad: Reaching over Boundaries and Expanding Possibilities, SMS Special Conference 2011, San Diego, 10.-12. Juni 2011.

Baldauf, Artur (2010). The Effect of Management Control on Cooperation and Job Performance, WK ORG-Workshop 34. Tagung zu dem Thema "Organisation 2015. Neue Prioritäten im Organisationsdesign", Berlin, 25.-26. Februar 2010.

Baldauf, Artur; Rank, Olaf (2010). The Effect of Management Control on Cooperation and Performance, 72. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung des Verbandes der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e. V., Universität Bremen, 27.-29. Mai 2010.

Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone (2010). Do Intra-Organizational Factors Impact the Culture of Competitiveness-Performance Relationship?

Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone (2010). Implementing an Entrepreneurial Orientation: Evidence From SMEs.

Baldauf, Artur; Tremp, Karin (2009). Dominant Logic. The Linkage between Management Cognition and Firm Performance. Preliminary Findings from an Empirical Study. In: Strategies in an Uncertain World, Proceedings of the Strategic Management Society Conference (pp. 106-107). Chicago: Strategic Management Society

Baldauf, Artur; Tremp, Karin (2009). Dominant Logic. The Linkage between Management Cognition and Firm Performance, Strategic Management Society (SMS) Conference, Washington D.C., 14.10.2009.

Baldauf, Artur; Guenzi, Paolo; Onyemah, Vincent (2008). Antecedents and Consequences of Sales Force Control Systems. A Relational Perspective. In: Global Sales Science Institute Conference, Athens, Greece, 25.-27.6.2008. ohne Ort: Global Sales Science Institute

Baldauf, Artur; Cron, William; Grossenbacher, Samuel (2008). The Effect of Hierarchical Level on the Content and Structure of Managers Mental Models.

Baldauf, Artur; Bischof, Christian (2008). Implementing Managerial Synergies through Cultural Competitiveness, Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim.

Guenzi, P; Baldauf, Artur; Onyemah, V. (2008). An Empirical Investigation of Relationship Selling Strategy, Management Controls, Salesperson Behaviors and Sales Organization Effectiveness, GSSI Conference 2008 (June), Athens/Greece.

Baldauf, Artur; Cron, William; Grossenbacher, Samuel (2008). Miles and Snow Typology and Mental Models, 30 years of Miles & Snow Conference 2008, Cardiff/UK.

Baldauf, Artur; Cravens, David; Zeller, S (2007). The Attenuating Effect of Work Environment Perceptions on the Stressor-Strain-Performance Framework. In: Proceeding of the AOM Conference, Philadelphia, 3.-8.8.2007. Briarcliff Manor, New York: Academy of Management

Baldauf, Artur; Bischof, Christian (2007). Corporate synergy effects in diversified firms: Tangible versus intangible relatedness. In: Proceeding of the AOM Conference. Briarcliff Manor, New York: Academy of Management

Baldauf, Artur; Rank, Olaf (2006). Antecedents and Performance Consequences of an Entrepreneurial Risk Orientation in an International Context. In: 32nd EIBA Annual Conference, Fribourg, 7-9 December 2006. Brussels: European International Business Academy

Baldauf, Artur; Bischof, Christian (2006). Related Diversification: Cultural Competitiveness as a Core Competence? In: Strategic Management Society (SMS), Vienna 2006. Chicago: Strategic Management Society

Baldauf, Artur; Freese, Behrend (2006). Leveraging Corporate Venture Capital Investments for Learning: Knowledge Brokering, Relationship Quality, and Knowledge Transfer. In: Strategic Management Society (SMS), Vienna 2006. Chicago: Strategic Management Society

Rank, Olaf; Baldauf, Artur (2006). Entrepreneurial Risk, Competitive Posture and Performance in an International Context. In: 32nd EIBA Annual Conference, Fribourg, 7-9 December 2006. Brussels: European International Business Academy

Baldauf, Artur; Cron, William L.; Grossenbacher, Samuel; Leigh, Thomas W. (2006). The Influence of Competitive Intensity on Sales Executives Cognitions of the Sales Force. In: Avlonitis, George J.; Papavassiliou, Nicholas; Papastathopoulou, Paulina (eds.) Sustainable Marketing Leadership. A Synthesis of Polymorphous Axioms, Strategies and Tactics, Proceedings of the 35th EMAC Conference, Athens, 23.-26.5.2006. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy

Baldauf, Artur; Cravens, David W.; Cron, William L. (2006). Achieving Customer Relationship and Organizational Performance through Assets, Capabilities, and Processes. In: Johnson, Jean L.; Hulland, John (eds.) Proceedings of the 2006 AMA Winter Educators' Conference: Marketing Theory and Applications (pp. 42-43). Chicago: American Marketing Association AMA


Henneke, Daniel (2014). Dynamische Fähigkeiten und Unternehmenserfolg: Untersuchung des Mediationseffekts der Unternehmensinnovativität. (Dissertation, Universität Bern, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät)

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