08 Faculty of Science > Institute of Geological Sciences > Quaternary Geology

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Anselmetti, Flavio (2022). Wenn der Berg ins Tal kommt. Schliff Literaturzeitschrift, 15, pp. 111-117. Universität zu Köln, Institut für deutsche Sprache und Literatur

Tu, Luyao; Gilli, Adrian; Lotter, André F.; Vogel, Hendrik; Moyle, Madeleine; Boyle, John F.; Grosjean, Martin (2021). The nexus among long-term changes in lake primary productivity, deep-water anoxia, and internal phosphorus loading, explored through analysis of a 15,000-year varved sediment record. Global and planetary change, 207, p. 103643. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2021.103643

Raman Vinna, Carl Love Mikael; Bouffard, Damien; Dubois, Nathalie; Hilbe, Michael; Käser, Roland; Wüest, Alfred (2017). Seewasserentnahme im Bielersee. Gibt es eine ideale Position? Aqua & Gas, 9, pp. 14-20. Schweizerischer Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches (SVGW)


King, Leighton; Wienhues, Giulia; Misra, Pavani; Tylmann, Wojciech; Lami, Andra; Bernasconi, Stefano M.; Jaggi, Madalina; Courtney-Mustaphi, Colin; Muschick, Moritz; Ngoepe, Dora; Mwaiko, Salome; Kishe, Mary A.; Cohen, Andrew; Heiri, Oliver; Seehausen, Ole; Vogel, Hendrik; Grosjean, Martin; Matthews, Blake (2024). Anthropogenic Eutrophication Drives Major Food Web Changes in Mwanza Gulf, Lake Victoria. Ecosystems Springer 10.1007/s10021-024-00908-x

Damanik, Adrianus; Wille, Martin; Ahmad, Qasid; Chatterjee, Sukalpa; Crowe, Sean A.; Bauer, Kohen W.; Grosjean, Martin; Cahyarini, Sri Y.; Bijaksana, Satria; Russell, James M.; Vogel, Hendrik (2024). Low Mo mobility during the laterization of ultramafic bedrock: Evidence from the East Sulawesi Ophiolite, Indonesia. Chemical geology, 660 Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2024.122150

Thomas, C.; Filella, M.; Ionescu, D.; Sorieul, S.; Pollier, C. G. L.; Oehlert, A. M.; Zahajská, P.; Gedulter, N.; Agnon, A.; Ferreira Sanchez, D.; Artiztegui, D. (2024). Combined Genomic and Imaging Techniques Show Intense Arsenic Enrichment Caused by Detoxification in a Microbial Mat of the Dead Sea Shore. Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems, 25(3) American Geophysical Union AGU 10.1029/2023GC011239

Bellwald, Benjamin; Nigg, Valentin; Fabbri, Stefano C.; Becker, Lukas W. M.; Gilli, Adrian; Anselmetti, Flavio S. (2024). Holocene seismic activity in south‐eastern Switzerland: Evidence from the sedimentary record of Lake Silvaplana. Sedimentology, 71(1), pp. 116-151. Wiley 10.1111/sed.13131

Gastineau, R.; Anselmetti, F.S.; Fabbri, S.C.; Sabatier, P.; Roeser, P.; Gündüz, S.; Şahin, M.; Duarte, E.; Rapuc, W.; Gebhardt, A.C.; Franz, S.O.; Niessen, F.; de Sigoyer, J. (2024). Seismic stratigraphy and sediment cores reveal lake-level fluctuations in Lake Iznik (NW Turkey) over the past ~70 ka. Sedimentary geology, p. 106620. Elsevier 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2024.106620

Hosmann, Siro L.; Fabbri, Stefano C.; Büchi, Marius W.; Hilbe, Michael; Bauder, Andreas; Anselmetti, Flavio S. (2024). Exploring beneath the retreating ice: swath bathymetry reveals sub- to proglacial processes and longevity of future alpine glacial lakes. Annals of glaciology, pp. 1-6. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/aog.2024.18

Gastineau, Renaldo; Girardclos, Stéphanie; Kremer, Katrina; Anselmetti, Flavio S. (2024). Human‐initiated autocyclic delta failures (In Press). Sedimentology Wiley 10.1111/sed.13226

Vermassen, Flor; Van Daele, Maarten; Praet, Nore; Cnudde, Veerle; Kissel, Catherine; Anselmetti, Flavio S. (2023). Unravelling megaturbidite deposition: Evidence for turbidite stacking/amalgamation and seiche influence during the 1601 ce earthquake at Lake Lucerne, Switzerland. Sedimentology, 70(5), pp. 1496-1520. Wiley 10.1111/sed.13094

Gastineau, R.; Sabatier, P.; Fabbri, S. C.; Anselmetti, F. S.; Roeser, P.; Findling, N.; Şahin, M.; Gündüz, S.; Arnaud, F.; Franz, S. O.; Ünsal, N. D.; de Sigoyer, J. (2023). Lateral variations in the signature of earthquake‐generated deposits in Lake Iznik, NW Turkey. The Depositional Record Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/dep2.232

Martínez-Abarca, Rodrigo; Abstein, Michelle; Schenk, Frederik; Hodell, David; Hoelzmann, Philipp; Brenner, Mark; Kutterolf, Steffen; Cohuo, Sergio; Macario-González, Laura; Stockhecke, Mona; Curtis, Jason; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Ariztegui, Daniel; Guilderson, Thomas; Correa-Metrio, Alexander; Bauersachs, Thorsten; Pérez, Liseth; Schwalb, Antje (2023). Millennial hydrological variability in the continental northern Neotropics during Marine Isotope Stages (MISs) 3–2 (59–15 cal ka BP) inferred from sediments of Lake Petén Itzá, Guatemala. Climate of the past, 19(7), pp. 1409-1434. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/cp-19-1409-2023

Schaller, Sebastian; Buechi, Marius W.; Schuster, Bennet; Anselmetti, Flavio S. (2023). Drilling into a deep buried valley (ICDP DOVE): a 252 m long sediment succession from a glacial overdeepening in northwestern Switzerland. Scientific Drilling, 32, pp. 27-42. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/sd-32-27-2023

Pini, Roberta; Furlanetto, Giulia; Vallé, Francesca; Badino, Federica; Wick, Lucia; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Bertuletti, Paolo; Fusi, Nicoletta; Morlock, Marina A.; Delmonte, Barbara; Harrison, Sandy P.; Maggi, Valter; Ravazzi, Cesare (2022). Linking North Atlantic and Alpine Last Glacial Maximum climates via a high-resolution pollen-based subarctic forest steppe record. Quaternary science reviews, 294, p. 107759. Elsevier 10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107759

Amao, Abduljamiu O.; Kaminski, Michael A.; Bucci, Carla; Hallock, Pamela; Al-Enezi, Eqbal; Zaky, Amr S.; Frontalini, Fabrizio (2022). Benthic foraminifera in the Arabian Gulf: Biodiversity and geographical trends. Marine Micropaleontology, 176, p. 102167. Elsevier 10.1016/j.marmicro.2022.102167

Farouk, Sherif; Ren, Chuanzhen; Abdeldaim, Ahmed; Salama, Ahmad; Wu, Huaichun; El-Kahtany, Khaled; Zaky, Amr S. (2022). An astronomical time scale of early Pliocene from the Mediterranean Sea, Egypt. Global and planetary change, 215, p. 103869. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2022.103869

Farouk, Sherif; Jain, Sreepat; Shabaan, Manal; Ahmad, Fayez; Salhi, Idris; Elamri, Zaineb; El-Kahtany, Khalid; Zaky, Amr S.; Abu Shama, Aziz (2022). High resolution upper Cenomanian to Turonian paleoenvironmental changes: Inferences from calcareous nannofossils at the Oued Ettalla section (Central Tunisia). Marine Micropaleontology, 175, p. 102151. Elsevier 10.1016/j.marmicro.2022.102151

Daxer, Christoph; Ortler, Marcel; Fabbri, Stefano C; Hilbe, Michael; Hajdas, Irka; Dubois, Nathalie; Piechl, Thomas; Hammerl, Christa; Strasser, Michael; Moernaut, Jasper (2022). High-resolution calibration of seismically-induced lacustrine deposits with historical earthquake data in the Eastern Alps (Carinthia, Austria). Quaternary science reviews, 284, p. 107497. Elsevier 10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107497

Kasem, Atef M.; Faris, Mahmoud; Jovane, Luigi; Ads, Taysir Abdelhamid; Frontalini, Fabrizio; Zaky, Amr S. (2022). Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction at the Gebel Nezzazat (Central Sinai, Egypt): A Paleocene Record for the Southern Tethys. Geosciences, 12(2), p. 96. MDPI 10.3390/geosciences12020096

Lontsi, Agostiny Marrios; Shynkarenko, Anastasiia; Kremer, Katrina; Hobiger, Manuel; Bergamo, Paolo; Fabbri, Stefano C.; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Fäh, Donat (2022). A Robust Workflow for Acquiring and Preprocessing Ambient Vibration Data from Small Aperture Ocean Bottom Seismometer Arrays to Extract Scholte and Love Waves Phase-Velocity Dispersion Curves. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 179(1), pp. 105-123. Springer 10.1007/s00024-021-02923-8

Wilhelm, B.; Rapuc, W.; Amann, B.; Anselmetti, F. S.; Arnaud, F.; Blanchet, J.; Brauer, A.; Czymzik, M.; Giguet-Covex, C.; Gilli, A.; Glur, L.; Grosjean, M.; Irmler, R.; Nicolle, M.; Sabatier, P.; Swierczynski, T.; Wirth, S. B. (2022). Impact of warmer climate periods on flood hazard in the European Alps. Nature geoscience, 15(2), pp. 118-123. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41561-021-00878-y

Rapuc, William; Arnaud, Fabien; Sabatier, Pierre; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Piccin, Andrea; Peruzza, Laura; Bastien, Antoine; Augustin, Laurent; Régnier, Edouard; Gaillardet, Jérôme; Von Grafenstein, Ulrich; Straub, Kyle (2022). Instant sedimentation in a deep Alpine lake (Iseo, Italy) controlled by climate, human and geodynamic forcing. Sedimentology, 69(4), pp. 1816-1840. Wiley 10.1111/sed.12972

Schaller, Sebastian; Böttcher, Michael E.; Buechi, Marius W.; Epp, Laura S.; Fabbri, Stefano C.; Gribenski, Natacha; Harms, Ulrich; Krastel, Sebastian; Liebezeit, Alina; Lindhorst, Katja; Marxen, Hanna; Raschke, Ulli; Schleheck, David; Schmiedinger, Iris; Schwalb, Antje; Vogel, Hendrik; Wessels, Martin; Anselmetti, Flavio (2022). Postglacial evolution of Lake Constance: sedimentological and geochemical evidence from a deep-basin sediment core. Swiss journal of geosciences, 115(1) Springer 10.1186/s00015-022-00412-1

Gegg, Lukas; Anselmetti, Flavio S; Deplazes, Gaudenz; Knipping, Maria; Madritsch, Herfried; Mueller, Daniela; Preusser, Frank; Vogel, Hendrik; Buechi, Marius W (2022). Rinikerfeld Palaeolake (Northern Switzerland) – a sedimentary archive of landscape and climate change during the penultimate glacial cycle. Journal of quaternary science JQS, 38(2), pp. 174-185. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 10.1002/jqs.3471

D’Onofrio, Roberta; Zaky, Amr S.; Frontalini, Fabrizio; Luciani, Valeria; Catanzariti, Rita; Francescangeli, Fabio; Giorgioni, Martino; Coccioni, Rodolfo; Özcan, Ercan; Jovane, Luigi (2021). Impact of the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) on Foraminiferal and Calcareous Nannofossil Assemblages in the Neo-Tethyan Baskil Section (Eastern Turkey): Paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimatic Reconstructions. Applied Sciences, 11(23), p. 11339. MDPI 10.3390/app112311339

Gegg, Lukas; Deplazes, Gaudenz; Keller, Lorenz; Madritsch, Herfried; Spillmann, Thomas; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Buechi, Marius W. (2021). 3D morphology of a glacially overdeepened trough controlled by underlying bedrock geology. Geomorphology, 394, p. 107950. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.geomorph.2021.107950

Martini, Ivan; Ambrosetti, Elisa; Brogi, Andrea; Aldinucci, Mauro; Zwaan, Frank; Sandrelli, Fabio (2021). Polyphase extensional basins: interplay between tectonics and sedimentation in the Neogene Siena‐Radicofani Basin (Northern Apennines, Italy). International journal of earth sciences, 110(5), pp. 1729-1751. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00531-021-02038-4

Zander, Paul D.; Żarczyński, Maurycy; Vogel, Hendrik; Tylmann, Wojciech; Wacnik, Agnieszka; Sanchini, Andrea; Grosjean, Martin (2021). A high-resolution record of Holocene primary productivity and water-column mixing from the varved sediments of Lake Żabińskie, Poland. Science of the total environment, 755(Part 22), p. 143713. Elsevier 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143713

Kremer, Katrina; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Evers, Frederic M.; Goff, James; Nigg, Valentin (2021). Freshwater (paleo)tsunamis – a review. Earth-science reviews, 212, p. 103447. Elsevier 10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103447

Gastineau, R.; Sigoyer, J.; Sabatier, P.; Fabbri, S. C.; Anselmetti, F. S.; Develle, A. L.; Şahin, M.; Gündüz, S.; Niessen, F.; Gebhardt, A. C. (2021). Active subaquatic fault segments in Lake Iznik along the middle strand of the North Anatolian Fault, NW Turkey. Tectonics, 40(1) American Geophysical Union, European Geophysical Society 10.1029/2020TC006404

Serra, Elena; Valla, Pierre; Gribenski, Natacha; Guedes Magrani, Fabio; Carcaillet, Julien; Delaloye, Reynald; Grobéty, Bernard; Braillard, Luc (2021). Geomorphic response to the Lateglacial–Holocene transition in high Alpine regions (Sanetsch Pass, Swiss Alps). Boreas, 50(1), pp. 242-261. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/bor.12480

Knapp, Sibylle; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Lempe, Bernhard; Krautblatter, Michael (2021). Impact of an 0.2 km 3 Rock Avalanche on Lake Eibsee (Bavarian Alps, Germany) – Part II: Catchment Response to Consecutive Debris Avalanche and Debris Flow. Earth surface processes and landforms, 46(1), pp. 307-319. Wiley 10.1002/esp.5025

Sammartini, M.; Moernaut, J.; Kopf, A.; Stegmann, S.; Fabbri, S. C.; Anselmetti, F. S.; Strasser, M. (2021). Propagation of frontally confined subaqueous landslides: Insights from combining geophysical, sedimentological, and geotechnical analysis. Sedimentary geology, 416, p. 105877. Elsevier 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2021.105877

Leuzinger, U; Anselmetti, Flavio; Benguerel, S; Degel, C; Ehmann, H; Gilliard, F; Personne, Hippolyte Jean-Claude René; Hornung, J; Keiser, T; Müller, E; Muigg, B; Nigg, Valentin; Perler, D; Schnyder, M; Sturm, M; Szidat, Sönke; Tegel, Willy; Wessels, M; Brem, H (2021). «Hügeli» im Bodensee – rätselhafte Steinschüttungen in der Flachwasserzone zwischen Romanshorn und Altnau, Kanton Thurgau (Schweiz). Jahrbuch Archäologie Schweiz, 104, pp. 101-116. Archaeologie Schweiz

Beck, Julien; Koutsoumba, Despina; Sakellariou, Dimitris; Surdez, Morgane; Anselmetti, Flavio; Papadopoulos, Nikos; Morfis, Ioannis; Panagiotopoulos, Ioannis; Rousakis, Grigoris; Oikonomou, Dimitris; Simyrdanis, Kleanthis; Cantoro, Gianluca; Argyriou, Athanasios; Emery, Patrizia Birchler; Krijnen, Ayla; Tsampouraki-Kraounaki, Konstantina (2021). Searching for Neolithic sites in the Bay of Kiladha, Greece. Quaternary international, 584, pp. 129-140. Elsevier 10.1016/j.quaint.2020.12.025

Serra, Teresa; Morellón, Mario; Soler, Marianna; Valero-Garcés, Blas L.; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Colomer, Jordi (2021). Recent Pockmark activity in Lake Banyoles (NE Spain) severely affected by changes in climate and land use. Journal of hydrology. Regional studies, 37, p. 100913. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ejrh.2021.100913

Fabbri, Stefano C.; Haas, Isabel; Kremer, Katrina; Motta, Danae; Girardclos, Stéphanie; Anselmetti, Flavio S. (2021). Subaqueous geomorphology and delta dynamics of Lake Brienz (Switzerland): implications for the sediment budget in the alpine realm. Swiss journal of geosciences, 114(1), p. 22. Springer 10.1186/s00015-021-00399-1

Nigg, Valentin; Bacigaluppi, Paola; Vetsch, David F.; Vogel, Hendrik; Kremer, Katrina; Anselmetti, Flavio S. (2021). Shallow‐Water Tsunami Deposits: Evidence From Sediment Cores and Numerical Wave Propagation of the 1601 CE Lake Lucerne Event. Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems, 22(12) American Geophysical Union AGU 10.1029/2021GC009753

Strupler, Michael; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Hilbe, Michael; Kremer, Katrina; Wiemer, Stefan (2020). A workflow for the rapid assessment of the landslide-tsunami hazard in peri-alpine lakes. Geological Society Special Publications, 500(1), pp. 81-95. Geological Society 10.1144/SP500-2019-166

Jomelli, Vincent; Chapron, Emmanuel; Favier, Vincent; Rinterknecht, Vincent; Braucher, Régis; Tournier, Nicolas; Gascoin, Simon; Marti, Renaud; Galop, Didier; Binet, Stéphane; Deschamps-Berger, Cesar; Tissoux, Helene; Aumaitre, Georges; Bourlès, Didier L.; Keddadouche, Karim (2020). Glacier fluctuations during the Late Glacial and Holocene on the Ariège valley, northern slope of the Pyrenees and reconstructed climatic conditions. Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews, 2(1), pp. 37-51. 10.1007/s42990-020-00018-5

Strupler, M; Bacigaluppi, P; Kremer, K; Vetsch, D; Anselmetti, F; Boes, R; Wiemer, S (2020). Abschätzung der Gefährdung durch Tsunamis in perialpinen Seen infolge Unterwasserhangrutschungen. Wasser Energie Luft, 112(1), pp. 11-16. Schweizerischer Wasserwirtschaftsverband

Ramstein, Marianne; Cornelissen, Marcel; Schimmelpfennig, Dirk; Rentzel, Philippe; Affolter, Jehanne; Albrecht, Jürgen; Anselmetti, Flavio; Bläsi, Hansruedi; Brönnimann, David; Ginella, Francesca; Häberle, Simone; von Raumer, Jürgen; Stopp, Barbara; Thew, Nigel; Vandorpe, Patricia (2020). Der Dolmen von Oberbipp, Steingasse: Archäologische und naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchung eines spätneolithischen Megalithgrabes. In: Archäologischer Dienst des Kantons Bern, ADB (ed.) Archäologie Bern 2020. Jahrbuch des Archäologischen Dienstes des Kantons Bern 2020 (pp. 94-201). Bern: Rubmedia AG

Strasser, Michael; Berberich, T.; Fabbri, S.; Hilbe, M.; Huang, J-J. S.; Lauterbach, S.; Ortler, M.; Rechschreiter, H.; Brauer, A.; Anselmetti, F.; Kowarik, K. (2020). Geomorphology and event-stratigraphy of recent mass-movement processes in Lake Hallstatt (UNESCO World Heritage Cultural Landscape, Austria). Geological Society Special Publications, 500(1), pp. 405-426. Geological Society 10.1144/SP500-2019-178

Schmitt, Dominik; Gischler, Eberhard; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Vogel, Hendrik (2020). Caribbean cyclone activity: an annually-resolved Common Era record. Scientific reports, 10(1) Springer Nature 10.1038/s41598-020-68633-8

Strupler, Michael; Evers, Frederic M.; Kremer, Katrina; Cauzzi, Carlo; Bacigaluppi, Paola; Vetsch, David F.; Boes, Robert M.; Fäh, Donat; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Wiemer, Stefan (2020). A Simplified Classification of the Relative Tsunami Potential in Swiss Perialpine Lakes Caused by Subaqueous and Subaerial Mass-Movements. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8 Frontiers Media 10.3389/feart.2020.564783

Harms, Ulrich; Raschke, Ulli; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Strasser, Michael; Wittig, Volker; Wessels, Martin; Schaller, Sebastian; Fabbri, Stefano C.; Niederreiter, Richard; Schwalb, Antje (2020). Hipercorig – an innovative hydraulic coring system recovering over 60 m long sediment cores from deep perialpine lakes. Scientific Drilling, 28, pp. 29-41. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/sd-28-29-2020

Gegg, Lukas; Büchi, Marius; Ebert, Andreas; Deplazes, Gaudenz; Madritsch, Herfried; Anselmetti, Flavio S. (2020). Brecciation of glacially overridden palaeokarst (Lower Aare Valley, northern Switzerland): result of subglacial water‐pressure peaks? Boreas, 49(4), pp. 813-827. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/bor.12457

Anselmetti, F.; Schulte, L.; Stoffel, M. (2020). Paleofloods: changes 
in prehistoric flood occurrence. In: Ruiz-Villanueva, V.; Molnar, P. (eds.) Past, current, and future changes in floods in Switzerland (pp. 11-21). Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) 10.3929/ethz-b-000462768

Morellon, M; Sinopoli, G; Izdebski, A; Sadori, L; Anselmetti, Flavio; Hodges, R; Regattieri, E; Wagner, B; Brushulli, B; Ariztegui, D (2019). Environment, Climate and Society in Roman and Byzantine Butrint. In: Izdebski, Adam; Mulryan, Michael (eds.) Environment and Society in the long Late Antiquity. Late Antique archaeology: Vol. 11-12 (pp. 185-199). Leiden/Boston: Brill 10.1163/9789004392083_013

Süfke, Finn; Gutjahr, Marcus; Gilli, Adrian; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Glur, Lukas; Eisenhauer, Anton (2019). Early stage weathering systematics of Pb and Nd isotopes derived from a high-Alpine Holocene lake sediment record. Chemical geology, 507, pp. 42-53. Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.12.026

Eberli, Gregor P.; Bernoulli, Daniel; Vecsei, Adam; Sekti, Rizky; Grasmueck, Mark; Lüdmann, Thomas; Anselmetti, Flavio; Mutti, Maria; Porta, Giovanna Della (2019). A Cretaceous carbonate delta drift in the Montagna della Maiella, Italy. Sedimentology, 66(4), pp. 1266-1301. Wiley 10.1111/sed.12590

Khosravi, R.; Zarei, M.; Vogel, Hendrik; Bigalke, Moritz (2019). Early diagenetic behavior of arsenic in the sediment of the hypersaline Maharlu Lake, southern Iran. Chemosphere, 237, p. 124465. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.124465

Mencin Gale, Eva; Jamšek Rupnik, Petra; Trajanova, Mirka; Bavec, Miloš; Anselmetti, Flavio; Šmuc, Andrej (2019). Morphostratigraphy and provenance of Plio‐Pleistocene terraces in the south‐eastern Alpine foreland: the Mislinja and Upper Savinja valleys, northern Slovenia. Journal of quaternary science JQS, 34(8), pp. 633-649. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 10.1002/jqs.3156

Suosaari, Erica P.; Reid, R. Pamela; Oehlert, Amanda M.; Playford, Phillip E.; Steffensen, Carl K.; Andres, Miriam S.; Suosaari, Gregory V.; Milano, Gary R.; Eberli, Gregor P. (2019). Stromatolite Provinces of Hamelin Pool: Physiographic Controls On Stromatolites and Associated Lithofacies. Journal of sedimentary research, 89(3), pp. 207-226. SEPM 10.2110/jsr.2019.8

Fabbri, Stefano Claudio; Büchi, Marius; Horstmeyer, Heinrich; Hilbe, Michael; Hübscher, Christian; Schmelzbach, Cédric; Weiss, Benedikt; Anselmetti, Flavio (2018). A subaquatic moraine complex in overdeepened Lake Thun (Switzerland) unravelling the deglaciation history of the Aare Glacier. Quaternary science reviews, 187, pp. 62-79. Elsevier 10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.03.010

Strupler, Michael; Hilbe, Michael; Kremer, Katrina; Danciu, Laurentiu; Anselmetti, Flavio; Strasser, Michael; Wiemer, Stefan (2018). Subaqueous landslide-triggered tsunami hazard for Lake Zurich, Switzerland. Swiss journal of geosciences, 111(1-2), pp. 353-371. Birkhäuser 10.1007/s00015-018-0308-5

Surdez, Morgane; Beck, Julien; Sakellariou, Dimitris; Vogel, Hendrik; Birchler Emery, Patrizia; Koutsoumba, Despina; Anselmetti, Flavio (2018). Flooding a landscape: impact of Holocene transgression on coastal sedimentology and underwater archaeology in Kiladha Bay (Greece). Swiss journal of geosciences, 111(3), pp. 545-560. Birkhäuser 10.1007/s00015-018-0309-4

Strupler, M.; Anselmetti, Flavio; Hilbe, Michael; Strasser, M. (2018). Quantitative characterization of subaqueous landslides in Lake Zurich (Switzerland) based on a high-resolution bathymetric dataset. Geological Society Special Publications, 477(1), pp. 399-412. Geological Society 10.1144/SP477.7

Morellón, Mario; Sinopoli, Gaia; Izdebski, Adam; Sadori, Laura; Anselmetti, Flavio; Hodges, Richard; Regattieri, Eleonora; Wagner, Bernd; Brushulli, Brunhilda; Ariztegui, Daniel (2018). Environment, Climate and Society in Roman and Byzantine Butrint. Late Antique archaeology, 12(1), pp. 3-17. Brill 10.1163/22134522-12340063

Skinner, Luke; Primeau, F; Freeman, Emma; de la Fuente, Maria; Goodwin, P. A.; Gottschalk, Julia; Huang, E; McCave, I. N.; Noble, T. L.; Scrivner, A. E. (2017). Radiocarbon constraints on the glacial ocean circulation and its impact on atmospheric CO2. Nature communications, 8(16010), p. 16010. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/ncomms16010

Channell, J.E.T; Vazquez Riveiros, Natalia; Gottschalk, Julia; Waelbroeck, C.; Skinner, L.C. (2017). Age and duration of Laschamp and Iceland Basin geomagnetic excursions in the South Atlantic Ocean. Quaternary science reviews, 167, pp. 1-13. Elsevier 10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.04.020

Buechi, Marius W.; Frank, Stephan M.; Graf, Hans Rudolf; Menzies, John; Anselmetti, Flavio (2017). Subglacial emplacement of tills and meltwater deposits at the base of overdeepened bedrock troughs. Sedimentology, 64(3), pp. 658-685. Blackwell Science 10.1111/sed.12319

Buechi, Marius W.; Lowick, Sally; Anselmetti, Flavio (2017). Luminescence dating of glaciolacustrine silt in overdeepened basin fills beyond the last interglacial. Quaternary geochronology, 37, pp. 55-67. Elsevier 10.1016/j.quageo.2016.09.009

Fabbri, Stefano Claudio; Weiss, Benedikt J.; Hübscher, Christian; Horstmeyer, Heinrich; Schmelzbach, Cédric; Büchi, Marius; Herwegh, Marco; Schlunegger, Fritz; Anselmetti, Flavio (18 November 2016). Subaquatic moraine amphitheatre in Lake Thun. In: 14th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2016. Geneva, Switzerland. 18.-19.11.2016.

Fabbri, Stefano Claudio; Herwegh, Marco; Schlunegger, Fritz; Hübscher, Christian; Weiss, Benedikt J.; Schmelzbach, Cédric; Horstmeyer, Heinrich; Merz, Kaspar; Anselmetti, Flavio (22 April 2016). Neotectonic fault structures in the Lake Thun area (Switzerland). Geophysical research abstracts, 18. Copernicus Publications

Fabbri, Stefano Claudio; Herwegh, Marco; Schlunegger, Fritz; Hübscher, Christian; Weiss, Benedikt J.; Schmelzbach, Cédric; Horstmeyer, Heinrich; Büchi, Marius; Anselmetti, Flavio (22 April 2016). Overdeepened glacigenic landforms in Lake Thun (Switzerland) revealed by a multichannel reflection seismic survey. Geophysical research abstracts, 18. Copernicus Publications

Corella, J.P.; Loizeau, J.-L.; Kremer, K.; Hilbe, M.; Gerard, J.; Le Dantec, N.; Stark, N.; González-Quijano, M.; Girardclos, S. (2016). The role of mass-transport deposits and turbidites in shaping modern lacustrine deepwater channels. Marine and petroleum geology, 77, pp. 515-525. Elsevier 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2016.07.004

Ross, Kelly-Ann; Schmid, Martin; Ogorka, S.; Muvundja, F. A.; Anselmetti, Flavio (2015). The history of subaquatic volcanism recorded in the sediments of Lake Kivu. Journal of Paleolimnology, 54(1), pp. 137-152. Kluwer Academic 10.1007/s10933-015-9842-6

Reusch, Anna; Loher, Markus; Bouffard, Damien; Moernaut, Jasper; Hellmich, Franziska; Anselmetti, Flavio; Bernasconi, Stefano M.; Hilbe, Michael; Kopf, Achim; Lilley, Marvin D.; Meinecke, Gerrit; Strasser, Michael (2015). Giant lacustrine pockmarks with subaqueous groundwater discharge and subsurface sediment mobilization. Geophysical Research Letters, 42(9), pp. 3465-3473. American Geophysical Union 10.1002/2015GL064179

Fabbri, Stefano Claudio; Herwegh, Marco; Schlunegger, Fritz; Volken, Stefan; Möri, Andreas; Anselmetti, Flavio (2015). Earthquake- induced Geomorphology: A Neotectonic Study at the Front of the Alps (Lake Thun & Aare Valley, Switzerland). Miscellanea INGV, 2015(27), pp. 152-155. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia

Guralnik, B; Ankjaergaard, C; Jain, M; Murray, A S; Mueller, A; Waelle, M; Lowick, Sally; Preusser, F; Rhodes, E J; Wu, T-S; Matthew, G; Herman, F (2015). OSL-thermochronometry using bedrock quartz: A note of caution. Quaternary geochronology, 25, pp. 37-48. Elsevier 10.1016/j.quageo.2014.09.001

Boixadera, Jaume; Poch, Rosa M.; Lowick, Sally; Balasch, J. Carles (2015). Loess and soils in the eastern Ebro Basin. Quaternary International, 376, pp. 114-133. Pergamon Press 10.1016/j.quaint.2014.07.046

Glur, L.; Stalder, N. F.; Wirth, S. B.; Gilli, A.; Anselmetti, Flavio (2015). Alpine lacustrine varved record reveals summer temperature as main control of glacier fluctuations over the past 2250 years. Holocene, 25(2), pp. 280-287. Sage 10.1177/0959683614557572

Wessels, M; Anselmetti, Flavio; Artuso, R; Baran, R; Daut, G; Geiger, A; Gessler, S; Hilbe, Michael; Möst, K; Möst, K; Klauser, B; Niemann, S; Roschlaub, R; Steinbacher, F; Wintersteller, P; Zahn, E (2015). Bathymetry of Lake Constance - State-of-the-art in surveying a large lake. Hydrographischen Nachrichten, 2(2015), pp. 6-11. Deutsche Hydrographische Gesellschaft

Hilbe, Michael; Anselmetti, Flavio (2015). Mass Movement-Induced Tsunami Hazard on Perialpine Lake Lucerne (Switzerland): Scenarios and Numerical Experiments. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 172(2), pp. 545-568. Springer 10.1007/s00024-014-0907-7

Anselmetti, Flavio (2015). Echange de courriels entre Flavio Anselmetti, géologue, et Peter Stoffel. In: Bieder, Patricia (ed.) Peter Stoffel Nordwestpassage. Zürich: Edition Fink

Morellon, M; Anselmetti, Flavio; Valero-Garces, B; Barreiro-Lostres, F; Ariztegui, D; Giralt, S; Saez, A; Pilar Mata, M (2015). Local formation of varved sediments in a karstic collapse depression of Lake Banyoles (NE Spain). Geogaceta, 57, pp. 119-122. Sociedad Geológica de España

Wessels, M; Anselmetti, Flavio; Artuso, R; Baran, R; Daut, G; Gaide, S; Geiger, A; Groeneveld, J.D.; Hilbe, Michael; Möst, K; Klauser, B; Niemann, S; Roschlaub, R; Steinbacher, F; Wintersteller, P; Zahn, E (2015). Bathymetry of Lake Constance – a High-Resolution Survey in a Large, Deep Lake (In Press). Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement, 140(4), pp. 203-210. Wissner Verlag 10.12902/zfv-0079-2015

Kremer, Katrina; Corella, Juan Pablo; Hilbe, Michael; Marillier, François; Dupuy, David; Zenhäusern, Gregor; Girardclos, Stéphanie (2015). Changes in distal sedimentation regime of the Rhone delta system controlled by subaquatic channels (Lake Geneva, Switzerland/France). Marine Geology, 370, pp. 125-135. Elsevier 10.1016/j.margeo.2015.10.013

Reber, Regina; Akçar, Naki; Ivy-Ochs, Susan; Tikhomirov, Dmitry; Burkhalter, Reto; Zahno, Conradin; Lüthold, Aron; Kubik, Peter W.; Vockenhuber, Christof; Schlüchter, Christian (2014). Timing of retreat of the Reuss Glacier (Switzerland) at the end of the Last Glacial Maximum. Swiss journal of geosciences, 107(2-3), pp. 293-307. Birkhäuser 10.1007/s00015-014-0169-5

Lorenschat, J; Zhang, X; Anselmetti, Flavio; Reed, J M; Wessels, M; Schwalb, A (2014). Recent anthropogenic impact in ancient Lake Ohrid (Macedonia/Albania): a palaeolimnological approach. Journal of Paleolimnology, 52(3), pp. 139-154. Kluwer Academic 10.1007/s10933-014-9783-5

Wagner, B.; Wilke, T.; Krastel, S.; Zanchetta, G.; Sulpizio, R.; Reicherter, K.; Leng, M. J.; Grazhdani, A.; Trajanovski, S.; Francke, A.; Lindhorst, K.; Levkov, Z.; Cvetkoska, A.; Reed, J. M.; Zhang, X.; Lacey, J. H.; Wonik, T.; Baumgarten, H.; Vogel, Hendrik (2014). The SCOPSCO drilling project recovers more than 1.2 million years of history from Lake Ohrid. Scientific drilling, 17, pp. 19-29. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program with the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program 10.5194/sd-17-19-2014

Russell, J. M.; Vogel, Hendrik; Konecky, B. L.; Bijaksana, S.; Huang, Y.; Melles, M.; Wattrus, N.; Costa, K.; King, J. W. (2014). Glacial forcing of central Indonesian hydroclimate since 60,000 y B.P. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 111(14), pp. 5100-5105. National Academy of Sciences NAS 10.1073/pnas.1402373111

Meyer-Jacob, C.; Vogel, H.; Gebhardt, A. C.; Wennrich, V.; Melles, M.; Rosén, P. (2014). Biogeochemical variability during the past 3.6 million years recorded by FTIR spectroscopy in the sediment record of Lake El'gygytgyn, Far East Russian Arctic. Climate of the past, 10(1), pp. 209-220. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/cp-10-209-2014

Wagner, B.; Leng, M. J.; Wilke, T.; Böhm, A.; Panagiotopoulos, K.; Vogel, H.; Lacey, J. H.; Zanchetta, G.; Sulpizio, R. (2014). Distinct lake level lowstand in Lake Prespa (SE Europe) at the time of the 74 (75) ka Toba eruption. Climate of the past, 10(1), pp. 261-267. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/cp-10-261-2014

Bekaddour, Toufik; Schlunegger, Fritz; Vogel, Hendrik; Delunel, Romain; Norton, Kevin; Akçar, Naki; Kubik, Peter (2014). Paleo erosion rates and climate shifts recorded by Quaternary cut-and-fill sequences in the Pisco valley, central Peru. Earth and planetary science letters, 390, pp. 103-115. Elsevier 10.1016/j.epsl.2013.12.048

Trauerstein, Mareike; Lowick, Sally E.; Preusser, Frank; Schlunegger, Fritz (2014). Small aliquot and single grain IRSL and post-IR IRSL dating of fluvial and alluvial sediments from the Pativilca valley, Peru. Quaternary geochronology, 22, pp. 163-174. Elsevier 10.1016/j.quageo.2013.12.004

Gaar, Dorian; Lowick, Sally; Preusser, Frank (2014). Performance of different luminescence approaches for the dating of known-age glaciofluvial deposits from northern Switzerland. Geochronometria, 41(1), pp. 65-80. Institute of Physics. Silesian University of Technology 10.2478/s13386-013-0139-0

Buechi, Marius W.; Kober, F.; Ivy-Ochs, S.; Salcher, B.; Kubik, P.W.; Christl, M. (2014). Denudation rates of small transient catchments controlled by former glaciation: The Hörnli nunatak in the northeastern Swiss Alpine Foreland. Quaternary geochronology, 19, 135 - 147. Elsevier 10.1016/j.quageo.2013.06.005

Stockhecke, Mona; Sturm, Michael; Brunner, Irene; Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich; Sumita, Mari; Kipfer, Rolf; Cukur, Deniz; Kwiecien, Ola; Anselmetti, Flavio S. (2014). Sedimentary evolution and environmental history of Lake Van (Turkey) over the past 600,000 years. Sedimentology, 61(6), pp. 1830-1861. Blackwell Science 10.1111/sed.12118

Hilbe, Michael; Anselmetti, Flavio (2014). Signatures of slope failures and river-delta collapses in a perialpine lake (Lake Lucerne, Switzerland). Sedimentology, 61(7), pp. 1883-1907. Blackwell Science 10.1111/sed.12120

Ross, Kelly-Ann; Smets, B.; De Batist, M.; Hilbe, Michael; Schmid, Martin; Anselmetti, Flavio (2014). Lake-level rise in the late Pleistocene and active subaquatic volcanism since the Holocene in Lake Kivu; East African Rift. Geomorphology, 221, pp. 274-285. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.05.010

Waldmann, Nicolás; Borromei, Ana Maria; Recasens, Cristina; Olivera, Daniela; Martínez, Marcelo A.; Maidana, Nora I.; Ariztegui, Daniel; Austin, James A.; Anselmetti, Flavio; Moy, Christopher M. (2014). Integrated reconstruction of Holocene millennial-scale environmental changes in Tierra del Fuego, southernmost South America. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 399, pp. 294-309. Elsevier 10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.01.023

Corella, J. P.; Arantegui, A.; Loizeau, J. L.; DelSontro, T.; le Dantec, N.; Stark, N.; Anselmetti, Flavio; Girardclos, S. (2014). Sediment dynamics in the subaquatic channel of the Rhone delta (Lake Geneva, France/Switzerland). Aquatic Sciences, 76(Suppl. 1), pp. 73-87. Springer 10.1007/s00027-013-0309-4

Kundzewicz, Zbigniew W.; Stoffel, Markus; Kaczka, Ryszard J.; Wyżga, Bartłomiej; Niedźwiedź, Tadeusz; Pińskwar, Iwona; Ruiz, Virginia; Łupikasza, Ewa; Czajka, Barbara; Ballesteros Canovas, Juan Antonio; Małarzewski, Łukasz; Choryński, Adam; Janecka, Karolina; Mikuś, Paweł (2014). Floods at the northern foothills of the Tatra Mountains — A Polish-Swiss research project. Acta geophysica, 62(3), pp. 620-641. Versita 10.2478/s11600-013-0192-3

Ruiz Villanueva, Virginia; Bladé Castellet, Ernest; Díez-Herrero, Andrés; Bodoque, José M.; Sánchez-Juny, Martí (2014). Two-dimensional modelling of large wood transport during flash floods. Earth surface processes and landforms, 39(4), pp. 438-449. Wiley 10.1002/esp.3456

Stockhecke, Mona; Kwiecien, Ola; Vigliotti, Luigi; Anselmetti, Flavio; Beer, Jürg; Cagatay, Namik; Channel, James E T; Kipfer, Rolf; Lachner, Johannes; Litt, Thomas; Pickarski, Nadine; Sturm, Michael (2014). Chronostratigraphy of the 600,000 year old continental record of Lake Van. Quaternary Science Reviews, 104, pp. 8-17. Pergamon 10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.04.008

Wüest, Alfred; Anselmetti, Flavio; Arey, J. Samuel; Ibelings, Bastiaan W.; Loizeau, Jean-Luc; Vennemann, Torsten; Lemmin, Ulrich (2014). Into the abyss of Lake Geneva: the elemo interdisciplinary field investigation using the MIR submersibles. Aquatic Sciences, 76(Suppl. 1), pp. 1-6. Springer 10.1007/s00027-014-0353-8

Morellon, Mario; Anselmetti, Flavio; Valero-Garces, Blas; Giralt, Santiago; Ariztegui, Daniel; Saez, Alberto; Mata, M. Pilar; Barrerio-Lostres, Fernando; Rico, Mayte; Moreno, Ana (2014). The influence of subaquatic springs in lacustrine sedimentation: Origin and paleoenvironmental significance of homogenites in karstic Lake Banyoles (NE Spain) (In Press). Sedimentary geology, 311, pp. 96-111. Elsevier

Kwiecien, O.; Stockhecke, O.; Pickarski, N.; Heumann, G.; Litt, T.; Sturm, M.; Anselmetti, F.; Haug, G. H. (2014). Dynamics of the last four glacial terminations recorded in Lake Van, Turkey. Quaternary Science Reviews, 104, pp. 42-52. Pergamon 10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.07.001

Sabatier, P; Poulenard, J; Fanget, B; Reyss, J.-L.; Develle, A.-L.; Wilhelm, Bruno; Ployon, E; Pignol, C; Naffrechoux, E; Dorioz, J.-M.; Montuelle, B; Arnaud, F (2014). Long-term relationships among pesticide applications, mobility, and soil erosion in a vineyard watershed. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 111(44), pp. 15647-15652. National Academy of Sciences NAS 10.1073/pnas.1411512111

Brocard, Gilles; Adatte, Thierry; Magand, Olivier; Pfeifer, Hans-Rudolf; Bettini, Albedo; Arnaud, Fabien; Anselmetti, Flavio; Moran-Ical, Sergio (2014). The recording of floods and earthquakes in Lake Chichój, Guatemala during the twentieth century. Journal of Paleolimnology, 52(3), pp. 155-169. Kluwer Academic 10.1007/s10933-014-9784-4

Kremer, Katrina; Marillier, François; Hilbe, Michael; Simpson, Guy; Dupuy, David; Yrro, Ble J.F.; Rachoud-Schneider, Anne-Marie; Corboud, Pierre; Bellwald, Benjamin; Wildi, Walter; Girardclos, Stéphanie (2014). Lake dwellers occupation gap in Lake Geneva (France–Switzerland) possibly explained by an earthquake–mass movement–tsunami event during Early Bronze Age. Earth and planetary science letters, 385, pp. 28-39. Elsevier 10.1016/j.epsl.2013.09.017

Litt, Thomas; Anselmetti, Flavio (2014). Lake Van deep drilling project PALEOVAN. Quaternary Science Reviews, 104, pp. 1-7. Pergamon 10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.09.026

Ariztegui, Daniel; Gilli, Adrian; Anselmetti, Flavio; Markgraf, Vera (2014). Limnogeología del Lago Cardiel y la reconstrucción de cambios ambientales desde el Pleistoceno tardío. In: Goñi, Rafael; Belardi, Juan B.; Cassiodoro y Anahí Re, Gisela (eds.) Arqueología de las cuencas de los lagos Cardiel y Strobel. Poblamiento humano y paleoambientes en Patagonia (pp. 31-40). Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires: Aspha Ediciones

Heuberger, S; Büchi, Marius; Naef, H (2014). Drainage system and landscape evolution of northern Switzerland since the Late Miocene (Nagra Arbeitsberichte 12-20). Wettingen: Nagra

Reber, Regina; Akçar, Naki; Yesilyurt, Serdar; Yavuz, Vural; Tikhomirov, Dmitry; Kubik, Peter W.; Schlüchter, Christian (2014). Glacier advances in northeastern Turkey before and during the global Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews, 101, pp. 177-192. Pergamon 10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.07.014

Wirth, Stefanie B.; Gilli, Adrian; Niemann, Helge; Dahl, Tais W.; Ravasi, Damiana; Sax, Nadja; Hamann, Yvonne; Peduzzi, Raffaele; Peduzzi, Sandro; Tonolla, Mauro; Lehmann, Moritz F.; Anselmetti, Flavio (2013). Combining sedimentological, trace metal (Mn, Mo) and molecular evidence for reconstructing past water-column redox conditions: The example of meromictic Lake Cadagno (Swiss Alps). Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 120, pp. 220-238. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gca.2013.06.017

Cunningham, Laura; Vogel, Hendrik; Nowaczyk, Norbert; Wennrich, Volker; Juschus, Olaf; Persson, Per; Rosén, Peter (2013). Climatic variability during the last interglacial inferred from geochemical proxies in the Lake El'gygytgyn sediment record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 386, pp. 408-414. Elsevier 10.1016/j.palaeo.2013.06.009

Vogel, Hendrik; Wagner, Bernd; Rosén, Peter (2013). Lake Floor Morphology and Sediment Architecture of Lake Torneträsk, Northern Sweden. Geografiska annaler. Series A - physical geography, 95(2), pp. 159-170. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/geoa.12006

Frank, U.; Nowaczyk, N. R.; Minyuk, P.; Vogel, Hendrik; Rosén, P.; Melles, M. (2013). A 350 ka record of climate change from Lake El'gygytgyn, Far East Russian Arctic: refining the pattern of climate modes by means of cluster analysis. Climate of the past, 9(4), pp. 1559-1569. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/cp-9-1559-2013

Cunningham, L.; Vogel, Hendrik; Wennrich, V.; Juschus, O.; Nowaczyk, N.; Rosén, P. (2013). Amplified bioproductivity during Transition IV (332 000-342 000 yr ago): evidence from the geochemical record of Lake El'gygytgyn. Climate of the past, 9(2), pp. 679-686. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/cp-9-679-2013

Nowaczyk, N. R.; Haltia, E. M.; Ulbricht, D.; Wennrich, V.; Sauerbrey, M. A.; Rosén, P.; Vogel, Hendrik; Francke, A.; Meyer-Jacob, C.; Andreev, A. A.; Lozhkin, A. V. (2013). Chronology of Lake El'gygytgyn sediments – a combined magnetostratigraphic, palaeoclimatic and orbital tuning study based on multi-parameter analyses. Climate of the past, 9(6), pp. 2413-2432. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/cp-9-2413-2013

Vogel, Hendrik; Meyer-Jacob, C.; Melles, M.; Brigham-Grette, J.; Andreev, A. A.; Wennrich, V.; Tarasov, P. E.; Rosén, P. (2013). Detailed insight into Arctic climatic variability during MIS 11c at Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Russia. Climate of the past, 9(4), pp. 1467-1479. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/cp-9-1467-2013

Joannin, S.; Vannière, B.; Galop, D.; Peyron, O.; Haas, J. N.; Gilli, A.; Chapron, E.; Wirth, S. B.; Anselmetti, F.; Desmet, M.; Magny, M. (2013). Climate and vegetation changes during the Lateglacial and early–middle Holocene at Lake Ledro (southern Alps, Italy). Climate of the past, 9(2), pp. 913-933. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/cp-9-913-2013

Vannière, B.; Magny, M.; Joannin, S.; Simonneau, A.; Wirth, S. B.; Hamann, Y.; Chapron, E.; Gilli, A.; Desmet, M.; Anselmetti, Flavio (2013). Orbital changes, variation in solar activity and increased anthropogenic activities: controls on the Holocene flood frequency in the Lake Ledro area, Northern Italy. Climate of the past, 9(3), pp. 1193-1209. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/cp-9-1193-2013

Simonneau, A.; Chapron, E.; Vannière, B.; Wirth, S. B.; Gilli, A.; Di Giovanni, C.; Anselmetti, F.; Desmet, M.; Magny, M. (2013). Mass-movement and flood-induced deposits in Lake Ledro, southern Alps, Italy: implications for Holocene palaeohydrology and natural hazards. Climate of the past, 9(2), pp. 825-840. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/cp-9-825-2013

Zolitschka, B.; Anselmetti, Flavio; Ariztegui, D.; Corbella, H.; Francus, P.; Lücke, A.; Maidana, N.I.; Ohlendorf, C.; Schäbitz, F.; Wastegård, S. (2013). Environment and climate of the last 51,000 years – new insights from the Potrok Aike maar lake Sediment Archive Drilling prOject (PASADO). Quaternary Science Reviews, 71, pp. 1-12. Pergamon 10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.11.024

Strasser, Michael; Monecke, Katrin; Schnellmann, Michael; Anselmetti, Flavio (2013). Lake sediments as natural seismographs: A compiled record of Late Quaternary earthquakes in Central Switzerland and its implication for Alpine deformation. Sedimentology, 60(1), pp. 319-341. Blackwell Science 10.1111/sed.12003

Gischler, Eberhard; Anselmetti, Flavio; Shinn, Eugene A. (2013). Seismic stratigraphy of the Blue Hole (Lighthouse Reef, Belize), a late Holocene climate and storm archive. Marine Geology, 344, pp. 155-162. Elsevier 10.1016/j.margeo.2013.07.013

Wirth, Stefanie B.; Gilli, Adrian; Simonneau, Anaëlle; Ariztegui, Daniel; Vannière, Boris; Glur, Lukas; Chapron, Emmanuel; Magny, Michel; Anselmetti, Flavio (2013). A 2000 year long seasonal record of floods in the southern European Alps. Geophysical Research Letters, 40(15), pp. 4025-4029. American Geophysical Union 10.1002/grl.50741

Blaga, Cornelia I.; Reichart, Gert-Jan; Lotter, André F.; Anselmetti, Flavio; Sinninghe Damsté, Jaap S. (2013). A TEX 86 lake record suggests simultaneous shifts in temperature in Central Europe and Greenland during the last deglaciation. Geophysical Research Letters, 40(5), pp. 948-953. American Geophysical Union 10.1002/grl.50181

Wirth, Stefanie B.; Glur, Lukas; Gilli, Adrian; Anselmetti, Flavio S. (2013). Holocene flood frequency across the Central Alps – solar forcing and evidence for variations in North Atlantic atmospheric circulation. Quaternary Science Reviews, 80, pp. 112-128. Pergamon 10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.09.002

Glur, Lukas; Wirth, Stefanie B.; Büntgen, Ulf; Gilli, Adrian; Haug, Gerald H.; Schär, Christoph; Beer, Jürg; Anselmetti, Flavio (2013). Frequent floods in the European Alps coincide with cooler periods of the past 2500 years. Scientific Reports, 3(1), p. 2770. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/srep02770

Kennett, Douglas J.; Hajdas, Irka; Culleton, Brendan J.; Belmecheri, Soumaya; Martin, Simon; Neff, Hector; Awe, Jaime; Graham, Heather V.; Freeman, Katherine H.; Newsom, Lee; Lentz, David L.; Anselmetti, Flavio; Robinson, Mark; Marwan, Norbert; Southon, John; Hodell, David A.; Haug, Gerald H. (2013). Correlating the Ancient Maya and Modern European Calendars with High-Precision AMS 14C Dating. Scientific Reports, 3(1), p. 1597. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/srep01597

Vissers, Elisabeth W.; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Bodelier, Paul L. E.; Muyzer, Gerard; Schleper, Christa; Tourna, Maria; Laanbroek, Hendrikus J. (2013). Temporal and Spatial Coexistence of Archaeal and Bacterial amoA Genes and Gene Transcripts in Lake Lucerne. Archaea, 2013(289478), pp. 1-11. Heron Pub. 10.1155/2013/289478

Anselmetti, Flavio (2013). Die Kunst im Rucksack des Geologen. In: Dombois, Florian; Gisler, Priska; Kretschmann, Schirin; Schwander, Markus; Hochschule der Künste Bern, (eds.) Präparat Bergsturz, Band II II (pp. 35-39). Luzern: Edizioni Periferia

Gilli, Adrian; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Glur, Lukas; Wirth, Stefanie B. (2013). Lake sediments as archives of recurrence rates and intensities of past flood events. In: Schneuwly-Bollschweiler, Michelle; Stoffel, Markus; Rudolf-Miklau, Florian (eds.) Dating Torrential Processes on Fans and Cones. Advances in Global Change Research: Vol. 47 (pp. 225-242). Dordrecht: Springer 10.1007/978-94-007-4336-6_15

Wessels, M.; Anselmetti, Flavio; Mainberger, M.; Hilbe, Michael (2013). Hydroakustische Methoden. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen zur Langzeitüberwachung archäologischer Denkmale im Flachwasser. In: Brem, Hansjörg (ed.) Erosion und Denkmalschutz am Bodensee und Zürichsee : ein internationales Projekt im Rahmen des Interreg IV-Programms "Alpenrhein-Bodensee-Hochrhein" zur Entwicklung von Handlungsoptionen zum Schutz des Kulturgutes unter Wasser. Vorarlberg Museum Schriften: Vol. 1 (pp. 271-280). Bregenz: Vorarlberg Museum

Wagner, B.; Francke, A.; Sulpizio, R.; Zanchetta, G.; Lindhorst, K.; Krastel, S.; Vogel, Hendrik; Rethemeyer, J.; Daut, G.; Grazhdani, A.; Lushaj, B.; Trajanovski, S. (2012). Possible earthquake trigger for 6th century mass wasting deposit at Lake Ohrid (Macedonia/Albania). Climate of the past, 8(6), pp. 2069-2078. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/cp-8-2069-2012

Girardclos, Stéphanie; Hilbe, Michael; Corella, Juan Pablo; Loizeau, Jean-Luc; Kremer, Katrina; DelSontro, Tonya; Arantegui, Angel; Moscariello, Andrea; Arlaud, Frédéric; Akhtman, Yosef; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Lemmin, Ulrich (2012). Searching the Rhone delta channel in Lake Geneva since François‐Alphonse Forel. Archives des Sciences, 65, pp. 103-118. Societe de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve

Rosén, Peter; Vogel, Hendrik; Cunningham, Laura; Hahn, Annette; Hausmann, Sonja; Pienitz, Reinhard; Zolitschka, Bernd; Wagner, Bernd; Persson, Per (2011). Universally Applicable Model for the Quantitative Determination of Lake Sediment Composition Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Environmental science & technology, 45(20), pp. 8858-8865. ACS Publications 10.1021/es200203z

Vogel, Hendrik; Wagner, Bernd; Zanchetta, Giovanni; Sulpizio, Roberto; Rosén, Peter (2010). A paleoclimate record with tephrochronological age control for the last glacial-interglacial cycle from Lake Ohrid, Albania and Macedonia. Journal of Paleolimnology, 44(1), pp. 295-310. Kluwer Academic 10.1007/s10933-009-9404-x

Vogel, Hendrik; Zanchetta, Giovanni; Sulpizio, Roberto; Wagner, Bernd; Nowaczyk, Norbert (2010). A tephrostratigraphic record for the last glacial-interglacial cycle from Lake Ohrid, Albania and Macedonia. Journal of quaternary science JQS, 25(3), pp. 320-338. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 10.1002/jqs.1311

Wagner, B.; Vogel, H.; Zanchetta, G.; Sulpizio, R. (2010). Environmental change within the Balkan region during the past ca. 50 ka recorded in the sediments from lakes Prespa and Ohrid. Biogeosciences, 7(10), pp. 3187-3198. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/bg-7-3187-2010

Rosén, Peter; Vogel, Hendrik; Cunningham, Laura; Reuss, Nina; Conley, Daniel J.; Persson, Per (2010). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, a new method for rapid determination of total organic and inorganic carbon and biogenic silica concentration in lake sediments. Journal of Paleolimnology, 43(2), pp. 247-259. Kluwer Academic 10.1007/s10933-009-9329-4

Leng, M. J.; Baneschi, I.; Zanchetta, G.; Jex, C. N.; Wagner, B.; Vogel, H. (2010). Late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental reconstruction from Lakes Ohrid and Prespa (Macedonia/Albania border) using stable isotopes. Biogeosciences, 7(10), pp. 3109-3122. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/bg-7-3109-2010

Holtvoeth, J.; Vogel, H.; Wagner, B.; Wolff, G. A. (2010). Lipid biomarkers in Holocene and glacial sediments from ancient Lake Ohrid (Macedonia, Albania). Biogeosciences, 7(11), pp. 3473-3489. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/bg-7-3473-2010

Vogel, H.; Wessels, M.; Albrecht, C.; Stich, H.-B.; Wagner, B. (2010). Spatial variability of recent sedimentation in Lake Ohrid (Albania/Macedonia). Biogeosciences, 7(10), pp. 3333-3342. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/bg-7-3333-2010

Lindhorst, K.; Vogel, Hendrik; Krastel, S.; Wagner, B.; Hilgers, A.; Zander, A.; Schwenk, T.; Wessels, M.; Daut, G. (2010). Stratigraphic analysis of lake level fluctuations in Lake Ohrid: an integration of high resolution hydro-acoustic data and sediment cores. Biogeosciences, 7(11), pp. 3531-3548. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/bg-7-3531-2010

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