Jacobshagen, Nicola

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Jacobshagen, Nicola (29 November 2013). Stress am Arbeitsplatz - Neuere Konzepte in der Arbeitspsychologie (Unpublished). In: St. Galler Tagung zum Arbeitsrecht. Luzern. 29.11.2013.

Jacobshagen, Nicola (4 June 2013). Neue Stress- und Ressourcenkonzepte: Die Bedeutung des Selbstwerts (Unpublished). In: Emergency & Intensive Care, Zentralschweizer Pflegesymposium, LUKS. Luzern. 04.06.2013.

Jacobshagen, N. (October 2012). Stress as Offense to Self and Illegitimate Tasks: A New Stressor Concept (Unpublished). In: Invited Lecture at the University of Stockholm. Stockholm. 10.2012.

Semmer, N. K.; Jacobshagen, N.; Kälin, W.; Kottwitz, M. U.; Mühlethaler, C.; Elfering, A. (September 2012). Social implications of job design: Conceptual basis and empirical evidence for the concept of illegitimate tasks (Unpublished). In: 48th Conference of the German Psychological Society. Bielefeld. 09.2012.

Semmer, N. K.; Jacobshagen, N.; Kottwitz, M. U.; Mühlethaler, C.; Kälin, W.; Elfering, A. (September 2012). Zielerreichung und Commitment: Die mediierende Rolle der Wertschätzung (Unpublished). In: 48th Conference of the German Psychological Society. Bielefeld. 09.2012.

Kottwitz, M. U.; Jacobshagen, N.; Kälin, W.; Meier, L. L.; Semmer, N. K. (February 2012). Illegitimate tasks are associated with higher cortisol levels for men with poor subjective health: An intra-individual analysis (Unpublished). In: Annual Research Forum in Affective Sciences. Geneva.

Semmer, Norbert K.; Jacobshagen, Nicola (2012). Wertschätzung am Arbeitsplatz. Safety-Plus: Schweizer Fachzeitschrift für Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz(1), pp. 17-19. MediaSec AG

Jacobshagen, N.; Oehler, N.; Stettler, E.; Liechti, S.; Semmer, N.K. (2008). Appreciation at Work: Measurement and Associations with Well-Being. In: Poster presented at the 8th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology in Valencia, Spain.

Semmer, Norbert; Grebner, Simone; Jacobshagen, Nicola (2006). Diagnostik von Stress und Belastung in der Arbeit [Diagnosing stress and load at work]. In: Petermann, Franz; Eid, Michael (eds.) Handbuch psychologischer Diagnostik (pp. 747-753). Göttingen: Hogrefe


Zürcher, Andrea; Galliker, Sibylle; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Lüscher Mathieu, Peter; Eller, Andrea; Elfering, Achim (2021). Increased Working From Home in Vocational Counseling Psychologists During COVID-19: Associated Change in Productivity and Job Satisfaction. Frontiers in psychology, 12, p. 750127. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.750127

Pfister, Isabel Barbara; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Kälin, Wolfgang; Semmer, Norbert Karl (2020). How does appreciation lead to higher job satisfaction? Journal of managerial psychology, 35(6), pp. 465-479. Emerald 10.1108/JMP-12-2018-0555

Pfister, Isabel B.; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Kälin, Wolfgang; Stocker, Désirée; Meier, Laurenz L.; Semmer, Norbert K. (2020). Appreciation and illegitimate tasks as predictors of affective well-being: Disentangling within- and between-person effects. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 36(1), pp. 63-75. Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid 10.5093/jwop2020a6

Semmer, Norbert K.; Tschan, Franziska; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Beehr, Terry A.; Elfering, Achim; Kälin, Wolfgang; Meier, Laurenz L. (2019). Stress as Offense to Self: a Promising Approach Comes of Age. Occupational health sciences, 3(3), pp. 205-238. Springer 10.1007/s41542-019-00041-5

Stocker, Désirée; Keller, Anita C.; Meier, Laurenz L.; Elfering, Achim; Pfister, Isabel B.; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Semmer-Tschan, Norbert (2019). Appreciation by supervisors buffers the impact of work interruptions on well-being longitudinally. International journal of stress management, 26(4), pp. 331-343. American Psychological Association 10.1037/str0000111

Krings, Rabea; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Elfering, Achim; Semmer, Norbert K. (2015). Subtly offending feedback. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 45(4), pp. 191-202. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jasp.12287

Semmer, Norbert K.; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Meier, Laurenz L.; Elfering, Achim; Beehr, Terry A.; Kälin, Wolfgang; Tschan, Franziska (2015). Illegitimate tasks as a source of work stress. Work & Stress, 29(1), pp. 32-56. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/02678373.2014.1003996

Krings, Rabea; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Keller, Anita; Semmer, Norbert K. (17 May 2014). Illegitimate tasks, feelings of resentment, and recovery – longitudinal mediation model (Unpublished). In: 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology - Making connections. Honolulu, Hawaii. 15.05.-17.05.2014.

Björk, Lisa; Bejerot, Eva; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Härenstam, Annika (2013). I shouldn't have to do this: Illegitimate tasks as a stressor in relation to organizational control and resource deficits. Work & Stress, 27(3), pp. 262-277. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/02678373.2013.818291

Semmer, Norbert; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Kottwitz, Maria Undine; Mühlethaler, Céline; Kälin, Wolfgang; Elfering, Achim; Meier, Laurenz; Beehr, Terry (18 May 2013). Illegitimate Tasks: Accumulating Evidence for a New Stressor Concept (Unpublished). In: Work, Stress, and Health. Los Angeles. 16.-19.05.2013.

Jacobshagen, Nicola; Tschan, Franziska; Elfering, Achim; Meier, Laurenz; Bejerot, Eva; Aronsson, Gunnar; Semmer, Norbert (May 2013). Illegitimate tasks: A meaningful stressor across countries. In: Hertel, Guido; Binnewies, Carmen; Krumm, Stefan; Holling, Heinz; Kleinmann, Martin (eds.) 16th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP). Imagine the future world. How do we want to work tomorrow? Abstract proceedings (pp. 100-101). EAWOP

Kottwitz, Maria U.; Meier, Laurenz L.; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Kälin, Wolfgang; Elfering, Achim; Hennig, Jürgen; Semmer, Norbert K. (2013). Illegitimate tasks associated with higher cortisol levels among male employees when subjective health is relatively low: an intra-individual analysis. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 39(3), pp. 310-318. Nordic Association of Occupational Safety and Health NOROSH 10.5271/sjweh.3334

Semmer, Norbert K.; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Meier, Laurenz L.; Elfering, Achim; Kälin, Wolfgang; Tschan, Franziska (2013). Psychological strain by illegitimate tasks. In: Junghanns, G.; Morschhaeuser, M. (eds.) Immer schneller, immer mehr: Psychische Belastungen und Gestaltungsperspektiven bei Wissens- und Dienstleistungsarbeit (pp. 97-112). Berlin: Springer VS

Krings, R.; Jacobshagen, N.; Mühlethaler, C.; Semmer, N. K. (September 2012). Goal attainment and commitment: the mediating role of appreciation. In: 48th Conference of the German Psychological Society. Bielefeld. 09.2012.

Semmer, N. K.; Jacobshagen, N.; Kottwitz, M. U.; Mühlethaler, C.; Kälin, W.; Elfering, A. (September 2012). Soziale Implikationen der Arbeitsgestaltung: Konzeptionelle Basis und empirische Evidenz für das Konzept der illegitimen Aufgaben. In: 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Bielefeld. 23.-27.09.2012.

Bobst, Cora; Kottwitz, Maria; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Kälin, Wolfgang; Meier, Laurenz L.; Semmer, Norbert (April 2012). Impaired Recovery as a Mediator Between Time Pressure and Reduced Performance: A Three-wave Longitudinal Study. In: Jain, Aditya; Hollis, David; Andreou, Nicholas; Wehrle, Flavia (eds.) 10th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (eaohp), Book of proceedings (p. 35). Nottingham: European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology

Krings, Rabea; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Mühlethaler, Céline; Witmer, Joelle; Semmer, Norbert (April 2012). Appreciation and subjectively perceived performance: The mediating role of goal attainment and resentments. In: Jain, Aditya; Hollis, David; Andreou, Nicholas; Wehrle, Flavia (eds.) 10th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (pp. 284-285). Nottingham: European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology

Björk, Lisa; Bejerot, Eva; Härenstam, Annika; Jacobshagen, Nicola (April 2012). Illegitimate tasks among local government managers – an organizational approach. In: Jain, Aditya; Hollis, David; Andreou, Nicholas; Wehrle, Flavia (eds.) 10th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (pp. 96-97). Nottingham: European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology

Jacobshagen, Nicola (April 2012). Illegitimate tasks as a source of stress. In: Jain, Aditya; Hollis, David; Andreou, Nicholas; Wehrle, Flavia (eds.) 10th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology. Zürich. 11.-13.04.2012.

Jacobshagen, Nicola; Semmer, Norbert; Aronsson, Gunnar; Bejerot, Eva (April 2012). Medical doctors do not experience illegitimate tasks – or do they? In: Jain, Aditya; Hollis, David; Andreou, Nicholas; Wehrle, Flavia (eds.) 10th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology. Nottingham: European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology

Kottwitz, Maria; Bobst, Cora; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Kälin, Wolfgang; Meier, Laurenz L.; Semmer, Norbert (April 2012). Do illegitimate tasks impair detachment from work? A multilevel analysis. In: Jain, Aditya; Hollis, David; Andreou, Nicholas; Wehrle, Flavia (eds.) 10th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (pp. 94-95). Nottingham: European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology

Salathé, Cornelia; Melloh, Markus; Tamcan, Özgür; Müller, Urs; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Elfering, Achim (April 2012). The role of illegitimate tasks on sleep quality and physical strains in a longitudinal working sample. In: Jain, Aditya; Hollis, David; Andreou, Nicholas; Wehrle, Flavia (eds.) 10th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (p. 94). Nottingham: European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology

Widmer, Pascale S.; Semmer, Norbert K.; Kälin, Wolfgang; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Meier, Laurenz L. (2012). The ambivalence of challenge stressors: Time pressure associated with both negative and positive well-being. Journal of vocational behavior, 80(2), pp. 422-433. New York, N.Y.: Academic Press 10.1016/j.jvb.2011.09.006

Berset, Martial; Semmer, Norbert; Elfering, Achim; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Meier, Laurenz (2011). Does stress at work make you gain weight? A two-year longitudinal study. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 37(1), pp. 45-53. Helsinki: Nordic Association of Occupational Safety and Health NOROSH 10.5271/sjweh.3089

Gross, Sven; Semmer, Norbert K.; Meier, Laurenz L.; Kälin, Wolfgang; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Tschan, Franziska (2011). The effect of positive events at work on after-work fatigue: they matter most in face of adversity. Journal of applied psychology, 96(3), pp. 654-664. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association 10.1037/a0022992

Kottwitz, Maria; Semmer, Norbert K.; Berset, Martial; Kälin, Wolfgang; Jacobshagen, Nicola (2011). Erhöhter Cortisolspiegel bei höherer Ausprägung von Arbeitsstressoren und relativ schlechtem Gesundheitszustand: Eine Analyse intra-individueller Effekte. In: AOW Tagung, Arbeit, Organisation, Wirtschft, 7. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Universität Rostock, Deutschland, September 2011.

Jacobshagen, Nicola; Kunz, Alexandra (2011). I-Hedrep: Das Inventar zum Hedonistischen Repertoire. Bern: Huber

Semmer, Norbert Karl; Tschan, Franziska; Meier, Linus Laurenz; Faccin, Stephanie; Jacobshagen, Nicola (2010). Illegitimate Tasks and Counterproductive Work Behavior. Applied psychology - an international review / Psychologie appliquée - revue internationale, 59(1), pp. 70-96. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/j.1464-0597.2009.00416.x

Stocker, Désirée; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Semmer, Norbert Karl; Annen, Hubert (2010). Appreciation at Work in the Swiss Military Forces. Swiss journal of psychology, 69(2), pp. 117-124. Bern: Huber 10.1024/1421-0185/a000013

Jacobshagen, Nicola; Stocker, Désirée; Semmer, Norbert Karl (2010). The Interaction of appreciation and illegitimate tasks in the military. In: Iavicoli, Sergio; Jain, Adytia; Petyx, Marta; Tang, Jessica (eds.) Book of Proceedings. 9th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (pp. 202-203). Nottingham: Nottingham University Press

Mühlethaler, Céline; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Kälin, Wolfgang; Grebner, Simone; Semmer, Norbert Karl (2010). The impact of subjective occupational success on personal resources. In: Iavicoli, Sergio; Jain, Adytia; Petyx, Marta; Tang, Jessica (eds.) Book of Proceedings. 9th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (pp. 223-224). Nottingham: Nottingham University Press

Jacobshagen, Nicola; Rutz, Janine; Elfering, Achim; Semmer, Norbert Karl (2010). Embitterment at work and withdrawal. In: Iavicoli, Sergio; Jain, Adytia; Petyx, Marta; Tang, Jessica (eds.) Book of Proceedings. 9th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (p. 381). Nottingham: Nottingham University Press

Semmer, Norbert Karl; Jacobshagen, Nicola (2010). Feedback im Arbeitsleben - eine Selbstwertperspektive. Gruppendynamik & Organisationsberatung, 41(1), pp. 39-55. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag 10.1007/s11612-010-0104-9

Nil, Rico; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Schächinger, Hartmut; Baumann, Pierre; Höck, Paul; Hättenschwiler, Josef; Ramseier, Fritz; Seifritz, Erich; Holsboer-Trachsel, Edith (2010). Burnout - Eine Standortbetrachtung. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie SANP / Swiss archives of neurology and psychiatry, 161(2), pp. 72-77. Muttenz: EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag AG

Elfering, Achim; Mannion, Anne F; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Tamcan, Oezguer; Müller, Urs (2009). Beliefs about back pain predict the recovery rate over 52 consecutive weeks. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 35(6), pp. 437-45. Helsinki: Nordic Association of Occupational Safety and Health NOROSH

Berset, Martial; Semmer, Norbert K; Elfering, Achim; Amstad, Fabienne; Jacobshagen, Nicola (2009). Work characteristics as predictors of physiological recovery on weekends. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 35(3), pp. 188-192. Helsinki: Nordic Association of Occupational Safety and Health NOROSH

Jacobshagen, Nicola; Rigotti, Thomas; Semmer, Norbert K.; Mohr, Gisela (2009). Irritation at school: Reasons to initiate strain management earlier. International journal of stress management, 16(3), pp. 195-214. New York, N.Y.: American Psychological Association 10.1037/a0016595

Jacobshagen, Nicola; Semmer, Norbert K. (2009). Wer schätzt eigentlich wen? Kunden als Quelle der Wertschätzung am Arbeitsplatz. Who gives Appreciation to Whom? Customers as a Source of Appreciation at Work. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 11(1), pp. 11-19. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers

Meier, Laurenz L.; Semmer, Norbert K.; Elfering, Achim; Jacobshagen, Nicola (2008). The double meaning of control: Three-way interactions between internal resources, job control, and stressors at work. Journal of occupational health psychology, 13(3), pp. 244-258. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association 10.1037/1076-8998.13.3.244

Semmer, Norbert K.; Elfering, Achim; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Perrot, Tanja; Beehr, Terry A.; Boos, Norbert (2008). The emotional meaning of instrumental social support. International journal of stress management, 15(3), pp. 235-251. New York, N.Y.: American Psychological Association 10.1037/1072-5245.15.3.235

Mannion, Anne; Elfering, Achim; Staerkle, Ralph; Junge, Astrid; Grob, Dieter; Dvorak, Jiri; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Semmer, Norbert; Boos, Norbert (2007). Predictors of multidimensional outcome after spinal surgery. European spine journal, 16(6), pp. 777-786. Berlin: Springer 10.1007/s00586-006-0255-0

Semmer, Norbert; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Meier, Laurenz; Elfering, Achim (2007). Occupational stress research: The Stress-As-Offense-To-Self Perspective. In: McIntyre, S.; Houdmont, J. (eds.) Occupational Health Psychology: European Perspectives on Research, Education and Practice (Vol. 2) (pp. 41-58). Nottingham: Nottingham University Press

Semmer, Norbert; Jacobshagen, Nicola; Meier, Laurenz (2006). Arbeit und (mangelnde) Wertschätzung. Wirtschaftspsychologie(2/3), pp. 87-95. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers

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