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Hupka-Brunner, Sandra; Meyer, Thomas; Jann, Ben; Müller, Barbara; von Rotz, Christina; Koomen, Maarten; Ilic, Stefan; Sacchi, Stefan; Krebs-Oesch, Dominique Fabienne; Gomensoro, Andrés (2024). TREE2 Study Design. Update 2024 (In Press) Bern: TREE
Hupka-Brunner, Sandra; Meyer, Thomas; Sacchi, Stefan; Jann, Ben; Krebs-Oesch, Dominique Fabienne; Müller, Barbara; von Rotz, Christina; Gomensoro, Andrés; Ilic, Stefan; Koomen, Maarten; Wilhelmi, Barbara (2023). TREE2 Study Design. Update 2023 Bern: TREE
Krebs-Oesch, Dominique; Sacchi, Stefan; Jann, Ben (2023). Implementation of a reading speed test in the TREE2 panel survey. TREE Technical Paper No. 3 (TREE Technical Paper Series 3).
Sacchi, Stefan (2023). Longitudinal Weights for the 2nd TREE-Cohort (TREE2). Construction and Application (In Press) TREE
Sacchi, Stefan; Krebs-Oesch, Dominique (2023). Scaling methodology and scale reporting in the TREE2 panel survey. Documentation of scales implemented in the baseline survey (2016). Update 2023 TREE
Hupka-Brunner, Sandra; Krebs-Oesch, Dominique Fabienne; Sacchi, Stefan; Meyer, Thomas; Jann, Ben (2022). The TREE Multi-Cohort Panel Study: Theoretical Framework. Bern: TREE
Hupka-Brunner, Sandra; Jann, Ben; Koomen, Maarten; Krebs-Oesch, Dominique Fabienne; Meyer, Thomas; Müller, Barbara; von Rotz, Christina; Sacchi, Stefan; Wilhelmi, Barbara (2021). TREE2 study design Bern: TREE http://dx.doi.org/10.48350/152018
Sacchi, Stefan; Krebs-Oesch, Dominique Fabienne (2021). Scaling methodology and scale reporting in the TREE2 panel survey. Documentation of scales implemented in the baseline survey (2016) Bern: TREE 10.48350/152055
Meyer, Thomas; Sacchi, Stefan (2021). Comment les origines sociales déterminent le choix professionnel. Transfer. Berufsbildung in Forschung und Praxis(1) SGAB, Schweizerische Gesellschaft für angewandte Berufsbildungsforschung
Sacchi, Stefan; Krebs-Oesch, Dominique (2021). Documentation of scales implemented from panel wave 1 onwards (TREE). Bern: TREE, University of Bern
Sacchi, Stefan; von Rotz, Christina; Müller, Barbara; Jann, Ben (4 October 2018). Prepaid incentives and survey quality in youth surveys. Experimental evidence from the TREE panel. (Unpublished). In: ESA RN21 Midterm Conference on "Potentials and Limits of Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences". Cracow. October 3-6, 2018.
Imdorf, Christian; Sacchi, Stefan; Samuel, Robin; Shi, Lulu P. (24 September 2018). Arbeitslosigkeit mindert Jobchancen. Die Volkswirtschaft: Plattform für Wirtschaftspolitik, 2018(10), pp. 43-45. SECO
Sacchi, Stefan; von Rotz, Christina; Müller, Barbara; Jann, Ben (29 June 2018). The Effect of Incentives on Survey Quality and Attrition Bias. Experimental Evidence from the Second TREE Cohort (Unpublished). In: 6th International pairfam Conference on "Innovations in Panel Data Methods". Munich. June 28–29, 2018.
Grønning, Miriam; Kriesi, Irene; Sacchi, Stefan (January 2018). Institutional Dimensions of Swiss VET. Measures of Standardisation, Differentiation and Vocational Specificity in Swiss Upper Secondary Vocational Education and Training. Zollikofen: Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET)
Sacchi, Stefan; Oesch, Dominique (2017). ÜGK 2016: Assessment of mathematics skills. Documentation of questionnaire-based scales Bern: TREE / University of Bern
Jann, Ben; Becker, Rolf; Imdorf, Christian; Hupka-Brunner, Sandra; Koomen, Maarten; Meyer, Thomas; Müller, Barbara; Sacchi, Stefan; Scharenberg, Katja; von Rotz, Christina (2015). Transitionen von der Erstausbildung ins Erwerbsleben (TREE): Wie vollziehen junge Menschen in der Schweiz den Übergang in Ausbildung und Arbeitsmarkt? In: Praxisrelevante Forschung zum Übergang in Ausbildung, Studium und Beruf. Das Netzwerk Bildungsforschung der Baden-Württemberg Stiftung (pp. 62-63). Stuttgart: Baden-Württemberg Stiftung
Sacchi, Stefan (2011). Construction of TREE Panel Weights. Documentation for the panel waves from 2000 to 2010 Bern; Zürich: TREE & cue sozialforschung
Sacchi, Stefan (2011). TREE-Längsschnittgewichtung: Konstruktion und Anwendung. Dokumentation zu den Erhebungswellen 2000 bis 2010 Bern; Zürich: TREE & cue sozialforschung
Hupka, Sandra; Sacchi, Stefan; Stalder, Barbara E. (2006). Does the Swiss VET system encourage inequity? (Unpublished). In: European Research Network on Transitions in Youth TIY. Workshop "Vocationalisation of Education: how, where, when, why and in what sense does it matter?". Marseilles. Sept.7-9 2006.
Hupka, Sandra; Sacchi, Stefan; Stalder, Barbara E. (2006). Herkunft oder Leistung? Analyse des Eintritts in eine zertifizierende nachobligatorische Ausbildung anhand der Daten des Jugendlängsschnitts TREE (Unpublished) Bern: TREE
Gutfleisch, Tamara; Samuel, Robin; Sacchi, Stefan (2020). The application of factorial surveys to study recruiters’ hiring intentions: comparing designs based on hypothetical and real vacancies. Quality and quantity, 55(3), pp. 775-804. Springer Netherlands 10.1007/s11135-020-01012-7
Grønning, Miriam; Kriesi, Irene; Sacchi, Stefan (2020). Skill specificity of upper-secondary training occupations and the gender pay gap. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 72(S1), pp. 291-315. Springer VS 10.1007/s11577-020-00678-z
Grønning, Miriam; Kriesi, Irene; Sacchi, Stefan (2020). Income during the early career: Do institutional characteristics of training occupations matter? Research in social stratification and mobility, 67, p. 100495. Elsevier 10.1016/j.rssm.2020.100495
Meyer, Thomas; Sacchi, Stefan (2020). How Much School Does Vocational Education Training (VET) Need? How Swiss Youths Get Selected for VET Programmes with Restricted Schooling and What it Does to Their Careers. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 72(S1), pp. 105-134. Springer VS 10.1007/s11577-020-00679-y
Imdorf, Christian; Shi, Lulu P.; Sacchi, Stefan; Samuel, Robin; Hyggen, Christer; Stoilova, Rumiana; Yordanova, Gabriela; Boyadjieva, Pepka; Ilieva-Trichkova, Petya; Parsanoglou, Dimitris; Yfanti, Aggeliki (2019). Scars of Early Job Insecurity Across Europe: Insights from a Multi-Country Employer Study. In: Hvinden, Bjørn; Hyggen, Christer; Schoyen, Mi Ah; Sirovátka, Tomáš (eds.) Youth Unemployment and Job Insecurity in Europe (pp. 93-116). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar 10.4337/9781788118897.00011
Helbling, Laura Alexandra; Sacchi, Stefan; Imdorf, Christian (2019). Comparing long-term scarring effects of unemployment across countries: the impact of graduating during an economic downturn. In: Hvinden, Bjørn; O'Reilly, Jacqueline; Schoyen, Mi Ah; Hyggen, Christer (eds.) Negotiating Early Job Insecurity. Well-being, Scarring and Resilience of European Youth (pp. 68-89). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar 10.4337/9781788118798.00011
Shi, Lulu P.; Imdorf, Christian; Samuel, Robin; Sacchi, Stefan (2018). How unemployment scarring affects skilled young workers: evidence from a factorial survey of Swiss recruiters. Journal for Labour Market Research, 52(1) Springer 10.1186/s12651-018-0239-7
Imdorf, Christian; Shi, Lulu P.; Sacchi, Stefan; Samuel, Robin; Hyggen, Christer; Stoilova, Rumiana; Yordanova, Gabriela; Boyadjieva, Pepka; Ilieva-Trichkova, Petya; Parsanoglou, Dimitris; Yfanti, Aggeliki (26 April 2017). Explaining Employers' Hiring Decisions: A Comparative Study of Employers' Risk Assessment (NEGOTIATE working paper No. 7.3). NEGOTIATE HiOA
Sacchi, Stefan; Hupka-Brunner, Sandra; Stalder, Barbara E.; Gangl, Markus (2011). The Impact of Social Origin and Migration Background on Transition into Post-Compulsory Education and Training. In: Bergman, Manfred Max; Hupka-Brunner, Sandra; Keller, Anita; Meyer, Thomas; Stalder, Barbara E. (eds.) Transitionen im Jugendalter. Ergebnisse der Schweizer Längsschnittstudie TREE = Transitions juvéniles en Suisse. Resultats de l'étude longitudinale TREE = Youth transitions in Switzerland. Results from the TREE panel study, Vol. 1 (pp. 120-156). Zürich: Seismo https://doi.org/10.33058/seismo.30881