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Felber, Sibylle J.; Zambrano, Sofia C.; Guffi, Tommaso; Schmitz, Felix M.; Brem, Beate G.; Schnabel, Kai P.; Guttormsen, Sissel; Eychmüller, Steffen (2024). How to talk about dying? The development of an evidence-based model for communication with patients in their last days of life and their family caregivers. PEC innovation, 5, p. 100309. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pecinn.2024.100309
Peters, Tim; Bauer, Daniel; Brem, Beate; Eberz, Peter; Goerges, Ulf; Schwarz, Laura; Weckmann, Gesine; Thrien, Christian (26 June 2024). Defining Quality of Simulated Patients’ Role Portrayal - a Multicenter Qualitative-Exploratory Study in Germany and Switzerland (Unpublished). In: 2024 ASPE Annual Conference. Vancouver. 23.06.-26.06.2024.
Schnabel, Kai; Bauer, Daniel; Hitzblech, Tanja; Schmitz, Felix Michael; Brem, Beate (24 June 2024). SP’s role-portrayal in Swiss high-stakes clinical exams is of high quality and improves over time as measured with the FAIR-OSCE (Unpublished). In: 2024 ASPE Annual Conference. Vancouver. 23.06.-26.06.2024.
Schnabel, Kai Philipp; Lörwald, Andrea Carolin; Beltraminelli, Helmut; Germano, Miria; Brem, Beate Gabriele; Wüst, Sandra; Bauer, Daniel (2024). Development and evaluation of three-dimensional transfers to depict skin conditions in simulation-based education. GMS Journal for Medical Education, 41(2), Doc14. German Medical Science 10.3205/zma001669
Brem, Beate; Schnabel, Kai; Hitzblech, Tanja; Strohmer, Renate; Peters, Tim; Stierlin, Johanna Maria Barbara Julia; Bauer, Daniel (23 March 2024). Certificate of Advanced Studies in Human Simulation: Die Entwicklung eines zertifizierten Studiengangs für SP- Expertinnen und Experten im deutschsprachigen Raum. In: 18. Internationales Skills Lab Symposium. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House
Bauer, Daniel; Brem, Beate; Franze, Marcus; Hitzblech, Tanja; Fritz, Angelika; Germano, Miria; Krüger, Anja; Schwardt, Miriam (22 March 2024). Das Haut hin. Ein praktischer Schmink- und Moulagenworkshop. In: 18. Internationales Skills Lab Symposium. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House
Thrien, Christian; Brem, Beate (21 March 2024). Trainingsmethoden für Simulationspersonen. In: 18. Internationales Skills Lab Symposium. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House
Felber, Sibylle J; Guffi, Tommaso; Brem, Beate G; Schmitz, Felix M; Schnabel, Kai P; Guttormsen Schär, Sissel; Eychmüller, Steffen; Zambrano, Sofia C (2023). Talking about dying and death: Essentials of communicating about approaching death from the perspective of major stakeholders. (In Press). Palliative & Supportive Care, pp. 1-10. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S1478951523001621
Brem, Beate G; Hoelzer, Henrike; Blatt, Benjamin; Ruba, Emily; Miller, Jane L; Smith, Cathy M (2023). Advancing professionalization in human simulation: perspectives of SP educators from around the world on the Association of SP Educators Standards of Best Practice. International Journal of Healthcare Simulation, pp. 1-11. Adi Health + Wellness 10.54531/lwzg2521
Guffi, Tommaso; Brem, Beate; Felber, Sibylle Jeanine; Schmitz, Felix M.; Schnabel, Kai P.; Guttormsen Schär, Sissel; Eychmüller, Steffen; Zambrano, Sofia C. (April 2023). Identifying the essentials of communicating about imminent death from key stakeholders' perspectives. Patent education and counseling, 109(Supplement), p. 13. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pec.2022.10.039
Brem, Beate G.; Bauer, Daniel; Hitzblech, Tanja; Schnabel, Kai P. (17 March 2023). Ausbildung zum Experten in der Arbeit mit Simulationspersonen (SP) – ein praktisches Beispiel. In: 17. Internationales Skills Lab Symposium. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House 10.3205/23isls23
Bauer, Daniel; Brem, Beate; Strohmer, Renate; Peters, Tim (16 March 2023). Annäherung an ein Rollen-, Aufgaben- und Kompetenzprofil von SP-Trainer:innen. In: 17. Internationales Skills Lab Symposium. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House 10.3205/23isls47
Tierney, T; Fleishman, C; Brem, B; Kachur, E; Smith, C; Arrancibia, C (2023). Diverse responses to equity, diversity and social justice: a global perspective (Unpublished). In: 22nd Annual Conference of the Association of SP educators. Portland. 04.-07.06.2023.
Brem, B; Hoelzer, H; Blatt, B; Ruba, E; Miller, LJ; Smith, CM (2023). International views on ASPEs Standards of Best Practice in working with simulated participants (Unpublished). In: 22nd Annual Conference of the Association of SP educators. Portland. 04.-07.06.2023.
Brem, Beate Gabriele; Hitzblech, Tanja (17 September 2022). „Best Evidence Guides” und „Standards of Best Practice” in der Arbeit mit Simulationspersonen – wozu soll das gut sein? In: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA) und des Arbeitskreises zur Weiterentwicklung der Lehre in der Zahnmedizin (AKWLZ). Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House 10.3205/22gma256
Schmitz, Felix Michael; Felber, Sibylle Jeanine; Buzzi, Ann-Lea; Schnabel, Kai Philipp; Eychmüller, Steffen; Brem, Beate; Zambrano, Sofia; Guttormsen, Sissel (16 September 2022). Über das Sterben sprechen: Zur Wirksamkeit eines Blended-Learning-Angebots für den deutschsprachigen Raum. In: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA) und des Arbeitskreises zur Weiterentwicklung der Lehre in der Zahnmedizin (AKWLZ). Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House 10.3205/22gma076
Schmitz, Felix Michael; Buzzi, Ann-Lea; Schnabel, Kai; Berger, Joana; Roten, Fredy-Michel; Peng-Keller, Simon; Brem, Beate; Guttormsen, Sissel (16 September 2022). Die Exploration spiritueller Ressourcen in Patientengesprächen: Ergebnisse zum Nutzen eines webbasierten Lernmoduls. In: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA) und des Arbeitskreises zur Weiterentwicklung der Lehre in der Zahnmedizin (AKWLZ). Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House 10.3205/22gma077
Schmitz, Felix Michael; Buzzi, Ann-Lea; Schnabel, Kai Philipp; Berger, Joana; Roten, Fredy-Michel; Peng-Keller, S; Brem, Beate; Guttormsen, Sissel (15 September 2022). Die Exploration spiritueller Ressourcen in Patientengesprächen: Ergebnisse zum Nutzen eines webbasierten Lernmoduls. German medical science. German Medical Science
Felber, Sibylle Jeanine; Guffi, Tommaso; Brem, Beate; Schmitz, Felix Michael; Schnabel, Kai; Guttormsen, Sissel (7 September 2022). Identifying the essentials of communicating about imminent death from key stakeholders’ perspectives (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Communication in Healthcare 2022. Glasgow. 05.09.-09.09.2022.
Miller, Jane; Smith, Cathy; Hölzer, Henrike; Blatt, Benjamin; Brem, Beate G. (7 September 2022). Can We Agree on Standards? International Voices in Simulated Patient Education. Patient education and counseling, 109(Supplement), p. 1. Elsevier Ireland 10.1016/j.pec.2022.10.015
Brem, Beate Gabriele; Hitzblech, Tanja (1 September 2022). Working with Simulated Participants online without putting them "on the line". In: 7th Swiss Conference on Standardized Patients and Simulation in Healthcare (SPSIM) (pp. 63-64). Lausanne: HESAV
Peters, Tim; Bauer, Daniel; Brem, Beate; Eberz, Peter; Goerges, Ulf; Schwarz, Laura; Weckmann, Gesine; Thrien, Christian (31 August 2022). Quality assurance of role portrayal of simulated patients - The current status of a multicenter qualitative-exploratory study. In: 7th Swiss Conference on Standardized Patients and Simulation in Healthcare (SPSIM). Lausanne: HESAV
Tierny, T; Fleishman, C; Arancibia, C; Abe, K; Blatt, J; Brem, B; Al-Ajmi, R M; Smith, C (June 2022). Learning from Failure – An Important Step in Innovation (Unpublished). In: 21st Annual Conference of the Association of SP educators. New Orleans. 26.06.-29.06.2022.
Hitzblech, Tanja; Brem, Beate; Bauer, Daniel; Schröder, Verena; Meyer-Massetti, Carla Verena; Schnabel, Kai (18 March 2022). Fragen Sie Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker! Training patientenzentrierten Kommunikation für Studierende der Pharmazie. In: 16. Internationales Skills Lab Symposium. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House 10.3205/22isls27