Cornuz, Jacques

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Number of items: 61.

Righini, Marc; Robert-Ebadi, Helia; Cremonesi, Alessio; Elias, Antoine; Sanchez, Olivier; Le Moigne, Emmanuelle; Schmidt, Jeannot; Le Gall, Catherine; Cornuz, Jacques; Aujesky, Drahomir; Roy, Pierre-Marie; Chauleur, Céline; Rouyer, Frédéric; Poletti, Pierre-Alexandre; Moreau, Caroline; Le Gal, Grégoire (2022). Risk of neonatal hypothyroidism in newborns from mothers exposed to CTPA during pregnancy: ancillary data from a prospective outcome study. Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis, 20(11), pp. 2550-2555. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jth.15843

Mitchell, Sharon; Jaccard, Evrim; Schmitz, Felix Michael; von Känel, Elianne; Collombet, Prune; Cornuz, Jacques; Waeber, Gérard; Guessous, Idris; Guttormsen, Sissel (2022). Investigating acceptability of a training programme in precision medicine for frontline healthcare professionals: a mixed methods study. BMC medical education, 22(1), p. 556. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12909-022-03613-2

Selby, Kevin; Durand, Marie-Anne; von Plessen, Christian; Auer, Reto; Biller-Andorno, Nikola; Krones, Tanja; Agoritsas, Thomas; Cornuz, Jacques (2022). Shared decision making and patient and public involvement - Can they become standard in Switzerland? Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen, 171, pp. 135-138. Elsevier 10.1016/j.zefq.2022.04.019

Mitchell, Sharon; Jaccard, Evrim; Schmitz, Felix; Collombet, Prune; Cornuz, Jacques; Waeber, Gerard; Guessous, Idris; Guttormsen, Sissel (2021). Begin with the end in mind! Use of Kirkpatrick’s framework to design and implement a training programme in CPD: a practical mixed methods model for needs assessment. In: GMA-Jahrestagung. German Medical Science GMS Publishing House

Mitchell, Sharon; Jaccard, Evrim; Cardineaux, Regula; Collombet, Prune; Cornuz, Jacques; Waeber, Gérard; Guessous, Idris; Guttormsen, Sissel (2020). Implementing an Online Training Programme in Precision Medicine for Primary Care Professionals: a Multi-Method Approach. In: Sampson, Demetrios G.; Ifenthaler, Dirk; Isaías, Pedro (eds.) Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age (pp. 359-364). Lisbon, Portugal: IADIS Press

Braun, Alexander Leonhard; Prati, Emanuele; Martin, Yonas Arrefaine; Dvořák, Charles; Tal, Kali; Biller-Andorno, Nikola; Bulliard, Jean-Luc; Cornuz, Jacques; Selby, Kevin; Auer, Reto (2019). Variation in colorectal cancer testing between primary care physicians: a cross-sectional study in Switzerland. International journal of public health, 64(7), pp. 1075-1083. Springer 10.1007/s00038-019-01259-4

Martin, Yonas; Braun, Alexander Leonhard; Biller-Andorno, Nikola; Bulliard, Jean-Luc; Cornuz, Jacques; Selby, Kevin; Auer, Reto (2019). Screening Refusal Associated with Choice of Colorectal Cancer Screening Methods. A Cross-sectional Study Among Swiss Primary Care Physicians. Journal of general internal medicine, 34(8), pp. 1409-1411. Springer 10.1007/s11606-019-05096-2

Righini, Marc; Robert-Ebadi, Helia; Elias, Antoine; Sanchez, Olivier; Le Moigne, Emmanuelle; Schmidt, Jeannot; Le Gall, Catherine; Cornuz, Jacques; Aujesky, Drahomir; Roy, Pierre-Marie; Chauleur, Céline; Rutschmann, Olivier T; Poletti, Pierre-Alexandre; Le Gal, Grégoire (2018). Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism During Pregnancy: A Multicenter Prospective Management Outcome Study. Annals of internal medicine, 169(11), pp. 766-773. American College of Physicians 10.7326/M18-1670

Lauber, Sandro; Limacher, Andreas; Tritschler, Tobias; Stalder, Odile; Méan, Marie; Righini, Marc; Aschwanden, Markus; Beer, Jürg Hans; Frauchiger, Beat; Osterwalder, Josef; Kucher, Nils; Lämmle, Bernhard; Cornuz, Jacques; Angelillo-Scherrer, Anne; Matter, Christian M; Husmann, Marc; Banyai, Martin; Staub, Daniel; Mazzolai, Lucia; Hugli, Olivier; ... (2018). Predictors and Outcomes of Recurrent Venous Thromboembolism in Elderly Patients. American journal of medicine, 131(6), 703.e7-703.e16. Elsevier 10.1016/j.amjmed.2017.12.015

Jakob, Julian; Cohidon, Christine; Cornuz, Jacques; Selby, Kevin (2018). Participation in medical activities beyond standard consultations by Swiss general practitioners: a cross-sectional study. BMC family practice, 19(1), p. 52. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12875-018-0738-1

Auer, Reto; Cornuz, Jacques; Berthet, Aurélie (2017). Perplexing Conclusions Concerning Heat-Not-Burn Tobacco Cigarettes-Reply. JAMA Internal Medicine, 177(11), pp. 1699-1700. American Medical Association 10.1001/jamainternmed.2017.5861

Auer, Reto; Concha-Lozano, Nicolas; Jacot-Sadowski, Isabelle; Cornuz, Jacques; Berthet, Aurélie (2017). Heat-Not-Burn Tobacco Cigarettes: Smoke by Any Other Name. JAMA Internal Medicine, 177(7), pp. 1050-1052. American Medical Association 10.1001/jamainternmed.2017.1419

Jakob, Julian; Cornuz, Jacques; Auer, Reto; Jacot Sadowski, Isabelle; Cardinaux, Regula; Selby, Kevin (2017). [Design and user-testing of a decision aid comparing medications for smoking cessation]. Revue médicale suisse, 13(566), pp. 1191-1194. Médecine & Hygiène

Selby, Kevin; Auer, Reto; Cornuz, Jacques (2017). Shared decision making in preventive care in Switzerland: From theory to action. Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen, 123-124, pp. 91-94. Elsevier, Urban & Fischer 10.1016/j.zefq.2017.05.008

Faller, Nicolas; Limacher, Andreas; Méan, Marie; Righini, Marc; Aschwanden, Markus; Beer, Jürg Hans; Frauchiger, Beat; Osterwalder, Josef; Kucher, Nils; Lämmle, Bernhard; Cornuz, Jacques; Angelillo-Scherrer, Anne; Matter, Christian M.; Husmann, Marc; Banyai, Martin; Staub, Daniel; Mazzolai, Lucia; Hugli, Olivier; Rodondi, Nicolas and Aujesky, Drahomir (2017). Predictors and Causes of Long-Term Mortality in Elderly Patients with Acute Venous Thromboembolism: A Prospective Cohort Study. American journal of medicine, 130(2), pp. 198-206. Elsevier 10.1016/j.amjmed.2016.09.008

Desgraz, Benoît; Collet, Tinh-Hai; Rodondi, Nicolas; Cornuz, Jacques; Clair, Carole (2017). Comparison of self-perceived cardiovascular disease risk among smokers with Framingham and PROCAM scores: a cross-sectional analysis of baseline data from a randomised controlled trial. BMJ open, 7(1), e012063. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012063

Brugnerotto, Adeline; Cardinaux, Regula; Ueltschi, Yan; Bauwens, Marine; Nanchen, David; Cornuz, Jacques; Bize, Raphaël; Auer, Reto (2016). Délégation médicale vers un(e) spécialiste en activité physique adaptée (APA) : un projet pilote. Revue médicale suisse(537), pp. 1845-50. Médecine & Hygiène

Aubert, Carole E; Streit, Sven; Da Costa, Bruno; Collet, Tinh-Hai; Cornuz, Jacques; Gaspoz, Jean-Michel; Bauer, Doug; Aujesky, Drahomir; Rodondi, Nicolas (2016). Polypharmacy and specific comorbidities in university primary care settings. European journal of internal medicine, 35, pp. 35-42. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ejim.2016.05.022

Zingg, Sarah; Collet, Tinh-Hai; Locatelli, Isabella; Nanchen, David; Depairon, Michèle; Bovet, Pascal; Cornuz, Jacques; Rodondi, Nicolas (2016). Associations Between Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Inflammation, and Progression of Carotid Atherosclerosis Among Smokers. Nicotine & tobacco research, 18(6), pp. 1533-1538. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ntr/ntv255

Selby, Kevin; Cornuz, Jacques; Gachoud, David; Bulliard, Jean-Luc; Nichita, Cristina; Dorta, Gian; Ducros, Cyril; Auer, Reto (2016). Training primary care physicians to offer their patients faecal occult blood testing and colonoscopy for colorectal cancer screening on an equal basis: a pilot intervention with before-after and parallel group surveys. BMJ open, 6(5), e011086. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011086

Welker, Joris; Auer, Reto; Gencer, Baris; Muller, Olivier; Cornuz, Jacques; Matter, Christian M; Mach, François; Windecker, Stephan; Rodondi, Nicolas; Nanchen, David (2016). Hospital revascularisation capability and quality of care after an acute coronary syndrome in Switzerland. Swiss medical weekly, 146, w14275. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2016.14275

Carruzzo, Philippe; Méan, Marie; Limacher, Andreas; Aujesky, Drahomir; Cornuz, Jacques; Clair, Carole (2016). Association between smoking and recurrence of venous thromboembolism and bleeding in elderly patients with past acute venous thromboembolism. Thrombosis research, 138, pp. 74-79. Elsevier 10.1016/j.thromres.2015.11.034

Segna, Daniel; Méan, Marie; Limacher, Andreas; Baumgartner, Christine; Blum, Manuel R; Beer, Jürg-Hans; Kucher, Nils; Righini, Marc; Matter, Christian M; Frauchiger, Beat; Cornuz, Jacques; Aschwanden, Markus; Banyai, Martin; Osterwalder, Joseph; Husmann, Marc; Egloff, Michael; Staub, Daniel; Lämmle, Bernhard; Angelillo, Anne; Aujesky, Drahomir; ... (2016). Association between thyroid dysfunction and venous thromboembolism in the elderly: a prospective cohort study. Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis, 14(4), pp. 685-694. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jth.13276

Han, Sarah L.; Auer, Reto; Cornuz, Jacques; Marques-Vidal, Pedro (2016). Clinical nutrition in primary care: An evaluation of resident physicians' attitudes and self-perceived proficiency. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 15, pp. 69-74. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clnesp.2016.06.005

Auer, Reto; Gencer, Baris; Tango, Rodrigo; Nanchen, David; Matter, Christian M; Lüscher, Thomas Felix; Windecker, Stephan; Mach, François; Cornuz, Jacques; Humair, Jean-Paul; Rodondi, Nicolas (2016). Uptake and efficacy of a systematic intensive smoking cessation intervention using motivational interviewing for smokers hospitalised for an acute coronary syndrome: a multicentre before-after study with parallel group comparisons. BMJ open, 6(9), e011520. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011520

Selby, Kevin; Nanchen, David; Auer, Reto; Gencer, Baris; Räber, Lorenz; Klingenberg, Roland; Blum, Manuel; Marques-Vidal, Pedro; Cornuz, Jacques; Muller, Olivier; Vogt, Pierre; Jüni, Peter; Matter, Christian M; Windecker, Stephan; Lüscher, Thomas F; Mach, François; Rodondi, Nicolas (2015). Low statin use in adults hospitalized with acute coronary syndrome. Preventive medicine, 77, pp. 131-136. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ypmed.2015.05.012

Begon, Jacques; Juillerat, Pascal; Cornuz, Jacques; Clair, Carole (2015). [Smoking and digestive tract: a complex relationship. Part 2: Intestinal microblota and cigarette smoking]. Revue médicale suisse, 11(478), pp. 1304-1306. Médecine & Hygiène

Begon, Jacques; Juillerat, Pascal; Cornuz, Jacques; Clair, Carole (2015). [Smoking and digestive tract: a complex relationship. Part 1: Inflammatory bowel disease and cigarette smoking]. Revue médicale suisse, 11(478), pp. 1282-1287. Médecine & Hygiène

Selby, Kevin; Gaspoz, Jean-Michel; Rodondi, Nicolas; Neuner-Jehle, Stefan; Perrier, Arnaud; Zeller, Andreas; Cornuz, Jacques (2015). Creating a list of low-value health care activities in Swiss primary care. JAMA Internal Medicine, 175(4), pp. 640-642. American Medical Association 10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.8111

Leiss, Waltraud; Méan, Marie; Limacher, Andreas; Righini, Marc; Jaeger, Kurt; Beer, Hans-Jürg; Osterwalder, Joseph; Frauchiger, Beat; Matter, Christian M; Kucher, Nils; Angelillo, Anne; Cornuz, Jacques; Banyai, Martin; Lämmle, Bernhard; Husmann, Marc; Egloff, Michael; Aschwanden, Markus; Rodondi, Nicolas; Aujesky, Drahomir (2015). Polypharmacy is Associated with an Increased Risk of Bleeding in Elderly Patients with Venous Thromboembolism. Journal of general internal medicine, 30(1), pp. 17-24. Springer 10.1007/s11606-014-2993-8

Nanchen, David; Gencer, Baris; Auer, Reto; Räber, Lorenz; Stefanini, Giulio; Klingenberg, Roland; Schmied, Christian M; Cornuz, Jacques; Muller, Olivier; Vogt, Pierre; Jüni, Peter; Matter, Christian M; Windecker, Stephan; Lüscher, Thomas F; Mach, François; Rodondi, Nicolas (2015). Prevalence and management of familial hypercholesterolaemia in patients with acute coronary syndromes. European Heart Journal, 36(36), pp. 2438-2445. Oxford University Press 10.1093/eurheartj/ehv289

Krähenmann-Müller, Simone; Virgini, Vanessa S.; Blum, Manuel R.; Da Costa, Bruno; Collet, Tinh-Hai; Martin, Yonas; Cornuz, Jacques; Zimmerli, Lukas; Gaspoz, Jean-Michel; Bauer, Douglas C.; Kerr, Eve A.; Aujesky, Drahomir; Rodondi, Nicolas (2014). Patient and physician gender concordance in preventive care in university primary care settings. Preventive medicine, 67, pp. 242-247. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ypmed.2014.08.004

Collet, Tinh-Hai; Bauer, Douglas C; Cappola, Anne R; Asvold, Bjørn O; Weiler, Stefan; Vittinghoff, Eric; Gussekloo, Jacobijn; Bremner, Alexandra; den Elzen, Wendy P J; Maciel, Rui M B; Vanderpump, Mark P J; Cornuz, Jacques; Dörr, Marcus; Wallaschofski, Henri; Newman, Anne B; Sgarbi, José A; Razvi, Salman; Völzke, Henry; Walsh, John P; Aujesky, Drahomir; ... (2014). Thyroid antibody status, subclinical hypothyroidism, and the risk of coronary heart disease: an individual participant data analysis. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 99(9), pp. 3353-3362. The Endocrine Society 10.1210/jc.2014-1250

Locatelli, Isabella; Collet, Tinh-Hai; Clair, Carole; Rodondi, Nicolas; Cornuz, Jacques (2014). The joint influence of gender and amount of smoking on weight gain one year after smoking cessation. International journal of environmental research and public health, 11(8), pp. 8443-8455. MDPI 10.3390/ijerph110808443

Auer, Reto; Vittinghoff, Eric; Kiefe, Catarina; Reis, Jared P; Rodondi, Nicolas; Khodneva, Yulia A; Kertesz, Stefan G; Cornuz, Jacques; Pletcher, Mark J (2014). Change in physical activity after smoking cessation: the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study. Addiction, 109(7), pp. 1172-1183. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/add.12561

Sommer, Johanna; Cornuz, Jacques; Goeldlin, A; Haller, Dagmar M; Humair, Jean-Paul; Rosemann, Thomas; Tschudi, Peter; Herzig, Lilli (2014). Teaching practice recommendations: prevention and screening. Revue médicale suisse, 10(430), pp. 1045-1048. Médecine & Hygiène

Martin, Yonas; Collet, Tinh-Hai; Bodenmann, Patrick; Blum, Manuel R.; Zimmerli, Lukas; Gaspoz, Jean-Michel; Battegay, Edouard; Cornuz, Jacques; Rodondi, Nicolas (2014). The lower quality of preventive care among forced migrants in a country with universal healthcare coverage. Preventive medicine, 59, pp. 19-24. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ypmed.2013.11.006

Waeber, Gérard; Cornuz, Jacques; Aujesky, Drahomir; Gaspoz, Jean-Michel; Perrier, Arnaud (2014). Challenges and opportunities related to the creation of a unique society of specialists in general internal medicine in 2015. Revue médicale suisse, 10(414), pp. 149-152. Médecine & Hygiène

Auer, Reto; Gencer, Baris; Räber, Lorenz; Klingenberg, Roland; Carballo, Sebastian; Carballo, David; Nanchen, David; Cornuz, Jacques; Vader, John-Paul; Vogt, Pierre; Jüni, Peter; Matter, Christian M; Windecker, Stephan; Lüscher, Thomas Felix; Mach, François; Rodondi, Nicolas (2014). Quality of care after acute coronary syndromes in a prospective cohort with reasons for non-prescription of recommended medications. PLoS ONE, 9(3), e93147. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0093147

Streit, Sven; Da Costa, Bruno; Bauer, Douglas C; Collet, Tinh-Hai; Weiler, Stefan; Zimmerli, Lukas; Frey, Peter; Cornuz, Jacques; Gaspoz, Jean-Michel; Battegay, Edouard; Kerr, Eve; Aujesky, Drahomir; Rodondi, Nicolas (2014). Multimorbidity and quality of preventive care in Swiss university primary care cohorts. PLoS ONE, 9(4), e96142. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0096142

Weiler, Stefan; Gemperli, Armin; Collet, Tinh-Hai; Bauer, Douglas C; Zimmerli, Lukas; Cornuz, Jacques; Battegay, Edouard; Gaspoz, Jean-Michel; Kerr, Eve A; Aujesky, Drahomir; Rodondi, Nicolas (2014). Clinically relevant quality measures for risk factor control in primary care: a retrospective cohort study. BMC health services research, 14, p. 306. BioMed Central 10.1186/1472-6963-14-306

Fischer, Roland; Collet, Tinh-Hai; Zeller, Andreas; Zimmerli, Lukas; Gaspoz, Jean-Michel; Giraudon, Karine; Rodondi, Nicolas; Cornuz, Jacques (2013). Obesity and overweight associated with lower rates of colorectal cancer screening in Switzerland. European journal of cancer prevention, 22(5), pp. 425-430. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/CEJ.0b013e32835f3b87

Donzé, Jacques; Rodondi, Nicolas; Waeber, Gérard; Cornuz, Jacques; Aujesky, Drahomir (2013). Major bleeding risk in anticoagulated patients receiving concomitant antiplatelet therapy: a prospective study. Thrombosis research, 131(6), pp. 502-507. Elsevier 10.1016/j.thromres.2013.04.033

Méan, Marie; Righini, Marc; Jaeger, Kurt; Beer, Hans-Jürg; Frauchiger, Beat; Osterwalder, Joseph; Kucher, Nils; Lämmle, Bernhard; Cornuz, Jacques; Angelillo, Anne; Rodondi, Nicolas; Limacher, Andreas; Trelle, Sven; Matter, Christian M.; Husmann, Marc; Banyai, Martin; Aschwanden, Markus; Egloff, Michael; Mazzolai, Lucia; Hugli, Olivier; ... (2013). The Swiss cohort of elderly patients with venous thromboembolism (SWITCO65+): rationale and methodology. Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis, 36(4), pp. 475-483. New York, N.Y.: Springer 10.1007/s11239-013-0875-2

Nanchen, David; Stott, David J; Gussekloo, Jacobijn; Mooijaart, Simon P; Westendorp, Rudi G J; Jukema, J Wouter; Macfarlane, Peter W; Cornuz, Jacques; Rodondi, Nicolas; Buckley, Brendan M; Ford, Ian; Sattar, Naveed; de Craen, Anton J M; PROSPER Group, (2013). Resting heart rate and incident heart failure and cardiovascular mortality in older adults: role of inflammation and endothelial dysfunction: the PROSPER study. European journal of heart failure, 15(5), pp. 581-8. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/eurjhf/hfs195

Rodondi, Nicolas; Auer, Reto; de Bosset Sulzer, Vanessa; Ghali, William A; Cornuz, Jacques (2012). Atherosclerosis screening by noninvasive imaging for cardiovascular prevention: a systematic review. Journal of general internal medicine, 27(2), pp. 220-31. New York, N.Y.: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s11606-011-1833-3

Donzé, Jacques; Rodondi, Nicolas; Waeber, Gérard; Monney, Pierre; Cornuz, Jacques; Aujesky, Drahomir (2012). Scores to predict major bleeding risk during oral anticoagulation therapy: a prospective validation study. American journal of medicine, 125(11), pp. 1095-102. Orlando, Fla.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.amjmed.2012.04.005

Donzé, Jacques; Clair, Carole; Hug, Balthasar; Rodondi, Nicolas; Waeber, Gérard; Cornuz, Jacques; Aujesky, Drahomir (2012). Risk of falls and major bleeds in patients on oral anticoagulation therapy. American journal of medicine, 125(8), pp. 773-8. Orlando, Fla.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.amjmed.2012.01.033

Gencer, Baris; Collet, Tinh-Hai; Virgini, Vanessa; Bauer, Douglas C; Gussekloo, Jacobijn; Cappola, Anne R; Nanchen, David; den Elzen, Wendy P J; Balmer, Philippe; Luben, Robert N; Iacoviello, Massimo; Triggiani, Vincenzo; Cornuz, Jacques; Newman, Anne B; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Jukema, J Wouter; Westendorp, Rudi G J; Vittinghoff, Eric; Aujesky, Drahomir and Rodondi, Nicolas (2012). Subclinical thyroid dysfunction and the risk of heart failure events: an individual participant data analysis from 6 prospective cohorts. Circulation, 126(9), pp. 1040-9. Baltimore, Md.: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.112.096024

Rodondi, Nicolas; Collet, Tinh-Hai; Nanchen, David; Locatelli, Isabella; Depairon, Michèle; Aujesky, Drahomir; Bovet, Pascal; Cornuz, Jacques (2012). Impact of carotid plaque screening on smoking cessation and other cardiovascular risk factors: a randomized controlled trial. Archives of internal medicine, 172(4), pp. 344-52. Chicago, Ill.: American Medical Association 10.1001/archinternmed.2011.1326

Nanchen, David; Rodondi, Nicolas; Cornuz, Jacques; Hillier, Teresa; Ensrud, Kristine E.; Cauley, Jane A.; Bauer, Douglas C.; Study of Osteoporotic Fractures Research Group, (2012). Mortality associated with diabetes and cardiovascular disease in older women. PLoS ONE, 7(11), e48818. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0048818

Collet, Tinh-Hai; Gussekloo, Jacobijn; Bauer, Douglas C; den Elzen, Wendy P J; Cappola, Anne R; Balmer, Philippe; Iervasi, Giorgio; Åsvold, Bjørn O; Sgarbi, José A; Völzke, Henry; Gencer, Bariş; Maciel, Rui M B; Molinaro, Sabrina; Bremner, Alexandra; Luben, Robert N; Maisonneuve, Patrick; Cornuz, Jacques; Newman, Anne B; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Westendorp, Rudi G J; ... (2012). Subclinical hyperthyroidism and the risk of coronary heart disease and mortality. Archives of internal medicine, 172(10), pp. 799-809. Chicago, Ill.: American Medical Association 10.1001/archinternmed.2012.402

Auer, Reto; Bauer, Douglas C; Marques-Vidal, Pedro; Butler, Javed; Min, Lauren J; Cornuz, Jacques; Satterfield, Suzanne; Newman, Anne B; Vittinghoff, Eric; Rodondi, Nicolas (2012). Association of major and minor ECG abnormalities with coronary heart disease events. JAMA - the journal of the American Medical Association, 307(14), pp. 1497-505. Chicago, Ill.: American Medical Association

Aujesky, Drahomir; Roy, Pierre-Marie; Verschuren, Franck; Righini, Marc; Osterwalder, Joseph; Egloff, Michael; Renaud, Bertrand; Verhamme, Peter; Stone, Roslyn A; Legall, Catherine; Sanchez, Olivier; Pugh, Nathan A; N'gako, Alfred; Cornuz, Jacques; Hugli, Olivier; Beer, Hans-Jürg; Perrier, Arnaud; Fine, Michael J; Yealy, Donald M (2011). Outpatient versus inpatient treatment for patients with acute pulmonary embolism: an international, open-label, randomised, non-inferiority trial. Lancet, 378(9785), pp. 41-8. London: Elsevier 10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60824-6

Auer, Reto; Prod'hom, Sylvain; Rodondi, Nicolas; Cornuz, Jacques (2011). Weight gain according to gum use in participants in the intervention groups: comment on Ferguson et al. 2011. Addiction, 106(9), 1708; author reply 1708-9. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2011.03456.x

Collet, Tinh-Hai; Salamin, Sophie; Zimmerli, Lukas; Kerr, Eve A; Clair, Carole; Picard-Kossovsky, Michel; Vittinghoff, Eric; Battegay, Edouard; Gaspoz, Jean-Michel; Cornuz, Jacques; Rodondi, Nicolas (2011). The quality of primary care in a country with universal health care coverage. Journal of general internal medicine, 26(7), pp. 724-30. New York, N.Y.: Springer 10.1007/s11606-011-1674-0

Nanchen, David; Pletcher, Mark J; Cornuz, Jacques; Marques-Vidal, Pedro-Manuel; Paccaud, Fred; Waeber, Gérard; Vollenweider, Peter; Rodondi, Nicolas (2011). Public health impact of statin prescribing strategies based on JUPITER. Preventive medicine, 52(2), pp. 159-63. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ypmed.2010.11.018

Krieg, Marc-Antoine; Cornuz, Jacques; Ruffieux, Christiane; Van Melle, Guy; Büche, Daniel; Dambacher, Maximilian A; Hans, Didier; Hartl, Florian; Häuselmann, Hansjorg J; Kraenzlin, Marius; Lippuner, Kurt; Neff, Maurus; Pancaldi, Pierro; Rizzoli, Rene; Tanzi, Franco; Theiler, Robert; Tyndall, Alan; Wimpfheimer, Claus; Burckhardt, Peter (2006). Prediction of hip fracture risk by quantitative ultrasound in more than 7000 Swiss women > or =70 years of age: comparison of three technologically different bone ultrasound devices in the SEMOF study. Journal of bone and mineral research, 21(9), pp. 1457-63. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1359/JBMR.060615

Cornuz, Jacques; Sidoti Pinto, Claudio; Tevaearai, Hendrik; Egger, Matthias (2004). Risk factors for asymptomatic abdominal aortic aneurysm : systematic review and meta-analysis of population-based screening studies. European journal of public health, 14(4), pp. 343-349. Oxford University Press 10.1093/eurpub/14.4.343

Monney, Pierre; Hayoz, Daniel; Tinguely, Francine; Cornuz, Jacques; Haesler, Erik; Mueller, Xavier M.; Von Segesser, Ludwig K.; Tevaearai, Hendrik T. (2004). High prevalence of unsuspected abdominal aortic aneurysms in patients hospitalised for surgical coronary revascularisation. European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery, 25(1), pp. 65-68. Elsevier Science B.V. 10.1016/S1010-7940(03)00674-2

Cornuz, Jacques; Krieg, Marc-Antoine; Sandini, Lorenzo; Ruffieux, Christiane; Van Melle, Guy; Burckhardt, Peter; Büche, D; Dambacher, M; Hartl, F; Häuselmann, H; Lippuner, K; Neff, M; Pancaldi, P; Rizzoli, R; Tanzi, F; Theiler, R; Tyndall, A; Wimpfheimer, C; SEMOF, research group (2003). Factors associated with the use of hormone replacement therapy among older women. Age and ageing, 32(6), pp. 675-8. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/ageing/afg099b

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