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Frauchiger, Bettina S; Willers, Corin; Cotting, Jasna; Kieninger, Elisabeth; Korten, Insa; Casaulta, Carmen; Salem, Yasmin; Stranzinger, Enno; Brabandt, Ben; Usemann, Jakob; Regamey, Nicolas; Kuhn, Alena; Blanchon, Sylvain; Rochat, Isabelle; Bauman, Grzegorz; Müller-Suter, Dominik; Moeller, Alexander; Latzin, Philipp; Ramsey, Kathryn A (2024). Lung structural and functional impairments in young children with cystic fibrosis diagnosed following newborn screening - A nationwide observational study. (In Press). Journal of cystic fibrosis Elsevier 10.1016/j.jcf.2024.05.010
Oestreich, Marc-Alexander; Hänni, Robin; Wyler, Florian; Kentgens, Anne-Christianne; Yammine, Sophie; Obrist, Dominik; Latzin, Philipp; Ramsey, Kathryn A (2024). Comparison of functional residual capacity between updated infant SF6 multiple-breath washout setups. Pediatric pulmonology, 59(2), pp. 518-520. Wiley 10.1002/ppul.26770
Kentgens, Anne-Christianne; Pusterla, Orso; Bauman, Grzegorz; Santini, Francesco; Wyler, Florian; Curdy, Marion S; Willers, C Corin; Bieri, Oliver; Latzin, Philipp; Ramsey, Kathryn A (2023). Simultaneous multiple breath washout and oxygen-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in healthy adults. Respiratory medicine and research, 83(100993), p. 100993. Elsevier 10.1016/j.resmer.2023.100993
Frauchiger, Bettina S; Ramsey, Kathryn A; Usemann, Jakob; Kieninger, Elisabeth; Casaulta, Carmen; Sirtes, Daniel; Yammine, Sophie; Spycher, Ben; Moeller, Alexander; Latzin, Philipp (2023). Variability of clinically measured lung clearance index in children with cystic fibrosis. Pediatric pulmonology, 58(1), pp. 197-205. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/ppul.26180
Willers, C Corin; Frauchiger, Bettina S; Stranzinger, Enno; Bauman, Grzegorz; Moeller, Alexander; Jung, Andreas; Hector, Andreas; Regamey, Nicolas; Zanolari, Maura; Mueller-Suter, Dominik; Lioba Kuhn, Alena; Blanchon, Sylvain; Rochat, Isabelle; Latzin, Philipp; Ramsey, Kathryn A (2022). Feasibility of unsedated lung MRI in young children with cystic fibrosis. The European respiratory journal, 60(5) European Respiratory Society 10.1183/13993003.03112-2021
Kentgens, Anne-Christianne; Latzin, Philipp; Anagnostopoulou, Pinelopi; Jensen, Renee; Stahl, Mirjam; Harper, Alana; Yammine, Sophie; Foong, Rachel E; Hall, Graham L; Singer, Florian; Stanojevic, Sanja; Mall, Marcus A; Ratjen, Felix; Ramsey, Kathryn A (2022). Normative multiple breath washout data in school-aged children corrected for sensor error. The European respiratory journal, 60(2) European Respiratory Society 10.1183/13993003.02398-2021
Oestreich, Marc-Alexander; Wyler, Florian; Latzin, Philipp; Ramsey, Kathryn A (2022). Impact of Spiroware re-analysis method on multiple-breath washout outcomes in children with cystic fibrosis. Journal of cystic fibrosis, 21(3), e208-e209. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jcf.2022.02.013
Kurz, Johanna Manuela; Ramsey, Kathryn Angela; Rodriguez, Romy; Spycher, Ben; Biner, Reta Fischer; Latzin, Philipp; Singer, Florian (2022). Association of lung clearance index with survival in individuals with cystic fibrosis. European respiratory journal, 59(3), p. 2100432. European Respiratory Society 10.1183/13993003.00432-2021
Salem, Yasmin; Oestreich, Marc-Alexander Heinz; Fuchs, Oliver; Usemann, Jakob; Frey, Urs; Surbek, Daniel; Amylidi-Mohr, Sofia; Latzin, Philipp; Ramsey, Kathryn A.; Yammine, Sophie (2022). Are children born by cesarean section at higher risk for respiratory sequelae? American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 226(2), 257.e1-257.e11. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ajog.2021.07.027
Oestreich, Marc-Alexander; Wyler, Florian; Frauchiger, Bettina S; Latzin, Philipp; Ramsey, Kathryn A (2022). Breath detection algorithms affect multiple-breath washout outcomes in pre-school and school age children. PLoS ONE, 17(10), e0275866. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0275866
Korten, Insa; Oestreich, Marc-Alexander; Frey, Urs; Moeller, Alexander; Jung, Andreas; Spinas, Renate; Mueller-Suter, Dominik; Trachsel, Daniel; Rochat, Isabelle; Spycher, Ben; Latzin, Philipp; Casaulta, Carmen; Ramsey, Kathryn (2021). Respiratory symptoms do not reflect functional impairment in early CF lung disease. Journal of cystic fibrosis, 20(6), pp. 957-964. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jcf.2021.04.006
Wyler, Florian; Oestreich, Marc-Alexander; Frauchiger, Bettina S.; Ramsey, Kathryn A.; Latzin, Philipp (2021). Correction of sensor crosstalk error in Exhalyzer D multiple-breath washout device significantly impacts outcomes in children with cystic fibrosis. Journal of applied physiology, 131(3), pp. 1148-1156. American Physiological Society 10.1152/japplphysiol.00338.2021
Oestreich, Marc-Alexander; Wyler, Florian; Latzin, Philipp; Ramsey, Kathryn A. (2021). Shedding light into the black box of infant multiple-breath washout. Pediatric pulmonology, 56(8), pp. 2642-2653. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/ppul.25464
Oestreich, Marc-Alexander; Willers, Corin; Ramsey, Kathryn A (2021). Early surveillance of infants and preschool children with cystic fibrosis. Current opinion in physiology, 22, p. 100443. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cophys.2021.05.006
Frauchiger, Bettina S; Binggeli, Severin; Yammine, Sophie; Spycher, Ben; Krüger, Linn; Ramsey, Kathryn A; Latzin, Philipp (2021). Longitudinal Course of Clinical Lung Clearance Index in Children with Cystic Fibrosis. European respiratory journal, 58(1), p. 2002686. European Respiratory Society 10.1183/13993003.02686-2020
Willers, Corin; Bauman, Grzegorz; Andermatt, Simon; Santini, Francesco; Sandkühler, Robin; Ramsey, Kathryn A.; Cattin, Philippe C; Bieri, Oliver; Pusterla, Orso; Latzin, Philipp (2021). The impact of segmentation on whole-lung functional MRI quantification: Repeatability and reproducibility from multiple human observers and an artificial neural network. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 85(2), pp. 1079-1092. Wiley-Liss 10.1002/mrm.28476
Frauchiger, Bettina S.; Carlens, Julia; Herger, Andreas; Moeller, Alexander; Latzin, Philipp; Ramsey, Kathryn A. (2021). Multiple breath washout quality control in the clinical setting. Pediatric pulmonology, 56(1), pp. 105-112. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/ppul.25119
Gorlanova, Olga; Appenzeller, Rhea; Salem, Yasmin; Ramsey, Kathryn A.; Usemann, Jakob; Decrue, Fabienne; Kuehni, Claudia E.; Röösli, Martin; Latzin, Philipp; Fuchs, Oliver; Soti, Andras; Frey, Urs (2020). Effect of breastfeeding duration on lung function, respiratory symptoms and allergic diseases in school-age children. Pediatric pulmonology, 55(6), pp. 1448-1455. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/ppul.24733
Anagnostopoulou, Pinelopi; Latzin, Philipp; Jensen, Renee; Stahl, Mirjam; Harper, Alana; Yammine, Sophie; Usemann, Jakob; Foong, Rachel E; Spycher, Ben; Hall, Graham L; Singer, Florian; Stanojevic, Sanja; Mall, Marcus; Ratjen, Felix; Ramsey, Kathryn A (2020). Normative data for multiple breath washout outcomes in school-aged Caucasian children. European respiratory journal, 55(4), p. 1901302. European Respiratory Society 10.1183/13993003.01302-2019
Ramsey, Kathryn A; Chen, Alice C H; Radicioni, Giorgia; Lourie, Rohan; Martin, Megan; Broomfield, Amy; Sheng, Yong H; Hasnain, Sumaira Z; Radford-Smith, Graham; Simms, Lisa A; Burr, Lucy; Thornton, David J; Bowler, Simon D; Livengood, Stephanie; Ceppe, Agathe; Knowles, Michael R; Noone, Peadar G; Donaldson, Scott H; Hill, David B; Ehre, Camille; ... (2020). Airway Mucus Hyperconcentration in Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 201(6), pp. 661-670. American Thoracic Society 10.1164/rccm.201906-1219OC
Nyilas, Sylvia Meryl; Bauman, Grzegorz; Pusterla, Orso; Ramsey, Kathryn Angela; Singer, Florian; Stranzinger, Enno; Yammine, Sophie; Casaulta, Carmen; Bieri, Oliver; Latzin, Philipp (2019). Ventilation and perfusion assessed by functional MRI in children with CF: reproducibility in comparison to lung function. Journal of cystic fibrosis, 18(4), pp. 543-550. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jcf.2018.10.003
Zannin, Emanuela; Nyilas, Sylvia; Ramsey, Kathryn A.; Latzin, Philipp; Dellaca', Raffaele L (2019). Within-breath changes in respiratory system impedance in children with cystic fibrosis. Pediatric pulmonology, 54(6), pp. 737-742. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/ppul.24281
Yammine, Sophie; Ramsey, Kathryn A.; Skoric, Billy; King, Louise; Latzin, Philipp; Rosenow, Tim; Hall, Graham L; Ranganathan, Sarath C (2019). Single-breath washout and association with structural lung disease in children with cystic fibrosis. Pediatric pulmonology, 54(5), pp. 587-594. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/ppul.24271
Korten, Insa; Ramsey, Kathryn; Mika, Moana; Usemann, Jakob; Frey, Urs; Hilty, Markus; Latzin, Philipp (2019). Nasal Microbiota and Respiratory Tract Infections: The Role of Viral Detection. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 199(7), pp. 919-922. American Lung Association 10.1164/rccm.201710-2020LE
Allemann, Aurélie; Krämer, Julia G.; Korten, Insa; Ramsey, Kathryn; Casaulta, Carmen; Wüthrich, Daniel; Ramette, Alban Nicolas; Endimiani, Andrea; Latzin, Philipp; Hilty, Markus (2019). Nasal Resistome Development in Infants With Cystic Fibrosis in the First Year of Life. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10(212), p. 212. Frontiers 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00212
Nyilas, Sylvia; Bauman, Grzegorz; Pusterla, Orso; Sommer, Gregor; Singer, Florian; Stranzinger, Enno; Heyer, Christoph; Ramsey, Kathryn Angela; Schlegtendal, Anne; Benzrath, Stefanie; Casaulta, Carmen; Goutaki, Myrofora; Kuehni, Claudia E; Bieri, Oliver; Koerner-Rettberg, Cordula; Latzin, Philipp (2018). Structural and Functional Lung Impairment in PCD: Assessment with MRI and Multiple Breath Washout in Comparison to Spirometry. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 15(12), pp. 1434-1442. American Thoracic Society 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201712-967OC
Nyilas, Sylvia; Bigler, Anja; Yammine, Sophie; Kieninger, Elisabeth; Rochat, Isabelle; Ramsey, Kathryn; Casaulta, Carmen; Moeller, Alexander; Latzin, Philipp; Singer, Florian (2018). Alternate gas washout indices: Assessment of ventilation inhomogeneity in mild to moderate pediatric cystic fibrosis lung disease. Pediatric pulmonology, 53(11), pp. 1485-1491. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/ppul.24149
Singer, Florian; Ramsey, Kathryn Angela; Latzin, Philipp (2018). Effect of intermittent inspiratory leaks on measurement of lung clearance index using nitrogen and sulfur hexafluoride. ERJ Open Research, 4(4) European Respiratory Society 10.1183/23120541.00140-2018
Robinson, Paul D; Latzin, Philipp; Ramsey, Kathryn Angela; Stanojevic, Sanja; Aurora, Paul; Davis, Stephanie D; Gappa, Monika; Hall, Graham L; Horsley, Alex; Jensen, Renee; Lum, Sooky; Milla, Carlos; Nielsen, Kim G; Pittman, Jessica E; Rosenfeld, Margaret; Singer, Florian; Subbarao, Padmaja; Gustafsson, Per M; Ratjen, Felix (2018). Preschool Multiple-Breath Washout Testing. An Official American Thoracic Society Technical Statement. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 197(5), e1-e19. American Lung Association 10.1164/rccm.201801-0074ST
Lenherr, Nina; Ramsey, Kathryn A.; Jost, Kerstin; Hornwall, Linn; Singer, Florian; Yammine, Sophie; Latzin, Philipp (2018). Leaks during multiple-breath washout: characterisation and influence on outcomes. ERJ Open Research, 4(1) European Respiratory Society 10.1183/23120541.00012-2017
Foong, Rachel E; Harper, Alana J; Skoric, Billy; King, Louise; Turkovic, Lidija; Davis, Miriam; Clem, Charles C; Rosenow, Tim; Davis, Stephanie D; Ranganathan, Sarath; Hall, Graham L; Ramsey, Kathryn Angela (2018). The clinical utility of lung clearance index in early cystic fibrosis lung disease is not impacted by the number of multiple-breath washout trials. ERJ Open Research, 4(1) European Respiratory Society 10.1183/23120541.00094-2017
Korten, Insa Christina Severine; Kieninger, Elisabeth; Yammine, Sophie; Regamey, Nicolas; Nyilas, Sylvia; Ramsey, Kathryn Angela; Casaulta, Carmen; Latzin, Philipp (2018). The Swiss Cystic Fibrosis Infant Lung Development (SCILD) cohort. Swiss medical weekly, 148(w14618), w14618. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2018.14618
Ramsey, Kathryn Angela; Ratjen, Felix; Latzin, Philipp (2017). Elucidating progression of early cystic fibrosis lung disease. European respiratory journal, 50(5) European Respiratory Society 10.1183/13993003.01916-2017
Wyler, Florian; Oestreich, Marc-Alexander; Frauchiger, Bettina S.; Ramsey, Kathryn; Latzin, Philipp (12 February 2021). Correction of measurement error in a commercial multiple-breath washout device (medRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/2021.02.06.21251250