Jacobs, Claus Dietrich

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Number of items: 88.

Journal Article

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Kreutzer, Karin; Vaara, Eero (2021). Political Dynamics in Organizational Identity Breach and Reconstruction: Findings from the Crisis in UNICEF Germany. Academy of Management journal, 64(3), pp. 948-980. Academy of Management 10.5465/amj.2018.0821

Aschari-Lincoln, Jessica; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2018). Enabling Effective Social Impact: Towards a Model for Impact Scaling Agreements. Sustainability, 10(12), p. 4669. MDPI 10.3390/su10124669

Wolf, Carola; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Floyd, Steven W. (2018). Middle Management Strategizing Fatigue – When Middle Management Inclusion Goes South. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1), p. 18009. Academy of Management, New York 10.5465/AMBPP.2018.18009abstract

Demaurex, Adeline Marie Sarah; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2018). La légitimation du changement stratégique: Étude de la restructuration du réseau de La Poste Suisse. Swiss Yearbook of Administrative Sciences, 9(1), pp. 25-40. 10.5334/ssas.117

Friesl, Martin; Larty, Joanne; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2017). Putting Strategy into Action - The Role of Artefacts for Business Format Replication. European Management Review, 15(2), pp. 221-235. Wiley 10.1111/emre.12119

Ueberbacher, Florian; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Cornelissen, Joep (2015). How Entrepreneurs Become Skilled Cultural Operators. Organization Studies, 36(7), pp. 925-951. London: Sage 10.1177/0170840615575190

Hoon, Christina; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2014). Beyond belief : Strategic taboos and organizational identity in strategic agenda setting. Strategic Organization, 12(4), pp. 244-273. London: Sage 10.1177/1476127014544092

Balogun, Julia; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Jarzabkowski, Paula; Mantere, Saku; Vaara, Eero (2014). Placing Strategy Discourse in Context : Sociomateriality, Sensemaking, and Power. Journal of Management Studies, 51(2), pp. 175-201. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/joms.12059

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Oliver, David; Heracleous, Loizos (2013). Diagnosing Organizational Identity Beliefs by Eliciting Complex, Multi-Modal Metaphors. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 49(4), pp. 485-507. London: Sage 10.1177/0021886313485999

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Steyaert, Chris; Ueberbacher, Florian (2013). Anticipating intended users - Prospective sensemaking in technology development. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 25(9), pp. 1027-1043. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/09537325.2013.832749

Ueberbacher, Florian; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2013). How entrepreneurs become strategic cultural operators. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2013(1), p. 15401. Briarcliff Manor, NY: Academy of Management, New York 10.5465/AMBPP.2013.78

Friesl, Martin; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Larty, Joanne (2013). Artefact-based replication: A comparison of intended and emergent effects : 2013 Best Practice-Oriented Paper Strategy as Practice Interest Group. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2013(1), pp. 1-30. Academy of Management, New York 10.5465/AMBPP.2013.11936abstract

Kreutzer, Karin; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2011). Balancing Control and Coaching in CSO Governance : A Paradox Perspective on Board Behavior. Voluntas, 22(4), pp. 613-638. Dordrecht NL: Springer 10.1007/s11266-011-9212-6

Statler, Matt; Heracleous, Loizos; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2011). Serious Play as a Practice of Paradox. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 47(2), pp. 236-256. London UK: Sage 10.1177/0021886311398453

Heracleous, Loizos; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2008). Crafting Strategy: The Role of Embodied Metaphors. Long range planning, 41(3), pp. 309-325. Elsevier 10.1016/j.lrp.2008.02.011

Heracleous, L.; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2008). Understanding Organizations through Embodied Metaphors. Organization Studies, 29(1), pp. 45-78. Sage 10.1177/0170840607086637

Statler, Matt; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Roos, Johan (2008). Performing strategy—Analogical reasoning as strategic practice. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 24(2), pp. 133-144. Elsevier 10.1016/j.scaman.2007.11.006

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; OLIVER, D.; HERACLEOUS, L. (2008). CONSTRUCTING ORGANIZATIONAL IDENTITY THROUGH EMBODIED METAPHORS. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2008(1), pp. 1-6. Academy of Management, New York 10.5465/AMBPP.2008.34146236

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; STEYAERT, C. (2007). CONFIGURING THE USER -- THE CASE OF GRID COMPUTING. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2007(1), pp. 1-6. Academy of Management, New York 10.5465/AMBPP.2007.26508216

Oliver, David; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2007). Developing guiding principles: an organizational learning perspective. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 20(6), pp. 813-828. Emerald 10.1108/09534810710831037

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Heracleous, Loizos (2007). Strategizing through playful design. Journal of Business Strategy, 28(4), pp. 75-80. Emerald 10.1108/02756660710760971

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2006). Constructing Shared Understanding: The Role of Embodied Metaphors in Organization Development. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 42(2), pp. 207-226. Sage 10.1177/0021886305284895

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Statler, Matt (2006). Toward a Technology of Foolishness: Developing Scenarios Through Serious Play. International Studies of Management & Organization, 36(3), pp. 77-92. Taylor & Francis 10.2753/IMO0020-8825360304

Coghlan, David; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2005). Building the capacity for learning and change through reflective conversation. International Journal of Action Research, 1(2), pp. 243-262. Mering: Hampp

Heracleous, Loizos; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2005). The Serious Business of Play. MIT Sloan Management Review, 47(1), pp. 19-20. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Heracleous, Loizos Th. (2005). Answers for questions to come: reflective dialogue as an enabler of strategic innovation. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 18(4), pp. 338-352. Emerald 10.1108/09534810510607047

Bürgi, Peter T.; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Roos, Johan (2005). From Metaphor to Practice: In the Crafting of Strategy. Journal of Management Inquiry, 14(1), pp. 78-94. Sage 10.1177/1056492604270802

Coghlan, D.; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2005). Kurt Lewin on Reeducation: Foundations for Action Research. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 41(4), pp. 444-457. Sage 10.1177/0021886305277275

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Coghlan, David (2005). Sound from silence: On listening in organizational learning. Human Relations, 58(1), pp. 115-138. Sage 10.1177/0018726705050938

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Heracleous, Loizos (2001). “Seeing Without Being Seen”. International Studies of Management & Organization, 31(3), pp. 113-135. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/00208825.2001.11656823

Newspaper or Magazine Article

Heracleous, Loizos; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (4 March 2005). Playing to win. Oxford on Business - Executive Briefings Oxford: Oxford Executive Education

Heracleous, Loizos; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (1 February 2005). Advantage, strategy! Cyprus International Institue of Management Review, 1(3), pp. 15-19.

Book Section

Ritz, Adrian; Blankart, Rudolf; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Lienhard, Andreas; Radulescu, Doina Maria; Sager, Fritz (2021). Einleitung. In: Ritz, Adrian; Blankart, Carl Rudolf; Jacobs, Claus D.; Lienhard, Andreas; Radulescu, Doina; Sager, Fritz (eds.) Praxisfälle Public Management: Ein multidisziplinärer Ansatz mit konzeptionellen Bausteinen (pp. 1-9). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler 10.1007/978-3-658-31068-4_1

Kreutzer, Karin; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2020). Strategic mission management in hybrid organisations. In: Billis, David; Rochester, Colin (eds.) Handbook on Hybrid Organisations. Social and political science (pp. 391-406). Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781785366116.00032

von Arx, Widar; Endrissat, Nada; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2019). Leadership in Schweizer Spitälern – Führung im Spannungsfeld von Grenzen und Paradoxien. In: Kels, Peter; Kaudela-Baum, Stephanie (eds.) Experten führen - Modelle, Ideen und Praktiken für die Organisations- und Führungsentwicklung. uniscope. Publikationen der SGO Stiftung (pp. 153-177). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 10.1007/978-3-658-23028-9_9

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Steyaert, Chris; Ueberbacher, Florian (2016). Anticipating intended users: prospective sensemaking in technology development. In: Steyaert, Chris; Nentwich, Julia; Hoyer, Patrizia (eds.) A guide to discursive organizational psychology (pp. 217-237). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2016). “Making Is Thinking”: The Design Practice of Crafting Strategy. In: Brenner, Walter; Uebernickel, Falk (eds.) Design Thinking for Innovation: Research and Practice (pp. 131-140). Springer 10.1007/978-3-319-26100-3

Oliver, David; Heracleous, Loizos; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2014). Balancing Divergence and Convergence: Stimulating Creativity through Hybrid Thinking. In: Bilton, Chris; Cumming, Stephen (eds.) The Handbook of Management and Creativity (pp. 325-345). Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar

Heracleous, Loizos; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2008). Developing strategy: the serious business of play. In: Gallos, Joan (ed.) Business Leadership: A Jossey-Bass Reader. The Jossey-Bass Business and Management Reader (pp. 324-335). San Francisco: Jossey Bass

Buergi, Peter; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Roos, Johan (2007). From metaphor to practice in the crafting of strategy. In: Johnson, Gerry; Langley, Anne; Melin, Leif; Whittington, Richard (eds.) Strategy as Practice: Research Directions and Resources (pp. 197-203). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Coghlan, David; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2007). Learning through Listening: Conversations for Strategic Change in a Healtcare Provider. In: Svyantek, David; McChrystal, Elizabeth (eds.) Refining Familiar Concepts - Alternative Views in OB, HR and I/O (pp. 127-148). Charlotte, NC.: IAP

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Statler, Matt (2006). La création de la stratégie en tant que jeu sérieux. In: Golsorkhi, Damon (ed.) La Fabrique de la Stratégie: une perspective multidimensionelle (pp. 81-90). Paris: Vuibert

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Statler, Matt (2005). Strategy creation through serious play. In: Floyd, Steven W.; Roos, Johan; Jacobs, Claus D.; Kellermann, Franz (eds.) Innovating Strategy Process. Strategic Management Society (pp. 47-55). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing


Heracleous, Loizos; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2011). Crafting strategy : embodied metaphors in practice. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press

Floyd, Steven W.; Roos, Johan; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Kellermann, Franz (eds.) (2005). Innovating Strategy Process. Strategic Management Society. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2003). Managing Organizational Responsiveness : Toward a Theory of Responsive Practice. DUV Wirtschaftswissenschaft. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag

Conference or Workshop Item

Ilgenstein, Sabrina Alexa; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2020). Strategizing in cross-sector collaborations: Open for strategy business? (Unpublished). In: 36th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium. Hamburg. 02.-04.072020.

Krüger, Konstanze Lydia; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (July 2019). How professionals make sense of a new practice: Implementing paediatric palliative care in a Swiss university hospital (Unpublished). In: 35th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium. Edinburgh. 4.-6.07.2019.

Krüger, Konstanze Lydia; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (25 September 2018). Exploring inter-organizational strategy work: The case of medical technology in Switzerland (Unpublished). In: 38th Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society (SMS). Paris. 22.-25.09.2018.

Krüger, Konstanze Lydia; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (July 2018). Collective strategizing in an inter-organizational domain: Practices of promoting translational medicine (Unpublished). In: 34th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium. Tallinn. 05.-07.072018.

Ilgenstein, Sabrina Alexa; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2018). Strategy Work in Public-Private Partnerships for Innovation (Unpublished). In: Annual Conference of the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA). Lausanne. 2018.

Krüger, Konstanze Lydia; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2017). Exploring the dialectics of cross-sector collaboration: Strategy work in a medical technology network (Unpublished). In: Annual Conference of the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA). Milano. 2017.

Friesl, Martin; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Larty, Joanne (1 October 2012). The Role of Artefacts in the Process of Replication. In: SMS 32nd Annual International Conference. Chicago: SMS Strategic Management Society

Sele, Kathrin; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (1 August 2012). "Elephants don't play chess" : On discursive practices of translating emergent technologies. In: 72nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2012. Chicago: The Academy of Management

Spee, Paul; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (10 July 2012). Strategizing as organizational identity work : Towards a recursive view. In: 28th EGOS Colloquium. Design!? Berlin: European Group for Organizational Studies

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Ueberbacher, Florian (1 July 2012). Seeking strategic coherence : Balancing internal and external legitimacy in pluralistic settings. In: 28th EGOS Colloquium. Design!? Berlin: EGOS European Group for Organizational Studies

Kreutzer, Karin; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Jaeger, Urs (12 August 2011). Strategizing the Self : Discursive Practices of Organizational Identity Negotiations. In: 71st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management Meeting (p. 18). New York: Academy of Management

Ueberbacher, Florian; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (10 August 2011). Acculturation as Resourcing: Entering the Public Sector Outsourcing Market (Unpublished). In: Academy of Management Meeting. San Antonio, USA.

Kreutzer, Karin; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Jaeger, Urs (7 July 2011). Balancing coaching and control in CSO governance : A paradox perspective on board behavior. In: 27th EGOS Colloquium (p. 15). Berlin: EGOS European Group for Organizational Studies

Ueberbacher, Florian; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (6 July 2011). Overcoming Liability of Newness through Socialization : How Legitimation Strategies of a New Venture evolve. In: 27th EGOS Colloquium. Brüssel: EGOS European Group for Organizational Studies

Ueberbacher, Florian; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (9 August 2010). A Process Model for Establishing Relational Legitimacy in Contexts of Institutional Complexity. In: 70th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2010. New York: Academy of Management

Kreutzer, Karin; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Jaeger, Urs (1 July 2010). Discursive Practices Of Organizational Identity Negotiations. In: 26th EGOS Colloquium 2010 (p. 20). Berlin: EGOS European Group for Organizational Studies

Ueberbacher, Florian; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (1 July 2010). Practices of Legitimizing Interorganizational Relationships under Institutional Complexity. In: 26th EGOS Colloquium. Berlin: EGOS - European Group for Organizational Studies

Ueberbacher, Florian; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (17 June 2010). Achieving Congruence in Difference : Toward a Process Model for Establishing Interpartner Legitimacy in Context of Institutional Complexity (Unpublished). In: 2nd International Conference on Institutions and Work. Vancouver, Canada.

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (24 November 2009). Strategy as discourse - Reconstructing a social practice (Unpublished). In: Strategy as Practice Workshop. Lancaster University Management School.

Rillo, Marko; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2 August 2009). Team Interaction, Media Attention and Playfulness - the Case of a Televised Management Competition. In: Academy of Management. Chicago.

Steyaert, Chris; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (1 August 2009). The concept of dialogue before and after the linguistic turn. In: Academy of Management. Chicago.

Vaara, Eero; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Mantere, Saku (1 July 2009). Why do some strategies take on (and others don't)? In: European Group of Organizational Studies. Barcelona.

Steyaert, Chris; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (8 August 2007). Many are called, yet few are chosen (Unpublished). In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Philadelphia USA.

Heracleous, Loizos; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (1 January 2007). Embodied metaphors in organization analysis (Unpublished). In: Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Philadelphia, USA.

Heracleous, Loizos; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (26 July 2006). Organizational levels and embodied metaphors (Unpublished). In: Discourse and Organization. Amsterdam, NL.

Heracleous, Loizos; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (6 July 2006). Embodied metaphors and multi-level research (Unpublished). In: European Group of Organizational Studies. Bergen, Norway.

Toennesen, Christian; Molloy, Eamonn; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (6 July 2006). Lost in translation: Actor network theory in organization studies (Unpublished). In: European Group of Organizational Studies. Bergen, Norway.

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Steyaert, Chris (6 July 2006). The social shaping of innovation: Studying Grid technology in the making (Unpublished). In: European Group of Organizational Studies. Bergen, Norway.

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Heracleous, Loizos (23 May 2006). Crafting embodied metaphors in strategy (Unpublished). In: The Crafts of Strategy. Whittington/Cailluet Toulouse.

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Heracleous, Loizos (5 August 2005). Answers for Questions to Come - Reflective Dialogue as an Enabler for Strategie Innovation (Unpublished). In: Academy of Management. Honolulu, Hawaii.

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Heracleous, Loizos (30 June 2005). Embodied metaphors in organization and strategy development (Unpublished). In: European Group of Organizational Studies. Berlin.

Oliver, David; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (6 August 2004). Developing Guiding Principles through Dialogue (Unpublished). In: Academy of Management. New Orleans.

Buergi, Peter; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Roos, Johan (6 August 2004). From Metaphor to Practice in the Crafting of Strategy (Unpublished). In: Academy of Management. New Orleans.

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Coghlan, David (3 July 2003). Organizational Responsiveness through Dialogue (Unpublished). In: EGOS European Group of Organization Studies. Copenhagen.

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Statler, Matt (25 May 2003). Active Responsiveness through Adaptive Play: Casting New Light on Strategy Genesis (Unpublished). In: Strategic Management Society Mini Conference. Storrs, Connecticut.

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (5 July 2001). Enabling Organizational Responsiveness (Unpublished). In: EGOS European Group of Organization Studies. Lyon.

Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (26 July 2000). Seeing without being seen - Towards an Archaeology of Controlling Science (Unpublished). In: Discourse and Organization. London.


Jacobs, Claus Dietrich (2011). Exploring Strategy as Discourse: Metaphorical Reasoning as Strategic Practice (Unpublished). (Habilitation, Universität St. Gallen)

Journal or Series

Blankart, Carl Rudolf Berchtold; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Lienhard, Andreas; Radulescu, Doina Maria; Ritz, Adrian; Sager, Fritz (eds.) (2021). Schriftenreihe des Kompetenzzentrums für Public Management der Universität Bern (KPM-Schriftenreihe). KPM-Verlag

Blankart, Carl Rudolf Berchtold; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Lienhard, Andreas; Radulescu, Doina Maria; Ritz, Adrian; Sager, Fritz (eds.) (2020). Schriftenreihe des Kompetenzzentrums für Public Management der Universität Bern (KPM-Schriftenreihe). KPM-Verlag

Blankart, Carl Rudolf Berchtold; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Lienhard, Andreas; Radulescu, Doina Maria; Ritz, Adrian; Sager, Fritz (eds.) (2019). Schriftenreihe des Kompetenzzentrums für Public Management der Universität Bern (KPM-Schriftenreihe). KPM-Verlag

Blankart, Carl Rudolf Berchtold; Jacobs, Claus Dietrich; Lienhard, Andreas; Ritz, Adrian; Sager, Fritz (eds.) (2018). Schriftenreihe des Kompetenzzentrums für Public Management der Universität Bern (KPM-Schriftenreihe). KPM-Verlag

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