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Wagner, Felicitas Lony; Sudacka, M; Kononowicz, A A; Elvén, M; Durning, S J; Hege, I; Huwendiek, S (2024). Current status and ongoing needs for the teaching and assessment of clinical reasoning - an international mixed-methods study from the students` and teachers` perspective. BMC medical education, 24(622) BioMed Central 10.1186/s12909-024-05518-8
Neubauer, Florian B; Wagner, Felicitas L; Lörwald, Andrea; Huwendiek, Sören (2024). Sharpening the lens to evaluate interprofessional education and interprofessional collaboration by improving the conceptual framework: a critical discussion. BMC medical education, 24(615) BioMed Central 10.1186/s12909-024-05590-0
Hege, Inga; Adler, Martin; Donath, Daniel; Durning, Steven J.; Edelbring, Samuel; Elvén, Maria; Bogusz, Ada; Georg, Carina; Huwendiek, Sören; Körner, Melina; Kononowicz, Andrzej A.; Parodis, Ioannis; Södergren, Ulrika; Wagner, Felicitas L.; Wiegleb Edström, Desiree (2023). Developing a European longitudinal and interprofessional curriculum for clinical reasoning. Diagnosis, 10(3), pp. 218-224. De Gruyter 10.1515/dx-2022-0103
Grand-Guillaume-Perrenoud, Jean Anthony; Geese, Franziska; Uhlmann, Katja; Blasimann, Angela; Wagner, Felicitas L; Neubauer, Florian B; Huwendiek, Sören; Hahn, Sabine; Schmitt, Kai-Uwe (2023). Mixed methods instrument validation: Evaluation procedures for practitioners developed from the validation of the Swiss Instrument for Evaluating Interprofessional Collaboration. BMC health services research, 23(1), p. 83. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12913-023-09040-3
Guttormsen, Sissel; Lörwald, Andrea; Wagner, Felicitas; Hennel, Eva; Schnabel, Kai P; Weber, Rainer; Goldhahn, Jörg; Huwendiek, Sören (2022). Report of the annual meeting of the Society for Medical Education in the German speaking countries, virtual from the ETH Zürich 2021. GMS Journal for Medical Education, 39(2), Doc15. German Medical Science 10.3205/zma001536
Wagner, Felicitas L; Feller, Sabine; Schmitz, Felix M; Zimmermann, Philippe G; Krings, Rabea; Guttormsen, Sissel; Huwendiek, Sören (2022). Usability and preference of electronic vs. paper and pencil OSCE checklists by examiners and influence of checklist type on missed ratings in the Swiss Federal Licensing Exam. GMS Journal for Medical Education, 39(2), Doc24. German Medical Science 10.3205/zma001545
Wagner, Felicitas; Durning, S.J; Sudacka, M; Lison, S; Elvén, M; Huwendiek, Sören (2022). Needs regarding teaching and assessment of clinical reasoning: An international mixed-methods study. Abstract Book AMEE 2022.
Anschuetz, Wilma; Wagner, Felicitas; Jucker-Kupper, Patrick; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). Workshops for developing written exam questions go online: appropriate format according to the participants. GMS Journal for Medical Education, 38(1), Doc17. German Medical Science 10.3205/zma001413
Steiner, Isabelle; Brandenberger, Julia; Wagner, Felicitas; Huwendiek, Sören (2021). [Blended Learning With Virtual Pediatric Emergency Patients for Medical Students]. Praxis, 110(16), pp. 961-966. Hogrefe 10.1024/1661-8157/a003749
Sudacka, Małgorzata; Adler, Martin; Durning, Steven J.; Edelbring, Samuel; Frankowska, Ada; Hartmann, Daniel; Hege, Inga; Huwendiek, Sören; Sobočan, Monika; Thiessen, Nils; Wagner, Felicitas L.; Kononowicz, Andrzej A. (2021). Why is it so difficult to implement a longitudinal clinical reasoning curriculum? A multicenter interview study on the barriers perceived by European health professions educators. BMC medical education, 21(1), p. 575. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12909-021-02960-w
Kononowicz, Andrzej; Sudacka, Małgorzata; Wagner, Felicitas L.; Edelbring, Samuel; Hege, Inga; Huwendiek, Sören (2020). What are the expectations for a longitudinal clinical reasoning curriculum? An international needs analysis by the DID-ACT project. In: AMEE 2020. virtuell.
Hege, Inga; Adler, Martin; Durning, Steven; Edelbring, Samuel; Huwendiek, Sören; Kononowicz, Andrzej; Malgorzata, Sudacka; Thiessen, Nils; Wagner, Felicitas; Welin, Elisabet (2020). Development of a longitudinal interprofessional clinical reasoning curriculum – an international project. In: Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA). Zürich. 09.09.-12.09.2020. 10.3205/20gma003
Neubauer, Florian; Wagner, Felicitas Lony; Lörwald, Andrea Carolin; Guttormsen, Sissel; Huwendiek, Sören (August 2018). Development of a toolbox for multisource evaluation of Interprofessional Education and Interprofessional Collaboration in Switzerland (Unpublished). In: AMEE Conference. Basel. 25. - 29.8.2018.
Wagner, Felicitas Lony; Feller, Sabine; Schmitz, Felix; Zimmermann, Philippe; Guttormsen, Sissel; Krings, Rabea; Huwendiek, Sören (16 September 2016). Vergleich elektronischer Checklisten mit Papierchecklisten im Rahmen der Clinical Skills Prüfung der Eidgenössischen Prüfung Humanmedizin: Ergebnisse einer Umfrage unter den Prüfenden der letzten zwei Jahre. In: Jahrestagung GMA. Abstractband. Bern. 14.-17.09.2016. 10.3205/16gma161
Krings, Rabea; Feller, Sabine; Wiedemar, Lina; Schnabel, Kai; Steiner, Isabelle; Merz, Franziska; Steinlin, Maja; Kroiss Benninger, Sabine; Brem, Beate; Wagner, Felicitas Lony; Huwendiek, Sören (16 September 2016). Grundschulkinder als standardisierte Patienten in einer regulären summativen OSCE-Prüfung: eine Mixed Method Studie bezüglich Fairness, Akzeptanz, Machbarkeit und „Educational Impact“ aus Sicht der Beteiligten. In: Jahrestagung GMA. Abstractband. Bern. 14.-17.09.2016. 10.3205/16gma181
Troche, Stefan J.; Wagner, Felicitas. L.; Schweizer, Karl; Rammsayer, Thomas H. (23 July 2015). The impact of the position effect on the factorial structure of the Culture Fair Test (CFT) (Unpublished). In: 13th European Conference on Psychological Assessment. Zürich. 22.07.-25.07.2015.
Wagner, Felicitas L.; Rammsayer, Thomas H.; Schweizer, Karl; Troche, Stefan J. (2015). A fixed-links modeling approach to assess individual differences in the attentional blink: Analysis of behavioral and psychophysiological data. Acta psychologica, 159(July), pp. 123-130. Elsevier 10.1016/j.actpsy.2015.06.002
Troche, Stefan J.; Wagner, Felicitas L.; Völke, Annik; Roebers, Claudia M.; Rammsayer, Thomas H. (2014). Individual differences in working memory capacity explain the relationship between general discrimination ability and psychometric intelligence. Intelligence, 44, pp. 40-50. Elsevier 10.1016/j.intell.2014.02.009
Völke, Annik; Troche, Stefan J.; Rammsayer, Thomas H.; Wagner, Felicitas Lony; Roebers, Claudia M. (2014). Relations among fluid intelligence, sensory discrimination and working memory in middle to late childhood – A latent variable approach. Cognitive development, 32, pp. 58-73. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cogdev.2014.08.002
Wagner, Felicitas L.; Rammsayer, Thomas H.; Schweizer, Karl; Troche, Stefan J. (2014). Relations between the attentional blink and aspects of psychometric intelligence: A fixed-links modeling approach. Personality and individual differences, 58, pp. 122-127. Pergamon 10.1016/j.paid.2013.10.023
Wagner, Felicitas Lony; Schweizer, Karl; Rammsayer, Thomas; Troche, Stefan (2014). Fixed-links modeling as a means to separate multiple sources of variance underlying the attentional blink at the behavioral and electrophysiological levels of performance. (Unpublished). In: Modern Modeling Methods Conference. Storrs, Connecticut, USA. May, 20-21, 2014.
Wagner, Felicitas Lony; Troche, Stefan; Rammsayer, Thomas; Schweizer, Karl (19 July 2013). The Assessment of Multiple Processes Underlying the Attentional Blink: A Fixed - links Modeling Approach based on Behavioral and Electrophysiological Data (Unpublished). In: 12th European Conference on Psychological Assessment. San Sebastian, Spain. 17.-20.06.2013.
Völke, Annik E.; Troche, Stefan J.; Rammsayer, Thomas H.; Wagner, Felicitas L.; Roebers, Claudia M. (2013). Sensory discrimination, working memory and intelligence in 9-year-old and 11-year-old children. Infant and child development, 22(5), pp. 523-538. Wiley 10.1002/icd.1803
Troche, Stefan; Indermühle, Rebekka; Wagner, Felicitas Lony; Rammsayer, Thomas (September 2012). Keine Extraversions-, Impulsivitäts- oder Intelligenzunterschiede zwischen Personen mit und ohne Attentional Blink (Unpublished). In: 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Bielefeld. 23.-27.09.2012.
Wagner, Felicitas Lony; Indermühle, Rebekka; Rammsayer, Thomas; Troche, Stefan (September 2012). Zu den Zusammenhängen zwischen spezifischen Aspekten der psychometrischen Intelligenz und dem Attentional Blink (Unpublished). In: 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Bielefeld. 23.-27.09.2012.
Wagner, Felicitas; Troche, Stefan; Indermühle, Rebekka; Rammsayer, Thomas (2011). Extraversion-related individual differences in the attentional blink: An event-related potential study. In: Poster presented at the 12th Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society, Fribourg, Switzerland, 12.-13.9.2011.