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Vionnet, Claire; Toggweiler, Michael (November 2021). Dance, Racism, Public Engagement and Anthropological Knowledge (Unpublished). In: Public Panel Discussion at the WBKolleg. Walter Benjamin Kolleg, University of Bern. 5.11.2021.
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Vionnet, Claire (22 July 2020). Sexual fantasies on the dance floor: Sensoriality between strangers in Contact Improvisation (Unpublished). In: Panel "Post-love intimacies: owning, having or sharing the pleasures of the human body", EASA European Association of Social Anthropologists. EASA European Association of Social Anthropologists. July 21-24.
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Vionnet, Claire (19 February 2019). Talking about Love. Publicization of intimate matters in contemporary dance plays (Unpublished). In: Conference What’s love got to do with it? Performance, Affectivity, Intimacy. Conference Culturgest. Lisbon. February 18-19, 2019.
Vionnet, Claire; De Weerdt, Mona Julia (October 2018). Figurationen von (sexueller) Intimität (Unpublished). In: Festival Tanz in Bern "Verbotene Liebe". Theater Dampfzentrale Bern. Oktober 2018.
Vionnet, Claire; Clarke, Jennifer (16 August 2018). Skin and Body Movement Lab (Unpublished). In: 15th EASA Biennial Conference, European Association of Social Anthropologists. University of Stockholm. 14-17 August.
Vionnet, Claire (2 June 2018). The dancing body as living archive (Unpublished). In: Panel "Bodies of Archives/Archival bodies" at the Art, Materiality and Representation conference of the Royal Anthropological Institute. British Museum, Clore Centre and SOAS, London. 1-3 June 2018.
Vionnet, Claire (3 May 2018). Historische Einführung in die Tanzgeschichte (Unpublished). In: Tanzfest Brig. Theater Zeughauskultur Brig. 03.06.2022.
Vionnet, Claire (2018). "In the Intimacy of the Dancing Body. An Anthropology in Feeling, Moving, Touching", 2-Days Dance Workshop [Performance or Exhibition]. In: "In the Intimacy of the Dancing Body. An Anthropology in Feeling, Moving, Touching", 2-Days Dance Workshop. Drama Studio, University of Aberdeen. 8 & 10 April 2018
Vionnet, Claire (27 February 2018). In the Intimacy of the Dancing Body (Unpublished). In: 3e Tag der Junio Fellow. Walter Benjamin Kolleg, University of Bern. 27.02.2018.
Vionnet, Claire; Ingold, Tim (2018). From experience to language. Towards an affected and affective writing: a conversation with Tim Ingold. Tsantsa – Journal of the Swiss Anthropological Association, 23, pp. 82-89. Seismo
Vionnet, Claire; Clarke, Jennifer (2017). "Gestural Traces", a Drawing Movement Workshop and Performance [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Gestural Traces. Aberdeen, Scotland. 14.10.2017
Clarke, Jennifer; Vionnet, Claire (15 June 2017). Autoethnography as a collective experience involving multiple voices. In: Voicing Experience: The 4th British Conference of Autoethnography. University of Sussex, Brighton. 15-16 June, 2017.
Vionnet, Claire (7 April 2017). Aesthetic intensity and presence (Unpublished). In: Presence/Embodiment. Key Concepts of the Humanities and Social Sciences | GSH | Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies. Walter Benjamin Kolleg, University of Bern. 07. 04. 2017.
Clark, Jennifer; Vionnet, Claire (2017). Prolonger plutôt que restituer : extending anthropological praxis. In: Clarke, Jen (ed.) Kōryū (pp. 68-81). Aberdeen: University of Aberdeen
Vionnet, Claire (2017). Rendre intelligible un spectacle de danse contemporaine : un acte d’improvisation. Album 8, pp. 30-37.
Vionnet, Claire (19 December 2016). Metapher des Schattens, um die sinnliche Erfahrung des tanzenden Subjekts nachzudenken (Unpublished). In: Research Colloquium, Institut für Theater und Tanzwissenschaft. University of Bern. 19 Dezember 2016.
Vionnet, Claire (14 November 2016). Pour une phénoménologie du corps dansant? (Unpublished). In: Journée doctorale PDHSR. Atelier méthodologique: Les expériences culturelles du corps. Université de Lausanne. 14.11.2016.
Vionnet, Claire (13 October 2016). Créer et penser les formes. Habiter le monde à partir de la danse contemporaine (Unpublished). In: Journée de la Recherche SSP, Faculté Sciences Sociales et Politiques. Université de Lausanne. 13.10.2016.
Vionnet, Claire; Cassella, Bérénice (13 July 2016). Béjart et la danse contemporaine indépendante.
Vionnet, Claire (15 March 2016). Les danses traditionnelles en constante négociation (Unpublished). In: Au rythme des danses, Mardi à palabres. Musée Ethnographique Genève. 15.03.2016.
Sorignet, Pierre-Emmanuel; Vionnet, Claire (2016). Créer. La danse contemporaine vaudoise sous le regard des chorégraphes. Geneva: A-Type éditions
Vionnet, Claire (19 December 2015). Formen kreieren. Formen reflektieren. Mit dem Zeitgenössischen Tanz die Welt denken (Unpublished). In: Research Colloquium, Institut für Theater und Tanzwissenschaft. University of Bern. 19.12.2015.
Vionnet, Claire (2 September 2015). Creativity in contemporary dance. Generating movement through improvisation (Unpublished). In: Symposium Beyond Perception, Project Knowing from the Inside. University of Aberdeen. 1-4 September 2015.
Vionnet, Claire (2015). Définir la danse contemporaine : un enjeu d’identités collectives. Tsantsa – Journal of the Swiss Anthropological Association, 20, pp. 168-172. Seismo
Wa Baile, Mohamed; Dankwa, Serena Owusua; Naguib, Tarek; Purtschert, Patricia; Schilliger, Sarah; Dankwa, Serena Owusua (eds.) (2019). Racial Profiling: Struktureller Rassismus und antirassistischer Widerstand. Postcolonial Studies: Vol. 31. Bielefeld: transcript 10.14361/9783839441459
Dubosson, Fabien; Gisi, Lucas Marco; Wirtz, Irmgard M. (eds.) (2022). Lettres dans la toile. Les réseaux épistolaires dans les archives littéraires. 7. Göttingen: Wallstein/Chronos