Znoj, Hans Jörg

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Number of items: 50.

Journal Article

Klein, Constantin; Noth, Isabelle; Haussmann, Annette; Znoj, Hans Jörg (2024). Psychological Well-Being and Religiosity / Spirituality of Pastoral Caregivers in a Time of Crisis. Wege zum Menschen WzM, 76(1), pp. 63-81. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 10.13109/weme.2024.76.1.63

Brunner, Corinne; Schlüer, Anna-Barbara; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Schwieger-Briel, Agnes; Luchsinger, Isabelle; Weibel, Lisa; Theiler, Martin (2023). Video-Based Education with Storytelling Reduces Parents' Fear of Topical Corticosteroid Use in Children with Atopic Dermatitis: A Randomized Controlled Trial (The EduDerm Study Part II). Advances in skin & wound care, 36(8), pp. 414-419. 10.1097/ASW.0000000000000002

von Känel, Roland; Meister-Langraf, Rebecca E; Zuccarella-Hackl, Claudia; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Pazhenkottil, Aju P; Schmid, Jean-Paul; Barth, Jürgen; Schnyder, Ulrich; Princip, Mary (2022). Association Between Changes in Post-hospital Cardiac Symptoms and Changes in Acute Coronary Syndrome-Induced Symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, 9(852710), p. 852710. Frontiers 10.3389/fcvm.2022.852710

Ackeret, Nadja; Röthlin, Philipp; Allemand, Mathias; Krieger, Tobias; Berger, Thomas; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Kenttä, Göran; Birrer, Daniel; Horvath, Stephan (2022). Six-month stability of individual differences in sports coaches’ burnout, self-compassion and social support. Psychology of sport and exercise, 61(102207), p. 102207. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.psychsport.2022.102207

Brintzinger, Miriam; Tschacher, Wolfgang; Endtner, Katrin; Bachmann, Kurt; Reicherts, Michael; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Pfammatter, Mario (2021). Patients’ style of emotional processing moderates the impact of common factors in psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, 58(4), pp. 472-484. American Psychological Association 10.1037/pst0000370

Genrich, Gregor; Zeller, Céline; Znoj, Hans Jörg (2021). Interactions of protective behavioral strategies and cannabis use motives: An online survey among past-month users. PLoS ONE, 16(3), e0247387. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0247387

Hegy, Julia Katharina; Brog, Noemi Anja; Berger, Thomas; Znoj, Hans Jörg (2020). Web-based Self-help Program for Adjustment Problems After an Accident (SelFIT): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR research protocols, 9(12), e21200. JMIR Publications 10.2196/21200

Brodbeck, Jeannette; Berger, Thomas; Biesold, Nicola; Rockstroh, Franziska; Znoj, Hans Jörg (2019). Evaluation of a guided internet-based self-help intervention for older adults after spousal bereavement or separation/divorce: A randomised controlled trial. Journal of Affective Disorders, 252, pp. 440-449. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jad.2019.04.008

Bielas, Hannes; Meister-Langraf, Rebecca E; Schmid, Jean-Paul; Barth, Jürgen; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Schnyder, Ulrich; Princip, Mary; von Känel, Roland (2018). Acute stress disorder and C-reactive protein in patients with acute myocardial infarction. European journal of preventive cardiology, 25(3), pp. 298-305. SAGE Publications 10.1177/2047487317748506

Reichenbach, Fabian; Burren, Yuliya; Flückiger, Christoph; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Moggi, Franz (2018). Swiss Study to Validate the Mannheimer Craving Scale (MaCS). Sucht, 64(1), pp. 11-20. Hogrefe 10.1024/0939-5911/a000520

Znoj, Hans Jörg (2018). Trauer ist ein komplexes Phänomen: die Psychologie des Verlusterlebens. NeuroTransmitter, 29(10), pp. 28-34. Springer 10.1007/s15016-018-6499-1

Abegglen, Sandra; Hoffmann-Richter, Ulrike; Schade, Volker; Znoj, Hans Jörg (2017). Work and Health Questionnaire (WHQ): A Screening Tool for Identifying Injured Workers at Risk for a Complicated Rehabilitation. Journal of occupational rehabilitation, 27(2), pp. 268-283. Springer 10.1007/s10926-016-9654-1

Imholz, Laurin; Meister-Langraf, Rebecca E; Princip, Mary; Fux, Michaela; Schnyder, Ulrich; Barth, Jürgen; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Schmid, Jean-Paul; von Känel, Roland (2017). Are Inflammatory Cytokines Associated with Pain during Acute Myocardial Infarction? Neuroimmunomodulation, 24(3), pp. 154-161. Karger 10.1159/000481455

Flückiger, Christoph; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Vîslă, Andreea (2016). Detecting information processing bias toward psychopathology: Interpreting Likert scales at intake assessment. Psychotherapy, 53(3), pp. 284-290. American Psychological Association 10.1037/pst0000081

Meister, Rebecca Elisabeth; Weber, Tania; Princip, Mary; Schnyder, Ulrich; Barth, Jürgen; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Schmid, Jean-Paul; von Känel, Roland (2016). Perception of a hectic hospital environment at admission relates to acute stress disorder symptoms in myocardial infarction patients. General hospital psychiatry, 39, pp. 8-14. Elsevier 10.1016/j.genhosppsych.2015.11.004

Schwarzkopf, Kathleen; Straus, Doris; Porschke, Hildburg; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Conrad, Nathalie; Schmidt-Trucksäss, Arno; von Känel, Roland (2016). Empirical evidence for a relationship between narcissistic personality traits and job burnout. Burnout Research, 3(2), pp. 25-33. Elsevier 10.1016/j.burn.2015.12.001

Znoj, Hans Jörg (2016). Begleitung von Angehörigen und Patienten mit terminalem Verlauf. Hausarzt Praxis : die Highlights der Medizin, 3(11), pp. 2-4. Prime Public Media AG

Znoj, Hans Jörg; Abegglen, Sandra; Buchkremer, Ulrike; Linden, Michael (2016). The Embittered Mind. Dimesions of Embitterment and Validation of the Concept. Journal of individual differences, 37(4), pp. 213-222. Hogrefe 10.1027/1614-0001/a000208

Meister, Rebecca Elisabeth; Princip, Mary; Schnyder, Ulrich; Barth, Jürgen; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Schmid, Jean-Paul; Wittmann, Lutz; von Känel, Roland (2015). Association of Trait Resilience With Peritraumatic and Posttraumatic Stress in Patients With Myocardial Infarction. Psychosomatic medicine, 78(3), pp. 327-334. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/PSY.0000000000000278

Princip, Mary; Koemeda, M.; Meister, Rebecca Elisabeth; Barth, J.; Schnyder, Urs; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Schmid, J.-P.; von Kanel, R. (2015). A picture paints a thousand words: Heart drawings reflect acute distress and illness perception and predict posttraumatic stress symptoms after acute myocardial infarction. Health psychology open, 2(1), p. 205510291559209. Sage 10.1177/2055102915592091

Meyer, Fiorenza; Stauber, Stefanie; Wilhelm, Matthias; Znoj, Hans Jörg; von Känel, Roland (2015). Level of incongruence during cardiac rehabilitation and prediction of future CVD-related hospitalizations plus all-cause mortality. Psychology, health & medicine, 20(5), pp. 605-613. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 10.1080/13548506.2015.1034734

Brodbeck, Jeannette; Bachmann, Monica S.; Brown, Anna; Znoj, Hans Jörg (2014). Effects of depressive symptoms on antecedents of lapses during a smoking cessation attempt: an ecological momentary assessment study. Addiction, 109(8), pp. 1363-1370. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/add.12563

Frischknecht, Eveline; Berger, Thomas; Stalder-Lüthy, Franziska; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Hofer, Helene (2014). OSCAR – ein internetbasiertes Unterstützungsprogramm für Angehörige von Menschen mit einer Hirnverletzung: Pilotstudie. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 25(2), pp. 77-88. Huber 10.1024/1016-264X/a000102

Widmer, Adrian; Regli, Daniel; Frei, Lukas; Znoj, Hans Jörg (2014). Zusammenhänge zwischen sozialer Unterstützung und Suizidalität bei homo- und bisexuellen Personen. Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, 27(3), pp. 220-236. Thieme 10.1055/s-0034-1385057

Book Section

Brog, Noemi Anja; Hegy, Julia Katharina; Berger, Thomas; Znoj, Hans Jörg (2023). Age, Motivation, and Emotion Regulation Skills Predict Treatment Outcome in an Internet-Based Self-Help Intervention for COVID-19 Related Psychological Distress. In: Libin, Alexander V.; Libin, Elena V.; Annen, Hubert; Shara, Nawar (eds.) Coping with pandemic and infodemic stress: A multidisciplinary perspective. Frontiers Research Topics (pp. 247-257). Frontier Media SA 10.3389/978-2-8325-2960-7

Brodbeck, Jeannette; Znoj, Hans Jörg (2022). Affective reactions to divorce or spousal death (Submitted). In: Mogilski, Justin K.; Shackelford, Todd K. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology and Romantic Relationships. Oxford University Press

Znoj, Hans Jörg (2015). Bereavement and Complicated Grief across the Lifespan. In: Wright, James (ed.) International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (2nd ed.) (pp. 537-541). Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/B978-0-08-097086-8.21012-X

Znoj, Hans Jörg; Maercker, Andreas (2015). Trauerarbeit und Therapie der anhaltenden Trauer. In: Linden, Michael; Hautzinger, Martin (eds.) Verhaltenstherapiemanual. 8., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage. Psychotherapie: Praxis (pp. 431-435). Heidelberg: Springer 10.1007/978-3-642-55210-6_87


Znoj, Hans Jörg (2016). Trennung, Tod und Trauer - Geschichten zum Verlusterleben und zu dessen Transformation. Bern: Hogrefe Verlag

Conference or Workshop Item

Gloor, Sandra; Gonin-Spahni, Stefanie; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Perrig-Chiello, Pasqualina (2022). Post-Separation Adjustment of Life Satisfaction in Middle and Later Life [Symposium]. (Unpublished). In: 17th Conference of the Swiss Psychological Society (SPS SGP SSP). Zürich, Schweiz. 4.-6. September 2022.

Brog, Noemi Anja; Hegy, Julia Katharina; Berger, Thomas; Znoj, Hans Jörg (10 September 2019). Implications of the findings from a pilot study for the facilitation of acceptance and usability of an online self-help program for adjustment problems after experiencing an accident (Unpublished). In: 16th SPS SGP SSP Conference. Bern, Switzerland.

Hegy, Julia Katharina; Brog, Noemi Anja; Berger, Thomas; Znoj, Hans Jörg (10 September 2019). Adjustment problems after an accident: Development, piloting and implementation of the internet-based psychological self-help program “SelFIT” (Unpublished). In: 16th SPS SGP SSP Conference. Bern, Switzerland.

Lampe, Jessica Frances; Noth, Isabelle; Znoj, Hans Jörg (5 April 2019). Religious and spiritual struggles and coping in a German-speaking sample (Unpublished). In: The Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality - APA Division 36 Annual Meeting. Bowling Green State University, Ohio. April 5-6, 2019.

Lampe, Jessica Frances; Noth, Isabelle; Znoj, Hans Jörg (5 April 2019). Religious and Spiritual Struggles & Coping in a German-speaking sample (Unpublished). In: The APA Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality Annual Mid-Year Conference. Bowling Green Ohio. 5. April 2019.

Brodbeck, Jeannette; Biesold, Nicola; Linder, F.; Berger, Thomas; Znoj, Hans Jörg (29 June 2018). Predictors of the treatment outcome of a guided internet intervention for prolonged grief symptoms after marital bereavement and divorce (Unpublished). In: 49th Annual International Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy research (SPR). Amsterdam, Netherlands. 27.06.-30.06.2018.

Brodbeck, Jeannette; Biesold, Nicola; Berger, Thomas; Znoj, Hans Jörg (12 May 2018). LIVIA: Internet-basierte Selbsthilfe für anhaltende Trauersymptome nach Scheidung oder Verwitwung (Unpublished). In: 36. Symposium der Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der DGPs. Landau, Deutschland. 10.05.-12.05.2018.

Brodbeck, Jeannette; Klaus, Vivian; Znoj, Hans Jörg (11 May 2018). Kindesmisshandlung und Ehezufriedenheit in der zweiten Lebenshälfte (Unpublished). In: 36. Symposium der Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der DGPs. Landau, Deutschland. 10.05.-12.05.2018.

Brodbeck, Jeannette; Berger, Thomas; Biesold, Nicola; Znoj, Hans Jörg (19 April 2018). LIVIA: Indicated prevention after spousal bereavement and divorce (Unpublished). In: 5th ESRII Conference (European Society for Research on Internet Intervention). Dublin, Ireland. 19.04.-20.04.2018.

Abegglen, Sandra; Schade, Volker; Hoffmann-Richter, Ulrike; Znoj, Hans Jörg (5 September 2017). A randomized controlled trial of a highly tailored health- and work-related coaching intervention for adapting to accidental injuries: Does it work and for whom does it work? (Unpublished). In: 15th Swiss Psychological Society (SPS SGP SSP) conference - "Treasuring the diversity of psychology". Lausanne, Switzerland. 04.09.-05.09.2017.

Kohli, Livia; Brodbeck, Jeannette; Abegglen, Sandra; Hoffmann-Richter, Ulrike; Schade, Volker; Znoj, Hans Jörg (4 September 2017). Self-efficacy mediates the relation between fear-avoidance beliefs and subjective wellbeing in injured workers (Unpublished). In: 15th Swiss Psychological Society (SPS SGP SSP) conference - "Treasuring the diversity of psychology". Lausanne, Switzerland. 04.09.-05.09.2017.

Brodbeck, Jeannette; Knöpfli, Bina; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Perrig-Chiello, Pasqualina (12 July 2016). Expression of grief and personal growth in divorced and widowed older adults (Unpublished). In: 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD). Vilnius, Litauen. 10.-14.07.2016.

Biesold, Nicola; Aebersold, Jacqueline; Stäubli, Lara; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Berger, Thomas; Brodbeck, Jeannette (29 June 2016). A guided internet-based self-help Programme for bereaved older adults (Unpublished). In: LIVES international conference - Relationships in later life: Challenges and opportunities. Bern, Schweiz. 28.-29.06.2016.

Rederer, Anna; Spahni, Stefanie; Znoj, Hans Jörg (29 June 2016). Personal growth after spousal bereavement in old age (Unpublished). In: LIVES international conference - Relationships in later life: Challenges and opportunities. Bern, Schweiz. 28.-29.06.2016.

Brodbeck, Jeannette; Knöpfli, Bina; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Perrig-Chiello, Pasqualina (29 June 2016). Grief symptoms in widowed and divorced older adults (Unpublished). In: LIVES international conference - Relationships in later life: Challenges and opportunities. Bern, Schweiz. 28.-29.06.2016.

Ramseyer, Fabian; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Caspar, Franz (25 September 2015). The temporal evolution of nonverbal synchrony in outpatient psychotherapy: An aggregation of single-case studies (Unpublished). In: Meeting of the European chapter of the Society of Psychotherapy Research (SPR). Klagenfurt. 24.-26.09.2015.

Brodbeck, Jeannette; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Perrig-Chiello, Pasqualina (8 September 2015). Longitudinal associations between causal sexual relationships and stressful life events in emerging adults (Unpublished). In: 14th conference of the Swiss Psychological Society. Genf. 08.-09.09.2015.

Brodbeck, Jeannette; Znoj, Hans Jörg; Perrig-Chiello, Pasqualina (23 July 2015). Longitudinal Measurement Invariance Issues Illustrated by Examples of Marital Satisfaction in Later Life and the Structure of Psychopathology Before and After Psychotherapy (Unpublished). In: 13th European Conference on Psychological Assessment. Zürich. 23.07.2015.

Znoj, Hans Jörg; Hofer, Helene; Lüthy, Franziska (27 June 2014). How an integrative neuro-psychotherapy program fosters the adjustment in depressed patients with an acquired brain injury (Unpublished). In: SPR - 45th International Annual Meeting. Kopenhagen, Dänemark. 25.-28.06.14.


Zeder, André (2018). Determinanten für die Bewältigung von Situationen mit erhöhter Stressbelastung. Eine Längsschnittstudie mit Rekruten der Schweizer Armee unter Berücksichtigung von Motivation, Einstellung, Erwartung und Selbstwirksamkeit. (Dissertation, Universität Bern, Philosophisch-humanwissenschaftliche Fakultät)

Spahni, Stefanie (2015). Psychische Adaptation nach Verwitwung im Alter : die Rolle personaler Ressourcen und kontextueller Faktoren (Mantelpapier). (Dissertation, Universität Bern, Philosophisch-humanwissenschaftliche Fakultät)

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