06 Faculty of Humanities > Department of Linguistics and Literary Studies > Institute of English Languages and Literatures > Modern English Linguistics

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Büchler, Andrin; Pheiff, Jeffrey Alan (12 February 2024). An der Schnittstelle zwischen Lexik und Pragmatik: Asymmetrien im Gebrauch der Intensivierung bei L1- und L2-Sprechenden des Deutschen mit Rätoromanisch als Erstsprache. (Unpublished). In: Asymmetries and Inequalities in Language VALS-ASLA Conference 2024. Universität Bern. 12.–13.02.2024.

Thurlow, Crispin; Britain, David (eds.) (2024). Language and Social Life [LSL], 27. De Gruyter

Thurlow, Crispin; Britain, David (eds.) (2024). Language and Social Life [LSL], 33. De Gruyter


Droz-dit-Busset, Olivia (12 December 2023). Stylising branded voices: A comparative analysis of corporate ventriloquism by advertising copywriters and social media influencers (Unpublished). In: Guest Lecture. Université de Lorraine, France.

Mapes, Gwynne (2023). The life of a political speech(writer): Metadiscursive text trajectories in high-end language work (Submitted). Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 33(3), pp. 264-284. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jola.12391

Thurlow, Crispin (27 November 2023). Mediatizing Sex: Sexting and/as Digital Discourse (Unpublished). In: Invited talk at the University of Zurich. Zurich.

Thurlow, Crispin (10 November 2023). Speaking dancing: Embodied style and transmodal practice in audio description (Unpublished). In: University of Bern/Language Work in the Movies: A Round Table. Bern. 09-10.11.2023.

Britain, David (10 November 2023). Morphosyntactic variation in the dialects of England (Unpublished). In: Invited talk in the Department of English Philology. University of Murcia, Spain.

Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black; Thurlow, Crispin (10 November 2023). "Reading sounds": Response cries and vocal bursts in closed captioning (Unpublished). In: Language in the Movies Round Table. Universität Bern. 09.11-10.11.2023.

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (9 November 2023). Fact vs. fiction? Idealized portrayals of wordsmiths on film (Unpublished). In: Language Work in the Movies: A Roundtable. Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern, Switzerland. 8-10 Nov 2023.

Tod, Danielle Natasha; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (24 October 2023). Radio interview on English on the Isle of Skye data collection. Radio Skye

Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black; Tod, Danielle Natasha; Mast, Luca (24 October 2023). "Dialect project on the Isle of Skye", On Radio Skye FM. In: Isle of Skye. Radio Skye FM

Gonçalves, Kellie (19 October 2023). “Armene over hodet” – an embodied sociolinguistic study of Bikram Yoga Oslo (Unpublished). In: MultiLing Closing Conference. University of Oslo, Norway. October 18-20, 2023.

Gonçalves, Kellie (18 October 2023). From High Culture of Ibsen Sitat to gentrified Grünerløkka: investigating signage in different Oslo neighborhoods (Unpublished). In: MultiLing Closing Conference. University of Oslo, Norway. October 18-20, 2023.

Droz-dit-Busset, Olivia (13 October 2023). Disrupting the economies of language work? Social media influencers as ‘new generation’ copywriters (Unpublished). In: Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis 4, (ADDA 4). Klagenfuhrt, Austria. 12.-14. October.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (13 October 2023). “We was one big happy family there”: tracking the evolution of past BE in Falkland Island English (Unpublished). In: NWAV-51. Queens College CUNY, New York, USA. 13-15.10.23.

Thurlow, Crispin (11 October 2023). Stuff and nonsense: Rethinking the “crisis of waste” through sociolinguistics (Unpublished). In: Sustainability Reimagined. University of Groningen. 11.10.2023.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (6 October 2023). Seclusion, Scottishness and Sound Change: the phonological evolution of an Atlantic English variety (Unpublished). In: Phonetik und Phonologie 2023. University of Bern. 6-7.10.23.

Thurlow, Crispin; Jaworski, Adam (5 October 2023). Mediatizing entitlement: Regrounding work in elite discourse (Unpublished). In: Communicating the wealth inequality challenge in hybrid media systems. London School of Economics. 05-06.10.2023.

Tod, Danielle Natasha (2 October 2023). “they see that I'm just Tongan, but like with really good English”: Conflicting language ideologies in the Kingdom of Tonga (Unpublished). In: Qualitative Methods in Sociolinguistics. University of Bern.

Thurlow, Crispin (27 September 2023). Staging a tomatoscape: A case study in place branding and/as semiotic reflexivity (Unpublished). In: Invited talk at the University of the Western Cape. Cape Town, South Africa (online).

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (14 September 2023). Tasteful Meat-eating: Progressive Privilege in Elite Food Discourse (Unpublished). In: Food & Communication Conference. University of Örebro, Örebro, Sweden. 13-15 Sep 2023.

Thurlow, Crispin; Britain, David (7 September 2023). Visions of perfection and despair in the global semioscape: A social semiotic analysis of stock photography (Unpublished). In: 14th Linguistic Landscapes Workshop. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid – UAM. 05-08.09.2023.

Gonçalves, Kellie (7 September 2023). Disputed urban territories: linguistic and discursive materializations of dystopia and utopia: Discussion (Unpublished). In: Linguistic Landscape Conference. University of Madrid, Spain. September 6-9 2023.

Gonçalves, Kellie (6 September 2023). Investigating economic utopia and dystopia through mobile stickers and their functions (Unpublished). In: Linguistic Landscape Conference. University of Madrid, Spain. September 6-9 2023.

Gonçalves, Kellie (6 September 2023). Anthropocentic Landscapes: Discussion (Unpublished). In: Linguistic Landscape Conference. University of Madrid, Spain. September 6-9 2023.

Thurlow, Crispin (1 September 2023). The stuff of words: Language materiality and/as symbolic power (Unpublished). In: Language Learning and Teaching in Digital Transformation. PH Luzern. 01-02.09.2023.

Lorente, Beatriz (September 2023). Sociolinguistic Analysis Clinic (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistic Analysis Clinic (workshop). University of Bern & University of Fribourg. 11-12 September.

Thurlow, Crispin (24 August 2023). Dull Men's Club – herrlich öde Gentlemen. Radio interview, WDR 5

Hedegard, Hannah; Fröhlich, Andrea; Tomaschek, Fabian; Steiner, Carina; Leemann, Adrian (22 August 2023). Filling The Population Statistics Gap: Swiss German Reference Data On F0 And Speech Tempo For Forensic Contexts. In: Interspeech. Trinity College Dublin. 20.08.-24.08.2023.

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (2023). Virtuous outlaws: Affective claims to value in professional speechwriters’ discourse. Applied linguistics, pp. 1-16. Oxford University Press 10.1093/applin/amad048

Droz-dit-Busset, Olivia (13 July 2023). The shape of interaction: the pragmatics of (a)typicality (Unpublished). In: 18th International Pragmatics Association Conference, (IPrA). Brussels, Belgium. 9-14. 07.23.

Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black; Hubbuch, Priska; Favaro-Buschor, Simonette (11 July 2023). Language Analysis In The Swiss Asylum System: Towards Inclusive Collaboration And Best Practice (Unpublished). In: International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics Annual Conference. Universität Zürich. 09.07-12.07.2024.

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (8 July 2023). Consultation/Interview for durty_beanz film exhibition. In: NEVER EVER. durty_beanz

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah (27 June 2023). PRICE and MOUTH four ways: nucleus quality, diphthong length, offglide quality and allophonic raising in Falkland Island English (Unpublished). In: UKLVC 14. University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland. 26 - 27 June 2023.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah (22 June 2023). No one thinks twice: variation, change and the personal compound determinative doublets –body and – one in Falkland Island English (Unpublished). In: The 7th meeting of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE 7). University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. 19 - 23 June 2023.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah (22 June 2023). A multidimensional vowel analysis of PRICE and MOUTH in Falkland Island English (Unpublished). In: The 7th meeting of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE 7). University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. 19 - 23 June 2023.

Britain, David; Grossenbacher, Sarah (20 June 2023). Dialect transmission on the move: nomadic communities, dialect acquisition and sociolinguistic sedentarism (Unpublished). In: The 7th meeting of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE 7). University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. 19 - 23 June 2023.

Tod, Danielle Natasha (16 June 2023). “they see that I'm just Tongan, but like with really good English”: Conflicting language ideologies in the Kingdom of Tonga (Unpublished). In: IAWE 25. Stony Brook University.

Britain, David (1 June 2023). Socio-historical Perspectives on Dialect Contact: a discussion. 12th Historical Sociolinguistics Network Conference. (Unpublished). In: 12th Historical Sociolinguistics Network Conference.. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium.. 31.5.23-2.6.23.

Britain, David; Büchler, Andrin (1 June 2023). Everyone's here and nobody's missing: 100 years of human pronominal quantifier variation in Norwich. (Unpublished). In: Festtagung 'Variabilitaet und Wandel'. Universität Graz, Austria. 8-9 June 2023.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah (31 May 2023). Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue?: On the Fate of the Falkland Island Colonial Koine. (Unpublished). In: Historical Sociolinguistics Network Conference. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.. 31 May - 2 June.

Thurlow, Crispin (31 May 2023). Elite creativities: Engaging the language work of professional wordsmiths (Unpublished). In: Invited talk at University of Strasbourg and University of Glasgow. University of Strasbourg, France (online).

Britain, David (25 May 2023). New dialect formation and contemporary change in Falkland Island English (Unpublished). In: Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, France. 6-7.10.23.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah (13 May 2023). There’s nobody there: variation, change and the pronominal quantifier doublets –body and –one in Falkland Island English. (Unpublished). In: Soziolinguistische Perspektiven: Kontakt – Variation – Wandel. Department of German, University of Bern. May 12-13.

Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (6 May 2023). Language Analysis in the Swiss Asylum System: Towards Collaboration, Transparency and Best Practice (Unpublished). In: SAUTE Conference 2023. Universität Fribourg. 05.05-06.05.2023.

Thurlow, Crispin (3 May 2023). It’s a mess! Talking about waste across languages (Unpublished). In: Invited talk at the University of Stockholm. Stockholm, Sweden (online).

Droz-dit-Busset, Olivia (20 April 2023). Stylising branded voices: A comparative analysis of corporate ventriloquism by advertising copywriters and social media influencers (Unpublished). In: Guest Lecture. University of Zurich.

Gonçalves, Kellie (18 April 2023). Multilingual Work (Unpublished). In: MultiLing. University of Oslo, Norway (Zoom).

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (13 April 2023). 100 years of Falkland Island English: settler roots, koine formation and contemporary change (Unpublished). In: Conference on the Phonology of Contemporary English (PAC) 2023: Spoken English Varieties: Interfaces and Multidimensional Approaches. Université de Nanterre, Paris, France. 12-14 April, 2023.

Thurlow, Crispin (6 April 2023). Finding words in waste: The discursive production of value (Unpublished). In: Invited talk at Georgetown University. Washington DC, USA.

Lorente, Beatriz (4 April 2023). Reflexivity in linguistic ethnography (Unpublished). In: 9th Explorations in Ethnography, Language and Communication. University College London.

Thurlow, Crispin (31 March 2023). Liquid power: Analysing the “infinity pool” as a multimodal text (Unpublished). In: Invited talk at the University of Udine. University of Udine (online).

Gonçalves, Kellie (29 March 2023). Sociolinguistics, Gender & Historians? (Unpublished). In: Invited Talk. University of Zurich, Switzerland (Zoom).

Britain, David (22 March 2023). Deconstructing evidence in (socio)linguistic research (Unpublished). In: Invited talk in the Department of English Philology. University of Murcia, Spain.

Thurlow, Crispin (21 March 2023). Reassessing the “critical” in CDS (Unpublished). In: Reassessing the „critical‟ in CDS. Università della Svizzera italiana. 21-22.03.2023.

Gonçalves, Kellie (15 March 2023). Eye-tracking with Pupil Core (Unpublished). In: Invited Talk. CSLS, University of Bern, Switzerland (Zoom).

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (14 February 2023). “sori für di mega whacki quali”: African American English in Swiss Youth Discourse (Unpublished). In: BeLing Colloquium SS23, Center for the Study of Language and Society (CSLS). University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland.

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (10 January 2023). Elite Authenticity (Video-recorded interview for DURTY TALKS series). DURTY TALKS series

Gonçalves, Kellie (5 January 2023). Embodied Sociolinguistics: the case of Bikram yoga (Unpublished). In: Invited Talk. Tel Aviv University, Israel (Zoom).

Mapes, Gwynne Erin; Moriarty, Mairead (eds.) (2023). The Routledge Companion to Language and Food (In Press). Routledge

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black; Sudbury, Andrea; Hall, Rosemary; Holliday, Nicole; Schreier, Daniel (2023). The Sociolinguistics of the Atlantic Englishes. In: Ball, Martin; Mesthrie, Rajend; Meluzzi, Chiara (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Sociolinguistics Around the World (pp. 120-130). Routledge

Britain, David; Büchler, Andrin (2023). Is there anybody there?: a century of human pronominal quantifier variation in Norwich. In: Braun, Christian; Scherr, Elisabeth (eds.) Variabilität und Wandel: Sprache im Spannungsfeld zwischen System und Gebrauch (pp. 13-24). Wien: Praesens

Thurlow, Crispin (2023). Staging a tomatoscape: A case study in place branding and/as semiotic reflexivity. Linguistic landscape, 10(1), pp. 1-21. Benjamins 10.1075/ll.23019.thu

Hernández-Campoy, Juan Manuel; Britain, David (2023). 500 years of past BE in East Anglia: a variationist investigation. Roczniki Humanistyczne, 71(6), pp. 103-123. John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin 10.18290/rh237106.5s

Thurlow, Crispin (2023). Working beside/s words: A case study in the partiality and provinciality of language. Multimodality & society, 4(1), pp. 11-28. Sage 10.1177/26349795231202250

Aiello, Giorgia; Thurlow, Crispin; Portmann, Lara (2023). Desocializing social media: The visual and media ideologies of stock photography. Social media + society, 178(1), pp. 1-14. Sage 10.1177/20563051231156363

Thurlow, Crispin (2023). The relentless language of superiority and comparison. Babel: The Language Magazine, 45, pp. 10-12.

Thurlow, Crispin (2023). Commentary: From southern theory to decolonizing sociolinguistics: A radical listening. In: Deumert, Ana; Makoni, Sinfree (eds.) From Southern Theory to Decolonizing Sociolinguistics: Voices, Questions and Alternatives. Studies in Knowledge Production and Participation: Vol. 5 (pp. 255-261). Multilingual Matters 10.21832/9781788926577-016

Thurlow, Crispin; Britain, David (eds.) (2023). Language and Social Life [LSL], 26. De Gruyter

Thurlow, Crispin; Britain, David (eds.) (2023). Language and Social Life [LSL], 28. De Gruyter

Thurlow, Crispin; Britain, David (eds.) (2023). Language and Social Life [LSL], 29. De Gruyter

Thurlow, Crispin; Britain, David (eds.) (2023). Language and Social Life [LSL], 20. De Gruyter

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (ed.) (2023). The Language Work of Speechwriters (In Press). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press

Tod, Danielle Natasha (2023). Rhythm in the Kingdom: A variationist analysis of speech rhythm in Tongan English (In Press). English Language and Linguistics Cambridge University Press (CUP)

Vergeiner, Philip C.; Luttenberger, Jan; Bülow, Lars; Wallner, Dominik; Britain, David (2023). Revisiting areal and lexical diffusion: the case of Viennese Monophthongization in Austria’s traditional dialects. Linguistics, 61(4), pp. 915-957. De Gruyter 10.1515/ling-2021-0105

Gonçalves, Kellie (2023). Investigating the discourses of lifestyle migration, lifestyle mobilities and multilingualism within a Norwegian context. AILA Review, 36(2), pp. 300-322.


Tod, Danielle Natasha (16 December 2022). Rhythm in the Kingdom: An analysis of speech rhythm in Tongan English using a quantitative metric (Unpublished). In: NWAV Asia Pacific. Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok. 14-16 Dec.

Thurlow, Crispin (14 December 2022). Liquid power in “luxury tourism”: Mapping the global semioscape (Unpublished). In: Invited talk at College of Language and Communication, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Martime Transport. Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Martime Transport, Egypt.

Tod, Danielle Natasha (8 December 2022). Tongan and English in the linguistic landscape of downtown Nuku'alofa, the Kingdom of Tonga (Unpublished). In: NZLS 2022. University of Otago, Dunedin NZ. 8-9 Dec.

Britain, David; Büchler, Andrin (7 December 2022). Where is everybody? Variation, change and the personal compound determinative doublets -body and -one in spoken and written New Zealand English (Unpublished). In: Linguistic Society of New Zealand conference. Dunedin. 08.–09.12.2022.

Lorente, Beatriz (6 December 2022). The supermaid as a figure of linguistic modernity (Unpublished). In: Figures of linguistic modernity: Language and political economy in the Philippines and beyond. Hunter College, New York. 06 - 09 Dec 2022.

Thurlow, Crispin (15 November 2022). Language, tourism, and banal globalization (Unpublished). In: Invited talk at the English Seminar, University of Zurich. University of Zurich, Switzerland.

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (14 November 2022). Erasing the Author: Politics and Professionalism in Speechwriters’ Language Work (Unpublished). In: Professional Speechwriters Association annual conference. Seattle, WA, USA. 9-14 Nov 2022.

Droz-dit-Busset, Olivia (13 November 2022). Stylizing brand: Language work, copywriting, and corporate “tone of voice” (Unpublished). In: American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Seattle, United States of America. 9-13 November 2022.

Portmann, Lara (13 November 2022). Making words that work: Language and semiotic ideologies in UX writing (Unpublished). In: AAA (American Anthropology Association) Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA. 9–13 November 2022.

Thurlow, Crispin (9 November 2022). Discourse ethnography: Mapping language, rethinking context (Unpublished). In: Invited talk at University of Murcia. University of Murcia.

Britain, David (9 November 2022). Using new technologies to study dialect in Britain (Unpublished). In: Swiss-British Society of Bern. Bern, Switzerland.

Mapes, Gwynne Erin; Jossi, Sarah (4 November 2022). African American English as Transglossic Practice: The Case of W(h)ack in Swiss Youth WhatsApp Messages (Unpublished). In: SAUTE 75th Anniversary “The Places of English in Switzerland”. Bern, Switzerland. 4 Nov 2022.

Tod, Danielle Natasha (3 November 2022). The linguistic landscape of downtown Nuku'alofa (Unpublished). In: Guest Lecture. University of Bern. 3 November.

Britain, David (3 November 2022). The countryside strikes back: using ideologies of the urban to promote the rural (Unpublished). In: Workshop WBK Forschungsplattform Urbane und rurale Räume: Ein transphilologischer Dialog. Walter Benjamin Kolleg, University of Bern.

Gonçalves, Kellie (November 2022). The Discourse of Van Life: A Multimodal Analysis. (Unpublished). In: Urbane und rurale Räume: Ein transphilologischer Dialog. University of Bern.

Thurlow, Crispin (25 October 2022). Linguistic hauntings and the discursive chronotopes of waste (Unpublished). In: Invited talk at Autonomous University of Barcelona. Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Britain, David (21 October 2022). The English Dialects App: how, why and what happened? (Unpublished). In: Guest lecture. University of Zurich. 21. October 2022.

Thurlow, Crispin (2022). Spracharbeit im Filmbusiness: Von der Bedeutung „kleiner Texte“. In: Brommer, Sarah; Roth, Kersten Sven; Spitzmüller, Jürgen (eds.) Brückenschläge: Linguistik an den Schnittstellen. Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik (pp. 155-175). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto

Grossenbacher, Sarah (15 October 2022). “Like an old-fashioned village that travels” – dialect variation among a nomadic British community (Unpublished). In: NWAV50. Standford University, San José, USA. 13th-15th October 2022.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (15 October 2022). Canadian Raising beyond /ai/ and /au/: /oi/ in Falkland Island English (Unpublished). In: New Ways of Analyzing Variation 50 (NWAV50). Stanford University. 13.-15. October 2022.

Britain, David; Rupp, Laura Marie (14 October 2022). Let’s talk about –s (again): constraints on variable verbal marking in Norwich (Unpublished). In: New Ways of Analyzing Variation 50 (NWAV50). Stanford University. 13.-15. October 2022.

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (12 October 2022). Humble Servants with a Superiority Complex: How to Manage Your Own Ego, Too (Unpublished). In: Professional Speechwriters Association annual conference. Washington, DC, USA. 12-13 Oct 2022.

Portmann, Lara (28 September 2022). Investigating the invisible interface: Media and semiotic ideologies in UX writing (Unpublished). In: GAL (Gesellschaft für angewandte Linguistik) Sektionentagung. University of Würzburg. 28–30 September 2022.

Thurlow, Crispin (28 September 2022). Big data, better data? Mining, mapping, and the cultural life of social media (Unpublished). In: 9th Conference on Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) and Social Media Corpora. University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 28-29 September 2022.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (16 September 2022). Untitled presentation (Unpublished). In: In-Service L2 teacher training day on Creative Writing. Liceo Locarno. 16 September.

Britain, David (10 September 2022). 150 years of the English North-South dialect divide (Unpublished). In: 40th International Conference of the Società Linguistica Italiana. Brixen-Bressanone. 08.-10. September.

Thurlow, Crispin (8 September 2022). Staging a tomatoscape: A case study in place branding and/as semiotic reflexivity (Unpublished). In: 13th Linguistic Landscape Workshop. University of Hamburg, Germany. 7-9 September 2022.

Thurlow, Crispin (5 September 2022). Linguistic hauntings and the discursive chronotopes of waste (Unpublished). In: University of Duisburg-Essen. University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany.

Thurlow, Crispin (5 September 2022). Messy methods and the semiotics of (urban) waste (Unpublished). In: University of Duisburg-Essen. University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany.

Gonçalves, Kellie; Lanza, Elizabeth (September 2022). Expanding the LL: Familyscapes, multilingualism, and family language policy (Unpublished). In: Linguistic Landscape Workshop. University of Hamburg. 7-9 September.

Britain, David (22 August 2022). Escape to the country?: the phonological construction of the ‘rural’ in English film and TV (Unpublished). In: Convegno interdisciplinare Traiettorie dinamiche della rappresentazione audiovisiva: Cinema, TV, serialità, web. University of Bergen, Norway. 22.-23. August 2022.

Thurlow, Crispin (17 August 2022). Parsing the language of elitism: Words, practices, formations (Unpublished). In: Methods in Language Sciences Summer School. University of Ghent, Belgium. 16-20 August 2022.

Thurlow, Crispin (17 August 2022). Discourse ethnography: Mapping language, rethinking context (Unpublished). In: Methods in Language Sciences Summer School. University of Ghent, Belgium. 16-20 August 2022.

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko (5 August 2022). A moribund Japanese colonial koiné in the Pacific: a panel study of language obsolescence. (Unpublished). In: 17th International Conference on Methods in Dialectology (Methods XVII). Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany. 01.-05. August 2022.

Vergeiner, Philip C.; Bülow, Lars; Luttenberger, Jan; Britain, David (2 August 2022). Diffusion of Viennese Monophthongization in Austria’s traditional dialects (Unpublished). In: 17th International Conference on Methods in Dialectology (Methods XVII). Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany. 01.-05. August 2022.

Portmann, Lara (2022). Crafting an audience: UX writing, user stylization, and the symbolic violence of little texts. Discourse, context & media, 48, p. 100622. Elsevier 10.1016/j.dcm.2022.100622

Droz-dit-Busset, Olivia (2022). "So-called influencers": Stancetaking and (de)legitimation in mediatized discourse about social media influencers. Discourse, context & media, 49, p. 100629. Elsevier 10.1016/j.dcm.2022.100629

Droz-dit-Busset, Olivia (15 July 2022). (Re)designing voice? A comparative analysis of corporate ventriloquism by advertising copywriters and social media influencers (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistics Symposium 24. University of Ghent. 13-16 July 2022.

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko (13 July 2022). A real-time study of language obsolescence: An endangered postcolonial Japanese in the Pacific (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistics Symposium 24. University of Ghent, Belgium. 13.-16. July 2022.

Portmann, Lara (13 July 2022). Microcopy as symbolic violence: The pragmatics and politics of little texts in UX writing (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistics Symposium 24. University of Ghent. 13–16 July 2022.

Thurlow, Crispin; Haudenschild, Noëlle (2022). Dishing up distinction: Language materiality and multimodal coherence in elite foodways. Frontiers in communication, 7, pp. 1-12. Frontiers Media 10.3389/fcomm.2022.885010

Tod, Danielle Natasha (15 June 2022). Tongan English as an emergent nativising variety (Unpublished). In: CSLS summer school. University of Bern. 14-16 June.

Grossenbacher, Sarah (14 June 2022). From fair to fair with no focussing? (Unpublished). In: CSLS Summer School. University of Bern. 14th-16th June 2022.

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko (8 June 2022). A panel study of the obsolescence of a Pacific Japanese colonial koine (Unpublished). In: LinguisTisch. Sociolinguistics Lab, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. 08. June 2022.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (1 June 2022). The history of Spanish influence on Falkland Island English (Unpublished). In: Historical Sociolinguistic Network Conference. University of Murcia, Spain. 01.-03. June 2022.

Portmann, Lara (1 June 2022). Designing words: UX writing, language work, and the politics of digital media interfaces (Unpublished). In: Forum GSAH (Graduate Studies of the Arts and Humanities). Universität Bern. 01.06.2022.

Gonçalves, Kellie (June 2022). Multilingual writing and social class: a case study of supermarket products in Switzerland June 2022 (Unpublished). In: Multilingual Writing. Inter-University Center Dubrovnik.

Thurlow, Crispin (2022). Rubbish? Envisioning a sociolinguistics of waste. Journal of sociolinguistics, 26(3), pp. 386-403. Wiley 10.1111/josl.12559

Thurlow, Crispin (25 May 2022). While Rome burns: Regrounding work in elite discourse (Unpublished). In: 10th International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics. Pablo de Olavide University, Spain. 23-25 May 2022.

Thurlow, Crispin (7 May 2022). Embracing a life of mediocrity (Unpublished). In: TEDxBasel. Basel. 7 May 2022.

Thurlow, Crispin (28 April 2022). No strings attached? Multilingual performance and fleeting conviviality in host-tourist encounters (Unpublished). In: 5th Symposium Language for International Communication. University of Latvia, Latvia. 28-29 April 2022.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (27 April 2022). How influential has Spanish been on the structure of Falkland Island English? (Unpublished). In: 39th AESLA conference. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 27. April 2022.

Britain, David; Rupp, Laura Marie (22 April 2022). A new look at third person present-tense English in Norwich English (Unpublished). In: Language Variation and Change in the South of England. University of Suffolk, Ipswich. 22. April 2022.

Britain, David; Rupp, Laura Marie (12 April 2022). Beyond the NP/PRO constraint: factors governing the use of third person present tense zero in Norwich English. (Unpublished). In: ICLAVE 11. University of Vienna. 11.-14. April 2022.

Portmann, Lara (12 April 2022). “A very functional designer of words”: (Non-)creativity and the language work of UX writers (Unpublished). In: MA Seminar: Professional Discourse (Instructors: Prof. Dr. Crispin Thurlow and Dr. Gwynne Mapes). Universität Bern. 12.04.2022.

Thurlow, Crispin (25 March 2022). Beside/s words: Working without language (Unpublished). In: Unthinking Language – Paths towards Posthumanist Understandings of Human Interaction. European University Viadrina, Germany. 24-26 March 2022.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2022). Leben im Stöckli mit ukrainischen Flüchtlingen [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Radio Bern.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (16 March 2022). Flüchtlinge müssen stundenlang anstehen (Interview mit Michael Bucher). Bund

Andres Morrissey, Franz (16 March 2022). Flüchtlinge müssen stundenlang anstehen (Interview mit Michael Bucher). Berner Zeitung Berner Zeitung BZ

Thurlow, Crispin (15 March 2022). Rethinking context? The promises/challenges of discourse ethnography (Unpublished). In: Copenhagen Winterschool in Sociolinguistics 2022. University of Copenhagen, Denmark. 14-16 March 2022.

Grossenbacher, Sarah (11 March 2022). Dialect contact and “all the fun of the fair”: Dialect variation among a group of Travelling Showpeople (Unpublished). In: GURT 2022: Dialect Contact. Georgetown University. 10th-13th March.

Gonçalves, Kellie (March 2022). Yogascapes (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistics Seminar Series. University of Reading, England (Zoom).

Droz-dit-Busset, Olivia (25 February 2022). Wordsmiths at work: Tone of voice stylization by advertising copywriters and social media influencers (Unpublished). In: Swiss Works in English Language and Linguistics (SWELL). Universität Basel. 25. February 2022.

Portmann, Lara (25 February 2022). “Yes, Agreed!”: Microcopy, audience crafting, and the symbolic violence of little texts in UX writing (Unpublished). In: SWELL (Swiss Works in English Language and Linguistics) Annual Meeting. Universität Basel. 25 February 2022.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (10 February 2022). Creating Music (Unpublished). In: The Unholy Trinity Symposium. Käfigturm, Bern. 10 February 2023.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (4 February 2022). The Immortal Memory (Unpublished). In: Robert Burns Night. French Church, Bern. 4 February 2023.

Matsumoto, Kazuko; Britain, David (eds.) (2022). International Journal of the Sociology of Language Special Issue: Diaspora Japanese, 2022(273). De Gruyter Mouton

Matsumoto, Kazuko; Britain, David (2022). The vernacularity of Palauan Japanese. International journal of the sociology of language, 2022(273), pp. 103-144. Oxford: Mouton de Gruyter 10.1515/ijsl-2021-0010

Matsumoto, Kazuko; Britain, David (2022). Diaspora Japanese: transnational mobility and language contact. International journal of the sociology of language, 2022(273), pp. 1-29. Oxford: De Gruyter Mouton 10.1515/ijsl-2021-0009

Gonçalves, Kellie (February 2022). From Economic Migration to Lifestyle Mobilities: exploring the discourses of movement. (Unpublished). In: Migration Linguistics Winter School. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (Zoom).

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko (25 January 2022). Transplanted Japanese in the colonial diaspora: dialect and language contact and obsolescence (Unpublished). In: East Asian Linguistics Workshop. Stanford University, USA. 25. January 2022.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (25 January 2022). The Immortal Memory (Unpublished). In: Robert Burns Night. Chateau de Salavaux. 25 January 2023.

Britain, David (18 January 2022). Looking for calm within the storm: dialect contact research and its elephants in the room (Unpublished). In: Dialect Contact Workshop in the Historical Sociolinguistics Research Program. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium (online). 18.01.2022.

Lorente, Beatriz (2022). Migration. In: Borlongan, Ariane Macalinga (ed.) Philippine English: Development, structure and sociology of English in the Philippines (pp. 327-339). New York, London: Routledge

Britain, David (2022). ‘Urban’ and ‘rural’ in dialectology. In: Busse, Beatrix; Warnke, Ingo H. (eds.) Handbuch Sprache im urbanen Raum - Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven der Stadtforschung. Handbücher Sprachwissen (HSW): Vol. 20 (pp. 52-73). Berlin: De Gruyter

Britain, David; Beal, Joan C.; Corrigan, Karen P.; Kortmann, Bernd (eds.) (2022). Dialects of English. Mouton De Gruyter

Fox, Susan; Cheshire, J.; Kerswill, P.; Torgersen, E. (2022). Multicultural London English (In Press). In: The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of World Englishes. Hoboken: Wiley Blackwell

Mapes, Gwynne Erin; Ross, Andrew S. (2022). Performing status and morality: Normative sustainability in chefs’ Instagram discourse (In Press). Language in society Cambridge University Press

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko (2022). English in Micronesia (In Press). In: Bolton, Kingsley; Davis, Daniel (eds.) Encyclopaedia of World Englishes. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black; Sudbury, Andrea (2022). English in the Falkland Islands (In Press). In: Bolton, Kingsley; Davis, Daniel (eds.) Encyclopaedia of World Englishes. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell

Young, Nathan Joel; Britain, David; Leemann, Adrian (2022). A blueprint for using deepfakes in sociolinguistic matched-guise experiments. In: Interspeech 2022. Proceedings (pp. 5268-5272). International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) 10.21437/Interspeech.2022-10782

Britain, David (2022). Grammatical variation in England (In Press). In: Fox, Susan Patricia (ed.) Language in the British Isles. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko (2022). The history of English in Micronesia (In Press). In: Bolton, Kingsley; Davis, Daniel (eds.) Encyclopaedia of World Englishes. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko; Prompapakorn, Praparat (2022). Rural koineisation: three cases studies from Palau, Thailand and England (In Press). In: Tzitzilis, Chr.; Papanastassiou, G. (eds.) Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Koine, koines and the formation of Standard Modern Greek. Thessaloniki: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black; Sudbury, Andrea (2022). English in the Falkland Islands (In Press). In: Hickey, Raymond (ed.) Cambridge History of the English Language. Volume 5, English in Britain and Overseas: Origins and Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Britain, David; Leemann, Adrian Martin; Blaxter, Tamsin (2022). English Dialects App (In Press). In: Montgomery, Christopher; Moore, Emma (eds.) Oxford Handbook of British Englishes. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Britain, David (2022). Ethnolects, multiethnolects and urban contact dialects: Looking forward, looking back, looking around. In: Kerswill, Paul; Wiese, Heike (eds.) Urban contact dialects and language change: Insights from the global North and South (pp. 325-336). London: Routledge

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (2022). Virtuous outlaws: Ideology and affect in professional speechwriters’ discourse (Submitted). Applied linguistics Oxford University Press

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (2022). Elite Authenticity (Video-recorded interview for DURTY TALKS series). DURTY TALKS series

Lorente, Beatriz (2022). Afterword: History in a sociolinguistics of global Asias. In: Lee, Jerry Won (ed.) The sociolinguistics of global Asias (pp. 211-212). New York and London: Routledge

Gonçalves, Kellie (2022). Street art as “street fetish” – a new signifier of social class? The case of Brazil’s “Beverley Hills”. Social semiotics, 32(4), pp. 525-544. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/10350330.2022.2114729

Gonçalves, Kellie; Milani, Tommaso M. (2022). Street art/art in the street – semiotics, politics, economy. Social semiotics, 32(4), pp. 425-443. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/10350330.2022.2114724

Gonçalves, Kellie (2022). “I think I need her more than she needs me”: An Intersectional Approach to Privilege, Marginalization and Power Asymmetries within a Brazilian Domestic Labor Context. Journal of Postcolonial Linguistics, 7, pp. 13-31.

Gonçalves, Kellie (2022). Urban Variationist Sociolinguistics. In: Busse, Beatrix; Warnke, Ingo H. (eds.) Handbuch Sprache Im Urbanen Raum. Handbücher Sprachwissen (HSW): Vol. 20 (pp. 33-51). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter 10.1515/9783110296334-002

Gonçalves, Kellie; Milani, Tommaso M. (eds.) (2022). Social Semiotics, 32(4). Taylor & Francis

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2022). Journeys of Slavery [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Readings and performances with Coro Sem Fronteiras. Paulus-Kirche Basel. 17 June

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2022). Journeys of Slavery [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Readings and performances with Coro Sem Fronteiras. Galotti Zürich. 19 June

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2022). Journeys of Slavery [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Readings and performances with Coro Sem Fronteiras. Remise Theater Bern. 1 & 2 July 2022

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2022). Brown Adam with Franz Andres Morrissey. In: Handed Down (Podcast).

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2022). Curating Music: What is perpetuated and why (Submitted). In: The Unholy Trinity. University of Manchester Press

Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (2022). University of Bern Manx English Corpus (Dialect Corpus) (Submitted). In: University of Bern Manx English Corpus.

Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black; Bovenizer, Noah (2022). Swiss students visiting island to study dialect. Isle of Man Today

Thurlow, Crispin; Britain, David (eds.) (2022). Language and Social Life [LSL], 24. De Gruyter


Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black; Britain, David (19 November 2021). 100 years of intrusive /r/ in Falkland Island English (Unpublished). In: R-atics 2021 Conference. University of Lausanne. 18-19.11.2021.

Britain, David (12 November 2021). Borders as context-creating and context-renewing: understanding the persistence of the English Fens as a dialect transition zone (Unpublished). In: Conference on Challenging borders, challenging categorizations. University of Bern. 11.-13. November 2021.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (6 November 2021). 100 years of koineisation in Falkland Island English (Unpublished). In: 2nd International Conference on the Koine, koines, and the formation of Standard Modern Greek. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. 5.-6. November 2021.

Britain, David (3 November 2021). Demographic change and dialect levelling in southern England (Unpublished). In: Guest Lectures / Research Colloquia. Department of English. University of Basel. 03. November 2021.

Thurlow, Crispin; Aiello, Georgia; Portmann, Lara (23 September 2021). Envisioning social media: Visual and media ideologies in stock photography – a multimodal corpus-based approach (Unpublished). In: Putting Multimodality to Use: Corpus-based Applications of Multimodality and Their Implications for Theory and Methods. Universities of Salzburg & Groningen. 23.-24.09.2021.

Tod, Danielle (14 September 2021). Rhythm in the Kingdom: An analysis of speech timing in Tongan English (Unpublished). In: BeLing. University of Bern. 13.-14.09.2021.

Portmann, Lara (13 September 2021). What’s in a name? Job titles, identity and indexicality in UX writing (Unpublished). In: BeLing Colloquium. University of Bern. 13.-14.09.2021.

Bülow, Lars; Büchler, Andrin; Rawyler, Nicolai; Schneider, Christa; Britain, David (2021). Linguistic, social, and individual factors constraining variation in spoken Swiss Standard German. In: Werth, Alexander; Bülow, Lars; Pfenninger, Simone E.; Schiegg, Markus (eds.) Intra-individual Variation in Language. Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM]: Vol. 363 (pp. 127-174). Berlin/Boston: Mouton de Gruyter 10.1515/9783110743036-005

Gonçalves, Kellie (7 September 2021). The political economy of place - Investigating how 'artistic dividends' and 'USPs' are used in gentrification processes: case studies from Brooklyn (Unpublished). In: Linguistic Landscape: The Political Economy of Language and Space (PhD Workshop). The University of Göthenburg, Sweden (Online). 6.-8. September 2021.

Gonçalves, Kellie (2 September 2021). Yogascapes: Embodied Practice and the Political Economy of Place (Unpublished). In: Linguistic Landscape. The University of Göthenburg, Sweden (Online). 1. - 3. September 2021.

Britain, David (1 September 2021). Islomania and English: what can islands tell us about the past and the present of English dialects (Unpublished). In: 15th European Society for the Study of English conference. University of Lyon. 30. August - 03 September 2021.

Gonçalves, Kellie (2021). Narrating Migration: Intimacies of Exclusion in Northern Italy , Perrino, Sabina , New York: Routledge, 2020. vi + 170 pp. The Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 32(1), pp. 250-251. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jola.12316

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black; Leemann, Adrian Martin; Steiner, Carina Laura; Jeszenzsky, Peter (23 August 2021). Earwitness evidence accuracy revisited: estimating speaker age, height, weight, geographical origin, political affiliation, and education (Unpublished). In: International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (IAFPA) 2021. University of Marburg, Germany. 22. - 25. August 2021.

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (16 August 2021). Brooklyn foodie ‘insiders’: (Dis)avowing distinction over dinner (Unpublished). In: International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA) World Congress. Groningen, Netherlands. 15.-21.08.2021.

Droz-dit-Busset, Olivia (2 July 2021). Beyond the colonized lifeworld? Audience design in Social Media Influencers’ advertising discourse (Unpublished). In: International Pragmatics Association (IPrA) Bi-annual Meeting. Winterthur. 27.06.-02.07.2021.

Droz-dit-Busset, Olivia (2 July 2021). “Getting personal with you”: Affect and authenticity in confessional videos of YouTube lifestyle and beauty influencers (Unpublished). In: International Pragmatics Association (IPrA) Bi-annual Meeting. Winterthur. 27.06.-02.07.2021.

Mapes, Gwynne; Thurlow, Crispin (1 July 2021). The practice of poetics: Metapragmatic perspectives from professional wordsmiths (Unpublished). In: International Pragmatics Association (IPrA) Bi-annual Meeting. Winterthur, Switzerland. 27.06.-02.07.2019.

Britain, David (21 June 2021). Big dialect data: what, why and how? (Unpublished). In: CUSO Workshop on Harvesting language in the field: methodologies in sociolinguistic data collection. Universität Bern. 21-22 Juni 2021.

Portmann, Lara (21 June 2021). UX writing as audience design: A discourse ethnography. (Unpublished). In: CUSO Workshop: Harvesting Language in the Field – Methodologies in Sociolinguistic Data Collection. University of Bern. 21.-22.06.2021.

Portmann, Lara (9 June 2021). (In)visible words: The language work of user experience writers (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistics Symposium 23. University of Hong Kong. 07-10.06.2021.

Gonçalves, Kellie (8 June 2021). Namaste: investigating the stylization of bikram yoga as a contemporary global practice (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistic Symposium 23: Social semiotics of style: Unsettling oral, written & visual discourse. The University of Hong Kong, China (Online). 07.-10.06.2021.

Mapes, Gwynne (8 June 2021). Crafting Virtue: Discursive Reflexivity in Political Speechwriting (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistics Symposium 23. Hong Kong, China. 07.-10.06.2021.

Hedegard, Hannah (8 June 2021). What’s in a voice? Laymen estimations of age, weight, height, education, and geographical origin (Unpublished). In: Bamberg Phonetics Group Colloquium. Universität Bamberg, DE. 08.06.2021.

Droz-dit-Busset, Olivia (7 June 2021). Social media influencers as wordsmiths: A metadiscursive analysis of digital language work (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistic Symposium 23. Hong Kong, China. 07.-10.06.2021.

Britain, David (20 May 2021). Your academic job application (Unpublished). In: Academic and non-academic jobs advice roundtable. University of Jyväskylä, Finland. 20 May 2021.

Fox, Susan Patricia; Kircher, R. (10 May 2021). Collecting attitude data in London: Attitude surveys (Unpublished). In: Accent and Discrimination Workshop. Queen Mary, University of London. 10.05.2021.

Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (5 May 2021). What’s in a voice? Laymen estimations of age, weight, height, education, and geographical origin (Unpublished). In: York Linguistics Talk Guest Series 2021. University of York, UK. 05.05.2021.

Britain, David (30 March 2021). Sounds elite: ‘Received Pronunciation', standardisation and social class in England (Unpublished). In: Guest Lecture in "Elite Discourses" lecture series. Universität Bern. 30 March 2021.

Tod, Danielle Natasha (12 March 2021). English in the Kingdom: A preliminary analysis of Tongan English as an emergent variety (Unpublished). In: SWELL 2021. Universität Zürich. 12. März 2021.

Portmann, Lara; Thurlow, Crispin (12 March 2021). Picturing social media – A multimodal discourse analysis (Unpublished). In: SWELL (Swiss Works in English Language and Linguistics). University of Zurich. 12.03.2021.

Droz-dit-Busset, Olivia (12 March 2021). Beyond Synthetic Personalization? The Metadiscursive and Metapragmatic Framing of Social Media Influencers (Unpublished). In: Swiss Works in English Language and Linguistics (SWELL). Zürich. 12.03.2021.

Lorente, Beatriz P. (2021). Prefigurative politics and knowledge production. International journal of the sociology of language, 2021(267-268), pp. 163-167. Clevedon, Buffalo and Toronto: Mouton de Gruyter 10.1515/ijsl-2021-0002

Portmann, Lara (6 March 2021). The rhetorics of creativity in professional language work: The case of UX writers (Unpublished). In: LET Kansai Fundamental Theory SIG. Kansai University. 06.03.2021.

Droz-dit-Busset, Olivia (6 March 2021). The big business of creativity: A frame analysis of social media influencers’ bricolage in advertising discourse (Unpublished). In: Fundamental Theory SIG (The Japan Association for Language Education & Technology (LET)). Kansai University, Osaka, Japan. 06.03.2021.

Gonçalves, Kellie (2021). Grassroots diffusion of English in a ‘blue-collar’ workplace: the case of a multilingual cleaning company in New Jersey, USA. In: Meierkord, Christiane; Schneider, Edgar W. (eds.) The Global Growth of English at the Grassroots. Edinburgh scholarship online (pp. 186-208). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press

Britain, David (21 February 2021). Writing SNF grant proposals - tips, thoughts, ideas (Unpublished). In: BELing Forschungskolloquium. University of Bern. 17.02.2021.

Tod, Danielle (17 February 2021). Language in Tonga: Status, attitudes and the linguistic landscape (Unpublished). In: BELing: Forschungskolloquium Berner Linguistik. Universität Bern. 17. Februar 2021.

Tod, Danielle Natasha (17 February 2021). /r/ in the Kingdom of Tonga: The role of a faith school in language variation (Unpublished). In: New Ways of Analysing Variation – Asia Pacific. National University of Singapore. 17-20 Februar 2021.

Mapes, Gwynne (17 February 2021). Learning from language workers: The case of political speechwriters (Unpublished). In: Center for the Study of Language and Society Semester Colloquium. University of Bern. 17.02.2021.

Tod, Danielle (10 February 2021). English in the Kingdom: A preliminary analysis of Tongan English as an emergent variety (Unpublished). In: Language and Society 2021. University of Waikato. 10 - 12 Februar 2021.

Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (20 January 2021). A family affair: ancestry as a method for analysing regional phonetic variation (Unpublished). In: Glasgow Phonetics LabLunch. University of Glasgow, UK. 20.01.2021.

Tod, Danielle (2021). English in the Kingdom of Tonga: Analysis of the emergent variety of English spoken in the Kingdom of Tonga (Unpublished). (Dissertation, University of Bern, Department of English)

Thiel, Anja; Dinkin, Aaron J. (2021). Escaping the TRAP: Losing the Northern Cities Shift in Real Time. Language Variation and Change, 32(3), pp. 373-398. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0954394520000137

Thurlow, Crispin (2021). Dissecting the language of elitism: The ‘joyful’ violence of premium. Language in society, 50(1), pp. 125-152. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0047404519001015

Britain, David; Bülow, Lars; Rawyler, Nicolai; Schneider, Christa; Büchler, Andrin (2021). Factors of variation in spoken Swiss Standard German. In: Werth, Alexander; Bülow, Lars; Pfenninger, Simone E.; Schiegg, Markus (eds.) Intra-individual variation in language. Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM]: Vol. 363. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton

Britain, David; Grossenbacher, Sarah (2021). Counterurbanisation, dialect contact and the levelling of non-salient traditional dialect variants: The case of the front short vowels in Eastern England. In: Ziegler, Arne; Edler, Stefanie; Oberdorfer, Georg (eds.) Urban Matters. Current Approaches in Variationist Sociolinguistics. Studies in Language Variation (SILV): Vol. 27 (pp. 89-118). Amsterdam: John Benjamins 10.1075/silv.27.04bri

Mapes, Gwynne (2021). Elite authenticity: Remaking distinction in food discourse. Oxford Studies Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Beaman, Karen V.; Buchstaller, Isabelle; Fox, Sue; Walker, James A. (eds.) (2021). Advancing Socio-grammatical Variation and Change: in honour of Jenny Cheshire. Routledge Studies in Sociolinguistics. New York: Routledge 10.4324/9780429282720

Thurlow, Crispin (2021). When globalese meets localese: Transformational tactics in in the typographic landscape – A Bernese case study. Social semiotics, 31(1), pp. 1-20. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/10350330.2020.1810544

Britain, David; Preston, Dennis; Moreno-Fernández, Francisco (eds.) (2021). Journal of Linguistic Geography. Cambridge University Press

Britain, David; Hundt, Marianne; Schröder, Anne (eds.) (2021). English World-Wide. A Journal of Varieties of English. John Benjamins Publishing Company

Britain, David (ed.) (2021). E-AESLA: Electronic Journal of the Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada. Instituto Cervantes

Meier, B.A.S.S.; Lorente, Beatriz; Muth, B.A.S.S.; Duchêne, B.A.S.S. (eds.) (2021). Figures of interpretation. Writing without Borders: Vol. 2. Clevedon, Buffalo and Toronto: Multilingual Matters 10.21832/9781788929400

Lorente, Beatriz (2021). Saeed. In: Meier, B.A.S.S.; Lorente, Beatriz; Muth, B.A.S.S.; Duchêne, B.A.S.S. (eds.) Figures of interpretation. Writing without Borders: Vol. 2 (pp. 130-134). Clevedon, Buffalo and Toronto: Multilingual Matters

Meier, B.A.S.S.; Lorente, Beatriz; Muth, B.A.S.S.; Duchêne, B.A.S.S. (2021). Navigating figures of interpretation. In: Meier, B.A.S.S.; Lorente, Beatriz; Muth, B.A.S.S.; Duchêne, B.A.S.S. (eds.) Figures of interpretation. Writing without Borders: Vol. 2 (xv-xx). Clevedon, Buffalo and Toronto: Multilingual Matters

Thurlow, Crispin (2021). Liquid power: A social semiotics of the “infinity pool”. Visual Communication, 21(1), pp. 123-145. Sage 10.1177/1470357220984823

Britain, David; Leemann, Adrian Martin; Blaxter, Tamsin (2021). Dialect levelling in England: evidence from the English Dialects App. In: Thibault, André; Avanzi, Mathieu; Lo Vecchio, Nicolas; Millour, Alice (eds.) Nouveaux regards sur la variation dialectale/New ways of analysing dialectal variation (pp. 305-334). Paris: Éditions de Linguistique et de Philologie

Britain, David; Britain, Suzanne (2021). Sea shanties, Covid-19, Brexit, New Zealand, East Anglia and rhoticity: a Morrisseyian analysis. In: Nyffenegger-Staub, Nicole Andrea; Fox, Susan Patricia (eds.) FAMschrift: a Festschrift for Franz Andres Morrissey. Bern: Department of English, University of Bern

Britain, David (ed.) (2021). International Journal of English Studies. Universidad de Murcia

Britain, David (ed.) (2021). Journal of Sociolinguistics. Blackwell Publishing

Britain, David (ed.) (2021). Babel: The Language Magazine, (34-37). School of Music, Humanities and Media, University of Huddersfield

Britain, David (ed.) (2021). Literator: Journal of Literary Criticism, Comparative Linguistics and Literary Studies. AOSIS Publishing

Britain, David; Beal, Joan C.; Corrigan, Karen P.; Kortmann, Bernd (eds.) (2021). Dialects of English. Mouton De Gruyter

Britain, David; Thurlow, Crispin (eds.) (2021). Language and Social Life. De Gruyter

Jaworski, Adam; Gonçalves, Kellie (2021). “High Culture at Street Level” Oslo's Ibsen Sitat and the Ethos of Egalitarian Nationalism. In: Blackwood, Robert; Røyneland, Unn (eds.) Spaces of Multilingualism (pp. 135-164). New York: Routledge 10.4324/9781003125839-11

Thurlow, Crispin (2021). Besides hegemonic multilingualism: Making place for little stories and complex biographies. In: Blackwood, Robert; Røyneland, Unn (eds.) Spaces of Multilingualism (pp. 215-232). New York & London: Routledge 10.4324/9781003125839-15


Gonçalves, Kellie; Kelly-Holmes, Helen (eds.) (2020). Language, Global Mobilities, Blue-Collar Workers and Blue-collar Workplaces. Routledge Critical Studies in Multilingualism. London: Routledge

Britain, David (24 November 2020). Demographic change in the English countryside and its impact on local traditional dialects (Unpublished). In: Invited research seminar. University of Vienna. 24 November 2020.

Fox, Susan Patricia (24 October 2020). Multicultural London English (Unpublished). In: Multicultural London English. University of Buenos Aires. 24.10.2020.

Portmann, Lara (20 October 2020). Language, structure and privilege: How designing (with) words impacts the world around us (Unpublished). In: Utterly Content Global. Newcastle upon Tyne (UK) / online. 19–20 Oct 2020.

Jansen, Sandra; Robinson, Justyna A.; Cahill, Lynne; Leemann, Adrian; Blaxter, Tamsin; Britain, David (2020). Sussex by the sea: a descriptive analysis of dialect variation in the South East of England based on English Dialect App data. English today, 36(3), pp. 31-39. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0266078420000218

Grossenbacher, Sarah (18 August 2020). Dialect at the fairground: Language variation amongst a nomadic British community. (Unpublished). In: CSLS Summer School. Kornhausforum Bern. 17 - 19 August.

Portmann, Lara (August 2020). UX Writing as Audience Design: The Sociolinguistics of Digital Media Interfaces (Unpublished). In: CSLS Summer School. Kornhausforum Bern / Haus der Universität Bern. August 2020.

Portmann, Lara (April 2020). A hard look in the mirror: Language, structure, and privilege in IA [Information Architecture] (Unpublished). In: The IA Conference. New Orleans (LA) / online. April 2020.

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (31 March 2020). Elite Authenticity in Food Discourse (Unpublished). In: Language and Materiality MA Seminar (Instructor: Prof. Dr. Crispin Thurlow). University of Bern. 31.03.2020.

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (March 2020). Speaking/Eating Local: Elite Authenticity in Diglossic Switzerland (Unpublished). In: Georgetown University Round Table on Linguistics (GURT). Washington DC, USA. 13-15 March 2020.

Hedegard, Hannah (28 February 2020). Fancy a yarn, Che? Interview. The Penguin News Penguin News

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (27 February 2020). Putting Ethnography into Practice (Unpublished). In: Synchronic Linguistics: Linguistic Anthropology and Ethnography BA Seminar (Instructor: Ms. Sara Lynch, MA). University of Lausanne. 27 February 2020.

Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (27 February 2020). Local FI dialect research underway. In: Smith, Traighana (ed.), Local FI dialect research underway. Falklands Radio

Portmann, Lara (27 February 2020). The impact of IA [Information architecture]: Language, structure, and privilege in our work (Unpublished). In: World IA Day Conference. Zürcher Hochschule der Künste. Februar 2020.

Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (2020). Falkland Island English 2020 [Dataset]. In: Falkland Island English 2020.

Britain, David (February 2020). "Falkland Island English: Twenty Years On." Endbericht. Berner Forschungsstiftung

Thurlow, Crispin (26 January 2020). Gender realism: Pushing back when the binaries bite back. In: Blog. Gender Campus Blog

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (2020). Interactional Sociolinguistics [Audio]. In: Center for Study of Language and Society MA Lecture Series. University of Bern, Switzerland.

Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (2020). The Emergence and Development of Cocos (Keeling) Islands English: A New NEAR-Australian Variety? (Unpublished). (Dissertation, University of Bern, English Department, Phil-hist)

Thurlow, Crispin (January 2020). Words on the loose: The power of “premium”. In: Cambridge Extra. Cambridge Extra

Fox, Susan Patricia (2020). Multilingualism with English and the effects of multilingualism on a variety of English. In: Schreier, Daniel; Hundt, Marianne; Schneider, Edgar (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of World Englishes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Hagmann, Lea; Andres Morrissey, Franz (2020). Multiple Authenticities of Folk Songs. In: Claviez, Thomas; Imesch, Kornelia; Sweers, Britta (eds.) Critique of Authenticity (pp. 183-206). Wilmington: Vernon Press

Britain, David (2020). A sociolinguistic ecology of colonial Britain. In: Schreier, Daniel; Hundt, Marianne; Schneider, Edgar W. (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of World Englishes. Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics (pp. 145-159). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781108349406.007

Mapes, Gwynne (2020). Marketing elite authenticity: Tradition and terroir in artisanal food discourse. Discourse, context & media, 34, p. 100328. Elsevier 10.1016/j.dcm.2019.100328

Thurlow, Crispin; Dürscheid, Christa; Diémoz, Federica (eds.) (2020). Visualizing Digital Discourse: Interactional, Institutional and Ideological Perspectives. Language and Social Life: Vol. 21. Berlin: De Gruyter 10.1515/9781501510113

Thurlow, Crispin (ed.) (2020). The Business of Words: Linguists, Wordsmiths, and Other Language Workers. London: Routledge 10.4324/9781351041782

Thurlow, Crispin; Jaroski, Vanessa (2020). ‘Emoji invasion’: The semiotic ideologies of language endangerment in multilingual news discourse. In: Thurlow, Crispin; Dürscheid, Christa; Diémoz, Federica (eds.) Visualizing Digital Discourse: Interactional, Institutional and Ideological Perspectives. Language and Social Life: Vol. 21 (pp. 45-64). Berlin: De Gruyter 10.1515/9781501510113-003

Thurlow, Crispin (2020). The (grubby) business of words: What ‘George Clooney’ tells us. In: Thurlow, Crispin (ed.) The Business of Words: Linguists, Wordsmiths, and Other Language Workers (pp. 1-20). London: Routledge

Moshin, Jamie; Thurlow, Crispin (2020). Making (up) the news: The artful language work of journalists in ‘reporting’ taboo. In: Thurlow, Crispin (ed.) The Business of Words: Wordsmiths, Linguists and Other Language Workers (pp. 125-138). London: Routledge

Thurlow, Crispin; Britain, David (2020). Voice work: Learning about and from dialect coaches. In: Thurlow, Crispin (ed.) The Business of Words: Linguists, Wordsmiths, and Other Language Workers (pp. 67-85). London: Routledge

Baxter, Tamsin; Britain, David (2020). Hands off the metadata!: comparing the use of explicit and background metadata in crowdsourced dialectology. Linguistic vanguard, 7(s1) De Gruyter Mouton 10.1515/lingvan-2019-0029

Britain, David (2020). Grammatical variation in the contemporary spoken English of England. In: Kirkpatrick, Andy (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of World Englishes. Second Edition (pp. 32-58). London: Routledge

Matsumoto, Kazuko; Britain, David (2020). The contact varieties of Japan and the North-West Pacific. In: Ansaldo, Umberto; Meyerhoff, Miriam (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Pidgin and Creole Languages (pp. 106-131). London: Routledge

Britain, David; Blaxter, Tamsin; Leemann, Adrian (2020). East Anglian English in the English Dialects App: Regional variation in East Anglian English based on evidence from a smartphone-based survey. English today, 36(3), pp. 14-30. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0266078420000206

Britain, David (2020). Denmark: a perhaps unexpected dialect laboratory. In: Maegaard, Marie; Monka, Malene; Mortensen, Kristine Køhler; Stæhr, Andreas Candefors (eds.) Standardization as Sociolinguistic Change A Transversal Study of Three Traditional Dialect Areas. Routledge studies in language change (pp. 228-237). New York: Routledge

Britain, David (2020). What happened to those relatives from East Anglia?: a multilocality analysis of dialect levelling in the relative marker system. In: Beaman, Karen V.; Buchstaller, Isabelle; Fox, Susan; Walker, James A. (eds.) Advancing Socio-grammatical Variation and Change. In Honour of Jenny Cheshire. Routledge studies in sociolinguistics (pp. 93-114). New York: Routledge

Hirano, Keiko; Britain, David (2020). Accommodation and social networks: Grammatical variation among expatriate English speakers in Japan. In: Asahi, Yoshiyuki (ed.) Proceedings of Methods XVI: Papers from the sixteenth international conference on Methods in Dialectology, 2017. Bamberger Beiträge zur englischen Sprachwissenschaft: Vol. 59 (pp. 91-104). Berlin: Peter Lang

Campoy, Juan Manuel Hernandez; Espinosa, Juan Antonio Cutillas; Britain, David (2020). Variação e competência sociolinguísticas no ensino de inglês como língua estrangeira. Revista EntreLínguas, 6(1), pp. 183-201. UNESP 10.29051/el.v6i1.13379

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2020). Plucky Tommies, Angelic Nurses and the Others: Identity constructions in hegemonic and antihegemonic discourse of First World War songs. In: Andres, Julia; Rozema, Brian; Schröder, Anne (eds.) (Dis-)Harmony: Amplifying voices in polyphone cultural production. BEAST - The Bielefeld Engish and American Studies: Vol. 8 (pp. 9-33). Bielefeld: Aisthesis

Ross, Andrew S.; Mapes, Gwynne (2020). Food, class and ideological political affiliation: Indexical fields in the #secondcivilwarletters Tweets. Language & communication : an interdisciplinary journal, 74, pp. 103-112. Elsevier 10.1016/j.langcom.2020.06.007

Fox, Sue (2020). Multilingualism and the World Englishes. In: Schreier, Daniel; Hundt, Marianne; Schneider, Edgar W. (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of World Englishes. Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics (pp. 459-483). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781108349406.020

Thurlow, Crispin; Dürscheid, Christa (2020). Introduction: Turning to the visual in digital discourse studies. In: Thurlow, Crispin; Dürscheid, Christa; Diémoz, Federica (eds.) Visualizing Digital Discourse: Interactional, Institutional and Ideological Perspectives. Language and Social Life [LSL]: Vol. 21 (pp. 1-18). Berlin: De Gruyter 10.1515/9781501510113-001

Britain, David; Thurlow, Crispin (eds.) (2020). Language and Social Life. De Gruyter

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black; Sudbury, Andrea (2020). Datenbank Falkland Island English 1997 [Dataset]. In: Datenbank Falkland Island English 1997.

Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black; Britain, David (2020). Datenbank Falkland Island English 2020 [Dataset].

Britain, David; Hess, Dominique Beatrice; Leonhardt, Tobias; Lynch, Sara (2020). Datenbank Micronesian Englishes [Dataset].

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko (2020). Datenbank Palauan English [Dataset]. In: Datenbank Palauan English.

Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black; Britain, David (2020). Datenbank Written Palauan English [Dataset]. In: Datenbank Written Palauan English.

Britain, David (ed.) (2020). English Language and Linguistics, 24(1-4). Cambridge University Press

Britain, David (ed.) (2020). International Journal of English Studies. Universidad de Murcia

Britain, David (ed.) (2020). Babel: The Language Magazine, 2020. School of Music, Humanities and Media, University of Huddersfield

Britain, David (ed.) (2020). Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies, 42(1, 2).

Britain, David; Heller, Monica (eds.) (2020). Journal of Sociolinguistics. Blackwell Publishing

Britain, David; Bekker, Ian; Schalkwyk, Phil van (eds.) (2020). Literator: Journal of Literary Criticism, Comparative Linguistics and Literary Studies. AOSIS Publishing

Thurlow, Crispin (2020). Beyond the managed heart? Seduction, subjugation and the symbolic economies of sleep. Social semiotics, 31(5), pp. 788-804. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/10350330.2020.1810543


Fox, Susan Patricia; Kircher, Ruth (12 December 2019). Language attitudes in London (Unpublished). In: Language in Urban Spaces workshop. Universität Bern. 11.-13. December 2019.

Britain, David (12 December 2019). Counterurbanisation and its consequences for traditional dialect (Unpublished). In: Languages in Urban Spaces. Universität Bern. 11. - 13.12.2019.

Thurlow, Crispin (December 2019). Language and sexual politics: How words matter. In: Blog. Gender Campus Blog

Thurlow, Crispin (7 November 2019). Liquid power: A social semiotics of the infinity pool (Unpublished). In: Invited lecture. University of Hong Kong. 07.11.19.

Fox, Susan Patricia (November 2019). Multicultural London English: social stereotyping and standard language ideology (Unpublished). In: LVC in Diaspora Communities workshop. Universität Bern. 6.-8. November 2019.

Britain, David (November 2019). Going, going, but not gone: evidence about dialect levelling from the English Dialects App (Unpublished). In: Colloque Nouveaux regards sur la variation dialectale. Sorbonne Université, Paris, France.

Thurlow, Crispin (2019). Expanding our sociolinguistic horizons? Geographical thinking and the articulatory potential of commodity chain analysis. Journal of sociolinguistics, 24(3), pp. 350-368. Wiley 10.1111/josl.12388

Lorente, Beatriz (24 October 2019). Tracing the pathways of scripts of servitude (Unpublished). In: International workshop on "The Philippines as a transnational hub: exchanges between the Philippines and the EU". Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium. 24 - 25.10.2019.

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (10 October 2019). Brooklyn foodie "insiders": (Dis)avowing distinction over dinner (Unpublished). In: Invited lecture. University of Copenhagen. 10.10.19.

Britain, David (October 2019). R is for rural: the phonological construction of the countryside in southern England (Unpublished). In: Guest lecture, Department of German, University of Graz, Austria. University of Graz. Oktober 2019.

Britain, David (October 2019). Nonstandard morphosyntax in the dialects of England (Unpublished). In: Guest lecture. Department of English Philology, University of Murcia, Spain. Oktober 2019.

Thurlow, Crispin (26 September 2019). Visualizando el paisaje semiótico global: Los medios digitales y las movilidades ‘super-elite’ (Unpublished). In: En torno a la comunicación digital: Interacción, turismo y discurso politico. University of Valladolid, Spain. 26-27 September 2019.

Thurlow, Crispin; Aiello, Georgia; Portmann, Lara (2019). Visualizing teens and technology: A social semiotic analysis of stock photography and news media imagery. New media & society, 22(3), pp. 528-549. Sage 10.1177/1461444819867318

Britain, David; Mtsumoto, Kazuko (September 2019). Substrate influence versus SLA: the case of -t/d deletion in Palauan English (Unpublished). In: International Workshop: The challenges of linguistic diversity: its social, anthropological and structural aspects. Universität Bern. 24-25 September 2019.

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko (September 2019). Substrate 1, SLA nil: the case of -t/d deletion in Palauan English (Unpublished). In: MULTILING, Departmental Research Seminar. Universität Oslo. September 2019.

Strycharczuk, Patrycja; Brown, Georgina; Leemann, Adrian; Britain, David (2019). Investigating FOOT-STRUT in Northern Englishes using crowdsourced data. Proceedings of the ICPhS, pp. 1337-1341.

Strycharczuk, Patrycja; Brown, Georgina; Leemann, Adrian Martin; Britain, David (8 August 2019). Investigating FOOT-STRUT in Northern Englishes using crowdsourced data (Unpublished). In: International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Melbourne, Australia. 4.-10. August 2019.

Leemann, Adrian; Blaxter, Tam; Britain, David; Earnshaw, Katherine (6 August 2019). The FACE of Change in English Dialects: 1950 v 2018 (Unpublished). In: International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Melbourne, Australia. 05. - 09.08.2019.

Mathier, Marion Lina (23 July 2019). Spaces for resistance? Language, digital media and ‘new literacies’ discourse in Swiss education policy (Unpublished). In: Conference Language in the Media 8, Mediatising Resistance. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. 23. - 26.07.2019.

Thurlow, Crispin; Gonçalves, Kellie (2019). Introduction: X-SCAPES: New horizons in linguistic landscapes. Linguistic landscape, 5(2), pp. 111-114. Benjamins

Leemann, Adrian Martin; Walker, Eleanor; Brown, Georgina; Kirkham, Sam; Nance, Claire; Britain, David; Blaxter, Tam (27 June 2019). Crowdsourcing variation and change of FOOT / STRUT and TRAP / BATH across England (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Language Variation in Europe, ICLAVE. Fryske Akademy, Leeuwarden, Netherlands. 26.-28. Juni 2019.

Britain, David (26 June 2019). Dialect in European social media: a commentary (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Language Variation in Europe, ICLAVE. Fryske Akademy, Leeuwarden, Netherlands. 26. - 28.06.2019.

Lorente, Beatriz (20 June 2019). Languages as speculative capital (Unpublished). In: Symposium on Sociolinguistics, Diversity and Action (SODIAC). Copenhagen, Denmark. 19-21 Juni 2019.

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (13 June 2019). ‘I personally wouldn’t want to eat the chicken in that taco’: Status and Authenticity in Brooklyn Food Discourse (Unpublished). In: 16th International Pragmatics Conference. Hong Kong. 9-14 Juni 2019.

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (5 June 2019). Spatializing Authenticity: The Scaled (Micro-)landscapes in/of Brooklyn Restaurants (Unpublished). In: Linguistic Landscape Workshop (XIScape2019). Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok. 04. - 06.06.2019.

Britain, David (June 2019). The urban diaspora in rural England and its consequences for traditional dialect (Unpublished). In: Workshop on Language Variation and Change in Diaspora Communities. Universität Bern. Juni 2019.

Tod, Danielle Natasha (2019). Corpus of written Tongan English newspaper data [Dataset]. In: Corpus of written Tongan English newspaper data.

Tod, Danielle Natasha (2019). Corpus of spoken Tongan English data. [Dataset]. In: Corpus of spoken Tongan English data.

Britain, David (29 May 2019). Publishing in a journal (Unpublished). In: BE-LING Forschungskolloquium Berner Linguistik. Universität Bern. 29.05.2019.

Britain, David; Blaxter, Tam (6 May 2019). Hands off the metadata!: comparing the use of explicit and background metadata in crowdsourced dialectology (Unpublished). In: Let’s Compare: Erste variationslinguistische Tagung zum Vergleich von historischen und modernen Daten. Universität Bern. 06. - 07.05.2019.

Lorente, Beatriz (2019). Dismantling the colonial structure of knowledge production. Language, culture and society, 1(1), pp. 152-156. John Benjamins Publishing Co. 10.1075/lcs.00012.lor

Britain, David (April 2019). R is for rural: the phonological construction of the countryside in southern England (Unpublished). In: Séminaire Langues, Linguistique et Parole. Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France. April 2019.

Kuske, Eva Anina (29 March 2019). Regional Variation and Change in African American Vernacular English speakers’ production of the vowel /ay/ (Unpublished). In: SWELL Conference 2019. University of Lausanne. 29 March 2019.

Mathier, Marion Lina (29 March 2019). Rebooting education? A multimodal discourse ethnography of a specialized event (Unpublished). In: Annual SWELL Meeting. University of Lausanne. 29.03.19.

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (29 March 2019). Micro-landscapes and Elite Authenticity in Brooklyn Food Discourse (Unpublished). In: Annual SWELL Meeting. University of Lausanne. 29.03.19.

Kircher, Ruth; Fox, Susan (2019). Attitudes towards Multicultural London English: Implications for attitude theory and language planning. Journal of multilingual and multicultural development, 40(10), pp. 847-864. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/01434632.2019.1577869

Fox, Susan Patricia (13 February 2019). Collecting language attitudes data in London: the use of online questionnaires (Unpublished). In: Seminar. Università Degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche. 13.2.2019.

Fox, Susan Patricia (5 February 2019). Multicultural London English (Unpublished). In: Medieval English in a Multilingual Context Network: Morphosyntax workshop. University of Seville. 5. February 2019.

Britain, David (February 2019). Collecting linguistic data using a smartphone app: methodological challenges and early results (Unpublished). In: Research Seminar. Research Seminar, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy. Februar 2019.

Watts, Richard; Andres Morrissey, Franz (2019). Language, the Singer and the Song: the sociolinguistics of folk song performance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781316285657

Andres Morrissey, Franz; Watts, Richard (2019). Song performance as language contact: ideologies of language variety, genre and style. In: Neuenschwander, Chris; Tresch, Laura (eds.) Through the Lens of Ideology: Debates on Language Contact. Amsterdam: Benjamins

Thurlow, Crispin (2019). Mediatizing sex: Sexting and/as digital discourse. In: Hall, Kira; Barrett, Rusty (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Language and Sexuality. New York: Oxford University Press 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190212926.013.41

Britain, David; Thurlow, Crispin (eds.) (2019). Language and Social Life, (8). De Gruyter

Hedegard, Hannah (2019). Harnessing native speaker intuition in Language Analysis for the Determination of Origin (LADO) casework (Submitted). In: Nick, Iman (ed.) Immigrants, Refugees, Asylum-seekers, and Forensic Linguistics. Vernon Press

Thurlow, Crispin (2019). Semiotic creativities in and with space: Binaries and boundaries, beware! International Journal of Multilingualism, 16(1), pp. 94-104. Routledge 10.1080/14790718.2018.1500264

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (2019). Rural Cosmopolitanism: Locality and Authenticity in Swiss Food Discourse (Submitted). Discourse, context & media Elsevier

Bilkic, Maida (2019). The War Childhood Museum as “combi-memorial”: A social semiotic analysis. In: Blackwood, Robert; Macalister, John (eds.) Multilingual Memories: Museums and Monuments in Linguistic Landscapes. Advances in Sociolinguistics. London: Bloomsbury Publishing

Thiel, Anja (2019). A Northern City Going Elsewhere: Apparent and Real-Time Sound Change in Ogdensburg, New York (Unpublished). (Dissertation, Universität Bern, Philosophisch-historische Fakultät)

Schneider, Christa; Grossenbacher, Sarah; Britain, David (2019). Quotative variation in Bernese Swiss German. In: Villena-Ponsoda, Juan-Andrés; Díaz-Montesinos, Francisco; Ávila-Muñoz, Antonio-Manuel; Vida-Castro, Matilde (eds.) Language variation: European Perspectives VII: Selected papers from the Ninth International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE9), Malaga, June 2017. Studies in Language Variation: Vol. 22 (pp. 192-201). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company 10.1075/silv.22.12sch

Rupp, Laura; Britain, David (eds.) (2019). Linguistic perspectives on a variable English morpheme: let’s talk about –s. London: Palgrave 10.1057/978-1-349-72803-9

Matsumoto, Kazuko; Britain, David (2019). Pancakes stuffed with sweet bean paste: Food-related lexical borrowings as indicators of the intensity of language contact in the Pacific. In: Balirano, Giuseppe; Guzzo, Siria (eds.) Food Across Cultures: Linguistic Insights in Transcultural Tastes. Food across cultures (pp. 127-167). London: Palgrave Macmillan

Britain, David; Bürki, Yvette (2019). Plus ça change. In: Krakenberger, Etna Rosa; Kunz, Aline; Natale, Silvia (eds.) Esercizi di fantalinguistica. Studi e testi di letteratura e linguistica: Vol. 4 (pp. 153-156). Paris: Pacini

Watts, Richard; Andres Morrissey, Franz (2019). Language the Singer and the Song: The sociolinguistics of folk song performance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Thurlow, Crispin; Gonçalves, Kellie (eds.) (2019). X-Scapes. New horizons in Linguistic Landscapes, 5(2). John Benjamins

Brinton, Laurel J.; Honeybone, Patrick; Kortmann, Bernd; Britain, David (eds.) (2019). English Language and Linguistics, 23(1-4). Cambridge University Press (CUP)

Britain, David (ed.) (2019). Babel: The Language Magazine, 2019(26-29). School of Music, Humanities and Media, University of Huddersfield

Aragay, Mireia; Britain, David (eds.) (2019). Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies, 41(1, 2).

Thurlow, Crispin; Portmann, Lara; Droz-dit-Busset, Olivia Alizée (2019). Visualizing new media: Image bank keywords corpus [Dataset]. In: Image bank keywords corpus.


Kuske, Eva (14 December 2018). "My grandpa is old school” – Generational Development from a Peripheral to an Americanized Variety, Reflected in Guam English Front Vowels (Unpublished). In: CSLS conference: Language, dialect and periphery. Universität Bern, Schweiz. 13.-15.12.2018.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (14 December 2018). Performing Gender in Shakespeare’s Comedies (Unpublished). In: Residential Intensive Seminar. Landguet Niederwangen. 14.-15.12.2018.

Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (13 December 2018). “We’re not even anywhere /NEAR/ Australia”: post-colonial English on the Cocos (Keeling) Islands (Unpublished). In: Language, Dialect and the Periphery Workshop. Universität Bern, Schweiz. 13-15 December 2018.

Grossenbacher, Sarah (13 December 2018). Dialectology between candyfloss and dodgems (Unpublished). In: Language, dialect and periphery. Universität Bern, Schweiz. 13.-15. December 2018.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2018). Murder, Plot and Exploding Things [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Christmas Readings. Gymnasium Lerbermatt. 13 and 18 December 2018

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2018). Murder, Plot and Exploding Things [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Christmas Readings. Marta, Bern. 9-10 December 2018

Lorente, Beatriz (7 December 2018). The pathways of yaya English: tracing the articulations of language, work and gender (Unpublished). In: Language, work and gender workshop organized by the Language and work network. Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. 7.-8. Dezember 2018.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2018). Text in Performance [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Workshow "Text in Performance". Universität Bern. 6 Decmeber 2018

Leemann, Adrian; Kolly, Marie-José; Britain, David (2018). The English Dialects App: The creation of a crowdsourced dialect corpus. Ampersand, 5, pp. 1-17. Elsevier 10.1016/j.amper.2017.11.001

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2018). Hard-Hitting Songs for Hard Hit People [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Benefit Concert “Solidarität mit dem nicaraguanischen Volk”. Biel Mett. 24 November 2018

Lynch, Sara (16 November 2018). Ethnographic methods and Interviewing at Linguistics in the Alps (Unpublished). In: Workshop for MA students. Les Diablerets, Universität Lausanne, Schweiz. 16.11.2018.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2018). Performance "The War to End All Wars" [Performance or Exhibition]. Universität Bern. 9-11 November 2018.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2018). Murder, Plot and Exploding Things - A Guy Fawkes Reading [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Burgdorfer Krimitage. Kulturhalle Burgdorf. 5 November 2018

Britain, David (2 November 2018). Counterurbanisation, demographic churn and the erosion of traditional dialect in southern England (Unpublished). In: Conference on Urban Language Research: Variation - Contact – Perception. Graz, Österreich. 31.10.2018-03.11.2018.

Thurlow, Crispin (22 October 2018). Premium power: Obedient publics and the violent rhetorics of elite discourse (Unpublished). In: Wild Publics. Freie Universität Berlin, Deutschland. 22.-24.10.2018.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2018). Songs of Inequality [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Singing for Sulawesi, Charity Concert. Marta, Bern. 21 October 2018

Britain, David (19 October 2018). Grammatical variation in England (Unpublished). In: Research Seminar, Department of English, Universidad Murcia, Spain. Universidad Murcia, Spain.

Thurlow, Crispin (14 October 2018). Beyond the managed heart? Seduction and subordination in “premium” travel (Unpublished). In: Language and Intimacy. Universität Köln, Deutschland. 13.-14.10.2018.

Kuske, Eva (11 October 2018). Research and the public - The involvement of the community in various stages of sociolinguistic research in Guam (Unpublished). In: Forschungskolloquium Berner Linguistik. Universität Bern, Schweiz. 11.10.2018.

Fox, Susan Patricia (2018). Word of Mouth: Multicultural London English [Audio]. In: Word of Mouth. BBC Radio 4

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (2018). (De)constructing Distinction: Elite Authenticity and Class Inequality in Food Discourse. (Dissertation, Institut für Englische Sprachen und Literaturen, Phil.-Hist. Fakultät)

Britain, David (5 September 2018). To [r] is to be rural: the phonological construction of the countryside in southern England (Unpublished). In: Departmental Research Seminar. MULTILING. University of Oslo, Norway. 05.09.2018.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (23 July 2018). "Poverty Knocks" Songs of Work, Workers and Inequality from Three Centuries (Unpublished). In: MA Summer School. Universität Bielefeld, Deutschland. 23.-27.07.2018.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2018). Blues and Ballads [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Balade Gourmande. Vully. 22 July 2018

Britain, David; Blaxter, Tam; Leemann, Adrian (19 July 2018). Levelling, isogloss movement or artefacts of the method? Mapping change between the SED and the English Dialects App (Unpublished). In: Fifth International Society for the Linguistics of English conference. University of London, England.

Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (16 July 2018). Cocos (Keeling) Island English: A New AusE Variety? (Unpublished). In: SocioPhonAus2 Workshop. University of Griffith, Australia. 16-17 July 2018.

Britain, David (2018). Paris: a sociolinguistic comparative perspective. Journal of French language studies, 28(2), pp. 291-300. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0959269518000145

Thurlow, Crispin (30 June 2018). Panel "Sociolinguistics and Southern Theory – Voices, Questions and Alternatives" (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistic Symposium. University of Auckland, New Zealand. 27.-30.06.2018.

Britain, David (29 June 2018). Language and gentrification (Unpublished). In: 22nd Sociolinguistics Symposium. University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. 29.06.2018.

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko (29 June 2018). Japanese on the menu: language contact and food-related borrowings in Palauan (Unpublished). In: 22nd Sociolinguistics Symposium. University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. 29.06.2018.

Grossenbacher, Sarah (29 June 2018). Spatial and social patterns of dialect diffusion: the case of non-rhoticity and L-vocalisation in the South West of England (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistic Symposium. University of Auckland, New Zealand. 27.-30.06.2018.

Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (28 June 2018). NEAR-ing the Australian standard? Post-colonial English on the Cocos (Keeling) Islands (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistics Symposium 22: Crossing Borders: North South East West. University of Auckland, New Zeeland. 27.-30. June 2018.

Lorente, Beatriz (28 June 2018). Brokering healthcare interpreters in Switzerland (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistic Symposium. University of Auckland, New Zealand. 27.-30.06.2018.

Thurlow, Crispin (28 June 2018). Bottom up, inside out: Pseudo-sociality, status anxiety and ‘sousveillance’ discourse (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistic Symposium. University of Auckland, New Zealand. 27.-30.062018.

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko (27 June 2018). “Ollei I'm picky cherrang with a girl I like cherrang”: Nativisation of a newly emerging postcolonial English variety. (Unpublished). In: 22nd Sociolinguistics Symposium. University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. 27.09.2018.

Bilkic, Maida (27 June 2018). Melancholia and historical trauma in second-generation oral narratives about the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Panel: “Affective Movements – Sociolinguistic Trajectories of Affect” (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistic Symposium 22. University of Auckland, New Zealand. 27.-30.06.2018.

Thurlow, Crispin (27 June 2018). Touching taste: On the euphoric, classist intersections of textuality, materiality and tactility (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistic Symposium. University of Auckland, New Zealand. 27.-30.06.2018.

Bilkic, Maida (22 June 2018). Commemorative spectacles: The performativity of monumentalized bodies (Unpublished). In: The School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies. Victoria University of Wellington.

Kuske, Eva (5 June 2018). Colonized and Americanized? A Systematic Alignment of Guam English Towards an American Norm (Unpublished). In: Zurich Conference on Colonial and Postcolonial Language Studies. Universität Zürich, Schweiz. 04.-06.06.2018.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2018). “The Warld is Ill-Divided”, Songs of Inequality and Social Conflict [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Workshop. Schindlergut Zürich. 4 July 2018

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2018). Creative Writing for Gymnasium Students [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Creative Writing Workshop. Universität Bern. 4 and 6 Juni 2018

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2018). Text in Performance [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Workshow "Text in Performance". Universität Bern. 24 May 2018

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2018). Worksongs and Sea Shanties [Performance or Exhibition]. Galloti MusikLab und Workshop Zentrum. 5 May 2018.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2018). “Songs of the Sea” Worksongs and Shanties [Performance or Exhibition]. AliBaba Bern. 4 May 2018.

Bilkic, Maida (2 May 2018). Post-war museumscapes: The spatial construction of violence and loss (Unpublished). In: 10th X-SCAPES Conference. Universität Bern, Schweiz.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2018). Traditional Ballads [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Song Gathering Stones Barn. Bewcastle, UK. 17-21 May 2018

Grossenbacher, Sarah (27 April 2018). Dialect at the fairground: Mobility and language variation among a nomadic British community [with David Britain] (Unpublished). In: Departmental Retreat, English Department. Universität Bern, Schweiz. 27.04.2018.

Thurlow, Crispin (27 April 2018). “Enjoy the climb”: Dissecting the language of elitism (Unpublished). In: Guest Talk. Södertörn University, Schweden. 27.04.2018.

Britain, David; Grossenbacher, Sarah; Leemann, Adrian; Kolly, Marie-José; Blaxter, Tam (19 April 2018). The North-South Divide in English regional dialects: using smartphone applications to shed new light on old isoglosses (Unpublished). In: 36th International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA). Universidad de Cadiz, Cadiz, Spain.

Fox, Susan Patricia (2018). Interview for documentary on regional accents and dialects [Movie]. London: Bold Content Video Production Company

Thurlow, Crispin (6 April 2018). “It’s the little things that make the difference”: Debunking the seductive, post-class rhetorics of elite discourse (Unpublished). In: Guest Talk. Georgetown University. 6 April 2018.

Fox, Susan Patricia (29 March 2018). Researching Language Variation and Change in London (Unpublished). In: Hackney, Redbridge and Tower Hamlets CPD day. International House, Ilford, London. 29 March 2018.

Bilkic, Maida (2018). Emplacing hate: Traumatic graffscapes and linguistic violence in post-war Bosnia Herzegovina. Linguistic landscape, 4(1), pp. 1-28. Benjamins 10.1075/ll.17011.bil

Bilkic, Maida (23 March 2018). Mapping “internet nationalism”: A critical discourse analysis of online comments around Bosnia-Herzegovina’s post-war semiotic landscapes (Unpublished). In: SWELL Conference. University of Neuchatel.

Britain, David (20 March 2018). Tracking language change using a smartphone app: methodological challenges and some early results (Unpublished). In: Departmental Research Seminar. Department of Linguistics, Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerp, Belgium.

Britain, David (19 March 2018). Discovering dialect with mobile phone apps (Unpublished). In: Discovering linguistics-linguistic discoveries open lecture. Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium.

Thurlow, Crispin (8 March 2018). Rethinking “rethinking context”? Articulating the materialities of privilege/inequality (Unpublished). In: Disturbing Sociolinguistics. University of Hong Kong. 8-9 March 2018.

Jaroski, Vanessa (7 March 2018). Woman laughing alone with phone: A social semiotic analysis of gender representations in news stories about digital discourse (Unpublished). In: IV International Conference on Gender and Communication. University of Seville.

Britain, David (March 2018). "Building a corpus of written Palauan English." Endbericht. Berner Forschungsstiftung

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2018). The Songs of Robert Burns [Performance or Exhibition]. Französische Kirche Bern. 9 February 2018.

Fox, Susan Patricia (6 February 2018). Multicultural London English: Innovation, actuation, transmission and evaluation (Unpublished). In: Invited Guest Talk. Goldsmiths College, University of London. 6 February 2018.

Britain, David (16 January 2018). Reflections on Citizen Sociolinguistics (Unpublished). In: Workshop on Citizen Science in Linguistics. University of Zurich, CH. 16. Jan. 2018.

Fox, Susan Patricia (2 January 2018). The Lost Cockney Voice. In: BBC RADIO 4 Documentary. BBC Radio

Britain, David (January 2018). “R is for Rural”: Phonologically constructing the rural other in Southern England (Unpublished). In: Place and Peripherality Conference. University of Copenhagen, Denmark. 18.-19. Jan. 2018.

Britain, David (January 2018). "English in Paradise?: emergent varieties in Micronesia." Endbericht. Swiss National Science Foundation

Britain, David (2018). Dialect contact and new dialect formation. In: Watt, Dominic; Nerbonne, John; Boberg, Charles (eds.) Handbook of Dialectology (pp. 143-158). Oxford: Wiley Blackwell

Thurlow, Crispin (2018). Critical discourse studies in/of applied contexts: Missed opportunities, fraught possibilities. In: Flowerdew, John; Richardson, John (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Critical Discourse Analysis. Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics (pp. 328-341). London: Routledge

Thurlow, Crispin; Moshin, Jamie (2018). What the f#@$! Policing and performing the unmentionable in the news. In: Schröter, Melani; Taylor, Charlotte (eds.) Exploring Silence and Absence in Discourse: Empirical Approaches. Postdisciplinary Studies in Discourse (pp. 305-328). London: Palgrave Macmillan 10.1007/978-3-319-64580-3_11

Thurlow, Crispin (2018). Digital discourse: Locating language in new/social media. In: Burgess, Jean; Marwick, Alice; Poell, Thomas (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Social Media. SAGE reference (pp. 135-145). New York: Sage

Britain, David; Thurlow, Crispin (eds.) (2018). Language and Social Life, (7 ; 9 ; 12). De Gruyter

Lorente, Beatriz (2018). Scripts of servitude: language, labor migration and transnational domestic work. Critical language and literacy studies: Vol. 24. Bristol: Multilingual Matters

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (2018). (De)constructing distinction: Class Inequality and Elite Authenticity in Mediatized Food Discourse. Journal of sociolinguistics, 22(3), pp. 265-287. Wiley 10.1111/josl.12285

Hedegard, Hannah (2018). HRT in Cocos (Keeling) Island English (Submitted). In: Peters, Pam; Burridge, Kate (eds.) English in multilingual contexts: language, society and culture. Cambridge University Press

Thurlow, Crispin; Jaworski, Adam (eds.) (2018). Elite Discourse: The Rhetorics of Status, Privilege, and Power. London: Routledge

Comer, Joseph (2018). ‘Equality on the sea’: Interrogating LGBTQ privilege in the tourism discourse of Africa’s ‘gay capital’. Gender and language, 12(4), pp. 479-503. Equinox

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (2018). Eating the rural other: The elevation of urban taste and class inequality in elite food discourse (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistics Symposium 22. Auckland, New Zealand. 27-30 June 2018.

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (2018). Between rough and refined: Omnivorous consumption and palatable elitism in mediatized food discourse (Unpublished). In: Talking about Food: Local and Global Contexts conference. University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany. 27-28 April 2018.

Britain, David; Leemann, Adrian; Kolly, Marie-José (2018). Using impact to make impact? Experiences from a dialect crowdsourcing project. In: Mcintyre, Dan; Price, Hazel (eds.) Applying Linguistics: Language and the Impact Agenda (pp. 83-98). London: Routledge

Britain, David (2018). Review of “Rachel Hendry (2015). One man is an island: The speech community William Marsters begat on Palmerston Island. London: Battlebridge”. Journal of Pidgin and Creole languages, 33, pp. 226-230. Benjamins

Brinton, Laurel J.; Honeybone, Patrick; Kortmann, Bernd; Britain, David (eds.) (2018). English Language and Linguistics, 22(1-3). Cambridge University Press (CUP)

Britain, David (ed.) (2018). Babel: The Language Magazine, 2018(22-25). School of Music, Humanities and Media, University of Huddersfield

Britain, David; Aragay, Mireia (eds.) (2018). Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies, 40(1, 2).

Portmann, Lara (2018). Status and privilege in corporate social media (multimodal corpus) [Dataset].

Thurlow, Crispin; Portmann, Lara; Droz-dit-Busset, Olivia Alizée (2018). Visualizing new media: News media corpus [Dataset]. In: News media corpus.

Thurlow, Crispin (2018). Digital Discourse Database [Dataset]. In: Digital Discourse Database. Prof. Dr. Crispin Thurlow & Swiss National Science Foundation

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (2018). New York Times Food Section Corpus [Dataset]. In: New York Times Food Section Corpus.

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (2018). @nytfood Instagram Corpus [Dataset]. In: @nytfood Instagram Corpus.

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (2018). @nytfood Throwback Thursday (#tbt) Corpus [Dataset]. In: @nytfood Throwback Thursday (#tbt) Corpus.


Kuske, Eva Anina (20 December 2017). “I don’t know, I think we’re just becoming - you know - we’re Americans, basically.” – Dialect Contact in Guam (Unpublished). In: Guest lecture in Seminar "Dialect Contact in North American and Australian English". University of Bern, CH.

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (12 December 2017). Rural cosmopolitanism: Performing locality and authenticity in Swiss food discourse (Unpublished). In: City Talk: Urban Identities, Mobilities and Textualities. University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland. 11.-12. Dezember 2017.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2017). Handpicked Songs [Performance or Exhibition]. Marta.

Thiel, Anja (17 November 2017). /kɑt/ up to the Northern Cities Shift: Disappearing resistance to the low back merger in Ogdensburg, NY (Submitted). In: ISLE 2018. London.

Fox, Susan Patricia (10 November 2017). Why are Londoners called 'cockneys'? Time Out London Magazine

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (8 November 2017). The Visual Representation of Women/Girls in News Reports about Digital Communication (Unpublished). In: Visualizing (in) the New Media. University of Neuchâtel. 8-10 November.

Thiel, Anja; Dinkin, Aaron (4 November 2017). Escaping the TRAP:Losing the Northern Cities Shift in Real Time (Unpublished). In: NWAV 46.

Kuske, Eva Anina (3 November 2017). Regional Differences in African American Vernacular English: The Production of the /Ay/ Vowel in Northern and Southern Regions of the United States (Unpublished). In: New Ways of Analyzing Variation 46. University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Thiel, Anja; Dinkin, Aaron (2 November 2017). Escaping the TRAP: Losing the Northern Cities Shift in Real Time (Unpublished). In: NWAV 46. Madison, WI. Nov 2-5, 2017.

Lorente, Beatriz; Duchêne, A. (November 2017). Translating bodies: the legitimization of interpreters in Swiss healthcare (Unpublished). In: 116th American Anthropological Association Meeting. Washington, D.C., USA.

Bilkic, Maida; Bilkic, Maida (November 2017). Monumentalization of the body (Unpublished). In: BeLing. University of Bern, CH.

Britain, David (November 2017). Deconstructing evidence in linguistic research (Unpublished). In: Departmental Research Seminar at Faculty of Humanities. University of Murcia, ES.

Britain, David (November 2017). Escape to the country?: Counterurbanisation, demographic churn and rural dialects in southern England (Unpublished). In: Departmental Research Seminar. Department of English. University of Lausanne, CH.

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko; Prompapakorn, Praparat (November 2017). Dialect contact, new dialect formation and koineisation: three rural case studies from England, Palau and Thailand (Unpublished). In: International conference on Koine, koines and the formation of Standard Modern Greek. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

Thurlow, Crispin (November 2017). Articulating privilege: De/materializing discourse (Unpublished). In: 7th Language in the Media. University of Western Cape, South Africa.

Thurlow, Crispin; Portmann, Lara; Aiello, Giorgia (November 2017). Visual ideologies in the mediatized representation of young people and technology (Unpublished). In: Visualizing (in) the New Media. University of Lausanne, CH.

Leonhardt, Tobias (24 October 2017). 3 months in Kiribati: Fieldwork experiences (Unpublished). In: Guest lecture for Fieldwork Methods in Sociolinguistic Dialectology (ENS MA Seminar). University of Bern, CH.

Kuske, Eva Anina (2017). MARC Seminar Series - Second Installment [Movie]. Micronesia Publishing

Kuske, Eva Anina (12 October 2017). Conducting Linguistic Research in Guam (Unpublished). In: AN234 Linguistic Anthropology. University of Guam, USA.

Leonhardt, Tobias (11 October 2017). No [b,d,g] in Swiss German or English: Laryngeal specifications versus traditional labels (Unpublished). In: Forschungskolloquium Berner Linguistik BeLing. University of Bern, CH.

Kuske, Eva Anina (11 October 2017). Guam English has numerous distinctions from mainland English, researcher says. Pacific Daily News

Kuske, Eva Anina (10 October 2017). Guam English – You’ve All Heard it, but What Does it Really Sound Like? (Unpublished). In: Guest lecture at MARC Seminar Series. University of Guam, USA.

Kuske, Eva Anina (9 October 2017). Seminar features talk on ‘Guam English’. Pacific Daily News

Leonhardt, Tobias (6 October 2017). From palm trees and coconuts to inference trees and other tough nuts to crack: Doing statistics with linguistic data from Micronesian islands (Unpublished). In: CSLS Statistics Workshop. University of Zurich, CH. 04.10.2017 - 06.10.2017.

Lorente, Beatriz (October 2017). Maid of memory: the discursive pathways of scripts of servitude. In: Fall School, Institute of Multilingualism. University of Fribourg, Muntelier, Morat, Switzerland.

Bilkic, Maida (October 2017). Waging war “anonymously”: Mediating banal nationalism in Bosnia-Herzegovina. (Unpublished). In: Language in the Media. University of Cape Town.

Jaroski, Vanessa (October 2017). Beyond Borders: Materiality and Remediation in the Representation of Digital Communication (Unpublished). In: Language in the Media. University of Cape Town. 18-20 October.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2017). Halloween Reading [Performance or Exhibition]. Marta.

Britain, David (October 2017). "Contact, mobility and authenticity: language ideologies in koineisation and creolisation." Endbericht. Swiss National Science Foundation

Leonhardt, Tobias (29 September 2017). Aspirated versus affricated /t/: Production strategies of I-Kiribati learners of English (Unpublished). In: Phonologie de l'Anglais Contemporain PAC 2017. Université Paris Nanterre, France. 28.09.2017 - 30.09.2017.

Leonhardt, Tobias (20 September 2017). From a one-variant system to a two-variant system: Acoustic properties of alveolar plosives in Kiribati and Kiribati English (Unpublished). In: Poznan Linguistic Meeting PLM 2017. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland. 18.09.2017 - 20.09.2017.

Leonhardt, Tobias (29 August 2017). ’And to what purpose?’: About language and change in the Gilbert Islands (Unpublished). In: AustraLex 2017. University of the South Pacific, Cook Islands. 28.08.2017 - 29.08.2017.

Leonhardt, Tobias (11 August 2017). Kiribati and the outside: About cultural and linguistic contact in a remote and isolated Pacific island nation (Unpublished). In: Methods of Dialectology XVI. University of Tokyo, Japan. 07.08.2017 - 11.08.2017.

Thiel, Anja (11 August 2017). The Northern Cities Shift going Elsewhere: Evidence of the Elsewhere Shift in Northern New York (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistic Symposium 2018. The University of Auckland Business School Executive Education, Auckland, New Zealand. 27.-30. Juni 2018.

Kuske, Eva Anina (8 August 2017). The influence of American English on Guam English (Unpublished). In: Methods in Dialectology XVI. National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tachikawa Japan.

Hedegard, Hannah (9 July 2017). : Linguistic Upheaval on a Speck in the Ocean: The development of English on the Cocos (Keeling) Islands (Unpublished). In: 1. Methods in Dialectology XVI Conference. National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tachikawa Japan. 7 - 11 July 2017.

Lorente, Beatriz; Meier, S.; Muth, S.; Duchêne, A. (July 2017). Researching linguistic markets in multilingual teams. (Unpublished). In: International Symposium of Bilingualism. Limerick, Ireland.

Lorente, Beatriz; Muth, S. (July 2017). The profit of flexibilization: the management of the linguistic resources of Swiss health care workers (Unpublished). In: 15th International Pragmatics Conference. Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Lorente, Beatriz; Tupas, T.R.F. (July 2017). English in the K-12 reform of the Philippines (Unpublished). In: 15th International Pragmatics Conference. Belfast, Ireland.

Leonhardt, Tobias (30 June 2017). Financing Kiribati: An overview of money flows and climate adaptation projects (Unpublished). In: European Society for Oceanists ESfO 11. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Germany. 29.06.2017 - 02.07.2017.

Kuske, Eva Anina (15 June 2017). “I don’t know, I think we’re just becoming - you know - we’re Americans, basically.” – The Influence of Language Contact on Guam English (Unpublished). In: Summer School "Language and Migration" at the Center for the Study of Language and Society (CSLS). University of Bern, CH.

Leonhardt, Tobias (13 June 2017). Analysing a numeric DV along dominant extra-linguistic influences (Unpublished). In: Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies FRIAS - UniBe Meeting. University of Bern, CH.

Kuske, Eva Anina (13 June 2017). Guam English – A first report from fieldwork and data analysis (Unpublished). In: FRIAS. University of Bern, CH. 13 June.

Leonhardt, Tobias (9 June 2017). Contact and exposure to the English language in Kiribati across time (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Language Variation in Europe IClave 9. University of Malaga, Spain. 06.06.2017 - 09.06.2017.

Schneider, Christa; Britain, David; Grossenbacher, Sarah (9 June 2017). U när i so, es geit ume dialäkt hie: Quotative Variation in Bernese Swiss German (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Language Variation in Europe 9. Malaga, Spain. 06.- 09.06.2017.

Kuske, Eva Anina (8 June 2017). The Influence of the Americanized Education System on the Guam Dialect of English (Unpublished). In: Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 9). University of Malaga, Spain. 8 June.

Hedegard, Hannah (8 June 2017). Back in my day, the King taught us English: Cocos (Keeling) Island English (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Language Variation in Europe. 6-9 June 2017.

Britain, David; Schneider, Christa; Grossenbacher, Sarah (June 2017). U när i so, es geit ume Dialäkt hie: Quotative variation in Bernese Swiss German (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE9). University of Malaga, Spain.

Britain, David; Leemann, Adrian; Kolly, Marie-José; Blaxter, Tam (June 2017). Evidence of levelling processes in British English, crowdsourced using the English Dialects App (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE9). University of Malaga, Spain.

Leonhardt, Tobias (9 May 2017). About contact in Kiribati: Aspects of colonisation and globalisation (Unpublished). In: Guest lecture for The Sociolinguistics of Islands. University of Bern, CH.

Leonhardt, Tobias (4 May 2017). Relocation of an island nation: Climate change issues in Kiribati (Unpublished). In: Approaches to Migration, Language, Identity. University of Lausanne, CH. 04.05.2017 - 06.05.2017.

Lorente, Beatriz; Muth, S.; Duchêne, A. (May 2017). Capitalizing on diversity: healthcare interpreting at a Swiss hospital (Unpublished). In: Speakers on the move: displacement, surveillance and engagement. Ottawa, Canada. May 2017.

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (May 2017). “Elite Authenticity: Managing ‘Post-class’ Distinction in Restaurant Discourse (Unpublished). In: Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) and International Union of Anthropology and Ethnological Sciences (IUSAES) Conference/InterCongress. University of Ottawa, Canada. 2-7 May.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2017). “Songs of pleasure and of love”. Performance of American and British Folk Song [Performance or Exhibition].

Britain, David (May 2017). Demographic change and its impact on English rural dialects (Unpublished). In: Departmental Research Seminar, Department of English. University of Zurich, CH.

Thiel, Anja (30 April 2017). Sound change in progress in Ogdensburg, New York (Unpublished). In: Change in English Language and Literature.

Britain, David; Grossenbacher, Sarah (29 April 2017). The dedialectalisation of the short front vowel system in East Anglian English (Unpublished). In: Swiss Association of University Teachers of English Conference. University of Neuchatel. 28.-29. April 2017.

Grossenbacher, Sarah; Britain, David; Leemann, Adrian; Kolly, Marie-José; Blaxter, Tam; Wanitsch, Daniel (25 April 2017). Smartphone app methodologies for regional dialectology: the English North-South divide in data from the English Dialects App (Unpublished). In: Conference on Spatial Boundaries and Transitions in Language and Interaction: perspectives from Linguistics and Geography. Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland. 23.-28.04.2017.

Britain, David; Grossenbacher, Sarah (12 April 2017). Get down?: English short front vowels, Suffolk-style (Unpublished). In: Language Variation and Change in the South of England Meeting. University of Suffolk, Ipswich. 12.04.2017.

Kuske, Eva Anina (11 April 2017). Sociolinguistic Research in Guam and Saipan (Unpublished). In: Guest lecture in Seminar "A Sociolinguistics of Islands". University of Bern, CH.

Thurlow, Crispin; Jaworski, Adam (2017). Introducing Elite Discourse: The Rhetorics of Status, Privilege and Power. Social semiotics, 27(3), pp. 243-254. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/10350330.2017.1301789

Kuske, Eva Anina (2 April 2017). Researcher: English spoken on Guam unique. Pacific Daily News

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (April 2017). “(De)constructing Distinction: Recognizing ‘Post-class’ Privilege in Contemporary Restaurant Discourse (Unpublished). In: SAUTE 2017. University of Neuchâtel. 28-29 April.

Jaroski, Vanessa (April 2017). “Has Image Surpassed Text?”: Semiotic Ideologies in Media Discourse about Digital Communication (Unpublished). In: SAUTE 2017. University of Bern. 28-29 April.

Britain, David; Grossenbacher, Sarah (April 2017). GET down?: English short front vowels, Suffolk style (Unpublished). In: Language Variation and Change in the South of England meeting. University of Suffolk, Ipswich, England.

Britain, David; Grossenbacher, Sarah (April 2017). The dedialectalisation of the short front vowel system in East Anglian English (Unpublished). In: SAUTE 2017. University of Neuchâtel.

Britain, David; Leemann, Adrian; Blaxter, Tam (April 2017). Evidence of sound change in British English crowdsourced using the 'English Dialects App' (Unpublished). In: 4th Workshop on Sound Change. University of Edinburgh, UK.

Britain, David; Grossenbacher, Sarah; Leemann, Adrian; Blaxter, Tam; Kolly, Marie-José (April 2017). Smartphone app methodologies for regional dialectology: the English North-South divide in data from the English Dialects App (Unpublished). In: Conference on Spatial Boundaries and Transitions in Language and Interaction: Perspectives from Linguistics and Geography. Monte Verità, Switzerland.

Thiel, Anja; Dinkin, Aaron (31 March 2017). Sound change in progress in St. Lawrence County, New York (Unpublished). In: LVC Research Group. University of Toronto.

Jaroski, Vanessa (31 March 2017). The End of Language? Digital Discourse in the News–Multilingual Perspectives (Unpublished). In: SWELL 2017. University of Bern, CH. 31 March.

Kuske, Eva Anina (31 March 2017). The Influence of American English on Guam English (Unpublished). In: SWELL 2017. University of Bern, CH. 31 March.

Leonhardt, Tobias (29 March 2017). The scarce linguistic landscape of Kiribati’s outer islands (Unpublished). In: Linguistic Landscapes 9. University of Luxembourg, LUX. 29.03.2017 - 31.03.2017.

Hedegard, Hannah (29 March 2017). Left in the wake: the linguistic landscape of the transport system on the Cocos (Keeling) Islands (Unpublished). In: Linguistic Landscapes 9 Conference. 29.03.2017 - 31.03.2017.

Leonhardt, Tobias (17 March 2017). /t, d/-affrication in Kiribati as a manifestation of on-going cultural and linguistic globalization (Unpublished). In: Language Contact in Times of Globalization. University of Greifswald. 16.03.2017 - 18.03.2017.

Leonhardt, Tobias; Hess, Dominique Beatrice; Lynch, Sara (17 March 2017). The dynamics of language contact in Micronesia (Unpublished). In: Language Contact in Times of Globalization. University of Greifswald. 16.03.2017 - 18.03.2017.

Britain, David (2017). Beyond the ‘gentry aesthetic’: elites, Received Pronunciation and the dialectological gaze in England. Social semiotics, 27(3), pp. 288-298. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/10350330.2017.1301794

Leonhardt, Tobias (10 March 2017). ‘Migration with Dignity’ and the role of English in Kiribati (Unpublished). In: Studies of Paradise: Where Language Meets Culture in the Pacific. University of Bern, CH. 09.03.2017 - 10.03.2017.

Kuske, Eva Anina (9 March 2017). The Influence of the Americanized Education Sector on the Guam Dialect of English (Unpublished). In: Studies of Paradise: Where Language Meets Culture in the Pacific. University of Bern, CH.

Britain, David (March 2017). "Phonetic Irregularities in Upstate New York: Indexicality in the Northern Cities Shift and Low Back Merger." Endbericht. Berner Forschungsstiftung

Britain, David (March 2017). "Cocos (Keeling) Island English: the emergence and development of a new variety of English." Endbericht. Berner Forschungsstiftung

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2017). Minutes of an Extended Departure [radio play] [Audio]. In: 7th SonOhr Festival. Bern, Switzerland. 17.-19.02.2017

Andres Morrissey, Franz (4 February 2017). Die Rolle des Folk und Blues in der persönlichen Entwicklung [Radiointerview von Bruce Caldwell]. In: Radio RaBe.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2017). Charity Concert for Education of Refugee Children on Greek Islands [Performance or Exhibition]. Mappamondo.

Britain, David (19 January 2017). Counterurbanization and its effects on English rural dialects (Unpublished). In: Departmental Research Seminar. Freiburg im Brsg., Deutschland. 19. Januar 2017.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (January 2017). Robert Burns and the Scottish folk song cannon (Unpublished). In: Immortal Memory of Burns Celebrations. Bärtschihus Gümligen. January 2017.

Britain, David (January 2017). "English in Paradise?: emergent varieties in Micronesia." Zwischenbericht Jahr 2. Swiss National Science Foundation

Hugentobler, Manuela Annette; Andres Morrissey, Franz; Müller, Markus (2017). Academic Freedom in Switzerland: Concerns regarding the endangered academic freedom of universities. European Journal of Higher Education, pp. 1-11. Taylor & Francis

Thurlow, Crispin; Jaworski, Adam (2017). Word-things and thing-words: The transmodal production of privilege and status. In: Cavanaugh, Jillian R.; Shankar, Shalini (eds.) Language and Materiality: Ethnographical and Theoretical Explorations (pp. 185-203). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Thurlow, Crispin (2017). Enmarcando el lenguaje de los nuevos medios. In: Giammatteo, Mabel; Gubitosi, Patricia; Parini, Alejandro (eds.) El Español en la Red. Lingüística iberoamericana: Vol. 68 (pp. 27-46). Madrid: Iberoamericana

Thurlow, Crispin; Jaworski, Adam (2017). The discursive production and maintenance of class privilege: Permeable geographies, slippery rhetorics. Discourse & society, 28(5), pp. 535-558. Sage Publications 10.1177/0957926517713778

Fox, Susan Patricia; Sharma, D (2017). The Language of London and Londoners. In: Heinrich, Patrick; Smakman, Dick (eds.) Metrolinguistics: The Sociolinguistics of Urban Language Life (pp. 115-129). Routledge

Britain, David; Thurlow, Crispin (eds.) (2017). Language and Social Life, (6 ; 11). De Gruyter

Fox, Susan Patricia (2017). Macro- and micro-patterns of accent variation among Asian communities in London (Unpublished). In: i-Mean. University of Bristol. 6-8 April 2017.

Fox, Susan Patricia (2017). The language of London and Londoners (Unpublished). In: Language Variation and Change in the South of England. University of Suffolk. 12 April.

Fox, Susan Patricia; Britain, David (2017). Ask a linguist: Why is there a split between 'a' and 'an' in English determiners? Babel, 19, p. 19.

Fox, Susan Patricia (2017). The role of attitudes in the innovation and spread of Multicultural London English (Unpublished). In: Methods in Dialectology XV1. NINJAL (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics), Tokyo. 7-11 August.

Fox, Susan Patricia (2017). Negotiating identities: Children of immigrants in London (Unpublished). In: City Talk: Urban Identities, Mobilities and Textualities. University of Bern. 11-12 December.

Fox, Susan Patricia (2017). Multicultural London English (Unpublished). In: Invited Guest Talk. University of Freiburg. 26 January.

Fox, Susan Patricia (2017). Shifting Identities: Children of immigrants in modern urban settings (Unpublished). In: Invited Guest Talk. Queen Mary, University of London. 1 February.

Fox, Susan Patricia (2017). Shifting Identities: Children of immigrants in modern urban settings (Unpublished). In: Invited Guest Talk. Newcastle University. 15 February.

Fox, Susan Patricia (2017). Contact-induced language variation and change in London: the emergence of ‘Multicultural London English’ (Unpublished). In: Invited Guest Talk. Goldsmiths College, University of London. 14 March.

Lorente, Beatriz (2017). Language-in-education policies and mobile citizens. In: Canagarajah, S (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Migration and Language (pp. 486-501). London and New York: Routledge

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (2017). Rural Cosmopolitanism: Locality and Authenticity in Swiss Food Discourse (Unpublished). In: City Talk: Urban Identities, Mobilities and Textualities. University of Bern, CH. 11-12 December.

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (2017). Constructing the Fashionable Eater: Elitist Stancetaking in ‘Throwback Thursday’ Instagram Posts (Unpublished). In: International Pragmatics Association (IPrA) Annual Meeting. University of Belfast, Northern Ireland. 16-21 July.

Kuske, Eva Anina (2017). Corpus of 20 Sociolinguistic Interviews collected in Guam, USA, August- October 2017 [Dataset].

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2017). Blues and Folk [Performance or Exhibition]. Balade Gourmande, Payerne.

Lynch, Sara (2017). /h/ insertion in a PacificEnglish: The developing methods of understanding a non-standard feature in the Federated States of Micronesia. (Unpublished). In: New Ways of Analyzing Variation 46 (NWAV). University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA.

Lynch, Sara (2017). The Influence of Static and Mobile Language Contact on an Emerging Pacific English. (Unpublished). In: Methods in Dialectology XVI. National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics in Tokyo (NINJAL), Japan.

Lynch, Sara (2017). A varationist linguistic analysis of the emerging English in Kosrae, Micronesia (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE9). University of Malaga, Spain.

Lynch, Sara (2017). The development of English varieties in Micronesia (Unpublished). In: Phil.hist. Forschungstag 2017. University of Bern, CH.

Lynch, Sara (2017). Cultural obliteration or making headway ?: a sociolinguistic narrative of the effects of mobility in the Pacific (Unpublished). In: Approaches to Migration, Language and Identity (AMLI). University of Lausanne, CH.

Lynch, Sara; Lynch, Sara (2017). An Ethnographic and Linguistic Analysis on the Impact of Mobility in a North Pacific Speech Community (Unpublished). In: IMEAN 5. UWE Bristol's Exhibition and Conference Centre (ECC), United Kingdom.

Lynch, Sara (2017). A Variationist Analysis of the Development of English in the Pacific (Unpublished). In: The challenge of change in English language and literature. University of Neuchâtel, CH.

Lynch, Sara (2017). “Who am I?”: The post-colonial effects on senses of belonging and language practices in Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia (Unpublished). In: Studies of Paradise: Where language meets culture in the Pacific. University of Bern, CH.

Britain, David (2017). Language, mobility and scale in South and Central Asia: a commentary. International journal of the sociology of language, 2017(247), pp. 127-137. Mouton de Gruyter 10.1515/ijsl-2017-0025

Britain, David; Trudgill, Peter (2017). Reallocation as an outcome of dialect contact: three examples from East Anglia. In: Campoy, Juan Manuel Hernandez; Manchon, Roas; Cutillas Espinosa, Juan Antonio; Mena, Flor (eds.) Festschrift for Prof Rafael Monroy (pp. 109-146). Murcia: University of Murcia Press

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2017). Songs als Sprachlernresource für Englischlehrkräfte (Unpublished). In: Workshop für Englischlehrkräfte. Scuola Media, Bellinzona.

Thurlow, Crispin; Jaworski, Adam (eds.) (2017). Social Semiotics. Special Issue: Elite Discourse: The Rhetorics of Status and Privilege, 27(3). Taylor & Francis

Thurlow, Crispin (2017). “Forget about the words”? Tracking the language, media and semiotic ideologies of digital discourse: The case of sexting. Discourse, context & media, 20, pp. 10-19. Elsevier 10.1016/j.dcm.2017.06.008

Jaworski, Adam; Thurlow, Crispin (2017). Mediatizing the “super rich”, normalizing privilege. Social semiotics, 27(3), pp. 276-287. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/10350330.2017.1301792

Thurlow, Crispin (2017). Beyond the snapshot: Towards the biography of signs (a Bernese case study) (Unpublished). In: 9th Linguistic Landscape Workshop. University of Luxembourg, LUX.

Thurlow, Crispin (2017). “I also speak Berndütsch”: The material biographies of linguistic landscapes (Unpublished). In: SAUTE 2017 (Conference of the Swiss Association of University Teachers of English). University of Neuchâtel, CH.

Brinton, Laurel J.; Honeybone, Patrick; Kortmann, Bernd; Britain, David (eds.) (2017). English Language and Linguistics, 21(1-3). Cambridge University Press (CUP)

Britain, David (2017). Diffusion. In: Bergs, Alexander; Brinton, Laurel (eds.) Varieties of English. The History of English: Vol. 5 (pp. 349-364). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton 10.1515/9783110525045-018

Fox, Sue (2017). Cockney. In: Bergs, Alexander; Brinton, Laurel (eds.) Varieties of English. The History of English: Vol. 5 (pp. 187-209). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton 10.1515/9783110525045-010


Andres Morrissey, Franz (20 December 2016). Songs and Stories: researching song histories as language training (Unpublished). In: BSD (Berufsfachschule des Detailhandels) Workshop. Bern, Switzerland. 20.12.2016.

Thurlow, Crispin (16 December 2016). Class acts: Multimodal discourse and the production of power/ privilege (Unpublished). In: Invited talk/workshop for the Department of English Studies. Valencia, Spanien. 16. Dezember 2016.

Hedegard, Hannah (5 December 2016). Cocos (Keeling) Island English: An Emerging Variety? (Unpublished). In: Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (ALAA) Annual Conference. Monash University. 05.-07. December 2016.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (1 December 2016). English words in German: a linguistic cliffhanger [Interview by Thomas Stephens]. SWI swissinfo.ch

Thurlow, Crispin (1 December 2016). “Premium Economy”: The precarious rhetorics of status and distinction (Unpublished). In: Invited talk. Karlstad, Schweden. 1. Dezember 2016.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2016). Sleeping Beauty [script and musical direction by Franz Andres Morrissey] [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Sleeping Beauty. Bern, Switzerland. 1-3 and 8-10 December 2016

Thurlow, Crispin (29 November 2016). Dishing up distinction: Materializing discourses and elite status (Unpublished). In: Invited talk for the Department of Media and Communication Studies. Örebro, Schweden. 29. November 2016.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (28 November 2016). Amateurtheater in Englisch [Radiointerview]. In: Radio RaBe.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (25 November 2016). Taking the Shilling: Songs of World War I (Unpublished). In: Annual general meeting of SATE (Swiss Teachers of English). Wettingen, Switzerland. 2511.2016.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (25 November 2016). Songs in the Language Classroom (Unpublished). In: Swiss Association of Teachers of English, Workshop. Wettingen, Switzerland. 25.11.2016.

Thurlow, Crispin (25 November 2016). Beyond words: The semiotic ideologies of sexting (Unpublished). In: Centre de linguistique et des sciences du langage. Lausanne, Schweiz. 25. November 2016.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2016). Page to Stage [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Workshow "Page to Stage". University of Bern, Switzerland. 24 November 2016

Andres Morrissey, Franz; Hagmann, Lea (19 November 2016). Multiple Authenticities of Folk Song Performance (Unpublished). In: Theories and Practice of Authenticity in Global Cultural Production. University of Bern, Switzerland. 16.-19.11.2016.

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (16 November 2016). Language, Materiality, and Omnivorous Elitism in New York Times Food Discourse (Unpublished). In: American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, USA. 16.-21. November 2016.

Britain, David; Bell, Allan; Sharma, Devyani (eds.) (2016). Journal of Sociolinguistics, 20(4). Wiley

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2016). Halloween Reading [Musical performance] [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Burgdorfer Krimitage. Burgdorf, Switzerland. 31.10.2016

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2016). Halloween Reading [Musical performance] [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Halloween Reading. Bern, Switzerland. 30.10.2016

Thurlow, Crispin (17 October 2016). Messing with methods: Research tactics for complex times (Unpublished). In: Invited talk/workshop for the Department of Linguistics. University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Südafrika. 17. Oktober 2016.

Thurlow, Crispin (23 September 2016). Messing with methods: Research tactics for complex times (Unpublished). In: Invited talk/workshop for the School of African and Gender Studies. Anthropology and Linguistics, University of Cape Town, Kapstadt, Südafrika. 23. September 2016.

Comer, Joseph Vincent (23 September 2016). Event ethnography and 'messy' methodology: Participating and observing on the move (Unpublished). In: 6th Explorations in Ethnography, Language and Communication conference. Stockholm, Schweden. 22.-23.09.2016.

Hedegard, Hannah (9 September 2016). Cocos (Keeling) Island English: Acquisition in Paradise? (Unpublished). In: Pacific Second Language Research Forum 16th Annual Meeting. Chuo University. 09.-11. September 2016.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (7 September 2016). Anyone can Learn Strategies to Break Conventional Patterns (Unpublished). In: TEDx Bern. Bern, Switzerland. 07.09.2016.

Thurlow, Crispin (4 September 2016). Non-places, empty spaces and the anti-communicational ethos of elite mobility (Unpublished). In: International Summer School Language and Space. Zürich, Schweiz. 4.-9. September 2016.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2016). Songs of the British Isles [Performance or Exhibition]. In: International Scarecrow Festival. Rubigen, Switzerland. 5. August 2016

Andres Morrissey, Franz; Dulio, Nathalie; Müller, Matt; Hicks, Simon Danter (2016). Extended Departures [Audio].

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2016). Blues and Folk [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Balade Gourmande. Salavaux, Switzerland. 17.07.2016

Thurlow, Crispin (14 July 2016). Unsustainable? Mapping the global semioscape of super-elite tourism (Unpublished). In: Global Tourism: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. Seattle, USA. 14.-15.07.2016.

Kuske, Eva Anina (14 July 2016). Swiss linguist is on Guam researching the Chamorro accent [TV interview]. In: Kuam News.

Kuske, Eva Anina (10 July 2016). Switzerland-Based Group Researching How Chamorros Speak English [TV interview]. In: PNC News First.

Bilkic, Maida (July 2016). Transmitting historical traumas: Narratives of memorial-warning places in Bosnia-Herzegovina (Unpublished). In: International Conference “Trauma, Memory and Healing in the Balkans and Beyond”. Sarajevo. 12.-14.07.2016.

Thurlow, Crispin (24 June 2016). The language of super-elite tourism (Unpublished). In: Ways of Seeing, Ways of Being: Representing the Voices of Tourism. Bergamo, Italien. 23.-25.06.2016.

Thurlow, Crispin; Jaworski, Adam (17 June 2016). “Premium”: The production of distinction/prestige in airline marketing discourse (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistics Symposium 21. Murcia, Spanien. 15.-18.06.2016.

Thurlow, Crispin; Jaworski, Adam (17 June 2016). Mediatizing the super-rich, normalizing privilege (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistics Symposium 21. Murcia, Spanien. 15.-18.06.2016.

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (16 June 2016). "Elite Eats": Normalizing Status and Privilege in Food Discourse (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistics Symposium 21. Murcia, Spanien. 15.-18.06.2016.

Thurlow, Crispin (15 June 2016). Creativity and play in the multilingual/multimodal semiotic landscape (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistics Symposium 21. Murcia, Spanien. 15.-18.06.2016.

Comer, Joseph Vincent (15 June 2016). A fabulous life? Language and privilege in LGBTQ advocacy discourse (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistics Symposium 21. Murcia, Spanien. 15.-18.06.2016.

Fox, Susan Patricia (15 June 2016). What’s not to like about London? (Unpublished). In: 21st Sociolinguistics Symposium. University of Murcia, Spanien. 15.-18.06.2016.

Bilkic, Maida (June 2016). A place for hate? Linguistic landscaping in post-war Bosnia Herzegovina. (Unpublished). In: 21st Sociolinguistics Symposium. University of Murcia. 15.-18.06.2016.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2016). The Warld is Ill-Divided: Songs of work [Performance or Exhibition]. In: The Warld is Ill-Divided: Songs of work. Bern, Switzerland. 27 May 2016

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2016). Text in Performance [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Workshow "Text in Performance". University of Bern, Switzerland. 26.05.2016

Jaroski, Vanessa (17 May 2016). The cultural discourses and social meanings of mobile communication: The case of Emojis in the Swiss-French media (Unpublished). In: Forschungskolloquium Berner Linguistik. Bern. 17.06.2016.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (14 May 2016). Interview about Traditional Ballad Performance. Radio Bern (RaBe)

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2016). Singing for Refugees [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Solidaritätsmarkt. Mittelhäusern, Switzerland. 07.05.2016

Comer, Joseph Vincent (May 2016). Disrupting the tourist gaze/gays: The globalizing discourse of queer mobilities (Unpublished). In: 9th international gender and language association conference, IGALA 9. Hong Kong, China. 19.-21.05.2016.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (4 April 2016). Interview about the Etymology of Intriguing English Idioms. In: Talk Radio Europe, Spain.

Thurlow, Crispin (April 2016). The precarious rhetorics of distinction: The case of “premium economy” (Unpublished). In: “Elite Discourse” round-table conference. Bern, Schweiz. 05.-07.04.2016.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (22 March 2016). Why I love red herrings, skeletons and taking the mickey. The Guardian

Andres Morrissey, Franz (21 March 2016). Interview about Shakespeare's Sayings as English Idioms. In: BBC Radio Oxford.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (18 March 2016). Interview about the Etymology of Intriguing English Idioms. In: BBC 5 Live.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2016). Singing the Tale: Songs that tell a story [Performance or Exhibition]. Café Bar Marta, Bern, Switzerland. 18.03.2016.

Fox, Susan Patricia (18 March 2016). Multicultural London English (Unpublished). In: Guest lecture. Goldsmiths, University of London. 18.03.2016.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (3 March 2016). Songs and Sociolinguistics: two approaches (Unpublished). In: Ringvorlesung CSLS. University of Bern. 03.03.2016.

Thiel, Anja (1 March 2016). Fieldwork in Upstate New York: Methods (Unpublished). In: Peripheral Dialects II. University of Bern. 01.03.2016.

Britain, David (March 2016). "English in Paradise?: emergent varieties in Micronesia." Endbericht. Berner Forschungsstiftung

Thurlow, Crispin (February 2016). Words on the loose: Language as global, boundary-marking practice (Unpublished). In: International Workshop “Linguistic Boundaries and Political Economy". Fribourg, Schweiz. 4.-5. Feburar 2016.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2016). “Songs of Robert Burns” and “Address to the Haggis” [Performance or Exhibition]. Chesery, Murten. 25.01.2016.

Andres Morrissey, Franz (2016). “Songs of Robert Burns” and “Address to the Haggis” [Performance or Exhibition]. Bärtschihus Gümligen. 22.01.2016.

Mapes, Gwynne Erin (9 January 2016). "Oh, and it's got to be cut into four triangles, never in half": The Role of Negation in Bon Appétit’s “Editor’s Letter” (Unpublished). In: Linguistics Society of America Annual Meeting. Washington DC, USA. 07.-10.01.2016.

Thurlow, Crispin; Britain, David (January 2016). New directions: Mapping the work of accent, voice and dialect coaches (Unpublished). In: Wordsmiths-Take 2 round-table conference. Bern, Schweiz. 18.-19.01.2016.

Britain, David (January 2016). "English in Paradise?: emergent varieties in Micronesia." Zwischenbericht Jahr 1. Swiss National Science Foundation

Thurlow, Crispin (2016). Where did all the teachers go? The divisive implications of ‘impact’ and ‘community engagement’ (Submitted). Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education Taylor & Francis

Britain, David; Thurlow, Crispin (eds.) (2016). Language and Social Life, (5; 10). De Gruyter

Hedegard, Hannah (2016). A speech corpus of Cocos (Keeling) Island English [Dataset].

Brinton, Laurel J.; Honeybone, Patrick; Kortmann, Bernd; Britain, David (eds.) (2016). English Language and Linguistics, 20(1-3). Cambridge University Press (CUP)

Britain, David; Bell, Allan; Heller, Monica; Wee, Lionel; Sharma, Devyani (eds.) (2016). Journal of Sociolinguistics, 20(1-5). Blackwell Publishing


Thiel, Anja (21 October 2015). Phonetic Irregularities in Upstate New York: Indexicality in the Northern Cities Shift and the Low Back Merger (Unpublished). In: Peripheral Dialects I. University of Bern. 21.10.2015.

Britain, David (January 2015). "Contact, mobility and authenticity: language ideologies in koineisation and creolisation." Zwischenbericht Jahr 2. Swiss National Science Foundation

Britain, David; Thurlow, Crispin (eds.) (2015). Language and Social Life, (1-4). De Gruyter


Tresch, Laura Alessandra; Neuenschwander, Christoph (6 September 2014). Contact, Mobility and Authenticity: Language Ideologies in Koineisation and Creolisation. In: Nacht der Forschung. Universität Bern. 06.09.2014.

Britain, David (August 2014). Reflecting on the need for new clothes (Unpublished). In: Workshop “Traversing super-, trans- and inter-: Central South Asia revisited”. 3rd International Society for the Linguistics of English conference. Universität Zürich. August 2014.

Tresch, Laura Alessandra (14 April 2014). Contact, Mobility and Authenticity: Language Ideologies in Koineisation (Unpublished). In: Wellington Thesis Group. Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand. 14.04.2014.

Neuenschwander, Christoph; Tresch, Laura Alessandra (13 January 2014). Language ideologies: the formation and legitimisation of New Zealand English (Unpublished). In: CSLS Winter School on Language in Social Context. Kandertseg. 13.-17.01.2014.

Britain, David (January 2014). "Contact, mobility and authenticity: language ideologies in koineisation and creolisation." Zwischenbericht Jahr 1. Swiss National Science Foundation

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