Hofstetter, Reto

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Krohmer, Harley; Hofstetter, Reto; Miller, Klaus (2013). Exakte Messung der Zahlungsbereitschaft von Kunden als Erfolgsfaktor des Preismanagements. In: Kisgen, Stefanie; Dresen, Anne; Faix, Werner G. (eds.) International Management (pp. 645-662). Stuttgart: Steinbeis-Edition

Hofstetter, Reto; Miller, Klaus; Krohmer, Harley; Zhang, John (2013). How Do Consumer Characteristics Affect the Bias in Measuring Willingness to Pay for Innovative Products? Journal of Product Innovation Management, 30(5), pp. 1042-1053. Wiley 10.1111/jpim.12040

Krohmer, Harley; Zhang, Z. John; Hofstetter, Reto; Miller, Klaus (2011). How Should Consumers’ Willingness to Pay Be Measured? An Empirical Comparison of State-of-the-Art Approaches. Journal of Marketing Research, 48(1), pp. 172-184. American Marketing Association 10.1509/jmkr.48.1.172

Blatter, David; Hofstetter, Reto; Miller, Klaus (2010). Improving the Direct Estimation of Demand by Adjusting for Incorrect Price-Statements. In: Proceedings of the AMA Winter Educators' Conference 2010, 19.-22.2.2010, New Orleans, Louisiana/USA. Chicago: American Marketing Association AMA

Hofstetter, Reto; Miller, Klaus (2009). Precision Pricing. Measuring consumers' willingness to pay accurately. Norderstedt: Books on Demand

Hofstetter, Reto; Miller, Klaus (2009). Bessere Preisentscheidungen durch Messung der Zahlungsbereitschaft. Marketing Review St. Gallen - die neue Thexis, 26(5), pp. 32-37. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler

Miller, Klaus; Hofstetter, Reto; Krohmer, Harley; Zhang, John (2009). How should we measure consumers' willingness to pay? An empirical comparison of State-of-the-Art approaches. In: Proceedings of the AMA 2009 Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, 7.-10.8.2009, Chicago. Chicago: American Marketing Association AMA

Miller, Klaus; Hofstetter, Reto; Krohmer, Harley; Zhang, John (2009). How should we measure consumers' willingness to pay? An Empirical comparison of State-of-the-Art approaches. In: Proceedings of the 38th EMAC Annual Conference, 26.-29.5.2009, Nantes. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy

Miller, Klaus; Hofstetter, Reto; Krohmer, Harley; Zhang, John (2009). Who should we ask when measuring consumers' willingness to pay for product innovations? In: Proceedings of the 38th EMAC Annual Conference, 26.-29. Mai 2009, Nantes. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy

Blatter, David; Hofstetter, Reto; Miller, Klaus; Krohmer, Harley (2009). Improving the direct estimation of demand by adjusting for incorrect price-statements. In: Proceedings of the 38th EMAC Annual Conference, 26.-29.5.2009, Nantes. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy

Hofstetter, Reto; Miller, Klaus; Krohmer, Harley; Zhang, John (2009). How should we ask when measuring consumers' willingness to pay for product innovations. In: Proceedings of the AMA 2009 Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, 7.-10.8.2009, Chicago. Chicago: American Marketing Association AMA

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