Neuenschwander, Regula

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Number of items: 33.

Tschopp, Cécile; Neuenschwander, Regula; Vogel, Detlev (2023). Mit Achtsamkeit die Emotionsregulation von Kindern fördern. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik, 29(09), pp. 22-28. Stiftung Schweizer Zentrum für Heil- und Sonderpädagogik

Neuenschwander, Regula (March 2023). Mama und ihre Brut. Was sind die psychobiologischen Merkmale einer sicheren Bindung und ist dafür ausschliesslich die Mutter zuständig? Mütter(2), pp. 30-31.

Tschopp, Cécile; Vogel, Detlev; Neuenschwander, Regula (2023). Effekte von Achtsamkeit auf die sozio-emotionalen Kompetenzen der Schüler:innen: die Lehrperson im Fokus. In: PH Luzern + Uni Bern.

Weik, Ella; Neuenschwander, Regula; Edgington, Brinn; Jensen, Karin; Tipper, Christine M.; Oberlander, Tim F. (2023). Conditioning induced placebo-like and nocebo-like effects of thermal discomfort in adults but not in youth. British journal of pain, 17(4), pp. 342-351. Sage 10.1177/20494637231153364

Neuenschwander, Regula (4 November 2022). Achtsamkeit in Schule und Bildung. Akzente, das Magazin der Pädagogischen Hochschule Zürich, 2022(4), p. 4. Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich

Weik, Ella; Neuenschwander, Regula; Jensen, Karin; Oberlander, Tim F.; Tipper, Christine (2021). Placebo and nocebo effects in youth: subjective thermal discomfort can be modulated by a conditioning paradigm utilizing mental states of low and high self-efficacy. British journal of pain, 16(1), pp. 60-70. Sage 10.1177/20494637211020042

Neuenschwander, Regula; Weik, Ella; Tipper, Christine M.; Jensen, Karin; Oberlander, Tim F. (2020). Conditioned Placebo- and Nocebo-Like Effects in Adolescents: The Role of Conscious Awareness, Sensory Discrimination, and Executive Function (In Press). Frontiers in psychiatry, 11 Frontiers 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.586455

Neuenschwander, Regula (December 2019). In die Wiege gelegt: Ist die Fähigkeit, sich auf etwas zu konzentrieren, angeboren oder muss sie bewusst gefördert werden? 4 bis 8. Fachzeitschrift für Kindergarten und Unterstufe(8), pp. 28-29. Schulverlag plus

Neuenschwander, Regula; Hookenson, Kaia; Brain, Ursula; Grunau, Ruth E.; Devlin, Angela M.; Weinberg, Joanne; Diamond, Adele; Oberlander, Tim F. (2018). Children's stress regulation mediates the association between prenatal maternal mood and child executive functions for boys, but not girls. Development and psychopathology, 30(3), pp. 953-969. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S095457941800041X

Hebeisen, Monika; Neuenschwander, Regula; Scherer, Almut; Exer, Pascale; Weber, Ulrich; Tamborrini, Giorgio; Micheroli, Raphael; Wildi, Lukas M; Zufferey, Pascal; Nissen, Michael J; Villiger, Peter; Bernhard, Jürg; Finckh, Axel; van der Horst-Bruinsma, Irene E; Sieper, Joachim; Landewé, Robert; van der Heijde, Désirée; Ciurea, Adrian (2018). Response to Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibition in Male and Female Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis: Data from a Swiss Cohort. The journal of rheumatology, 45(4), pp. 506-512. The Journal of Rheumatology Publishing Company Limited 10.3899/jrheum.170166

Ciurea, Adrian; Scherer, Almut; Weber, Ulrich; Neuenschwander, Regula; Tamborrini, Giorgio; Exer, Pascale; Bernhard, Jürg; Villiger, Peter; Kissling, Rudolf; Michel, Beat A; Stekhoven, Daniel (2014). Age at symptom onset in ankylosing spondylitis: is there a gender difference? Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 73(10), pp. 1908-1910. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/annrheumdis-2014-205613

Neuenschwander, Regula; Roebers, Claudia M.; Blair, Clancy (2014). Being optimally aroused matters: Effects of a weak stress manipulation on children’s executive functions are moderated by temperament and age. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 4(1), pp. 194-208. Canadian Center of Science and Education 10.5539/jedp.v4n1p194

Roebers, Claudia M.; Röthlisberger, Marianne; Neuenschwander, Regula; Cimeli, Patrizia; Michel, Eva; Jäger, Katja (2014). The relation between cognitive and motor performance and their relevance for children’s transition to school: A latent variable approach. Human movement science, 33, pp. 284-297. Elsevier 10.1016/j.humov.2013.08.011

Roebers, Claudia M.; Röthlisberger, Marianne; Neuenschwander, Regula; Cimeli, Patrizia (2014). Nele und Noa im Regenwald: Berner Material zur Förderung exekutiver Funktionen – Spielebox. München: Reinhardt Verlag

Roebers, Claudia M.; Röthlisberger, Marianne; Neuenschwander, Regula; Cimeli, Patrizia (2014). Nele und Noa im Regenwald: Berner Material zur Förderung exekutiver Funktionen – Manual [Textbook] . München: Reinhardt Verlag

Neuenschwander, Regula; Cimeli, Patrizia; Röthlisberger, Marianne; Roebers, Claudia M. (2013). Personality factors in elementary school children: Contributions to academic performance over and above executive functions? Learning and individual differences, 25, pp. 118-125. Elsevier 10.1016/j.lindif.2012.12.006

Cimeli, Patrizia; Neuenschwander, Regula; Röthlisberger, Marianne; Roebers, Claudia M. (2013). Das Selbstkonzept von Kindern in der Schuleingangsphase. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 45(1), pp. 1-13. Göttingen: Hogrefe 10.1026/0049-8637/a000075

Cimeli, Patrizia; Röthlisberger, Marianne; Neuenschwander, Regula; Roebers, Claudia M. (2013). Stellt ein niedriges Selbstkonzept einen Risikofaktor für Anpassungsprobleme nach dem Schuleintritt dar? Kindheit und Entwicklung, 22(2), pp. 105-112. Hogrefe 10.1026/0942-5403/a000106

Michel, Eva; Cimeli, Patrizia; Neuenschwander, Regula; Röthlisberger, Marianne; Roebers, Claudia M. (2013). Entwicklung von Handkoordination, exekutiven Funktionen und Schulleistungen bei Kindern mit Auffälligkeiten in der Handgeschicklichkeit. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 45(4), pp. 191-206. Hogrefe 10.1026/0049-8637/a000097

Röthlisberger, Marianne; Neuenschwander, Regula; Cimeli, Patrizia; Roebers, Claudia M. (2013). Executive functions in 5- to 8-year olds: Developmental changes and relationship to academic achievement. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 3(2), pp. 153-167. Canadian Center of Science and Education 10.5539/jedp.v3n2p153

Neuenschwander, Regula; Röthlisberger, Marianne; Cimeli, Patrizia; Roebers, Claudia M. (2012). How do different aspects of self-regulation predict successful adaptation to school? Journal of experimental child psychology, 113(3), pp. 353-371. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jecp.2012.07.004

Roebers, Claudia M.; Cimeli, Patrizia; Röthlisberger, Marianne; Neuenschwander, Regula (2012). Executive functioning, metacognition, and self-perceived competence in elementary school children: An explorative study on their interrelations and their role for school achievement. Metacognition and learning, 7(3), pp. 151-173. Springer 10.1007/s11409-012-9089-9

Röthlisberger, Marianne; Neuenschwander, Regula; Cimeli, Patrizia; Michel, Eva; Roebers, Claudia M. (2012). Improving executive functions in 5- and 6-year-olds: Evaluation of a small group intervention in prekindergarten and kindergarten children. Infant and child development, 21(4), pp. 411-429. Wiley 10.1002/icd.752

Neuenschwander, Regula; Cimeli, Patrizia; Röthlisberger, Marianne (2012). The role of executive functions and negative emotionality in children's adaptation to school. In: 42th annual meeting of the JPS. Toronto Canada.

Michel, Eva; Röthlisberger, Marianne; Neuenschwander, Regula; Roebers, Claudia M. (2011). Development of cognitive skills in children with motor coordination impairments at 12-month follow-up. Child neuropsychology, 17(2), pp. 151-172. Philadelphia, Pa.: Taylor & Francis 10.1080/09297049.2010.525501

Roebers, Claudia M.; Röthlisberger, Marianne; Cimeli, Patrizia; Michel, Eva; Neuenschwander, Regula (2011). School enrolment and executive functioning: A longitudinal perspective on developmental changes, the influence of learning context, and the prediction of pre-academic skills. European journal of developmental psychology, 8(5), pp. 526-540. Abingdon, UK: Psychology Press 10.1080/17405629.2011.571841

Neuenschwander, Regula; Röthlisberger, Marianne; Michel, Eva; Roebers, Claudia M. (2011). Unterschiede in ausgewählten Bereichen der Schulfähigkeit: ein Vergleich von Kindergarten und einem neuen Schuleingangsmodell in der Schweiz / Differences in Various Domains of School Readiness as a Function of Preschool Context: A Comparison of Kindergarten and a New Frame of Flexible School Enrolment in Switzerland. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 57(1), pp. 30-40. München: E. Reinhardt Verlag 10.2378/peu2011.art02d

Röthlisberger, Marianne; Neuenschwander, Regula; Michel, Eva; Roebers, Claudia M. (2010). Exekutive Funktionen: Zugrundeliegende kognitive Prozesse und deren Korrelate bei Vorschulkindern. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 42(2), pp. 99-110. Göttingen: Hogrefe 10.1026/0049-8637/a000010

Cimeli, Patrizia; Neuenschwander, Regula; Röthlisberger, Marianne; Roebers, Claudia M. (2010). Längsschnittstudie zum Selbstkonzept bei Kindern im Alter von 5 bis 7 Jahren. Longitudinal study of the self-concept in 5-to 7-year-old children. In: Paper presented at the 47th Congress of the German Psychological Society, 26.-30.9.2010, Bremen, Germany. Deutsche Geselllschaft für Psychologie

Neuenschwander, Regula; Cimeli, Patrizia; Röthlisberger, Marianne; Roebers, Claudia M. (2010). Längsschnittstudie zur Entwicklung von Arbeitsgedächtnisfunktionen im Alter von 5-8 Jahren. Development of working memory functions in 5- to 8-year-old children: A longitudinal study. In: Paper presented at the 47th Congress of the German Psychological Society, 26.-30.9.2010, Bremen, Germany. Deutsche Geselllschaft für Psychologie

Neuenschwander, Regula; Cimeli, Patrizia; Röthlisberger, Marianne; Roebers, Claudia M. (2010). The role of executive functions for reading and writing in 2nd grade children. In: Educational Neuroscience: Is it a field? Meeting of the EARLI SIG, 22 June 3-5, 2010 ETH Zurich, Switzerland 4. Leuven: European Association for Reasearch on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) 10.3389/conf.fnins.2010.11.00024

Cimeli, Patrizia; Neuenschwander, Regula; Röthlisberger, Marianne; Roebers, Claudia M. (2010). Executive Functions and the early acquisition of mathematical skills. In: Educational Neuroscience: Is it a field? Meeting of the EARLI SIG, 22 June 3-5, 2010 ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Leuven: European Association for Reasearch on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)

Röthlisberger, Marianne; Neuenschwander, Regula; Roebers, Claudia M. (2010). Development of executive functioning in 5- to 8-year old children and the influence of learning context: A longitudinal perspective. In: EARLI-SIG5: Learning and Development in Early Childhood, 23.-25. August 2010, Lucerne, Switzerland. Leuven: European Association for Reasearch on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)

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