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Guenzi, Paolo; Baldauf, Artur; Panagopoulos, Nikolaos G. (2014). The influence of formal and informal sales controls on customer-directed selling behaviors and sales unit effectiveness. Industrial Marketing Management, 43(5), pp. 786-800. Elsevier 10.1016/j.indmarman.2014.04.014
Cron, William L.; Baldauf, Artur; Leigh, Thomas W.; Grossenbacher, Samuel (2014). The Strategic Role of the Sales Force: Perceptions of Senior Sales Executives. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 42(5), pp. 471-489. Springer Science + Business Media LLC 10.1007/s11747-014-0377-6
Baldauf, Artur (2010). Wie es um die Weitsicht von Managern bestellt ist. Die Bedeutung der Identifikation und Bewertung von Ressourcen in Konkurrenzsituationen. IO new management - Zeitschrift für Unternehmenswissenschaft und Führungspraxis, 78(22.1.2010) Zürich: Springer Schweiz
Baldauf, Artur; Cravens, Karen S.; Diamantopoulos, Adamantios; Zeugner-Roth, Katharina Petra (2009). The Impact of Product-Country Image and Marketing Efforts on Retailer-Perceived Brand Equity. An Empirical Analysis. Journal of retailing, 85(4), pp. 437-452. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jretai.2009.04.004
Cravens, David W.; Piercy, Nigel F.; Baldauf, Artur (2009). Management framework guiding strategic thinking in rapidly changing markets. Journal of marketing management, 25(1-2), pp. 31-49. Helensburgh, UK: Westburn Publishers 10.1362/026725709X410025
Baldauf, Artur; Rank, Olaf (2008). Ressourcen, Risikoneigung und Unternehmenserfolg. Eine Analyse von international tätigen kleinen und mittleren Schweizer Unternehmen. Die Unternehmung : Swiss journal of business research and practice, 62(6), pp. 542-572. Versus, Zürich
Baldauf, Artur (2011). Währungsproblematik trifft die "Kleinen". Berner Zeitung (BZ)(22.1.2011)
Baldauf, Artur (2011). Die guttenbergsche Plagiatsdiskussion greift zu kurz. Berner Zeitung (BZ)(21.3.2011)
Baldauf, Artur (2011). Hansjörg Wyss - ein Entrepreneur. Berner Zeitung (BZ)(7.5.2011)
Baldauf, Artur (2011). Unternehmertum statt Staatsapparat. Berner Zeitung (BZ)(2.7.2011)
Baldauf, Artur (2011). Fit in die Zukunft - dank eines gesunden Bildungssystems. Berner Zeitung (BZ)(20.8.2011)
Baldauf, Artur (2011). Unternehmertum - warum so "verherrlichen"? Berner Zeitung (BZ)(8.10.2011)
Baldauf, Artur (2010). Bern ist gar nicht so schlecht [Interview]. Berner Zeitung (BZ)(22.5.2010), p. 4.
Baldauf, Artur (2010). Auf Premiumqualität setzen [Interview]. Competence (Swiss Post International)(20.5.2010), pp. 3-5.
Pfammatter, Adrian; Baldauf, Artur; Bandi Tanner, Monika (2022). Umgang mit lokalen Mitbewerbern. Empirische Analyse der Erfolgsauswirkungen (Tourismus-Impulse 26). CRED - Center for Regional Economic Development
Pfammatter, Adrian; Bandi Tanner, Monika; Baldauf, Artur (2021). Teilen von Ressourcen im lokalen Tourismusnetzwerk. Theoretische Überlegungen und empirische Nutzenanalyse für Hotels (Tourismus-Impulse 25). Bern: CRED - Center for Regional Economic Development
Villiger, Jessica; Wüthrich, Adrian; Baldauf, Artur (12 August 2018). Internal Corporate Venture Teams - A Systematic Literature Review. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1), p. 10371. Academy of Management 10.5465/AMBPP.2018.10371abstract
Notter, Isabelle; Marttila, Noora Annika; Schweiger, Simone; Stettler, Tatiana; Baldauf, Artur (10 August 2018). Knowledge Antecedents of Absorptive Capacity: A Meta-Analysis. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1), p. 10334. New York: Academy of Management 10.5465/AMBPP.2018.10334abstract
Marttila, Noora Annika; Notter, Isabelle; Schweiger, Simone; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Baldauf, Artur (January 2017). Illuminating the Relationship between Absorptive Capacity and Firm Performance : a Meta-Analysis. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017(1), p. 10687. New York: Academy of Management 10.5465/AMBPP.2017.10687abstract
Wüthrich, Adrian; Baldauf, Artur (January 2017). The Multi-Edged Sword of Heterogeneity in Nascent New Venture Teams. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017(1), p. 15668. New York: Academy of Management 10.5465/AMBPP.2017.15668abstract
Marttila, Noora Annika; Notter, Isabelle; Schweiger, Simone; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Baldauf, Artur (2017). Synthesizing the Knowledge Base on Absorptive Capacity : a Meta-Analysis (Unpublished). In: SMS Special Conference. Mailand, Italien. 31.03.-01.04.2017.
Wüthrich, Adrian; Baldauf, Artur (2017). The Multi-Edged Sword of Heterogeneity in Nascent New Venture Teams (Unpublished). In: 5th International QCA Expert Workshop 2017. Zürich, Switzerland. 13.12-14.12.2017.
Wüthrich, Adrian; Baldauf, Artur (15 October 2015). New Venture Team Personality Composition – A Configurational Approach (Unpublished). In: GSOM Emerging Markets Conference. St. Petersburg (Russia). 15.-17.10.2015.
Wüthrich, Adrian; Baldauf, Artur (11 August 2015). Heterogeneity in New Venture Teams - Towards a Configurational Perspective (Unpublished). In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Vancouver (Canada). 07.-11.08.2015.
Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone (30 June 2015). Exploring the Role of Formalization, Centralization, and Coordination on Cultural Competitiveness and Firm Performance (Unpublished). In: Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting. Bengaluru (India). 27.-30.06.2015.
Wüthrich, Adrian; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Baldauf, Artur (13 June 2015). New Venture Team Composition - A Configurational Approach (Unpublished). In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC). Wellesley (Mass.). 10.-13.06.2015.
Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Shirokova, Galina; Bogatyreva, Karina; Baldauf, Artur (4 August 2014). A longitudinal cross-country study of entrepreneurial orientation (Submitted). In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, USA. 01.08.-05.08.2014. 10.5465/AMBPP.2014.1425
Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana (11 March 2014). The Roles of Strategic Orientations: A Configurational Perspective on Strategic Fit (Unpublished). In: Strategic Management Society Special Conference. Tel Aviv, Israel. 09.-11.03.2014.
Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana (10 January 2014). Investigating an Organization's Learning Orientation in the Multi-Facet EO-Performance Relationship (Unpublished). In: United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Conference. Fort Worth, USA. 09.01.-12.01.2014.
Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Schweiger, Simone; Baldauf, Artur (8 June 2013). Three Versus Five Dimensions? A Meta-Analysis Of The Entrepreneurial Orientation–Firm Performance Relationship. In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC).
Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone; Garcia Freire, Marcela (13 January 2013). Technology-Based New Venture Firms: Resources in The Seed Stage (Unpublished). In: United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE). San Francisco, California. 10.-13.01.2013.
Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone; Wüthrich, Adrian (2013). Which Combinations Of New Venture Firms Resources Payoff? A Configurational Perspective. In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Lyon. June 5-8, 2013.
Baldauf, Artur; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Schweiger, Simone A. (2012). Innovativeness, Proactiveness and Risk-taking: More than Dimensions of Entrepreneurial Orientation? (Unpublished). In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Summer 2012. Fort Worth, Texas.
Baldauf, Artur; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Schweiger, Simone A. (2012). Successful Entrepreneurial Teams and Relational Capital: The Role of Communal Schemas and Contracting Practices (Unpublished). In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Summer 2012. Fort Worth, Texas.
Baldauf, Artur; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Schweiger, Simone A. (2012). Core Strategic Orientations: A Meta-analysis of their Interplay and Firm Performance Relationship (Unpublished). In: Academy of Management Conference 2012. Boston, Massachusetts.
Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone A. (2012). Strategic Fit Perspectives on Strategic Orientations, Organizational Structure and Firm Performance (Unpublished). In: Academy of Management Conference 2012. Boston, Massachusetts.
Baldauf, Artur; König, Jonas P.; Tremp, Karin (2012). The Impact of Management's Coordination Effort on the Relatedness-Performance Relationship (Unpublished). In: Strategic Management Society Conference 2012. Prague, Czech Republic.
Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone A. (2012). Creating Innovation Positional Advantages: The Combined Role of Market Intelligence, Innovativeness and Learning (Unpublished). In: Strategic Management Society Special Conference 2012. Singapore.
Baldauf, Artur; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Schweiger, Simone A. (2012). Alternative Concepts of Fit Among Innovativeness, Proactiveness and Risk-Taking, in Explaining Firm Performance (Unpublished). In: Strategic Management Society Special Conference 2012. Singapore.
Baldauf, Artur; Tremp, Karin (2012). Advancing Dominant Logic Research: Literature Review and Empirical Study (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management Conference 2012. Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Lomberg, Carina; Baldauf, Artur (2012). The Ambivalent Role of Risk-Taking Orientation in Uncertain Environments for Internationally Operating SMEs (Unpublished). In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Summer 2012. Fort Worth, Texas.
Lomberg, Carina; Baldauf, Artur (2012). The Ambivalent Role of Risk-Taking Orientation in Uncertain Environments for Internationally Operating SMEs (Unpublished). In: RENT XXV - Research in Trepreneurship & Small Business. Lyon, France.
Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone A.; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana (2011). Toward Construct Clarity and Validity in Firm-Level Entrepreneurship Research. In: SMS 31st Annual International Conference. Strategies for a Multi-Polar World: National Institutions and Global Competition.
Baldauf, Artur; Wolf, Barbara; Schweiger, Simone A. (2011). The Multifaceted Role of Learning Orientation in the Entrepreneurial Firm. In: SMS 31st Annual International Conference. Strategies for a Multi-Polar World: National Institutions and Global Competition.
Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone A.; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana (2011). Toward Construct Clarity and Validity in Firm-Level Entrepreneurship Research, Stategic Management Society Annual Conference, Miami, Florida, 6.11.-9.11.2011.
Baldauf, Artur; Wolf, Barbara; Schweiger, Simone A. (2011). The Multifaceted Role of Learning Orientation in the Entrepreneurial Firm, Stategic Management Society Annual Conference, Miami, Florida, 6.11.-9.11.2011.
Baldauf, Artur; Tremp, Karin (2011). Advancing the Dominant Logic Construct: Literature Review and Empirical Study. In: CK Prahalad: Reaching over Boundaries and Expanding Possibilities, SMS Special Conference 2011, San Diego.
Baldauf, Artur; Tremp, Karin (2011). Advancing the Dominant Logic Construct: Literature Review and Empirical Study, CK Prahalad: Reaching over Boundaries and Expanding Possibilities, SMS Special Conference 2011, San Diego, 10.-12. Juni 2011.
Baldauf, Artur (2010). The Effect of Management Control on Cooperation and Job Performance, WK ORG-Workshop 34. Tagung zu dem Thema "Organisation 2015. Neue Prioritäten im Organisationsdesign", Berlin, 25.-26. Februar 2010.
Baldauf, Artur; Rank, Olaf (2010). The Effect of Management Control on Cooperation and Performance, 72. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung des Verbandes der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e. V., Universität Bremen, 27.-29. Mai 2010.
Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone (2010). Do Intra-Organizational Factors Impact the Culture of Competitiveness-Performance Relationship?
Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone (2010). Implementing an Entrepreneurial Orientation: Evidence From SMEs.
Baldauf, Artur; Tremp, Karin (2009). Dominant Logic. The Linkage between Management Cognition and Firm Performance. Preliminary Findings from an Empirical Study. In: Strategies in an Uncertain World, Proceedings of the Strategic Management Society Conference (pp. 106-107). Chicago: Strategic Management Society
Baldauf, Artur; Tremp, Karin (2009). Dominant Logic. The Linkage between Management Cognition and Firm Performance, Strategic Management Society (SMS) Conference, Washington D.C., 14.10.2009.
Baldauf, Artur; Guenzi, Paolo; Onyemah, Vincent (2008). Antecedents and Consequences of Sales Force Control Systems. A Relational Perspective. In: Global Sales Science Institute Conference, Athens, Greece, 25.-27.6.2008. ohne Ort: Global Sales Science Institute
Baldauf, Artur; Cron, William; Grossenbacher, Samuel (2008). The Effect of Hierarchical Level on the Content and Structure of Managers Mental Models.
Baldauf, Artur; Bischof, Christian (2008). Implementing Managerial Synergies through Cultural Competitiveness, Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim.
Guenzi, P; Baldauf, Artur; Onyemah, V. (2008). An Empirical Investigation of Relationship Selling Strategy, Management Controls, Salesperson Behaviors and Sales Organization Effectiveness, GSSI Conference 2008 (June), Athens/Greece.
Baldauf, Artur; Cron, William; Grossenbacher, Samuel (2008). Miles and Snow Typology and Mental Models, 30 years of Miles & Snow Conference 2008, Cardiff/UK.
Baldauf, Artur; Cravens, David; Zeller, S (2007). The Attenuating Effect of Work Environment Perceptions on the Stressor-Strain-Performance Framework. In: Proceeding of the AOM Conference, Philadelphia, 3.-8.8.2007. Briarcliff Manor, New York: Academy of Management
Baldauf, Artur; Bischof, Christian (2007). Corporate synergy effects in diversified firms: Tangible versus intangible relatedness. In: Proceeding of the AOM Conference. Briarcliff Manor, New York: Academy of Management
Baldauf, Artur; Rank, Olaf (2006). Antecedents and Performance Consequences of an Entrepreneurial Risk Orientation in an International Context. In: 32nd EIBA Annual Conference, Fribourg, 7-9 December 2006. Brussels: European International Business Academy
Baldauf, Artur; Bischof, Christian (2006). Related Diversification: Cultural Competitiveness as a Core Competence? In: Strategic Management Society (SMS), Vienna 2006. Chicago: Strategic Management Society
Baldauf, Artur; Freese, Behrend (2006). Leveraging Corporate Venture Capital Investments for Learning: Knowledge Brokering, Relationship Quality, and Knowledge Transfer. In: Strategic Management Society (SMS), Vienna 2006. Chicago: Strategic Management Society
Rank, Olaf; Baldauf, Artur (2006). Entrepreneurial Risk, Competitive Posture and Performance in an International Context. In: 32nd EIBA Annual Conference, Fribourg, 7-9 December 2006. Brussels: European International Business Academy
Baldauf, Artur; Cron, William L.; Grossenbacher, Samuel; Leigh, Thomas W. (2006). The Influence of Competitive Intensity on Sales Executives Cognitions of the Sales Force. In: Avlonitis, George J.; Papavassiliou, Nicholas; Papastathopoulou, Paulina (eds.) Sustainable Marketing Leadership. A Synthesis of Polymorphous Axioms, Strategies and Tactics, Proceedings of the 35th EMAC Conference, Athens, 23.-26.5.2006. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy
Baldauf, Artur; Cravens, David W.; Cron, William L. (2006). Achieving Customer Relationship and Organizational Performance through Assets, Capabilities, and Processes. In: Johnson, Jean L.; Hulland, John (eds.) Proceedings of the 2006 AMA Winter Educators' Conference: Marketing Theory and Applications (pp. 42-43). Chicago: American Marketing Association AMA
Henneke, Daniel (2014). Dynamische Fähigkeiten und Unternehmenserfolg: Untersuchung des Mediationseffekts der Unternehmensinnovativität. (Dissertation, Universität Bern, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät)