04 Faculty of Medicine > School of Dental Medicine > Department of Prosthodontics [discontinued]

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Enkling, N; H Utz, KH K; Bayer, S; Mericske-Stern, R (2012). Osseoperzeption. Aktive Tastsensibilität an osseointegrierten Dentalimplantaten. Implantologie, 20(3), pp. 285-294. Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH

Gisler, Vanessa; Stierli, A; Fischer, Jens; Enkling, N; Mericske-Stern, R (2009). Rauigkeitsabhängige Verbundfestigkeit eines selbstadhäsiven Kompositzementes an Dentin. Deutsche zahnärztliche Zeitschrift DZZ, 64, pp. 223-233. Köln: Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag

Mericske-Stern, Regina (2008). Die meisten älteren Menschen haben im Laufe... In: Weisch no? Zum Knobeln und Erinnern (p. 1). Bern: Mundgesundheit Schweiz

Heussner, S; Enkling, N; Nicolay, C; Utz, K-H; Mericske-Stern, R (2006). Taktile Sensibilität von Einzelzahnimplantaten und natürlichen Zähnen unter lokaler Anästhesie. In: Gemeinschaftstagung SSRD und DGZPW. Basel, Switzerland. 26.4.-30.4.2006.


Katsoulis, Joannis; Mericske, Regina; Enkling, Norbert; Katsoulis, Konstantinos; Blatz, Markus B. (2015). In vitro precision of fit of computer-aided designed and computer-aided manufactured titanium screw-retained fixed dental prostheses before and after ceramic veneering. Clinical oral implants research, 26(1), pp. 44-49. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/clr.12299

Joda, Tim; Brägger, Urs (2014). Complete digital workflow for the production of implant-supported single-unit monolithic crowns. Clinical oral implants research, 25(11), pp. 1304-1306. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/clr.12270

Worni, Andreas; Mericske, Regina; Iizuka, Tateyuki; Büttner, Michael (2014). Eingeschränkte Mundöffnung - was nun?: Diagnostik und Therapie bei progredientem Trismus: Ein Fallbericht. Swiss dental journal, 124(9), pp. 935-939. Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft SSO

Salvi, Giovanni E.; Mischler, Daniel C; Schmidlin, Kurt; Matuliene, Giedre; Pjetursson, Bjarni E; Brägger, Urs; Lang, Niklaus Peter (2014). Risk factors associated with the longevity of multi-rooted teeth. Long-term outcomes after active and supportive periodontal therapy. Journal of clinical periodontology, 41(7), pp. 701-707. Wiley 10.1111/jcpe.12266

Mericske, Regina (2014). Education for specialization in prosthodontics in Switzerland and the role of EPA. Journal of prosthodontic research, 58(3), pp. 139-144. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpor.2014.04.005

Mericske, Regina; Worni, Andreas (2014). Optimal number of oral implants for fixed reconstructions: a review of the literature. European journal of oral implantology, 7(Suppl. 2), S133-S153. Quintessence Pub.

Wittneben, Julia; Buser, Daniel; Salvi, Giovanni E.; Bürgin, Walter Bruno; Hicklin, Stefan; Brägger, Urs (2014). Complication and failure rates with implant-supported fixed dental prostheses and single crowns: a 10-year retrospective study. Clinical implant dentistry and related research, 16(3), pp. 356-364. Blackwell 10.1111/cid.12066

Walker, Petra; Enkling, Norbert; Mericske, Regina; Kolgeci, Remzi; Bassetti, Renzo (2014). Immediate implant placement in mandible and prosthetic rehabilitation by means of all-zirconium oxide restorations: case report of a woman with a history of periodontitis. Quintessence international, 45(5), pp. 397-404. Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH 10.3290/j.qi.a31532

Enkling, Norbert; Ueda, Takayuki; Gholami, Hadi; Bayer, Stefan; Katsoulis, Joannis; Mericske, Regina (2014). Precision of fit and retention force of cast non-precious-crowns on standard titanium implant-abutment with different design and height. Clinical oral implants research, 25(4), pp. 451-457. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/clr.12167

Bassetti, Renzo; Kaufmann, Regula; Ebinger, Andreas; Mericske, Regina; Enkling, Norbert (2014). Is a grooved collar implant design superior to a machined design regarding bone level alteration? An observational pilot study. Quintessence international, 45(3), pp. 221-229. Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH 10.3290/j.qi.a31208

Joda, Tim; Wittneben, Julia; Brägger, Urs (2014). Digital implant impressions with the "Individualized Scanbody Technique" for emergence profile support. Clinical oral implants research, 25(3), pp. 395-397. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/clr.12099

Katsoulis, Joannis; Mericske, Regina; Rotkina, Lolita; Zbären, Christoph; Enkling, Norbert; Blatz, Markus B (2014). Precision of fit of implant-supported screw-retained 10-unit computer-aided-designed and computer-aided-manufactured frameworks made from zirconium dioxide and titanium: an in vitro study. Clinical oral implants research, 25(2), pp. 165-174. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/clr.12039

Bassetti, Mario; Bassetti, Renzo; Sculean, Anton; Salvi, Giovanni E. (2014). [Subcutaneous emphysema following non-surgical peri-implantitis therapy using an air abrasive device: a case report]. Swiss dental journal, 124(7-8), pp. 807-817. Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft SSO

Armfield, Jason M; Enkling, Norbert; Wolf, Christian A; Ramseier, Christoph Andreas (2014). Dental fear and satisfaction with dental services in Switzerland. Journal of public health dentistry, 74(1), pp. 57-63. American Association of Public Health Dentists 10.1111/j.1752-7325.2012.00368.x

Wismeijer, Daniel; Brägger, Urs; Evans, Christopher; Kapos, Theodoros; Kelly, J Robert; Millen, Christopher; Wittneben, Julia; Zembic, Anja; Taylor, Thomas D (2014). Consensus statements and recommended clinical procedures regarding restorative materials and techniques for implant dentistry. International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants, 29(Suppl), pp. 137-140. Quintessence Publ. 10.11607/jomi.2013.g2

Wittneben, Julia; Millen, Christopher; Brägger, Urs (2014). Clinical Performance of Screw- Versus Cement-Retained Fixed Implant-Supported Reconstructions- A Systematic Review. International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants, 29(Suppl), pp. 84-98. Quintessence Publ. 10.11607/jomi.2014suppl.g2.1

Gholami, Hadi; Mericske, Regina; Kessler, Gerda; Katsoulis, Joannis (2014). Radiographic bone level changes of implant-supported restorations in edentulous and partially dentate patients: 5-year results. International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants, 29(4), pp. 898-904. Quintessence Publ. 10.11607/jomi.3042

Kolgeci, Lumni; Mericske, Erno; Worni, Andreas; Walker, Petra; Katsoulis, Joannis; Mericske, Regina (2014). Technical complications and failures of zirconia-based prostheses supported by implants followed up to 7 years: a case series. International journal of prosthodontics, 27(6), pp. 544-552. Quintessence Publ. 10.11607/ijp.3807

Kaufmann, Regula; Bassetti, Renzo; Mericske, Regina; Enkling, Norbert (2014). Enlargement of keratinized peri-implant mucosa at the time of second stage surgery (re-entry). Swiss dental journal, 124(12), pp. 1315-1331. Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft SSO

Bassetti, Renzo; Bassetti, Mario; Mericske, Regina; Enkling, Norbert (2013). Piezoelectric alveolar ridge-splitting technique with simultaneous implant placement: a cohort study with 2-year radiographic results. International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants, 28(6), pp. 1570-80. Quintessence Publ. 10.11607/jomi.3174

Enkling, Norbert; Jöhren, P.; Katsoulis, Joannis; Bayer, Stefan; Jervøe-Storm, P.-M.; Mericske, Regina; Jepsen, S. (2013). Influence of platform switching on bone-level alterations: a three-year randomized clinical trial. Journal of dental research, 92(12 Sup), 139S-145S. Sage 10.1177/0022034513504953

Takeichi, Takuro; Katsoulis, Joannis; Blatz, Markus B (2013). Clinical outcome of single porcelain-fused-to-zirconium dioxide crowns: a systematic review. The journal of prosthetic dentistry, 110(6), pp. 455-461. Elsevier 10.1016/j.prosdent.2013.09.015

Bicaj, Teuta; Usami, Hiroshi; Mericske-Stern, Regina; Kolgeci, Lumni; Katsoulis, Norbert Joannis; Bayer, Stefan; Enkling, Norbert (2013). Change of the condyle-position in maximum intercuspidation during digital, clinical occlusal analysis. Journal of Craniomandibular Function, 5(3), pp. 267-276. Quintessenz

Katsoulis, Joannis; Mericske-Stern, Regina; Yates, Douglas M.; Izutani, Naomi; Enkling, Norbert; Blatz, Markus B. (2013). In vitro precision of fit of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing titanium and zirconium dioxide bars. Dental materials, 29(9), pp. 945-953. Elsevier 10.1016/j.dental.2013.07.004

Avrampou, Marianna; Mericske-Stern, Regina; Blatz, Markus B.; Katsoulis, Joannis (2013). Virtual implant planning in the edentulous maxilla: criteria for decision making of prosthesis design. Clinical oral implants research, 24(Sup), pp. 152-159. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2011.02407.x

Koyano, Kiyoshi; Maeda, Yoshinobu; Stohler, Christian S.; Mericske-Stern, Regina; Hudson, James D.; Yim, Soon-Ho; Kim, Hyeong-Seob; Gandhi, Udey Vir; Sato, Hironobu; Kuboki, Takuo; Yatani, Hirofumi (2013). Consensus statement from JPS Global Workshop Kyoto 2012. Journal of prosthodontic research, 57(3), pp. 153-155. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpor.2013.05.001

Enkling, Norbert; Hardt, Katharina; Katsoulis, Joannis; Ramseier, Christoph A.; Colombo, Alessandra; Jöhren, Peter; Mericske-Stern, Regina (2013). Dental phobia is no contraindication for oral implant therapy. Quintessence international, 44(4), pp. 363-371. Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH 10.3290/j.qi.a29148

Fierz, Janine; Bürgin, Walter Bruno; Mericske-Stern, Regina (2013). Patients with oral tumors. Part 2: Quality of life after treatment with resection prostheses. Resection prosthetics: evaluation of quality of life. Schweizerische Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin, 123(3), pp. 180-185. Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft

Katsoulis, Joannis; Fierz, Janine; Iizuka, Takeyuki; Mericske, Regina (2013). Prosthetic Rehabilitation, Implant Survival and Quality of Life 2 to 5 Years after Resection of Oral Tumors. Clinical implant dentistry and related research, 15(1), pp. 64-72. Oxford: Blackwell 10.1111/j.1708-8208.2010.00328.x

Fierz, Janine; Hallermann, Wok; Mericske-Stern, Regina (2013). Patients with oral tumors. Part 1: Prosthetic rehabilitation following tumor resection. Resection prosthetics: surgery, implants and prosthetic treatment. Schweizer Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin = Revue mensuelle suisse d'odonto-stomatologie = Rivista mensile svizzera di odontologia e stomatologia, 123(2), pp. 91-98. SSO

Albrecht, Dominic; Mericske-Stern, Regina; Nitschke, Ina (2013). Besteht zahnärztlicher Behandlungsbedarf im akutgeriatrischen Krankenhaus? Zeitschrift für Senioren-Zahnmedizin, 1(3), pp. 151-158. Quintessenz

Bayer, Stefan; Stark, Helmut; Gölz, Lina; Keilig, Ludger; Kraus, Dominik; Hansen, Anja; Enkling, Norbert (2012). Clinical retention force development of double crowns. Clinical oral investigations, 16(2), pp. 407-11. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00784-011-0530-2

Enkling, Norbert; Bayer, Stefan; Jöhren, Peter; Mericske, Regina (2012). Vinylsiloxanether: a new impression material. Clinical study of implant impressions with vinylsiloxanether versus polyether materials. Clinical implant dentistry and related research, 14(1), pp. 144-51. Oxford: Blackwell 10.1111/j.1708-8208.2009.00240.x

Bayer, Stefan; Helfgen, Ernst-Heinrich; Bös, Carolin; Kraus, Dominik; Enkling, Norbert; Mues, Sebastian (2011). Prevalence of findings compatible with carotid artery calcifications on dental panoramic radiographs. Clinical oral investigations, 15(4), pp. 563-9. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00784-010-0418-6

Bassetti, Renzo; Bassetti, Mario; Enkling, Norbert; Mericske-Stern, Regina (2011). [Treatment of advanced peri-implantitis in the mandible]. Schweizerische Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin, 121(4), pp. 325-339. Bern: Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft

Enkling, Norbert; Nicolay, Claudia; Bayer, Stefan; Mericske-Stern, Regina; Utz, Karl-Heinz (2010). Investigating interocclusal perception in tactile teeth sensibility using symmetric and asymmetric analysis. Clinical oral investigations, 14(6), pp. 683-90. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00784-009-0348-3

Bayer, Stefan; Stark, Helmut; Mues, Sebastian; Keilig, Ludger; Schrader, Anja; Enkling, Norbert (2010). Retention force measurement of telescopic crowns. Clinical oral investigations, 14(5), pp. 607-11. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00784-009-0315-z

Gisler, Vanessa; Enkling, Norbert; Zix, Jürgen; Kim, Klara; Kellerhoff, Nadja-Marina; Mericske-Stern, Regina (2010). A multidisciplinary approach to the functional and esthetic rehabilitation of amelogenesis imperfecta and open bite deformity: a case report. Journal of esthetic and restorative dentistry, 22(5), pp. 282-93. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1708-8240.2010.00354.x

Rentsch-Kollar, Andrea; Huber, Sandra; Mericske-Stern, Regina (2010). Mandibular implant overdentures followed for over 10 years: patient compliance and prosthetic maintenance. International journal of prosthodontics, 23(2), pp. 91-8. Lombard, Ill.: Quintessence Publ.

Mericske-Stern, Regina; Probst, Dieter; Fahrländer, Fritz-Marc; Schellenberg, Marc (2009). Within-subject comparison of two rigid bar designs connecting two interforaminal implants: patients' satisfaction and prosthetic results. Clinical implant dentistry and related research, 11(3), pp. 228-237. Oxford: Blackwell 10.1111/j.1708-8208.2008.00109.x

Katsoulis, Joannis; Huber, Sandra; Zumsteg, Petra; Pazera, Pawel; Mericske-Stern, Regina (2009). [Gerodontic consultation service for hospitalized geriatric patients: diagnosis and therapy (II)]. Schweizerische Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin, 119(7), pp. 688-94. Bern: Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft

Kaufmann, Regula; Friedli, Monika; Hug, Stefan; Mericske-Stern, Regina (2009). Removable dentures with implant support in strategic positions followed for up to 8 years. International journal of prosthodontics, 22(3), pp. 233-41. Lombard, Ill.: Quintessence Publ.

Kielbassa, Andrej M; Martinez-de Fuentes, Rafael; Goldstein, Moshe; Arnhart, Christoph; Barlattani, Alberto; Jackowski, Jochen; Knauf, Marko; Lorenzoni, Martin; Maiorana, Carlo; Mericske-Stern, Regina; Rompen, Eric; Sanz, Mariano (2009). Randomized controlled trial comparing a variable-thread novel tapered and a standard tapered implant: interim one-year results. The journal of prosthetic dentistry, 101(5), pp. 293-305. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/S0022-3913(09)60060-3

Balmer, Sacha; Mericske-Stern, Regina (2009). [Rehabilitation of a periodontally compromised dentition with implant-supported zirconia bridges. Case report]. Schweizerische Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin, 119(1), pp. 23-44. Bern: Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft

Katsoulis, Joannis; Huber, Sandra; Mericske-Stern, Regina (2009). [Gerodontology consultation in geriatric facilities: general health status (I)]. Schweizerische Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin, 119(1), pp. 12-8. Bern: Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft

Katsoulis, Joannis; Pazera, Pawel; Mericske-Stern, Regina (2009). Prosthetically driven, computer-guided implant planning for the edentulous maxilla: a model study. Clinical implant dentistry and related research, 11(3), pp. 238-45. Oxford: Blackwell 10.1111/j.1708-8208.2008.00110.x

Fischer, Jens; Grohmann, Philipp; Stawarczyk, Bogna (2008). Effect of zirconia surface treatments on the shear strength of zirconia/veneering ceramic composites. Dental materials journal, 27(3), pp. 448-54. Tokyo: Japanese Society for Dental Materials and Devices 10.4012/dmj.27.448

Holderegger, Claudia; Sailer, Irena; Schuhmacher, Caroline; Schläpfer, Ragna; Hämmerle, Christoph; Fischer, Jens (2008). Shear bond strength of resin cements to human dentin. Dental materials, 24(7), pp. 944-50. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.dental.2007.11.021

Kollar, Andrea; Huber, Sandra; Mericske, Ernö; Mericske-Stern, Regina (2008). Zirconia for teeth and implants. International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry, 28(5), pp. 479-87. Carol Stream, Ill.: Quintessence Publ.

Katsoulis, Joannis; Fischer, Jens; Huber, Sandra; Balmer, Sacha; Mericske-Stern, Regina (2008). [Titanium-alloy vs. CoCr-alloy in removable prosthodontics--a clinical study]. Schweizerische Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin, 118(11), pp. 1040-6. Bern: Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft

Zix, Jürgen; Hug, Stefan; Kessler-Liechti, Gerda; Mericske-Stern, Regina (2008). Measurement of dental implant stability by resonance frequency analysis and damping capacity assessment: comparison of both techniques in a clinical trial. International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants, 23(3), pp. 525-30. Hanover Park, Ill.: Quintessence Publ.

Kessler-Liechti, Gerda; Zix, Jürgen; Mericske-Stern, Regina (2008). Stability measurements of 1-stage implants in the edentulous mandible by means of resonance frequency analysis. International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants, 23(2), pp. 353-8. Hanover Park, Ill.: Quintessence Publ.

Persson, Gösta Rutger; Weibel, Marianne; Hirschi, Regula; Katsoulis, Joannis (2008). Similarities in the Subgingival Microbiota Assessed by a Curet Sampling Method at Sites With Chronic Periodontitis. Journal of periodontology, 79(12), pp. 2290-2296. Chicago, Ill.: American Academy of Periodontology 10.1902/jop.2008.080142

Kellerhoff, Rolf K; Fischer, Jens (2007). In vitro fracture strength and thermal shock resistance of metal-ceramic crowns with cast and machined AuTi frameworks. The journal of prosthetic dentistry, 97(4), pp. 209-215. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.prosdent.2007.02.007

Kellerhoff, Rolf; Fischer, Jens (2007). Ceramic bonding to a machined Au-Ti alloy. Quintessence international, 38(10), pp. 867-872. Berlin: Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH

Hahn, T R; Krüskemper, G; Enkling, N; Kübler, N R (2007). [On quality of life after surgical therapy of oral cancer - a retrospective multi-center study: the connection between dedentition, denture, quality of life, and dysphagia, and the resulting rehabilitation schemes]. Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie, 11(1), pp. 27-32. Berlin: Springer 10.1007/s10006-006-0038-0

Hug, Stefan; Mantokoudis, Dimosthenis; Mericske-Stern, Regina (2006). Clinical evaluation of 3 overdenture concepts with tooth roots and implants: 2-year results. International journal of prosthodontics, 19(3), pp. 236-43. Lombard, Ill.: Quintessence Publ.

Diserens, Valérie; Mericske, Ernö; Schäppi, Priska; Mericske-Stern, Regina (2006). Transcrestal sinus floor elevation: report of a case series. International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry, 26(2), pp. 151-159. Carol Stream, Ill.: Quintessence Publ. 10.11607/prd.00.0681

Kessler-Liechti, Gerda; Mericske-Stern, Regina (2006). [Anterior teeth esthetics with the SPI implant system]. Schweizerische Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin, 116(3), pp. 275-86. Bern: Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft

Kessler-Liechti, Gerda; Mericske-Stern, Regina (2006). [The SPI implant system: clinical experience and one-year results]. Schweizerische Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin, 116(3), pp. 258-67. Bern: Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft

Kessler-Liechti, Gerda; Mericske-Stern, Regina (2006). [Rehabilitation of an abraded occlusion with Procera-ZrO2 all-ceramic crowns. A case report]. Schweizerische Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin, 116(2), pp. 156-67. Bern: Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft

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