Tolino, Serena

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Journal Article

De Angelo, Carlo; Tolino, Serena (2022). Introduction. Studi Magrebini, 20(2), pp. 111-115. Brill 10.1163/2590034X-20220070

Tolino, Serena (2022). Eunuchs in the Sunnī Legal Discourse: Reflections on the Gender of Castrated Men. Studi Magrebini, 20(2), pp. 117-136. Brill 10.1163/2590034x-20220071

Emunds, Laura; Tolino, Serena (2022). Gary Leiser, Prostitution in the Eastern Mediterranean World. The Economics of Sex in the Late Antique and Medieval Middle East, London: I.B. Tauris, 2017, 332 pp. ISBN-13: 978-1784536527. Der Islam, 99(1), pp. 246-253. De Gruyter 10.1515/islam-2022-0011

Tolino, Serena (2019). Review of "Bentlage, Björn: A Tale of Two Stories. Customary Marriage and Paternity. A Discourse Analysis of a Scandal in Egypt. Berlin: Klaus Schwarz 2017". Orientalische Literaturzeitung, 114(3), pp. 245-247. De Gruyter 10.1515/olzg-2019-0084

Tolino, Serena (2018). Crossing Borders: Women, Gender and Islam in Italian Scholarship. Quaderni di diritto e politica ecclesiastica, pp. 155-182. Il Mulino 10.1440/91533

Tolino, Serena (2018). Review of "Rainer Osswald: Das islamische Sklavenrecht. (Mitteilungen zur Sozial und Kulturgeschichte der islamischen Welt 40.)". Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 81(2), pp. 359-360. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0041977X18000836

Tolino, Serena (2018). Gender Equality in the Egyptian Constitution: From 1923 to 2014. Oriente moderno, 98(2), pp. 140-165. Brill 10.1163/22138617-12340193

Tolino, Serena (2018). Gender Equality and Women’s Rights in the Constitutions of the Middle Eastern and North African Countries. Introduction. Oriente moderno, 98(2), pp. 127-139. Brill 10.1163/22138617-12340200

De Angelo, Carlo; Tolino, Serena (2017). Introduction. Minorities as Subjects and Minorities as Producers of Islamic Law: Past and Present. Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies, 17, pp. 143-155. Oslo University 10.5617/jais.6111

Tolino, Serena (2017). Transgenderism, Transsexuality and Sex-Reassignment Surgery in Contemporary Sunni Fatwas'. Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies, 17, pp. 223-246. Oslo University 10.5617/jais.6116

De Angelo, Carlo; Tolino, Serena (2017). Obituary. In memory of Prof. Agostino Cilardo. Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies, 17, pp. 141-142. Oslo University

Tolino, Serena (2017). Review of Mohammed Hocine BENKHEIRA; Avner GILADI; Catherine MAYEUR-JAOUEN; Jacqueline SUBLET, La famille en islam d’après les sources arabes. Paris: Les indes savantes, 2013. Der Islam, 94(1), pp. 279-283. De Gruyter 10.1515/islam-2017-0012

Tolino, Serena (2016). Review of "Hans-Peter PÖKEL, Der unmännliche Mann. Zur Figuration des Eunuchen im Werk von al-Ǧāḥiẓ (gest. 869). Würzburg: Ergon, 2014. Orientalische Literaturzeitung, 111(6), pp. 505-509. De Gruyter 10.1515/olzg-2016-0191

Tolino, Serena (2016). The Approach to Homosexuality in Contemporary Fatāwā: Sexual Practices or Sexual Orientation. Zeitschrift für Recht & Islam, 1, pp. 141-158. Gesellschaft für Arabisches und Islamisches Recht

Tolino, Serena (2014). Homosexuality in the Middle East: An Analysis of Dominant and Competitive Discourses. DEP. Deportate, esuli, profughe, 25, pp. 72-91. Università Ca’ Foscari

Tolino, Serena (2014). Homosexual Acts in Islamic Law: Siḥāq and Liwāṭ in the Legal Debate. GAIR Mitteilungen, 6, pp. 187-205. Gesellschaft für Arabisches und Islamisches Recht

Tolino, Serena (2012). Identità omosessuale in tribunale nell’Egitto e nel Libano contemporanei. Genesis. Rivista della Società Italiana delle Storiche, 11(1-2), pp. 115-140. Viella

Newspaper or Magazine Article

Tolino, Serena (17 June 2023). «Man sollte den Blick auf den Islam normalisieren». Hauptstadt

Book Section

Tolino, Serena (2024). Sexuality in Islamic Traditions. In: Wiesner-Hanks, Merry; Kuefler, Mathew (eds.) The Cambridge World History of Sexualities. Volume II: Systems of Thought and Belief (pp. 293-313). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781108896016.015

Tolino, Serena (2024). Mann-männliches Begehren, sexuelles Handeln und Homosexualität im islamischen Recht. Muslimische Diskurse und Perspektiven von der Vergangenheit bis in die Gegenwart. In: van Eickels, Claus; van Eickels, Christine (eds.) Sodomiter, Päderasten, Homosexuelle. Mann-männliches Begehren und homosexuelles Handeln von der Antike bis zur Ehe für alle (pp. 281-310). Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press 10.20378/irb-94737

Tolino, Serena (2024). The Fatimid Empire: a Case for Religious Toleration? In: Matviyets, Anne-Sarah; Veltri, Giuseppe; Rüpke, Jörg (eds.) Tolerance and Intolerance in Religion and Beyond: Challenges from the Past and in the Present. Routledge Studies in Religion (pp. 97-112). Abingdon: Routledge

Moser, Kata; Tolino, Serena (2023). Wissenskulturen. Perspektiven der Forschung zu islamisch geprägten Gesellschaften. In: Moser, Kata; Tolino, Serena (eds.) Wissenskulturen muslimischer Gesellschaften. Philosophische und islamwissenschaftliche Zugänge. Festschrift für Anke von Kügelgen. Worlds of Islam - Welten des Islams - Mondes de l'Islam: Vol. 14 (pp. 1-22). Berlin: De Gruyter 10.1515/9783110767506-001

Tolino, Serena (2023). Slavery at the Turn of the Twentieth Century. Hudā Shaʿrāwī’s Memoirs as a Source of Social History? In: Moser, Kata; Tolino, Serena (eds.) Wissenskulturen muslimischer Gesellschaften. Philosophische und islamwissenschaftliche Zugänge. Festschrift für Anke von Kügelgen. Worlds of Islam - Welten des Islams - Mondes de l'Islam: Vol. 14 (pp. 419-438). Berlin: De Gruyter 10.1515/9783110767506-024

Tolino, Serena (2023). Naming Eunuchs in Islamicate Societies. In: Bischoff, Jeannine; Conermann, Stephan; Gymnich, Marion (eds.) Naming, Defining, Phrasing Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies: A Textual Approach. Dependency and Slavery Studies: Vol. 8 (pp. 69-84). Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter 10.1515/9783111210544-004

Tolino, Serena (2022). Reflections of an Early Egyptian Feminist in a Changing World: Malak Ḥifnī Nāṣif’s Positions on Women’s Wage Labour (Submitted). In: De Angelo, Carlo; Di Donato, Marco; Tottoli, Roberto (eds.) Philosophy, History and Political Thought in Islam: essays in memory of Massimo Campanini. Gorgias Press

Tolino, Serena (2022). Castration. In: Esposito, John L. (ed.) Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World: Digital Collection. Oxford University Press

Tolino, Serena (2022). Pregnancy. In: Esposito, John L. (ed.) Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World: Digital Collection. Oxford University Press

Tolino, Serena (2021). Locating Discourses on the Gender Binary (and Beyond) in Pre-modern Islamicate Societies. In: Kreil, Aymon; Sorbera, Lucia; Tolino, Serena (eds.) Sex and Desire in Muslim Cultures. Beyond Norms and Transgression from the Abbasids to the Present Day. Gender and Islam (pp. 23-46). 2021: I. B. Tauris 10.5040/

Kreil, Aymon; Sorbera, Lucia; Tolino, Serena (2021). Introduction: The Many Names of Desire. On the Study of Sexual Practices, Norms and Binaries in the Middle East. In: Kreil, Aymon; Sorbera, Lucia; Tolino, Serena (eds.) Sex and Desire in Muslim Cultures. Beyond Norms and Transgression from the Abbasids to the Present Day. Gender and Islam (pp. 1-13). London: I. B. Tauris

Tolino, Serena (2021). Being LGB in the Middle East’. In: Gerber, Paula (ed.) Worldwide Perspectives on Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals (pp. 84-100). Santa Barbara: ABC Clio

Tolino, Serena (2021). Sex Work in Pre-modern Cairo: Between Prohibition and Regulation. In: Angelo, Carlo De (ed.) Fede, Sapienza e dialogo. Atti in memoria di Agostino Cilardo (pp. 189-207). Lugano: Agorà & Co.

Tolino, Serena (2021). Homosexualität im Nahen Osten. Eine Analyse hegemonialer und konkurrierender Diskurse. In: Küppers, Carolin; Schneider, Martin (eds.) Zwischen Annäherung und Abgrenzung. Religion und LSBTIQ* in gesellschaftlicher Debatte und persönlichem Erleben. Geschichte der sexuellen und geschlechtlichen Vielfalt in Deutschland nach 1945: Vol. 8 (pp. 57-84). Berlin: Männerschwarm Verlag

Tolino, Serena (2020). LGBTQI Rights in the Middle East and North Africa: Laws, Discourses, and Challenges. In: Salvatore, Armando; Hanafi, Sari; Obuse, Kieko (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of the Middle East (pp. 626-646). Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190087470.013.28

Tolino, Serena (2020). Normative Discourses on Female Homoeroticism in Pre-Modern Islamicate Societies. In: Grassi, Umberto (ed.) Mediterranean Crossings. Sexual Transgressions in Islam and Christianity (10th-18th Centuries) (pp. 27-42). Rom: Viella

Tolino, Serena (2018). Eunuchs in the Fatimid Empire: Ambiguities, Gender and Sacredness. In: Höfert, Almut; Mesley, Matthew M.; Tolino, Serena (eds.) Celibate and Childless Men in Power. Ruling Eunuchs and Bishops in the Pre-Modern World (pp. 246-266). London/New York: Routledge

Tolino, Serena (2017). Le molestie sessuali nello spazio e nel discorso pubblico egiziano. In: De Angelo, Carlo; Fontana, Sabina; Lagdaf, Souadou (eds.) Conflitti di Genere. Società, religione e cultura (pp. 197-220). Lugano: Agorà & Co

Tolino, Serena (2017). Circumcision. In: Cakmak, Cenap (ed.) Islam: a Worldwide Encyclopedia 1 (pp. 294-297). ABC Clio

Tolino, Serena (2017). Depravity. In: Cakmak, Cenap (ed.) Islam: a Worldwide Encyclopedia 1 (pp. 268-270). ABC Clio

Tolino, Serena (2017). Lut. In: Cakmak, Cenap (ed.) Islam: a Worldwide Encyclopedia 3 (pp. 950-952). ABC Clio

Tolino, Serena (2017). Muwatta'. In: Cakmak, Cenap (ed.) Islam: a Worldwide Encyclopedia, 3 (pp. 1137-1139). ABC Clio

Tolino, Serena (2017). Sunna. In: Cakmak, Cenap (ed.) Islam: a worldwide Encyclopedia 4 (pp. 1493-1496). ABC Clio

Tolino, Serena (2017). Usul al-Fiqh. In: Cakmak, Cenap (ed.) Islam: a Worldwide Encyclopedia 4 (pp. 1613-1615). ABC Clio

Tolino, Serena (2017). Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya. In: Cakmak, Cenap (ed.) Islam: a Worldwide Encyclopedia 2 (pp. 513-515). ABC Clio

Tolino, Serena (2016). Discourses on Homosexuality in Egypt: When Religion and the State Cooperate. In: van Klinken, Adriaan; Chitando, Eyra (eds.) Public Religion and the Politics of Homosexuality in Africa 2 (pp. 49-61). Routledge

Tolino, Serena (2015). The History of Prostitution in Egypt (1882-1949): from Regulation to Prohibition. In: Kurz, Susanne; Preckel, Claudia; Reichmuth, Stefan (eds.) Muslim Bodies: Körper, Sexualität und Medizin in muslimischen Gesellschaften. Religionswissenschaft: Forschung und Wissenschaft: Vol. 14 (pp. 131-154). LIT Verlag

Tolino, Serena (2011). Le tutela dei minori in Egitto: il Qānūn al-ṭifl alla luce degli emendamenti del 2008 e il ruolo delle organizzazioni non governative. In: Cilardo, Agostino (ed.) La tutela dei minori di cultura islamica nell’area mediterranea. Aspetti sociali, giuridici, medici. Cultura Arabo-Islamica (pp. 377-418). Naples: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane

Tolino, Serena (2011). The anti-female genital mutilation discourse in Contemporary Egypt. In: Arda, Berna; Rispler-Chaim, Vardid (eds.) Islam and Bioethics (pp. 207-219). Ankara: Ankara University Press


Moser, Kata; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2023). Wissenskulturen muslimischer Gesellschaften. Philosophische und islamwissenschaftliche Zugänge. Festschrift für Anke von Kügelgen. Worlds of Islam - Welten des Islams - Mondes de l'Islam: Vol. 14. Berlin: De Gruyter 10.1515/9783110767506

Kreil, Aymon; Sorbera, Lucia; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2021). Sex and Desire in Muslim Cultures. Beyond Norms and Transgression from the Abbasids to the Present Day. Gender and Islam. 2021: I.B. Tauris

Höfert, Almut; Mesley, Mattew; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2019). Celibate and Childless Men in Power: Ruling Eunuchs and Bishops in the Pre-Modern World. New York: Routdlege

Tolino, Serena (2013). Atti omosessuali e omosessualità fra diritto islamico e diritto positivo: il caso egiziano con alcuni cenni all’esperienza libanese. Cultura Arabo-Islamica. Naples: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane


Tolino, Serena; Anchassi, Omar; Emunds, Laura; Rowitz, Laura (2023). Unfortunately, it Ended: Slavery in Islamic Law and Muslim Societies Conference in Murtensee Project Blog "TraSIS: Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies"

Tolino, Serena; Anchassi, Omar; Emunds, Laura; Rowitz, Laura (2023). Reflections on the 29th DAVO Congress Project Blog "TraSIS: Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies"

Tolino, Serena; Emunds, Laura; Anchassi, Omar; Rowitz, Laura (2023). TraSIS PI Prof. Serena Tolino presents at Max Planck Institute (Submitted) Project Blog "TraSIS: Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies"

Tolino, Serena; Anchassi, Omar; Emunds, Laura; Rowitz, Laura (2023). The TraSIS Team in Toronto Project Blog "TraSIS: Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies"

Tolino, Serena; Anchassi, Omar; Emunds, Laura; Rowitz, Laura (2023). Report on the participation of TraSIS team members to the Research Colloquium and Workshop: “Contested Concepts of Labour: Slavery and Informality” Project Blog "TraSIS: Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies"

Tolino, Serena; Anchassi, Omar; Emunds, Laura; Rowitz, Laura (2023). TraSIS Team Wins the Award for Best Scientific Poster at Faculty of Humanities Research Day Project Blog "TraSIS: Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies"

Azhar, Zahra; Borroni, Andrea; Celebi, Ozgun; Darbali, Sabrina; Hamrouni, Salwa; Piccinelli, Gian Maria; Scotti, Valentina Rita; Ali, Akbar Siapoush; Derya Tarman, Zeynep; Tolino, Serena (2018). Report on the Gender Lens to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Women's Discriminations in the Business Sector in Middle-Eastern Countries. OHCHR

Conference or Workshop Item

Tolino, Serena (23 May 2024). Asymmetrical Dependency, Agency and Power Dynamics: the Role of Eunuchs in the Fatimid Empire (Unpublished). In: Ismaili Studies: History and Future Directions. University of Naples L'Orientale.

Weber, Dominic; Schwandt, Silke; Huang, Angela; Hodel, Tobias; Tolino, Serena; Kuhlmann, Christopher; Meyer, Dana; Wilde, Melvin; Kirschnick, Inga; Jentsch, Patrick; Hostettler, Myrjam; Widmer, Jonas; Lange, Inga; Popken, Vivien (2024). not opaque flow – Workflows zur Aufbereitung und Auswertung historischer Dokumente. In: Weis, Joëlle; Bunout, Estelle; Haider, Thomas; Helling, Patrick; Gerstmeier, Markus; Perschl, Tobias; Huber, Elisabeth; Haider, Thomas; Debbeler, Anke; Majka, Nicole (eds.) DHd 2024 Quo Vadis DH (DHd2024). Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.10698512

Tolino, Serena (22 September 2023). Gender, Sexuality and LGBTQI+ Studies in Middle Eastern Studies (Unpublished). In: Fourth European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies / 29th International Congress of DAVO - Roundtable Teaching Gender in Middle Eastern Studies. 21-23 September 2023.

Tolino, Serena (22 September 2023). Academic freedom: what does it mean for us? (Unpublished). In: Fourth European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies / 29th International Congress of DAVO - Roundtable 'Towards a DAVO committee on academic freedom’.

Tolino, Serena (21 September 2023). Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies. Perspectives from Legal and Intellectual History (Unpublished). In: Fourth European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies / 29th International Congress of DAVO. University of Vienna. 21-23 September 2023.

Tolino, Serena (18 August 2023). Gender equality in the Middle East: an intersectional approach (Unpublished). In: Summer Summit 2023 Seminar Middle East Mediterranean. Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano. 16-25 August 2023.

Tolino, Serena (25 May 2023). Intersectionality Matters: New Perspectives on the Study of Islamic Legal Sources (Unpublished). In: Afternoon Talks in Islamic Law. Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law - Hamburg. 25 May 2023.

Tolino, Serena (13 May 2023). Call-Out Culture, Accountability and (Self-)Reflexivity in the Academic Environment (Unpublished). In: Münchenwiler Seminar: Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit. Münchenwiler Schloss. 12-13 May 2023.

Tolino, Serena (29 April 2023). Gender and Islamic Law: What Can We Learn from Intersectionality? (Unpublished). In: Conference: Re-evaluating Methodological Trajectories in the Academic Study of Islam. Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto. 27-29 April 2023.

Tolino, Serena (26 April 2023). Slavery in Islamicate Societies: Methodological and Theoretical Reflections on the Project TraSIS (Unpublished). In: Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies: Three Concepts from Islamic Legal Sources. Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto.

Tolino, Serena (30 March 2023). Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies: Three Concepts from Islamic Legal Sources (Unpublished). In: Workshop "Contested Concepts of Labor: Slavery and Informality". Historisches Institut / Center For Global Studies, University of Bern. 29-30 March 2023.

Anchassi, Omar Walid; Emunds, Laura; Rowitz, Laura Elena; Tolino, Serena (27 March 2023). TraSIS: Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies. Three Concepts from Islamic Legal Sources (Unpublished). In: Phil.-hist. Forschungstag 2023. 27. März 2023.

Kreil, Aymon; Sorbera, Lucia; Tolino, Serena (22 December 2022). Book presentation "Sex and Desire in Muslim Cultures – Beyond Norms and Transgression from the Abbasids to the Present Day" (Unpublished). In: Lecture Series "Queerness in the Middle East. History, Activism and Social Change". University of Bern. 20 September 2022 - 22 December 2022.

Tolino, Serena (2 November 2022). Slavery, Dependency and Gender: What can we Learn From Eunuchs in Islamicate Societies? (Unpublished). In: BCDSS/NISIS Autumn School "Coercion, Slavery and Relations of Dependency in the Islamicate World". Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies, University of Bonn. 02-04 November 2022.

Tolino, Serena (21 October 2022). Slavery in Islamic Law. Challenges and Discussions in the Path to Abolition (Unpublished). In: Conference "Relativity and University of Human Rights". Université de Fribourg. 20-22 October 2022.

Tolino, Serena (October 2022). Court Eunuchs in the Fatimid Empire: Gender, Power and Family Structures (Unpublished). In: Conference "Slavery, Gender and the Shaping of the Family in Medieval Islam. Madrid, Instituto de Lenguas y Culturas del Mediterràneo. 15-16 September 2022.

Tolino, Serena (9 June 2022). Law, Public Health and the Construction of a Crime: Policing Sex Work in Egypt Before and After the Colonial Period (Unpublished). In: Ringvorlesung "Mainzer Kolloquien zur Turkologie und Orientalistik". University of Mainz. 21 April- 21 July 2022.

Kassir, Abed Al Wahab; Tolino, Serena (June 2022). The Fragmentation of the Macho Man and the Rise of Queerness in Contemporary Lebanese Cinema (Unpublished). In: XV Convegno SeSaMO. Explaining Crisis beyond Chaos: the Middle East and North Africa in Global Change. University of Naples "L'Orientale". 22-24 June.

Tolino, Serena (April 2022). Discussions on intersexuality and Transgenderism in contemporary Egypt (Unpublished). In: Journée d'étude "L'intersexe dans le droit musulman dans une perspective comparée". Université de Strasbourg. 11 April 2022.

Tolino, Serena (3 February 2022). Homosexualität im islamischen Recht: Muslimische Juristen über liwāṭ und siḥāq (Unpublished). In: Rinvorlesung Sodomiter, Päderasten, Homosexuelle Mann-männliches Begehren und sexuelles Handeln von der Antike bis zur Ehe für alle. Universität Bamberg.

De La Puente, Cristina; Barker, Hannah; Craig, Perry; Tolino, Serena (2022). Introduction and chair "Slavery and Invisibility in the Medieval Mediterranean". (Unpublished). In: Roundtable Slavery and Invisibility in the Medieval Mediterranean. online. 15 March 2022.

Tolino, Serena (3 November 2021). Malak Ḥifnī Nāṣif e il diritto al lavoro: riflessioni di una femminista egiziana sulla questione del lavoro delle donne (Unpublished). In: Giornate di studio in memoria di Massimo Campanini. 3-4 November 2021.

Tolino, Serena (13 January 2021). Omosessualità e Islam (Unpublished). In: God save the Queer, un dialogo sul rapporto tra religioni ed esperienza LGBTQI+. Bologna.

Tolino, Serena (1 October 2020). Naming Eunuchs in Islamicate Societies (Unpublished). In: Slavery and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies: Semantics, Lexical Fields and Narratives. Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies (BCDSS); University of Bonn. 01-02 October 2020.

Tolino, Serena (18 June 2020). Eunuchs in Islamicate Societies: The Fatimid Case (Unpublished). In: Thursday Seminar Series. Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies. 18 June 2020.

Journal or Series

Brunner, Rainer; Bartholomä, Ruth; Arminjon, Constance; Bruckmayr, Philipp; Hartung, Jan-Peter; Herzog, Christoph; Kemper, Michael; Moser, Kata; Pink, Johanna; Reichmuth, Stefan; Sajid, Mehdi; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2024). Die Welt des Islams. International Journal for the Study of Modern Islam, 64(1). Brill

Auer, Blain; Dennerlein, Bettina; Fudge, Bruce; Halawi, Wissam; von Kügelgen, Anke; Naef, Silvia; Reinkowski, Maurus; Sauer, Rebecca (eds.) (2024). Worlds of Islam, 14. De Gruyter

Brunner, Rainer; Arminjon, Constance; Bartholomä, Ruth; Bruckmayr, Philipp; Hartung, Jan-Peter; Herzog, Christoph; Kemper, Michael; Moser, Kata; Pink, Johanna; Reichmuth, Stefan; Sajid, Mehdi; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2024). Die Welt des Islams. International Journal for the Study of Modern Islam, 64(2-3)., 64(2-3). Brill

Francesca, Ersilia; De Angelo, Carlo; Aiello, Flavia; Borrillo, Sara; Capezio, Oriana; Denaro, Roberta; Di Mauro, Nicola; Nocera, Lea; Pioppi, Daniela; Manduchi, Patrizia; Marchi, Alessandra (eds.) (2023). Studi Magrebini. North African Studies., 21(2). Brill

Brunner, Rainer; Arminjon, Constance; Bartholomä, Ruth; Hartung, Jan-Peter; Kemper, Michael; Pink, Johanna; Reichmuth, Stefan; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2023). Die Welt des Islams. International Journal for the Study of Modern Islam, 63(3). Brill

Brunner, Rainer; Arminjon, Constance; Bartholomä, Ruth; Hartung, Jan-Peter; Herzog, Christoph; Kemper, Michael; Pink, Johanna; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2023). Die Welt des Islams. International Journal for the Study of Modern Islam, 63(4). Brill

Aiello, Flavia; Borrillo, Sara; Capezio, Oriana; De Angelo, Carlo; Denaro, Roberta; Di Mauro, Nicola; Francesca, Ersilia; Nocera, Lea; Pioppi, Daniela; Straface, Antonella; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2023). Studi Magrebini. North African Studies, 21(1). Brill

Brunner, Rainer; Arminjon, Constance; Hartung, Jan-Peter; Herzog, Christoph; Kemper, Michael; Pink, Johanna; Reichmuth, Stefan; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2023). Die Welt des Islams. International Journal for the Study of Modern Islam, 63(1). Brill

Brunner, Rainer; Arminjon, Constance; Hartung, Jan-Peter; Herzog, Christoph; Kemper, Michael; Pink, Johanna; Reichmuth, Stefan; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2023). Die Welt des Islams. International Journal for the Study of Modern Islam, 63(2). Brill

Suter, Rafael; Auer, Blain; Behr, Wolfgang; Berg, Daria; Brisset, Claire-Akiko; Chiavacci, David; Dennerlein, Bettina; Fudge, Bruce; Giese, Francine; Guex, Samuel; Halawi, Wissam; Kemper, Michael; King, Richard; Kollmar-Paulenz, Karénina; Malinar, Angelika; Martin, Nicolas; Müller, Simone; Naef, Silvia; Reinkowski, Maurus; Riemenschnitter, Andrea; ... (eds.) (2023). Études Asiatiques - Revue de la Société Suisse-Asie, 77(1). De Gruyter

Eich, Thomas; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2023). Law, Ethics and Society in the Middle East, 3. Ergon

Francesca, Ersilia; De Angelo, Carlo; Aiello, Flavia; Borrillo, Sara; Capezio, Oriana; Denaro, Roberta; Di Mauro, Nicola; Nocera, Lea; Pioppi, Daniela; Straface, Antonella; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2022). Studi Magrebini. North African Studies, 2020(2). Brill

Brunner, Rainer; Arminjon, Constance; Hartung, Jan-Peter; Herzog, Christoph; Kemper, Michael; Pink, Johanna; Reichmuth, Stefan; Tolino, Serena; Zemmin, Florian; Alp, Eren Topal (eds.) (2022). Die Welt des Islams. International Journal for the Study of Modern Islam, 62(3-4). Brill

De Angelo, Carlo; Tolino, Serena; Francesca, Ersilia; Aiello, Flavia Aiello; Borrillo, Sara; Capezio, Oriana; Denaro, Roberta; Di Mauro, Nicola; Nocera, Lea; Pioppi, Daniela; Straface, Antonella (eds.) (2022). Studi Magrebini. North African Studies, 20(1). Brill

Brunner, Rainer; Arminion, Constance; Harter, Jan-Peter; Herzog, Cristoph; Kemper, Michael; Pink, Johanna; Reichmuth, Stefan; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2022). Die Welt des Islams. International Journal for the Study of Modern Islam, 62(2). Brill

Auer, Blain; Dennerlein, Bettina; Fudge, Bruce; Halawi, Wissam; Naef, Silvia; Reinkowski, Maurus; Sauer, Rebecca; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2022). Worlds of Islam.

Tolino, Serena; Eich, Thomas (eds.) (2022). Law, Ethics and Society in the Middle East, 2. Ergon

Francesca, Ersilia; De Angelo, Carlo; Tolino, Serena; Capezio, Oriana; Straface, Antonella; Borrillo, Sara; Pioppi, Daniela; Denaro, Roberta; Nocera, Lea; Aiello, Flavia; Di Mauro, Nicola (eds.) (2021). Studi Magrebini, 2021(19). Brill

Brunner, Rainer; Arminjon, Constance; Hartung, Jan-Peter; Herzog, Christoph; Kemper, Michael; Pink, Johanna; Reichmuth, Stefan; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2021). Die Welt des Islams. International Journal for the Study of Modern Islam, 61(1). Brill

Brunner, Rainer; Tolino, Serena; Arminjon, Constance; Bartholomä, Ruth; Hartung, Jan-Peter; Herzog, Christoph; Kemper, Michael; Johanna, Pink; Reichmuth, Stefan (eds.) (2021). Die Welt des Islams. International Journal for the Study of Modern Islam, 61. Brill

Tolino, Serena; Eich, Thomas (eds.) (2021). Law, Ethics and Society in the Middle East, 1. Ergon

Brunner, Rainer; Bartholomä, Ruth; Pink, Johanna; Herzog, Christoph; Kemper, Michael; Reichmuth, Stefan; Tolino, Serena; Arminjon, Constance (eds.) (2020). Die Welt des Islams. International Journal for the Study of Modern Islam, 2020(60). Brill

Tolino, Serena; Maraucci, Tina; El Houssi, Leila; Fathi, Shirin; Lagdaf, Souadou; Zoubir H., Yahya; Di Peri, Rosita; Amirpur, Katajun (eds.) (2018). Special Issue of Oriente Moderno "Gender Equality and Women’s Rights in the Constitutions of the Middle Eastern and North African Countries", 98(2). Brill

De Angelo, Carlo; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2017). Special Dossier of the Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies on "Islamic Law and Minorities", 17. Oslo University 10.5617/jais.6109

Audiovisual Material & Event

Sonay, Ali; Tolino, Serena; Glutz von Blotzheim, Sophie (2022). Jubiläum: 75 Jahre Schweizerischen Akademie der Geistes-und Sozialwissenschaften (SAGW): Denkste! Rückblick auf das Jubiläumsfest der SAGW [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Gespräch mit der libanesischen Comic-Zeichnerin Lena Merhej.

Ayoub, Samy; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 2, with Samy Ayoub [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast. Online. 04.03.22

Quraishi-Landes, Asifa; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 1, with Asifa Quraishi-Landes [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast. Online. 02.03.22

Bearman, Peri; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 0, with Peri Bearman [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast. Online. 22.02.22

Serrano-Ruano, Delfina; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 03. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Kermeli, Evgenia; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 4, with Evgenia Kermeli. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Essop, Fatima; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 5, with Fatima Essop. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Shahar, Ido; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 6, with Ido Shahar. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Kamal, Faisal; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 7, with Faisal Kamal. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Elsässer, Sebastian; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 8, with Sebastian Elsässer. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

George, Warner; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 9, with George Warner. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast. Isils - International Society for Islamic Legal Studies

Schriber, Ari; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 10, with Ari Schriber. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast. Isils - International Society for Islamic Legal Studies

Arslan, Hakkı; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 11, with Hakkı Arslan. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Ramadhan, Adam; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 12, with Adam Ramadhan. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, the Podcast.

Edres, Nijmi; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 13, with Nijmi Edres. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Drennan, David; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 14, with David Drennan. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Dupret, Baudouin; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 15, with Baudouin Dupret. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Qazwini, Hadi; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 16, with Hadi Qazwini. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Şimşek, Sümeyye; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 17, with Sümeyye Şimşek. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Ben Ammar, Meriam; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 18, with Meriam Ben Ammar. [Audio]. In: Star3i, The Podcast.

Caeiro, Alexandre; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 19, with Alexandre Caeiro. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Yavuz, Taha Tarik; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 20, with Taha Tarik Yavuz. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Garipova, Rozaliya; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 21, with Rozaliya Garipova. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Engelcke, Dörthe; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 22, with Dörthe Engelcke. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Katz, Marion; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 23, with Marion Katz. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Sonay, Ali; Tolino, Serena (2022). ISNO Lecture Series FS22: Politics and the Visual in the Middle East and North Africa since the Arab Uprisings [Performance or Exhibition].


Peláez-Domínguez, Teresa (15 April 2024). From Muslim Slave to Catholic Surgeon: A Case of Manumission in the Galleys of Spain. In: Tolino, Serena; Anchassi, Omar Walid; Emunds, Laura; Rowitz, Laura (eds.), In: Source of the Month, "Project TraSIS: Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies"..

Allahverdiyeva, Turkana (2024). The Blurred Boundaries of Slavery and Freedom in the Early Modern Crimean Khanate. In: Tolino, Serena; Anchassi, Omar Walid; Emunds, Laura; Rowitz, Laura Elena (eds.), Source of the Month, "Project TraSIS: Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies"..

Tolino, Serena (September 2023). What Can We Learn about Slavery from a Manual for Judges and Notaries? In: Anchassi, Omar Walid; Emunds, Laura; Rowitz, Laura Elena (eds.), Source of the Month, "Project TraSIS: Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies".

Tolino, Serena (February 2023). On Eunuchs: An Italian Medical Doctor’s View (Cairo, 1902).

Magliozzi, Aurora (2023). On the “Guile” of Slaves: Thirteen Recommendations of Samawʾal b. Yaḥyā al-Maghribī (d. 570/1175) on the Purchase of Male and Female Slaves. In: Tolino, Serena; Anchassi, Omar Walid; Emunds, Laura; Rowitz, Laura Elena (eds.), Source of the Month, "Project TraSIS: Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies"..

Tolino, Serena (3 January 2022). From Venice to Rome to Hamburg: Following the Middle East in Europe in the 1980s. In: Neuere Fachgeschichte der Orientalistik in Hamburg.

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