02 Faculty of Law > Department of Economic Law > Institute of European and International Economic Law

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Number of items at this level: 287.


Hahn, Michael Johannes; Van der Loo, Guillaume (eds.) (2020). Law and Practice of the Common Commercial Policy. Studies in EU External Relations: Vol. 18. Leiden: Brill NV 10.1163/9789004393417

Van der Loo, Guillaume; Hahn, Michael (2020). EU Trade and Investment Policy since the Treaty of Lisbon - Achievements and future priorities Brussels: CEPS


Karlaganis, Georg; Liechti, Rachel; Teparkum, Sirasak; Aungkavattana, Pavadee; Indaraprasirt, Ramjitti (2019). Nanoregulation along the product life cycle in the EU, Switzerland, Thailand, the USA, and intergovernmental organisations, and its compatibility with WTO law. Toxicological and environmental chemistry, 101(7-8), pp. 339-368. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/02772248.2019.1697878

Elsig, Manfred; Hahn, Michael Johannes; Spilker, Gabrielle (eds.) (2019). The Shifting Landscape of Global Trade Governance. World Trade Forum. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Hahn, Michael (2019). For Whom the Bell Tolls. In: Elsig, Manfred; Hahn, Michael; Spilker, Gabriele (eds.) The Shifting Landscaoe of Global Trade Governance (pp. 121-154). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781108757683.006

Hahn, Michael (2019). We'll Always have Geneva: The Existential Crisis of the US-led Multilateral Trading System and the EU Reactions. In: Govaere, Inge; Garben, Sacha (eds.) The Interface between EU and International Law: Contemporary Reflections. Modern Studies in European Law: Vol. 89 (pp. 269-292). Oxford: Hart Publishing

Hahn, Michael Johannes; Liechti, Rachel; Schläpfer, Andrea; Zenger, Christoph; Meyrat, Michael; Biellmann Liebi, Claudia; Ulrich, Volker; Trauner,, Andreas; Vettori, Anna; Gschwend, Eva; von Stokar, Thomas (2019). Auswirkungen der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 536/2014 über klinische Prüfungen mit Humanarzneimitteln auf die Schweiz: Schlussbericht Bern: Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG)

Hahn, Michael Johannes (2019). Handelspolitische Autonomie der Schweiz? Freihandelsstrategien der Schweiz und der EU im Vergleich. Swiss Review of International and European Law, 29(2), pp. 267-283. Schulthess

Hahn, Michael Johannes (2019). Challenges for the Rule of Law in the WTO. Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien, 22(3), pp. 349-368. Nomos 10.5771/1435-439X-2019-3-349


Hahn, Michael Johannes; Liechti, Rachel; Payosova, Tetyana; Imeli, Brigitta (2018). The Jurisprudence of the World Trade Organization in 2017. Swiss Review of International and European Law, 28(2), pp. 269-294. Schulthess

Hahn, Michael Johannes (2018). The Multilateral and EU Legal Framework on TDIs: An Introduction. In: The Future of Trade Defence Instruments. European Yearbook of International Economic Law, Special Issue (pp. 3-16). Cham, Switzerland: Springer 10.1007/978-3-319-95306-9_1

Bungenberg, Marc; Hahn, Michael Johannes; Hermann, Christoph; Müller-Ibold, Till (eds.) (2018). The future of trade defence instruments: global policy trends and legal challenges. European yearbook of international economic law. Special issue: Vol. 2018. Cham, Switzerland: Springer 10.1007/978-3-319-95306-9

Hahn, Michael Johannes (2018). The Day After: Access to the Single Market in Times of Brexit, Equivalence and Extraterritoriality. Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien, 21(4), pp. 409-420. Nomos 10.5771/1435-439X-2018-4-409

Hahn, Michael Johannes (2018). Die Zuständigkeitsverteilung zwischen EU und Mitgliedstaaten beim Abschluss von Freihandelsabkommen nach Gutachten 2/15. In: Ludwigs, Markus; Remien, Oliver (eds.) Investitionsschutz, Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und Rechtsstaat in der EU. IUS EUROPAEUM: Vol. 65 (pp. 201-224). Baden-Baden: Nomos


Cottier-Holzer, Thomas; Nadakavukaren, Krista (eds.) (2017). Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar

Häberli, Christian (2017). III.52: The Decision on Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) and Net Food-Importing Developing Countries (NFIDC). In: Cottier, Thomas; Nadakavukaren Schefer, Krista (eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law (pp. 470-471). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar

Polanco, Rodrigo Javier; de Sépibus, Joëlle; Holzer, Kateryna (2017). TTIP and Climate Change: How Real Are Race to the Bottom Concerns? Carbon & Climate Law Review, 11(3), pp. 206-222. lexxion 10.21552/cclr/2017/3/14

Hahn, Michael Johannes; Liechti, Rachel; Schläpfer, Andrea (2017). Sectoral study of existing EU Swiss trade Agreements relevant to a future UK-Swiss trading relationship Bern: Institut für Europa- und Wirtschaftsvölkerrecht, Universität Bern

Holzer, Kateryna; Espa, Ilaria; Payosova, Tetyana (2017). Promoting Green Electricity through Differentiated Electricity Tax Schemes. In: Cottier, Thomas; Espa, Ilaria (eds.) International Trade in Sustainable Electricity: Regulatory Challenges in International Economic Law (pp. 356-389). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781316681275.019

Hahn, Michael Johannes; Liechti, Rachel; Payosova, Tetyana; Schläpfer, Andrea; Imeli, Brigitta (2017). The Jurisprudence of the World Trade Organization in 2016. Swiss Review of International and European Law, 27(2), pp. 265-298. Schulthess

Behnisch, Urs Robert; Cottier-Holzer, Thomas; Kunz, Peter V.; Lienhard, Andreas; Matteotti, René; Oesch, Matthias (eds.) (2017). Schriften zum Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht. Stämpfli

Cottier, Thomas; Echandi, Roberto; Liechti, Rachel; Payosova, Tetyana; Sieber, Charlotte (2017). The Principle of Proportionality in International Law: Foundations and Variations. The Journal of World Investment and Trade, 18(4), pp. 628-672. Brill 10.1163/22119000-12340054

Cottier-Holzer, Thomas; Jost, Dannie; Schupp, Michelle (2017). The Prospects of TRIPS-Plus Protection in Future Mega-Regionals. In: Rensmann, Thilo (ed.) Mega-Regional Trade Agreements (pp. 191-215). Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-319-56663-4_8

Hahn, Michael Johannes (2017). Brexit und Drittstaaten: Das Beispiel Schweiz. Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien, 20(4), pp. 431-450. Nomos

Hahn, Michael Johannes; Liechti, Rachel; Schläpfer, Andrea (2017). Vergleichende Rechtsanalyse der EU-Verordnung 536/2014 über klinische Prüfungen mit Humanarzneimitteln mit den entsprechenden Regelungen des schweizerischen Rechts Bern: Institut für Europa- und Wirtschaftsvölkerrecht, Universität Bern

Hahn, Michael Johannes (2017). Essentials of the laws of the Belt and Road countries : EU, ASEAN. In: Wang, Guiguo; Lee, Alan Yuk-Lun; Leung, Priscilla Mei-Fun (eds.) Essentials of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries EU, ASEAN (pp. 4-128). Zhejiang: Zhejiang University Press


Holzer, Kateryna (2016). Emissions trading and WTO law. In: Weishaar, Stefan E. (ed.) Research Handbook on Emissions Trading. Research handbooks in climate law (pp. 326-352). Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar

Polanco, Rodrigo Javier (2016). Beyond ICSID Arbitration - The Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes of UNASUR. In: Bjorklund, Andrea (ed.) Yearbook on International Investment Law and Policy 2014-2015 (pp. 375-404). Oxford: Oxford University Press

Nguyen, Ngoc Ha; Do, Viet Anh Thai; Nguyen, Kim Oanh (December 2016). Implications de la mise en oeuvre de l’Accord sur la facilitation des échanges de l’OMC pour le Vietnam (SECO Working Paper Series 20/2016). World Trade Institute, University of Bern: SECO, World Trade Institute

Polanco, Rodrigo Javier (December 2016). The TPP and its Relation with Regional and Preferential Agreements in Latin America (SECO Working Paper Series 21/2016). World Trade Institute, University of Bern: SECO, World Trade Institute

Polanco, Rodrigo Javier; Gómez Fiedler, Sebastián (2016). El Acuerdo Transpacífico (TPP) y Desarrollo Sostenible: ¿Algo nuevo, algo viejo y algo prestado? Justicia ambiental : Revista de Derecho Ambiental de Fiscalía del Medio Ambiente, 8, pp. 89-108. ONG Fiscalía del Medio Ambiente-FIMA

Hahn, Michael Johannes; Sauvé, Pierre (2016). Research for Cult Committee of the European Parliament - Culture and Education in CETA Brussels: European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policy 10.2861/099396

Polanco, Rodrigo Javier; Nedumpara, James (2016). Does India need a model BIT? Jindal Global Law Review, 7(2), pp. 117-125. Springer 10.1007/s41020-016-0037-4

Häberli, Christian (10 October 2016). PUCP interview with Christian Häberli on climate change, trade rules and free trade (filmed interview). In: Pontifical Catholic University of Peru.

Hahn, Michael Johannes; Diaz, Nathalie; Liechti, Rachel; Payosova, Tetyana; Schläpfer, Andrea (2016). The Jurisprudence of the World Trade Organization in 2015. Swiss Review of International and European Law, 26(2), pp. 327-357. Schulthess

Häberli, Christian (8 August 2016). Die Schweiz sollte bald mit den Briten verhandeln (Interview von Andreas Valda mit Christian Häberli). Tages-Anzeiger Tamedia AG

Vera, Esther Anaya; Polanco, Rodrigo Javier (2016). The Court of Justice of the Andean Community: A New Forum for the Settlement of Foreign Investment Disputes? Transnational dispute management TDM, 13(2) Maris

Holzer, Kateryna (April 2016). WTO law issues of emissions trading (NCCR Trade Working Papers 2016/1). Bern: NCCR Trade Regulation

Behnisch, Urs Robert; Cottier, Thomas; Kunz, Peter V.; Lienhard, Andreas; Matteotti, René; Oesch, Matthias (eds.) (2016). Schriften zum Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht (SSW). Stämpfli

Burri, Mira (2016). Cultural Diversity in the Internet Age: In Search of New Tools That Work. DigiWorld Economic Journal(101) IDATE

Burri, Mira (2016). Exposure diversity as a new cultural policy objective in the digital age. In: Richieri Hanania, Lilian; Norodom, Anne-Thida (eds.) Diversity of Cultural Expressions in The Digital Era. Buenos Aires: TeseoPress

Burri, Mira (2016). Designing Future-Oriented Multilateral Rules for Digital Trade. In: Sauvé, Pierre; Roy, Martin (eds.) Research Handbook on Trade in Services. Research Handbooks on the WTO series (pp. 331-356). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

Burri, Mira; Schär, Rahel (2016). Die Reform der Datenschutzgesetzgebung der Europäischen Union: die wichtigsten Veränderungen und ihre Eignung für eine datengesteuerte Wirtschaft. Zeitschrift für Europarecht, 18(4), pp. 100-113. Schulthess

Polanco, Rodrigo Javier (2016). Systems of Legal Defence Used by Latin American Countries in Investment Disputes. Journal of world investment & trade, 17(4), pp. 562-593. Brill 10.1163/22119000-12340004

Yáñez Villanueva, Felipe; Polanco, Rodrigo Javier (2016). La relación entre tratados de inversión y convenios de doble tributación: el caso chileno. Caderno CRH, 29(3), pp. 151-170. Universidade Federal da Bahia, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Centro de Recursos Humanos 10.1590/S0103-49792016000400011

Polanco, Rodrigo Javier (2016). Convergencia regulatoria en la alianza del pacifico: un capitulo inconcluso. Brazilian Journal of International Law, 13(1), pp. 169-195. UniCEUB

Cottier, Thomas; Payosova, Tetyana (2016). Common concern and the legitimacy of the WTO in dealing with climate change. In: Delimatsis, Panagiotis (ed.) Research handbook on climate change and trade law. Research Handbooks in Climate Law Series (pp. 9-30). Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar 10.4437/9781783478446

Hahn, Michael Johannes; Rharrouchi, Amira (2016). Droit de la Concurrence et TTIP. In: Giacobbo Peyronnel, Valérie; Verdure, Christophe (eds.) Contentieux du Droit de la Concurrence de l'Union Européenne (pp. 3-25). Bruxelles: Bruylant

Hahn, Michael Johannes (2016). Die Kündigung des FZA als Voraussetzung für die Einführung von Kontingenten in Umsetzung des Art. 121a BV - Zugleich Anmerkung zum Entscheid des Bundesgerichts, II. öffentlich-rechtliche Abteilung, vom 26. November 2015, 2C_716/2014 (BGE 142 II 35). In: Epiney, Astrid; Kern, Markus; Hehemann, Lena (eds.) Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Europarecht 2015/2016 (pp. 457-475). Bern, Zürich, Basel, Genf: Stämpfli, Schulthess

Hahn, Michael Johannes; Holzer, Kateryna (2016). Special Agreements and Energy: Filling the Gaps. In: Matsushita, Mitsuo; Schoenbaum, Thomas J. (eds.) Emerging Issues in Sustainable Development: International Trade Law and Policy Relating to Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment. Economics, Law, and Institutions in Asia Pacific (pp. 259-277). Tokyo: Springer Japan

Hahn, Michael Johannes (2016). Gemeinsame Handelspolitik (Kommentierung des fünften Teils, Titel II, des Vertrags über die Arbeitsweise der Europäischen Union). In: Calliess, Christian; Ruffert, Matthias (eds.) EUV/AEUV: das Verfassungsrecht der Europäischen Union mit Europäischer Grundrechtecharta: Kommentar (pp. 1996-2070). München: Beck


Sieber, Charlotte (2015). Democratic Legitimation of Trade Policy Tomorrow: TTIP, Democracy and Market in the Swiss Constitution. Jusletter Weblaw

de Sépibus, Joëlle; Holzer, Kateryna; Polanco, Rodrigo Javier (May 2015). TTIP and Climate Change – How real are Race to the Bottom Concerns? (NCCR Trade Working Papers 2015/12). Bern, Switzerland: NCCR Trade Regulation

Espa, Ilaria; Holzer, Kateryna (April 2015). Greening electricity through taxing: An analysis of GATT constraints (NCCR Trade Working Papers 2015/9). Bern, Switzerland: NCCR Trade Regulation

Cottier, Thomas; Espa, Ilaria; Holzer, Kateryna (2015). Renewable Electricity Tax Exemptions and Trade Remedies under International Law: An Assessment of Policy Space under WTO Law, the Swiss-EU FTA, and EU Bern, Switzerland: Eidgenössisches Departement für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie und Kommunikation UVEK, Bundesamt für Energie BFE

Liechti, Rachel; Karlaganis, Georg (2015). Neuartige Nanomaterialien in der Schweiz und im europäischen Umfeld - Sind Haftpflichtrecht und Versicherer bereit? Haftung und Versicherung(1), pp. 14-27. Schulthess

Burri, Mira (2015). The Trade Versus Culture Discourse: Tracing its Evolution in Global Law. In: Vadi, Valentina; de Witte, Bruno (eds.) Culture and International Economic Law. Routledge Research in International Economic Law Series. Oxford: Routledge

Burri, Mira (2015). The European Union, the World Trade Organization and Cultural Diversity. In: Psychogiopoulou, Evangelia (ed.) Cultural Governance and the European Union. Protecting and Promoting Cultural Diversity in Europe. Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics (pp. 195-209). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Burri, Mira (2015). Contemplating a ‘public service navigator’: In search of new (and better) functioning public service media. International journal of communication, 2015(9), pp. 1341-1359. USC Annenberg

Cottier, Thomas; Drolshammer, Jens; Ernst, Wolfgang; Gasser, Urs; Probst, Thomas; Rigamonti, Cyrill P.; Vogt, Hans-Ueli; Werro, Franz (eds.) (2015). Dike Law Books. Dike

Cottier, Thomas; Espa, Ilaria; Liechti, Rachel; Payosova, Tetyana (2015). The Jurisprudence of the World Trade Organization 2014. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für internationales und europäisches Recht, 25(2), pp. 239-264. Schulthess

Behnisch, Urs Robert; Cottier, Thomas; Kunz, Peter V.; Lienhard, Andreas; Matteotti, René; Oesch, Matthias (eds.) (2015). Schriften zum Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht (SSW). Stämpfli

Matsushita, Mitsuo; Schoenbaum, Thomas J.; Mavroidis, Petros C.; Hahn, Michael Johannes (2015). The World Trade Organization - Law, Practice and Policy, 3rd edition [Textbook] . Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press

Burri, Mira; Helberger, Natali (2015). Public Service Media and Exposure Diversity: Introduction. International journal of communication, 9, pp. 1319-1323. USC Annenberg

Burri, Mira (2015). The International Economic Law Framework for Digital Trade. Zeitschrift für schweizerisches Recht, 134/2, pp. 10-72. Helbing Lichtenhahn


Cottier, Thomas; Holzer, Kateryna; Liechti, Rachel; Naef, Tobias (2014). Ökologische Anforderungen an das Inverkehrbringen von Produkten: USG-Revision und Spielräume im internationalen Recht. Umweltrecht in der Praxis, 28(6), pp. 441-463. Vereinigung für Umweltrecht VUR

de Sépibus, Joëlle (December 2014). The Green Climate Fund: how attractive is it to donor countries? (NCCR Trade Regulation Working Paper Series 2014/19). NCCR Trade Regulation, World Trade Institute, University of Bern

Cottier, Thomas; Espa, Ilaria; Hirsbrunner, Simon; Holzer, Kateryna; Payosova, Tetyana (2014). CO2 Levies and Tariffs on Imported Electricity: Assessing the Compatibility of Options with WTO Law, EU Law and the Free TradeAgreement Switzerland–EEC Bern, Switzerland: Eidgenössisches Departement für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie und Kommunikation UVEK, Bundesamt für Energie BFE

Liechti, Rachel; Naef, Tobias; Payosova, Tetyana (2014). The Jurisprudence of WTO Dispute Resolution in 2013. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für internationales und europäisches Recht, 2014(2), pp. 241-265. Schulthess

Wehrli, Judith; Cottier, Thomas (2014). Towards a treaty instrument on marine genetic resources. In: Ribeiro, Marta Chantal (ed.) 30 years after the signature of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: The protection of the environment and the future of the law of the sea (pp. 517-551). Coimbra: Coimbra Editora

Burri, Mira (2014). Book Review: Benedetta Brevini, Arne Hintz, and Patrick Mccurdy (eds.): Beyond Wikileaks. Implications for the Future of Communications, Journalism and Society. Journal of Information Policy, 4, pp. 23-27. Pennsylvania State University

Burri, Mira (2014). Trade versus Culture : The Policy of Cultural Exception and the World Trade Organization. In: Donders, Karen; Pauwels, Caroline; Loisen, Jan (eds.) Palgrave Handbook of European media policy. Palgrave Handbooks (pp. 479-492). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Burri, Mira (2014). The UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity : An Appraisal Five Years after its Entry into Force. International journal of cultural property, 20, pp. 357-380. Cambridge University Press

Burri, Mira (2014). Regulating Code: Good Governance and Better Regulation in the Information Age, by Ian Brown and Christopher T. Marsden. International journal of law and information technology, 22(2), pp. 208-214. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ijlit/eat019

Burri, Mira (2014). Updating Cultural Law and Policy for the Digital Age (Submitted). In: The international law of culture : challenges and prospects. Springer

Burri, Mira (2014). Global Cultural Law and Policy in the Age of Ubiquitous Internet. International journal of cultural property, 21(03), pp. 349-364. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0940739114000137

Burri, Mira (2014). Globale Internet Governance – wie weiter? Swiss Telecommunications Association Bulletin, 2014(3), pp. 26-27. ASUT

Burri, Mira (2014). Die Zukunft des Internets entscheidet sich jetzt. UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern(160), p. 38. Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern

Cottier, Thomas; Diebold, Nicolas; Kölliker, Isabel Adele; Liechti, Rachel; Oesch, Matthias; Payosova, Tetyana; Wüger, Daniel (2014). Die Rechtsbeziehungen der Schweiz und der Europäischen Union. Stämpflis Juristische Lehrbücher. Bern: Stämpfli

Cottier, Thomas; Drolshammer, Jens; Ernst, Wolfgang; Gasser, Urs; Probst, Thomas; Rigamonti, Cyrill P.; Vogt, Hans-Ueli; Werro, Franz (eds.) (2014). Dike Law Books. Dike

Behnisch, Urs Robert; Cottier, Thomas; Kunz, Peter V.; Lienhard, Andreas; Matteotti, René; Oesch, Matthias (eds.) (2014). Schriften zum Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht (SSW). Stämpfli

Burri, Mira (2014). The Impact of the International Legal Framework, in Particular the WTO and UNESCO, on the Pursuit of Cultural Diversity Objectives Online. In: Nikoltchev, Susanne (ed.) Video on Demand and the Promotion of European Works. IRIS Special. Strasbourg, France: European Audiovisual Observatory


Cottier, Thomas (28 December 2013). "Die Schweiz sollte eine aktivere Rolle spielen" (Interview mit Thomas Cottier von Andreas Valda). Tages-Anzeiger TA-Media

Burri, Mira (8 December 2013). Advancing the Goals of the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions in the Fields of Education, Participation of Civil Society and Sustainable Development (Unpublished) (Working Paper Series).

Cottier, Thomas (December 2013). EFTA Free Trade Agreements : Past, Present and Future. EFTA Bulletin. EFTA Free Trade Relations, pp. 43-47. European Free Trade Asscociation (EFTA)

Guèvremont, Véronique; Bernier, Ivan; Burri, Mira; Cornu, Marie; Richieri Hanania, Lillian; Ruiz Fabri, Hélène (2013). Implementation of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions in the Digital Age: Challenges, Priority Actions and Recommendations International Network of Lawyers for the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (RIJDEC)

Burri, Mira (24 October 2013). Should There Be New Multilateral Rules for Digital Trade? (Unpublished) (Think piece for the E15 Expert Group on Trade and Innovation). International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development

Cottier, Thomas (26 August 2013). Paradigmenwechsel für die Schweizer Aussenwirtschaftspolitik. Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ(196), p. 15. Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Cottier, Thomas (12 July 2013). Für eine Anbindung an bestehende Efta-Strukturen. Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ(159), p. 21. Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung

de Sépibus, Joëlle (July 2013). The Integration of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources in the European Union Electricity Market – The case for “Smart Grids” (NCCR Trade Working Paper 38).

Karlaganis, Georg; Liechti, Rachel (2013). The Regulatory Framework for Nanomaterials at a Global Level: SAICM and WTO Insights. Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law, 22(2), pp. 163-173. John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Cottier, Thomas; Liechti, Rachel (2013). KVG-Teilrevision: Zur Vereinbarkeit mit dem bilateralen Freizügigkeitsabkommen Schweiz-EU. Jusletter, pp. 1-9. Weblaw

Burri, Mira (2013). Postal Communications, International Regulation. In: Wolfrum, Rüdiger (ed.) Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Behnisch, Urs R.; Cottier, Thomas; Kunz, Peter V.; Lienhard, Andreas; Matteotti, René; Oesch, Matthias (eds.) (2013). Schriften zum Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht (SSW). Stämpfli

de Sépibus, Joëlle (2013). Protecting Tropical Forests through Public Procurement of Emission Reductions (NCCR Trade Working Paper 39).

Cottier, Thomas; Naef, Tobias; Payosova, Tetyana; Polanco, Rodrigo Javier; Saco Chung, Victor Augusto; Sieber, Charlotte (2013). The Jurisprudence of the World Trade Organization in 2012. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für internationales und europäisches Recht, 23(3), pp. 505-540. Schulthess

Cottier, Thomas (2013). Poverty, redistribution, and international trade regulation. In: Nadakavukaren, Krista (ed.) Poverty and the International Economic Legal System. Duties to the World’s Poor (pp. 48-65). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Cottier, Thomas (2013). Towards a Common External Economic Policy of the European Union. In: Bungenberg, Marc; Hermann, Christoph (eds.) Common Commercial Policy after Lisbon. European Yearbook of International Economic Law / Special Issue (pp. 3-15). Berlin: Springer

Cottier, Thomas; Shariff, Nashina (2013). International trade and climate change. In: Van Calster, Geert; Prévost, Denise (eds.) Research Handbook on Environment, Health and the WTO. Research Handbooks on the WTO (pp. 413-447). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

Cottier, Thomas (2013). Swiss Model of European Intergration. In: Diezig, Stefan; Epiney, Astrid (eds.) Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Europarecht / Annuaire suisse de droit européen 2012/ 2013 2012 (pp. 377-393). Zürich: Schulthess

Cottier, Thomas; Temmerman, Michelangelo (2013). Transparency and Intellectual Property Protection in International Law. In: Bianchi, Andrea; Peters, Anne (eds.) Transparency in International Law (pp. 197-220). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Cottier, Thomas; Bartels, Lorand; Davey, William (eds.) (2013). Cambridge International Trade and Economic Law. Cambridge University Press

Cottier, Thomas; Holzer, Kateryna; Liechti, Rachel; Naef, Tobias (2013). Gutachten zu den ökologischen Anforderungen an das Inverkehrbringen von Produkten erstattet dem Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU Bern: Bundesamt für Umwelt

Burri, Mira (2013). The UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity: An Appraisal Five Years after Its Entry into Force. International journal of cultural property, 20(4), pp. 357-380. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0940739113000209

Burri, Mira (2013). Business as Usual? : The Implementation of the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity and EU Media Law and Policies. European Law Review, 3(6), pp. 802-825. Sweet and Maxwell

Burri, Mira (2013). Book Review: Public Service Media and Policy in Europe. Common market law review, 50(2), pp. 667-669. Kluwer Law International

Burri, Mira (2013). Book Symposium The Electronic Silk Road: Connecting Dots in a World of Bits. Opinio Juris

Cottier, Thomas; Drolshammer, Jens; Ernst, Wolfgang; Gasser, Urs; Probst, Thomas; Rigamonti, Cyrill P.; Vogt, Hans-Ueli; Werro, Franz (eds.) (2013). Dike Law Books. Dike


Burri, Mira (22 August 2012). Business as Usual? : An Appraisal of the Implementation of the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity into EU’s Media Law and Policies (NCCR Trade Regulation Working Paper 33).

de Sépibus, Joëlle (July 2012). The UNFCCC at a Crossroads: Can Increased Involvement of Business and Industry Help Rescue the Multilateral Climate Regime? (NCCR Trade Regulation Working Paper Series 2012/30). University of Bern: NCCR Trade Regulation, World Trade Institute

de Sépibus, Joëlle; Sterk, Wolfgang; Tuerk, Andreas (July 2012). Top-down, Bottom-up or In-between: How Can a UNFCCC Framework for Market-Based Approaches Ensure Environmental Integrity and Market Coherence? (NCCR Trade Regulation Working Paper Series 2012/31). Bern, Switzerland: NCCR Trade Regulation, World Trade Institute, University of Bern

Jost, Dannie; Müller, Heinz; Foltea, Marina; Cottier, Thomas (June 2012). Is there a case to be made for a global patent system? The example of plant biotechnology (NCCR Trade Working Paper 2012/12). Bern, Switzerland: NCCR Trade Regulation

Burri, Mira; Cottier, Thomas (2012). Trade Governance in the Digital Age (Preface). In: Burri, Mira; Cottier, Thomas (eds.) Trade governance in the digital age (xxi-xxii). 978-1-107-02243-0: Cambridge University Press

Wehrli, Judith (January 2012). Clustering Assessment: Enhancing Synergies among Multilateral Environmental Agreements (Governance and Sustainability Issue Brief Series 3). Center for Governance and Sustainability, University of Massachusetts Boston

Cottier, Thomas; Drolshammer, Jens; Ernst, Wolfgang; Gasser, Urs; Probst, Thomas; Rigamonti, Cyrill P.; Vogt, Hans-Ueli; Werro, Franz (eds.) (2012). Dike Law Books. Dike

Behnisch, Urs R.; Cottier, Thomas; Kunz, Peter V.; Lienhard, Andreas; Matteotti, René; Oesch, Matthias (eds.) (2012). Schriften zum Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht (SSW). Stämpfli

Cottier, Thomas (2012). The Emerging Principle of Common Concern: A Brief Outline. In: Petersmann, Ernst-Ulrich (ed.) Multilevel Governance of Interdependent Public Goods: Theories, Rules and Institutions for the Central Policy Challenge in the 21st Century (pp. 185-193). San Domenico di Fiesole, Italy: European University Institute

Cottier, Thomas; Gehne, Katja; Schultheiss, Maria (2012). The Protection of Property in International Law: The Missing Pieces. In: Hestermeyer, Holger P.; König, Doris (eds.) Coexistence, Cooperation and Solidarity. Liber Amicorum Rüdiger Wolfrum. Volume I (pp. 367-396). Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International

Cottier, Thomas; Liechti, Rachel (2012). Einleitung und Synthese. In: Cottier, Thomas (ed.) Die Europakompatibilität des schweizerischen Wirtschaftsrechts: Konvergenz und Divergenz. Bibliothek zur Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht: Vol. 50 (pp. 1-12). Basel: Helbing & Lichtenhahn

Cottier, Thomas; Liechti, Rachel (2012). Zwischen Skylla und Charybdis: Die Rezeption des europäischen Wirtschaftsrechts in der Schweiz. EuZW. Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, 23(22), pp. 849-853. München: C.H. Beck

Wehrli, Judith; Cottier, Thomas; Elsig, Manfred (2012). Lessons from the Multilateral Trading System for Reforming the Architecture of the International Environmental Regime (Governance and Sustainability Issue Brief Series 4). Center for Governance and Sustainability, University of Massachusetts Boston

Cottier, Thomas; Foltea, Marina (2012). Global governance in intellectual property protection: does the decision-making forum matter? The WIPO journal: analysis and debate of global intellectual property issues, 3(2), pp. 139-165.

Cottier, Thomas (ed.) (2012). Die Europakompatibilität des schweizerischen Wirtschaftsrechts: Konvergenz und Divergenz. Bibliothek zur Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht: Vol. 50. Basel: Helbing & Lichtenhahn

Burri-Nenova, Mira (2012). The International Law of Culture : Prospects and Challenges. International journal of cultural property, 19(4), pp. 579-581. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0940739112000392

Burri, Mira (2012). Controlling New Media (without the Law). In: Verhulst, Stefaan; Price, Monroe; Morgan, Libby (eds.) Handbook of media law and policy. Routledge Handbooks (pp. 327-342). Oxon: Routledge

Burri, Mira (2012). The Global Digital Divide as Impeded Access to Content. In: Burri, Mira; Cottier, Thomas (eds.) Trade governance in the digital age (pp. 396-420). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Burri, Mira (2012). Cultural Protectionism 2.0 : Updating Cultural Policy Tools for the Digital Age. In: Pager, Sean A.; Candeub, Adam (eds.) Transnational culture in the internet age. Elgar law, technology and society series (pp. 182-202). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

Cottier, Thomas; Echandi, Roberto; Leal, Rafael; Liechti, Rachel; Payosova, Tetyana; Sieber, Charlotte (2012). The Principle of Proportionality in International Law (NCCR Trade Working Paper 2012/38). Bern, Switzerland: NCCR Trade Regulation


Burri, Mira (2011). Reconciling Trade and Culture : A Global Law Perspective. Journal of Arts Management, 41(2), pp. 138-158. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/10632921.2011.573447

Cottier, Thomas; Drolshammer, Jens; Ernst, Wolfgang; Gasser, Urs; Probst, Thomas; Rigamonti, Cyrill P.; Vogt, Hans-Ueli; Werro, Franz (eds.) (2011). Dike Law Books. Dike

Elsig, Manfred; Cottier, Thomas (2011). Reforming the WTO: the decision-making triangle revisited. In: Cottier, Thomas; Elsig, Manfred (eds.) Governing the World Trade Organization: Past, present and beyond Doha. World Trade Forum (pp. 289-312). New York: Cambridge University Press

Burri, Mira (2011). Misunderstanding Creativity : User Created Content in Virtual Worlds and its Constraints by Code and Law. International journal of communications law and policy IJCLP, 14, pp. 1-28. IJCLP

Burri, Mira (2011). Enquiry into the Notion of Cultural Protectionism in the Media and its Dimensions in Cyberspace (NCCR Trade Regulation Working Paper 3). University of Bern Law School - World Trade Institute

Burri, Mira; Graber, Beat Christoph; Steiner, Thomas (2011). The Protection and Promotion of Cultural Diversity in a Digital Networked Environment : Mapping Possible Advances to Coherence. In: Delimatsis, Panagiotis; Cottier, Thomas (eds.) The prospects of international trade regulation (pp. 359-393). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Burri, Mira (2011). Re-Conceptualizing the Global Digital Divide. Journal of intellectual property, information technology and electronic commerce law JIPITEC, 2(3), pp. 217-225. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Elsig, Manfred; Cottier, Thomas (2011). Introduction. In: Cottier, Thomas; Elsig, Manfred (eds.) Governing the World Trade Organization : past, present and beyond Doha. New York: Cambridge University Press

Bonzon, Yves; Elsig, Manfred; Foltea, Marina; Messerli, Thomas; Ziegler, Andreas (2011). Reflections on modes of decision-making in the World Trade Organization. In: Cottier, Thomas; Delimatsis, Panagiotis (eds.) The prospects of international trade regulation : from fragmentation to coherence (pp. 103-135). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

de Sépibus, Joëlle (2011). The CDM: A Critique of Its Environmental Integrity. In: Mehling, Michael (ed.) Improving the Clean Development Mechanism: Options and Challenges Post 2012 (pp. 7-27). Berlin: Lexxion

de Sépibus, Joëlle; Tuerk, Andreas (2011). New Market-Based Mechanisms Post-2012: Institutional Options and Governance Challenges When Establishing a Sectoral Crediting Mechanism (Unpublished) (NCCR Climate Research Paper 2011/06). Bern, Switzerland: NCCR Climate, Swiss Climate Research, World Trade Institute, University of Bern

Kunz, Rahel; Lavanex, Sandra; Panizzon, Marion (eds.) (2011). Multilayered migration governance: the promise of partnership. Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics. London: Routledge

Diebold, Nicolas F (2011). Standards of non-discrimination in international economic law. International & comparative law quarterly, 60(4), pp. 831-865. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0020589311000418


Burri, Mira (12 October 2010). Immer mehr staatlich verordnete Grenzen im Cyberspace. Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ, 231(237), p. 31. Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Burri, Mira; Graber, Christoph Beat (eds.) (2010). Governance of Digital Game Environments and Cultural Diversity : Transdisciplinary Enquiries. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

Graber, Christoph Beat (2010). Governance of Digital Game Environments and Cultural Diversity : Transdisciplinary Enquiries. Preface. In: Burri, Mira (ed.) Governance of Digital Game Environments and Cultural Diversity : Transdisciplinary Enquiries. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

Cottier, Thomas; Liechti-McKee, Rachel (eds.) (2010). Die Schweiz und Europa. Wirtschaftliche Integration und institutionelle Abstinenz. Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag

Cottier, Thomas; Liechti-McKee, Rachel (2010). Vorwort, Einleitung, Synthese. In: Cottier, Thomas; Liechti, Rachel (eds.) Die Schweiz und Europa. Wirtschaftliche Integration und institutionelle Abstinenz (pp. 13-20). Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag

Cottier, Thomas; Drolshammer, Jens; Ernst, Wolfgang; Gasser, Urs; Probst, Thomas; Rigamonti, Cyrill P.; Vogt, Hans-Ueli; Werro, Franz (eds.) (2010). Dike Law Books. Dike

Burri, Mira (2010). User Created Content in Virtual Worlds and Cultural Diversity. In: Graber, Christoph Beat; Burri-Nenova, Mira (eds.) Governance of digital game environments and cultural diversity : transdisciplinary enquiries (pp. 74-112). Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar Publishing

Burri-Nenova, Mira (2010). Trade and Culture in International Law : Paths to (Re)Conciliation. Journal of world trade, 44(1), pp. 49-80. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business

Burri, Mira (2010). Digital Technologies and Traditional Cultural Expressions : A Positive Look at a Difficult Relationship. International journal of cultural property, 17(1), pp. 33-63. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0940739110000032

Burri, Mira (2010). Cultural Diversity as a Concept of Global Law : Origins, Evolution and Prospects. Diversity, 2(8), pp. 1059-1084. MDPI AG 10.3390/d2081059

Burri, Mira (2010). The Protection and Promotion of Cultural Diversity at the International Level (NCCR Trade Working Paper 2009/10). New York: NCCR Trade Regulation

Burri, Mira (2010). Keeping Promises : Implementing the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity into EU's Internal Policies (NCCR Trade Regulation Working Paper 17). NCCR / WTI: University of Bern Law School - World Trade Institute

Burri, Mira (2010). Book Review: Protection of Cultural Diversity from a European and International Perspective. Common market law review, 47(4), pp. 1285-1287. Kluwer Law International

Burri, Mira (2010). Implementing the UNESCO Convention in EU's Internal Policies (Unpublished) (Studies). European Parliament - Directorate-General for internal policies

Burri, Mira; Graber, Christoph Beat (2010). Governance of Digital Game Environments and Cultural Diversity. Preface. In: Burri, Mira; Graber, Christoph Beat (eds.) Governance of digital game environments and cultural diversity : transdisciplinary enquiries. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing


de Sépibus, Joëlle (November 2009). Reforming the Clean Development Mechanism to Accelerate Technology Transfer (NCCR Trade Regulation Working Paper Series 2009/42). Bern, Switzerland: NCCR Trade Regulation, World Trade Institute, University of Bern

de Sépibus, Joëlle (November 2009). The Environmental Integrity of the CDM: A Legal Analysis of its Institutional and Procedural Shortcomings (NCCR Trade Regulation Working Paper Series 2009/41). Bern, Switzerland: NCCR Trade Regulation, World Trade Institute, University of Bern

Burri, Mira (4 September 2009). Electronic Communications as a Distinct and Unique Object of Regulation

Oesch, Matthias (2009). Commercial Treaties. In: Wolfrum, Rüdiger (ed.) Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law ([1-13]). Oxford: Oxford University Press

Oesch, Matthias (2009). Uruguay Round. In: Wolfrum, Rüdiger (ed.) Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law ([1-11]). Oxford: Oxford University Press

Cottier, Thomas; Liechti-McKee, Rachel; Scarpelli, Samuele (2009). Wirtschaftsrecht der Europäischen Union. Grundlegende Urteile. Stämpfli's Case Books. Bern: Stämpfli

Cottier, Thomas; Liechti-McKee, Rachel (2009). Die internationale Erschöpfung im Patentrecht. In: Kunz, Peter V.; Herren, Dorothea; Cottier, Thomas; Matteotti, René (eds.) Wirtschaftsrecht in Theorie und Praxis. Festschrift für Roland von Büren (pp. 325-342). Basel: Helbing & Lichtenhahn

Kunz, Peter V.; Herren, Dorothea; Cottier, Thomas; Matteotti, René (eds.) (2009). Wirtschaftsrecht in Theorie und Praxis. Festschrift für Roland von Büren. Basel: Helbing & Lichtenhahn

Matteotti, René; Cottier, Thomas (2009). Das Abkommen über ein Amtshilfegesuch zwischen der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika vom 19. August 2009: Grundlagen und innerstaatliche Anwendbarkeit. Archiv für Schweizerisches Abgaberecht, 78(6/7), pp. 349-392. Bern: Stiftung Archiv für Schweizerisches Abgaberecht

Matteotti, René; Cottier, Thomas (2009). Die UBS-Amtshilfeabkommen zwischen der Schweiz und den Vereinigten Staaten: Direkt anwendbare Kriterien zur Beurteilung von Steuerbetrug und Steuerhinterziehung. Jusletter(23.11.2009), [1-4]. Bern: Weblaw

Cottier, Thomas; Baracol Pinhao, Donah Sharon (2009). WTO Negotiations on Environmental Goods and Services: A Potential Contribution to the Millennium Development Goals Genf: United Nations publications

Cottier, Thomas; Oesch, Matthias; Meier, Julia (2009). Verfassungsrecht der Europäischen Union. Grundlegende Urteile. Stämpfli's Case Books. Bern: Stämpfli

Cottier, Thomas; Bartels, Lorand; Davey, William (eds.) (2009). Cambridge International Trade and Economic Law [2009]. Cambridge University Press

Cottier, Thomas; Drolshammer, Jens; Ernst, Wolfgang; Gasser, Urs; Probst, Thomas; Rigamonti, Cyrill P.; Vogt, Hans-Ueli; Werro, Franz (eds.) (2009). Dike Law Books. Dike

Cottier, Thomas; Nartova, Olga; Ziaeebigdeli, Sadeq (eds.) (2009). International Trade Regulation and the Mitigation of Climate Change. World Trade Forum. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Cottier, Thomas (2009). Regierungsreform und stiller Verfassungswandel im Kontext der Internationalisierung des Rechts. In: Biaggini, Giovanni; Müller, Georg; Müller, Jörg Paul; Uhlmann, Felix (eds.) Demokratie, Regierungsreform, Verfassungsfortbildung. Schwerpunkte aus dem wissenschaftlichen Werk von René Rhinow dargestellt von Schülern, kommentiert von Freunden und Kollegen. Symposium für René Rhinow zum 65. Geburtstag (pp. 81-93). Basel: Helbing & Lichtenhahn

Cottier, Thomas; Herren, David (2009). Einleitung. In: Kocher, Martin; Clavadetscher, Diego (eds.) Zollgesetz (ZG) (pp. 1-45). Bern: Stämpfli

Cottier, Thomas; Herren, David (2009). Art. 1 Gegenstand. In: Kocher, Martin; Clavadetscher, Diego (eds.) Zollgesetz (ZG) (pp. 46-51). Bern: Stämpfli

Cottier, Thomas; Herren, David (2009). Art. 2 Internationales Recht. In: Kocher, Martin; Clavadetscher, Diego (eds.) Zollgesetz (ZG) (pp. 52-60). Bern: Stämpfli

Cottier, Thomas; Herren, David (2009). Art. 3 Zollgebiet, Zollgrenze und Grenzraum. In: Kocher, Martin; Clavadetscher, Diego (eds.) Zollgesetz (ZG) (pp. 61-68). Bern: Stämpfli

Cottier, Thomas (2009). Die Bundesverfassung im postnationalen Europa: Vorbild oder Hemmschuh? In: Kreis, Georg (ed.) Erprobt und entwicklungsfähig. Zehn Jahre neue Bundesverfassung (pp. 177-186). Zürich: NZZ Libro

Cottier, Thomas (2009). The Legitimacy of the WTO. In: Yueh, Linda (ed.) The law and economics of globalisation. New challenges for a world in flux (pp. 11-48). Cheltenham: Elgar

Cottier, Thomas (2009). The Constitutionalization of International Economic Law. In: Meessen, Karl M. (ed.) Economic Law as an Economic Good. Its Rule Function and its Tool Funktion in the Competition of Systems (pp. 317-333). München: Sellier

Cottier, Thomas; Matteotti-Berkutova, Sofya (2009). International environmental law and the evolving concept of "common concern of mankind". In: Cottier, Thomas; Nartova, Olga; Ziaeebigdeli, Sadeq (eds.) International Trade Regulation and the Mitigation of Climate Change. World Trade Forum (pp. 21-47). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/CBO9780511757396.004

Cottier, Thomas; Baracol, Donah (2009). Environmental goods and services: the Environmental Area Initiative approach and climate change. In: Cottier, Thomas; Nartova, Olga; Ziaeebigdeli, Sadeq (eds.) International Trade Regulation and the Mitigation of Climate Change. World Trade Forum (pp. 395-419). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Cottier, Thomas; Jevtic, Ana (2009). The protection against unfair competition in WTO law: Status, potential and prospects. In: Drexl, Josef; Hilty, Reto M.; Boy, Laurence; Godt, Christine; Remiche, Bernard (eds.) Technology and competition/Technologie et concurrence. Contributions in honour of/ Mélanges en l'honneur de Hanns Ullrich (pp. 669-695). Brüssel: Larcier

Cottier, Thomas (2009). Challenges Ahead in International Economic Law. Journal of international economic law, 12(1), pp. 3-15. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jiel/jgp005

Cottier, Thomas; Matteotti-Berkutova, Sofya; Nartova, Olga (2009). Winterkrieg im Gasgeschäft: Ursachen und Auswirkungen. UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern(140), p. 40. Bern: Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern

Cottier, Thomas (2009). Multilayered Governance, Pluralism, and Moral Conflict. Indiana journal of global legal studies, 16(2), pp. 647-679. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press

Cottier, Thomas (2009). Handel im Klimawandel. UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern(141), pp. 17-18. Bern: Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern

Cottier, Thomas (2009). International Trade Law: the Impact of Justiciability and Separations of Powers in EC Law. European constitutional law review, 5(2), pp. 307-326. The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 10.1017/S1574019609003071

Cottier, Thomas (2009). The Institutional Machinery of the WTO. Vortrag anlässlich der Tagung der Europäischen Rechtsakademie zu The EU and WTO Law. Expert Seminar for the Legal Service of the Council of the European Union, Brüssel, 12.1.2009.

Cottier, Thomas (2009). What can WTO Law do for Climate Change: Potentials and Limits. Vortrag anlässlich der Tagung des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds "International Dimensions of Climate Policies" [NCCR Climate / Swiss Climate Research], Universität Bern, 21.-23. Januar 2009.

Cottier, Thomas (2009). "Wir sind gewissermassen bereits EU-Passivmitglied" [Interview]. Der Bund(21.10.2009), p. 7.

Cottier, Thomas; Matteotti, René (2009). Das UBS-Amtshilfeabkommen ist verbindlich. Die Schweiz gewährt den USA Amtshilfe auch bei Steuerhinterziehung. Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ)(18.11.2009), p. 31.

Cottier, Thomas (2009). Europa wählt, die Schweiz verdrängt [Interview]. Neue Europäische Bewegung Schweiz (Nebs)(1), pp. 4-6. Bern: NEBS

Cottier, Thomas (2009). EU-Recht: Die Illusion vom Alleingang [Interview]. Berner Zeitung (BZ)(14.2.2009), pp. 41-42.

Cottier, Thomas (2009). Erich Vranes, Trade and the Environment. Fundamental Issues in International Law, WTO Law, and Legal Theory. Oxford 2009 [Rezension]. Yearbook of international environmental law, 19 (20(1), pp. 769-773. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/yiel/19.1.769

Cottier, Thomas; Diebold, Nicolas (2009). Warenverkehr und Freizügigkeit in der Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichts zu den Bilateralen Abkommen. Zur Anwendung und Auslegung von nachvollzogenem Recht und Staatsverträgen unterschiedlicher Generationen. In: Epiney, Astrid; Gammenthaler, Nina (eds.) Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Europarecht / Annuaire Suisse de droit européen 2008/2009 (pp. 237-263). Zürich / Bern: Schulthess / Stämpfli

Cottier, Thomas; Busse, Cintia; Jevtic, Ana (2009). Is a Legally Binding Ban on Internet Sales of Tobacco Products Compatible with WTO Obligations? Legal Opinion Submitted to the Secretariat of the World Health Organization WHO, February 23, 2009 World Health Organisation

Cottier, Thomas (ed.) (2009). Studies in Global Economic Law / Studien zum globalen Wirtschaftsrecht / Etudes en droit économique mondial. Lang

Burri, Mira (2009). Trade and Culture : Keep the Border Fuzzy, Please (NCCR Trade Working Paper 2). University of Bern Law School - World Trade Institute

Burri, Mira (2009). Trade Versus Culture in the Digital Environment : An Old Conflict in Need of a New Definition. Journal of international economic law, 12(1), pp. 17-62. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jiel/jgn038

Burri, Mira (2009). Rezension zu: Inge Govaere and Hanns Ulrich (eds.): Intellectual Property, Public Policy and International Trade. European journal of international law, 20(3), pp. 923-925. Oxford University Press

Burri, Mira (2009). Rezension zu: Irini Katsirea, Public Broadcasting and European Law. European Law Review, 34(2), pp. 336-338. Sweet and Maxwell

Burri, Mira (2009). International Regulation of Postal Communications. In: Wolfrum, Rüdiger (ed.) Max Planck Encyclopedia of public international law. Oxford: Oxford University Press


Burri, Mira; Graber, Christoph Beat (2008). Intellectual Property and Traditional Cultural Expressions in a Digital Environment. Preface. In: Burri, Mira; Graber, Christoph Beat (eds.) Intellectual Property and Traditional Cultural Expressions in a Digital Environment. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

Burri, Mira (28 February 2008). Cultural Diversity (Unpublished)

Burri, Mira; Bigdeli, Sadeq Z. (26 January 2008). Commentary of GATS Article IX : Business Practices (Unpublished) (Working Paper Series). University of Bern Law School - World Trade Institute 10.2139/ssrn.1307671

Cottier, Thomas (ed.) (2008). Studies in Global Economic Law / Studien zum globalen Wirtschaftsrecht / Etudes en droit économique mondial [2008]. Lang

Cottier, Thomas; Liechti, Rachel (2008). Schweizer Spezifika: Direkte Demokratie, Konkordanz, Föderalismus und Neutralität als politische Gestaltungsfaktoren. In: Breuss, Fritz; Cottier, Thomas; Müller-Graff, Peter-Christian (eds.) Die Schweiz im europäischen Integrationsprozess. Schriftenreihe des Arbeitskreises Europäische Integration e.V.: Vol. 61 (pp. 39-61). Baden-Baden: Nomos

Cottier, Thomas; Liechti, Rachel (2008). Ist die einseitig statuierte regionale Erschöpfung im schweizerischen Patentrecht mit dem WTO-Recht vereinbar? In: Epiney, Astrid; Civitella, Tamara (eds.) Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Europarecht / Annuaire Suisse de droit européen 2007/2008 (pp. 261-284). Zürich / Bern: Schulthess / Stämpfli

Cottier, Thomas; Molinuevo, Martin (2008). Article V GATS: Economic Integration. In: Wolfrum, Rüdiger; Stoll, Peter-Tobias; Feinäugle, Clemens (eds.) WTO - Trade in services. Max Planck commentaries on world trade law: Vol. 6 (pp. 125-151). Leiden: Nijhoff

Wüger, Daniel; Cottier, Thomas (eds.) (2008). Genetic engineering and the world trade system. World Trade Forum: Vol. 6. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Cottier, Thomas; Véron, Pierre (eds.) (2008). Concise international and European IP law. TRIPS, Paris Convention, European enforcement and transfer of technology. Concise European IP Series: Vol. 3. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International

Cottier, Thomas (2008). Genetic Engineering, Trade and Human Rights. In: Wüger, Daniel; Cottier, Thomas (eds.) Genetic engineering and the world trade system. World Trade Forum: Vol. 5 (pp. 111-132). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1093/jiel/5.1.111

Wüger, Daniel (2008). The many faces of modern biotechnology. In: Wüger, Daniel; Cottier, Thomas (eds.) Genetic engineering and the world trade system. World Trade Forum: Vol. 6 (pp. 1-16). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Breuss, Fritz; Cottier, Thomas; Müller-Graff, Peter-Christian (eds.) (2008). Die Schweiz im europäischen Integrationsprozess. Schriftenreihe des Arbeitskreises Europäische Integration e.V.: Vol. 61. Baden-Baden: Nomos

Cottier, Thomas; Takenoshita, Satoko (2008). Decision-making and the Balance of Powers in WTO Negotiations: Towards Supplementary Voting. In: Griller, Stefan (ed.) At the crossroads: the world trading system and the Doha Round (pp. 181-229). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

Cottier, Thomas (2008). Foreword. In: Chaisse, Julien; Balmelli, Tiziano (eds.) Essays on the Future of the World Trade Organiszation. Volume 1: Policies and Legal Issues (V-VII). Genève, Lugano, Bruxelles: Edis

Cottier, Thomas; Delimatsis, Panagiotis; Diebold, Nicolas (2008). Article XIV GATS: General Exceptions. In: Wolfrum, Rüdiger; Stoll, Peter-Tobias; Feinäugle, Clemens (eds.) WTO - Trade in services. Max Planck commentaries on world trade law: Vol. 6 (pp. 287-328). Leiden: Nijhoff

Cottier, Thomas; Delimatsis, Panagiotis (2008). Article XIVbis GATS: Security Exceptions. In: Wolfrum, Rüdiger; Stoll, Peter-Tobias; Feinäugle, Clemens (eds.) WTO - Trade in services. Max Planck commentaries on world trade law: Vol. 6 (pp. 329-348). Leiden: Nijhoff

Cottier, Thomas (2008). The Exhaustion of Intellectual Property Rights - A Fresh Look [Editorial]. IIC, 39(7), pp. 755-757. Heidelberg: Springer

Cottier, Thomas (2008). Eile mit Weile in der WTO. Wirtschaftsdienst - Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, 88(12), pp. 762-763. Hamburg: Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Wirtschaftswissenschaften ZBW 10.1007/s10273-008-0869-4

Cottier, Thomas (2008). Die Europäische Union tanzt nicht nach unserer Pfeife. Berner Zeitung (BZ)(22.1.2008), p. 4.

Cottier, Thomas (2008). Die Schweiz muss ihr System anpassen. News(22.1.2008)

Oesch, Matthias (2008). Differenzierung und Typisierung: Zur Dogmatik der Rechtsgleichheit in der Rechtsetzung. Bern: Stämpfli

Diebold, Nicolas; Oesch, Matthias (2008). Die Durchsetzung von WTO-Recht durch Schweizer Unternehmen. Aktuelle juristische Praxis, 17(12), pp. 1525-1552. Zürich: Dike

Oesch, Matthias (2008). Regionale Integration Schweiz - Europäische Union und die Welthandelsorganisation (WTO). In: Breuss, Fritz; Cottier, Thomas; Müller-Graff, Peter-Christian (eds.) Die Schweiz im europäischen Integrationsprozess. Schriftenreihe des Arbeitskreises Europäische Integration e.V.: Vol. 61 (pp. 207-246). Baden-Baden: Nomos

Oesch, Matthias (2008). US-Shrimp Case. In: Wolfrum, Rüdiger (ed.) Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law ([1-4]). Oxford: Oxford University Press

Oesch, Matthias (2008). Das Verhältnismässigkeitsprinzip in der Einheitsbeschwerde. Zu einem wegweisenden Bundesgerichtsurteil vom 1. April 2008 und zum Anwednungsbereich des Verhältnismässigkeitsprinzips. Anwaltsrevue, 7(6), pp. 271-275. Bern: Stämpfli

Oesch, Matthias (2008). International Trade in Pharmaceutical Products and the GATT 1994: The Case of Traditional Medicine. In: Kraus, Daniel; Bunn, Tony; Mulder, Michelle (eds.) Requirements for Access to Affordable and Efficacious Traditional Medecine(s). Seminar held on 6th and 7th March 2007 at the Medical Research Council Innovation Center, Cape Town, South Africa. Colloquium. Edition Weblaw: Vol. 2 (pp. 17-39). Zürich: Schulthess

Oesch, Matthias (2008). Remo Arpagaus, Zollrecht unter Einschluss der völkerrechtlichen Grundlagen im Rahmen der WTO, der WCO, der UNECE, der EFTA und der Abkommen mit der EU [Rezension]. Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ)(11.1.2008), B7.

Burri, Mira (2008). Defining Regulatory Objectives for Contemporary Electronic Communications : Between a Rock and a Hard Place. International journal of communications law and policy IJCLP, 12, pp. 274-312. IJCLP

Burri, Mira (2008). New Technologies and the Protection and Promotion of Traditional Cultural Expressions. In: Madhuri, V. (ed.) Traditional knowledge : Impediments to IPR Protection (pp. 131-168). Hyderabad: Icfai University Press


Burri, Mira (2007). The Changing Environment of Audiovisual Media. New Technologies, New Patterns of Consumer/Business Behaviour and Their Implications for Audiovisual Media Regulation. Medialex - Zeitschrift für Kommunikationsrecht, 10(4), pp. 171-177. Stämpfli

Oesch, Matthias (2007). The Jurisprudence of WTO Dispute Resolution (2007). Schweizerische Zeitschrift für internationales und europäisches Recht, 17(4), pp. 665-677. Zürich: Schulthess

Oesch, Matthias (2007). EU-Reformvertrag und die direkte Demokratie. Handelszeitung(18.12.2007), p. 15.

Cottier, Thomas; Arpagaus, Remo; Oesch, Matthias (2007). Grundlagen in Verfassung und Staatsvertragsrecht. In: Cottier, Thomas; Oesch, Matthias (eds.) Allgemeines Aussenwirtschafts- und Binnenmarktrecht. Schweizerisches Bundesverwaltungsrecht: Vol. 11 (pp. 1-46). Basel: Helbing & Lichtenhahn

Cottier, Thomas (2007). The Challenge of WTO Law. Collected Essays. London: Cameron May

Cottier, Thomas (2007). Genetic Engineering, Trade and Human Rights. In: Francesco, Francioni (ed.) Biotechnologies and International Human Rights. Studies in International Law (pp. 275-313). Oxford: Hart

Cottier, Thomas (2007). Das internationale Handelssystem hinkt der Globalisierung hinterher. EIn Schweizer Forschungsprojekt erarbeitet die Grundlagen für die Überarbeitung des Welthandelssystems. IO new management - Zeitschrift für Unternehmenswissenschaft und Führungspraxis(4), pp. 8-11. Zürich: Springer Schweiz

Cottier, Thomas (2007). The Future of the WTO - Consultative Board Report (2005) [Introductory remarks]. In: Ortino, Federico; Ripinsky, Sergey (eds.) WTO Law and Process: The Proceedings of the 2005 and 2006 Annual WTO Conferences (pp. 159-160). London: British Institute of International and Comparative Law

Cottier, Thomas; Abbott Frederick, M.; Gurry, Francis (2007). International Intellectual Property in an Integrated World Economy. New York: Aspen

Cottier, Thomas (2007). Preparing for Structural Reform in the WTO. Journal of international economic law, 10(3), pp. 497-508. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jiel/jgm030

Cottier, Thomas; Matteotti, René (2007). Der Steuerstreit Schweiz-EG: Rechtslage und Perspektiven. In: Epiney, Astrid; Wyssling, Markus (eds.) Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Europarecht / Annuaire Suisse de droit européen 2006/2007 (pp. 221-256). Zürich / Bern: Schulthess / Stämpfli

Cottier, Thomas (2007). The Doha Waiver and Its Effects on the Nature of the TRIPS System and on Competition Law. The Impacts of Human Rights. In: Govaere, Inge; Ullrich, Hanns (eds.) Intellectual Property, Public Policy and International Trade (pp. 173-199). Bern, Frankfurt a.M.: Lang

Cottier, Thomas; Scarpelli, Samuele (2007). Die Legitimität des Europarechts. In: Epiney, Astrid; Haag, Marcel; Heinemann, Andreas (eds.) Die Herausforderung von Grenzen. Festschrift für Roland Bieber (pp. 37-53). Baden-Baden: Nomos

Cottier, Thomas (2007). The Judge in International Economic Relations. In: Monti, Mario; Liechtenstein, Prinz Nikolaus von und zu:Vesterdorf; Westbrook, Jay; Wildhaber, Luzius (eds.) Economic law and justice in times of globalisation - Wirtschaftsrecht und Justiz in Zeiten der Globalisierung. Festschrift for Carl Baudenbacher (pp. 99-122). Baden-Baden: Nomos

Cottier, Thomas (2007). Christian Joerges, Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann (eds.), Constitutionalism, Multilevel Trade Governance and Social Regulation, Oxford 2006 [Rezension]. Journal of international economic law, 10(2), pp. 424-237. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jiel/jgm012

Cottier, Thomas (2007). Johann Weusmann, Die Europäische Union und Südafrika. Bilaterale Handelsbeziehungen im Lichte des GATT und der WTO, Berlin 2005 [Rezension]. Common market law review, 44(3), pp. 863-866. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International

Cottier, Thomas (ed.) (2007). Studies in Global Economic Law / Studien zum globalen Wirtschaftsrecht / Etudes en droit économique mondial [2007]. Lang

Cottier, Thomas; Oesch, Matthias (eds.) (2007). Allgemeines Aussenwirtschafts- und Binnenmarktrecht. Schweizerisches Bundesverwaltungsrecht: Vol. 11. Basel: Helbing & Lichtenhahn

Oesch, Matthias (2007). Felix Bloch, Technologietransfer zum internationalen Umweltschutz: Eine völkerrechtliche Untersuchung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Schutzes der Ozonschicht und des Weltklimas [Rezension]. Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ)(6.7.2007), B5.

Burri, Mira (2007). The New Audiovisual Media Services Directive : Television without Frontiers, Television without Cultural Diversity. Common market law review, 44(6), pp. 1689-1725. Kluwer Law International

Burri, Mira (2007). The New Concept of Universal Service in a Digital Networked Communications Environment. I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society, 3(1), pp. 117-146. The Ohio State University : Michael E. Moritz College of Law

Burri, Mira (2007). The Law of the WTO and the Communications Law of the EC : On a Path of Harmony or Discord? Journal of world trade, 41(4), pp. 833-878. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business

Burri, Mira (2007). EC Electronic Communications and Competition Law [Textbook] . London: Cameron May Publishing

Burri, Mira (2007). The Reform of the EC Audiovisual Media Regulation : Television Without Cultural Diversity. International journal of cultural property, 14(2), pp. 169-204. Cambridge University Press 10.1017 / S0940739107070105

Burri, Mira (2007). Book Review: M. Holoubek, D. Damjanovic, M. Trainer: Regulating Content. The European Regulatory Framework for the Media and Related Creative Sectors. Common market law review, 44(6), pp. 1835-1837. Kluwer Law International


Burri, Mira (7 July 2006). Regulatory Objectives for Contemporary Electronic Communications : Talking Business or Talking Culture? (NCCR Trade Working Paper 9). NCCR Trade Regulation

Burri, Mira (25 May 2006). European Community Communications Law : An Introduction (Unpublished) (Working Paper Series). University of Bern Law School - World Trade Institute 10.2139/ssrn.1306960

Burri, Mira (25 May 2006). Typology of the Tools of EC Communications Regulation (Unpublished) (Working Paper Series). 10.2139/ssrn.1306921

Cottier, Thomas (2006). Empfehlungen der OECD zur Marktöffung - zu allgemein und juristisch nicht fundiert. Volkswirtschaft - das Magazin für Wirtschaftspolitik, 79(5), p. 24. St. Gallen: Swissprinters St.Gallen AG

Cottier, Thomas (2006). Mini-Symposium: The Future Geometry of WTO Law. Introduction. Journal of international economic law, 9(4), pp. 775-777. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jiel/jgl030

Cottier, Thomas (2006). From Progressive Liberalization to Progressive Regulation in WTO Law. Journal of international economic law, 9(4), pp. 779-821. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jiel/jgl029

Cottier, Thomas (2006). Patentgesetzrevision im europäischen und globalen Kontext. Volkswirtschaft - das Magazin für Wirtschaftspolitik, 79(7/8), pp. 9-12. St. Gallen: Swissprinters St.Gallen AG

Cottier, Thomas (2006). Das Verhältnis der Bilateralen II zu den WTO-Verpflichtungen der Schweiz. In: Kaddous, Christine; Jametti Greiner, Monique (eds.) Accords bilatéraux II Suisse-UE et autres Accords récents - Bilaterale Abkommen II Schweiz-EU und andere neue Abkommen (pp. 43-62). Basel: Helbing & Lichtenhahn

Cottier, Thomas (2006). Die EU als Akteurin auf der Welthandelsebene: Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen. In: Müller-Graff, Peter-Christian (ed.) Die Rolle der erweiterten Europäischen Union in der Welt. Schriftenreihe des Arbeitskreises europäische Integration: Vol. 57 (pp. 115-131). Baden-Baden: Nomos

Cottier, Thomas; Leber, Alexandra (2006). Parallelimporte und technische Handelshemmnisse im Welthandelsrecht und im bilateralen Verhältnis der Schweiz zur EU: Das Beispiel der Pharmazeutika. In: Epiney, Astrid; Egbuna-Joss, Andrea; Wyssling, Markus (eds.) Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Europarecht / Annuaire Suisse de droit européen 2005/2006 (pp. 327-345). Zürich / Bern: Schulthess / Stämpfli

Cottier, Thomas; Foltea, Marina (2006). Constitutional Functions of the WTO and Regional Trade Agreements. In: Bartels, Lorand; Ortino, Federico (eds.) Regional Trade Agreements and the WTO Legal System (pp. 43-76). Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199206995.003.0004

Cottier, Thomas (2006). DSU reform: resolving underlying balance-of-power issues. In: Sacerdoti, Giorgio; Yanovich, Alan; Bohanes, Jan (eds.) The WTO at Ten. The Contribution of the Dispute Settlement System (pp. 259-265). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Biber-Klemm, Susette; Cottier, Thomas (eds.) (2006). Rights to plant genetic resources and traditional knowledge. Basic issues and perspectives. Wallingford: CAB International

Abbott, Frederick M.; Breining-Kaufmann, Christine; Cottier, Thomas (eds.) (2006). International Trade and Human Rights. Foundations and Conceptual Issues. Studies in International Economics: Vol. 5. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press

Cottier, Thomas; Liechti, Rachel (2006). Die Beziehungen der Schweiz zur Europäischen Union: Eine kurze Geschichte differenzieller und schrittweiser Integration. In: , (ed.) Die Beziehungen der Schweiz zur Europäischen Union / Der Beitrag des freien Handels zum Weltfrieden. Basler Schriften zur europäischen Integration: Vol. 81 (pp. 5-40). Basel: Europainstitut der Universität Basel

Cottier, Thomas; Dengg, Alexandra (2006). Der Beitrag des freien Handels zum Weltfrieden. In: , (ed.) Die Beziehungen der Schweiz zur Europäischen Union / Der Beitrag des freien Handels zum Weltfrieden. Basler Schriften zur europäischen Integration: Vol. 81 (pp. 41-70). Basel: Europainstitut der Universität Basel

Cottier, Thomas (2006). Governance, Trade and Human Rights. In: Abbott, Frederick M.; Breining-Kaufmann, Christine; Cottier, Thomas (eds.) International Trade and Human Rights. Foundations and Conceptual Issues. Studies in International Economics: Vol. 5 (pp. 93-118). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press

Cottier, Thomas (ed.) (2006). Studies in Global Economic Law / Studien zum globalen Wirtschaftsrecht / Etudes en droit économique mondial [2006]. Lang

Cottier, Thomas (2006). Les recommandations concernant l'ouverture des marchés sont trop générales et juridiquement infondées. Vie économique - revue de politique économique, 79(5), p. 24. St. Gallen: Zollikofer AG

Cottier, Thomas (2006). La révision de la loi sur les brevets: un contexte européen et mondial déterminant. Vie économique - revue de politique économique, 79(7/8), pp. 9-12. St. Gallen: Zollikofer AG

Oesch, Matthias (2006). The Jurisprudence of WTO Dispute Resolution (2006). Schweizerische Zeitschrift für internationales und europäisches Recht, 16(4), pp. 501-523. Zürich: Schulthess

Oesch, Matthias (2006). Zollklassifikationen unter dem WTO-Recht, das Verhältnis zur Weltzollorganisation und die Auslegungsmethoden der Wiener Vertragsrechtskonvention (Fallbesprechung EC-Custums Classification of Frozen Boneless Chicken Cuts). Aktuelle juristische Praxis, 15, pp. 246-250. Zürich: Dike

Oesch, Matthias (2006). Criteri di sindacato nella soluzione delle controversie dell'Organizzazione mondiale del commercio. In: Ferrari, Erminio; Ramajoli, Margherita; Sica, Marco (eds.) Il ruolo del giudice di fronte alle decisioni amministrative per il funzionamento dei mercati (pp. 3-26). Turin: Giappichelli

Oesch, Matthias (2006). Svizzera: 1. Divisione dei poteri e tutela giurisdizionale nel diritto svizzero del commercio estero. In: Ferrari, Erminio; Ramajoli, Margherita; Sica, Marco (eds.) Il ruolo del giudice di fronte alle decisioni amministrative per il funzionamento dei mercati (pp. 301-337). Turin: Giappichelli

Oesch, Matthias (2006). Markus Schefer, Die Beeintächtigung von Grundrechten: Zur Dogmatik von Art. 36 BV [Rezension]. Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ)(14.10.2006), p. 18.

Oesch, Matthias (2006). Thomas A. Zimmermann, Negotiating the Review of the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding [Rezension]. Aussenwirtschaft - Schweizerische Zeitschrift für internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen / The Swiss review of international economic relations, 61, pp. 238-241. Zürich: Rüegger

Panizzon, Marion; Cottier, Thomas (2006). A new Generation of IPRs for the Protection of Traditional Knowledge in PGR for Food, Agricultural and Pharmaceutical Uses. In: Biber-Klemm, Susette; Cottier, Thomas (eds.) Rights to plant genetic resources and traditional knowledge. Basic issues and perspectives (pp. 203-238). Wallingford: CAB International


Cottier, Thomas; Bürgi, Elisabeth; Wüger, Daniel; Foltea, Marina (2005). Helping to tackle non-tariff barriers in South Eastern Europe (SEE): Final report to the Stability Pact Working Group on trade liberalisation and facilitation Bern, Switzerland: World Trade Institute (WTI)


Burri, Mira; Graber, Christoph Beat; Girsberger, Michael (2004). Collecting Societies - Not Yet 'Six Feet Under'. INDICARE Monitor, 1(4), pp. 29-32. Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)

Kummer Peiry, Katharina (2004). Toxics and Transnational Law: International and European Regulation of Toxic Substances as Legal Symbolism. Journal of environmental law, 16(3), pp. 417-418. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jel/16.3.417


Graber, Christoph Beat; Teubner, Gunther (1998). Art and Money: Constitutional Rights in the Private Sphere? Oxford journal of legal studies, 18(1), pp. 61-74. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ojls/18.1.61

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