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Weske, Ulrike; Ritz, Adrian; Schott, Carina; Neumann, Oliver (2020). Attracting future civil servants with public values? An experimental study on employer branding. International public management journal, 23(5), pp. 677-695. JAI Press 10.1080/10967494.2018.1541830
Ritz, Manuel; Neumann, Oliver; Sager, Fritz (2019). Senkt New Public Management die Verwaltungsausgaben in den Schweizer Kantonen? Eine empirische Analyse über zwei Dekaden. Swiss political science review / Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 25(3), pp. 226-252. Wiley 10.1111/spsr.12381
Hitz-Gamper, Benedikt Simon; Neumann, Oliver; Stürmer, Matthias (2019). Balancing control, usability and visibility of linked open government data to create public value. International journal of public sector management, 32(5), pp. 457-472. Emerald 10.1108/ijpsm-02-2018-0062
Schott, Carina; Neumann, Oliver; Baertschi, Muriel; Ritz, Adrian (2019). Public Service Motivation, Prosocial Motivation and Altruism. Towards Disentanglement and Conceptual Clarity. International journal of public administration, 42(14), pp. 1200-1211. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/01900692.2019.1588302
Abu-Tayeh, Gabriel; Neumann, Oliver; Stürmer, Matthias (2018). Exploring the Motives of Citizen Reporting Engagement : Self-Concern and Other-Orientation. Business & information systems engineering, 60(3), pp. 215-226. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 10.1007/s12599-018-0530-8
Vandenabeele, Wouter; Ritz, Adrian; Neumann, Oliver (2018). Public service motivation: state of the art and conceptual cleanup. In: Ongaro, Edoardo; van Thiel, Sandra (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe. Palgrave handbooks (pp. 261-278). London: Palgrave Macmillan UK 10.1057/978-1-137-55269-3_13
Stürmer, Matthias; Neumann, Oliver; Loosli, Tim (20 April 2017). Heaven for grumblers or the road to better public services? : a study of critical reports from a Swiss citizen co-production system. In: 21st Annual IRSPM (International Research Society for Public Management) conference. Budapest, Hungary. 19.-21.04. 2017.
Neumann, Oliver; Stürmer, Matthias (20 April 2017). Digital Citizen Co-Production and the Role of Public Service Motivation. In: 21st Annual IRSPM (International Research Society for Public Management) conference. Budapest, Hungary. 19.-21.04. 2017.
Ritz, Adrian; Neumann, Oliver; Vandenabeele, Wouter (2016). Motivation in the Public Sector. In: Klassen, Thomas R.; Cepiku, Denita; Lah, T.J. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Global Public Policy and Administration. Routledge international handbooks. New York: Routledge
Ritz, Adrian; Neumann, Oliver; Schott, Carina (2016). Motivationsmanagement in öffentlichen Organisationen: Public Sector Motivation versus Public Service Motivation. Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, 85(4), pp. 229-235. Schäffer-Poeschel
Schott, Carina; Neumann, Oliver; Bärtschi, Muriel (2016). Public service motivation, prosocial motivation, prosocial behavior, and altruism: Towards disentanglement and conceptual clarity (Unpublished). In: 2016 EGPA Annual Conference. Utrecht. 24.-26.08.2016.
Ritz, Adrian; Sinelli, Peter; Neumann, Oliver (2016). New Public Management in der Schweiz: Reform-Evaluationen und Stand der Entwicklungen. In: Bergmann, Andreas; Giauque, David; Kettiger, Daniel; Lienhard, Andreas; Nagel, Erik; Ritz, Adrian; Steiner, Reto (eds.) Praxishandbuch Public Management (pp. 80-105). Zürich: WEKA Verlag
Neumann, Oliver; Ritz, Adrian (2015). Public service motivation and rational choice modeling. Public money and management, 35(5), pp. 365-370. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group 10.1080/09540962.2015.1061179
Ritz, Adrian; Sinelli, Peter; Neumann, Oliver (2013). New Public Management in der Schweiz: Reform-Evaluationen und Stand der Entwicklungen. In: Bergmann, Andreas; Giauqe, David; Kettiger, Daniel; Lienhard, Andreas; Nagel, Eric; Ritz, Adrian; Steiner, Reto (eds.) Managementleitfaden öffentliche Verwaltung. Zürich: Weka
Ritz, Adrian; Neumann, Oliver (2012). Diversity und Diversity Management in öffentlichen Organisationen. In: Hilgers, D.; Schauer, R.; Thom, N. (eds.) Public Management im Paradigmenwechsel. Staat und Verwaltung im Spannungsfeld von New Public Management, Open Government und bürokratischer Restauration. Eine Dokumentation. Public & Nonprofit Management (pp. 63-87). Linz: Trauner