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Number of items: 198.


Finsinger, Walter; Bigler, Christian; Schwörer, Christoph; Tinner, Willy (2024). Rates of palaeoecological change can inform ecosystem restoration. Biogeosciences, 21(7), pp. 1629-1638. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-21-1629-2024


Zander, Paul D.; Wirth, Stefanie B.; Gilli, Adrian; Peduzzi, Sandro; Grosjean, Martin (2023). Hyperspectral imaging sediment core scanning tracks high-resolution Holocene variations in (an)oxygenic phototrophic communities at Lake Cadagno, Swiss Alps. Biogeosciences, 20(12), pp. 2221-2235. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-20-2221-2023

Sauvageat, Eric; Hocke, Klemens; Maillard Barras, Eliane; Hou, Shengyi; Errera, Quentin; Haefele, Alexander; Murk, Axel (2023). Microwave radiometer observations of the ozone diurnal cycle and its short-term variability over Switzerland. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 23(13), pp. 7321-7345. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-23-7321-2023

Caldararu, Silvia; Rolo, Victor; Stocker, Benjamin D.; Gimeno, Teresa E.; Nair, Richard (2023). Ideas and perspectives: Beyond model evaluation – combining experiments and models to advance terrestrial ecosystem science. Biogeosciences European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-20-3637-2023


Gierens, Klaus; Wilhelm, Lena; Hofer, Sina; Rohs, Susanne (2022). The effect of ice supersaturation and thin cirrus on lapse rates in the upper troposphere. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 22(11), pp. 7699-7712. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-22-7699-2022

Michelon, Anthony; Ceperley, Natalie; Beria, Harsh; Vennemann, Torsten; Schaefli, Bettina (2022). Studying the dynamic of a high alpine catchment based on multiple natural tracers. Hydrology and earth system sciences discussions European Geosciences Union 10.5194/hess-2022-48


Hou, Siqi; Liu, Di; Xu, Jingsha; Vu, Tuan V.; Wu, Xuefang; Srivastava, Deepchandra; Fu, Pingqing; Li, Linjie; Sun, Yele; Vlachou, Athanasia; Moschos, Vaios; Salazar, Gary; Szidat, Sönke; Prévôt, André S. H.; Harrison, Roy M.; Shi, Zongbo (2021). Source apportionment of carbonaceous aerosols in Beijing with radiocarbon and organic tracers: insight into the differences between urban and rural sites. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 21(10), pp. 8273-8292. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-21-8273-2021

Le Grix, Natacha; Zscheischler, Jakob; Laufkötter, Charlotte; Rousseaux, Cecile S.; Frölicher, Thomas L. (2021). Compound high-temperature and low-chlorophyll extremes in the ocean over the satellite period. Biogeosciences, 18(6), pp. 2119-2137. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-18-2119-2021

Moschos, Vaios; Gysel-Beer, Martin; Modini, Robin L.; Corbin, Joel C.; Massabò, Dario; Costa, Camilla; Danelli, Silvia G.; Vlachou, Athanasia; Daellenbach, Kaspar R.; Szidat, Sönke; Prati, Paolo; Prévôt, André S. H.; Baltensperger, Urs; El Haddad, Imad (2021). Source-specific light absorption by carbonaceous components in the complex aerosol matrix from yearly filter-based measurements. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 21(17), pp. 12809-12833. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-21-12809-2021

Stober, Gunter; Kuchar, Ales; Pokhotelov, Dimitry; Liu, Huixin; Liu, Han-Li; Schmidt, Hauke; Jacobi, Christoph; Baumgarten, Kathrin; Brown, Peter; Janches, Diego; Murphy, Damian; Kozlovsky, Alexander; Lester, Mark; Belova, Evgenia; Kero, Johan; Mitchell, Nicholas (2021). Interhemispheric differences of mesosphere–lower thermosphere winds and tides investigated from three whole-atmosphere models and meteor radar observations. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 21(18), pp. 13855-13902. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-21-13855-2021

Breil, Marcus; Davin, Edouard L.; Rechid, Diana (2021). What determines the sign of the evapotranspiration response to afforestation in European summer? Biogeosciences, 18(4), pp. 1499-1510. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-18-1499-2021

Müller, Jurek; Joos, Fortunat (2021). Committed and projected future changes in global peatlands – continued transient model simulations since the Last Glacial Maximum. Biogeosciences, 18(12), pp. 3657-3687. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-18-3657-2021

Teckentrup, Lina; De Kauwe, Martin G.; Pitman, Andrew J.; Goll, Daniel S.; Haverd, Vanessa; Jain, Atul K.; Joetzjer, Emilie; Kato, Etsushi; Lienert, Sebastian; Lombardozzi, Danica; McGuire, Patrick C.; Melton, Joe R.; Nabel, Julia E. M. S.; Pongratz, Julia; Sitch, Stephen; Walker, Anthony P.; Zaehle, Sönke (2021). Assessing the representation of the Australian carbon cycle in global vegetation models. Biogeosciences, 18(20), pp. 5639-5668. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-18-5639-2021

Chen, Zichong; Liu, Junje; Henze, Daven K.; Huntzinger, Deborah N.; Wells, Kelley C.; Sitch, Stephen; Friedlingstein, Pierre; Joetzjer, Emilie; Bastrikov, Vladislav; Goll, Daniel S.; Haverd, Vanessa; Jain, Atul K.; Kato, Etsushi; Lienert, Sebastian; Lombardozzi, Danica L.; McGuire, Patrick C.; Melton, Joe R.; Nabel, Julia E. M. S.; Poulter, Benjamin; Tian, Hanqin; ... (2021). Linking global terrestrial CO2 fluxes and environmental drivers: inferences from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2 satellite and terrestrial biospheric models. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 21(9), pp. 6663-6680. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-21-6663-2021

Terhaar, Jens; Torres, Olivier; Bourgeois, Timothée; Kwiatkowski, Lester (2021). Arctic Ocean acidification over the 21st century co-driven by anthropogenic carbon increases and freshening in the CMIP6 model ensemble. Biogeosciences, 18(6), pp. 2221-2240. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-18-2221-2021


Hepp, Johannes; Schäfer, Imke Kathrin; Lanny, Verena; Franke, Jörg; Bliedtner, Marcel; Rozanski, Kazimierz; Glaser, Bruno; Zech, Michael; Eglinton, Timothy Ian; Zech, Roland (2020). Evaluation of bacterial glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether and 2H–18O biomarker proxies along a central European topsoil transect. Biogeosciences, 17(3), pp. 741-756. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-17-741-2020

Hagen, Jonas; Hocke, Klemens; Stober, Gunter; Pfreundschuh, Simon; Murk, Axel; Kämpfer, Niklaus (2020). First measurements of tides in the stratosphere and lower mesosphere by ground-based Doppler microwave wind radiometry. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 20(4), pp. 2367-2386. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-20-2367-2020

Feurdean, Angelica; Vanniere, Boris; Finsinger, Walter; Warren, Dan; Connor, Simon C.; Forrest, Matthew; Liakka, Johan; Panait, Andrei; Werner, Christian; Andric, Maja; Bobek, Premysl; Carter, Vachel A.; Davis, Basil; Diaconu, Andrei-Cosmin; Dietze, Elisabeth; Feeser, Ingo; Florescu, Gabriela; Galka, Mariusz; Giesecke, Thomas; Jahns, Susanne; ... (2020). Fire hazard modulation by long-term dynamics in land cover and dominant forest type in eastern and central Europe. Biogeosciences, 17(4), pp. 1213-1230. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-17-1213-2020

Vuillemin, Aurèle; Friese, André; Wirth, Richard; Schuessler, Jan A.; Schleicher, Anja M.; Kemnitz, Helga; Lücke, Andreas; Bauer, Kohen W.; Nomosatryo, Sulung; von Blanckenburg, Friedhelm; Simister, Rachel; Ordoñez, Luis G.; Ariztegui, Daniel; Henny, Cynthia; Russell, James M.; Bijaksana, Satria; Vogel, Hendrik; Crowe, Sean A.; Kallmeyer, Jens (2020). Vivianite formation in ferruginous sediments from Lake Towuti, Indonesia. Biogeosciences, 17(7), pp. 1955-1973. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-17-1955-2020

Schrod, Jann; Kleinhenz, Dominik; Hörhold, Maria; Erhardt, Tobias; Richter, Sarah; Wilhelms, Frank; Fischer, Hubertus; Ebert, Martin; Twarloh, Birthe; Della Lunga, Damiano; Jensen, Camilla M.; Curtius, Joachim; Bingemer, Heinz G. (2020). Ice-nucleating particle concentrations of the past: insights from a 600-year-old Greenland ice core. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 20(21), pp. 12459-12482. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-20-12459-2020

Brönnimann, Stefan; Nichol, Sylvia (2020). Total column ozone in New Zealand and in the UK in the 1950s. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 20(22), pp. 14333-14346. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-20-14333-2020

Ribeiro, Andreia Filipa Silva; Russo, Ana; Gouveia, Célia Marina; Páscoa, Patrícia; Zscheischler, Jakob (2020). Risk of crop failure due to compound dry and hot extremes estimated with nested copulas. Biogeosciences, 17(19), pp. 4815-4830. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-17-4815-2020

Malik, Abdul; Nowack, Peer J.; Haigh, Joanna D.; Cao, Long; Atique, Luqman; Plancherel, Yves (2020). Tropical Pacific climate variability under solar geoengineering: impacts on ENSO extremes. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 20(23), pp. 15461-15485. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-20-15461-2020

Schranz, Franziska; Hagen, Jonas; Stober, Gunter; Hocke, Klemens; Murk, Axel; Kämpfer, Niklaus (2020). Small-scale variability of stratospheric ozone during the sudden stratospheric warming 2018/2019 observed at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 20(18), pp. 10791-10806. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-20-10791-2020

Stober, Gunter; Baumgarten, Kathrin; McCormack, John P.; Brown, Peter; Czarnecki, Jerry (2020). Comparative study between ground-based observations and NAVGEM-HA analysis data in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere region. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 20(20), pp. 11979-12010. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-20-11979-2020

Bernet, Leonie; Brockmann, Elmar; von Clarmann, Thomas; Kämpfer, Niklaus; Mahieu, Emmanuel; Mätzler, Christian; Stober, Gunter; Hocke, Klemens (2020). Trends of atmospheric water vapour in Switzerland from ground-based radiometry, FTIR and GNSS data. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 20(19), pp. 11223-11244. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-20-11223-2020

Maillard Barras, Eliane; Haefele, Alexander; Nguyen, Liliane; Tummon, Fiona; Ball, William T.; Rozanov, Eugene V.; Rüfenacht, Rolf; Hocke, Klemens; Bernet, Leonie; Kämpfer, Niklaus; Nedoluha, Gerald; Boyd, Ian (2020). Study of the dependence of long-term stratospheric ozone trends on local solar time. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 20(14), pp. 8453-8471. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-20-8453-2020

Michelon, Anthony; Benoit, Lionel; Beria, Harsh; Ceperley, Natalie; Schaefli, Bettina (2020). On the value of high density rain gauge observations for small Alpine headwater catchment hydrology. Hydrology and earth system sciences discussions, 2020, pp. 1-39. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/hess-2020-371


Yttri, Karl Espen; Simpson, David; Bergström, Robert; Kiss, Gyula; Szidat, Sönke; Ceburnis, Darius; Eckhardt, Sabine; Hueglin, Christoph; Nøjgaard, Jacob Klenø; Perrino, Cinzia; Pisso, Ignazio; Prevot, Andre Stephan Henry; Putaud, Jean-Philippe; Spindler, Gerald; Vana, Milan; Zhang, Yanlin; Aas, Wenche (2019). The EMEP Intensive Measurement Period campaign, 2008–2009: characterizing carbonaceous aerosol at nine rural sites in Europe. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 19(7), pp. 4211-4233. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-19-4211-2019

Hocke, Klemens; Bernet, Leonie Anna Luisa; Hagen, Jonas; Murk, Axel; Renker, Matthias; Mätzler, Christian (2019). Diurnal cycle of short-term fluctuations of integrated water vapour above Switzerland. Atmospheric chemistry and physics Discussions, 19(19), pp. 12083-12090. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-19-12083-2019

Bernet, Leonie Anna Luisa; von Clarmann, Thomas; Godin-Beekmann, Sophie; Ancellet, Gérard; Maillard Barras, Eliane; Stübi, René; Steinbrecht, Wolfgang; Kämpfer, Niklaus; Hocke, Klemens (2019). Ground-based ozone profiles over central Europe: incorporating anomalous observations into the analysis of stratospheric ozone trends. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 19(7), pp. 4289-4309. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-19-4289-2019

Lainer, Martin; Hocke, Klemens; Eckert, Ellen; Kämpfer, Niklaus (2019). Significant decline of mesospheric water vapor at the NDACC site near Bern in the period 2007 to 2018. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 19(9), pp. 6611-6620. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-19-6611-2019

Schranz, Franziska Martina; Tschanz, Brigitte; Rüfenacht, Rolf; Hocke, Klemens; Palm, Mathias; Kämpfer, Niklaus (2019). Investigation of Arctic middle-atmospheric dynamics using 3 years of H₂O and O₃ measurements from microwave radiometers at Ny-Ålesund. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 19(15), pp. 9927-9947. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-19-9927-2019

Fischer, Hubertus; Schmitt, Jochen; Bock, Michael; Seth, Barbara; Joos, Fortunat; Spahni, Renato; Lienert, Sebastian; Battaglia, Gianna; Stocker, Benjamin D.; Schilt, Adrian; Brook, Edward J. (2019). N2O changes from the Last Glacial Maximum to the preindustrial – Part 1: Quantitative reconstruction of terrestrial and marine emissions using N2O stable isotopes in ice cores. Biogeosciences, 16(20), pp. 3997-4021. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-16-3997-2019

Zhou, Jun; Elser, Miriam; Huang, Ru-Jin; Krapf, Manuel; Fröhlich, Roman; Bhattu, Deepika; Stefenelli, Giulia; Zotter, Peter; Bruns, Emily A.; Pieber, Simone M.; Ni, Haiyan; Wang, Qiyuan; Wang, Yichen; Zhou, Yaqing; Chen, Chunying; Xiao, Mao; Slowik, Jay G.; Brown, Samuel; Cassagnes, Laure-Estelle; Daellenbach, Kaspar R.; ... (2019). Predominance of secondary organic aerosol to particle-bound reactive oxygen species activity in fine ambient aerosol. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 19(23), pp. 14703-14720. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-19-14703-2019

Bastos, Ana; Ciais, Philippe; Chevallier, Frédéric; Rödenbeck, Christian; Ballantyne, Ashley P.; Maignan, Fabienne; Yin, Yi; Fernández-Martínez, Marcos; Friedlingstein, Pierre; Peñuelas, Josep; Piao, Shilong L.; Sitch, Stephen; Smith, William K.; Wang, Xuhui; Zhu, Zaichun; Haverd, Vanessa; Kato, Etsushi; Jain, Atul K.; Lienert, Sebastian; Lombardozzi, Danica; ... (2019). Contrasting effects of CO₂ fertilization, land-use change and warming on seasonal amplitude of Northern Hemisphere CO₂ exchange. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 19(19), pp. 12361-12375. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-19-12361-2019

Stober, Gunter; Baumgarten, Kathrin; McCormack, John P.; Brown, Peter; Czarnecki, Jerry (2019). Comparative study between ground-based observations and NAVGEM-HA reanalysis data in the MLT region. Atmospheric chemistry and physics Discussions European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-2019-1006


Daellenbach, Kaspar R.; El-Haddad, Imad; Karvonen, Lassi; Vlachou, Athanasia; Corbin, Joel C.; Slowik, Jay G.; Heringa, Maarten F.; Bruns, Emily A.; Luedin, Samuel M.; Jaffrezo, Jean-Luc; Szidat, Sönke; Piazzalunga, Andrea; Gonzalez, Raquel; Fermo, Paola; Pflueger, Valentin; Vogel, Guido; Baltensperger, Urs; Prévôt, André S. H. (2018). Insights into organic-aerosol sources via a novel laser-desorption/ionization mass spectrometry technique applied to one year of PM10 samples from nine sites in central Europe. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 18(3), pp. 2155-2174. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-18-2155-2018

Ziehmer, Malin Michelle; Nicolussi, Kurt; Schlüchter, Christian; Leuenberger, Markus (2018). Preliminary evaluation of the potential of tree-ring cellulose content as a novel supplementary proxy in dendroclimatology. Biogeosciences, 15(4), pp. 1047-1064. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-15-1047-2018

Zhang, Yanlin; El-Haddad, Imad; Huang, Ru-Jin; Ho, Kin-Fai; Cao, Jun-Ji; Han, Yongming; Zotter, Peter; Bozzetti, Carlo; Daellenbach, Kaspar R.; Slowik, Jay G.; Salazar Quintero, Gary Abdiel; Prévôt, André S. H.; Szidat, Sönke (2018). Large contribution of fossil fuel derived secondary organic carbon to water soluble organic aerosols in winter haze in China. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 18(6), pp. 4005-4017. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-18-4005-2018

Schranz, Franziska; Fernandez Vidal, Susana; Kämpfer, Niklaus; Palm, Mathias (2018). Interactive comment on “Diurnal variation in middle atmospheric ozone by ground based microwave radiometry at Ny-Ålesund over 1 year. Atmospheric chemistry and physics Discussions, pp. 1-29. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-2017-1080

Vlachou, Athanasia; Daellenbach, Kaspar R.; Bozzetti, Carlo; Chazeau, Benjamin; Salazar Quintero, Gary Abdiel; Szidat, Sönke; Jaffrezo, Jean-Luc; Hueglin, Christoph; Baltensperger, Urs; Haddad, Imad El; Prévôt, André S. H. (2018). Advanced source apportionment of carbonaceous aerosols by coupling offline AMS and radiocarbon size-segregated measurements over a nearly 2-year period. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 18(9), pp. 6187-6206. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-18-6187-2018

Cholakian, Arineh; Beekmann, Matthias; Colette, Augustin; Coll, Isabelle; Siour, Guillaume; Sciare, Jean; Marchand, Nicolas; Couvidat, Florian; Pey, Jorge; Gros, Valerie; Sauvage, Stéphane; Michoud, Vincent; Sellegri, Karine; Colomb, Aurélie; Sartelet, Karine; Langley DeWitt, Helen; Elser, Miriam; Prévot, André S. H.; Szidat, Sönke and Dulac, François (2018). Simulation of fine organic aerosols in the western Mediterranean area during the ChArMEx 2013 summer campaign. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 18(10), pp. 7287-7312. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-18-7287-2018

Joos, Fortunat; Buchmann, Brigitte (2018). Preface: The 10th International Carbon Dioxide Conference (ICDC10) and the 19th WMO/IAEA Meeting on Carbon Dioxide, Other Greenhouse Gases, and Related Measurement Techniques (GGMT-2017). Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 18(11), pp. 7841-7842. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-18-7841-2018

Bliedtner, Marcel; Schäfer, Imke Kathrin; Zech, Roland; von Suchodoletz, Hans (2018). Leaf wax n-alkanes in modern plants and topsoils from eastern Georgia (Caucasus) - implications for reconstructing regional paleovegetation. Biogeosciences, 15(12), pp. 3927-3936. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-15-3927-2018

Wang, Jun; Zeng, Ning; Wang, Meirong; Jiang, Fei; Chen, Jingming; Friedlingstein, Pierre; Jain, Atul K.; Jiang, Ziqiang; Ju, Weimin; Lienert, Sebastian; Nabel, Julia; Sitch, Stephen; Viovy, Nicolas; Wang, Hengmao; Wiltshire, Andrew J. (2018). Contrasting interannual atmospheric CO2 variabilities and their terrestrial mechanisms for two types of El Niños. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 18(14), pp. 10333-10345. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-18-10333-2018

Gilgen, Anina; Adolf, Carole; Brügger, Sandra O.; Ickes, Luisa; Schwikowski, Margit; van Leeuwen, Jacqueline F. N.; Tinner, Willy; Lohmann, Ulrike (2018). Implementing microscopic charcoal particles into a global aerosol-climate model. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 18(16), pp. 11813-11829. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-18-11813-2018

Lainer, Martin; Hocke, Klemens; Kämpfer, Niklaus (2018). Long-term observation of midlatitude quasi 2-day waves by a water vapor radiometer. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 18(16), pp. 12061-12074. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-18-12061-2018

Schranz, Franziska Martina; Fernandez, Susana; Kämpfer, Niklaus; Palm, Mathias (2018). Diurnal variation in middle-atmospheric ozone observed by ground-based microwave radiometry at Ny-Ålesund over 1 year. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 18(6), pp. 4113-4130. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-18-4113-2018

Lainer, Martin Lorenz Maximilian; Hocke, Klemens; Eckert, Ellen; Kämpfer, Niklaus (2018). Significant decline of mesospheric water vapor at the NDACC site Bern in the period 2007 to 2018. Atmospheric chemistry and physics Discussions, pp. 1-16. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-2018-711

Beck, Jonas; Bock, Michael; Schmitt, Jochen; Seth, Barbara; Blunier, Thomas; Fischer, Hubertus (2018). Bipolar carbon and hydrogen isotope constraints on the Holocene methane budget. Biogeosciences, 15(23), pp. 7155-7175. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-15-7155-2018

Meier, Ronny; Davin, Édouard L.; Lejeune, Quentin; Hauser, Mathias; Li, Yan; Martens, Brecht; Schultz, Natalie M.; Sterling, Shannon; Thiery, Wim (2018). Evaluating and improving the Community Land Model's sensitivity to land cover. Biogeosciences, 15(15), pp. 4731-4757. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/BG-15-4731-2018

Casella, Laura A.; He, Sixin; Griesshaber, Erika; Fernández-Díaz, Lourdes; Greiner, Martina; Harper, Elizabeth M.; Jackson, Daniel J.; Ziegler, Andreas; Mavromatis, Vasileios; Dietzel, Martin; Eisenhauer, Anton; Veintemillas-Verdaguer, Sabino; Brand, Uwe; Schmahl, Wolfgang W. (2018). Hydrothermal alteration of aragonitic biocarbonates: assessment of micro- and nanostructural dissolution–reprecipitation and constraints of diagenetic overprint from quantitative statistical grain-area analysis. Biogeosciences, 15(24), pp. 7451-7484. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-15-7451-2018


Hocke, Klemens; Schranz, Franziska Martina; Maillard Barras, Eliane; Moreira Méndez, Lorena; Kämpfer, Niklaus (2017). An Atlantic streamer in stratospheric ozone observations and SD-WACCM simulation data. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 17(5), pp. 3445-3452. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-17-3445-2017

Dusek, Ulrike; Hitzenberger, Regina; Kasper-Giebl, Anne; Kistler, Magdalena; Meijer, Harro A. J.; Szidat, Sönke; Wacker, Lukas; Holzinger, Rupert; Röckmann, Thomas (2017). Sources and formation mechanisms of carbonaceous aerosol at a regional background site in the Netherlands: insights from a year-long radiocarbon study. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 17(5), pp. 3233-3251. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-17-3233-2017

Zotter, Peter; Herich, Hanna; Gysel, Martin; El-Haddad, Imad; Zhang, Yanlin; Močnik, Griša; Hüglin, Christoph; Baltensperger, Urs; Szidat, Sönke; Prévôt, André S. H. (2017). Evaluation of the absorption Ångström exponents for traffic and wood burning in the Aethalometer-based source apportionment using radiocarbon measurements of ambient aerosol. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 17(6), pp. 4229-4249. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-17-4229-2017

Wagner, B.; Wilke, T.; Francke, A.; Albrecht, C.; Baumgarten, H.; Bertini, A.; Combourieu-Nebout, N.; Cvetkoska, A.; D'Addabbo, M.; Donders, T. H.; Föller, K.; Giaccio, B.; Grazhdani, A.; Hauffe, T.; Holtvoeth, J.; Joannin, S.; Jovanovska, E.; Just, J.; Kouli, K.; Koutsodendris, A.; ... (2017). The environmental and evolutionary history of Lake Ohrid (FYROM/Albania): interim results from the SCOPSCO deep drilling project. Biogeosciences, 14(8), pp. 2033-2054. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-14-2033-2017

Sapart, Célia J.; Shakhova, Natalia; Semiletov, Igor; Jansen, Joachim; Szidat, Sönke; Kosmach, Denis; Dudarev, Oleg; van der Veen, Carina; Egger, Matthias; Sergienko, Valentine; Salyuk, Anatoly; Tumskoy, Vladimir; Tison, Jean-Louis; Röckmann, Thomas (2017). The origin of methane in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf unraveled with triple isotope analysis. Biogeosciences, 14(9), pp. 2283-2292. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-14-2283-2017

Keller, Kathrin; Lienert, Sebastian; Bozbiyik, Anil; Stocker, Thomas; Churakova (Sidorova), Olga V.; Frank, David C.; Klesse, Stefan; Koven, Charles D.; Leuenberger, Markus; Riley, William J.; Saurer, Matthias; Siegwolf, Rolf; Weigt, Rosemarie B.; Joos, Fortunat (2017). 20th century changes in carbon isotopes and water-use efficiency: tree-ring-based evaluation of the CLM4.5 and LPX-Bern models. Biogeosciences, 14(10), pp. 2641-2673. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-14-2641-2017

Michoud, Vincent; Sciare, Jean; Sauvage, Stéphane; Dusanter, Sébastien; Léonardis, Thierry; Gros, Valérie; Kalogridis, Cerise; Zannoni, Nora; Féron, Anaïs; Petit, Jean-Eudes; Crenn, Vincent; Baisnée, Dominique; Sarda-Estève, Roland; Bonnaire, Nicolas; Marchand, Nicolas; DeWitt, H. Langley; Pey, Jorge; Colomb, Aurélie; Gheusi, François; Szidat, Sönke; ... (2017). Organic carbon at a remote site of the western Mediterranean Basin: sources and chemistry during the ChArMEx SOP2 field experiment. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 17(14), pp. 8837-8865. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-17-8837-2017

Ma, Prettiny K.; Zhao, Yunliang; Robinson, Allen L.; Worton, David R.; Goldstein, Allen H.; Ortega, Amber M.; Jimenez, Jose L.; Zotter, Peter; Prévôt, André S. H.; Szidat, Sönke; Hayes, Patrick L. (2017). Evaluating the impact of new observational constraints on P-S/IVOC emissions, multi-generation oxidation, and chamber wall losses on SOA modeling for Los Angeles, CA. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 17(15), pp. 9237-9259. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-17-9237-2017

Berhanu, Tesfaye; Szidat, Sönke; Brunner, Dominik; Satar, Ece; Schanda, Rüdiger; Nyfeler, Peter; Battaglia, Michael; Steinbacher, Martin; Hammer, Samuel; Leuenberger, Markus (2017). Estimation of the fossil fuel component in atmospheric CO₂ based on radiocarbon measurements at the Beromünster tall tower, Switzerland. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 17(17), pp. 10753-10766. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-17-10753-2017

Saunois, Marielle; Bousquet, Philippe; Poulter, Ben; Peregon, Anna; Ciais, Philippe; Canadell, Josep G.; Dlugokencky, Edward J.; Etiope, Giuseppe; Bastviken, David; Houweling, Sander; Janssens-Maenhout, Greet; Tubiello, Francesco N.; Castaldi, Simona; Jackson, Robert B.; Alexe, Mihai; Arora, Vivek K.; Beerling, David J.; Bergamaschi, Peter; Blake, Donald R.; Brailsford, Gordon; ... (2017). Variability and quasi-decadal changes in the methane budget over the period 2000–2012. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 17(18), pp. 11135-11161. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-17-11135-2017

Costa, Anna; Molnar, Peter; Stutenbecker, Laura Antonia; Bakker, Maarten; Silva, Tiago A.; Schlunegger, Fritz; Lane, Stuart N.; Loizeau, Jean-Luc; Girardclos, Stéphanie (2017). Temperature signal in suspended sediment export from an Alpine catchment. Hydrology and earth system sciences discussions, pp. 1-30. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/hess-2017-2

Berhanu, Tesfaye; Szidat, Sonke; Brunner, Dominik; Satar, Ece; Schanda, Rudiger; Nyfeler, Peter; Battaglia, Michael; Steinbacher, Martin; Hammer, Samuel; Leuenberger, Markus (2017). Estimation of the fossil fuel component in atmospheric CO₂ based on radiocarbon measurements at the Beromünster tall tower, Switzerland. Atmospheric chemistry and physics Discussions, pp. 1-33. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-2017-168

Gržinić, Goran; Bartels-Rausch, Thorsten; Türler, Andreas; Ammann, Markus (2017). Efficient bulk mass accommodation and dissociation of N2O5 in neutral aqueous aerosol. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 17(10), pp. 6493-6502. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-17-6493-2017

Hocke, Klemens; Navas-Guzmán, Francisco; Moreira, Lorena; Bernet, Leonie Anna Luisa; Mätzler, Christian (2017). Oscillations in atmospheric water above Switzerland. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 17(19), pp. 12121-12131. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-17-12121-2017

Steinbrecht, Wolfgang; Froidevaux, Lucien; Fuller, Ryan; Wang, Ray; Anderson, John; Roth, Chris; Bourassa, Adam; Degenstein, Doug; Damadeo, Robert; Zawodny, Joe; Frith, Stacey; McPeters, Richard; Bhartia, Pawan; Wild, Jeannette; Long, Craig; Davis, Sean; Rosenlof, Karen; Sofieva, Viktoria; Walker, Kaley; Rahpoe, Nabiz; ... (2017). An update on ozone profile trends for the period 2000 to 2016. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 17(17), pp. 10675-10690. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-17-10675-2017

Moreira Méndez, Lorena; Hocke, Klemens; Kämpfer, Niklaus (2017). Comparison of ozone profiles and influences from the tertiary ozone maximum in the night-to-day ratio above Switzerland. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 17(17), pp. 10259-10268. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-17-10259-2017

Lainer, Martin; Hocke, Klemens; Rüfenacht, Rolf; Schranz, Franziska; Kämpfer, Niklaus (2017). Interactive comment on “Quasi 18-hour wave activity in ground-based observed mesospheric H₂O over Bern, Switzerland”. Atmospheric chemistry and physics Discussions, pp. 1-29. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-2016-1050

Bravo-Aranda, Juan Antonio; de Arruda Moreira, Gregori; Navas Guzman, Francisco Jesus; Granados-Muñoz, María José; Guerrero-Rascado, Juan Luis; Pozo-Vázquez, David; Arbizu-Barrena, Clara; Olmo Reyes, Francisco José; Mallet, Marc; Alados Arboledas, Lucas (2017). A new methodology for PBL height estimations based on lidar depolarization measurements: analysis and comparison against MWR and WRF model-based results. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 17(11), pp. 6839-6851. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-17-6839-2017

Navas Guzman, Francisco Jesus; Kämpfer, Niklaus; Schranz, Franziska; Steinbrecht, Wolfgang; Haefele, Alexander (2017). Intercomparison of stratospheric temperature profiles from a ground-based microwave radiometer with other techniques. Atmospheric chemistry and physics Discussions, pp. 1-28. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-2017-346

Nedoluha, Gerald E.; Kiefer, Michael; Lossow, Stefan; Gomez, R. Michael; Kämpfer, Niklaus; Lainer, Martin Lorenz Maximilian; Forkman, Peter; Christensen, Ole Martin; Oh, Jung Jin; Hartogh, Paul; Anderson, John; Bramstedt, Klaus; Dinelli, Bianca M.; Garcia-Comas, Maya; Hervig, Mark; Murtagh, Donal; Raspollini, Piera; Read, William G.; Rosenlof, Karen; Stiller, Gabriele P.; ... (2017). The SPARC water vapor assessment II: intercomparison of satellite and ground-based microwave measurements. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 17(23), pp. 14543-14558. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-17-14543-2017

Navas Guzman, Francisco Jesus; Kämpfer, Niklaus; Schranz, Franziska; Steinbrecht, Wolfgang; Haefele, Alexander (2017). Intercomparison of stratospheric temperature profiles from a ground-based microwave radiometer with other techniques. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 17(22), pp. 14085-14104. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-17-14085-2017

Burke, Eleanor J.; Ekici, Altug; Huang, Ye; Chadburn, Sarah E.; Huntingford, Chris; Ciais, Philippe; Friedlingstein, Pierre; Peng, Shushi; Krinner, Gerhard (2017). Quantifying uncertainties of permafrost carbon-climate feedbacks. Biogeosciences, 14(12), pp. 3051-3066. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-14-3051-2017


Steinacher, M.; Joos, F. (2016). Transient Earth system responses to cumulative carbon dioxide emissions: linearities, uncertainties, and probabilities in an observation-constrained model ensemble. Biogeosciences, 13(4), pp. 1071-1103. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-13-1071-2016

Francke, A.; Wagner, B.; Just, J.; Leicher, N.; Gromig, R.; Baumgarten, H.; Vogel, Hendrik; Lacey, J. H.; Sadori, L.; Wonik, T.; Leng, M. J.; Zanchetta, G.; Sulpizio, R.; Giaccio, B. (2016). Sedimentological processes and environmental variability at Lake Ohrid (Macedonia, Albania) between 637 ka and the present. Biogeosciences, 13(4), pp. 1179-1196. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-13-1179-2016

Liu, J.; Li, J.; Liu, D.; Ding, P.; Shen, C.; Mo, Y.; Wang, X.; Luo, C.; Cheng, Z.; Szidat, Sönke; Zhang, Yanlin; Chen, Y.; Zhang, G. (2016). Source apportionment and dynamic changes of carbonaceous aerosols during the haze bloom-decay process in China based on radiocarbon and organic molecular tracers. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 16(5), pp. 2985-2996. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-16-2985-2016

Just, Janna; Nowaczyk, Norbert R.; Sagnotti, Leonardo; Francke, Alexander; Vogel, Hendrik; Lacey, Jack H.; Wagner, Bernd (2016). Environmental control on the occurrence of high-coercivity magnetic minerals and formation of iron sulfides in a 640 ka sediment sequence from Lake Ohrid (Balkans). Biogeosciences, 13(7), pp. 2093-2109. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-13-2093-2016

Ulevicius, Vidmantas; Byčenkienė, Steigvilė; Bozzetti, Carlo; Vlachou, Athanasia; Plauškaitė, Kristina; Mordas, Genrik; Dudoitis, Vadimas; Abbaszade, Gülcin; Remeikis, Vidmantas; Garbaras, Andrius; Masalaite, Agne; Blees, Jan; Fröhlich, Roman; Dällenbach, Kaspar R.; Canonaco, Francesco; Slowik, Jay G.; Dommen, Josef; Zimmermann, Ralf; Schnelle-Kreis, Jürgen; Salazar Quintero, Gary Abdiel; ... (2016). Fossil and non-fossil source contributions to atmospheric carbonaceous aerosols during extreme spring grassland fires in Eastern Europe. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 16(9), pp. 5513-5529. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-16-5513-2016

Zanchetta, G.; Regattieri, E.; Giaccio, B.; Wagner, B.; Sulpizio, R.; Francke, A.; Vogel, Hendrik; Sadori, L.; Masi, A.; Sinopoli, G.; Lacey, J. H.; Leng, M. J.; Leicher, N. (2016). Aligning and synchronization of MIS5 proxy records from Lake Ohrid (FYROM) with independently dated Mediterranean archives: implications for DEEP core chronology. Biogeosciences, 13(9), pp. 2757-2768. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-13-2757-2016

Satar, Ece; Berhanu, Tesfaye A.; Brunner, Dominik; Henne, Stephan; Leuenberger, Markus (2016). Continuous CO2/CH4/CO measurements (2012–2014) at Beromünster tall tower station in Switzerland. Biogeosciences, 13(9), pp. 2623-2635. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-13-2623-2016

Henne, Stephan; Brunner, Dominik; Oney, Brian; Leuenberger, Markus; Eugster, Werner; Bamberger, Ines; Meinhardt, Frank; Steinbacher, Martin; Emmenegger, Lukas (2016). Validation of the Swiss methane emission inventory by atmospheric observations and inverse modelling. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 16(6), pp. 3683-3710. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-16-3683-2016

Müller-Tautges, C.; Eichler, A.; Schwikowski, Margit; Pezzatti, G. B.; Conedera, M.; Hoffmann, T. (2016). Historic records of organic compounds from a high Alpine glacier: influences of biomass burning, anthropogenic emissions, and dust transport. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 16(2), pp. 1029-1043. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-16-1029-2016

Röckmann, Thomas; Eyer, Simon; van der Veen, Carina; Popa, Maria E.; Tuzson, Béla; Monteil, Guillaume; Houweling, Sander; Harris, Eliza; Brunner, Dominik; Fischer, Hubertus; Zazzeri, Giulia; Lowry, David; Nisbet, Euan G.; Brand, Willi A.; Necki, Jaroslav M.; Emmenegger, Lukas; Mohn, Joachim (2016). In situ observations of the isotopic composition of methane at the Cabauw tall tower site. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 16(16), pp. 10469-10487. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-16-10469-2016

Schibig, Michael; Mahieu, Emmanuel; Henne, Stephan; Lejeune, Bernard; Leuenberger, Markus (2016). Intercomparison of in situ NDIR and column FTIR measurements of CO2 at Jungfraujoch. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 16(15), pp. 9935-9949. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-16-9935-2016

Moreira Méndez, Lorena; Hocke, Klemens; Navas Guzman, Francisco Jesus; Eckert, Ellen; von Clarmann, Thomas; Kämpfer, Niklaus (2016). The natural oscillations in stratospheric ozone observed by the GROMOS microwave radiometer at the NDACC station Bern. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 16(16), pp. 10455-10467. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-16-10455-2016

Xu, Jianzhong; Shi, Jinsen; Zhang, Qi; Ge, Xinlei; Canonaco, Francesco; Prévôt, André S. H.; Vonwiller, Matthias; Szidat, Sönke; Ge, Jinming; Ma, Jianmin; An, Yanqing; Kang, Shichang; Qin, Dahe (2016). Wintertime organic and inorganic aerosols in Lanzhou, China: sources, processes, and comparison with the results during summer. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 16(23), pp. 14937-14957. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-16-14937-2016

Brönnimann, Stefan; Malik, Abdul; Stickler, Alexander; Wegmann, Martin; Raible, Christoph; Muthers, Stefan; Anet, Julien; Rozanov, Eugene; Schmutz, Werner (2016). Multidecadal variations of the effects of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation on the climate system. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 16(24), pp. 15529-15543. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-16-15529-2016

Trudinger, Cathy M.; Fraser, Paul J.; Etheridge, David M.; Sturges, William T.; Vollmer, Martin K.; Rigby, Matt; Martinerie, Patricia; Mühle, Jens; Worton, David R.; Krummel, Paul B.; Steele, L. Paul; Miller, Benjamin R.; Laube, Johannes; Mani, Francis S.; Rayner, Peter J.; Harth, Christina M.; Witrant, Emmanuel; Blunier, Thomas; Schwander, Jakob; O'Doherty, Simon; ... (2016). Atmospheric abundance and global emissions of perfluorocarbons CF₄, C2F₆ and C₃F₈ since 1800 inferred from ice core, firn, air archive and in situ measurements. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 16(18), pp. 11733-11754. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-16-11733-2016

Rüfenacht, Rolf; Hocke, Klemens; Kämpfer, Niklaus (2016). First continuous ground-based observations of long period oscillations in the vertically resolved wind field of the stratosphere and mesosphere. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 16(8), pp. 4915-4925. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-16-4915-2016

Fernandez Vidal, Susana; Rüfenacht, Rolf; Kämpfer, Niklaus; Portafaix, Thierry; Posny, Françoise; Payen, Guillaume (2016). Results from the validation campaign of the ozone radiometer GROMOS-C at the NDACC station of La Réunion Island. Atmospheric chemistry and physics Discussions, pp. 1-23. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-2016-117

Fernandez Vidal, Susana; Rüfenacht, Rolf; Kämpfer, Niklaus; Portafaix, Thierry; Posny, Françoise; Payen, Guillaume (2016). Results from the validation campaign of the ozone radiometer GROMOS-C at the NDACC station of Réunion island. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 16(12), pp. 7531-7543. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-16-7531-2016

Granados-Muñoz, María José; Navas Guzman, Francisco Jesus; Guerrero-Rascado, Juan Luis; Bravo-Aranda, Juan Antonio; Binietoglou, Ioannis; Pereira, Sergio Nepomuceno; Basart, Sara; Baldasano, José María; Belegante, Livio; Chaikovsky, Anatoli; Comerón, Adolfo; D'Amico, Giuseppe; Dubovik, Oleg; Ilic, Luka; Kokkalis, Panos; Muñoz-Porcar, Constantino; Nickovic, Slobodan; Nicolae, Doina; Olmo, Francisco José; Papayannis, Alexander; ... (2016). Profiling of aerosol microphysical properties at several EARLINET/AERONET sites during the July 2012 ChArMEx/EMEP campaign. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 16(11), pp. 7043-7066. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-16-7043-2016


Zhang, Yanlin; Huang, R.-J.; El Haddad, I.; Ho, K.-F.; Cao, J.-J.; Han, Y.; Zotter, P.; Bozzetti, C.; Daellenbach, K.R.; Salazar Quintero, Gary Abdiel; Canonaco, F.; Slowik, J.G.; Schwikowski, Margit; Schnelle-Kreis, J.; Abbaszade, G.; Zimmermann, R.; Baltensperger, U.; Prevot, A.S.H.; Szidat, Sönke (2015). Fossil vs. non-fossil sources of fine carbonaceous aerosols in four Chinese cities during the extreme winter haze episode of 2013. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 15(3), pp. 1299-1312. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-15-1299-2015

Crilley, L. R.; Bloss, W. J.; Yin, J.; Beddows, D. C. S.; Harrison, R. M.; Allan, J. D.; Young, D. E.; Flynn, M.; Williams, P.; Zotter, P.; Prevot, A. S. H.; Heal, M. R.; Barlow, J. F.; Halios, C. H.; Lee, J. D.; Szidat, S.; Moor, C. (2015). Sources and contributions of wood smoke during winter in London: assessing local and regional influences. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 15(6), pp. 3149-3171. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-15-3149-2015

Krüger, J.P.; Leifeld, J.; Glatzel, S.; Szidat, Sönke; Alewell, C. (2015). Biogeochemical indicators of peatland degradation – a case study of a temperate bog in Northern Germany. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 12(10), pp. 2861-2871. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-12-2861-2015

Hayes, P. L.; Carlton, A. G.; Baker, K. R.; Ahmadov, R.; Washenfelder, R. A.; Alvarez, S.; Rappenglück, B.; Gilman, J. B.; Kuster, W. C.; de Gouw, J. A.; Zotter, P.; Prévôt, A. S. H.; Szidat, Sönke; Kleindienst, T. E.; Offenberg, J. H.; Ma, P. K.; Jimenez, J. L. (2015). Modeling the formation and aging of secondary organic aerosols during CalNex 2010. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 15(10), pp. 5773-5801. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-15-5773-2015

Tschanz, Brigitte; Kämpfer, Niklaus (2015). Signatures of the 2-day wave and sudden stratospheric warmings in Arctic water vapour observed by ground-based microwave radiometry. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 15(9), pp. 5099-5108. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-15-5099-2015

Bohn, T. J.; Melton, J. R.; Ito, A.; Kleinen, T.; Spahni, Renato; Stocker, Benjamin David; Zhang, B.; Zhu, X.; Schroeder, R.; Glagolev, M. V.; Maksyutov, S.; Brovkin, V.; Chen, G.; Denisov, S. N.; Eliseev, A. V.; Gallego-Sala, A.; McDonald, K. C.; Rawlins, M.A.; Riley, W. J.; Subin, Z. M.; ... (2015). WETCHIMP-WSL: intercomparison of wetland methane emissions models over West Siberia. Biogeosciences, 12(11), pp. 3321-3349. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-12-3321-2015

Wendl, I. A.; Eichler, A.; Isaksson, E.; Martma, T.; Schwikowski, Margit (2015). 800-year ice-core record of nitrogen deposition in Svalbard linked to ocean productivity and biogenic emissions. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 15(13), pp. 7287-7300. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-15-7287-2015

Beekmann, M.; Prévôt, A. S. H.; Drewnick, F.; Sciare, J.; Pandis, S. N.; Denier van der Gon, H. A. C.; Crippa, M.; Freutel, F.; Poulain, L.; Ghersi, V.; Rodriguez, E.; Beirle, S.; Zotter, P.; von der Weiden-Reinmüller, S.-L.; Bressi, M.; Fountoukis, C.; Petetin, H.; Szidat, Sönke; Schneider, J.; Rosso, A.; ... (2015). In-situ, satellite measurement and model evidence on the dominant regional contribution to fine particulate matter levels in the Paris Megacity. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 15(16), pp. 9577-9591. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-15-9577-2015

Studer, M. S.; Siegwolf, R. T. W.; Leuenberger, Markus; Abiven, S. (2015). Multi-isotope labelling of organic matter by diffusion of 2H/18O-H2O vapour and 13C-CO2 into the leaves and its distribution within the plant. Biogeosciences, 12(6), pp. 1865-1879. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-12-1865-2015

Tuthorn, M.; Zech, Roland; Ruppenthal, M.; Oelmann, Y.; Kahmen, A.; del Valle, H. F.; Eglinton, T.; Rozanski, K.; Zech, M. (2015). Coupling delta H-2 and delta O-18 biomarker results yields information on relative humidity and isotopic composition of precipitation - a climate transect validation study. Biogeosciences, 12(12), pp. 3913-3924. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-12-3913-2015

Moreira Méndez, Lorena; Hocke, Klemens; Eckert, E.; von Clarmann, T.; Kämpfer, Niklaus (2015). Trend analysis of the 20-year time series of stratospheric ozone profiles observed by the GROMOS microwave radiometer at Bern. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 15(19), pp. 10999-11009. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-15-10999-2015

Lainer, Martin Lorenz Maximilian; Kämpfer, Niklaus; Tschanz, Brigitte; Nedoluha, G. E.; Ka, S.; Oh, J. J. (2015). Trajectory mapping of middle atmospheric water vapor by a mini network of NDACC instruments. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 15(16), pp. 9711-9730. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-15-9711-2015

Berhanu, T. A.; Savarino, J.; Erbland, J.; Vicars, W. C.; Preunkert, S.; Martins, J. F.; Johnson, M. S. (2015). Isotopic effects of nitrate photochemistry in snow: a field study at Dome C, Antarctica. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 15(19), pp. 11243-11256. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-15-11243-2015

Muthers, S.; Arfeuille, F.; Raible, C. C.; Rozanov, E. (2015). The impacts of volcanic aerosol on stratospheric ozone and the Northern Hemisphere polar vortex: separating radiative-dynamical changes from direct effects due to enhanced aerosol heterogeneous chemistry. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 15(20), pp. 11461-11476. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-15-11461-2015

Oney, B.; Henne, S.; Gruber, N.; Leuenberger, Markus; Bamberger, I.; Eugster, W.; Brunner, D. (2015). The CarboCount CH sites: characterization of a dense greenhouse gas observation network. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 15(19), pp. 11147-11164. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-15-11147-2015

Sheng, J.-X.; Weisenstein, D. K.; Luo, B.-P.; Rozanov, E.; Arfeuille, Florian Xavier; Peter, T. (2015). A perturbed parameter model ensemble to investigate Mt. Pinatubo's 1991 initial sulfur mass emission. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 15(20), pp. 11501-11512. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-15-11501-2015

Bischoff, S.; Schwarz, Martin; Siemens, J.; Thieme, L.; Wilcke, Wolfgang; Michalzik, B. (2015). Properties of dissolved and total organic matter in throughfall, stemflow and forest floor leachate of central European forests. Biogeosciences, 12(9), pp. 2695-2706. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-12-2695-2015

Allin, S. J.; Laube, J. C.; Witrant, E.; Kaiser, J.; McKenna, E.; Dennis, P.; Mulvaney, R.; Capron, E.; Martinerie, P.; Röckmann, T.; Blunier, Thomas; Schwander, J.; Fraser, P. J.; Langenfelds, R. L.; Sturges, W. T. (2015). Chlorine isotope composition in chlorofluorocarbons CFC-11, CFC-12 and CFC-113 in firn, stratospheric and tropospheric air. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 15(12), pp. 6867-6877. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-15-6867-2015

Kobashi, T.; Ikeda-Fukazawa, T.; Suwa, M.; Schwander, J.; Kameda, T.; Lundin, J.; Hori, A.; Motoyama, H.; Döring, M.; Leuenberger, M. (2015). Post-bubble close-off fractionation of gases in polar firn and ice cores: effects of accumulation rate on permeation through overloading pressure. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 15(24), pp. 13895-13914. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-15-13895-2015

Türler, Andreas; Grzinic, G; Bartels-Rausch, T; Berkemeier, T; Ammann, M (2015). Viscosity controls humidity dependence of N2O5 uptake to citric acid aerosol. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 15(23), pp. 13615-13625. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-15-13615-2015

Lainer, Martin Lorenz Maximilian; Kämpfer, Niklaus; Tschanz, Brigitte; Nedoluha, G. E.; Ka, S.; Oh, J. J. (2015). Trajectory mapping of middle atmospheric water vapor by a mini network of NDACC instruments. Atmospheric chemistry and physics Discussions, 15(8), pp. 12777-12819. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acpd-15-12777-2015

Rüfenacht, Rolf; Hocke, Klemens; Kämpfer, Niklaus (2015). First continuous ground-based observations of long period oscillations in strato-/mesospheric wind profiles. Atmospheric chemistry and physics Discussions, 15(23), pp. 35035-35056. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acpd-15-35035-2015


Kern, Zoltan; Kohán, B.; Leuenberger, Markus (2014). Precipitation isoscape of high reliefs: interpolation scheme designed and tested for monthly resolved precipitation oxygen isotope records of an Alpine domain. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 14(4), pp. 1897-1907. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-14-1897-2014

Schanz, Ansgar Ulrich; Hocke, Klemens; Kämpfer, Niklaus (2014). Daily ozone cycle in the stratosphere: global, regional and seasonal behaviour modelled with the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 14(14), pp. 7645-7663. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-14-7645-2014

Scheiben, Dominik; Tschanz, Brigitte; Hocke, Klemens; Kämpfer, Niklaus; Ka, S.; Oh, J. J. (2014). The quasi 16-day wave in mesospheric water vapor during boreal winter 2011/2012. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 14(13), pp. 6511-6522. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-14-6511-2014

Studer, Simone; Hocke, Klemens; Schanz, Ansgar Ulrich; Schmidt, Hauke; Kämpfer, Niklaus (2014). A climatology of the diurnal variations of stratospheric and mesospheric ozone over Bern, Switzerland. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 14(12), pp. 5905-5919. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-14-5905-2014

Schanz, Ansgar Ulrich; Hocke, Klemens; Kämpfer, Niklaus; Chabrillat, Simon; Inness, Antje; Palm, Mathias; Notholt, Justus; Boyd, Ian; Parrish, Alan; Kasai, Yasuko (2014). The diurnal variation in stratospheric ozone from the MACC reanalysis, the ERA-Interim reanalysis, WACCM and Earth observations: characteristics and intercomparison. Atmospheric chemistry and physics Discussions, 14(23), pp. 32667-32708. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acpd-14-32667-2014

Zotter, P.; Ciobanu, V. G.; Zhang, Yanlin; El-Haddad, I.; Macchia, M.; Daellenbach, K. R.; Salazar Quintero, Gary Abdiel; Huang, R.-J.; Wacker, L.; Hueglin, C.; Piazzalunga, A.; Fermo, P.; Schwikowski, Margit; Baltensperger, U.; Szidat, Sönke; Prévôt, A. S. H. (2014). Radiocarbon Analysis of Elemental and Organic Carbon in Switzerland during Winter-Smog Episodes from 2008 to 2012 – Part I: Source Apportionment and Spatial Variability. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 14(24), pp. 13551-13570. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-14-13551-2014

Kaspari, S.; Painter, T. H.; Gysel, M.; Skiles, S. M.; Schwikowski, Margit (2014). Seasonal and elevational variations of black carbon and dust in snow and ice in the Solu-Khumbu, Nepal and estimated radiative forcings. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 14(15), pp. 8089-8103. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-14-8089-2014

Bartels-Rausch, T.; Jacobi, H.-W.; Kahan, T. F.; Thomas, J. L.; Thomson, E. S.; Abbatt, J. P. D.; Ammann, Markus; Blackford, J. R.; Bluhm, H.; Boxe, C.; Domine, F.; Frey, M. M.; Gladich, I.; Guzmán, M. I.; Heger, D.; Huthwelker, Th.; Klán, P.; Kuhs, W. F.; Kuo, M. H.; Maus, S.; ... (2014). A review of air–ice chemical and physical interactions (AICI): liquids, quasi-liquids, and solids in snow. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 14(3), pp. 1587-1633. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-14-1587-2014

Steimer, S. S.; Lampimäki, M.; Coz, E.; Grzinic, G.; Ammann, Markus (2014). The influence of physical state on shikimic acid ozonolysis: a case for in situ microspectroscopy. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 14(19), pp. 10761-10772. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-14-10761-2014

Babel, W.; Biermann, T.; Coners, H.; Falge, E.; Seeber, E.; Ingrisch, J.; Schleuß, P.-M.; Gerken, T.; Leonbacher, J.; Leipold, T.; Willinghöfer, S.; Schützenmeister, K.; Shibistova, O.; Becker, L.; Hafner, S.; Spielvogel, Sandra; Li, X.; Xu, X.; Sun, Y.; Zhang, L.; ... (2014). Pasture degradation modifies the water and carbon cycles of the Tibetan highlands. Biogeosciences, 11(23), pp. 6633-6656. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-11-6633-2014


Anet, J. G.; Muthers, Stefan; Rozanov, E.; Raible, Christoph; Peter, T.; Stenke, A.; Shapiro, A. I.; Beer, J.; Steinhilber, F.; Brönnimann, Stefan; Arfeuille, Florian Xavier; Brugnara, Yuri; Schmutz, W. (2013). Forcing of stratospheric chemistry and dynamics during the Dalton Minimum. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 13(21), pp. 10951-10967. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-13-10951-2013

Arfeuille, Florian Xavier; Luo, B. P.; Heckendorn, P.; Weisenstein, D.; Sheng, J. X.; Rozanov, E.; Schraner, M.; Brönnimann, Stefan; Thomason, L. W.; Peter, T. (2013). Modeling the stratospheric warming following the Mt. Pinatubo eruption: uncertainties in aerosol extinctions. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 13(22), pp. 11221-11234. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-13-11221-2013

Brönnimann, Stefan; Bhend, Jonas; Franke, Jörg; Flückiger, Simon; Fischer, A. M.; Bleisch, René; Bodeker, G.; Hassler, B.; Rozanov, E.; Schraner, M. (2013). A global historical ozone data set and prominent features of stratospheric variability prior to 1979. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 13(18), pp. 9623-9639. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-13-9623-2013

Brugnara, Yuri; Brönnimann, Stefan; Luterbacher, Jürg; Rozanov, E. (2013). Influence of the sunspot cycle on the Northern Hemisphere wintertime circulation from long upper-air data sets. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 13(13), pp. 6275-6288. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-13-6275-2013

Stenke, A.; Hoyle, C. R.; Luo, B.; Rozanov, E.; Gröbner, J.; Maag, L.; Brönnimann, Stefan; Peter, T. (2013). Climate and chemistry effects of a regional scale nuclear conflict. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 13(19), pp. 9713-9729. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-13-9713-2013

Joos, Fortunat; Roth, Raphael; Fuglestvedt, J. S.; Peters, G. P.; Enting, I. G.; von Bloh, W.; Brovkin, V.; Burke, E. J.; Eby, M.; Edwards, N. R.; Friedrich, T.; Frölicher, Thomas; Halloran, P. R.; Holden, P. B.; Jones, C.; Kleinen, T.; Mackenzie, F. T.; Matsumoto, K.; Meinshausen, M.; Plattner, Gian-Kasper; ... (2013). Carbon dioxide and climate impulse response functions for the computation of greenhouse gas metrics: a multi-model analysis. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 13(5), pp. 2793-2825. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-13-2793-2013

Sapart, C. J.; Martinerie, P.; Witrant, E.; Chappellaz, J.; van de Wal, R. S. W.; Sperlich, P.; van der Veen, C.; Bernard, S.; Sturges, W. T.; Blunier, T.; Schwander, Jakob; Etheridge, D.; Röckmann, T. (2013). Can the carbon isotopic composition of methane be reconstructed from multi-site firn air measurements? Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 13(14), pp. 6993-7005. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-13-6993-2013

Scheiben, Dominik; Tschanz, Brigitte; Hocke, Klemens; Kämpfer, Niklaus; Ka, Soohyun; Oh, Jung Jin (2013). The quasi 16-day wave in mesospheric water vapor during boreal winter 2011/2012. Atmospheric chemistry and physics Discussions, 13(11), pp. 29007-29034. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acpd-13-29007-2013

Scheiben, Dominik; Schanz, Ansgar Ulrich; Tschanz, Brigitte; Kämpfer, Niklaus (2013). Diurnal variations in middle-atmospheric water vapor by ground-based microwave radiometry. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 13(14), pp. 6877-6886. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-13-6877-2013

Studer, Simone; Hocke, Klemens; Schanz, Ansgar Ulrich; Schmidt, Hauke; Kämpfer, Niklaus (2013). A climatology of the diurnal variations of stratospheric and mesospheric ozone over Bern, Switzerland. Atmospheric chemistry and physics Discussions, 13(8), pp. 22445-22485. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acpd-13-22445-2013

Brönnimann, Stefan; Bhend, Jonas; Franke, Jörg; Flückiger, Simon; Fischer, Andreas M.; Bleisch, René; Bodeker, G.; Hassler, B.; Rozanov, E.; Schraner, M. (2013). A global historical ozone data set and prominent features of stratospheric variability prior to 1979. [Dataset]. In: Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 13. European Geosciences Union

Finger, David Christian; Hugentobler, Andreas; Huss, Matthias; Voinesco, Alice; Wernli, Hans; Fischer, Daniela; Weber, Eric; Jeannin, Pierre-Yves; Kauzlaric, Martina; Wirz, Andrea; Vennemann, T.; Hüsler, Fabia; Schädler, Bruno; Weingartner, Rolf (2013). Identification of glacial melt water runoff in a karstic environment and its implication for present and future water availability. Hydrology and earth system sciences discussions, 10(3), pp. 2743-2788. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/hessd-10-2743-2013


Scheiben, Dominik; Straub, Corinne; Hocke, Klemens; Forkman, Peter; Kämpfer, Niklaus (2012). Observations of middle atmospheric H2O and O3 during the 2010 major sudden stratospheric warming by a network of microwave radiometers. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 12(16), pp. 7753-7765. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-12-7753-2012

Ulrich, T.; Ammann, M.; Leutwyler, S.; Bartels-Rausch, T. (2012). The adsorption of peroxynitric acid on ice between 230 K and 253 K. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 12(4), pp. 1833-1845. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-12-1833-2012

Zhang, Yanlin; Perron, N.; Ciobanu, V.G.; Zotter, P.; Minguillón, M.C.; Wacker, L.; Prévôt, A.S.H.; Baltensperger, U.; Szidat, S. (2012). On the isolation of OC and EC and the optimal strategy of radiocarbon-based source apportionment of carbonaceous aerosols. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 12(22), pp. 10841-10856. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-12-10841-2012

Zieger, Paul; Kienast-Sjšgren, Erika; Starace, Marco; von Bismarck, Jonas; Bukowiecki, Nicolas; Baltensperger, Urs; Wienhold, Frank G.; Peter, Thomas; Ruhtz, Thomas; Collaud Coen, Martine; Vuilleumier, Laurent; Maier, Olaf; Emili, Emanuele; Popp, Christoph; Weingartner, Ernst (2012). Spatial variation of aerosol optical properties around the high-alpine site Jungfraujoch (3580 m a.s.l.). Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 12(15), pp. 7231-7249. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-12-7231-2012

Straub, Corinne; Tschanz, Brigitte; Hocke, Klemens; Kämpfer, Niklaus; Smith, Anne K. (2012). Transport of mesospheric H2O during and after the stratospheric sudden warming of January 2010: observation and simulation. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 12(2), pp. 5413-5427. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-12-5413-2012

Bock, M.; Schmitt, J.; Schneider, R.; Fischer, H. (2012). Post pyrolysis trapping of molecular hydrogen improves precision for δD(CH4) analysis. In: EGU General Assembly 2012, held 22-27 April, 2012 in Vienna, Austria (p. 2366). European Geosciences Union

Mitchell, H.; Bock, M.; Sowers, T. (2012). Decoupling atmospheric methane isotope records during MIS 5-4 transition. In: EGU General Assembly 2012, held 22-27 April, 2012 in Vienna, Austria (p. 3217). European Geosciences Union

Sperlich, P.; Buizert, C.; Guillevic, M.; Jenk, T.; Sapart, C. J.; Röckmann, T.; Bock, M.; Schmitt, J.; Fischer, H.; Blunier, T. (2012). A setup to analyze isotopes of paleoatmospheric CH4 and N2O in a single ice core sample. In: EGU General Assembly 2012, held 22-27 April, 2012 in Vienna, Austria (p. 6795). European Geosciences Union

Buizert, C.; Martinerie, P.; Petrenko, V. V.; Severinghaus, J. P.; Trudinger, C. M.; Witrant, E.; Rosen, J. L.; Orsi, A. J.; Rubino, M.; Etheridge, D. M.; Steele, L. P.; Hogan, C.; Laube, J. C.; Sturges, W. T.; Levchenko, V. A.; Smith, A. M.; Levin, I.; Conway, T. J.; Dlugokencky, E. J.; Lang, P. M.; ... (2012). Gas transport in firn: multiple-tracer characterisation and model intercomparison for NEEM, Northern Greenland. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 12(9), pp. 4259-4277. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-12-4259-2012

Davin, E. L.; Seneviratne, S. I. (2012). Role of land surface processes and diffuse/direct radiation partitioning in simulating the European climate. Biogeosciences, 9(5), pp. 1695-1707. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/BG-9-1695-2012


Musial, Jan P.; Verstraete, Michael M.; Gobron, Nadine (2011). Technical Note: Comparing the effectiveness of recent algorithms to fill and smooth incomplete and noisy time series. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 11(15), pp. 7905-7923. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-11-7905-2011

Klippel, Tim; Fischer, Horst; Bozem, Heiko; Lawrence, Mark G.; Butler, Tim; Jöckel, Patrick; Tost, Holger; Martinez, Monica; Harder, Hartwig; Regelin, Eric; Sander, Rolf; Schiller, Corinne L.; Stickler, Alexander; Lelieveld, Jos (2011). Distribution of hydrogen peroxide, methyl hydroperoxide and formaldehyde over central Europe during the HOOVER project. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 11(9), pp. 4391-4410. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-11-4391-2011

Ceburnis, D.; Garbaras, A.; Szidat, S.; Rinaldi, M.; Fahrni, Simon; Perron, N.; Wacker, L.; Leinert, S.; Remeikis, V.; Facchini, M. C.; Prevot, A. S. H.; Jennings, S. G.; Ramonet, M.; O'Dowd, C. D. (2011). Quantification of the carbonaceous matter origin in submicron marine aerosol by 13C and 14C isotope analysis. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 11(16), pp. 8593-8606. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-11-8593-2011

Minguillon, M. C.; Perron, N.; Querol, X.; Szidat, S.; Fahrni, Simon; Alastuey, A.; Jimenez, J. L.; Mohr, C.; Ortega, A. M.; Day, D. A.; Lanz, V. A.; Wacker, L.; Reche, C.; Cusack, M.; Amato, F.; Kiss, G.; Hoffer, A.; Decesari, S.; Moretti, F.; Hillamo, R.; ... (2011). Fossil versus contemporary sources of fine elemental and organic carbonaceous particulate matter during the DAURE campaign in Northeast Spain. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 11(23), pp. 12067-12084. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-11-12067-2011

Bukowiecki, N.; Zieger, P.; Weingartner, E.; Jurányi, Z.; Gysel, M.; Neininger, B.; Schneider, B.; Hueglin, C.; Ulrich, A.; Wichser, A.; Henne, S.; Brunner, D.; Kaegi, R.; Schwikowski, M.; Tobler, L.; Wienhold, F. G.; Engel, I.; Buchmann, B.; Peter, T. and Baltensperger, U. (2011). Ground-based and airborne in-situ measurements of the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic aerosol plume in Switzerland in spring 2010. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 11(19), pp. 10011-10030. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-11-10011-2011

Uglietti, Chiara; Leuenberger, Markus; Brunner, D. (2011). European source and sink areas of CO2 retrieved from Lagrangian transport model interpretation of combined CO2 and CO2 measurements at the high alpine research station Jungfraujoch. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 11(15), pp. 8017-8036. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-11-8017-2011


Zuercher, Sibylle; Fischer, Hubertus; Joos, Fortunat; Spahni, Renato; Steinacher, Marco; Wania, Rita (2010). Abrupt changes in climate and methane emissions in northern peatlands. In: EGU General Assembly 2010 (p. 1). European Geosciences Union

Bock, Michael; Schmitt, Jochen; Melanie, Behrens; Möller, Lars; Schneider, Robert; Celia, Sapart; Fischer, Hubertus (2010). A gas chromatography/pyrolysis/isotope ratio mass spectrometry system for high precision δD measurements of atmospheric methane extracted from ice cores. In: EGU General Assembly 2010 (p. 1). European Geosciences Union

Frölicher, Thomas L.; Joos, Fortunat; Raible, Christoph C. (2010). Modeling volcanic eruptions to assess the impact of stratospheric sulfur injections on the global carbon cycle. In: EGU General Assembly 2010. European Geosciences Union

Ritz, Stefan P.; Joos, Fortunat; Stocker, Thomas F. (2010). Glacial-interglacial changes of ocean temperatures and their sensitivity to atmospheric temperature and ocean circulation. In: EGU General Assembly 2010. European Geosciences Union

Lehner, Flavio; Raible, Christoph; Stocker, Thomas F.; Hofer, Dominik (2010). 1500-2100 A.D. forcing impacts on the global freshwater balance. In: EGU General Assembly 2010 (p. 1). European Geosciences Union

Lehner, Flavio; Raible, Christoph C.; Stocker, Thomas F.; Hofer, Dominik (2010). Transient forcing impacts on the freshwater balance in polar regions. In: EGU General Assembly 2010 (p. 1). European Geosciences Union

Laube, J.C.; Martinerie, P.; Witrant, E.; Blunier, T.; Schwander, Jakob; Brenninkmeijer, C.A.M.; Schuck, T.J.; Bolder, M.; Röckmann, T.; van der Veen, C.; Bönisch, H.; Engel, A.; Mills, G.P.; Newland, M.J.; Oram, D.E.; Reeves, C.E.; Sturges, W.T. (2010). Accelerating growth of HFC-227ea (1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane) in the atmosphere. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 10(13), pp. 5903-5910. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-10-5903-2010

Keckhut, P.; Hauchecorne, A.; Blanot, L.; Hocke, Klemens; Godin-Beekmann, S.; Bertaux, J.-L.; Barrot, G.; Kyrölä, E.; van Gijsel, A.; Pazmino, A. (2010). Mid-latitude ozone monitoring with the GOMOS-ENVISAT experiment version 5: the noise issue. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 10(23), pp. 11839-11849. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-10-11839-2010

Aiken, A.C.; de Foy, B.; Wiedinmyer, C.; DeCarlo, P.F.; Ulbrich, I.M.; Wehrli, M.N.; Szidat, Sönke; Prevot, A.S.H.; Noda, J.; Wacker, L.; Volkamer, R.; Fortner, E.; Wang, J.; Laskin, A.; Shutthanandan, V.; Zheng, J.; Zhang, R.; Paredes-Miranda, G.; Arnott, W.P.; Molina, L.T.; ... (2010). Mexico city aerosol analysis during MILAGRO using high resolution aerosol mass spectrometry at the urban supersite (T0) - Part 2: Analysis of the biomass burning contribution and the non-fossil carbon fraction. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 10(12), pp. 5315-5341. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-10-5315-2010

Hodzic, A.; Jimenez, J.L.; Prevot, A.S.H.; Szidat, Sönke; Fast, J.D.; Madronich, S. (2010). Can 3-D models explain the observed fractions of fossil and non-fossil carbon in and near Mexico City? Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 2010(10), pp. 10997-11016. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-10-10997-2010


Heikkilä, Ulla; Beer, Jürg; Feichter, Johann; Alfimov, Vasily; Synal, Hans-Arno; Schotterer, Ulrich; Eichler, Anja; Schwikowski, Margit; Thompson, Lonnie G. (2009). 36Cl bomb peak: comparison of modeled and measured data. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 9(12), pp. 4145-4156. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-9-4145-2009

Szidat, Sönke; Ruff, Matthias; Perron, Nolwenn; Wacker, Lukas; Synal, Hans-Arno; Hallquist, Mattias; Shannigrahi, Ardenhu S.; Yttri, Karl Espen; Dye, Christian; Simpson, David (2009). Fossil and non-fossil sources of organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) in Göteborg, Sweden. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 9(5), pp. 1521-1535. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-9-1521-2009

Steinkamp, J.; Ganzeveld, L.N.; Wilcke, Wolfgang; Lawrence, M.G. (2009). Influence of modelled soil biogenic NO emissions on related trace gases and the atmospheric oxidizing efficiency. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 9(8), pp. 2663-2677. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-9-2663-2009

Raible, Christoph C.; Bühler, Tania; Stocker, Thomas F. (2009). The relation of extreme North Atlantic blocking frequencies, cold and dry spells in ERA-40 in winter. In: EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April 2009 (p. 1). European Geosciences Union

Hangartner, S.; Kress, A.; Sauer, M.; Leuenberger, M. (2009). Deuterium in tree rings: a low frequency climate proxy? In: EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April 2009 (p. 1). European Geosciences Union

Lüthi, D.; Bereiter, B.; Winkler, R.; Schwander, J.; Stauffer, B.; Kindler, Ph.; Leuenberger, M.; Stocker, T. F.; Fischer, H.; Raynaud, D. (2009). CO2 and O2/N2 variations in and just below bubbleclathrate transition zone of polar ice cores. In: EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April 2009. European Geosciences Union

Schneider, Robert; Schmitt, Jochen; Fischer, Hubertus (2009). On the way to understand past atmospheric CO$_2$ fluctuations using d13CO2 measured on ice cores. In: European Geosciences Union. European Geosciences Union

Schneider, Robert; Schmitt, Jochen; Fischer, Hubertus (2009). Comparing past interglacials to understand atmospheric CO$_2$ and carbon cycle dynamics using ice core d13CO2 data. In: EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April 2009. European Geosciences Union

Gaslikova, Lidia; Schwerzmann, Aurel; Raible, Christoph C.; Stocker, Thomas F. (2009). Climate change impact on coastal damage due to storm surge and sea level rise. In: EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April 2009. European Geosciences Union

Hofer, Dominik; Raible, Christoph C.; Stocker, Thomas F. (2009). Multidecadal variability of the meridional overturning circulation in the NCAR CCSM3 model. In: EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April 2009. European Geosciences Union

Hofer, Dominik; Raible, Christoph C.; Stocker, Thomas F. (2009). Ocean response to natural and anthropogenic forcings in an ensemble of 1500 to 2100 AD simulations. In: EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April 2009. European Geosciences Union

Lehner, Flavio; Raible, Christoph C.; Stocker, Thomas F.; Hofer, Dominik (2009). 1500-2100 A.D. forcing impacts on the water balance in polar regions. In: EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April 2009. European Geosciences Union

Raible, Christoph C.; Hofer, Dominik; Stocker, Thomas F. (2009). Northern Hemisphere teleconnection patterns in ensemble simulation from 1500 to 2100: Stability and forcing impacts. In: EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April 2009. European Geosciences Union

Kleppek, S.; Wüest, M.; Raible, C. C.; Kitoh, A.; Murakami, H.; Stocker, T. F.; Muccione, V.; Bresch, D. N. (2009). Atlantic hurricanes in future scenarios and associated insurance losses. In: EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April 2009. European Geosciences Union

Raible, C. C.; Della-Marta, P.; Schwierz, C.; Wernli, H.; Blender, R. (2009). Comparing different methods to detect and track Northern Hemisphere midlatitude cyclones. In: EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April 2009. European Geosciences Union

Raible, Christoph C. (2009). The role of the daily time scale on anti-correlated centers of action in the Northern Hemisphere. In: European Geosciences Union. European Geosciences Union

Hocke, Klemens; Kämpfer, Niklaus (2009). Gap filling and noise reduction of unevenly sampled data by means of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 9(12), pp. 4197-4206. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-9-4197-2009

Morland, June; Collaud Coen, Martine; Hocke, Klemens; Jeannet, Pierre; Mätzler, Christian (2009). Tropospheric water vapour above Switzerland over the last 12 years. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 9(16), pp. 5975-5988. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-9-5975-2009


Kerbrat, M.; Pinzer, B.; Huthwelker, T.; Gäggeler, Heinz W.; Ammann, M.; Schneebeli, M. (2008). Measuring the specific surface area of snow with X-ray tomography and gas adsorption: comparison and implications for surface smoothness. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 8(5), pp. 1261-1275. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-8-1261-2008

Vesna, O.; Sjogren, S.; Weingartner, E.; Samburova, V.; Kalberer, M.M.; Gäggeler, Heinz W.; Ammann, M. (2008). Changes of fatty acid aerosol hygroscopicity induced by ozonolysis under humid conditions. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 8(16), pp. 4683-4690. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-8-4683-2008

Flury, Thomas; Müller, Stefan C.; Hocke, Klemens; Kämpfer, Niklaus (2008). Water vapor transport in the lower mesosphere of the subtropics: a trajectory analysis. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 8(23), pp. 7273-7280. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-8-7273-2008

Müller, Stefan C.; Kämpfer, Niklaus; Feist, Dietrich G.; Häfele, Alexander; Milz, Mathias; Sitnikov, Nikolay; Schiller, Cornelius; Kiemle, Christoph; Urban, Joachim (2008). Validation of stratospheric water vapour measurements from the airborne microwave radiometer AMSOS. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 8(12), pp. 3169-3183. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-8-3169-2008

Sandradewi, J.; Prévôt, A. S. H.; Alfarra, M. R.; Szidat, Sönke; Wehrli, M. N.; Ruff, Matthias; Weimer, S.; Lanz, V. A.; Weingartner, E.; Perron, Nolwenn; Caseiro, A.; Kasper-Giebl, A.; Puxbaum, H.; Wacker, L.; Baltensperger, U. (2008). Comparison of several wood smoke markers and source apportionment methods for wood burning particulate mass (Submitted). Atmospheric chemistry and physics Discussions, 8(2), pp. 8091-8118. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acpd-8-8091-2008


Hocke, Klemens; Kämpfer, Niklaus; Ruffieux, Dominique; Froidevaux, Lucien; Parrish, Alan; Boyd, I; von Clarmann, T; Steck, T; Timofeyev, Y.M.; Polyakov, A.V.; Kyrölä, E (2007). Comparison and synergy of stratospheric ozone measurements by satellite limb sounders and the ground-based microwave radiometer SOMORA. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 7(15), pp. 4117-4131. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-7-4117-2007

Feist, Dietrich; Geer, Alan; Müller, Stefan; Kämpfer, Niklaus (2007). Middle atmosphere water vapour and dynamical features in aircraft measurements and ECMWF analyses. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 7(20), pp. 5291-5307. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-7-5291-2007

Gehlen, M.; Gangstø, R; Schneider, B.; Bopp, L.; Aumont, O.; Ethe, C. (2007). The fate of pelagic CaCO3 production in a high CO2 ocean: A model study. Biogeosciences, 4(4), pp. 505-519. European Geosciences Union 10.5194/bg-4-505-2007


Vlasenko, Alexander; Sjogren, Staffan; Weingartner, Ernest; Stemmler, Konrad; Gäggeler, Heinz W. (2006). Effect of humidity on nitric acid uptake on mineral dust aerosol particles. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 6(8), pp. 2147-2160. Katlenburg-Lindau (D): European Geosciences Union 10.5194/acp-6-2147-2006

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