Eliades, Theodore

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Number of items: 41.

Sifakakis, Iosif; Papaioannou, William; Papadimitriou, Aikaterini; Kloukos, Dimitrios; Papageorgiou, Spyridon N; Eliades, Theodore (2018). Salivary levels of cariogenic bacterial species during orthodontic treatment with thermoplastic aligners or fixed appliances: a prospective cohort study. Progress in orthodontics, 19(1), p. 25. Springer 10.1186/s40510-018-0230-4

Zinelis, Spiros; Pandis, Nikolaos; Al Jabbari, Youssef S; Eliades, George; Eliades, Theodore (2018). Does long-term intraoral service affect the mechanical properties and elemental composition of multistranded wires of lingual fixed retainers? European journal of orthodontics, 40(2), pp. 126-131. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ejo/cjx045

Renkema, AR; Fudalej, Piotr (2017). History. In: Katsaros, Christos; Eliades, Theodore (eds.) Stability, retention and relapse in orthodontics (pp. 5-14). Berlin: Quintessence Publishing

Sifakakis, S; Katsaros, Christos; Eliades, T (2017). Fixed retention in orthodontics. In: Katsaros, Christos; Eliades, Theodore (eds.) Stability, retention and relapse in orthodontics (pp. 177-187). Berlin: Quintessence Publishing

Gugger, Jonas; Pandis, Nikolaos; Zinelis, Spiros; Patcas, Raphael; Eliades, George; Eliades, Theodore (2016). Retrieval analysis of lingual fixed retainer adhesives. American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, 150(4), pp. 575-584. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ajodo.2016.06.012

Kloukos, Dimitrios; Sifakakis, Iosif; Voutsa, Dimitra; Doulis, Ioannis; Eliades, George; Katsaros, Christos; Eliades, Theodore (2015). BPA qualtitative and quantitative assessment associated with orthodontic bonding in vivo. Dental materials, 31(8), pp. 887-894. Elsevier 10.1016/j.dental.2015.04.020

Dietrich, Pamela; Patcas, Raphael; Pandis, Nikolaos; Eliades, Theodore (2015). Long-term follow-up of maxillary fixed retention: survival rate and periodontal health. European journal of orthodontics, 37(1), pp. 37-42. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ejo/cju001

Zurfluh, Monika A; Kloukos, Dimitrios; Patcas, Raphael; Eliades, Theodore (2015). Effect of chin-cup treatment on the temporomandibular joint: a systematic review. European journal of orthodontics, 37(3), pp. 314-324. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ejo/cju048

Koletsi, Despina; Fleming, Padhraig S; Eliades, Theodore; Pandis, Nikolaos (2015). The evidence from systematic reviews and meta-analyses published in orthodontic literature. Where do we stand? European journal of orthodontics, 37(6), pp. 603-609. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ejo/cju087

Baumgartner, Stefan; Pandis, Nikolaos; Eliades, Theodore (2014). Exploring the publications in three major orthodontic journals: a comparative analysis of two 5-year periods. Angle orthodontist, 84(3), pp. 397-403. Angle Orthodontists Research and Education Foundation 10.2319/071113-507.1

Markic, Goran; Katsaros, Christos; Pandis, Nikolaos; Eliades, Theodore (2014). Temporary anchorage device usage: a survey among Swiss orthodontists. Progress in orthodontics, 15(1), p. 29. Springer 10.1186/s40510-014-0029-x

Sifakakis, Iosif; Pandis, Nikolaos; Makou, Margarita; Eliades, Theodore; Katsaros, Christos; Bourauel, Christoph (2014). Torque efficiency of different archwires in 0.018- and 0.022-inch conventional brackets. Angle orthodontist, 84(1), pp. 149-154. Angle Orthodontists Research and Education Foundation 10.2319/021713-138.1

Zinelis, Spiros; Sifakakis, Iosif; Katsaros, Christos; Eliades, Theodore (2014). Microstructural and mechanical characterization of contemporary lingual orthodontic brackets. European journal of orthodontics, 36(4), pp. 389-393. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ejo/cjt086

Kloukos, Dimitrios; Eliades, Theodore; Sculean, Anton; Katsaros, Christos (2014). Indication and timing of soft tissue augmentation at maxillary and mandibular incisors in orthodontic patients. A systematic review. European journal of orthodontics, 36(4), pp. 442-449. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ejo/cjt073

Pandis, Nikolaos; Walsh, Tanya; Polychronopoulou, Argy; Katsaros, Christos; Eliades, Theodore (2014). Factorial designs: an overview with applications to orthodontic clinical trials. European journal of orthodontics, 36(3), pp. 314-320. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ejo/cjt054

Bradley, T Gerard; Berzins, David W; Valeri, Nicholas; Pruszynski, Jessica; Eliades, Theodore; Katsaros, Christos (2014). An investigation into the mechanical and aesthetic properties of new generation coated nickel-titanium wires in the as-received state and after clinical use. European journal of orthodontics, 36(3), pp. 290-296. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ejo/cjt048

Eichenberger, Martina; Staudt, Christine B; Pandis, Nikolaos; Gnoinski, Wanda; Eliades, Theodore (2014). Facial attractiveness of patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate and of controls assessed by laypersons and professionals. European journal of orthodontics, 36(3), pp. 284-289. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ejo/cjt047

Pandis, Nikolaos; Fleming, Padhraig S; Kloukos, Dimitrios; Polychronopoulou, Argy; Katsaros, Christos; Eliades, Theodore (2013). Survival of bonded lingual retainers with chemical or photo polymerization over a 2-year period: a single-center, randomized controlled clinical trial. American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, 144(2), pp. 169-175. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ajodo.2013.02.030

Kloukos, Dimitrios; Pandis, Nikolaos; Eliades, Theodore (2013). In vivo bisphenol-a release from dental pit and fissure sealants: a systematic review. Journal of dentistry, 41(8), pp. 659-67. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.jdent.2013.04.012

Fleming, Padhraig S.; Eliades, Theodore; Katsaros, Christos; Pandis, Nikolaos (2013). Curing lights for orthodontic bonding: a systematic review and meta-analysis. American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, 143(4 Suppl. 1), S92-S103. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ajodo.2012.07.018

Kloukos, Dimitrios; Pandis, Nikolaos; Eliades, Theodore (2013). Bisphenol-A and residual monomer leaching from orthodontic adhesive resins and polycarbonate brackets: a systematic review. American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, 143(4 Suppl. 1), S104-S112.e2. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ajodo.2012.11.015

Kloukos, Dimitrios; Taoufik, Era; Eliades, Theodore; Katsaros, Christos; Eliades, George (2013). Cytotoxic effects of polycarbonate-based orthodontic brackets by activation of mitochondrial apoptotic mechanisms. Dental materials, 29(3), e35-e44. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.dental.2012.10.004

Fleming, Padhraig S; Koletsi, Despina; Polychronopoulou, Argy; Eliades, Theodore; Pandis, Nikolaos (2013). Are clustering effects accounted for in statistical analysis in leading dental specialty journals? Journal of dentistry, 41(3), pp. 265-70. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.jdent.2012.11.012

Pandis, Nikolaos; Walsh, Tanya; Polychronopoulou, Argy; Katsaros, Christos; Eliades, Theodore (2013). Split-mouth designs in orthodontics: an overview with applications to orthodontic clinical trials. European journal of orthodontics, 35(6), pp. 783-789. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ejo/cjs108

Sifakakis, Iosif; Pandis, Nikolaos; Makou, Margarita; Eliades, Theodore; Katsaros, Christos; Bourauel, Christoph (2013). Torque expression of 0.018 and 0.022 inch conventional brackets. European journal of orthodontics, 35(5), pp. 610-4. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ejo/cjs041

Sifakakis, Iosif; Pandis, Nikolaos; Makou, Margarita; Eliades, Theodore; Katsaros, Christos; Bourauel, Christoph (2013). A comparative assessment of torque generated by lingual and conventional brackets. European journal of orthodontics, 35(3), pp. 375-80. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ejo/cjs029

Sifakakis, Iosif; Pandis, Nikolaos; Makou, Margarita; Katsaros, Christos; Eliades, Theodore; Bourauel, Christoph (2013). A comparative assessment of forces and moments generated by lingual and conventional brackets. European journal of orthodontics, 35(1), pp. 82-6. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ejo/cjr048

Pandis, Nikolaos; Walsh, Tanya; Polychronopoulou, Argy; Eliades, Theodore (2013). Cluster randomized clinical trials in orthodontics: design, analysis and reporting issues. European journal of orthodontics, 35(5), pp. 669-75. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ejo/cjs072

Divaris, Kimon; Lai, Caroline S; Polychronopoulou, Argy; Eliades, Theodore; Katsaros, Christos (2012). Stress and burnout among Swiss dental residents. Schweizerische Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin, 122(7-8), pp. 610-5. Bern: Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft

Koletsi, Despina; Pandis, Nikolaos; Polychronopoulou, Argy; Eliades, Theodore (2012). Mislabeling controlled clinical trials (CCTs) as "randomized clinical trials (RCTs)" in dental specialty journals. Journal of evidence-based dental practice, 12(3), pp. 124-30. St. Louis, Mo.: Mosby 10.1016/j.jebdp.2012.05.002

Koletsi, Despina; Pandis, Nikolaos; Polychronopoulou, Argy; Eliades, Theodore (2012). What's in a title? An assessment of whether randomized controlled trial in a title means that it is one. American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, 141(6), pp. 679-85. St. Louis, Mo.: Mosby 10.1016/j.ajodo.2011.12.020

Koletsi, Despina; Pandis, Nikolaos; Polychronopoulou, Argy; Eliades, Theodore (2012). Does published orthodontic research account for clustering effects during statistical data analysis? European journal of orthodontics, 34(3), pp. 287-92. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/ejo/cjr122

Gkantidis, Nikolaos; Zinelis, Spiros; Karamolegkou, Marina; Eliades, Theodore; Topouzelis, Nikolaos (2012). Comparative assessment of clinical performance of esthetic bracket materials. Angle orthodontist, 82(4), pp. 691-7. Huntsville, Tex.: Angle Orthodontists Research and Education Foundation 10.2319/092511-605.1

Pandis, Nikolaos; Polychronopoulou, Argy; Eliades, Theodore (2011). Sample size estimation: an overview with applications to orthodontic clinical trial designs. American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, 140(4), e141-6. St. Louis, Mo.: Mosby 10.1016/j.ajodo.2011.04.021

Pandis, Nikolaos; Polychronopoulou, Argy; Katsaros, Christos; Eliades, Theodore (2011). Comparative assessment of conventional and self-ligating appliances on the effect of mandibular intermolar distance in adolescent nonextraction patients: a single-center randomized controlled trial. American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, 140(3), e99-e105. St. Louis, Mo.: Mosby 10.1016/j.ajodo.2011.03.019

Pandis, Nikolaos; Polychronopoulou, Argy; Madianos, Phoebus; Makou, Margarita; Eliades, Theodore (2011). Reporting of research quality characteristics of studies published in 6 major clinical dental specialty journals. Journal of evidence-based dental practice, 11(2), pp. 75-83. St. Louis, Mo.: Mosby 10.1016/j.jebdp.2010.11.026

Pandis, Nikolaos; Polychronopoulou, Argy; Eliades, Theodore (2011). Randomization in clinical trials in orthodontics: its significance in research design and methods to achieve it. European journal of orthodontics, 33(6), pp. 684-690. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/ejo/cjq141

Sifakakis, Iosif; Pandis, Nikolaos; Eliades, Theodore; Makou, Margarita; Katsaros, Christos; Bourauel, Christoph (2011). In-vitro assessment of the forces generated by lingual fixed retainers. American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, 139(1), pp. 44-8. St. Louis, Mo.: Mosby 10.1016/j.ajodo.2010.02.029

Polychronopoulou, Argy; Pandis, Nikolaos; Eliades, Theodore (2011). Appropriateness of reporting statistical results in orthodontics: the dominance of P values over confidence intervals. European journal of orthodontics, 33(1), pp. 22-5. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/ejo/cjq025

Eliades, Theodore; Voutsa, Dimitra; Sifakakis, Iosif; Makou, Margarita; Katsaros, Christos (2011). Release of bisphenol-A from a light-cured adhesive bonded to lingual fixed retainers. American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, 139(2), pp. 192-5. St. Louis, Mo.: Mosby 10.1016/j.ajodo.2009.12.026

Polychronopoulou, Argy; Pandis, Nikolaos; Eliades, Theodore (2010). Assessment of publication bias in dental specialty journals. Journal of evidence-based dental practice, 10(4), pp. 207-11. St. Louis, Mo.: Mosby

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