Hack, Andreas

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Number of items: 83.

Pöll, Julia A.; Bertschi-Michel, Alexandra; Hack, Andreas; Ahlers, Oliver; Wright, Mike (2024). Stakeholder Relations as an Asset in Family Firms – Performance Effects of Changes after PE investment. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 40(2) Elsevier 10.1016/j.scaman.2024.101329

Stommel, Evelyn; Gottschalck, Nicole; Hack, Andreas; Eddleston, Kimberly A.; Kellermanns, Franz; Kraiczy, Nils (2024). What is Your Reference Point? How Price Volatility and Organizational Context Affect the Reference Points of Family and Nonfamily Managers. Small Business Economics, 63(2), pp. 805-829. Springer 10.1007/s11187-024-00880-9

Soluk, Jonas; Decker-Lange, Carolin; Hack, Andreas (2023). Small Steps for the Big Hit: A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective on Business Networks and Non-Disruptive Digital Technologies in SMEs. Technological forecasting and social change, 191, p. 122490. Elsevier 10.1016/j.techfore.2023.122490

Guffler, Matthias; Bertschi-Michel, Alexandra; Hack, Andreas; Kellermanns, Franz W. (2023). Family firm ambidexterity: the influence of paradoxical tensions and the Entrepreneurial Family’s cohesion. The journal of technology transfer, 48(6), pp. 1945-1977. Springer 10.1007/s10961-022-09986-2

Bertschi, Alexandra; Sieger, Philipp; Wittig, Thomas; Hack, Andreas (2023). Sacrifice, Protect, and Hope for the Best: Family Ownership, Turnaround Moves, and Crisis Survival. Entrepreneurship theory and practice, 47(4), pp. 1132-1168. Wiley

Ernst, Robin-Alexander; Gerken, Maike; Hack, Andreas; Hülsbeck, Marcel (2022). SMES’ reluctance to embrace corporate sustainability: The effect of stakeholder pressure on self-determination and the role of social proximity. Journal of cleaner production, 335, p. 130273. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.130273

Ernst, Robin-Alexander; Gerken, Maike; Hack, Andreas; Hülsbeck, Marcel (2022). Family firms as agents of sustainable development: a normative perspective. Technological forecasting and social change, 174, p. 121135. Elsevier 10.1016/j.techfore.2021.121135

Gerken, Maike; Hülsbeck, Marcel; Ostermann, Thomas; Hack, Andreas (2022). Validating the FIBER Scale to measure family firm heterogeneity – a replication study with extensions. Journal of family business strategy, 13(4), p. 100497. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jfbs.2022.100497

Stutz, Adrian; Schell, Sabrina; Hack, Andreas (2022). In family firms we trust – experimental evidence on the credibility of sustainability reporting: a replication study with extension. Journal of family business strategy, 13(4), p. 100498. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jfbs.2022.100498

Schell, Sabrina; de Groote, Julia K.; Richard, Salome; Hack, Andreas; Kellermanns, Franz W. (2022). The Role of Affect in the Selection of Nonfamily Top Management Team Members in Family Businesses. Long range planning, 56(5), p. 102288. Elsevier 10.1016/j.lrp.2022.102288

Schell, Sabrina; Richard, Salome; de Groote, Julia; Hack, Andreas (2021). Auswahlprozesse in Familienunternehmen (Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Organisation und Personal, Abteilung Personal, der Universität Bern 2021-1). Bern: Bern Open Publishing

Halder, Annika; Prügl, Reinhard; Kraiczy, Nils D.; Hack, Andreas (2021). The Family Factor: How collaborative dialogue between owner managers and the owner family shapes firm-level outcomes. Journal of Small Business Management, 61(4), pp. 1411-1450. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/00472778.2020.1844484

Schell, Sabrina; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Richard, Salome; Hack, Andreas; Kellermanns, Franz (2021). Dataset used for the project [1481] "Selection Logics in Family Firms" - subproject top management team member selection [Dataset].

Schell, Sabrina; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Urban, Thomas; Hack, Andreas; von Schlippe, Arist (2021). Dataset used for the project [1481] "Selection Logics in Family Firms" - subproject family member selection [Dataset].

Schell, Sabrina; de Groote, Julia; Hack, Andreas; Kammerlander, Nadine (2021). Managing the similarity-complementarity dilemma in family firms` open innovation partnerships (In Press). Small Business Economics Springer

de Groote, Julia K.; Conrad, Werner; Hack, Andreas (2020). How can family businesses survive disruptive industry changes? Insights from the traditional mail order industry. Review of Managerial Science, 15(8), pp. 2239-2273. Springer 10.1007/s11846-020-00424-x

Michel, Alexandra; Ahlers, Oliver; Hack, Andreas; Kellermanns, Franz W. (2020). Who is the king of the hill? On bargaining power in private equity buyouts. Long range planning, 53(2), p. 101859. Elsevier 10.1016/j.lrp.2018.11.003

Wyrsch, Patrice; de Groote, Julia; Hack, Andreas (2020). Hoch(neuro)sensitive Mitarbeitende: Weicheier oder Wunderkinder? (Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Organisation & Personal, Abteilung Personal, der Universität Bern). Bern Open Publishing

Köllen, Thomas; Koch, Andri; Hack, Andreas (2020). Nationalism at Work: Introducing the “Nationality-Based Organizational Climate Inventory” and Assessing its Impact on the Turnover Intention of Foreign Employees. Management International Review, 60(1), pp. 97-122. Springer 10.1007/s11575-019-00408-4

Felden, Birgit; Hack, Andreas; Hoon, Christina (eds.) (2020). Fallstudienbuch zum Management von Familienunternehmen [Edited Textbook] . Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler 10.1007/978-3-658-27721-5

De Groote, Julia; Schell, Sabrina; Kammerlander, Nadine; Hack, Andreas (2020). Overcoming the Similarity-Complementarity Dilemma in Open Innovation Partnerships. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020(1), pp. 16503-16509. Academy of Management 10.5465/AMBPP.2020.47

Schell, Sabrina (2020). Strategieprozesse in Familienunternehmen: Strategische Implikationen einer dynamischen Umwelt. In: Felden, Birgit; Hack, Andreas; Hoon, Christina (eds.) Fallstudien zum Management von Familienunternehmen (pp. 211-222). Wiesbaden: Springer 10.1007/978-3-658-27721-5_19

Schell, Sabrina; de Groote, Julia K.; Moog, Petra; Hack, Andreas (2020). Successor selection in family Business — a signaling game. Journal of family business strategy, 11(3), p. 100286. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jfbs.2019.04.005

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Schell, Sabrina; Kammerlander, Nadine; Hack, Andreas (2020). Dataset used for the project [1481] "Selection Logics in Family Firms" - subproject open innovation partner selection [Dataset].

von Bieberstein, Frauke; Crede, Ann-Kathrin; Essl, Andrea; Hack, Andreas (2020). Signaling and stakeholder honesty: On the individual and combined effects of owner family membership and religious affiliation. Family Business Review, 33(3), pp. 265-283. Sage 10.1177/0894486520924301

Schellong, Margarete; Kraiczy, Nils D.; Malär, Lucia; Hack, Andreas (2019). Family Firm Brands, Perceptions of Doing Good, and Consumer Happiness. Entrepreneurship theory and practice, 43(5), pp. 921-946. Wiley 10.1177/1042258717754202

Hoon, Christina; Hack, Andreas; Kellermanns, Franz W (2019). Advancing knowledge on human resource management in family firms: An introduction and integrative framework. German Journal of Human Resource Management / Zeitschrift für Personalforschung, 33(3), pp. 147-166. Sage 10.1177/2397002219847883

Engel, Pascal J.; Hack, Andreas; Stanley, Laura J.; Kellermanns, Franz W. (2019). Voluntary disclosure of individual supervisory board compensation in public family firms. Journal of business research, 101, pp. 362-374. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.04.025

Niedermair, Jessica; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas (2019). Mit Yoga zum Erfolg? Was wirklich hinter Achtsamkeit in Unternehmen steckt (Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Organisation & Personal, Abteilung Personal, der Universität Bern). Bern Open Publishing 10.7892/boris.127063

Riedo, Valerie; Kraiczy, Nils Daniel; Hack, Andreas (2019). Applying Person-Environment Fit Theory to Identify Personality Differences between Prospective Social and Commercial Entrepreneurs: An Explorative Study. Journal of Small Business Management, 57(3), pp. 989-1007. Wiley 10.1111/jsbm.12377

Niedermair, Jessica; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas (2019). Mind does not mind? Curvilinear effects between mindfulness and individual innovation behavior (Unpublished). In: Academy of Management Conference (AOM). Boston, MA, US. 2019.

Wyrsch, Patrice; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas (2019). Environmental sensitivity, work conditions, and organizational citizenship behavior (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM). Lisboa, PT.. 2019.

Niedermair, Jessica; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas (2019). Meander in the maze of mediocrity? Nonlinear effects of mindfulness on individual innovation behavior (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM). Lisboa, PT.. 2019.

Schell, Sabrina; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Kammerlander, N.; Hack, Andreas (2019). Structural, hierarchical, and temporal dimensions as shapers of the owner family identity (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM). Lisboa, PT.. 2019.

Schell, Sabrina; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Kammerlander, N.; Hack, Andreas (2019). Opening the black box of the owner family identity: An empirical investigation (Unpublished). In: International Family Enterprise Research Acedemy Annual Conference (IFERA). Bergamo, IT. 2019.

Felden, Birgit; Hack, Andreas; Hoon, Christina (2019). Management von Familienunternehmen [Textbook] . Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler 10.1007/978-3-658-24058-5

Schell, Sabrina; de Groote, Julia; Hack, Andreas (2018). Was das Familienunternehmen im Innersten zusammenhält - die Familie im Familienunternehmen (Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Organisation und Personal, Abteilung Personal, der Universität Bern 2018-2). Bern Open Publishing

Ahlers, Oliver; Michel, Alexandra; Hack, Andreas (2018). „My children do not want the firm“ – Private Equity as a succession option in family businesses. A Review and Future Directions. In: Wright, Mike; Amess, Kevin; Bacon, Nick; Siegel, Donald (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Management Buyouts (pp. 147-172). London: Routledge

Koch, Andri; Hack, Andreas (August 2018). Enhancing Career Success: The Role of My Parents’ Occupational Footsteps in My Career. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1), p. 11996. Academy of Management 10.5465/AMBPP.2018.11996abstract

Treiber, T.; de Groote, Julia Katharina; von Schlippe, A.; Hack, Andreas (8 July 2018). On the road to perdition: How do family effects influence strategic path dependencies? (Unpublished). In: International Family Enterprise Research Acedemy Annual Conference (IFERA). Zwolle, NL. 04-06.07. 2018.

Koch, Andri; Hack, Andreas (June 2018). Boosting my career: Is it wise to follow in my parents’ occupational footsteps? (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management (EURAM). Reykjavik, Island.

Schell, Sabrina; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas; Kammerlander, Nadine (2018). We are family!? Disentangling the owner family in family business. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1), p. 11456. Academy of Management, New York 10.5465/AMBPP.2018.174

Schell, Sabrina; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Kammerlander, N.; Hack, Andreas (2018). The owner family identity: Temporal, structural, and hierarchical dimensions (Unpublished). In: Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation (G-Forum). Stuttgart, DE. 2018.

Schell, Sabrina; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas; Kammerlander, N. (2018). Disentangling the concept of the owner family in family business (research). (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM). Reykjavik, IS. 2018.

Wyrsch, Patrice; de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas (2018). Environmental sensitivity: A new perspective on exploration, exploitation, prosociality, and burnout. (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM). Reykjavik, IS. 2018.

Ahlers, Oliver; Hack, Andreas; Madison, Kristen; Wright, Mike; Kellermanns, Franz W. (2017). Is it All About Money? - Affective Commitment and the Difference Between Family and Non-family Sellers in Buyouts. British journal of management, 28(2), pp. 159-179. Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/1467-8551.12178

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas; Conrad, W. (2017). How can Family Businesses survive disruptive industry changes? Insights from the traditional mail order industry. (Unpublished). In: 21th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Wuppertal (Germany). 5.-6.10.2017.

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas; Schell, Sabrina; Kammerlander, N. (2017). The Family in Family Businesses – a conceptual model (Unpublished). In: International Family Enterprise Research Academy Annual Conference (IFERA). Zadar (Croatia). 28.06. - 01.07.2017.

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas; Conrad, W. (2017). Opportunity Recognition and Exploitation : How Industry Specifics and Ownership Affect Entrepreneurial Behavior in Established Companies (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM). Glasgow (Scotland). 21.06.-24.06.2017.

Thom, Norbert; von Bieberstein, Frauke; Hack, Andreas (eds.) (2016). Menschen in Organisationen. Ein Vierteljahrhundert Managementforschung und -lehre am IOP. Bern: IOP Verlag

Thom, Norbert (2016). Die ersten 20 Jahre des IOP - Wurzeln, Leistungen und Ausstrahlungen in Gegenwart und Zukunft. In: Thom, Norbert; von Bieberstein, Frauke; Hack, Andreas (eds.) Menschen in Organisationen. Ein Vierteljahrhundert Managementforschung und -lehre am IOP (pp. 23-61). Bern: IOP Verlag

Ahlers, Oliver; Hack, Andreas; Kellermanns, Franz; Wright, Mike (2016). Opening the Black Box: Power in Buyout Negotiations and the Moderating Role of Private Equity Specialization. Journal of Small Business Management, 54(4), pp. 1171-1192. Wiley 10.1111/jsbm.12235

Hauswald, Hannes; Hack, Andreas; Kellermanns, Franz W.; Patzelt, Holger (2016). Attracting new talent to family firms : who is attracted and under what conditions? Entrepreneurship theory and practice, 40(5), pp. 963-989. Wiley 10.1111/etap.12153

Hack, Andreas; von Bieberstein, Frauke; Kraiczy, Nils Daniel (2016). Reference point formation and new venture creation. Small Business Economics, 46(3), pp. 447-465. Springer Science+Business Media 10.1007/s11187-015-9694-5

Zwack, Mirko; Kraiczy, Nils Daniel; von Schlippe, Arist; Hack, Andreas (2016). Storytelling and cultural family value Transmission : value perception of stories in family firms. Management Learning, 47(5), pp. 590-614. Sage 10.1177/1350507616659833

Kraiczy, Nils Daniel; Hack, Andreas; Kellermanns, Franz W. (2015). What Makes a Family Firm Innovative? CEO Risk-Taking Propensity and the Organizational Context of Family Firms. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 32(3), pp. 334-348. Wiley 10.1111/jpim.12203

Hack, Andreas; von Bieberstein, Frauke (2015). How expectations affect reference point formation: an experimental investigation. Review of Managerial Science, 9(1), pp. 33-59. Springer 10.1007/s11846-014-0121-0

Schell, Sabrina; Fröhlich, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas; Moog, P. (January 2015). Successor Selection in Family Businesses: a Signaling Approach. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015(1), p. 14109. New York: Academy of Management 10.5465/AMBPP.2015.14109abstract

Kraiczy, Nils Daniel; Hack, Andreas; Kellermanns, Franz W. (2015). The relationship between top management team innovation orientation and firm growth: The mediating role of firm innovativeness. International Journal of Innovation Management, 19(1), pp. 1-24. Imperial College Press 10.1142/S136391961550005X

Faghfouri, Pedram; Kraiczy, Nils Daniel; Hack, Andreas; Kellermanns, Franz W. (2015). Ready for a crisis? How supervisory boards affect the formalized crisis procedures of small and medium-sized family firms in Germany. Review of Managerial Science, 9(2), pp. 317-338. Springer 10.1007/s11846-014-0158-0

Engel, Pascal J.; Hack, Andreas; Kellermanns, Franz W. (2015). Setting the right mix : analyzing outside directors' pay mix in public family firms. Journal of family business strategy, 6(2), pp. 130-140. Elsevier

Kraiczy, Nils Daniel; Hack, Andreas; Kellermanns, Franz W. (2015). CEO innovation orientation and R&D intensity in small and medium-sized firms: the moderating role of firm growth. Journal of business economics, 85(8), pp. 851-872. Springer 10.1007/s11573-014-0755-z

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas; Pratelli, Cristina (2015). Does the Apple Fall Far from the Tree? Leadership Style Continuity in Family Businesses (Unpublished). In: Academy of Management Conference (AOM). Vancouver (Canada). 07.-11.08.2015.

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas (2015). What makes a good idea? : a signaling approach to the assessment of idea quality of innovation ideas (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM). Warsaw (Poland). 17.-20.06.2015.

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Schell, Sabrina; Hack, Andreas; Moog, P. (2015). Die Auswahl eines Unternehmensnachfolgers - ein Signaling Game? (Unpublished). In: 5. Konferenz der deutschsprachigen Forschungszentren und Institute für Familienunternehmen. Friedrichshafen (Deutschland). 02.-03.03.2015.

Hack, Andreas; von Bieberstein, Frauke; Kraiczy, Nils Daniel (August 2014). Applying prospect theory to predict new venture creation. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014(1), p. 15228. New York: Academy of Management 10.5465/AMBPP.2014.156

Kraiczy, Nils Daniel; Hack, Andreas; Kellermanns, Franz W. (2014). New Product Portfolio Performance in Family Firms. Journal of business research, 67(6), pp. 1065-1073. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jbusres.2013.06.005

Hack, Andreas; Wessel, Stephan; Decker, Carolin; Lange, Knut (2014). One size does not fit all: Entrepreneurial families’ reliance on family offices. European Management Journal, 32(1), pp. 37-45. Elsevier 10.1016/j.emj.2013.08.003

Felden, Birgit; Hack, Andreas (2014). Management von Familienunternehmen [Textbook] . Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag 10.1007/978-3-8349-4159-6

Ahlers, Oliver; Hack, Andreas; Kellermanns, Franz Willi Johannes (2014). ‘‘Stepping into the buyers’ shoes’’: Looking at the value of family firms through the eyes of private equity investors. Journal of family business strategy, 5(4), pp. 384-396. Elsevier

de Groote, Julia Katharina; Hack, Andreas; Pratelli, Cristina (2014). The role of the family in developing similar intergenerational leadership styles in family businesses (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM). Valencia (ES). 04.-07.07.2014.

Hauswald, Hannes; Hack, Andreas (2013). Impact of family control/influence on stakeholders' perceptions of benevolence. Family Business Review, 26(4), pp. 356-373. Sage 10.1177/0894486513477453

Kellermanns, Franz Willi Johannes; Calabro, Andrea; Frank, Hermann; Zellweger, T; Hack, Andreas (eds.) (2013). Familienunternehmen und KMU. Springer

Hack, Andreas; Faghfouri, Pedram; von Preen, Alexander (2011). Sinn und Unsinn von Kapitalbeteiligungen für Fremdmanager in Familienunternehmen. Controlling & Management - Zeitschrift für Controlling & Management ZfCM, 55(3 supp), pp. 46-50. Springer Gabler 10.1365/s12176-012-0349-y

Hack, Andreas (2011). Monetäre Anreizgestaltung in Gründungsunternehmen. Entrepreneurship. Wiesbaden: SpringerGabler 10.1007/978-3-8349-6223-2

Hack, Andreas; Schiller, Jörg (2009). Vertikale Integration und Unternehmenserfolg: eine empirische Untersuchung in der Formel 1. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft ZfB, 79(2), pp. 161-186. Springer 10.1007/s11573-008-0205-x

Hack, Andreas; Lammers, Frauke (2009). Gender as a moderator of the fair process effect. Social Psychology, 40(4), pp. 202-211. Hogrefe & Huber 10.1027/1864-9335.40.4.202

Hack, Andreas (2009). Sind Familienunternehmen anders? Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme des aktuellen Forschungsstands. In: Witt, Peter (ed.) Management von Familienunternehmen. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft: Vol. 2 (pp. 1-29). Gabler

Witt, Peter; Hack, Andreas (2008). Staatliche Gründungsfinanzierung: Stand der Forschung und offene Fragen. Journal für Betriebswirtschaft, 58(2), pp. 55-79. Springer 10.1007/s11301-008-0034-6

Lammers, Frauke; Hack, Andreas (2008). When social accounts work: evidence from ultimatum games. Current Research in Social Psychology, 13(14), pp. 161-174. University of Iowa

Hack, Andreas; Rettberg, Fritz; Witt, Peter (2008). Gründungsausbildung und Gründungsabsicht: eine empirische Untersuchung an der TU Dortmund. Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 56(3), pp. 148-171. Duncker & Humblot 10.3790/zfke.56.3.148

Hack, Andreas; Lammers, Frauke (2007). Fairness im Unternehmen. Wirtschaftsstudium WISU(8/9), pp. 1078-1082. Lange

Hack, Andreas (2005). Startuperfolg und die Wahl von Risikokapitalgebern: Ökonomische Analyse mit empirischer Validierung für den deutschen Markt. Management, Organisation und ökonomische Analyse: Vol. 5. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag

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