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Ammann, Brigitta (1988). Periods of rapid environmental change around 12 500 and 10 000 years B.P., as recorded in Swiss lake deposits. Journal of Paleolimnology, 1(4), pp. 269-277. Springer 10.1007/BF00184001

Ansorge, J.; Finckh, P.; Freeman, R.; Frei, W.; Heitzmann, P.; Holliger, K.; Lehner, P.; Levato, L; Mueller, St.; Pfiffner, Othmar-Adrian; Smithson, S.B.; Stäuble, M.; Valasek, P.; Ye, S. (1988). Erste Ergebnisse der Alpentraversen von NFP20 "Geologische Tiefenstruktur der Schweiz". Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich, 133(2), pp. 61-98. Koprint AG

Ansorge, J.; Finckh, P.; Freeman, R.; Frei, W.; Heitzmann, P.; Holliger, K.; Lehner, P.; Levato, L.; Mueller, St.; Pfiffner, Othmar-Adrian; Smithson, S.B.; Stäuble, M.; Valasek, P.; Ye, S. (1988). Vorläufige Ergebnisse der Alpentraversen des NFP20 "Geologische Tiefenstruktur der Schweiz". Bulletin der Vereinigung Schweiz. Petroleum-Geologen und -Ingenieure, 54, pp. 1-30. Schweizerische Vereinigung von Petroleum-Geologen und -Ingenieuren

Arnaud, Maurice J.; Clement, Charles; Getaz, Françoise; Tannhauser, Fritz; Schoenegge, Rainer; Blum, Jürg; Giese, Werner (1988). Synthesis, effectiveness and metabolic fate in cows of the caesium complexing compound ammonium ferric hexacyanoferrate labelled with 14C. Journal of dairy research, 55(1), pp. 1-13. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0022029900025796

Attinger, Robert (1988). Tracerhydrologische Untersuchungen im Alpstein – Methodik des kombinierten Tracereinsatzes für die hydrologische Grundlagenerarbeitung in einem Karstgebiet. Reihe G Grundlagenforschung: Vol. 29. Bern: Geographica Bernensia 10.4480/GB2023.G29


Beer, J. (1988). Radioisotope in natural archives: Information about the history of the solar-terrestrial system. In: Castagnoli, G. C. (ed.) International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", Course XCV. Italian Physical Society series: Vol. 95. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam

Beer, J.; Siegenthaler, U.; Bonani, G.; Finkel, R. C.; Oeschger, H.; Suter, M.; Wölfli, W. (1988). Information on past solar activity and geomagnetism form 10Be in the camp century ice core. Nature, 331(6158), pp. 675-679. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/331675a0

Berlincourt, Pierre (1988). Les émissions atmosphèriques de l’agglomération de Bienne : Une approche géographique. Reihe G Grundlagenforschung: Vol. 28. Bern: Geographica Bernensia 10.4480/GB2023.G28

Blanckenburg, F. v.; Villa, I. M. (1988). Argon retentivity and argon excess in amphiboles from the garbenschists of the Western Tauern Window, Eastern Alps. Contributions to mineralogy and petrology, 100(1), pp. 1-11. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/BF00399435

Blättler, Regula; Feller, Urs (1988). Identification and Stability of Aminopeptidases in Extracts from Bean Seeds. Australian journal of plant physiology, 15(5), pp. 613-619. CSIRO 10.1071/PP9880613

Breidenbach, Eric; Jenni, Erika; Leu, Stefan; Boschetti, Arminio (1988). Quantification of mRNA in Chloroplasts of Chlamydomonas reinhardii: Equal Distribution of mRNA for a Soluble and a Membrane Polypeptide in Stroma and Thylakoids. Plant and Cell Physiology, 29(1), pp. 1-7. Oxford University Press 10.1093/oxfordjournals.pcp.a077455

Broecker, W. S.; Andree, M.; Bonani, G.; Wolfli, W.; Klas, M.; Mix, A.; Oeschger, H. (1988). Comparison between radiocarbon ages obtained on coexisting planktonic foraminifera. Paleoceanography, 3(6), pp. 647-657. American Geophysical Union 10.1029/PA003i006p00647

Bürgel, J. C. (1988). Fateme Keshavarz: A descriptive and analytical catalogue of Persian manuscripts in the Library of the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine [Book Review]. Medical history, 32(3), pp. 334-336. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0025727300048286


Clausen, H.B.; Stauffer, B. (1988). Analyses of two ice cores drilled at the ice-sheet margin in West Greenland. Annals of glaciology, 10, pp. 23-27. International Glaciological Society 10.3189/S0260305500004109


Diem, P; Zimmermann, A (1988). [Wall calcifications of the left heart atrium]. Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift, 113(5), pp. 177-9. Stuttgart: Thieme 10.1055/s-0029-1188589

del Pozo, E; Gubler, H U; Perrelet, Romain; Hager, T; Wiederhold, K H (1988). Non-invasive quantitative estimation of bone density in rats throughout the life cycle and in arthritic osteopenia: preliminary results. Hormone and metabolic research, 20(10), pp. 630-2. Stuttgart: Thieme 10.1055/s-2007-1010902


Edwards, C. M.; Rüttimann, G. T. (1988). On the Facial Structure of the Unit Balls in a JBW*-Triple and its Predual. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, s2-38(2), pp. 317-332. Oxford University Press 10.1112/jlms/s2-38.2.317

Eggenberger, Peter; Cotting, Monique Rast; Ulrich-Bochsler, Susi (1988). Rohrbach. Reformierte Pfarrkirche. Ergebnisse der archäologischen Grabungen von 1982. Bern: Staatlicher Lehrmittelverlag Bern 1988

Eggenberger, Peter; Gerber, Markus; Ulrich-Bochsler, Susi (1988). Schwarzenburg «Käppeli». Dorfkapelle. Die Ergebnisse der Bauforschung von 1987. Bern: Staatlicher Lehrmittelverlag Bern 1988

Eggenberger, Peter; Kellenberger, Heinz; Ulrich-Bochsler, Susi (1988). Twann. Reformierte Pfarrkirche. Bern: Staatlicher Lehrmittelverlag Bern 1988


Fahrer, H; Sauvain, M J; vd Linden, S; Zhioua, E; Gern, L; Aeschlimann, A (1988). [Prevalence of Lyme borreliosis in a Swiss population at risk]. Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift, 118(2), pp. 65-9. Basel: B. Schwabe & Co.

Fahrer, H.; Koch, P.; Ballmer, P.; Enzler, P.; Gerber, N. (1988). ECTOPIC OSSIFICATION FOLLOWING TOTAL HIP ARTHROPLASTY: IS DIFFUSE IDIOPATHIC SKELETAL HYPEROSTOSIS A RISK FACTOR? Rheumatology, 27(3), pp. 187-190. Oxford University Press 10.1093/rheumatology/27.3.187

Fischer, Andreas (1988). Die Durchsetzung der militärischen Raumansprüche: Rechtsgrundlagen und raumplanerische Anforderungen. Information RPA/OAT, 1, pp. 6-7.

Fleep, M; Täuber, MG; Lüthy, R (1988). [Clinical aspects of HIV-associated diseases]. Therapeutische Umschau, 45(9), pp. 604-10. Bern: Huber


Gabriel, Luciano; Loderer, Claudio (1988). Political process and government growth: a theoretical and empirical investigation. JOURNAL OF INSTITUTIONAL AND THEORETICAL ECONOMICS-ZEITSCHRIFT FUR DIE GESAMTE STAATSWISSENSCHAFT, 144(2), pp. 267-295. Mohr Siebeck

Garlando, F; Täuber, MG; Lüthy, R (1988). [Endocarditis prophylaxis with amoxicillin, clindamycin or erythromycin? Serum bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect against Streptococcus viridans]. Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift, 113(27), pp. 1087-91. Stuttgart: Thieme 10.1055/s-2008-1067772

Gershenfeld, Howard K; Hershberger, R Jane; Mueller, Christoph; Weissman, Irving L (1988). A T cell- and natural killer cell-specific, trypsin-like serine protease. Implications of a cytolytic cascade. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 532(1), pp. 367-379. New York Academy of Sciences 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1988.tb36354.x

Giroud, Christian; Gerber, Annegret; Eichenberger, Waldemar (1988). Lipids of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Analysis of Molecular Species and Intracellular Site(s) of Biosynthesis. Plant and Cell Physiology, 29(4), pp. 587-595. Oxford University Press 10.1093/oxfordjournals.pcp.a077533

Gottstein, Bruno; Deplazes, P; Arnold, P; Mehlitz, D; Reiter, I; Eckert, J (1988). [Immunodiagnosis of leishmaniasis in dogs by ELISA and mini-Western blot]. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 130(5), pp. 249-262. Huber

Günzburg, Walter H.; Salmons, Brian; Schlaeffli, Alex; Moritz-Legrand, Sylviane; Jones, Walis; Sarkar, Nurul H.; Ullrich, Robert (1988). Expression of the oncogenes mil and ras abolishes the in vivo differentiation of mammary epithelial cells. Carcinogenesis, 9(10), pp. 1849-1856. Oxford University Press 10.1093/carcin/9.10.1849


Haldemann, Christoph; Brändle, Roland (1988). Amino Acid Composition in Rhizomes of Wetland Species in Their Natural Habitat and under Anoxia. Flora, 180(5-6), pp. 407-411. Elsevier 10.1016/S0367-2530(17)30331-6

Hasler, F.; Dayer, J.M. (1988). DIMINISHED IL-2-INDUCED GAMMA-INTERFERON PRODUCTION BY UNSTIMULATED PERIPHERAL-BLOOD LYMPHOCYTES IN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. Rheumatology, 27(1), pp. 15-20. Oxford University Press 10.1093/rheumatology/27.1.15

Heitmeyer, Klaus; Thom, Norbert (1988). Assessment Center. Gestaltungs- und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten. Materialien zum Personal- und Ausbildungswesen: Vol. 3. Köln: Staufenbiel

Heller, Amy (1988). Early Textual Sources for the cult of Beg-tse. In: Uebach, H; Panglung, J (eds.) Tibetan Studies, Proceedings of the 4th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Munich 1985 (pp. 185-196). München: Kommission für Zentralasiatische Studien Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften

Herzig, Rolf; Liebendörfer, L; Urech, M; Ammann, Klaus; Cuecheva, M; Landolt, W (1988). Passive Biomonitoring with Lichens as a Part of an Integrated Biological Measuring System for Monitoring Air Pollution in Switzerland. International journal of environmental analytical chemistry, 35(1), pp. 43-57. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/03067318908028377

Hurni, Hans (1988). Options for conservation of steep lands in subsistence agricultural systems. In: Moldenhauer, W.C.; Hudson, W. (eds.) Conservation Farming on Steep Lands (pp. 33-44). Ankeny, USA: Soil and Water Conservation Society

Hurni, Hans (1988). Principles of soil conservation for cultivated land. Soil Technology, 1(2), pp. 101-116. Catena


Joss, Rudolph A.; Richner, Jürg; Brunner, Kurt W.; Rohrbach, Daniela; Pirovino, Mauro; Terrey, Jean-Pierre; Upward, James (1988). BRL 43694: A Novel Antiemetic to Prevent Nausea and Vomiting Induced by Chemotherapy. Journal of the National Cancer Institute JNCI, 80(16), pp. 1340-1341. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jnci/80.16.1340

Jost, J; Täuber, MG; Lüthy, R; Siegenthaler, W (1988). [HIV-associated thrombocytopenia]. Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift, 118(6), pp. 206-12. Basel: B. Schwabe & Co.


Kakridis, Ioannis (1988). Codex 88 des Klosters Dečani und seine griechischen Vorlagen. Ein Kapitel der serbisch-byzantinischen Literaturbeziehungen im 14. Jahrhundert. (Dissertation)

Kugler, Peter (1988). An Empirical Note on the Term Structure and Interest Rate Stabilization Policies. The quarterly journal of economics, 103(4), pp. 789-792. MIT Press 10.2307/1886075


Lanier, A P; Trujillo, D E; Schantz, P M; Wilson, J P; Gottstein, Bruno; McMahon, B J (1988). An ELISA test for diagnosis and screening of echinococcus multilocularis in a high-risk Inupiat Eskimo population. Arctic medical research, 47(Suppl 1), pp. 691-692. Nordic Council for Arctic Medical Research

Lehmann, B.; Loosli, H. (1988). Noble gas isotopes in hydrology. In: Fourth International Symposium on Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy and Its Applications. Institute of Physics Conference Series: Vol. 94 (pp. 207-212). Institute of Physics

Liebendörfer, Luzius; Herzig, Rolf; Urech, Martin; Ammann, Klaus (1988). Evaluation und calibration of the Swlss lichen-indication-method with important air pollutants. Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft, 48(6), pp. 233-238. Springer-Verlag

Loderer, Claudio; Zimmermann, Heinz (1988). Stock offerings in a different institutional setting: the Swiss case, 1973-1983. JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE, 12(3), pp. 353-378. Elsevier BV


Malinverni, R.; Glauser, M. P. (1988). Comparative Studies of Fluoroquinolones in the Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections. Reviews of infectious diseases, 10(Suppl. 1), S153-S163. The University of Chicago Press 10.1093/clinids/10.Supplement_1.S153

Matter, P; Lippuner, K (1988). [Preclinical care of accident victims--is it optimal?]. Zeitschrift für Unfallchirurgie, Versicherungsmedizin und Berufskrankheiten, 81(4), pp. 221-9. Bern: Huber

Mcqueen, David; Noack, Horst (1988). Health promotion indicators: current status, issues and problems. Health promotion international, 3(1), pp. 117-125. Oxford University Press 10.1093/heapro/3.1.117

Mercier, André (1988). Review: Evandro Agazzi (Ed) [1986]: Epistemologia: La filosofia della scienza in Italia nel '900. Franco Angeli s.r.l., Milano. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 39(3), pp. 415-419. Oxford University Press 10.1093/bjps/39.3.415

Moretti, Bruno (1988). Un caso concreto di semplificazione linguistica: le "letture semplificate". Studi italiani di linguistica teorica e applicata, 17, pp. 65-101. Pacini

Moretti, Bruno (1988). H. Geckeler, D. Kattenbusch: Einführung in die italienische Sprachwissenschaft, Tübingen, Niemeyer 1987. Vox Romanica, 47, pp. 215-218. Francke

Moretti, Bruno; Berruto, Gaetano; Schmid, Stephan (1988). L'italiano di parlanti colti in una situazione plurilingue. Rivista Italiana di Dialettologia, 12, pp. 7-100. CLUEB

Mueller, C; Gershenfeld, H K; Lobe, C G; Okada, C Y; Bleackley, R C; Weissman, I L (1988). Expression of two serine esterase genes during an allograft rejection in the mouse. Transplantation proceedings, 20(2), pp. 251-253. Elsevier

Mueller, C; Gershenfeld, H K; Weissman, I L (1988). Activation of CTL-specific genes during cell-mediated cytolysis in vivo: expression of the HF gene analyzed by in situ hybridization. Immunological reviews, 103(1), pp. 73-85. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1600-065x.1988.tb00750.x

Mueller, Christoph; Gershenfeld, Howard K; Lobe, Corinne G; Okada, Craig Y; Bleackley, R Chris; Weissman, Irwing L (1988). A high proportion of T lymphocytes that infiltrate H-2-incompatible heart allografts in vivo express genes encoding cytotoxic cell-specific serine proteases, but do not express the MEL-14-defined lymph node homing receptor. Journal of experimental medicine, 167(3), pp. 1124-1136. Rockefeller University Press 10.1084/jem.167.3.1124


Neftel, A.; Oeschger, H.; Staffelbach, T.; Stauffer, B. (1988). CO2 record in the byrd ice core 50,000 - 5,000 years BP. Nature, 331(6157), pp. 609-611. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/331609a0

Noack, Horst (1988). Measuring health behaviour and health: towards new health promotion indicators. Health promotion international, 3(1), pp. 5-11. Oxford University Press 10.1093/heapro/3.1.5

Noack, Horst; Mcqueen, David (1988). Towards health promotion indicators. Health promotion international, 3(1), pp. 73-78. Oxford University Press 10.1093/heapro/3.1.73

Noack, Horst; Mcqueen, David (1988). Foreword. Health promotion international, 3(1), p. 2. Oxford University Press 10.1093/heapro/3.1.1

Nussbaum, Stefan; Schmutz, Daniel; Brunold, Christian (1988). Regulation of Assimilatory Sulfate Reduction by Cadmium in Zea mays L. Plant Physiology, 88(4), pp. 1407-1410. American Society of Plant Physiologists 10.1104/pp.88.4.1407


Oeschger, H. (1988). Klimaschwankungen und -änderungen, vermutbare Ursachen und Folgen. Österreichische Wasserwirtschaft, 40(5/6), pp. 106-114. Springer Verlag

Oeschger, H. (1988). Mensch und Klima. Der informierte Arzt, pp. 95-105.

Oeschger, H. (1988). Der Anstieg von CO2 und Spurengasen und seine Konsequenzen für Klima und Umwelt. In: Physik und Didaktik (pp. 133-149). Bayerischer Schulbuch-Verlag

Oeschger, H. (1988). The global carbon cycle, apart earth system. In: Cini Castagnoli, G. (ed.) International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", Course XCV. Italian Physical Society series: Vol. 95. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam

Oeschger, H. (1988). Progress report 1985-1988 and scientific programme 1989-1992 Swiss National Science Foundation

Oeschger, H.; Neftel, A.; Staffelbach, T.; Stauffer, B. (1988). The dilemma of the rapid variations in CO2 in Greenland ice cores. Annals of glaciology, 10, pp. 215-216. International Glaciological Society 10.3189/S0260305500004626

Oeschger, H.; Siegenthaler, U. (1988). How has the atmospheric concentration of CO2 changed? In: Rowland, F.S.; Isaksen, I.S.A. (eds.) The changing atmosphere (pp. 5-23). Wiley

Oeschger, H.; Stauffer, B.; Siegenthaler, U. (1988). CO2 and CH4 variations from ice cores; implications for the carbon system history. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 69(44) American Geophysical Union


Perrig, Walter J. (1988). Vorstellungen und Gedächtnis. Lehr- und Forschungstexte Psychologie: Vol. 28. Berlin: Springer

Perrig, Walter J.; Bachmann, Eva (1988). Die mentale Repräsentation von verbalen Ortsbeschreibungen. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 47(1), pp. 25-36. Hans Huber

Perrig, Walter J.; Perrig-Chiello, Pasqualina (1988). Mood and Memory: Mood congruity effects in absence of mood. Memory and Cognition, 16(2), pp. 102-109. Springer 10.3758/BF03213477

Pfiffner, Othmar-Adrian; Frei, W.; Finckh, P.; Valasek, P. (1988). Deep seismic reflection profiling in the Swiss Alps: Explosion seismology results for line NFP 20-East. Geology, 16(11), p. 987. Geological Society of America 10.1130/0091-7613(1988)016<0987:DSRPIT>2.3.CO;2

Probst-Nydegger, Regula; Perrig, Walter J. (1988). Perzeptuelle und konzeptuelle Anteile gespeicherter Erfahrungen. Zeitschrift für experimentelle und angewandte Psychologie(2), pp. 259-281.


Ramseyer, Karl; Baumann, J.; Matter, Albert; Mullins, J. (1988). Cathodoluminescence Colours of α-Quartz. Mineralogical magazine, 52(368), pp. 669-677. Mineralogical Society 10.1180/minmag.1988.052.368.11

Rickli, Ralph (1988). Untersuchungen zum Ausbreitungsklima der Region Biel. Reihe G Grundlagenforschung: Vol. 32. Bern: Geographica Bernensia 10.4480/GB2023.G32

Ronge, H.; Blum, J.; Clement, C.; Jans, F.; Leuenberger, H.; Binder, H. (1988). Somatomedin C in dairy cows related to energy and protein supply and to milk production. Animal production, 47(2), pp. 165-183. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S000335610000324X


Schittny, Johannes C.; Timpl, Rupert; Engel, Jürgen (1988). High resolution immunoelectron microscopic localization of functional domains of laminin, nidogen, and heparan sulfate proteoglycan in epithelial basement membrane of mouse cornea reveals different topological orientations. Journal of cell biology, 107(4), pp. 1599-1610. Rockefeller Institute Press

Schlüchter, Christian (1988). Antarktische Gletscher und globale Eiszeitchronologie. Geographische Rundschau, 40(3), pp. 15-19. Westermann

Schlüchter, Christian (1988). The deglaciation of the Swiss Alps: A paleoclimatic event with chronological problems. Bulletin de l'Association Française pour l’Étude du Quaternaire, 25(2-3), pp. 141-145. Association Française pour l’Étude du Quaternaire

Schlüchter, Christian (1988). Neue geologische Beobachtungen bei der Mammutfundstelle in Niederweningen (Kt. Zürich). Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich, 133, pp. 99-108. Koprint AG

Schlüchter, Christian (1988). Exkursion vom 11. Oktober 1987 der Schweizerischen Geologischen Gesellschaft im Rahmen der SNG-Jahrestagung in Luzern: Ein eiszeitgeologischer Überblick von Luzern zum Rhein - unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Deckenschotter. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, 81, pp. 249-258. Birkhäuser 10.5169/seals-166179

Schmidli, J.; Hunziker, T.; Gerber, H. (1988). Immunoperoxidase Slide Test For Detecting Antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi. Journal of infectious diseases, 157(1), pp. 218-219. The University of Chicago Press 10.1093/infdis/157.1.218

Schmidli, Juerg; Hunziker, Thomas; Moesli, Pierre; Schaad, Urs B. (1988). Cultivation of Borrelia burgdorferi from Joint Fluid Three Months After Treatment of Facial Palsy Due to Lyme Borreliosis. Journal of infectious diseases, 158(4), pp. 905-906. The University of Chicago Press 10.1093/infdis/158.4.905

Schwander, J.; Stauffer, B.; Sigg, A. (1988). Air mixing in firn and the age of the air at pore close-off. Annals of glaciology, 10, pp. 141-145. International Glaciological Society 10.3189/S0260305500004328

Shokat, Kevan M.; Leumann, Christian; Sugasawara, Renee; Schultz, Peter G. (1988). An Antibody-Mediated Redox Reaction. Angewandte Chemie (International ed.), 27(9), pp. 1172-1174. Wiley-VCH 10.1002/anie.198811721

Siegenthaler, U. (1988). Variationen des Klimas und der atmosphärischen Zusammensetzung während der letzten 150'000 Jahre (Unpublished). In: VDI-Tagung.

Siegenthaler, U.; Beer, J. (1988). Model comparison of 14C and 10Be Isotope records. In: Stephenson, F. R.; Wolfendale, A. W. (eds.) Secular Solar and Geomagnetic Variations in the Last. NATO ASI series: Vol. 236 (pp. 315-328). Springer 10.1007/978-94-009-3011-7_19

Siegenthaler, U.; Friedli, H.; Loetscher, H.; Moor, E.; Neftel, A.; Oeschger, H.; Stauffer, B. (1988). Stable-isotope ratios and concentration of CO2 in air from polar ice cores. Annals of glaciology, 10, pp. 151-156. International Glaciological Society 10.3189/S0260305500004341

Siegenthaler, Urich (1988). Causes and effects of natural CO2 variations during the glacial-interglacial cycles. In: Wanner, Heinz; Siegenthaler, Ulrich (eds.) Long and short term variability of climate. Lecture notes in earth sciences: Vol. 16 (pp. 153-171). Springer

Sigg, Andreas; Neftel, Albrecht (1988). Seasonal variations in hydrogen peroxide in polar ice cores. Annals of glaciology, 10, pp. 157-162. International Glaciological Society 10.3189/S0260305500004353

Staffelbach, T.; Stauffer, B.; Oeschger, H. (1988). A detailed analysis of the rapid changes in ice-core parameters during the last ice age. Annals of glaciology, 10, pp. 167-170. International Glaciological Society 10.3189/S0260305500004377

Stalder, J; Wirthmüller, U; Beck, J; Gruber, Andreas; Meyerhof, W; Knöchel, W; Weber, R (1988). Primary structure and evolutionary relationship between the adult alpha-globin genes and their 5'-flanking regions of Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis. Journal of molecular evolution, 28(1-2), pp. 64-71. Springer 10.1007/BF02143498

Stauffer, Bernhard (1988). Ziele und Ergebnisse klimatologisch-glaziologischer Forschungsprojekte in der Arktis und Antarktis. In: Schweizerische Kommission für Polarforschung, SKP (ed.) Die Polarregionen und die schweizerische Forschung. Publikationen der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft: Vol. 2 (pp. 95-110). Haupt

Stauffer, B.; Lochbronner, E.; Oeschger, H.; Schwander, J. (1988). Methane concentration in the glacial atmosphere was only half that of the preindustrial Holocene. Nature, 332(6167), pp. 812-814. Macmillan Journals Ltd. 10.1038/332812a0

Stauffer, B.; Neftel, A. (1988). What have we learned from the ice cores about the atmospheric changes in the concentrations of nitrous oxide, hydrogen peroxide and other trace species? In: Rowland, F.S.; Isaksen, I.S.A. (eds.) The Changing Atmosphere (pp. 67-77). Wiley

Studer, Christof; Brändle, Roland (1988). Post-anoxic effects of ethanol in rhizomes of Glyceria maxima (Hartman) Holmberg, Iris germanica L. and Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. Botanica Helvetica, 98(1), pp. 111-121. Birkhäuser 10.5169/seals-68576

Suter, Susanne; Schaad, U. B.; Morgenthaler, J. J.; Chevallier, I.; Schnebli, H. P. (1988). Fibronectin-Cleaving Activity in Bronchial Secretions of Patients with Cystic Fibrosis. Journal of infectious diseases, 158(1), pp. 89-100. The University Chicago Press 10.1093/infdis/158.1.89


Thom, Norbert (1988). Der Beruf des Organisators in der Entwicklung. Office Management, 36(9), pp. 6-9. FBO-GmbH

Thom, Norbert (1988). Organisationsmanagement. Bewertung und Auswahl einer effizienten Organisationsform für Unternehmungen. In: Hofmann, Michael; von Rosenstiel, Lutz (eds.) Funktionale Managementlehre (pp. 322-352). Berlin: Springer 10.1007/978-3-642-83329-8_9

Thom, Norbert; Meyer-Riedt, Torsten (1988). Kaderschmieden für Karrieren. Der Volks- und Betriebswirt(3), pp. 30-31. Kilian

Thom, Norbert; Röthig, Peter (1988). Zur Organisationsarbeit in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen. Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung. Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, 57(5), pp. 335-342. Schäffer-Poeschel

Thom, Norbert; Schweizerischer Verband, für Materialwirtschaft und Einkauf (1988). Organisationsentwicklung und Materials Resource-Management. In: Materialwirtschaft in der Schweiz. SVME-Schriftenreihe zur Materialwirtschaft: Vol. 6 (pp. 47-78). Aarau: SVME

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