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Zarean, Parichehr; Göllner, Michael; Zarean, Paridokht; Neuhaus, Klaus W (2023). 2D and 3D Erosion Landscape Analysis of Endodontic-Treated Teeth Using EDTA and HEDP as Chelating Agents: A High-Resolution Micro-Computed Tomographic Study. Dentistry journal, 11(12) MDPI 10.3390/dj11120286
Eggmann, Florin; Irani, Delia Rhoda; Fehlbaum, Patrizia A; Neuhaus, Klaus (2022). Do magnification loupes affect the precision of cavity preparations made by undergraduates? A randomized crossover study. BMC Oral Health, 22(1), p. 189. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12903-022-02232-z
Eggmann, Florin; Vokac, Yvonne; Eick, Sigrun; Neuhaus, Klaus W (2020). Sonic irrigant activation for root canal disinfection: power modes matter! BMC Oral Health, 20(1), p. 102. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12903-020-01088-5
Perrin, Philippe; Neuhaus, Klaus; Eichenberger, Martina; Lussi, Adrian (2019). Influence of different loupe systems and their light source on the vision in endodontics. Swiss dental journal, 129(11), pp. 922-928. Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft SSO
Henninger, Eva; Aranha Berto, Luciana; Eick, Sigrun; Lussi, Adrian; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (2019). In Vitro Effect of Er:YAG Laser on Different Single and Mixed Microorganisms Being Associated with Endodontic Infections. Photobiomodulation, photomedicine, and laser surgery, 37(6), pp. 369-375. Mary Ann Liebert 10.1089/photob.2018.4557
Giacaman, Rodrigo A; Muñoz-Sandoval, Cecilia; Neuhaus, Klaus; Fontana, Margherita; Chałas, Renata (2018). Evidence-based strategies for the minimally invasive treatment of carious lesions: Review of the literature. Advances in clinical and experimental medicine, 27(7), pp. 1009-1016. Wroclaw Medical University 10.17219/acem/77022
Litzenburger, Friederike; Heck, Katrin; Pitchika, Vinay; Neuhaus, Klaus W; Jost, Fabian Nicolas; Hickel, Reinhard; Jablonski-Momeni, Anahita; Welk, Alexander; Lederer, Alexander; Kühnisch, Jan (2018). Inter- and intraexaminer reliability of bitewing radiography and near-infrared light transillumination for proximal caries detection and assessment. Dento maxillo facial radiology, 47(3), p. 20170292. British Institute of Radiology 10.1259/dmfr.20170292
Neuhaus, Klaus W.; Lussi, Adrian (2018). Carious Lesion Diagnosis: Methods, Problems, Thresholds. Monographs in oral science, 27, pp. 24-31. Karger 10.1159/000487828
Neuhaus, Klaus (2017). Überempfindliche Zähne – Diagnostik und Therapiemöglichkeiten. Dimensions, 3, pp. 6-10. Swiss Dental Hygienists
Stauffacher, Simone; Lussi, Adrian; Nietzsche, Sandor; Neuhaus, Klaus; Eick, Sigrun (2017). Bacterial invasion into radicular dentine-an in vitro study. Clinical oral investigations, 21(5), pp. 1743-1752. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00784-016-1960-7
Perrin, Philippe; Eichenberger, Martina; Neuhaus, Klaus; Lussi, Adrian (2017). A Near Visual Acuity Test for Dentists. Operative dentistry, 42(6), pp. 581-586. Operative Dentistry, Inc. 10.2341/16-128-l
Neuhaus, Klaus; Liebi, Melanie; Stauffacher, Simone; Eick, Sigrun; Lussi, Adrian (2016). Antibacterial Efficacy of a New Sonic Irrigation Device for Root Canal Disinfection. Journal of endodontics, 42(12), pp. 1799-1803. Elsevier 10.1016/j.joen.2016.08.024
Neuhaus, Klaus; Schick, A; Lussi, Adrian (2016). Apical filling characteristics of carrier-based techniques vs. single cone technique in curved root canals. Clinical oral investigations, 20(7), pp. 1631-1637. Springer 10.1007/s00784-015-1674-2
Laugisch, Oliver; Wong, Alicia; Sroka, Aneta; Kantyka, Tomasz; Koziel, Joanna; Neuhaus, Klaus; Sculean, Anton; Venables, Patrick J; Potempa, Jan; Möller, Burkhard; Eick, Sigrun (2016). Citrullination in the periodontium-a possible link between periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical oral investigations, 20(4), pp. 675-683. Springer 10.1007/s00784-015-1556-7
Kühnisch, Jan; Söchtig, Friederike; Pitchika, Vinay; Laubender, Rüdiger; Neuhaus, Klaus; Lussi, Adrian; Hickel, Reinhard (2016). In vivo validation of near-infrared light transillumination for interproximal dentin caries detection. Clinical oral investigations, 20(4), pp. 821-829. Springer 10.1007/s00784-015-1559-4
Naumann, Michael; Neuhaus, Klaus; Kölpin, Manja; Seemann, Rainer (2016). Why, when, and how general practitioners restore endodontically treated teeth: a representative survey in Germany. Clinical oral investigations, 20(2), pp. 253-259. Springer 10.1007/s00784-015-1505-5
Neuhaus, Klaus; Müller, Magali E; Lussi, Adrian (2016). Survey of Oral Health Awareness in Neuchâtel 9th Graders. Swiss dental journal, 126(7-8), pp. 662-671. Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft SSO
Perrin, Philippe; Eichenberger, Martina; Neuhaus, Klaus; Lussi, Adrian (2016). Visual acuity and magnification devices in dentistry. Swiss dental journal, 126(3), pp. 222-235. Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft SSO
Neuhaus, Klaus; Müller, Magali E; Lussi, Adrian (2016). Untersuchung zum Zahn- und Mundgesundheitsbewusstsein bei Schülern im 9. Schuljahr der Stadt Neuenburg. Swiss dental journal, 126(7-8), pp. 672-681. Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft SSO
Dula, Karl; Kissling-Jeger, Franziska; Neuhaus, Klaus (2016). Die digitale Volumentomografie (DVT) in der Endodontologie. Zahnmedizin up2date, 10(04), pp. 327-355. Thieme 10.1055/s-0042-101842
Neuhaus, Klaus; Jost, Fabian Nicolas; Perrin, Philippe; Lussi, Adrian (2015). Impact of different magnification levels on visual caries detection with ICDAS. Journal of dentistry, 43(12), pp. 1559-1564. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.jdent.2015.09.002
Neuhaus, Klaus; Ciucchi, Philip Ruwan; Rodrigues, Jonas Almeida; Hug, Isabelle; Emerich, Marta Maria; Lussi, Adrian (2015). Diagnostic performance of a new red light LED device for approximal caries detection. Lasers in medical science, 30(5), pp. 1443-1447. Springer 10.1007/s10103-014-1607-3
Ciucchi, Philip Ruwan; Neuhaus, Klaus; Emerich, Marta; Peutzfeldt, Anne; Lussi, Adrian (2015). Evaluation of different types of enamel conditioning before application of a fissure sealant. Lasers in medical science, 30(1), pp. 1-9. Springer 10.1007/s10103-013-1333-2
Neuhaus, Klaus; Jasarevic, Edi; Lussi, Adrian (2015). Impact of Different Illumination Conditions on Visual Caries Detection with ICDAS. Caries research, 49(6), pp. 633-636. Karger 10.1159/000442181
Perrin, Philippe; Neuhaus, Klaus; Lussi, Adrian (2014). The impact of loupes and microscopes on vision in endodontics. International endodontic journal, 47(5), pp. 425-429. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/iej.12165
Neuhaus, Klaus; Erdin, D; Lussi, Adrian (2014). Per capita sugar consumption in Switzerland is not extreme. Caries research, 48(2), pp. 96-97. Karger 10.1159/000351676
Almeida Rodrigues, Jonas; Schlesner de Oliveira, Renata; Hug, Isabelle; Neuhaus, Klaus; Lussi, Adrian (2013). Performance of experienced dentists in Switzerland after an e-learning program on ICDAS occlusal caries detection. Journal of dental education, 77(8), pp. 1086-1091. American Dental Education Association
Neuhaus, Klaus; Milleman, Jeffery L.; Milleman, Kimberly R.; Mongiello, Kimberly A.; Simonton, Thomas C.; Clark, Courtney E.; Proskin, Howard M.; Seemann, Rainer (2013). Effectiveness of a calcium sodium phosphosilicate-containing prophylaxis paste in reducing dentine hypersensitivity immediately and 4 weeks after a single application: a double-blind randomized controlled trial. Journal of clinical periodontology, 40(4), pp. 349-357. Wiley 10.1111/jcpe.12057
Neuhaus, K W; Schlafer, S; Lussi, A; Nyvad, B (2013). Infiltration of Natural Caries Lesions in Relation to Their Activity Status and Acid Pretreatment in vitro. Caries research, 47(3), pp. 203-210. Basel: Karger 10.1159/000345654
Eichenberger, Martina; Perrin, Philippe; Neuhaus, Klaus; Bringolf, Ueli; Lussi, Adrian (2013). Visual acuity of dentists under simulated clinical conditions. Clinical oral investigations, 17(3), pp. 725-729. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00784-012-0753-x
Rodrigues, Jonas A; Neuhaus, Klaus W; Diniz, Michele B; Hug, Isabel; Stich, Herman; Karlsson, Lena; Lussi, Adrian (2012). Comparison among gold standard techniques used for the validation of methods for occlusal caries detection. Microscopy research and technique, 75(5), pp. 605-8. New York, N.Y.: Wiley-Liss 10.1002/jemt.21097
Neuhaus, K W; Rodrigues, J A; Seemann, R; Lussi, A (2012). Detection of proximal secondary caries at cervical class II-amalgam restoration margins in vitro. Journal of dentistry, 40(6), pp. 493-9. Oxford: Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.jdent.2012.02.014
Neuhaus, Klaus; De Almeida Rodrigues, Jonas; Hug, Isabelle; Stich, Hermann; Lussi, Adrian (2011). Performance of laser fluorescence devices, visual and radiographic examination for the detection of occlusal caries in primary molars. Clinical oral investigations, 15(5), pp. 635-41. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00784-010-0427-5
Rodrigues, Jonas A; Hug, Isabel; Neuhaus, Klaus W; Lussi, Adrian (2011). Light-emitting diode and laser fluorescence-based devices in detecting occlusal caries. Journal of biomedical optics, 16(10), p. 107003. Bellingham, Wash.: SPIE International Society for Optical Engineering 10.1117/1.3631796
Eichenberger, Martina; Perrin, Philippe; Neuhaus, Klaus W; Bringolf, Ueli; Lussi, Adrian (2011). Influence of loupes and age on the near visual acuity of practicing dentists. Journal of biomedical optics, 16(3), p. 35003. Bellingham, Wash.: SPIE International Society for Optical Engineering 10.1117/1.3555190
Rodrigues, Jonas A; Lussi, Adrian; Seemann, Rainer; Neuhaus, Klaus W (2011). Prevention of crown and root caries in adults. Periodontology 2000, 55(1), pp. 231-49. Oxford: Blackwell 10.1111/j.1600-0757.2010.00381.x
Wang, Xiaojie; Megert, Brigitte; Hellwig, Elmar; Neuhaus, Klaus; Lussi, Adrian (2011). Preventing erosion with novel agents. Journal of dentistry, 39(2), pp. 163-170. Oxford: Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.jdent.2010.11.007
Katsoulis, Joannis; Nikitovic, Senka Geissbühler; Spreng, Sophie; Neuhaus, Klaus; Mericske-Stern, Regina (2011). Prosthetic rehabilitation and treatment outcome of partially edentulous patients with severe tooth wear: 3-years results. Journal of dentistry, 39(10), pp. 662-71. Oxford: Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.jdent.2011.07.008
Neuhaus, K W; Nyvad, B; Lussi, A; Jaruszewski, L (2011). Evaluation of perpendicular reflection intensity for assessment of caries lesion activity/inactivity. Caries research, 45(4), pp. 408-14. Basel: Karger 10.1159/000330530
Rodrigues, Jonas A; Neuhaus, Klaus W; Hug, Isabel; Stich, Herman; Seemann, Rainer; Lussi, Adrian (2010). In vitro detection of secondary caries associated with composite restorations on approximal surfaces using laser fluorescence. Operative dentistry, 35(5), pp. 564-71. Indianapolis, Ind.: Operative Dentistry, Inc. 10.2341/09-332-L
Neuhaus, Klaus W; Ciucchi, Philip; Donnet, Marcel; Lussi, Adrian (2010). Removal of enamel caries with an air abrasion powder. Operative dentistry, 35(5), pp. 538-46. Indianapolis, Ind.: Operative Dentistry, Inc. 10.2341/10-009-L
Huth, K C; Lussi, A; Gygax, M; Thum, M; Crispin, A; Paschos, E; Hickel, R; Neuhaus, K W (2010). In vivo performance of a laser fluorescence device for the approximal detection of caries in permanent molars. Journal of dentistry, 38(12), pp. 1019-1026. Oxford: Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.jdent.2010.09.001
Neuhaus, Klaus W; Graf, Martina; Lussi, Adrian; Katsaros, Christos (2010). Late Infiltration of Post-orthodontic White Spot Lesions. Journal of orofacial orthopedics - Fortschritte der Kieferorthopädie, 71(6), pp. 442-447. München: Urban and Vogel 10.1007/s00056-010-1038-0
Diniz, Michele Baffi; Rodrigues, Jonas Almeida; Neuhaus, Klaus W; Cordeiro, Rita C L; Lussi, Adrian (2010). Influence of examiner's clinical experience on the reproducibility and accuracy of radiographic examination in detecting occlusal caries. Clinical oral investigations, 14(5), pp. 515-23. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00784-009-0323-z
Neuhaus, K W; Longbottom, C; Ellwood, R; Lussi, A (2009). Novel lesion detection aids. Monographs in oral science, 21, pp. 52-62. Basel: Karger
Neuhaus, K W; Ellwood, R; Lussi, A; Pitts, N B (2009). Traditional lesion detection aids. Monographs in oral science, 21, pp. 42-51. Basel: Karger
Neuhaus, Klaus W; Lussi, Adrian (2009). [Casein phosphopeptide--amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) and its effect on dental hard tissues]. Schweizerische Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin, 119(2), pp. 110-6. Bern: Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft
Huth, K C; Neuhaus, K W; Gygax, M; Bücher, K; Crispin, A; Paschos, E; Hickel, R; Lussi, A (2008). Clinical performance of a new laser fluorescence device for detection of occlusal caries lesions in permanent molars. Journal of dentistry, 36(12), pp. 1033-40. Oxford: Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.jdent.2008.08.013
Neuhaus, KW; Schegg, R; Krastl, G; Amato, M; Weiger, R; Walter, C (2008). Integrated learning in dentistry: baseline data and first evaluation at the Dental School of Basel. European journal of dental education, 12(3), pp. 163-169. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1600-0579.2008.00513.x
Diniz, MB; Rodrigues, JA; Neuhaus, KW; Cordeiro, RCL; Lussi, A (2008). Influence of examiners clinical experience on the reproducibility and validity of radiographic examination in detecting occlusal caries. Caries research(42), p. 227. Basel: Karger
Neuhaus, Klaus (2017). Wie eine verfrühte Füllungstherapie vermieden werden kann. Kariesdiagnoseverfahren und differenzierte Kariestherapie. Plaque n care, 11(3), pp. 134-141. Spitta Verlag
Neuhaus, K. W. L.; Strömberg, S.; Lamperti, S.; Baranovic Huber, F. (2024). Einfluss mechanischer Mundpflegeprodukte auf die Mundgesundheit. In: Filippi, Andreas; Filippi, Cornelia; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (eds.) Die zahnmedizinische Behandlung von Menschen mit Special Needs (pp. 41-48). Berlin: Quintessence Publishing
Neuhaus, Klaus W.; Krebs, Vincent (2024). Gesundheit oder Krankheit in der Mundhöhle - eine Frage der Definition? In: Filippi, Andreas; Filippi, Cornelia; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (eds.) Die zahnmedizinische Behandlung von Menschen mit Special Needs (pp. 67-72). Berlin: Quintessence Publishing
Filippi, Andreas; Filippi, Cornelia; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (2024). Definition von Special Needs aus zahnärztlicher Sicht. In: Filippi, Andreas; Filippi, Cornelia; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (eds.) Die zahnärztliche Behandlung von Menschen mit Special Needs. Berlin: Quintessence Publishing
Filippi, Cornelia; Weidtlitsch, Bettina; Boss, Jacqueline; Neuhaus, Klaus W.; Sahrmann, Philipp (2024). Zahnmedizinische Betreuung und Zahnpflege in Kindergärten, Alters- und Pflegeheimen und auf Intensivstationen. In: Filippi, Andreas; Filippi, Cornelia; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (eds.) Die zahnmedizinische Behandlung von Menschen mit Special Needs (pp. 95-104). Quintessence Publishing
Neuhaus, Gotlind; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (2024). Affektive Störungen. In: Filippi, Andreas; Filippi, Cornelia; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (eds.) Die zahnmedizinische Behandlung von Menschen mit Special Needs (pp. 116-119). Berlin: Quintessence Publishing
Neuhaus, Gotlind; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (2024). Autismusspektrumsstörungen. In: Filippi, Andreas; Filippi, Cornelia; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (eds.) Die zahnmedizinische Behandlung von Menschen mit Special Needs (pp. 133-136). Berlin: Quintessence Publishing
Neuhaus, Klaus W.; Luchsinger, Isabelle (2024). Ektodermale Dysplasie. In: Filippi, Andreas; Filippi, Cornelia; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (eds.) Die zahnmedizinische Behandlung von Menschen mit Special Needs (pp. 191-194). Berlin: Quintessence Publishing
Neuhaus, Klaus W.; Schwieger-Briel, Agnes; Suter, Valérie; Gouveia, Carolina; Bürgler, Christina (2024). Epidermolysis bullosa. In: Filippi, Andreas; Filippi, Cornela; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (eds.) Die zahnmedizinische Behandlung von Menschen mit Special Needs (pp. 195-202). Quintessence Publishing
Neuhaus, Klaus W.; Graf, Sandra; Juchli, Isabelle (2024). Orthopädische Einschränkungen/Funktionseinschränkungen. In: Filippi, Andreas; Filippi, Cornela; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (eds.) Die zahnmedizinische Behandlung von Menschen mit Special Needs (pp. 305-307). Quintessence Publishing
Neuhaus, Klaus W.; Lussi, Adrian (2016). New Caries Diagnostic Methods. In: Goldberg, Michel (ed.) Understanding Dental Caries (pp. 53-61). Springer 10.1007/978-3-319-30552-3_6
Neuhaus, KW (2008). Dental pulp neoplasms. In: , (ed.) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 2nd edition 8 (pp. 75-78). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag 10.1016/S1470-2045(06)71013-0
Neuhaus, K; Cadosch, J (2008). Kofferdam - Kunst, Kult und Kontroverse. In: , (ed.) Dental Kompakt (pp. 190-194). Rottweil: flohr Verlag
Neuhaus, K (2008). Lupenbrillen in der Zahnmedizin. In: Dental Kompakt (p. 111). Rottweil: flohr Verlag
Jost, Fabian Nicolas (2014). Validität und Reliabilität bei der visuellen okklusalen Kariesdiagnostik mit ICDAS unter der Verwendung von unterschiedlichen dentalen Vergrösserungshilfen (Unpublished). (Dissertation, Universität Bern, Zahnmedizinische Kliniken)