de Groote, Julia Katharina

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Number of items: 50.

Journal Article

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Backmann, Julia (2019). Initiating open innovation collaborations between incumbents and startups: How can David and Goliath get along? International Journal of Innovation Management, 24(02), p. 2050011. Imperial College Press 10.1142/S1363919620500115

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Mendini, Monica; Gibbert, Michael (2019). In the eye of the beholder: The role of cognitive style and similarity in the evaluation of brand extensions. Journal of consumer behaviour, 18(1), pp. 63-73. Wiley 10.1002/cb.1741

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Schell, Sabrina (2018). Insights on the Self-identity of the Descendants of Family Business Owners: The Case of German Unternehmerkinder. International journal of entrepreneurship and small business, 33(1), pp. 112-131. Interscience Publishers 10.1504/IJESB.2018.088684

Schell, Sabrina; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas; Kammerlander, Nadine (2018). We are family!? Disentangling the owner family in family business. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1), p. 11456. Academy of Management, New York 10.5465/AMBPP.2018.174

Newspaper or Magazine Article

de Groote, Julia Katharina (2018). Unternehmerkind bleibt man ein Leben lang. UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern(173), p. 1. Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern

de Groote, Julia Katharina (June 2017). Ich bin nicht, was ich bin : Einblicke in die Identitätsbildung von Unternehmerkindern. Personal Schweiz : Das Magazin für die Schweizer Personalpraxis WEKA Business Media AG

de Groote, Julia Katharina (September 2015). Nachfolgeplanung in Familienunternehmen : Generationenwechsel als Chance. Personal Schweiz WEKA Business Media

Book Section

de Groote, Julia Katharina (2016). Thematisches Denken. In: Abele, Thomas (ed.) Die frühe Phase des Innovationsprozesses: Neue, praxiserprobte Methoden und Ansätze. FOM-Edition, FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management (pp. 7-30). Wiesbaden: Springer


Niedermair, Jessica; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas (2019). Mit Yoga zum Erfolg? Was wirklich hinter Achtsamkeit in Unternehmen steckt (Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Organisation & Personal, Abteilung Personal, der Universität Bern). Bern Open Publishing 10.7892/boris.127063

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Schell, Sabrina (2018). Innovation in Schweizer Familienunternehmen (Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Organisation & Personal, Abteilung Personal, der Universität Bern 2018-1). Bern: Bern Open Publishing

Conference or Workshop Item

Niedermair, Jessica; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas (2019). Mind does not mind? Curvilinear effects between mindfulness and individual innovation behavior (Unpublished). In: Academy of Management Conference (AOM). Boston, MA, US. 2019.

Schell, Sabrina; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Stanley, L.; Cooper, J. (2019). Goals in balance: Linking commitment, goal alignment and innovative behavior in family firms (Unpublished). In: Academy of Management Conference (AOM). Boston, MA. 09.-13.08. 2019.

Wyrsch, Patrice; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas (2019). Environmental sensitivity, work conditions, and organizational citizenship behavior (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM). Lisboa, PT.. 2019.

Niedermair, Jessica; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas (2019). Meander in the maze of mediocrity? Nonlinear effects of mindfulness on individual innovation behavior (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM). Lisboa, PT.. 2019.

Schell, Sabrina; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Kammerlander, N.; Hack, Andreas (2019). Structural, hierarchical, and temporal dimensions as shapers of the owner family identity (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM). Lisboa, PT.. 2019.

Schell, Sabrina; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Kammerlander, N.; Hack, Andreas (2019). Opening the black box of the owner family identity: An empirical investigation (Unpublished). In: International Family Enterprise Research Acedemy Annual Conference (IFERA). Bergamo, IT. 2019.

Schell, Sabrina; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Stanley, L.; Cooper, J. (2019). Disentangling the roles of goal alignment and commitment as antecedents of innovative behavior in family firms (Unpublished). In: International Family Enterprise Research Acedemy Annual Conference (IFERA). Bergamo, IT. 2019.

Gibbert, M.; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hoegl, M.; Estes, Z.; Mendini, M. (October 2018). How understanding similarity can help to discover new complementarity (Unpublished). In: 22nd Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation (G-Forum). Stuttgart, DE. 2018.

Kakatkar, C.; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Fueller, J.; Spann, M. (9 July 2018). The DNA of winning ideas : a network perspective of success in new product development. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1), p. 11047. San Diego, Calif.: Academy of Management 10.5465/AMBPP.2018.11047abstract

Treiber, T.; de Groote, Julia Katharina; von Schlippe, A.; Hack, Andreas (8 July 2018). On the road to perdition: How do family effects influence strategic path dependencies? (Unpublished). In: International Family Enterprise Research Acedemy Annual Conference (IFERA). Zwolle, NL. 04-06.07. 2018.

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Grütter, Marco; Koch, Andri (June 2018). Everything Comes at a Price: The Influence of Job Seekers’ Personality on Preferences for Pay and Leisure (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management (EURAM). Reykjavik, Island.

Schell, Sabrina; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Kammerlander, N.; Hack, Andreas (2018). The owner family identity: Temporal, structural, and hierarchical dimensions (Unpublished). In: Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation (G-Forum). Stuttgart, DE. 2018.

Backmann, Julia; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Razinskas, S.; Hoegl, M. (2018). A cross-level investigation of charismatic leadership of top management teams (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM). Reykjavik, IS. 2018.

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Backmann, Julia; Chappuis, F.; Stammler, C. (2018). Partnering up for innovation: The selection process in partnerships between incumbents and start-ups (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM). Reykjavik, IS. 2018.

Schell, Sabrina; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas; Kammerlander, N. (2018). Disentangling the concept of the owner family in family business (research). (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM). Reykjavik, IS. 2018.

Wyrsch, Patrice; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas (2018). Environmental sensitivity: A new perspective on exploration, exploitation, prosociality, and burnout. (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM). Reykjavik, IS. 2018.

Schell, Sabrina; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Stanley, L.; Cooper, J. (2018). Commitment is not enough: Goal alignment as the key to performance in family firms. (Unpublished). In: International Family Enterprise Research Acedemy Annual Conference (IFERA). Zwolle, NL. 2018.

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas; Conrad, W. (2017). How can Family Businesses survive disruptive industry changes? Insights from the traditional mail order industry. (Unpublished). In: 21th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Wuppertal (Germany). 5.-6.10.2017.

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas; Schell, Sabrina; Kammerlander, N. (2017). The Family in Family Businesses – a conceptual model (Unpublished). In: International Family Enterprise Research Academy Annual Conference (IFERA). Zadar (Croatia). 28.06. - 01.07.2017.

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas; Conrad, W. (2017). Opportunity Recognition and Exploitation : How Industry Specifics and Ownership Affect Entrepreneurial Behavior in Established Companies (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM). Glasgow (Scotland). 21.06.-24.06.2017.

Backmann, J.; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Razinskas, S. (2017). Unpacking Charismatic Leadership of Top Management Teams : A Cross-Level Investigation. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017(1), p. 15430. New York: Academy of Management 10.5465/AMBPP.2017.15430abstract

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Schell, Sabrina (3 June 2016). Am I what I am? Insights on the Self-Identity of Descendants of Family Βusiness Owners (Unpublished). In: 2016 European Academy of Management Conference. Paris. 01.-04.06.2016.

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas; Pratelli, Cristina (2015). Does the Apple Fall Far from the Tree? Leadership Style Continuity in Family Businesses (Unpublished). In: Academy of Management Conference (AOM). Vancouver (Canada). 07.-11.08.2015.

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas (2015). What makes a good idea? : a signaling approach to the assessment of idea quality of innovation ideas (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM). Warsaw (Poland). 17.-20.06.2015.

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Schell, Sabrina; Hack, Andreas; Moog, P. (2015). Die Auswahl eines Unternehmensnachfolgers - ein Signaling Game? (Unpublished). In: 5. Konferenz der deutschsprachigen Forschungszentren und Institute für Familienunternehmen. Friedrichshafen (Deutschland). 02.-03.03.2015.

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hoegl, M.; Kleindienst, I.; Schweizer, D.; Laamanen, T. (June 2014). Thematic vs. Taxonomic Similarity : How Type of Similarity affects Investor Reactions to M&A Announcements (Unpublished). In: Strategic Management Society Special Conference. Copenhagen (DK). 13.-15.06.2014.

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Salm, L.J.; Hoegl, M.; Muethel, M. (2014). Do you think how I think? : Taxonomic and thematic thinking in teams (Unpublished). In: PDMA Annual Research Forum. Denver (USA). 18.-19.10.2014.

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hoegl, M.; Gibbert, M. (2014). Finding the needle in the haystack : an investigation of the influence of idea character and idea presentation on idean survival (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM). Valencia (ES). 04.-07.07.2014.

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas; Pratelli, Cristina (2014). The role of the family in developing similar intergenerational leadership styles in family businesses (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM). Valencia (ES). 04.-07.07.2014.

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Klammer, J.; Van den Anker, F.; de Groote, Z. (2014). Successful community Management : What drives user participation in online research communities? (Unpublished). In: General Online Research Conference (GOR). Cologne (DE). 05.-07.03.2014.

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Weiss, M. (2013). Cognition and Innovation Performance : the Role of Similarity Preference (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM). Istanbul (TR). 26.-29.06.2013.

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hoegl, M.; Kleindienst, K.; Schweizer, D. (2013). Taxonomic vs. Thematic Similarity in Mergers & Acquisitions. In: European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM). Istanbul: European Academy of Management

de Groote, Julia Katharina (August 2012). Connecting the dots – Antecedents of individuals’ thematic similarity recognition (Unpublished). In: Academy of Management Conference (AOM). Boston (USA). 03.-07.08.2012.

de Groote, Julia Katharina (2012). An empirical investigation of individual level antecedents of similarity preferences (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM). Rotterdam (NL).

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Gibbert, M. (August 2011). What makes a jogging shoe similar to a Mp3-player? A process model of thematic Ideation. (Unpublished). In: Academy of Management Conference (AOM). San Antonio (TX). 14.-16.08.2011.

Blickle, G.; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Ehlert, S.; Pirner, K.; Dietl, E.; Hanes, T. J.; Ferris, G. R. (2010). Socioanalytic theory and work behavior : Roles of work values and political skill in job performance and promotability assessment (Unpublished). In: Annual Meeting of the Southern Management Association. St. Petersburg (FL, USA). 27.-30.10.2010.


de Groote, Julia Katharina (2013). Thematic Similarity and Managerial Decision Making. (Dissertation, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management)


Schell, Sabrina; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Richard, Salome; Hack, Andreas; Kellermanns, Franz (2021). Dataset used for the project [1481] "Selection Logics in Family Firms" - subproject top management team member selection [Dataset].

Schell, Sabrina; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Urban, Thomas; Hack, Andreas; von Schlippe, Arist (2021). Dataset used for the project [1481] "Selection Logics in Family Firms" - subproject family member selection [Dataset].

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Schell, Sabrina; Kammerlander, Nadine; Hack, Andreas (2020). Dataset used for the project [1481] "Selection Logics in Family Firms" - subproject open innovation partner selection [Dataset].

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