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Lotto, Cecilia; Fink, Raffael; Stricker, Daniel; Fernandez, Ignacio J; Beckmann, Sven; Presutti, Livio; Caversaccio, Marco; Molinari, Giulia; Anschuetz, Lukas (2024). To detach or not to detach the umbo in type I tympanoplasty: functional results. European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology, 281(6), pp. 2871-2876. Springer 10.1007/s00405-023-08370-6
Ram, Sai Sreenidhi; Stricker, Daniel; Pannetier, Carine; Tabin, Nathalie; Costello, Richard W; Stolz, Daiana; Eva, Kevin W; Huwendiek, Sören (2024). Voices of conference attendees: how should future hybrid conferences be designed? BMC medical education, 24(393) BioMed Central 10.1186/s12909-024-05351-z
Ram, Sai Sreenidhi; Stricker, Daniel; Pannetier, Carine; Tabin, Nathalie; Costello, Richard W; Stolz, Daiana; Eva, Kevin W; Huwendiek, Sören (2023). Cliques within the crowd: identifying medical conference attendee subgroups by their motivations for participation. Advances in health sciences education, 28(5), pp. 1485-1508. Springer 10.1007/s10459-023-10220-3
Pinilla, Severin; Lerch, Seraina; Lüdi, Raphaela; Neubauer, Florian; Feller, Sabine; Stricker, Daniel; Berendonk, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2023). Entrustment versus performance scale in high-stakes OSCEs: Rater insights and psychometric properties. Medical teacher, 45(8), pp. 885-892. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/0142159X.2023.2187683
Schlegel, Claudia; Stricker, Daniel; Umbescheidt, R; Koch, D; Goldhahn, J; Huwendiek, Sören (2022). [Interprofessional Training for Discharge Planning: Effects of Self-Efficacy in Nursing and Medical Students]. Praxis, 111(10), pp. 539-548. Hogrefe 10.1024/1661-8157/a003890
Ram, Sai Sreenidhi; Stricker, Daniel; Pannetier, C; Tabin, N; Costello, R; Stolz, D; Kevin, E; Huwendiek, Sören (August 2022). Cliques within the crowd: Identifying medical conference attendee subgroups by their motivations for participation. In: AMEE Abstract Book 2022. Lyon. 27. - 31.08.2022.
Lörwald, Andrea; Lahner, Felicitas-Maria; Stricker, Daniel; Huwendiek, Sören (2022). The authors’ reply: Completing the picture on student performances in OSCEs: A mixed-methods study on integration of a standardized patient rating. Patient education and counseling, 105(7), pp. 2632-2633. Elsevier Ireland 10.1016/j.pec.2021.12.005
Berger-Estilita, Joana; Blülle, Rafael; Stricker, Daniel; Balmer, Mathias; Greif, Robert; Berendonk, Christoph (2022). Refreshing medical students' intravenous-cannulation skills: a blinded observer three-arm randomised comparison of mental imagery, part-task trainer simulation and written instructions. BMJ open, 12(6), e057201. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057201
Breckwoldt, Jan; Marty, Adrian P; Stricker, Daniel; Stolz, Raphael; Thomasin, Reto; Seeholzer, Niels; Berger-Estilita, Joana; Greif, Robert; Huwendiek, Sören; Zalunardo, Marco P (2022). Bottom-up feedback to improve clinical teaching: validation of the Swiss System for Evaluation of Teaching Qualities (SwissSETQ). Swiss medical weekly, 152(w30137), w30137. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2022.w30137
Ferrari Pedrini, Petra; Berendonk, Christoph; Roussy, Anne Ehle; Gabutti, Luca; Hugentobler, Thomas; Küng, Lilian; Muggli, Franco; Neubauer, Florian; Ritter, Simon; Ronga, Alexandre; Rothenbühler, Andreas; Savopol, Monique; Späth, Hansueli; Stricker, Daniel; Widmer, Daniel; Stoller, Ulrich; Beer, Jürg Hans (2022). Swiss general internal medicine board examination: quantitative effects of publicly available and unavailable questions on question difficulty and test performance. Swiss medical weekly, 152(w30118), w30118. EMH Media 10.4414/smw.2022.w30118
Lörwald, Andrea Carolin; Beatty, Ingeborg; Brem, Beate; Herrmann-Werner, Anne; Hitzblech, Tanja; Loda, Teresa; Schlegel, Claudia; Schnabel, Kai; Stricker, Daniel; Waldner, Noemi; Huwendiek, Sören (September 2021). Entwicklung und Validierung einer Checkliste zur Bewertung von Medizin- und Pflegestudierenden aus Sicht von Simulationspatient*innen in OSCEs. In: Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA). Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House 10.3205/21gma070
Lörwald, Andrea; Lahner, Felicitas-Maria; Stricker, Daniel; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Completing the picture on student performances in OSCEs: A mixed-methods study on integration of a standardized patient rating. Patient education and counseling, 104(1), pp. 85-91. Elsevier Ireland 10.1016/j.pec.2020.06.026
Hennel, Eva Kathrin; Subotic, Ulrike; Berendonk, Christoph; Stricker, Daniel; Harendza, Sigrid; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Development of a Competency-based Multisource Feedback Instrument for Residents. In: AMEE 2021. virtual conference, Dundee. 27. - 30. August 2021.
Berger-Estilita, Joana; Chiang, Hsin; Stricker, Daniel; Fuchs, Alexander; Greif, Robert; McAleer, Sean (2020). Attitudes of medical students towards interprofessional education: A mixed-methods study. PLoS ONE, 15(10), e0240835. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0240835
Chiang, Hsin; Fuchs, Alexander; Stricker, Daniel; Greif, Robert; Berger-Estilita, Joana (September 2020). Medical students attitudes towards interprofessional collaboration - a mixed methods exploration. In: AMEE 2020. Abstract Book. 7. - 9.09.2020.
Berger-Estilita, Joana M; Greif, Robert; Berendonk, Christoph; Stricker, Daniel; Schnabel, Kai P. (2020). Simulated patient-based teaching of medical students improves pre-anaesthetic assessment: A rater-blinded randomised controlled trial. European journal of anaesthesiology, 37(5), pp. 387-393. Wolters Kluwer 10.1097/EJA.0000000000001139
Hennel, Eva K.; Subotic, Ulrike; Berendonk, Christoph; Stricker, Daniel; Harendza, Sigrid; Huwendiek, Sören (2020). A german-language competency-based multisource feedback instrument for residents: development and validity evidence. BMC medical education, 20(1), p. 357. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12909-020-02259-2
Krings, Rabea; Huwendiek, Sören; Walsh, Nathalie; Stricker, Daniel; Berendonk, Christoph (2020). Predictive power of high school educational attainment and the medical aptitude test for performance during the Bachelor program in human medicine at the University of Bern: a cohort study. Swiss medical weekly, 150(w20389), w20389. EMH Media 10.4414/smw.2020.20389
Lörwald, Andrea; Lahner, Felicitas-Maria; Stricker, Daniel; Huwendiek, Sören (27 September 2019). Ist eine zusätzliche Bewertung der Kandidaten durch Schauspielpatienten im OSCE von Nutzen? In: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA), des Arbeitskreises zur Weiterentwicklung der Lehre in der Zahnmedizin (AKWLZ) und der Chirurgischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lehre (CAL). Düsseldorf: German Medical Science 10.3205/19gma134
Anschütz, Lukas; Stricker, Daniel; Yacoub, Abraam; Wimmer, Wilhelm; Caversaccio, Marco; Huwendiek, Sören (2019). Acquisition of basic ear surgery skills: a randomized comparison between endoscopic and microscopic techniques. BMC medical education, 19(1), p. 357. 10.1186/s12909-019-1803-8
Lörwald, Andrea Carolin; Lahner, Felicitas-Maria; Stricker, Daniel; Huwendiek, Sören (12 September 2019). Is an additional assessment of candidates by standardized patients useful in the OSCE? In: 6th Swiss Conference on Standardized Patients and Simulation in Healthcare (SPSIM) (p. 27). Bern: BFH
Anschütz, Lukas; Huwendiek, Sören; Stricker, Daniel; Yacoub, Abraam; Wimmer, Wilhelm; Caversaccio, Marco (2019). Assessment of Middle Ear Anatomy Teaching Methodologies Using Microscopy versus Endoscopy: A Randomized Comparative Study. Anatomical Sciences Education, 12(5), pp. 507-517. Wiley 10.1002/ase.1837
Schmitz, Felix; Stricker, Daniel; Guttormsen, Sissel (28 August 2018). Can coping-related weblog writing encourage medical students’ communication skills in stressful situations? In: AMEE 2018. Basel, Switzerland.
Schmitz, Felix; Schnabel, Kai; Stricker, Daniel; Fischer, Martin; Guttormsen, Sissel (2017). Learning communication from erroneous video-based examples: A double-blind randomised controlled trial. Patient education and counseling, 100(6), pp. 1203-1212. Elsevier Ireland 10.1016/j.pec.2017.01.016
Woermann, Ulrich; Weltsch, Lena; Kunz, Alexandra; Stricker, Daniel; Guttormsen, Sissel (2016). Attitude towards and Readiness for Interprofessional Education in Medical and Nursing Students of Bern. GMS Journal for Medical Education, 33(5), Doc73. German Medical Science 10.3205/zma001072
Stricker, Daniel; Lahner, Felicitas-Maria; Bonvin, Raphael; Berendonk, Christoph (16 September 2016). Stabile Antwortmuster bei Script Concordance Test Fragen in der Schweizer Facharztprüfung Allgemeine Innere Medizin. In: Jahrestagung GMA. Abstractband. Bern. 14.-17.09.2016. 10.3205/16gma174
Lahner, Felicitas-Maria; Nouns, Zineb Miriam; Krebs, René; Stricker, Daniel; Fischer, M; Huwendiek, Sören (March 2016). Influence of different scoring methods for MTF items on test fairness. In: Ottawa Conference 2016. Perth. 19.-23.03.2016.
Schmidts, Michael; Stricker, Daniel (28 September 2013). Im Nebel der Präzision: die Bestimmung von GrenzfallkandidatInnen oder wie viel Reliabilität ist genug? In: Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA) (pp. 152-153). GMS German Medical Science 10.3205/13gma248
Weibel, David; Wissmath, Bartholomäus; Stricker, Daniel (2012). Corrigendum to “The Influence of Neuroticism on Spatial Presence and Enjoyment in Films” [Personality and Individual Differences 51/7 (2011) 866–869]. Personality and individual differences, 52(2), p. 240. Pergamon 10.1016/j.paid.2011.10.001
Weibel, David; Stricker, Daniel; Wissmath, Bartholomäus (2012). The use of a virtual learning centre in the context of a university lecture: factors influencing satisfaction and performance. Interactive Learning Environments, 20(1), pp. 77-87. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/10494821003755502
Stricker, Daniel; Weibel, David; Wissmath, Bartholomäus (2011). Efficient learning using a virtual learning environment in a university class. Computers & education, 56(2), pp. 495-504. Exeter, UK: Elsevier 10.1016/j.compedu.2010.09.012
Weibel, David; Wissmath, Bartholomäus; Stricker, Daniel (2011). The influence of neuroticism on spatial presence and enjoyment in films. Personality and individual differences, 51(7), pp. 866-869. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.paid.2011.07.011
Weibel, David; Stricker, Daniel; Wissmath, Bartholomäus; Mast, Fred W. (2010). How socially relevant visual characteristics of avatars influence impression formation. Journal of media psychology - theories, methods, and applications, 22(1), pp. 37-43. Göttingen: Hogrefe 10.1027/1864-1105/a000005
Stricker, Daniel; Groner, Marina T. (2010). Slowdown of gist perception in colour diagnostic scenes. Perception, 39(Suppl), p. 85. Pion 10.1068/v100433
Wissmath, Bartholomäus; Stricker, Daniel; Weibel, David; Siegenthaler, Eva; Mast, Fred W. (2010). The illusion of being located in dynamic virtual environments. Can eye movement parameters predict spatial presence? Journal of Eye Movement Research JEMR, 3(5), pp. 1-8. Bern: International Group for Eye Movement Research
Wissmath, Bartholomäus; Weibel, David; Stricker, Daniel; Mast, Fred (12 November 2009). Spatial Presence in Dynamic Environments: Tracking the Visual Attention Allocation During Exposure. In: 12th annual International Workshop on Presence. Los Angeles. 11 to 13 November 2009.
Stricker, Daniel; Weibel, David; Wissmath, Bartholomäus (6 February 2008). Attitude, Flow and Performance in an Universitary E-learning Environment. In: When Medie Environments Become Real. Bern. 4-6 February 2008.
Stricker, Daniel (2008). BrightStat.com: Free statistics online. Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, 92(1), pp. 135-143. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.cmpb.2008.06.010