03 Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences > Department of Business Management > Institute of Innovation Management > Management

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Number of items at this level: 176.

Journal Article

Daspit, Joshua J.; Madison, Kristen; Nordqvist, Mattias; Sieger, Philipp (2024). Advancing Family Firm Research: The Importance of Multilevel Considerations. Family Business Review, 37(1), pp. 4-17. Sage 10.1177/08944865241232455

Chirico, Francesco; Naldi, Lucia; Hitt, Michael A.; Sieger, Philipp; Sirmon, David G.; Xu, Kai (2023). Orchestrating Resources with Suppliers for Product Innovation (In Press). Journal of Product Innovation Management Wiley

Sieger, Philipp; Akhter, Naveed; Chirico, Francesco (2023). Rural and Urban Family Business Portfolio Growth: The Role of Entrepreneurial Legacy (In Press). Family Business Review Sage

Braun, Ilija; Sieger, Philipp; Bergmann, Heiko (2023). Going the Whole Nine Yards: Founder Social Identities and the Nascent-Active Transition (In Press). Entrepreneurship and regional development Taylor & Francis

Hsueh, Josh Wei-Jun; Hietschold, Nadine; Sieger, Philipp; Voegtlin, Christian (2023). Strangers in my home: the 2015 refugee event in Europe and founder social identities of nascent entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship and regional development, 35(3-4), pp. 337-365. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/08985626.2023.2165712

Bertschi, Alexandra; Sieger, Philipp; Wittig, Thomas; Hack, Andreas (2023). Sacrifice, Protect, and Hope for the Best: Family Ownership, Turnaround Moves, and Crisis Survival. Entrepreneurship theory and practice, 47(4), pp. 1132-1168. Wiley

Mändli, Fabian; Rönkkö, Mikko (2023). To Omit or to Include? Integrating the Frugal and Prolific Perspectives on Control Variable Use. Organizational research methods Sage 10.1177/10944281231221703

Braun, Ilija; Sieger, Philipp (2021). Under Pressure: Family Financial Support and the Ambidextrous Use of Causation and Effectuation. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 15(4), pp. 716-749. Wiley 10.1002/sej.1388

Bertschi-Michel, Alexandra; Sieger, Philipp; Kammerlander, Nadine (2021). Succession in family-owned SMEs: the impact of advisors. Small Business Economics, 56(4), pp. 1531-1551. Springer 10.1007/s11187-019-00266-2

Chirico, F.; Welsh, D.H.B.; Ireland, R.D.; Sieger, Philipp (2021). Family versus Non-Family Firm Franchisors: Behavioral and Performance Differences. Journal of Management Studies, 58(1), pp. 165-200. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/joms.12567

Baù, Massimo; Pittino, Daniel; Sieger, Philipp; Eddleston, Kimberly A. (2020). Careers in family business: New avenues for careers and family business research in the 21st century. Journal of family business strategy, 11(3), p. 100379. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jfbs.2020.100379

Eddleston, Kim; Sieger, Philipp; Bernhard, Fabian (2019). From suffering firm to suffering family? How perceived firm performance relates to managers' work-to-family conflict. Journal of business research, 104, pp. 307-321. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.07.024

Kotlar, Josip; Sieger, Philipp (2019). Bounded Rationality and Bounded Reliability: A Study of Non-Family Managers’ Entrepreneurial Behavior in Family Firms. Entrepreneurship theory and practice, 43(2), pp. 251-273. Wiley 10.1177/1042258718796085

Criaco, Giuseppe; Sieger, Philipp; Wennberg, Karl; Chirico, Francesco; Minola, Tommaso (2017). Parents' Performance in Entrepreneurship as a "Double-Edged Sword" for the Intergenerational Transmission of Entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, 49(4), pp. 841-864. Springer 10.1007/s11187-017-9854-x

Bau, Massimo; Sieger, Philipp; Eddleston, Kim; Chirico, Francesco (2017). Fail But Try Again? The Effects of Age, Gender, and Multiple-Owner Experience on Failed Entrepreneurs’ Reentry. Entrepreneurship theory and practice, 41(6), pp. 909-941. Wiley 10.1111/etap.12233

Sieger, Philipp; Minola, Tommaso (2017). The Family’s Financial Support as a “Poisoned Gift”: A Family Embeddedness Perspective on Entrepreneurial Intentions. Journal of Small Business Management, 55(S1), pp. 179-204. Wiley 10.1111/jsbm.12273

Akhter, Naveed; Sieger, Philipp; Chirico, Francesco (2016). If We Can’t Have It, Then No One Should: Shutting Down Versus Selling in Family Business Portfolios. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 10(4), pp. 371-394. Wiley 10.1002/sej.1237

Zellweger, Thomas; Richards, Melanie; Sieger, Philipp; Patel, Pankaj (2016). How Much am I Expected to Pay for my Parents‘ Firm? An Institutional Logics Perspective on Family Discounts. Entrepreneurship theory and practice, 40(5), pp. 1041-1069. Wiley 10.1111/etap.12161

Sieger, Philipp; Gruber, Marc; Fauchart, Emmanuelle; Zellweger, Thomas (2016). Measuring the Social Identity of Entrepreneurs: Scale Development and International Validation. Journal of Business Venturing, 31(5), pp. 542-572. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jbusvent.2016.07.001

De Massis, Alfredo; Sieger, Philipp; Chua, Jess; Vismara, Silvio (2016). Incumbents’ Attitude Toward Intra-Family Succession: An Investigation of its Antecedents. Family Business Review, 29(3), pp. 278-300. Sage 10.1177/0894486516656276

Justo, Rachida; DeTienne, Dawn; Sieger, Philipp (2015). Failure or Voluntary Exit? Reassessing the Female Underperformance Hypothesis. Journal of Business Venturing, 30(6), pp. 775-792. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jbusvent.2015.04.004

Sieger, Philipp; Monsen, Erik (2015). Founder, Academic, or Employee? A Nuanced Study of Career Choice Intentions. Journal of Small Business Management, 53(S1), pp. 30-57. Wiley 10.1111/jsbm.12181

Kammerlander, Nadine; Sieger, Philipp; Voordeckers, Wim; Zellweger, Thomas (2015). Value Creation in Family Firms: A Model of Fit. Journal of family business strategy, 6(2), pp. 63-72. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jfbs.2015.04.001

Guenzi, Paolo; Baldauf, Artur; Panagopoulos, Nikolaos G. (2014). The influence of formal and informal sales controls on customer-directed selling behaviors and sales unit effectiveness. Industrial Marketing Management, 43(5), pp. 786-800. Elsevier 10.1016/j.indmarman.2014.04.014

Cron, William L.; Baldauf, Artur; Leigh, Thomas W.; Grossenbacher, Samuel (2014). The Strategic Role of the Sales Force: Perceptions of Senior Sales Executives. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 42(5), pp. 471-489. Springer Science + Business Media LLC 10.1007/s11747-014-0377-6

De Massis, Alfredo; Sieger, Philipp; Vismara, Silvio; Chua, Jess (2013). Family Firm Incumbent’s Attitude toward Intra-family Succession: Antecedents and Effects on Intentions. Academy of Management Proceedings Academy of Management, New York

Sieger, Philipp; Zellweger, Thomas; Aquino, Karl (2013). Turning Agents into Psychological Principals: Aligning Interests of Non-Owners Through Psychological Ownership. Journal of Management Studies, 50(3), pp. 361-388. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/joms.12017

Halter, Frank; Dehlen, Tobias; Sieger, Philipp; Wolter, Hans-Jürgen (2013). Informationsasymmetrien zwischen Übergeber und Nachfolger: Herausforderungen und Lösungsmöglichkeiten am Beispiel des Management Buy Ins in Familienunternehmen. Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 61(1-2), pp. 35-54. Duncker & Humblot 10.3790/zfke.61.1-2.35

Zellweger, Thomas; Sieger, Philipp (2012). Entrepreneurial Orientation in Long-lived Family Firms. Small Business Economics, 38(1), pp. 67-84. Springer 10.1007/s11187-010-9267-6

Helmig, Bernd; Spraul, Katharina; Tremp, Karin (2012). Replication Studies in Nonprofit Research: A Generalization and Extension of Findings Regarding the Media Publicity of Nonprofit Organizations. Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly, 41(3), pp. 360-385. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications 10.1177/0899764011404081

Sieger, Philipp; Zellweger, Thomas; Nason, Robert; Clinton, Eric (2011). Portfolio Entrepreneurship in Family Firms: A Resource-based Perspective. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 5(4), pp. 327-351. Wiley 10.1002/sej.120

Zysset, Pascal; Brechbühl, Beat Andreas (2011). Verkabelung von Hochspannungsleitungen: Kommentar zu 1C 560/2010 vom 14. Juli 2011. Digitaler Rechtsprechungs-Kommentar dRSK Weblaw

Zellweger, Thomas; Sieger, Philipp; Halter, Frank (2011). Should I Stay or Should I Go? Career Choice Intentions of Students with Family Business Background. Journal of Business Venturing, 26(5), pp. 521-536. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jbusvent.2010.04.001

Sieger, Philipp; Bernhard, Fabian; Frey, Urs (2011). Psychological Ownership of Employees as a Mediator in the Justice - Affective Commitment Relationship. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2011(1), pp. 1-6. Academy of Management 10.5465/AMBPP.2011.65869725

Sieger, Philipp; Bernhard, Fabian; Frey, Urs (2011). Affective Commitment and Job Satisfaction among Non-family Employees: Investigating the Roles of Justice Perceptions and Psychological Ownership. Journal of family business strategy, 2(2), pp. 78-89. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jfbs.2011.03.003

Baldauf, Artur (2010). Wie es um die Weitsicht von Managern bestellt ist. Die Bedeutung der Identifikation und Bewertung von Ressourcen in Konkurrenzsituationen. IO new management - Zeitschrift für Unternehmenswissenschaft und Führungspraxis, 78(22.1.2010) Zürich: Springer Schweiz

Baldauf, Artur; Cravens, Karen S.; Diamantopoulos, Adamantios; Zeugner-Roth, Katharina Petra (2009). The Impact of Product-Country Image and Marketing Efforts on Retailer-Perceived Brand Equity. An Empirical Analysis. Journal of retailing, 85(4), pp. 437-452. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jretai.2009.04.004

Cravens, David W.; Piercy, Nigel F.; Baldauf, Artur (2009). Management framework guiding strategic thinking in rapidly changing markets. Journal of marketing management, 25(1-2), pp. 31-49. Helensburgh, UK: Westburn Publishers 10.1362/026725709X410025

Zeugner-Roth, Katharina Petra; Diamantopoulos, Adamantios (2009). Advancing the country image construct. Journal of business research, 62(7), pp. 726-740. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jbusres.2008.05.014

Baldauf, Artur; Rank, Olaf (2008). Ressourcen, Risikoneigung und Unternehmenserfolg. Eine Analyse von international tätigen kleinen und mittleren Schweizer Unternehmen. Die Unternehmung : Swiss journal of business research and practice, 62(6), pp. 542-572. Versus, Zürich

Rank, Olaf (2006). Dynamics of the German Governance Network. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft ZfB, 76(5), pp. 75-98. Berlin: Springer

Rank, Charlotte; Rank, Olaf; Wald, Andreas (2006). Integrated versus core-periphery structures in regional biotechnology networks. European Management Journal, 24(1), pp. 73-85. 10.1016/S0195-6698(02)00131-2

Newspaper or Magazine Article

Baldauf, Artur (2011). Währungsproblematik trifft die "Kleinen". Berner Zeitung (BZ)(22.1.2011)

Baldauf, Artur (2011). Die guttenbergsche Plagiatsdiskussion greift zu kurz. Berner Zeitung (BZ)(21.3.2011)

Baldauf, Artur (2011). Hansjörg Wyss - ein Entrepreneur. Berner Zeitung (BZ)(7.5.2011)

Baldauf, Artur (2011). Unternehmertum statt Staatsapparat. Berner Zeitung (BZ)(2.7.2011)

Baldauf, Artur (2011). Fit in die Zukunft - dank eines gesunden Bildungssystems. Berner Zeitung (BZ)(20.8.2011)

Baldauf, Artur (2011). Unternehmertum - warum so "verherrlichen"? Berner Zeitung (BZ)(8.10.2011)

Baldauf, Artur (2010). Bern ist gar nicht so schlecht [Interview]. Berner Zeitung (BZ)(22.5.2010), p. 4.

Baldauf, Artur (2010). Auf Premiumqualität setzen [Interview]. Competence (Swiss Post International)(20.5.2010), pp. 3-5.

Book Section

Sieger, Philipp (2015). Students‘ Entrepreneurial Intentions. In: Generation Jobless? Turning the youth unemployment crisis into opportunity (pp. 80-84). London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan

Sieger, Philipp; Zellweger, Thomas (2015). The Performance of Swiss and German Family Firms: Investigating Strategies, Orientations and SEW as Determinants. In: Firms within Families: Enterprising in Diverse Country Contexts (pp. 37-56). Edward Elgar

Sieger, Philipp; Ganter, Melanie; Zellweger, Thomas (2015). The Family-to-Business Strategies and Experiences of Owner-Managers in Switzerland and Germany: Implications for Personal Well-Being. In: Firms within Families: Enterprising in Diverse Country Contexts (pp. 153-175). Edward Elgar

Brunetti, Aymo (2014). Swiss Immigration Policies - At a Crossroad. In: Kochan, Ben (ed.) Migration and London's Growth. Migration and the transformation of London Higher Education Innovation Fund: Vol. 5 (pp. 95-106). London: LSE

Sieger, Philipp; Ramachandran, Khavil; Sharma, Pramodita (2013). Exploring Transgenerational Entrepreneurship: Implications and Conclusions. In: Sharma, Pramodita; Sieger, Philipp; Nason, Robert; Gonzalez, Ana-Cristina; Ramachandran, Khavil (eds.) Exploring Transgenerational Entrepreneurship: The Role of Resources and Capabilities (pp. 192-207). Edward Elgar

Clinton, Eric; Nason, Robert; Sieger, Philipp (2013). Reputation for What? Different Types of Reputation and their Effect on Portfolio Entrepreneurship Activities. In: Sharma, Pramodita; Sieger, Philipp; Nason, Robert; Gonzalez, Ana-Cristina; Ramachandran, Khavil (eds.) Exploring Transgenerational Entrepreneurship: The Role of Resources and Capabilities (pp. 172-191). Edward Elgar

Zellweger, Thomas; Sieger, Philipp (2011). How much Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) is needed for Long-term Success? In: Sieger, Philipp; Nason, Robert; Sharma, Pramodita; Zellweger, Thomas (eds.) The Global STEP Booklet: Evidence-based, Practical Insights for Enterprising Families (pp. 8-11). The Global STEP Project

Zellweger, Thomas; Sieger, Philipp; Muehlebach, Corinne (2010). How much and what kind of entrepreneurial orientation is needed for family business continuity? In: Transgenerational Entrepreneurship (pp. 70-97). Edward Elgar


Wüthrich, Adrian (2018). A Configurational Perspective on New Venture Team Heterogeneity. Schriften zur Existenz- und Unternehmensgründung: Vol. 7. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac

Romanova Stettler, Tatiana (2015). Firm-level strategic orientation and performance: a synthesis and extension of the knowledge base on entrepreneurial, market and learning orientation. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac

Sieger, Philipp; Zellweger, Thomas (2013). Ownership, Governance and Value in Family Firms: IFERA Conference Proceedings. St. Gallen: KMU-Verlag

Schweiger, Simone (2013). The Effectiveness of Firms' Strategic Orientations: Investigating Multiple Theoretical Perspectives. Strategisches Management: Vol. 153. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac

Sharma, Pramodita; Sieger, Philipp; Nason, Robert; Gonzalez, Ana-Cristina; Ramachandran, Khavil (eds.) (2013). Exploring Transgenerational Entrepreneurship: The Role of Resources and Capabilities. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

Bieli, Alex; Balmer-Zahnd, Rahel; Friedli, Vera; Krause, Angela; Müller, Adrian S.; Müller, Renato C.; Andereggen, Heinrich; Bachmann, Martin; Brunetti, Aymo (2012). W&G 1. Lehrmittel für die kaufmännische Grundbildung. 1. Lehrjahr. Grundlagen und Arbeitsheft. HEP

Althaus, Achim (2012). Dynamic capabilities : literature review and a first step to operationalize dynamic capabilities, value implications of dynamic capabilities due to their application in terms of time, and the prediction of the value maximizing point in time to perform resource base modifications. Göttingen: Cuvillier

Sieger, Philipp; Nason, Robert; Sharma, Pramodita; Zellweger, Thomas (eds.) (2011). The Global STEP Booklet: Evidence-based, Practical Insights for Enterprising Families. The Global STEP Project

Bischof, Christian (2008). Strategien diversifizierter Unternehmen. Wie relevant sind Synergie und Kultur für den Erfolg? Strategisches Management: Vol. 59. Hamburg: Kovac

Grossenbacher, Samuel (2008). Inside the Mind of Decision Makers - Antecedents and Consequences of Managers Mental Models. Innovative Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis: Vol. 225. Hamburg: Kovac


Pfammatter, Adrian; Baldauf, Artur; Bandi Tanner, Monika (2022). Umgang mit lokalen Mitbewerbern. Empirische Analyse der Erfolgsauswirkungen (Tourismus-Impulse 26). CRED - Center for Regional Economic Development

Pfammatter, Adrian; Bandi Tanner, Monika; Baldauf, Artur (2021). Teilen von Ressourcen im lokalen Tourismusnetzwerk. Theoretische Überlegungen und empirische Nutzenanalyse für Hotels (Tourismus-Impulse 25). Bern: CRED - Center for Regional Economic Development

Sieger, Philipp; Baldegger, Rico; Fueglistaller, Urs (2019). Studentisches Unternehmertum in der Schweiz 2018 St.Gallen/Bern/Freiburg: KMU-HSG/IMU/HSW

Sieger, Philipp; Fueglistaller, Urs (2016). Studentisches Unternehmertum in der Schweiz 2016: Erkenntnisse aus der Deutschschweiz St.Gallen/Bern: KMU-HSG/IMU

Sieger, Philipp; Fueglistaller, Urs; Zellweger, Thomas (2016). Student Entrepreneurship 2016: Insights From 50 Countries St.Gallen/Bern: KMU-HSG/IMU

Conference or Workshop Item

Haller, Tobias; Gerber, Jean-Daniel (23 July 2020). The drama of the grabbed commons: CSR as anti-politics machines and local responses. (Unpublished). In: IASC African Commons Web Conference. online. 13.-27.07.2020.

Fauchart, Emmanuelle; Sieger, Philipp; Zellweger, Thomas (9 August 2019). Founder Social Identity and the Financial Performance of New Ventures (Unpublished). In: 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Boston, USA.

Hietschold, Nadine; Hsueh, Josh; Sieger, Philipp; Voegtlin, Christian (9 August 2019). The 2015 European Refugee Event and Founder Social Identities: A Multi-Country and Multi-Level Study (Unpublished). In: 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Boston, USA.

Braun, Ilija (August 2019). Going the Whole Nine Yards: Founder Social Identities and the Nascent-Active Gap (Unpublished). In: 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Boston, USA.

Michel, Alexandra; Sieger, Philipp; Kammerlander, Nadine (18 June 2019). How, Who, and When? The Role of the Advisor for Post-Succession Outcomes in Family-owned SME (Unpublished). In: 19th Annual IFERA World Family Business Research Conference. Bergamo, Italy. 18.-21.06. 2019.

Villiger, Jessica; Wüthrich, Adrian; Baldauf, Artur (12 August 2018). Internal Corporate Venture Teams - A Systematic Literature Review. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1), p. 10371. Academy of Management 10.5465/AMBPP.2018.10371abstract

Notter, Isabelle; Marttila, Noora Annika; Schweiger, Simone; Stettler, Tatiana; Baldauf, Artur (10 August 2018). Knowledge Antecedents of Absorptive Capacity: A Meta-Analysis. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1), p. 10334. New York: Academy of Management 10.5465/AMBPP.2018.10334abstract

Michel, Alexandra; Sieger, Philipp (August 2018). Trusted Advisor’s Tertius Iungens Behavior and Post-Succession Outcomes in Family Businesses (Unpublished). In: 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Chicago, USA.

Braun, Ilija; Sieger, Philipp (June 2018). Holding a knife at one’s throat? Family financing and the entrepreneur’s causation & effectuation (Unpublished). In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Waterford, Ireland.

Akhter, Naveed; Chirico, Francesco; Sieger, Philipp; Ramirez-Pasillas, Marcela (August 2017). Transgenerational growth in family business Portfolios: strategies & the rural and urban context. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017(1), p. 16141. New York: Academy of Management 10.5465/AMBPP.2017.16141abstract

Minola, Tommaso; Bau, Massimo; DeMassis, Alfredo; Chirico, Francesco; Sieger, Philipp (August 2017). Slack and financial performance in SMEs : slack discretion, family ownership, and hi-tech sectors. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Atlanta, USA. 10.5465/ambpp.2017.16406abstract

Minola, Tommaso; Bau, Massimo; DeMassis, Alfredo; Chirico, Francesco; Sieger, Philipp (July 2017). Slack resources and firm Performance : a study of family owned SME (Unpublished). In: 17th Annual IFERA World Family Business Research Conference. Zadar, Croatia. 28.06. - 01.07.2017.

Marttila, Noora Annika; Notter, Isabelle; Schweiger, Simone; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Baldauf, Artur (January 2017). Illuminating the Relationship between Absorptive Capacity and Firm Performance : a Meta-Analysis. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017(1), p. 10687. New York: Academy of Management 10.5465/AMBPP.2017.10687abstract

Wüthrich, Adrian; Baldauf, Artur (January 2017). The Multi-Edged Sword of Heterogeneity in Nascent New Venture Teams. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017(1), p. 15668. New York: Academy of Management 10.5465/AMBPP.2017.15668abstract

Marttila, Noora Annika; Notter, Isabelle; Schweiger, Simone; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Baldauf, Artur (2017). Synthesizing the Knowledge Base on Absorptive Capacity : a Meta-Analysis (Unpublished). In: SMS Special Conference. Mailand, Italien. 31.03.-01.04.2017.

Wüthrich, Adrian; Baldauf, Artur (2017). The Multi-Edged Sword of Heterogeneity in Nascent New Venture Teams (Unpublished). In: 5th International QCA Expert Workshop 2017. Zürich, Switzerland. 13.12-14.12.2017.

Krasnova, Hanna; Abramova, Olga; Notter, Isabelle; Baumann, Annika (15 June 2016). Why phubbing is toxic for your relationship: Understanding the role of smartphone jealousy among "Generation Y" users (Unpublished). In: 24th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Istanbul, Türkei. 12.-15.06.2016.

Thiess, Dorina; Sieger, Philipp; Grichnik, Dietmar (June 2016). Love Hurts - How Social Relations in Venture Teams Impede the Performance Benefits of Human Capital (Unpublished). In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC). Bodo (Norway). June, 2016.

Sieger, Philipp; Bird, Miriam; Nabi, Ghulam; Linan, Francesco (June 2016). What Makes Dreams Become Reality? Individual-level Cultural Perceptions as Moderators of the Entrepreneurial Intention - Behaviour Relationship (Unpublished). In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC). Bodo (Norway). June, 2016.

Thiess, Dorina; Sieger, Philipp; Grichnik, Dietmar (2016). Human Capital and New Venture Performance: The Moderating Role of Social Relations (Unpublished). In: 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Anaheim (USA). August 5-9, 2016.

Sieger, Philipp; Bird, Miriam; Nabi, Ghulam; Linan, Francesco (2016). The Impact of Individual-Level Cultural Perceptions on Entrepreneurial Behavior (Unpublished). In: 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Anaheim (USA). August 5-9, 2016.

Wüthrich, Adrian; Baldauf, Artur (15 October 2015). New Venture Team Personality Composition – A Configurational Approach (Unpublished). In: GSOM Emerging Markets Conference. St. Petersburg (Russia). 15.-17.10.2015.

Wüthrich, Adrian; Baldauf, Artur (11 August 2015). Heterogeneity in New Venture Teams - Towards a Configurational Perspective (Unpublished). In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Vancouver (Canada). 07.-11.08.2015.

Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone (30 June 2015). Exploring the Role of Formalization, Centralization, and Coordination on Cultural Competitiveness and Firm Performance (Unpublished). In: Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting. Bengaluru (India). 27.-30.06.2015.

Wüthrich, Adrian; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Baldauf, Artur (13 June 2015). New Venture Team Composition - A Configurational Approach (Unpublished). In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC). Wellesley (Mass.). 10.-13.06.2015.

Sieger, Philipp; Gruber, Marc; Fauchart, Emmanuelle; Zellweger, Thomas (2015). Measuring the Social Identity of Entrepreneurs: Scale Development and International Validation (Unpublished). In: 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Vancouver (Canada). 07.-11.08.2015.

Akhter, Naveed; Chirico, Francesco; Sieger, Philipp (2015). If we Cannot Have it Then No One Should: Shutting Down versus Selling in Family Business Portfolios (Unpublished). In: 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Vancouver (Canada). August 7-11, 2015.

Eddleston, Kimberly; Sieger, Philipp; Bernhard, Fabian (2015). Crisis Coming Home? Firm Performance During the Economic Crisis and Managers‘ Work-Family Conflict (Unpublished). In: 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Vancouver (Canada). August 7-11, 2015.

Sieger, Philipp; Treude, Moritz; Zellweger, Thomas (2015). Socioemotional Wealth, Ambidexterity, and Family Firm Performance: An Empirical Study (Unpublished). In: 15th Annual IFERA World Family Business Research Conference. Hamburg (Germany). June 30 - July 3, 2015.

Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Shirokova, Galina; Bogatyreva, Karina; Baldauf, Artur (4 August 2014). A longitudinal cross-country study of entrepreneurial orientation (Submitted). In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, USA. 01.08.-05.08.2014. 10.5465/AMBPP.2014.1425

Sieger, Philipp; Minola, Tommaso (August 2014). Family’s Financial Support as Poisoned Gift: A Family Embeddedness View on Entrepreneurial Intentions. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014(1), pp. 1-40. Academy of Management, New York 10.5465/AMBPP.2014.12130abstract

Sieger, Philipp; Zellweger, Thomas; Fueglistaller, Urs (June 2014). Succession Intentions Across the Globe: The Role of Institutional Factors (Unpublished). In: 14th Annual IFERA World Family Business Research Conference. Lappeenranta (Finland). 24.-27.06.2014.

Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana (11 March 2014). The Roles of Strategic Orientations: A Configurational Perspective on Strategic Fit (Unpublished). In: Strategic Management Society Special Conference. Tel Aviv, Israel. 09.-11.03.2014.

Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana (10 January 2014). Investigating an Organization's Learning Orientation in the Multi-Facet EO-Performance Relationship (Unpublished). In: United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Conference. Fort Worth, USA. 09.01.-12.01.2014.

Zellweger, Thomas; Ganter, Melanie; Sieger, Philipp (August 2013). Intergenerational Transfer of Family Firm Control: Discount Expectations of Potential Successors (Unpublished). In: 73rd Annual Academy of Management Meeting. Lake Buena Vista (USA). August, 2013.

De Massis, Alfredo; Sieger, Philipp; Vismara, Silvio; Chua, Jess (August 2013). Family Firm Incumbent’s Attitude Toward Intra-Family Succession: Antecedents and Effects on Intentions (Unpublished). In: 73rd Annual Academy of Management Meeting. Lake Buena Vista (USA). August, 2013.

Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Schweiger, Simone; Baldauf, Artur (8 June 2013). Three Versus Five Dimensions? A Meta-Analysis Of The Entrepreneurial Orientation–Firm Performance Relationship. In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC).

Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone; Garcia Freire, Marcela (13 January 2013). Technology-Based New Venture Firms: Resources in The Seed Stage (Unpublished). In: United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE). San Francisco, California. 10.-13.01.2013.

Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone; Wüthrich, Adrian (2013). Which Combinations Of New Venture Firms Resources Payoff? A Configurational Perspective. In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Lyon. June 5-8, 2013.

Sieger, Philipp; Minola, Tommaso (September 2012). What makes next generation members found their own firm: knowledge, contacts, or money? (Unpublished). In: Rencontres de Saint Gall. St.Gallen. September, 2012.

Sieger, Philipp; Zellweger, Thomas; Fueglistaller, Urs (August 2012). Toward an Institutional Extension of Theory of Planned Behavior: The Case of Succession Intentions. In: 72nd Annual Academy of Management Meeting. New York: Academy of Management

Sieger, Philipp; Monsen, Erik (August 2012). Founder, Employee, or Academic? A Third Career Option and an Extension of Theory of Planned Behavior. In: 72nd Annual Academy of Management Meeting. New York: Academy of Management

De Massis, Alfredo; Sieger, Philipp; Vismara, Silvio; Chua, Jess (June 2012). What makes them pass it on? The Incumbent’s Intra-Family Succession Intentions (Unpublished). In: 12th Annual IFERA World Family Business Research Conference. Bordeaux (France). June 2012.

Sieger, Philipp; Minola, Tommaso (June 2012). Offspring’s Founding Intentions and Family’s Resource Provision: When Theory of Planned Behavior Meets the Resource-based View. In: 12th Annual IFERA World Family Business Research Conference. Bordeaux (France). June, 2012.

Baldauf, Artur; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Schweiger, Simone A. (2012). Innovativeness, Proactiveness and Risk-taking: More than Dimensions of Entrepreneurial Orientation? (Unpublished). In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Summer 2012. Fort Worth, Texas.

Baldauf, Artur; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Schweiger, Simone A. (2012). Successful Entrepreneurial Teams and Relational Capital: The Role of Communal Schemas and Contracting Practices (Unpublished). In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Summer 2012. Fort Worth, Texas.

Baldauf, Artur; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Schweiger, Simone A. (2012). Core Strategic Orientations: A Meta-analysis of their Interplay and Firm Performance Relationship (Unpublished). In: Academy of Management Conference 2012. Boston, Massachusetts.

Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone A. (2012). Strategic Fit Perspectives on Strategic Orientations, Organizational Structure and Firm Performance (Unpublished). In: Academy of Management Conference 2012. Boston, Massachusetts.

Baldauf, Artur; König, Jonas P.; Tremp, Karin (2012). The Impact of Management's Coordination Effort on the Relatedness-Performance Relationship (Unpublished). In: Strategic Management Society Conference 2012. Prague, Czech Republic.

Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone A. (2012). Creating Innovation Positional Advantages: The Combined Role of Market Intelligence, Innovativeness and Learning (Unpublished). In: Strategic Management Society Special Conference 2012. Singapore.

Baldauf, Artur; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Schweiger, Simone A. (2012). Alternative Concepts of Fit Among Innovativeness, Proactiveness and Risk-Taking, in Explaining Firm Performance (Unpublished). In: Strategic Management Society Special Conference 2012. Singapore.

Baldauf, Artur; Tremp, Karin (2012). Advancing Dominant Logic Research: Literature Review and Empirical Study (Unpublished). In: European Academy of Management Conference 2012. Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Lomberg, Carina; Gruber, Marc; Kollmann, Tobias (2012). Creative Problem Solving Processes in Entrepreneurial Teams (Unpublished). In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Summer 2012. Fort Worth, Texas.

Lomberg, Carina; Baldauf, Artur (2012). The Ambivalent Role of Risk-Taking Orientation in Uncertain Environments for Internationally Operating SMEs (Unpublished). In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Summer 2012. Fort Worth, Texas.

Lomberg, Carina; Kollmann, Tobias (2012). Emotion Regulation and Ideation (Unpublished). In: Eighth International Conference on Emotions and Worklife: Emonet VIII. Helsinki, Finland.

Lomberg, Carina (2012). Creative problem solving processes in necessity. Learning from entrepreneurial teams (Unpublished). In: European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium. Helsinki, Finland.

Monsen, Erik; Lomberg, Carina; Hornsby, Jeffrey S. (2012). Extending Current Theories for Better Corporate Entrepreneurship Incentive System Design (Unpublished). In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Boston, Massachusetts.

Lomberg, Carina; Baldauf, Artur (2012). The Ambivalent Role of Risk-Taking Orientation in Uncertain Environments for Internationally Operating SMEs (Unpublished). In: RENT XXV - Research in Trepreneurship & Small Business. Lyon, France.

Monsen, Erik; Lomberg, Carina; Hornsby, Jeffrey S. (2012). Extending Current Theories for better Corporate Entrepreneurship incentive System Design (Unpublished). In: 16th Forum Gründungsforschung. Potsdam, Germany.

Lomberg, Carina; Gruber, Marc; Kollmann, Tobias (2012). The Effects of Team Diversity on Creativity in New Venture Teams (Unpublished). In: 16th Forum Gründungsforschung. Potsdam, Germany.

Sieger, Philipp (August 2011). Entrepreneurial Middle-level Managers: The Roles of Psychological Ownership & Organizational Factors. In: 71st Annual Academy of Management Meeting. New York: Academy of Management

Sieger, Philipp; Bernhard, Fabian; Frey, Urs (August 2011). Psychological Ownership of Employees as a Mediator in the Justice - Affective Commitment Relationship (Unpublished). In: 71st Annual Academy of Management Meeting. San Antonio (USA). August, 2011.

Sieger, Philipp; Bernhard, Fabian; Frey, Urs (June 2011). The Committed and the Happy: Exploring the Effects of Justice and Ownership Perceptions among Non-family Employees. In: 11th Ifera World Family Business Research Conference. Palermo (Italy). June, 2011.

Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone A.; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana (2011). Toward Construct Clarity and Validity in Firm-Level Entrepreneurship Research. In: SMS 31st Annual International Conference. Strategies for a Multi-Polar World: National Institutions and Global Competition.

Baldauf, Artur; Wolf, Barbara; Schweiger, Simone A. (2011). The Multifaceted Role of Learning Orientation in the Entrepreneurial Firm. In: SMS 31st Annual International Conference. Strategies for a Multi-Polar World: National Institutions and Global Competition.

Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone A.; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana (2011). Toward Construct Clarity and Validity in Firm-Level Entrepreneurship Research, Stategic Management Society Annual Conference, Miami, Florida, 6.11.-9.11.2011.

Baldauf, Artur; Wolf, Barbara; Schweiger, Simone A. (2011). The Multifaceted Role of Learning Orientation in the Entrepreneurial Firm, Stategic Management Society Annual Conference, Miami, Florida, 6.11.-9.11.2011.

Baldauf, Artur; Tremp, Karin (2011). Advancing the Dominant Logic Construct: Literature Review and Empirical Study. In: CK Prahalad: Reaching over Boundaries and Expanding Possibilities, SMS Special Conference 2011, San Diego.

Lomberg, Carina; Lesch, Tilman (2011). Shedding Some New Light to the Old Question if Entrepreneurs are Risk-takers. In: 2011 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Syracuse.

Baldauf, Artur; Tremp, Karin (2011). Advancing the Dominant Logic Construct: Literature Review and Empirical Study, CK Prahalad: Reaching over Boundaries and Expanding Possibilities, SMS Special Conference 2011, San Diego, 10.-12. Juni 2011.

Lomberg, Carina; Lesch, Tilman (2011). Shedding Some New Light to the Old Question if Entrepreneurs are Risk-takers, 2011 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Syracuse, NY, 8.-11. Juni 2011.

Zellweger, Thomas; Kellermanns, Franz; Sieger, Philipp (August 2010). The Impact of Relationship Conflict on subjective Family Firm Valuation. In: 70th Annual Academy of Management Meeting. New York: Academy of Management

Sieger, Philipp (June 2010). How to Foster Entrepreneurial Behavior of Non-family Middle-level Managers: The Role of Psychological Ownership (Unpublished). In: 10th Ifera World Family Business Research Conference. Lancaster (UK). June, 2010.

Bastian, Bettina (2010). Entrepreneurial Orientation and Business Performance: Testing the Moderating Impact of Market and Learning Orientation, RISE Days at International University of Singapore, 10.5.2010.

Baldauf, Artur (2010). The Effect of Management Control on Cooperation and Job Performance, WK ORG-Workshop 34. Tagung zu dem Thema "Organisation 2015. Neue Prioritäten im Organisationsdesign", Berlin, 25.-26. Februar 2010.

Baldauf, Artur; Rank, Olaf (2010). The Effect of Management Control on Cooperation and Performance, 72. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung des Verbandes der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e. V., Universität Bremen, 27.-29. Mai 2010.

Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone (2010). Do Intra-Organizational Factors Impact the Culture of Competitiveness-Performance Relationship?

Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone (2010). Implementing an Entrepreneurial Orientation: Evidence From SMEs.

Sieger, Philipp; Nason, Robert; Zellweger, Thomas; Nordqvist, Mattias (6 June 2009). Family Portfolio Entrepreneurship. Frontiers of entrepreneurship research, 29(14), pp. 1-2.

Bernhard, Fabian; Sieger, Philipp (June 2009). Family Influence and Psychological Ownership: The Mediating Effects of Control (Unpublished). In: 9th Ifera World Family Business Research Conference. Limassol (Cyprus). June, 2009.

Baldauf, Artur; Tremp, Karin (2009). Dominant Logic. The Linkage between Management Cognition and Firm Performance. Preliminary Findings from an Empirical Study. In: Strategies in an Uncertain World, Proceedings of the Strategic Management Society Conference (pp. 106-107). Chicago: Strategic Management Society

Baldauf, Artur; Tremp, Karin (2009). Dominant Logic. The Linkage between Management Cognition and Firm Performance, Strategic Management Society (SMS) Conference, Washington D.C., 14.10.2009.

Zellweger, Thomas; Muehlebach, Corinne; Sieger, Philipp (June 2008). How much and what kind of entrepreneurial orientation is needed for family business continuity? In: 8th Annual International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) Conference 2008 (pp. 1-30). Nicosia (Cyprus): International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA)

Baldauf, Artur; Guenzi, Paolo; Onyemah, Vincent (2008). Antecedents and Consequences of Sales Force Control Systems. A Relational Perspective. In: Global Sales Science Institute Conference, Athens, Greece, 25.-27.6.2008. ohne Ort: Global Sales Science Institute

Baldauf, Artur; Cron, William; Grossenbacher, Samuel (2008). The Effect of Hierarchical Level on the Content and Structure of Managers Mental Models.

Baldauf, Artur; Bischof, Christian (2008). Implementing Managerial Synergies through Cultural Competitiveness, Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim.

Guenzi, P; Baldauf, Artur; Onyemah, V. (2008). An Empirical Investigation of Relationship Selling Strategy, Management Controls, Salesperson Behaviors and Sales Organization Effectiveness, GSSI Conference 2008 (June), Athens/Greece.

Baldauf, Artur; Cron, William; Grossenbacher, Samuel (2008). Miles and Snow Typology and Mental Models, 30 years of Miles & Snow Conference 2008, Cardiff/UK.

Baldauf, Artur; Cravens, David; Zeller, S (2007). The Attenuating Effect of Work Environment Perceptions on the Stressor-Strain-Performance Framework. In: Proceeding of the AOM Conference, Philadelphia, 3.-8.8.2007. Briarcliff Manor, New York: Academy of Management

Baldauf, Artur; Bischof, Christian (2007). Corporate synergy effects in diversified firms: Tangible versus intangible relatedness. In: Proceeding of the AOM Conference. Briarcliff Manor, New York: Academy of Management

Rank, Olaf (2006). Interdependencies between Reputation, Friendship, and Cooperation in Networks of Strategy Making. Vortrag am 28. April 2006, 26. International Sunbelt Conference, Vancouver (Kanada).

Rank, Olaf (2006). Integrated versus Core-Periphery Structures in Regional Biotechnology Networks. Vortrag am 27. April 2006, 26. International Sunbelt Conference, Vancouver (Kanada).

Baldauf, Artur; Rank, Olaf (2006). Antecedents and Performance Consequences of an Entrepreneurial Risk Orientation in an International Context. In: 32nd EIBA Annual Conference, Fribourg, 7-9 December 2006. Brussels: European International Business Academy

Baldauf, Artur; Bischof, Christian (2006). Related Diversification: Cultural Competitiveness as a Core Competence? In: Strategic Management Society (SMS), Vienna 2006. Chicago: Strategic Management Society

Baldauf, Artur; Freese, Behrend (2006). Leveraging Corporate Venture Capital Investments for Learning: Knowledge Brokering, Relationship Quality, and Knowledge Transfer. In: Strategic Management Society (SMS), Vienna 2006. Chicago: Strategic Management Society

Rank, Olaf; Baldauf, Artur (2006). Entrepreneurial Risk, Competitive Posture and Performance in an International Context. In: 32nd EIBA Annual Conference, Fribourg, 7-9 December 2006. Brussels: European International Business Academy

Baldauf, Artur; Cron, William L.; Grossenbacher, Samuel; Leigh, Thomas W. (2006). The Influence of Competitive Intensity on Sales Executives Cognitions of the Sales Force. In: Avlonitis, George J.; Papavassiliou, Nicholas; Papastathopoulou, Paulina (eds.) Sustainable Marketing Leadership. A Synthesis of Polymorphous Axioms, Strategies and Tactics, Proceedings of the 35th EMAC Conference, Athens, 23.-26.5.2006. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy

Falk, Tomas; Grossenbacher, Samuel; Hammerschmidt, Maik; Schepers, Jeroen (2006). Should I Stay or Should I Go - The Role of Status Quo for Using New Self-Service Alternatives. In: Avlonitis, George J.; Papavassiliou, Nicholas; Papastathopoulou, Paulina (eds.) Sustainable Marketing Leadership. A Synthesis of Polymorphous Axioms, Strategies and Tactics, Proceedings of the 35th EMAC Conference, Athens, 23.-26.5.2006. Brüssel: European Marketing Academy

Baldauf, Artur; Cravens, David W.; Cron, William L. (2006). Achieving Customer Relationship and Organizational Performance through Assets, Capabilities, and Processes. In: Johnson, Jean L.; Hulland, John (eds.) Proceedings of the 2006 AMA Winter Educators' Conference: Marketing Theory and Applications (pp. 42-43). Chicago: American Marketing Association AMA


Sieger, Philipp (2016). Entrepreneurship in Family Firms and Beyond (Unpublished). (Habilitation, University of St.Gallen, School of Management)

Henneke, Daniel (2014). Dynamische Fähigkeiten und Unternehmenserfolg: Untersuchung des Mediationseffekts der Unternehmensinnovativität. (Dissertation, Universität Bern, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät)

Sieger, Philipp (2011). Long-term Success of Family Firms: Investigating Specific Aspects of Firm-level Entrepreneurship and Individual-level Antecedents. (Dissertation, University of St.Gallen, School of Management)

Journal or Series

Sieger, Philipp; Voordeckers, Wim; Kammerlander, Nadine; Zellweger, Thomas (eds.) (2015). Journal of Family Business Strategy: Special Issue on Ownership, Governance and Value in Family Firms, 6(2). Elsevier

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