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Neuhaus, K. W. L.; Strömberg, S.; Lamperti, S.; Baranovic Huber, F. (2024). Einfluss mechanischer Mundpflegeprodukte auf die Mundgesundheit. In: Filippi, Andreas; Filippi, Cornelia; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (eds.) Die zahnmedizinische Behandlung von Menschen mit Special Needs (pp. 41-48). Berlin: Quintessence Publishing
Neuhaus, Klaus W.; Krebs, Vincent (2024). Gesundheit oder Krankheit in der Mundhöhle - eine Frage der Definition? In: Filippi, Andreas; Filippi, Cornelia; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (eds.) Die zahnmedizinische Behandlung von Menschen mit Special Needs (pp. 67-72). Berlin: Quintessence Publishing
Filippi, Andreas; Filippi, Cornelia; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (2024). Definition von Special Needs aus zahnärztlicher Sicht. In: Filippi, Andreas; Filippi, Cornelia; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (eds.) Die zahnärztliche Behandlung von Menschen mit Special Needs. Berlin: Quintessence Publishing
Filippi, Cornelia; Weidtlitsch, Bettina; Boss, Jacqueline; Neuhaus, Klaus W.; Sahrmann, Philipp (2024). Zahnmedizinische Betreuung und Zahnpflege in Kindergärten, Alters- und Pflegeheimen und auf Intensivstationen. In: Filippi, Andreas; Filippi, Cornelia; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (eds.) Die zahnmedizinische Behandlung von Menschen mit Special Needs (pp. 95-104). Quintessence Publishing
Neuhaus, Gotlind; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (2024). Affektive Störungen. In: Filippi, Andreas; Filippi, Cornelia; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (eds.) Die zahnmedizinische Behandlung von Menschen mit Special Needs (pp. 116-119). Berlin: Quintessence Publishing
Neuhaus, Gotlind; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (2024). Autismusspektrumsstörungen. In: Filippi, Andreas; Filippi, Cornelia; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (eds.) Die zahnmedizinische Behandlung von Menschen mit Special Needs (pp. 133-136). Berlin: Quintessence Publishing
Neuhaus, Klaus W.; Luchsinger, Isabelle (2024). Ektodermale Dysplasie. In: Filippi, Andreas; Filippi, Cornelia; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (eds.) Die zahnmedizinische Behandlung von Menschen mit Special Needs (pp. 191-194). Berlin: Quintessence Publishing
Neuhaus, Klaus W.; Schwieger-Briel, Agnes; Suter, Valérie; Gouveia, Carolina; Bürgler, Christina (2024). Epidermolysis bullosa. In: Filippi, Andreas; Filippi, Cornela; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (eds.) Die zahnmedizinische Behandlung von Menschen mit Special Needs (pp. 195-202). Quintessence Publishing
Neuhaus, Klaus W.; Graf, Sandra; Juchli, Isabelle (2024). Orthopädische Einschränkungen/Funktionseinschränkungen. In: Filippi, Andreas; Filippi, Cornela; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (eds.) Die zahnmedizinische Behandlung von Menschen mit Special Needs (pp. 305-307). Quintessence Publishing
Zarean, Parichehr; Göllner, Michael; Zarean, Paridokht; Neuhaus, Klaus W (2023). 2D and 3D Erosion Landscape Analysis of Endodontic-Treated Teeth Using EDTA and HEDP as Chelating Agents: A High-Resolution Micro-Computed Tomographic Study. Dentistry journal, 11(12) MDPI 10.3390/dj11120286
Eggmann, Florin; Irani, Delia Rhoda; Fehlbaum, Patrizia A; Neuhaus, Klaus (2022). Do magnification loupes affect the precision of cavity preparations made by undergraduates? A randomized crossover study. BMC Oral Health, 22(1), p. 189. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12903-022-02232-z
Eggmann, Florin; Vokac, Yvonne; Eick, Sigrun; Neuhaus, Klaus W (2020). Sonic irrigant activation for root canal disinfection: power modes matter! BMC Oral Health, 20(1), p. 102. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12903-020-01088-5
Perrin, Philippe; Neuhaus, Klaus; Eichenberger, Martina; Lussi, Adrian (2019). Influence of different loupe systems and their light source on the vision in endodontics. Swiss dental journal, 129(11), pp. 922-928. Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft SSO
Henninger, Eva; Aranha Berto, Luciana; Eick, Sigrun; Lussi, Adrian; Neuhaus, Klaus W. (2019). In Vitro Effect of Er:YAG Laser on Different Single and Mixed Microorganisms Being Associated with Endodontic Infections. Photobiomodulation, photomedicine, and laser surgery, 37(6), pp. 369-375. Mary Ann Liebert 10.1089/photob.2018.4557
Giacaman, Rodrigo A; Muñoz-Sandoval, Cecilia; Neuhaus, Klaus; Fontana, Margherita; Chałas, Renata (2018). Evidence-based strategies for the minimally invasive treatment of carious lesions: Review of the literature. Advances in clinical and experimental medicine, 27(7), pp. 1009-1016. Wroclaw Medical University 10.17219/acem/77022
Litzenburger, Friederike; Heck, Katrin; Pitchika, Vinay; Neuhaus, Klaus W; Jost, Fabian Nicolas; Hickel, Reinhard; Jablonski-Momeni, Anahita; Welk, Alexander; Lederer, Alexander; Kühnisch, Jan (2018). Inter- and intraexaminer reliability of bitewing radiography and near-infrared light transillumination for proximal caries detection and assessment. Dento maxillo facial radiology, 47(3), p. 20170292. British Institute of Radiology 10.1259/dmfr.20170292
Neuhaus, Klaus W.; Lussi, Adrian (2018). Carious Lesion Diagnosis: Methods, Problems, Thresholds. Monographs in oral science, 27, pp. 24-31. Karger 10.1159/000487828
Neuhaus, Klaus (2017). Überempfindliche Zähne – Diagnostik und Therapiemöglichkeiten. Dimensions, 3, pp. 6-10. Swiss Dental Hygienists
Stauffacher, Simone; Lussi, Adrian; Nietzsche, Sandor; Neuhaus, Klaus; Eick, Sigrun (2017). Bacterial invasion into radicular dentine-an in vitro study. Clinical oral investigations, 21(5), pp. 1743-1752. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00784-016-1960-7
Perrin, Philippe; Eichenberger, Martina; Neuhaus, Klaus; Lussi, Adrian (2017). A Near Visual Acuity Test for Dentists. Operative dentistry, 42(6), pp. 581-586. Operative Dentistry, Inc. 10.2341/16-128-l
Neuhaus, Klaus (2017). Wie eine verfrühte Füllungstherapie vermieden werden kann. Kariesdiagnoseverfahren und differenzierte Kariestherapie. Plaque n care, 11(3), pp. 134-141. Spitta Verlag
Neuhaus, Klaus; Liebi, Melanie; Stauffacher, Simone; Eick, Sigrun; Lussi, Adrian (2016). Antibacterial Efficacy of a New Sonic Irrigation Device for Root Canal Disinfection. Journal of endodontics, 42(12), pp. 1799-1803. Elsevier 10.1016/j.joen.2016.08.024
Neuhaus, Klaus; Schick, A; Lussi, Adrian (2016). Apical filling characteristics of carrier-based techniques vs. single cone technique in curved root canals. Clinical oral investigations, 20(7), pp. 1631-1637. Springer 10.1007/s00784-015-1674-2
Laugisch, Oliver; Wong, Alicia; Sroka, Aneta; Kantyka, Tomasz; Koziel, Joanna; Neuhaus, Klaus; Sculean, Anton; Venables, Patrick J; Potempa, Jan; Möller, Burkhard; Eick, Sigrun (2016). Citrullination in the periodontium-a possible link between periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical oral investigations, 20(4), pp. 675-683. Springer 10.1007/s00784-015-1556-7
Kühnisch, Jan; Söchtig, Friederike; Pitchika, Vinay; Laubender, Rüdiger; Neuhaus, Klaus; Lussi, Adrian; Hickel, Reinhard (2016). In vivo validation of near-infrared light transillumination for interproximal dentin caries detection. Clinical oral investigations, 20(4), pp. 821-829. Springer 10.1007/s00784-015-1559-4
Naumann, Michael; Neuhaus, Klaus; Kölpin, Manja; Seemann, Rainer (2016). Why, when, and how general practitioners restore endodontically treated teeth: a representative survey in Germany. Clinical oral investigations, 20(2), pp. 253-259. Springer 10.1007/s00784-015-1505-5
Neuhaus, Klaus; Müller, Magali E; Lussi, Adrian (2016). Survey of Oral Health Awareness in Neuchâtel 9th Graders. Swiss dental journal, 126(7-8), pp. 662-671. Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft SSO
Perrin, Philippe; Eichenberger, Martina; Neuhaus, Klaus; Lussi, Adrian (2016). Visual acuity and magnification devices in dentistry. Swiss dental journal, 126(3), pp. 222-235. Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft SSO
Neuhaus, Klaus; Müller, Magali E; Lussi, Adrian (2016). Untersuchung zum Zahn- und Mundgesundheitsbewusstsein bei Schülern im 9. Schuljahr der Stadt Neuenburg. Swiss dental journal, 126(7-8), pp. 672-681. Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft SSO
Dula, Karl; Kissling-Jeger, Franziska; Neuhaus, Klaus (2016). Die digitale Volumentomografie (DVT) in der Endodontologie. Zahnmedizin up2date, 10(04), pp. 327-355. Thieme 10.1055/s-0042-101842
Neuhaus, Klaus W.; Lussi, Adrian (2016). New Caries Diagnostic Methods. In: Goldberg, Michel (ed.) Understanding Dental Caries (pp. 53-61). Springer 10.1007/978-3-319-30552-3_6
Neuhaus, Klaus; Jost, Fabian Nicolas; Perrin, Philippe; Lussi, Adrian (2015). Impact of different magnification levels on visual caries detection with ICDAS. Journal of dentistry, 43(12), pp. 1559-1564. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.jdent.2015.09.002
Neuhaus, Klaus; Ciucchi, Philip Ruwan; Rodrigues, Jonas Almeida; Hug, Isabelle; Emerich, Marta Maria; Lussi, Adrian (2015). Diagnostic performance of a new red light LED device for approximal caries detection. Lasers in medical science, 30(5), pp. 1443-1447. Springer 10.1007/s10103-014-1607-3
Ciucchi, Philip Ruwan; Neuhaus, Klaus; Emerich, Marta; Peutzfeldt, Anne; Lussi, Adrian (2015). Evaluation of different types of enamel conditioning before application of a fissure sealant. Lasers in medical science, 30(1), pp. 1-9. Springer 10.1007/s10103-013-1333-2
Neuhaus, Klaus; Jasarevic, Edi; Lussi, Adrian (2015). Impact of Different Illumination Conditions on Visual Caries Detection with ICDAS. Caries research, 49(6), pp. 633-636. Karger 10.1159/000442181
Perrin, Philippe; Neuhaus, Klaus; Lussi, Adrian (2014). The impact of loupes and microscopes on vision in endodontics. International endodontic journal, 47(5), pp. 425-429. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/iej.12165
Neuhaus, Klaus; Erdin, D; Lussi, Adrian (2014). Per capita sugar consumption in Switzerland is not extreme. Caries research, 48(2), pp. 96-97. Karger 10.1159/000351676
Jost, Fabian Nicolas (2014). Validität und Reliabilität bei der visuellen okklusalen Kariesdiagnostik mit ICDAS unter der Verwendung von unterschiedlichen dentalen Vergrösserungshilfen (Unpublished). (Dissertation, Universität Bern, Zahnmedizinische Kliniken)
Almeida Rodrigues, Jonas; Schlesner de Oliveira, Renata; Hug, Isabelle; Neuhaus, Klaus; Lussi, Adrian (2013). Performance of experienced dentists in Switzerland after an e-learning program on ICDAS occlusal caries detection. Journal of dental education, 77(8), pp. 1086-1091. American Dental Education Association
Neuhaus, Klaus; Milleman, Jeffery L.; Milleman, Kimberly R.; Mongiello, Kimberly A.; Simonton, Thomas C.; Clark, Courtney E.; Proskin, Howard M.; Seemann, Rainer (2013). Effectiveness of a calcium sodium phosphosilicate-containing prophylaxis paste in reducing dentine hypersensitivity immediately and 4 weeks after a single application: a double-blind randomized controlled trial. Journal of clinical periodontology, 40(4), pp. 349-357. Wiley 10.1111/jcpe.12057
Neuhaus, K W; Schlafer, S; Lussi, A; Nyvad, B (2013). Infiltration of Natural Caries Lesions in Relation to Their Activity Status and Acid Pretreatment in vitro. Caries research, 47(3), pp. 203-210. Basel: Karger 10.1159/000345654
Eichenberger, Martina; Perrin, Philippe; Neuhaus, Klaus; Bringolf, Ueli; Lussi, Adrian (2013). Visual acuity of dentists under simulated clinical conditions. Clinical oral investigations, 17(3), pp. 725-729. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00784-012-0753-x
Rodrigues, Jonas A; Neuhaus, Klaus W; Diniz, Michele B; Hug, Isabel; Stich, Herman; Karlsson, Lena; Lussi, Adrian (2012). Comparison among gold standard techniques used for the validation of methods for occlusal caries detection. Microscopy research and technique, 75(5), pp. 605-8. New York, N.Y.: Wiley-Liss 10.1002/jemt.21097
Neuhaus, K W; Rodrigues, J A; Seemann, R; Lussi, A (2012). Detection of proximal secondary caries at cervical class II-amalgam restoration margins in vitro. Journal of dentistry, 40(6), pp. 493-9. Oxford: Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.jdent.2012.02.014
Neuhaus, Klaus; De Almeida Rodrigues, Jonas; Hug, Isabelle; Stich, Hermann; Lussi, Adrian (2011). Performance of laser fluorescence devices, visual and radiographic examination for the detection of occlusal caries in primary molars. Clinical oral investigations, 15(5), pp. 635-41. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00784-010-0427-5
Rodrigues, Jonas A; Hug, Isabel; Neuhaus, Klaus W; Lussi, Adrian (2011). Light-emitting diode and laser fluorescence-based devices in detecting occlusal caries. Journal of biomedical optics, 16(10), p. 107003. Bellingham, Wash.: SPIE International Society for Optical Engineering 10.1117/1.3631796
Neuhaus, K W; Nyvad, B; Lussi, A; Jaruszewski, L (2011). Evaluation of perpendicular reflection intensity for assessment of caries lesion activity/inactivity. Caries research, 45(4), pp. 408-14. Basel: Karger 10.1159/000330530
Eichenberger, Martina; Perrin, Philippe; Neuhaus, Klaus W; Bringolf, Ueli; Lussi, Adrian (2011). Influence of loupes and age on the near visual acuity of practicing dentists. Journal of biomedical optics, 16(3), p. 35003. Bellingham, Wash.: SPIE International Society for Optical Engineering 10.1117/1.3555190
Rodrigues, Jonas A; Lussi, Adrian; Seemann, Rainer; Neuhaus, Klaus W (2011). Prevention of crown and root caries in adults. Periodontology 2000, 55(1), pp. 231-49. Oxford: Blackwell 10.1111/j.1600-0757.2010.00381.x
Wang, Xiaojie; Megert, Brigitte; Hellwig, Elmar; Neuhaus, Klaus; Lussi, Adrian (2011). Preventing erosion with novel agents. Journal of dentistry, 39(2), pp. 163-170. Oxford: Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.jdent.2010.11.007
Katsoulis, Joannis; Nikitovic, Senka Geissbühler; Spreng, Sophie; Neuhaus, Klaus; Mericske-Stern, Regina (2011). Prosthetic rehabilitation and treatment outcome of partially edentulous patients with severe tooth wear: 3-years results. Journal of dentistry, 39(10), pp. 662-71. Oxford: Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.jdent.2011.07.008
Rodrigues, Jonas A; Neuhaus, Klaus W; Hug, Isabel; Stich, Herman; Seemann, Rainer; Lussi, Adrian (2010). In vitro detection of secondary caries associated with composite restorations on approximal surfaces using laser fluorescence. Operative dentistry, 35(5), pp. 564-71. Indianapolis, Ind.: Operative Dentistry, Inc. 10.2341/09-332-L
Neuhaus, Klaus W; Ciucchi, Philip; Donnet, Marcel; Lussi, Adrian (2010). Removal of enamel caries with an air abrasion powder. Operative dentistry, 35(5), pp. 538-46. Indianapolis, Ind.: Operative Dentistry, Inc. 10.2341/10-009-L
Huth, K C; Lussi, A; Gygax, M; Thum, M; Crispin, A; Paschos, E; Hickel, R; Neuhaus, K W (2010). In vivo performance of a laser fluorescence device for the approximal detection of caries in permanent molars. Journal of dentistry, 38(12), pp. 1019-1026. Oxford: Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.jdent.2010.09.001
Neuhaus, Klaus W; Graf, Martina; Lussi, Adrian; Katsaros, Christos (2010). Late Infiltration of Post-orthodontic White Spot Lesions. Journal of orofacial orthopedics - Fortschritte der Kieferorthopädie, 71(6), pp. 442-447. München: Urban and Vogel 10.1007/s00056-010-1038-0
Diniz, Michele Baffi; Rodrigues, Jonas Almeida; Neuhaus, Klaus W; Cordeiro, Rita C L; Lussi, Adrian (2010). Influence of examiner's clinical experience on the reproducibility and accuracy of radiographic examination in detecting occlusal caries. Clinical oral investigations, 14(5), pp. 515-23. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00784-009-0323-z
Neuhaus, K W; Longbottom, C; Ellwood, R; Lussi, A (2009). Novel lesion detection aids. Monographs in oral science, 21, pp. 52-62. Basel: Karger
Neuhaus, K W; Ellwood, R; Lussi, A; Pitts, N B (2009). Traditional lesion detection aids. Monographs in oral science, 21, pp. 42-51. Basel: Karger
Neuhaus, Klaus W; Lussi, Adrian (2009). [Casein phosphopeptide--amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) and its effect on dental hard tissues]. Schweizerische Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin, 119(2), pp. 110-6. Bern: Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft
Huth, K C; Neuhaus, K W; Gygax, M; Bücher, K; Crispin, A; Paschos, E; Hickel, R; Lussi, A (2008). Clinical performance of a new laser fluorescence device for detection of occlusal caries lesions in permanent molars. Journal of dentistry, 36(12), pp. 1033-40. Oxford: Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.jdent.2008.08.013
Neuhaus, KW; Schegg, R; Krastl, G; Amato, M; Weiger, R; Walter, C (2008). Integrated learning in dentistry: baseline data and first evaluation at the Dental School of Basel. European journal of dental education, 12(3), pp. 163-169. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1600-0579.2008.00513.x
Neuhaus, KW (2008). Dental pulp neoplasms. In: , (ed.) Encyclopedia of Cancer, 2nd edition 8 (pp. 75-78). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag 10.1016/S1470-2045(06)71013-0
Diniz, MB; Rodrigues, JA; Neuhaus, KW; Cordeiro, RCL; Lussi, A (2008). Influence of examiners clinical experience on the reproducibility and validity of radiographic examination in detecting occlusal caries. Caries research(42), p. 227. Basel: Karger
Neuhaus, K; Cadosch, J (2008). Kofferdam - Kunst, Kult und Kontroverse. In: , (ed.) Dental Kompakt (pp. 190-194). Rottweil: flohr Verlag
Neuhaus, K (2008). Lupenbrillen in der Zahnmedizin. In: Dental Kompakt (p. 111). Rottweil: flohr Verlag