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Tolino, Serena (23 May 2024). Asymmetrical Dependency, Agency and Power Dynamics: the Role of Eunuchs in the Fatimid Empire (Unpublished). In: Ismaili Studies: History and Future Directions. University of Naples L'Orientale.

Tolino, Serena (2024). Sexuality in Islamic Traditions. In: Wiesner-Hanks, Merry; Kuefler, Mathew (eds.) The Cambridge World History of Sexualities. Volume II: Systems of Thought and Belief (pp. 293-313). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781108896016.015

Tolino, Serena (2024). Mann-männliches Begehren, sexuelles Handeln und Homosexualität im islamischen Recht. Muslimische Diskurse und Perspektiven von der Vergangenheit bis in die Gegenwart. In: van Eickels, Claus; van Eickels, Christine (eds.) Sodomiter, Päderasten, Homosexuelle. Mann-männliches Begehren und homosexuelles Handeln von der Antike bis zur Ehe für alle (pp. 281-310). Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press 10.20378/irb-94737

Peláez-Domínguez, Teresa (15 April 2024). From Muslim Slave to Catholic Surgeon: A Case of Manumission in the Galleys of Spain. In: Tolino, Serena; Anchassi, Omar Walid; Emunds, Laura; Rowitz, Laura (eds.), In: Source of the Month, "Project TraSIS: Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies"..

Tolino, Serena (2024). The Fatimid Empire: a Case for Religious Toleration? In: Matviyets, Anne-Sarah; Veltri, Giuseppe; Rüpke, Jörg (eds.) Tolerance and Intolerance in Religion and Beyond: Challenges from the Past and in the Present. Routledge Studies in Religion (pp. 97-112). Abingdon: Routledge

Weber, Dominic; Schwandt, Silke; Huang, Angela; Hodel, Tobias; Tolino, Serena; Kuhlmann, Christopher; Meyer, Dana; Wilde, Melvin; Kirschnick, Inga; Jentsch, Patrick; Hostettler, Myrjam; Widmer, Jonas; Lange, Inga; Popken, Vivien (2024). not opaque flow – Workflows zur Aufbereitung und Auswertung historischer Dokumente. In: Weis, Joëlle; Bunout, Estelle; Haider, Thomas; Helling, Patrick; Gerstmeier, Markus; Perschl, Tobias; Huber, Elisabeth; Haider, Thomas; Debbeler, Anke; Majka, Nicole (eds.) DHd 2024 Quo Vadis DH (DHd2024). Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.10698512

Brunner, Rainer; Bartholomä, Ruth; Arminjon, Constance; Bruckmayr, Philipp; Hartung, Jan-Peter; Herzog, Christoph; Kemper, Michael; Moser, Kata; Pink, Johanna; Reichmuth, Stefan; Sajid, Mehdi; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2024). Die Welt des Islams. International Journal for the Study of Modern Islam, 64(1). Brill

Auer, Blain; Dennerlein, Bettina; Fudge, Bruce; Halawi, Wissam; von Kügelgen, Anke; Naef, Silvia; Reinkowski, Maurus; Sauer, Rebecca (eds.) (2024). Worlds of Islam, 14. De Gruyter

Brunner, Rainer; Arminjon, Constance; Bartholomä, Ruth; Bruckmayr, Philipp; Hartung, Jan-Peter; Herzog, Christoph; Kemper, Michael; Moser, Kata; Pink, Johanna; Reichmuth, Stefan; Sajid, Mehdi; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2024). Die Welt des Islams. International Journal for the Study of Modern Islam, 64(2-3)., 64(2-3). Brill

Allahverdiyeva, Turkana (2024). The Blurred Boundaries of Slavery and Freedom in the Early Modern Crimean Khanate. In: Tolino, Serena; Anchassi, Omar Walid; Emunds, Laura; Rowitz, Laura Elena (eds.), Source of the Month, "Project TraSIS: Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies"..


Francesca, Ersilia; De Angelo, Carlo; Aiello, Flavia; Borrillo, Sara; Capezio, Oriana; Denaro, Roberta; Di Mauro, Nicola; Nocera, Lea; Pioppi, Daniela; Manduchi, Patrizia; Marchi, Alessandra (eds.) (2023). Studi Magrebini. North African Studies., 21(2). Brill

Tolino, Serena (22 September 2023). Gender, Sexuality and LGBTQI+ Studies in Middle Eastern Studies (Unpublished). In: Fourth European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies / 29th International Congress of DAVO - Roundtable Teaching Gender in Middle Eastern Studies. 21-23 September 2023.

Tolino, Serena (22 September 2023). Academic freedom: what does it mean for us? (Unpublished). In: Fourth European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies / 29th International Congress of DAVO - Roundtable 'Towards a DAVO committee on academic freedom’.

Tolino, Serena (21 September 2023). Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies. Perspectives from Legal and Intellectual History (Unpublished). In: Fourth European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies / 29th International Congress of DAVO. University of Vienna. 21-23 September 2023.

Tolino, Serena; Anchassi, Omar; Emunds, Laura; Rowitz, Laura (2023). Unfortunately, it Ended: Slavery in Islamic Law and Muslim Societies Conference in Murtensee Project Blog "TraSIS: Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies"

Tolino, Serena (September 2023). What Can We Learn about Slavery from a Manual for Judges and Notaries? In: Anchassi, Omar Walid; Emunds, Laura; Rowitz, Laura Elena (eds.), Source of the Month, "Project TraSIS: Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies".

Brunner, Rainer; Arminjon, Constance; Bartholomä, Ruth; Hartung, Jan-Peter; Kemper, Michael; Pink, Johanna; Reichmuth, Stefan; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2023). Die Welt des Islams. International Journal for the Study of Modern Islam, 63(3). Brill

Brunner, Rainer; Arminjon, Constance; Bartholomä, Ruth; Hartung, Jan-Peter; Herzog, Christoph; Kemper, Michael; Pink, Johanna; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2023). Die Welt des Islams. International Journal for the Study of Modern Islam, 63(4). Brill

Tolino, Serena; Anchassi, Omar; Emunds, Laura; Rowitz, Laura (2023). Reflections on the 29th DAVO Congress Project Blog "TraSIS: Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies"

Tolino, Serena (18 August 2023). Gender equality in the Middle East: an intersectional approach (Unpublished). In: Summer Summit 2023 Seminar Middle East Mediterranean. Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano. 16-25 August 2023.

Aiello, Flavia; Borrillo, Sara; Capezio, Oriana; De Angelo, Carlo; Denaro, Roberta; Di Mauro, Nicola; Francesca, Ersilia; Nocera, Lea; Pioppi, Daniela; Straface, Antonella; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2023). Studi Magrebini. North African Studies, 21(1). Brill

Tolino, Serena (17 June 2023). «Man sollte den Blick auf den Islam normalisieren». Hauptstadt

Tolino, Serena; Emunds, Laura; Anchassi, Omar; Rowitz, Laura (2023). TraSIS PI Prof. Serena Tolino presents at Max Planck Institute (Submitted) Project Blog "TraSIS: Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies"

Tolino, Serena (25 May 2023). Intersectionality Matters: New Perspectives on the Study of Islamic Legal Sources (Unpublished). In: Afternoon Talks in Islamic Law. Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law - Hamburg. 25 May 2023.

Tolino, Serena; Anchassi, Omar; Emunds, Laura; Rowitz, Laura (2023). The TraSIS Team in Toronto Project Blog "TraSIS: Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies"

Tolino, Serena; Anchassi, Omar; Emunds, Laura; Rowitz, Laura (2023). Report on the participation of TraSIS team members to the Research Colloquium and Workshop: “Contested Concepts of Labour: Slavery and Informality” Project Blog "TraSIS: Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies"

Tolino, Serena; Anchassi, Omar; Emunds, Laura; Rowitz, Laura (2023). TraSIS Team Wins the Award for Best Scientific Poster at Faculty of Humanities Research Day Project Blog "TraSIS: Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies"

Tolino, Serena (13 May 2023). Call-Out Culture, Accountability and (Self-)Reflexivity in the Academic Environment (Unpublished). In: Münchenwiler Seminar: Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit. Münchenwiler Schloss. 12-13 May 2023.

Tolino, Serena (29 April 2023). Gender and Islamic Law: What Can We Learn from Intersectionality? (Unpublished). In: Conference: Re-evaluating Methodological Trajectories in the Academic Study of Islam. Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto. 27-29 April 2023.

Tolino, Serena (26 April 2023). Slavery in Islamicate Societies: Methodological and Theoretical Reflections on the Project TraSIS (Unpublished). In: Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies: Three Concepts from Islamic Legal Sources. Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto.

Moser, Kata; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2023). Wissenskulturen muslimischer Gesellschaften. Philosophische und islamwissenschaftliche Zugänge. Festschrift für Anke von Kügelgen. Worlds of Islam - Welten des Islams - Mondes de l'Islam: Vol. 14. Berlin: De Gruyter 10.1515/9783110767506

Moser, Kata; Tolino, Serena (2023). Wissenskulturen. Perspektiven der Forschung zu islamisch geprägten Gesellschaften. In: Moser, Kata; Tolino, Serena (eds.) Wissenskulturen muslimischer Gesellschaften. Philosophische und islamwissenschaftliche Zugänge. Festschrift für Anke von Kügelgen. Worlds of Islam - Welten des Islams - Mondes de l'Islam: Vol. 14 (pp. 1-22). Berlin: De Gruyter 10.1515/9783110767506-001

Tolino, Serena (2023). Slavery at the Turn of the Twentieth Century. Hudā Shaʿrāwī’s Memoirs as a Source of Social History? In: Moser, Kata; Tolino, Serena (eds.) Wissenskulturen muslimischer Gesellschaften. Philosophische und islamwissenschaftliche Zugänge. Festschrift für Anke von Kügelgen. Worlds of Islam - Welten des Islams - Mondes de l'Islam: Vol. 14 (pp. 419-438). Berlin: De Gruyter 10.1515/9783110767506-024

Tolino, Serena (30 March 2023). Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies: Three Concepts from Islamic Legal Sources (Unpublished). In: Workshop "Contested Concepts of Labor: Slavery and Informality". Historisches Institut / Center For Global Studies, University of Bern. 29-30 March 2023.

Anchassi, Omar Walid; Emunds, Laura; Rowitz, Laura Elena; Tolino, Serena (27 March 2023). TraSIS: Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies. Three Concepts from Islamic Legal Sources (Unpublished). In: Phil.-hist. Forschungstag 2023. 27. März 2023.

Brunner, Rainer; Arminjon, Constance; Hartung, Jan-Peter; Herzog, Christoph; Kemper, Michael; Pink, Johanna; Reichmuth, Stefan; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2023). Die Welt des Islams. International Journal for the Study of Modern Islam, 63(1). Brill

Brunner, Rainer; Arminjon, Constance; Hartung, Jan-Peter; Herzog, Christoph; Kemper, Michael; Pink, Johanna; Reichmuth, Stefan; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2023). Die Welt des Islams. International Journal for the Study of Modern Islam, 63(2). Brill

Suter, Rafael; Auer, Blain; Behr, Wolfgang; Berg, Daria; Brisset, Claire-Akiko; Chiavacci, David; Dennerlein, Bettina; Fudge, Bruce; Giese, Francine; Guex, Samuel; Halawi, Wissam; Kemper, Michael; King, Richard; Kollmar-Paulenz, Karénina; Malinar, Angelika; Martin, Nicolas; Müller, Simone; Naef, Silvia; Reinkowski, Maurus; Riemenschnitter, Andrea; ... (eds.) (2023). Études Asiatiques - Revue de la Société Suisse-Asie, 77(1). De Gruyter

Tolino, Serena (February 2023). On Eunuchs: An Italian Medical Doctor’s View (Cairo, 1902).

Tolino, Serena (2023). Naming Eunuchs in Islamicate Societies. In: Bischoff, Jeannine; Conermann, Stephan; Gymnich, Marion (eds.) Naming, Defining, Phrasing Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies: A Textual Approach. Dependency and Slavery Studies: Vol. 8 (pp. 69-84). Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter 10.1515/9783111210544-004

Eich, Thomas; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2023). Law, Ethics and Society in the Middle East, 3. Ergon

Magliozzi, Aurora (2023). On the “Guile” of Slaves: Thirteen Recommendations of Samawʾal b. Yaḥyā al-Maghribī (d. 570/1175) on the Purchase of Male and Female Slaves. In: Tolino, Serena; Anchassi, Omar Walid; Emunds, Laura; Rowitz, Laura Elena (eds.), Source of the Month, "Project TraSIS: Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies"..


Kreil, Aymon; Sorbera, Lucia; Tolino, Serena (22 December 2022). Book presentation "Sex and Desire in Muslim Cultures – Beyond Norms and Transgression from the Abbasids to the Present Day" (Unpublished). In: Lecture Series "Queerness in the Middle East. History, Activism and Social Change". University of Bern. 20 September 2022 - 22 December 2022.

De Angelo, Carlo; Tolino, Serena (2022). Introduction. Studi Magrebini, 20(2), pp. 111-115. Brill 10.1163/2590034X-20220070

Tolino, Serena (2022). Eunuchs in the Sunnī Legal Discourse: Reflections on the Gender of Castrated Men. Studi Magrebini, 20(2), pp. 117-136. Brill 10.1163/2590034x-20220071

Francesca, Ersilia; De Angelo, Carlo; Aiello, Flavia; Borrillo, Sara; Capezio, Oriana; Denaro, Roberta; Di Mauro, Nicola; Nocera, Lea; Pioppi, Daniela; Straface, Antonella; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2022). Studi Magrebini. North African Studies, 2020(2). Brill

Brunner, Rainer; Arminjon, Constance; Hartung, Jan-Peter; Herzog, Christoph; Kemper, Michael; Pink, Johanna; Reichmuth, Stefan; Tolino, Serena; Zemmin, Florian; Alp, Eren Topal (eds.) (2022). Die Welt des Islams. International Journal for the Study of Modern Islam, 62(3-4). Brill

Tolino, Serena (2 November 2022). Slavery, Dependency and Gender: What can we Learn From Eunuchs in Islamicate Societies? (Unpublished). In: BCDSS/NISIS Autumn School "Coercion, Slavery and Relations of Dependency in the Islamicate World". Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies, University of Bonn. 02-04 November 2022.

Tolino, Serena (21 October 2022). Slavery in Islamic Law. Challenges and Discussions in the Path to Abolition (Unpublished). In: Conference "Relativity and University of Human Rights". Université de Fribourg. 20-22 October 2022.

Tolino, Serena (October 2022). Court Eunuchs in the Fatimid Empire: Gender, Power and Family Structures (Unpublished). In: Conference "Slavery, Gender and the Shaping of the Family in Medieval Islam. Madrid, Instituto de Lenguas y Culturas del Mediterràneo. 15-16 September 2022.

Tolino, Serena (20 September 2022). Queerness and Middle Eastern Studies: Why Does that Matter? (Unpublished). In: Lecture series "Queerness in the Middle East. History, Activism and Social Change". 20 September 2022 - 22 December 2022.

Sonay, Ali; Tolino, Serena; Glutz von Blotzheim, Sophie (2022). Jubiläum: 75 Jahre Schweizerischen Akademie der Geistes-und Sozialwissenschaften (SAGW): Denkste! Rückblick auf das Jubiläumsfest der SAGW [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Gespräch mit der libanesischen Comic-Zeichnerin Lena Merhej.

De Angelo, Carlo; Tolino, Serena; Francesca, Ersilia; Aiello, Flavia Aiello; Borrillo, Sara; Capezio, Oriana; Denaro, Roberta; Di Mauro, Nicola; Nocera, Lea; Pioppi, Daniela; Straface, Antonella (eds.) (2022). Studi Magrebini. North African Studies, 20(1). Brill

Brunner, Rainer; Arminion, Constance; Harter, Jan-Peter; Herzog, Cristoph; Kemper, Michael; Pink, Johanna; Reichmuth, Stefan; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2022). Die Welt des Islams. International Journal for the Study of Modern Islam, 62(2). Brill

Tolino, Serena (9 June 2022). Law, Public Health and the Construction of a Crime: Policing Sex Work in Egypt Before and After the Colonial Period (Unpublished). In: Ringvorlesung "Mainzer Kolloquien zur Turkologie und Orientalistik". University of Mainz. 21 April- 21 July 2022.

Kassir, Abed Al Wahab; Tolino, Serena (June 2022). The Fragmentation of the Macho Man and the Rise of Queerness in Contemporary Lebanese Cinema (Unpublished). In: XV Convegno SeSaMO. Explaining Crisis beyond Chaos: the Middle East and North Africa in Global Change. University of Naples "L'Orientale". 22-24 June.

Emunds, Laura; Tolino, Serena (2022). Gary Leiser, Prostitution in the Eastern Mediterranean World. The Economics of Sex in the Late Antique and Medieval Middle East, London: I.B. Tauris, 2017, 332 pp. ISBN-13: 978-1784536527. Der Islam, 99(1), pp. 246-253. De Gruyter 10.1515/islam-2022-0011

Tolino, Serena (April 2022). Discussions on intersexuality and Transgenderism in contemporary Egypt (Unpublished). In: Journée d'étude "L'intersexe dans le droit musulman dans une perspective comparée". Université de Strasbourg. 11 April 2022.

Tolino, Serena (3 February 2022). Homosexualität im islamischen Recht: Muslimische Juristen über liwāṭ und siḥāq (Unpublished). In: Rinvorlesung Sodomiter, Päderasten, Homosexuelle Mann-männliches Begehren und sexuelles Handeln von der Antike bis zur Ehe für alle. Universität Bamberg.

Tolino, Serena (3 January 2022). From Venice to Rome to Hamburg: Following the Middle East in Europe in the 1980s. In: Neuere Fachgeschichte der Orientalistik in Hamburg.

Auer, Blain; Dennerlein, Bettina; Fudge, Bruce; Halawi, Wissam; Naef, Silvia; Reinkowski, Maurus; Sauer, Rebecca; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2022). Worlds of Islam.

Tolino, Serena; Eich, Thomas (eds.) (2022). Law, Ethics and Society in the Middle East, 2. Ergon

Serrano-Ruano, Delfina; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 03. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Kermeli, Evgenia; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 4, with Evgenia Kermeli. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Essop, Fatima; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 5, with Fatima Essop. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Shahar, Ido; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 6, with Ido Shahar. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Kamal, Faisal; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 7, with Faisal Kamal. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Elsässer, Sebastian; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 8, with Sebastian Elsässer. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

George, Warner; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 9, with George Warner. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast. Isils - International Society for Islamic Legal Studies

Schriber, Ari; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 10, with Ari Schriber. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast. Isils - International Society for Islamic Legal Studies

Tolino, Serena (2022). Reflections of an Early Egyptian Feminist in a Changing World: Malak Ḥifnī Nāṣif’s Positions on Women’s Wage Labour (Submitted). In: De Angelo, Carlo; Di Donato, Marco; Tottoli, Roberto (eds.) Philosophy, History and Political Thought in Islam: essays in memory of Massimo Campanini. Gorgias Press

Arslan, Hakkı; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 11, with Hakkı Arslan. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Ramadhan, Adam; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 12, with Adam Ramadhan. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, the Podcast.

Edres, Nijmi; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 13, with Nijmi Edres. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Drennan, David; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 14, with David Drennan. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Dupret, Baudouin; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 15, with Baudouin Dupret. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Qazwini, Hadi; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 16, with Hadi Qazwini. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Şimşek, Sümeyye; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 17, with Sümeyye Şimşek. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Ben Ammar, Meriam; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 18, with Meriam Ben Ammar. [Audio]. In: Star3i, The Podcast.

Caeiro, Alexandre; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 19, with Alexandre Caeiro. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Yavuz, Taha Tarik; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 20, with Taha Tarik Yavuz. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Garipova, Rozaliya; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 21, with Rozaliya Garipova. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Engelcke, Dörthe; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 22, with Dörthe Engelcke. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

Katz, Marion; Parolin, Gianluca; Tolino, Serena (2022). Shar3i, The Podcast. Episode 23, with Marion Katz. [Audio]. In: Shar3i, The Podcast.

De La Puente, Cristina; Barker, Hannah; Craig, Perry; Tolino, Serena (2022). Introduction and chair "Slavery and Invisibility in the Medieval Mediterranean". (Unpublished). In: Roundtable Slavery and Invisibility in the Medieval Mediterranean. online. 15 March 2022.

Tolino, Serena (2022). Castration. In: Esposito, John L. (ed.) Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World: Digital Collection. Oxford University Press

Tolino, Serena (2022). Pregnancy. In: Esposito, John L. (ed.) Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World: Digital Collection. Oxford University Press

Sonay, Ali; Tolino, Serena (2022). ISNO Lecture Series FS22: Politics and the Visual in the Middle East and North Africa since the Arab Uprisings [Performance or Exhibition].


Tolino, Serena (3 November 2021). Malak Ḥifnī Nāṣif e il diritto al lavoro: riflessioni di una femminista egiziana sulla questione del lavoro delle donne (Unpublished). In: Giornate di studio in memoria di Massimo Campanini. 3-4 November 2021.

Brunner, Rainer; Arminjon, Constance; Hartung, Jan-Peter; Herzog, Christoph; Kemper, Michael; Pink, Johanna; Reichmuth, Stefan; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2021). Die Welt des Islams. International Journal for the Study of Modern Islam, 61(1). Brill

Tolino, Serena (2021). Homosexualität im Nahen Osten. Eine Analyse hegemonialer und konkurrierender Diskurse. In: Küppers, Carolin; Schneider, Martin (eds.) Zwischen Annäherung und Abgrenzung. Religion und LSBTIQ* in gesellschaftlicher Debatte und persönlichem Erleben. Geschichte der sexuellen und geschlechtlichen Vielfalt in Deutschland nach 1945: Vol. 8 (pp. 57-84). Berlin: Männerschwarm Verlag


Höfert, Almut; Mesley, Mattew; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2019). Celibate and Childless Men in Power: Ruling Eunuchs and Bishops in the Pre-Modern World. New York: Routdlege

Tolino, Serena (2019). Review of "Bentlage, Björn: A Tale of Two Stories. Customary Marriage and Paternity. A Discourse Analysis of a Scandal in Egypt. Berlin: Klaus Schwarz 2017". Orientalische Literaturzeitung, 114(3), pp. 245-247. De Gruyter 10.1515/olzg-2019-0084


Tolino, Serena (2018). Crossing Borders: Women, Gender and Islam in Italian Scholarship. Quaderni di diritto e politica ecclesiastica, pp. 155-182. Il Mulino 10.1440/91533

Tolino, Serena (2018). Review of "Rainer Osswald: Das islamische Sklavenrecht. (Mitteilungen zur Sozial und Kulturgeschichte der islamischen Welt 40.)". Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 81(2), pp. 359-360. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0041977X18000836

Tolino, Serena (2018). Eunuchs in the Fatimid Empire: Ambiguities, Gender and Sacredness. In: Höfert, Almut; Mesley, Matthew M.; Tolino, Serena (eds.) Celibate and Childless Men in Power. Ruling Eunuchs and Bishops in the Pre-Modern World (pp. 246-266). London/New York: Routledge

Tolino, Serena (2018). Gender Equality in the Egyptian Constitution: From 1923 to 2014. Oriente moderno, 98(2), pp. 140-165. Brill 10.1163/22138617-12340193

Tolino, Serena (2018). Gender Equality and Women’s Rights in the Constitutions of the Middle Eastern and North African Countries. Introduction. Oriente moderno, 98(2), pp. 127-139. Brill 10.1163/22138617-12340200

Tolino, Serena; Maraucci, Tina; El Houssi, Leila; Fathi, Shirin; Lagdaf, Souadou; Zoubir H., Yahya; Di Peri, Rosita; Amirpur, Katajun (eds.) (2018). Special Issue of Oriente Moderno "Gender Equality and Women’s Rights in the Constitutions of the Middle Eastern and North African Countries", 98(2). Brill

Azhar, Zahra; Borroni, Andrea; Celebi, Ozgun; Darbali, Sabrina; Hamrouni, Salwa; Piccinelli, Gian Maria; Scotti, Valentina Rita; Ali, Akbar Siapoush; Derya Tarman, Zeynep; Tolino, Serena (2018). Report on the Gender Lens to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Women's Discriminations in the Business Sector in Middle-Eastern Countries. OHCHR


De Angelo, Carlo; Tolino, Serena (eds.) (2017). Special Dossier of the Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies on "Islamic Law and Minorities", 17. Oslo University 10.5617/jais.6109

De Angelo, Carlo; Tolino, Serena (2017). Introduction. Minorities as Subjects and Minorities as Producers of Islamic Law: Past and Present. Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies, 17, pp. 143-155. Oslo University 10.5617/jais.6111

Tolino, Serena (2017). Transgenderism, Transsexuality and Sex-Reassignment Surgery in Contemporary Sunni Fatwas'. Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies, 17, pp. 223-246. Oslo University 10.5617/jais.6116

De Angelo, Carlo; Tolino, Serena (2017). Obituary. In memory of Prof. Agostino Cilardo. Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies, 17, pp. 141-142. Oslo University

Tolino, Serena (2017). Le molestie sessuali nello spazio e nel discorso pubblico egiziano. In: De Angelo, Carlo; Fontana, Sabina; Lagdaf, Souadou (eds.) Conflitti di Genere. Società, religione e cultura (pp. 197-220). Lugano: Agorà & Co

Tolino, Serena (2017). Review of Mohammed Hocine BENKHEIRA; Avner GILADI; Catherine MAYEUR-JAOUEN; Jacqueline SUBLET, La famille en islam d’après les sources arabes. Paris: Les indes savantes, 2013. Der Islam, 94(1), pp. 279-283. De Gruyter 10.1515/islam-2017-0012

Tolino, Serena (2017). Circumcision. In: Cakmak, Cenap (ed.) Islam: a Worldwide Encyclopedia 1 (pp. 294-297). ABC Clio

Tolino, Serena (2017). Depravity. In: Cakmak, Cenap (ed.) Islam: a Worldwide Encyclopedia 1 (pp. 268-270). ABC Clio

Tolino, Serena (2017). Lut. In: Cakmak, Cenap (ed.) Islam: a Worldwide Encyclopedia 3 (pp. 950-952). ABC Clio

Tolino, Serena (2017). Muwatta'. In: Cakmak, Cenap (ed.) Islam: a Worldwide Encyclopedia, 3 (pp. 1137-1139). ABC Clio

Tolino, Serena (2017). Sunna. In: Cakmak, Cenap (ed.) Islam: a worldwide Encyclopedia 4 (pp. 1493-1496). ABC Clio

Tolino, Serena (2017). Usul al-Fiqh. In: Cakmak, Cenap (ed.) Islam: a Worldwide Encyclopedia 4 (pp. 1613-1615). ABC Clio

Tolino, Serena (2017). Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya. In: Cakmak, Cenap (ed.) Islam: a Worldwide Encyclopedia 2 (pp. 513-515). ABC Clio


Tolino, Serena (2016). Review of "Hans-Peter PÖKEL, Der unmännliche Mann. Zur Figuration des Eunuchen im Werk von al-Ǧāḥiẓ (gest. 869). Würzburg: Ergon, 2014. Orientalische Literaturzeitung, 111(6), pp. 505-509. De Gruyter 10.1515/olzg-2016-0191

Tolino, Serena (2016). Discourses on Homosexuality in Egypt: When Religion and the State Cooperate. In: van Klinken, Adriaan; Chitando, Eyra (eds.) Public Religion and the Politics of Homosexuality in Africa 2 (pp. 49-61). Routledge

Tolino, Serena (2016). The Approach to Homosexuality in Contemporary Fatāwā: Sexual Practices or Sexual Orientation. Zeitschrift für Recht & Islam, 1, pp. 141-158. Gesellschaft für Arabisches und Islamisches Recht


Tolino, Serena (2015). The History of Prostitution in Egypt (1882-1949): from Regulation to Prohibition. In: Kurz, Susanne; Preckel, Claudia; Reichmuth, Stefan (eds.) Muslim Bodies: Körper, Sexualität und Medizin in muslimischen Gesellschaften. Religionswissenschaft: Forschung und Wissenschaft: Vol. 14 (pp. 131-154). LIT Verlag


Tolino, Serena (2014). Homosexuality in the Middle East: An Analysis of Dominant and Competitive Discourses. DEP. Deportate, esuli, profughe, 25, pp. 72-91. Università Ca’ Foscari

Tolino, Serena (2014). Homosexual Acts in Islamic Law: Siḥāq and Liwāṭ in the Legal Debate. GAIR Mitteilungen, 6, pp. 187-205. Gesellschaft für Arabisches und Islamisches Recht


Tolino, Serena (2013). Atti omosessuali e omosessualità fra diritto islamico e diritto positivo: il caso egiziano con alcuni cenni all’esperienza libanese. Cultura Arabo-Islamica. Naples: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane


Tolino, Serena (2012). Identità omosessuale in tribunale nell’Egitto e nel Libano contemporanei. Genesis. Rivista della Società Italiana delle Storiche, 11(1-2), pp. 115-140. Viella


Tolino, Serena (2011). Le tutela dei minori in Egitto: il Qānūn al-ṭifl alla luce degli emendamenti del 2008 e il ruolo delle organizzazioni non governative. In: Cilardo, Agostino (ed.) La tutela dei minori di cultura islamica nell’area mediterranea. Aspetti sociali, giuridici, medici. Cultura Arabo-Islamica (pp. 377-418). Naples: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane

Tolino, Serena (2011). The anti-female genital mutilation discourse in Contemporary Egypt. In: Arda, Berna; Rispler-Chaim, Vardid (eds.) Islam and Bioethics (pp. 207-219). Ankara: Ankara University Press

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