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Tu, Luyao; Gilli, Adrian; Lotter, André F.; Vogel, Hendrik; Moyle, Madeleine; Boyle, John F.; Grosjean, Martin (2021). The nexus among long-term changes in lake primary productivity, deep-water anoxia, and internal phosphorus loading, explored through analysis of a 15,000-year varved sediment record. Global and planetary change, 207, p. 103643. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2021.103643
Kaufman, Darrell; McKay, Nicholas; Routson, Cody; Erb, Michael; Davis, Basil; Heiri, Oliver; Jaccard, Samuel; Tierney, Jessica; Dätwyler, Christoph; Axford, Yarrow; Brussel, Thomas; Cartapanis, Olivier; Chase, Brian; Dawson, Andria; de Vernal, Anne; Engels, Stefan; Jonkers, Lukas; Marsicek, Jeremiah; Moffa-Sánchez, Paola; Morrill, Carrie; ... (2020). Publisher Correction: A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records. Scientific data, 7(1) Springer Nature 10.1038/s41597-020-0515-6
Naumov, Goce; Hafner, Albert; Taneski, Bojan; Ballmer, Ariane; Reich, Johannes; Hostettler, Marco; Bolliger, Matthias; Francuz, John; Maczkowski, Andrej; Boogard, Amy; Antolin, Ferran; Charles, Mike; Tinner, Willy; Morales del Molino, Cesar; Lotter, André (2019). Research in 2019 at the site of Ploča-Mićov Grad near Gradište (Lake Ohrid). Patrimonium.mk. Periodical for cultural Heritage - Monuments, Restoration, Museums, 12(17), pp. 11-46. CALAMUS Gandčo Hadžipanzov 26, 1000 Skopje, Northern Macedonia
Szidat, Sönke; Rey, Fabian; Gobet, Erika; Lotter, André Franz; Gilli, Adrian; Hafner, Albert; Tinner, Willy (21 June 2018). High-precision chronologies by 14C wiggle matching on laminated lake sediments. In: 23rd International Radiocarbon Conference. Trondheim, Norway. 17-22 June, 2018.
Mäder, Andreas; Gobet, Erika; Lotter, André F.; Tinner, Willy (2018). Vegetationsgeschichte und Archäologie - neue Erkenntnisse zum Unesco-Weltkulturerbe «Freienbach-Hurden Seefeld». Mitteilungen des Historischen Vereins des Kantons Schwyz, 110, pp. 11-21. Historischer Verein des Kantons Schwyz
Lotter, André F.; Ammann, Brigitta; Schloss, Siegfried; Tinner, Willy (2016). Gerhard Lang (21.10.1924–19.6.2016). Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 25(6), pp. 521-523. Springer 10.1007/s00334-016-0588-5
Tinner, Willy; Allgöwer, Britta; Ammann, Brigitta; Conedera, Marco; Gobet, Erika; Lotter, André F.; Stähli, Markus (2005). Relevance and effects of fire disturbance on vegetation in Switzerland during the past millennia. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen, 156(9), pp. 325-330. Schweizerischer Forstverein 10.3188/szf.2005.0325
Tinner, Willy; Lotter, André F.; Ammann, Brigitta; Conedera, Marco; Hubschmid, Priska; van Leeuwen, Jacqueline F. N.; Wehrli, Michael (2005). Klima und Landschaftsumgestaltung – Palynologische Hinweise zur Komplexität prähistorischer Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen. In: Della Casa, Philippe; Trachsel, Martin (eds.) Wetland Economies and Societies. Collectio archæologica: Vol. 3 (pp. 57-68). Zürich: Chronos Verlag
Ammann, Brigitta; Lotter, André F. (eds.) (1994). Festschrift Gerhard Lang. Beiträge zur Systematik und Evolution, Floristik und Geobotanik, Vegetationsgeschichte und Paläoökologie. Dissertationes Botanicae: Vol. 234. Berlin: J. Cramer in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung
Küttel, Meinrad; Lotter, André F. (1987). Vegetation und Landschaft der Zentralschweiz im Jungpleistozän. Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Luzern, 29, pp. 251-272. Naturforschende Gesellschaft Luzern 10.5169/seals-523727
Morales-Molino, César; van Vugt, Lieveke; van Leeuwen, Jacqueline F N; Gobet, Erika; Schwörer, Christoph; Ganz, Kathrin; Giagkoulis, Tryfon; Brugger, Sandra O; Bogaard, Amy; Hafner, Albert; Kotsakis, Kostas; Lotter, André F; Tinner, Willy (2024). Looking at the modern landscape of submediterranean Greece through a palaeoecological lens. The Science of the total environment, 949, p. 174986. Elsevier 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174986
Brechbühl, Sarah; van Vugt, Lieveke; Gobet, Erika; Morales-Molino, César; Volery, Joseph; Lotter, André F.; Ballmer, Ariane; Brügger, Sandra Olivia; Szidat, Sönke; Hafner, Albert; Tinner, Willy (2024). Vegetation dynamics and land-use change at the Neolithic lakeshore settlement site of Ploča Mičov Grad, Lake Ohrid, North Macedonia. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 33(2), pp. 247-267. Springer 10.1007/s00334-023-00931-3
van der Knaap, Willem O.; Lotter, André F.; van Leeuwen, Jacqueline F.N. (2023). Contribution to Neotoma: Hallwilersee (Switzerland) pollen and diatoms. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 32(4), pp. 415-418. Springer 10.1007/s00334-023-00916-2
Tonkov, Spassimir; Heiri, Oliver; Lotter, André (2022). 60. Peat bog Vodniza, Rila Mountains (Bulgaria). Grana, 61(4), pp. 307-309. Scandinavian University Press 10.1080/00173134.2022.2052954
Marchetto, Aldo; Boggero, Angela; Fontaneto, Diego; Lami, Andrea; Lotter, André F.; Manca, Marina M.; Massaferro, Julieta; Mosello, Rosario; Musazzi, Simona; Nickus, Ulrike; Psenner, Roland; Rogora, Michela; Sorvari Stundet, Sanna; Stuchlik, Evzen; Tartari, Gabriele A,; Thies, Hansjörg; Tolotti, Monica (2021). Living organisms and sedimentary remains from high mountain lakes in the Alps. Journal of Limnology, 80(3), p. 2036. PAGEPress 10.4081/jlimnol.2021.2036
Kaufman, Darrell; McKay, Nicholas; Routson, Cody; Erb, Michael; Davis, Basil; Heiri, Oliver; Jaccard, Samuel; Tierney, Jessica; Dätwyler, Christoph; Axford, Yarrow; Brussel, Thomas; Cartapanis, Olivier; Chase, Brian; Dawson, Andria; de Vernal, Anne; Engels, Stefan; Jonkers, Lukas; Marsicek, Jeremiah; Moffa-Sánchez, Paola; Morrill, Carrie; ... (2020). Publisher Correction: A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records. Scientific data, 7(1) Springer Nature 10.1038/s41597-020-00611-1
Kaufman, Darrell; McKay, Nicholas; Routson, Cody; Erb, Michael; Davis, Basil; Heiri, Oliver; Jaccard, Samuel; Tierney, Jessica; Dätwyler, Christoph; Axford, Yarrow; Brussel, Thomas; Cartapanis, Olivier; Chase, Brian; Dawson, Andria; de Vernal, Anne; Engels, Stefan; Jonkers, Lukas; Marsicek, Jeremiah; Moffa-Sánchez, Paola; Morrill, Carrie; ... (2020). A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records. Scientific data, 7(1) Springer Nature 10.1038/s41597-020-0445-3
Brügger, Sandra O.; Gobet, Erika; Blunier, Thomas; Morales-Molino, César; Lotter, André F.; Fischer, Hubertus; Schwikowski, Margit; Tinner, Willy (2019). Palynological insights into global change impacts on Arctic vegetation, fire, and pollution recorded in Central Greenland ice. The Holocene, 29(7), pp. 1189-1197. Sage 10.1177/0959683619838039
Rey, Fabian; Gobet, Erika; Szidat, Sönke; Lotter, André Franz; Gilli, Adrian; Hafner, Albert; Tinner, Willy (2019). Radiocarbon wiggle matching on laminated sediments delivers high-precision chronologies. Radiocarbon, 61(1), pp. 265-285. Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona 10.1017/RDC.2018.47
Gubler, Moritz Raffael; Henne, Paul D.; Schwörer, Christoph; Boltshauser-Kaltenrieder, Petra; Lotter, André Franz; Brönnimann, Stefan; Tinner, Willy (2018). Microclimatic gradients provide evidence for a glacial refugium for temperate trees in a sheltered hilly landscape of Northern Italy. Journal of biogeography, 45(11), pp. 2564-2575. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/jbi.13426
Muñoz Sobrino, Castor; García-Moreiras, Iria; Gómez-Orellana, Luis; Iriarte-Chiapusso, María José; Heiri, Oliver; Lotter, André F.; Ramil-Rego, Pablo (2018). The last hornbeam forests in SW Europe: new evidence on the demise of Carpinus betulus in NW Iberia. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 27(4), pp. 551-576. Springer 10.1007/s00334-017-0654-7
Schilder, Jos; van Hardenbroek, Maarten; Bodelier, Paul; Kirilova, Emiliya P.; Leuenberger, Markus; Lotter, André F.; Heiri, Oliver (2017). Trophic state changes can affect the importance of methane-derived carbon in aquatic food webs. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological sciences, 284(1857), p. 20170278. The Royal Society 10.1098/rspb.2017.0278
Iriarte-Chiapusso, M.J.; Muñoz Sobrino, C.; Gómez-Orellana, L.; Hernández-Beloqui, B.; García-Moreiras, I.; Fernández Rodriguez, C.; Heiri, Oliver; Lotter, André F.; Ramil-Rego, P. (2016). Reviewing the Lateglacial–Holocene transition in NW Iberia: A palaeoecological approach based on the comparison between dissimilar regions. Quaternary International, 403, pp. 211-236. Pergamon Press 10.1016/j.quaint.2015.09.029
Heiri, Oliver; Ilyashuk, Boris; Millet, Laurent; Samartin, Stéphanie; Lotter, André F. (2015). Stacking of discontinuous regional palaeoclimate records: Chironomid-based summer temperatures from the Alpine region. Holocene, 25(1), pp. 137-149. Sage 10.1177/0959683614556382
Heiri, Oliver; Brooks, Stephen J.; Renssen, Hans; Bedford, Alan; Hazekamp, Marjolein; Ilyashuk, Boris; Jeffers, Elizabeth S.; Lang, Barbara; Kirilova, Emiliya; Kuiper, Saskia; Millet, Laurent; Samartin, Stéphanie; Toth, Monika; Verbruggen, Frederike; Watson, Jenny E.; van Asch, Nelleke; Lammertsma, Emmy; Amon, Leeli; Birks, Hilary H.; Birks, H. John B; ... (2014). Validation of climate model-inferred regional temperature change for late-glacial Europe. Nature communications, 5(1), p. 4914. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/ncomms5914
van Hardenbroek, Maarten Reinier; Lotter, André F.; Bastviken, David; Andersen, Thorbjørn Joest; Heiri, Oliver (2014). Taxon-specific δ13C analysis of chitinous invertebrate remains in sediments from Strandsjön, Sweden. Journal of Paleolimnology, 52(1-2), pp. 95-105. Kluwer Academic 10.1007/s10933-014-9780-8
Giesecke, Thomas; Davis, Basil; Brewer, Simon; Finsinger, Walter; Wolters, Steffen; Blaauw, Maarten; de Beaulieu, Jacques-Louis; Binney, Heather; Fyfe, Ralph M.; Gaillard, Marie-José; Gil-Romera, Graciela; van der Knaap, Willem Oscar; Kuneš, Petr; Kühl, Norbert; van Leeuwen, Jacqueline; Leydet, Michelle; Lotter, André F.; Ortu, Elena; Semmler, Malte and Bradshaw, Richard H. W. (2014). Towards mapping the late Quaternary vegetation change of Europe. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 23(1), pp. 75-86. Springer 10.1007/s00334-012-0390-y
Muñoz Sobrino, C.; Heiri, Oliver; Hazekamp, M.; van der Velden, D.; Kirilova, E. P.; García-Moreiras, I.; Lotter, A. F. (2013). New data on the Lateglacial period of SW Europe: a high resolution multiproxy record from Laguna de la Roya (NW Iberia). Quaternary Science Reviews, 80, pp. 58-77. Pergamon 10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.08.016
van Hardenbroek, M.; Heiri, Oliver; Parmentier, F.J.W.; Bastviken, D.; Ilyashuk, B.P.; Wiklund, J.A.; Hall, R.I.; Lotter, A.F. (2013). Evidence for past variations in methane availability in a Siberian thermokarst lake based on δ13C of chitinous invertebrate remains. Quaternary Science Reviews, 66, pp. 74-84. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.04.009
Tinner, Willy; Colombaroli, Daniele; Heiri, Oliver; Henne, Paul D.; Steinacher, Marco; Untenecker, Johanna; Vescovi, Elisa; Allen, Judy R. M.; Carraro, Gabriele; Conedera, Marco; Joos, Fortunat; Lotter, André F.; Luterbacher, Jürg; Samartin, Stéphanie; Valsecchi, Verushka (2013). Data from: The past ecology of Abies alba provides new perspectives on future responses of silver fir forests to global warming [Dataset]. In: Dryad Digital Repository. Ecological Society of America 10.5061/dryad.df3sn
Maher, L.J.; Heiri, Oliver; Lotter, A.F. (2012). Assessment of Uncertainties Associated with Palaeolimnological Laboratory Methods and Microfossil Analysis. In: Birks, H.J.B.; Lotter, André F.; Juggins, S.; Smol, J.P. (eds.) Tracking Environmental Change Using Lake Sediments. Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research: Vol. 5 (pp. 143-166). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag 10.1007/978-94-007-2745-8_6
van Hardenbroek, M.; Lotter, André F.; Bastviken, D.; Duc, N.T.; Heiri, Oliver (2012). Relationship between δ13C of chironomid remains and methane flux in Swedish lakes. Freshwater biology, 57(1), pp. 166-177. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2011.02710.x
Lotter, André F.; Heiri, Oliver; Brooks, S.; van Leeuwen, Jacqueline F. N.; Eicher, U.; Ammann, Brigitta (2012). Rapid summer temperature changes during Termination 1a: high-resolution multi-proxy climate reconstructions from Gerzensee (Switzerland). Quaternary Science Reviews, 36, pp. 103-113. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.06.022
Samartin, Stéphanie; Heiri, Oliver; Lotter, André F.; Tinner, Willy (2012). Climate warming and vegetation response after Heinrich event 1 (16 700–16 000 cal yr BP) in Europe south of the Alps. Climate of the past, 8(6), pp. 1913-1927. Göttingen: Copernicus Publications 10.5194/cp-8-1913-2012
Verbruggen, F.; Heiri, Oliver; Merilainen, J.J.; Lotter, André F. (2011). Subfossil chironomid assemblages in deep, stratified European lakes: relationships with temperature, trophic state and oxygen. Freshwater biology, 56(3), pp. 407-423. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2010.02508.x
Kirilova, E.P.; Heiri, Oliver; Bluszcz, P.; Zolitschka, B.; Lotter, André F. (2011). Climate-driven shifts in diatom assemblages recorded in annually laminated sediments of Sacrower See (NE Germany). Aquatic Sciences, 73(2), pp. 201-210. Basel: Springer 10.1007/s00027-010-0169-0
van Hardenbroek, M.; Heiri, Oliver; Wilhelm, M.F.; Lotter, André F. (2011). How representative are subfossil assemblages of Chironomidae and common benthic invertebrates for the living fauna of Lake De Waay, the Netherlands? Aquatic Sciences, 73(2), pp. 247-259. Basel: Springer 10.1007/s00027-010-0173-4
Heiri, Oliver; Brooks, Stephen J.; Birks, H. John B.; Lotter, André F. (2011). A 274-lake calibration data-set and inference model for chironomid-based summer air temperature reconstruction in Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30(23-24), pp. 3445-3456. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.quascirev.2011.09.006
Verbruggen, F.; Heiri, Oliver; Reichart, G.J.; Blaga, C.; Lotter, André F. (2011). Stable oxygen isotopes in chironomid and cladoceran remains as indicators for lake-water δ18O. Limnology and oceanography, 56(6), pp. 2071-2079. Waco, Tex.: American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. 10.4319/lo.2011.56.6.2071
Finsinger, Walter; Colombaroli, Daniele; De Beaulieu, Jacques-Louis; Valsecchi, Verushka; Vannière, Boris; Vescovi, Elisa; Chapron, Emmanuel; Lotter, André F.; Magny, Michel; Tinner, Willy (2010). Early to mid-Holocene climate change at Lago dell'Accesa (central Italy): climate signal or anthropogenic bias? Journal of quaternary science JQS, 25(8), pp. 1239-1247. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 10.1002/jqs.1402
Verbruggen, F.; Heiri, Oliver; Reichart, G.J.; Lotter, André F. (2010). Chironomid δ18O as a proxy for reconstructing past lake water δ18O: a down-core record based on late glacial sediments from Rotsee, Switzerland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29(17-18), pp. 2271-2279. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.05.030
Ilyashuk, Boris; Gobet, Erika; Heiri, Oliver; Lotter, André F.; van Leeuwen, Jacqueline; van der Knaap, Willem Oscar; Ilyashuk, Elena; Oberli, Florencia; Ammann, Brigitta (2009). Lateglacial environmental and climatic changes at the Maloja Pass, Central Swiss Alps, as recorded by chironomids and pollen. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(13-14), pp. 1340-1353. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.01.007
von Gunten, Lucien; Heiri, Oliver; Bigler, Christian; van Leeuwen, Jacqueline F. N.; Casty, Carlo; Lotter, André F.; Sturm, Michael (2008). Seasonal temperatures for the past ~ 400 years reconstructed from diatom and chironomid assemblages in a high-altitude lake (Lej da la Tscheppa, Switzerland). Journal of Paleolimnology, 39(3), pp. 283-299. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands 10.1007/s10933-007-9103-4
Finsinger, Walter; Belis, Claudio; Blockley, Simon P.E.; Eicher, Ueli; Leuenberger, Markus; Lotter, André F.; Ammann, Brigitta (2008). Temporal patterns in lacustrine stable isotopes as evidence for climate change during the late glacial in the Southern European Alps. Journal of Paleolimnology, 40(3), pp. 885-895. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic 10.1007/s10933-008-9205-7
Bigler, Christian; von Gunten, Lucien; Lotter, André F.; Hausmann, Sonja; Blass, Alexander; Ohlendorf, Christian; Sturm, Michael (2007). Quantifying human-induced eutrophication in Swiss mountain lakes since AD 1800 using diatoms. Holocene, 17(8), pp. 1141-1154. Los Angeles, Calif.: Sage 10.1177/0959683607082555
Tinner, Willy; Nielsen, Ebbe Holm; Lotter, André F. (2007). Mesolithic agriculture in Switzerland? A critical review of the evidence. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26(9-10), pp. 1416-1431. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.quascirev.2007.02.012
Finsinger, Walter; Heiri, Oliver; Valsecchi, Verushka; Tinner, Willy; Lotter, André F. (2007). Modern pollen assemblages as climate indicators in southern Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 16(5), pp. 567-582. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2007.00313.x
Finsinger, Walter; Bigler, Christian; Krähenbühl, Urs; Lotter, André F.; Ammannn, Brigitta (2006). Human impacts and eutrophication patterns during the past ~200 years at Lago Grande di Avigliana (N. Italy). Journal of Paleolimnology, 36(1), pp. 55-67. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands 10.1007/s10933-006-0002-x
Lotter, André F.; Heiri, Oliver; Hofmann, Wolfgang; van der Knaap, Willem Oscar; van Leeuwen, Jacqueline; Walker, Ian; Wick, Lucia (2006). Holocene timber-line dynamics at Bachalpsee, a lake at 2265 m a.s.l. in the northern Swiss Alps. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 15(4), pp. 295-307. Berlin: Springer 10.1007/s00334-006-0060-z
Tinner, Willy; Lotter, André F. (2006). Holocene expansions of Fagus silvatica and Abies alba in Central Europe: where are we after eight decades of debate? Quaternary Science Reviews, 25(5-6), pp. 526-549. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.quascirev.2005.03.017
van der Knaap, Willem Oscar; Tinner, Willy; Lotter, André F.; Hicks, Sheila (2006). Preface of the special issue "Multidisciplinary reconstructions in palaeoecology the diversity of ways and means". Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 15(4), p. 233. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00334-006-0071-9
Bigler, Christian; Heiri, Oliver; Krskova, Renata; Lotter, André F.; Sturm, Michael (2006). Distribution of diatoms, chironomids and cladocera in surface sediments of thirty mountain lakes in south-eastern Switzerland. Aquatic Sciences, 68(2), pp. 154-171. Birkhäuser-Verlag; www.birkhauser.ch 10.1007/s00027-006-0813-x
Tinner, Willy; Conedera, Marco; Ammann, Brigitta; Lotter, André F. (2005). Fire ecology north and south of the Alps since the last ice age. Holocene, 15(8), pp. 1214-1226. Sage 10.1191/0959683605hl892rp
Glaser, Rüdiger; Ammann, Brigitta; Brauer, Achim; Heiri, Oliver; Jacobeit, Jucundus; Lotter, André F.; Luterbacher, Jürg; Maisch, Max; Magny, Michel; Pfister, Christian; Veit, Heinz; Wanner, Heinz (2005). Palaeoclimate within the River Rhine catchment during Holocene and historic times. Erdkunde, 59(3/4), pp. 251-275. Geographisches Institut, Universität Bonn 10.3112/erdkunde.2005.03.05
Lotter, André F. (2005). Palaeolimnological Investigations in the Alps: The Long-Term Development of Mountain Lakes. In: Huber, Uli M.; Bugmann, Harald K.M.; Reasoner, Mel A. (eds.) Global Change and Mountain Regions. Advances in Global Change Research: Vol. 23 (pp. 105-112). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands 10.1007/1-4020-3508-X_11
Heiri, Oliver; Tinner, Willy; Lotter, André F. (2004). Evidence for cooler European summers during periods of changing meltwater flux to the North Atlantic. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 101(43), pp. 15285-15288. National Academy of Sciences NAS 10.1073/pnas.0406594101
Wick, Lucia; van Leeuwen, Jacqueline; van der Knaap, Willem Oscar; Lotter, André F. (2003). Holocene vegetation development in the catchment of Sagistalsee (1935 m asl), a small lake in the Swiss Alps. Journal of Paleolimnology, 30(3), pp. 261-272. Kluwer Academic 10.1023/A:1026088914129
Koinig, Karin A.; Shotyk, William; Lotter, André F.; Ohlendorf, Christian; Sturm, Michael (2003). 9000 years of geochemical evolution of lithogenic major and trace elements in the sediment of an alpine lake - the role of climate, vegetation, and land-use history. Journal of Paleolimnology, 30(3), pp. 307-320. Kluwer Academic 10.1023/A:1026080712312
Tinner, Willy; Lotter, André F.; Ammann, Brigitta; Conedera, Marco; Hubschmid, Priska; van Leeuwen, Jacqueline; Wehrli, Michael (2003). Climatic change and contemporaneous land-use phases north and south of the Alps 2300 BC to 800 AD. Quaternary Science Reviews, 22(14), pp. 1447-1460. Elsevier 10.1016/S0277-3791(03)00083-0
Heiri, Oliver; Wick, Lucia; van Leeuwen, Jacqueline; van der Knaap, Willem Oscar; Lotter, André F. (2003). Holocene tree immigration and the chironomid fauna of a small Swiss subalpine lake (Hinterburgsee, 1515 m asl). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 189(1-2), pp. 35-53. Elsevier 10.1016/S0031-0182(02)00592-8
Lotter, André F.; Appleby, PG; Bindler, R; Dearing, JA; Grytnes, JA; Hofmann, W; Kamenik, Christian; Lami, A; Livingstone, DM; Ohlendorf, C; Rose, N; Sturm, M (2002). The sediment record of the past 200 years in a Swiss high-alpine lake: Hagelseewli (2339 ma.s.l.). Journal of Paleolimnology, 28(1), pp. 111-127. Kluwer Academic 10.1023/A:1020328119961
Dapples, Florence; Lotter, André F.; van Leeuwen, Jacqueline; van der Knaap, Willem Oscar; Dimitriadis, Sophia; Oswald, Daniel (2002). Paleolimnological evidence for increased landslide activity due to forest clearing and land-use since 3600 cal BP in the western Swiss Alps. Journal of Paleolimnology, 27(2), pp. 239-248. Springer 10.1023/A:1014215501407
Hausmann, Sonja; Lotter, André F.; van Leeuwen, Jacqueline; Ohlendorf, Ch.; Lemcke, G.; Grönlund, E.; Sturm, M. (2002). Interactions of climate and land use documented in the varved sediments of Seebergsee in the Swiss Alps. Holocene, 12(3), pp. 279-289. Sage 10.1191/0959683602hl544rp
Lischke, Heike; Lotter, André F.; Fischlin, Andreas (2002). Untangling a Holocene pollen record with forest model simulations and independent climate data. Ecological Modelling, 150(1-2), pp. 1-21. Elsevier 10.1016/S0304-3800(02)00013-3
Hausmann, Sonja; Lotter, André F. (2001). Morphological variation within the diatom taxon Cyclotella comensis and its importance for quantitative temperature reconstructions. Freshwater Biology, 46(10), pp. 1323-1333. Wiley 10.1046/j.1365-2427.2001.00752.x
Heiri, Oliver; Lotter, André F. (2001). Effect of low count sums on quantitative environmental reconstructions: an example using subfossil chironomids. Journal of Paleolimnology, 26(3), pp. 343-350. Springer 10.1023/A:1017568913302
Tinner, Willy; Lotter, André F. (2001). Central European vegetation response to abrupt climate change at 8.2 ka. Geology, 29(6), pp. 551-554. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(2001)029<0551:CEVRTA>2.0.CO;2
Heiri, Oliver; Lotter, André F.; Lemcke, Gerry (2001). Loss on ignition as a method for estimating organic and carbonate content in sediments: reproducibility and comparability of results. Journal of Paleolimnology, 25(1), pp. 101-110. Springer 10.1023/A:1008119611481
Lotter, André F. (2001). The palaeolimnology of Soppensee (Central Switzerlabnd), as evidenced by diatom, pollen, and fossil-pigment analyses. Journal of Paleolimnology, 25(1), pp. 65-79. Springer 10.1023/A:1008140122230
Lotter, André F.; Birks, H.J.B; Eicher, U; Hofmann, W; Schwander, Jakob; Wick, L (2000). Younger Dryas and Allerød summer temperatures at Gerzensee (Switzerland) inferred from fossil pollen and cladoceran assemblages. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 159(3-4), pp. 349-361. Elsevier 10.1016/S0031-0182(00)00093-6
Lotter, André F.; Hofmann, Wolfgang; Kamenik, Christian; Lami, Andrea; Ohlendorf, Christian; Sturm, Michael; van der Knaap, Willem Oscar; van Leeuwen, Jacqueline (2000). Sedimentological and biostratigraphical analyses of short sediment cores from Hagelseewli (2339 m a.s.l.) in the Swiss Alps. Journal of limnology, 59(1s), pp. 53-64. PAGEPress 10.4081/jlimnol.2000.s1.53
Livingstone, David M.; Lotter, André F.; Walker, Ian R. (1999). The Decrease in Summer Surface Water Temperature with Altitude in Swiss Alpine Lakes: A Comparison with Air Temperature Lapse Rates. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 31(4), pp. 341-352. Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado at Boulder 10.2307/1552583
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Lister, Guy S.; Livingstone, David M.; Ammann, Brigitta; Ariztegui, Daniel; Haeberli, Wilfried; Lotter, André F.; Ohlendorf, Christian; Pfister, Christian; Schwander, Jakob; Schweingruber, Fritz; Stauffer, Bernard; Sturm, Michael (1998). Alpine Paleoclimatology. In: Cebon, Peter; Dahinden, Urs; Davies, Huw; Imboden, Dieter; Jaeger, Carlo C. (eds.) Views from the Alps - Regional Perspectives on Climate Change. Politics, Science, and the Environment (pp. 73-170). Cambridge, London: MIT Press
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