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Felber, Sibylle J.; Zambrano, Sofia C.; Guffi, Tommaso; Schmitz, Felix M.; Brem, Beate G.; Schnabel, Kai P.; Guttormsen, Sissel; Eychmüller, Steffen (2024). How to talk about dying? The development of an evidence-based model for communication with patients in their last days of life and their family caregivers. PEC innovation, 5, p. 100309. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pecinn.2024.100309
Bauer, Daniel; Lörwald, Andrea C.; Wüst, Sandra; Beltraminelli, Helmut; Germano, Miria; Michel, Adrian; Schnabel, Kai P. (2021). Development, production and evaluation of 2-dimensional transfer tattoos to simulate skin conditions in health professions education. BMC medical education, 21(1), p. 350. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12909-021-02763-z
Guttormsen, Sissel; Schnabel, Kai P.; Langewitz, Wolf (2021). Epitaph Prof. Dr. med. Christof Jürg Daetwyler: *8.8.1964 – †11.12.2020. GMS Journal for Medical Education, 38(2), Doc35. German Medical Science 10.3205/zma001431
Bauer, Daniel; Germano, Miria; Stierlin, Johanna; Brem, Beate; Stöckli, Yvette; Schnabel, Kai P. (2020). Delivering a geriatric OSCE station in times of Covid-19 using makeup artistry. GMS Journal for Medical Education, 37(7), Doc89. German Medical Science 10.3205/zma001382
Fritsche, Vivien; Siol, Anna Franziska; Schnabel, Kai P.; Bauer, Daniel; Schubert, Johanna; Stoevesandt, Dietrich (2020). Use of simulation patients in the third section of the medical examination. GMS Journal for Medical Education, 37(7), Doc90. German Medical Science 10.3205/zma001383
Schmidt, Thorsten; Gazou, Anastasia; Rieß, Angelika; Rieß, Olaf; Grundmann-Hauser, Kathrin; Falb, Ruth; Schadeck, Malou; Heinrich, Tilman; Abeditashi, Mahkameh; Schmidt, Jana; Mau-Holzmann, Ulrike A.; Schnabel, Kai P. (2020). The impact of an audience response system on a summative assessment, a controlled field study. BMC medical education, 20(1), p. 218. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12909-020-02130-4
Monti, Matteo; Klöckner-Cronauer, Christina; Hautz, Stephanie C.; Schnabel, Kai P.; Breckwoldt, Jan; Junod-Perron, Noëlle; Feller, Sabine; Bonvin, Raphael; Huwendiek, Sören (2020). Improving the assessment of communication competencies in a national licensing OSCE: lessons learned from an experts’ symposium. BMC medical education, 20(1), p. 171. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12909-020-02079-4
Berger-Estilita, Joana M; Greif, Robert; Berendonk, Christoph; Stricker, Daniel; Schnabel, Kai P. (2020). Simulated patient-based teaching of medical students improves pre-anaesthetic assessment: A rater-blinded randomised controlled trial. European journal of anaesthesiology, 37(5), pp. 387-393. Wolters Kluwer 10.1097/EJA.0000000000001139
Kiessling, Claudia; Rotthoff, Thomas; Schnabel, Kai P.; Stosch, Christoph; Begenau, Jutta (2019). 20 years of model curricula in German-speaking countries. GMS Journal for Medical Education, 36(5) German Medical Science 10.3205/zma001273
Damanakis, Alexander; Blaum, Wolf E.; Stosch, Christoph; Lauener, Hansjörg; Richter, Sabine; Schnabel, Kai P. (2013). Simulator Network project report: a tool for improvement of teaching materials and targeted resource usage in Skills Labs. GMS Zeitschrift für medizinische Ausbildung, 30(1), Doc4. German Medical Science 10.3205/zma000847
Feron, Leon; Schnabel, Kai P.; Schüttpelz-Brauns, Katrin (29 September 2023). Die Münze ist gefallen oder warum sich die Auswahl des Randomisierungsverfahrens nach den Voraussetzungen des Experimentes richtet. In: Schüttpelz-Brauns, Katrin; Böhm-Fischer, Annina; Krause, Bodo (eds.) Workshop des Zentrums für empirische Evaluationsmethoden e. V. Empirische Evaluationsmethoden: Vol. 25 (pp. 7-18). Berlin: ZeE Verlag
Guffi, Tommaso; Brem, Beate; Felber, Sibylle Jeanine; Schmitz, Felix M.; Schnabel, Kai P.; Guttormsen Schär, Sissel; Eychmüller, Steffen; Zambrano, Sofia C. (April 2023). Identifying the essentials of communicating about imminent death from key stakeholders' perspectives. Patent education and counseling, 109(Supplement), p. 13. Elsevier 10.1016/j.pec.2022.10.039
Brem, Beate G.; Bauer, Daniel; Hitzblech, Tanja; Schnabel, Kai P. (17 March 2023). Ausbildung zum Experten in der Arbeit mit Simulationspersonen (SP) – ein praktisches Beispiel. In: 17. Internationales Skills Lab Symposium. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House 10.3205/23isls23
Schüttpelz-Brauns, Katrin; Schnabel, Kai P.; Stosch, Christoph (September 2021). Neue Einsatzgebiete von Schauspielern in Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung in diversen Gesundheitsberufen. In: Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA). Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House 10.3205/21gma177
Brem, Beate; Peng-Keller, Simon; Schnabel, Kai P.; Guttormsen Schär, Sissel (19 March 2021). Einbezug ganzheitlicher Behandlungs- und Pflegestrategien in die Patientenversorgung: Vermittlung eines Kommunikationsmodells zur "Spiritual Care" mittels blended learning: ein Pilotprojekt. In: 15. Internationales Skills Lab Symposium. Abstractband. German Medical Science GMS Publishing House 10.3205/21isls21
Brem, Beate G.; Schnabel, Kai P.; Woermann, Ulrich (March 2019). Haltungen und Einstellungen in der Arzt-Patient Kommunikation – Wie kann man das vermitteln? In: 14. Internationales SkillsLab Symposium (p. 20). Düsseldorf: German Medical Science 10.3205/19isls032