Ströbel, Tim

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Number of items: 40.

Journal Article

Stegmann, Pascal; Ströbel, Tim; Woratschek, Herbert (2024). Categorizing engagement behavior in sport brand communities – an empirical study informed by social practice theory. Sport management review, pp. 1-28. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 10.1080/14413523.2024.2329826

Anderski, Matthias; Griebel, Lars; Stegmann, Pascal; Ströbel, Tim (2023). Empowerment of human brands: Brand meaning co-creation on digital engagement platforms. Journal of business research, 166 Elsevier 10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.113905

Brand, Lars; Stegmann, Pascal; Ströbel, Tim (2023). Rethinking brand management within sport: advancing towards the integrative sport brand ecosystem (ISBE). European Sport management quarterly Taylor & Francis 10.1080/16184742.2023.2264316

Stegmann, Pascal; Matyas, Daniel; Ströbel, Tim (2023). Hype or opportunity? Tokenization as engagement platform in sport marketing. International journal of sports marketing & sponsorship, 24(4), pp. 722-736. Emerald 10.1108/IJSMS-08-2022-0157

Moesch, Christian; Christen, Samuel; Ströbel, Tim (2022). It's getting tight in the Alps - challenges and implications of the e-mountain bike boom for sustainable tourism management. International journal of sport management and marketing IJSMM, 22(1/2), pp. 73-95. Inderscience Enterprises Limited 10.1504/IJSMM.2022.10045433

Stegmann, Pascal; Nagel, Siegfried; Ströbel, Tim (2021). The digital transformation of value co-creation: a scoping review towards an agenda for sport marketing research. European Sport management quarterly, 23(4), pp. 1221-1248. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/16184742.2021.1976241

Ströbel, Tim; Stieler, Maximilian; Stegmann, Pascal (2021). Guest editorial. Digital transformation in sport: the disruptive potential of digitalization for sport management research. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 11(1), pp. 1-9. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 10.1108/SBM-03-2021-124

Moesch, Christian; Marklowski, Tim; Ströbel, Tim (2020). Funktionalität oder Nachhaltigkeit? Eine Bestandsaufnahme im Schweizer Bergsportmarkt. Marketing Review St. Gallen - die neue Thexis, 4 / 2020, pp. 888-894. Springer Gabler

Stegmann, Pascal; Scheitlin, Yannick; Ströbel, Tim (2020). Interaktionspotenziale im Rahmen der Marketingkommunikation auf sozialen Netzwerkplattformen am Beispiel eines Schweizer Fußballklubs. Transfer, 66(1), pp. 12-19. DWG

Lang, Grazia; Ströbel, Tim; Nagel, Siegfried (2019). Professionalization forms in mixed sport industries: is it time to rethink the stereotypes of non-profit and for-profit sport organizations? Managing sport and leisure, 24(4), pp. 208-225. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/23750472.2019.1611470

Kaiser, Mario; Ströbel, Tim; Woratschek, Herbert; Durchholz, Christian (2019). How well do you know your spectators? A study on spectator segmentation based on preference analysis and willingness to pay for tickets. European Sport management quarterly, 19(2), pp. 178-200. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/16184742.2018.1499790

Ströbel, Tim; Woratschek, Herbert; Durchholz, Christian (2019). Clothes make the fan: The effect of team merchandise unsage on team identification, fan satisfaction and team loyalty. Journal of global sport management, 6(2), pp. 185-202. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/24704067.2018.1531354

Moesch, Christian; Ströbel, Tim; Preite, Marco (2018). Tu Gutes und sprich darüber - Beurteilung von CSR-Aktivitäten professioneller Fussballclubs in der Swiss Football League. Transfer, 64(2), pp. 54-63. DWG

O'Reilly, Norm; Ströbel, Tim; Pfahl, Michael; Kahler, James (2018). An Empirical Exploration of Sponsorship Sales in North American Professional Sport: Is It Time to Rethink Our Approach? Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 8(1), pp. 15-34. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 10.1108/SBM-07-2016-0035

Ströbel, Tim; Maier, Christopher; Woratschek, Herbert (2018). How to reduce turnover intention in team sports? Effect of organizational support on turnover intention of professional team sports athletes. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 8(2), pp. 98-117. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 10.1108/SBM-05-2017-0032

Ströbel, Tim; Hüttermann, Marcel; Hannich, Frank; Nagel, Siegfried (2018). Die Inszenierung von Markenerlebnissen im Sport: Eine Fallstudienanalyse der Vereinsmarke FC St. Pauli. Marketing Review St. Gallen - die neue Thexis, 5, pp. 82-89. Springer Gabler

Woratschek, Herbert; Durchholz, Christian; Maier, Christopher; Ströbel, Tim (2017). Innovations in Sport Management: The Role of Motivations and Value Cocreation at Public Viewing Events. Event Management, 21(1), pp. 1-12. Cognizant Communication Corporation 10.3727/152599516X14786350337262

Ströbel, Tim (2017). Buchbesprechung zu «Gibt es noch Marken in der Zukunft? Hybrid Brands – eine Zukunftsvision für starke Marken». Transfer, 63(4), p. 81. DWG

Maier, Christopher; Woratschek, Herbert; Ströbel, Tim; Popp, Bastian (2016). Is It Really All About Money? A Study on Incentives in Elite Team Sports. European Sport management quarterly, 16(5), pp. 592-612. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/16184742.2016.1188841

Newspaper or Magazine Article

Ströbel, Tim; Stieler, Maximilian; Woratschek, Herbert; Germelmann, Claas Christian (2017). Emotionsforschung – Stimmung, Gefühl und Affekt im Marketing. SMAB Research Series(002), pp. 1-21. SMAB Verlag

Book Section

Schönberner, Jan; Ströbel, Tim; Woratschek, Herbert (2019). Sport Sponsorship Objectives (In Press). In: Hehr, M.; Cortsen, K. (eds.) Sportsindustrien og dens omverden - ledelse og kommercialisering i sport [The sports industry and its surroundings - management and commercialization in sports]. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Publishers

Buser, Markus; Ströbel, Tim; Woratschek, Herbert (2019). Sport Sponsoring as Platform for Engagement (In Press). In: Hehr, M.; Cortsen, K. (eds.) Sportsindustrien og dens omverden - ledelse og kommercialisering i sport [The sports industry and its surroundings - management and commercialization in sports]. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Publishers

Ströbel, Tim; Woratschek, Herbert (2019). Sportmarken – Von traditionellen Ansätzen der Markenführung hin zum vernetzten Branding. In: Nowak, Gerhard (ed.) Angewandte Sportökonomie des 21. Jahrhunderts (pp. 27-50). Wiesbaden: Springer 10.1007/978-3-658-26968-5_2

Woratschek, Herbert; Schafmeister, Guido; Ströbel, Tim (2018). Export of National Sport Leagues. In: Routledge Handbook of International Sport Business. Routledge International Handbooks (pp. 3-14). Abingdon, New York: Routledge

Ströbel, Tim; Moesch, Christian; Buser, Sarina (2018). Inszenierung von Erlebnissen im touristischen Wettbewerb – Eine Fallstudie am Beispiel des Eiger Ultra Trails. In: Nowak, Gerhard (ed.) (Regional-)Entwicklung des Sports. Sportökonomie: Vol. 20 (pp. 193-206). Schorndorf: Hofmann


Ströbel, Tim; Breitbarth, Tim; Kempf, Hippolyt; Germelmann, Claas Christian; Nagel, Siegfried (eds.) (2017). The 25th EASM Conference, 5-8 September 2017, Bern and Magglingen, Switzerland, Challenges and Developments of Sport Organisations, Book of Abstracts. Bern: University of Bern, Bern Open Publishing

Conference or Workshop Item

Stegmann, Pascal; Moesch, Christian; Ströbel, Tim (September 2023). Sport in a Post-Growth Society: Potential Challenges and Opportunities. In: 31st Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM). Conference Proceedings. Belfast. 12.-15.09.2024.

Stegmann, Pascal; Ströbel, Tim; O’Reilly, Norm (2022). Engagement behavior on digital engagement platforms in sport: An experimental study on the effects of actor embeddedness. In: 30th EASM Conference. Book of abstracts (pp. 108-110). European Association for Sport Management

Stegmann, Pascal; O’Reilly, N.; Ströbel, Tim (2022). The Impact of Actor Embeddedness on Digital Engagement Platforms in Sport Marketing: An experimental study on actor engagement behavior. In: 37th Annual NASSM Conference. Atlanta. 02.-04.06.2022.

Anderski, Matthias; Griebel, Lars; Stegmann, Pascal; Ströbel, Tim (December 2021). The Role of Digital Engagement Platforms for Athlete Branding. In: FISU World Conference ; 30th Winter Universiade. Book of Abstracts. online (Luzern). 13.-14.12.2021.

Anderski, Matthias; Griebel, Lars; Stegmann, Pascal; Ströbel, Tim (2021). Empowerment of Human Brands - Brand Meaning Co-Creation on Digital Engagement Platforms. In: 29th European Sport Management Conference. online. 27.5.-19.11.2021.

Stegmann, Pascal; Ströbel, Tim; Nagel, Siegfried (September 2019). Digital transformation of value creation on sport platforms: A case study analysis. In: 27th European Sport Management Conference. Connecting sport practice & science. Book of abstracts (pp. 352-354). Sevilla: Universidad Pablo Olavide

Lang, Grazia; Ströbel, Tim; Nagel, Siegfried (8 February 2018). Vom Sportverein zur Aktiengesellschaft: Ist die Rechtsform massgeblich für professionalisiertes Management? In: 10. Jahrestagung der sportwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft der Schweiz (SGS). Magglingen. 8./9.02.2018.

Lang, Grazia; Ströbel, Tim; Nagel, Siegfried (6 September 2017). From Sport Club To Stock Company: Does The Legal Form Matter To Professionalised Sport Management? (Unpublished). In: The 25th EASM Conference. Bern and Magglingen. 05.09.2017-08.09.2017.

Ströbel, Tim; Herbert, Woratschek; Winterstein, Tom (5 September 2017). Have You Thought About The Club’s Image? The Role Of Sport Club Image For Sponsoring Goals. In: 25th Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM), Book of Abstracts (pp. 479-480). Bern: University of Bern, Bern Open Publishing

Lang, Grazia; Ströbel, Tim; Nagel, Siegfried (September 2017). From Sport Club To Stock Company: Does Legal Form Matter For Professionalised Management in Sport? In: 25th Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM), Book of Abstracts (pp. 410-411). Bern: University of Bern, Bern Open Publishing

Kaiser, Mario; Ströbel, Tim; Woratschek, Herbert (6 June 2017). How to Avoid Fan Protests Against Ticket Prices – An Empirical Analysis in German Basketball. In: 2nd WASM World Conference. Kaunas. 20.06.2017-23.06.2017.

Ströbel, Tim; Moesch, Christian; Buser, Sarina (2017). Inszenierung von Erlebnissen im touristischen Wettbewerb – Eine Fallstudie am Beispiel des Eiger Ultra Trails. In: 21. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Sportökonomie. Die Bedeutung der Sportökonomie für die (Regional-)Entwicklung des Sports. Book of Abstracts. Düsseldorf. 30.06.2017-01.07.2017.

Kaiser, Mario; Ströbel, Tim; Woratschek, Herbert (9 September 2016). Preference Analysis and Willingness-to-Pay for Sport Tickets - A Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis in German Basketball. In: 24th Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM). Warschau. 07.-10.09.2016.

Ströbel, Tim; Woratschek, Herbert; Maier, Christopher (8 September 2016). The Development of a Value-Based Performance Measurement System for Sport Leagues – The Case of a German Junior Sport League. In: 24th Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM). Warschau. 08.09.2016.

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