08 Faculty of Science > Institute of Geological Sciences > Applied Rock-Water-Interaction

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Adams, Arthur

Adams, Arthur; Diamond, Larryn William; Aschwanden, Lukas (2019). Dolomitization by hypersaline reflux into dense groundwaters as revealed by vertical trends in strontium and oxygen isotopes: Upper Muschelkalk, Switzerland. Sedimentology, 66(1), pp. 362-390. Blackwell Science 10.1111/sed.12530

Aschwanden, Lukas; Diamond, Larryn William; Adams, Arthur (2019). Effects of progressive burial on matrix porosity and permeability of dolostones in the foreland basin of the Alpine Orogen, Switzerland. Marine and petroleum geology, 100, pp. 148-164. Elsevier 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.10.055

Aschwanden, Lukas; Diamond, Larryn William; Adams, Arthur; Mazurek, Martin (2017). Anhydrite-dissolution Porosity in the Upper Muschelkalk Carbonate Aquifer, NE-Switzerland: Implications for Geothermal Energy and Geological Storage of Gas. Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 897-900. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2017.01.011

Affolter, Stéphane

Fischer, Hubertus; Meissner, Katrin J.; Mix, Alan C.; Abram, Nerilie J.; Austermann, Jacqueline; Brovkin, Victor; Capron, Emilie; Colombaroli, Daniele; Daniau, Anne-Laure; Dyez, Kelsey A.; Felis, Thomas; Finkelstein, Sarah A.; Jaccard, Samuel; McClymont, Erin L.; Rovere, Alessio; Sutter, Johannes; Wolff, Eric W.; Affolter, Stéphane; Bakker, Pepijn; Ballesteros-Cánovas, Juan Antonio; ... (2018). Palaeoclimate constraints on the impact of 2 °C anthropogenic warming and beyond. Nature geoscience, 11(7), pp. 474-485. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41561-018-0146-0

Alt-Epping, Peter

Alt-Epping, Peter; Diamond, Larryn W.; Wanner, Christoph; Hammond, Glenn E. (2021). Effect of Glacial/Interglacial Recharge Conditions on Flow of Meteoric Water Through Deep Orogenic Faults: Insights Into the Geothermal System at Grimsel Pass, Switzerland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(7) American Geophysical Union 10.1029/2020JB021271

Wanner, Christoph; Diamond, Larryn W.; Alt-Epping, Peter (2019). Quantification of 3‐D Thermal Anomalies From Surface Observations of an Orogenic Geothermal System (Grimsel Pass, Swiss Alps). Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124(11), pp. 10839-10854. American Geophysical Union 10.1029/2019JB018335

Pekala, Marek; Alt-Epping, Peter; Wersin, Paul (2019). 3D and 1D Dual-Porosity Reactive Transport Simulations - Model Improvements, Sensitivity Analyses, and Results from the Integrated Sulfide Project (Working Report WR-2018-31). Olkiluoto: Posiva Oy

Poonoosamy, J.; Wanner, Christoph; Alt-Epping, Peter; Águila, J. F.; Samper, J.; Montenegro, L.; Xie, M.; Su, D.; Mayer, K. U.; Mäder, Urs; Van Loon, L. R.; Kosakowski, G. (2018). Benchmarking of reactive transport codes for 2D simulations with mineral dissolution–precipitation reactions and feedback on transport parameters. Computational geosciences, 25(4), pp. 1337-1358. Springer 10.1007/s10596-018-9793-x

Alt-Epping, Peter; Gimmi, Thomas; Wersin, Paul; Jenni, Andreas (2018). Incorporating electrical double layers into reactive-transport simulations of processes in clays by using the Nernst-Planck equation: A benchmark revisited. Applied geochemistry, 89, pp. 1-10. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2017.10.018

Wersin, Paul; Gimmi, Thomas; Mazurek, Martin; Alt-Epping, Peter; Pekala, Marek; Traber, Daniel (2018). Multicomponent diffusion in a 280 m thick argillaceous rock sequence. Applied geochemistry, 95, pp. 110-123. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.05.013

Jenni, Andreas; Gimmi, Thomas; Alt-Epping, Peter; Mäder, Urs; Cloet, V (2017). Interaction of ordinary Portland cement and Opalinus Clay: Dual porosity modelling compared to experimental data. Physics and chemistry of the earth, 99, pp. 22-37. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pce.2017.01.004

Wersin, Paul; Alt-Epping, Peter; Pekala, Marek; Pitkänen, Petteri; Snellman, Margit (2017). Modelling Sulfide Fluxes and Cu Canister Corrosion Rates in the Engineered Barrier System of a Spent Fuel Repository. Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 722-725. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2016.12.183

Charlet, Laurent; Alt-Epping, Peter; Wersin, Paul; Gilbert, Benjamin (2017). Diffusive transport and reaction in clay rocks: A storage (nuclear waste, CO 2, H 2), energy (shale gas) and water quality issue. Advances in water ressources, 106, pp. 39-59. Elsevier 10.1016/j.advwatres.2017.03.019

Mazurek, Martin; Oyama, Takahiro; Wersin, Paul; Alt-Epping, Peter (2015). Pore-water squeezing from indurated shales. Chemical geology, 400, pp. 106-121. Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2015.02.008

Wanner, Christoph; Druhan, Jennifer L.; Amos, Richard T.; Alt-Epping, Peter; Steefel, Carl I. (2015). Benchmarking the simulation of Cr isotope fractionation. Computational geosciences, 19(3), pp. 497-521. Baltzer Science Publishers 10.1007/s10596-014-9436-9

Wersin, Paul; Alt-Epping, Peter; Pitkänen, Petteri; Román-Ross, Gabriela; Trinchero, Paolo; Molinero, Jorge; Smith, Paul; Snellman, Margit; Filby, André; Kiczka, Mirjam (2014). Sulphide fluxes and concentrations in the spent nuclear fuel repository at Olkiluoto (Posiva Report 2014-01). Olkiluoto, Finland: Posiva Oy

Alt-Epping, Peter; Tournassat, C.; Rasouli, P.; Steefel, C. I.; Mayer, K. U.; Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs; Sengor, S. S.; Fernández, R. (2014). Benchmark reactive transport simulations of a column experiment in compacted bentonite with multispecies diffusion and explicit treatment of electrostatic effects. Computational geosciences, 19(3), pp. 535-550. Baltzer Science Publishers 10.1007/s10596-014-9451-x

Tournassat, Christophe; Alt-Epping, Peter; Gaucher, Eric C.; Gimmi, Thomas; Leupin, Olivier X.; Wersin, Paul (2011). Biogeochemical processes in a clay formation in situ experiment: Part F - Reactive transport modelling. Applied geochemistry, 26(6), pp. 1009-1022. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.03.009

Aschwanden, Lukas

Nägler, Thomas; Pierret, Marie-Claire; Vögelin, Andrea; Pettke, Thomas; Aschwanden, Lukas; Villa, Igor Maria (2020). Small catchment scale Mo isotope balance and its implications for global Mo isotope cycling. In: Dontsova, Katerina; Balogh-Brunstad, Zsuzsanna; Le Roux, Gaël (eds.) Biogeochemical Cycles: Ecological Drivers and Environmental Impact. Geophysical Monograph Series: Vol. 251 (pp. 163-189). American Geophysical Union 10.1002/9781119413332.ch8

Wersin, P.; Pekala, M.; Mazurek, M.; Gimmi, T.; Mäder, U.; Jenni, A.; Rufer, D.; Aschwanden, L. (2020). Porewater Chemistry of Opalinus Clay: Methods, Data, Modelling & Buffering Capacity (Technical Report, Nagra 18-01). NAGRA, National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste

Aschwanden, Lukas; Diamond, Larryn W.; Mazurek, Martin; Davis, Donald W. (2019). Creation of secondary porosity in dolostones by upwelling basement water in the foreland of the Alpine orogen. Geofluids, 2019, pp. 1-23. Hindawi 10.1155/2019/5210404

Adams, Arthur; Diamond, Larryn William; Aschwanden, Lukas (2019). Dolomitization by hypersaline reflux into dense groundwaters as revealed by vertical trends in strontium and oxygen isotopes: Upper Muschelkalk, Switzerland. Sedimentology, 66(1), pp. 362-390. Blackwell Science 10.1111/sed.12530

Aschwanden, Lukas; Diamond, Larryn William; Adams, Arthur (2019). Effects of progressive burial on matrix porosity and permeability of dolostones in the foreland basin of the Alpine Orogen, Switzerland. Marine and petroleum geology, 100, pp. 148-164. Elsevier 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.10.055

Petts, D.C.; Saso, J.K.; Diamond, Larryn William; Aschwanden, Lukas; Al, T.A.; Jensen, M. (2017). The source and evolution of paleofluids responsible for secondary minerals in low-permeability Ordovician limestones of the Michigan Basin. Applied geochemistry, 86, pp. 121-137. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2017.09.011

Aschwanden, Lukas; Diamond, Larryn William; Adams, Arthur; Mazurek, Martin (2017). Anhydrite-dissolution Porosity in the Upper Muschelkalk Carbonate Aquifer, NE-Switzerland: Implications for Geothermal Energy and Geological Storage of Gas. Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 897-900. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2017.01.011

Berger, Alfons

Rufer, Daniel; Preusser, Frank; Schreurs, Guido; Gnos, Edwin; Berger, Alfons (2014). Late Quaternary history of the Vakinankaratra volcanic field (central Madagascar): insights from luminescence dating of phreatomagmatic eruption deposits. Bulletin of volcanology, 76(5), p. 817. Springer 10.1007/s00445-014-0817-7

Rufer, Daniel (2009). Characterization and age determination of Quaternary volcanism in the southern Ankaratra region (central Madagascar) through novel approaches in luminescence dating. (Dissertation, University of Bern, Faculty of Science)

Rufer, Daniel; Schreurs, Guido; Berger, Alfons; Villa, Igor Maria; Gnos, Edwin (2006). Cenozoic alkaline volcanism in central Madagascar in the context of intracontinental rifting (Unpublished). In: 4th Swiss Geoscience Meeting. Bern, Switzerland. 24-25.11.2006.

Bernard, Ellina Françoise Michelle

Bernard, Ellina; Jenni, Andreas; Fisch, Martin; Grolimund, Daniel; Mäder, Urs (2020). Micro-X-ray diffraction and chemical mapping of aged interfaces between cement pastes and Opalinus Clay. Applied geochemistry, 115, p. 104538. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2020.104538

Büntgen, Ulf

Luterbacher, Jürg; García-Herrera, Ricardo; Akcer-On, Sena; Allan, Rob; Alvarez-Castro, Maria-Carmen; Benito, Gerardo; Booth, Jonathan; Büntgen, Ulf; Cagatay, Namik; Colombaroli, D; Davis, Basil; Esper, Jan; Felis, Thomas; Fleitmann, Dominik; Frank, David; Gallego, David; Garcia-Bustamante, Elena; Glaser, Ruediger; González-Rouco, Fidel J.; Goosse, Hugues; ... (2012). A review of 2000 years of paleoclimatic evidence in the Mediterranean. In: Lionello, P. (ed.) The Climate of the Mediterranean region: From the Past to the Future (pp. 87-185). Amsterdam: Elsevier

Carbajal Martinez, Daniel

Carbajal‐Martínez, Daniel; Wanner, Christoph; Diamond, Larryn W.; Peiffer, Loïc; Fletcher, John M.; Inguaggiato, Claudio; Contreras‐López, Manuel (2024). Behavior of Amagmatic Orogenic Geothermal Systems: Insights From the Agua Blanca Fault, Baja California, Mexico. Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems, 25(3) American Geophysical Union AGU 10.1029/2023GC011145

Cardenas Bocanegra, Miguel Alejandro

Wanner, Christoph; Moradi, Hoda; Ingold, Philipp; Cardenas Bocanegra, Miguel A.; Mercurio, Romano; Furrer, Gerhard (2023). Rock glaciers in the Central Eastern Alps – How permafrost degradation can cause acid rock drainage, mobilization of toxic elements and formation of basaluminite. Global and planetary change, 227, p. 104180. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2023.104180

Churakov, Sergey

Owusu, Jerry Peprah (2023). Numerical simulations of gas transport in argillaceous rocks: A molecular dynamics and pore-scale simulation study (Unpublished). (Dissertation, University of Bern, Institute of Geological Sciences)

Colombaroli, Daniele

Fischer, Hubertus; Meissner, Katrin J.; Mix, Alan C.; Abram, Nerilie J.; Austermann, Jacqueline; Brovkin, Victor; Capron, Emilie; Colombaroli, Daniele; Daniau, Anne-Laure; Dyez, Kelsey A.; Felis, Thomas; Finkelstein, Sarah A.; Jaccard, Samuel; McClymont, Erin L.; Rovere, Alessio; Sutter, Johannes; Wolff, Eric W.; Affolter, Stéphane; Bakker, Pepijn; Ballesteros-Cánovas, Juan Antonio; ... (2018). Palaeoclimate constraints on the impact of 2 °C anthropogenic warming and beyond. Nature geoscience, 11(7), pp. 474-485. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41561-018-0146-0

Luterbacher, Jürg; García-Herrera, Ricardo; Akcer-On, Sena; Allan, Rob; Alvarez-Castro, Maria-Carmen; Benito, Gerardo; Booth, Jonathan; Büntgen, Ulf; Cagatay, Namik; Colombaroli, D; Davis, Basil; Esper, Jan; Felis, Thomas; Fleitmann, Dominik; Frank, David; Gallego, David; Garcia-Bustamante, Elena; Glaser, Ruediger; González-Rouco, Fidel J.; Goosse, Hugues; ... (2012). A review of 2000 years of paleoclimatic evidence in the Mediterranean. In: Lionello, P. (ed.) The Climate of the Mediterranean region: From the Past to the Future (pp. 87-185). Amsterdam: Elsevier

De Gasparo, Alex

Zurbriggen, Roger; Herwegh, Marco; Jenni, Andreas; De Gasparo, Alex; Holzer, Lorenz; Aberle, Thomas (2007). Einfluss organischer Additive auf die Mikrostrukturentwicklung und Eigenschaften von Mörtel. ZKG International, 60(2), pp. 62-73. Gütersloh: Bauverlag

Zurbriggen, R.; Herwegh, Marco; Jenni, Andreas; De Gasparo, Alex; Holzer, L.; Aberle, T. (2007). The influence of organic additives on the microstructural development and properties of mortars. ZKG International, 60(2), pp. 62-73. Bauverlag BV, Gütersloh

Herwegh, Marco; Zurbriggen, R.; Scrivener, K.; De Gasparo, Alex; Kighelman, J.; Jenni, Andreas (2006). A comparison between tile adhesive mortars and resulting microstructures in thin-bed mortars. Tagungsband ibausil, 2, pp. 1059-1066.

Diamond, Larryn William

Carbajal‐Martínez, Daniel; Wanner, Christoph; Diamond, Larryn W.; Peiffer, Loïc; Fletcher, John M.; Inguaggiato, Claudio; Contreras‐López, Manuel (2024). Behavior of Amagmatic Orogenic Geothermal Systems: Insights From the Agua Blanca Fault, Baja California, Mexico. Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems, 25(3) American Geophysical Union AGU 10.1029/2023GC011145

Alt-Epping, Peter; Diamond, Larryn W.; Wanner, Christoph; Hammond, Glenn E. (2021). Effect of Glacial/Interglacial Recharge Conditions on Flow of Meteoric Water Through Deep Orogenic Faults: Insights Into the Geothermal System at Grimsel Pass, Switzerland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(7) American Geophysical Union 10.1029/2020JB021271

Wanner, Christoph; Diamond, Larryn W.; Alt-Epping, Peter (2019). Quantification of 3‐D Thermal Anomalies From Surface Observations of an Orogenic Geothermal System (Grimsel Pass, Swiss Alps). Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124(11), pp. 10839-10854. American Geophysical Union 10.1029/2019JB018335

Aschwanden, Lukas; Diamond, Larryn W.; Mazurek, Martin; Davis, Donald W. (2019). Creation of secondary porosity in dolostones by upwelling basement water in the foreland of the Alpine orogen. Geofluids, 2019, pp. 1-23. Hindawi 10.1155/2019/5210404

Adams, Arthur; Diamond, Larryn William; Aschwanden, Lukas (2019). Dolomitization by hypersaline reflux into dense groundwaters as revealed by vertical trends in strontium and oxygen isotopes: Upper Muschelkalk, Switzerland. Sedimentology, 66(1), pp. 362-390. Blackwell Science 10.1111/sed.12530

Aschwanden, Lukas; Diamond, Larryn William; Adams, Arthur (2019). Effects of progressive burial on matrix porosity and permeability of dolostones in the foreland basin of the Alpine Orogen, Switzerland. Marine and petroleum geology, 100, pp. 148-164. Elsevier 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.10.055

Diamond, Larryn William; Wanner, Christoph; Waber, Niklaus (2018). Penetration depth of meteoric water in orogenic geothermal systems. Geology, 46(12), pp. 1063-1066. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G45394.1

Wanner, Christoph; Eichinger, Florian; Jahrfeld, Thomas; Diamond, Larryn William (2017). Causes of abundant calcite scaling in geothermal wells in the Bavarian Molasse Basin, Southern Germany. Geothermics, 70, pp. 324-338. Elsevier 10.1016/j.geothermics.2017.05.001

Wanner, Christoph; Eichinger, Florian; Jahrfeld, Thomas; Diamond, Larryn William (2017). Unraveling the Formation of Large Amounts of Calcite Scaling in Geothermal Wells in the Bavarian Molasse Basin: A Reactive Transport Modeling Approach. Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 344-347. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2016.12.087

Petts, D.C.; Saso, J.K.; Diamond, Larryn William; Aschwanden, Lukas; Al, T.A.; Jensen, M. (2017). The source and evolution of paleofluids responsible for secondary minerals in low-permeability Ordovician limestones of the Michigan Basin. Applied geochemistry, 86, pp. 121-137. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2017.09.011

Aschwanden, Lukas; Diamond, Larryn William; Adams, Arthur; Mazurek, Martin (2017). Anhydrite-dissolution Porosity in the Upper Muschelkalk Carbonate Aquifer, NE-Switzerland: Implications for Geothermal Energy and Geological Storage of Gas. Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 897-900. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2017.01.011

Dolder, Florian Dominik

Dolder, Florian Dominik; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Münch, B. (2016). Alteration of MX-80 bentonite backfill material by high-pH cementitious fluids under lithostatic conditions – an experimental approach using core infiltration techniques. Geological Society Special Publications, 443(1), pp. 281-305. Geological Society 10.1144/sp443.10

Dolder, Florian Dominik; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas (2015). Experimental Characterization and Quantification of Cement-Bentonite Interaction using Core Infiltration Techniques Coupled with X-ray Tomography (In Press). (Dissertation, Institut für Geologie, Philosophischen-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät)

Dolder, Florian Dominik; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Münch, Beat (23 March 2015). Stability of bentonite under high-pH conditions: An experimental approach including modeling (Unpublished). In: 6th international conference on Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement. Brüssel. 23.-26.03.2015.

Dolder, Florian Dominik; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas (21 November 2014). Stability of bentonite under high-pH conditions (Unpublished). In: 12th Swiss Geoscience Meeting. Fribourg. 21.-22.11.2014.

Dolder, Florian; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Schwendener, Nicole (2014). Experimental characterization of cement–bentonite interaction using core infiltration techniques and 4D computed tomography. Physics and chemistry of the earth, 70-71, pp. 104-113. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pce.2013.11.002

Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Dolder, Florian Dominik (2014). CI Experiment: Sample preparation and sample inventory of the 2nd sampling campaign (2012) for concrete/Opalinus Clay and concrete/MX-80 bentonite interfaces (Arbeitsbericht). St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project

Mäder, Urs; Eul, A.; Jenni, Andreas; Frieg, B.; Dolder, Florian Dominik (2014). CI Experiment: Sampling by stabilized overcoring for the 2nd campaign (2012) (Arbeitsbericht). St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project

Dolder, Florian Dominik; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas (25 August 2013). Tracking high-pH reaction fronts in MX-80 bentonite using infiltration techniques and 4D CT (Unpublished). In: Goldschmidt Conference. Florence. 25.-30.08.2013.

Dolder, Florian Dominik; Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (22 October 2012). Experimental characterization of cement-bentonite interaction using core infiltration techniques coupled with 4D X-ray tomography (Unpublished). In: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. Montpellier. 22 – 25 October 2012.

Dèzes, Mariia Oleksiivna

Naumenko-Dèzes, Maria; Kloppmann, Wolfram; Blessing, Michaela; Bondu, Raphaël; Gaucher, Eric C.; Mayer, Bernhard (2022). Natural gas of radiolytic origin: An overlooked component of shale gas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 119(15), e2114720119. National Academy of Sciences NAS 10.1073/pnas.2114720119

Eggenberger, Urs

Wanner, Christoph; Zink, Sonja; Eggenberger, Urs; Mäder, Urs (2013). Unraveling the partial failure of a permeable reactive barrier using a multi-tracer experiment and Cr isotope measurements. Applied geochemistry, 37, pp. 125-133. Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2013.07.019

Wanner, C.; Zink, S.; Eggenberger, U.; Kurz, D.; Mäder, U. (2012). A chromate-contaminated site in southern Switzerland - Part 1: Site characterization and the use of Cr isotopes to delineate fate and transport. Applied geochemistry, 27(3), pp. 644-654. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.11.009

Wanner, C.; Eggenberger, U.; Mäder, U. (2012). A chromate-contaminated site in southern Switzerland - Part 2: Reactive transport modeling to optimize remediation options. Applied geochemistry, 27(3), pp. 655-662. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.11.008

Wanner, C.; Zink, S.; Eggenberger, U.; Mäder, U. (2012). Assessing the Cr(VI) reduction efficiency of a permeable reactive barrier using Cr isotope measurements and 2D reactive transport modeling. Journal of contaminant hydrology, 131(1-4), pp. 54-63. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2012.01.007

Wanner, C.; Eggenberger, U.; Mäder, U. (2011). Reactive transport modeling of Cr(VI) treatment under fast flow conditions. Applied geochemistry, 26(8), pp. 1513-1523. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.06.015

Engi, Martin

Engi, Martin; Wersin, Paul (1987). Derivation and application of a solution model for calcic garnet. Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 67(1/2), pp. 53-73. Stäubli 10.5169/seals-51587

Fisch, Martin

Bernard, Ellina; Jenni, Andreas; Fisch, Martin; Grolimund, Daniel; Mäder, Urs (2020). Micro-X-ray diffraction and chemical mapping of aged interfaces between cement pastes and Opalinus Clay. Applied geochemistry, 115, p. 104538. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2020.104538

Fisch, Martin; Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs; Grolimund, D.; Cloet, V. (2017). CI Experiment: Micro-XRD studies on 3.2-year-old interfaces between Opalinus Clay and OPC and ESDRED mortar (3rd sampling campaign 2015) St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project

Fischer, Hubertus

Fischer, Hubertus; Meissner, Katrin J.; Mix, Alan C.; Abram, Nerilie J.; Austermann, Jacqueline; Brovkin, Victor; Capron, Emilie; Colombaroli, Daniele; Daniau, Anne-Laure; Dyez, Kelsey A.; Felis, Thomas; Finkelstein, Sarah A.; Jaccard, Samuel; McClymont, Erin L.; Rovere, Alessio; Sutter, Johannes; Wolff, Eric W.; Affolter, Stéphane; Bakker, Pepijn; Ballesteros-Cánovas, Juan Antonio; ... (2018). Palaeoclimate constraints on the impact of 2 °C anthropogenic warming and beyond. Nature geoscience, 11(7), pp. 474-485. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41561-018-0146-0

Fleitmann, Dominik

Luterbacher, Jürg; García-Herrera, Ricardo; Akcer-On, Sena; Allan, Rob; Alvarez-Castro, Maria-Carmen; Benito, Gerardo; Booth, Jonathan; Büntgen, Ulf; Cagatay, Namik; Colombaroli, D; Davis, Basil; Esper, Jan; Felis, Thomas; Fleitmann, Dominik; Frank, David; Gallego, David; Garcia-Bustamante, Elena; Glaser, Ruediger; González-Rouco, Fidel J.; Goosse, Hugues; ... (2012). A review of 2000 years of paleoclimatic evidence in the Mediterranean. In: Lionello, P. (ed.) The Climate of the Mediterranean region: From the Past to the Future (pp. 87-185). Amsterdam: Elsevier

Frank, David

Luterbacher, Jürg; García-Herrera, Ricardo; Akcer-On, Sena; Allan, Rob; Alvarez-Castro, Maria-Carmen; Benito, Gerardo; Booth, Jonathan; Büntgen, Ulf; Cagatay, Namik; Colombaroli, D; Davis, Basil; Esper, Jan; Felis, Thomas; Fleitmann, Dominik; Frank, David; Gallego, David; Garcia-Bustamante, Elena; Glaser, Ruediger; González-Rouco, Fidel J.; Goosse, Hugues; ... (2012). A review of 2000 years of paleoclimatic evidence in the Mediterranean. In: Lionello, P. (ed.) The Climate of the Mediterranean region: From the Past to the Future (pp. 87-185). Amsterdam: Elsevier

Gaucher, Eric Claude Marie

Strydom, Jessica; Sterpenich, Jérôme; Grgic, Dragan; Richard, Antonin; Eggenkamp, Hans G.M.; Agrinier, Pierre; Louvat, Pascale; Mosser-Ruck, Régine; Gaire, Patrick; Gaucher, Eric C. (2022). Experimental study of chemical evolution and isotope fractionation of Cl and Br in pore water expelled during strong clay compaction. Applied geochemistry, 140, p. 105274. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2022.105274

Naumenko-Dèzes, Maria; Kloppmann, Wolfram; Blessing, Michaela; Bondu, Raphaël; Gaucher, Eric C.; Mayer, Bernhard (2022). Natural gas of radiolytic origin: An overlooked component of shale gas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 119(15), e2114720119. National Academy of Sciences NAS 10.1073/pnas.2114720119

Motte, Geoffrey; Hoareau, Guilhem; Callot, Jean-Paul; Révillon, Sidonie; Piccoli, Francesca; Calassou, Sylvain; Gaucher, Eric C. (2021). Rift and salt-related multi-phase dolomitization: example from the northwestern Pyrenees. Marine and petroleum geology, 126, p. 104932. Elsevier 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.104932

Lerouge, C.; Blessing, M.; Flehoc, C.; Gaucher, E. C.; Henry, B.; Lassin, A.; Marty, N.; Matray, J.M.; Proust, E.; Rufer, Daniel; Tremosa, J.; Vinsot, A. (2015). Dissolved CO2 and Alkane Gas in Clay Formations. Procedia earth and planetary science, 13, pp. 88-91. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2015.07.021

Lerouge, Catherine; Grangeon, Sylvain; Claret, Francis; Gaucher, Eric; Blanc, Philippe; Guerrot, Catherine; Flehoc, Christine; Wille, Guillaume; Mazurek, Martin (2014). Mineralogical and isotopic record of diagenesis from the Opalinus Clay formation at Benken, Switzerland: Implications for the modeling of pore-water chemistry in a clay formation. Clays and clay minerals, 62(4), pp. 286-312. Clay Minerals Society 10.1346/CCMN.2014.0620404

Leupin, O.; Wersin, P.; Mettler, S.; Mäder, U.; Gaucher, E. C.; Vinsot, A.; De Cannière, P.; Gäbler, H.E.; Eichinger, L.; Kunimaro, T.; Kiho, K. (2012). PC (Porewater chemistry) Experiment: Synthesis report (Mont Terri Technical Report TR 2009-06). Mont Terri Project

Tournassat, Christophe; Alt-Epping, Peter; Gaucher, Eric C.; Gimmi, Thomas; Leupin, Olivier X.; Wersin, Paul (2011). Biogeochemical processes in a clay formation in situ experiment: Part F - Reactive transport modelling. Applied geochemistry, 26(6), pp. 1009-1022. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.03.009

Wersin, Paul; Leupin, X.O.; Mettler, S.; Gaucher, E. C.; Mäder, U.; Vinsot, A.; De Canni re, P.; Gäbler, H.E.; Kunimaro, T.; Kiho, K. (2011). Biogeochemical processes in a clay formation in-situ experiment: Part A - Overview, experimental design and water data of an experiment in the Opalinus Clay at the Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory, Switzerland. Applied geochemistry, 26(6), pp. 931-953. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.03.004

Wersin, Paul; Vinsot, A.; De Cannière, Hernán; Gäbler, H.-E.; Hama, K.; Mahara, Y.; Gaucher, E.; Pearson, F.J. (2004). Results from the Porewater Chemistry Experiment in Opalinus Clay at Mont Terri, Switzerland. In: 11th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interactions (WRI-11). Saratoga Springs, New York. 27.06.-02.07.2004.

Pearson, F.J.; Arcos, D.; Bath, A.; Boisson, J.Y.; Fernández, A.M.; Gaebler, H.E.; Gaucher, E.; Gautschi, A.; Griffault, L.; Hernan, P.; Waber, N. (2003). Mont Terri Project - Geochemistry of Water in the Opalinus Clay Formation at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory-Synthesis Report. Geology Series: Vol. 5. Federal Office for Water and Geology, FOWG

Gimmi, Thomas

Wersin, Paul; Mazurek, Martin; Gimmi, Thomas (2022). Porewater chemistry of Opalinus Clay revisited: Findings from 25 years of data collection at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory. Applied geochemistry, 138, p. 105234. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2022.105234

Fleury, M.; Gimmi, Thomas; Mazurek, Martin (2022). Porewater Content, Pore Structure and Water Mobility in Clays and Shales from NMR Methods. Clays and clay minerals, 70(3), pp. 417-437. Clay Minerals Society 10.1007/s42860-022-00195-4

Wersin, P.; Pekala, M.; Mazurek, M.; Gimmi, T.; Mäder, U.; Jenni, A.; Rufer, D.; Aschwanden, L. (2020). Porewater Chemistry of Opalinus Clay: Methods, Data, Modelling & Buffering Capacity (Technical Report, Nagra 18-01). NAGRA, National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste

Jenni, Andreas; Wersin, Paul; Thoenen, T.; Baeyens, B.; Ferrari, A.; Gimmi, Thomas; Mäder, Urs; Marschall, P.; Hummel, W.; Leupin, O. (2019). Bentonite backfill performance in a high-level waste repository: a geochemical perspective (Technical Report, Nagra NTB 19-03). Wettingen, Switzerland: NAGRA, National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste

Gautschi, Andreas; Gaus, Irina; Gimmi, Thomas; Mazurek, Martin; Wersin, Paul; Cathelineau, Michel; Bath, Adrian (2019). Applied geochemistry special issue on "Geochemistry of clays and clay rocks in the context of radioactive waste disposal". Applied geochemistry, 105, pp. 127-129. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2019.05.001

Rufer, Daniel; Waber, Niklaus; Gimmi, Thomas (2018). Identifying temporally and spatially changing boundary conditions at an aquifer – aquitard interface using helium in porewater. Applied geochemistry, 96, pp. 62-77. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.05.022

Alt-Epping, Peter; Gimmi, Thomas; Wersin, Paul; Jenni, Andreas (2018). Incorporating electrical double layers into reactive-transport simulations of processes in clays by using the Nernst-Planck equation: A benchmark revisited. Applied geochemistry, 89, pp. 1-10. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2017.10.018

Wersin, Paul; Gimmi, Thomas; Mazurek, Martin; Alt-Epping, Peter; Pekala, Marek; Traber, Daniel (2018). Multicomponent diffusion in a 280 m thick argillaceous rock sequence. Applied geochemistry, 95, pp. 110-123. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.05.013

Jenni, Andreas; Gimmi, Thomas; Alt-Epping, Peter; Mäder, Urs; Cloet, V (2017). Interaction of ordinary Portland cement and Opalinus Clay: Dual porosity modelling compared to experimental data. Physics and chemistry of the earth, 99, pp. 22-37. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pce.2017.01.004

Wersin, Paul; Traber, D; Mäder, Urs; Mazurek, Martin; Waber, Niklaus; Rufer, Daniel; Gimmi, Thomas; Cloet, V (2017). Porewater chemistry in claystones in the context of radioactive waste disposal. Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 718-721. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2016.12.182

Leupin, Olivier X; Van Loon, Luc R; Gimmi, Thomas; Wersin, Paul; Soler, Josep M (2017). Exploring diffusion and sorption processes at the Mont Terri rock laboratory (Switzerland): lessons learned from 20 years of field research. Swiss journal of geosciences, 110(1), pp. 391-403. Springer 10.1007/s00015-016-0254-z

Wersin, Paul; Mazurek, Martin; Mäder, Urs; Gimmi, Thomas; Rufer, Daniel; Lerouge, Catherine; Traber, Daniel (2016). Constraining porewater chemistry in a 250m thick argillaceous rock sequence. Chemical geology, 434, pp. 43-61. Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.04.006

Wersin, Paul; Mazurek, Martin; Waber, Niklaus; Mäder, Urs; Gimmi, Thomas; Rufer, Daniel; Lerouge, Catherine; Oyama, Takahiro; Traber, Daniel (2015). Constraining porewater chemistry in a clay–rich rock sequence. In: Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement: 6th International Conference. Brussels. 23.-26.03.2015.

Gimmi, Thomas; Leupin, Olivier X.; Eikenberg, Jost; Glaus, Martin A.; Van Loon, Luc R.; Waber, Niklaus H.; Wersin, Paul; Wang, Hao A.O.; Grolimund, Daniel; Borca, Camelia N.; Dewonck, Sarah; Wittebroodt, Charles (2014). Anisotropic diffusion at the field scale in a 4-year multi-tracer diffusion and retention experiment – I: Insights from the experimental data. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 125(125), pp. 373-393. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gca.2013.10.014

Wersin, Paul; Waber, H. Niklaus; Mazurek, Martin; Mäder, Urs K.; Gimmi, Thomas; Rufer, Daniel; Traber, Daniel (2013). Resolving Cl and SO4 Profiles in a Clay-Rich Rock Sequence. Procedia earth and planetary science, 7, pp. 892-895. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2013.03.197

Wersin, P.; Mazurek, M.; Waber, H.N.; Mäder, U.K.; Gimmi, Th.; Rufer, D.; de Haller, A. (2013). Rock and porewater characterisation on drillcores from the Schlattingen borehole (Nagra Arbeitsberichte NAB 12-54). Wettingen, Switzerland: Nagra

Tournassat, Christophe; Alt-Epping, Peter; Gaucher, Eric C.; Gimmi, Thomas; Leupin, Olivier X.; Wersin, Paul (2011). Biogeochemical processes in a clay formation in situ experiment: Part F - Reactive transport modelling. Applied geochemistry, 26(6), pp. 1009-1022. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.03.009

Wersin, P.; Appelo, C.A.J.; Baeyens, B.; Bossart, P.; Dewonck, S.; Eikenberg, J.; Fierz, T.; Fisch, H.R.; Gimmi, T.; Grolimund, D.; Leupin, O.X.; Möri, A.; Soler, J.M.; van Dorp, F.; Van Loon, L. (2010). Long-term Diffusion (DI-A) Experiment: DI-A2: Diffusion of HTO, Br, I-, Cs+, 85Sr2+ and 60Co2+: Field activities, data and modelling (Mont Terri Technical Report TR 2009-04). Mont Terri Project

Wersin, Paul; Soler, J. M.; Van Loon, L.; Eikenberg, J.; Baeyens, B.; Grolimund, D.; Gimmi, Thomas; Dewonck, S. (2008). Diffusion of HTO, Br-, I-, Cs+, Sr-85(2+) and Co-60(2+) in a clay formation: Results and modelling from an in situ experiment in Opalinus Clay. Applied geochemistry, 23(4), pp. 678-691. Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2007.11.004

Wersin, P.; Baeyens, B.; Bossart, P.; A., Cartalade; Dewonck, S.; Eikenberg, J.; Fierz, T.; Fisch, H.R.; Gimmi, T.; Grolimund, D.; Hernán, P.; Möri, A.; Savoye, S.; Soler, J.; van Dorp, F.; Van Loon, L. (2006). Long-term diffusion experiment (DI-A): Diffusion of HTO, I-, 22Na+ and Cs+: field activities, data and modelling (Mont Terri Technical Report TR 2003-06). Mont Terri Project

Wersin, Paul; Van Loon, L. R.; Soler, J. M.; Yllera, A.; Eikenberg, J.; Gimmi, Thomas; Hernàn, P.; Boisson, J.-Y. (2004). Long-term diffusion experiment at Mont Terri: first results from field and laboratory data. Applied Clay Science, 26(1-4), pp. 123-135. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clay.2003.09.007

Gautschi, Andreas; Marschall, Paul; Schwyn, Benhand; Wersin, Paul; Baeyens, Bart; Bradbury, Mike H.; Gimmi, Thomas; Mazurek, Martin; Schwyn, Benhand; van Loon, Luc R.; Waber, Niklaus (2004). Geoscientific basis for making the safety case for a SF/HLW/ILW repository in Opalinus Clay in NE Switzerland (Project Entsorgungsnachweis); II, The geosphere as a transport barrier; hydraulic, diffusion and sorption properties. In: Geological Disposal: Building Confidence using Multiple Lines of Evidence, Proc. First AMIGO Workshop, Yverdon-les Bains, Switzerland, 3-5 June 2003 (pp. 63-70). Paris, France: Nuclear Energy Agency, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Van Loon, Luc R.; Wersin, Paul; Soler, J. M.; Eikenberg, J.; Gimmi, Thomas; Hernan, P.; Dewonck, S.; Savoye, S. (2004). In-situ diffusion of HTO, 22Na+, Cs+ and I- in Opalinus Clay at the Mont Terri underground rock laboratory. Radiochimica acta, 92(9-11), pp. 757-763. Oldenbourg 10.1524/ract.92.9.757.54988

Gnos, Edwin

Rufer, Daniel; Preusser, Frank; Schreurs, Guido; Gnos, Edwin; Berger, Alfons (2014). Late Quaternary history of the Vakinankaratra volcanic field (central Madagascar): insights from luminescence dating of phreatomagmatic eruption deposits. Bulletin of volcanology, 76(5), p. 817. Springer 10.1007/s00445-014-0817-7

Rufer, Daniel; Gnos, Edwin; Mettier, Ralph; Preusser, Frank; Schreurs, Guido (2012). Proposing new approaches for dating young volcanic eruptions by luminescence methods. Geochronometria, 39(1), pp. 48-56. Gliwice: Institute of Physics. Silesian University of Technology 10.2478/s13386-011-0049-y

Rufer, Daniel (2009). Characterization and age determination of Quaternary volcanism in the southern Ankaratra region (central Madagascar) through novel approaches in luminescence dating. (Dissertation, University of Bern, Faculty of Science)

Gottschalk, Julia

Fischer, Hubertus; Meissner, Katrin J.; Mix, Alan C.; Abram, Nerilie J.; Austermann, Jacqueline; Brovkin, Victor; Capron, Emilie; Colombaroli, Daniele; Daniau, Anne-Laure; Dyez, Kelsey A.; Felis, Thomas; Finkelstein, Sarah A.; Jaccard, Samuel; McClymont, Erin L.; Rovere, Alessio; Sutter, Johannes; Wolff, Eric W.; Affolter, Stéphane; Bakker, Pepijn; Ballesteros-Cánovas, Juan Antonio; ... (2018). Palaeoclimate constraints on the impact of 2 °C anthropogenic warming and beyond. Nature geoscience, 11(7), pp. 474-485. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41561-018-0146-0

Hadi, Jebril

Wersin, Paul; Hadi, Jebril; Jenni, Andreas; Svensson, Daniel; Greneche, Jean-Marc; Sellin, Patrik; Leupin, Olivier (2021). Interaction of Corroding Iron with Eight Bentonites in the Alternative Buffer Materials Field Experiment (ABM2). Minerals, 11(8), p. 907. MDPI 10.3390/min11080907

Hadi, J.; Wersin, P.; Mazurek, M.; Waber, H. N.; Marques Fernandes, M.; Baeyens, B.; Honty, M.; De Craen, M.; Frederickx, L.; Dohrmann, R.; Fernández, A. M. (2019). Intercomparison of CEC methods within the GD project Mont Terri Project

Hadi, Jebril; Wersin, Paul; Serneels, Vincent; Greneche, Jean-Marc (2019). Eighteen years of steel–bentonite interaction in the FEBEX in situ test at the Grimsel Test Site in Switzerland. Clays and clay minerals, 67(2), pp. 111-131. Clay Minerals Society 10.1007/s42860-019-00012-5

Hadi, J.; Wersin, P.; Jenni, A.; Greneche, J. M. (2017). Redox evolution and Fe-bentonite interaction in the ABM2 experiment, Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (Technical Report NTB 2017-10). Nagra

Hadi, Jebril; Tournassat, Christophe; Lerouge, Catherine (2016). Pitfalls in using the hexaamminecobalt method for cation exchange capacity measurements on clay minerals and clay-rocks: Redox interferences between the cationic dye and the sample. Applied Clay Science, 119(2), pp. 393-400. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clay.2015.03.017

Herwegh, Marco

Zurbriggen, Roger; Herwegh, Marco; Jenni, Andreas; De Gasparo, Alex; Holzer, Lorenz; Aberle, Thomas (2007). Einfluss organischer Additive auf die Mikrostrukturentwicklung und Eigenschaften von Mörtel. ZKG International, 60(2), pp. 62-73. Gütersloh: Bauverlag

Zurbriggen, R.; Herwegh, Marco; Jenni, Andreas; De Gasparo, Alex; Holzer, L.; Aberle, T. (2007). The influence of organic additives on the microstructural development and properties of mortars. ZKG International, 60(2), pp. 62-73. Bauverlag BV, Gütersloh

Jenni, Andreas; Zurbriggen, Roger; Holzer, Lorenz; Herwegh, Marco (2006). Changes in microstructures and physical properties of polymer-modified mortars during wet storage. Cement and concrete research, 36(1), pp. 79-90. Oxford: Elsevier 10.1016/j.cemconres.2005.06.001

Herwegh, Marco; Zurbriggen, R.; Scrivener, K.; De Gasparo, Alex; Kighelman, J.; Jenni, Andreas (2006). A comparison between tile adhesive mortars and resulting microstructures in thin-bed mortars. Tagungsband ibausil, 2, pp. 1059-1066.

Jenni, Andreas; Holzer, L.; Zurbriggen, R.; Herwegh, Marco (2005). Influence of polymers on microstructure and adhesive strength of cementitious tile adhesive mortars. Cement and concrete research, 35(1), pp. 35-50. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cemconres.2004.06.039

Jenni, Andreas; Herwegh, Marco; Zurbriggen, R.; Aberle, T.; Holzer, L. (2003). Quantitative microstructure analysis of polymer-modified mortars. Journal of microscopy, 212(2), pp. 186-196. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1046/j.1365-2818.2003.01230.x

Herwegh, Marco; Jenni, Andreas (2001). Granular flow in polymineralic rocks bearing sheet silicates: New evidence from natural examples. Tectonophysics, 332(3), pp. 309-320. Elsevier

Ingold, Philipp Martin

Wanner, Christoph; Moradi, Hoda; Ingold, Philipp; Cardenas Bocanegra, Miguel A.; Mercurio, Romano; Furrer, Gerhard (2023). Rock glaciers in the Central Eastern Alps – How permafrost degradation can cause acid rock drainage, mobilization of toxic elements and formation of basaluminite. Global and planetary change, 227, p. 104180. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2023.104180

Jaccard, Samuel

Fischer, Hubertus; Meissner, Katrin J.; Mix, Alan C.; Abram, Nerilie J.; Austermann, Jacqueline; Brovkin, Victor; Capron, Emilie; Colombaroli, Daniele; Daniau, Anne-Laure; Dyez, Kelsey A.; Felis, Thomas; Finkelstein, Sarah A.; Jaccard, Samuel; McClymont, Erin L.; Rovere, Alessio; Sutter, Johannes; Wolff, Eric W.; Affolter, Stéphane; Bakker, Pepijn; Ballesteros-Cánovas, Juan Antonio; ... (2018). Palaeoclimate constraints on the impact of 2 °C anthropogenic warming and beyond. Nature geoscience, 11(7), pp. 474-485. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41561-018-0146-0

Janssen, David James

Nazarova, Tatiana; Alessi, Daniel S; Janssen, David J.; Bernier-Latmani, Rizlan; Wanner, Christoph (2020). In Situ Biostimulation of Cr(VI) Reduction in a Fast-Flowing Oxic Aquifer. ACS earth and space chemistry, 4(11), pp. 2018-2030. ACS Publications 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.0c00200

Jenni, Andreas

Jenni, Andreas; Meeussen, Johannes C.L.; Pakkanen, Tapani A.; Hirvi, Janne T.; Akinwunmi, Bukunmi; Yustres, Ángel; Navarro, Vicente; López-Vizcaíno, Rubén; Muuri, Eveliina; Niskanen, Mika; Wersin, Paul; Mäder, Urs (2021). Coupling of chemical and hydromechanical properties in bentonite: A new reactive transport model. Applied Clay Science, 214(106274), p. 106274. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clay.2021.106274

Pekala, Marek; Wersin, Paul; Pastina, Barbara; Lamminmäki, Ralf; Vuorio, Marja; Jenni, Andreas (2021). Potential impact of cementitious leachates on the buffer porewater chemistry in the Finnish repository for spent nuclear fuel – A reactive transport modelling assessment. Applied geochemistry, 131, p. 105045. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2021.105045

Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (2021). Reactive Transport Simulation of Low-pH Cement Interacting with Opalinus Clay Using a Dual Porosity Electrostatic Model. Minerals, 11(7), p. 664. MDPI 10.3390/min11070664

Navarro, Vicente; Yustres, Ángel; Jenni, Andreas; De la Morena, Gema; Asensio, Laura; López-Vizcaíno, Rubén; Cabrera, Virginia; Wersin, Paul; Mäder, Urs; Muuri, Eveliina; Niskanen, Mika; Akinwunmi, Bukunmi; Hirvi, Janne T.; Pakkanen, Tapani A. (2021). Molecular dynamics data for modelling the microstructural behaviour of compacted sodium bentonites. Applied Clay Science, 201, p. 105932. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clay.2020.105932

Yokoyama, Shingo; Shimbashi, Misato; Minato, Daisuke; Watanabe, Yasutaka; Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (2021). Alteration of Bentonite Reacted with Cementitious Materials for 5 and 10 Years in the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory (CI Experiment). Minerals, 11(3), p. 251. MDPI 10.3390/min11030251

Wersin, Paul; Hadi, Jebril; Jenni, Andreas; Svensson, Daniel; Greneche, Jean-Marc; Sellin, Patrik; Leupin, Olivier (2021). Interaction of Corroding Iron with Eight Bentonites in the Alternative Buffer Materials Field Experiment (ABM2). Minerals, 11(8), p. 907. MDPI 10.3390/min11080907

Gaboreau, Stephane; Rodríguez-Cañas, Enrique; Maeder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Turrero, Maria Jesús; Cuevas, Jaime (2020). Concrete perturbation in a 13-year in situ concrete/bentonite interaction from FEBEX experiments. New insight of 2:1 Mg phyllosilicate precipitation at the interface. Applied geochemistry, 118, p. 104624. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2020.104624

Bernard, Ellina; Jenni, Andreas; Fisch, Martin; Grolimund, Daniel; Mäder, Urs (2020). Micro-X-ray diffraction and chemical mapping of aged interfaces between cement pastes and Opalinus Clay. Applied geochemistry, 115, p. 104538. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2020.104538

Wersin, P.; Pekala, M.; Mazurek, M.; Gimmi, T.; Mäder, U.; Jenni, A.; Rufer, D.; Aschwanden, L. (2020). Porewater Chemistry of Opalinus Clay: Methods, Data, Modelling & Buffering Capacity (Technical Report, Nagra 18-01). NAGRA, National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste

Jenni, Andreas; Wersin, Paul; Thoenen, T.; Baeyens, B.; Ferrari, A.; Gimmi, Thomas; Mäder, Urs; Marschall, P.; Hummel, W.; Leupin, O. (2019). Bentonite backfill performance in a high-level waste repository: a geochemical perspective (Technical Report, Nagra NTB 19-03). Wettingen, Switzerland: NAGRA, National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste

Alt-Epping, Peter; Gimmi, Thomas; Wersin, Paul; Jenni, Andreas (2018). Incorporating electrical double layers into reactive-transport simulations of processes in clays by using the Nernst-Planck equation: A benchmark revisited. Applied geochemistry, 89, pp. 1-10. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2017.10.018

Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (2018). Coupling of chemical and hydromechanical properties in bentonite. Applied geochemistry, 97, pp. 147-156. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.08.013

Hadi, J.; Wersin, P.; Jenni, A.; Greneche, J. M. (2017). Redox evolution and Fe-bentonite interaction in the ABM2 experiment, Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (Technical Report NTB 2017-10). Nagra

Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Lerouge, Cathérine; Gaboreau, Stephane; Miyoshi, Satoru; Kimura, Yukinobu; Cloet, Veerle; Fukaya, Masaaki; Claret, Francis; Otake, Tsubasa; Shibata, Masahito; Lothenbach, Babara (2017). 5-year chemico-physical evolution of concrete–claystone interfaces, Mont Terri rock laboratory (Switzerland). Swiss journal of geosciences, 110(1), pp. 307-327. Springer 10.1007/s00015-016-0240-5

Yustres, A.; Jenni, Andreas; Asensio, L.; Pintado, X.; Koskinen, K.; Navarro, V.; Wersin, Paul (2017). Comparison of the hydrogeochemical and mechanical behaviours of compacted bentonite using different conceptual approaches. Applied Clay Science, 141, pp. 280-291. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clay.2017.03.006

Jenni, Andreas; Gimmi, Thomas; Alt-Epping, Peter; Mäder, Urs; Cloet, V (2017). Interaction of ordinary Portland cement and Opalinus Clay: Dual porosity modelling compared to experimental data. Physics and chemistry of the earth, 99, pp. 22-37. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pce.2017.01.004

Lerouge, Catherine; Gaboreau, Stéphane; Grangeon, Sylvain; Claret, Francis; Warmont, Fabienne; Jenni, Andreas; Cloet, Veerle; Mäder, Urs (2017). In situ interactions between Opalinus Clay and Low Alkali Concrete. Physics and chemistry of the earth, 99, pp. 3-21. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pce.2017.01.005

Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Naumann, B.; Reichenwallner, Simon; Cloet, V. (2017). CI Experiment: 4th Sampling Campaign (2017) for 10-year-old interfaces of OPA with OPC/LAC/ESDRED concrete, MX-80 bentonite with OPC/LAC, and 2-year-old interfaces of OPA with Belgian super container concrete and Japanese HFSC St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project

Fisch, Martin; Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs; Grolimund, D.; Cloet, V. (2017). CI Experiment: Micro-XRD studies on 3.2-year-old interfaces between Opalinus Clay and OPC and ESDRED mortar (3rd sampling campaign 2015) St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project

Dolder, Florian Dominik; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Münch, B. (2016). Alteration of MX-80 bentonite backfill material by high-pH cementitious fluids under lithostatic conditions – an experimental approach using core infiltration techniques. Geological Society Special Publications, 443(1), pp. 281-305. Geological Society 10.1144/sp443.10

Dolder, Florian Dominik; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas (2015). Experimental Characterization and Quantification of Cement-Bentonite Interaction using Core Infiltration Techniques Coupled with X-ray Tomography (In Press). (Dissertation, Institut für Geologie, Philosophischen-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät)

Dolder, Florian Dominik; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Münch, Beat (23 March 2015). Stability of bentonite under high-pH conditions: An experimental approach including modeling (Unpublished). In: 6th international conference on Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement. Brüssel. 23.-26.03.2015.

Wersin, Paul; Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (2015). Interaction of corroding iron with bentonite in the ABM1 experiment at Äspö, Sweden: A microscopic approach. Clays and clay minerals, 63(1), pp. 51-68. Clay Minerals Society 10.1346/ccmn.2015.0630105

Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs; Wieland, E.; Lerouge, C.; Gaboreau, S. (2015). Concrete-clay interaction: give-and-take without a loser? (Unpublished). In: 6th Meeting on Clays in Natural and Engineered Barrier for Radioactive Waste Confinement. Brussels, Belgium.

Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (2015). FE-C Experiment: Investigation of the interface between Opalinus Clay and the shotcrete used in the FE tunnel (Arbeitsbericht). St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project

Dolder, Florian Dominik; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas (21 November 2014). Stability of bentonite under high-pH conditions (Unpublished). In: 12th Swiss Geoscience Meeting. Fribourg. 21.-22.11.2014.

Dolder, Florian; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Schwendener, Nicole (2014). Experimental characterization of cement–bentonite interaction using core infiltration techniques and 4D computed tomography. Physics and chemistry of the earth, 70-71, pp. 104-113. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pce.2013.11.002

Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs; Lerouge, C.; Gaboreau, S.; Schwyn, B. (2014). In-situ interaction between different concretes and Opalinus Clay. Physics and chemistry of the earth, 70-71, pp. 71-83. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pce.2013.11.004

Dähn, Rainer; Popov, Dmitry; Schaub, Philippe; Pattison, Philip; Grolimund, Daniel; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Wieland, Erich (2014). In-situ X-ray micro-diffraction studies of heterogeneous interfaces between cementitious materials and geological formations. Physics and chemistry of the earth, 70-71, pp. 96-103. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pce.2013.10.010

Alt-Epping, Peter; Tournassat, C.; Rasouli, P.; Steefel, C. I.; Mayer, K. U.; Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs; Sengor, S. S.; Fernández, R. (2014). Benchmark reactive transport simulations of a column experiment in compacted bentonite with multispecies diffusion and explicit treatment of electrostatic effects. Computational geosciences, 19(3), pp. 535-550. Baltzer Science Publishers 10.1007/s10596-014-9451-x

Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Dolder, Florian Dominik (2014). CI Experiment: Sample preparation and sample inventory of the 2nd sampling campaign (2012) for concrete/Opalinus Clay and concrete/MX-80 bentonite interfaces (Arbeitsbericht). St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project

Mäder, Urs; Eul, A.; Jenni, Andreas; Frieg, B.; Dolder, Florian Dominik (2014). CI Experiment: Sampling by stabilized overcoring for the 2nd campaign (2012) (Arbeitsbericht). St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project

Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs; Lerouge, C.; Gaboreau, S. (2014). CI Experiment: Synthesis of in-situ interaction for 2.2 y between different concretes and Opalinus Clay (Arbeitsbericht). St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project

Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (2014). CI (Cement Clay Interaction) Experiment: SEM/EDX characterisation of concrete/Opalinus Clay interfaces from 2nd sampling campaign and comparison to state after 1st sampling (Arbeitsbericht). St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project

Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (2014). CI (Cement Clay Interaction) Experiment: Set-up and first results for modelling of concrete/Opalinus Clay interfaces (Arbeitsbericht). St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project

Dolder, Florian Dominik; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas (25 August 2013). Tracking high-pH reaction fronts in MX-80 bentonite using infiltration techniques and 4D CT (Unpublished). In: Goldschmidt Conference. Florence. 25.-30.08.2013.

Dolder, Florian Dominik; Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (22 October 2012). Experimental characterization of cement-bentonite interaction using core infiltration techniques coupled with 4D X-ray tomography (Unpublished). In: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. Montpellier. 22 – 25 October 2012.

Jenni, Andreas; Hyatt, N. C. (2010). Encapsulation of caesium-loaded Ionsiv in cement. Cement and concrete research, 40(8), pp. 1271-1277. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cemconres.2009.10.015

Hyatt, N. C.; Jenni, Andreas; Stennett, M. C. (2010). Stability of Cs-Ionsiv in Portland cement blends for radioactive waste disposal. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1265, pp. 221-226. Materials Research Society

Hyatt, N. C.; Stennett, M.; Jenni, Andreas; Reid, D.; Maddrell, E. R. (2009). Ceramic formulation and processing design for plutonium disposition. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1193, pp. 61-66. Materials Research Society

Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas (2009). CI Experiment: First sampling campaign of the in-situ experiment to recover concrete/Opalinus Clay interfaces after 2.2 years (Arbeitsbericht). St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project

Jenni, Andreas; Stennett, M. C.; Hyatt, N. C. (2009). Strategies for disposition of separated PuO2: Durability benchmarking Nexia Solutions

Jenni, Andreas; Stennett, M. C.; Hyatt, N. C. (2008). Strategies for disposition of separated PuO2: Reduction of Ce (Pu surrogate) Nexia Solutions

Jenni, Andreas; Stennett, M. C.; Hyatt, N. C. (2008). Strategies for disposition of separated PuO2: Effect of pre-treatment of wasteform precursor batch on cold press and sintering of zirconolite Nexia Solutions

Jenni, Andreas; Stennett, M. C.; Hyatt, N. C. (2008). Strategies for disposition of separated PuO2: Effect of milling on sinter and HIP of zirconolite Nexia Solutions

Zurbriggen, R.; Herwegh, Marco; Jenni, Andreas; De Gasparo, Alex; Holzer, L.; Aberle, T. (2007). The influence of organic additives on the microstructural development and properties of mortars. ZKG International, 60(2), pp. 62-73. Bauverlag BV, Gütersloh

Jenni, Andreas; Stennett, M. C.; Hyatt, N. C. (2007). Strategies for disposition of separated PuO2: Am3+ impurities in Pu feedstock Nexia Solutions

Jenni, Andreas; Zurbriggen, Roger; Holzer, Lorenz; Herwegh, Marco (2006). Changes in microstructures and physical properties of polymer-modified mortars during wet storage. Cement and concrete research, 36(1), pp. 79-90. Oxford: Elsevier 10.1016/j.cemconres.2005.06.001

Scheidegger, A. M.; Vespa, M.; Wieland, E.; Harfouche, M.; Grolimund, D.; Dähn, R.; Jenni, Andreas; Scrivener, K. (2006). Micro-scale chemical speciation of highly heterogeneous cementitious materials using synchrotron-based X-ray absorption spectroscopy. CHIMIA, 60(3), p. 149. Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft

Herwegh, Marco; Zurbriggen, R.; Scrivener, K.; De Gasparo, Alex; Kighelman, J.; Jenni, Andreas (2006). A comparison between tile adhesive mortars and resulting microstructures in thin-bed mortars. Tagungsband ibausil, 2, pp. 1059-1066.

Jenni, Andreas; Scrivener, Karen (2006). 28 day strength prediction of concrete: Influence of admixtures W.R. Grace confidental report

Jenni, Andreas; Holzer, L.; Zurbriggen, R.; Herwegh, Marco (2005). Influence of polymers on microstructure and adhesive strength of cementitious tile adhesive mortars. Cement and concrete research, 35(1), pp. 35-50. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cemconres.2004.06.039

Jenni, Andreas; Herwegh, Marco; Zurbriggen, R.; Aberle, T.; Holzer, L. (2003). Quantitative microstructure analysis of polymer-modified mortars. Journal of microscopy, 212(2), pp. 186-196. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1046/j.1365-2818.2003.01230.x

Jenni, Andreas (2003). Microstructural Evolution and Physical Properties of Polymer-Modified Mortars (Unpublished). (Dissertation, University of Bern, Institute of Geological Sciences)

Herwegh, Marco; Jenni, Andreas (2001). Granular flow in polymineralic rocks bearing sheet silicates: New evidence from natural examples. Tectonophysics, 332(3), pp. 309-320. Elsevier

Joos, Fortunat

Fischer, Hubertus; Meissner, Katrin J.; Mix, Alan C.; Abram, Nerilie J.; Austermann, Jacqueline; Brovkin, Victor; Capron, Emilie; Colombaroli, Daniele; Daniau, Anne-Laure; Dyez, Kelsey A.; Felis, Thomas; Finkelstein, Sarah A.; Jaccard, Samuel; McClymont, Erin L.; Rovere, Alessio; Sutter, Johannes; Wolff, Eric W.; Affolter, Stéphane; Bakker, Pepijn; Ballesteros-Cánovas, Juan Antonio; ... (2018). Palaeoclimate constraints on the impact of 2 °C anthropogenic warming and beyond. Nature geoscience, 11(7), pp. 474-485. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41561-018-0146-0

Kiczka, Mirjam

Kiczka, Mirjam; Pekala, Marek; Maanoja, Susanna; Muuri, Eveliina; Wersin, Paul (2021). Modelling of solute transport and microbial activity in diffusion cells simulating a bentonite barrier of a spent nuclear fuel repository. Applied Clay Science, 211, p. 106193. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clay.2021.106193

Maanoja, Susanna; Palmroth, Marja; Salminen, Linda; Lehtinen, Leena; Kokko, Marika; Lakaniemi, Aino-Maija; Auvinen, Hannele; Kiczka, Mirjam; Muuri, Eveliina; Rintala, Jukka (2021). The effect of compaction and microbial activity on the quantity and release rate of water-soluble organic matter from bentonites. Applied Clay Science, 211, p. 106192. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clay.2021.106192

Wersin, Paul; Kiczka, Mirjam; Rosch, Dominic (2014). Safety Case for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel at Olkiluoto. Radionuclide Solubility Limits and Migration. Parameters for the Canister and Buffer (Report POSIVA 2012-39). Olkiluoto, Finland: Posiva

Wersin, Paul; Kiczka, Mirjam; Rosch, Dominic; Ochs, Michael; Trudel, David (2014). Safety Case for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel at Olkiluoto. Radionuclide Solubility Limits and Migration Parameters for the Backfill Posiva

Wersin, Paul; Alt-Epping, Peter; Pitkänen, Petteri; Román-Ross, Gabriela; Trinchero, Paolo; Molinero, Jorge; Smith, Paul; Snellman, Margit; Filby, André; Kiczka, Mirjam (2014). Sulphide fluxes and concentrations in the spent nuclear fuel repository at Olkiluoto (Posiva Report 2014-01). Olkiluoto, Finland: Posiva Oy

Kiefer, Thorsten

Luterbacher, Jürg; García-Herrera, Ricardo; Akcer-On, Sena; Allan, Rob; Alvarez-Castro, Maria-Carmen; Benito, Gerardo; Booth, Jonathan; Büntgen, Ulf; Cagatay, Namik; Colombaroli, D; Davis, Basil; Esper, Jan; Felis, Thomas; Fleitmann, Dominik; Frank, David; Gallego, David; Garcia-Bustamante, Elena; Glaser, Ruediger; González-Rouco, Fidel J.; Goosse, Hugues; ... (2012). A review of 2000 years of paleoclimatic evidence in the Mediterranean. In: Lionello, P. (ed.) The Climate of the Mediterranean region: From the Past to the Future (pp. 87-185). Amsterdam: Elsevier

Loutre, Marie-France

Fischer, Hubertus; Meissner, Katrin J.; Mix, Alan C.; Abram, Nerilie J.; Austermann, Jacqueline; Brovkin, Victor; Capron, Emilie; Colombaroli, Daniele; Daniau, Anne-Laure; Dyez, Kelsey A.; Felis, Thomas; Finkelstein, Sarah A.; Jaccard, Samuel; McClymont, Erin L.; Rovere, Alessio; Sutter, Johannes; Wolff, Eric W.; Affolter, Stéphane; Bakker, Pepijn; Ballesteros-Cánovas, Juan Antonio; ... (2018). Palaeoclimate constraints on the impact of 2 °C anthropogenic warming and beyond. Nature geoscience, 11(7), pp. 474-485. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41561-018-0146-0

Lowick, Sally

Trauerstein, M.; Lowick, S.; Preusser, F.; Rufer, Daniel; Schlunegger, F. (2012). Exploring fading in single grain feldspar IRSL measurements. Quaternary geochronology, 10(SI), pp. 327-333. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.quageo.2012.02.004

Luterbacher, Jürg

Luterbacher, Jürg; García-Herrera, Ricardo; Akcer-On, Sena; Allan, Rob; Alvarez-Castro, Maria-Carmen; Benito, Gerardo; Booth, Jonathan; Büntgen, Ulf; Cagatay, Namik; Colombaroli, D; Davis, Basil; Esper, Jan; Felis, Thomas; Fleitmann, Dominik; Frank, David; Gallego, David; Garcia-Bustamante, Elena; Glaser, Ruediger; González-Rouco, Fidel J.; Goosse, Hugues; ... (2012). A review of 2000 years of paleoclimatic evidence in the Mediterranean. In: Lionello, P. (ed.) The Climate of the Mediterranean region: From the Past to the Future (pp. 87-185). Amsterdam: Elsevier

Marcisz, Katarzyna

Fischer, Hubertus; Meissner, Katrin J.; Mix, Alan C.; Abram, Nerilie J.; Austermann, Jacqueline; Brovkin, Victor; Capron, Emilie; Colombaroli, Daniele; Daniau, Anne-Laure; Dyez, Kelsey A.; Felis, Thomas; Finkelstein, Sarah A.; Jaccard, Samuel; McClymont, Erin L.; Rovere, Alessio; Sutter, Johannes; Wolff, Eric W.; Affolter, Stéphane; Bakker, Pepijn; Ballesteros-Cánovas, Juan Antonio; ... (2018). Palaeoclimate constraints on the impact of 2 °C anthropogenic warming and beyond. Nature geoscience, 11(7), pp. 474-485. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41561-018-0146-0

Mazurek, Martin

Wersin, Paul; Mazurek, Martin; Gimmi, Thomas (2022). Porewater chemistry of Opalinus Clay revisited: Findings from 25 years of data collection at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory. Applied geochemistry, 138, p. 105234. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2022.105234

Fleury, M.; Gimmi, Thomas; Mazurek, Martin (2022). Porewater Content, Pore Structure and Water Mobility in Clays and Shales from NMR Methods. Clays and clay minerals, 70(3), pp. 417-437. Clay Minerals Society 10.1007/s42860-022-00195-4

Wersin, P.; Pekala, M.; Mazurek, M.; Gimmi, T.; Mäder, U.; Jenni, A.; Rufer, D.; Aschwanden, L. (2020). Porewater Chemistry of Opalinus Clay: Methods, Data, Modelling & Buffering Capacity (Technical Report, Nagra 18-01). NAGRA, National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste

Gautschi, Andreas; Gaus, Irina; Gimmi, Thomas; Mazurek, Martin; Wersin, Paul; Cathelineau, Michel; Bath, Adrian (2019). Applied geochemistry special issue on "Geochemistry of clays and clay rocks in the context of radioactive waste disposal". Applied geochemistry, 105, pp. 127-129. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2019.05.001

Aschwanden, Lukas; Diamond, Larryn W.; Mazurek, Martin; Davis, Donald W. (2019). Creation of secondary porosity in dolostones by upwelling basement water in the foreland of the Alpine orogen. Geofluids, 2019, pp. 1-23. Hindawi 10.1155/2019/5210404

Hadi, J.; Wersin, P.; Mazurek, M.; Waber, H. N.; Marques Fernandes, M.; Baeyens, B.; Honty, M.; De Craen, M.; Frederickx, L.; Dohrmann, R.; Fernández, A. M. (2019). Intercomparison of CEC methods within the GD project Mont Terri Project

Rufer, Daniel; Mazurek, Martin (2018). Pore-water Extraction and Characterization: Benchmarking of the Squeezing and Adapted Isotope Diffusive Exchange Methods (NWMO-TR-2018-14). NWMO

Wersin, Paul; Gimmi, Thomas; Mazurek, Martin; Alt-Epping, Peter; Pekala, Marek; Traber, Daniel (2018). Multicomponent diffusion in a 280 m thick argillaceous rock sequence. Applied geochemistry, 95, pp. 110-123. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.05.013

Mazurek, Martin; Davis, Donald W.; Madritsch, Herfried; Rufer, Daniel; Villa, Igor Maria; Sutcliffe, Chelsea N.; De Haller, Antoine; Traber, Daniel (2018). Veins in clay-rich aquitards as records of deformation and fluid-flow events in northern Switzerland. Applied geochemistry, 95, pp. 57-70. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.05.010

Wersin, Paul; Traber, D; Mäder, Urs; Mazurek, Martin; Waber, Niklaus; Rufer, Daniel; Gimmi, Thomas; Cloet, V (2017). Porewater chemistry in claystones in the context of radioactive waste disposal. Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 718-721. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2016.12.182

Aschwanden, Lukas; Diamond, Larryn William; Adams, Arthur; Mazurek, Martin (2017). Anhydrite-dissolution Porosity in the Upper Muschelkalk Carbonate Aquifer, NE-Switzerland: Implications for Geothermal Energy and Geological Storage of Gas. Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 897-900. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2017.01.011

Wersin, Paul; Mazurek, Martin; Mäder, Urs; Gimmi, Thomas; Rufer, Daniel; Lerouge, Catherine; Traber, Daniel (2016). Constraining porewater chemistry in a 250m thick argillaceous rock sequence. Chemical geology, 434, pp. 43-61. Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.04.006

Mazurek, Martin; Oyama, Takahiro; Wersin, Paul; Alt-Epping, Peter (2015). Pore-water squeezing from indurated shales. Chemical geology, 400, pp. 106-121. Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2015.02.008

Wersin, Paul; Mazurek, Martin; Waber, Niklaus; Mäder, Urs; Gimmi, Thomas; Rufer, Daniel; Lerouge, Catherine; Oyama, Takahiro; Traber, Daniel (2015). Constraining porewater chemistry in a clay–rich rock sequence. In: Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement: 6th International Conference. Brussels. 23.-26.03.2015.

Lerouge, Catherine; Grangeon, Sylvain; Claret, Francis; Gaucher, Eric; Blanc, Philippe; Guerrot, Catherine; Flehoc, Christine; Wille, Guillaume; Mazurek, Martin (2014). Mineralogical and isotopic record of diagenesis from the Opalinus Clay formation at Benken, Switzerland: Implications for the modeling of pore-water chemistry in a clay formation. Clays and clay minerals, 62(4), pp. 286-312. Clay Minerals Society 10.1346/CCMN.2014.0620404

Wersin, Paul; Waber, H. Niklaus; Mazurek, Martin; Mäder, Urs K.; Gimmi, Thomas; Rufer, Daniel; Traber, Daniel (2013). Resolving Cl and SO4 Profiles in a Clay-Rich Rock Sequence. Procedia earth and planetary science, 7, pp. 892-895. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2013.03.197

Wersin, P.; Mazurek, M.; Waber, H.N.; Mäder, U.K.; Gimmi, Th.; Rufer, D.; de Haller, A. (2013). Rock and porewater characterisation on drillcores from the Schlattingen borehole (Nagra Arbeitsberichte NAB 12-54). Wettingen, Switzerland: Nagra

Gautschi, Andreas; Marschall, Paul; Schwyn, Benhand; Wersin, Paul; Baeyens, Bart; Bradbury, Mike H.; Gimmi, Thomas; Mazurek, Martin; Schwyn, Benhand; van Loon, Luc R.; Waber, Niklaus (2004). Geoscientific basis for making the safety case for a SF/HLW/ILW repository in Opalinus Clay in NE Switzerland (Project Entsorgungsnachweis); II, The geosphere as a transport barrier; hydraulic, diffusion and sorption properties. In: Geological Disposal: Building Confidence using Multiple Lines of Evidence, Proc. First AMIGO Workshop, Yverdon-les Bains, Switzerland, 3-5 June 2003 (pp. 63-70). Paris, France: Nuclear Energy Agency, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Mettier, Ralph

Rufer, Daniel; Gnos, Edwin; Mettier, Ralph; Preusser, Frank; Schreurs, Guido (2012). Proposing new approaches for dating young volcanic eruptions by luminescence methods. Geochronometria, 39(1), pp. 48-56. Gliwice: Institute of Physics. Silesian University of Technology 10.2478/s13386-011-0049-y

Moradi, Hoda

Wanner, Christoph; Moradi, Hoda; Ingold, Philipp; Cardenas Bocanegra, Miguel A.; Mercurio, Romano; Furrer, Gerhard (2023). Rock glaciers in the Central Eastern Alps – How permafrost degradation can cause acid rock drainage, mobilization of toxic elements and formation of basaluminite. Global and planetary change, 227, p. 104180. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2023.104180

Mäder, Urs

Jenni, Andreas; Meeussen, Johannes C.L.; Pakkanen, Tapani A.; Hirvi, Janne T.; Akinwunmi, Bukunmi; Yustres, Ángel; Navarro, Vicente; López-Vizcaíno, Rubén; Muuri, Eveliina; Niskanen, Mika; Wersin, Paul; Mäder, Urs (2021). Coupling of chemical and hydromechanical properties in bentonite: A new reactive transport model. Applied Clay Science, 214(106274), p. 106274. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clay.2021.106274

Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (2021). Reactive Transport Simulation of Low-pH Cement Interacting with Opalinus Clay Using a Dual Porosity Electrostatic Model. Minerals, 11(7), p. 664. MDPI 10.3390/min11070664

Navarro, Vicente; Yustres, Ángel; Jenni, Andreas; De la Morena, Gema; Asensio, Laura; López-Vizcaíno, Rubén; Cabrera, Virginia; Wersin, Paul; Mäder, Urs; Muuri, Eveliina; Niskanen, Mika; Akinwunmi, Bukunmi; Hirvi, Janne T.; Pakkanen, Tapani A. (2021). Molecular dynamics data for modelling the microstructural behaviour of compacted sodium bentonites. Applied Clay Science, 201, p. 105932. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clay.2020.105932

Yokoyama, Shingo; Shimbashi, Misato; Minato, Daisuke; Watanabe, Yasutaka; Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (2021). Alteration of Bentonite Reacted with Cementitious Materials for 5 and 10 Years in the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory (CI Experiment). Minerals, 11(3), p. 251. MDPI 10.3390/min11030251

Gaboreau, Stephane; Rodríguez-Cañas, Enrique; Maeder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Turrero, Maria Jesús; Cuevas, Jaime (2020). Concrete perturbation in a 13-year in situ concrete/bentonite interaction from FEBEX experiments. New insight of 2:1 Mg phyllosilicate precipitation at the interface. Applied geochemistry, 118, p. 104624. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2020.104624

Bernard, Ellina; Jenni, Andreas; Fisch, Martin; Grolimund, Daniel; Mäder, Urs (2020). Micro-X-ray diffraction and chemical mapping of aged interfaces between cement pastes and Opalinus Clay. Applied geochemistry, 115, p. 104538. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2020.104538

Wersin, P.; Pekala, M.; Mazurek, M.; Gimmi, T.; Mäder, U.; Jenni, A.; Rufer, D.; Aschwanden, L. (2020). Porewater Chemistry of Opalinus Clay: Methods, Data, Modelling & Buffering Capacity (Technical Report, Nagra 18-01). NAGRA, National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste

Jenni, Andreas; Wersin, Paul; Thoenen, T.; Baeyens, B.; Ferrari, A.; Gimmi, Thomas; Mäder, Urs; Marschall, P.; Hummel, W.; Leupin, O. (2019). Bentonite backfill performance in a high-level waste repository: a geochemical perspective (Technical Report, Nagra NTB 19-03). Wettingen, Switzerland: NAGRA, National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste

Poonoosamy, J.; Wanner, Christoph; Alt-Epping, Peter; Águila, J. F.; Samper, J.; Montenegro, L.; Xie, M.; Su, D.; Mayer, K. U.; Mäder, Urs; Van Loon, L. R.; Kosakowski, G. (2018). Benchmarking of reactive transport codes for 2D simulations with mineral dissolution–precipitation reactions and feedback on transport parameters. Computational geosciences, 25(4), pp. 1337-1358. Springer 10.1007/s10596-018-9793-x

Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (2018). Coupling of chemical and hydromechanical properties in bentonite. Applied geochemistry, 97, pp. 147-156. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.08.013

Waber, Niklaus; Schneeberger, Raphael; Mäder, Urs; Wanner, Christoph (2017). Constraints on Evolution and Residence Time of Geothermal Water in Granitic Rocks at Grimsel (Switzerland). Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 774-777. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2017.01.026

Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Lerouge, Cathérine; Gaboreau, Stephane; Miyoshi, Satoru; Kimura, Yukinobu; Cloet, Veerle; Fukaya, Masaaki; Claret, Francis; Otake, Tsubasa; Shibata, Masahito; Lothenbach, Babara (2017). 5-year chemico-physical evolution of concrete–claystone interfaces, Mont Terri rock laboratory (Switzerland). Swiss journal of geosciences, 110(1), pp. 307-327. Springer 10.1007/s00015-016-0240-5

Jenni, Andreas; Gimmi, Thomas; Alt-Epping, Peter; Mäder, Urs; Cloet, V (2017). Interaction of ordinary Portland cement and Opalinus Clay: Dual porosity modelling compared to experimental data. Physics and chemistry of the earth, 99, pp. 22-37. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pce.2017.01.004

Wersin, Paul; Traber, D; Mäder, Urs; Mazurek, Martin; Waber, Niklaus; Rufer, Daniel; Gimmi, Thomas; Cloet, V (2017). Porewater chemistry in claystones in the context of radioactive waste disposal. Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 718-721. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2016.12.182

Lerouge, Catherine; Gaboreau, Stéphane; Grangeon, Sylvain; Claret, Francis; Warmont, Fabienne; Jenni, Andreas; Cloet, Veerle; Mäder, Urs (2017). In situ interactions between Opalinus Clay and Low Alkali Concrete. Physics and chemistry of the earth, 99, pp. 3-21. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pce.2017.01.005

Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Naumann, B.; Reichenwallner, Simon; Cloet, V. (2017). CI Experiment: 4th Sampling Campaign (2017) for 10-year-old interfaces of OPA with OPC/LAC/ESDRED concrete, MX-80 bentonite with OPC/LAC, and 2-year-old interfaces of OPA with Belgian super container concrete and Japanese HFSC St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project

Fisch, Martin; Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs; Grolimund, D.; Cloet, V. (2017). CI Experiment: Micro-XRD studies on 3.2-year-old interfaces between Opalinus Clay and OPC and ESDRED mortar (3rd sampling campaign 2015) St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project

Wersin, Paul; Mazurek, Martin; Mäder, Urs; Gimmi, Thomas; Rufer, Daniel; Lerouge, Catherine; Traber, Daniel (2016). Constraining porewater chemistry in a 250m thick argillaceous rock sequence. Chemical geology, 434, pp. 43-61. Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.04.006

Dolder, Florian Dominik; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Münch, B. (2016). Alteration of MX-80 bentonite backfill material by high-pH cementitious fluids under lithostatic conditions – an experimental approach using core infiltration techniques. Geological Society Special Publications, 443(1), pp. 281-305. Geological Society 10.1144/sp443.10

Dolder, Florian Dominik; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas (2015). Experimental Characterization and Quantification of Cement-Bentonite Interaction using Core Infiltration Techniques Coupled with X-ray Tomography (In Press). (Dissertation, Institut für Geologie, Philosophischen-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät)

Dolder, Florian Dominik; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Münch, Beat (23 March 2015). Stability of bentonite under high-pH conditions: An experimental approach including modeling (Unpublished). In: 6th international conference on Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement. Brüssel. 23.-26.03.2015.

Wersin, Paul; Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (2015). Interaction of corroding iron with bentonite in the ABM1 experiment at Äspö, Sweden: A microscopic approach. Clays and clay minerals, 63(1), pp. 51-68. Clay Minerals Society 10.1346/ccmn.2015.0630105

Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs; Wieland, E.; Lerouge, C.; Gaboreau, S. (2015). Concrete-clay interaction: give-and-take without a loser? (Unpublished). In: 6th Meeting on Clays in Natural and Engineered Barrier for Radioactive Waste Confinement. Brussels, Belgium.

Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (2015). FE-C Experiment: Investigation of the interface between Opalinus Clay and the shotcrete used in the FE tunnel (Arbeitsbericht). St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project

Wersin, Paul; Mazurek, Martin; Waber, Niklaus; Mäder, Urs; Gimmi, Thomas; Rufer, Daniel; Lerouge, Catherine; Oyama, Takahiro; Traber, Daniel (2015). Constraining porewater chemistry in a clay–rich rock sequence. In: Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement: 6th International Conference. Brussels. 23.-26.03.2015.

Dolder, Florian Dominik; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas (21 November 2014). Stability of bentonite under high-pH conditions (Unpublished). In: 12th Swiss Geoscience Meeting. Fribourg. 21.-22.11.2014.

Dolder, Florian; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Schwendener, Nicole (2014). Experimental characterization of cement–bentonite interaction using core infiltration techniques and 4D computed tomography. Physics and chemistry of the earth, 70-71, pp. 104-113. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pce.2013.11.002

Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs; Lerouge, C.; Gaboreau, S.; Schwyn, B. (2014). In-situ interaction between different concretes and Opalinus Clay. Physics and chemistry of the earth, 70-71, pp. 71-83. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pce.2013.11.004

Dähn, Rainer; Popov, Dmitry; Schaub, Philippe; Pattison, Philip; Grolimund, Daniel; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Wieland, Erich (2014). In-situ X-ray micro-diffraction studies of heterogeneous interfaces between cementitious materials and geological formations. Physics and chemistry of the earth, 70-71, pp. 96-103. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pce.2013.10.010

Alt-Epping, Peter; Tournassat, C.; Rasouli, P.; Steefel, C. I.; Mayer, K. U.; Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs; Sengor, S. S.; Fernández, R. (2014). Benchmark reactive transport simulations of a column experiment in compacted bentonite with multispecies diffusion and explicit treatment of electrostatic effects. Computational geosciences, 19(3), pp. 535-550. Baltzer Science Publishers 10.1007/s10596-014-9451-x

Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Dolder, Florian Dominik (2014). CI Experiment: Sample preparation and sample inventory of the 2nd sampling campaign (2012) for concrete/Opalinus Clay and concrete/MX-80 bentonite interfaces (Arbeitsbericht). St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project

Mäder, Urs; Eul, A.; Jenni, Andreas; Frieg, B.; Dolder, Florian Dominik (2014). CI Experiment: Sampling by stabilized overcoring for the 2nd campaign (2012) (Arbeitsbericht). St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project

Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs; Lerouge, C.; Gaboreau, S. (2014). CI Experiment: Synthesis of in-situ interaction for 2.2 y between different concretes and Opalinus Clay (Arbeitsbericht). St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project

Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (2014). CI (Cement Clay Interaction) Experiment: SEM/EDX characterisation of concrete/Opalinus Clay interfaces from 2nd sampling campaign and comparison to state after 1st sampling (Arbeitsbericht). St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project

Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (2014). CI (Cement Clay Interaction) Experiment: Set-up and first results for modelling of concrete/Opalinus Clay interfaces (Arbeitsbericht). St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project

Dolder, Florian Dominik; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas (25 August 2013). Tracking high-pH reaction fronts in MX-80 bentonite using infiltration techniques and 4D CT (Unpublished). In: Goldschmidt Conference. Florence. 25.-30.08.2013.

Wersin, Paul; Waber, H. Niklaus; Mazurek, Martin; Mäder, Urs K.; Gimmi, Thomas; Rufer, Daniel; Traber, Daniel (2013). Resolving Cl and SO4 Profiles in a Clay-Rich Rock Sequence. Procedia earth and planetary science, 7, pp. 892-895. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2013.03.197

Wanner, Christoph; Zink, Sonja; Eggenberger, Urs; Mäder, Urs (2013). Unraveling the partial failure of a permeable reactive barrier using a multi-tracer experiment and Cr isotope measurements. Applied geochemistry, 37, pp. 125-133. Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2013.07.019

Wersin, P.; Mazurek, M.; Waber, H.N.; Mäder, U.K.; Gimmi, Th.; Rufer, D.; de Haller, A. (2013). Rock and porewater characterisation on drillcores from the Schlattingen borehole (Nagra Arbeitsberichte NAB 12-54). Wettingen, Switzerland: Nagra

Dolder, Florian Dominik; Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (22 October 2012). Experimental characterization of cement-bentonite interaction using core infiltration techniques coupled with 4D X-ray tomography (Unpublished). In: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. Montpellier. 22 – 25 October 2012.

Wanner, C.; Zink, S.; Eggenberger, U.; Kurz, D.; Mäder, U. (2012). A chromate-contaminated site in southern Switzerland - Part 1: Site characterization and the use of Cr isotopes to delineate fate and transport. Applied geochemistry, 27(3), pp. 644-654. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.11.009

Wanner, C.; Eggenberger, U.; Mäder, U. (2012). A chromate-contaminated site in southern Switzerland - Part 2: Reactive transport modeling to optimize remediation options. Applied geochemistry, 27(3), pp. 655-662. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.11.008

Wanner, C.; Zink, S.; Eggenberger, U.; Mäder, U. (2012). Assessing the Cr(VI) reduction efficiency of a permeable reactive barrier using Cr isotope measurements and 2D reactive transport modeling. Journal of contaminant hydrology, 131(1-4), pp. 54-63. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2012.01.007

Leupin, O.; Wersin, P.; Mettler, S.; Mäder, U.; Gaucher, E. C.; Vinsot, A.; De Cannière, P.; Gäbler, H.E.; Eichinger, L.; Kunimaro, T.; Kiho, K. (2012). PC (Porewater chemistry) Experiment: Synthesis report (Mont Terri Technical Report TR 2009-06). Mont Terri Project

Wanner, C.; Eggenberger, U.; Mäder, U. (2011). Reactive transport modeling of Cr(VI) treatment under fast flow conditions. Applied geochemistry, 26(8), pp. 1513-1523. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.06.015

Wersin, Paul; Leupin, X.O.; Mettler, S.; Gaucher, E. C.; Mäder, U.; Vinsot, A.; De Canni re, P.; Gäbler, H.E.; Kunimaro, T.; Kiho, K. (2011). Biogeochemical processes in a clay formation in-situ experiment: Part A - Overview, experimental design and water data of an experiment in the Opalinus Clay at the Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory, Switzerland. Applied geochemistry, 26(6), pp. 931-953. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.03.004

Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas (2009). CI Experiment: First sampling campaign of the in-situ experiment to recover concrete/Opalinus Clay interfaces after 2.2 years (Arbeitsbericht). St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project

Möri, Andreas

Wersin, P.; Appelo, C.A.J.; Baeyens, B.; Bossart, P.; Dewonck, S.; Eikenberg, J.; Fierz, T.; Fisch, H.R.; Gimmi, T.; Grolimund, D.; Leupin, O.X.; Möri, A.; Soler, J.M.; van Dorp, F.; Van Loon, L. (2010). Long-term Diffusion (DI-A) Experiment: DI-A2: Diffusion of HTO, Br, I-, Cs+, 85Sr2+ and 60Co2+: Field activities, data and modelling (Mont Terri Technical Report TR 2009-04). Mont Terri Project

Nehrbass-Ahles, Christoph

Fischer, Hubertus; Meissner, Katrin J.; Mix, Alan C.; Abram, Nerilie J.; Austermann, Jacqueline; Brovkin, Victor; Capron, Emilie; Colombaroli, Daniele; Daniau, Anne-Laure; Dyez, Kelsey A.; Felis, Thomas; Finkelstein, Sarah A.; Jaccard, Samuel; McClymont, Erin L.; Rovere, Alessio; Sutter, Johannes; Wolff, Eric W.; Affolter, Stéphane; Bakker, Pepijn; Ballesteros-Cánovas, Juan Antonio; ... (2018). Palaeoclimate constraints on the impact of 2 °C anthropogenic warming and beyond. Nature geoscience, 11(7), pp. 474-485. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41561-018-0146-0

Newman, Louise

Luterbacher, Jürg; García-Herrera, Ricardo; Akcer-On, Sena; Allan, Rob; Alvarez-Castro, Maria-Carmen; Benito, Gerardo; Booth, Jonathan; Büntgen, Ulf; Cagatay, Namik; Colombaroli, D; Davis, Basil; Esper, Jan; Felis, Thomas; Fleitmann, Dominik; Frank, David; Gallego, David; Garcia-Bustamante, Elena; Glaser, Ruediger; González-Rouco, Fidel J.; Goosse, Hugues; ... (2012). A review of 2000 years of paleoclimatic evidence in the Mediterranean. In: Lionello, P. (ed.) The Climate of the Mediterranean region: From the Past to the Future (pp. 87-185). Amsterdam: Elsevier

Nägler, Frank Thomas

Nägler, Thomas; Pierret, Marie-Claire; Vögelin, Andrea; Pettke, Thomas; Aschwanden, Lukas; Villa, Igor Maria (2020). Small catchment scale Mo isotope balance and its implications for global Mo isotope cycling. In: Dontsova, Katerina; Balogh-Brunstad, Zsuzsanna; Le Roux, Gaël (eds.) Biogeochemical Cycles: Ecological Drivers and Environmental Impact. Geophysical Monograph Series: Vol. 251 (pp. 163-189). American Geophysical Union 10.1002/9781119413332.ch8

Owusu, Jerry Peprah

Owusu, Jerry Peprah (2023). Numerical simulations of gas transport in argillaceous rocks: A molecular dynamics and pore-scale simulation study (Unpublished). (Dissertation, University of Bern, Institute of Geological Sciences)

Pekala, Marek

Pekala, Marek; Wersin, Paul; Pastina, Barbara; Lamminmäki, Ralf; Vuorio, Marja; Jenni, Andreas (2021). Potential impact of cementitious leachates on the buffer porewater chemistry in the Finnish repository for spent nuclear fuel – A reactive transport modelling assessment. Applied geochemistry, 131, p. 105045. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2021.105045

Kiczka, Mirjam; Pekala, Marek; Maanoja, Susanna; Muuri, Eveliina; Wersin, Paul (2021). Modelling of solute transport and microbial activity in diffusion cells simulating a bentonite barrier of a spent nuclear fuel repository. Applied Clay Science, 211, p. 106193. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clay.2021.106193

Wersin, P.; Pekala, M.; Mazurek, M.; Gimmi, T.; Mäder, U.; Jenni, A.; Rufer, D.; Aschwanden, L. (2020). Porewater Chemistry of Opalinus Clay: Methods, Data, Modelling & Buffering Capacity (Technical Report, Nagra 18-01). NAGRA, National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste

Pekala, Marek; Alt-Epping, Peter; Wersin, Paul (2019). 3D and 1D Dual-Porosity Reactive Transport Simulations - Model Improvements, Sensitivity Analyses, and Results from the Integrated Sulfide Project (Working Report WR-2018-31). Olkiluoto: Posiva Oy

Pekala, M.; Wersin, P.; Rufer, D.; Curti, E. (2019). GD experiment: Geochemical Data Experiment. Mineralogy of carbonate and sulphate minerals in the Opalinus Clay and adjacent formations (Mont Terri Technical Report TR 2018-03). Mont Terri Project

Pekala, Marek; Wersin, Paul; Cloet, Veerle; Diomidis, Nikitas (2019). Reactive transport calculations to evaluate sulphide fluxes in the near-field of a SF/HLW repository in the Opalinus Clay. Applied geochemistry, 100, pp. 169-180. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.11.006

Wersin, Paul; Gimmi, Thomas; Mazurek, Martin; Alt-Epping, Peter; Pekala, Marek; Traber, Daniel (2018). Multicomponent diffusion in a 280 m thick argillaceous rock sequence. Applied geochemistry, 95, pp. 110-123. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.05.013

Wersin, Paul; Alt-Epping, Peter; Pekala, Marek; Pitkänen, Petteri; Snellman, Margit (2017). Modelling Sulfide Fluxes and Cu Canister Corrosion Rates in the Engineered Barrier System of a Spent Fuel Repository. Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 722-725. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2016.12.183

Pettke, Thomas

Nägler, Thomas; Pierret, Marie-Claire; Vögelin, Andrea; Pettke, Thomas; Aschwanden, Lukas; Villa, Igor Maria (2020). Small catchment scale Mo isotope balance and its implications for global Mo isotope cycling. In: Dontsova, Katerina; Balogh-Brunstad, Zsuzsanna; Le Roux, Gaël (eds.) Biogeochemical Cycles: Ecological Drivers and Environmental Impact. Geophysical Monograph Series: Vol. 251 (pp. 163-189). American Geophysical Union 10.1002/9781119413332.ch8

Wanner, Christoph; Bucher, Kurt; Pogge von Strandmann, Philip A.E.; Waber, Niklaus; Pettke, Thomas (2017). On the use of Li isotopes as a proxy for water–rock interaction in fractured crystalline rocks: A case study from the Gotthard rail base tunnel. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 198, pp. 396-418. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gca.2016.11.003

Schmidt, C.; Pettke, Thomas; Kasper, H.U.; Hilgers, A.; Rufer, Daniel; Preusser, Frank (2012). Quantification and spatial distribution of dose rate relevant elements in silex used for luminescence dating. Quaternary geochronology, 12(65-73), pp. 65-73. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.quageo.2012.05.006

Piccoli, Francesca

Motte, Geoffrey; Hoareau, Guilhem; Callot, Jean-Paul; Révillon, Sidonie; Piccoli, Francesca; Calassou, Sylvain; Gaucher, Eric C. (2021). Rift and salt-related multi-phase dolomitization: example from the northwestern Pyrenees. Marine and petroleum geology, 126, p. 104932. Elsevier 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.104932

Preusser, Frank

Rufer, Daniel; Preusser, Frank; Schreurs, Guido; Gnos, Edwin; Berger, Alfons (2014). Late Quaternary history of the Vakinankaratra volcanic field (central Madagascar): insights from luminescence dating of phreatomagmatic eruption deposits. Bulletin of volcanology, 76(5), p. 817. Springer 10.1007/s00445-014-0817-7

Rufer, Daniel; Gnos, Edwin; Mettier, Ralph; Preusser, Frank; Schreurs, Guido (2012). Proposing new approaches for dating young volcanic eruptions by luminescence methods. Geochronometria, 39(1), pp. 48-56. Gliwice: Institute of Physics. Silesian University of Technology 10.2478/s13386-011-0049-y

Schmidt, C.; Pettke, Thomas; Kasper, H.U.; Hilgers, A.; Rufer, Daniel; Preusser, Frank (2012). Quantification and spatial distribution of dose rate relevant elements in silex used for luminescence dating. Quaternary geochronology, 12(65-73), pp. 65-73. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.quageo.2012.05.006

Preusser, F.; Rufer, D.; Schreurs, G. (2011). Direct dating of Quaternary phreatic maar eruptions by luminescence methods. Geology, 39(12), pp. 1135-1138. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G32345.1

Rufer, Daniel (2009). Characterization and age determination of Quaternary volcanism in the southern Ankaratra region (central Madagascar) through novel approaches in luminescence dating. (Dissertation, University of Bern, Faculty of Science)

Rufer, Daniel; Preusser, Frank (2009). Potential of autoradiography to detect spatially resolved radiation patterns in the context of trapped charge dating. Geochronometria, 34(1), pp. 1-13. Gliwice: Institute of Physics. Silesian University of Technology 10.2478/v10003-009-0014-4

Raible, Christoph

Fischer, Hubertus; Meissner, Katrin J.; Mix, Alan C.; Abram, Nerilie J.; Austermann, Jacqueline; Brovkin, Victor; Capron, Emilie; Colombaroli, Daniele; Daniau, Anne-Laure; Dyez, Kelsey A.; Felis, Thomas; Finkelstein, Sarah A.; Jaccard, Samuel; McClymont, Erin L.; Rovere, Alessio; Sutter, Johannes; Wolff, Eric W.; Affolter, Stéphane; Bakker, Pepijn; Ballesteros-Cánovas, Juan Antonio; ... (2018). Palaeoclimate constraints on the impact of 2 °C anthropogenic warming and beyond. Nature geoscience, 11(7), pp. 474-485. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41561-018-0146-0

Reichenwallner, Simon

Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Naumann, B.; Reichenwallner, Simon; Cloet, V. (2017). CI Experiment: 4th Sampling Campaign (2017) for 10-year-old interfaces of OPA with OPC/LAC/ESDRED concrete, MX-80 bentonite with OPC/LAC, and 2-year-old interfaces of OPA with Belgian super container concrete and Japanese HFSC St. Ursanne, Switzerland: Mont Terri Project

Rosch, Dominic

Wersin, Paul; Kiczka, Mirjam; Rosch, Dominic (2014). Safety Case for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel at Olkiluoto. Radionuclide Solubility Limits and Migration. Parameters for the Canister and Buffer (Report POSIVA 2012-39). Olkiluoto, Finland: Posiva

Wersin, Paul; Kiczka, Mirjam; Rosch, Dominic; Ochs, Michael; Trudel, David (2014). Safety Case for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel at Olkiluoto. Radionuclide Solubility Limits and Migration Parameters for the Backfill Posiva

Kumpulainen, Sirpa; Kiviranta, Leena; Carlsson, Torbjörn; Muurinen, Arto; Svensson, Daniel; Sasamoto, Hiroshi; Yui, Mikatzu; Wersin, Paul; Rosch, Dominic (2011). Long-term alteration of bentonite in the presence of metallic iron (Working Report WR 2010-71). Olkiluoto, Finland: Posiva

Rufer, Daniel

Rufer, D.; Waber, H. N.; Traber, D. (2024). Vertical and lateral distribution of helium in porewater of the Mesozoic sedimentary sequence of northern Switzerland – A comparative investigation across multiple boreholes. Applied geochemistry, 160 Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2023.105836

Tomonaga, Yama; Wersin, Paul; Rufer, Daniel; Pastina, Barbara; Koho, Petri; Ville, Heino; Kipfer, Rolf (2022). Gas-bentonite interactions: Towards a better understanding of gas dynamics in Engineered Barrier Systems. Applied geochemistry, 138, p. 105205. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2022.105205

Smedley, R.K.; Duller, G.A.T.; Rufer, Daniel; Utley, J.E.P. (2020). Empirical assessment of beta dose heterogeneity in sediments: Implications for luminescence dating. Quaternary geochronology, 56(101052), p. 101052. Elsevier 10.1016/j.quageo.2020.101052

Wersin, P.; Pekala, M.; Mazurek, M.; Gimmi, T.; Mäder, U.; Jenni, A.; Rufer, D.; Aschwanden, L. (2020). Porewater Chemistry of Opalinus Clay: Methods, Data, Modelling & Buffering Capacity (Technical Report, Nagra 18-01). NAGRA, National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste

Pekala, M.; Wersin, P.; Rufer, D.; Curti, E. (2019). GD experiment: Geochemical Data Experiment. Mineralogy of carbonate and sulphate minerals in the Opalinus Clay and adjacent formations (Mont Terri Technical Report TR 2018-03). Mont Terri Project

Rufer, Daniel; Mazurek, Martin (2018). Pore-water Extraction and Characterization: Benchmarking of the Squeezing and Adapted Isotope Diffusive Exchange Methods (NWMO-TR-2018-14). NWMO

Rufer, Daniel; Waber, Niklaus; Gimmi, Thomas (2018). Identifying temporally and spatially changing boundary conditions at an aquifer – aquitard interface using helium in porewater. Applied geochemistry, 96, pp. 62-77. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.05.022

Mazurek, Martin; Davis, Donald W.; Madritsch, Herfried; Rufer, Daniel; Villa, Igor Maria; Sutcliffe, Chelsea N.; De Haller, Antoine; Traber, Daniel (2018). Veins in clay-rich aquitards as records of deformation and fluid-flow events in northern Switzerland. Applied geochemistry, 95, pp. 57-70. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.05.010

Brill, Dominik; May, Simon Matthias; Shah-Hosseini, Majid; Rufer, Daniel; Schmidt, Christoph; Engel, Max (2017). Luminescence dating of cyclone-induced washover fans at Point Lefroy (NW Australia). Quaternary geochronology, 41, pp. 134-150. Elsevier 10.1016/j.quageo.2017.03.004

Waber, H. Niklaus; Rufer, Daniel (2017). Porewater Geochemistry, Method Comparison and Opalinus Clay – Passwang Formation Interface Study at the Mont Terri URL (NWMO Technical Reports). Toronto, Canada: Nuclear Waste Management Organization, NWMO

Rufer, Daniel; Waber, Niklaus; Pitkänen, Petteri; Eichinger, Florian (2017). Helium in Porewater and Rocks of Crystalline Bedrock from the Fennoscandian Shield, Olkiluoto (Finland). Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 762-765. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2017.01.019

Wersin, Paul; Traber, D; Mäder, Urs; Mazurek, Martin; Waber, Niklaus; Rufer, Daniel; Gimmi, Thomas; Cloet, V (2017). Porewater chemistry in claystones in the context of radioactive waste disposal. Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 718-721. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2016.12.182

Wersin, Paul; Mazurek, Martin; Mäder, Urs; Gimmi, Thomas; Rufer, Daniel; Lerouge, Catherine; Traber, Daniel (2016). Constraining porewater chemistry in a 250m thick argillaceous rock sequence. Chemical geology, 434, pp. 43-61. Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.04.006

Lerouge, C.; Blessing, M.; Flehoc, C.; Gaucher, E. C.; Henry, B.; Lassin, A.; Marty, N.; Matray, J.M.; Proust, E.; Rufer, Daniel; Tremosa, J.; Vinsot, A. (2015). Dissolved CO2 and Alkane Gas in Clay Formations. Procedia earth and planetary science, 13, pp. 88-91. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2015.07.021

Wersin, Paul; Mazurek, Martin; Waber, Niklaus; Mäder, Urs; Gimmi, Thomas; Rufer, Daniel; Lerouge, Catherine; Oyama, Takahiro; Traber, Daniel (2015). Constraining porewater chemistry in a clay–rich rock sequence. In: Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement: 6th International Conference. Brussels. 23.-26.03.2015.

Waber, Niklaus; Rufer, Daniel; Kennell, Laura; Traber, Daniel (2015). Multi-tracer profile at a high spatial resolution across the Opalinus Clay at the Mont Terri URL. In: Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement: 6th International Conference. Brussels. 23.-26.03.2015.

Rufer, Daniel; Preusser, Frank; Schreurs, Guido; Gnos, Edwin; Berger, Alfons (2014). Late Quaternary history of the Vakinankaratra volcanic field (central Madagascar): insights from luminescence dating of phreatomagmatic eruption deposits. Bulletin of volcanology, 76(5), p. 817. Springer 10.1007/s00445-014-0817-7

Tribolo, C.; Mercier, N.; Douville, E.; Joron, J.-L.; Reyss, J.-L.; Rufer, Daniel; Cantin, N.; Lefrais, Y.; Miller, C.E.; Porraz, G.; Parkington, J.; Rigaud, J.-P.; Texier, P.-J. (2013). OSL and TL dating of the Middle Stone Age sequence at Diepkloof Rock Shelter (South Africa): a clarification. Journal of archaeological science, 40(9), pp. 3401-3411. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jas.2012.12.001

Wersin, Paul; Waber, H. Niklaus; Mazurek, Martin; Mäder, Urs K.; Gimmi, Thomas; Rufer, Daniel; Traber, Daniel (2013). Resolving Cl and SO4 Profiles in a Clay-Rich Rock Sequence. Procedia earth and planetary science, 7, pp. 892-895. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2013.03.197

Wersin, P.; Mazurek, M.; Waber, H.N.; Mäder, U.K.; Gimmi, Th.; Rufer, D.; de Haller, A. (2013). Rock and porewater characterisation on drillcores from the Schlattingen borehole (Nagra Arbeitsberichte NAB 12-54). Wettingen, Switzerland: Nagra

Rufer, Daniel; Gnos, Edwin; Mettier, Ralph; Preusser, Frank; Schreurs, Guido (2012). Proposing new approaches for dating young volcanic eruptions by luminescence methods. Geochronometria, 39(1), pp. 48-56. Gliwice: Institute of Physics. Silesian University of Technology 10.2478/s13386-011-0049-y

Trauerstein, M.; Lowick, S.; Preusser, F.; Rufer, Daniel; Schlunegger, F. (2012). Exploring fading in single grain feldspar IRSL measurements. Quaternary geochronology, 10(SI), pp. 327-333. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.quageo.2012.02.004

Schmidt, C.; Pettke, Thomas; Kasper, H.U.; Hilgers, A.; Rufer, Daniel; Preusser, Frank (2012). Quantification and spatial distribution of dose rate relevant elements in silex used for luminescence dating. Quaternary geochronology, 12(65-73), pp. 65-73. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.quageo.2012.05.006

Schmidt, C.; Rufer, D.; Preusser, F.; Krbetschek, M.; Hilgers, A. (2012). The Assessment of Radionuclide Distribution in Silex by Autoradiography in the Context of Dose Rate Determination for Thermoluminescence Dating. Archaeometry, 55(3), pp. 407-422. Oxford: Oxford University, Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art. 10.1111/j.1475-4754.2012.00690.x

Preusser, F.; Rufer, D.; Schreurs, G. (2011). Direct dating of Quaternary phreatic maar eruptions by luminescence methods. Geology, 39(12), pp. 1135-1138. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G32345.1

Rufer, Daniel (2009). Characterization and age determination of Quaternary volcanism in the southern Ankaratra region (central Madagascar) through novel approaches in luminescence dating. (Dissertation, University of Bern, Faculty of Science)

Rufer, Daniel; Preusser, Frank (2009). Potential of autoradiography to detect spatially resolved radiation patterns in the context of trapped charge dating. Geochronometria, 34(1), pp. 1-13. Gliwice: Institute of Physics. Silesian University of Technology 10.2478/v10003-009-0014-4

Rufer, Daniel; Buettner, Annett; Kleinhanns, Ilka C.; Villa, Igor Maria (2007). Yes there is, but why would anybody care? Lithos, 95(3-4), pp. 462-464. Elsevier 10.1016/j.lithos.2006.06.015

Rufer, Daniel; Schreurs, Guido; Berger, Alfons; Villa, Igor Maria; Gnos, Edwin (2006). Cenozoic alkaline volcanism in central Madagascar in the context of intracontinental rifting (Unpublished). In: 4th Swiss Geoscience Meeting. Bern, Switzerland. 24-25.11.2006.

Buettner, A.; Kleinhanns, I.C.; Rufer, Daniel; Hunziker, J.C.; Villa, Igor Maria (2005). Magma generation at the easternmost section of the Hellenic arc: Hf, Nd, Pb and Sr isotope geochemistry of Nisyros and Yali volcanoes (Greece). Lithos, 83(1-2), pp. 29-46. Elsevier 10.1016/j.lithos.2005.01.001

Rufer, Daniel; Büttner, Annett; Kleinhanns, Ilka C.; Villa, Igor Maria (June 2004). Magma generation at Nisyros and Yali volcanoes (Greece): A multi-isotope approach. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 68(11), A657-A657. Elsevier Science

Schlunegger, Fritz

Trauerstein, M.; Lowick, S.; Preusser, F.; Rufer, Daniel; Schlunegger, F. (2012). Exploring fading in single grain feldspar IRSL measurements. Quaternary geochronology, 10(SI), pp. 327-333. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.quageo.2012.02.004

Schneeberger, Raphael

Waber, Niklaus; Schneeberger, Raphael; Mäder, Urs; Wanner, Christoph (2017). Constraints on Evolution and Residence Time of Geothermal Water in Granitic Rocks at Grimsel (Switzerland). Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 774-777. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2017.01.026

Schreurs, Guido

Rufer, Daniel; Preusser, Frank; Schreurs, Guido; Gnos, Edwin; Berger, Alfons (2014). Late Quaternary history of the Vakinankaratra volcanic field (central Madagascar): insights from luminescence dating of phreatomagmatic eruption deposits. Bulletin of volcanology, 76(5), p. 817. Springer 10.1007/s00445-014-0817-7

Rufer, Daniel; Gnos, Edwin; Mettier, Ralph; Preusser, Frank; Schreurs, Guido (2012). Proposing new approaches for dating young volcanic eruptions by luminescence methods. Geochronometria, 39(1), pp. 48-56. Gliwice: Institute of Physics. Silesian University of Technology 10.2478/s13386-011-0049-y

Preusser, F.; Rufer, D.; Schreurs, G. (2011). Direct dating of Quaternary phreatic maar eruptions by luminescence methods. Geology, 39(12), pp. 1135-1138. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G32345.1

Rufer, Daniel (2009). Characterization and age determination of Quaternary volcanism in the southern Ankaratra region (central Madagascar) through novel approaches in luminescence dating. (Dissertation, University of Bern, Faculty of Science)

Rufer, Daniel; Schreurs, Guido; Berger, Alfons; Villa, Igor Maria; Gnos, Edwin (2006). Cenozoic alkaline volcanism in central Madagascar in the context of intracontinental rifting (Unpublished). In: 4th Swiss Geoscience Meeting. Bern, Switzerland. 24-25.11.2006.

Schwendener, Nicole

Dolder, Florian; Mäder, Urs; Jenni, Andreas; Schwendener, Nicole (2014). Experimental characterization of cement–bentonite interaction using core infiltration techniques and 4D computed tomography. Physics and chemistry of the earth, 70-71, pp. 104-113. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pce.2013.11.002

Stocker, Thomas

Fischer, Hubertus; Meissner, Katrin J.; Mix, Alan C.; Abram, Nerilie J.; Austermann, Jacqueline; Brovkin, Victor; Capron, Emilie; Colombaroli, Daniele; Daniau, Anne-Laure; Dyez, Kelsey A.; Felis, Thomas; Finkelstein, Sarah A.; Jaccard, Samuel; McClymont, Erin L.; Rovere, Alessio; Sutter, Johannes; Wolff, Eric W.; Affolter, Stéphane; Bakker, Pepijn; Ballesteros-Cánovas, Juan Antonio; ... (2018). Palaeoclimate constraints on the impact of 2 °C anthropogenic warming and beyond. Nature geoscience, 11(7), pp. 474-485. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41561-018-0146-0

Tinner, Willy

Fischer, Hubertus; Meissner, Katrin J.; Mix, Alan C.; Abram, Nerilie J.; Austermann, Jacqueline; Brovkin, Victor; Capron, Emilie; Colombaroli, Daniele; Daniau, Anne-Laure; Dyez, Kelsey A.; Felis, Thomas; Finkelstein, Sarah A.; Jaccard, Samuel; McClymont, Erin L.; Rovere, Alessio; Sutter, Johannes; Wolff, Eric W.; Affolter, Stéphane; Bakker, Pepijn; Ballesteros-Cánovas, Juan Antonio; ... (2018). Palaeoclimate constraints on the impact of 2 °C anthropogenic warming and beyond. Nature geoscience, 11(7), pp. 474-485. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41561-018-0146-0

Luterbacher, Jürg; García-Herrera, Ricardo; Akcer-On, Sena; Allan, Rob; Alvarez-Castro, Maria-Carmen; Benito, Gerardo; Booth, Jonathan; Büntgen, Ulf; Cagatay, Namik; Colombaroli, D; Davis, Basil; Esper, Jan; Felis, Thomas; Fleitmann, Dominik; Frank, David; Gallego, David; Garcia-Bustamante, Elena; Glaser, Ruediger; González-Rouco, Fidel J.; Goosse, Hugues; ... (2012). A review of 2000 years of paleoclimatic evidence in the Mediterranean. In: Lionello, P. (ed.) The Climate of the Mediterranean region: From the Past to the Future (pp. 87-185). Amsterdam: Elsevier

Tomonaga, Yama

Tomonaga, Yama; Giroud, Niels; Brennwald, Matthias S; Horstmann, Edith; Diomidis, Nikitas; Kipfer, Rolf; Wersin, Paul (2019). On-line monitoring of the gas composition in the Full-scale Emplacement experiment at Mont Terri (Switzerland). Applied geochemistry, 100, pp. 234-243. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.11.015

Giroud, N.; Tomonaga, Y.; Wersin, P.; Briggs, S.; King, F.; Vogt, T.; Diomidis, N. (2018). On the fate of oxygen in a spent fuel emplacement drift in Opalinus Clay. Applied geochemistry, 97, pp. 270-278. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.08.011

Trauerstein, Mareike

Trauerstein, M.; Lowick, S.; Preusser, F.; Rufer, Daniel; Schlunegger, F. (2012). Exploring fading in single grain feldspar IRSL measurements. Quaternary geochronology, 10(SI), pp. 327-333. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.quageo.2012.02.004

Van den Heuvel, Daniela

Van den Heuvel, Daniela; Stawski, Tomasz M; Tobler, Dominique J; Wirth, Richard; Peacock, Caroline L; Benning, Liane G (2018). Formation of Silica-Lysozyme Composites Through Co-Precipitation and Adsorption. Frontiers in Materials, 5, p. 19. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fmats.2018.00019

Velásquez Álvarez, Patricio Andrés

Fischer, Hubertus; Meissner, Katrin J.; Mix, Alan C.; Abram, Nerilie J.; Austermann, Jacqueline; Brovkin, Victor; Capron, Emilie; Colombaroli, Daniele; Daniau, Anne-Laure; Dyez, Kelsey A.; Felis, Thomas; Finkelstein, Sarah A.; Jaccard, Samuel; McClymont, Erin L.; Rovere, Alessio; Sutter, Johannes; Wolff, Eric W.; Affolter, Stéphane; Bakker, Pepijn; Ballesteros-Cánovas, Juan Antonio; ... (2018). Palaeoclimate constraints on the impact of 2 °C anthropogenic warming and beyond. Nature geoscience, 11(7), pp. 474-485. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41561-018-0146-0

Villa, Igor Maria

Nägler, Thomas; Pierret, Marie-Claire; Vögelin, Andrea; Pettke, Thomas; Aschwanden, Lukas; Villa, Igor Maria (2020). Small catchment scale Mo isotope balance and its implications for global Mo isotope cycling. In: Dontsova, Katerina; Balogh-Brunstad, Zsuzsanna; Le Roux, Gaël (eds.) Biogeochemical Cycles: Ecological Drivers and Environmental Impact. Geophysical Monograph Series: Vol. 251 (pp. 163-189). American Geophysical Union 10.1002/9781119413332.ch8

Mazurek, Martin; Davis, Donald W.; Madritsch, Herfried; Rufer, Daniel; Villa, Igor Maria; Sutcliffe, Chelsea N.; De Haller, Antoine; Traber, Daniel (2018). Veins in clay-rich aquitards as records of deformation and fluid-flow events in northern Switzerland. Applied geochemistry, 95, pp. 57-70. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.05.010

Rufer, Daniel; Buettner, Annett; Kleinhanns, Ilka C.; Villa, Igor Maria (2007). Yes there is, but why would anybody care? Lithos, 95(3-4), pp. 462-464. Elsevier 10.1016/j.lithos.2006.06.015

Rufer, Daniel; Schreurs, Guido; Berger, Alfons; Villa, Igor Maria; Gnos, Edwin (2006). Cenozoic alkaline volcanism in central Madagascar in the context of intracontinental rifting (Unpublished). In: 4th Swiss Geoscience Meeting. Bern, Switzerland. 24-25.11.2006.

Buettner, A.; Kleinhanns, I.C.; Rufer, Daniel; Hunziker, J.C.; Villa, Igor Maria (2005). Magma generation at the easternmost section of the Hellenic arc: Hf, Nd, Pb and Sr isotope geochemistry of Nisyros and Yali volcanoes (Greece). Lithos, 83(1-2), pp. 29-46. Elsevier 10.1016/j.lithos.2005.01.001

Rufer, Daniel; Büttner, Annett; Kleinhanns, Ilka C.; Villa, Igor Maria (June 2004). Magma generation at Nisyros and Yali volcanoes (Greece): A multi-isotope approach. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 68(11), A657-A657. Elsevier Science

Vogel, Hendrik

Fischer, Hubertus; Meissner, Katrin J.; Mix, Alan C.; Abram, Nerilie J.; Austermann, Jacqueline; Brovkin, Victor; Capron, Emilie; Colombaroli, Daniele; Daniau, Anne-Laure; Dyez, Kelsey A.; Felis, Thomas; Finkelstein, Sarah A.; Jaccard, Samuel; McClymont, Erin L.; Rovere, Alessio; Sutter, Johannes; Wolff, Eric W.; Affolter, Stéphane; Bakker, Pepijn; Ballesteros-Cánovas, Juan Antonio; ... (2018). Palaeoclimate constraints on the impact of 2 °C anthropogenic warming and beyond. Nature geoscience, 11(7), pp. 474-485. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41561-018-0146-0

Vögelin, Andrea

Nägler, Thomas; Pierret, Marie-Claire; Vögelin, Andrea; Pettke, Thomas; Aschwanden, Lukas; Villa, Igor Maria (2020). Small catchment scale Mo isotope balance and its implications for global Mo isotope cycling. In: Dontsova, Katerina; Balogh-Brunstad, Zsuzsanna; Le Roux, Gaël (eds.) Biogeochemical Cycles: Ecological Drivers and Environmental Impact. Geophysical Monograph Series: Vol. 251 (pp. 163-189). American Geophysical Union 10.1002/9781119413332.ch8

Waber, Niklaus

Rufer, D.; Waber, H. N.; Traber, D. (2024). Vertical and lateral distribution of helium in porewater of the Mesozoic sedimentary sequence of northern Switzerland – A comparative investigation across multiple boreholes. Applied geochemistry, 160 Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2023.105836

Wanner, Christoph; Waber, H. Niklaus; Bucher, Kurt (2020). Geochemical evidence for regional and long-term topography-driven groundwater flow in an orogenic crystalline basement (Aar Massif, Switzerland). Journal of hydrology, 581, p. 124374. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124374

Hadi, J.; Wersin, P.; Mazurek, M.; Waber, H. N.; Marques Fernandes, M.; Baeyens, B.; Honty, M.; De Craen, M.; Frederickx, L.; Dohrmann, R.; Fernández, A. M. (2019). Intercomparison of CEC methods within the GD project Mont Terri Project

Rufer, Daniel; Waber, Niklaus; Gimmi, Thomas (2018). Identifying temporally and spatially changing boundary conditions at an aquifer – aquitard interface using helium in porewater. Applied geochemistry, 96, pp. 62-77. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.05.022

Diamond, Larryn William; Wanner, Christoph; Waber, Niklaus (2018). Penetration depth of meteoric water in orogenic geothermal systems. Geology, 46(12), pp. 1063-1066. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G45394.1

Waber, H. Niklaus; Rufer, Daniel (2017). Porewater Geochemistry, Method Comparison and Opalinus Clay – Passwang Formation Interface Study at the Mont Terri URL (NWMO Technical Reports). Toronto, Canada: Nuclear Waste Management Organization, NWMO

Wanner, Christoph; Bucher, Kurt; Pogge von Strandmann, Philip A.E.; Waber, Niklaus; Pettke, Thomas (2017). On the use of Li isotopes as a proxy for water–rock interaction in fractured crystalline rocks: A case study from the Gotthard rail base tunnel. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 198, pp. 396-418. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gca.2016.11.003

Rufer, Daniel; Waber, Niklaus; Pitkänen, Petteri; Eichinger, Florian (2017). Helium in Porewater and Rocks of Crystalline Bedrock from the Fennoscandian Shield, Olkiluoto (Finland). Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 762-765. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2017.01.019

Waber, Niklaus; Schneeberger, Raphael; Mäder, Urs; Wanner, Christoph (2017). Constraints on Evolution and Residence Time of Geothermal Water in Granitic Rocks at Grimsel (Switzerland). Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 774-777. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2017.01.026

Wersin, Paul; Traber, D; Mäder, Urs; Mazurek, Martin; Waber, Niklaus; Rufer, Daniel; Gimmi, Thomas; Cloet, V (2017). Porewater chemistry in claystones in the context of radioactive waste disposal. Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 718-721. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2016.12.182

Wanner, Philipp; Al-Sulaimani, Mohammed Yasser Nasser; Waber, Niklaus; Wanner, Christoph (2015). Assessing the Environmental Hazard of Using Seawater for Ore Processing at the Lasail Mine Site in the Sultanate of Oman. Mine Water and the Environment, 34(1), pp. 59-74. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 10.1007/s10230-014-0281-9

Wersin, Paul; Mazurek, Martin; Waber, Niklaus; Mäder, Urs; Gimmi, Thomas; Rufer, Daniel; Lerouge, Catherine; Oyama, Takahiro; Traber, Daniel (2015). Constraining porewater chemistry in a clay–rich rock sequence. In: Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement: 6th International Conference. Brussels. 23.-26.03.2015.

Waber, Niklaus; Rufer, Daniel; Kennell, Laura; Traber, Daniel (2015). Multi-tracer profile at a high spatial resolution across the Opalinus Clay at the Mont Terri URL. In: Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement: 6th International Conference. Brussels. 23.-26.03.2015.

Gimmi, Thomas; Leupin, Olivier X.; Eikenberg, Jost; Glaus, Martin A.; Van Loon, Luc R.; Waber, Niklaus H.; Wersin, Paul; Wang, Hao A.O.; Grolimund, Daniel; Borca, Camelia N.; Dewonck, Sarah; Wittebroodt, Charles (2014). Anisotropic diffusion at the field scale in a 4-year multi-tracer diffusion and retention experiment – I: Insights from the experimental data. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 125(125), pp. 373-393. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gca.2013.10.014

Wersin, Paul; Waber, H. Niklaus; Mazurek, Martin; Mäder, Urs K.; Gimmi, Thomas; Rufer, Daniel; Traber, Daniel (2013). Resolving Cl and SO4 Profiles in a Clay-Rich Rock Sequence. Procedia earth and planetary science, 7, pp. 892-895. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2013.03.197

Wersin, P.; Mazurek, M.; Waber, H.N.; Mäder, U.K.; Gimmi, Th.; Rufer, D.; de Haller, A. (2013). Rock and porewater characterisation on drillcores from the Schlattingen borehole (Nagra Arbeitsberichte NAB 12-54). Wettingen, Switzerland: Nagra

Gautschi, Andreas; Marschall, Paul; Schwyn, Benhand; Wersin, Paul; Baeyens, Bart; Bradbury, Mike H.; Gimmi, Thomas; Mazurek, Martin; Schwyn, Benhand; van Loon, Luc R.; Waber, Niklaus (2004). Geoscientific basis for making the safety case for a SF/HLW/ILW repository in Opalinus Clay in NE Switzerland (Project Entsorgungsnachweis); II, The geosphere as a transport barrier; hydraulic, diffusion and sorption properties. In: Geological Disposal: Building Confidence using Multiple Lines of Evidence, Proc. First AMIGO Workshop, Yverdon-les Bains, Switzerland, 3-5 June 2003 (pp. 63-70). Paris, France: Nuclear Energy Agency, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Pearson, F.J.; Arcos, D.; Bath, A.; Boisson, J.Y.; Fernández, A.M.; Gaebler, H.E.; Gaucher, E.; Gautschi, A.; Griffault, L.; Hernan, P.; Waber, N. (2003). Mont Terri Project - Geochemistry of Water in the Opalinus Clay Formation at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory-Synthesis Report. Geology Series: Vol. 5. Federal Office for Water and Geology, FOWG

Wanner, Christoph

Carbajal‐Martínez, Daniel; Wanner, Christoph; Diamond, Larryn W.; Peiffer, Loïc; Fletcher, John M.; Inguaggiato, Claudio; Contreras‐López, Manuel (2024). Behavior of Amagmatic Orogenic Geothermal Systems: Insights From the Agua Blanca Fault, Baja California, Mexico. Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems, 25(3) American Geophysical Union AGU 10.1029/2023GC011145

Wanner, Christoph; Moradi, Hoda; Ingold, Philipp; Cardenas Bocanegra, Miguel A.; Mercurio, Romano; Furrer, Gerhard (2023). Rock glaciers in the Central Eastern Alps – How permafrost degradation can cause acid rock drainage, mobilization of toxic elements and formation of basaluminite. Global and planetary change, 227, p. 104180. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2023.104180

Peiffer, Loïc; Collard, Nathalie; Inguaggiato, Claudio; Olguín-Martínez, Maria G.; Taran, Yuri; Wanner, Christoph (2022). Water-rock exchange of Sr isotopes evaluated through a reactive transport model: Application to the El Chichon hydrothermal system. Chemical geology, 613 Elsevier

Olguín-Martínez, María G.; Peiffer, Loïc; Dobson, Patrick F.; Spycher, Nicolas; Inguaggiato, Claudio; Wanner, Christoph; Hoyos, Angello; Wurl, Jobst; Makovsky, Kyle; Ruiz-Aguilar, Diego (2022). PyGeoT: A tool to automate mineral selection for multicomponent geothermometry. Geothermics, 104, p. 102467. Elsevier 10.1016/j.geothermics.2022.102467

Wanner, Christoph (12 May 2022). Geothermie – Energiequelle aus dem Untergrund. In: Fokus Forschung-Podcast #4: Geothermie. Youtube: Universitätsbibliothek Bern

Wanner, Christoph (2021). Reactive transport modeling as a tool for the integrated interpretation of laboratory and field studies in environmental geochemistry (Unpublished). (Habilitation, Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät)

Alt-Epping, Peter; Diamond, Larryn W.; Wanner, Christoph; Hammond, Glenn E. (2021). Effect of Glacial/Interglacial Recharge Conditions on Flow of Meteoric Water Through Deep Orogenic Faults: Insights Into the Geothermal System at Grimsel Pass, Switzerland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(7) American Geophysical Union 10.1029/2020JB021271

Nazarova, Tatiana; Alessi, Daniel S; Janssen, David J.; Bernier-Latmani, Rizlan; Wanner, Christoph (2020). In Situ Biostimulation of Cr(VI) Reduction in a Fast-Flowing Oxic Aquifer. ACS earth and space chemistry, 4(11), pp. 2018-2030. ACS Publications 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.0c00200

Yiwei, Cheng; Arora, Bhavna; Sengör, Sevinc S.; Druhan, Jennifer L.; Wanner, Christoph; van Breukelen, Boris M.; Steefel, Carl I. (2020). Microbially mediated kinetic sulfur isotope fractionation: reactive transport modeling benchmark. Computational geosciences, 25(4), pp. 1379-1391. Springer 10.1007/s10596-020-09988-9

Döbelin, Nicola; Maazouz, Yassine; Heuberger, Roman; Bohner, Marc; Armstrong, Ashley A.; Wagoner Johnson, Amy J.; Wanner, Christoph (2020). A thermodynamic approach to surface modification of calcium phosphate implants by phosphate evaporation and condensation. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 40(15), pp. 6095-6106. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2020.07.028

Hawemann, Friedrich; Wanner, Christoph; Plötze, Michael; Furrer, Gerhard (2020). il lat dals ovels alpins – When alpine streams turn white [Movie].

Schilling, Kathrin; Basu, Anirban; Wanner, Christoph; Sanford, Robert A; Pallud, Celine; Johnson, Thomas M; Mason, Paul R.D. (2020). Mass-dependent Selenium Isotopic Fractionation during Microbial Reduction of Seleno-oxyanions by Phylogenetically Diverse Bacteria. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 276, pp. 274-288. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gca.2020.02.036

Wanner, Christoph; Waber, H. Niklaus; Bucher, Kurt (2020). Geochemical evidence for regional and long-term topography-driven groundwater flow in an orogenic crystalline basement (Aar Massif, Switzerland). Journal of hydrology, 581, p. 124374. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124374

Basu, Anirban; Wanner, Christoph; Johnson, Thomas M; Lundstrom, Craig C; Sanford, Robert A; Sonnenthal, Eric L; Boyanov, Maxim I; Kemner, Kenneth M (2020). Microbial U Isotope Fractionation Depends on the U(VI) Reduction Rate. Environmental science & technology, 54(4), pp. 2295-2303. ACS Publications 10.1021/acs.est.9b05935

Wanner, Christoph; Diamond, Larryn W.; Alt-Epping, Peter (2019). Quantification of 3‐D Thermal Anomalies From Surface Observations of an Orogenic Geothermal System (Grimsel Pass, Swiss Alps). Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124(11), pp. 10839-10854. American Geophysical Union 10.1029/2019JB018335

Wanner, Christoph (8 August 2019). Weisser Bergbach im Münstertal (Radio-Interview). Chur: Regionaljournal Graubünden (Radio SRF)

Poonoosamy, J.; Wanner, Christoph; Alt-Epping, Peter; Águila, J. F.; Samper, J.; Montenegro, L.; Xie, M.; Su, D.; Mayer, K. U.; Mäder, Urs; Van Loon, L. R.; Kosakowski, G. (2018). Benchmarking of reactive transport codes for 2D simulations with mineral dissolution–precipitation reactions and feedback on transport parameters. Computational geosciences, 25(4), pp. 1337-1358. Springer 10.1007/s10596-018-9793-x

Wanner, Christoph; Pöthig, Rosemarie; Carrero, Sergio; Fernandez-Martinez, Alejandro; Jäger, Christian; Furrer, Gerhard (2018). Natural occurrence of nanocrystalline Al-hydroxysulfates: Insights on formation, Al solubility control and As retention. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 238, pp. 252-269. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gca.2018.06.031

Peiffer, Loïc; Wanner, Christoph; Lewicki, Jennifer L. (2018). Unraveling the dynamics of magmatic CO2 degassing at Mammoth Mountain, California. Earth and planetary science letters, 484, pp. 318-328. Elsevier 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.12.038

Diamond, Larryn William; Wanner, Christoph; Waber, Niklaus (2018). Penetration depth of meteoric water in orogenic geothermal systems. Geology, 46(12), pp. 1063-1066. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G45394.1

Wanner, Christoph; Eichinger, Florian; Jahrfeld, Thomas; Diamond, Larryn William (2017). Causes of abundant calcite scaling in geothermal wells in the Bavarian Molasse Basin, Southern Germany. Geothermics, 70, pp. 324-338. Elsevier 10.1016/j.geothermics.2017.05.001

Wanner, Christoph; Bucher, Kurt; Pogge von Strandmann, Philip A.E.; Waber, Niklaus; Pettke, Thomas (2017). On the use of Li isotopes as a proxy for water–rock interaction in fractured crystalline rocks: A case study from the Gotthard rail base tunnel. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 198, pp. 396-418. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gca.2016.11.003

Wanner, Christoph; Eichinger, Florian; Jahrfeld, Thomas; Diamond, Larryn William (2017). Unraveling the Formation of Large Amounts of Calcite Scaling in Geothermal Wells in the Bavarian Molasse Basin: A Reactive Transport Modeling Approach. Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 344-347. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2016.12.087

Waber, Niklaus; Schneeberger, Raphael; Mäder, Urs; Wanner, Christoph (2017). Constraints on Evolution and Residence Time of Geothermal Water in Granitic Rocks at Grimsel (Switzerland). Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 774-777. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2017.01.026

Wanner, Philipp; Al-Sulaimani, Mohammed Yasser Nasser; Waber, Niklaus; Wanner, Christoph (2015). Assessing the Environmental Hazard of Using Seawater for Ore Processing at the Lasail Mine Site in the Sultanate of Oman. Mine Water and the Environment, 34(1), pp. 59-74. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 10.1007/s10230-014-0281-9

Molins, Sergi; Greskowiak, Janek; Wanner, Christoph; Mayer, K. Ulrich (2015). A benchmark for microbially mediated chromium reduction under denitrifying conditions in a biostimulation column experiment. Computational geosciences, 19(3), pp. 479-496. Baltzer Science Publishers 10.1007/s10596-014-9432-0

Wanner, Christoph; Druhan, Jennifer L.; Amos, Richard T.; Alt-Epping, Peter; Steefel, Carl I. (2015). Benchmarking the simulation of Cr isotope fractionation. Computational geosciences, 19(3), pp. 497-521. Baltzer Science Publishers 10.1007/s10596-014-9436-9

Peiffer, Loïc; Wanner, Christoph; Pan, Lehua (2015). Numerical modeling of cold magmatic CO 2 flux measurements for the exploration of hidden geothermal systems. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 120(10), pp. 6856-6877. American Geophysical Union 10.1002/2015JB012258

Şengör, S. Sevinç; Mayer, K. Ulrich; Greskowiak, Janek; Wanner, Christoph; Su, Danyang; Prommer, Henning (2015). A reactive transport benchmark on modeling biogenic uraninite re-oxidation by Fe(III)-(hydr)oxides. Computational geosciences, 19(3), pp. 569-583. Baltzer Science Publishers 10.1007/s10596-015-9480-0

Liu, Xiao-Ming; Wanner, Christoph; Rudnick, Roberta L.; McDonough, William F. (2015). Processes controlling δ7Li in rivers illuminated by study of streams and groundwaters draining basalts. Earth and planetary science letters, 409, pp. 212-224. Elsevier 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.10.032

Peiffer, L.; Wanner, Christoph; Spycher, N.; Sonnenthal, E.L.; Kennedy, B.M.; Iovenitti, J. (2014). Optimized multicomponent vs. classical geothermometry: Insights from modeling studies at the Dixie Valley geothermal area. Geothermics, 51, pp. 154-169. Pergamon 10.1016/j.geothermics.2013.12.002

Wanner, Christoph; Peiffer, Loïc; Sonnenthal, Eric; Spycher, Nicolas; Iovenitti, Joe; Kennedy, Burton Mack (2014). Reactive transport modeling of the Dixie Valley geothermal area: Insights on flow and geothermometry. Geothermics, 51, pp. 130-141. Pergamon 10.1016/j.geothermics.2013.12.003

Wanner, Christoph; Sonnenthal, Eric L.; Liu, Xiao-Ming (2014). Seawater δ7Li: A direct proxy for global CO2 consumption by continental silicate weathering? Chemical geology, 381, pp. 154-167. Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.05.005

Wanner, Christoph; Zink, Sonja; Eggenberger, Urs; Mäder, Urs (2013). Unraveling the partial failure of a permeable reactive barrier using a multi-tracer experiment and Cr isotope measurements. Applied geochemistry, 37, pp. 125-133. Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2013.07.019

Wanner, Christoph; Sonnenthal, Eric L. (2013). Assessing the control on the effective kinetic Cr isotope fractionation factor: A reactive transport modeling approach. Chemical geology, 337-338, pp. 88-98. Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.11.008

Wanner, C.; Zink, S.; Eggenberger, U.; Kurz, D.; Mäder, U. (2012). A chromate-contaminated site in southern Switzerland - Part 1: Site characterization and the use of Cr isotopes to delineate fate and transport. Applied geochemistry, 27(3), pp. 644-654. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.11.009

Wanner, C.; Eggenberger, U.; Mäder, U. (2012). A chromate-contaminated site in southern Switzerland - Part 2: Reactive transport modeling to optimize remediation options. Applied geochemistry, 27(3), pp. 655-662. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.11.008

Wanner, C.; Zink, S.; Eggenberger, U.; Mäder, U. (2012). Assessing the Cr(VI) reduction efficiency of a permeable reactive barrier using Cr isotope measurements and 2D reactive transport modeling. Journal of contaminant hydrology, 131(1-4), pp. 54-63. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2012.01.007

Wanner, C.; Eggenberger, U.; Mäder, U. (2011). Reactive transport modeling of Cr(VI) treatment under fast flow conditions. Applied geochemistry, 26(8), pp. 1513-1523. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.06.015

Wanner, Heinz

Luterbacher, Jürg; García-Herrera, Ricardo; Akcer-On, Sena; Allan, Rob; Alvarez-Castro, Maria-Carmen; Benito, Gerardo; Booth, Jonathan; Büntgen, Ulf; Cagatay, Namik; Colombaroli, D; Davis, Basil; Esper, Jan; Felis, Thomas; Fleitmann, Dominik; Frank, David; Gallego, David; Garcia-Bustamante, Elena; Glaser, Ruediger; González-Rouco, Fidel J.; Goosse, Hugues; ... (2012). A review of 2000 years of paleoclimatic evidence in the Mediterranean. In: Lionello, P. (ed.) The Climate of the Mediterranean region: From the Past to the Future (pp. 87-185). Amsterdam: Elsevier

Wersin, Paul

Tomonaga, Yama; Wersin, Paul; Rufer, Daniel; Pastina, Barbara; Koho, Petri; Ville, Heino; Kipfer, Rolf (2022). Gas-bentonite interactions: Towards a better understanding of gas dynamics in Engineered Barrier Systems. Applied geochemistry, 138, p. 105205. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2022.105205

Wersin, Paul; Mazurek, Martin; Gimmi, Thomas (2022). Porewater chemistry of Opalinus Clay revisited: Findings from 25 years of data collection at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory. Applied geochemistry, 138, p. 105234. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2022.105234

Fernández, Ana Maria; Kaufhold, Stephan; Olin, Markus; Zheng, Lian-Ge; Wersin, Paul; Wilson, James (2022). Editorial for Special Issue “Clay Mineral Transformations after Bentonite/Clayrocks and Heater/Water Interactions from Lab and Large-Scale Tests”. Minerals, 12(5), p. 569. MDPI 10.3390/min12050569

Jenni, Andreas; Meeussen, Johannes C.L.; Pakkanen, Tapani A.; Hirvi, Janne T.; Akinwunmi, Bukunmi; Yustres, Ángel; Navarro, Vicente; López-Vizcaíno, Rubén; Muuri, Eveliina; Niskanen, Mika; Wersin, Paul; Mäder, Urs (2021). Coupling of chemical and hydromechanical properties in bentonite: A new reactive transport model. Applied Clay Science, 214(106274), p. 106274. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clay.2021.106274

Pekala, Marek; Wersin, Paul; Pastina, Barbara; Lamminmäki, Ralf; Vuorio, Marja; Jenni, Andreas (2021). Potential impact of cementitious leachates on the buffer porewater chemistry in the Finnish repository for spent nuclear fuel – A reactive transport modelling assessment. Applied geochemistry, 131, p. 105045. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2021.105045

Navarro, Vicente; Yustres, Ángel; Jenni, Andreas; De la Morena, Gema; Asensio, Laura; López-Vizcaíno, Rubén; Cabrera, Virginia; Wersin, Paul; Mäder, Urs; Muuri, Eveliina; Niskanen, Mika; Akinwunmi, Bukunmi; Hirvi, Janne T.; Pakkanen, Tapani A. (2021). Molecular dynamics data for modelling the microstructural behaviour of compacted sodium bentonites. Applied Clay Science, 201, p. 105932. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clay.2020.105932

Kiczka, Mirjam; Pekala, Marek; Maanoja, Susanna; Muuri, Eveliina; Wersin, Paul (2021). Modelling of solute transport and microbial activity in diffusion cells simulating a bentonite barrier of a spent nuclear fuel repository. Applied Clay Science, 211, p. 106193. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clay.2021.106193

Wersin, Paul; Hadi, Jebril; Jenni, Andreas; Svensson, Daniel; Greneche, Jean-Marc; Sellin, Patrik; Leupin, Olivier (2021). Interaction of Corroding Iron with Eight Bentonites in the Alternative Buffer Materials Field Experiment (ABM2). Minerals, 11(8), p. 907. MDPI 10.3390/min11080907

Wersin, P.; Pekala, M.; Mazurek, M.; Gimmi, T.; Mäder, U.; Jenni, A.; Rufer, D.; Aschwanden, L. (2020). Porewater Chemistry of Opalinus Clay: Methods, Data, Modelling & Buffering Capacity (Technical Report, Nagra 18-01). NAGRA, National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste

Jenni, Andreas; Wersin, Paul; Thoenen, T.; Baeyens, B.; Ferrari, A.; Gimmi, Thomas; Mäder, Urs; Marschall, P.; Hummel, W.; Leupin, O. (2019). Bentonite backfill performance in a high-level waste repository: a geochemical perspective (Technical Report, Nagra NTB 19-03). Wettingen, Switzerland: NAGRA, National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste

Gautschi, Andreas; Gaus, Irina; Gimmi, Thomas; Mazurek, Martin; Wersin, Paul; Cathelineau, Michel; Bath, Adrian (2019). Applied geochemistry special issue on "Geochemistry of clays and clay rocks in the context of radioactive waste disposal". Applied geochemistry, 105, pp. 127-129. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2019.05.001

Pekala, Marek; Alt-Epping, Peter; Wersin, Paul (2019). 3D and 1D Dual-Porosity Reactive Transport Simulations - Model Improvements, Sensitivity Analyses, and Results from the Integrated Sulfide Project (Working Report WR-2018-31). Olkiluoto: Posiva Oy

Hadi, J.; Wersin, P.; Mazurek, M.; Waber, H. N.; Marques Fernandes, M.; Baeyens, B.; Honty, M.; De Craen, M.; Frederickx, L.; Dohrmann, R.; Fernández, A. M. (2019). Intercomparison of CEC methods within the GD project Mont Terri Project

Pekala, M.; Wersin, P.; Rufer, D.; Curti, E. (2019). GD experiment: Geochemical Data Experiment. Mineralogy of carbonate and sulphate minerals in the Opalinus Clay and adjacent formations (Mont Terri Technical Report TR 2018-03). Mont Terri Project

Tomonaga, Yama; Giroud, Niels; Brennwald, Matthias S; Horstmann, Edith; Diomidis, Nikitas; Kipfer, Rolf; Wersin, Paul (2019). On-line monitoring of the gas composition in the Full-scale Emplacement experiment at Mont Terri (Switzerland). Applied geochemistry, 100, pp. 234-243. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.11.015

Pekala, Marek; Wersin, Paul; Cloet, Veerle; Diomidis, Nikitas (2019). Reactive transport calculations to evaluate sulphide fluxes in the near-field of a SF/HLW repository in the Opalinus Clay. Applied geochemistry, 100, pp. 169-180. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.11.006

Hadi, Jebril; Wersin, Paul; Serneels, Vincent; Greneche, Jean-Marc (2019). Eighteen years of steel–bentonite interaction in the FEBEX in situ test at the Grimsel Test Site in Switzerland. Clays and clay minerals, 67(2), pp. 111-131. Clay Minerals Society 10.1007/s42860-019-00012-5

Giroud, N.; Tomonaga, Y.; Wersin, P.; Briggs, S.; King, F.; Vogt, T.; Diomidis, N. (2018). On the fate of oxygen in a spent fuel emplacement drift in Opalinus Clay. Applied geochemistry, 97, pp. 270-278. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.08.011

Alt-Epping, Peter; Gimmi, Thomas; Wersin, Paul; Jenni, Andreas (2018). Incorporating electrical double layers into reactive-transport simulations of processes in clays by using the Nernst-Planck equation: A benchmark revisited. Applied geochemistry, 89, pp. 1-10. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2017.10.018

Wersin, Paul; Gimmi, Thomas; Mazurek, Martin; Alt-Epping, Peter; Pekala, Marek; Traber, Daniel (2018). Multicomponent diffusion in a 280 m thick argillaceous rock sequence. Applied geochemistry, 95, pp. 110-123. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.05.013

Hadi, J.; Wersin, P.; Jenni, A.; Greneche, J. M. (2017). Redox evolution and Fe-bentonite interaction in the ABM2 experiment, Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (Technical Report NTB 2017-10). Nagra

Wersin, Paul (2017). Topics and processes dealt with in the IP FUNMIG and theit treatment in the safety case of geologic repositories for radioactive waste (Technischer Bericht NTB 09-01). Wettingen, Switzerland: Nagra

Yustres, A.; Jenni, Andreas; Asensio, L.; Pintado, X.; Koskinen, K.; Navarro, V.; Wersin, Paul (2017). Comparison of the hydrogeochemical and mechanical behaviours of compacted bentonite using different conceptual approaches. Applied Clay Science, 141, pp. 280-291. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clay.2017.03.006

Wersin, Paul; Traber, D; Mäder, Urs; Mazurek, Martin; Waber, Niklaus; Rufer, Daniel; Gimmi, Thomas; Cloet, V (2017). Porewater chemistry in claystones in the context of radioactive waste disposal. Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 718-721. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2016.12.182

Leupin, Olivier X; Van Loon, Luc R; Gimmi, Thomas; Wersin, Paul; Soler, Josep M (2017). Exploring diffusion and sorption processes at the Mont Terri rock laboratory (Switzerland): lessons learned from 20 years of field research. Swiss journal of geosciences, 110(1), pp. 391-403. Springer 10.1007/s00015-016-0254-z

Wersin, Paul; Alt-Epping, Peter; Pekala, Marek; Pitkänen, Petteri; Snellman, Margit (2017). Modelling Sulfide Fluxes and Cu Canister Corrosion Rates in the Engineered Barrier System of a Spent Fuel Repository. Procedia earth and planetary science, 17, pp. 722-725. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2016.12.183

Charlet, Laurent; Alt-Epping, Peter; Wersin, Paul; Gilbert, Benjamin (2017). Diffusive transport and reaction in clay rocks: A storage (nuclear waste, CO 2, H 2), energy (shale gas) and water quality issue. Advances in water ressources, 106, pp. 39-59. Elsevier 10.1016/j.advwatres.2017.03.019

Wersin, P.; Kober, F. (2017). FEBEX-DP – Metal corrosion and iron-bentonite interaction studies (Nagra Arbeitsberichte NAB 16-16). Wettingen, Switzerland: Nagra

Wersin, Paul; Mazurek, Martin; Mäder, Urs; Gimmi, Thomas; Rufer, Daniel; Lerouge, Catherine; Traber, Daniel (2016). Constraining porewater chemistry in a 250m thick argillaceous rock sequence. Chemical geology, 434, pp. 43-61. Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.04.006

Grolimund, D.; Wersin, Paul; Brendlé, J.; Huve, J.; Kiviranta, L.; Snellman, M. (2016). Interaction of titanium with smectite within the scope of a spent fuel repository: a spectroscopic approach. Clay minerals, 51(2), pp. 249-266. Mineralogical Society 10.1180/claymin.2016.051.2.11

Wersin, Paul; Kiczka, Mirjam; Koskinen, Kari (2016). Porewater chemistry in compacted bentonite: Application to the engineered buffer barrier at the Olkiluoto site. Applied geochemistry, 74, pp. 165-175. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2016.09.010

Mazurek, Martin; Oyama, Takahiro; Wersin, Paul; Alt-Epping, Peter (2015). Pore-water squeezing from indurated shales. Chemical geology, 400, pp. 106-121. Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2015.02.008

Wersin, Paul; Jenni, Andreas; Mäder, Urs (2015). Interaction of corroding iron with bentonite in the ABM1 experiment at Äspö, Sweden: A microscopic approach. Clays and clay minerals, 63(1), pp. 51-68. Clay Minerals Society 10.1346/ccmn.2015.0630105

Wersin, Paul; Mazurek, Martin; Waber, Niklaus; Mäder, Urs; Gimmi, Thomas; Rufer, Daniel; Lerouge, Catherine; Oyama, Takahiro; Traber, Daniel (2015). Constraining porewater chemistry in a clay–rich rock sequence. In: Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement: 6th International Conference. Brussels. 23.-26.03.2015.

Wersin, Paul; Kiczka, Mirjam; Rosch, Dominic (2014). Safety Case for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel at Olkiluoto. Radionuclide Solubility Limits and Migration. Parameters for the Canister and Buffer (Report POSIVA 2012-39). Olkiluoto, Finland: Posiva

Wersin, Paul; Kiczka, Mirjam; Rosch, Dominic; Ochs, Michael; Trudel, David (2014). Safety Case for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel at Olkiluoto. Radionuclide Solubility Limits and Migration Parameters for the Backfill Posiva

Gimmi, Thomas; Leupin, Olivier X.; Eikenberg, Jost; Glaus, Martin A.; Van Loon, Luc R.; Waber, Niklaus H.; Wersin, Paul; Wang, Hao A.O.; Grolimund, Daniel; Borca, Camelia N.; Dewonck, Sarah; Wittebroodt, Charles (2014). Anisotropic diffusion at the field scale in a 4-year multi-tracer diffusion and retention experiment – I: Insights from the experimental data. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 125(125), pp. 373-393. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gca.2013.10.014

Wersin, Paul; Alt-Epping, Peter; Pitkänen, Petteri; Román-Ross, Gabriela; Trinchero, Paolo; Molinero, Jorge; Smith, Paul; Snellman, Margit; Filby, André; Kiczka, Mirjam (2014). Sulphide fluxes and concentrations in the spent nuclear fuel repository at Olkiluoto (Posiva Report 2014-01). Olkiluoto, Finland: Posiva Oy

Wersin, Paul; Birgersson, M. (2014). Reactive transport modelling of iron-bentonite interaction within the KBS-3H disposal concept – the Olkiluoto site as case study. Geological Society Special Publications, 400(1), pp. 237-250. Geological Society 10.1144/SP400.24

Birgersson, Martin; Wersin, Paul (2014). KBS-3H - Reactive transport modelling of iron-bentonite interactions, an update for the Olkiluoto case (Working Report WR 2013-02). Olkiluoto, Finland: Posiva

King, Fraser; Wersin, Paul (2014). Review of supercontainer copper shell-bentonite interactions and possible effects on buffer performance for the KBS-3H design (Working Report WR 2013-03). Olkiluoto, Finland: Posiva

Hellä, Pirjo; Pitkänen, Petteri; Löfman, Jari; Partamies, Sami; Vuorinen, Ulla; Wersin, Paul (2014). Safety case for the disposal of spent nuclear Fuel at Olkiluoto. Definition of reference and bounding groundwaters, buffer and backfill porewaters (Posiva Report 2014-04). Olkiluoto, Finland: Posiva

Wersin, Paul; Waber, H. Niklaus; Mazurek, Martin; Mäder, Urs K.; Gimmi, Thomas; Rufer, Daniel; Traber, Daniel (2013). Resolving Cl and SO4 Profiles in a Clay-Rich Rock Sequence. Procedia earth and planetary science, 7, pp. 892-895. Elsevier 10.1016/j.proeps.2013.03.197

Soler, J.M.; Wersin, Paul; Leupin, O.X. (2013). Modeling of Cs+ diffusion and retention in the DI-A2 experiment (Mont Terri). Uncertainties in sorption and diffusion parameters. Applied geochemistry, 33, pp. 191-198. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2013.02.012

Wersin, Paul (2013). LOT A2 test parcel, compilation of copper data in the LOT A2 test parcel (SKB Technical Report TR-13-17). Stockholm, Sweden: Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB

Wersin, P.; Mazurek, M.; Waber, H.N.; Mäder, U.K.; Gimmi, Th.; Rufer, D.; de Haller, A. (2013). Rock and porewater characterisation on drillcores from the Schlattingen borehole (Nagra Arbeitsberichte NAB 12-54). Wettingen, Switzerland: Nagra

Schwyn, B.; Wersin, P.; Rüedi, J.; Schneider, J.; Altmann, S.; Missana, T.; Noseck, U. (2012). FUNMIG Integrated Project results and conclusions from a safety case perspective. Applied geochemistry, 27(2), pp. 501-515. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.09.018

Leupin, O.; Wersin, P.; Mettler, S.; Mäder, U.; Gaucher, E. C.; Vinsot, A.; De Cannière, P.; Gäbler, H.E.; Eichinger, L.; Kunimaro, T.; Kiho, K. (2012). PC (Porewater chemistry) Experiment: Synthesis report (Mont Terri Technical Report TR 2009-06). Mont Terri Project

Tournassat, Christophe; Alt-Epping, Peter; Gaucher, Eric C.; Gimmi, Thomas; Leupin, Olivier X.; Wersin, Paul (2011). Biogeochemical processes in a clay formation in situ experiment: Part F - Reactive transport modelling. Applied geochemistry, 26(6), pp. 1009-1022. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.03.009

Wersin, Paul; Leupin, X.O.; Mettler, S.; Gaucher, E. C.; Mäder, U.; Vinsot, A.; De Canni re, P.; Gäbler, H.E.; Kunimaro, T.; Kiho, K. (2011). Biogeochemical processes in a clay formation in-situ experiment: Part A - Overview, experimental design and water data of an experiment in the Opalinus Clay at the Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory, Switzerland. Applied geochemistry, 26(6), pp. 931-953. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.03.004

Wersin, Paul; Stroes-Gascoyne, S.; Pearson, F.J.; Tournassat, C.; Leupin, O.X.; Schwyn, B. (2011). Biogeochemical processes in a clay formation in situ experiment: Part G - key interpretations & conclusions. Applied geochemistry, 26(6), pp. 1023-1034. Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.03.010

De Cannière, P.; Schwarzbauer, J.; Höhener, P.; Lorenz, G.; Salah, S.; Leupin, O.X.; Wersin, Paul (2011). Biogeochemical processes in a clay formation in situ experiment: Part C – Organic contamination and leaching data. Applied geochemistry, 26(6), pp. 967-979. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.03.006

Wersin, Paul; Grolimund, Daniel; Kumpulainen, Sirpa; Kiviranta, Leena; Brendlé, Jocelyne; Snellman, Margit (2011). Titanium alloys as alternative material for the supercontainer in the KBS-3H concept: A preliminary Ti-clay interaction study (Working Report WR 2010-72). Olkiluoto, Finland: Posiva

Kumpulainen, Sirpa; Kiviranta, Leena; Carlsson, Torbjörn; Muurinen, Arto; Svensson, Daniel; Sasamoto, Hiroshi; Yui, Mikatzu; Wersin, Paul; Rosch, Dominic (2011). Long-term alteration of bentonite in the presence of metallic iron (Working Report WR 2010-71). Olkiluoto, Finland: Posiva

Appelo, C.A.J.; Van Loon, L.R.; Wersin, Paul (2010). Multicomponent diffusion of a suite of tracers (HTO, Cl, Br, I, Na, Sr, Cs) in a single sample of Opalinus Clay. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 74(4), pp. 1201-1219. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gca.2009.11.013

Wersin, P.; Appelo, C.A.J.; Baeyens, B.; Bossart, P.; Dewonck, S.; Eikenberg, J.; Fierz, T.; Fisch, H.R.; Gimmi, T.; Grolimund, D.; Leupin, O.X.; Möri, A.; Soler, J.M.; van Dorp, F.; Van Loon, L. (2010). Long-term Diffusion (DI-A) Experiment: DI-A2: Diffusion of HTO, Br, I-, Cs+, 85Sr2+ and 60Co2+: Field activities, data and modelling (Mont Terri Technical Report TR 2009-04). Mont Terri Project

Cui, D.; Puranen, A.; Devoy, J.; Scheidegger, A.; Leupin, O.X.; Wersin, Paul; Gens, R.; Spahiu, K. (2009). Reductive immobilization of 79Se by iron canister under simulated repository environment. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 282(2), pp. 349-354. Springer 10.1007/s10967-009-0328-8

Wersin, Paul; Soler, J. M.; Van Loon, L.; Eikenberg, J.; Baeyens, B.; Grolimund, D.; Gimmi, Thomas; Dewonck, S. (2008). Diffusion of HTO, Br-, I-, Cs+, Sr-85(2+) and Co-60(2+) in a clay formation: Results and modelling from an in situ experiment in Opalinus Clay. Applied geochemistry, 23(4), pp. 678-691. Pergamon 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2007.11.004

Courdouan, Amandine; Christl, Iso; Rabung, Thomas; Wersin, Paul; Kretzschmar, Ruben (2008). Proton and Trivalent Metal Cation Binding by Dissolved Organic Matter in the Opalinus Clay and the Callovo-Oxfordian Formation. Environmental science & technology, 42(16), pp. 5985-5991. ACS Publications 10.1021/es8007358

Karnland, O.; Nilsson, U.; Weber, H.; Wersin, Paul (2008). Sealing ability of Wyoming bentonite pellets foreseen as buffer material - laboratory tests. Physics and chemistry of the earth, 33, S472-S475. Elsevier

Soler, J.M.; Samper, J.; Yllera, A.; Quejido, A.; Fernández, M.; Yang, C.; Naves, A.; Wersin, Paul (2008). The DI-B in situ diffusion experiment at Mont Terri: Results and modeling. Physics and chemistry of the earth, 33, S196-S207. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pce.2008.10.010

Vinsot, A.; Appelo, C.A.J.; Cailteau, C.; Wechner, S.; Pironon, J.; De Donato, P.; De Cannière, P.; Mettler, S.; Wersin, Paul; Gäbler, H.-E. (2008). CO2 data on gas and porewater sampled in situ in the Opalinus Clay at the Mont Terri rock laobratory. Physics and chemistry of the earth, 33, S54-S60. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pce.2008.10.050

Appelo, C. Anthony J.; Wersin, Paul (2007). Multicomponent Diffusion Modeling in Clay Systems with Application to the Diffusion of Tritium, Iodide, and Sodium in Opalinus Clay. Environmental science & technology, 41(14), pp. 5002-5007. ACS Publications 10.1021/es0629256

Courdouan, A.; Christl, I.; Meylan, S.; Wersin, Paul; Kretzschmar, R. (2007). Characterization of dissolved organic matter in anoxic rock extracts and in situ pore water of the Opalinus Clay. Applied geochemistry, 22(12), pp. 2926-2939. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2007.09.001

Courdouan, A.; Christll, I.; Meylan, S.; Wersin, Paul; Kretzschmar, R. (2007). Isolation and characterization of dissolved organic matter from the Callovo-Oxfordian formation. Applied geochemistry, 22(7), pp. 1537-1548. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2007.04.001

Wersin, Paul; Johnson, L.H.; McKinley, I.G. (2007). Performance of the bentonite barrier beyond 100 C: a critical review. Physics and chemistry of the earth, 32(8-14), pp. 780-788. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pce.2006.02.051

Wersin, Paul; Birgersson, Martin; Olsson, Siv; Karnland, Ola; Snellman, Margit (2007). Impact of corrosion-derived iron on the bentonite buffer within the KBS-3H disposal concept – the Olkiluoto Site as Case Study (Posiva Report 2007-11). Olkiluoto, Finland: Posiva

Turrero, M.J.; Fernandez, A.M.; Pena, J.; Sanchez, M.D.; Wersin, Paul; Bossart, P.; Sanchez, M.; Melon, A.; Yllera, A.; Hernan, P. (2006). Pore water chemistry of a Paleogene continental mudrock in Spain and a Jurassic marine mudrock in Switzerland: sampling methods and geochemical interpretation. Journal of Iberian Geology, 32, pp. 233-258. Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Wersin, Paul; Johnson, L.H.; Snellman, M. (2006). Impact of iron released from steel components on the performance of the bentonite buffer: a preliminary assessment in the framework of the KBS-3H disposal concept. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 932 Materials Research Society 10.1557/PROC-932-117.1

Wersin, P.; Baeyens, B.; Bossart, P.; A., Cartalade; Dewonck, S.; Eikenberg, J.; Fierz, T.; Fisch, H.R.; Gimmi, T.; Grolimund, D.; Hernán, P.; Möri, A.; Savoye, S.; Soler, J.; van Dorp, F.; Van Loon, L. (2006). Long-term diffusion experiment (DI-A): Diffusion of HTO, I-, 22Na+ and Cs+: field activities, data and modelling (Mont Terri Technical Report TR 2003-06). Mont Terri Project

Wersin, Paul (2006). Workshop on Fe-clay interactions in repository environments, a joint initiative by Andra, SKB and Nagra. Basel / Switzerland, 9-10 May 2006 (Nagra Arbeitsberichte NAB 06-15). Wettingen, Switzerland: Nagra

Johnson, C.A.; Mönch, H.; Wersin, Paul; Kugler, P.; Wenger, C. (2005). Solubility of antimony and other elements in samples taken from shooting ranges. Journal of environmental quality, 34(1), pp. 248-254. American Society of Agronomy ASA

Johson, Lawrence; Marschall, Paul; Wersin, Paul; Gribi, Peter (2005). HMCBG Processes Related to the Steel Components in the KBS-3H Disposal Concept (Working Report WR 2005-09). Olkiluoto, Finland: Posiva

Wersin, Paul; Van Loon, L. R.; Soler, J. M.; Yllera, A.; Eikenberg, J.; Gimmi, Thomas; Hernàn, P.; Boisson, J.-Y. (2004). Long-term diffusion experiment at Mont Terri: first results from field and laboratory data. Applied Clay Science, 26(1-4), pp. 123-135. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clay.2003.09.007

Van Loon, Luc R.; Wersin, Paul; Soler, J. M.; Eikenberg, J.; Gimmi, Thomas; Hernan, P.; Dewonck, S.; Savoye, S. (2004). In-situ diffusion of HTO, 22Na+, Cs+ and I- in Opalinus Clay at the Mont Terri underground rock laboratory. Radiochimica acta, 92(9-11), pp. 757-763. Oldenbourg 10.1524/ract.92.9.757.54988

Wersin, Paul; Vinsot, A.; De Cannière, Hernán; Gäbler, H.-E.; Hama, K.; Mahara, Y.; Gaucher, E.; Pearson, F.J. (2004). Results from the Porewater Chemistry Experiment in Opalinus Clay at Mont Terri, Switzerland. In: 11th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interactions (WRI-11). Saratoga Springs, New York. 27.06.-02.07.2004.

Wersin, Paul; Curti, E; Appelo, C.A.J (2004). Modelling bentonite–water interactions at high solid/liquid ratios: swelling and diffuse double layer effects. Applied Clay Science, 26(1-4), pp. 249-257. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clay.2003.12.010

Yllera, A.; Hernández, A.; Mingarro, M.; Quejido, A.; Sedano, L.A.; Soler, J.M.; Samper, J.; Molinero, J.M.; Martín, P.L.; Fernández, M.; Wersin, Paul; Rivas, P.; Hernán, P. (2004). DI-B experiment: planning, design and performance of an in situ diffusion experiment in the Opalinus Clay formation. Applied Clay Science, 26(1-4), pp. 181-196. Elsevier 10.1016/j.clay.2003.12.007

Wersin, P.; Schwyn, B. (2004). Integrated approach for the development of geochemical databases used for safety assessment (Technical Report NTB 03-06). Wettingen, Switzerland: Nagra

Wersin, Paul; Johnson, Lawrence H.; Schwyn, Bernhard (2003). Assessment of Redox Conditions in the Near Field of Nuclear Waste Repositories: Application to the Swiss high-level and intermediate level waste disposal concept. MRS Proceedings, 807, p. 539. Materials Research Society 10.1557/PROC-807-539

Wersin, Paul (2003). Geochemical modelling of bentonite porewater in high-level waste repositories. Journal of contaminant hydrology, 61(1-4), pp. 405-422. Elsevier 10.1016/S0169-7722(02)00119-5

Scheidegger, A.M.; Grolimund, D.; Cui, D.; Devoy, J.; Spahiu, K.; Wersin, Paul; Bonhoure, I.; Janousch, M. (2003). Reduction of selenite on corroded iron: a micro-spectroscopic study. Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings), 104, pp. 417-420. EDP Sciences 10.1051/jp4:20030112

Wersin, P.; Johnson, L.H.; Schwyn, B.; Berner, U.; Curti, E. (2003). Redox conditions in the near field of a repository for SF/HLW and ILW in Opalinus Clay (Technical Report NTB 02-13). Wettingen, Switzerland: Nagra

Cui, Daqing; Spahiu, Kastriot; Wersin, Paul (2002). Redox Reactions of Iron and Uranium Dioxide in Simulated Cement Pore Water Under Anoxic Conditions. MRS Online Proceedings Library, 757, II9.11. Cambridge University Press 10.1557/PROC-757-II9.11

Curti, E.; Wersin, P. (2002). Assessment of porewater chemistry in the bentonite backfill for the Swiss SF/HLW repository (Technical Report NTB 02-09). Wettingen, Switzerland: Nagra

Wersin, P.; Abrecht, J.; Höhener, P. (2001). Large-scale redox plume in glaciofluvial deposits due to sugar-factory wastes and wastewater at Aarberg, Switzerland. Hydrogeology journal, 9(3), pp. 282-296. Springer 10.1007/s100400100136

Wersin, Paul; Griffioen, J. (2000). European network infrastructures for studying chemodynamics and water quality protection in porous media [Textbook] . Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg

Duro, Lara; Bruno, Jordi; Gómez, Paloma; Gimeno, Ma José; Wersin, Paul (1997). Modelling of the migration of trace elements along groundwater flowpaths by using a steady state approach application to the site at El Berrocal (Spain). Journal of contaminant hydrology, 26, pp. 35-43. Elsevier

Malmström, Maria; Banwart, Steven; Duro, Lara; Wersin, Paul; Bruno, Jordi (1995). Biotite and chlorite weathering at 25 ºC (SKB Technical Report TR 95-01). Stockholm, Sweden: Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB

Wanner, H.; Albinsson, Y.; Karnland, O.; Wieland, E.; Wersin, Paul; Charlet, L. (1994). The acid/base chemistry of montmorillonite. Radiochimica acta, 66-67, pp. 157-162. Oldenbourg

Wersin, Paul; Hochella, Michael F.; Persson, Per; Redden, George; Leckie, James O.; Harris, David W. (1994). Interaction between aqueous uranium (VI) and sulfide minerals: Spectroscopic evidence for sorption and reduction. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 58(13), pp. 2829-2843. Elsevier Science 10.1016/0016-7037(94)90117-1

Wersin, Paul; Spahiu, Kastriot; Bruno, Jordi (1994). Kinetic modelling of bentonite-canister interaction. Long-term predictions of copper canister corrosion under oxic and anoxic conditions (SKB Technical Report TR 94-25). Stockholm, Sweden: Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB

Van Cappellen, Philippe; Charlet, Laurent; Stumm, Werner; Wersin, Paul (1993). A surface complexation model of the carbonate mineral-aqueous solution interface. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 57(15), pp. 3505-3518. Elsevier Science 10.1016/0016-7037(93)90135-J

Zobrist, Jörg; Wersin, Paul; Jaques, Claude; Sigg, Laura; Stumm, Werner (1993). Dry deposition measurements using water as a receptor: A chemical approach. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 71(1-2), pp. 111-130. Springer 10.1007/BF00475515

Bruno, Jordi; Stumm, Werner; Wersin, Paul; Brandberg, Frederick (1992). On the influence of carbonate in mineral dissolution: I. The thermodynamics and kinetics of hematite dissolution in bicarbonate solutions at. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 56(3), pp. 1139-1147. Elsevier Science 10.1016/0016-7037(92)90051-J

Bruno, Jordi; Wersin, Paul; Stumm, Werner (1992). On the influence of carbonate in mineral dissolution: II. The solubility of FeCO3 (s) at 25°C and 1 atm total pressure. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 56(3), pp. 1149-1155. Elsevier Science 10.1016/0016-7037(92)90052-K

Mozley, Peter S.; Wersin, Paul (1992). Isotopic composition of siderite as an indicator of depositional environment. Geology, 20(9), p. 817. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(1992)020<0817:ICOSAA>2.3.CO;2

Wersin, Paul; Höhener, Patrick; Giovanoli, Rudolf; Stumm, Werner (1991). Early diagenetic influences on iron transformations in a freshwater lake sediment. Chemical geology, 90(3-4), pp. 233-252. Elsevier 10.1016/0009-2541(91)90102-W

Charlet, Laurent; Wersin, Paul; Stumm, Werner (1990). Surface charge of MnCO3 and FeCO3. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 54(8), pp. 2329-2336. Elsevier Science 10.1016/0016-7037(90)90059-T

Wersin, Paul; Charlet, Laurent; Karthein, Rainer; Stumm, Werner (1989). From adsorption to precipitation: Sorption of Mn2+ on FeCO3(s). Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 53(11), pp. 2787-2796. Elsevier Science 10.1016/0016-7037(89)90156-7

Engi, Martin; Wersin, Paul (1987). Derivation and application of a solution model for calcic garnet. Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 67(1/2), pp. 53-73. Stäubli 10.5169/seals-51587

Xoplaki, Eleni

Luterbacher, Jürg; García-Herrera, Ricardo; Akcer-On, Sena; Allan, Rob; Alvarez-Castro, Maria-Carmen; Benito, Gerardo; Booth, Jonathan; Büntgen, Ulf; Cagatay, Namik; Colombaroli, D; Davis, Basil; Esper, Jan; Felis, Thomas; Fleitmann, Dominik; Frank, David; Gallego, David; Garcia-Bustamante, Elena; Glaser, Ruediger; González-Rouco, Fidel J.; Goosse, Hugues; ... (2012). A review of 2000 years of paleoclimatic evidence in the Mediterranean. In: Lionello, P. (ed.) The Climate of the Mediterranean region: From the Past to the Future (pp. 87-185). Amsterdam: Elsevier

de Haller, Antoine

Wersin, P.; Mazurek, M.; Waber, H.N.; Mäder, U.K.; Gimmi, Th.; Rufer, D.; de Haller, A. (2013). Rock and porewater characterisation on drillcores from the Schlattingen borehole (Nagra Arbeitsberichte NAB 12-54). Wettingen, Switzerland: Nagra

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