Kamm, Christian Philipp

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Number of items: 35.

Journal Article

Haag, Christina; Steinemann, Nina; Ajdacic-Gross, Vladeta; Schlomberg, Jonas Tom Thaddäus; Ineichen, Benjamin Victor; Stanikić, Mina; Dressel, Holger; Daniore, Paola; Roth, Patrick; Ammann, Sabin; Calabrese, Pasquale; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Kesselring, Jürg; Kuhle, Jens; Zecca, Chiara; Puhan, Milo Alan; von Wyl, Viktor (2024). Natural language processing analysis of the theories of people with multiple sclerosis about causes of their disease. Communications medicine, 4(1) Springer Nature 10.1038/s43856-024-00546-3

Chiavi, Deborah; Haag, Christina; Chan, Andrew; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Sieber, Chloé; Stanikić, Mina; Rodgers, Stephanie; Pot, Caroline; Kesselring, Jürg; Salmen, Anke; Rapold, Irene; Calabrese, Pasquale; Manjaly, Zina-Mary; Gobbi, Claudio; Zecca, Chiara; Walther, Sebastian; Stegmayer, Katharina; Hoepner, Robert; Puhan, Milo and von Wyl, Viktor (2022). Studying Real-World Experiences of Persons with Multiple Sclerosis during the first Covid-19 Lockdown: An Application of Natural Language Processing. JMIR medical informatics, 10(11), e37945. JMIR Publications 10.2196/37945

Sieber, Chloé; Chiavi, Deborah; Haag, Christina; Kaufmann, Marco; Horn, Andrea B; Dressel, Holger; Zecca, Chiara; Calabrese, Pasquale; Pot, Caroline; Kamm, Christian Philipp; von Wyl, Viktor (2022). Electronic Health Diary Campaigns to Complement Longitudinal Assessments in Persons With Multiple Sclerosis: Nested Observational Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 10(10), e38709. JMIR Publications 10.2196/38709

Patt, Nadine; Kool, Jan; Hersche, Ruth; Oberste, Max; Walzik, David; Joisten, Niklas; Caminada, Daniel; Ferrara, Francesca; Gonzenbach, Roman; Nigg, Claudio Renato; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Zimmer, Philipp; Bansi, Jens (2021). High-intensity interval training and energy management education, compared with moderate continuous training and progressive muscle relaxation, for improving health-related quality of life in persons with multiple sclerosis: study protocol of a randomized controlled superiority trial with six months' follow-up. BMC neurology, 21(1), p. 65. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12883-021-02084-0

van Beek, Judith Jantine Willemijn; van Wegen, Erwin Everardus Henri; Rietberg, Marc Berend; Nyffeler, Thomas; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Nef, Tobias; Vanbellingen, Tim (2020). Feasibility of a Home-Based Tablet App for Dexterity Training in Multiple Sclerosis: Usability Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8(6), e18204. JMIR Publications 10.2196/18204

Lehmann, Isabelle; Thaler, Irène; Luder, Gere; Damm, Ulrike; Wälti, Charlotte; Steinheimer, Saskia; Verra, Martin L.; Müri, Rene M.; Nyffeler, Thomas; Vanbellingen, Tim; Kamm, Christian Philipp (2020). Standardized, comprehensive, hospital-based circuit training in people with multiple sclerosis (MS-FIT): Results on feasibility, adherence and satisfaction of the training intervention. European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 56(3), pp. 279-285. EDIZIONI MINERVA MEDICA 10.23736/S1973-9087.20.06191-2

Sacco, R; Disanto, G; Maraffi, I; Candrian, U; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Rossi, S; Schwegler, G; Gallo, A; Gobbi, C; Zecca, C (2020). Infusion-related reactions during Natalizumab treatment: Do we still need a post-infusion observation period? Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 38, p. 101523. Elsevier 10.1016/j.msard.2019.101523

Kamm, Christian Philipp; Barin, L; Gobbi, C; Pot, C.; Calabrese, P; Salmen, Anke; Achtnichts, L; Kesselring, J; Puhan, M A; von Wyl, V. (2020). Factors influencing patient satisfaction with the first diagnostic consultation in multiple sclerosis: a Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Registry (SMSR) study. Journal of neurology, 267(1), pp. 153-161. Springer-Medizin-Verlag 10.1007/s00415-019-09563-y

van Munster, C. E.; D'Souza, M.; Steinheimer, Saskia Marie; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Burggraaff, J.; Diederich, M.; Kravalis, K.; Dorn, J.; Walsh, L.; Dahlke, F.; Kappos, L.; Uitdehaag, B. M. (2019). Tasks of activities of daily living (ADL) are more valuable than the classical neurological examination to assess upper extremity function and mobility in multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis journal, 25(12), pp. 1673-1681. Sage 10.1177/1352458518796690

Kaufmann, M.; Kuhle, J.; Puhan, M. A.; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Chan, Andrew; Salmen, Anke; Kesselring, J.; Calabrese, P.; Gobbi, C.; Pot, C.; Steinemann, N.; Rodgers, S.; von Wyl, V. (2018). Factors associated with time from first-symptoms to diagnosis and treatment initiation of Multiple Sclerosis in Switzerland. Multiple sclerosis journal - experimental, translational and clinical, 4(4), p. 2055217318814562. Sage Publications 10.1177/2055217318814562

Kamm, Christian Philipp; Muehl, S.; Mircsof, D.; Muller, S.; Czaplinski, A.; Achtnichts, L.; Stellmes, P.; Di Virgilio, G. (2018). Role of Family Planning in Women With Multiple Sclerosis in Switzerland: Results of the Women With Multiple Sclerosis Patient Survey. Frontiers in neurology, 9(821), p. 821. Frontiers Media S.A. 10.3389/fneur.2018.00821

D'Souza, M.; Steinheimer, Saskia Marie; Dorn, J.; Morrison, C.; Boisvert, J.; Kravalis, K.; Burggraaff, J.; van Munster, C. E.; Diederich, M.; Sellen, A.; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Dahlke, F.; Uitdehaag, B. M.; Kappos, L. (2018). Reference videos reduce variability of motor dysfunction assessments in multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis journal - experimental, translational and clinical, 4(3), p. 2055217318792399. Sage Publications 10.1177/2055217318792399

Puhan, M. A.; Steinemann, N.; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Muller, S.; Kuhle, J.; Kurmann, R.; Calabrese, P.; Kesselring, J.; von Wyl, V.; Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Registry, SMSR (2018). A digitally facilitated citizen-science driven approach accelerates participant recruitment and increases study population diversity. Swiss medical weekly, 148(w14623), w14623. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2018.14623

Zecca, C.; Roth, S.; Findling, O.; Perriard, G.; Bachmann, V.; Pless, M. L.; Baumann, A.; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Lalive, P. H.; Czaplinski, A. (2018). Real-life long-term effectiveness of fingolimod in Swiss patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. European journal of neurology, 25(5), pp. 762-767. Blackwell Science 10.1111/ene.13594

Steinheimer, Saskia Marie; Wendel, Moritz; Vanbellingen, Tim; Westers, Laurens T.; Hodak, Julius; Blatter Arifi, Verena; Uitdehaag, Bernard M.J.; Kamm, Christian Philipp (2018). The Arm Function in Multiple Sclerosis Questionnaire was successfully translated to German. Journal of hand therapy, 31(1), pp. 137-140. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jht.2017.09.010

Verma, Rajeev Kumar; Wiest, Roland; Locher, C; Heldner, Mirjam Rachel; Schucht, Philippe; Raabe, Andreas; Gralla, Jan; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Slotboom, Johannes; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke (2017). Differentiating Enhancing Multiple Sclerosis Lesions, Glioblastoma, and Lymphoma with Dynamic Texture Parameters Analysis (DTPA) - a Feasibility Study. Medical physics, 44(8), pp. 4000-4008. American Association of Physicists in Medicine AAPM 10.1002/mp.12356

Heldner, Mirjam Rachel; Kaufmann-Ezra, Sigal; Gutbrod, Klemens; Bernasconi, Corrado Angelo; Bigi, Sandra; Blatter Arifi, Verena; Mattle, Heinrich; Müri, René Martin; Verma, Rajeev Kumar; Kamm, Christian Philipp (2017). Behavioral Changes in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Frontiers in neurology, 8(437), p. 437. Frontiers Media S.A. 10.3389/fneur.2017.00437

Scheidegger, Olivier; Kihm, Christina; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Rösler, Kai Michael (2016). Sural nerve conduction studies using ultrasound-guided needle positioning: Influence of age and recording location. Muscle & nerve, 54(5), pp. 879-882. John Wiley & Sons 10.1002/mus.25133

Vanbellingen, Tim; Kamm, Christian Philipp (2016). Neurorehabilitation Topics in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: From Outcome Measurements to Rehabilitation Interventions. Seminars in neurology, 36(2), pp. 196-202. Thieme 10.1055/s-0036-1579694

Verma, Rajeev Kumar; Slotboom, Johannes; Locher, Cäcilia; Heldner, Mirjam Rachel; Weisstanner, Christian; Abela, Eugenio; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; Zbinden, Martin; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Wiest, Roland (2016). Characterization of Enhancing MS Lesions by Dynamic Texture Parameter Analysis of Dynamic Susceptibility Perfusion Imaging. BioMed research international, 2016, p. 9578139. Hindawi Publishing Corporation 10.1155/2016/9578139

Disanto, Giulio; Benkert, Pascal; Lorscheider, Johannes; Mueller, Stefanie; Vehoff, Jochen; Zecca, Chiara; Ramseier, Simon; Achtnichts, Lutz; Findling, Oliver; Nedeltchev, Krassen; Radue, Ernst-Wilhelm; Sprenger, Till; Stippich, Christoph; Derfuss, Tobias; Louvion, Jean-François; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Mattle, Heinrich; Lotter, Christoph; Du Pasquier, Renaud; Schluep, Myriam; ... (2016). The Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Cohort-Study (SMSC): A Prospective Swiss Wide Investigation of Key Phases in Disease Evolution and New Treatment Options. PLoS ONE, 11(3), e0152347. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0152347

Kamm, Christian Philipp; Mattle, Heinrich P.; Müri, René Martin; Heldner, Mirjam Rachel; Blatter Arifi, Verena; Bartlome, Sandrine; Lüthy, Judith; Imboden, Debora; Pedrazzini, Giovanna Rachele Marilyn; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Hilfiker, Roger; Vanbellingen, Tim (2015). Home-based training to improve manual dexterity in patients with multiple sclerosis: A randomized controlled trial. Multiple sclerosis journal, 21(12), pp. 1546-1556. Sage 10.1177/1352458514565959

Zecca, Chiara; Heldner, Mirjam Rachel; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Riccitelli, Gianna C; Disanto, Giulio; Caporro, Matteo; Cianfoni, Alessandro; Pravatà, Emanuele; Gobbi, Claudio (2015). Natalizumab in spinal multiple sclerosis in a daily clinical setting. Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy, 15(5), pp. 633-640. Informa Healthcare 10.1517/14712598.2015.1025046

Findling, Oliver; Baltisberger, Magdalena; Jung, Simon; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Mattle, Heinrich P.; Sellner, Johann; Derfuss, Tobias (2015). Variables Related to Working Capability among Swiss Patients with Multiple Sclerosis—A Cohort Study. PLoS ONE, 10(4), e0121856. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0121856

Morrison, Cecily; D'Souza, Marcus; Huckvale, Kit; Dorn, Jonas F; Burggraaff, Jessica; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Steinheimer, Saskia Marie; Kontschieder, Peter; Criminisi, Antonio; Uitdehaag, Bernard; Dahlke, Frank; Kappos, Ludwig; Sellen, Abigail (2015). Usability and Acceptability of ASSESS MS: Assessment of Motor Dysfunction in Multiple Sclerosis Using Depth-Sensing Computer Vision. JMIR Human Factors, 2(1), e11. JMIR Publications 10.2196/humanfactors.4129

Kamm, Christian Philipp; Mattle, Heinrich P (2014). Neurologie: Neue Medikamente zur Behandlung der schubförmigen Multiplen Sklerose. Swiss Medical Forum, 14(51-52), pp. 981-982. EMH Swiss Medical Publishers

Kamm, Christian Philipp; El-Koussy, Marwan; Humpert, Sebastian Jörg; Findling, Oliver; Burren, Yuliya; Schwegler, Guido; Donati, Filippo; Müller, Andrea Martin; Slotboom, Johannes; Kappos, Ludwig; Naegelin, Yvonne; Mattle, Heinrich; Müller, Felix (2014). Atorvastatin added to interferon beta for relapsing multiple sclerosis: 12-month treatment extension of the randomized multicenter SWABIMS trial. PLoS ONE, 9(1), e86663. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0086663

Brugger, Florian; Schüpbach, Michael; Koenig, Michel; Müri, René Martin; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Kaelin, Alain; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Kägi, Georg (2014). The Clinical Spectrum of Ataxia with Oculomotor Apraxia Type 2. Movement disorders, 1(2), pp. 106-109. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/mdc3.12021

Heldner, Mirjam Rachel; Vanbellingen, Tim; Bohlhalter, Stephan; Mattle, H.P.; Müri, René Martin; Kamm, Christian Philipp (2014). The Coin Rotation Task: A Valid Test for Manual Dexterity in Multiple Sclerosis. Physical therapy, 94(11), pp. 1644-1651. American Physical Therapy Association, Inc. 10.2522/ptj.20130252

Kamm, Christian Philipp; Uitdehaag, Bernard M.; Polman, Chris H. (2014). Multiple Sclerosis: Current Knowledge and Future Outlook. European neurology, 72(3-4), pp. 132-141. Karger 10.1159/000360528

Verma, Rajeev Kumar; Slotboom, Johannes; Heldner, Mirjam Rachel; Kellner-Weldon, Frauke; Kottke, Raimund; Ozdoba, Christoph; Weisstanner, Christian; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Wiest, Roland (2013). Characterization of microcirculation in multiple sclerosis lesions by dynamic texture parameter analysis (DTPA). PLoS ONE, 8(7), e67610. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0067610

Kamm, Christian Philipp; El-Koussy, Marwan; Humpert, Sebastian; Findling, Oliver; von Bredow, Ferdinand; Burren, Yuliya; Schwegler, Guido; Schött, Dagmar; Donati, Filippo; Müller, Martin; Goebels, Norbert; Müller, Felix; Slotboom, Johannes; Tettenborn, Barbara; Kappos, Ludwig; Naegelin, Yvonne; Mattle, Heinrich Paul (2012). Atorvastatin added to interferon beta for relapsing multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of neurology, 259(11), pp. 2401-13. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00415-012-6513-7

Krull, Ina; Christ, Emanuel; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Ganter, Christoph; Sahli, Rahel (2010). Hyponatremia associated coma due to pituitary apoplexy in early pregnancy: a case report. Gynecological endocrinology, 26(3), pp. 197-200. London: Informa Healthcare 10.3109/09513590903184118

Kamm, Christian Philipp; Keserue, Borbala; Humpert, Sebastian; Wiest, Roland; Nedeltchev, Krassen; Hess, Christian Walter; Arnold, Marcel (2009). Campylobacter jejuni abscess, encephalomyelitis, and acute polyradiculoneuropathy. Muscle & nerve, 40(5), pp. 875-9. New York, N.Y.: John Wiley & Sons 10.1002/mus.21349

Conference or Workshop Item

Kontschieder, P; Dorn, J.F.; Morrison, C; Corish, R; Zikic, D; Sellen, A.; Souza, M.D.; Kamm, Christian Philipp; Burggraaff, J; Tewarie, P; Vogel, T; Azzarito, M; Glocker, B; Chin, P; Dahlke, F; Polman, C; Kappos, L; Uitdehaag, B; Criminisi, A (2014). Quantifying Progression of Multiple Sclerosis via Classification of Depth Videos. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2014, 17(Pt 2), pp. 429-437. Springer 10.1007/978-3-319-10470-6_54

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