08 Faculty of Science > Institute of Geography > NCCR North-South Management Centre [discontinued]

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Jacobi, Johanna; Schneider, Monika; Bottazzi, Patrick; Pillco, Maria; Calizaya, Patricia; Rist, Stephan (2015). Agroecosystem resilience and farmers’ perceptions of climate change impacts on cocoa farms in Alto Beni, Bolivia. Renewable agriculture and food systems, 30(2), pp. 170-183. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S174217051300029X

Schwilch, Gudrun; Laouina, Abdellah; Chaker, Miloud; Machouri, Nadia; Sfa, Mohammed; Stroosnijder, Leo (2015). Challenging conservation agriculture on marginal slopes in Sehoul, Morocco. Renewable agriculture and food systems, 30(03), pp. 233-251. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S1742170513000446


Schwilch, Gudrun; Liniger, Hanspeter; Hurni, Hans (2014). Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Practices in Drylands: How Do They Address Desertification Threats? Environmental management, 54(5), pp. 983-1004. Springer 10.1007/s00267-013-0071-3

Fessehaye, Mussie; Abdul-Wahab, Sabah A.; Savage, Michael J.; Kohler, Thomas; Gherezghiher, Tseggai; Hurni, Hans (2014). Fog-water collection for community use. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 29, pp. 52-62. Elsevier 10.1016/j.rser.2013.08.063

Mwambene, P. L.; Mbwile, R. P.; Höggel, F.U.; Kimbi, E. C.; Materu, J.; Mwaiganju, A.; Madoffe, S. (2014). Assessing dynamics of forced livestock movements, livelihoods and future development options for pastoralists/agro-pastoralists in Ruvuma and Lindi Regions, in the Southern Tanzania. Livestock research for rural development, 26(1) Convenio interinstitucional para la produccion agropecuaria en el valle del rio Cauca

Vongvisouk, Thoumthone; Mertz, Ole; Thongmanivong, Sithong; Heinimann, Andreas; Phanvilay, Khamla (2014). Shifting cultivation stability and change: Contrasting pathways of land use and livelihood change in Laos. Applied geography, 46, pp. 1-10. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apgeog.2013.10.006

Schneider, Flurina; Rist, Stephan (2014). Envisioning sustainable water futures in a transdisciplinary learning process: combining normative, explorative, and participatory scenario approaches. Sustainability science, 9(4), pp. 463-481. Springer 10.1007/s11625-013-0232-6

Jacobi, Johanna; Andres, Christian; Schneider, Monika; Pillco, Maria; Calizaya, Patricia; Rist, Stephan (2014). Carbon stocks, tree diversity, and the role of organic certification in different cocoa production systems in Alto Beni, Bolivia. Agroforestry systems, 88(6), pp. 1117-1132. Springer 10.1007/s10457-013-9643-8

Bottazzi, Patrick; Reyes-García, Victoria; Crespo, David; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Galvarro, Harry Soria; Jacobi, Johanna; Clavijo, Marcelo; Rist, Stephan (2014). Productive Diversification and Sustainable Use of Complex Social-Ecological Systems: A Comparative Study of Indigenous and Settler Communities in the Bolivian Amazon. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 38(2), pp. 137-164. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/21683565.2013.841606

Rist, Stephan; Darr, Barbara; Bottazzi, Patrick (2014). At the Interface of Culture, Development, and Forests: Insights from Bolivia and Kenya. In: Pretzsch, Jürgen; Darr, Dietrich; Uibrig, Holm; Auch, Eckhard (eds.) Forests and Rural Development. Tropical Forestry: Vol. 9 (pp. 167-204). Berlin: Springer 10.1007/978-3-642-41404-6_7

Rist, Stephan (2014). Von der Regulierung zur Demokratisierung: Antworten auf den globalen Hunger. Widerspruch - Beiträge zu sozialistischer Politik, 64, pp. 137-150. Zürich: Rotpunktverlag

Nyssen, Jan; Frankl, Amaury; Haile, Mitiku; Hurni, Hans; Descheemaeker, Katrien; Crummey, Donald; Ritler, Alfons; Portner, Brigitte; Nievergelt, Bernhard; Moeyersons, Jan; Munro, Neil; Deckers, Jozef; Billi, Paolo; Poesen, Jean (2014). Environmental conditions and human drivers for changes to north Ethiopian mountain landscapes over 145 years. Science of the total environment, 485-486, pp. 164-179. Elsevier 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.03.052

Portner, Brigitte; Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Nezir, Zufan; Breu, Thomas Michael; Hurni, Hans (2014). Biofuels for a Greener Economy? Insights from Jatropha Production in Northeastern Ethiopia. Sustainability, 6(9), pp. 6188-6202. MDPI 10.3390/su6096188

Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2014). Transdisciplinarity in Practice. Experience from a Concept-based Research Programme Addressing Global Change and Sustainable Development. GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 23(3), pp. 275-277. Oekom Verlag 10.14512/gaia.23.3.15

Schmid, Franziska; Walter, Felix; Schneider, Flurina; Rist, Stephan (2014). Wege zur nachhaltigen Wassergouvernanz. Thematische Synthese 4: Notwendige Anpassungsprozesse in der schweizerischen Wasserwirtschaft. Aqua & Gas, 2014(11), pp. 36-40. Schweizerischer Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches (SVGW)

Amare, Tadele; Zegeye, Assefa Derebe; Yitaferu, Birru; Steenhuis, Tammo S.; Hurni, Hans; Zeleke, Gete (2014). Combined effect of soil bund with biological soil and water conservation measures in the northwestern Ethiopian highlands. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 14(3), pp. 192-199. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ecohyd.2014.07.002

Liechti, Karina; Bamert, Seraina (2014). Das Welterbe Schweizer Alpen als Inspirationsraum (Einblicke - Ausblicke September). UNESCO-Welterbe Schweizer Alpen Jungfrau-Aletsch

Schneider, Flurina; Buser, Tobias Johannes; Graefe, Olivier (2014). Scales of justice in water governance: hydropower controversies in Switzerland. Water Policy, 16(2), pp. 137-154. IWA Publishing 10.2166/wp.2014.405


Brandt, Regine; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Lachmuth, Susanne; Hensen, Isabell; Rist, Stephan (2013). Knowledge and valuation of Andean agroforestry species: the role of sex, age, and migration among members of a rural community in Bolivia. Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine, 9(1), p. 83. Biomed Central 10.1186/1746-4269-9-83

Messerli, Peter; Heinimann, Andreas; Giger, Markus; Breu, Thomas Michael; Schoenweger, Oliver (2013). From 'land grabbing' to sustainable investments in land: potential contributions by land change science. Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 5(5), pp. 528-534. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cosust.2013.03.004

Reed, M.S.; Podesta, G.; Fazey, I.; Geeson, N.; Hessel, R.; Hubacek, K.; Letson, D.; Nainggolan, D.; Prell, C.; Rickenbach, M.G.; Ritsema, C.; Schwilch, Gudrun; Stringer, L.C.; Thomas, A.D. (2013). Combining analytical frameworks to assess livelihood vulnerability to climate change and analyse adaptation options. Ecological economics, 94, pp. 66-77. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2013.07.007

Hurni, Kaspar; Hett, Corelia; Epprecht, Michael; Messerli, Peter; Heinimann, Andreas (2013). A Texture-based land cover classification for the delineation of a shifting cultivation landscape in the Lao PDR using landscape metrics. Remote sensing, 5(7), pp. 3377-3396. MDPI 10.3390/rs5073377

Meessen, Heino; Giger, Markus; Baibagyshov, Ermek (2013). Energiesparen in Kirgistan: effiziente Öfen und Wärmeisolation für die Landbevölkerung. Zentralasien-Analysen, 66, pp. 2-9. Dt. Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde / Forschungsstelle Osteuropa

Thanichanon, Puwadej; Schmidt-Vogt, Dietrich; Messerli, Peter; Heinimann, Andreas; Epprecht, Michael (2013). Secondary Forests and Local Livelihoods along a Gradient of Accessibility: A Case Study in Northern Laos. Society & Natural Resources, 26(11), pp. 1283-1299. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/08941920.2013.788429

Wolfgramm, Bettina; Gareyeva, Aida; Shokirov, Qobil; Liniger, Hanspeter (2013). Adapting to climate change through sustainable land management (Evidence for Policy Series, Regional edition Central Asia 7). Bern: NCCR North-South

Hurni, Hans; Molden, David; Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne (2013). Editorial. Mountain Research and Development, 33(2), p. 121. International Mountain Society 10.1659/0276-4741-33.2.121

Liniger, Hanspeter; Wolfgramm, Bettina; Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Lehrman, Zvi; Stevenson, Shane (April 2013). Adapting to climate change through sustainable land management: experiences of a pilot project in Tajikistan. In: 2nd UNCCD Scientific Conference. Bonn, Deutschland. 09.-12.04.2013.

Heinimann, Andreas; Messerli, Peter (2013). Coping with a land-grab world: lessons from Laos. Global Change Newsletter, 80, pp. 12-15. International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme

Hurni, Hans; Molden, David; Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne (2013). Editorial. Mountain Research and Development, 33(1), p. 3. International Mountain Society 10.1659/mrd.3301

Boillat, Sébastien; Serrano, Elvira; Rist, Stephan; Berkes, Fikret (2013). The Importance of Place Names in the Search for Ecosystem-Like Concepts in Indigenous Societies: An Example from the Bolivian Andes. Environmental management, 51(3), pp. 663-678. New York, N.Y.: Springer 10.1007/s00267-012-9969-4

Castella, Jean-Christophe; Lestrelin, Guillaume; Hett, Cornelia; Bourgoin, Jeremy; Fitriana, Yulia Rahma; Heinimann, Andreas; Pfund, Jean-Laurent (2013). Effects of Landscape Segregation on Livelihood Vulnerability: Moving From Extensive Shifting Cultivation to Rotational Agriculture and Natural Forests in Northern Laos. Human ecology, 41(1), pp. 63-76. New-York, NY: Springer 10.1007/s10745-012-9538-8

Prasuhn, Volker; Liniger, Hanspeter; Gisler, Simon; Herweg, Karl Günter; Candinas, Anton; Clément, Jean-Pierre (2013). A high-resolution soil erosion risk map of Switzerland as strategic policy support system. Land use policy, 32, pp. 281-291. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.landusepol.2012.11.006

Bourgoin, Jeremy; Castella, Jean-Christophe; Hett, Cornelia; Lestrelin, Guillaume; Heinimann, Andreas (2013). Engaging Local Communities in Low Emissions Land-Use Planning: a Case Study from Laos. Ecology and Society, 18(2), p. 9. Resilience Alliance Publications 10.5751/ES-05362-180209

Heinimann, Andreas; Hett, Cornelia; Hurni, Kaspar; Messerli, Peter; Epprecht, Michael; Jørgensen, Lars; Breu, Thomas Michael (2013). Socio-Economic Perspectives on Shifting Cultivation Landscapes in Northern Laos. Human ecology, 41(1), pp. 51-62. Springer 10.1007/s10745-013-9564-1

Amare, Tadele; Hergarten, Christian; Hurni, Hans; Wolfgramm, Bettina; Yitaferu, Birru; Selassie, Yihenew G. (2013). Prediction of soil organic carbon for Ethiopian highlands using soil spectroscopy. ISRN Soil Science, 2013, pp. 1-11. Hindawi 10.1155/2013/720589

Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Romeo, Rosalaura; Vita, Alessia; Wurzinger, Maria; Kohler, Thomas (eds.) (2013). Mountain farming is family farming: a contribution from mountain areas to the International Year of Family Farming 2014. Rome: FAO

Price, Martin F.; Byers, Alton C.; Friend, Donald A.; Kohler, Thomas; Price, Larry W. (eds.) (2013). Mountain geography: physical and human dimensions. Berkeley: University of California Press

Hurni, Hans; Molden, D; Zimmermann, Anne B.; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Price, Martin F.; Thibault, Marlène (eds.) (2013). Mountain Research and Development, 33(1-4). International Mountain Society

Mekdaschi Studer, Rima; Liniger, Hanspeter (2013). La collecte de l'eau: directives pour de bonnes pratiques. Bern: Centre for Development and Environment

Mekdaschi Studer, Rima; Liniger, Hanspeter (2013). Water harvesting: guidelines to good practice. Bern: Centre for Development and Environment

Hurni, Hans (2013). Global change and mountain livelihoods. In: Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Romeo, Rosalaura; Vita, Alessia; Wurzinger, Maria; Kohler, Thomas (eds.) Mountain farming is family farming (pp. 14-15). Rome: FAO

Kohler, Thomas; Romeo, Rosalaura (2013). Mountain farming is family farming. In: Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Romeo, Rosalaura; Vita, Alessia; Wurzinger, Maria; Kohler, Thomas (eds.) Mountain farming is family farming (pp. 10-11). Rome: FAO

Kohler, Thomas; Romeo, Rosalaura; Vita, Alessia; Wurzinger, Maria; Wymann von Dach, Susanne (2013). The future of family farming in mountains: policy messages. In: Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Romeo, Rosalaura; Vita, Alessia; Wurzinger, Maria; Kohler, Thomas (eds.) Mountain farming is family farming (pp. 86-87). Rome: FAO

Kohler, Thomas; Wagner, Kata (2013). Diversification of mountain livelihoods. In: Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Romeo, Rosalaura; Vita, Alessia; Wurzinger, Maria; Kohler, Thomas (eds.) Mountain farming is family farming (pp. 72-75). Rome: FAO

Michel, Claudia; Hearn, Simon; Wülser, Gabriela; Breu, Thomas (2013). Maximising the impact of transdisciplinary research with a novel approach: ROMA (RAPID Outcome Mapping). In: Michel, Claudia; Heim, Eva Maria; Zimmermann, Anne B; Herweg, Karl; Breu, Thomas (eds.) Maximising the impact of research: the NCCR North-South approach. NCCR North-South Dialogue: Vol. 48 (pp. 11-19). Bern: NCCR North-South

Price, Martin F.; Kohler, Thomas (2013). Sustainable mountain development. In: Price, Martin F.; Byers, Alton C.; Friend, Donald A.; Kohler, Thomas; Price, Larry W. (eds.) Mountain geography (pp. 333-365). Berkeley: University of California Press

Rueff, Henri; Rahim, Inam-ur (2013). Sustainable mountain pastoralism: challenges and opportunities. In: Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Romeo, Rosalaura; Vita, Alessia; Wurzinger, Maria; Kohler, Thomas (eds.) Mountain farming is family farming (pp. 50-51). Rome: FAO

Wymann von Dach, Susanne (2013). Mountain products and market development. In: Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Romeo, Rosalaura; Vita, Alessia; Wurzinger, Maria; Kohler, Thomas (eds.) Mountain farming is family farming (pp. 58-59). Rome: FAO

Anseeuw, Ward; Giger, Markus; Althoff, Christof; Messerli, Peter; Nolte, Kerstin; Taylor, Michael; Seelaff, Antti (2013). Creating a public tool to assess and promote transparency in global land deals: the experience of the Land Matrix (Unpublished). In: Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. Washington, USA. 08.-11.04.2013.

Providoli, Isabelle; Zeleke, Gete; Tena, A; Hurni, Hans (2013). Investments in land & water in the Nile basin and transboundary water management nexus: state of the art – science perspective. In: World Water Week. Stockholm, Schweden. 01.-06. Sep. 2013.

Giger, Markus; Heinimann, Andreas; Schoenweger, Oliver; Epprecht, Michael (2013). Building up a nationwide land concession inventory in Lao PDR – overview on analytical results. In: Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. Washington, USA. 08.-11.04.2013.

Giger, Markus; Liniger, Hanspeter; Schwilch, Gudrun (2013). Economic benefits and costs of technologies for sustainable land management (SLM): a preliminary analysis of global WOCAT data. In: 2nd UNCCD Scientific Conference. Bonn, Deutschland. 09.-12.04.2013.

Hergarten, Christian; Nazarmavloev, Farrukh; Wolfgramm, Bettina (2013). Building a soil spectral library for Tajikistan comparing local and global modeling approaches. Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte, 82, pp. 265-269.

Hett, Cornelia; Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Messerli, Peter; Eckert, Sandra; Huafang, Chen; Schmidt-Vogt, Dietrich (2013). Landscape mosaics maps as a basis for spatial assessment and negotiation of ecosystem services and their trade-offs at the meso-scale: Examples from Laos, Madagascar and China. In: 6th Annual International ESP Conference 2013. Making ecosystem services count!. Indonesien. 26.-30.08.2013.

Kläy, Andreas; Schäfer, Natalie; Zimmermann, Anne (2013). Eine universitäre Lehre die zu nachhaltiger Entwicklung beiträgt: wie fördern wir die dazu notwendige Öffnung wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen? In: Conférence Suisse Inter- et Transdisciplinarité ITD. Bern, Schweiz. 07.06.2013.

Kläy, Andreas; Schneider, Flurina; Bieri, Sabin (2013). Gerechtigkeit, Freiheit und Integration: Wie kann die Wissenschaft den Übergang in Post-Wachstumsgesellschaften fördern? In: Kongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie: Ungleichheit und Integration in der Krise. Bern, Schweiz. 26.-28.06.2013.

Liniger, Hanspeter (2013). Towards more drought resilience: reducing the human made drought – tapping existing knowledge. In: High Level Meeting on National Drought Policy. Genf, Schweiz. 11.-15.03.2013.

Liniger, Hanspeter; Harari, Nicole (2013). Use of audiovisual messages from land user to land user for sharing knowledge about SLM: experiences from a pilot project in Kenya and Tajikistan. In: 2nd UNCCD Scientific Conference. Bonn, Deutschland. 9.-12. Apr. 2013.

Liniger, Hanspeter; Harari, Nicole (2013). Use of multi-media for spreading the experiences. In: 2nd UNCCD Scientific Conference. Bonn, Deutschland. 09.-12.04.2013.

Liniger, Hanspeter; Schwilch, Gudrun; Mekdaschi, Rima; Providoli, Isabelle; Bunning, Sally; Biancalani, Riccardo; van Lynden, Godert (2013). Tools for better SLM knowledge management and informed decision-making in addressing land degradation at different scales: the WOCAT–LADA–DESIRE methodology. In: 2nd UNCCD Scientific Conference. Bonn, Deutschland. 9.-12. Apr. 2013.

Liniger, Hanspeter; Van Lynden, Godert; Biancalani, Riccardo; Lindeque, Lehman; Ndiaye, Déthié Soumaré; Schwilch, Gudrun (2013). Assessing and mapping LD and SLM to directly support the planning and scaling up of SLM interventions to combat desertification. In: 2nd UNCCD Scientific Conference. Bonn, Deutschland. 9.-12. Apr. 2013.

Michel, Claudia; Hearn, Simon; Wülser, Gabriela; Breu, Thomas (2013). Assessing the diverse impacts of transdisciplinary research on poverty reduction: the case of the NCCR North-South (Unpublished). In: New Horizons / New Challenges: evaluation of STI policies, instruments and organisations. Wien, Österreich. 14.-15.11.2013.

Ott, Cordula (2013). Knowledge and integration for sustainable development: Eastern and Southern Africa Partnership Programme (Unpublished). In: Swiss Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Day. Bern, Schweiz. 21.10.2013.

Schneider, Flurina; Rist, Stephan (2013). Transitions to sustainable water governance from a social learning perspective. In: 4th International conference on sustainability transitions: IST 2013. Zürich, Schweiz. 20. Jun, 2013.

Schwilch, Gudrun; Jaquet, Stéphanie; Liniger, Hanspeter; Sudmeier-Rieux, K.; Penna, I.; Jaboyedoff, M.; Kaenzig, R. (2013). Impacts of out-migration on land management in mountain areas (Unpublished). In: Linking sustainable development, global migration, climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction – Identifying emerging issues. Lausanne, Schweiz. 02.-04.12.2013.

Schwilch, Gudrun; Mekdaschi, Rima; Liniger, Hanspeter (2013). Desertification mitigation and water harvesting based on sustainable land management (Submitted). In: DesertLand: International Conference on Desertification and Land Degradation. Ghent, Belgien. 17.-18. Jun. 2013.

Weber, Adrian; Epprecht, Michael (2013). Lao DECIDE info - a web-based information sharing platform. In: Sharing Geospatial Data. Bern, Schweiz. 31. Okt. - 02. Nov. 2013.

Weber, Adrian; Gerber, Kurt; Volanthen, Lukas (2013). The Land Observatory - a platform to crowdsource large-scale land deals. In: Sharing Geospatial Data. Bern, Schweiz. 31. Okt. - 02. Nov. 2013.

Wolfgramm, Bettina; Hergarten, Christian; Nazarmavloev, Farrukh (2013). Measuring soil quality using soil spectroscopy. In: Research Fair: Results and Innovations from Transnational Research Partnerships. Bern, Schweiz. 05.06.2013.

Wolfgramm, Bettina; Hurni, Hans; Liniger, Hanspeter; Ruppen, Sebastian; Milne, Eleanor; Bader, Hans-Peter; Scheidegger, Ruth; Kassie, Tadele Amare; Yitaferu, Birru; Nazarmavloev, Farrukh; Conder, Malgorzata; Ebneter, Laura; Qadamov, Aslam; Shokirov, Qobiljon; Hergarten, Christian; Schwilch, Gudrun (2013). Soil organic carbon for global benefits – assessing potential SOC increase under SLM technologies worldwide and evaluating tradeoffs and gains of upscaling SLM technologies. Geophysical research abstracts, 15. Copernicus Publications

Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Höggel, Udo; Basil, Sisty; Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Gmünder, Simon (2013). Transition towards a sustainable charcoal sector in Tanzania: an actor perspective on potential innovations in the value chain. In: International conference on sustainability transitions. Zürich, Schweiz. 19.-21. Jun. 2013.

Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Hett, Cornelia; Eckert, Sandra; Ramamonjisoa, Bruno; Messerli, Peter (2013). Ecosystem service trade-offs and stakeholder claims - a meso-scale study from a Madagascar biodiversity hotspot. In: 6th Annual international ESP conference 2013. Making ecosystem services count!. Indonesien. 26.-30.08.2013.

Zähringer, Julie Gwendolin; Hett, Cornelia; Eckert, Sandra; Ramamonjisoa, Bruno; Messerli, Peter (2013). Paysages, acteurs et services environnementaux au nord-est de Madagascar – une analyse éco-régionale (Unpublished). In: La biodiversité et les populations dans le contexte du changement climatique. Antananarivo, Madagaskar. 10.-11.12.2013.

Anseeuw, Ward; Lay, Jann; Messerli, Peter; Giger, Markus; Taylor, Michael (2013). Creating a public tool to assess and promote transparency in global land deals: the experience of the Land Matrix. The journal of peasant studies, 40(3), pp. 521-530. Routledge 10.1080/03066150.2013.803071

Hurni, Hans; Breu, Thomas Michael; Messerli, Peter; Portner, Brigitte (2013). Key implications of land conversions in agriculture. Trade and environment review, 2013, pp. 220-233. UNCTAD

Liniger, Hanspeter; Mekdaschi, Rima; Providoli, Isabelle (2013). Promoting best practices in sustainable land management. Rural 21: the international journal for rural development, 47(3), pp. 14-15. DLG

Portner, Brigitte (2013). Frames in the Ethiopian Debate on Biofuels. Africa Spectrum, 48(3), pp. 33-53. GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies

Sonnleitner, Andrea; Rathbauer, Josef; Ramarolanonana Randriamalalac, Josoa; Benjamin Raoliarivelo, Léa Irène; Andrianarisoa, Julien Honoré; Rabeniala, Radobarimanjaka; Ehrensperger, Albrecht (2013). Jatropha mahafalensis oil from Madagascar: properties and suitability as liquid biofuel. Energy for sustainable development, 17(4), pp. 326-330. International Energy Initiative 10.1016/j.esd.2013.04.001

Traoré, Doulo; Sy, Ibrahima; Utzinger, Jürg; Epprecht, Michael; Kengne, Ives M.; Lô, Baidy; Odermatt, Peter; Cissé, Guéladio; Tanner, Marcel (2013). Water quality and health in a Sahelian semi-arid urban context: an integrated geographical approach in Nouakchott, Mauritania. Geospatial Health, 8(1), pp. 53-63. Universita degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II"

Balsiger, Urs; Bottazzi, Patrick; Breu, Thomas Michael; Bürgi, Elisabeth; Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Giger, Markus; Kiteme, Boniface; Kohler, Thomas; Lardelli, Corina; Messerli, Peter; Rist, Stephan; Schneider, Flurina (2013). Spotlight on governance of land and natural resources: CDE annual report 2012 (CDE Annual Report, 2012). Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Boillat, Sébastien; Serrano, Elvira; Alca, Jamil (2013). Making co-management work in protected areas with indigenous peoples in Bolivia and Peru (Evidence for Policy Series, regional edition South America 5). La Paz: NCCR North-South

Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Negussie, Aklilu; Kiteme, Boniface; Grimm, Olivia; Lyimo, Reginald; Birech, Rhoda (2013). Biofuels: possible impacts on food security in Kenya (Jatropha Facts Series 5). ERA-ARD

Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Wörgetter, Manfred; Moraa, Violet; Sonnleitner, Andrea (2013). Can jatropha improve the energy supply of rural households in Africa? Jatropha Facts Series Bern: ERA-ARD

Epprecht, Michael; Heinimann, Andreas; Messerli, Peter; Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2013). Targeting poverty in Laos: how well do current approaches reach the poor? (Evidence for Policy Series, Regional edition Southeast Asia 3). Pathumthani, Thailand: NCCR North-South

Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Achermann, Sarah; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Kiteme, Boniface (2013). Lessons learnt – climate change and development project: towards effective community-based adaptation and ecosystem-based adaptation Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Rahim, Inam-ur; Saleem, Muhammad; Rueff, Henri; Maselli, Daniel (2013). Conserving indigenous livestock breeds to benefit mountain smallholders (Evidence for Policy Series, Regional edition Central Asia 6). Bern: NCCR North-South

Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Rist, Stephan; Delgado Burgoa, Freddy (2013). Saberes locales: un aporte clave para el desarrollo sustentable de la región andina (Evidence for Policy, Edición Regional de Sudamérica 6). La Paz: NCCR North-South

Michel, Claudia; Heim, Eva Maria; Zimmermann, Anne; Herweg, Karl Günter; Breu, Thomas Michael (2013). Maximising the impact of research: the NCCR North-South approach: Fourth NCCR North-South Report on Effectiveness (NCCR North-South Dialogue 48). Bern: NCCR North-South

Michel, Claudia; Paulsson, Maria; Heim, Eva Maria; Zimmermann, Anne B.; Herweg, Karl; Breu, Thomas (2013). Promoting research-user collaboration: an assessment of funding schemes: Fifth NCCR North-South Report on Effectiveness (NCCR North-South Dialogue 49). Bern: NCCR North-South

Michel, Claudia; Stöckli, Bruno; Upreti, Bishnu Raj; Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2013). Research partnerships: the benefits of North-South collaboration (Evidence for Policy Series, Global Edition 15). Bern: NCCR North-South

Shigaeva, Jyldyz; Wolfgramm, Bettina; Dear, Chad (2013). Sustainable land management in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan: a research review (MSRI Background Paper 2). University of Central Asia, Mountain Societies Research Institute

Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Kiteme, Boniface (2013). Threats and opportunities for smallholders in rural development (Evidence for Policy Series, Global Edition 12). Bern: NCCR North-South

Bottazzi, Patrick; Cattaneo, Andrea; Rocha, David Crespo; Rist, Stephan (2013). Assessing sustainable forest management under REDD+: a community-based labour perspective. Ecological economics, 93, pp. 94-103. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2013.05.003

Khan, M.; Rahim, I.; Rueff, Henri; Jalali, S.; Saleem, M.; Maselli, Daniel; Muhammad, S.; Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2013). Morphological characterization of the Azikheli buffalo in Pakistan. Animal genetic resources, 52, pp. 65-70. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S2078633613000027

Ariza, Clara; Maselli, Daniel; Kohler, Thomas (2013). Mountains: Our Life, Our Future. Progress and Perspectives on Sustainable Mountain Development from Rio 1992 to Rio 2012 and Beyond. A global synthesis based on 10 regional reports. Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Hurni, Hans; Molden, David; Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne (2013). Focus Issue: Water Governance in Mountains. Mountain Research and Development, 33(3), pp. 193-194. International Mountain Society 10.1659/mrd.3303

Hurni, Hans; Molden, David; Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne (2013). MountainNotes Becomes MountainAgenda: MRD's Third Peer-reviewed Section. Mountain Research and Development, 33(4), pp. 362-363. International Mountain Society 10.1659/mrd.3304

Graham, Max; Kiteme, Boniface; Ehrensperger, Albrecht (2013). Mitigating human-elephant conflict. In: Research Fair: Results and Innovations from Transnational Research Partnerships. Bern, Schweiz. 05.06.2013.

Giger, Markus (2013). Land observatories to foster transparency, participation, and decisions on land acquisitions. In: Research Fair: Results and Innovations from Transnational Research Partnerships. Bern, Schweiz. 05.06.2013.

Ehrensperger, Albrecht (ed.) (2013). Jatropha Facts Series. ERA-ARD

Mhando, David; Haller, Tobias; Mbeyale, Gimbage; Ludi, Eva (2013). Adaptation to Changes in the Coffee Value Chain and the Price of Coiffee among Coffee Producers in Two Villages in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. African Study Monographs, 34(1), pp. 27-56. Center for African Area Studies

Breu, Thomas Michael; Michel, Claudia; Shabdolov, Alisher; Hurni, Hans (2013). Looking back: plausible links between a research intervention and the course of development in the Tajik Pamirs. In: Michel, Claudia; Heim, Eva Maria; Zimmermann, Anne B.; Herweg, Karl; Breu, Thomas (eds.) Maximising the impact of research: the NCCR North-South approach. NCCR North-South Dialogue: Vol. 48 (pp. 45-52). Bern: NCCR North-South


Schneider, Flurina; Steiger, David; Ledermann, Thomas; Fry, Patricia; Rist, Stephan (2012). No-tillage farming: co-creation of innovation through network building. Land degradation & development, 23(3), pp. 242-255. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 10.1002/ldr.1073

Hergarten, Christian; Nazarmavloev, Farrukh; Wolfgramm, Bettina (2012). Measuring soil quality using spectroscopy (Evidence for Policy Series, Regional edition Central Asia 4). Bern: NCCR North-South and Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Haller, Tobias; Acciaioli, Gregory; Rist, Stephan (2012). Constitutionality: Emic Perceptions of Bottom-up Institution Building Processes (Unpublished). In: Conference: Design and Dynamics of Institutions for Collective Action 2nd Thematic Conference of the IASC (International Association for the Study of the Commons). Utrecht University. 29/11-1/12/2012.


Gabathuler, Ernst; Bachmann, Felicitas; Kläy, Andreas; Giger, Markus (November 2011). Reshaping Rural Extension: Emphasising Social Learning Processes And Stakeholder Dialogue (Unpublished). In: Innovations in Extension and Advisory Services: Linking Knowledge to Policy and Action for Food and Livelihoods. Nairobi, Kenya. 15.-18.11.2011.

Baumgartner, Ruedi; Högger, Ruedi; Rist, Stephan (eds.) (2011). Hacia estrategias de vida sostenibles. Culturas, recursos y cambios en India y Bolivia. La Paz, Bolivien: Plural Editores

Hösli, Christoph; von Wartburg, André (May 2011). Flexibles WebMapping durch eigene Erweiterungen des Esri JavaScript API (Unpublished). In: ESRI 2011. Unterschleissheim, München. 24.-26.05.2011.

Giger, Markus; Taylor, Michael; Messerli, Peter (April 2011). An initiative for participatory monitoring of large scale acquisitions: Opportunities and results thus far (Unpublished). In: World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. Washington DC, USA. 18.-20. April 2011.

Ferroni, Sonia; Gabathuler, Ernst (2011). Quand les greniers se remplissent: Les bénéfices du partenariat entre la recherche agronomique, la vulgarisation agricole et des organisations paysannes au Mali. Bern: Fondation Syngenta pour une Agriculture Durable ; Geographica Bernensia

Fenton, Nina; Lindelow, Magnus; Heinimann, Andreas; Thomas, Ian (2011). The socio-geography of mining and hydro in Lao PDR: Analysis Combining GIS Information with Socioeconomic Data Washington D.C., USA: The World Bank

Vostroknutova, Ekaterina; Nehru, V.; Dixon, A.; van Gelder, L.; Verghis, M.; Miwa, K.; Jagannathan, V.; Perumalpillai-Essex, J.; Illangovan, P.; Rex, W.; Barma, N.; Gibson, D.; Carlsson Rex, H.; Fenton, N.; Lindelow, M.; Stenhouse, R.; Bojo, J.; Davading, S.; Record, R.; Nghardsaysone, K.; ... (2011). Lao PDR Development Report 2010: Natural resource management for sustainable development: Hydropower and mining Washington D.C., USA: The World Bank

Messerli, Peter (2011). Green economy - Neues Schlagwort oder Chance für nachhaltige Entwicklung und Umwelt Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Lerman, Zvi; Wolfgramm, Bettina (2011). Vulnerability to risk among small farmers in Tajikistan: results of a 2011 survey (Discussion Paper 8.11). Jerusalem, Israel: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Lerman, Zvi; Wolfgramm, Bettina (2011). Land use policies and practices for reducing vulnerability in rural Tajikistan (Discussion Paper 9.11). Jerusalem, Israel: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Pajares, Pedro; Eckert, Sandra; Berrahmouni, Nora; Kohler, Thomas; Maselli, Daniel; Zelaya, Sergio (eds.) (2011). Highlands and Drylands: Mountains, a source of resilience in arid regions. Rom, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO); Centre of Development and Environment (CDE)

Price, Martin; Gratzer, Georg; Alemayehu Duguma, Lalisa; Kohler, Thomas; Maselli, Daniel (eds.) (2011). Mountain Forests in a Changing World: Realizing Values, Adressing Challenges. Rom, Italien: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Centre of Development and Environment (CDE)

Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans (eds.) (2011). Research for sustainable development: Foundations, experiences, and perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Reseaarch (NCCR) North-South, University of Bern: Vol. Vol. 6. Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia

Khan, Momen; Rahim, Inam; Rueff, Henri; Saleem, Muhammad; Maselli, Daniel; Sher, M.; Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2011). Conserving indigenous animal genetic resources as a coping strategy to adapt to climate change: the Azikheli Buffalo in Northern Mountains of Pakistan. Livestock research for rural development, 23(12) Cali: Convenio interinstitucional para la produccion agropecuaria en el valle del rio Cauca

Rahim, Inam; Maselli, Daniel; Rueff, Henri; Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2011). Indigenous fodder trees can increase grazing accessibility for landless and mobile pastoralists in northern Pakistan. Pastoralism : research, policy and practice, 1(2) Heidelberg: Springer

Baumgartner, Ruedi; Rist, Stephan (2011). Estrategias de vida para 'vivir bien': Un enfoque conceptual intercultural en el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia. In: Baumgartner, Ruedi; Högger, Ruedi; Rist, Stephan (eds.) Hacia estrategias de vida sostenibles. Culturas, recursos y cambios en India y Bolivia (pp. 145-177). La Paz, Bolivien: Plural Editores

Bieri, Sabin; Ott, Cordula; Freytes Frey, Ada; Cross, Cecilia; Partenio, Florencia; Fernández Álvarez, María Inés (2011). A tool for thought and transformation: Gender-considerate global change research in practice. In: Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans (eds.) Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 185-205). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Breu, Thomas; Hurni, Hans; Portner, Brigitte; Schwilch, Gudrun; Wolfgramm, Bettina; Messerli, Peter; Herweg, Karl (2011). Sustainable land management and global development: Factors affecting land users' efforts to adopt and sustain the productive use of natural resources. In: Wiesmann, Urs; Hurni, Hans; , (eds.) Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 427-449). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Delgado, Freddy; Rist, Stephan; Escóbar, Cesar (2011). Desarrollo endógeno sustentable: camino para re-actualizar el "Vivir Bien" en el contexto de la revolución democrática y cultural de Bolivia. In: Farah H, Ivonne; Vasapollo, Luciano (eds.) Vivir bien: ¿Paradigma no capitalista? (pp. 401-422). La Paz, Bolivien: CIDES-UMSA

Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Heinimann, Andreas; Messerli, Peter; Notter, Benedikt; Muchemi, Julius; Breu, Thomas; Epprecht, Michael (2011). Towards a differentiated assessment of geographic information sciences for sustainable development. In: Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans (eds.) Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 361-376). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Gallati, Justus; Wiesmann, Urs (2011). System Dynamics in transdisciplinary research for sustainable development. In: Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans (eds.) Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 345-360). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Geiser, Urs; Bottazzi, Patrick; Epprecht, Michael; Fokou, Gilbert; Fritschi, Astrid; Ramakumar, R.; Shahbaz, Babar; Steinmann, Bernd; Strasser, Balz (2011). Access to livelihood assets: Inclusion, exclusion, and the reality of development interventions. In: Wiesmann, Urs; Hurni, Hans; ed, al (eds.) Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 313-330). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Hurni, Hans; Debele, Berhanu (2011). Water Governance in the Nile Basin: Box 15. In: Berrahmouni, Nora; Romeo, Rosalaura; McGuire, Douglas; Zelaya, Sergio; Maselli, Daniel; Kohler, Thomas (eds.) Highlands and Drylands. Mountains, a source of resilience in arid regions (p. 92). Rom, Italien: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Centre of Development and Environment (CDE)

Hurni, Hans; Debele, Berhanu; Zeleke, Gete (2011). Sustainable land management in the Ethiopian Highlands. Adaptive Management in Agriculture: Box 9. In: Berrahmouni, Nora; Romero, Rosalaura; McGuire, Douglas; Zelaya, Sergio; Maselli, Daniel; Kohler, Thomas (eds.) Highlands and Drylands. Mountains, a source of resilience in arid regions (p. 76). Rom, Italien: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Centre of Development and Environment (CDE)

Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2011). Global change research for sustainable development. In: Wiesmann, Urs; Hurni, Hans (eds.) Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 15-42). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Lacroix, Laurent; Rist, Stephan; Gerritsen, Peter RW; Péclard, Didier (2011). Social and political participation in sustainable development with a focus on governance. In: Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans (eds.) Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 147-164). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Messerli, Peter; Heinimann, Andreas; Epprecht, Michael (2011). Finding homogeneity in heterogeneity: A new approach to quantifying landscape mosaics, developed for the Lao PDR. In: Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans (eds.) Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 377-402). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Ott, Cordula; Bieri, Sabin (2011). From rhetoric to concept: Incremental steps for mainstreaming gender in the NCCR North-South. In: Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans (eds.) Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 289-311). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Price, Martin; Kohler, Thomas; Gratzer, Georg (2011). Moving towards action. In: Price, Martin; Gratzer, Georg; Alemayehu, Duguma; Kohler, Thomas; Maselli, Daniel (eds.) Mountain Forests in a Changing World (pp. 76-78). Rom, Italien: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

Rist, Stephan; Boillat, Sébastien; Gerritsen, Peter RW; Schneider, Flurina; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Tapia, Nelson (2011). Endogenous knowledge: Implications for sustainable development. In: Wiesman, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans (eds.) Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 119-146). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Wiesmann, Urs; Hurni, Hans; Ott, Cordula; Zingerli, Claudia (2011). Combining the concepts of transdisciplinarity and partnership in research for sustainable development. In: Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans (eds.) Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 43-70). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Wiesmann, Urs; Ott, Cordula; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Kiteme, Boniface; Müller-Böker, Ulrike; Messerli, Peter; Zinsstag, Jakob (2011). A human actor model as a conceptual orientation in interdisciplinary research for sustainable development. In: Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans (eds.) Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 231-256). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Zinsstag, Jakob; Tanner, Marcel; Nguyen Viet, Hung; Obrist, Brigitte; Cissé, Guéladio; Bonfoh, Bassirou; Schertenleib, Roland; Zurbrügg, Christian; Yitaferu, Birru; Bantider, Amare; Hurni, Hans (2011). Interdisciplinary approaches in research for sustainable development. In: Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans (eds.) Research for Sustainable Development: Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 6 (pp. 207-228). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Prashun, Volker; Liniger, Hanspeter; Gisler, Simon (2011). Die hoch auflösende Erosionsrisikokarte der Schweiz als Hilfsmittel für den Vollzug. In: Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft : "Böden verstehen, Böden nutzen, Böden fit machen.". Berlin / Potsdam, Deutschland. 3.-9. September 2011.

Rutz, Dominik; Schneider, Flurina; Rist, Stephan (2011). Einflussfaktoren auf Soziale und Gesellschaftliche Lernprozesse im Wissenssystem Biolandbau. In: 11. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau (pp. 340-343). Berlin: Köster

Cissé, Guéladio; Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2011). Overcoming Stumbling Blocks in Research Partnerships. In: Research Partnerships for Development: Role and Challenges in a Globalising World. The Annual Conference of the KFPE. Bern, Schweiz. 9. November 2011.

Rossini, Manuela; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Zimmermann, Anne (2011). Peer Review Processes for Transdisciplinary Articles: A Reflection on Journals' Practices. In: Td-conference 2011: Evaluation of Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research - Experiences and Reflections on Best Practices. Bern, Schweiz. 14.-16.09.2011.

Eckert, Sandra; Rakoto Ratsimba, Harifidy; Rakotondrasoa, Lovanirina Olivia; Rajoelison, Lalanirina Gabrielle; Ehrensperger, Albrecht (2011). Deforestation and forest degradation monitoring and assessment of biomass and carbon stock of lowland rainforest in the Analanjirofo region, Madagascar. Forest Ecology and Management, 262(11), pp. 1996-2007. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.foreco.2011.08.041

Fry, Patricia; Zingerli, Claudia; Kläy, Andreas; Förster, Ruth (2011). Wissensaustausch aktiv gestalten: Erfahrungen in der Forschungspraxis. GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 20(2), pp. 130-132. München: Oekom Verlag

Hett, Cornelia; Heinimann, Andreas; Messerli, Peter (2011). Spatial assessment of carbon stocks of living vegetation at the national level in Lao PDR. Geografisk tidskrift - Danish journal of geography, 111(1), pp. 11-26. København: Routledge; Taylor & Francis Group 10.1080/00167223.2011.10669519

Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2011). Kleinbauern als "Global Players" von morgen. UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern(150), pp. 20-22. Bern: Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern

Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Gianella, Malca Cecilia; Rist, Stephan (2011). Abriendo nuevas perspectivas para la juventud campesina de los Andes a través de la valorización de los productos de la agrobiodiversidad. Leisa - revista de agroecología, 27(1), pp. 34-38. Lima: ETC Andes

Minsch, Jürg; Heim, Thomas; Kläy, Andreas (2011). Innovation, eine Tochter der Freiheit. GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 20(1), pp. 61-63. München: Oekom Verlag

Reed, M.; Buenemann, M.; Athlopheng, J.; Akhtar-Schuster, M.; Bachmann, Felicitas; Bastin, G.; Bigas, H.; Chanda, R.; Dougill, A.J.; Essahli, W.; Evely, A.C.; Fleskens, L.; Geeson, N.; Glass, J.H.; Hessel, R.; J., Holden; Ioris, A.A.R.; Kruger, B.; Liniger, Hanspeter; Mphinyane, W.; ... (2011). Cross-scale monitoring and assessment of land degradation and sustainable land management: a methodological framework for knowledge management. Land degradation & development, 22(2), pp. 261-271. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 10.1002/ldr.1087

Zah, Rainer; Gmünder, Simon; Ehrensperger, Albrecht (2011). Biotreibstoffe aus Entwicklungsländern: Eine Lebenszyklusbetrachtung. Biologie in unserer Zeit, 41(5), pp. 316-323. Weinheim: VCH 10.1002/biuz.201110458

Haller, Tobias; Galvin, Marc (2011). Challenges for Participatory Conservation in Times of Global Change: Lessons from a Comparative Analysis and New Developments. In: Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans (eds.) Research for Sustainable Development. Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research NCCR North-South University of Bern: Vol. 6 (pp. 467-503). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Ludi, Eva; Amsalu, Aklilu; Chiuri, Wanjiku; Haller, Tobias; Mbeyale, Gimbage; Mhando, David (2011). Sustainable Livelihoods for Coffee Producers in East Africa: Is Producing Speciality Coffee a Way Out of Poverty? In: Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans (eds.) Research for Sustainable Development. Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research NCCR North-South University of Bern: Vol. 6 (pp. 505-524). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Adam, Yussuf; Kläy, Andreas; Machele, Júlio (2011). “No fim não vai ficar nada”: exploração dos recursos florestais em Cabo Delgado relatório do trabalho de campo em Namiune, Nkonga e 5º Congresso: Relatório do trabalho de campo nas concessões COMADEL e a FMJ, Cabo Delgado, Novembro de 2010 Maputo, Mozambique: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Desta, Gizaw; Hurni, Hans (2011). Farmers' participatory soil erosion assessment and soil conservation improvement: application of local erosion indicators Bern, Switzerland: ESAPP

Hufty, Marc (2011). Investigating policy processes: The Governance Analytical Frame-work (GAF). In: Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans (eds.) Research for sustainable development 6 (pp. 403-424). Bern, Schweiz: Geographica Bernensia; NCCR North-South

Lüthi, Christoph; Antoine, Morel; Mingma, Sherpa; Elizabeth, Tilley; Heim, Eva (2011). Local solutions for sanitation (Evidence for Policy Series No. 5). Bern, Switzerland: NCCR North-South

Muchemi, Julius; Ehrensperger, Albrecht (2011). Ogiek peoples ancestral territories atlas: safeguarding territories, cultures and natural resources of Ogiek indigenous people in the eastern Mau Forest, Kenya 1. Bern, Switzerland: ERMIS Africa and Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)


Adam, Yussuf; Kläy, Andreas; Affentranger, Lukas (2010). “Se querem que façamos algo pela floresta tem que nos pagar”: As lógicas da participação dos camponeses nos Comités de Gestão dos Recursos Naturais nos distritos de Palma e Mocimboa da Praia em 2009: Relatório do trabalho de campo em Namiune, Nkonga e 5º Congresso, Maputo, Dezembro de 2010 Maputo, Mozambique: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Vandebroek, Ina (November 2010). Distribución social de los conocimientos de medicina tradicional en los Andes: Estudios de caso de Perú y Bolivia (Unpublished). In: II Congreso Latinoamericano de Etnobiologia (CLE II) and VIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Etnobiologia e Etnoecologia (VIII SBEE). Recife, Brasilien. 08.11.-12.11.2010.

Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Heinimann, Andreas; Messerli, Peter; Epprecht, Michael (November 2010). Knowledge for Agrobiodiversity and Livelihoods (Unpublished). In: Zukunft Biodiversität Schweiz: SWIFCOB 10 / Jahreskongress SCNAT / Wissenschaftstage BAFU. Villars-sur-Glâne, Schweiz. 08.11.-09.11.2010.

Mwambene, Pius; Mashingo, Mary; Mwakalile, Ignatius; Höggel, Udo (October 2010). Pastoral-Farmer conflicts over natural resources in the Lake Rukwa basin : Challenges facing policy makers in Tanzania (Unpublished). In: 5th All African Conference of Animal Production; Commercialization of Livestock Agriculture in Africa: Challenges and opportunities. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 23.10.-25.10.2010.

Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Hurni, Hans (September 2010). MRD's role as a journal with a global community of peers and readers: Sound knowledge for local to global sustainable mountain development (Unpublished). In: Perth II, Global Change and the World's Mountains Conference. Perth, UK. 26.-30. September 2010.

Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Wachs, Theodore; Hurni, Hans (September 2010). Bringing results to fruition through publication: An analysis of a peer-reviewed, open access and context-focused journal's editorial practice. In: td-conference: Implementation in Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research, Practice and Teaching. Geneva, Switzerland. 15.-17. September 2010.

Eckert, Sandra (September 2010). Urban expansion and its impact on urban agriculture – remote sensing based change analysis of Kizinga and Mzinga Valley – Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania (Unpublished). In: Joint SIG Workshop: Urban - 3D - Radar - Thermal Remote Sensing and Developing Countries. Gent, Belgium. 22.09.-24.09.2010.

Hurni, Hans; Bantider, Amare; Zeleke, Gete; Yitaferu, Birru (2010). Improving ecosystem services for food security in Ethiopia (Evidence for Policy Series, Regional edition Horn of Africa 1). Bern: NCCR North-South

Messerli, Peter (April 2010). From governance landscapes to landscape governance: analyzing spaces of public sector interventions in rural areas of Lao PDR. In: UCLA Joint Conference on Southeast Asian Studies: Space, Movement, and Place in Southeast Asia. Berkeley, California, USA. 2.-3. April 2010.

Rueff, Henri (April 2010). Minimum carbon payment along an aridity gradient for dryland afforestation in non annex I countries with stochastic weather and prices (Unpublished). In: 1st Oxford Interdisciplinary Desert Conference. Oxford, UK. 15.04.-16.04.2010.

Giger, Markus (March 2010). Key Drivers of Food Security in Mountains: Documentation of Workshop Results (Unpublished) Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Rueff, Henri (February 2010). Bedouin in the Negev and Environmental Studies: Current and Future Research Prospects (Unpublished). In: Rethinking the Paradigms: Negev Bedouin Research 2000+. Exeter, UK. 13.02.-14.02.2010.

Hurni, Hans (January 2010). Long-term effects of watershed management on surface runoff and sediment loss in the Ethiopian Highlands. In: Conference on Water Resources in Ethiopia. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 12.-16. January 2010.

Chasek, Pamela; Reed, Mark; Requier-Desjardins, Mélanie; Sperlich, Stefan; Stringer, Lindsay; Bachmann, Felicitas; Schwilch, Gudrun; Liniger, Hanspeter (2010). Monitoring and Assessment of Desertification and Land Degradation: Knowledge Management, Institutions and Economics: White Paper of the DSD Working Group 3 (UNU Desertification Series 9). Ontario, Canada: The United Nations University

Höggel, Udo (2010). Climate Change as a Challenge to Soil and Land Management: Rewarding sustainable soil- and land management in the face of climate change (Unpublished). In: Forum SLM. Bern, Switzerland. 24. Juni 2010.

Michel, Claudia; Heim, Eva Maria; Herweg, Karl Günter; Zimmermann, Anne B.; Breu, Thomas (2010). Making research relevant to policy-makers, development actors, and local communities: NCCR North-South report on effectiveness of research for development (NCCR North-South Dialogue 23). Bern, Schweiz: NCCR North-South

Rueff, Henri; Rahim, Inam-ur; Hirschbühl, Tina (2010). Carbon Finance and Dryland Afforestation (Evidence for Policy Series. Regional edition Central Asia 1). Bern: NCCR North-South

Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs Martin (eds.) (2010). Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5. Bern, Schweiz: Geographica Bernensia

Boillat, Sébastien; Alca, Castillo Jamil; Álvarez, Alex; Bottazzi, Patrick; Ponce Camacho, Dora; Serrano, Elvira; Biffi, Valeria; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Larsen, Peter Bille; Rist, Stephan (2010). Protected Areas and Indigenous Peoples in Bolivia and Peru: Dilemmas, Conflicts, and Ways Out. In: Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs (eds.) Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 501-515). Bern, Schweiz: Geographica Bernensia

Epprecht, Michael; Heinimann, Andreas; Messerli, Peter; Schmidt-Vogt, Dietrich; Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2010). Accessibility as a determinant of environmental dynamics in socio-economic disparities in mainland Southeast Asia. In: Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs (eds.) Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 371-384). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Gmünder, Simon; Portner, Brigitte (2010). Biofuels and developing countries. In: Zah, Rainer; Binder, Claudia; Bringezu, Stefan; Reinhard, Jürgen; Schmid, Alfons; Schütz, Helmut (eds.) Future Perspectives of 2nd Generation Biofuels. TA-SWISS / Zentrum für Technologiefolgen-Abschätzung: Vol. 55 (pp. 194-202). Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag

Hurni, Hans; Abate, Solomon; Bantider, Amare; Debele, Berhanu; Ludi, Eva; Portner, Brigitte; Yitaferu, Birru; Zeleke, Gete (2010). Land degradation and sustainable land management in the Highlands of Ethiopia. In: Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs (eds.) Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 187-207). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Kiteme, Boniface P.; Obrist, Brigit; Kessy, Flora; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Misana, Salomé; Mvena, Zebedayo; Lelo, Francis; Wiesmann, Urs (2010). Features of successful syndrome mitigation: Enhancing resilience and empowering the vulnerable in East Africa. In: Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs (eds.) Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 131-147). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Liechti, Karina; Müller, Urs (2010). Negotiating conservation: the construction of meaningful spaces in a world heritage debate. In: Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs (eds.) Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 547-561). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Ngana, James; Notter, Benedikt; Messerli, Peter; Mbeyale, Gimbage; Msuya, Tuli; Chitiki, A. (2010). Managing water resources in dynamic settings: A multi-level, multi-stakeholder perspective. In: Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs (eds.) Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 91-106). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Sommer, Rosmarie; Wallner, Astrid; Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2010). Sustainable regional development: Reconciling global and local dynamics and stakes in the Swiss Alps. In: Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs (eds.) Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 531-546). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Wallner, Astrid (2010). Sustainable development and nature protection in the Swiss Alps: Finding the balance. In: Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs (eds.) Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 519-530). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Wallner, Astrid; Schüpbach, Ursula; Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2010). Managing a World Heritage Site: Potentials and limitations of transdisciplinary approaches. In: Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs (eds.) Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 563-578). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Wolfgramm, Bettina; Shigaeva, Jyldyz; Nekushoeva, Gulniso; Bonfoh, Bassirou; Breu, Thomas Michael; Liniger, Hanspeter; Maselli, Daniel (2010). Kyrgyz and Tajik land use in transition: Challenges, responses and opportunities. In: Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs (eds.) Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 241-254). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Mohammad, Saleem; Rahim, Inam; Rueff, Henri; Khan, Momen; Maselli, Daniel; Wiesmann, Urs (2010). Mountain cattle breed for coping with climate change: needs for conserving and reintroducing the Achai in the Hindu Kush Mountains of Northern Pakistan. In: Tropentag 2010: International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development. Zurich, Switzerland. 14.-16. September 2010.

Giger, Markus (2010). Der Klimawandel als zusätzlicher Risikofaktor für die Landwirtschaft und Ernährungssicherheit im Süden (Unpublished). In: Forum für Universität und Gesellschaft. Bern, Switzerland. 13. November 2010.

Giger, Markus (2010). Improving food security - supporting sustainable production, access to resources, and livelihoods: Knowledge Generation and Sharing for Development and Policy Support (Unpublished). In: Tropentag. Zurich, Switzerland. 15. September 2010.

Heim, Eva (2010). Making Research Relevant to Development - Experience from the NCCR North-South. In: The Annual Conference of the KFPE - Swiss Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries. Basel, Switzerland.

Jacobi, Johanna; Rist, Stephan; Limachi, Miguel; Schneider, Monika (2010). Farming Systems and Resilience Building in a Changing Climate On-Farm Comparisons of Organic and Conventional Cocoa Cultivation in Alto Beni, Bolivia. In: Tropentag. Zurich, Switzerland. 14.-16. September 2010.

Messerli, Peter (2010). Global Change and Rural Transformation in the Lao PDR. A meso-level analysis of landscapes as contexts for sustainable development. In: Ester Boserup Conference 2010 - A Centennial Tribute. Vienna, Austria. 15.-17. November 2010.

Messerli, Peter (2010). Slow mountains: Bridging the gap between contextuality and globalised agendas in mountain development. In: Global Change and the World's Mountains. Perth, UK. 26.-30. September 2010.

Rakoto, Ratsimba Harifidy; Rajoelisaon, Gabrielle; Rakotondrasoa, L.O.; Eckert, Sandra; Hergarten, Christian; Ehrensperger, Albrecht (2010). Dégradation des forêts et stock de carbone dans la biomasse épigée de la forêt dense humide de Manompana - Nord Est de Madagascar (Unpublished). In: Technologies for Development, Tech4Dev International Conference. Lausanne, Switzerland. 08.02.-10.02.2010.

Rueff, Henri; Rahim, Inam; Maselli, Daniel; Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2010). Coping with Uncertain Livelihoods in Mountains: Landless Mobile Pastoralists Adaptation to Climate Change in the Himalayan Hindukush Mountains of Northern Pakistan. In: Perth II, Global Change and the World's Mountains Conference. Perth, UK. 26.-30. September 2010.

Bühlmann, Erik; Wolfgramm, Bettina; Maselli, Daniel; Hurni, Hans; Sanginov, Sanginboy; Liniger, Hanspeter (2010). Geographic information system-based decision support for soil conservation planning in Tajikistan. Journal of soil & water conservation, 65(3), pp. 151-159. Ankeny, Iowa: Soil and Water Conservation Society 10.2489/jswc.65.3.151

Giger, Markus (2010). Climate change: an additional risk factor for agriculture and food security in the South. Rural development news, 2(7), pp. 1-6. Ames, Iowa: North Central Regional Center for Rural Development

Hill, Margot; Wallner, Astrid; Furtado, Jose (2010). Reducing vulnerability to climate change in the Swiss Alps: a study of adaptive planning. Climate policy, 10(1), pp. 70-86. Abingdon, UK: Taylor & Francis 10.3763/cpol.2008.0536

Ledermann, Thomas; Herweg, Karl Günter; Liniger, Hanspeter; Schneider, Flurina; Hurni, Hans; Prasuhn, Volker (2010). Applying erosion damage mapping to asses and quantify off-site effects of soil erosion in Switzerland. Land degradation & development, 21(4), pp. 353-366. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 10.1002/ldr.1008

Liechti, Karina; Wallner, Astrid; Wiesmann, Urs (2010). Linking a World Heritage Site to Sustainable Regional Development - Contested Natures in a Local Negotiation Process. Society & Natural Resources, 23(8), pp. 726-741. Philadelphia, Pa.: Taylor & Francis 10.1080/08941920802449011

Ossés de Eicker, Margarita; Hischier, Roland; Kulay, Luiz Alexandre; Lehmann, Martin; Zah, Rainer; Hurni, Hans (2010). The applicability of non-local LCI data for LCA. Environmental impact assessment review, 30(3), pp. 192-199. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.eiar.2009.08.007

Michel, Claudia; Heim, Eva; Herweg, Karl; Breu, Thomas (2010). Exploring the effectiveness of development research with a monitoring and learning approach. Knowledge management for development journal, 6(2), pp. 105-119. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, Taylor & Francis 10.1080/19474199.2010.531754

Pohl, Christian; Rist, Stephan; Zimmermann, Anne; Fry, Patricia; Gurung, Ghana S.; Schneider, Flurina; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Kiteme, Boniface; Boillat, Sébastien; Serrano, Elvira; Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2010). Researchers' roles in knowledge co-production: experience from sustainability research in Kenya, Switzerland, Bolivia and Nepal. Science and public policy, 37(4), pp. 267-281. Oxford: Beech Tree Publishing 10.3152/030234210X496628

Schneider, Flurina; Ledermann, Thomas; Fry, Patricia; Rist, Stephan (2010). Soil conservation in Swiss agriculture - Approaching abstract and symbolic meanings in farmers' life-worlds. Land use policy, 27(1), pp. 332-339. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.landusepol.2009.04.007

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Kohler, Thomas; Giger, Markus; Hurni, Hans; Ott, Cordula; Wiesmann, Urs; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Maselli, Daniel (2010). Mountains and Climate Change: A Global Concern. Mountain Research and Development, 30(1), pp. 53-55. Boulder, Colo.: International Mountain Society 10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-09-00086.1

Heim, Eva Maria; Michel, Claudia; Zimmermann, Anne; Breu, Thomas; Messerli, Peter; Herweg, Karl; Salmi, Annika (2010). Partnership Actions for Mitigating Syndromes (PAMS): Experience with a transdisciplinary tool in the NCCR North-South programme (Unpublished). In: Transdisciplinarity Net Conference. Geneva, Switzerland. 15.-17. September 2010.

Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Kiteme, Boniface; Ambenje, Peter; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Makali, Samuel (2010). Indigenous knowledge related to climate variability and change: insights from droughts in semi-arid areas of former Makueni District, Kenya. Climatic change, 100(2), pp. 295-315. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands 10.1007/s10584-009-9713-0

Delgado, Freddy; Rist, Stephan; Escóbar, Cesar (2010). El Desarrollo Endógeno Sustentable como interfaz para implementar el Vivir Bien en la gestión pública Boliviana. La Paz Bolivia: Agruco-Captured

Gabathuler, Ernst; Bachmann, Felicitas; Kläy, Andreas; Giger, Markus (2010). Reshaping Rural Extension: Learning for Sustainability (LforS): An Integrative and Learning-Based Advisory Approach for Rural Extension (Unpublished). In: First Intercontinental Meeting of the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services. Viña del Mar, Chile. 02.11.-05.11.2010.

Giger, Markus; Kläy, Andreas; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Messerli, Peter (2010). Competence-Mapping CDE : Resultate einer Umfrage im Herbst 2009 (Unpublished) Bern: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Herweg, Karl Günter; Rist, Stephan; Liniger, Hanspeter; Prasuhn, Volker; Schneider, Flurina; Ledermann, Thomas; Fry, Patricia; Zimmermann, Anne; Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2010). Transdisciplinarity – An Option for Applied Landscape Ecology in Complex and Uncertain Contexts. Erde, 141, pp. 321-339. Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin

Hett, Cornelia; Hurni, Kaspar; Heinimann, Andreas; Mueller, Daniel (2010). Assessing landscape changes in Laos using MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (Unpublished). In: Integrated Training and Capitalising on Experience (ITC). Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 01.09.-12.09.2010.

Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Ayiemba, Elias; Gimbage, Mbeyale; Ludi, Eva; Onganyi, Paul; Mwamfupe, Davis (2010). Strengthening policies and institutions to support adaptation to climate variability and change in the drylands of East Africa. In: Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs (eds.) Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 107-130). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

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Mariscal, Juan Carlos; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Rist, Stephan; Delgado, Freddy (2010). Enhancing Food Sovereignty and Food Security through the Revitalization of Indigenous Knowledge: Experiences from the Bolivian Andes (Unpublished). In: XII International Congress of Ethnobiology (ICE 2010). Tofino, Canada. 09.05.-14.05.2010.

Messerli, Peter (2010). Mit bestem Wissen und Gewissen? Armutslinderung und globaler Wandel in Laos (Unpublished). In: Ringvorlesung Asien. Köln, Deutschland. 20.04.-17.07.2010.

Schwilch, Gudrun; Hauert, Christine; Liniger, Hanspeter; Bunning, Sally (2010). Coping with degradation through SLWM: SOLAW Background Thematic Report - TR12 Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Bichsel, Christine; Fokou, Gilbert; Ibraimova, Asel; Ulan, Kasymov; Steimann, Bernd; Thieme, Susan (2010). Natural Resource Institutions in Transformation: The Tragedy and Glory of the Private. In: Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence of Research (NCCR) North-South: Vol. 5 (pp. 255-269). Bern: Geographica Bernensia


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Hurni, Hans; Osman-Elasha, Balgis; Giger, Markus; Klaey, Andreas; Ott, Cordula; Hoeggel, Udo; Rist, Stephan; Portner, Brigitte (2009). Context, conceptual framework and sustainability indicators. In: McIntyre, Beverly D.; Herren, Hans; Wakhungu, Judi; Watson, Robert T. (eds.) Agriculture at a Crossroads: Global Report. International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (pp. 1-56). Washington: Island Press

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Hurni, Hans; Wachs, Ted; Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Price, Martin; Thibault, Marlène (eds.) (2009). Mountain Research and Development, 29(1-4). International Mountain Society

Geiser, Urs; Rist, Stephan (eds.) (2009). Decentralisation meets local complexity: Local struggles, state decentralisation and access to natural resources in South Asia and Latin America. Perspectives: Vol. 4. Bern: Geographica Bernensia

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Aeberhard, Andrea; Rist, Stephan (2009). Koproduktion von Wissen in der Entwicklung des Biolandbaus - Einflüsse von Marginalisierung, Anerkennung und Markt. Werte - Wege - Wirkungen: Biolandbau im Spannungsfeld zwischen Ernährungssicherung, Markt und Klimawandel Beiträge zur 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, ETH Zürich, Band 1, pp. 518-520. Berlin: Köster

Kläy, Andreas; Ott, Cordula (2009). The efficiency of simplicity. A comprehensive evolutionary perception of the earth can help to improve the management of subsystems: Transforming institutions to managing a carbon constrained world. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 6(22), p. 222002. Copenhagen, Denmark: IOP Publishing 10.1088/1755-1307/6/22/222002

Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan (2009). Transformation of local medicinal knowledge in the Andean Highlands: Case studies from Peru and Bolivia (Unpublished). In: V International Congress of Ethnobotany (ICEB). San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. 21.09.-24.09.2009.

Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Gianella Malca, Cecilia; Rist, Stephan (2009). Valorization of agrobiodiversity products and strengthening of local identities in the Peruvian Andes: Experiences from the BioAndes Programme (Unpublished). In: Localizing products: A sustainable approach for natural and cultural diversity in the South? International Symposium. Paris, France. 09.06.-11.06.2009.

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Bachmann, Felicitas; Rist, Stephan; Hoffmann, Volker (2009). Self-help extension: Farmer-to-farmer extension. In: Hoffmann, Volker; Christinck, Anja; Lemma, Manusha (eds.) Handbook: Rural Extension. Examples and Background Material, vol. 2 (pp. 76-83). Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers

Gabathuler, Ernst; Bachmann, Felicitas (2009). Learning for Sustainability - LforS: Training modules and workshop guidelines. In: Hoffmann, Volker; Christinck, Anja; Lemma, Manusha (eds.) Handbook: Rural Extension. Examples and Background Material, vol. 2 (pp. 480-483). Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers

Gabathuler, Ernst; Bachmann, Felicitas (2009). Learning for Sustainability - LforS: Stakeholder dialogue. In: Hoffmann, Volker; Christinck, Anja; Lemma, Manusha (eds.) Handbook: Rural Extension. Examples and Background Material, vol. 2 (pp. 375-380). Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers

Gabathuler, Ernst; Bachmann, Felicitas; Rist, Stephan (2009). Learning for Sustainability - LforS: An extension approach in small scale farming. In: Hoffmann, Volker; Christinck, Anja; Lemma, Manusha (eds.) Handbook: Rural Extension. Examples and Background Material, vol. 2 (pp. 97-112). Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers

Bachmann, Felicitas; Rist, Stephan; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Bachmann, Felicitas (2009). Promoting local innovation - a tool for sustainable rural development. In: Hoffmann, Volker; Christinck, Anja; Lemma, Manusha (eds.) Handbook: Rural Extension. Examples and Background Material, vol. 2 (pp. 354-365). Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers

Rist, Stephan; Delgado, Freddy (2009). Strengthening endogenous knowledge production through intercultural dialogue. In: Hoffmann, Volker; Christinck, Anja; Lemma, Manusha (eds.) Handbook: Rural Extension. Examples and Background Material, vol. 2 (pp. 346-353). Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers

Rist, Stephan; Gerster-Bentaya, M.; Hoffmann, Volker (2009). Paulo Freire's pedagogical approach: The acting human being. In: Hoffmann, Volker; Christinck, Anja; Lemma, Manusha (eds.) Handbook: Rural Extension. Examples and Background Material, vol. 2 (pp. 548-555). Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers

Rist, Stephan; Hoffmann, Volker; Koshelev, V. (2009). Alexander Tschajanow and Social Agronomy. In: Hoffmann, Volker; Christinck, Anja; Lemma, Manusha (eds.) Handbook: Rural Extension. Examples and Background Material, vol. 2 (pp. 528-534). Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers

Gessesse, Gizaw D.; Klik, Andreas; Hurni, Hans (2009). Assessment of soil erosion and soil conservation practices in Angereb watershed, Ethiopia: Technological and land user context. Biophysical and socio-economic frame conditions for the sustainable management of natural resources: Book of abstracts, p. 52. Witzenhausen, Deutschland: DITSL

Messerli, Peter (2009). Decision-making on Human-environment Systems: A Meso-scale Analysis of Governance Landscapes (Unpublished). In: IHDP Open Science Conference. Bonn, Germany. 26.04.-30.04.2009.

Michel, Claudia; Heim, Eva; Zimmermann, Anne (2009). Evaluating Integration. Research contributions for a gender sensitive migration policy: Research contributions for a gender sensitive migration policy (Unpublished). In: Td-Conference 2009: Integration in Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research: Forging Collective Concepts, Methods and Practices - Changing Structures. Bern, Switzerland. 19.11.-21.11.2009.

Wallner, Astrid; Schüpbach, Ursula; Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2009). Managing a World Heritage Site – Potentials and Limitations of Transdisciplinary Approaches. Nationalpark Hohe Tauern, Conference Volume 4, pp. 333-335.

Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2009). Wozu? Für Wen? Wie? Herausforderungen der Gebirgsforschung. In: Gebirgsforschung Schweiz 2008 Tagungsbericht (pp. 11-14). Bern, Schweiz: ICAS

Mertz, Ole; Leisz, Stephan J.; Heinimann, Andreas; Thiha, Kanok Rerkasem; Dressler, Wolfram; Cu Pham, Van; Kim Chi, Vu; Schmidt-Vogt, Diwreixh; Colfer, Carol J.P.; Epprecht, Michael; Padoch, Cchristine; Potter, Lesley (2009). Who Counts? Demography of Swidden Cultivators in Southeast Asia. Human ecology, 37(3), pp. 281-289. New-York, NY: Springer 10.1007/s10745-009-9249-y

Messerli, Peter; Heinimann, Andreas; Epprecht, Michael (2009). Finding Homogeneity in Heterogeneity - A New Approach to Quantifying Landscape Mosaics Developed for the Lao PDR. Human ecology, 37(3), pp. 291-304. New-York, NY: Springer US; http://www.springer-ny.com 10.1007/s10745-009-9238-1

Schmidt-Vogt, Dietrich; Leisz, Stephan J.; Mertz, Ole; Heinimann, Andreas; Thiha, Rerkasem Kanok; Messerli, Peter; Epprecht, Michael; Cu Phan, Van; Chi Vu, Kim; Hardiono, Martin; Dao, Truong M. (2009). An Assessment of Trends in the Extent of Swidden in Southeast Asia. Human ecology, 37(3), pp. 269-280. New-York, NY: Springer 10.1007/s10745-009-9239-0

Schneider, Flurina; Fry, Patrizia; Ledermann, Thomas; Rist, Stephan (2009). Social Learning Processes in Swiss Soil Protection? The 'From Farmer - To Farmer' Project. Human ecology, 37(4), pp. 475-489. New-York, NY: Springer US; http://www.springer-ny.com 10.1007/s10745-009-9262-1

Schwilch, Gudrun; Bachmann, Felicitas; Liniger, Hanspeter (2009). Appraising and selecting conservation measures to mitigate desertification and land degradation based on stakeholder participation and global best practices. Land degradation & development, 20(3), pp. 308-326. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 10.1002/ldr.920

Wallner, Astrid; Schmidt, Ronald; Haller, Ruedi (2009). Potentials and limitations of coordinated spatial and non-spatial information. Eco.mont - journal on protected mountain areas research, 1(2), pp. 33-38. Wien: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press 10.1553/ecomont2s33

Wallner, Astrid; Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2009). Critical issues in managing protected areas by multi-stakeholder participation - analysis of a process in the Swiss Alps. Eco.mont - journal on protected mountain areas research, 1(1), pp. 45-50. Wien: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press 10.1553/eco.mont1s45

Messerli, Peter; Heinimann, Andreas; Epprecht, Michael; Hurni, Kaspar (2009). The poverty-environment nexus in the Lao PDR: spatial patterns of development contexts from a meso-scale perspective. In: Vulnerability of Land Systems in Asia: The Global Land Project Workshop of IHDP. Beijing, China. 15.06.-17.06.2009.

Hurni, Hans (2009). Climate change and development (Unpublished). In: Klimakurs Rüttihubelbad. Walkringen, Schweiz. 07.01.2009.

Hurni, Hans (2009). Conserving land: a luxury in face of global challenges? (Unpublished). In: International Conference "Land Conservation" - LANDCON 0905. Tara Mountains, Serbia. 26.05.-30.05.2009.

Hurni, Hans (2009). Energie, Nahrungssicherheit und Globaler Wandel (Unpublished). In: NATUR Kongress 4/09: Workshop "Wie bringen wir die Energie für 9 Mia. Menschen auf den Teller?". Basel, Schweiz. 19.02.2009.

Hurni, Hans (2009). Food security and natural resource use (Unpublished). In: Biofuels and Food Security. ThinkTank SDC. Bern, Switzerland. 02.06.2009.

Hurni, Hans (2009). Gibt es eine Nische in der globalen Landwirtschaft? (Unpublished). In: Neue Bauernkoordination Schweiz. Gossau, Schweiz. 22.05.2009.

Hurni, Hans (2009). Landwirtschaft, die Zukunft schafft (Unpublished). In: Kulturkommission Agensteinhaus. Erlenbach, Schweiz. 15.05.2009.

Hurni, Hans (2009). Schweizerische Entwicklung der partnerschaftlichen Forschung für Entwicklungsländer. Die Schnittstelle der Forschung mit der Umsetzung in Politik und Praxis (Unpublished). In: Water Policy of the Future - What can we learn from 30 years of experience?: Honorary Symposium for Ueli Bundi and Roland Schertenleib. Dübendorf, Schweiz. 03.04.2009.

Hurni, Hans; Giger, Markus (2009). Welche Zukunft für die ländliche Entwicklung und den Kleinbauernsektor in Entwicklungsländern? (Unpublished). In: NADEL Kurs. Zürich, Schweiz. 10.11.2009.

Nyssen, Jan; Crummey, Donald; Munro, Neil; Haile, Mitiku; Poesen, Jean; Frank, Amaury; Hurni, Hans; Descheemaeker, K; Ritler, Alfons; Nievergelt, Bernhard; Moeyersons, Jan; Deckers, Jozef; Billi, Paolo (2009). Land Degradation and Resilience in the North Ethiopian Highlands as evidenced by Historical Photographs. In: 17th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies. Addis Abeba, Ethiopia.

Schaffhauser, Mario; Hösli, Christoph (2009). WebGIS: Anwendungen über ArcGIS Server in der Kantonalen Verwaltung Luzern (Unpublished). In: ESRI 2009. Bregenz, Österreich. 07.05.2009.

Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2009). Between Risks and Opportunities: Biofuels and Food Security from the Perspective of Smallholders (Unpublished). In: DEZA Seminar zu Biofuels. Bern, Switzerland. 02.06.2009.

Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2009). Between Risks and Opportunities: Bringing together the Strands (Unpublished). In: Adapting to Climate Change: Strategies for Water and Food Security in India. SDC-TERI special event. New Delhi, India. 04.02.2009.

Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2009). Elefanten, Bauern oder Supermärkte - Wem nützen 30 Jahre Forschung am Mount Kenya? (Unpublished). In: Entwicklung hat viele Gesichter. Bern, Schweiz. 29.09.2009.

Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2009). From Development to Global Studies (Unpublished). In: SNIS Annual Conference: European Integration, International Migration and Swiss Foreign Policies. Bern, Switzerland. 15.10.-16.10.2009.

Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2009). From Research to Implementation: Improving impact through transdisciplinary partnerships (Unpublished). In: From Research to Implementation, North-South Forum. Zürich, Switzerland. 05.05.2009.

Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2009). Gebietsmonitoring und Informationsplattform im Weltnaturerbe Jungfrau-Aletsch (Unpublished). In: Stiftungsrat des Weltnaturerbes Jungfrau-Aletsch. Bern, Schweiz. 23.11.2009.

Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2009). Indigenous Knowledge in Negotiating Sustainable Natural Resource Management (Unpublished). In: 8th Interdisciplinary Symposium on Knowledge and Space: Ethnic and Cultural Dimensions of Knowledge. Heidelberg, Germany. 10.10.2009.

Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2009). Partnerschaftliche Spitzenforschung zum globalen Wandel (Unpublished). In: Badener Gespräche der Österreichischen Akademien: Qualität und Wirkung - Von der guten zur signifikanten Forschung. Wien, Österreich. 06.06.2009.

Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Kiteme, Boniface (2009). Water Users Associations as triggers of knowledge-based basin management (Unpublished). In: From Research to Development - Mutual Learning for Change; Jahreskonferenz KFPE - Comission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries. Lugano, Switzerland. 23.10.2009.

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Krauer, Jürg; Hösli, Christoph (2009). GIS-Karte des Südsudans gewinnt Kartografie-Preis. arcAKTUELL, 2009(4), pp. 34-35. Esri Deutschland

Zingerli, Claudia; Fry, Patricia; Bachmann, Felicitas; Flury, Manuel; Förster, Ruth; Kläy, Andreas; Küffer, Christoph (2009). Kommunikationskompetenz: Eine Bedingung für erfolgreichen Wissensaustausch. GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 18(3), pp. 264-266. Oekom Verlag

Gabathuler, Ernst; Hauert, Christine; Giger, Markus (2009). Benefits of sustainable land management Bern: World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT); Centre of Development and Environment (CDE)

Geiser, Urs; Ramakumar, R.; Rist, Stephan; Ponce, Dora (2009). Overcoming ambiguities in decentralisation (Evidence for Policy Series. Global edition 3). Bern: NCCR North-South

Portner, Brigitte; Salmi, Annika; Kläy, Andreas; Kakridi Enz, Fani; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Ehrensperger, Albrecht (2009). Bioenergy for the poor: Two sides of a coin (InfoResources Focus 3/09). Zollikofen, Switzerland: InfoResources

Wolfgramm, Bettina; Notter, Benedikt; Kiteme, Boniface; Ershova, Natalia (2009). Natural resources: the climate change challenge (Evidence for Policy Series. Global edition 4). Bern: NCCR North-South

Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Kläy, Andreas; Sieber, Patrick; Mukerji, Rupa; Schaltenbrand, Hans; Guharay, Falguni; Kiteme, Boniface P.; Wenger, Ruth; Kakridi Enz, Fani (2009). Natural Resources in 2025 - Implications for Development : Opportunity of a trunaround: An expert reassessment (InfoResources Trends). Zollikofen, Switzerland: InfoResources

Hasler, Martin; Feuz, Thomas; Gründewald, Christina; Wallner, Astrid (2009). UNESCO Welterbe Schweizer Alpen Jungfrau-Aletsch: Eine Werkstatt für den Geographieunterricht Sekundarstufe II (Unpublished)


Epprecht, Michael; Minot, Nicolas; Dewina, Reno; Messerli, Peter; Heinimann, Andreas (2008). The Geography of Poverty and Inequality in the Lao PDR [Textbook] . Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Messerli, Peter; Heinimann, Andreas; Epprecht, Michael; Souksavath, Phonesaly; Chanthalanouvong, Thiraka; Minot, Nicholas (2008). Socio-economic atlas of the Lao PDR. An analysis based on the 2005 population and housing census [Textbook] . Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Hoffmann-Riem, Holger; Biber-Klemm, Susette; Grossenbacher-Mansuy, Walter; Joye, Dominique; Pohl, Christian; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Zemp, Elisabeth (2008). Handbook of Transdisciplinary Research [Textbook] . Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

Herweg, Karl Günter; Künzel, Manfred; Rist, Stephan; Hurni, Hans (2008). Gemeinsames Lernen in Forschungspartnerschaften mit dem Süden - praxisnah, interkulturell und transdisziplinär. In: Darbellay, Frédéric; Paulsen, Theres (eds.) Herausforderungen Inter- und Transdisziplinarität: Konzepte, Methoden und innovative Umsetzung in Lehre und Forschung (pp. 83-91). Lausanne, Schweiz: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes (PPUR)

Boillat, Sébastien; Rist, Stephan; Serrano, Elvira; Ponce, Dora; Delgadillo, Jaime (2008). Struggling "Ontological Communities": The Transformation of Conservationists' and Peasants' Discourses in the Tunari National Park, Bolivia. In: Galvin, Marc; Haller, Tobias (eds.) People, Protected Areas and Global Change: Participatory Conservation in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South (pp. 37-80). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Hoffmann-Riem, Holger; Biber-Klemm, Susette; Grossenbacher-Mansuy, Walter; Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Joye, Dominique; Pohl, Christian; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Zemp, Elisabeth (2008). Idea of the Handbook. In: Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Hoffmann-Riem, Holger; Biber-Klemm, Susette; Grossenbacher-Mansuy, Walter; Joye, Dominique; Pohl, Christian; Wiesmann, Urs; Zemp, Elisabeth (eds.) Handbook of Transdisciplinary Research (pp. 3-17). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Biber-Klemm, Susette; Grossenbacher-Mansuy, Walter; Hoffmann-Riem, Holger; Joye, Dominique; Pohl, Christian; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Zemp, Elisabeth (2008). The Emergence of Transdisciplinarity as a Form of Research. In: Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Hoffmann-Riem, Holger; Biber-Klemm, Susette; Grossenbacher-Mansuy, Walter; Joye, Dominique; Pohl, Christian; Wiesmann, Urs; Zemp, Elisabeth (eds.) Handbook of Transdisciplinary Research (pp. 19-39). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

Kiteme, Boniface P.; Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2008). Sustainable River Basin Management in Kenya: Balancing Needs and Requirements. In: Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Hoffmann-Riem, Holger; Biber-Klemm, Susette; Grossenbacher-Mansuy, Walter; Joye, Dominique; Pohl, Christian; Wiesmann, Urs; Zemp, Elisabeth (eds.) Handbook of Transdisciplinary Research (pp. 63-78). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Biber-Klemm, Susette; Grossenbacher-Mansuy, Walter; Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Hoffmann-Riem, Holger; Joye, Dominique; Pohl, Christian; Zemp, Elisabeth (2008). Enhancing Transdisciplinary Research: A Synthesis in Fifteen Propositions. In: Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Hoffmann-Riem, Holger; Biber-Klemm, Susette; Grossenbacher-Mansuy, Walter; Joye, Dominique; Pohl, Christian; Wiesmann, Urs; Zemp, Elisabeth (eds.) Handbook of Transdisciplinary Research (pp. 433-441). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

Liniger, Hanspeter; Critchley, William; Gurtner, Mats; Schwilch, Gudrun; Mekdaschi Studer, Rima; Hauert, Christine (2008). "Where the land is greener" - Documenting and Evaluating No-Till Knowledge and Experiences. In: Goddard, Tom; Zoebisch, Michael A.; Gan, Yantai; Ellis, Wyn; Watson, Alex; Sombatpanit, Samran (eds.) No-Till Farming Systems. Special Publication: Vol. 3 (pp. 469-475). Bangkok: World Association of Soil and Water Conservation

Hurni, Hans; Abunie, Leykun; Ludi, Eva; Woubshet, Mulugeta (2008). The Evolution of Institutional Approaches in the Simen Mountains National Park, Ethiopia. In: Galvin, Marc; Haller, Tobias (eds.) People, Protected Areas and Global Change: Participatory Conservation in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 3 (pp. 287-323). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Wallner, Astrid; Rist, Stephan; Liechti, Karina; Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2008). Protection: A Means for Sustainable Development? The Case of the Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn World Heritage Site in Switzerland. In: Galvin, Marc; Haller, Tobias (eds.) People, Protected Areas and Global Change: Participatory Conservation in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 3 (pp. 471-504). Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Biber-Klemm, Susette; Grossenbacher-Mansuy, Walter; Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Hoffmann-Riem, Holger; Joye, Dominique; Pohl, Christian; Zemp, Elisabeth (2008). Comment renforcer la recherche transdisciplinaire: Une synthèse en quinze propositions. In: Darbellay, Frédéric; Paulsen, Theres (eds.) Herausforderungen Inter- und Transdisziplinarität. Konzepte, Methoden und innovative Umsetzung in Lehre und Forschung (pp. 169-196). Lausanne, Schweiz: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes (PPUR)

Hurni, Hans; Herweg, Karl; Portner, Brigitte; Liniger, Hanspeter (2008). Soil Erosion and Conservation in Global Agriculture. In: Braimoh, Ademola K.; Vlek, Paul L.G. (eds.) Land Use and Soil Resources (pp. 41-71). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

Schneider, Flurina; Allenbach, Silvano; Fry, Patricia; Rist, Stephan (2008). Das Projekt "Von Bauern - für Bauern" aus transdisziplinärer Sicht. VBB-Bulletin - Arbeitsgruppe "Vollzug Bodenbiologie", 11, pp. 12-15. Frick (CH): Arbeitsgruppe Vollzug Bodenbiologie VBB c/o Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL

Fry, Patricia; Bachmann, Felicitas; Bose, Lisa; Flury, Manuel; Förster, Ruth; Kläy, Andreas; Küffer, Christoph; Zingerli, Claudia (2008). Von implizitem Know-how zu expliziten Thesen Inter- und transdisziplinärer Wissensaustausch. GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 17(3), pp. 318-320. München: Oekom Verlag

Giger, Markus; Hurni, Hans; Portner, Brigitte; Scheidegger, Urs (2008). Globale Landwirtschaft vor alten und neuen Herausforderungen. GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 17(3), pp. 280-286. München: Oekom Verlag

Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Kiteme, Boniface; Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2008). Droughts and famines: The underlying factors and the causal links among agro-pastoral households in semi-arid Makueni district, Kenya. Global environmental change, 18(1), pp. 220-233. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2007.05.001

Ledermann, Thomas; Herweg, Karl Günter; Liniger, Hanspeter; Schneider, Flurina; Hurni, Hans; Prasuhn, Volker (2008). Erosion Damage Mapping: Assessing Current Soil Erosion Damage in Switzerland. In: The soils of tomorrow. Advances in Geoecology: Vol. 39 (pp. 263-283). Catena

Niederer, Peter; Bilenko, Viktor; Ershova, Natasha; Hurni, Hans; Yerokhin, Sergeji; Maselli, Daniel (2008). Tracing glacier wastage in the Northern Tien Shan (Kyrgyzstan/Central Asia) over the last 40 years. Climatic change, 86(1-2), pp. 227-234. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands 10.1007/s10584-007-9288-6

Gilbert, Marius; Xiao, Xiangming; Pfeiffer, Dirk U.; Epprecht, Michael; Boles, Stephen; Czarnecki, Christina; Chaitaweesub, Prasit; Kalpravidh, Wantanee; Minh, Phan Q.; Otte, M. J.; Martin, Vincent; Slingenbergh, Jan (2008). Mapping H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza risk in Southeast Asia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 105(12), pp. 4769-4774. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences NAS 10.1073/pnas.0710581105

Hurni, Hans; Wachs, Ted; Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Price, Martin; Thibault, Marlène (eds.) (2008). Mountain Research and Development, 28(1-4). International Mountain Society

Aeberhard, Andrea; Rist, Stephan (2008). Enabling and hindering factors for collaborative research in the development of organic agriculture in Switzerland: A case study. In: Daub, Claus H.; Burger, Paul; Scherrer, Yvonne (eds.) Creating Values for Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the 2nd International Sustainability Conference 2008 (pp. 209-211). Edition Gesowip

Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Wallner, Astrid; Ruppen, Beat (2008). Tourismus als Schlüssel zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung in der Werlterebe-Region Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn (Schweiz). In: Luger, Kurt; Wöhler, Karlheinz (eds.) Welterbe und Tourismus: Schützen und Nützen aus einer Perspektive der Nachhaltigkeit. Tourismus: transkulturell & transdisziplinär: Vol. 9 (pp. 197-216). Innsbruck, Österreich: Studienverlag

Heinimann, Andreas (2008). Mesoscale Approaches to Land Cover Change in the Lower Mekong Basin. In: International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2008). Pre-conference Proceedings University of Bern, Switzerland, 2-4 July 2008. NCCR North-South Dialogue: Vol. 21 (p. 73). Bern: CDE / NCCR North-South

Hurni, Hans (2008). Research Partnerships for Addressing Global Challenges: Opening Speech (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2008): Pre-conference Proceedings. Bern, Switzerland. 02.07.-04.07.2008.

Messerli, Peter (2008). Finding Homogeneity in Heterogeneity: Reconnecting Knowledge and Decision-Making for Human-Environmental Systems. In: International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2008). Pre-conference Proceedings University of Bern, Switzerland, 2-4 July 2008. NCCR North-South Dialogue: Vol. 21 (p. 64). Bern: CDE / NCCR North-South

Pohl, Christian; Rist, Stephan; Zimmermann, Anne; Fry, Patricia; Gurung, Ghana S.; Schneider, Flurina; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Kiteme, Boniface P.; Boillat, Sébastien; Serrano, Elvira; Hirsch Hadorn, Gertrude; Wiesmann, Urs (2008). The Roles of Researchers in Co-producing Knowledge. In: International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2008). Pre-conference Proceedings University of Bern, Switzerland, 2-4 July 2008. NCCR North-South Dialogue: Vol. 21 (p. 79). Bern: CDE / NCCR North-South

Rist, Stephan; Haller, Tobias; Alvarez, Alex; Gilbert, Fokou (2008). Inspirations: Modernities and Selling Development. In: International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2008). Pre-conference Proceedings University of Bern, Switzerland, 2-4 July 2008. NCCR North-South Dialogue: Vol. 21 (p. 87). Bern: CDE / NCCR North-South

Wolfgramm, Bettina; Liniger, Hanspeter; Hurni, Hans (2008). An Efficient Approach for Monitoring Land Resources at a Regional Scale. In: International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2008): Pre-conference Proceedings. NCCR North-South Dialogue: Vol. 21 (p. 70). Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) and NCCR North-South

Zinsstag, Jakob; Tanner, Marcel; Hung, Nguyen-Viet; Obrist, Brigit; Cissé, Gueladio; Bonfoh, Bassiron; Schertenleib, Roland; Zurbrügg, Chris; Yitaferu, Birru; Bandtider, Amare; Hurni, Hans (2008). A Comparative Assessment of Research Approaches for Sustainable Development: Towards an Integrated Methodology. In: International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2008): Pre-conference Proceedings. NCCR North-South Dialogue: Vol. 21 (p. 86). Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) and NCCR North-South

Hurni, Hans (2008). Review of 15 years WOCAT - Achievements, global issues, synergies and challenges for the future: Sustainable land management in response to global challenges. In: WOCAT Symposium: Promoting Sustainable Land Management for its Local and Global Impacts: Proceedings (p. 4). Bern, Switzerland: CDE / NCCR North-South

Hurni, Hans; Wachs, Ted; Zimmermann, Anne; Wymann, Susanne; Thibault, Marlène; Iseli-Felder, Monika (2008). Editorial. Mountain Research and Development, 28(3/4), pp. 188-189. Boulder, Colo.: International Mountain Society 10.1659/0276-4741-28.3.188

Gabathuler, Ernst; Baibagyshov, Ermek (2008). Livelihood and Community Development: LforS learning and simulation game. Bishkek, Kirgistan: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE); CAMP

Gabathuler, Ernst; Gareyeva, Aida; Bachmann, Felicitas (2008). Sustainable Pasture Management : LforS learning and simulation game. Bishkek, Kirgistan: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE); CAMP

Hauert, Christine; Liniger, Hanspeter (2008). Soil erosion and conservation in global agriculture. In: Goddard, Tom; Zoebisch, Michael A.; Gran, Yantai; Ellis, Wyn; Watson, Alex; Sombatpanit, Samran (eds.) No-till Farming Systems (pp. 91-102). Bangkok, Thailand: World Association of Soil and Water Conservation

Amare, Bantider; Hurni, Hans; Gete, Zeleke (2008). What Drives Land Cover Change in Eastern Escarpment of Wello, Ethiopia? In: International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2008) (0). NCCR North-South

Birru, Yitaferu; Hurni, Hans (2008). Pressure-State-Response in Land Resource Changes, Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia. In: International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2008) (p. 1). NCCR North-South

Brandt, Regine; Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Hensen, Isabel; Rist, Stephan (2008). Dynamics of Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Local Use and Conservation of Native Trees and Shrubs in the Bolivian Andes. In: Tielkes, Eric (ed.) Tropentag 2008: International Conference on Research for Development in Agriculture and Forestry, Food and Natural Resource Management. Competition for Resources in a Changing World: New Drive for Rural Development: Book of Abstracts. Göttingen, Germany: Cuvillier

Giger, Markus; Hurni, Hans (2008). Armut, Klimawandel und nachhaltige Entwicklung: Herausforderungen für die globale Landwirtschaft (Unpublished). In: Fränkische geographische Gesellschaft. Erlangen, Germany. 11.01.2008.

Hurni, Hans (2008). Knowledge for sustainable development in Ethiopia (Unpublished). In: Special Lecture Haramaya University. Dire Dawa, Ethiopia. 11.07.2008.

Hurni, Hans (2008). Research for development (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2008). Bern, Switzerland. 02.07.-04.07.2008.

Hurni, Hans; Berhanu, Debele; Gete, Zeleke; Solomon, Abate; Amare, Bantider; Birru, Yitaferu; Ludi, Eva (2008). Land Degradation and Runoff Changes in the Highlands of Ethiopia. In: International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2008). Bern, Switzerland. 02.07.-04.07.2008.

Hurni, Hans; Breu, Thomas Michael (2008). Der Nationale Forschungsschwerpunkt Nord-Süd an der Universität Bern (Unpublished). In: Präsentation vor einer Delegation des Kantonsparlaments Bern. Bern, Schweiz. 08.04.2008.

Hurni, Hans; Heinimann, Andreas; Sommer, Rosmarie (2008). Klimawandel, Umwelt und Nahrung für alle (Unpublished). In: Jahreskonferenz der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: Die Schweiz und die Region Mekong. Fribourg, Switzerland. 22.08.2008.

Hurni, Hans; Portner, Brigitte; Giger, Markus (2008). Main Findings of the International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) (Unpublished). In: Hearing des beratenden Kommittees CNS-FAO des Bundesamtes für Landwirtschaft. Bern, Schweiz. 03.6.-05.06.2008.

Kakridi, Fani (2008). Case for the Workshop : "Showcasing Knowledge and Information Services": InfoResources (Unpublished). In: EADI General Conference 2008: Global Governance for Sustainable Development. Geneva, Switzerland. 24.06.-28.06.2008.

Liechti, Karina; Müller, Urs (2008). Negotiating Conservation - Meaningful Spaces in a World Heritage Debate. In: International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2008): Pre-conference Proceedings. NCCR North-South Dialogue (p. 165). Bern, Switzerland: NCCR North-South

Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan (2008). Integración de la Medicina Tradicional y del Sistema de Salud Formal en las Estrategias Familiares Andinas (Unpublished). In: International Congress of Ethnobiology (ICE 2008). Cusco, Peru. 25.06.-30.06.2008.

Messerli, Paul Walter; Kaufmann-Hayoz, Ruth; Hurni, Hans; Lienemann, Wolfgang; Breu, Thomas Michael (2008). Bildung und Forschung zu Nachhaltiger Entwicklung an der Universität Bern (Unpublished). In: Tagung der Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern zu Lehre und Forschung zu Nachhaltiger Entwicklung. Bern, Schweiz. 19.02.2008.

Ossés de Eicker, Margarita; Zah, Rainer; Hurni, Hans (2008). Estimating Emissions in Latin America: An Alternative to Traffic Models. In: International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2008): Pre-conference Proceedings. NCCR North-South Dialogue: Vol. 21. Bern, Switzerland: NCCR North-South

Sommer, Rosmarie; Wallner, Astrid; Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2008). Sustainable Regional Development: Balancing Global and Local Stakes. In: International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2008): Pre-conference Proceedings. NCCR North-South Dialogue: Vol. 21 (p. 167). Bern, Switzerland: NCCR North-South

Wallner, Astrid; Schüpbach, Ursula; Wiesmann, Urs Martin (2008). Transdisciplinary Approaches in Managing a World Heritage Site. In: International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2008): Pre-conference Proceedings. NCCR North-South Dialogue (p. 166). Bern, Switzerland: NCCR North-South

Weber, Adrian; Heinimann, Andreas; Messerli, Peter (2008). Use of Nasa World Wind Java SDK for Three-Dimensional Accessibility Visualization of Remote Areas in Lao PDR. In: Hurni, Lorenz; Kriz, Karel (eds.) Mountain Mapping and Visualisation: Proceedings of the 6th ICA Mountain Cartography Workshop (pp. 255-259). Zurich, Switzerland: ETH Zürich

Kiteme, Boniface P.; Liniger, Hanspeter; Notter, Benedikt; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Kohler, Thomas (2008). Dimensions of Global Change in African Mountains: The Example of Mount Kenya. IHDP Update, 2008(2), pp. 18-23. IHDP International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change

Liechti, Karina (2008). Partenariats de recherche et pastorialisme. GeoAgenda, 4-5, p. 4. Geographisches Institut, Universität Bern

Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Rist, Stephan (2008). Diversidad biocultural y de zonas bioculturales. Biodiversidad y Cultura en los Andes, 1, pp. 20-24. Agruco

Rist, Stephan; Herweg, Karl Günter; Giger, Markus (2008). Erfahrungen aus der nachhaltigen Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen im Nord-Süd-Kontext: Wissen gemeinsam erarbeiten. Hotspots(17), pp. 22-25. Forum Biodiversität Schweiz

Wolfgramm, Bettina; Hergarten, Christian; Schwilch, Gudrun; Liniger, Hanspeter (2008). A systematized workflow for assessing land resources using readily available spatial datasets (Unpublished). In: 4th Workshop of the EARSeL / GISDECO 8. Istanbul, Turkey. 04.06.-07.06.2008.

Gabathuler, Ernst (2008). Guidelines for Participatory Technology Development (Unpublished) Bishkek, Kirgistan: Central Asian Mountain Partnership (CAMP)

Gabathuler, Ernst; Bachmann, Felicitas; Gareyeva, Aida (2008). Sustainable pasture management: LforS Guidelines for trainers (Unpublished) Bishkek, Kirgistan: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE); Central Asian Mountain Programme (CAMP)

Gabathuler, Ernst; Bachmann, Felicitas; Baibagyshov, Ermek (2008). Soil and water conservation: LforS guidelines for trainers (Unpublished) Bishkek, Kirgistan: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE); Central Asian Mountain Partnership (CAMP)

Giger, Markus; Maselli, Daniel; Bachmann, Felicitas (eds.) (2008). Desertification and Global Change: Innovative Management of Scarce Resources in Semi-Arid Areas. Experiences from development and research: Challenges for a better future. Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE); NCCR North-South

Haller, Ruedi; Schmidt, Ronald; Nussbaum, Madlene; Wallner, Astrid (2008). Status und Bedürfnisse zu Geoinformation und Informationsmanagement in Parks und Parkprojekten in der Schweiz: Vorabklärungen für den Aufbau eines Data Warehouse unter Berücksichtigung der Geoinformationsdaten für Pärke von Nationaler Bedeutung Bern, Schweiz: SCNAT

Kläy, Andreas; Adam, Yussuf; Stantchev, Dimka (2008). Forest regeneration capacity and its enhancement by forest management and silviculture in Cabo Delgado Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Schwilch, Gudrun; Bachmann, Felicitas; Liniger, Hanspeter (2008). Guidelines for WB3 Part III: Stakeholder workshop 2: Selection and decision on prevention and mitigation strategies to be implemented (DESIRE report series 17). Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Schwilch, Gudrun; Bachmann, Felicitas; Gabathuler, Ernst; Liniger, Hanspeter (2008). A methodology for appraising and selecting strategies to mitigate desertification based on stakeholder participation and global best practices Budapest, Hungary: Geographical Research Institute

Wallner, Astrid; Nussbaum, Madlene; Gerber, Kurt; Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Schüpbach, Ursula; Gurtner, Thomas; Käufeler, Bruno; Gardi, Oliver (2008). Bedürfnisanalyse bei Schutzgebiets- und Parkprojektträgerschaften: Arbeitspaket 2 im Projekt (Unpublished) Bern, Schweiz: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE); National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR)

Wolfgramm, Bettina; Gerber, Kurt; Hergarten, Christian (2008). Capacity building in the use of geospatial tools for natural resource management in Tajikistan: Final Report Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Wolfgramm, Bettina; Hergarten, Christian (2008). Capacity building in the use of geospatial tools for natural resource management in Tajikistan: Inception report BNWPP project Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Stantchev, Dimka; Kakridi Enz, Fani; Kläy, Andreas; Ott, Cordula; Rist, Stephan; Kiteme, Boniface P.; V., Padmakumar (2008). Shaping Institutions for Natural Resource Management (InfoResources Focus 3/08). Zollikofen, Switzerland: InfoResources

Bachmann, Philipp; Liechti, Karina (2008). Gespräch mit Weidewirtschaftsexperten aus Kirgistan und Mali. GeoAgenda, 4-5, pp. 6-13. Geographisches Institut, Universität Bern


Epprecht, Michael; Heinimann, Andreas; Minot, Nicolas; Mueller, Daniel; Robinson, Tim (2007). From Statistical Data to Spatial Knowledge - informing decision making in Vietnam. Information development, 22(2-3), pp. 193-204. London: Sage 10.1177/0266666907078582

Heinimann, Andreas; Messerli, Peter; Schmidt-Vogt, Dietrich; Wiesmann, Urs (2007). The Dynamics of Secondary Forest Landscapes in the Lower Mekong Basin: A Regional-Scale Analysis. Mountain Research and Development, 27(3), pp. 232-241. Boulder, Colo.: International Mountain Society 10.1659/mrd.0875

Hoeck, Tobias; Droux, Roman; Breu, Thomas; Hurni, Hans; Maselli, Daniel (2007). Rural energy consumption and land degradation in a post-soviet setting:An example from the west Pamir mountains in Tajikistan. Energy for sustainable development, 11(1), pp. 48-57. Bangalore (India): International Energy Initiative 10.1016/S0973-0826(08)60563-3

Pfeiffer, Dirk; Minh, Phan; Martin, Vincent; Epprecht, Michael; Ott, Martin (2007). An analysis of the spatial and temporal patterns of highly pathogenic avian influenza occurrence in Vietnam using national surveillance data. Veterinary journal, 174(2), pp. 302-309. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.tvjl.2007.05.010

Rist, Stephan; Chidambaranathan, Mani; Escobar, Cesar; Wiesmann, Urs; Zimmermann, Anne (2007). Moving from sustainable management to sustainable governance of natural resources: The role of social learning processes in rural India, Bolivia and Mali. Journal of rural studies, 23(1), pp. 23-37. Oxford: Pergamon 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2006.02.006

Wallner, Astrid; Bauer, Nicole; Hunziker, Marcel (2007). Perceptions and evaluations of biosphere reserves by local residents in Switzerland and Ukraine. Landscape and urban planning, 83(2-3), pp. 104-114. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2007.03.006

Liniger, Hanspeter; Critchley, William; Gurtner, Mats; Schwilch, Gudrun; Mekdaschi Studer, Rima (eds.) (2007). Where the land is greener: Case studies and analysis of soil and water conservation initiatives worldwide. Wageningen et al.: World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT)

Roden, Paul; Abraha, Negusse; Debessai, Merhawit; Ghebreselassie, Menghistab; Beraki, Haile; Kohler, Thomas (2007). Farmers' appraisal of pearl millet varieties in Eritrea. SLM Eritrea Report: Vol. 8. Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Haverkort, Bertus; Rist, Stephan (eds.) (2007). Endogenous Development and Bio-cultural Diversity. Compas series on Worldviews and Sciences: Vol. 6. Leusden, Netherlands: ETC/Compas

Ergashev, Murod; Nekushoeva, Gulniso; Wolfgramm, Bettina (2007). Conversion of grazing land to fruit and fodder plots. In: Liniger, Hanspeter; Critchley, William; Gurtner, Mats; Schwilch, Gudrun; Mekdaschi Studer, Rima (eds.) Where the land is greener: Case studies and analysis of soil and water conservation initiatives worldwide 2.2 (pp. 189-192). Wageningen: World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT)

Ergashev, Murod; Nekushoeva, Gulniso; Wolfgramm, Bettina (2007). Farmer innovation and self-help group. In: Liniger, Hanspeter; Critchley, William; Gurtner, Mats; Schwilch, Gudrun; Mekdaschi Studer, Rima (eds.) Where the land is greener: Case studies and analysis of soil and water conservation initiatives worldwide 2.2 (pp. 193-196). Wageningen: World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT)

Herweg, Karl Günter (2007). Impact Monitoring in Soil and Water Conservation: Taking a Wider Look. In: De Graaff, Jan; Cameron, John; Sombatpanit, Samran; Pieri, Christian; Woodhill, Jim (eds.) Monitoring and Evaluation of Soil Conservation and Watershed Development Projects (pp. 69-82). New Hampshire: Science Publishers

Hurni, Hans (2007). Nachhaltige Entwicklung in Afrika: Globale Agenda und lokales Handeln. In: Bearth, Thomas; Becker, Barbara; Kappel, Rolf; Krüger, Gesine; Pfister, Roger (eds.) Afrika im Wandel. Zürcher Hochschulforum: Vol. 40 (pp. 123-136). Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag

Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Boillat, Sébastien; Rist, Stephan (2007). Promoting the Diversity of Worldviews. In: Haverkort, Bertus; Rist, Stephan (eds.) Endogenous Development and Bio-cultural Diversity (pp. 67-81). Leusden, Netherlands: Compas/ETC

Rist, Stephan (2007). Einführung. In: Hüttermann, Elisabeth (ed.) Ich bin... Lebensgeschichten aus Bolivien (pp. 9-19). Zürich: Rotpunktverlag

Rist, Stephan (2007). The importance of Bio-cultural Diversity for Endogenous Development. In: Haverkort, Bertus; Rist, Stephan (eds.) Endogenous Development and Bio-cultural Diversity. Compas series on Worldviews and Sciences: Vol. 6 (pp. 14-23). Leusden, Netherlands: Compas/ETC

Rist, Stephan; Delgado, Freddy; Wiesmann, Urs (2007). Social Learning Processes and Sustainable Development: The Emergence and Trans-formation of an Indigenous Land Use System in the Andes of Bolivia. In: Wals, Arjen (ed.) Social learning towards a sustainable world (pp. 229-244). Wageningen, Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers

Rist, Stephan; Hverkort, Bertus (2007). Introduction. In: Haverkort, Bertus; Rist, Stephan (eds.) Endogenous Development and Bio-cultural Diversity. The interplay of worldviews, globalization and locality. Compas series on Worldviews and Sciences: Vol. 6 (pp. 7-10). Leusden: ETC/Compas

Sanginov, Sanginboy; Wolfgramm, Bettina (2007). Orchard-based agroforestry. In: Liniger, Hanspeter; Critchley, William; Gurtner, Mats; Schwilch, Gudrun; Mekdaschi Studer, Rima (eds.) Where the land is greener: Case studies and analysis of soil and water conservation initiatives worldwide 2.2 (pp. 197-200). Wageningen, Netherlands: World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT)

Wallner, Astrid; Wiesmann, Urs (2007). Regionalentwicklung - Heterogener Lebens- und Wirtschaftsraum. In: Wallner, Astrid; Wiesmann, Urs; Bäschlin, Elisabeth; Grosjean, Martin; Labhart, Toni; Schüpbach, Ursula (eds.) Welt der Alpen - Erbe der Welt: UNESCO Welterbe-Region Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn. Jahrbuch der Geographischen Gesellschaft Bern: Vol. 62 (pp. 185-198). Bern: Haupt

Wiesmann, Urs; Aerni, Isabel; Ruppen, Beat; Wallner, Astrid (2007). Tourismus - Schlüssel zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung. In: Wallner, Astrid; Wiesmann, Urs; Bäschlin, Elisabeth; Grosjean, Martin; Labhart, Toni; Schüpbach, Ursula (eds.) Welt der Alpen - Erbe der Welt: UNESCO Welterbe-Region Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn. Jahrbuch der Geographischen Gesellschaft Bern: Vol. 62 (pp. 221-240). Bern: Haupt

Wiesmann, Urs; Messerli, Peter (2007). Wege aus den konzeptionellen Fallen der Nachhaltigkeit - Beiträge der Geographie. In: Kaufmann, Ruth; Burger, Paul; Stoffel, Martine (eds.) Nachhaltigkeitsforschung - Perspektiven der Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften. Nachhaltige Entwicklung (pp. 123-142). Bern, Schweiz: Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften SAGW

Wiesmann, Urs; Wallner, Astrid; Schüpbach, Ursula; Ruppen, Beat (2007). Management - Zwischen Schutz und Nutzung. In: Wallner, Astrid; Wiesmann, Urs; Bäschlin, Elisabeth; Grosjean, Martin; Labhart, Toni; Schüpbach, Ursula (eds.) Welt der Alpen - Erbe der Welt: UNESCO Welterbe-Region Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn. Jahrbuch der Geographischen Gesellschaft Bern: Vol. 62 (pp. 271-283). Bern: Haupt

Messerli, Peter; Heinimann, Andreas (2007). Development interventions and the poverty-environment nexus in the Lower Mekong Basin. Sustainable sloping lands and watershed management. National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI)

Aeberhard, Andrea; Schneider, Flurina; Rist, Stephan (2007). Knowledge production and dissemination in sustainable agriculture as a transdisciplinary process – experiences from Switzerland (Unpublished). In: ESSHRA International Conference: Towards a Knowledge Society. Bern, Switzerland. 02.07.-06.07.2007.

Rist, Stephan; Chiddambaranathan, Mani; Escobar, Cesar; Kläy, Andreas; Wiesmann, Urs (2007). The multidimensionality of social learning processes in sustainable natural resource use – insights form India, Africa and Latin America (Unpublished). In: 4th WEEC 2007. Durban, South Africa. 02.07.-06.07.2007.

Rist, Stephan; Wiesmann, Urs (2007). Co-production and distribution of Knowledge in research for sustainable development – Insights from national and international research partnerships (Unpublished). In: ESSHRA International Conference: Towards a Knowledge Society. Bern, Switzerland. 12.06.-13.06.2007.

Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Rist, Stephan (2007). Maintaining Bio-Cultural Diversity in the Andes. Mountain Forum Bulletin, 7(1), pp. 13-15.

Schwilch, Gudrun; Danano, Daniel; Khisa, Sudibya Kanti; Critchley, William; Liniger, Hanspeter (2007). Where the land is greener - experiences contributing to sustainable land management. Natural Resource Perspectives(108), pp. 1-4. Overseas Development Institute (ODI)

Bachmann, Felicitas; Schwilch, Gudrun; Gabathuler, Ernst; Liniger, Hanspeter (2007). Guidelines for WB3 Part I: Desertification and land degradation: Identification of existing and potential prevention and mitigation strategies (DESIRE report series 6). Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Brüschweiler, Sabine; Gabathuler, Ernst; Ortega, Liliane; Ducommun, Gil; Höggel, Udo; Martin, Sommer (2007). Securing enough food for all Bern, Switzerland: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Kakridi Enz, Fani (2007). Geographic Information Technologies for Natural Resource Management (InfoResources Focus 3/07). Zollikofen, Switzerland: InfoResources

Giger, Markus; Kaufmann, Manfred (2007). Best practices and innovative capacity development approaches in ARD programmes of ERA-ARD consortium members: Draft compilation of National Contribution Wageningen, Netherlands: ERA-ARD

Giger, Markus; Kaufmann, Manfred (2007). Innovative capacity development approaches for the ERA-ARD project Wageningen, Netherlands: ERA-ARD

Giger, Markus; Meessen, Heino; Boteva, Dimitrina; Yordanov, Nikola (2007). Capitalisation of Experiences of the Swiss Support to Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (SMNR) in Bulgaria Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Giger, Markus; Scheidegger, Urs; Cocchi, Alessandro; Hansen, Esbern Friis (2007). Management of Joint Research Activities within ERA-ARD: Guidelines for ARD programme planning, monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment Wageningen, Netherlands: ERA-ARD

Gurtner, Thomas; Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Hergarten, Christian; Hösli, Christoph; Künzler-Roth, Silvia (2007). Capacity Building in Geoprocessing Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Hoeck, Tobias; Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Hergarten, Christian; Wolfgramm, Bettina; Gerber, Kurt (2007). Capacity Building in the Use of Geospatial Tools for Natural Resource Management in Tajikistan: Inception report Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Hurni, Hans; Bantider, Amare; Herweg, Karl; Portner, Brigitte; Veit, Heinz (2007). Landscape Transformation and Sustainable Development in Ethiopia: Background information for a study tour through Ethiopia, 4-20 September 2006 Bern, Switzerland: Geographisches Institut, Universität Bern

Messerli, Peter; Salmi, Annika; Herweg, Karl; Breu, Thomas (2007). Bridging Research and Development : Partnership Actions for Mitigating Syndromes (PAMS) in the Swiss National Centre of Competence (NCCR) North-South - Capitalising on Experience (NCCR North-South Dialogue 17). Bern, Switzerland: NCCR North-South

Schwilch, Gudrun; Bachmann, Felicitas; Liniger, Hanspeter (2007). Guidelines for WB3 Part II: Assessment of conservation strategies (DESIRE report series). Bern, Switzerland: World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT)

Bachmann, Felicitas; Gabathuler, Ernst; Kläy, Andreas (2007). Simulation Games - A Creative Tool for Capacity Building: Experience from the Learning for Sustainability Approach.

Müller, Urs; Backhaus, Norman (2007). The Entlebuchers: People from the back of beyond? Social Geography, 2(1), pp. 11-28. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/sg-2-11-2007


Hirsch-Hadorn, Gertrude; Bradley, David; Pohl, Christian; Rist, Stephan; Wiesmann, Urs (2006). Implications of Transdisciplinarity for Sustainability Research. Ecological economics, 60(1), pp. 119-128. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2005.12.002

Rebholz, Cornelia; Michel, Anette; Maselli, Daniel; Saipphudin, Karimov; Wyss, Kaspar (2006). Frequency of Malaria and Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency in Tajikistan. Malaria journal, 5(June), p. 51. London: BioMed Central 10.1186/1475-2875-5-51

Rist, Stephan; Chiddambaranathan, Mani; Escobar, Cecar; Wiesmann, Urs (2006). "It was hard to come to mutual understanding..." - Multidimensionality of social learning processes in natural resource use in India, Africa and Latin America. Systemic practice and action research, 19(3), pp. 219-237. New York, N.Y.: Springer 10.1007/s11213-006-9014-8

Rist, Stephan; Dahdouh-Guebas, Farid (2006). Ethnosciences - A step towards the integration of scientific and non-scientific forms of knowledge in the management of natural resources for the future. Environment, development and sustainability, 8(4), pp. 467-493. Dordrecht: Springer 10.1007/s10668-006-9050-7

Giger, Markus (2006). Soil and Land in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and the Rio Conventions. In: Hurni, Hans; Giger, Markus; Meyer, Konrad (eds.) Soils on the global agenda: Developing international mechanisms for sustainable land management (pp. 37-39). Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia

Heinimann, Andreas (2006). GIS based Watershed Classification in Lao PDR. Southeast Asian Water Environment, 1, pp. 43-50. London, United Kingdom: IWA Publishing

Mitiku, Haile; Herweg, Karl; Stillhardt, Brigitta (2006). Sustainable land management: A new approach to soil and water conservation in Ethiopia. Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) and NCCR North-South

Rist, Stephan (2006). Dialogo intra e intercientífico entre comunidades ontológicas. In: Delgado, Freddy; Escóbar, Cesar (eds.) Dialogo intercultural e intercientifico: Para el fortalecimiento de las ciencias de los pueblos indígenas originarios. Serie Cosmovisión y Ciencias: Vol. 2 (pp. 87-100). La Paz, Bolivia: Compas/Agruco/Plural

Rist, Stephan (2006). Presentación. In: Orozco Ramírez, Shirley; García Linera, Álvaro; Stefanoni, Pablo (eds.) "No somos juguete de nadie " Análisis de la relación de movimientos sociales, recursos naturales, Estado y descentralización (pp. 9-15). La Paz: Plural Editores

Rist, Stephan; Wiesmann, Urs; San Martín, Juan; Delgado, Freddy (2006). From scientific monoculture to intra- and intercultural dialogue: Endogenous development in a North-South perspective. In: Haverkort, Bertus; Reijntjes, Coen (eds.) Moving Worldviews: Reshaping sciences, policies and practices for endogenous sustainable development. Compas Series on Worldviews and Sciences: Vol. 4 (pp. 320-339). Leusden, Netherlands: ETC/Compas

Hurni, Hans; Giger, Markus; Meyer, Konrad (eds.) (2006). Soils on the global agenda. Developing international mechanisms for sustainable land management. Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia

Roden, Paul; Negusse, Abraha; Eskinder, Tesfay; Kohler, Thomas (2006). Participatory on-farm appraisal of improved pearl millet varieties in Eritrea. SLM Eritrea Report: Vol. 7. Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia

Gallati, Justus; Askaraliev, Bakyt; Niederer, Peter; Maselli, Daniel (2006). Towards a System Dynamics Framework for Understanding Interactions of Head- and Tail-Users in Irrigation Systems in Kyrgyzstan. In: Conference Proceedings. The 24th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society July 23-27, 2006 Nijmegen, The Netherlands ([1-14]). Nijmegen: System Dynamics Society

Schneider, Flurina; Ledermann, Thomas; Prasuhn, Volker; Liniger, Hanspeter; Fry, Patricia; Herweg, Karl; Rist, Stephan (2006). On- and Off-site Effectiveness of Soil and Water Conservation in Switzerland: Steps Towards the Integration of Farmers , Experts and Scientific Knowledge. ISCO-14 Proceedings, [1-6]. International Soil Conservation Organization

Wolfgramm, Bettina; Seiler, Bruno; Guntli, David; Liniger, Hanspeter; Shepherd, Keith; Kneubühler, Mathias; Kellenberger, Tobias (2006). Combining soil spectral reflectance data and satellite imagery to assess impacts of land use on soil fertility in Tajikistan. In: Röder, Achim; Hill, Joachim (eds.) Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Processing in the Assessment and Monitoring of Land Degradation and Desertification (pp. 611-617). Trier: Remote Sensing Department, University Trier

Künzler, Silvia; Wiesmann, Urs (2006). Atlas of the Songwe River Basin: Thematic Maps with Explanatory Text Sheets [Textbook] . Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Breu, Thomas Michael (2006). Erfahrungen und Perspektiven aus dem NCCR North-South (Unpublished). In: Annual Meeting of the Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE). Bern, Switzerland. 14.09.2006.

Rist, Stephan (2006). Presentación del libro : Análisis de la relación de movimientos sociales, recursos naturales, estado y descentralización. In: Orozco, Shirley; Garcia Linera, Alvaro; Stefanoni, Pablo (eds.) Análisis de la relación de movimientos sociales, recursos naturales, estado y descentralización (pp. 9-15). La Paz, Bolivien: Plural Editores

Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan; Couto, Madyo (2006). Linking Applied Ethnobotany to Social Learning: A Participatory Tool for the Promotion of Indigenous Plants Use in Matutuíne, Southern Mozambique (Unpublished). In: Ertug, Fusun Z. (ed.) IV International Congress of Ethnobotany (ICEB). Istanbul, Turkey. 21.08.-26.08.2006.

Messerli, Peter (2006). Exploring innovative strategies for livelihoods in a slash-and-burn context in Madagasar: Experiencing the role of human geography in sustainability-oriented research. Geographica Helvetica, 61(4), pp. 266-274. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/gh-61-266-2006

Rist, Stephan (2006). Vom Papiertiger Nationalpark zur Förderung der biokulturellen Diversität: Erfahrungen aus einem transdisziplinären Forschungsprojekt. Hotspot, 14, pp. 12-13.

Hurni, Hans; Kläy, Andreas; Balsiger, Urs; Giger, Markus (2006). CDE Report 2005/2006 Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Brüschweiler, Sabine; Gabathuler, Ernst (2006). Coping with drought Bern, Switzerland: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Brüschweiler, Sabine; Gabathuler, Ernst; Kläy, Andreas (2006). Guide pour la formation de modérateurs en approche ALS sur le thème de la gestion durable des ressources naturelles Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Kohler, Thomas; Bachmann, Felicitas; Ott, Cordula (2006). Status and Future of Mountain Research: Results of two Surveys by the Research Initative of the Mountain Partnership Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Feibel, Hedi; Kläy, Andreas; Kakridi Enz, Fani (2006). Sustainable Energy - Rural Poverty Alleviation (InfoResources Focus 2/06). Zollikofen, Switzerland: InfoResources

Premchander, Smita; Müller, Christine (eds.) (2006). Gender and Sustainable Development: Case Studies from NCCR North-South. Perspectives / NCCR North-South: Vol. 2. Bern, Schweiz: Geographica Bernensia


Breu, Thomas Michael; Maselli, Daniel; Hurni, Hans (2005). Knowledge for sustainable development in the Tajik Pamir Mountains. Mountain Research and Development, 25(2), pp. 139-146. International Mountain Society

Giger, Markus; Messerli, Peter (2005). Syndromes of Global Change and the Poor: "Seminar on Policy Approaches, Practical Interventions and Lessons on Poverty-Environment Links in IUCN and Swiss Institutions" (Unpublished). In: Seminar on Policy Approaches, Practical Interventions and Lessons on Poverty-Environment Links in IUCN and Swiss Institutions. Gland, Switzerland. 23.06.-24.06.2005.

Brüschweiler, Sabine; Rist, Stephan (2005). Apoyando innovaciones locales: Un instrumento para el fortalecimiento de innovaciones locales y la promoción del desarrollo rural sostenible: Experiencias de dos talleres pilotos de MASAL y CDE realizados en laprovincia de Cuzco, Perú (Aprendizaje social para la gestión sostenible de los recursos naturales). Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Tewolde, Woldetensae; Dessalegn, Bissirat; Burtscher, Robert; Woldemichael, Berhane; Gassner, Michael; Stillhardt, Brigitta; Kohler, Thomas (2005). Amadir: Livelihood and Resource Management in an Eritrean Highland Community: A development baseline (Eritrea SLM Series 5). Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia

Rist, Stephan; Delgado, Freddy; Flores, Ruben (2005). El control social en la interface de communidades campesinas y municipios: Un proceso de aprendizaje social para el desarrollo sostenible. In: Hufty, Marc; Auroi, Claude; de la Fuente, Manuel (eds.) A dónde va Bolivia?: Gobernancia, gobernabilidad y democratizacion (pp. 117-148). La Paz, Bolivien: PLURAL, IUED, NCCR North-South

Aeschbacher, Jos; Liniger, Hanspeter; Weingartner, Rolf (2005). River water shortage in a highland-lowland system: A case study of the impacts of water abstraction in the Mount Kenya Region. Mountain Research and Development, 25(2), pp. 155-162. International Mountain Society 10.1659/0276-4741(2005)025[0155:RWSIAH]2.0.CO;2

Heinimann, Andreas; Breu, Thomas; Kohler, Thomas (2005). Watershed classification in the Lower Mekong Basin: Rapid economic growth - a source of increasing potential for conflict over resource use. Mountain Research and Development, 25(2), pp. 180-182. International Mountain Society 10.1659/0276-4741(2005)025[0181:WCITLM]2.0.CO;2

Hurni, Hans; Tato, Kebede; Zeleke, Gete (2005). The implications of changes in population, land use and land management on surface runoff in the Upper Nile Basin area of Ethiopia. Mountain Research and Development, 25(2), pp. 147-154. International Mountain Society 10.1659/0276-4741(2005)025[0147:TIOCIP]2.0.CO;2

Messerli, Peter (2005). Brandrodung auf Madagaskar : Lösungsansätze für das Dilemma zwischen klein-bäuerlicher Existenzsicherung und Ressourcenschutz. Geographische Rundschau, 4(2005), pp. 50-57. Westermann

Messerli, Peter; Wiesmann, Urs; Hurni, Hans (2005). The mountain and highland focus of the Swiss National Centre of Competences in Research (NCCR) North-South. Mountain Research and Development, 25(2), pp. 174-179. International Mountain Society 10.1659/0276-4741(2005)025[0174:TMAHFO]2.0.CO;2

Rist, Stephan (2005). Ciencia, Transdisciplinariedad y Saber de los Pueblos Indígenas. Revista de Agricultura, 57(36), pp. 45-48. Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS)

Rist, Stephan (2005). Endogenous Development as a Social Learning Process. Revista COMPAS, 2004(7)

Serrano, Elvira; Boillat, Sébastien; Rist, Stephan (2005). Incorporating Gender in Research on Indigenous Environmental Knowledge in the Tunari National Park in the Bolivian Andes. In: Premchander, Smita; Müller, Christine (eds.) Gender and sustainable development: Case studies from NCCR North-South. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 2 (pp. 305-327). Bern, Switzerland: NCCR North-South

Rist, Stephan (2005). Desarrollo endógeno como un proceso social. Revista COMPAS(7), pp. 26-29. COMPAS

Wiesmann, Urs; Liechti, Karina; Rist, Stephan (2005). Between Conservation and Development: Concretizing the First World Natural Heritage Site in the Alps Through Participatory Processes. Mountain Research and Development, 25(2), pp. 128-138. International Mountain Society

Bichsel, Christine; Hostettler, Silvia; Strasser, Balz (2005). "Should I buy a cow or a TV?": Reflections on the conceptuel framework of the NCCR North-South, based on a comparative study of international labour migration in Mexico, India and Kyrgyzstan (NCCR North-South Dialogue 7). Bern, Switzerland: NCCR North-South

Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Kiteme, Boniface P. (2005). Upper Ewaso Ngiro River Basin Water Management Information Platform: Survey on Development priorities, Information Needs and Conflict Management Efforts Nanyuki, Kenya: Centre for Training and Integrated Research in ASAL Development (CETRAD)

Herweg, Karl Günter (2005). ESAPP Project Report: Basic mandate and regional coordination Ethiopia & Eritrea (Unpublished) Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Kläy, Andreas (2005). Training Module for ALS Moderators: Report on conceptual and methodological aspects of the first workshop in Pemba Metuge, Cabo Delgado, Mozambique, April 2005 (Unpublished) (ESAPP - Eastern and Southern Africa Partnership Programme). Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Kläy, Andreas; Haupt, Frank (2005). Relatório de missão ESAPP a Moçambique: Curso de animadores ALS em Metuge (projecto E504) e seguimento do Estabelecimento do Programa (projecto E103). 4 a 25 de abril de 2005 (Unpublished) Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan (2005). Développement de l'écotourisme dans la région du Triangle Bleu, Littoral Nord-Est de Madagascar: Collecte de données auprès de voyagistes en Suisse (Unpublished) Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Mathez-Stiefel, Sarah-Lan (2005). Mission report: Participation to the IVth International Congress of Ethnobotany, 21. - 26. August 2005 - Istanbul, Turkey (Unpublished) Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Ott, Cordula; Kläy, Andreas; Wymann von Dach, Susanne; Kakridi Enz, Fani (2005). Global conventions and environmental governance (InfoResources Focus 3/05). Zollikofen, Schweiz: InfoResources

Kläy, Andreas; Krosschell, Celestine; Caesar, Faria; Bonifacio, da Piedade (2005). Relatório do Seminário "Formação para moderadores no método participativo ALS no tema da gestão sustentável dos recursos naturais" : Metuge, Cabo Delgado Mozambique 8-15 de abril 2005 (Unpublished)

Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Wallner, Astrid; Liechti, Karina; Aerni, Isabel; Schüpbach, Ursula; Ruppen, Beat (2005). Management Plan for the Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn UNESCO World Heritage Site Naters, Switzerland: Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn World Heritage Association


Maselli, Daniel; Lys, Jon Andri; Schmid, Jacqueline (2004). Improving Impacts of Research Partnerships. Swiss Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries, KFPE. Bern: Geographica Bernensia

Hurni, Hans; Breu, Thomas Michael; Ludi, Eva; Portner, Brigitte (2004). Der Tadschikische Pamir: Entwicklungsprobleme und Perspektiven einer Hochgebirgsregion in Zentralasien. Geographische Rundschau, 56(10), pp. 60-65. Westermann

Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs; Schertenleib, Roland (eds.) (2004). Research for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change: Research for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change. A Transdisciplinary Appraisal of Selected Regions of the World to Prepare Development-Oriented Research Partnerships. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 1. Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia

Epprecht, Michael; Heinimann, Andreas (eds.) (2004). Socioeconomic atlas of Vietnam: A depiction of the 1999 population and housing census [Edited Textbook] . Bern, Switzerland: NCCR North-South and Geographica Bernensia

Brüschweiler, Sabine; Höggel, Udo; Kläy, Andreas (2004). Forests and water: Managing interrelations. Development and Environment Reports: Vol. 19. Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia and Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Kläy, Andreas; Wittkowsky, Alexander (2004). Nachhaltigkeit: Politik im 21. Jahrhundert: Der Weg von Rio: Für eine Welt mit Zukunft: Schweiz: Nachhaltigkeit in den Alpen. Berlin, Deutschland: Edition Suhrkamp

Ludi, Eva (2004). Economic analysis of soil conservation: Case studies from the highlands of Amhara Region, Ethiopia. Reihe A African Studies: Vol. 18. Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia 10.4480/GB2004.A18

Messerli, Peter (2004). Alternatives à la culture sur brûlis sur la Falaise Est de Madagascar: Stratégies en vue d'une gestion plus durable des terres. Reihe A African Studies: Vol. 17. Bern, Schweiz: Geographica Bernensia

Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs (2004). Designing Future Research Projects in an Integrated Framework. In: Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs; Schertenleib, Roland (eds.) Research for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change: A Transdisciplinary Appraisal of Selected Regions of the World to Prepare Development-Oriented Research Partnerships. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 1 (pp. 425-439). Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia

Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs (2004). Towards Transdisciplinarity in Sustainability-Oriented Research for Development. In: Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs; Schertenleib, Roland (eds.) Research for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change: A Transdisciplinary Appraisal of Selected Regions of the World to Prepare Development-Oriented Research Partnerships. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 1 (pp. 31-41). Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia

Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Anton, Pascale; Messerli, Peter (2004). Initiating Research for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change in Different Contexts. In: Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs; Schertenleib, Roland (eds.) Research for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change: A Transdisciplinary Appraisal of Selected Regions of the World to Prepare Development-Oriented Research Partnerships. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 1 (pp. 11-30). Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia

Kiteme, Boniface P.; Misana, Salome; Wiesmann, Urs (2004). JACS East Africa: Searching for Endogenous Solutions to Sustainable Development in a Challenging Environment: JACS East Africa. In: Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs; Schertenleib, Roland (eds.) Research for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change: A Transdisciplinary Appraisal of Selected Regions of the World to Prepare Development-Oriented Research Partnerships. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 1 (pp. 95-139). Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia

Kohler, Thomas; Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs; Kläy, Andreas (2004). Mountain infrastructure: access, communication, and energy. In: Price, Martin F.; Jansky, Libor; Iatsenia, Andrei A. (eds.) Key Issues for Mountain Areas (pp. 38-62). Tokyo, Japan: United Nations University Press

Liechti, Karina; Wiesmann, Urs (2004). JACS Alps: An Integrated View of the Dynamics of Regional Development as a Basis for Mutual Learning. In: Hurni, Hans; Wiesmann, Urs; Schertenleib, Roland (eds.) Research for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change: A Transdisciplinary Appraisal of Selected Regions of the World to Prepare Development-Oriented Research Partnerships. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South: Vol. 1 (pp. 365-379). Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia

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