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Villa, Igor M.; Bosio, Giulia (2023). "Excess Ar" by laboratory alteration of biotite. Geology, 51(1), pp. 121-125. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G50503.1
Villa, Igor M.; Glodny, Johannes; Peillod, Alexandre; Skelton, Alasdair; Ring, Uwe (2023). Petrochronology of polygenetic white micas (Naxos, Greece). Journal of metamorphic geology, 41(3), pp. 401-423. Wiley 10.1111/jmg.12700
Siklósi, Zsuzsanna; Horváth, Eszter; Villa, Igor Maria; Nisi, Stefano; Mozgai, Viktória; Bajnóczi, Bernadett; Csippán, Péter; Hornok, Péter; Kiss, Péter (2022). The provenance of the raw material and the manufacturing technology of copper artefacts from the Copper Age hoard from Magyaregres, Hungary. PLoS ONE, 17(11), e0278116. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0278116
Peverelli, Veronica; Berger, Alfons; Wille, Martin; Pettke, Thomas; Lanari, Pierre; Villa, Igor Maria; Herwegh, Marco (2022). Epidote dissolution–precipitation during viscous granular flow: a micro-chemical and isotope study. Solid Earth, 13(11), pp. 1803-1821. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/se-13-1803-2022
Dielforder, Armin; Villa, Igor M.; Berger, Alfons; Herwegh, Marco (2022). Tracing wedge-internal deformation by means of strontium isotope systematics of vein carbonates. Geological Magazine, 159(11-12), pp. 2191-2205. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0016756821001357
Mittempergher, S.; Zanchetta, S.; Caldiroli, F.; Zanchi, A.; Bistacchi, A.; Hanchar, J. M.; Villa, Igor Maria (2022). The timescale of solid-state deformation in the Northern Adamello igneous intrusive suite. Journal of the Geological Society, 179(4), pp. 1-22. Geological Society of London 10.1144/jgs2021-101
Onac, Bogdan P.; Mitrovica, Jerry X.; Ginés, Joaquín; Asmerom, Yemane; Polyak, Victor J.; Tuccimei, Paola; Ashe, Erica L.; Fornós, Juan J.; Hoggard, Mark J.; Coulson, Sophie; Ginés, Angel; Soligo, Michele; Villa, Igor M. (2022). Exceptionally stable pre-industrial sea level inferred from the western Mediterranean Sea. Science Advances, 8(26), pp. 1-8. American Association for the Advancement of Science 10.1126/sciadv.abm6185
Villa, Igor M. (2022). Dating deformation: the role of atomic-scale processes. Journal of the Geological Society, 179(5), pp. 1-7. Geological Society of London 10.1144/jgs2021-098
Villa, Igor M.; Holden, Norman E.; Possolo, Antonio; Ickert, Ryan Ben; Hibbert, David Brynn; Renne, Paul R.; Bonardi, Mauro L.; De Bièvre, Paul (2022). IUGS–IUPAC recommendations and status reports on the half-lives of 87 Rb, 146 Sm, 147 Sm, 234 U, 235 U, and 238 U (IUPAC Technical Report). Pure and applied chemistry, 94(9), pp. 1085-1092. De Gruyter 10.1515/pac-2021-1202
Visonà, Dario; Nimis, Paolo; Fioretti, Anna M.; Massironi, Matteo; Villa, Igor M. (2022). A hidden Oligocene pluton linked to the Periadriatic Fault System beneath the Permian Bressanone pluton, eastern Southern Alps. International Geology Review, 64(19), pp. 2783-2802. Taylor & Francis online 10.1080/00206814.2021.2003725
Kim, Yeongmin; Lee, Insung; Farquhar, James; Kang, Jisuk; Villa, Igor M.; Kim, Hyoungbum (2021). Multi isotope systematics of precipitation to trace the sources of air pollutants in Seoul, Korea. Environmental pollution, 286(117548), pp. 1-13. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117548
Chiarantini, Laura; Villa, Igor Maria; Volpi, Vanessa; Bianchi, Giovanna; Benvenuti, Marco; Cicali, Cristina; Donati, Alessandro; Manca, Rosarosa; Hodges, Richard (2021). Economic rebound versus imperial monopoly: Metal provenance of Early Medieval coins (8th-11th centuries) from some Italian and French mints. Journal of Archeological Science: Reports, 39(103139), pp. 1-26. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.103139
Metreau, Laetitia; Cattin, Florence; Villa, Igor Maria; André, Patrick; Chateau-Smith, Carmela (2021). Lead provenance for medieval decorated tiles glazes in Brittany and Anjou (13-14th c.). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 38(103037), pp. 1-11. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.103037
Naumenko-Dèzes, M.O.; Villa, I. M.; Rolland, Y.; Gallet, S.; Lanari, P. (2021). Subgrain 40Ar/39Ar dating of museum-quality micas reveals intragrain heterogeneity. Chemical geology, 573, p. 120215. Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120215
Fornacelli, Cristina; Briano, Arianna; Chiarantini, Laura; Bianchi, Giovanna; Benvenuti, Marco; Giamello, M.; Kang, Jisuk; Villa, Igor Maria; Talarico, Franco M.; Hodges, Richard (2021). Archaeometric provenance constraints for Early Medieval sparse glazed pottery from Donoratico (Livorno, Italy). Archaeometry, 63(3), pp. 549-576. Oxford University, Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art. 10.1111/arcm.12633
Villa, Igor M. (2021). The in vacuo release of Ar from minerals: 1. hydrous minerals. Chemical geology, 564(120076), pp. 1-9. Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120076
Kleinhanns, Ilka C.; Nägler, Thomas F.; Villa, Igor M.; Kramers, Jan D. (2021). Age disequilibrium between zircon and their granitoid hosts caused by intracrustal reworking: Nd-Hf-Ar isotope evidence of Archean Granitoids from Barberton Mountain Land (Kaapvaal craton, South Africa). Chemical geology, 570, p. 120129. Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120129
Peverelli, Veronica; Ewing, Tanya; Rubatto, Daniela; Wille, Martin; Berger, Alfons; Villa, Igor Maria; Lanari, Pierre; Pettke, Thomas; Herwegh, Marco (2021). U − Pb geochronology of epidote by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) as a tool for dating hydrothermal-vein formation. Geochronology, 3(1), pp. 123-147. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/gchron-3-123-2021
Montemagni, Chiara; Villa, Igor Maria (2021). Geochronology of Himalayan shear zones: unravelling the timing of thrusting from structurally complex fault rocks. Journal of the Geological Society, 178(6) Geological Society of London 10.1144/jgs2020-235
Gross, Eda; van Willigen, Samuel; Villa, Igor M.; Schaeren, Gishan F.; Cardani Vergani, Rossana; Nielsen, Ebbe H.; Pétrequin, Pierre; Reitmaier, Thomas; Schaeppi, Kathrin; Schmitt-Ott, Katharina; Steinhauser-Zimmermann, Regula; Hildbrand, Erwin (2021). Diversity of resources and volatility of metallurgical networks – multi-methodological provenance analysis of Neolithic and EBA-copper-artefacts from Switzerland and Eastern France. Archaeological and anthropological sciences, 13(180), pp. 1-34. Springer 10.1007/s12520-021-01423-z
Kung, Jennifer; Villa, Igor M. (2021). The in vacuo release of Ar from minerals: 2. The role of structural modifications of K-feldspar during heating revealed by Raman microprobe analyses. Chemical geology, 580(120382), pp. 1-7. Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120382
Clemenza, Massimiliano; Billeci, Bruno; Carpinelli, Massimo; Ferrante, Marco; Fiorini, Ettore; Gasperetti, Gabriella; Nisi, Stefano; Oliva, Piernicola; Sipala, Valeria; Trincherini, Pier Renato; Villa, Igor Maria; Rendeli, Marco (2021). Sant’Imbenia (Alghero): further archaeometric evidence for an Iron Age market square. Archaeological and anthropological sciences, 13(181), pp. 1-21. Springer 10.1007/s12520-021-01425-x
Bulle, Florian; Rubatto, Daniela; Ruggieri, Giovanni; Luisier, Cindy; Villa, Igor M.; Baumgartner, Lukas (2020). Episodic hydrothermal alteration recorded by microscale oxygen isotope analysis of white mica in the Larderello-Travale Geothermal Field, Italy. Chemical geology, 532, p. 119288. Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.119288
Kang, Jisuk; Wille, Martin; Hofmann, Beda A.; Strauss, H.; Villa, Igor M. (2020). Heterogeneous lead isotopic compositions of sulfide minerals from a hydrothermal replacement deposit (Janggun mine, South Korea). Ore geology reviews, 122, p. 103527. Elsevier 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103527
Bosio, Giulia; Gioncada, Anna; Di Celma, Claudio; Villa, Igor Maria; Pichavant, Michel; Urbina, Mario; Bianucci, Giovanni (2020). Two-mica rhyolitic tephra in the East Pisco Basin (Peru): new age and dispersion constraints for the eruptions of the Eastern Cordillera of Central Andes. Bulletin of volcanology, 82(6), pp. 1-22. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00445-020-1373-y
Villa, I.M.; Holden, N.E.; Possolo, A.; Hibbert, D.B.; Ickert, R.B.; Renne, P.R. (2020). IUGS-IUPAC recommendation on the half-lives of 147Sm and 146Sm. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 285, pp. 70-77. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gca.2020.06.022
Montemagni, Chiara; Carosi, Rodolfo; Fusi, Nicoletta; Iaccarino, Salvatore; Montomoli, Chiara; Villa, Igor M.; Zanchetta, Stefano (2020). Three-dimensional vorticity and time-constrained evolution of the Main Central Thrust zone, Garhwal Himalaya (NW India). Terra nova, 32(3), pp. 215-224. Wiley 10.1111/ter.12450
Bosio, Giulia; Malinverno, Elisa; Villa, Igor Maria; Di Celma, Claudio; Gariboldi, Karen; Gioncada, Anna; Barberini, Valentina; Urbina, Mario; Bianucci, Giovanni (2020). Tephrochronology and chronostratigraphy of the Miocene Chilcatay and Pisco formations (East Pisco Basin, Peru). Newsletters on stratigraphy, 53(2), pp. 213-247. Schweizerbart science publishers 10.1127/nos/2019/0525
Bosio, Giulia; Gioncada, Anna; Malinverno, Elisa; Di Celma, Claudio; Villa, Igor M.; Cataldi, Giuseppe; Gariboldi, Karen; Collareta, Alberto; Urbina, Mario; Bianucci, Giovanni (2019). Chemical and petrographic fingerprinting of volcanic ashes as a tool for high-resolution stratigraphy of the Upper Miocene Pisco Formation (Peru). Journal of the Geological Society, 176(1), pp. 13-28. Geological Society of London 10.1144/jgs2018-071
Bosse, Valérie; Villa, Igor M. (2019). Petrochronology and hygrochronology of tectono-metamorphic events. Gondwana research, 71, pp. 76-90. International Association for Gondwana Research 10.1016/j.gr.2018.12.014
Frezzotti, Maria Luce; Villa, Igor Maria; Iannantuoni, Giovanna (2019). Introduction to the Thematic set: Carbon forms, paths and processes in the Earth. Journal of the Geological Society, 176(2), pp. 335-336. Geological Society of London 10.1144/jgs2019-016
Heri, A. R.; Bahl, J.; Villa, Igor M. (2019). Geochemical discrimination and petrogenetic affinities of dykes intruding the Ladakh batholith, NW India. Geological Society Special Publications, 481(1), pp. 231-250. London: Geological Society, London 10.1144/SP481-2017-150
Montemagni, Chiara; Montomoli, Chiara; Iaccarino, Salvatore; Carosi, Rodolfo; Jain, Arvind K.; Massonne, Hans-J.; Villa, Igor M. (2019). Dating protracted fault activities: microstructures, microchemistry and geochronology of the Vaikrita Thrust, Main Central Thrust zone, Garhwal Himalaya, NW India. Geological Society Special Publications, 481(1), pp. 127-146. London: Geological Society, London 10.1144/SP481.3
Pandey, Om Prakash; Mezger, Klaus; Ranjan, Sameer; Upadhyay, Dewashish; Villa, Igor M.; Nägler, Thomas F.; Vollstaedt, Hauke (2019). Genesis of the Singhbhum Craton, eastern India; implications for Archean crust-mantle evolution of the Earth. Chemical geology, 512, pp. 85-106. Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.02.040
Naumenko-Dèzes, Maria O.; Nägler, Thomas F.; Mezger, Klaus; Villa, Igor Maria (2018). Constraining the 40 K decay constant with 87 Rb- 87 Sr – 40 K- 40 Ca chronometer intercomparison. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 220, pp. 235-247. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gca.2017.09.041
Mazurek, Martin; Davis, Donald W.; Madritsch, Herfried; Rufer, Daniel; Villa, Igor Maria; Sutcliffe, Chelsea N.; De Haller, Antoine; Traber, Daniel (2018). Veins in clay-rich aquitards as records of deformation and fluid-flow events in northern Switzerland. Applied geochemistry, 95, pp. 57-70. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.05.010
Zanchetta, Stefano; Worthington, J; Angiolini, L; Leven, E. Ya.; Villa, Igor Maria; Zanchi, Andrea (2018). The Bashgumbaz Complex (Tajikistan): tracing the Cimmerian orogeny in the Pamirs. Gondwana research, 57, pp. 170-190. International Association for Gondwana Research 10.1016/j.gr.2018.01.009
Montemagni, Chiara; Iaccarino, Salvatore; Montomoli, Chiara; Carosi, Rodolfo; Jain, Arvind K; Villa, Igor Maria (2018). Age constraints on the deformation style of the South Tibetan Detachment System in Garhwal Himalaya. Italian journal of geosciences, 137(2), pp. 175-187. Società Geologica Italiana 10.3301/IJG.2018.07
Mondillo, Nicola; Arfè, G; Boni, Maria; Balassone, Giuseppina; Boyce, A.; Joachimski, M.; Kang, Jisuk; Villa, Igor Maria (2018). The Cristal Zinc prospect (Amazonas region, northern Peru). Part I: New insights on the sulfide mineralization in the Bongará province. Ore geology reviews, 94, pp. 261-276. Elsevier 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.01.021
Germinario, C.; Balassone, Giuseppina; Mercurio, M.; Grifa, C.; Villa, Igor Maria; Di Maio, G.; Scala, S.; De Gennaro, R.; Petti, C.; Del Re, M.C.; Langella, A. (2018). Multi-analytical characterization and provenance identification of protohistoric metallic artefacts from Picentia-Pontecagnano and the Sarno valley sites, Campania, Italy. Measurement, 128, pp. 104-118. Elsevier 10.1016/j.measurement.2018.06.019
Chiarantini, L.; Benvenuti, M.; Costagliola, P.; Dini, A.; Firmati, M.; Guideri, S.; Villa, Igor Maria; Corretti, A. (2018). Copper metallurgy in ancient Etruria (southern Tuscany, Italy) at the Bronze-Iron Age transition: a Pb provenance study of artefacts from the island of Elba and copper slags from Populonia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 19, pp. 11-23. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jasrep.2018.02.005
Cairncross, B.; Kramers, Jan Dirk; Villa, Igor Maria (2018). Unusual speleothem formation in the Thabazimbi mine cave, Limpopo Province, South Africa, and its chronology. South African journal of geology, 121(3), pp. 261-270. Geological Society of South Africa 10.25131/sajg.121.0020
Bianucci, Giovanni; Collareta, A.; Bosio, Giulia; Landini, W.; Gariboldi, Karen; Gioncada, Anna; Lambert, O.; Malinverno, Elisa; Muizon, C. de; Varas-Malca, R.; Villa, Igor Maria; Coletti, Giovanni; Urbina, M.; Di Celma, Claudio (2018). Taphonomy and palaeoecology of the lower Miocene marine vertebrate assemblage of Ullujaya (Chilcatay Formation, East Pisco Basin, southern Peru). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 511, pp. 256-279. Elsevier 10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.08.013
Bianucci, Giovanni; Bosio, Giulia; Malinverno, Elisa; Muizon, Christian de; Villa, Igor Maria; Urbina, M.; Lambert, O. (2018). A new large squalodelphinid (Cetacea, Odontoceti) from Peru sheds light on the Early Miocene platanistoid disparity and ecology. Royal Society Open Science, 5(4), p. 172302. The Royal Society Publishing 10.1098/rsos.172302
Seo, Jung Hun; Yoo, Bong Chul; Villa, Igor Maria; Lee, Jun Hee; Lee, Tongha; Kim, Chansu; Moon, Kun Ju (2017). Magmatic–hydrothermal processes in Sangdong W–Mo deposit, Korea: Study of fluid inclusions and 39 Ar– 40 Ar geochronology. Ore geology reviews, 91, pp. 316-334. Elsevier 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2017.09.019
Oglialoro, Eduardo; Frezzotti, Maria Luce; Ferrando, Simona; Tiraboschi, C.; Principe, Claudia; Groppelli, Gianluca; Groppelli, Gianluca; Villa, Igor Maria (2017). Lithospheric magma dynamics beneath El Hierro, Canary Islands: a fluid inclusion study. Bulletin of volcanology, 79(10) Springer 10.1007/s00445-017-1152-6
Malusà, Marco G.; Wang, Jiangang; Garzanti, Eduardo; Zhi-Chao, Liu; Villa, Igor M.; Wittmann, Hella (2017). Trace-element and Nd-isotope systematics in detrital apatite of the Po river catchment: implications for provenance discrimination and the lag-time approach to detrital thermochronology. Lithos, 290-291, pp. 48-59. Elsevier 10.1016/j.lithos.2017.08.006
Gross, Eda; Schaeren, Gishan; Villa, Igor Maria (2017). The copper axe blade of Zug-Riedmatt, Canton of Zug, Switzerland - a key to chronology and metallurgy in the second half of the fourth millennium BC. Archäologische Informationen, 40, pp. 213-227. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte e.V. 10.11588/ai.2017.1.42486
Gariboldi, Karen; Bosio, Giulia; Malinverno, Elisa; Gioncada, Anna; Di Celma, Claudio; Villa, Igor Maria; Urbina, M.; Bianucci, Giovanni (2017). Biostratigraphy, geochronology and sedimentation rates of the late Miocene Pisco Formation at two important marine vertebrate fossil bearing sites of southern Peru. Newsletters on stratigraphy, 50(4), pp. 417-444. Schweizerbart science publishers 10.1127/nos/2017/0345
Di Celma, Claudio; Malinverno, Elisa; Bosio, Giulia; Collareta, Alberto; Gariboldi, Karen; Gioncada, Anna; Molli, Giancarlo; Basso, Daniela; Varas-Malca, Rafael M.; Pierantoni, Pietro Paolo; Villa, Igor M.; Villa, Igor M.; Lambert, Olivier; Landini, Walter; Sarti, Giovanni; Cantalamessa, Gino; Urbina, Mario; Gianucci, Giovanni (2017). Stratigraphic framework and paleontology of the Upper Miocene Pisco Formation along the western side of the lower Ica valley (Ica desert, Peru). Rivista italiana di paleontologia e stratigrafia, 123(2), pp. 255-274. Università degli Studi di Milano 10.13130/2039-4942/8373
Waele, Jo De; D’Angeli, Ilenia M.; Tisato, Nicola; Tuccimei, Paola; Soligo, Michele; Gines, Joaquın; Fornos, Joan J.; Gines, Angel; Villa, Igor M.; Gonzalez, Esteban R. Grau; Bernasconi, Stefano M.; Bontognali, Tomaso R. R. (2017). Coastal uplift rate at Matanzas (Cuba) inferred from MIS5e phreatic overgrowths on speleothems. Terra nova, 29(2), pp. 98-105. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/ter.12253
Artioli, Gilberto; Angelini, Ivana; Kaufmann, Günther; Canovaro, Caterina; Dal Sasso, Gregorio; Villa, Igor Maria (2017). Long-distance connections in the Copper Age: new evidence from the Alpine Iceman’s copper axe. PLoS ONE, 12(7), e0179263. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0179263
Villa, Igor Maria; Hanchar, John M. (2017). Age discordance and mineralogy. American mineralogist, 102(12), pp. 2422-2439. Mineralogical Society of America 10.2138/am-2017-6084
Villa, I.M.; Bonardi, M.L.; De Bièvre, P.; Holden, N.E.; Renne, P.R. (2016). IUPAC-IUGS status report on the half-lives of 238U, 235U and 234U. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 172, pp. 387-392. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gca.2015.10.011
Villa, Igor M. (2016). Diffusion in mineral geochronometers: Present and absent. Chemical geology, 420, pp. 1-10. Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2015.11.001
Haeusler, Martin; Haas, Cordula; Lösch, Sandra; Hossein Moghaddam Horri, Negahnaz; Villa, Igor Maria; Walsh, Susan; Kayser, Manfred; Seiler, Roger; Ruehli, Frank; Janosa, Manuel; Papageorgopoulou, Christina (2016). Multidisciplinary Identification of the Controversial Freedom Fighter Jörg Jenatsch, Assassinated 1639 in Chur, Switzerland. PLoS ONE, 11(12), e0168014. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0168014
Cirrincione, Rosolino; Fiannacca, Patrizia; Lustrino, Michele; Romano, Vanessa; Tranchina, Annunziata; Villa, Igor Maria (2016). Enriched asthenosphere melting beneath the nascent North African margin: trace element and Nd isotope evidence in middle–late Triassic alkali basalts from central Sicily (Italy). International journal of earth sciences, 105(2), pp. 595-609. Springer 10.1007/s00531-015-1190-2
Artioli, G.; Angelini, I.; Nimis, P.; Villa, I. M. (2016). A lead-isotope database of copper ores from the southeastern Alps: a tool for the investigation of prehistoric copper metallurgy. Journal of archaeological science, 75, pp. 27-39. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jas.2016.09.005
Villa, Igor Maria (2015). 39Ar-40Ar geochronology of mono- and polymetamorphic basement rocks. Periodico di mineralogia, 84(3b), pp. 615-632. Bardi Editore 10.2451/2015PM0454
Sançar, Taylan; Zabcı, Cengiz; Akyüz, H.S.; Sunal, Gürsel; Villa, Igor Maria (2015). Distributed transpressive continental deformation: The Varto Fault Zone, eastern Turkey. Tectonophysics, 661, pp. 99-111. Elsevier 10.1016/j.tecto.2015.08.018
Villa, Igor Maria; De Bièvre, P.; Holden, N.E.; Renne, P.R. (2015). IUPAC-IUGS recommendation on the half life of 87Rb. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 164, pp. 382-385. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gca.2015.05.025
Dèzes, Mariia Oleksiivna; Bouman, Claudia; Nägler, Thomas; Mezger, Klaus; Villa, Igor Maria (2015). TIMS measurements of full range of natural Ca isotopes with internally consistent fractionation correction. International journal of mass spectrometry, 387, pp. 60-68. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ijms.2015.07.012
Heri, A.R.; Aitchison, J.C.; Jing, J.A.; Villa, Igor Maria (2015). Geochronology and isotope geochemistry of Eocene dykes intruding the Ladakh Batholith. Lithos, 212-215, pp. 111-121. Elsevier 10.1016/j.lithos.2014.11.001
Di Celma, C.; Malinverno, E.; Cantalamessa, G.; Gioncada, A.; Bosio, G.; Villa, I.M.; Gariboldi, K.; Rustichelli, A.; Pierantoni, P.P.; Landini, W.; Tinelli, C.; Collareta, A.; Bianucci, G. (2015). Stratigraphic framework of the late Miocene Pisco Formation at Cerro Los Quesos (Ica Desert, Peru). Journal of maps, 12(5), pp. 1020-1028. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/17445647.2015.1115783
Mondillo, N; Boni, M; Balassone, G; Villa, Igor Maria (2014). The Yanque prospect (Peru): from polymetallic Zn-Pb mineralization to a nonsulfide deposit. Economic geology - bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 109(6), pp. 1735-1762. Economic Geology Pub. Co. 10.2113/econgeo.109.6.1735
Gatti, Emma; Villa, Igor Maria; Achyuthan, H; Gibbard, PL; Oppenheimer, Clive (2014). Geochemical variability in distal and proximal glass from the Youngest Toba Tuff eruption. Bulletin of volcanology, 76(9), pp. 1-16. Springer 10.1007/s00445-014-0859-x
Chafe, A N; Villa, Igor Maria; Hanchar, J M; Wirth, R (2014). A re-examination of petrogenesis and 40Ar/39Ar systematics in the the Chain of Ponds K-feldspar: "diffusion domain" archetype versus polyphase hygrochronology. Contributions to mineralogy and petrology, 167(5) Springer 10.1007/s00410-014-1010-x
Villa, Igor Maria; Bucher, Stefan; Bousquet, Romain; Kleinhanns, Ilka C; Schmid, Stefan M (2014). Dating polygenetic metamorphic assemblages along a transect across the Western Alps. Journal of petrology, 55(4), pp. 803-830. Oxford University Press 10.1093/petrology/egu007
Garzanti, E; Padoan, M; Setti, M; Lopez Galindo, A; Villa, Igor Maria (2014). Provenance versus weathering control on the composition of tropical river mud (southern Africa). Chemical geology, 366, pp. 61-74. Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2013.12.016
Garzanti, Eduardo; Padoan, Marta; Setti, Massimo; Najman, Yani; Peruta, Luigi; Villa, Igor Maria (2013). Weathering geochemistry and Sr-Nd fingerprints of equatorial upper Nile and Congo muds. Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems, 14(2), pp. 292-316. American Geophysical Union AGU 10.1002/ggge.20060
Villa, Igor Maria; Hanchar, John M. (2013). K-feldspar hygrochronology. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 101, pp. 24-33. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gca.2012.09.047
Naumenko, Mariia Oleksiivna; Mezger, Klaus; Nägler, Thomas; Villa, Igor Maria (2013). High precision determination of the terrestrial 40K abundance. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 122, pp. 353-362. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gca.2013.08.019
Malusà, Marco G.; Carter, Andrew; Limoncelli, Marta; Villa, Igor Maria; Garzanti, Eduardo (2013). Bias associated with detrital zircon geochronology and thermochronometry. Chemical geology, 359, pp. 90-107. Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2013.09.016
Zurfluh, F.J.; Hofmann, B.A.; Gnos, E.; Eggenberger, U.; Greber, Nicolas; Villa, I.M. (2012). Weathering and Strontium Contamination of Meteorites Recovered in the Sultanate of Oman. Meteorite, 18(1), pp. 34-38. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Meteorite Group, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Michigan
Zanchetta, Stefano; D'Adda, Paolo; Zanchi, Andrea; Barberini, Valentina; Villa, Igor M. (2011). Cretaceous-Eocene compression in the central Southern Alps (N Italy) inferred from (40)Ar/(39)Ar dating of pseudotachylytes along regional thrust faults. Journal of geodynamics, 51(4), pp. 245-263. Amsterdam: Pergamon 10.1016/j.jog.2010.09.004
Malusà, M.G.; Villa, I.M.; Vezzoli, G.; Garzanti, E. (2011). Detrital geochronology of unroofing magmatic complexes and the slow erosion of Oligocene volcanoes in the Alps. Earth and planetary science letters, 301(1-2), pp. 324-336. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.11.019
Giraudi, C; Bodrato, G; Ricci Lucchi, M.; Cipriani, N.; Villa, I.M.; Giaccio, B; Zuppi, G.M. (2011). Middle and late Pleistocene glaciations in the Campo Felice basin (Central Apennine - Italy). Quaternary Research, 75(1), pp. 219-230. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.yqres.2010.06.006
Tuccimei, P.; Van Strydonck, M.; Ginés, A.; Ginés, J.; Soligo, M.; Villa, I.M.; Fornós, J.J. (2011). Comparison of 14C and U-Th ages of two Holocene phreatic overgrowths on speleothems from Mallorca (Western Mediterranean): Environmental implications. International journal of speleology, 40(1), pp. 1-8. Bologna: Società Speleologica Italiana SSI 10.5038/1827-806X.40.1.1
Neubert, Nadja; Heri, Alexandra; Vögelin, Andrea; Nägler, Thomas; Schlunegger, Fritz; Villa, Igor Maria (2011). The molybdenum isotopic composition in river water: Constraints from small catchments. Earth and planetary science letters, 340(1-2), pp. 180-190. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.epsl.2011.02.001
Allaz, J.; Engi, M.; Berger, A.; Villa, I.M. (2011). The effects of retrograde reactions and of diffusion on 39Ar-40Ar ages of micas. Journal of petrology, 52(4), pp. 691-716. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/petrology/egq100
Greber, Nicolas; Hofmann, B.A.; Voegelin, A.; Villa, I.M.; Nägler, T.F. (2011). Mo isotope composition in Mo-rich high- and low-T hydrothermal systems from the Swiss Alps. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 75(21), pp. 6600-6609. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gca.2011.08.034
Holden, N.E.; Bonardi, M.L.; DeBièvre, P.; Renne, P.R.; Villa, I.M. (2011). IUPAC-IUGS common definition and convention on the use of the year as a derived unit of time (IUPAC Recommendations 2011). Pure and applied chemistry, 83(5), pp. 1159-1162. Research Triangle Park, NC: De Gruyter 10.1351/PAC-REC-09-01-22
Padoan, M.; Garzanti, E.; Harlavan, Y.; Villa, I.M. (2011). Tracing Nile sediment sources by Sr and Nd isotope signatures (Uganda, Ethiopia, Sudan). Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 75(12), pp. 3627-3644. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gca.2011.03.042
Jemmali, N.; Souissi, F.; Villa, I.M.; Vennemann, T.W. (2011). Ore genesis of Pb-Zn deposits in the Nappe zone of Northern Tunisia: constraints from Pb-S-C-O isotopic systems. Ore geology reviews, 40(1), pp. 41-53. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.04.005
Morgan, L.E.; Postma, O.; Kuiper, K.F.; Mark, D.F.; Plas, W.v.d.; Davidson, S.; Perkin, M.; Villa, I.M.; Wijbrans, J.R. (2011). A metrological approach to measuring 40Ar* concentrations in K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar mineral standards. Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems, 12(10), n/a-n/a. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union AGU 10.1029/2011GC003719
Villa, Igor Maria (2010). Disequilibrium textures versus equilibrium modelling: geochronology at the crossroads. Journal of the Geological Society, 332(1), pp. 1-15. London: Geological Society of London 10.1144/SP332.1
Visona, Dario; Rubatto, Daniela; Villa, Igor M. (2010). The mafic rocks of Shao La (Kharta, S. Tibet): Ordovician basaltic magmatism in the greater himalayan crystallines of central-eastern Himalaya. Journal of Asian earth sciences, 38(1-2), pp. 14-25. Oxford: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jseaes.2009.12.004
Santangelo, Nicoletta; Ciampo, Giuliano; Di Donato, Valentino; Esposito, Paola; Petrosino, Paola; Romano, Paola; Ermolli, Elda Russo; Santo, Antonio; Toscano, Francesco; Villa, Igor (2010). Late Quaternary buried lagoons in the northern Campania plain (southern Italy): evolution of a coastal system under the influence of volcano-tectonics and eustatism. Italian journal of geosciences, 129(1), pp. 156-175. Roma: Società Geologica Italiana 10.3301/IJG.2009.12
Malinverno, E; Taviani, M; Rosso, A; Violanti, D; Villa, Igor M.; Savini, A; Vertino, A; Remia, A; Corselli, C (2010). Stratigraphic framework of the Apulian deep-water coral province, Ionian Sea. Deep-sea research. Part 2 - topical studies in oceanography, 57(5-6), pp. 345-359. Kidlington, UK: Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.dsr2.2009.08.025
Tuccimei, Paola; Soligo, Michele; Gines, Joaquin; Gines, Angel; Fornos, Joan; Kramers, Jan; Villa, Igor Maria (2010). Constraining Holocene sea levels using U-Th ages of phreatic overgrowths on speleothems from coastal caves in Mallorca (Western Mediterranean). Earth surface processes and landforms, 35(7), pp. 782-790. New York, N.Y.: Wiley 10.1002/esp.1955
Voegelin, Andrea R.; Nägler, Thomas; Samankassou, Elias; Villa, Igor (2009). Molybdenum isotopic composition of modern and Carboniferous carbonates. Chemical geology, 265(3-4), pp. 488-498. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2009.05.015
Kramers, Jan; Frei, Robert; Newville, Matthew; Kober, Bernd; Villa, Igor (2009). On the valency state of radiogenic lead in zircon and its consequences. Chemical geology, 261(1-2), pp. 3-10. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2008.09.010
Balassone, Giuseppina; Boni, Maria; Di Maio, Giovanni; Villa, Igor M. (2009). Characterization of metallic artefacts from the Iron Age culture in Campania (Italy): a multi-analytical study. Periodico di mineralogia, 78(1), pp. 45-63. Roma: Bardi Editore 10.2451/2009PM0003
Cattin, Florence; Villa, Igor M.; Besse, Marie (2009). Copper supply during the Final Neolithic at the Saint-Blaise/Bains des Dames site (Neuchâtel, Switzerland). Archaeological and anthropological sciences, 1(3), pp. 161-176. Berlin: Springer 10.1007/s12520-009-0016-1
Villa, Igor M. (2009). Lead isotopic measurements in archeological objects. Archaeological and anthropological sciences, 1(3), pp. 149-153. Springer 10.1007/s12520-009-0012-5
Villa, Igor M.; Buettner, Annett (2009). Chronostratigraphy of Monte Vulture volcano (southern Italy): secondary mineral microtextures and 39Ar-40Ar systematics. Bulletin of volcanology, 71(10), pp. 1195-1208. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00445-009-0294-6
Renne, Paul R.; Deino, Alan L.; Hames, Willis E.; Heizler, Matthew T.; Hemming, Sidney R.; Hodges, Kip V.; Koppers, Anthony A.P.; Mark, Darren F.; Morgan, Leah E.; Phillips, David; Singer, Brad S.; Turrin, Brent D.; Villa, Igor M.; Villeneuve, Mike; Wijbrans, Jan R. (2009). Data reporting norms for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. Quaternary geochronology, 4(5), pp. 346-352. Elsevier 10.1016/j.quageo.2009.06.005
Rolland, Y.; Mahéo, G.; Pêcher, A.; Villa, I.M. (2009). Syn-kinematic emplacement of the Pangong metamorphic and magmatic complex along the Karakorum Fault (N Ladakh). Journal of Asian earth sciences, 34(1), pp. 10-25. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jseaes.2008.03.009
Marciano, Roberta; Munno, Rosalba; Petrosino, Paola; Santangelo, Nicoletta; Santo, Antonio; Villa, Igor (2008). Late quaternary tephra layers along the Cilento coastline (southern Italy). Journal of volcanology and geothermal research, 177(1), pp. 227-243. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2007.11.009
Negroa, F.; de Sigoyera, J.; Gofféa, B.; Saddiqib, O.; Villa, M. (2008). Tectonic evolution of the Betic-Rif arc: New constraints from 40Ar/39Ar dating on white micas in the Temsamane units (External Rif, northern Morocco). Lithos, 106(1-2), pp. 93-109. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.lithos.2008.06.011
Rossetti, F.; Balsamo, F.; Villa, I.M.; Bouybaouenne, M.; Faccenna, C.; Funiciello, R. (2008). Pliocene-Pleistocene HT-LP metamorphism during multiple granitic intrusions in the southern branch of the Larderello geothermal field (southern Tuscany, Italy). Journal of the Geological Society, 165(1), pp. 247-262. London: Geological Society of London 10.1144/0016-76492006-132
Jagoutz, Oliver; Muntener, O.; Manatschal, G.; Rubatto, D.; Peron-Pinvidic, G.; Turrin, B.D.; Villa, Igor Maria (2008). The rift-to-drift transition in the southern North Atlantic: A stuttering start of the MORB machine?: COMMENT and REPLY: REPLY. Geology, 36(1), e175-e175. Geological Society of America 10.1130/G25020Y.1
Challandes, Nathalie; Marquer, Didier; Villa, Igor M. (2008). P-T-t modelling, fluid circulation, and 39Ar-40Ar and Rb-Sr mica ages in the Aar Massif shear zones (Swiss Alps). Swiss journal of geosciences, 101(2), pp. 269-288. Birkhäuser 10.1007/s00015-008-1260-6
FRISIA, SILVIA; BORSATO, ANDREA; SPÖTL, CHRISTOPH; Villa, Igor Maria; CUCCHI, FRANCO (2008). Climate variability in the SE Alps of Italy over the past 17 000 years reconstructed from a stalagmite record. Boreas, 34(4), pp. 445-455. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1080/03009480500231336
Jagoutz, Oliver; Müntener, Othmar; Manatschal, Gianreto; Rubatto, Daniela; Péron-Pinvidic, Gwenn; Turrin, Brent; Villa, Igor (2007). The rift-to-drift transition in the North Atlantic: A stuttering start of the MORB machine? Geology, 35(12), pp. 1087-1090. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America 10.1130/G23613A.1
Rufer, Daniel; Buettner, Annett; Kleinhanns, Ilka C.; Villa, Igor Maria (2007). Yes there is, but why would anybody care? Lithos, 95(3-4), pp. 462-464. Elsevier 10.1016/j.lithos.2006.06.015
Heuberger, Stefan; Schaltegger, Urs; Burg, Jean-Pierre; Villa, Igor Maria; Frank, Martin; Dawood, Hamid; Hussain, Shahid; Zanchi, Andrea (2007). Age and isotopic constraints on magmatism along the Karakoram-Kohistan Suture Zone, NW Pakistan: evidence for subduction and continued convergence after India-Asia collision. Swiss journal of geosciences, 100(1), pp. 85-107. Birkhäuser 10.1007/s00015-007-1203-7
Anczkiewicz, R.; Viola, G.; Müntener, Othmar; Thirlwall, M. F.; Villa, Igor M.; Quong, Nguyen Quoc (2007). Structure and shearing conditions in the Day Nui Con Voi massif: Implications for the evolution of the Red River shear zone in northern Vietnam. Tectonics, 26(2), n/a-n/a. American Geophysical Union, European Geophysical Society 10.1029/2006TC001972
Hetherington, C.J.; Villa, I.M. (2007). Barium silicates of the Berisal Complex, Switzerland: A study in geochronology and rare-gas release systematics. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 71(13), pp. 3336-3347. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.gca.2007.05.001
Anczkiewicz, Robert; Szczepański, Jacek; Mazur, Stanisław; Storey, Craig; Crowley, Quentin; Villa, Igor M.; Thirlwall, Matthew F.; Jeffries, Teresa E. (2007). Lu–Hf geochronology and trace element distribution in garnet: Implications for uplift and exhumation of ultra-high pressure granulites in the Sudetes, SW Poland. Lithos, 95(3-4), pp. 363-380. Elsevier 10.1016/j.lithos.2006.09.001
Krumrei, Thomas V.; Villa, Igor Maria; Marks, Michael A.W.; Markl, Gregor (2007). Response to the comment by A.K. Baksi on “A 40Ar/39Ar and U/Pb isotopic study of the Ilimaussaq complex, South Greenland: Implications for the 40K decay constant and the duration of magmatic activity in a peralkaline complex”. Chemical geology, 244(1-2), pp. 347-349. Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2007.04.005
Krumrei, Thomas; Villa, Igor Maria; Marks, Michael; Markl, Gregor (2006). A40 Ar39 and U/Pb isotopic study of the Ilimaussaq compex South Greenland: Implication for the 40 K decy constant for the duration of magmatic activity in a peralkaline compex. Chemical geology, 227(3-4), pp. 258-273. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2005.10.004
Villa, Igor; Ruggieri, Giovanni; Puxeddu, Mariano; Bertini, Giovanni (2006). Geochronology and isotope transport systematics in a subsurface granite from the Larderello-Travale geothermal system (Italy). Journal of volcanology and geothermal research, 152(1-2), pp. 20-50. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2005.09.011
Pennacchioni, G.; Toro, G. Di; Brack, P.; Menegon, L.; Villa, Igor Maria (2006). Brittle-ductile-brittle deformation during cooling of tonalite (Adamello, Southern Italian Alps). Tectonophysics, 427, pp. 171-197. Elsevier
Rolland, Yann; Villa, Igor Maria; Guillot, Stéphane; Mahéo, Gweltaz; Pêcher, Arnaud (2006). Evidence for pre-Cretaceous history and partial Neogene (19–9Ma) reequilibration in the Karakorum (NW Himalayan Syntaxis) from 40Ar–39Ar amphibole dating. Journal of Asian earth sciences, 27(4), pp. 371-391. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jseaes.2005.04.008
Villa, Igor Maria (2006). From nanometer to megameter: Isotopes, atomic-scale processes, and continent-scale tectonic models. Lithos, 87(3-4), pp. 155-173. Elsevier 10.1016/j.lithos.2005.06.012
Buettner, A.; Kleinhanns, I.C.; Rufer, Daniel; Hunziker, J.C.; Villa, Igor Maria (2005). Magma generation at the easternmost section of the Hellenic arc: Hf, Nd, Pb and Sr isotope geochemistry of Nisyros and Yali volcanoes (Greece). Lithos, 83(1-2), pp. 29-46. Elsevier 10.1016/j.lithos.2005.01.001
Villa, Igor Maria; Renne, P.R. (2005). Decay constants in geochronology. Episodes, 28(1), pp. 50-51. Geological Society of India
Bucci, Daniela Di; Naso, Giuseppe; Corrado, Sveva; Villa, Igor Maria (2005). Growth, interaction and seismogenic potential of coupled active normal faults (Isernia Basin, central-southern Italy). Terra nova, 17(1), pp. 44-55. Wiley 10.1111/j.1365-3121.2004.00582.x
FEDERICO, L; CAPPONI, G; CRISPINI, L; SCAMBELLURI, M; Villa, Igor Maria (2005). 39Ar/40Ar dating of high-pressure rocks from the Ligurian Alps: Evidence for a continuous subduction–exhumation cycle. Earth and planetary science letters, 240(3-4), pp. 668-680. Elsevier 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.09.062
Rotz, Ruedi; Schlunegger, Fritz; Heller, Friedrich; Villa, Igor Maria (2005). Assessing the age of relief growth in the Andes of northern Chile: Magneto-polarity chronologies from Neogene continental sections. Terra nova, 17(5), pp. 462-471. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-3121.2005.00634.x
Seth, Barbara; Armstrong, Richard A.; Büttner, Annett; Villa, Igor Maria (2005). Time constraints for Mesoproterozoic upper amphibolite facies metamorphism in NW Namibia: a multi-isotopic approach. Earth and planetary science letters, 230(3-4), pp. 355-378. Elsevier 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.11.022
Hofmann, Beda; Helfer, M.; Diamond, Larryn William; Villa, Igor Maria; Frei, R.; Eikenberg, J. (2004). Topography-driven hydrothermal breccia mineralization of Pliocene age at Grimsel Pass, Aar massif, Central Swiss Alps. Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 84, pp. 271-302. Stäubli
Gnos, Edwin; Hofmann, Beda; Al-Kathiri, A.; Lorenzetti, S.; Eugster, O.; Whitehouse, M.J.; Villa, Igor Maria; Jull, T.; Eikenberg, J.; Spettel, B.; Krähenbühl, U.; Franchi, I.; Greenwood, R. (2004). Pinpointing the Source of a Lunar Meteorite: Implications for the Evolution of the Moon. Science, 305, pp. 657-659. American Association for the Advancement of Science
Bucci, D. Di; Naso, G.; Corrado, S.; Villa, Igor Maria (2004). La tettonica estensionale nell'area matesina (Molise). Il quaternario - Italian journal of quaternary sciences Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Quaternario AIQUA
Villa, Igor Maria (2004). Geochronology of metamorphic rocks. Periodico di Mineralogia, 73, pp. 259-271. Edizioni Nuova Cultura
Mahéo, Gweltaz; Bertrand, Hervé; Guillot, Stéphane; Villa, Igor Maria; Keller, Francine; Capiez, Paul (2004). The South Ladakh ophiolites (NW Himalaya, India): an intra-oceanic tholeiitic arc origin with implication for the closure of the Neo-Tethys. Chemical geology, 203(3-4), pp. 273-303. Elsevier 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2003.10.007
Wigand, Marcus; Schmitt, Axel K.; Trumbull, Robert B.; Villa, Igor Maria; Emmermann, Rolf (2004). Short-lived magmatic activity in an anorogenic subvolcanic complex: 40Ar/39Ar and ion microprobe U–Pb zircon dating of the Erongo, Damaraland, Namibia. Journal of volcanology and geothermal research, 130(3-4), pp. 285-305. Elsevier 10.1016/S0377-0273(03)00310-X
Fernandez, Alain; Schreurs, Guido; Villa, Igor Maria; Huber, Sarah; Rakotondrazafy, Michel (2003). Age constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Itremo region in Central Madagascar. Precambrian research, 123(2-4), pp. 87-110. Elsevier 10.1016/S0301-9268(03)00063-9
Maineri, Cinzia; Benvenuti, Marco; Costagliola, Pilar; Dini, Andrea; Lattanzi, Pierfranco; Ruggieri, Giovanni; Villa, Igor M. (2003). Sericitic alteration at the La Crocetta deposit (Elba Island, Italy): interplay between magmatism, tectonics and hydrothermal activity. Mineralium deposita, 38(1), pp. 67-86. Springer 10.1007/s00126-002-0279-2
Challandes, Nathalie; Marquer, Didier; Villa, Igor Maria (2003). Dating the evolution of C–S microstructures: a combined 40Ar/39Ar step-heating and UV laserprobe analysis of the Alpine Roffna shear zone. Chemical geology, 197(1-4), pp. 3-19. Elsevier 10.1016/S0009-2541(02)00354-6
Gnos, Edwin; Armbruster, Thomas Michael; Villa, Igor Maria (2003). Norrishite, K(Mn 2 3+ Li)Si 4 O 10 (O) 2 , an oxymica associated with sugilite from the Wessels Mine, South Africa: Crystal chemistry and 40 Ar- 39 Ar dating. American mineralogist, 88(1), pp. 189-194. Mineralogical Society of America 10.2138/am-2003-0122
De Gregorio, Sofia; Rotolo, Silvio G.; Villa, Igor Maria (2003). Geochronology of the medium to high-grade metamorphic units of the Peloritani Mts., Sicily. International journal of earth sciences, 92(6), pp. 852-872. Springer 10.1007/s00531-003-0356-5
Boriani, Attilio; Mancini, Evelina Giobbi; Villa, Igor Maria (2003). Pre-Alpine ophiolites in the basement of Southern Alps: the presence of a bimodal association (LAG- Leptyno-Amphibolitic Group) in the Serie dei Laghi (N-Italy, Ticino-CH). Rendiconti Lincei, 14(2), pp. 79-101. Springer 10.1007/BF02904512
Seth, Barbara; Armstrong, Richard A.; Brandt, Sönke; Villa, Igor Maria; Kramers, Jan Dirk (2003). Mesoproterozoic U–Pb and Pb–Pb ages of granulites in NW Namibia: reconstructing a complete orogenic cycle. Precambrian research, 126(1-2), pp. 147-168. Elsevier 10.1016/S0301-9268(03)00193-1
TOMASCHEK, F.; Kennedy, Allen; Villa, Igor Maria; Lagos, Markus; Ballhaus, Chris (2003). Zircons from Syros, Cyclades, Greece--Recrystallization and Mobilization of Zircon During High-Pressure Metamorphism. Journal of petrology, 44(11), pp. 1977-2002. Oxford University Press 10.1093/petrology/egg067
Guénette-Beck, B.; Villa, I.M. (2002). Über die Bleiversorgung der römischen Westschweiz. Helvetia archaeologica, 33, pp. 151-162. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte
Lucinska-Anczkiewicz, A.; Villa, I.M.; Anczkiewicz, R.; Slaczka, A. (2002). 40Ar/39Ar dating of alkaline lamprophyres from the Polish Western Carpathians. Geologica Carpathica, 53, pp. 45-52. Veda, Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
Gräfe, K.; Frisch, W.; Villa, I.M.; Meschede, M. (2002). Geodynamic evolution of southern Costa Rica related to low-angle subduction of the Cocos Ridge: constraints from thermochronology. Tectonophysics, 348(4), pp. 187-204. Elsevier 10.1016/S0040-1951(02)00113-0
Müller, Wolfgang; Kelley, Simon P.; Villa, Igor M. (2002). Dating fault-generated pseudotachylytes: comparison of 40Ar/39Ar stepwise-heating, laser-ablation and Rb–Sr microsampling analyses. Contributions to mineralogy and petrology, 144(1), pp. 57-77. Springer 10.1007/s00410-002-0381-6
Speranza, F.; Villa, I.M.; Sagnotti, L.; Florindo, F.; Cosentino, D.; Cipollari, P.; Mattei, M. (2002). Age of the Corsica–Sardinia rotation and Liguro–Provençal Basin spreading: new paleomagnetic and Ar/Ar evidence. Tectonophysics, 347(4), pp. 231-251. Elsevier 10.1016/S0040-1951(02)00031-8
Rolland, Yann; Picard, Christian; Pêcher, Arnaud; Carrio, Elisabeth; Sheppard, Simon M.F.; Oddone, Massimo; Villa, Igor M. (2002). Presence and geodynamic significance of Cambro-Ordovician series of SE Karakoram (N Pakistan). Geodinamica Acta, 15(1), pp. 1-21. Elsevier 10.1080/09853111.2002.10510736
Gnos, E.; Khan, M.; Khan, A.S.; Mahmood, K.; Villa, I.M. (2001). Age and tectonic setting of the Ras Koh ophiolites, Pakistan. Acta Mineralogica Pakistanica, 11, pp. 105-118. National Centre of Excellence in Mineralogy, University of Baluchistan
Rotolo, S.G.; Villa, Igor Maria (2001). 39Ar/40Ar dating of an alkali-granite enclave from Pantelleria island. Periodico di Mineralogia, 70, pp. 269-275. Edizioni Nuova Cultura
Anczkiewicz, R.; Oberli, F.; Burg, J.P.; Villa, I.M.; Günther, D.; Meier, M. (2001). Timing of normal faulting along the Indus Suture in Pakistan Himalaya and a case of major 231Pa/235U initial disequilibrium in zircon. Earth and planetary science letters, 191(1-2), pp. 101-114. Elsevier 10.1016/S0012-821X(01)00406-X
Begemann, F.; Ludwig, K.R.; Lugmair, G.W.; Min, K.; Nyquist, L.E.; Patchett, P.J.; Renne, P.R.; Shih, C.-Y.; Villa, I.M.; Walker, R.J. (2001). Call for an improved set of decay constants for geochronological use. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 65(1), pp. 111-121. Elsevier Science 10.1016/S0016-7037(00)00512-3
Chavagnac, Valérie; Jahn, Bor‐ming; Villa, Igor M.; Whitehouse, Martin J.; Liu, Dunyi (2001). Multichronometric Evidence for an In Situ Origin of the Ultrahigh‐Pressure Metamorphic Terrane of Dabieshan, China. Journal of geology, 109(5), pp. 633-646. University of Chicago Press, Journals Division 10.1086/321961
Fernandez, Alain; Huber, Sarah; Schreurs, Guido; Villa, Igor; Rakotondrazafy, Michel (2001). Tectonic Evolution of the Itremo Region (Central Madagascar) and Implications for Gondwana Assembly. Gondwana research, 4(2), pp. 165-168. International Association for Gondwana Research 10.1016/S1342-937X(05)70678-X
Kreissig, K; Holzer, L; Frei, R; Villa, I.M; Kramers, J.D; Kröner, A; Smit, C.A; van Reenen, D.D (2001). Geochronology of the Hout River Shear Zone and the metamorphism in the Southern Marginal Zone of the Limpopo Belt, Southern Africa. Precambrian research, 109(1-2), pp. 145-173. Elsevier 10.1016/S0301-9268(01)00147-4
Mancktelow, Neil S.; Stöckli, Daniel F.; Grollimund, Balz; Müller, Wolfgang; Fügenschuh, Bernhard; Viola, Giulio; Seward, Diane; Villa, Igor M. (2001). The DAV and Periadriatic fault systems in the Eastern Alps south of the Tauern window. International journal of earth sciences, 90(3), pp. 593-622. Springer 10.1007/s005310000190
Müller, Wolfgang; Prosser, Giacomo; Mancktelow, Neil S.; Villa, Igor M.; Kelley, Simon P.; Viola, Giulio; Oberli, Felix (2001). Geochronological constraints on the evolution of the Periadriatic Fault System (Alps). International journal of earth sciences, 90(3), pp. 623-653. Springer 10.1007/s005310000187
Villa, Igor M. (2001). Geothermometers, Arrhenian behaviour and 'geothermometers'. Terra nova, 13(2), pp. 84-85. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1046/j.1365-3121.2001.0353b.x
Villa, Igor M (2001). Radiogenic isotopes in fluid inclusions. Lithos, 55(1-4), pp. 115-124. Elsevier 10.1016/S0024-4937(00)00041-4
Villa, Igor M.; Kamber, Balz S.; Nägler, Thomas F. (2001). Comment on “the Nd and Hf isotopic evolution of the mantle through the Archean: Results from the Isua supracrustals, West Greenland, and from the birimian terranes of West Africa” by Blichert-Toft et al. (1999). Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 65(12), pp. 2017-2021. Elsevier Science 10.1016/S0016-7037(01)00561-0
Boni, M.; Balassone, G.; Maio, G. Di; Villa, Igor Maria (2000). La provenienza dei metalli a paestum dal secolo VI a.C: il contributo dell'analisi isotopica del piombo. Bollettino dell'Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali, 357, pp. 147-156. Accademia Gioenia di Catania
Anczkiewicz, R; Burg, J.P; Villa, I.M.; Meier, M (2000). Late Cretaceous blueschist metamorphism in the Indus Suture Zone, Shangla region, Pakistan Himalaya. Tectonophysics, 324(1-2), pp. 111-134. Elsevier 10.1016/S0040-1951(00)00110-4
Belluso, Elena; Ruffini, Raffaella; Schaller, Mirjam; Villa, Igor M. (2000). Electron-microscope and Ar isotope characterization of chemically heterogeneous amphiboles from the Palala Shear Zone, Limpopo Belt, South Africa. European journal of mineralogy, 12(1), pp. 45-62. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nägele u. Obermiller) 10.1127/ejm/12/1/0045
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de Sigoyer, Julia; Chavagnac, Valérie; Blichert-Toft, Janne; Villa, Igor M.; Luais, Béatrice; Guillot, Stéphane; Cosca, Michael; Mascle, Georges (2000). Dating the Indian continental subduction and collisional thickening in the northwest Himalaya: Multichronology of the Tso Morari eclogites. Geology, 28(6), pp. 487-490. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(2000)28<487:DTICSA>2.0.CO;2
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Aiuppa, A.; Rotolo, S.G.; Villa, I.M. (1999). Stratigraphy, Geochemistry and Geochronology of a quaternary pyroclastic sequence of the Chichontepec Volcano, El Salvador. Revista Geológica de América Central, 22, pp. 75-86. Universidad de Costa Rica
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Pettke, Thomas; Diamond, Larryn William; Villa, Igor Maria (1999). Mesothermal gold veins and metamorphic devolatilization in the northwestern Alps: The temporal link. Geology, 27(7), p. 641. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(1999)027<0641:MGVAMD>2.3.CO;2
Wartho, Jo-Anne; Kelley, Simon P.; Brooker, Richard A.; Carroll, Mike R.; Villa, Igor Maria; Lee, Martin R. (1999). Direct measurement of Ar diffusion profiles in a gem-quality Madagascar K-feldspar using the ultra-violet laser ablation microprobe (UVLAMP). Earth and planetary science letters, 170(1-2), pp. 141-153. Elsevier 10.1016/S0012-821X(99)00088-6
Gnos, Edwin; Khan, Mehrab; Mahmood, Khalid; Khan, Abdul S.; Shafigue, Naseer A.; Villa, Igor Maria (1998). Bela oceanic lithosphere assemblage and its relation to the Reunion hotspot. Terra nova, 10(2), pp. 90-95. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1046/j.1365-3121.1998.00173.x
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Villa, Igor Maria; Ruggieri, G.; Puxeddu, M. (1997). Petrological and geochronologica discrimination of two white mica generations in a granite cored from the Larderello-Travale geothermal field (Italy). European journal of mineralogy, 9(3), pp. 563-568. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nägele u. Obermiller)
Frei, R.; Villa, Igor Maria; Nägler, Thomas; Kramers, Jan Dirk; Przybylowicz, W.J.; Prozesky, V.M.; Hofmann, Beda; Kamber, B.S. (1997). Single mineral dating by the PbPb step-leaching method: Assessing the mechanisms. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 61(2), pp. 393-414. Elsevier Science 10.1016/S0016-7037(96)00343-2
Pettke, Thomas; Frei, Robert; Kramers, Jan Dirk; Villa, Igor Maria (1997). Isotope systematics in vein gold from Brusson, Val d'Ayas (NW Italy) 3. (U + Th)He and KAr in native Au and its fluid inclusions. Chemical geology, 135(3-4), pp. 173-187. Elsevier 10.1016/S0009-2541(96)00114-3
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Handy, M.R.; Herwegh, Marco; Kamber, B.S.; Tietz, R.; Villa, Igor Maria (1996). Geochronologic, Petrologic and Kinematic Constraints on the Evolution of the Err-Platta Boundary, Part of a Fossil Continent-Ocean Suture in the Alps (Eastern Switzerland). Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 76, pp. 453-474. Stäubli
Villa, Igor Maria; Ruffini, R.; Rolfo, F.; Lombardo, B. (1996). Diachronous metamorphism of the Ladakh Terrain at the Karakorum-Nanga Parbat-Haramosh junctin (NW Baltistan, Pakistan). Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 76(2), pp. 245-264. Stäubli 10.5169/seals-57701
Kamber, B. S.; Biino, G. G.; Wijbrans, J. R.; Davies, G. R.; Villa, Igor Maria (1996). Archaean granulites of the Limpopo Belt, Zimbabwe: One slow exhumation or two rapid events? Tectonics, 15(6), pp. 1414-1430. American Geophysical Union, European Geophysical Society 10.1029/96TC00850
Villa, Igor Maria; Grobéty, B.; Kelley, S. P.; Trigila, R.; Wieler, R. (1996). Assessing Ar transport paths and mechanisms in the McClure Mountains hornblende. Contributions to mineralogy and petrology, 126(1-2), pp. 67-80. Springer 10.1007/s004100050236
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Dal Piaz, Giorgio V.; Martin, Silvana; Villa, Igor M.; Gosso, Guido; Marschalko, Robert (1995). Late Jurassic blueschist facies pebbles from the Western Carpathian orogenic wedge and paleostructural implications for Western Tethys evolution. Tectonics, 14(4), pp. 874-885. American Geophysical Union, European Geophysical Society 10.1029/95TC00953
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McClenaghan, M. P.; Seymour, D. B.; Villa, Igor Maria (1994). Lamprophyre dyke suites from western Tasmania, their radiometric dating and the age of thrust faulting in the Point Hibbs area. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 41(1), pp. 47-54. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/08120099408728112
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Nägler, Thomas; Pierret, Marie-Claire; Vögelin, Andrea; Pettke, Thomas; Aschwanden, Lukas; Villa, Igor Maria (2020). Small catchment scale Mo isotope balance and its implications for global Mo isotope cycling. In: Dontsova, Katerina; Balogh-Brunstad, Zsuzsanna; Le Roux, Gaël (eds.) Biogeochemical Cycles: Ecological Drivers and Environmental Impact. Geophysical Monograph Series: Vol. 251 (pp. 163-189). American Geophysical Union 10.1002/9781119413332.ch8
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Peretti, A.; Villa, I.M.; Bieri, W.; Hametner, K.; Dorta, L.; Fontaine, G.; Meier, M.; Günther, D. (2011). Distinguishing natural Tibetan copper-bearing andesine from its diffusion-treated counterparts using advanced analytical methods. Contributions to Gemology: Vol. 10. GRS Gemresearch Swisslab
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Barker, Simon; Perna, Simona; Fant, J.Clayton; Lazzarini, Lorenzo; Villa, Igor Maria (2018). Archaeometric analysis of the alabaster thresholds of Villa A, Oplontis (Torre Annunziata, Italy) and new Sr and Pb isotopic data for alabastro ghiaccione del Circeo. In: 11th Asmosia Conference. Split (Croatia). 18-23 May 2015.
Villa, Igor Maria; Cattin, Florence; Merkl, Matthias B; Strahm, Christian (23 May 2014). Elemental and Lead Isotopic Data of Copper Finds from the Singen Cemetery, Germany – a Methodological Approach to Investigate Early Bronze Age Trade Networks (Unpublished). In: International Symposium on Archaeometry. Los Angeles, California. 19.-23.05.2014.
Nägler, Thomas; Vögelin, Andrea; Neubert, Nadja; Greber, Nicolas; Villa, Igor Maria (2013). Mo isotope fractionation in surface processes: an unwanted complication (invited) (Unpublished). In: Environmetal Isotopes EMI13. Ascona. 18-23 August 2013.
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Rufer, Daniel; Schreurs, Guido; Berger, Alfons; Villa, Igor Maria; Gnos, Edwin (2006). Cenozoic alkaline volcanism in central Madagascar in the context of intracontinental rifting (Unpublished). In: 4th Swiss Geoscience Meeting. Bern, Switzerland. 24-25.11.2006.
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Balassone, G.; Boni, M.; Di Maio, G.; Fariello, M.; Villa, I.M. (2002). Analysis of the rings found in the samnitic necropolis of Saticula (Sant'Agata dei Goti, Benevento, Italy). In: Archaeometry 98 (II). Proceedings of the 31st Symposium. Archaeolingua Central European Series (pp. 279-283). British Archaeological Reports (BAR)