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Schwarz, Daniel (2019). Schau mal, wer da spricht: die Verteilung der Reden im Parlament. In: Bühlmann, Marc; Heidelberger, Anja; Schaub, Hans-Peter (eds.) Konkordanz im Parlament : Entscheidungsfindung zwischen Kooperation und Konkurrenz. Politik und Gesellschaft in der Schweiz: Vol. 10 (pp. 57-70). Basel: NZZ Libro

Francois, Joseph; Baughman, Laura M. (2018). Does Import Protection Save Jobs? The Estimated Impacts of Proposed Tariffs on Imports of U.S. Steel and Aluminum Washington, DC: The Trade Partnership

Oberdabernig, Doris Anita (November 2017). Determinants of IMF lending: How different is Sub-Saharan Africa? Bern, Switzerland: World Trade Institute

Elsig, Manfred (13 June 2017). Am Wendepunkt: Gespräch mit Manfred Elsig, Direktor des Nationalen Forschungsschwerpunkts NCCR Trade Regulation, mit Timm Eugster. In: Unipress. Bern: Unipress

Elsig, Manfred (2 February 2017). Die wilde Entschlossenheit des neuen US-Präsidenten Donald Trump (Radio Interview). In: Radio SRF 1 Forum.

Elsig, Manfred (24 January 2017). Team Trump: Was kommt auf uns zu? (TV Interview). In: SRF Club.

Ingold, Karin; Liebherr, Eva; Fischer, Manuel; Steinmann, Kathrin (11 January 2017). Pathways to new water management systems: regionalized water supply and wastewater systems in Switzerland (Unpublished). In: Swiss Political Science Association (SPSA) Annual Conference. St. Gallen, Switzerland. 11.01.-12.01.2017.

Gerber, Marlène; Porcellana, Diane (2017). Ausgewählte Beiträge zur Schweizer Politik: Raumplanung und Wohnungswesen, 2017. In: Année Politique Suisse. Universität Bern, Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Elsig, Manfred; Klotz, Sebastian (2017). Behind-the-border measures and the new generation of trade agreements: TBT and SPS compared (WTI Working Paper Series 03/2017). Bern: World Trade Institute

Elsig, Manfred (20 September 2016). Freihandel in der Krise? Interview mit Manfred Elsig (TV Interview). In: Deutsche Welle, Made in Germany: das Wirtschaftsmagazin.

Elsig, Manfred (12 September 2016). Globalisierung und Freihandel werden immer mehr hinterfragt (Radiointerview von Nicoletta Cimmino mit Manfred Elsig). In: SRF Echo der Zeit.

Ingold, Karin; Fischer, Manuel (8 September 2016). Inside and outside lobbying strategies of advocacy coalition members (Unpublished). In: ECPR General Conference. Prague, Czech Republic. 07.09.-10.09.2016.

Huber, Peter; Oberdabernig, Doris Anita (2016). The impact of welfare benefits on natives' and immigrants' attitudes towards immigration. European journal of political economy, 44, pp. 53-78. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2016.05.003

Oberdabernig, Doris Anita (June 2016). Employment effects of innovation in developing countries: A summary (r4d Working Paper 2016/2). Bern, Switzerland: World Trade Institute, University of Bern

Hümbelin, Oliver; Farys, Rudolf (11 May 2016). Zwischen Armut und Ungleichheit.

Huber, Peter; Oberdabernig, Doris Anita (2016). Decomposing Welfare Wedges: An Analysis of Welfare Dependence of Immigrants and Natives in Europe. Kyklos, 69(1), pp. 82-107. Wiley-Blackwell

Stadelmann-Steffen, Isabelle; Dermont, Clau; Kammermann, Lorenz; Ingold, Karin (21 January 2016). Refining the concept of acceptance: Combining policy studies with political behavior (Unpublished). In: Jahreskongress 2016 der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft - "Die Krise in der Ukraine: Reaktionen der internationalen Gemeinschaft". Basel. 21.-22.01.2016.

Oberdabernig, Doris Anita (10 April 2015). The impact of welfare benefits on natives' and immigrants' attitudes towards immigration (Unpublished). In: ISW Workshop, Empirical Economics, University of Innsbruck. Innsbruck, Austria. 10.04.2015.

Oberdabernig, Doris Anita (26 March 2015). Technology and productivity in developing countries: A survey of the literature (r4d Working Paper 2015/9). Bern: World Trade Institute, University of Bern

Oberdabernig, Doris Anita; Schneebaum, Alyssa (2015). Catching-up: The educational mobility of migrants’ and natives’ children in Europe (Unpublished) NCCR Working Papers

Cardona, Melisande; Duch-Brown, Nestor; Francois, Joseph; Martens, Bertin; Yang, Fan (2015). The Macro-economic Impact of e-Commerce in the EU Digital Single Market (JRC Technical Reports, Digital Economy Working Paper 2015/9 JRC98272). Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies

Oberdabernig, Doris Anita (25 November 2014). Redistribution and attitudes toward immigrants: A European perspective (Unpublished). In: Research Seminar. Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Sevilla, Spain. 25.11.2014.

Ingold, Karin; Fischer, Manuel; Ivanova, Svetlana (September 2014). Information exchange among political actors: the case of unconventional gas extraction and regulation in the UK (Unpublished). In: ECPR General Conference. Glasgow. 03.-06.09.2014.

Oberdabernig, Doris Anita (July 2014). Redistribution and attitudes toward immigrants: A European perspective (Unpublished). In: Globalization and the Modeling of Medium-Term Trends. Research Retreat and Applied Modeling Workshop. Anghiari, Italy. July 2014.

Cottier, Thomas; Egger, Peter; Francois, Joseph; Manchin, Miriam; Shingal, Anirudh; Sieber, Charlotte (2014). Potential Impacts of a EU-­US Free Trade Agreement on the Swiss Economy and External Economic Relations Bern: World Trade Institute

Ingold, Karin; Fischer, Manuel; Christopoulos, Dimitri (July 2014). Brokerage and Entrepreneurship in Policy Networks: A Longitudinal Analysis of Strategic Behavior (Unpublished). In: 1st European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN). Barcelona. 01.-04.07.2014.

Cottier, Thomas; Francois, Joseph; Shingal, Anirudh; Sieber, Charlotte (2014). Un accord entre l'UE et les États-Unis sur le commerce et l'investissement affectera inévitablement la Suisse. Volkswirtschaft - das Magazin für Wirtschaftspolitik, 87(7/8), pp. 53-56. Swissprinters St.Gallen AG

Gerber, Marlène (2014). Kultur, Sprachen, Kirchen. In: Bühlmann, Marc (ed.) Année politique suisse, Schweizerische Politik 49(2013) (pp. 396-408). Universität Bern: Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Hevenstone, Debra (30 November 2013). The marriage matching problem with information limited by social networks. In: Rational Choice Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications. November 2013.

Andonova, Liliana; Elsig, Manfred (2012). Informal International Lawmaking: A Conceptual View from International Relations. In: Pauwelyn, Joost; Wessel, Ramses; Wouters, Jan (eds.) Informal International Lawmaking (pp. 63-80). Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199658589.003.0004

Collard, Fabrice; Dellas, Harris (2012). Flexible prices and the business cycle. Journal of money, credit and banking, 4(1), pp. 221-233. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1538-4616.2011.00474.x

Thom, Norbert; Müller, Renato Christof (21 July 2011). Nykyjohtjy käjttää uusia medioita (Die heutigen Führungskräfte verwenden die neuen Medien: Kompromiss – Die neuen Medien beschleunigen die Arbeitsvorgänge, sind aber nicht für alle Situationen geeignet). Louteisväylä(29), p. 8.

Baccini, Leonardo; Dür, Andreas; Elsig, Manfred; Milewicz, Karolina (16 June 2011). The Design of Preferential Trade Agreements: A New Dataset in the Making (Unpublished) (World Trade Organization Staff Working Paper ERSD-2011-10). Geneva, Switzerland: World Trade Organization

Freitag, Markus; Stadelmann-Steffen, Isabelle (2009). Schweizer Welten der Freiwilligkeit - das freiwillige Engagement der Schweiz im sprachregionalen Kontext. In: Suter, Christian; Perrenoud, Silvia; Levy, René; Kuhn, Ursina; Joye, Dominique; Gazareth, Pascale (eds.) Sozialbericht 2008. Die Schweiz vermessen und verglichen (pp. 170-190). Zürich: Seismo

Rüefli, Christian; Vatter, Adrian (2008). Politische Steuerung im schweizerischen Föderalismus am Beispiel der stationären Gesundheitsversorgung. In: Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismus-Forschung, (ed.) Jahrbuch des Föderalismus: Föderalismus, Subsidiarität und Regionen in Europa, Band 9(2008). Jahrbuch des Föderalismus: Vol. 9/2008 (pp. 458-472). Baden-Baden: Nomos

Freitag, Markus; Wagschal, Uwe (eds.) (2007). Direkte Demokratie. Bestandsaufnahmen und Wirkungen im internationalen Vergleich. Policy-Forschung und Vergleichende Regierungslehre: Vol. 3. Berlin: LIT

Franzen, Axel; Freitag, Markus (eds.) (2007). Sozialkapital. Grundlagen und Anwendung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag

Vatter, Adrian (2007). Direkte Demokratie in der Schweiz: Entwicklungen, Debatten und Wirkungen. In: Freitag, Markus; Wagschal, Uwe (eds.) Direkte Demokratie im internationalen Vergleich: Bestandesaufnahmen und Wirkungen (pp. 71-113). Berlin: LIT

Bühlmann, Marc; Sager, Fritz; Vatter, Adrian (2006). Verteidigungspolitik in der direkten Demokratie. Eine Analyse der sicherheits- und militärpolitischen Abstimmungen in der Schweiz zwischen 1980 und 2005. Zürich: Rüegger

Vatter, Adrian (2006). Föderalismusreform. Wirkungsweise und Reformansätze föderativer Institutionen in der Schweiz. Zürich: NZZ Libro

Bühlmann, Marc; Freitag, Markus (2006). Freiwilligkeit als soziales Kapital der Gesellschaft. Makrosoziologische Untersuchungen für die Schweizer Kantone. In: Farago, Peter; Ammann, Herbert (eds.) Monetarisierung der Freiwilligkeit. Referate und Zusammenfassungen der 5. Tagung der Freiwilligenuniversität vom 30.-31.5.2005 in Luzern. Freiwilligkeit: Vol. 3 (pp. 109-117). Zürich: Seismo


Spälti, Anna Katharina; Lyons, Benjamin; Stoeckel, Florian; Stöckli, Sabrina; Szewach, Paula; Mérola, Vittorio; Stednitz, Christine; López González, Paola; Reifler, Jason (2023). Partisanship and anti-elite worldviews as correlates of science and health beliefs in the multi-party system of Spain. Public understanding of science (Bristol, England), 32(6), pp. 761-780. Sage 10.1177/09636625231154131

Ernst, Robin-Alexander; Gerken, Maike; Hack, Andreas; Hülsbeck, Marcel (2022). SMES’ reluctance to embrace corporate sustainability: The effect of stakeholder pressure on self-determination and the role of social proximity. Journal of cleaner production, 335, p. 130273. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.130273

Huber, Thomas L.; Dibbern, Jens; Fischer, Thomas (2020). How and Why Software Outsourcing Projects Drift—An Actor-Network-Theoretic Investigation of Control Processes. In: Hirschheim, Rudy; Heinzl, Armin; Dibbern, Jens (eds.) Information Systems Outsourcing: The Era of Digital Transformation. Progress in IS (pp. 277-312). Springer Nature 10.1007/978-3-030-45819-5_12

Berardo, Ramiro; Fischer, Manuel; Hamilton, Matthew (2020). Collaborative Governance and the Challenges of Network-Based Research. The American review of public administration, 50(8), pp. 898-913. Sage 10.1177/0275074020927792

Ingold, Karin; Stadelmann, Isabelle; Kammermann, Lorenz (2019). The acceptance of instruments in instrument mix situations: Citizens’ perspective on Swiss energy transition. Research policy, 48(10), p. 103694. Elsevier 10.1016/j.respol.2018.10.018

Davies, Ronald; Francois, Joseph (1 October 2018). Hard Brexit, hard decisions, and ‘Irexit’. Vox - CEPR policy portal Centre for Economic Policy Research

Fernández-Amador, Octavio; Francois, Joseph F.; Oberdabernig, Doris A.; Tomberger, Patrick (2018). Empirical estimates of the methane–income elasticity. Economics letters, 171, pp. 137-139. Elsevier 10.1016/j.econlet.2018.07.012

Bekkers, Eddy; Francois, Joseph; Rojas-Romagosa, Hugo (8 August 2018). Melting ice caps will open the northern sea to commercial traffic and change world trade patterns. LSE Business Review blog London School of Economics

Francois, Joseph; Manchin, Miriam (2018). Market power in distribution and pass‐through for consumers and producers. Review of International Economics, 27(1), pp. 290-312. Wiley 10.1111/roie.12376

Oberdabernig, Doris Anita; Humer, Stefan; Crespo Cuaresma, Jesus (2018). Democracy, Geography and Model Uncertainty. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 65(2), pp. 154-185. Wiley 10.1111/sjpe.12140

Francois, Joseph; Whittaker, Janet (2018). Colombia – Measures Relating to the Importation of Textiles, Apparel and Footwear (DS461). World trade review, 17(02), pp. 335-352. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S1474745617000623

Bekkers, Eddy Henricus; Francois, Joseph (2018). A parsimonious approach to incorporate firm heterogeneity in cge-models. Journal of Global Economic Analysis, 3(2), pp. 1-68. Center for Global Trade Analysis 10.21642/JGEA.030201AF

Davies, Ronald B:; Francois, Joseph (2018). Making the Worst of a Bad Situation: A Note on Irexit. The Economic and Social Review, 49(4), pp. 455-462. Economic and Social Studies

Fischer, Manuel (2017). Political Networks in Europe. In: Victor, Jennifer Nicoll; Montgomery, Alexander H.; Lubell, Mark (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Political Networks (pp. 833-854). Oxford University Press

Allee, Todd; Elsig, Manfred; Lugg, Andrew (2017). The Ties between the World Trade Organization and Preferential Trade Agreements: A Textual Analysis. Journal of international economic law, 20(2), pp. 333-363. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jiel/jgx009

Elsig, Manfred; Hoekman, Bernard; Pauwelyn, Joost (eds.) (2017). Assessing the World Trade Organization: Fit for Purpose? World Trade Forum Series. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781108147644

Elsig, Manfred; Hoekman, Bernard; Pauwelyn, Joost (2017). Introduction. In: Elsig, Manfred; Hoekman, Bernard; Pauwelyn, Joost (eds.) Assessing the World Trade Organization: Fit for Purpose? World Trade Forum Series (pp. 3-11). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press

Elsig, Manfred; Hoekman, Bernard; Pauwelyn, Joost (2017). Thinking about the Performance of the World Trade Organization: A Discussion Across Disciplines. In: Elsig, Manfred; Hoekman, Bernard; Pauwelyn, Joost (eds.) Assessing the World Trade Organization: Fit for Purpose? World Trade Forum Series (pp. 12-42). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press

Allee, Todd; Elsig, Manfred (2017). The Presence of the WTO within Preferential Trade Agreements. In: Elsig, Manfred; Hoekman, Bernard; Pauwelyn, Joost (eds.) Assessing the World Trade Organization: Fit for Purpose? World Trade Forum Series (pp. 321-343). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press

Elsig, Manfred; Dupont, Cédric (2017). Performance and International Organisations’ Borders: The Case of the World Trade Organization. In: Elsig, Manfred; Hoekman, Bernard; Pauwelyn, Joost (eds.) Assessing the World Trade Organization: Fit for Purpose? World Trade Forum Series (pp. 376-403). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press

Allee, Todd; Elsig, Manfred; Lugg, Andrew (2017). Is the European Union Trade Deal with Canada New or Recycled? A Text-as-data Approach. Global Policy, 8(2), pp. 246-252. Durham University and John Wiley & Sons Ltd 10.1111/1758-5899.12420

Francois, Joseph; Baughman, Laura (16 February 2017). Who’s Really Paying for the Wall?: If It’s With a Tariff on Mexican Goods, the US Economy Pays. Global Trade Magazine Abundant Life Media

Elsig, Manfred (2017). Legalization in context: The design of the WTO’s dispute settlement system. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 19(2), pp. 304-319. Sage 10.1177/1369148117690890

Elsig, Manfred; Shaffer, Gregory; Puig, Sergio (2017). The Law and Politics of WTO Dispute Settlement. In: Sandholtz, Wayne; Whytock, Christopher A. (eds.) Research Handbook on the Politics of International Law. Research Handbooks in International Law (pp. 269-306). Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar 10.4337/9781783473984

Yang, Fan; Urban, Kirsten; Brockmeier, Martina; Bekkers, Eddy; Francois, Joseph (2017). Impact of increasing agricultural domestic support on China’s food prices considering incomplete international agricultural price transmission. China Agricultural Economic Review, 9(4), pp. 535-557. Emerald 10.1108/CAER-01-2016-0001

Elsig, Manfred (9 November 2016). Das ist ein Votum gegen das Establishment (Interview von O. Fischer mit Manfred Elsig). 20 Minuten Online

Müller, Sean; Gerber, Marlène (2016). The Parliamentary and Executive Elections in Switzerland, 2015. Electoral studies, 43, pp. 194-197. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.electstud.2016.06.002

Bekkers, Eddy Henricus; Francois, Joseph; Manchin, Miriam (2016). Trade Costs, Quality, and The Skill Premium. Canadian Journal of Economics, 49(3), pp. 1153-1178. Bern: Canadian economics association

Pelkmans, Jaques; Weinian, Hu; Frederica, Mustilli; Di Salvo, Mattia; Francois, Joseph; Bekkers, Eddy Henricus; Manchin, Miriam; Tomberger, Patrick (2016). Tomorrow’s Silk Road: Assessing an EU-China Free Trade Agreement. Brussels: Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS)

Fernandez-Amador, Octavio; Francois, Joseph; Tomberger, Patrick (2016). Carbon dioxide emissions and international trade at the turn of the millennium. Ecological economics, 125, pp. 14-26. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2016.01.005

Fischer, Manuel; Maggetti, Martino (2016). Qualitative Comparative Analysis and the Study of Policy Processes. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 19(4), pp. 345-361. Routledge 10.1080/13876988.2016.1149281

Calì, Massimiliano; Francois, Joseph; Hollweg, Claire H.; Manchin, Miriam; Oberdabernig, Doris Anita; Rojas-Romagosa, Hugo; Rubinova, Stela; Tomberger, Patrick (March 2016). The Labor Content of Exports Database (Policy Research Working Paper 7615). World Bank Group, Trade and Competitiveness Global Practice Group

Lienhard, Andreas; Balthasar, Andreas; Feller-Länzlinger, Ruth; Amberg, Helen; Ochsenbein, Nina Sarah (2016). Überprüfung des Finanzierungsmodells der familienergänzenden Kinderbetreuung in der Stadt Zürich. Bericht zuhanden des Sozialdepartements der Stadt Zürich Institut für öffentliches Recht

Erb, Simon; Knolmayer, Gerhard (January 2016). Coercive, Normative, and Mimetic Influences on the Assimilation of BCM in Outsourcing Relationships (Unpublished). In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-49). Kauai. 05.-08.01.2016.

Fischer, Manuel; Sciarini, Pascal (2016). Drivers of Collaboration in Political Decision Making: A Cross-Sector Perspective. Journal of Politics, 78(1), pp. 63-74. The University of Chicago Press 10.1086/683061

Bekkers, Eddy Henricus (2016). Firm Heterogeneity, Endogenous Quality, and Traded Goods Prices. The World Economy, 39(1), pp. 72-96. Wiley & Sons 10.1111/twec.12244

Francois, Joseph; Berden, Koen; Pelkmans, Jacques; Messerlin, Patrick; Frydman, Jan; Schikfus, Marie-Theres von; Felbermayr, Gabriel; Marengo, Umberto; Renda, Andrea; Baetens, Freya; Tietje, Christian; Berkum, Siemen van; Hartwell, Chris; Teresinski, Jan (2016). TTIP and the EU Member States: An assessment of the economic impact of an ambitious Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership at EU Member State Level Bern: World Trade Institute, University of Bern

Bekkers, Eddy Henricus; Francois, Joseph; Rojas-Romagosa, Hugo (2016). Melting Ice Caps and the Economic Impact of Opening the Northern Sea Route. Economic journal, 128(610), pp. 1095-1127. The Hague: Wiley 10.1111/ecoj.12460

Fernandez-Amador, Octavio; Francois, Joseph; Tomberger, Patrick (2016). MRIO Linkages and Switzerland’s CO2 Profile. Journal Aussenwirtschaft, 67(3), pp. 47-63. Swiss Institute for International Economics and Applied Economic Research, University of St. Gallen

Francois, Joseph; Countryman, Amanda; Rojas-Romagosa, Hugo (2016). Melting ice caps: implications for Asian trade with North America and Europe. International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, 9(4), pp. 325-369. Inderscience 10.1504/IJTGM.2016.10002005

Francois, Joseph; Manchin, Miriam; Tomberger, Patrick (2015). Services Linkages and the Value Added Content of Trade. World Economy, 38(11), pp. 1631-1649. Wiley 10.1111/twec.12307

Fischer, Manuel (2015). Collaboration patterns, external shocks and uncertainty: Swiss nuclear energy politics before and after Fukushima. Energy policy, 86, pp. 520-528. Elsevier 10.1016/j.enpol.2015.08.007

Eckhardt, Jappe; Elsig, Manfred (2015). Support for International Trade Law: The US and the EU Compared. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 13(4), pp. 966-986. Oxford University Press 10.1093/icon/mov056

Christen, Elisabeth; Francois, Joseph (2015). Modes of Supply for US Exports of Services. The World Economy, 40(3), pp. 517-531. London: Wiley & Sons 10.1111/twec.12330

Yang, Fan; Bekkers, Eddy Henricus; Brockmeier, Martina; Francois, Joseph (2015). Food Price Pass-Through and the Role of Domestic Margin Services. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 66(3), pp. 796-811. Wiley 10.1111/1477-9552.12110

Fischer, Manuel; Sciarini, Pascal (2015). Unpacking reputational power: Intended and unintended determinants of the assessment of actors' power. Social Networks, 42(July), pp. 60-71. Elsevier 10.1016/j.socnet.2015.02.008

Davies, Ron; Francois, Joseph (July 2015). Special Tax Treatment as Trade Policy: A Database on Export Processing and Special Economic Zones Bern: University of Bern

Bekkers, Eddy Henricus; Francois, Joseph (July 2015). Calibrating a CGE model with NTBs that Incorporates Standard Models of Modern Trade Theory Bern: World Trade Institute

Bekkers, Eddy Henricus; Simonovska, Ina (2015). The Balassa–Samuelson effect and pricing-to-market: The role of strategic complementarity. Economics letters, 126, pp. 156-158. Elsevier

D'Onofrio, Sara; Portmann, Edy (2015). Von Fuzzy-Sets zu Computing-with-Words. Informatik-Spektrum, 38(6), pp. 543-549. Springer 10.1007/s00287-015-0920-y

Francois, Joseph; Berden, Koen (2015). Quantifying Non-Tariff Measures for TTIP. In: Hamilton, Daniel S.; Pelkmans, Jacques (eds.) Rule-Makers or Rule-Takers? Exploring the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (pp. 97-137). London: Rowman & Littlefield International

Francois, Joseph; Hoekman, Bernard; Douglas, Nelson (2015). TTIP, Regulatory Diversion and Third Countries. In: Akman, M. Sait; Evenett, Simon J.; Low, Patrick (eds.) Catalyst? TTIP's Impact on the Rest (pp. 19-26). London: CEPR Press

Bekkers, Eddy Henricus; Stehrer, Robert (2015). Reallocation effects in the specific factors and Heckscher–Ohlin models under firm heterogeneity. Economic Modelling, 49, pp. 104-119. Elsevier 10.1016/j.econmod.2015.03.018

Fischer, Manuel; Traber, Denise (2015). Coalition Formation in Parliament and during the Policy Process. In: Sciarini, Pascal; Fischer, Manuel; Traber, Denise (eds.) Political Decision-Making in Switzerland: the Consensus Model under Pressure. Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century (pp. 120-138). Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan UK 10.1057/9781137508607_6

Fischer, Manuel (2015). Dominance, Competition, Compromise or Consensus? Explaining Decision-Making Structures. In: Sciarini, Pascal; Fischer, Manuel; Traber, Denise (eds.) Political Decision-Making in Switzerland. The Consensus Model under Pressure. Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century (pp. 98-119). Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan UK 10.1057/9781137508607_5

Fischer, Manuel; Sciarini, Pascal (2015). 'Going Public': The Mediatization of Decision-Making Processes. In: Sciarini, Pascal; Fischer, Manuel; Traber, Denise (eds.) Political Decision-Making in Switzerland. The Consensus Model under Pressure. Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century (pp. 158-178). Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan UK 10.1057/9781137508607_8

Fischer, Manuel (2015). Looking beneath the Surface: Differences in Decision-Making Structures across Processes. In: Sciarini, Pascal; Fischer, Manuel; Traber, Denise (eds.) Political Decision-Making in Switzerland. The Consensus Model under Pressure. Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century (pp. 78-97). Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan UK 10.1057/9781137508607_4

Fischer, Manuel (2015). Reactive, Slow and...Innovative? Decision-making Structures and Policy Outputs. In: Sciarini, Pascal; Fischer, Manuel; Traber, Denise (eds.) Political Decision-Making in Switzerland. The Consensus Model under Pressure. Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century (pp. 219-237). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan UK 10.1057/9781137508607_11

Fischer, Manuel; Sciarini, Pascal (2015). Who Is Influential and Why? The Determinants of Reputational Power. In: Sciarini, Pascal; Fischer, Manuel; Traber, Denise (eds.) Political Decision-Making in Switzerland. The Consensus Model under Pressure. Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century (pp. 179-198). Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan UK 10.1057/9781137508607_9

Egger, Peter; Francois, Joseph; Nelson, Douglas R. (2015). The Role of Goods Trade Networks for Services Trade Volume. The World Economy, 40(3), pp. 532-543. Wiley & Sons 10.1111/twec.12331

Egger, Peter; Francois, Joseph; Manchin, Miriam; Nelson, Douglas (2015). Non-tariff barriers, integration and the transatlantic economy. Economic Policy, 30(83), pp. 539-584. Oxford University Press 10.1093/epolic/eiv008

Elsig, Manfred; Eckhardt, Jappe (2015). The Creation of the Multilateral Trade Court: Design and Experiential Learning. World trade review, 14(S1), S13-S32. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S1474745615000130

Baccini, Leonardo; Dür, Andreas; Elsig, Manfred (2015). The Politics of Trade Agreement Design: Revisiting the Depth–Flexibility Nexus. International Studies Quarterly, 59(4), pp. 765-775. 10.1111/isqu.12188

Elsig, Manfred (2015). WTO dispute settlement and the study of compliance. Journal of International Trade Law and Policy, 14(3), pp. 112-115. Emerald 10.1108/JITLP-10-2015-0032

Francois, Joseph; Sieber, Charlotte (December 2014). Zum Freihandelsabkommen EU-USA: Auswirkungen auf die Schweiz. inside - Newsletter des Swiss Technology Network, 2014(04) SwissT.net - Swiss Technology Network

Diekmann, Andreas; Jann, Ben; Näf, Matthias (2014). How xenophobic is Switzerland? Five field experiments on prosocial behaviour and discrimination against foreigners. Soziale Welt - Zeitschrift für sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, 65(2), pp. 185-199. Nomos 10.5771/0038-6073-2014-2-185

Bekkers, Eddy Henricus; Francois, Joseph (2014). Bilateral exchange rates and jobs. Review of International Economics, 22(2), pp. 275-298. B. Blackwell 10.1111/roie.12107

Diem, Andrea; Wolter, Stefan (2014). Overeducation among Swiss University Graduates: Determinants and Consequences. Journal for Labour Market Research, 47(4), pp. 313-328. Springer 10.1007/s12651-014-0164-3

Francois, Joseph; Nelson, Douglas (2014). Political Support for Trade Policy in the European Union. European journal of political economy, 36, pp. 243-253. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2014.08.001

Francois, Joseph; Manchin, Miriam (2014). Protection and Performance. World Economy, 37(4), pp. 567-578. Wiley 10.1111/twec.12141

Bandi, Monika; Lehmann, Therese (2014). Price Matters - Relevance of Strategic Pricing for Swiss Tourism in the Past, Present, and in Future. In: Pechlaner, Harald; Smeral, Egon (eds.) Tourism and Leisure, Current Issues and Perspectives of Development. A Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Dr. Peter Keller (pp. 129-141). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler 10.1007/978-3-658-06660-4_9

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