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Hupka-Brunner, Sandra; Jann, Ben; Meyer, Thomas (2023). Introduction to the Special Issue: Exploring Life Courses in Their Making. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 49(2), pp. 267-272. De Gruyter 10.2478/sjs-2023-0014
Kamm, Chantal; Gomensoro, Andrés; Heers, Marieke; Hupka-Brunner, Sandra (2023). Parental Investment in Children’s Educational Pathways: A Comparative View on Swiss and Migrant Families. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 49(2), pp. 367-393. De Gruyter 10.2478/sjs-2023-0019
Hupka-Brunner, Sandra; Meyer, Thomas (2023). Life Course in the Making. Educational and Labor Market Trajectories Through the Lens of the Swiss TREE Panel Survey. European psychologist Hogrefe 10.1027/1016-9040/a000507
Hupka-Brunner, Sandra; Meyer, Thomas; Gomensoro, Andrés (2023). Data from the Swiss TREE Panel Study (Transitions from Education to Employment). Journal of Open Psychology Data, 11(1) Ubiquity Press 10.5334/jopd.97
Hupka, Sandra; Kamm, Chantal; Heers, Marieke (5 July 2022). La réussite malgré tout. Désirs de formation des jeunes qui réussissent et de leurs parents issus de familles défavorisées. Transfer. Berufsbildung in Forschung und Praxis, 2022(3), pp. 1-5. SGAB, Schweizerische Gesellschaft für angewandte Berufsbildungsforschung
Hupka-Brunner, Sandra; Kamm, Chantal; Gomensoro, Andres; Heers, Marieke (November 2021). Berufswahl von Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund. Wunsch und wahrgenommene Wirklichkeit. terra cognita. Schweizer Zeitschrift zu Integration und Migration(38), pp. 58-60. Eidgenössische Migrationskommission EKM
Meyer, Thomas; Gomensoro, Andrés; Hupka-Brunner, Sandra (2023). Nachobligatorische Ausbildungschancen im Spiegel der TREE-Studie: Persistente Ungleichheiten im Kohortenvergleich. In: Das Paradox von sozialer Integration und Ausschluss im Schweizer Bildungswesen. Beiträge der Soziologie (Swiss Academies Reports): Vol. 18 (pp. 44-50). Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz
Hupka-Brunner, Sandra; Meyer, Thomas (2023). Gendered Education and Labor Market Trajectories in Switzerland. In: Wyn, Johanna; Cahill, Helen; Cuervo, Hernan (eds.) Handbook of Children and Youth Studies (pp. 1-14). Singapore: Springer 10.1007/978-981-4451-96-3_87-1
Kamm, Chantal; Gomensoro, Andrés; Heers, Marieke; Hupka-Brunner, Sandra (2021). Educational Aspirations of Migrant Parents and the Relationship With Educational Success. In: Nägele, Christof; Kersh, Natasha; Stalder, Barbara E. (eds.) Trends in vocational education and training research. Proceedings of the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Vocational Education and Training Network (VETNET) IV (pp. 119-129). Geneva: VETNET 10.5281/zenodo.5180591
Meyer, Thomas (2011). To Him that Hath Shall be Given: Educational lnequality in Switzerland. In: Bergman, Max M.; Hupka-Brunner, Sandra; Keller, Anita C.; Meyer, Thomas; Stalder, Barbara E. (eds.) Transitionen im Jugendalter. Ergebnisse der Schweizer Längsschnittstudie TREE = Transitions juvéniles en Suisse. Resultats de l'étude longitudinale TREE = Youth transitions in Switzerland. Results from the TREE panel study, Vol. 1 (pp. 40-65). Zürich: Seismo
Stalder, Barbara E.; Meyer, Thomas; Hupka-Brunner, Sandra (2011). Are Low Achievers Necessarily Dropouts? PISA Scores as Predictors of Upper Secondary Graduation. In: Bergman, Max M.; Hupka-Brunner, Sandra; Keller, Anita C.; Meyer, Thomas; Stalder, Barbara E. (eds.) Transitionen im Jugendalter. Ergebnisse der Schweizer Längsschnittstudie TREE = Transitions juvéniles en Suisse. Resultats de l'étude longitudinale TREE = Youth transitions in Switzerland. Results from the TREE panel study, Vol. 1 (pp. 201-216). Zürich: Seismo https://doi.org/10.33058/seismo.30881
Stalder, Barbara E.; Naegele, Christof (2011). Vocational Education and Training in Switzerland: Organisation, Development and Challenges for the Future. In: Bergman, Max M.; Hupka-Brunner, Sandra; Keller, Anita C.; Meyer, Thomas; Stalder, Barbara E. (eds.) Transitionen im Jugendalter. Ergebnisse der Schweizer Längsschnittstudie TREE = Transitions juvéniles en Suisse. Resultats de l'étude longitudinale TREE = Youth transitions in Switzerland. Results from the TREE panel study, Vol. 1 (pp. 18-39). Zürich: Seismo
Hupka-Brunner, Sandra; Heers, Marieke; Gomensoro, Andrés; Kamm, Chantal Désirée (2024). Data Release: Parental Investment in Children’s Education. A TREE2 mixed methods study. Technical Report. Version 2. Bern & Lausanne: TREE / PICE
Hupka-Brunner, Sandra; Meyer, Thomas; Jann, Ben; Müller, Barbara; von Rotz, Christina; Koomen, Maarten; Ilic, Stefan; Sacchi, Stefan; Krebs-Oesch, Dominique Fabienne; Gomensoro, Andrés (2024). TREE2 Study Design. Update 2024 (In Press) Bern: TREE
Hupka-Brunner, Sandra; Heers, Marieke; Gomensoro, Andrés; Kamm, Chantal Désirée (2022). Parental Investment in Children’s Education. A TREE2 mixed methods study. Technical Report TREE / PICE
Hupka-Brunner, Sandra; Meyer, Thomas (2024). Gegenderte Lebensläufe in der Schweiz: Befunde aus der TREE-Studie (TREE Working Paper Series 7). Bern: TREE
Kamm, Chantal; Heers, Marieke; Hupka-Brunner, Sandra; Gomensoro, Andrés (February 2023). Das longitudinale Mixed Methods-Design der PICE-Studie (Parental Investment in Children's Education). TREE Technical Paper No. 2 TREE
Krebs-Oesch, Dominique; Jann, Ben; Hupka-Brunner, Sandra (2023). Implementation of a cognitive ability test in the TREE2 panel survey. TREE Technical Paper No. 4 (TREE Technical Papers Series 4). TREE 10.48350/183109
Hupka-Brunner, Sandra; Jann, Ben; Meyer, Thomas (eds.) (2023). 20 Years of TREE, Transitions from Education to Employment: Exploring Life Courses in Their Making. Special Issue of the Swiss Journal of Sociology, 49(2). Seismo Press