Roebers, Claudia

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Number of items: 34.

Journal Article

van Loon, Mariëtte; Orth, Ulrich; Roebers, Claudia (2024). The structure of metacognition in middle childhood: Evidence for a unitary metacognition-for-memory factor. Journal of experimental child psychology, 241, p. 105857. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jecp.2023.105857

Ger, Ebru; Roebers, Claudia (2023). Hearts, flowers, and fruits: All children need to reveal their post-error slowing. Journal of experimental child psychology, 226, p. 105552. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jecp.2022.105552

Siegwart, Valerie; Benzing, Valentin; Spitzhuettl, Janine; Schmidt, Mirko; Grotzer, Michael; Steinlin, Maja; Leibundgut, Kurt; Roebers, Claudia; Everts, Regula (2022). Cognition, psychosocial functioning, and health-related quality of life among childhood cancer survivors. Neuropsychological rehabilitation, 32(6), pp. 922-945. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/09602011.2020.1844243

Kälin, Sonja; Roebers, Claudia (2021). Self-regulation in Preschool Children: Factor Structure of Different Measures of Effortful Control and Executive Functions. Journal of cognition and development, 22(1), pp. 48-67. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/15248372.2020.1862120

Siegwart, Valerie; Steiner, Leonie; Pastore-Wapp, Manuela; Benzing, Valentin; Spitzhüttl, Janine; Schmidt, Mirko; Kiefer, Claus; Slavova, Nedelina; Grotzer, Michael; Roebers, Claudia; Steinlin, Maja; Leibundgut, Kurt; Everts, Regula (2021). The Working Memory Network and Its Association with Working Memory Performance in Survivors of non-CNS Childhood Cancer. Developmental neuropsychology, 46(3), pp. 249-264. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/87565641.2021.1922410

Maurer, Michelle N.; Roebers, Claudia (2020). Is the fine motor–executive functions link stronger for new compared to repeated fine motor tasks? PLoS ONE, 15(11), pp. 1-9. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0241308

Oeri, Niamh; Roebers, Claudia (2020). Regulating disappointment can impair cognitive performance in kindergarten children: Individual differences in ego depletion. Journal of experimental child psychology, 190, p. 104728. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jecp.2019.104728

Roebers, Claudia; Mayer, Boris; Steiner, Martina; Bayard, Natalie S.; van Loon, Mariëtte H. (2019). The role of children’s metacognitive experiences for cue utilization and monitoring accuracy: A longitudinal study. Developmental Psychology, 55(10), pp. 2077-2089. American Psychological Association 10.1037/dev0000776

Gashaj, Venera; Oberer, Nicole; Mast, Fred W.; Roebers, Claudia (2019). Individual differences in basic numerical skills: The role of executive functions and motor skills. Journal of experimental child psychology, 182, pp. 187-195. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jecp.2019.01.021

Benzing, Valentin Johannes; Schmidt, Mirko; Jäger, Katja; Egger, Fabienne; Conzelmann, Achim; Roebers, Claudia (2018). A classroom intervention to improve executive functions in late primary school children: Too ‘old’ for improvements? British journal of educational psychology, 89(2), pp. 225-238. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/bjep.12232

Roebers, Claudia (2017). Possibilités et limites de la promotion de l’autorégulation cognitive chez l’enfant. P&E Psychologie & Erziehung, 2017(2), pp. 19-24. SKJP

Schmidt, Mirko; Egger, Fabienne; Benzing, Valentin; Jäger, Katja; Conzelmann, Achim; Roebers, Claudia; Pesce, Caterina (2017). Disentangling the relationship between children's motor ability, executive function, and academic achievement. PLoS ONE, 12(8), pp. 1-19. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0182845

van Loon, Mariëtte; de Bruin, Anique; Leppink, Jimmie; Roebers, Claudia (2017). Why are children overconfident? Developmental differences in the implementation of accessibility cues when judging concept learning. Journal of experimental child psychology, 158(June), pp. 77-94. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jecp.2017.01.008

Jäger, Katja; Schmidt, Mirko; Conzelmann, Achim; Roebers, Claudia (2015). The effects of qualitatively different acute physical activity interventions in real-world settings on executive functions in preadolescent children. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 9(9), pp. 1-9. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.mhpa.2015.05.002

Schmidt, Mirko; Jäger, Katja; Egger, Fabienne; Roebers, Claudia; Conzelmann, Achim (2015). Cognitively engaging chronic physical activity, but not aerobic exercise, affects executive functions in primary school children: A group-randomized controlled trial. Journal of sport & exercise psychology, 37(6), pp. 575-591. Human Kinetics Publishers 10.1123/jsep.2015-0069

Newspaper or Magazine Article

Valentin, Susanna; Roebers, Claudia (February 2024). Es gibt runde Sachen, die man werfen kann. Fachzeitschrift für frühkindliche Bildung, Betreuung und Erziehung, pp. 8-9.

Roebers, Claudia (1 July 2021). Kinder treiben ihre Entwicklung aktiv voran (Interview mit Claudia Roebers). Baby + Familie : das Gesundheitsmagazin für die junge Familie, 2021(7), p. 20. Wort & Bild Verlag

Roebers, Claudia (4 January 2021). Eltern können nicht alles leisten. Berner Zeitung, p. 8. Berner Zeitung BZ

Roebers, Claudia (7 December 2020). «Maske wird unnötig problematisiert» (Interview mit Claudia Roebers, geführt von Sarah Pfäffli). Tages-Anzeiger, p. 29. TA-Media

Roebers, Claudia; Schmidt, Mirko (13 December 2016). "Guter Unterricht setzt Reflexionsprozesse voraus". Folio - die Zeitschrift des BCH-FPS für Lehrkräfte in der Berufsbildung, 2016(Dezember), pp. 6-8. BCH-FPS Berufsbildung Schweiz

Conference or Workshop Item

Roebers, Claudia; Ger, Ebru; Kolloff, Kristin (21 October 2022). Entwicklung der Selbstregulation, „Können Kinder aus Fehlern lernen?" (Unpublished). In: Wie gut können wir Kinder darin unterstützen, ihre eigene Leistung realistisch einzuschätzen? Wie können wir die Aufmerksamkeit von Kindern am besten fördern?.

Dubravac, Mirela; Roebers, Claudia; Meier, Beat (9 September 2019). Development of performance adjustments after cognitive conflicts and errors: From automatic to controlled processes (Unpublished). In: SPS SGP SSP Conference. Bern. 9. - 11. September 2019.

Dubravac, Mirela; Roebers, Claudia; Meier, Beat (30 August 2019). From general to specific: The development of efficient prospective memory strategies (Unpublished). In: European Conference on Developmental Psychology. Athen. 29.8. - 1.9. 2019.

Roebers, Claudia (7 April 2018). Monitoring self-regulation: An attempt to unify executive functions and metacognition (Unpublished). In: 1. Heidelberger Stiftungssymposium - "Understanding and supporting the development of self-regulation and mental health". Universität Heidelberg, Deutschland. 06.-08.04.2018.

Roebers, Claudia (22 March 2018). Exekutive Funktionen fördern: Möglich? Sinnvoll? (Unpublished). In: Die Bedeutung exekutiver Funktionen in der frühen MINT - und kulturellen Bildung. Berlin. 22.-23.03.2018.

Roebers, Claudia (15 March 2018). Schulbereitschaft aus der Perspektive der Selbstregulation von Kindern (Unpublished). In: Frankfurter Forum 2018 - "Schulbereitschaft". Frankfurt, Deutschland. 15.03.2018.

Roebers, Claudia (22 November 2017). «Warte–luege–lose–laufe» – inwiefern macht der bekannte Merkspruch Sinn? (Unpublished). In: bfu-Verkehrsinstruktorentagung 2017 - «Die heutige Jugend ...» Fakten und Mythen über Kinder und Jugendliche – Einfluss auf die Verkehrsbildung?. BERNEXPO, Bern. 22.11.2017.

Gashaj, Venera; Oberer, Nicole; Mast, Fred W.; Roebers, Claudia (30 August 2016). Basic numerical skills, fine motor skills, and informal home numeracy predict mathematical school achievement in 2nd grade (Unpublished). In: Biennial Meeting of EARLI SIG 15 - "Special Educational Needs: Cognition, Socio-emotional Functioning and the Environment: Bridging the Divide". Leuven, Belgium. 29.08.-30.08.2016.

Gashaj, Venera; Oberer, Nicole; Mast, Fred W.; Roebers, Claudia (11 July 2016). Predicting mathematical school achievement by precursors of mathematics, executive functions, and motor skills (Unpublished). In: 24th biennial meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development ISSBD2016. Vilnius, Lithuania. 10.07.-14.07.2016.

Jäger, Katja; Schmidt, Mirko; Conzelmann, Achim; Roebers, Claudia (2 September 2015). Effekte unterschiedlicher einmaliger Sportinterventionen auf das Arbeitsgedächtnis von Primarschulkindern und der moderierende Effekt von Schulleistung (Unpublished). In: 22. Tagung der Fachgruppe Entwicklungspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (EPSY-DGPs) - Entwicklung unter Risikolagen. Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland. 31.08.-02.09.2015.

Schmidt, Mirko; Jäger, Katja; Roebers, Claudia; Conzelmann, Achim (16 July 2015). The effects of two qualitatively different chronic physical activity interventions on executive functions in primary school children. In: 14th European Congress of Sport Psychology, Sport Psychology – Theories and Applications for Performance, Health and Humanity.

Audiovisual Material & Event

Roebers, Claudia (2017). Kognitive Selbstregulation - ein Kinderspiel? Entwicklungspsychologische Perspektiven auf Exekutive Funktionen [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Weiterbildung für Kooperationsschullehrpersonen der PH Zürich. Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich, Lagerstrasse 2, 8004 Zürich. 11.05.2017


Roebers, Claudia (2 February 2020). Sarkasmus in der Entwicklungspsychologie. In: Sendung Subkutan. Radio: RaBe Radio

Roebers, Claudia (2 April 2019). Ein richtiges Buch ist nicht besser als ein digitales (Interview mit Claudia Roebers, geführt von Nicoletta Cimmino).

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