Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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Number of items: 50.

Cold Spring Harbor protocols

Murayama, M; Larkum, M E (2012). Fiber-optic calcium monitoring of dendritic activity in vivo. Cold Spring Harbor protocols, 2012(2), pp. 218-225. Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/pdb.prot067835

Adamantidis, Antoine Roger; Zhang, Feng; de Lecea, Luis; Deisseroth, Karl (2014). Optogenetics: opsins and optical interfaces in neuroscience. Cold Spring Harbor protocols, 2014(8), pp. 815-822. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/pdb.top083329

Adamantidis, Antoine Roger; Zhang, Feng; de Lecea, Luis; Deisseroth, Karl (2014). Establishing a fiber-optic-based optical neural interface. Cold Spring Harbor protocols, 2014(8), pp. 839-844. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/pdb.prot083337

Alansary, Dalia; Kilch, Tatiana; Holzmann, Christian; Peinelt, Christine; Hoth, Markus; Lis, Annette (2014). Patch-clamp measurement of ICRAC and ORAI channel activity. Cold Spring Harbor protocols, 2014(6), pp. 602-607. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/pdb.top066795

Alansary, Dalia; Kilch, Tatiana; Holzmann, Christian; Peinelt, Christine; Hoth, Markus; Lis, Annette (2014). The minimal requirements to use calcium imaging to analyze ICRAC. Cold Spring Harbor protocols, 2014(6), pp. 638-642. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/pdb.prot073262

Alansary, Dalia; Kilch, Tatiana; Holzmann, Christian; Peinelt, Christine; Hoth, Markus; Lis, Annette (2014). Measuring endogenous ICRAC and ORAI currents with the patch-clamp technique. Cold Spring Harbor protocols, 2014(6), pp. 630-637. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/pdb.prot073254

Zhang, Feng; Tsai, Hsing-Chen; Airan, Raag D; Stuber, Garret D; Adamantidis, Antoine Roger; de Lecea, Luis; Bonci, Antonello; Deisseroth, Karl (2015). Optogenetics in Freely Moving Mammals: Dopamine and Reward. Cold Spring Harbor protocols, 2015(8), pp. 715-724. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/pdb.top086330

Communications biology

Carlevaro-Fita, Joana; Lanzos, Andrés; Feuerbach, Lars; Hong, Chen; Mas-Ponte, David; Skou Pedersen, Jakob; Johnson, Rory (2019). Unique genomic features and deeply-conserved functions of long non-coding RNAs in the Cancer LncRNA Census (CLC) (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/152769


Sheffield, James G.; Ramerpresad, Sumientra; Brem, Anna-Katharine; Mansfield, Karen; Orhan, Umut; Dillard, Michael; McKanna, James; Plessow, Franziska; Thompson, Todd; Santarnecchi, Emiliano; Pascual-Leone, Alvaro; Pavel, Misha; Mathan, Santosh; Kadosh, Roi Cohen (23 June 2022). Blinding efficacy and adverse events following repeated transcranial alternating current, direct current, and random noise stimulation (In Press) (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2022.03.04.482999

ESMO open

Herbrand, Amanda; Schmitt, Andreas; Briel, Matthias; Diem, Stefan; Ewald, Hannah; Hoogkamer, Anouk; Joerger, Markus; Mc Cord, Kimberly; Novak, Urban; Sricharoenchai, Sirintip; Hemkens, Lars; Kasenda, Benjamin (29 July 2019). Contrasting Evidence to Reimbursement Reality for Off-label use 1 (OLU) of Drug Treatments in Cancer Care – Rationale and Design of 2 the CEIT-OLU-project (medRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/19003152


Proix, Timothée; Truccolo, Wilson; Leguia, Marc G.; King-Stephens, David; Rao, Vikram R.; Baud, Maxime O. (2019). Forecasting Seizure Risk over Days (medRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/19008086


PCAWG Driver Group, PCAWG Driver Group; Lanzos, Andrés (2019). Discovery and characterization of coding and non-coding driver mutations in more than 2,500 whole cancer genomes (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/237313


Gyimesi, Gergely; Hediger, Matthias A. (2021). Systematic in silico discovery of novel solute carrier-like proteins from proteomes (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2021.11.19.469292

PLoS computational biology

Louro, Marco António Dias; Bettencourt-Dias, Mónica; Bank, Claudia (2020). Patterns of selection against centrosome amplification in human cell lines. (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2020.01.24.918615

Respiratory Medicine medRxiv

Wyler, Florian; Oestreich, Marc-Alexander; Frauchiger, Bettina S.; Ramsey, Kathryn; Latzin, Philipp (12 February 2021). Correction of measurement error in a commercial multiple-breath washout device (medRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2021.02.06.21251250


Wall, Mark J.; Hill, Emily; Huckstepp, Robert; Barkan, Kerry; Deganutti, Giuseppe; Leuenberger, Michele; Preti, Barbara; Winfield, Ian; Carvalho, Sabrina; Suchankova, Anna; Wei, Haifeng; Safitri, Dewi; Huang, Xianglin; Imlach, Wendy; La Mache, Circe; Dean, Eve; Hume, Cherise; Hayward, Stephanie; Oliver, Jess; Zhao, Fei-Yue; ... (27 April 2022). Selective activation of Gαob by an adenosine A1 receptor agonist elicits analgesia without cardiorespiratory depression (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2020.04.04.023945


Gauzens, Benoit; Barnes, Andrew; Jochum, Malte; Hines, Jes; Wang, Shaopeng; Giling, Darren; Rosebaum, Benjamin; Brose, Ulrich (5 December 2017). fluxweb: a package to easily estimate energy fluxes in food webs (Unpublished) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/229450

Sohlström, Esra Helena; Marian, Lucas; Barnes, Andrew David; Haneda, Noor F.; Scheu, Stefan; Rall, Björn Christian; Brose, Ulrich; Jochum, Malte (9 April 2018). Applying generalised allometric regressions to predict live body mass of tropical and temperate arthropods (Unpublished) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/297697

Schneider, Florian D; Jochum, Malte; Le Provost, Gaëtane; Ostrowski, Andreas; Penone, Caterina; Fichtmüller, David; Güntsch, Anton; Gossner, Martin M.; König-Ries, Brigitta; Manning, Pete; Simons, Nadja K. (29 May 2018). Towards an Ecological Trait-data Standard (Unpublished) (bioRxiv 328302). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/328302

Huang, Wei; Gfeller, Valentin; Erb, Matthias (13 October 2018). Root volatiles in plant-plant interactions II: Root terpenes from Centaurea stoebe modify Taraxacum officinale root chemistry and root herbivore growth (Unpublished) (bioRxiv 441790). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/441790

Gfeller, Valentin; Huber, Meret; Foerster, Christiane; Huang, Wei; Koellner, Tobias G.; Erb, Matthias (13 October 2018). Root volatiles in plant-plant interactions I: Characterization of root sesquiterpene emissions from Centaurea stoebe and their effects on other plants (Unpublished) (bioRxiv 441717). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/441717

Zhang, Xi; Machado, Ricardo A. R.; Van Doan, Cong; Arce, Carla C. M.; Hu, Lingfei; Robert, Christelle A. M. (13 October 2018). Entomopathogenic nematodes increase predation success by inducing specific cadaver volatiles that attract healthy herbivores (Unpublished) (bioRxiv 442483). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/442483

Jullien, Pauline E.; Grob, Stefan; Marchais, Antonin; Pumplin, Nathan; Chevalier, Clement; Otto, Caroline; Schott, Gregory; Voinnet, Olivier (18 December 2018). Functional characterization of Arabidopsis ARGONAUTE 3 in reproductive tissue (bioRxiv 500769). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/500769

Bont, Zoe; Pfander, Marc; Robert, Christelle A. M.; Huber, Meret; Poelman, Erik H.; Raaijmakers, Ciska E.; Erb, Matthias (19 February 2019). Adapted dandelions increase seed dispersal potential when they are attacked by root herbivores (bioRxiv 551630). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/551630

Hervé, Maxime R.; Erb, Matthias (6 March 2019). Distinct defense strategies allow different grassland species to cope with root herbivore attack (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Pichon, Noémie A.; Cappelli, Seraina; Soliveres, Santiago; Hölzel, Norbert; Klaus, Valentin H.; Kleinebecker, Till; Allan, Eric (2019). Decomposition disentangled: a test of the multiple mechanisms by which nitrogen enrichment alters litter decomposition (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/671545

Zhang, Xi; van Doan, Cong; Arce, Carla C.M.; Hu, Lingfei; Grünig, Sandra; Parisod, Christian Gérard; Hibbard, Bruce E.; Hervé, Maxime; Robert, Christelle A. M.; Machado, Ricardo A.R.; Erb, Matthias (24 July 2019). Plant defense resistance in natural enemies of a specialist insect herbivore (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/710681

Jochum, Malte; Fischer, Markus; Isbell, Forest; Roscher, Christiane; van der Plas, Fons; Boch, Steffen; Boenisch, Gerhard; Buchmann, Nina; Catford, Jane A.; Cavender-Bares, Jeannine; Ebeling, Anne; Eisenhauer, Nico; Gleixner, Gerd; Hölzel, Norbert; Kattge, Jens; Klaus, Valentin H.; Kleinebecker, Till; Lange, Markus; Le Provost, Gaëtane; Meyer, Sebastian T.; ... (5 August 2019). The results of biodiversity-ecosystem functioning experiments are realistic (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/725812

Wasimuddin, Wasimuddin; Schlaeppi, Klaus; Ronchi, Francesca; Leib, Stephen L.; Erb, Matthias; Ramette, Alban (15 November 2019). Evaluation of primer pairs for microbiome profiling across a food chain from soils to humans within the One Health framework (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/843144

Jakob, Manuel O.; Sánchez-Taltavull, Daniel; Yilmaz, Bahtiyar; Malinka, Thomas; Mooser, Catherine; Spari, Daniel; Salm, Lilian A.; Freiburghaus, Katrin; Pereyra, David; Hapfelmeier, Siegfried; Masoodi, Mojgan; Starlinger, Patrick; Stroka, Deborah; Tschan, Franziska; Candinas, Daniel; Gomez de Agüero, Mercedes; Beldi, Guido (19 September 2019). Compartmentalization of intestinal bacteria by hepatic ILC3s prevents infections after surgery (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/773150

Deganutti, Giuseppe; Barkan, Kerry; Preti, Barbara; Leuenberger, Michele; Wall, Mark; Frenguelli, Bruno G.; Lochner, Martin; Ladds, Graham; Reynolds, Christopher A. (22 October 2020). Deciphering the Agonist Binding Mechanism to the Adenosine A1 Receptor (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2020.10.22.350827

Bonnet, Diane M. V. J.; Grob, S; Tirot, Louis; Jullien, Pauline E. (1 April 2021). Methylome dynamic upon proteasome inhibition by the Pseudomonas syringae virulence factor Syringolin A (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2021.01.19.427327

Foote, Andrew D.; Gilbert, M. Thomas P.; Gopalakrishnan, Shyam; Louis, Marie; Martin, Michael D.; Morin, Phillip A.; Nykänen, Milaja; Scharff-Olsen, Camilla Hjorth; Excoffier, Laurent (21 August 2021). Evidence of long-term purging of mutation load in killer whale genomes (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2021.08.21.457186

Moinet, Antoine; Peischl, Stephan; Excoffier, Laurent (25 August 2021). Strong neutral sweeps occurring during a population contraction (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2021.08.25.457712

Lepeu, Gregory; van Maren, Ellen; Slabeva, Kristina; Fuchs, Markus; Anso, Juan; Z'Graggen, Werner J.; Pollo, Claudio; Schindler, Kaspar A.; Adamantidis, Antoine; Baud, Maxime O. (18 February 2021). Probing cortical excitability under GABAergic modulation (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2021.02.18.431873

Bartos, Katalin; Ramakrishnan, Suresh Krishna; Braga, Sophie; Hänzi, Barbara; Durussel, Fanny; Sridharan, Arjun Prakash; Zhu, Yao; Sheehan, David; Hynes, Nancy E.; Bonny, Olivier; Moor, Matthias B. (2020). Redox protein Memo 1 coordinates FGF23-driven signaling and small Rho-GTPases in the mouse kidney (In Press) (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2020.12.04.402511

Viberti, Bianca; Branca, Lisa; Bellini, Simone; Bassetti, Claudio L.A.; Adamantidis, Antoine; Schmidt, Markus (30 December 2021). Narcolepsy and the Dissociation of REM Sleep and Cataplexy through Ambient Temperature Manipulation (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2021.12.29.474449

Komninou, Maria A; Nambiar, Malavika H; Frueh E, Beatrice; Enzmann, Volker; Büchler, Philippe; Seiler, Theo G (18 August 2022). Oxygen kinetics during CXL using symmetrically and asymmetrically pulsed UV-irradiation (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2022.08.17.504256

Cusinato, Riccardo; Alnes, Sigurd L; van Maren, Ellen; Boccalaro, Ida; Ledergerber, Debora; Adamantidis, Antoine; Imbach, Lukas L; Schindler, Kaspar; Baud, Maxime O; Tzovara, Athina (28 September 2022). Intrinsic neural timescales in the temporal lobe support an auditory processing hierarchy (In Press) (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2022.09.27.509695

Keller, Marcel; Guellil, Meriam; Slavin, Philip; Saag, Lehti; Irdt, Kadri; Niinemäe, Helja; Solnik, Anu; Malve, Martin; Valk, Heiki; Kriiska, Aivar; Cessford, Craig; Inskip, Sarah A.; Robb, John E.; Cooper, Christine; von Planta, Conradin; Seifert, Mathias; Reitmaier, Thomas; Baetsen, Willem A.; Walker, Don; Lösch, Sandra; ... (2023). A Refined Phylochronology of the Second Plague Pandemic in Western Eurasia (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2023.07.18.549544

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology

Hashemi Gheinani, Ali; Sack, Bryan S; Bigger-Allen, Alex; Thaker, Hatim; Atta, Hussein; Lambrinos, George; Costa, Kyle; Doyle, Claire; Gharaee-Kermani, Mehrnaz; Patalano, Susan; Piper, Mary; Cotellessa, Justin F; Vitko, Dijana; Li, Haiying; Prabhakaran, Manubhai Kadayil; Cristofaro, Vivian; Froehlich, John; Lee, Richard S; Yang, Wei; Sullivan, Maryrose P; ... (10 December 2023). Integrated omics analysis unveils a DNA damage response to neurogenic injury. (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2023.12.10.571015

Kerestes, Rebecca; Perry, Andrew; Vivash, Lucy; O'Brien, Terence J; Alvim, Marina K M; Arienzo, Donatello; Aventurato, Ítalo K; Ballerini, Alice; Baltazar, Gabriel F; Bargalló, Núria; Bender, Benjamin; Brioschi, Ricardo; Bürkle, Eva; Caligiuri, Maria Eugenia; Cendes, Fernando; de Tisi, Jane; Duncan, John S; Engel, Jerome P; Foley, Sonya; Fortunato, Francesco; ... (23 October 2023). Patterns of subregional cerebellar atrophy across epilepsy syndromes: An ENIGMA-Epilepsy study. (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2023.10.21.562994

Jaume, Guillaume; Peeters, Thomas; Song, Andrew H; Pettit, Rowland; Williamson, Drew F K; Oldenburg, Lukas; Vaidya, Anurag; De Brot, Simone; Chen, Richard J; Thiran, Jean-Philippe; Le, Long Phi; Gerber, Georg; Mahmood, Faisal (23 July 2024). AI-driven Discovery of Morphomolecular Signatures in Toxicology. (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2024.07.19.604355

Jaume, Guillaume; De Brot, Simone; Song, Andrew H; Williamson, Drew F K; Oldenburg, Lukas; Zhang, Andrew; Chen, Richard J; Asin, Javier; Blatter, Sohvi; Dettwiler, Martina; Goepfert, Christine; Grau-Roma, Llorenç; Soto, Sara; Keller, Stefan M; Rottenberg, Sven; Del-Pozo, Jorge; Pettit, Rowland; Le, Long Phi; Mahmood, Faisal (23 July 2024). Deep Learning-based Modeling for Preclinical Drug Safety Assessment. (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2024.07.20.604430


Kucharczyk, Patrycja; Albano, Giuseppe; Deisl, Christine; Wueest, Stephan; Konrad, Daniel; Fuster, Daniel G (26 March 2022). Thiazides induce glucose intolerance through inhibition of mitochondrial carbonic anhydrase 5b in β-cells (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2022.03.23.485566


Andina, Nicola; de Meuron, Louise; Schnegg-Kaufmann, Annatina Sarah; Ansermet, Camille; Bombaci, Giuseppe; Keller, Nino; Porret, Naomi; Angelillo-Scherrer, Anne; Bonadies, Nicolas; Allam, Ramanjaneyulu (31 January 2022). Heightened NLRP3 inflammasome activation is associated with aging and CMML diseases severity (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2022.01.27.477992


Augustynek, Bartlomiej; Gyimesi, Gergely; Dernic, Jan; Sallinger, Matthias; Albano, Giuseppe; Klesse, Gabriel J.; Kandasamy, Palanivel; Grabmayr, Herwig; Frischauf, Irene; Fuster, Daniel G.; Peinelt, Christine; Hediger, Matthias A.; Bhardwaj, Rajesh (2021). Dissecting gating mechanisms of Orai calcium channel paralogs using constitutively active Orai mutants that mimic STIM1-gated state (In Press) (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2021.10.26.465861


Borcard, Loïc; Gempeler, Sonja; Terrazos Miani, Miguel A.; Baumann, Christian; Grädel, Carole; Dijkman, Ronald; Suter-Riniker, Franziska; Leib, Stephen L; Bittel, Pascal; Neuenschwander, Stefan; Ramette, Alban (2021). Investigating the biological and technical origins of unknown bases in the S region of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant genome sequences (medRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2021.09.09.21262951

Akello, Joyce Odeke; Kamgang, Richard; Barbani, Maria Teresa; Suter-Riniker, Franziska; Aebi, Christoph; Beuret, Christian; Paris, Daniel H.; Leib, Stephen L.; Ramette, Alban (2021). Genomic analyses of human adenoviruses unravel novel recombinant genotypes associated with severe infections in pediatric patients (medRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2021.08.01.21261368

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Bick, Alexander G; Popadin, Konstantin; Thorball, Christian W; Uddin, Md Mesbah; Zanni, Markella; Yu, Bing; Cavassini, Matthias; Rauch, Andri; Tarr, Philip; Schmid, Patrick; Bernasconi, Enos; Gunthard, Huldrych; Libby, Peter; Boerwinkle, Eric; McLaren, Paul; Ballantyne, Christie M; Grinspoon, Steven K; Natarajan, Pradeep; Fellay, Jacques (7 November 2020). Increased CHIP Prevalence Amongst People Living with HIV. (medRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2020.11.06.20225607

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