08 Faculty of Science > Department of Biology > Institute of Plant Sciences (IPS) > Plant Ecology

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Malecore, Eva M.; Fischer, Markus (8 April 2024). Pollen interference between rare and common species (Authorea). Authorea 10.22541/au.171256495.50469983/v1

Bassen, Alexander; Drewes, Jörg E.; Fischer, Markus; Gabrysch, Sabine; Hornidge, Anna-Katharina; Pittel, Karen; Pörtner, Hans-Otto; Schlacke, Sabine; Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia; Weidenkaff, Anke; Bansard, Jennifer; Belling, Daniel; Bischler, Ruben; Buchholz, Daniel; Burghaus, Kerstin; Dorsch, Marcel; Geschke, Jonas Erich; Jakob-Ginzburg, Lena; Jochem, Carmen; Jürschik, Ulrike; ... (2023). Healthy living on a healthy planet - Summary Berlin: WBGU – Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen

van der Plas, Fons; Schröder-Georgi, Thomas; Weigelt, Alexandra; Barry, Kathryn; Meyer, Sebastian; Alzate, Adriana; Barnard, Romain L; Buchmann, Nina; de Kroon, Hans; Ebeling, Anne; Eisenhauer, Nico; Engels, Christof; Fischer, Markus; Gleixner, Gerd; Hildebrandt, Anke; Koller-France, Eva; Leimer, Sophia; Milcu, Alexandru; Mommer, Liesje; Niklaus, Pascal A; ... (2023). Reply to: Plant traits alone are good predictors of ecosystem properties when used carefully. Nature ecology & evolution, 7(3), pp. 335-336. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41559-022-01957-y

Arth, Adina (2023). Ein Minimalkonsens für den Naturschutz. Vereinte Nationen - Zeitschrift für die Vereinten Nationen und ihre Sonderorganisationen, 71(1), pp. 3-8. Berliner Wiss.-Verl. BWV 10.35998/vn-2023-0001

Penone, Caterina (2022). Trait-based research across taxa made easier. Trends in ecology & evolution, 37(1), pp. 10-11. Elsevier Current Trends 10.1016/j.tree.2021.10.008

Bassen, Alexander; Drewes, Jörg; Fischer, Markus; Gabrysch, Sabine; Hornidge, Anna-Katharina; Pittel, Karen; Pörtner, Hans-Otto; Schlacke, Sabine; Weidenkaff, Anke (10 July 2021). Beyond Climate Neutrality (Policy Paper 12). Berlin: Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen (WBGU)

Boch, Steffen; Arlettaz, Raphaël; Kurtogullari, Yasemin; Allan, Eric; Lessard-Therrien, Malie; Rieder, Nora Simone; Fischer, Markus; Martinez De Leon, Gerard; Humbert, Jean-Yves (April 2021). Un rendement fourrager maximal peut être assuré en réduisant les niveaux de fumure des prairies de montagne. N+L Inside, 21(2), pp. 22-25. Konferenz der Beauftragten für Natur- und Landschaftsschutz (KBNL)

Fischer, Markus; Möhl, Adrian; Rembold, Katja (2021). Botanik in Bewegung: Alexander von Humboldt und die Pflanzen. In: Bloch, Sara Kviat; Lubrich, Oliver; Steinke, Hubert (eds.) Alexander von Humboldt - Wissenschaft denken. Berner Universitätsschriften: Vol. 62 (pp. 45-65). Bern: Haupt; Universität Bern Bern Open Publishing

Rembold, Katja; Junge, Anne-Laure; Amiet, Felix; Balzari, Carl’Antonio; Bergamini, Ariel; Blaser, Stefan; Boch, Steffen; Bürki, Markus; Eggenberg, Stefan; Eicher, Cécile; Ensslin, Andreas; Etter, Laurence; Friedli, Christina; Gattlen, Anne; Germann, Christoph; Gygax, Andreas; Hänggi, Ambros; Hertwig, Stefan T.; von Hirschheydt, Gesa; Hoess, René; ... (2020). Vielfalt bedingt Vielfalt - wildlebende Arten im Botanischen Garten der Universität Bern. In: Thalmann, Christoph (ed.) Zeitreisen. Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern: Vol. 77 (pp. 24-68). Bern: Naturforschende Gesellschaft Bern 10.5169/seals-869443

Fischer, Markus; Fromhold-Eisebith, Martina; Grote, Ulrike; Matthies, Ellen; Messner, Dirk; Pittel, Karen; Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim; Schieferdecker, Ina; Schlacke, Sabine; Schneidewind, Uwe; Dorsch, Marcel J.; Fahl, Fabian; Feist, Marian; Gaertner, Juliana; Geschke, Jonas; Göpel, Maja; Haake, Hans; Jürschik, Ulrike; Krause, Karen; Loose, Carsten; ... (2020). Rethinking Land in the Anthropocene: from Separation to Integration Berlin: WBGU – Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung. Globale Umweltveränderungen

Vincent, Hugo; Bornand, Christophe N.; Kempel, Anne; Fischer, Markus (16 October 2019). Rare species perform worse than common species under changed climate (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/805416

Jochum, Malte; Fischer, Markus; Isbell, Forest; Roscher, Christiane; van der Plas, Fons; Boch, Steffen; Boenisch, Gerhard; Buchmann, Nina; Catford, Jane A.; Cavender-Bares, Jeannine; Ebeling, Anne; Eisenhauer, Nico; Gleixner, Gerd; Hölzel, Norbert; Kattge, Jens; Klaus, Valentin H.; Kleinebecker, Till; Lange, Markus; Le Provost, Gaëtane; Meyer, Sebastian T.; ... (5 August 2019). The results of biodiversity-ecosystem functioning experiments are realistic (bioRxiv). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/725812

Schneider, Florian; Fichtmüller, David; Gossner, Martin; Güntsch, Anton; Jochum, Malte; Koenig-Ries, Birgitta; Le Provost, Gaëtane; Manning, Peter; Ostrowski, Andreas; Penone, Caterina; Simons, Nadja (July 2019). Towards an Ecological Trait-data Standard Vocabulary. Biodiversity information science and standards, 3(e37612). Pensoft Publishers 10.3897/biss.3.37612

Felipe-Lucia, Maria R.; Soliveres, Santiago; Penone, Caterina; Manning, Peter; van der Plas, Fons; Boch, Steffen; Prati, Daniel; Ammer, Christian; Schall, Peter; Gossner, Martin M.; Bauhus, Jürgen; Buscot, Francois; Blaser, Stefan; Blüthgen, Nico; de Frutos, Angel; Ehbrecht, Martin; Frank, Kevin; Goldmann, Kezia; Hänsel, Falk; Jung, Kirsten; ... (2018). Multiple forest attributes underpin the supply of multiple ecosystem services. Nature communications, 9(1) Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41467-018-07082-4

Schneider, Florian D; Jochum, Malte; Le Provost, Gaëtane; Ostrowski, Andreas; Penone, Caterina; Fichtmüller, David; Güntsch, Anton; Gossner, Martin M.; König-Ries, Brigitta; Manning, Pete; Simons, Nadja K. (29 May 2018). Towards an Ecological Trait-data Standard (Unpublished) (bioRxiv 328302). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/328302

Sohlström, Esra Helena; Marian, Lucas; Barnes, Andrew David; Haneda, Noor F.; Scheu, Stefan; Rall, Björn Christian; Brose, Ulrich; Jochum, Malte (9 April 2018). Applying generalised allometric regressions to predict live body mass of tropical and temperate arthropods (Unpublished) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/297697

Klaus, Valentin H.; Schäfer, Deborah; Prati, Daniel; Busch, Verena; Hamer, Ute; Hoever, Christina J.; Kleinebecker, Till; Mertens, Désirée; Fischer, Markus; Hölzel, Norbert (2018). Effects of mowing, grazing and fertilization on soil seed banks in temperate grasslands in Central Europe. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 256, pp. 211-217. Elsevier 10.1016/j.agee.2017.11.008

Rounsevell, Mark; Fischer, Markus; Torre-Marin Rando, Maria; Mader, André (2018). The IPBES regional assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services for Europe and Central Asia Bonn: Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services 10.5281/zenodo.3237428

Gauzens, Benoit; Barnes, Andrew; Jochum, Malte; Hines, Jes; Wang, Shaopeng; Giling, Darren; Rosebaum, Benjamin; Brose, Ulrich (5 December 2017). fluxweb: a package to easily estimate energy fluxes in food webs (Unpublished) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 10.1101/229450

Ammer, Christian; Schall, Peter; Gossner, Martin M.; Boch, Steffen; Prati, Daniel; Blaser, Stefan; Fischer, Markus (2017). Waldbewirtschaftung und Biodiversität: Vielfalt ist gefragt. AFZ-Der Wald, 2017(17), pp. 20-25. Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH

Nakhutsrishvili, George; Batsatsashvili, Ketevan; Rudmann-Maurer, Katrin; Körner, Christian; Spehn, Eva (2017). New Indicator Values for Central Caucasus Flora. In: Nakhutsrishvili, George; Abdaladze, Otar; Batsatsashvili, Ketevan; Spehn, Eva; Körner, Christian (eds.) Plant Diversity in the Central Great Caucasus: A Quantitative Assessment. Geobotany Studies (pp. 145-160). Cham: Springer International Publishing 10.1007/978-3-319-55777-9_6

Price, Martin F.; Greenwood, Gregory B.; Spehn, Eva Maria (2016). Introduction: Mountains of Our Future Earth—Perth 2015. Mountain Research and Development, 36(4), pp. 403-406. International Mountain Society 10.1659/mrd.3604

Fischer, Markus; Altermatt, Florian; Arlettaz, Raphaël; Bartha, Béla; Baur, Bruno; Bergamini, Ariel; Bersier, Louis-Félix; Birrer, Simon; Braunisch, Veronika; Dollinger, Peter; Eggenberg Wyss, Stefan Peter; Gonseth, Yves; Guisan, Antoine; Guntern, Jodok; Gutscher, Heinz; Herzog, Felix; Humbert, Jean-Yves; Jenny, Markus; Klaus, Gregor; Körner, Christian; ... (2015). Etat de la biodiversité en Suisse en 2014 - Une analyse scientifique Bern: Forum Biodiversität Schweiz 10.5167/uzh-110533

Fischer, Markus (2012). Ausblick: Zur Zukunft der botanischen Forschung auf der Schynigen Platte. In: Hegg, Otto; Schaffner, Urs (eds.) 80 Jahre experimentelle Ökosystemforschung auf der Schynigen Platte im Berner Oberland. Bristol-Schriftenreihe: Vol. 31 (pp. 97-99). Bern: Haupt

Dengler, Jürgen; Boch, Steffen; Dengler, J; Dolnik, C; Trepel, M (2008). Forest-edge comunities (Trifolio-Geranietea sanguineri) on the island of Saaremaa (Estonia): Phytosociology and biodiversity patterns. In: Dengler, Jürgen; , (eds.) Flora, Vegetation und Naturschutz zwischen Schleswig-Holstein und Südamerika. Festschrift für Klaus Dierssen zum 60. Geburtstag. Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Geobotanik in Schleswig-Holstein und Hamburg: Vol. 65 (pp. 257-286). Kiel: AG Geobotanik

Otte, Volker; Ratzel, Stefan; Boch, Steffen (2008). Bericht vom Flechtenkartierungstreffen im Westhavelland am 17. und 18. November 2007. Verhandlungen des Botanischen Vereins von Berlin und Brandenburg(141), pp. 217-222. Berlin: Botanischer Verein von Berlin und Brandenburg

Pfeiffer, Simone; Bernert, Petra; Grossmann, Manfred; Henne, Eberhard; Kalko, Elisabeth; Linsenmair, K. Eduard; Prati, Daniel; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Weisser, Wolfgang; Fischer, Markus (2008). Exploratorien für funktionelle Biodiversitätsforschung. In: Wolters, Volkar; Krüss, Andreas (eds.) Naturschutz und Ökologie. Ausgewählte Beiträge zur Gfö-Jahrestagung 2007 in Marburg. Naturschutz und biologische Vielfalt: Vol. 60 (pp. 183-188). Bonn: Bundesamt für Naturschutz

Stöcklin, Jürg; Bosshard, Andreas; Klaus, Gregor; Rudmann-Maurer, Katrin; Fischer, Markus (2007). Landnutzung und biologische Vielfalt in den Alpen. Thematische Synthese zum Forschungsschwerpunkt II "Land- und Forstwirtschaft im alpinen Lebensraum" des Nationalen Forschungsprogramms NFP 48 "Landschaften und Lebensräume der Alpen" des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds SNF. Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag


Bürli, Sarah; Ensslin, Andreas; Fischer, Markus (2024). Rarity and life-history strategies shape inbreeding and outbreeding effects on early plant fitness. Global Ecology and Conservation, 54, e03081. Elsevier 10.1016/j.gecco.2024.e03081

Beringer, Marc; Choudhury, Rimjhim Roy; Mandáková, Terezie; Grünig, Sandra; Poretti, Manuel; Leitch, Ilia J; Lysak, Martin A; Parisod, Christian (2024). Biased retention of environment-responsive genes following genome fractionation. Molecular biology and evolution, 41(8) Oxford University Press 10.1093/molbev/msae155

Boesing, Andrea Larissa; Klaus, Valentin H.; Neyret, Margot; Le Provost, Gaëtane; Peter, Sophie; Fischer, Markus; Manning, Peter (2024). Identifying the optimal landscape configuration for landscape multifunctionality. Ecosystem Services, 67 Elsevier 10.1016/j.ecoser.2024.101630

Bazzichetto, Manuele; Sperandii, Marta Gaia; Penone, Caterina; Keil, Petr; Allan, Eric; Lepš, Jan; Prati, Daniel; Fischer, Markus; Bolliger, Ralph; Gossner, Martin M.; de Bello, Francesco (2024). Biodiversity promotes resistance but dominant species shape recovery of grasslands under extreme drought. Journal of ecology, 112(5), pp. 1087-1100. Wiley 10.1111/1365-2745.14288

Zheng, Liting; Barry, Kathryn E; Guerrero-Ramírez, Nathaly R; Craven, Dylan; Reich, Peter B; Verheyen, Kris; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Eisenhauer, Nico; Barsoum, Nadia; Bauhus, Jürgen; Bruelheide, Helge; Cavender-Bares, Jeannine; Dolezal, Jiri; Auge, Harald; Fagundes, Marina V; Ferlian, Olga; Fiedler, Sebastian; Forrester, David I; Ganade, Gislene; Gebauer, Tobias; ... (2024). Effects of plant diversity on productivity strengthen over time due to trait-dependent shifts in species overyielding. Nature Communications, 15(2078) Springer Nature 10.1038/s41467-024-46355-z

Knollová, Ilona; Chytrý, Milan; Bruelheide, Helge; Dullinger, Stefan; Jandt, Ute; Bernhardt‐Römermann, Markus; Biurrun, Idoia; de Bello, Francesco; Glaser, Michael; Hennekens, Stephan; Jansen, Florian; Jiménez‐Alfaro, Borja; Kadaš, Daniel; Kaplan, Ekin; Klinkovská, Klára; Lenzner, Bernd; Pauli, Harald; Sperandii, Marta Gaia; Verheyen, Kris; Winkler, Manuela; ... (2024). ReSurveyEurope : A database of resurveyed vegetation plots in Europe. Journal of Vegetation Science, 35(2), e13235. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jvs.13235

Bütikofer, Luca; Adde, Antoine; Urbach, Davnah; Tobias, Silvia; Huss, Matthias; Guisan, Antoine; Randin, Christophe (2024). High-resolution land use/cover forecasts for Switzerland in the 21st century. Scientific data, 11(1), p. 231. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41597-024-03055-z

Neyret, Margot; Le Provost, Gaëtane; Boesing, Andrea Larissa; Schneider, Florian D; Baulechner, Dennis; Bergmann, Joana; de Vries, Franciska T; Fiore-Donno, Anna Maria; Geisen, Stefan; Goldmann, Kezia; Merges, Anna; Saifutdinov, Ruslan A; Simons, Nadja K; Tobias, Joseph A; Zaitsev, Andrey S; Gossner, Martin M; Jung, Kirsten; Kandeler, Ellen; Krauss, Jochen; Penone, Caterina; ... (2024). A slow-fast trait continuum at the whole community level in relation to land-use intensification. Nature communications, 15(1251) Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41467-024-45113-5

Smith, Melinda D; Wilkins, Kate D; Holdrege, Martin C; Wilfahrt, Peter; Collins, Scott L; Knapp, Alan K; Sala, Osvaldo E; Dukes, Jeffrey S; Phillips, Richard P; Yahdjian, Laura; Gherardi, Laureano A; Ohlert, Timothy; Beier, Claus; Fraser, Lauchlan H; Jentsch, Anke; Loik, Michael E; Maestre, Fernando T; Power, Sally A; Yu, Qiang; Felton, Andrew J; ... (2024). Extreme drought impacts have been underestimated in grasslands and shrublands globally. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 121(4), e2309881120. National Academy of Sciences 10.1073/pnas.2309881120

Andriatsitohaina, R. Ntsiva N.; Laby, Patrick; Llopis Sendino, Jorge C.; Martin, Dominic A. (2024). Agroforestry in Madagascar: past, present, and future. Agroforestry systems Springer 10.1007/s10457-024-00975-y

Martin, Dominic A.; Pham-Truffert, Myriam; Gillham, Lara; Andriamihaja, O. Ravaka; Andriatsitohaina, R. Ntsiva N.; Diebold, Clara L.; Fulgence, Thio Rosin; Kellner, Elke; Llopis, Jorge Claudio; Messerli, Peter; Rakotomalala, Anjaharinony A. N. A.; Raveloaritiana, Estelle; Wurz, Annemarie; Zaehringer, Julie G.; Heinimann, Andreas (2024). Interactive visual syntheses for social-ecological systems understanding. Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling, 6 International Environmental Modelling and Software Society 10.18174/sesmo.18637

Slik, Ferry; X. Pinho, Bruno; Griffith, Daniel M.; Webb, Edward; Raghubanshi, Akhilesh Singh; Quaresma, Adriano C.; Cuni Sanchez, Aida; Sultana, Aisha; Souza, Alexandre F.; Ensslin, Andreas; Hemp, Andreas; Lowe, Andrew; Marshall, Andrew R.; Anitha, Kamalakumari; Lykke, Anne Mette; Armadyanto, Asyraf Mansor; Honam, Atsri K.; Poulsen, Axel D.; Sparrow, Ben; Buckley, Benjamin J. W.; ... (2024). Wind dispersed tree species have greater maximum height. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 33(9) Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/geb.13878

Urbach, Davnah; Azevedo, João Carlos; Belsky, Jill M.; Clark, V. Ralph; Postigo, Julio; Wu, Yanhong (2023). Focus Issue: Restoring Mountain Systems for Social–Ecological Resilience. Mountain Research and Development, 43(4), pp. 1-3. International Mountain Society 10.1659/mrd.4304

Heidrich, Lea; Brandl, Roland; Ammer, Christian; Bae, Soyeon; Bässler, Claus; Doerfler, Inken; Fischer, Markus; Gossner, Martin M.; Heurich, Marco; Heibl, Christoph; Jung, Kirsten; Krzystek, Peter; Levick, Shaun; Magdon, Paul; Schall, Peter; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Seibold, Sebastian; Simons, Nadja K.; Thorn, Simon; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; ... (2023). Effects of heterogeneity on the ecological diversity and redundancy of forest fauna. Basic and Applied Ecology, 73, pp. 72-79. Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2023.10.005

Petitpierre, Blaise; Boserup, Julie; Möhl, Adrian; Rometsch, Sibyl; Aubry, Sylvain (2023). Importance of agriculture for crop wild relatives conservation in Switzerland. Global Ecology and Conservation, 46 Elsevier 10.1016/j.gecco.2023.e02588

Freitag, Martin; Hölzel, Norbert; Neuenkamp, Lena; van der Plas, Fons; Manning, Peter; Abrahão, Anna; Bergmann, Joana; Boeddinghaus, Runa; Bolliger, Ralph; Hamer, Ute; Kandeler, Ellen; Kleinebecker, Till; Knorr, Klaus‐Holger; Marhan, Sven; Neyret, Margot; Prati, Daniel; Le Provost, Gaëtane; Saiz, Hugo; van Kleunen, Mark; Schäfer, Deborah; ... (2023). Increasing plant species richness by seeding has marginal effects on ecosystem functioning in agricultural grasslands. Journal of ecology, 111(9), pp. 1968-1984. Wiley 10.1111/1365-2745.14154

Hordijk, Iris; Maynard, Daniel S.; Hart, Simon P.; Lidong, Mo; ter Steege, Hans; Liang, Jingjing; de‐Miguel, Sergio; Nabuurs, Gert‐Jan; Reich, Peter B.; Abegg, Meinrad; Adou Yao, C. Yves; Alberti, Giorgio; Almeyda Zambrano, Angelica M.; Alvarado, Braulio V.; Esteban, Alvarez‐Davila; Alvarez‐Loayza, Patricia; Alves, Luciana F.; Ammer, Christian; Antón‐Fernández, Clara; Araujo‐Murakami, Alejandro; ... (2023). Evenness mediates the global relationship between forest productivity and richness. Journal of ecology, 111(6), pp. 1308-1326. Wiley 10.1111/1365-2745.14098

Neff, Felix; Prati, Daniel; Achury, Rafael; Ambarlı, Didem; Bolliger, Ralph; Brändle, Martin; Freitag, Martin; Hölzel, Norbert; Kleinebecker, Till; Knecht, Arturo; Schäfer, Deborah; Schall, Peter; Seibold, Sebastian; Staab, Michael; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Pellissier, Loïc; Gossner, Martin M. (2023). Reduction of invertebrate herbivory by land use is only partly explained by changes in plant and insect characteristics. Ecological Monographs, 93(2), e1571. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecm.1571

Adhikari, Biraj; Urbach, Davnah; Chettri, Nakul; Sharma, Eklabya; Breu, Thomas; Geschke, Jonas; Fischer, Markus; Prescott, Graham W. (2023). A multi‐methods approach for assessing how conserving biodiversity interacts with other sustainable development goals in Nepal. Sustainable development, 31(5), pp. 3239-3253. Wiley 10.1002/sd.2582

Neyret, Margot; Peter, Sophie; Le Provost, Gaëtane; Boch, Steffen; Boesing, Andrea Larissa; Bullock, James M.; Hölzel, Norbert; Klaus, Valentin H.; Kleinebecker, Till; Krauss, Jochen; Müller, Jörg; Müller, Sandra; Ammer, Christian; Buscot, François; Ehbrecht, Martin; Fischer, Markus; Goldmann, Kezia; Jung, Kirsten; Mehring, Marion; Müller, Thomas; ... (2023). Landscape management strategies for multifunctionality and social equity. Nature sustainability, 6(4), pp. 391-403. Springer 10.1038/s41893-022-01045-w

Nwe, Thu Zar; Maaroufi, Nadia I.; Allan, Eric; Soliveres, Santiago; Kempel, Anne (2023). Plant attributes interact with fungal pathogens and nitrogen addition to drive soil enzymatic activities and their temporal variation. Functional ecology, 37(3), pp. 564-575. Wiley 10.1111/1365-2435.14280

Latzel, Vít; Fischer, Markus; Groot, Maartje; Gutzat, Ruben; Lampei, Christian; Ouborg, Joop; Parepa, Madalin; Schmid, Karl; Vergeer, Philippine; Zhang, Yuanye; Bossdorf, Oliver (2023). Parental environmental effects are common and strong, but unpredictable, in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist, 237(3), pp. 1014-1023. Wiley 10.1111/nph.18591

Le Provost, Gaëtane; Schenk, Noëlle V.; Penone, Caterina; Thiele, Jan; Westphal, Catrin; Allan, Eric; Ayasse, Manfred; Blüthgen, Nico; Boeddinghaus, Runa S; Boesing, Andrea Larissa; Bolliger, Ralph; Busch, Verena; Fischer, Markus; Gossner, Martin M; Hölzel, Norbert; Jung, Kirsten; Kandeler, Ellen; Klaus, Valentin H; Kleinebecker, Till; Leimer, Sophia; ... (2023). The supply of multiple ecosystem services requires biodiversity across spatial scales. Nature ecology & evolution, 7(2), pp. 236-249. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41559-022-01918-5

Keller, Alexander; Ankenbrand, Markus J.; Bruelheide, Helge; Dekeyzer, Stefanie; Enquist, Brian J.; Erfanian, Mohammad Bagher; Falster, Daniel S.; Gallagher, Rachael V.; Hammock, Jennifer; Kattge, Jens; Leonhardt, Sara D.; Madin, Joshua S.; Maitner, Brian; Neyret, Margot; Onstein, Renske E.; Pearse, William D.; Poelen, Jorrit H.; Salguero‐Gomez, Roberto; Schneider, Florian D.; Tóth, Anikó B.; ... (2023). Ten (mostly) simple rules to future‐proof trait data in ecological and evolutionary sciences. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14(2), pp. 444-458. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/2041-210X.14033

Amano, Tatsuya; Berdejo-Espinola, Violeta; Akasaka, Munemitsu; de Andrade Junior, Milton A. U.; Blaise, Ndayizeye; Checco, Julia; Çilingir, F. Gözde; Citegetse, Geoffroy; Corella Tor, Marina; Drobniak, Szymon M.; Giakoumi, Sylvaine; Golivets, Marina; Ion, Mihaela C.; Jara-Díaz, Javiera P.; Katayose, Ryosuke; Lasmana, Felicia P. S.; Lin, Hsien-Yung; Lopez, Erick; Mikula, Peter; Morales-Barquero, Lucia; ... (2023). The role of non-English-language science in informing national biodiversity assessments. Nature sustainability, 6(7), pp. 845-854. Springer 10.1038/s41893-023-01087-8

Borgerson, Cortni; Bankoff, Richard J.; Golden, Christopher D.; Razafindrapaoly, Be Noel; Rasolofoniaina, Be Jean Rodolph; Rajaona, Delox; Pascal, Elison; De Angelo, Peter; Martin, Dominic A. (2023). Drivers and sustainability of bird hunting in Madagascar. Conservation letters, 16(4) Wiley 10.1111/conl.12960

Kachler, Jana; Benra, Felipe; Bolliger, Ralph; Isaac, Roman; Bonn, Aletta; Felipe-Lucia, María R. (2023). Can we have it all? The role of grassland conservation in supporting forage production and plant diversity. Landscape ecology, 38(12), pp. 4451-4465. Springer Netherlands 10.1007/s10980-023-01729-4

Schmeller, Dirk S; Urbach, Davnah; Bates, Kieran; Catalan, Jordi; Cogălniceanu, Dan; Fisher, Matthew C; Friesen, Jan; Füreder, Leopold; Gaube, Veronika; Haver, Marilen; Jacobsen, Dean; Le Roux, Gael; Lin, Yu-Pin; Loyau, Adeline; Machate, Oliver; Mayer, Andreas; Palomo, Ignacio; Plutzar, Christoph; Sentenac, Hugo; Sommaruga, Ruben; ... (2022). Scientists' warning of threats to mountains. The Science of the total environment, 853, p. 158611. Elsevier 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.158611

Wagg, Cameron; Roscher, Christiane; Weigelt, Alexandra; Vogel, Anja; Ebeling, Anne; de Luca, Enrica; Roeder, Anna; Kleinspehn, Clemens; Temperton, Vicky M; Meyer, Sebastian T; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Buchmann, Nina; Fischer, Markus; Weisser, Wolfgang W; Eisenhauer, Nico; Schmid, Bernhard (2022). Biodiversity-stability relationships strengthen over time in a long-term grassland experiment. Nature communications, 13(1), p. 7752. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41467-022-35189-2

Liang, Jingjing; Gamarra, Javier G P; Picard, Nicolas; Zhou, Mo; Pijanowski, Bryan; Jacobs, Douglass F; Reich, Peter B; Crowther, Thomas W; Nabuurs, Gert-Jan; de-Miguel, Sergio; Fang, Jingyun; Woodall, Christopher W; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Jucker, Tommaso; Bastin, Jean-Francois; Wiser, Susan K; Slik, Ferry; Hérault, Bruno; Alberti, Giorgio; Keppel, Gunnar; ... (2022). Co-limitation towards lower latitudes shapes global forest diversity gradients. Nature ecology & evolution, 6(10), pp. 1423-1437. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41559-022-01831-x

Zhu, Di; Johannsen, Sandra; Masini, Tiziana; Simonin, Céline; Haupenthal, Jörg; Illarionov, Boris; Andreas, Anastasia; Awale, Mahendra; Gierse, Robin M; van der Laan, Tridia; van der Vlag, Ramon; Nasti, Rita; Poizat, Mael; Buhler, Eric; Reiling, Norbert; Müller, Rolf; Fischer, Markus; Reymond, Jean-Louis; Hirsch, Anna K H (2022). Discovery of novel drug-like antitubercular hits targeting the MEP pathway enzyme DXPS by strategic application of ligand-based virtual screening. Chemical Science, 13(36), pp. 10686-10698. The Royal Society of Chemistry 10.1039/d2sc02371g

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Apostolakis, Antonios; Schöning, Ingo; Klaus, Valentin H.; Michalzik, Beate; Bischoff, Wolf-Anno; Boeddinghaus, Runa S.; Bolliger, Ralph; Fischer, Markus; Hölzel, Norbert; Kandeler, Ellen; Kleinebecker, Till; Manning, Peter; Marhan, Sven; Neyret, Margot; Oelmann, Yvonne; Prati, Daniel; van Kleunen, Mark; Schwarz, Andreas; Schurig, Elisabeth and Schrumpf, Marion (2022). Direct and plant community mediated effects of management intensity on annual nutrient leaching risk in temperate grasslands. Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems, 123(3), pp. 83-104. Springer 10.1007/s10705-022-10209-1

Snethlage, Mark A; Geschke, Jonas; Ranipeta, Ajay; Jetz, Walter; Yoccoz, Nigel G; Körner, Christian; Spehn, Eva M; Fischer, Markus; Urbach, Davnah (2022). A hierarchical inventory of the world's mountains for global comparative mountain science. Scientific data, 9(1), p. 149. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41597-022-01256-y

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Scherreiks, Pascal; Gossner, Martin M.; Ayasse, Manfred; Bluethgen, Nico; Fischer, Markus; Klaus, Valentin H.; Kleinebecker, Till; Neff, Felix; Prati, Daniel; Seibold, Sebastian; Simons, Nadja K.; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Wells, Konstans; Westphal, Catrin; Thiele, Jan; Ambarli, Didem (2022). Present and historical landscape structure shapes current species richness in Central European grasslands. Landscape ecology, 37(3), pp. 745-762. Springer Netherlands 10.1007/s10980-021-01392-7

Sikorski, Johannes; Baumgartner, Vanessa; Birkhofer, Klaus; Boeddinghaus, Runa S; Bunk, Boyke; Fischer, Markus; Fösel, Bärbel U; Friedrich, Michael W; Göker, Markus; Hölzel, Norbert; Huang, Sixing; Huber, Katharina J; Kandeler, Ellen; Klaus, Valentin H; Kleinebecker, Till; Marhan, Sven; von Mering, Christian; Oelmann, Yvonne; Prati, Daniel; Regan, Kathleen M; ... (2022). The Evolution of Ecological Diversity in Acidobacteria. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13, p. 715637. Frontiers 10.3389/fmicb.2022.715637

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Schall, Peter; Heinrichs, Steffi; Ammer, Christian; Ayasse, Manfred; Boch, Steffen; Buscot, François; Fischer, Markus; Goldmann, Kezia; Overmann, Jörg; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Sikorski, Johannes; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Wubet, Tesfaye; Gossner, Martin M. (2021). Among stand heterogeneity is key for biodiversity in managed beech forests but does not question the value of unmanaged forests: Response to Bruun and Heilmann-Clausen (2021). Journal of applied ecology, 58(9), pp. 1817-1826. Wiley 10.1111/1365-2664.13959

Oelmann, Yvonne; Lange, Markus; Leimer, Sophia; Roscher, Christiane; Aburto, Felipe; Alt, Fabian; Bange, Nina; Berner, Doreen; Boch, Steffen; Boeddinghaus, Runa S.; Buscot, François; Dassen, Sigrid; De Deyn, Gerlinde; Eisenhauer, Nico; Gleixner, Gerd; Goldmann, Kezia; Hölzel, Norbert; Jochum, Malte; Kandeler, Ellen; Klaus, Valentin H.; ... (2021). Above- and belowground biodiversity jointly tighten the P cycle in agricultural grasslands. Nature Communications, 12(1), p. 4431. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41467-021-24714-4

Le Provost, Gaëtane; Thiele, Jan; Westphal, Catrin; Penone, Caterina; Allan, Eric; Neyret, Margot; van der Plas, Fons; Ayasse, Manfred; Bardgett, Richard D.; Birkhofer, Klaus; Boch, Steffen; Bonkowski, Michael; Buscot, Francois; Feldhaar, Heike; Gaulton, Rachel; Goldmann, Kezia; Gossner, Martin M.; Klaus, Valentin H.; Kleinebecker, Till; Krauss, Jochen; ... (2021). Contrasting responses of above- and belowground diversity to multiple components of land-use intensity. Nature Communications, 12(1) Springer Nature 10.1038/s41467-021-23931-1

Pinho, Pedro; Casanelles-Abella, Joan; Luz, Ana Catarina; Kubicka, Anna Maria; Branquinho, Cristina; Laanisto, Lauri; Neuenkamp, Lena; Orti, Marta Alos; Obrist, Martin K.; Deguines, Nicolas; Tryjanowski, Piotr; Samson, Roeland; Niinemets, Ulo; Moretti, Marco (2021). Research agenda on biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services in European cities. Basic and applied ecology, 53, pp. 124-133. Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2021.02.014

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Neff, Felix; Brändle, Martin; Ambarlı, Didem; Ammer, Christian; Bauhus, Jürgen; Boch, Steffen; Hölzel, Norbert; Klaus, Valentin H.; Kleinebecker, Till; Prati, Daniel; Schall, Peter; Schäfer, Deborah; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Seibold, Sebastian; Simons, Nadja K.; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Pellissier, Loïc; Gossner, Martin M. (2021). Changes in plant-herbivore network structure and robustness along land-use intensity gradients in grasslands and forests. Science Advances, 7(20), eabf3985. American Association for the Advancement of Science 10.1126/sciadv.abf3985

Vasar, Martti; Davison, John; Neuenkamp, Lena; Sepp, Siim-Kaarel; Young, J. Peter W.; Moora, Mari; Öpik, Maarja (2021). User-friendly bioinformatics pipeline gDAT (graphical downstream analysis tool) for analysing rDNA sequences. Molecular ecology resources, 21(4), pp. 1380-1392. Wiley 10.1111/1755-0998.13340

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Bae, Soyeon; Heidrich, Lea; Levick, Shaun R.; Gossner, Martin M.; Seibold, Sebastian; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Magdon, Paul; Serebryanyk, Alla; Bässler, Claus; Schäfer, Deborah; Schulze, Ernst‐Detlef; Doerfler, Inken; Müller, Jörg; Jung, Kirsten; Heurich, Marco; Fischer, Markus; Roth, Nicolas; Schall, Peter; Boch, Steffen; Wöllauer, Stephan; ... (2021). Dispersal ability, trophic position and body size mediate species turnover processes: Insights from a multi‐taxa and multi‐scale approach. Diversity and Distributions, 27(3), pp. 439-453. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/ddi.13204

Neuenkamp, Lena; Zobel, Martin; Koorem, Kadri; Jairus, Teele; Davison, John; Öpik, Maarja; Vasar, Martti; Moora, Mari; Selosse, Marc‐André (2021). Light availability and light demand of plants shape the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in their roots. Ecology Letters, 24(3), pp. 426-437. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/ele.13656

Boch, Steffen; Saiz, Hugo; Allan, Eric; Schall, Peter; Prati, Daniel; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Hessenmöller, Dominik; Sparrius, Laurens B.; Fischer, Markus (2021). Direct and indirect effects of management intensity and environmental factors on the functional diversity of lichens in central european forests. Microorganisms, 9(2) MDPI 10.3390/microorganisms9020463

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Reinhart, Kurt O.; Bauer, Jonathan T.; McCarthy‐Neumann, Sarah; MacDougall, Andrew S.; Hierro, José L.; Chiuffo, Mariana C.; Mangan, Scott A.; Heinze, Johannes; Bergmann, Joana; Joshi, Jasmin; Duncan, Richard P.; Diez, Jeff M.; Kardol, Paul; Rutten, Gemma; Fischer, Markus; Putten, Wim H.; Bezemer, Thiemo Martijn; Klironomos, John (2021). Globally, plant‐soil feedbacks are weak predictors of plant abundance. Ecology and evolution, 11(4), pp. 1756-1768. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10.1002/ece3.7167

Simons, Nadja K.; Felipe-Lucia, Maria R.; Schall, Peter; Ammer, Christian; Bauhus, Jürgen; Blüthgen, Nico; Boch, Steffen; Buscot, François; Fischer, Markus; Goldmann, Kezia; Gossner, Martin M.; Hänsel, Falk; Jung, Kirsten; Manning, Peter; Nauss, Thomas; Oelmann, Yvonne; Pena, Rodica; Polle, Andrea; Renner, Swen C.; Schloter, Michael; ... (2021). National Forest Inventories capture the multifunctionality of managed forests in Germany. Forest Ecosystems, 8(1) Springer Nature 10.1186/s40663-021-00280-5

Grünig, Sandra; Fischer, Markus; Parisod, Christian (2021). Recent hybrid speciation at the origin of the narrow endemic Pulmonaria helvetica. Annals of Botany, 127(1), pp. 21-31. Oxford University Press 10.1093/aob/mcaa145

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Mollel, Neduvoto Piniel; Hemp, Andreas; Fischer, Markus (2021). Phylogenetic Diversity of Plant Communities in Relation to Elevation and Human Impact at Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation, 90(1), pp. 54-66. College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism

Davison, John; Moora, Mari; Semchenko, Marina; Adenan, Sakeenah Binte; Ahmed, Talaat; Akhmetzhanova, Asem A.; Alatalo, Juha M.; Al-Quraishy, Saleh; Andriyanova, Elena; Anslan, Sten; Bahram, Mohammad; Batbaatar, Amgaa; Brown, Charlotte; Bueno, C. Guillermo; Cahill, James; Cantero, Juan José; Casper, Brenda B.; Cherosov, Mikhail; Chideh, Saida; Coelho, Ana P.; ... (2021). Temperature and pH define the realised niche space of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. New Phytologist, 231(2), pp. 763-776. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/nph.17240

Roeder, Anna; Schweingruber, Fritz H.; Ebeling, Anne; Eisenhauer, Nico; Fischer, Markus; Roscher, Christiane (2021). Plant diversity effects on plant longevity and their relationships to population stability in experimental grasslands. Journal of ecology, 109(7), pp. 2566-2579. Wiley 10.1111/1365-2745.13661

Leimer, Sophia; Berner, Doreen; Birkhofer, Klaus; Boeddinghaus, Runa S.; Fischer, Markus; Kandeler, Ellen; Kuka, Katrin; Marhan, Sven; Prati, Daniel; Schäfer, Deborah; Schoning, Ingo; Solly, Emily F.; Wolters, Volkmar; Wilcke, Wolfgang (2021). Land-use intensity and biodiversity effects on infiltration capacity and hydraulic conductivity of grassland soils in southern Germany. Ecohydrology, 14(6) Wiley 10.1002/eco.2301

Freitag, Martin; Klaus, Valentin H.; Bolliger, Ralph; Hamer, Ute; Kleinebecker, Till; Prati, Daniel; Schäfer, Deborah; Hölzel, Norbert (2021). Restoration of plant diversity in permanent grassland by seeding: Assessing the limiting factors along land‐use gradients. Journal of applied ecology, 58(8), pp. 1681-1692. Wiley 10.1111/1365-2664.13883

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Schäfer, Deborah; Vincent, Hugo; Fischer, Markus; Kempel, Anne (2020). The importance of genetic diversity for the translocation of eight threatened plant species into the wild. Global Ecology and Conservation, 24, e01240. Elsevier 10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01240

Payne, Davnah; Spehn, Eva M.; Prescott, Graham W.; Geschke, Jonas; Snethlage, Mark A.; Fischer, Markus (2020). Mountain Biodiversity Is Central to Sustainable Development in Mountains and Beyond. One earth, 3(5), pp. 530-533. Elevier 10.1016/j.oneear.2020.10.013

Felipe-Lucia, Maria R.; Soliveres, Santiago; Penone, Caterina; Fischer, Markus; Ammer, Christian; Boch, Steffen; Boeddinghaus, Runa S.; Bonkowski, Michael; Buscot, François; Fiore-Donno, Anna Maria; Frank, Kevin; Goldmann, Kezia; Gossner, Martin M.; Hölzel, Norbert; Jochum, Malte; Kandeler, Ellen; Klaus, Valentin H.; Kleinebecker, Till; Leimer, Sophia; Manning, Peter; ... (2020). Land-use intensity alters networks between biodiversity, ecosystem functions, and services. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 117(45), pp. 28140-28149. National Academy of Sciences NAS 10.1073/pnas.2016210117

Stampfli, Andreas; Zeiter, Michaela (2020). The impact of seed deficiency on productivity and on negative drought effect in semi‐natural grassland. Journal of vegetation science, 31(6), pp. 1066-1080. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jvs.12889

Kempel, Anne; Bornand, Christophe N.; Gygax, Andreas; Juillerat, Philippe; Jutzi, Michael; Sager, Lionel; Bäumler, Beat; Eggenberg, Stefan; Fischer, Markus (2020). Nationwide revisitation reveals thousands of local extinctions across the ranges of 713 threatened and rare plant species. Conservation letters, 13(6) Wiley 10.1111/conl.12749

Jochum, Malte; Fischer, Markus; Isbell, Forest; Roscher, Christiane; van der Plas, Fons; Boch, Steffen; Boenisch, Gerhard; Buchmann, Nina; Catford, Jane A.; Cavender-Bares, Jeannine; Ebeling, Anne; Eisenhauer, Nico; Gleixner, Gerd; Hölzel, Norbert; Kattge, Jens; Klaus, Valentin H.; Kleinebecker, Till; Lange, Markus; Le Provost, Gaëtane; Meyer, Sebastian T.; ... (2020). The results of biodiversity–ecosystem functioning experiments are realistic. Nature ecology & evolution, 4(11), pp. 1485-1494. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41559-020-1280-9

Flantua, Suzette G. A.; Payne, Davnah; Borregaard, Michael K.; Beierkuhnlein, Carl; Steinbauer, Manuel J.; Dullinger, Stefan; Essl, Franz; Irl, Severin D. H.; Kienle, David; Kreft, Holger; Lenzner, Bernd; Norder, Sietze J.; Rijsdijk, Kenneth F.; Rumpf, Sabine B.; Weigelt, Patrick; Field, Richard; Storch, David (2020). Snapshot isolation and isolation history challenge the analogy between mountains and islands used to understand endemism. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29(10), pp. 1651-1673. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/geb.13155

Molina-Venegas, Rafael; Fischer, Markus; Mollel, Neduvoto Piniel; Hemp, Andreas (2020). Connecting plant evolutionary history and human well-being at Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Botanical journal of the Linnean Society, 194(4), pp. 397-409. Oxford University Press 10.1093/botlinnean/boaa049

Muscarella, Robert; Emilio, Thaise; Phillips, Oliver L.; Lewis, Simon L.; Slik, Ferry; Baker, William J.; Couvreur, Thomas L. P.; Eiserhardt, Wolf L.; Svenning, Jens‐Christian; Affum‐Baffoe, Kofi; Aiba, Shin‐Ichiro; Almeida, Everton C.; Almeida, Samuel S.; Oliveira, Edmar Almeida; Álvarez‐Dávila, Esteban; Alves, Luciana F.; Alvez‐Valles, Carlos Mariano; Carvalho, Fabrício Alvim; Guarin, Fernando Alzate; Andrade, Ana; ... (2020). The global abundance of tree palms. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29(9), pp. 1495-1514. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/geb.13123

Dormann, Carsten F.; Bagnara, Maurizio; Boch, Steffen; Hinderling, Judith; Janeiro-Otero, Andrea; Schäfer, Deborah; Schall, Peter; Hartig, Florian (2020). Plant species richness increases with light availability, but not variability, in temperate forests understorey. BMC ecology, 20(1), p. 43. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12898-020-00311-9

Heidrich, Lea; Bae, Soyeon; Levick, Shaun; Seibold, Sebastian; Weisser, Wolfgang; Krzystek, Peter; Magdon, Paul; Nauss, Thomas; Schall, Peter; Serebryanyk, Alla; Wöllauer, Stephan; Ammer, Christian; Bässler, Claus; Doerfler, Inken; Fischer, Markus; Gossner, Martin M.; Heurich, Marco; Hothorn, Torsten; Jung, Kirsten; Kreft, Holger; ... (2020). Heterogeneity–diversity relationships differ between and within trophic levels in temperate forests. Nature ecology & evolution, 4(9), pp. 1204-1212. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41559-020-1245-z

Krug, Cornelia B.; Sterling, Eleanor; Cadman, Timothy; Geschke, Jonas; Drummond de Castro, Paula F.; Schliep, Rainer; Osemwegie, Isimemen; Muller-Karger, Frank E.; Maraseni, Tek (2020). Stakeholder participation in IPBES: connecting local environmental work with global decision making. Ecosystems and people, 16(1), pp. 197-211. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/26395916.2020.1788643

Schall, Peter; Heinrichs, Steffi; Ammer, Christian; Ayasse, Manfred; Boch, Steffen; Buscot, François; Fischer, Markus; Goldmann, Kezia; Overmann, Jörg; Schulze, Ernst‐Detlef; Sikorski, Johannes; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Wubet, Tesfaye; Gossner, Martin M. (2020). Can multi‐taxa diversity in European beech forest landscapes be increased by combining different management systems? Journal of Applied Ecology, 57(7), pp. 1363-1375. Wiley 10.1111/1365-2664.13635

Fischer, Leonie K.; Neuenkamp, Lena; Lampinen, Jussi; Tuomi, Maria; Alday, Josu G.; Bucharova, Anna; Cancellieri, Laura; Casado‐Arzuaga, Izaskun; Čeplová, Natálie; Cerveró, Lluïsa; Deák, Balázs; Eriksson, Ove; Fellowes, Mark D. E.; Fernández de Manuel, Beatriz; Filibeck, Goffredo; González‐Guzmán, Adrián; Hinojosa, M. Belen; Kowarik, Ingo; Lumbierres, Belén; Miguel, Ana; ... (2020). Public attitudes toward biodiversity‐friendly greenspace management in Europe. Conservation letters, 13(4), e12718.. Wiley 10.1111/conl.12718

Willms, Inka M.; Rudolph, Anina Y.; Göschel, Isabell; Bolz, Simon H.; Schneider, Dominik; Penone, Caterina; Poehlein, Anja; Schöning, Ingo; Nacke, Heiko; Kent, Angela D. (2020). Globally Abundant “ Candidatus Udaeobacter” Benefits from Release of Antibiotics in Soil and Potentially Performs Trace Gas Scavenging. mSphere, 5(4), p. 186. American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/mSphere.00186-20

Richter-Heitmann, Tim; Hofner, Benjamin; Krah, Franz-Sebastian; Sikorski, Johannes; Wüst, Pia K.; Bunk, Boyke; Huang, Sixing; Regan, Kathleen M.; Berner, Doreen; Boeddinghaus, Runa S.; Marhan, Sven; Prati, Daniel; Kandeler, Ellen; Overmann, Jörg; Friedrich, Michael W. (2020). Stochastic Dispersal Rather Than Deterministic Selection Explains the Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Soil Bacteria in a Temperate Grassland. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11(1391) Frontiers 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01391

Vincent, Hugo; Bornand, Christophe N.; Kempel, Anne; Fischer, Markus (2020). Rare species perform worse than widespread species under changed climate. Biological conservation, 246, p. 108586. Elsevier 10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108586

Kempel, Anne; Vincent, Hugo; Prati, Daniel; Fischer, Markus (2020). Context dependency of biotic interactions and its relation to plant rarity. Diversity and Distributions, 26(6), pp. 758-768. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/ddi.13050

Payne, Davnah; Snethlage, Mark Alexander; Geschke, Jonas; Spehn, Eva M.; Fischer, Markus (2020). Nature and People in the Andes, East African Mountains, European Alps, and Hindu Kush Himalaya: Current Research and Future Directions. Mountain Research and Development, 40(2), A1-A14. International Mountain Society 10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-19-00075.1

Mayr, Antonia V.; Peters, Marcell K.; Eardley, Connal D.; Renner, Marion E.; Roeder, Juliane; Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf (2020). Climate and food resources shape species richness and trophic interactions of cavity-nesting Hymenoptera. Journal of biogeography, 47(4), pp. 854-865. Wiley 10.1111/jbi.13753

Randin, Christophe F.; Ashcroft, Michael B.; Bolliger, Janine; Cavender-Bares, Jeannine; Coops, Nicholas C.; Dullinger, Stefan; Dirnböck, Thomas; Eckert, Sandra; Ellis, Erle; Fernández, Néstor; Giuliani, Gregory; Guisan, Antoine; Jetz, Walter; Joost, Stéphane; Karger, Dirk; Lembrechts, Jonas; Lenoir, Jonathan; Luoto, Miska; Morin, Xavier; Price, Bronwyn; ... (2020). Monitoring biodiversity in the Anthropocene using remote sensing in species distribution models. Remote sensing of environment, 239, p. 111626. Elsevier 10.1016/j.rse.2019.111626

Grass, Ingo; Kubitza, Christoph; Krishna, Vijesh V.; Corre, Marife D.; Mußhoff, Oliver; Pütz, Peter; Drescher, Jochen; Rembold, Katja; Ariyanti, Eka Sulpin; Barnes, Andrew D.; Brinkmann, Nicole; Brose, Ulrich; Brümmer, Bernhard; Buchori, Damayanti; Daniel, Rolf; Darras, Kevin F. A.; Faust, Heiko; Fehrmann, Lutz; Hein, Jonas; Hennings, Nina; ... (2020). Trade-offs between multifunctionality and profit in tropical smallholder landscapes. Nature Communications, 11(1) Springer Nature 10.1038/s41467-020-15013-5

Goldmann, Kezia; Boeddinghaus, Runa S.; Klemmer, Sandra; Regan, Kathleen M.; Heintz‐Buschart, Anna; Fischer, Markus; Prati, Daniel; Piepho, Hans‐Peter; Berner, Doreen; Marhan, Sven; Kandeler, Ellen; Buscot, François; Wubet, Tesfaye (2020). Unraveling spatio‐temporal variability of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi in a temperate grassland plot. Environmental microbiology, 22(3), pp. 873-888. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/1462-2920.14653

Potapov, Anton M.; Dupérré, Nadine; Jochum, Malte; Dreczko, Kerstin; Klarner, Bernhard; Barnes, Andrew D.; Krashevska, Valentyna; Rembold, Katja; Kreft, Holger; Brose, Ulrich; Widyastuti, Rahayu; Harms, Danilo; Scheu, Stefan (2020). Functional losses in ground spider communities due to habitat-structure degradation under tropical land-use change. Ecology, 101(3), e02957. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecy.2957

Prescott, Graham W.; Maung, Aye Chan; Aung, Zinmar; Carrasco, L. Roman; De Alban, Jose Don T.; Diment, Alex N.; Ko, Aye Ko; Rao, Madhu; Schmidt‐Vogt, Dietrich; Soe, Yi Monn; Webb, Edward L. (2020). Gold, farms, and forests: Enforcement and alternative livelihoods are unlikely to disincentivize informal gold mining. Conservation science and practice, 2(3), e142. Wiley 10.1111/csp2.142

Gallagher, Rachael V.; Falster, Daniel S.; Maitner, Brian S.; Salguero-Gómez, Roberto; Vandvik, Vigdis; Pearse, William D.; Schneider, Florian D.; Kattge, Jens; Poelen, Jorrit H.; Madin, Joshua S.; Ankenbrand, Markus J.; Penone, Caterina; Feng, Xiao; Adams, Vanessa M.; Alroy, John; Andrew, Samuel C.; Balk, Meghan A.; Bland, Lucie M.; Boyle, Brad L.; Bravo-Avila, Catherine H.; ... (2020). Open Science principles for accelerating trait-based science across the Tree of Life. Nature ecology & evolution, 4(3), pp. 294-303. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41559-020-1109-6

Molina-Venegas, Rafael; Fischer, Markus; Hemp, Andreas (2020). Plant evolutionary assembly along elevational belts at Mt. Kilimanjaro: Using phylogenetics to asses biodiversity threats under climate change. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 170, p. 103853. Elsevier Science 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2019.103853

Willms, Inka M.; Yuan, Jingyue; Penone, Caterina; Goldmann, Kezia; Vogt, Juliane; Wubet, Tesfaye; Schöning, Ingo; Schrumpf, Marion; Buscot, François; Nacke, Heiko (2020). Distribution of Medically Relevant Antibiotic Resistance Genes and Mobile Genetic Elements in Soils of Temperate Forests and Grasslands Varying in Land Use. Genes, 11(2), p. 150. MDPI 10.3390/genes11020150

Calatayud, Joaquín; Andivia, Enrique; Escudero, Adrián; Melián, Carlos J.; Bernardo-Madrid, Rubén; Stoffel, Markus; Aponte, Cristina; Medina, Nagore G.; Molina-Venegas, Rafael; Arnan, Xavier; Rosvall, Martin; Neuman, Magnus; Noriega, Jorge Ari; Alves-Martins, Fernanda; Draper, Isabel; Luzuriaga, Arantzazu; Ballesteros-Cánovas, Juan Antonio; Morales-Molino, César; Ferrandis, Pablo; Herrero, Asier; ... (2020). Positive associations among rare species and their persistence in ecological assemblages. Nature ecology & evolution, 4(1), pp. 40-45. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41559-019-1053-5

Luke, Sarah H.; Advento, Andreas Dwi; Aryawan, Anak Agung Ketut; Adhy, Dwi Nugroho; Ashton-Butt, Adham; Barclay, Holly; Dewi, Jassica Prajna; Drewer, Julia; Dumbrell, Alex J.; Edi, Edi; Eycott, Amy E.; Harianja, Martina F.; Hinsch, Julie K.; Hood, Amelia S. C.; Kurniawan, Candra; Kurz, David J.; Mann, Darren J.; Matthews Nicholass, Kirsty J.; Naim, Mohammad; Pashkevich, Michael D.; ... (2020). Managing Oil Palm Plantations More Sustainably: Large-Scale Experiments Within the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) Programme. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 2(75) Frontiers 10.3389/ffgc.2019.00075

Feng, Yanhao; Soliveres, Santiago; Allan, Eric; Rosenbaum, Benjamin; Wagg, Cameron; Tabi, Andrea; De Luca, Enrica; Eisenhauer, Nico; Schmid, Bernhard; Weigelt, Alexandra; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Roscher, Christiane; Fischer, Markus (2020). Inferring competitive outcomes, ranks and intransitivity from empirical data: A comparison of different methods. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 11(1), pp. 117-128. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/2041-210X.13326

Zadereev, Egor; Lipka, Oksana; Karimov, Bakhtiyor; Krylenko, Marina; Elias, Victoria; Pinto, Isabel Sousa; Alizade, Valida; Anker, Yaakov; Feest, Alan; Kuznetsova, Daria; Mader, André; Salimov, Rashad; Fischer, Markus (2020). Overview of past, current, and future ecosystem and biodiversity trends of inland saline lakes of Europe and Central Asia. Inland waters, 10(4), pp. 438-452. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/20442041.2020.1772034

Neuenkamp, Lena; Maaroufi, Nadia I. (2020). Tiny Fungi in the Soil Are Like Medicine for Nature. Frontiers for young minds, 8(557383) Frontiers Media S.A. 10.3389/frym.2020.557383

Molina-Venegas, Rafael; Fischer, Markus; Hemp, Andreas (2019). Disentangling the fundamental branching patterns of phylogenetic divergence to refine eco‐phylogenetic analyses. Journal of biogeography, 46(12), pp. 2722-2734. Wiley 10.1111/jbi.13692

Schäfer, Deborah; Klaus, Valentin H.; Kleinebecker, Till; Boeddinghaus, Runa S.; Hinderling, Judith; Kandeler, Ellen; Marhan, Sven; Nowak, Sascha; Sonnemann, Ilja; Wurst, Susanne; Fischer, Markus; Hölzel, Norbert; Hamer, Ute; Prati, Daniel (2019). Recovery of ecosystem functions after experimental disturbance in 73 grasslands differing in land‐use intensity, plant species richness and community composition. Journal of Ecology, 107(6), pp. 2635-2649. Blackwell 10.1111/1365-2745.13211

Archer, Louise C.; Sohlström, Esra H.; Gallo, Bruno; Jochum, Malte; Woodward, Guy; Kordas, Rebecca L.; Rall, Björn C.; O'Gorman, Eoin J. (2019). Consistent temperature dependence of functional response parameters and their use in predicting population abundance. Journal of animal ecology, 88(11), pp. 1670-1683. Wiley 10.1111/1365-2656.13060

Bae, Soyeon; Levick, Shaun R.; Heidrich, Lea; Magdon, Paul; Leutner, Benjamin F.; Wöllauer, Stephan; Serebryanyk, Alla; Nauss, Thomas; Krzystek, Peter; Gossner, Martin M.; Schall, Peter; Heibl, Christoph; Bässler, Claus; Doerfler, Inken; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Krah, Franz-Sebastian; Culmsee, Heike; Jung, Kirsten; Heurich, Marco; Fischer, Markus; ... (2019). Radar vision in the mapping of forest biodiversity from space. Nature communications, 10(1) Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41467-019-12737-x

Eisenhauer, Nico; Schielzeth, Holger; Barnes, Andrew D.; Barry, Kathryn; Bonn, Aletta; Brose, Ulrich; Bruelheide, Helge; Buchmann, Nina; Buscot, François; Ebeling, Anne; Ferlian, Olga; Freschet, Grégoire T.; Giling, Darren P.; Hättenschwiler, Stephan; Hillebrand, Helmut; Hines, Jes; Isbell, Forest; Koller-France, Eva; König-Ries, Birgitta; de Kroon, Hans; ... (2019). A multitrophic perspective on biodiversity–ecosystem functioning research. In: Eisenhauer, Nico; Bohan, David A.; Dumbrell, Alex J. (eds.) Mechanisms underlying the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function. Advances in Ecological Research: Vol. 61 (pp. 1-54). Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/bs.aecr.2019.06.001

Manning, Peter; Loos, Jacqueline; Barnes, Andrew D.; Batáry, Péter; Bianchi, Felix J.J.A.; Buchmann, Nina; De Deyn, Gerlinde B.; Ebeling, Anne; Eisenhauer, Nico; Fischer, Markus; Fründ, Jochen; Grass, Ingo; Isselstein, Johannes; Jochum, Malte; Klein, Alexandra M.; Klingenberg, Esther O.F.; Landis, Douglas A.; Lepš, Jan; Lindborg, Regina; Meyer, Sebastian T.; ... (2019). Transferring biodiversity-ecosystem function research to the management of ‘real-world’ ecosystems. In: Eisenhauer, Nico; Bohan, David A.; Dumbrell, Alex J. (eds.) Mechanisms underlying the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function. Advances in Ecological Research: Vol. 61 (pp. 323-356). Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/bs.aecr.2019.06.009

Parepa, Madalin; Kahmen, Ansgar; Werner, Roland A.; Fischer, Markus; Bossdorf, Oliver (2019). Invasive knotweed has greater nitrogen-use efficiency than native plants: evidence from a 15N pulse-chasing experiment. Oecologia, 191(2), pp. 389-396. Springer 10.1007/s00442-019-04490-1

Geschke, Jonas; Vohland, Katrin; Bonn, Aletta; Dauber, Jens; Gessner, Mark O.; Henle, Klaus; Nieschulze, Jens; Schmeller, Dirk; Settele, Josef; Sommerwerk, Nike; Wetzel, Florian (2019). Biodiversity monitoring in Germany. How science, policy and civil society can support a national monitoring system. Gaia : ecological perspectives for science and society, 28(3), pp. 265-270. Oekom Verlag 10.14512/gaia.28.3.6

Seibold, Sebastian; Gossner, Martin M.; Simons, Nadja K.; Blüthgen, Nico; Müller, Jörg; Ambarlı, Didem; Ammer, Christian; Bauhus, Jürgen; Fischer, Markus; Habel, Jan C.; Linsenmair, Karl Eduard; Nauss, Thomas; Penone, Caterina; Prati, Daniel; Schall, Peter; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Vogt, Juliane; Wöllauer, Stephan; Weisser, Wolfgang W. (2019). Arthropod decline in grasslands and forests is associated with landscape-level drivers. Nature, 574(7780), pp. 671-674. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41586-019-1684-3

Geschke, Jonas (2019). Decrease in Bat Diversity Points towards a Potential Threshold Density for Black Cherry Management: A Case Study from Germany. Plants, 8(9), p. 320. MDPI 10.3390/plants8090320

Roeder, Anna; Schweingruber, Fritz H.; Fischer, Markus; Roscher, Christiane (2019). Increasing plant diversity of experimental grasslands alters the age and growth of Plantago lanceolata from younger and faster to older and slower. Oikos, 128(8), pp. 1182-1193. Wiley 10.1111/oik.05739

Schäfer, Deborah; Prati, Daniel; Schall, Peter; Ammer, Christian; Fischer, Markus (2019). Exclusion of large herbivores affects understorey shrub vegetation more than herb vegetation across 147 forest sites in three German regions. PLoS ONE, 14(7), e0218741. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0218741

Neuenkamp, Lena; Zobel, Martin; Lind, Eva; Gerz, Maret; Moora, Mari; Gao, Cheng (2019). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community composition determines the competitive response of two grassland forbs. PLoS ONE, 14(7), e0219527. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0219527

Busch, Verena; Klaus, Valentin H.; Schäfer, Deborah; Prati, Daniel; Boch, Steffen; Müller, Jörg; Chisté, Melanie; Mody, Karsten; Blüthgen, Nico; Fischer, Markus; Hölzel, Norbert; Kleinebecker, Till (2019). Will I stay or will I go? Plant species‐specific response and tolerance to high land‐use intensity in temperate grassland ecosystems. Journal of vegetation science, 30(4), pp. 674-686. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/jvs.12749

Heinze, Johannes; Simons, Nadja K.; Seibold, Sebastian; Wacker, Alexander; Weithoff, Guntram; Gossner, Martin M.; Prati, Daniel; Bezemer, T. Martijn; Joshi, Jasmin (2019). The relative importance of plant-soil feedbacks for plant-species performance increases with decreasing intensity of herbivory. Oecologia, 190(3), pp. 651-664. Springer 10.1007/s00442-019-04442-9

Calatayud, Joaquín; Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel; Molina-Venegas, Rafael; Leo, María; Horreo, Jose Luis; Hortal, Joaquín (2019). Pleistocene climate change and the formation of regional species pools. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological sciences, 286(1905), p. 20190291. The Royal Society 10.1098/rspb.2019.0291

Steidinger, B. S.; Crowther, T. W.; Liang, J.; Van Nuland, M. E.; Werner, G. D. A.; Reich, P. B.; Nabuurs, G.; de-Miguel, S.; Zhou, M.; Picard, N.; Herault, B.; Zhao, X.; Zhang, C.; Routh, D.; Peay, K. G. (2019). Climatic controls of decomposition drive the global biogeography of forest-tree symbioses. Nature, 569(7756), pp. 404-408. Macmillan Journals Ltd. 10.1038/s41586-019-1128-0

Fournier, Alice; Penone, Caterina; Pennino, Maria Grazia; Courchamp, Franck (2019). Predicting future invaders and future invasions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 116(16), pp. 7905-7910. National Academy of Sciences NAS 10.1073/pnas.1803456116

Awad, Abdallah; Majcherczyk, Andrzej; Schall, Peter; Schröter, Kristina; Schöning, Ingo; Schrumpf, Marion; Ehbrecht, Martin; Boch, Steffen; Kahl, Tiemo; Bauhus, Jürgen; Seidel, Dominik; Ammer, Christian; Fischer, Markus; Kües, Ursula; Pena, Rodica (2019). Ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic soil fungal biomass are driven by different factors and vary among broadleaf and coniferous temperate forests. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 131, pp. 9-18. Elsevier 10.1016/j.soilbio.2018.12.014

Heuss, Lisa; Grevé, Michael E.; Schäfer, Deborah; Busch, Verena; Feldhaar, Heike (2019). Direct and indirect effects of land‐use intensification on ant communities in temperate grasslands. Ecology and evolution, 9(7), pp. 4013-4024. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10.1002/ece3.5030

Peters, Marcell K.; Hemp, Andreas; Appelhans, Tim; Becker, Joscha N.; Behler, Christina; Classen, Alice; Detsch, Florian; Ensslin, Andreas; Ferger, Stefan W.; Frederiksen, Sara B.; Gebert, Friederike; Gerschlauer, Friederike; Gütlein, Adrian; Helbig-Bonitz, Maria; Hemp, Claudia; Kindeketa, William J.; Kühnel, Anna; Mayr, Antonia V.; Mwangomo, Ephraim; Ngereza, Christine; ... (2019). Climate–land-use interactions shape tropical mountain biodiversity and ecosystem functions. Nature, 568(7750), pp. 88-92. Macmillan Journals Ltd. 10.1038/s41586-019-1048-z

Mackie, Kathleen A.; Zeiter, Michaela; Bloor, Juliette M.G.; Stampfli, Andreas (2019). Plant functional groups mediate drought resistance and recovery in a multi-site grassland experiment. Journal of Ecology, 107(2), pp. 937-949. Wiley 10.1111/1365-2745.13102

Baeten, Lander; Bruelheide, Helge; van der Plas, Fons; Kambach, Stephan; Ratcliffe, Sophia; Jucker, Tommaso; Allan, Eric; Ampoorter, Evy; Barbaro, Luc; Bastias, Cristina C; Bauhus, Jürgen; Benavides, Raquel; Bonal, Damien; Bouriaud, Olivier; Bussotti, Filippo; Carnol, Monique; Castagneyrol, Bastien; Charbonnier, Yohan; Chećko, Ewa; Coomes, David A; ... (2019). Identifying the tree species compositions that maximize ecosystem functioning in European forests. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56(3), pp. 733-744. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/1365-2664.13308

Ensslin, Andreas; Godefroid, Sandrine (2019). How the cultivation of wild plants in botanic gardens can change their genetic and phenotypic status and what this means for their conservation value. Sibbaldia : the journal of botanic garden horticulture, 17, pp. 51-69. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

Gauzens, Benoit; Barnes, Andrew; Giling, Darren; Hines, Jes; Jochum, Malte; Lefcheck, Jonathan S.; Rosenbaum, Benjamin; Wang, Shaopeng; Brose, Ulrich (2019). fluxweb: a R package to easily estimate energy fluxes in food webs. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10(2), pp. 270-279. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/2041-210x.13109

Zhao, Shoudong; Pederson, Neil; D'Orangeville, Loïc; HilleRisLambers, Janneke; Boose, Emery; Penone, Caterina; Bauer, Bruce; Jiang, Yuan; Manzanedo, Rubén D. (2019). The International Tree-Ring Data Bank (ITRDB) revisited: Data availability and global ecological representativity. Journal of Biogeography, 46(2), pp. 355-368. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/jbi.13488

Müller, Jörg; Boch, Steffen; Prati, Daniel; Socher, Stephanie A.; Pommer, Ulf; Hessenmöller, Dominik; Schall, Peter; Schulze, Ernst Detlef; Fischer, Markus (2019). Effects of forest management on bryophyte species richness in Central European forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 432, pp. 850-859. Elsevier 10.1016/j.foreco.2018.10.019

Ehbrecht, Martin; Schall, Peter; Ammer, Christian; Fischer, Markus; Seidel, Dominik (2019). Effects of structural heterogeneity on the diurnal temperature range in temperate forest ecosystems. Forest Ecology and Management, 432, pp. 860-867. Elsevier 10.1016/j.foreco.2018.10.008

van der Plas, Fons; Allan, Eric; Fischer, Markus; Alt, Fabian; Arndt, Hartmut; Binkenstein, Julia; Blaser, Stefan; Blüthgen, Nico; Böhm, Stefan; Hölzel, Norbert; Klaus, Valentin H.; Kleinebecker, Till; Morris, Kathryn; Oelmann, Yvonne; Prati, Daniel; Renner, Swen C.; Rillig, Matthias C.; Schaefer, H. Martin; Schloter, Michael; Schmitt, Barbara; ... (2019). Towards the development of general rules describing landscape heterogeneity-multifunctionality relationships. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56(1), pp. 168-179. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/1365-2664.13260

Penone, Caterina; Allan, Eric; Soliveres, Santiago; Felipe-Lucia, Maria R.; Gossner, Martin M; Seibold, Sebastian; Simons, Nadja K.; Schall, Peter; van der Plas, Fons; Manning, Peter; Manzanedo, Rubén D.; Boch, Steffen; Prati, Daniel; Ammer, Christian; Bauhus, Jürgen; Buscot, François; Ehbrecht, Martin; Goldmann, Kezia; Jung, Kirsten; Müller, Jörg; ... (2019). Specialisation and diversity of multiple trophic groups are promoted by different forest features. Ecology Letters, 22(1), pp. 170-180. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/ele.13182

Heinrichs, Steffi; Ammer, Christian; Mund, Martina; Boch, Steffen; Budde, Sabine; Fischer, Markus; Müller, Jörg; Schöning, Ingo; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Schmidt, Wolfgang; Weckesser, Martin; Schall, Peter (2019). Landscape-Scale Mixtures of Tree Species are More Effective than Stand-Scale Mixtures for Biodiversity of Vascular Plants, Bryophytes and Lichens. Forests, 10(1), p. 73. MDPI 10.3390/f10010073

Boeddinghaus, Runa S.; Marhan, Sven; Berner, Doreen; Boch, Steffen; Fischer, Markus; Hölzel, Norbert; Kattge, Jens; Klaus, Valentin H.; Kleinebecker, Till; Oelmann, Yvonne; Prati, Daniel; Schäfer, Deborah; Schöning, Ingo; Schrumpf, Marion; Sorkau, Elisabeth; Kandeler, Ellen; Manning, Peter (2019). Plant functional trait shifts explain concurrent changes in the structure and function of grassland soil microbial communities. Journal of Ecology, 107(5), pp. 2197-2210. Blackwell 10.1111/1365-2745.13182

Brose, Ulrich; Archambault, Phillippe; Barnes, Andrew D.; Bersier, Louis-Felix; Boy, Thomas; Canning-Clode, João; Conti, Erminia; Dias, Marta; Digel, Christoph; Dissanayake, Awantha; Flores, Augusto A. V.; Fussmann, Katarina; Gauzens, Benoit; Gray, Clare; Häussler, Johanna; Hirt, Myriam R.; Jacob, Ute; Jochum, Malte; Kéfi, Sonia; McLaughlin, Orla; ... (2019). Predator traits determine food-web architecture across ecosystems. Nature ecology & evolution, 3(6), pp. 919-927. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41559-019-0899-x

Manzanedo, Rubén D.; Fischer, Markus; Navarro‐Cerrillo, Rafael María; Allan, Eric (2019). A new approach to study local adaptation in long‐lived woody species: virtual transplant experiments. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10(10), pp. 1761-1772. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/2041-210X.13267

Schneider, Florian D.; Fichtmueller, David; Gossner, Martin M.; Güntsch, Anton; Jochum, Malte; König‐Ries, Birgitta; Le Provost, Gaëtane; Manning, Peter; Ostrowski, Andreas; Penone, Caterina; Simons, Nadja K.; Orme, David (2019). Towards an ecological trait‐data standard. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10(12), pp. 2006-2019. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/2041-210X.13288

Boch, Steffen; Allan, Eric; Humbert, Jean-Yves; Kurtogullari, Yasemin; Lessard-Therrien, Malie; Müller, Jörg; Prati, Daniel; Rieder, Nora Simone; Arlettaz, Raphaël; Fischer, Markus (2018). Direct and indirect effects of land use on bryophytes in grasslands. Science of the total environment, 644, pp. 60-67. Elsevier 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.06.323

Züst, Tobias; Mirzaei, Mahdieh; Jander, Georg (2018). Erysimum cheiranthoides, an ecological research system with potential as a genetic and genomic model for studying cardiac glycoside biosynthesis. Phytochemistry reviews, 17(6), pp. 1239-1251. Springer 10.1007/s11101-018-9562-4

Sohlström, Esra H.; Marian, Lucas; Barnes, Andrew D.; Haneda, Noor F.; Scheu, Stefan; Rall, Björn C.; Brose, Ulrich; Jochum, Malte (2018). Applying generalized allometric regressions to predict live body mass of tropical and temperate arthropods. Ecology and evolution, 8(24), pp. 12737-12749. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10.1002/ece3.4702

Martinez-Harms, Maria Jose; Gelcich, Stefan; Krug, Rainer M.; Maseyk, Fleur J. F.; Moersberger, Hannah; Rastogi, Archi; Wambugu, Geoffrey; Krug, Cornelia B.; Spehn, Eva M.; Pascual, Unai (2018). Framing natural assets for advancing sustainability research: translating different perspectives into actions. Sustainability science, 13(6), pp. 1519-1531. Springer 10.1007/s11625-018-0599-5

De Boeck, Hans J.; Hiltbrunner, Erika; Verlinden, Maya; Bassin, Seraina; Zeiter, Michaela (2018). Legacy Effects of Climate Extremes in Alpine Grassland. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9(1586) Frontiers 10.3389/fpls.2018.01586

Payne, Davnah Ruth; Snethlage, Mark Alexander (2018). GMBA mountain inventory_V1.2 [Dataset].

Huang, Yuanyuan; Chen, Yuxin; Castro-Izaguirre, Nadia; Baruffol, Martin; Brezzi, Matteo; Lang, Anne; Li, Ying; Härdtle, Werner; von Oheimb, Goddert; Yang, Xuefei; Liu, Xiaojuan; Pei, Kequan; Both, Sabine; Yang, Bo; Eichenberg, David; Assmann, Thorsten; Bauhus, Jürgen; Behrens, Thorsten; Buscot, François; Chen, Xiao-Yong; ... (2018). Impacts of species richness on productivity in a large-scale subtropical forest experiment. Science, 362(6410), pp. 80-83. American Association for the Advancement of Science 10.1126/science.aat6405

Manzanedo, Ruben D.; Schanz, F. R.; Fischer, Markus; Allan, Eric (2018). Fagus sylvatica seedlings show provenance differentiation rather than adaptation to soil in a transplant experiment. BMC ecology, 18(1) BioMed Central 10.1186/s12898-018-0197-5

Schmidt, Lisanna; Schmid, Bernhard; Oja, Tatjana; Fischer, Markus (2018). Genetic differentiation, phenotypic plasticity and adaptation in a hybridizing pair of a more common and a less common Carex species. Alpine Botany, 128(2), pp. 149-167. Springer 10.1007/s00035-018-0211-8

Molina Venegas, Rafael; Llorente-Culebras, Sonia; Ruiz-Benito, Paloma; Rodríguez, Miguel A. (2018). Evolutionary history predicts the response of tree species to forest loss: A case study in peninsular Spain. PLoS ONE, 13(9), e0204365. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0204365

Penone, Caterina; Kerbiriou, Christian; Julien, Jean-François; Marmet, Julie; Le Viol, Isabelle (2018). Body size information in large-scale acoustic bat databases. PeerJ, 6, e5370. PeerJ, Ltd 10.7717/peerj.5370

Albrecht, Jörg; Classen, Alice; Vollstädt, Maximilian G. R.; Mayr, Antonia; Mollel, Neduvoto P.; Schellenberger Costa, David; Dulle, Hamadi I.; Fischer, Markus; Hemp, Andreas; Howell, Kim M.; Kleyer, Michael; Nauss, Thomas; Peters, Marcell K.; Tschapka, Marco; Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf; Böhning-Gaese, Katrin; Schleuning, Matthias (2018). Plant and animal functional diversity drive mutualistic network assembly across an elevational gradient. Nature communications, 9(1) Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41467-018-05610-w

Züst, Tobias; Mou, Sophie; Agrawal, Anurag A. (2018). What doesn't kill you makes you stronger: the burdens and benefits of toxin sequestration in a milkweed aphid. Functional Ecology, 32(8), pp. 1972-1981. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/1365-2435.13144

Buchmann, Tina; Schumacher, Jens; Ebeling, Anne; Eisenhauer, Nico; Fischer, Markus; Gleixner, Gerd; Hacker, Nina; Lange, Markus; Oelmann, Yvonne; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Weigelt, Alexandra; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Wilcke, Wolfgang; Roscher, Christiane (2018). Connecting experimental biodiversity research to real-world grasslands. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 33, pp. 78-88. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ppees.2018.06.002

Zhang, Yuan-Ye; Latzel, Vít; Fischer, Markus; Bossdorf, Oliver (2018). Understanding the evolutionary potential of epigenetic variation: a comparison of heritable phenotypic variation in epiRILs, RILs, and natural ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana. Heredity, 121(3), pp. 257-265. Oliver and Boyd 10.1038/s41437-018-0095-9

Klaus, Valentin H.; Hoever, Christina J.; Fischer, Markus; Hamer, Ute; Kleinebecker, Till; Mertens, Désirée; Schäfer, Deborah; Prati, Daniel; Hölzel, Norbert (2018). Contribution of the soil seed bank to the restoration of temperate grasslands by mechanical sward disturbance. Restoration ecology, 26(S2), S114-S122. Blackwell 10.1111/rec.12626

Leimer, Sophia; Bischoff, Sebastian; Boch, Steffen; Busch, Verena; Escher, Peter; Fischer, Markus; Hänsel, Falk; Hölzel, Norbert; Kerber, Katja; Klaus, Valentin; Kleinebecker, Till; Michalzik, Beate; Nauss, Thomas; Schäfer, Deborah; Schöning, Ingo; Schwarz, Martin T.; Siemens, Jan; Thieme, Lisa; Wöllauer, Stephan and Wilcke, Wolfgang (2018). Does plant diversity affect the water balance of established grassland systems? Ecohydrology, 11(4), e1945. Wiley 10.1002/eco.1945

Heer, Nico; Klimmek, Fabian; Zwahlen, Christoph; Fischer, Markus; Hölzel, Norbert; Klaus, Valentin H.; Kleinebecker, Till; Prati, Daniel; Boch, Steffen (2018). Hemiparasite-density effects on grassland plant diversity, composition and biomass. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 32, pp. 22-29. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ppees.2018.01.004

Cao, Huan-Xi; Klein, Alexandra-Maria; Zhu, Chaodong; Staab, Michael; Durka, Walter; Fischer, Markus; Fornoff, Felix (2018). Intra- and interspecific tree diversity promotes multitrophic plant–Hemiptera–ant interactions in a forest diversity experiment. Basic and applied ecology, 29, pp. 89-97. Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2018.03.005

Paterno, Gustavo B.; Penone, Caterina; Werner, Gijsbert D. A. (2018). sensiPhy: An r-package for sensitivity analysis in phylogenetic comparative methods. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9(6), pp. 1461-1467. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/2041-210X.12990

Soliveres, Santiago; Lehmann, Anika; Boch, Steffen; Altermatt, Florian; Carrara, Francesco; Crowther, Thomas W.; Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel; Kempel, Anne; Maynard, Daniel S.; Rillig, Matthias C.; Singh, Brajesh K.; Trivedi, Pankaj; Allan, Eric (2018). Intransitive competition is common across five major taxonomic groups and is driven by productivity, competitive rank and functional traits. Journal of Ecology, 106(3), pp. 852-864. Blackwell 10.1111/1365-2745.12959

Navarro-Cerrillo, RM; Duque-Lazo, J; Manzanedo, Ruben D.; Sánchez-Salguero, R; Palacios-Rodriguez, G (2018). Climate change may threaten the southernmost Pinus nigra subsp. salzmannii (Dunal) Franco populations: an ensemble niche-based approach. iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, 11(3), pp. 396-405. Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology 10.3832/ifor2588-011

Kleinebecker, Till; Busch, Verena; Hölzel, Norbert; Hamer, Ute; Schäfer, Deborah; Prati, Daniel; Fischer, Markus; Hemp, Andreas; Lauterbach, Ralf; Klaus, Valentin H. (2018). And the winner is …. ! A test of simple predictors of plant species richness in agricultural grasslands. Ecological indicators, 87, pp. 296-301. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.12.031

Simón-Porcar, V. I.; Escudero, M.; Navarro, L.; de Castro, A.; Lorite, J.; Molina-Venegas, Rafael; Arroyo, J. (2018). Using floristics, modern systematics and phylogenetics for disentangling biodiversity hotspots across scales: a Mediterranean case study. Plant biosystems, 152(6), pp. 1293-1310. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/11263504.2018.1445131

Kempel, Anne; Rindisbacher, Abiel; Fischer, Markus; Allan, Eric (2018). Plant soil feedback strength in relation to large-scale plant rarity and phylogenetic relatedness. Ecology, 99(3), pp. 597-606. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecy.2145

Barnes, Andrew D.; Jochum, Malte; Lefcheck, Jonathan S.; Eisenhauer, Nico; Scherber, Christoph; O’Connor, Mary I.; de Ruiter, Peter; Brose, Ulrich (2018). Energy Flux: The Link between Multitrophic Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning. Trends in ecology & evolution, 33(3), pp. 186-197. Elsevier Current Trends 10.1016/j.tree.2017.12.007

Kulonen, Aino; Imboden, Rachel A.; Rixen, Christian; Maier, Sheila B.; Wipf, Sonja (2018). Enough space in a warmer world? Microhabitat diversity and small-scale distribution of alpine plants on mountain summits. Diversity and Distributions, 24(2), pp. 252-261. Wiley 10.1111/ddi.12673

Manning, Peter; van der Plas, Fons; Soliveres, Santiago; Allan, Eric; Maestre, Fernando T.; Mace, Georgina; Whittingham, Mark J.; Fischer, Markus (2018). Redefining ecosystem multifunctionality. Nature ecology & evolution, 2(3), pp. 427-436. Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature 10.1038/s41559-017-0461-7

Schmidt, Lisanna; Fischer, Markus; Oja, Tatjana (2018). Two closely related species differ in their regional genetic differentiation despite admixing. AoB PLANTS, 10(1) Oxford University Press 10.1093/aobpla/ply007

van der Plas, Fons; Ratcliffe, Sophia; Ruiz-Benito, Paloma; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Verheyen, Kris; Wirth, Christian; Zavala, Miguel A.; Ampoorter, Evy; Baeten, Lander; Barbaro, Luc; Bastias, Cristina C.; Bauhus, Jürgen; Benavides, Raquel; Benneter, Adam; Bonal, Damien; Bouriaud, Olivier; Bruelheide, Helge; Bussotti, Filippo; Carnol, Monique; Castagneyrol, Bastien; ... (2018). Continental mapping of forest ecosystem functions reveals a high but unrealised potential for forest multifunctionality. Ecology Letters, 21(1), pp. 31-42. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/ele.12868

Meyer, Sebastian T.; Ptacnik, Robert; Hillebrand, Helmut; Bessler, Holger; Buchmann, Nina; Ebeling, Anne; Eisenhauer, Nico; Engels, Christof; Fischer, Markus; Halle, Stefan; Klein, Alexandra-Maria; Oelmann, Yvonne; Roscher, Christiane; Rottstock, Tanja; Scherber, Christoph; Scheu, Stefan; Schmid, Bernhard; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Temperton, Vicky M.; Tscharntke, Teja; ... (2018). Biodiversity–multifunctionality relationships depend on identity and number of measured functions. Nature ecology & evolution, 2(1), pp. 44-49. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41559-017-0391-4

Busch, Verena; Klaus, Valentin H.; Penone, Caterina; Schäfer, Deborah; Boch, Steffen; Prati, Daniel; Müller, Jörg; Socher, Stephanie A.; Niinemets, Ülo; Peñuelas, Josep; Hölzel, Norbert; Fischer, Markus; Kleinebecker, Till (2018). Nutrient stoichiometry and land use rather than species richness determine plant functional diversity. Ecology and evolution, 8(1), pp. 601-616. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10.1002/ece3.3609

Ensslin, Andreas; Mollel, Neduvoto P.; Hemp, Andreas; Fischer, Markus (2018). Elevational transplantation suggests different responses of African submontane and savanna plants to climate warming. Journal of Ecology, 106(1), pp. 296-305. Blackwell 10.1111/1365-2745.12842

Holt, Ben G.; Costa, Gabriel C.; Penone, Caterina; Lessard, Jean-Philippe; Brooks, Thomas M.; Davidson, Ana D.; Blair Hedges, S.; Radeloff, Volker C.; Rahbek, Carsten; Rondinini, Carlo; Graham, Catherine H. (2018). Environmental variation is a major predictor of global trait turnover in mammals. Journal of Biogeography, 45(1), pp. 225-237. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/jbi.13091

Molina-Venegas, Rafael; Aparicio, Abelardo; Lavergne, Sébastien; Arroyo, Juan (2018). Soil conditions drive changes in a key leaf functional trait through environmental filtering and facilitative interactions. Acta oecologica, 86, pp. 1-8. Elsevier 10.1016/j.actao.2017.11.008

Schall, Peter; Gossner, Martin M.; Heinrichs, Steffi; Fischer, Markus; Boch, Steffen; Prati, Daniel; Jung, Kirsten; Baumgartner, Vanessa; Blaser, Stefan; Böhm, Stefan; Buscot, François; Daniel, Rolf; Goldmann, Kezia; Kaiser, Kristin; Kahl, Tiemo; Lange, Markus; Müller, Jörg; Overmann, Jörg; Renner, Swen C.; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; ... (2018). The impact of even-aged and uneven-aged forest management on regional biodiversity of multiple taxa in European beech forests. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55(1), pp. 267-278. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/1365-2664.12950

Stampfli, Andreas; Bloor, Juliette M. G.; Fischer, Markus; Zeiter, Michaela (2018). High land-use intensity exacerbates shifts in grassland vegetation composition after severe experimental drought. Global Change Biology, 24(5), pp. 2021-2034. Blackwell Science 10.1111/gcb.14046

Razanajatovo, Mialy Harindra; Föhr, Christine; van Kleunen, Mark; Fischer, Markus (2018). Phenological shifts and flower visitation of 185 lowland and alpine species in a lowland botanical garden. Alpine Botany, 128(1), pp. 23-33. Springer 10.1007/s00035-018-0201-x

Sorkau, Elisabeth; Boch, Steffen; Boeddinghaus, Runa S.; Bonkowski, Michael; Fischer, Markus; Kandeler, Ellen; Klaus, Valentin H.; Kleinebecker, Till; Marhan, Sven; Müller, Jörg; Prati, Daniel; Schöning, Ingo; Schrumpf, Marion; Weinert, Jan; Oelmann, Yvonne (2018). The role of soil chemical properties, land use and plant diversity for microbial phosphorus in forest and grassland soils. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 181(2), pp. 185-197. Wiley-VCH 10.1002/jpln.201700082

Slik, J. W. Ferry; Franklin, Janet; Arroyo-Rodríguez, Víctor; Field, Richard; Aguilar, Salomon; Aguirre, Nikolay; Ahumada, Jorge; Aiba, Shin-Ichiro; Alves, Luciana F.; K, Anitha; Avella, Andres; Mora, Francisco; Aymard C., Gerardo A.; Báez, Selene; Balvanera, Patricia; Bastian, Meredith L.; Bastin, Jean-François; Bellingham, Peter J.; van den Berg, Eduardo; da Conceição Bispo, Polyanna; ... (2018). Phylogenetic classification of the world’s tropical forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 115(8), pp. 1837-1842. National Academy of Sciences NAS 10.1073/pnas.1714977115

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Johnson, Scott N.; Züst, Tobias (2018). Climate Change and Insect Pests: Resistance Is Not Futile? Trends in Plant Science, 23(5), pp. 367-369. Elsevier Current Trends 10.1016/j.tplants.2018.03.001

Manzanedo, Rubén D.; Ballesteros-Canovas, Juan; Schenk, Floris; Stoffel, Markus; Fischer, Markus; Allan, Eric (2018). Increase in CO2 concentration could alter the response of Hedera helix to climate change. Ecology and evolution, 8(16), pp. 8598-8606. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10.1002/ece3.4388

Boch, Steffen; Müller, Jörg; Prati, Daniel; Fischer, Markus (2018). Low-intensity management promotes bryophyte diversity in grasslands. Tuexenia, 38, pp. 311-328. Floristisch-soziologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft e.V. (FlorSoz) 10.14471/2018.38.014

Payne, Davnah Ruth; Spehn, Eva M; Snethlage, Mark; Fischer, Markus (2017). Opportunities for research on mountain biodiversity under global change. Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 29, pp. 40-47. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cosust.2017.11.001

Ensslin, Andreas; Van de Vyver, Ann; Vanderborght, Thierry; Godefroid, Sandrine; James, Jeremy (2017). Ex situ cultivation entails high risk of seed dormancy loss on short-lived wild plant species. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55(3), pp. 1145-1154. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/1365-2664.13057

Trogisch, Stefan; Schuldt, Andreas; Bauhus, Jürgen; Blum, Juliet A.; Both, Sabine; Buscot, François; Castro-Izaguirre, Nadia; Chesters, Douglas; Durka, Walter; Eichenberg, David; Erfmeier, Alexandra; Fischer, Markus; Geißler, Christian; Germany, Markus S.; Goebes, Philipp; Gutknecht, Jessica; Hahn, Christoph Zacharias; Haider, Sylvia; Härdtle, Werner; He, Jin-Sheng; ... (2017). Toward a methodical framework for comprehensively assessing forest multifunctionality. Ecology and evolution, 7(24), pp. 10652-10674. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10.1002/ece3.3488

Yan, Juan; Song, Zhihong; Xu, Qin; Kang, Lifang; Zhu, Caiyun; Xing, Shilai; Liu, Wei; Greimler, Josef; Züst, Tobias; Li, Jianqiang; Sang, Tao (2017). Population transcriptomic characterization of the genetic and expression variation of a candidate progenitor of Miscanthus energy crops. Molecular Ecology, 26(21), pp. 5911-5922. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/mec.14338

Ratcliffe, Sophia; Wirth, Christian; Jucker, Tommaso; van der Plas, Fons; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Verheyen, Kris; Allan, Eric; Benavides, Raquel; Bruelheide, Helge; Ohse, Bettina; Paquette, Alain; Ampoorter, Evy; Bastias, Cristina C.; Bauhus, Jürgen; Bonal, Damien; Bouriaud, Olivier; Bussotti, Filippo; Carnol, Monique; Castagneyrol, Bastien; Chećko, Ewa; ... (2017). Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning relations in European forests depend on environmental context. Ecology Letters, 20(11), pp. 1414-1426. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/ele.12849

Schrama, Maarten; van der Plas, Fons; Berg, Matty P.; Olff, Han (2017). Decoupled diversity dynamics in green and brown webs during primary succession in a salt marsh. Journal of animal ecology, 86(1), pp. 158-169. Blackwell 10.1111/1365-2656.12602

Bergmann, Joana; Ryo, Masahiro; Prati, Daniel; Hempel, Stefan; Rillig, Matthias C. (2017). Root traits are more than analogues of leaf traits: the case for diaspore mass. New Phytologist, 216(4), pp. 1130-1139. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/nph.14748

Völler, Eva; Bossdorf, Oliver; Prati, Daniel; Auge, Harald (2017). Evolutionary responses to land use in eight common grassland plants. Journal of Ecology, 105(5), pp. 1290-1297. Blackwell 10.1111/1365-2745.12746

Jochum, Malte; Barnes, Andrew D.; Weigelt, Patrick; Ott, David; Rembold, Katja; Farajallah, Achmad; Brose, Ulrich (2017). Resource stoichiometry and availability modulate species richness and biomass of tropical litter macro-invertebrates. Journal of animal ecology, 86(5), pp. 1114-1123. Wiley 10.1111/1365-2656.12695

Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Roscher, Christiane; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Ebeling, Anne; Luo, Guangjuan; Allan, Eric; Bessler, Holger; Barnard, Romain L.; Buchmann, Nina; Buscot, François; Engels, Christof; Fischer, Christine; Fischer, Markus; Gessler, Arthur; Gleixner, Gerd; Halle, Stefan; Hildebrandt, Anke; Hillebrand, Helmut; de Kroon, Hans; Lange, Markus; ... (2017). Biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning in a 15-year grassland experiment: Patterns, mechanisms, and open questions. Basic and applied ecology, 23, pp. 1-73. Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2017.06.002

Barnes, Andrew D.; Allen, Kara; Kreft, Holger; Corre, Marife D.; Jochum, Malte; Veldkamp, Edzo; Clough, Yann; Daniel, Rolf; Darras, Kevin; Denmead, Lisa H.; Farikhah Haneda, Noor; Hertel, Dietrich; Knohl, Alexander; Kotowska, Martyna M.; Kurniawan, Syahrul; Meijide, Ana; Rembold, Katja; Edho Prabowo, Walesa; Schneider, Dominik; Tscharntke, Teja; ... (2017). Direct and cascading impacts of tropical land-use change on multi-trophic biodiversity. Nature ecology & evolution, 1(10), pp. 1511-1519. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41559-017-0275-7

Brum, Fernanda T.; Graham, Catherine H.; Costa, Gabriel C.; Hedges, S. Blair; Penone, Caterina; Radeloff, Volker C.; Rondinini, Carlo; Loyola, Rafael; Davidson, Ana D. (2017). Global priorities for conservation across multiple dimensions of mammalian diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 114(29), pp. 7641-7646. National Academy of Sciences NAS 10.1073/pnas.1706461114

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Regan, Kathleen; Stempfhuber, Barbara; Schloter, Michael; Rasche, Frank; Prati, Daniel; Philippot, Laurent; Boeddinghaus, Runa S.; Kandeler, Ellen; Marhan, Sven (2017). Spatial and temporal dynamics of nitrogen fixing, nitrifying and denitrifying microbes in an unfertilized grassland soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 109, pp. 214-226. Elsevier 10.1016/j.soilbio.2016.11.011

Roeder, Anna; Schweingruber, Fritz Hans; Fischer, Markus; Roscher, Christiane (2017). Growth ring analysis of multiple dicotyledonous herb species—A novel community-wide approach. Basic and applied ecology, 21, pp. 23-33. Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2017.05.001

Pena, Rodica; Lang, Christa; Lohaus, Gertrud; Boch, Steffen; Schall, Peter; Schöning, Ingo; Ammer, Christian; Fischer, Markus; Polle, Andrea (2017). Phylogenetic and functional traits of ectomycorrhizal assemblages in top soil from different biogeographic regions and forest types. Mycorrhiza, 27(3), pp. 233-245. Springer 10.1007/s00572-016-0742-z

Körner, Christian; Jetz, Walter; Paulsen, Jens; Payne, Davnah Ruth; Rudmann-Maurer, Katrin; Spehn, Eva Maria (2017). A global inventory of mountains for bio-geographical applications. Alpine Botany, 127(1), pp. 1-15. Springer 10.1007/s00035-016-0182-6

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Züst, Tobias; Agrawal, Anurag A. (2017). Plant chemical defense indirectly mediates aphid performance via interactions with tending ants. Ecology, 98(3), pp. 601-607. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecy.1707

Hahn, Christoph Z.; Michalski, Stefan G.; Fischer, Markus; Durka, Walter (2017). Genetic diversity and differentiation follow secondary succession in a multi-species study on woody plants from subtropical China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 10(1), pp. 213-221. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jpe/rtw054

Zeng, Xueqin; Durka, Walter; Fischer, Markus (2017). Species-specific effects of genetic diversity and species diversity of experimental communities on early tree performance. Journal of Plant Ecology, 10(1), pp. 252-258. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jpe/rtw108

Scholten, Thomas; Goebes, Philipp; Kühn, Peter; Seitz, Steffen; Assmann, Thorsten; Bauhus, Jürgen; Bruelheide, Helge; Buscot, Francois; Erfmeier, Alexandra; Fischer, Markus; Härdtle, Werner; He, Jin-Sheng; Ma, Keping; Niklaus, Pascal A.; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Schmid, Bernhard; Shi, Xuezheng; Song, Zhengshan; von Oheimb, Goddert; Wirth, Christian; ... (2017). On the combined effect of soil fertility and topography on tree growth in subtropical forest ecosystems—a study from SE China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 10(1), pp. 111-127. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jpe/rtw065

Zeng, Xueqin; Durka, Walter; Welk, Erik; Fischer, Markus (2017). Heritability of early growth traits and their plasticity in 14 woody species of Chinese subtropical forest. Journal of Plant Ecology, 10(1), pp. 222-231. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jpe/rtw086

Hahn, Christoph Z.; Niklaus, Pascal A.; Bruelheide, Helge; Michalski, Stefan G.; Shi, Miaomiao; Yang, Xuefei; Zeng, Xueqin; Fischer, Markus; Durka, Walter (2017). Opposing intraspecific vs. interspecific diversity effects on herbivory and growth in subtropical experimental tree assemblages. Journal of Plant Ecology, 10(1), pp. 242-251. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jpe/rtw098

Janzen, Thijs; Alzate, Adriana; Muschick, Moritz; Maan, Martine E.; van der Plas, Fons; Etienne, Rampal S. (2017). Community assembly in Lake Tanganyika cichlid fish: quantifying the contributions of both niche-based and neutral processes. Ecology and evolution, 7(4), pp. 1057-1067. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10.1002/ece3.2689

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Simons, Nadja K.; Lewinsohn, Thomas; Blüthgen, Nico; Buscot, François; Boch, Steffen; Daniel, Rolf; Gossner, Martin M.; Jung, Kirsten; Kaiser, Kristin; Müller, Jörg; Prati, Daniel; Renner, Swen C.; Socher, Stephanie A.; Sonnemann, Ilja; Weiner, Christiane N.; Werner, Michael; Wubet, Tesfaye; Wurst, Susanne; Weisser, Wolfgang W. (2017). Contrasting effects of grassland management modes on species-abundance distributions of multiple groups. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 237, pp. 143-153. Elsevier 10.1016/j.agee.2016.12.022

Hemp, Andreas; Zimmermann, Reiner; Remmele, Sabine; Pommer, Ulf; Berauer, Bernd; Hemp, Claudia; Fischer, Markus (2017). Africa’s highest mountain harbours Africa’s tallest trees. Biodiversity and conservation, 26(1), pp. 103-113. Springer 10.1007/s10531-016-1226-3

van der Plas, Fons; van Klink, Roel; Manning, Pete; Olff, Han; Fischer, Markus (2017). Sensitivity of functional diversity metrics to sampling intensity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8(9), pp. 1072-1080. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/2041-210X.12728

Hunter, Malcolm L.; Acuña, Vicenç; Bauer, Dana Marie; Bell, Kathleen P.; Calhoun, Aram J.K.; Felipe Lucia, María R.; Fitzsimons, James A.; González, Eduardo; Kinnison, Michael; Lindenmayer, David; Lundquist, Carolyn J.; Medellin, Rodrigo A.; Nelson, Erik J.; Poschlod, Peter (2017). Conserving small natural features with large ecological roles: A synthetic overview. Biological conservation, 211, pp. 88-95. Elsevier 10.1016/j.biocon.2016.12.020

Rottstock, Tanja; Kummer, Volker; Fischer, Markus; Joshi, Jasmin (2017). Rapid transgenerational effects in Knautia arvensis in response to plant community diversity. Journal of Ecology, 105(3), pp. 714-725. Wiley 10.1111/1365-2745.12689

Jochum, Malte; Barnes, Andrew D.; Ott, David; Lang, Birgit; Klarner, Bernhard; Farajallah, Achmad; Scheu, Stefan; Brose, Ulrich (2017). Decreasing Stoichiometric Resource Quality Drives Compensatory Feeding across Trophic Levels in Tropical Litter Invertebrate Communities. The American naturalist, 190(1), pp. 131-143. University of Chicago Press 10.1086/691790

Schmidt, Lisanna; Fischer, Markus; Schmid, Bernhard; Oja, Tatjana (2017). Despite admixing two closely related Carex species differ in their regional morphological differentiation. Plant systematics and evolution, 303(7), pp. 901-914. Springer 10.1007/s00606-017-1420-0

van Klink, Roel; Boch, Steffen; Buri, Pierrick; Rieder, Nora Simone; Humbert, Jean-Yves; Arlettaz, Raphaël (2017). No detrimental effects of delayed mowing or uncut grass refuges on plant and bryophyte community structure and phytomass production in low-intensity hay meadows. Basic and applied ecology, 20, pp. 1-9. Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2017.02.003

Mollel, Neduvoto Piniel; Fischer, Markus; Hemp, Andreas (2017). Usable wild plant species in relation to elevation and land use at Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Alpine Botany, 127(2), pp. 145-154. Springer 10.1007/s00035-017-0187-9

Scrine, Jennifer; Jochum, Malte; Ólafsson, Jón S.; O'Gorman, Eoin J. (2017). Interactive effects of temperature and habitat complexity on freshwater communities. Ecology and evolution, 7(22), pp. 9333-9346. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10.1002/ece3.3412

Gilhaus, Kristin; Boch, Steffen; Fischer, Markus; Hoelzel, Norbert; Kleinebecker, Till; Prati, Daniel; Rupprecht, Denise; Schmitt, Barbara; Klaus, Valentin H. (2017). Grassland management in Germany: effects on plant diversity and vegetation composition. Tuexenia, 37, pp. 379-397. Floristisch-soziologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft e.V. (FlorSoz) 10.14471/2017.37.010

Vandevelde, J.-C.; Penone, C. (2017). Ecological Roles of Railway Verges in Anthropogenic Landscapes: A Synthesis of Five Case Studies in Northern France. In: Borda-de-Água, Luís; Barrientos, Rafael; Beja, Pedro; Pereira, Henrique Miguel (eds.) Railway Ecology (pp. 261-276). Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-319-57496-7_16

Nakhutsrishvili, George; Abdaladze, Otar; Batsatsashvili, Ketevan; Spehn, Eva; Körner, Christian (eds.) (2017). Plant Diversity in the Central Great Caucasus: A Quantitative Assessment. Geobotany Studies. Cham: Springer International Publishing 10.1007/978-3-319-55777-9

Peters, Marcell K.; Hemp, Andreas; Appelhans, Tim; Behler, Christina; Classen, Alice; Detsch, Florian; Ensslin, Andreas; Ferger, Stefan W.; Frederiksen, Sara B.; Gebert, Friederike; Haas, Michael; Helbig-Bonitz, Maria; Hemp, Claudia; Kindeketa, William J.; Mwangomo, Ephraim; Ngereza, Christine; Otte, Insa; Röder, Juliane; Rutten, Gemma; Schellenberger Costa, David; ... (2016). Predictors of elevational biodiversity gradients change from single taxa to the multi-taxa community level. Nature communications, 7(13736), p. 13736. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/ncomms13736

Gossner, Martin M.; Lewinsohn, Thomas M.; Kahl, Tiemo; Grassein, Fabrice; Boch, Steffen; Prati, Daniel; Birkhofer, Klaus; Renner, Swen C.; Sikorski, Johannes; Wubet, Tesfaye; Arndt, Hartmut; Baumgartner, Vanessa; Blaser, Stefan; Blüthgen, Nico; Börschig, Carmen; Buscot, Francois; Diekötter, Tim; Jorge, Leonardo Ré; Jung, Kirsten; Keyel, Alexander C.; ... (2016). Land-use intensification causes multitrophic homogenization of grassland communities. Nature, 540(7632), pp. 266-269. Macmillan Journals Ltd. 10.1038/nature20575

Prati, Daniel; Peintinger, Markus; Fischer, Markus (2016). Genetic composition, genetic diversity, and small-scale environmental variation matter for the experimental reintroduction of a rare plant. Journal of Plant Ecology, 9(6), pp. 805-813. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jpe/rtv067

Veron, Simon; Penone, Caterina; Clergeau, Philippe; Costa, Gabriel C.; Oliveira, Brunno F.; São-Pedro, Vinícius A.; Pavoine, Sandrine (2016). Integrating data-deficient species in analyses of evolutionary history loss. Ecology and evolution, 6(23), pp. 8502-8514. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10.1002/ece3.2390

Purahong, Witoon; Durka, Walter; Fischer, Markus; Dommert, Sven; Schöps, Ricardo; Buscot, François; Wubet, Tesfaye (2016). Tree species, tree genotypes and tree genotypic diversity levels affect microbe-mediated soil ecosystem functions in a subtropical forest. Scientific Reports, 6(36672), p. 36672. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/srep36672

Liang, J.; Crowther, T. W.; Picard, N.; Wiser, S.; Zhou, M.; Alberti, G.; Schulze, E.-D.; McGuire, A. D.; Bozzato, F.; Pretzsch, H.; de-Miguel, S.; Paquette, A.; Herault, B.; Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Barrett, C. B.; Glick, H. B.; Hengeveld, G. M.; Nabuurs, G.-J.; Pfautsch, S.; Viana, H.; ... (2016). Positive biodiversity-productivity relationship predominant in global forests. Science, 354(6309), aaf8957. American Association for the Advancement of Science 10.1126/science.aaf8957

Klaus, Valentin H.; Hölzel, Norbert; Prati, Daniel; Schmitt, Barbara; Schöning, Ingo; Schrumpf, Marion; Solly, Emily F.; Hänsel, Falk; Fischer, Markus; Kleinebecker, Till (2016). Plant diversity moderates drought stress in grasslands: Implications from a large real-world study on 13C natural abundances. Science of the total environment, 566-567, pp. 215-222. Elsevier 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.05.008

Parepa, Madalin; Bossdorf, Oliver (2016). Testing for allelopathy in invasive plants: it all depends on the substrate! Biological invasions, 18(10), pp. 2975-2982. Kluwer 10.1007/s10530-016-1189-z

Liu, Yanjie; Dawson, Wayne; Prati, Daniel; Haeuser, Emily; Feng, Yanhao; van Kleunen, Mark (2016). Does greater specific leaf area plasticity help plants to maintain a high performance when shaded? Annals of Botany, 118(7), mcw180. Oxford University Press 10.1093/aob/mcw180

Boch, Steffen; Prati, Daniel; Fischer, Markus (2016). Gastropods slow down succession and maintain diversity in cryptogam communities. Ecology, 97(9), pp. 2184-2191. Ecological Society of America 10.1002/ecy.1498

Zhang, Yuanye; Parepa, Madalin; Fischer, Markus; Bossdorf, Oliver (2016). Epigenetics of colonizing species? A study of Japanese knotweed in Central Europe. In: Barrett, Spencer C.H.; Colautti, Robert I.; Dlugosch, Katrina M.; Rieseberg, Loren H. (eds.) Invasion Genetics: The Baker and Stebbins Legacy (pp. 328-340). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell

Soliveres, Santiago; van der Plas, Fons; Manning, Peter; Prati, Daniel; Gossner, Martin M.; Renner, Swen C.; Alt, Fabian; Arndt, Hartmut; Baumgartner, Vanessa; Binkenstein, Julia; Birkhofer, Klaus; Blaser, Stefan; Blüthgen, Nico; Boch, Steffen; Böhm, Stefan; Börschig, Carmen; Buscot, Francois; Diekötter, Tim; Heinze, Johannes; Hölzel, Norbert; ... (2016). Biodiversity at multiple trophic levels is needed for ecosystem multifunctionality. Nature, 536(7617), pp. 456-459. Macmillan Journals Ltd. 10.1038/nature19092

Klaus, Valentin H.; Boch, Steffen; Boeddinghaus, Runa S.; Hölzel, Norbert; Kandeler, Ellen; Marhan, Sven; Oelmann, Yvonne; Prati, Daniel; Regan, Kathleen M.; Schmitt, Barbara; Sorkau, Elisabeth; Kleinebecker, Till (2016). Temporal and small-scale spatial variation in grassland productivity, biomass quality, and nutrient limitation. Plant Ecology, 217(7), pp. 843-856. Springer 10.1007/s11258-016-0607-8

Klaus, Valentin H.; Schäfer, Deborah; Kleinebecker, Till; Fischer, Markus; Prati, Daniel; Hölzel, Norbert (2016). Enriching plant diversity in grasslands by large-scale experimental sward disturbance and seed addition along gradients of land-use intensity. Journal of Plant Ecology, rtw062. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jpe/rtw062

van der Plas, Fons; Howison, Ruth A.; Mpanza, Nokukhanya; Cromsigt, Joris P. G. M.; Olff, Han (2016). Different-sized grazers have distinctive effects on plant functional composition of an African savannah. Journal of Ecology, 104(3), pp. 864-875. Blackwell 10.1111/1365-2745.12549

Isbell, Forest; Manning, Pete; Connolly, John; Bruelheide, Helge; Ebeling, Anne; Roscher, Christiane; van Ruijven, Jasper; Weigelt, Alexandra; Wilsey, Brian; Beierkuhnlein, Carl; de Luca, Enrica; Griffin, John N.; Hautier, Yann; Hector, Andy; Jentsch, Anke; Kreyling, Jürgen; Lanta, Vojtech; Loreau, Michel; Meyer, Sebastian T.; Mori, Akira S.; ... (2016). Plant diversity effects on grassland productivity are robust to both nutrient enrichment and drought. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society. Series B - biological sciences, 371(1694) Royal Society of London 10.1098/rstb.2015.0277

Soliveres, Santiago; Manning, Peter; Prati, Daniel; Gossner, Martin M.; Alt, Fabian; Arndt, Hartmut; Baumgartner, Vanessa; Binkenstein, Julia; Birkhofer, Klaus; Blaser, Stefan; Blüthgen, Nico; Boch, Steffen; Böhm, Stefan; Börschig, Carmen; Buscot, Francois; Diekötter, Tim; Heinze, Johannes; Hölzel, Norbert; Jung, Kirsten; Klaus, Valentin H.; ... (2016). Locally rare species influence grassland ecosystem multifunctionality. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society. Series B - biological sciences, 371(1694), p. 20150269. Royal Society of London 10.1098/rstb.2015.0269

Dostál, Petr; Fischer, Markus; Prati, Daniel (2016). Phenotypic plasticity is a negative, though weak, predictor of the commonness of 105 grassland species. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25(4), pp. 464-474. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/geb.12429

van der Plas, Fons; Manning, Pete; Soliveres, Santiago; Allan, Eric; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Verheyen, Kris; Wirth, Christian; Zavala, Miguel A.; Ampoorter, Evy; Baeten, Lander; Barbaro, Luc; Bauhus, Jürgen; Benavides, Raquel; Benneter, Adam; Bonal, Damien; Bouriaud, Olivier; Bruelheide, Helge; Bussotti, Filippo; Carnol, Monique; Castagneyrol, Bastien; ... (2016). Biotic homogenization can decrease landscape-scale forest multifunctionality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 113(13), pp. 3557-3562. National Academy of Sciences NAS 10.1073/pnas.1517903113

van der Plas, Fons; Manning, Peter; Allan, Eric; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Verheyen, Kris; Wirth, Christian; Zavala, Miguel A.; Hector, Andy; Ampoorter, Evy; Baeten, Lander; Barbaro, Luc; Bauhus, Jürgen; Benavides, Raquel; Benneter, Adam; Berthold, Felix; Bonal, Damien; Bouriaud, Olivier; Bruelheide, Helge; Bussotti, Filippo; Carnol, Monique; ... (2016). Jack-of-all-trades effects drive biodiversity–ecosystem multifunctionality relationships in European forests. Nature communications, 7, p. 11109. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/ncomms11109

Blüthgen, Nico; Simons, Nadja K.; Jung, Kirsten; Prati, Daniel; Renner, Swen C.; Boch, Steffen; Fischer, Markus; Hölzel, Norbert; Klaus, Valentin H.; Kleinebecker, Till; Tschapka, Marco; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Gossner, Martin M. (2016). Land use imperils plant and animal community stability through changes in asynchrony rather than diversity. Nature communications, 7, p. 10697. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/ncomms10697

Wang, Zhengwen; Bossdorf, Oliver; Prati, Daniel; Fischer, Markus; van Kleunen, Mark (2016). Transgenerational effects of land use on offspring performance and growth in Trifolium repens. Oecologia, 180(2), pp. 409-420. Springer 10.1007/s00442-015-3480-6

Boch, Steffen; Prati, Daniel; Schöning, Ingo; Fischer, Markus (2016). Lichen species richness is highest in non-intensively used grasslands promoting suitable microhabitats and low vascular plant competition. Biodiversity and conservation, 25(2), pp. 225-238. Springer 10.1007/s10531-015-1037-y

Züst, Tobias; Agrawal, Anurag A. (2016). Mechanisms and evolution of plant resistance to aphids. Nature Plants, 2(1), p. 15206. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/nplants.2015.206

Schwarz, Martin; Bischoff, Sebastian; Blaser, Stefan; Boch, Steffen; Grassein, Fabrice; Schmitt, Barbara; Klarner, Bernhard; Solly, Emily F.; Ammer, Christian; Michalzik, Beate; Schall, Peter; Scheu, Stefan; Schöning, Ingo; Schrumpf, Marion; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Siemens, Jan; Wilcke, Wolfgang (2016). Drivers of nitrogen leaching from organic layers in Central European beech forests. Plant and Soil, 403(1-2), pp. 343-360. Springer 10.1007/s11104-016-2798-0

Fry, Ellen L.; Manning, Peter; Macdonald, Catriona; Hasegawa, Shun; De Palma, Adriana; Power, Sally A.; Singh, Brajesh K. (2016). Shifts in microbial communities do not explain the response of grassland ecosystem function to plant functional composition and rainfall change. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 92, pp. 199-210. Elsevier 10.1016/j.soilbio.2015.10.006

Boch, Steffen; Berlinger, Matthias; Prati, Daniel; Fischer, Markus (2016). Is fern endozoochory widespread among fern-eating herbivores? Plant Ecology, 217(1), pp. 13-20. Springer 10.1007/s11258-015-0554-9

De Boeck, Hans J.; Bassin, Seraina; Verlinden, Maya; Zeiter, Michaela; Hiltbrunner, Erika (2016). Simulated heat waves affected alpine grassland only in combination with drought. New Phytologist, 209(2), pp. 531-541. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/nph.13601

Navarro-Cerrillo, R.M.; Sánchez-Salguero, R.; Herrera, R.; Ceacero Ruiz, C.J.; Moreno-Rojas, J.M.; Delgado Manzanedo, Ruben; López-Quintanilla, J. (2016). Contrasting growth and water use efficiency after thinning in mixed Abies pinsapo–Pinus pinaster–Pinus sylvestris forests. Journal of Forest Science, 62(2), pp. 53-64. Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences 10.17221/104/2015-JFS

Palomo, Ignacio; Felipe-Lucia, Maria R.; Bennett, Elena M.; Martín-López, Berta; Pascual, Unai (2016). Disentangling the Pathways and Effects of Ecosystem Service Co-Production. In: Woodward, Guy; Bohan, David (eds.) Ecosystem Services: From Biodiversity to Society, Part 2. Advances in Ecological Research: Vol. 54 (pp. 245-283). Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/bs.aecr.2015.09.003

Dostál, Petr; Fischer, Markus; Chytrý, Milan; Prati, Daniel (2016). No evidence for larger leaf trait plasticity in ecological generalists compared to specialists. Journal of Biogeography, 44(3), pp. 511-521. Wiley 10.1111/jbi.12881

Boch, Steffen; Fischer, Markus; Prati, Daniel (2015). To eat or not to eat—relationship of lichen herbivory by snails with secondary compounds and field frequency of lichens. Journal of Plant Ecology, 8(6), pp. 642-650. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jpe/rtv005

Marcus, Tamar; Boch, Steffen; Durka, Walter; Fischer, Markus; Gossner, Martin M.; Müller, Jörg; Schöning, Ingo; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Drees, Claudia; Assmann, Thorsten; Paiva, Samuel Rezende (2015). Living in Heterogeneous Woodlands – Are Habitat Continuity or Quality Drivers of Genetic Variability in a Flightless Ground Beetle? PLoS ONE, 10(12), e0144217. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0144217

Thakur, Madhav Prakash; Milcu, Alexandru; Manning, Pete; Niklaus, Pascal A.; Roscher, Christiane; Power, Sally; Reich, Peter B.; Scheu, Stefan; Tilman, David; Ai, Fuxun; Guo, Hongyan; Ji, Rong; Pierce, Sarah; Ramirez, Nathaly Guerrero; Richter, Annabell Nicola; Steinauer, Katja; Strecker, Tanja; Vogel, Anja; Eisenhauer, Nico (2015). Plant diversity drives soil microbial biomass carbon in grasslands irrespective of global environmental change factors. Global Change Biology, 21(11), pp. 4076-4085. Blackwell Science 10.1111/gcb.13011

Kempel, Anne; Razanajatovo, Mialy Harindra; Stein, Claudia; Unsicker, Sybille B.; Auge, Harald; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Fischer, Markus; Prati, Daniel (2015). Herbivore preference drives plant community composition. Ecology, 96(11), pp. 2923-2934. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/14-2125.1

Isbell, Forest; Craven, Dylan; Connolly, John; Loreau, Michel; Schmid, Bernhard; Beierkuhnlein, Carl; Bezemer, T. Martijn; Bonin, Catherine; Bruelheide, Helge; de Luca, Enrica; Ebeling, Anne; Griffin, John N.; Guo, Qinfeng; Hautier, Yann; Hector, Andy; Jentsch, Anke; Kreyling, Jürgen; Lanta, Vojtěch; Manning, Pete; Meyer, Sebastian T.; ... (2015). Biodiversity increases the resistance of ecosystem productivity to climate extremes. Nature, 526(7574), pp. 574-577. Macmillan Journals Ltd. 10.1038/nature15374

Lopez, Lua; Barreiro, Rodolfo; Fischer, Markus; Koch, Marcus A. (2015). Mining microsatellite markers from public expressed sequence tags databases for the study of threatened plants. BMC Genomics, 16(1), pp. 1-14. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12864-015-2031-1

Manning, Peter; de Vries, Franciska T.; Tallowin, Jerry R. B.; Smith, Roger; Mortimer, Simon R.; Pilgrim, Emma S.; Harrison, Kate A.; Wright, Daniel G.; Quirk, Helen; Benson, Joseph; Shipley, Bill; Cornelissen, Johannes H. C.; Kattge, Jens; Bönisch, Gerhard; Wirth, Christian; Bardgett, Richard D.; Wilsey, Brian (2015). Simple measures of climate, soil properties and plant traits predict national-scale grassland soil carbon stocks. Journal of Applied Ecology, 52(5), pp. 1188-1196. Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/1365-2664.12478

Rutten, Gemma; Ensslin, Andreas; Hemp, Andreas; Fischer, Markus; Silva, Lucas C.R. (2015). Vertical and Horizontal Vegetation Structure across Natural and Modified Habitat Types at Mount Kilimanjaro. PLoS ONE, 10(9), e0138822. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0138822

Crowther, T. W.; Glick, H. B.; Covey, K. R.; Bettigole, C.; Maynard, D. S.; Thomas, S. M.; Smith, J. R.; Hintler, G.; Duguid, M. C.; Amatulli, G.; Tuanmu, M.-N.; Jetz, W.; Salas, C.; Stam, C.; Piotto, D.; Tavani, R.; Green, S.; Bruce, G.; Williams, S. J.; Wiser, S. K.; ... (2015). Mapping tree density at a global scale. Nature, 525(7568), pp. 201-205. Macmillan Journals Ltd. 10.1038/nature14967

Buse, Jörn; Boch, Steffen; Hilgers, Jörg; Griebeler, Eva Maria (2015). Conservation of threatened habitat types under future climate change – Lessons from plant-distribution models and current extinction trends in southern Germany. Journal for Nature Conservation, 27, pp. 18-25. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jnc.2015.06.001

Ruprecht, Eszter; Janišová, Monika; Sutcliffe, Laura; Boch, Steffen; Becker, Thomas (2015). Dry grasslands of Central-Eastern and South-Eastern Europe shaped by environmental heterogeneity and human land use – Editorial to the 10th Dry Grassland Special Feature. Tuexenia, 35, pp. 321-328. Floristisch-soziologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft e.V. (FlorSoz) 10.14471/2015.35.018

Allan, Eric; Manning, Peter; Alt, Fabian; Binkenstein, Julia; Blaser, Stefan; Blüthgen, Nico; Böhm, Stefan; Grassein, Fabrice; Hölzel, Norbert; Klaus, Valentin H.; Kleinebecker, Till; Morris, E. Kathryn; Oelmann, Yvonne; Prati, Daniel; Renner, Swen C.; Rillig, Matthias C.; Schaefer, Martin; Schloter, Michael; Schmitt, Barbara; Schöning, Ingo; ... (2015). Land use intensification alters ecosystem multifunctionality via loss of biodiversity and changes to functional composition. Ecology Letters, 18(8), pp. 834-843. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/ele.12469

Ensslin, Andreas; Fischer, Markus (2015). Variation in life-history traits and their plasticities to elevational transplantation among seed families suggests potential for adaptative evolution of 15 tropical plant species to climate change. American journal of botany, 102(8), pp. 1371-1379. Botanical Society of America 10.3732/ajb.1400518

Soliveres, Santiago; Maestre, Fernando T.; Ulrich, Werner; Manning, Peter; Boch, Steffen; Bowker, Matthew A.; Prati, Daniel; Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel; Quero, José L.; Schöning, Ingo; Gallardo, Antonio; Weisser, Wolfgang; Müller, Jörg; Socher, Stephanie; García-Gómez, Miguel; Ochoa, Victoria; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Fischer, Markus; Allan, Eric and Holyoak, Marcel (2015). Intransitive competition is widespread in plant communities and maintains their species richness. Ecology Letters, 18(8), pp. 790-798. WILEY 10.1111/ele.12456

Fraser, Lauchlan H.; Pither, Jason; Jentsch, Anke; Sternberg, Marcelo; Zobel, Martin; Askarizadeh, Diana; Bartha, Sandor; Beierkuhnlein, Carl; Bennett, Jonathan A.; Bittel, Alex; Boldgiv, Bazartseren; Boldrini, Ilsi I.; Bork, Edward; Brown, Leslie; Cabido, Marcelo; Cahill, James; Carlyle, Cameron N.; Campetella, Giandiego; Chelli, Stefano; Cohen, Ofer; ... (2015). Worldwide evidence of a unimodal relationship between productivity and plant species richness. Science, 349(6245), pp. 302-305. American Association for the Advancement of Science 10.1126/science.aab3916

Manning, Peter; Taylor, Gail; E. Hanley, Mick (2015). Bioenergy, Food Production and Biodiversity - An Unlikely Alliance? Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 7(4), pp. 570-576. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/gcbb.12173

Manning, Peter; Gossner, Martin M.; Bossdorf, Oliver; Allan, Eric; Zhang, Yuan-Ye; Prati, Daniel; Blüthgen, Nico; Boch, Steffen; Böhm, Stefan; Börschig, Carmen; Hölzel, Norbert; Jung, Kirsten; Klaus, Valentin H.; Klein, Alexandra Maria; Kleinebecker, Till; Krauss, Jochen; Lange, Markus; Müller, Jörg; Pašalić, Esther; Socher, Stephanie; ... (2015). Grassland management intensification weakens the associations among the diversities of multiple plant and animal taxa. Ecology, 96(6), pp. 1492-1501. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/14-1307.1

Keser, Lidewij; Visser, Eric J.W.; Dawson, Wayne; Song, Yao-Bin; Yu, Fei-Hai; Fischer, Markus; Dong, Ming; van Kleunen, Mark (2015). Herbaceous plant species invading natural areas tend to have stronger adaptive root foraging than other naturalized species. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6(273) Frontiers 10.3389/fpls.2015.00273

Mangels, Jule; Blüthgen, Nico; Frank, Kevin; Grassein, Fabrice; Hilpert, Andrea; Mody, Karsten (2015). Tree Species Composition and Harvest Intensity Affect Herbivore Density and Leaf Damage on Beech, Fagus sylvatica, in Different Landscape Contexts. PLoS ONE, 10(5), e0126140. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0126140

Fischer, Rico; Ensslin, Andreas; Rutten, Gemma Gerarda Petronella M.; Fischer, Markus; Schellenberger Costa, David; Kleyer, Michael; Hemp, Andreas; Paulick, Sebastian; Huth, Andreas (2015). Simulating Carbon Stocks and Fluxes of an African Tropical Montane Forest with an Individual-Based Forest Model. PLoS ONE, 10(4), e0123300. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0123300

Del Fabbro, Corina; Prati, Daniel (2015). Invasive plant species do not create more negative soil conditions for other plants than natives. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 17(2), 87 - 95. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ppees.2015.02.002

Müller, Jörg; Boch, Steffen; Blaser, Stefan; Fischer, Markus; Prati, Daniel (2015). Effects of forest management on bryophyte communities on deadwood. Nova Hedwigia, 100(3-4), pp. 423-438. Schweizerbart Science Publishers 10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2015/0242

Boch, Steffen; Fischer, Markus; Knop, Eva; Allan, Eric (2015). Endozoochory by slugs can increase bryophyte establishment and species richness. Oikos, 124(3), pp. 331-336. Blackwell 10.1111/oik.01536

Rutten, Gemma Gerarda Petronella M.; Ensslin, Andreas; Hemp, Andreas; Fischer, Markus (2015). Forest structure and composition of previously selectively logged and non-logged montane forests at Mt. Kilimanjaro. Forest Ecology and Management, 337, pp. 61-66. Elsevier 10.1016/j.foreco.2014.10.036

Razanajatovo, Mialy Harindra; Föhr, Christine; Fischer, Markus; Prati, Daniel; van Kleunen, Mark (2015). Non-naturalized alien plants receive fewer flower visits than naturalized and native plants in a Swiss botanical garden. Biological conservation, 182, pp. 109-116. Elsevier 10.1016/j.biocon.2014.11.043

Del Fabbro, Corina; Prati, Daniel (2015). The relative importance of immediate allelopathy and allelopathic legacy in invasive plant species. Basic and applied ecology, 16(1), 28 - 35. Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2014.10.007

Eldridge, David J.; Soliveres, Santiago (2015). Are shrubs really a sign of declining ecosystem function? Disentangling the myths and truths of woody encroachment in Australia. Australian Journal of Botany, 62(7), pp. 594-608. CSIRO PUBLISHING 10.1071/BT14137

Grassein, Fabrice; Lemauviel-Lavenant, Servane; Lavorel, Sandra; Bahn, Michael; Bardgett, Richard D.; Desclos-Theveniau, Marie; Laîné, Philippe (2015). Relationships between functional traits and inorganic nitrogen acquisition among eight contrasting European grass species. Annals of Botany, 115(1), pp. 107-115. Oxford University Press 10.1093/aob/mcu233

Ensslin, Andreas; Rutten, Gemma Gerarda Petronella M.; Pommer, Ulf; Zimmermann, Reiner; Hemp, Andreas; Fischer, Markus (2015). Effects of elevation and land use on the biomass of trees, shrubs and herbs at Mount Kilimanjaro. Ecosphere, 6(3), pp. 1-15. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/ES14-00492.1

Bradford, Mark A.; Wood, Stephen A.; Bardgett, Richard D.; Black, Helaina I. J.; Bonkowski, Michael; Eggers, Till; Grayston, Susan J.; Kandeler, Ellen; Manning, Peter; Setälä, Heikki; Jones, T. Hefin (2014). Reply to Byrnes et al.: Aggregation can obscure understanding of ecosystem multifunctionality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 111(51), E5491. National Academy of Sciences NAS 10.1073/pnas.1421203112

Ulrich, Werner; Soliveres, Santiago; Maestre, Fernando T.; Gotelli, Nicholas J.; Quero, José L.; Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel; Bowker, Matthew A.; Eldridge, David J.; Ochoa, Victoria; Gozalo, Beatriz; Valencia, Enrique; Berdugo, Miguel; Escolar, Cristina; García-Gómez, Miguel; Escudero, Adrián; Prina, Aníbal; Alfonso, Graciela; Arredondo, Tulio; Bran, Donaldo; Cabrera, Omar; ... (2014). Climate and soil attributes determine plant species turnover in global drylands. Journal of Biogeography, 41(12), pp. 2307-2319. Wiley 10.1111/jbi.12377

Müller, Jörg; Heinze, Johannes; Joshi, Jasmin; Boch, Steffen; Klaus, Valentin H.; Fischer, Markus; Prati, Daniel (2014). Influence of experimental soil disturbances on the diversity of plants in agricultural grasslands. Journal of Plant Ecology, 7(6), pp. 509-517. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jpe/rtt062

Lee, Mark A.; Manning, Peter; Walker, Catherine S.; Power, Sally A. (2014). Plant and arthropod community sensitivity to rainfall manipulation but not nitrogen enrichment in a successional grassland ecosystem. Oecologia, 176(4), pp. 1173-1185. Springer 10.1007/s00442-014-3077-5

Dawson, Wayne; Bottini, Annamaria; Fischer, Markus; van Kleunen, Mark; Knop, Eva (2014). Little evidence for release from herbivores as a driver of plant invasiveness from a multi-species herbivore-removal experiment. Oikos, 123(12), pp. 1509-1518. Blackwell 10.1111/oik.01485

Renner, Swen C.; Gossner, Martin M.; Kahl, Tiemo; Kalko, Elisabeth K. V.; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Fischer, Markus; Allan, Eric (2014). Temporal Changes in Randomness of Bird Communities across Central Europe. PLoS ONE, 9(11), e112347. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0112347

Berdugo, Miguel; Soliveres, Santiago; Maestre, Fernando T. (2014). Vascular Plants and Biocrusts Modulate How Abiotic Factors Affect Wetting and Drying Events in Drylands. Ecosystems, 17(7), pp. 1242-1256. Springer 10.1007/s10021-014-9790-4

Bradford, Mark A.; Wood, Stephen A.; Bardgett, Richard D.; Black, Helaina I. J.; Bonkowski, Michael; Eggers, Till; Grayston, Susan J.; Kandeler, Ellen; Manning, Peter; Setala, Heikki; Jones, T. Hefin (2014). Discontinuity in the responses of ecosystem processes and multifunctionality to altered soil community composition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 111(40), pp. 14478-14483. National Academy of Sciences NAS 10.1073/pnas.1413707111

Lange, Markus; Türke, Manfred; Pašalić, Esther; Boch, Steffen; Hessenmöller, Dominik; Müller, Jörg; Prati, Daniel; Socher, Stephanie; Fischer, Markus; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Gossner, Martin M. (2014). Effects of forest management on ground-dwelling beetles (Coleoptera; Carabidae, Staphylinidae) in Central Europe are mainly mediated by changes in forest structure. Forest Ecology and Management, 329, pp. 166-176. Elsevier 10.1016/j.foreco.2014.06.012

Simons, Nadja K.; Gossner, Martin M.; Lewinsohn, Thomas M.; Boch, Steffen; Lange, Markus; Müller, Jörg; Pašalić, Esther; Socher, Stephanie; Türke, Manfred; Fischer, Markus; Weisser, Wolfgang W. (2014). Resource-Mediated Indirect Effects of Grassland Management on Arthropod Diversity. PLoS ONE, 9(9), e107033. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0107033

Everwand, Georg; Fry, Ellen L.; Eggers, Till; Manning, Peter (2014). Seasonal Variation in the Capacity for Plant Trait Measures to Predict Grassland Carbon and Water Fluxes. Ecosystems, 17(6), pp. 1095-1108. Springer 10.1007/s10021-014-9779-z

Solly, Emily F.; Schöning, Ingo; Boch, Steffen; Kandeler, Ellen; Marhan, Sven; Michalzik, Beate; Müller, Jörg; Zscheischler, Jakob; Trumbore, SusanE.; Schrumpf, Marion (2014). Factors controlling decomposition rates of fine root litter in temperate forests and grasslands. Plant and Soil, 382(1-2), pp. 203-218. Springer 10.1007/s11104-014-2151-4

Imbert, E.; Wang, H.; Conchou, L.; Vincent, Hugo Christian; Talavera, M.; Schatz, B. (2014). Positive effect of the yellow morph on female reproductive success in the flower colour polymorphic Iris lutescens (Iridaceae), a deceptive species. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 27(9), pp. 1965-1974. Wiley 10.1111/jeb.12451

Jansen, Patrick A.; Visser, Marco D.; Wright, S. Joseph; Rutten, Gemma Gerarda Petronella M.; Muller-Landau, Helene C. (2014). Negative density dependence of seed dispersal and seedling recruitment in a Neotropical palm. Ecology Letters, 17(9), pp. 1111-1120. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/ele.12317

Morris, E. Kathryn; Caruso, Tancredi; Buscot, Francois; Fischer, Markus; Hancock, Christine; Maier, Tanja S.; Meiners, Torsten; Mueller, Caroline; Obermaier, Elisabeth; Prati, Daniel; Socher, Stephanie A.; Sonnemann, Ilja; Waeschke, Nicole; Wubet, Tesfaye; Wurst, Susanne; Rillig, Matthias C. (2014). Choosing and using diversity indices: insights for ecological applications from the German Biodiversity Exploratories. Ecology and evolution, 4(18), pp. 3514-3524. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10.1002/ece3.1155

Del Fabbro, Corina; Prati, Daniel (2014). Early responses of wild plant seedlings to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and pathogens. Basic and applied ecology, 15(6), 534 - 542. Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2014.08.004

Gossner, Martin M.; Pašalić, Esther; Lange, Markus; Lange, Patricia; Boch, Steffen; Hessenmöller, Dominik; Müller, Jörg; Socher, Stephanie; Fischer, Markus; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Weisser, Wolfgang W. (2014). Differential Responses of Herbivores and Herbivory to Management in Temperate European Beech. PLoS ONE, 9(8), e104876. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0104876

Rottstock, Tanja; Joshi, Jasmin; Kummer, Volker; Fischer, Markus (2014). Higher plant diversity promotes higher diversity of fungal pathogens, while it decreases pathogen infection per plant. Ecology, 95(7), pp. 1907-1917. Ecological Society of America 10.1890/13-2317.1

Navarro-Cerrillo, Rafael M.; Sanchez-Salguero, Raul; Delgado Manzanedo, Ruben; Julio Camarero, J.; Fernandez-Cancio, Angel (2014). Site and Age Condition the Growth Responses to Climate and Drought of Relict Pinus nigra subsp. salzmannii Populations in Southern Spain. Tree-ring research, 70(2), pp. 145-155. Tree-Ring Society with the cooperation of the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research 10.3959/1536-1098-70.2.145

Egorov, Eugen; Prati, Daniel; Durka, Walter; Michalski, Stefan; Fischer, Markus; Schmitt, Barbara; Blaser, Stefan; Braendle, Martin (2014). Does Land-Use Intensification Decrease Plant Phylogenetic Diversity in Local Grasslands? PLoS ONE, 9(7), e103252. 1160 BATTERY STREET, STE 100, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111 USA: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0103252

Del Fabbro, Corina; Güsewell, Sabine; Prati, Daniel (2014). Allelopathic effects of three plant invaders on germination of native species: a field study. Biological invasions, 16(5), pp. 1035-1042. Kluwer 10.1007/s10530-013-0555-3

Weiss, Lina; Pfestorf, Hans; May, Felix; Körner, Katrin; Boch, Steffen; Fischer, Markus; Müller, Jörg; Prati, Daniel; Socher, Stephanie A.; Jeltsch, Florian (2014). Grazing response patterns indicate isolation of semi-natural European grasslands. Oikos, 123(5), pp. 599-612. Blackwell 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2013.00957.x

Grassein, Fabrice; Lavorel, Sandra; Till-Bottraud, Irène (2014). The importance of biotic interactions and local adaptation for plant response to environmental changes: field evidence along an elevational gradient. Global Change Biology, 20(5), pp. 1452-1460. Blackwell Science 10.1111/gcb.12445

Bornand, Christophe Nathanael; Kery, Marc; Bueche, Lena; Fischer, Markus (2014). Hide-and-seek in vegetation: time-to-detection is an efficient design for estimating detectability and occurrence. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5(5), pp. 433-442. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/2041-210X.12171

Foesel, Baerbel U.; Naegele, Verena; Naether, Astrid; Wuest, Pia K.; Weinert, Jan; Bonkowski, Michael; Lohaus, Gertrud; Polle, Andrea; Alt, Fabian; Oelmann, Yvonne; Fischer, Markus; Friedrich, Michael W.; Overmann, Joerg (2014). Determinants of Acidobacteria activity inferred from the relative abundances of 16S rRNA transcripts in German grassland and forest soils. Environmental microbiology, 16(3), pp. 658-675. 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/1462-2920.12162

Regan, Kathleen M.; Nunan, Naoise; Boeddinghaus, Runa S.; Baumgartner, Vanessa; Berner, Doreen; Boch, Steffen; Oelmann, Yvonne; Overmann, Joerg; Prati, Daniel; Schloter, Michael; Schmitt, Barbara; Sorkau, Elisabeth; Steffens, Markus; Kandeler, Ellen; Marhan, Sven (2014). Seasonal controls on grassland microbial biogeography: Are they governed by plants, abiotic properties or both? Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 71, pp. 21-30. Elsevier 10.1016/j.soilbio.2013.12.024

Keser, Lidewij; Dawson, Wayne; Song, Yao-Bin; Yu, Fei‑Hai; Fischer, Markus; Dong, Ming; van Kleunen, Mark (2014). Invasive clonal plant species have a greater root-foraging plasticity than non-invasive ones. Oecologia, 174(3), pp. 1055-1064. Springer 10.1007/s00442-013-2829-y

Helbig-Bonitz, Maria; Rutten, Gemma Gerarda Petronella; Kalko, Elisabeth K. V. (2014). Fruit bats can disperse figs over different land-use types on Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. African Journal of Ecology, 52(1), pp. 122-125. Wiley 10.1111/aje.12090

Parepa, Madalin; Fischer, Markus; Krebs, Christine; Bossdorf, Oliver (2014). Hybridization increases invasive knotweed success. Evolutionary applications, 7(3), pp. 413-420. Wiley 10.1111/eva.12139

Latzel, Vít; Janecek, Stepan; Hajek, Tomas; Klimesova, Jitka (2014). Biomass and Stored Carbohydrate Compensation after Above-Ground Biomass Removal in a Perennial Herb: Does Environmental Productivity Play a Role? Folia Geobotanica, 49(1), pp. 17-29. Springer 10.1007/s12224-013-9162-4

Preukschas, Juliane; Zeiter, Michaela; Fischer, Markus; Stampfli, Andreas (2014). Biotic resistance to plant invasion in grassland: Does seed predation increase with resident plant diversity? Basic and applied ecology, 15(2), pp. 133-141. Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2014.01.004

Kleinebecker, Till; Hoelzel, Norbert; Prati, Daniel; Schmitt, Barbara; Fischer, Markus; Klaus, Valentin H. (2014). Evidence from the real world: N-15 natural abundances reveal enhanced nitrogen use at high plant diversity in Central European grasslands. Journal of Ecology, 102(2), pp. 456-465. Blackwell 10.1111/1365-2745.12202

Fischer, Markus; Boch, Steffen; Allan, Eric (2014). Neue Ergebnisse aus den Biodiversitäts-Exploratorien – Weniger ist mehr: Wer Grünland weniger intensiv und weniger gleichmässig nutzt, fördert die Gesamtdiversität. Senckenberg : Natur, Forschung, Museum, 144(3/4), pp. 98-101. Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung

Schwarz, Martin T.; Bischoff, Sebastian; Blaser, Stefan; Boch, Steffen; Schmitt, Barbara; Thieme, Lisa; Fischer, Markus; Michalzik, Beate; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Siemens, Jan; Wilcke, Wolfgang (2014). More efficient aboveground nitrogen use in more diverse Central European forest canopies. Forest Ecology and Management, 313, pp. 274-282. Elsevier 10.1016/j.foreco.2013.11.021

Allan, Eric; Bossdorf, Oliver; Dormann, Carsten F.; Prati, Daniel; Gossner, Martin M.; Tscharntke, Teja; Bluethgen, Nico; Bellach, Michaela; Birkhofer, Klaus; Boch, Steffen; Boehm, Stefan; Boerschig, Carmen; Chatzinotas, Antonis; Christ, Sabina; Daniel, Rolf; Diekoetter, Tim; Fischer, Christiane; Friedl, Thomas; Glaser, Karin; Hallmann, Christine; ... (2014). Interannual variation in land-use intensity enhances grassland multidiversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 111(1), pp. 308-313. National Academy of Sciences NAS 10.1073/pnas.1312213111

Latzel, Vít; Janecek, Stepán; Dolezal, Jirí; Klimesová, Jitka; Bossdorf, Oliver (2014). Adaptive transgenerational plasticity in the perennial Plantago lanceolata. Oikos, 123(1), pp. 41-46. Blackwell 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2013.00537.x

Herold, Nadine; Schoening, Ingo; Gutknecht, Jessica; Alt, Fabian; Boch, Steffen; Mueller, Jorg; Oelmann, Yvonne; Socher, Stephanie A.; Wilcke, Wolfgang; Wubet, Tesfaye; Schrumpf, Marion (2014). Soil property and management effects on grassland microbial communities across a latitudinal gradient in Germany. Applied Soil Ecology, 73, pp. 41-50. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apsoil.2013.07.009

van Kleunen, Mark; Dawson, Wayne; Bossdorf, Oliver; Fischer, Markus (2014). The more the merrier: Multi-species experiments in ecology. Basic and applied ecology, 15(1), pp. 1-9. Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2013.10.006

Bruelheide, Helge; Nadrowski, Karin; Assmann, Thorsten; Bauhus, Juergen; Both, Sabine; Buscot, Francois; Chen, Xiao-Yong; Ding, Bingyang; Durka, Walter; Erfmeier, Alexandra; Gutknecht, Jessica L. M.; Guo, Dali; Guo, Liang-Dong; Haerdtle, Werner; He, Jin-Sheng; Klein, Alexandra-Maria; Kuehn, Peter; Liang, Yu; Liu, Xiaojuan; Michalski, Stefan; ... (2014). Designing forest biodiversity experiments: general considerations illustrated by a new large experiment in subtropical China. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5(1), pp. 74-89. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/2041-210X.12126

Zeiter, Michaela; Preukschas, Juliane; Stampfli, Andreas (2014). Reprint of "Seed availability in hay meadows: Land-use intensification promotes seed rain but not the persistent seed bank''. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 182, pp. 88-95. Elsevier 10.1016/j.agee.2013.12.012

Fry, Ellen L.; Manning, Peter; Power, Sally A. (2014). Ecosystem functions are resistant to extreme changes to rainfall regimes in a mesotrophic grassland. Plant and Soil, 381(1-2), pp. 351-365. Springer 10.1007/s11104-014-2137-2

Sánchez-Salguero, Raúl; Julio Camarero, J.; Dobbertin, Matthias; Fernández-Cancio, Ángel; Vilà-Cabrera, Albert; Manzanedo, Rubén D.; Zavala, Miguel A.; Navarro-Cerrillo, Rafael M. (2013). Contrasting vulnerability and resilience to drought-induced decline of densely planted vs. natural rear-edge Pinus nigra forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 310, pp. 956-967. Elsevier 10.1016/j.foreco.2013.09.050

Luedtke, Bruntje; Moser, Isabelle; Santiago-Alarcon, Diego; Fischer, Markus; Kalko, Elisabeth K. V.; Schaefer, H. Martin; Suarez-Rubio, Marcela; Tschapka, Marco; Renner, Swen C. (2013). Associations of Forest Type, Parasitism and Body Condition of Two European Passerines, Fringilla coelebs and Sylvia atricapilla. PLoS ONE, 8(12), e81395. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0081395

Julio Camarero, J.; Manzanedo, Rubén D.; Sanchez-Salguero, Raúl; Navarro-Cerrillo, Rafael M. (2013). Growth response to climate and drought change along an aridity gradient in the southernmost Pinus nigra relict forests. Annals of forest science, 70(8), pp. 769-780. Springer 10.1007/s13595-013-0321-9

Boch, Steffen; Mueller, Joerg; Prati, Daniel; Blaser, Stefan; Fischer, Markus (2013). Up in the Tree - The Overlooked Richness of Bryophytes and Lichens in Tree Crowns. PLoS ONE, 8(12), e84913. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0084913

Latzel, Vít; Allan, Eric; Silveira, Amanda Bortolini; Colot, Vincent; Fischer, Markus; Bossdorf, Oliver (2013). Epigenetic diversity increases the productivity and stability of plant populations. Nature communications, 4(2875), pp. 1-7. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/ncomms3875

Legay, N; Grassein, Fabrice; Robson, TM; Personeni, E; Lavorel, S; Clément, JC (2013). Comparison of inorganic nitrogen uptake dynamics following snowmelt and at peak biomass in subalpine grasslands. Biogeosciences, 10(11), pp. 7631-7645. Copernicus Publications 10.5194/bg-10-7631-2013

Klaus, Valentin H.; Hoelzel, Norbert; Prati, Daniel; Schmitt, Barbara; Schoening, Ingo; Schrumpf, Marion; Fischer, Markus; Kleinebecker, Till (2013). Organic vs. Conventional Grassland Management: Do N-15 and C-13 Isotopic Signatures of Hay and Soil Samples Differ? PLoS ONE, 8(10), e78134. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0078134

Baeten, Lander; Verheyen, Kris; Wirth, Christian; Bruelheide, Helge; Bussotti, Filippo; Finer, Leena; Jaroszewicz, Bogdan; Selvi, Federico; Valladaresh, Fernando; Allan, Eric; Ampoorter, Evy; Auge, Harald; Avacariei, Daniel; Barbaro, Luc; Barnoaiea, Ionu; Bastias, Cristina C.; Bauhus, Jurgen; Beinhoff, Carsten; Benavides, Raquel; Benneter, Adam; ... (2013). A novel comparative research platform designed to determine the functional significance of tree species diversity in European forests. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 15(5), pp. 281-291. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ppees.2013.07.002

Klaus, Valentin H.; Kleinebecker, Till; Prati, Daniel; Gossner, Martin M.; Alt, Fabian; Boch, Steffen; Gockel, Sonja; Hemp, Andreas; Lange, Markus; Müller, Jörg; Oelmann, Yvonne; Pašalić, Esther; Renner, Swen C.; Socher, Stephanie; Türke, Manfred; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Fischer, Markus; Hölzel, Norbert (2013). Does organic grassland farming benefit plant and arthropod diversity at the expense of yield and soil fertility? Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 177, pp. 1-9. Elsevier 10.1016/j.agee.2013.05.019

Meyer, Annabel; Focks, Andreas; Radl, Viviane; Keil, Daniel; Welzl, Gerhard; Schöning, Ingo; Boch, Steffen; Marhan, Sven; Kandeler, Ellen; Schloter, Michael (2013). Different Land Use Intensities in Grassland Ecosystems Drive Ecology of Microbial Communities Involved in Nitrogen Turnover in Soil. PLoS ONE, 8(9), e73536. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0073536

Pedashenko, Hristo; Apostolova, Iva; Boch, Steffen; Ganeva, Anna; Janišová, Monika; Sopotlieva, Desislava; Todorova, Salza; Ünal, Aslan; Vassilev, Kiril; Velev, Nikolay; Dengler, Jürgen (2013). Dry grasslands of NW Bulgarian mountains: first insights into diversity, ecology and syntaxonomy. Tuexenia, 33, pp. 309-346. Göttingen: Floristisch-soziologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft e.V. (FlorSoz)

Boch, Steffen; Prati, Daniel; Müller, Jörg; Socher, Stephanie; Baumbach, Henryk; Buscot, François; Gockel, Sonja; Hemp, Andreas; Hessenmöller, Dominik; Kalko, Elisabeth K.V.; Linsenmair, K. Eduard; Pfeiffer, Simone; Pommer, Ulf; Schöning, Ingo; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Seilwinder, Claudia; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Wells, Konstans; Fischer, Markus (2013). High plant species richness indicates management-related disturbances rather than the conservation status of forests. Basic and applied ecology, 14(6), pp. 496-505. Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2013.06.001

Blattmann, Tamara; Boch, Steffen; Türke, Manfred; Knop, Eva (2013). Gastropod Seed Dispersal: An Invasive Slug Destroys Far More Seeds in Its Gut than Native Gastropods. PLoS ONE, 8(9), e75243. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0075243

Blaser, Stefan; Prati, Daniel; Senn-Irlet, Beatrice; Fischer, Markus (2013). Effects of forest management on the diversity of deadwood-inhabiting fungi in Central European forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 304, pp. 42-48. Elsevier 10.1016/j.foreco.2013.04.043

Kempel, Anne; Chrobock, Thomas; Fischer, Markus; Rohr, Rudolf Philippe; van Kleunen, Mark (2013). Determinants of plant establishment success in a multispecies introduction experiment with native and alien species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 110(31), pp. 12727-12732. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences NAS 10.1073/pnas.1300481110

Solly, E; Schöning, I; Boch, S; Müller, J; Socher, S; Trumbore, S E; Schrumpf, M (2013). Mean age of carbon in fine roots from temperate forests and grasslands with different management. Biogeosciences, 10(7), pp. 4833-4843. Göttingen: Copernicus Publications 10.5194/bg-10-4833-2013

Chrobock, Thomas; Weiner, Christiane N.; Werner, Michael; Blüthgen, Nico; Fischer, Markus; van Kleunen, Mark (2013). Effects of native pollinator specialization, selfcompatibility and flowering duration of European plant species on their invasiveness elsewhere. Journal of Ecology, 101(4), pp. 916-923. Oxford: Blackwell 10.1111/1365-2745.12107

Song, Yao-Bin; Yu, Fei-Hai; Keser, Lidewij H.; Dawson, Wayne; Fischer, Markus; Dong, Ming; van Kleunen, Mark (2013). United we stand, divided we fall: a meta-analysis of experiments on clonal integration and its relationship to invasiveness. Oecologia, 171(2), pp. 317-327. Berlin: Springer 10.1007/s00442-012-2430-9

Ebeling, Anne; Allan, Eric; Heimann, Juliane; Köhler, Günter; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Vogel, Anja; Weigelt, Alexandra; Weisser, Wolfgang W. (2013). The impact of plant diversity and fertilization on fitness of a generalist grasshopper. Basic and applied ecology, 14(3), pp. 246-254. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2013.01.006

Zeiter, Michaela; Preukschas, Juliane; Stampfli, Andreas (2013). Seed availability in hay meadows: Land-use intensification promotes seed rain but not the persistent seed bank. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 171, pp. 55-62. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.agee.2013.03.009

Bossdorf, Oliver (2013). Enemy release and evolution of increased competitive ability: at last, a smoking gun! New Phytologist, 198(3), pp. 638-640. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/nph.12265

Parker, John D; Torchin, Mark E; Hufbauer, Ruth A; Lemoine, Nathan P; Alba, Christina; Blumenthal, Dana M; Bossdorf, Oliver; Byers, James E; Dunn, Alison M; Heckman, Robert W; Hejda, Martin; Jarošík, Vojtěch; Kanarek, Andrew R.; Martin, Lynn B; Perkins, Sarah E; Pyšek, Petr; Schierenbeck, Kristina; Schlöder, Carmen; van Klinken, Rieks; Vaughn, Kurt J; ... (2013). Do invasive species perform better in their new ranges? Ecology, 94(5), pp. 985-994. Washington, D.C.: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/12-1810.1

Klaus, Valentin H.; Hölzel, Norbert; Boch, Steffen; Müller, Jörg; Socher, Stephanie A.; Prati, Daniel; Fischer, Markus; Kleinebecker, Till (2013). Direct and indirect associations between plant species richness and productivity in grasslands: regional differences preclude simple generalization of productivity-biodiversity relationships. Preslia, 85(2), pp. 97-112. Praha: Czech Botanical Society

Kempel, Anne; Nater, Patrick; Fischer, Markus; van Kleunen, Mark (2013). Plant-microbe-herbivore interactions in invasive and non-invasive alien plant species. Functional Ecology, 27(2), pp. 498-508. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/1365-2435.12056

Parepa, Madalin; Fischer, Markus; Bossdorf, Oliver (2013). Environmental variability promotes plant invasion. Nature communications, 4(1604), pp. 1-4. London: Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/ncomms2632

Völler, Eva; Auge, Harald; Bossdorf, Oliver; Prati, Daniel (2013). Land use causes genetic differentiation of life-history traits in Bromus hordeaceus. Global Change Biology, 19(3), pp. 892-899. Oxford: Blackwell Science 10.1111/gcb.12087

Wang, Zhengwen; van Kleunen, Mark; During, Heinjo J.; Werger, Marinus J. A. (2013). Root Foraging Increases Performance of the Clonal Plant Potentilla reptans in Heterogeneous Nutrient Environments. PLoS ONE, 8(3), e58602. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0058602

Dostál, Petr; Allan, Eric; Dawson, Wayne; van Kleunen, Mark; Bartish, Igor; Fischer, Markus (2013). Enemy damage of exotic plant species is similar to that of natives and increases with productivity. Journal of Ecology, 101(2), pp. 388-399. Oxford: Blackwell 10.1111/1365-2745.12037

Pfestorf, H.; Weiß, L.; Müller, J.; Boch, S.; Socher, S. A.; Prati, D.; Schöning, I.; Weisser, W.; Fischer, M.; Jeltsch, F. (2013). Community mean traits as additional indicators to monitor effects of land-use intensity on grassland plant diversity. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 15(1), pp. 1-11. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ppees.2012.10.003

Allan, Eric; Jenkins, Tania; Fergus, Alexander J. F.; Roscher, Christiane; Fischer, Markus; Petermann, Jana; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Schmid, Bernhard (2013). Experimental plant communities develop phylogenetically overdispersed abundance distributions during assembly. Ecology, 94(2), pp. 465-477. Washington, D.C.: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/11-2279.1

Parepa, Madalin; Schaffner, Urs; Bossdorf, Oliver (2013). Help from under ground: soil biota facilitate knotweed invasion. Ecosphere, 4(2), art31. Ithaca, NY: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/ES13-00011.1

Socher, Stephanie A.; Prati, Daniel; Boch, Steffen; Müller, Jörg; Baumbach, Henryk; Gockel, Sonja; Hemp, Andreas; Schöning, Ingo; Wells, Konstans; Buscot, François; Kalko, Elisabeth K.V.; Linsenmair, Karl Eduard; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Fischer, Markus (2013). Interacting effects of fertilization, mowing and grazing on plant species diversity of 1500 grasslands in Germany differ between regions. Basic and applied ecology, 14(2), pp. 126-136. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2012.12.003

Dostál, Petr; Dawson, Wayne; van Kleunen, Mark; Keser, Lidewij; Fischer, Markus (2013). Central European plant species from more productive habitats are more invasive at a global scale. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22(1), pp. 64-72. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2011.00754.x

Zhang, Yuanye; Fischer, Markus; Colot, Vincent; Bossdorf, Oliver (2013). Epigenetic variation creates potential for evolution of plant phenotypic plasticity. New Phytologist, 197(1), pp. 314-322. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/nph.12010

Boch, Steffen; Prati, Daniel; Hessenmöller, Dominik; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Fischer, Markus (2013). Richness of Lichen Species, Especially of Threatened Ones, Is Promoted by Management Methods Furthering Stand Continuity. PLoS ONE, 8(1), e55461. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0055461

Boch, Steffen; Berlinger, Matthias; Fischer, Markus; Knop, Eva; Nentwig, Wolfgang; Türke, Manfred; Prati, Daniel (2013). Fern and bryophyte endozoochory by slugs. Oecologia, 172(3), pp. 817-822. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00442-012-2536-0

Allan, Eric; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Fischer, Markus; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Weigelt, Alexandra; Roscher, Christiane; Baade, Jussi; Barnard, Romain L.; Beßler, Holger; Buchmann, Nina; Ebeling, Anne; Eisenhauer, Nico; Engels, Christof; Fergus, Alexander J.F.; Gleixner, Gerd; Gubsch, Marlén; Halle, Stefan; Klein, Alexandra M.; Kertscher, Ilona; Kuu, Annely; ... (2013). A comparison of the strength of biodiversity effects across multiple functions. Oecologia, 173(1), pp. 223-237. Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg 10.1007/s00442-012-2589-0

Chrobock, Thomas; Winiger, Pius; Fischer, Markus; van Kleunen, Mark (2013). The cobblers stick to their lasts: pollinators prefer native over alien plant species in a multi-species experiment. Biological invasions, 15(11), pp. 2577-2588. Springer Netherlands 10.1007/s10530-013-0474-3

Fischer, Markus (2012). Faszination, Bedeutung, Zustand und Zukunft unserer Lebensgrundlage: Eine Einführung in Fragen zur biologischen Vielfalt. In: Beck, Erwin (ed.) Die Vielfalt des Lebens. Wie hoch, wie komplex, warum? (pp. 3-9). Weinheim: Wiley-VCH-Verl.

Song, Yao-Bin; Yu, Fei-Hai; Li, Jun-Min; Keser, Lidewij; Fischer, Markus; Dong, Ming; van Kleunen, Mark (2012). Plant invasiveness is not linked to the capacity of regeneration from small fragments: an experimental test with 39 stoloniferous species. Biological invasions, 15(6), pp. 1367-1376. Dordrecht: Kluwer 10.1007/s10530-012-0374-y

Richards, CL; Verhoeven, KJF; Bossdorf, O (2012). Evolutionary significance of epigenetic variation. In: Wendel, J.F.; Greilhuber, J.; Dolezel, J.; Leitch, I.J. (eds.) Plant genome diversity. Vol. 1: Plant Genomes, their Residents and their Evolutionary Dynamics (pp. 257-274). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

Türke, M.; Andreas, K.; Gossner, M.M.; Kowalski, E.; Lange, M.; Boch, S.; Socher, S.A.; Müller, J.; Prati, D.; Fischer, M.; Meyhöfer, R.; Weisser, W.W. (2012). Are Gastropods, Rather than Ants, Important Dispersers of Seeds of Myrmecochorous Forest Herbs? The American naturalist, 179(1), pp. 124-131. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press 10.1086/663195

Klaus, V.H.; Kleinebecker, T.; Boch, S.; Müller, J.; Socher, S.; Prati, D.; Fischer, M.; Hölzel, N. (2012). NIRS meets Ellenberg's indicator values: Prediction of moisture and nitrogen values of agricultural grassland vegetation by means of near-infrared spectral characteristics. Ecological indicators, 14(1), pp. 82-86. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.07.016

Dawson, W.; Rohr, R.P.; van Kleunen, M.; Fischer, M. (2012). Alien plant species with a wider global distribution are better able to capitalize on increased resource availability. New Phytologist, 194(3), pp. 859-867. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04104.x

Parepa, M.; Schaffner, U.; Bossdorf, O. (2012). Sources and modes of action of invasive knotweed allelopathy: the effects of leaf litter and trained soil on the germination and growth of native plants. NeoBiota, 13, pp. 15-30. Sofia: Pensoft Publishers 10.3897/neobiota.13.3039

Blüthgen, N; Dormann, CF; Prati, D; Klaus, VH; Kleinebecker, T; Hölzel, N; Alt, F; Boch, S; Gockel, S; Hemp, A; Müller, J; Nieschulze, J; Renner, SC; Schöning, I; Schumacher, U; Socher, SA; Wells, K; Birkhofer, K; Buscot, F; Oelmann, Y; ... (2012). A quantitative index of land-use intensity in grasslands: Integrating mowing, grazing and fertilization. Basic and applied ecology, 13(3), pp. 207-220. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2012.04.001

Samis, KE; Murren, CJ; Bossdorf, O; Donohue, K; Fenster, CB; Malmberg, RL; Purugganan, MD; Stinchcombe, JR (2012). Longitudinal trends in climate drive flowering time clines in North American Arabidopsis thaliana. Ecology and evolution, 2(6), pp. 1162-1180. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10.1002/ece3.262

Schuldt, A; Bruelheide, H; Durka, W; Eichenberg, D; Fischer, M; Krober, W; Hardtle, W; Ma, KP; Michalski, SG; Palm, WU; Schmid, B; Welk, E; Zhou, HZ; Assmann, T (2012). Plant traits affecting herbivory on tree recruits in highly diverse subtropical forests. Ecology Letters, 15(7), pp. 732-739. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2012.01792.x

Zeng, X.Q.; Michalski, S.G.; Fischer, M.; Durka, W. (2012). Species diversity and population density affect genetic structure and gene dispersal in a subtropical understory shrub. Journal of Plant Ecology, 5(3), pp. 270-278. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jpe/rtr029

Dawson, W.; Fischer, M.; van Kleunen, M. (2012). Common and rare plant species respond differently to fertilisation and competition, whether they are alien or native. Ecology Letters, 15(8), pp. 873-880. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2012.01811.x

Leimu, R.; Kloss, L.; Fischer, M. (2012). Inbreeding Alters Activities of the Stress-Related Enzymes Chitinases and β-1,3-Glucanases. PLoS ONE, 7(8), e42326. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0042326

Völler, E.; Auge, H.; Prati, D.; Fischer, M.; Hemp, A.; Bossdorf, O. (2012). Geographical and land-use effects on seed-mass variation in common grassland plants. Basic and applied ecology, 13(5), pp. 395-404. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2012.06.006

Weisshuhn, K.; Prati, D.; Fischer, M.; Auge, H. (2012). Regional adaptation improves the performance of grassland plant communities. Basic and applied ecology, 13(6), pp. 551-559. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2012.07.004

Naether, A; Foesel, BU; Naegele, V; Wust, PK; Weinert, J; Bonkowski, M; Alt, F; Oelmann, Y; Polle, A; Lohaus, G; Gockel, S; Hemp, A; Kalko, EKV; Linsenmair, KE; Pfeiffer, S; Renner, S; Schoning, I; Weisser, WW; Wells, K; Fischer, M; ... (2012). Environmental Factors Affect Acidobacterial Communities below the Subgroup Level in Grassland and Forest Soils. Applied and environmental microbiology, 78(20), pp. 7398-7406. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology 10.1128/AEM.01325-12

Wubet, Tesfaye; Christ, Sabina; Schoning, Ingo; Boch, Steffen; Gawlich, Melanie; Schnabel, Beatrix; Fischer, Markus; Buscot, François (2012). Differences in Soil Fungal Communities between European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) Dominated Forests Are Related to Soil and Understory Vegetation. PLoS ONE, 7(10), e47500. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0047500

Zeiter, M.; Stampfli, A. (2012). Positive diversity-invasibility relationship in species-rich semi-natural grassland at the neighbourhood scale. Annals of Botany, 110(7), pp. 1385-1393. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/aob/mcs193

Latzel, V; Zhang, Y; Moritz, KK; Fischer, M; Bossdorf, O (2012). Epigenetic variation in plant responses to defence hormones. Annals of Botany, 110(7), pp. 1423-1428. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/aob/mcs088

Dostal, P.; Weiser, M.; Koubek, T. (2012). Native jewelweed, but not other native species, displays post-invasion trait divergence. Oikos, 121(11), pp. 1849-1859. Oxford: Blackwell 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2011.20333.x

Fischer, M.; Weyand, A.; Rudmann-Maurer, K.; Stöcklin, J. (2012). Omnipresence of leaf herbivory by invertebrates and leaf infection by fungal pathogens in agriculturally used grasslands of the Swiss Alps, but low plant damage. Alpine Botany, 122(2), pp. 95-107. Basel: SP Birkhäuser Verlag Basel 10.1007/s00035-012-0108-x

Socher, S.A.; Prati, D.; Boch, S.; Müller, J.; Klaus, V.H.; Hölzel, N.; Fischer, M. (2012). Direct and productivity-mediated indirect effects of fertilization, mowing and grazing on grassland species richness. Journal of Ecology, 100(6), pp. 1391-1399. Oxford: Blackwell 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2012.02020.x

Müller, Jörg; Klaus, Valentin H.; Kleinebecker, Till; Prati, Daniel; Hölzel, Norbert; Fischer, Markus (2012). Impact of Land-Use Intensity and Productivity on Bryophyte Diversity in Agricultural Grasslands. PLoS ONE, 7(12), e51520. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0051520

Boch, Steffen; Prati, Daniel; Werth, Silke; Rüetschi, Jörg; Fischer, Markus (2011). Lichen Endozoochory by Snails. PLoS ONE, 6(4), e18770. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0018770

Scheepens, J. F.; Kuss, P.; Stöcklin, J. (2011). Differentiation in morphology and flowering phenology between two Campanula thyrsoides L. subspecies. Alpine Botany, 121(1), pp. 34-47. Basel: Springer 10.1007/s00035-011-0087-3

Walker, D.A.; Forbes, B.C.; Leibman, M.O.; Epstein, H.E.; Bhatt, U.S.; Comiso, J.C.; Drozdov, D.S.; Gubarkov, A.A.; Jia, G.J.; Kaarlejärvi, E.; Kaplan, J.O.; Khomutov, A.V.; Kofinas, G.P.; Kumpula, T.; Kuss, Patrick; Moskalenko, N.G.; Meschtyb, N.A.; Pajunen, A.; Raynolds, M.K.; Romanovsky, V.E.; ... (2011). Cumulative Effects of Rapid Land-Cover and Land-Use Changes on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia. In: Gutman, Garik; Reissell, Anni (eds.) Eurasian Arctic Land Cover and Land Use in a Changing Climate (pp. 207-236). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag 10.1007/978-90-481-9118-5_9

Noël, Florence; Prati, Daniel; van Kleunen, Mark; Gygax, Andreas; Moser, Daniel; Fischer, Markus (2011). Establishment success of 25 rare wetland species introduced into restored habitats is best predicted by ecological distance to source habitats. Biological conservation, 144(1), pp. 602-609. Barking, UK: Elsevier 10.1016/j.biocon.2010.11.001

Heinze, Eric; Boch, Steffen; Fischer, Markus; Hessenmöller, Dominik; Klenk, Bernd; Müller, Jörg; Prati, Daniel; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Seele, Carolin; Socher, Stephanie; Halle, Stefan (2011). Habitat use of large ungulates in northeastern Germany in relation to forest management. Forest Ecology and Management, 261(2), pp. 288-296. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.foreco.2010.10.022

Murrell, Craig; Gerber, Esther; Krebs, Christine; Parepa, Madalin; Schaffner, Urs; Bossdorf, Oliver (2011). Invasive knotweed affects native plants through allelopathy. American journal of botany, 98(1), pp. 38-43. Columbus, Ohio: Botanical Society of America 10.3732/ajb.1000135

Bruelheide, H.; Böhnke, M.; Both, S.; Fang, T.; Assmann, T.; Baruffol, M.; Bauhus, J.; Buscot, F.; Chen, X.Y.; Ding, B.Y.; Durka, W.; Erfmeier, A.; Fischer, M.; Geissler, C.; Guo, D.; Guo, L.D.; Härdtle, W.; He, J.S.; Hector, A.; Kröber, W.; ... (2011). Community assembly during secondary forest succession in a Chinese subtropical forest. Ecology, 81(1), pp. 25-41. Washington, D.C.: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/09-2172.1

Dawson, Wayne; Fischer, Markus; van Kleunen, Mark (2011). Maximum relative growth rate of common UK plant species is positively associated with their global invasiveness. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 20(2), pp. 299-306. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2010.00599.x

Weisshuhn, Karoline; Auge, Harald; Prati, Daniel (2011). Geographic variation in the response to drought in nine grassland species. Basic and applied ecology, 12(1), pp. 21-28. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2010.11.005

Wells, Konstans; Böhm, Stefan M.; Boch, Steffen; Fischer, Markus; Kalko, Elisabeth K.V. (2011). Local and landscape-scale forest attributes differ in their impact on bird assemblages across years in forest production landscapes. Basic and applied ecology, 12(2), pp. 97-106. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2011.01.002

Raabová, Jana; Münzbergová, Zuzana; Fischer, Markus (2011). The role of spatial scale and soil for local adaptation in Inula hirta. Basic and applied ecology, 12(2), pp. 152-160. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2011.01.001

Schleuning, Matthias; Templin, Mathias; Huamán, Vicky; Vadillo, Giovana P.; Becker, Thomas; Durka, Walter; Fischer, Markus; Matthies, Diethart (2011). Effects of inbreeding, outbreeding, and supplemental pollen on the reproduction of a hummingbird-pollinated clonal amazonian herb. Biotropica, 43(2), pp. 183-191. Oxford: Blackwell 10.1111/j.1744-7429.2010.00663.x

Hao, Jian H.; Qiang, Sheng; Chrobock, Thomas; van Kleunen, Mark; Liu, Qian Q. (2011). A test of baker's law: breeding systems of invasive species of Asteraceae in China. Biological invasions, 13(3), pp. 571-580. Dordrecht: Kluwer 10.1007/s10530-010-9850-4

Potts, S.G.; Biesmeijer, J.C.; Bommarco, R.; Felicioli, A.; Fischer, M.; Jokinen, P.; Kleijn, D.; Klein, A.M.; Kunin, W.E.; Neumann, Peter; Penev, L.D.; Petanidou, T.; Rasmont, P.; Roberts, S.P.M.; Smith, H.G.; Sorensen, P.B.; Steffan-Dewenter, I.; Vaissiere, B.E.; Vila, M.; Vujic, A.; ... (2011). Developing European conservation and mitigation tools for pollination services: approaches of the STEP (Status and Trends of European Pollinators) project. Journal of apicultural research, 50(2), pp. 152-164. Cardiff: International Bee Research Association IBRA 10.3896/IBRA.

Kempel, Anne; Schadler, Martin; Chrobock, Thomas; Fischer, Markus; van Kleunen, Mark (2011). Tradeoffs associated with constitutive and induced plant resistance against herbivory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 108(14), pp. 5685-5689. Lawrence, Kans.: National Academy of Sciences NAS 10.1073/pnas.1016508108

Silvertown, Jonathan; Cook, Laurence; Cameron, Robert; Dodd, Mike; McConway, Kevin; Worthington, Jenny; Skelton, Peter; Anton, Christian; Bossdorf, Oliver; Baur, Bruno; Schilthuizen, Menno; Fontaine, Benoît; Sattmann, Helmut; Bertorelle, Giorgio; Correia, Maria; Oliveira, Christina; Pokryszko, Beata; Ozgo, Małgorzata; Stalazs, Arturs; Gill, Eoin; ... (2011). Citizen science reveals unexpected continental-scale evolutionary change in a model organism. PLoS ONE, 6(4), e18927. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0018927

Bossdorf, Oliver; Zhang, Yuanye (2011). A truly ecological epigenetics study. Molecular Ecology, 20(8), pp. 1572-1574. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2011.05044.x

Nestmann, S.; Rajicic, T.S.; Dehmer, K.J.; Fischer, M.; Schumacher, J.; Roscher, C. (2011). Plant species diversity and composition of experimental grasslands affect genetic differentiation of Lolium perenne populations. Molecular Ecology, 20(10), pp. 2188-2203. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2011.05027.x

Dostal, P. (2011). Plant Competitive Interactions and Invasiveness: Searching for the Effects of Phylogenetic Relatedness and Origin on Competition Intensity. The American naturalist, 177(5), pp. 655-667. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press 10.1086/659060

Latzel, Vit; Malikova, Lenka; Klimesova, Jitka (2011). Compensatory growth of Euphorbia peplus regenerating from a bud bank. Botany - Botanique, 89(5), pp. 313-321. Ottawa: National Research Council Canada 10.1139/b11-018

Chrobock, Thomas; Kempel, Anne; Fischer, Markus; van Kleunen, Mark (2011). Introduction bias: Cultivated alien plant species germinate faster and more abundantly than native species in Switzerland. Basic and applied ecology, 12(3), pp. 244-250. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2011.03.001

Kuss, Patrick; Armbruster, G.; Scheepens, J.F.; Ægisdóttir, H.H.; Stöcklin, J. (2011). Spatial genetic structure of Campanula thyrsoides across the European Alps: Indications for glaciation-driven allopatric subspeciation. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 13(2), pp. 101-110. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ppees.2011.02.003

Wellstein, Camilla; Kuss, Patrick (2011). Diversity and Frequency of Clonal Traits Along Natural and Land-Use Gradients in Grasslands of the Swiss Alps. Folia Geobotanica, 46(2-3), pp. 255-270. Průhonice: Springer 10.1007/s12224-010-9075-4

van Kleunen, Mark; Schlaepfer, Daniel R.; Glaettli, Melanie; Fischer, Markus (2011). Preadapted for invasiveness: do species traits or their plastic response to shading differ between invasive and non-invasive plant species in their native range? Journal of Biogeography, 38(7), pp. 1294-1304. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2011.02495.x

van Kleunen, Mark; Dawson, Wayne; Dostal, Petr (2011). Research on invasive-plant traits tells us a lot. Trends in ecology & evolution, 26(7), p. 317. Amsterdam: Elsevier Current Trends 10.1016/j.tree.2011.03.019

Kloss, Lena; Fischer, Markus; Durka, Walter (2011). Land-use effects on genetic structure of a common grassland herb: A matter of scale. Basic and applied ecology, 12(5), pp. 440-448. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2011.06.001

Walker, Donald A.; Kuss, Patrick; Epstein, Howard E.; Kade, Anja N.; Vonlanthen, Corinne M.; Raynolds, Martha K.; Daniëls, Fred J. A. (2011). Vegetation of zonal patterned-ground ecosystems along the North America Arctic bioclimate gradient. Applied Vegetation Science, 14(4), pp. 440-463. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1654-109X.2011.01149.x

Allan, Eric; Weisser, Wolfgang; Weigelt, Alexandra; Roscher, Christiane; Fischer, Markus; Hillebrand, Helmut (2011). More diverse plant communities have higher functioning over time due to turnover in complementary dominant species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS, 108(41), pp. 17034-17039. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences NAS 10.1073/pnas.1104015108

Birkhofer, Klaus; Diekötter, Tim; Boch, Steffen; Fischer, Markus; Müller, Jörg; Socher, Stephanie; Wolters, Volkmar (2011). Soil fauna feeding activity in temperate grassland soils increases with legume and grass species richness. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 43(10), pp. 2200-2207. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.soilbio.2011.07.008

Klaus, Valentin H.; Kleinebeckera, Till; Hölzel, Norbert; Blüthgen, Nico; Boch, Steffen; Müller, Jörg; Socher, Stephanie A.; Prati, Daniel; Fischer, Markus (2011). Nutrient concentrations and fibre contents of plant community biomass reflect species richness patterns along a broad range of land-use intensities among agricultural grasslands. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 13(4), pp. 287-295. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.ppees.2011.07.001

Visser, Marco D.; Müller-Landau, Helene C.; Wright, S. Joseph; Rutten, Gemma; Jansen, Patrick A. (2011). Tri-trophic interactions affect density dependence of seed fate in a tropical forest palm. Ecology Letters, 14(11), pp. 1093-1100. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2011.01677.x

Allan, Eric; Crawley, Michael J. (2011). Contrasting effects of insect and molluscan herbivores on plant diversity in a long-term field experiment. Ecology Letters, 14(12), pp. 1246-1253. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2011.01694.x

Fischer, Markus; Weyand, Anne; Rudmann-Maurer, Katrin; Stöcklin, Jürg (2011). Adaptation of Poa alpina to altitude and land use in the Swiss Alps. Alpine Botany, 121(2), pp. 91-105. Basel: SP Birkhäuser Verlag Basel 10.1007/s00035-011-0096-2

Fischer, Markus; Kalko, E.K.V.; Linsenmair, K.E.; Pfeiffer, S.; Prati, D.; Schulze, E.-D.; Weisser, W.W. (2010). Exploratories for large-scale and long-term functional biodiversity research. In: Müller, Felix; Baessler, Cornelia; Schubert, Hendrik Klotz (eds.) Long-term ecological research - between theory and application (pp. 429-443). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag 10.1007/978-90-481-8782-9_29

Pfeiffer, S.; Gockel, S.; Hemp, A.; Wells, K.; Prati, D.; Nieschulze, J.; Kalko, E.K.V.; Buscot, F.; Linsenmair, K.E.; Schulze, E.-D.; Weisser, W.W.; Fischer, M. (2010). Exploratories for Functional Biodiversity Research. In: Settele, J.; Penev, L.; Georgiev, T.; Grabaum, R.; Grobelnik, V.; Hammen, V.; Klotz, S.; Kotarac, M.; Kühn, I. (eds.) Atlas of Biodiversity Risk (pp. 26-29). Pensoft Publishers

Auge, H.; Stein, C.; Prati, Daniel (2010). Der Zusammenhang zwischen Produktivität und Bioidversität. In: Hotes, S.; Wolters, V. (eds.) Fokus Biodiversität: Wie Biodiversität in der Kulturlandschaft erhalten und nachhaltig genutzt werden kann (pp. 90-99). München: Oekom

Bossdorf, Oliver; Arcuri, Davide; Richards, Christina L.; Pigliucci, Massimo (2010). Experimental alteration of DNA methylation affects the phenotypic plasticity of ecologically relevant traits in Arabidopsis thaliana. Evolutionary ecology, 24(3), pp. 541-553. London: Springer Netherlands 10.1007/s10682-010-9372-7

Bossdorf, Oliver; Parepa, Madalin; Fischer, Markus (2010). Climate-neutral ecology conferences: just do it! Trends in ecology & evolution, 25(2), p. 61. Amsterdam: Elsevier Current Trends 10.1016/j.tree.2009.09.006

Chown, Steven L.; Gaston, Kevin J.; van Kleunen, Mark; Clusella-Trullas, Susanna (2010). Population responses within a landscape matrix: a macrophysiological approach to understanding climate change impacts. Evolutionary ecology, 24(3), pp. 601-616. London: Chapman and Hall 10.1007/s10682-009-9329-x

Chun, Young Jin; van Kleunen, Mark; Dawson, Wayne (2010). The role of enemy release, tolerance and resistance in plant invasions: linking damage to performance. Ecology Letters, 13(8), pp. 937-946. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2010.01498.x

Fischer, Markus; Bossdorf, Oliver; Gockel, Sonja; Hänsel, Falk; Hemp, Andreas; Hessenmöller, Dominik; Korte, Gunnar; Nieschulze, Jens; Pfeiffer, Simone; Prati, Daniele; Renner, Swen; Schöning, Ingo; Schumacher, Uta; Wells, Konstans; Buscot, François; Kalko, Elisabeth K.V.; Linsenmair, Karl Eduard; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Weisser, Wolfgang W. (2010). Implementing large-scale and long-term functional biodiversity research: The Biodiversity Exploratories. Basic and applied ecology, 11(6), pp. 473-485. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2010.07.009

Fischer, Markus; Burkart, Michael; Pasqualetto, Vanessa; van Kleunen, Mark (2010). Experiment meets biogeography: plants of river corridor distribution are not more stress tolerant but benefit less from more benign conditions elsewhere. Journal of Plant Ecology, 3(3), pp. 149-155. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jpe/rtq013

Kempel, Anne; Schmidt, Antje K.; Brandl, Roland; Schädler, Martin (2010). Support from the underground - Induced plant resistance depends on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Functional Ecology, 24(2), pp. 293-300. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2009.01647.x

Kuss, Patrick (2010). The Biology of Alpine Habitats. Basic and applied ecology, 11(1), p. 93. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2009.10.005

Leimu, Roosa; Fischer, Markus (2010). Between-population outbreeding affects plant defence. PLoS ONE, 5(9), e12614. Lawrence, Kans.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0012614

Nicotra, A.B.; Atkin, O.K.; Bonser, S.P.; Davidson, A.M.; Finnegan, E.J.; Mathesius, U.; Poot, P.; Purugganan, M.D.; Richards, C.L.; Valladares, F.; van Kleunen, Mark (2010). Plant phenotypic plasticity in a changing climate. Trends in Plant Science, 15(12), pp. 684-692. Oxford: Elsevier Current Trends 10.1016/j.tplants.2010.09.008

Nitschke, Norma; Ebeling, Anna; Rottstock, Tanja; Scherber, Christoph; Middelhoff, Cornelius; Creutzburg, Sylvia; Weigelt, Alexandra; Tscharntke, Teja; Fischer, Markus; Weisser, Wolfgang W. (2010). Time course of plant diversity effects on Centaurea jacea establishment and the role of competition and herbivory. Journal of Plant Ecology, 3(2), pp. 109-121. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jpe/rtp036

Odat, Nidal; Hellwig, Frank H.; Jetschke, Gottfried; Fischer, Markus (2010). On the relationship between plant species diversity and genetic diversity of Plantago lanceolata (Plantaginaceae) within and between grassland communities. Journal of Plant Ecology, 3(1), pp. 41-48. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jpe/rtp017

Platt, A.; Horton, M.; Huang, Y.S.; Li, Y.; Anastasio, A.E.; Mulyati, N.W.; Agren, J.; Bossdorf, Oliver; Byers, D.; Donohue, K.; Dunning, M.; Holub, E.B.; Hudson, A.; Le Corre, V.; Loudet, O.; Roux, F.; Warthmann, N.; Weigel, D.; Rivero, L.; Scholl, R.; ... (2010). The Scale of Population Structure in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS genetics, 6(2), e1000843. San Francisco, Calif.: Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000843

Proulx, R.; Wirth, C.; Voigt, W.; Weigelt, A.; Roscher, C.; Attinger, S.; Baade, J.; Barnard, R.; Buchmann, N.; Buscot, F.; Eisenhauer, N.; Engels, C.; Fischer, Markus; Gleixner, G.; Halle, S.; Hildebrandt, A.; Kowalski, E.; Kuu, A.; Lange, M.; Marquard, E.; ... (2010). Diversity Promotes Temporal Stability across Levels of Ecosystem Organization in Experimental Grasslands. PLoS ONE, 5(10), e13382. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0013382

Richards, Christina L.; Bossdorf, Oliver; Pigliucci, Massimo (2010). What role does heritable epigenetic variation play in phenotypic evolution? BioScience, 60(3), pp. 232-237. Washington, D.C.: American Institute of Biological Sciences 10.1525/bio.2010.60.3.9

Richards, Christina L.; Bossdorf, Oliver; Verhoeven, Koen J.F. (2010). Understanding natural epigenetic variation. New Phytologist, 187(3), pp. 562-564. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2010.03369.x

Rodger, James G.; van Kleunen, Mark; Johnson, Steven D. (2010). Does specialized pollination impede plant invasions? Plant science, 171(4), pp. 382-391. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1086/651226

Schädler, Martin; Brandl, Roland; Kempel, Anne (2010). "Afterlife" effects of mycorrhization on the decomposition of plant residues. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 42(3), pp. 521-523. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.soilbio.2009.11.031

Schädler, Martin; Brandl, Roland; Kempel, Anne (2010). Host plant genotype determines bottom-up effects in an aphid-parasitoid-predator system. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 135(2), pp. 162-169. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/j.1570-7458.2010.00976.x

Scherber, Christoph; Eisenhauer, Nico; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Schmid, Bernhard; Voigt, Winfried; Fischer, Markus; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Roscher, Christiane; Weigelt, Alexandra; Allan, Eric; Beßler, Holger; Bonkowski, Michael; Buchmann, Nina; Buscot, François; Clement, Lars W.; Ebeling, Anne; Engels, Christof; Halle, Stefan; Kertscher, Ilona; Klein, Alexandra-Maria; ... (2010). Bottom-up effects of plant diversity on multitrophic interactions in a biodiversity experiment. Nature, 468(7323), pp. 553-556. London: Macmillan Journals Ltd. 10.1038/nature09492

Schläpfer, Daniel; Glättli, Melanie; Fischer, Markus; van Kleunen, Mark (2010). A multi-species experiment in their native range indicates pre-adaptation of invasive alien plant species. New Phytologist, 185(4), pp. 1087-1099. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2009.03114.x

Schmidtke, Andrea; Rottstock, Tanja; Gaedke, Ursula; Fischer, Markus (2010). Plant community diversity and composition affect individual plant performance. Oecologia, 164(3), pp. 665-667. Berlin: Springer 10.1007/s00442-010-1688-z

Seifert, Birgit; Fischer, Markus (2010). Experimental establishment of a declining dry-grassland flagship species in relation to seed origin and target environment. Biological conservation, 143(5), pp. 1202-1211. Barking, UK: Elsevier 10.1016/j.biocon.2010.02.028

Stampfli, Andreas; Fuhrer, Jürg (2010). Spatial heterogeneity confounded ozone-exposure experiment in semi-natural grassland. Oecologia, 162(2), pp. 515-522. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00442-009-1462-2

Stampfli, Andreas; Zeiter, Michaela (2010). Der Verlust von Arten wirkt sich negativ auf die Futterproduktion aus. Agrarforschung, 1(5), pp. 184-189. Bern: Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft

Stein, Claudia; Unsicker, Sybille B.; Kahmen, Ansgar; Wagner, Markus; Audorff, Volker; Auge, Harald; Prati, Daniel; Weisser, Wolfgang W. (2010). Impact of invertebrate herbivory in grasslands depends on productivity and plant species diversity. Ecology, 91(6), pp. 1639-1650. Washington, D.C.: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/09-0600.1

van Kleunen, Mark; Dawson, Wayne; Schlaepfer, D.; Jeschke, J.M.; Fischer, Markus (2010). Are invaders different? A conceptual framework of comparative approaches for assessing determinants of invasiveness. Ecology Letters, 13(8), pp. 947-958. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2010.01503.x

van Kleunen, Mark; Weber, E.; Fischer, Markus (2010). A meta-analysis of trait differences between invasive and non-invasive plant species. Ecology Letters, 13(2), pp. 235-245. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2009.01418.x

Vittoz, Pascal; Camenisch, Martin; Mayor, Romain; Miserere, Luca; Vust, Mathias; Theurillat, Jean-Paul (2010). Subalpine-nival gradient of species richness for vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens in the Swiss Inner Alps. Botanica Helvetica, 120(2), pp. 105-115. Basel: Birkhäuser 10.1007/s00035-010-0079-8

Stoecklin, Juerg; Kuss, Patrick; Pluess, Andrea R. (2009). Genetic diversity, phenotypic variation and local adaptation in the alpine landscape: case studies with alpine plant species. Botanica Helvetica, 119(2), pp. 125-133. Birkhäuser 10.1007/s00035-009-0065-1

Walker, D. A.; Leibman, M. O.; Epstein, H. E.; Forbes, B. C.; Bhatt, U. S.; Raynolds, M. K.; Comiso, J. C.; Gubarkov, A. A.; Khomutov, A. V.; Jia, G. J.; Kaarlejarvi, E.; Kaplan, Jed; Kumpula, T.; Kuss, Patrick; Matyshak, G.; Moskalenko, N. G.; Orekhov, P.; Romanovsky, V. E.; Ukraientseva, N. G. and Yu, Q. (2009). Spatial and temporal patterns of greenness on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia: interactions of ecological and social factors affecting the Arctic normalized difference vegetation index. Environmental Research Letters, 4(4), pp. 1-16. IOP Publishing 10.1088/1748-9326/4/4/045004

Bossdorf, Oliver; Shuja, Zunaira; Banta, Joshua A. (2009). Genotype and maternal environment affect belowground interactions between Arabidopsis thaliana and its competitors. Oikos, 118(10), pp. 1541-1551. Blackwell 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2009.17559.x

Weisshuhn, Karoline; Prati, Daniel (2009). Activated carbon may have undesired side effects for testing allelopathy in invasive plants. Basic and applied ecology, 10(6), pp. 500-507. Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2008.10.009

Stein, Claudia; Rissmann, Cornelia; Hempel, Stefan; Renker, Carsten; Buscot, Francois; Prati, Daniel; Auge, Harald (2009). Interactive effects of mycorrhizae and a root hemiparasite on plant community productivity and diversity. Oecologia, 159(1), pp. 191-205. Springer 10.1007/s00442-008-1192-x

Marquard, Elisabeth; Weigelt, Alexandra; Temperton, Vicky; Roscher, Christiane; Schumacher, Jens; Buchmann, Nina; Fischer, Markus; Weisser, Wolfgang; Schmid, Bernhard (2009). Plant species richness and functional composition drive overyielding in a six-year grassland experiment. Ecology, 90(12), pp. 3290-3302. Washington, D.C.: Ecological Society of America 10.1890/09-0069.1

Raabova, Jana; Munzbergova, Zuzana; Fischer, Markus (2009). Consequences of near and far between-population crosses for offspring fitness in a rare herb. Plant Biology, 11(6), pp. 829-836. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/j.1438-8677.2008.00186.x

Kempel, Anne; Brandl, Roland; Schadler, Martin (2009). Symbiotic soil microorganisms as players in aboveground plant-herbivore interactions - the role of rhizobia. Oikos, 118(4), pp. 634-640. Oxford: Blackwell 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2009.17418.x

Aegisdottir, Hafids Hanna; Kuss, Patrick; Stöcklin, Juerg (2009). Isolated populations of a rare alpine plant show high genetic diversity and considerable population differentiation. Annals of Botany, 104(7), pp. 1313-1322. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/aob/mcp242

Gaston, Kevin; Chown, Steven; Calosi, Piero; Bernardo, Joseph; Bilton, David; Clarke, Andrew; Clusella-Trullas, Susana; Ghalambor, Cameron; Konarzewski, Marek; Peck, Lloyd; Porter, Warren; Poertner, Hans; Rezende, Enrico; Schulte, Patricia; Spicer, John; Stillman, Jonathon; Terblanche, John; van Kleunen, Mark (2009). Macrophysiology: A Conceptual Reunification. The American naturalist, 174(5), pp. 595-612. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press 10.1086/605982

Rodger, James G.; van Kleunen, Mark; Johnson, Steven D. (2009). Implications of inbreeding depression for invasion in Lilium formosanum. South African Journal of Botany, 75(2), p. 418. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.sajb.2009.02.098

Bucharova, Anna; van Kleunen, Mark (2009). Introduction history and species characteristics partly explain naturalization success of North American woody species in Europe. Journal of Ecology, 97(2), pp. 230-238. Oxford: Blackwell 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2008.01469.x

van Kleunen, Mark; Fischer, Markus (2009). Release from foliar and floral fungal pathogen species does not explain the geographic spread of naturalized North American plants in Europe. Journal of Ecology, 97(3), pp. 385-392. Oxford: Blackwell 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2009.01483.x

Mermod, Murielle; Reichlin, Thomas S.; Arlettaz, Raphaël; Schaub, Michael (2009). Vorläufige Ergebnisse einer Langzeitstudie zum Wendehals in der Schweiz. In: Nationalparkverwaltung, Harz (ed.) Aktuelle Beiträge zur Spechtforschung - Tagungsband 2008 zur Jahrestagung der Projektgruppe Spechte der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft. Schriftenreihe aus dem Nationalpark Harz: Vol. 3 (pp. 78-81). Wernigerode: Nationalparkverwaltung Harz

Bossdorf, Oliver; Pigliucci, Massimo (2009). Plasticity to wind is modular and genetically variable in Arabidopsis thaliana. Evolutionary ecology, 23(5), pp. 669-685. Springer Netherlands 10.1007/s10682-008-9263-3

Rodger, J.G.; van Kleunen, Mark; Johnson, S.D. (2008). Does autogamy contribute to invasion in Lilium formosanum? South African Journal of Botany, 74(2), p. 377. Elsevier 10.1016/j.sajb.2008.01.102

Fischer, Markus; Rudmann-Maurer, Katrin; Weyand, Anne; Stoecklin, Jürg (2008). Agricultural land use and biodiversity in the Alps - How cultural tradition and socioeconomically motivated changes are shaping grassland biodiversity in the Swiss Alps. Mountain Research and Development, 28(2), pp. 148-155. Boulder, Colo.: International Mountain Society 10.1659/mrd.0964

Fischer, Markus; Winkler, Eckart; Schmid, Bernhard (2008). Simulating the evolution of a clonal trait in plants with sexual and vegetative reproduction. Journal of Plant Ecology, 1(3), pp. 161-171. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jpe/rtn016

Bossdorf, Oliver; Lipowsky, Annett; Prati, Daniel (2008). Selection of preadapted populations allowed Senecio inaequidens to invade Central Europe. Diversity & distributions, 14(4), pp. 676-685. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1472-4642.2008.00471.x

Bowman, Gillianne; Perret, Catherine; Hoehn, Sophie; Galeuchet, David J.; Fischer, Markus (2008). Habitat fragmentation and adaptation: a reciprocal replant-transplant experiment among 15 populations of Lychnis flos-cuculi. Journal of Ecology, 96(5), pp. 1056-1064. Oxford: Blackwell 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2008.01417.x

Dengler, Jürgen; Boch, Steffen (2008). Sampling-Design Effects on Properties of Species-Area Relationships - A Case Study from Estonian Dry Grassland Communities. Folia Geobotanica, 43(3), pp. 289-304. Průhonice: Springer 10.1007/s12224-008-9018-5

Glaettli, Mélanie; Barrett, Spencer C.H. (2008). Pollinator responses to variation in floral display and flower size in dioecious Sagittaria latifolia (Alismataceae). New Phytologist, 179(4), pp. 1193-1201. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2008.02532.x

Kuss, Patrick; Pluess, Andrea R.; Aegisdottir, Hafdís Hanna; Stöcklin, Jürg (2008). Spatial isolation and genetic differentiation in naturally fragmented plant populations of the Swiss Alps. Journal of Plant Ecology, 1(3), pp. 149-159. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jpe/rtn009

Kuss, Patrick; Rees, Mark; Aegisdottir, Hafdís; Ellner, Stephen P.; Stöcklin, Jürg (2008). Evolutionary demography of long-lived monocarpic perennials: a time-lagged integral projection model. Journal of Ecology, 96(4), pp. 821-832. Oxford: Blackwell 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2008.01374.x

Leimu, Roose; Kloss, Lena; Fischer, Markus (2008). Effects of experimental inbreeding on herbivore resistance and plant fitness: the role of history of inbreeding, herbivory and abiotic factors. Ecology Letters, 11(10), pp. 1101-1110. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2008.01222.x

Raabova, Jana; Fischer, Markus; Munzbergova, Zuzana (2008). Niche differentiation between diploid and hexaploid Aster amellus. Oecologia, 158(3), pp. 463-472. Berlin: Springer 10.1007/s00442-008-1156-1

Rudmann-Maurer, Katrin; Weyand, Anne; Fischer, Markus; Stöcklin, Jürg (2008). The role of landuse and natural determinants for grassland vegetation composition in the Swiss Alps. Basic and applied ecology, 9(5), pp. 494-503. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.baae.2007.08.005

van Kleunen, Mark; Burczyk, Jaroslaw (2008). Selection on floral traits through male fertility in a natural plant population. Evolutionary ecology, 22(1), pp. 39-54. London: Chapman and Hall 10.1007/s10682-007-9157-9

Van Kleunen, Mark; Manning, John C.; Pasqualetto, Vanessa; Johnson, Steven D. (2008). Phylogenetically independent associations between autonomous self-fertilization and plant invasiveness. The American naturalist, 171(2), pp. 195-201. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press 10.1086/525057

van Kleunen, Mark; Meier, Anna; Saxenhofer, Moritz; Fischer, Markus (2008). Support for the predictions of the pollinator-mediated stabilizing selection hypothesis. Journal of Plant Ecology, 1(3), pp. 173-178. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jpe/rtn017

Vonlanthen, Corinne M.; Walker, Donald A.; Raynolds, Martha K.; Kade, Anja; Kuss, Hans Patrick; Daniels, Fred J.A.; Matveyeva, Nadezhda V. (2008). Patterned-ground plant communities along a bioclimate gradient in the High Arctic, Canada. Phytocoenologia, 38(1-2), pp. 23-63. Berlin: Bornträger 10.1127/0340-269X/2008/0038-0023

Walker, D.A.; Epstein, H.E.; Romanovsky, V.E.; Ping, C.L.; Michaelson, G.J.; Daanen, R.P.; Shur, Y; Peterson, R.A.; Krantz, W.B.; Raynolds, M.K.; Gould, W.A.; Gonzalez, G; Nicolsky, D.J.; Vonlanthen, C.M.; Kade, A.N.; Kuss, Patrick; Kelley, A.M.; Munger, C.A.; Tamocai, C.T.; Matveyeva, N.V.; ... (2008). Arctic patterned-ground ecosystems: A synthesis of field studies and models along a North American Arctic Transect. Journal of geophysical research, 113(G3), G03S01. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union 10.1029/2007JG000504

Aegisdottir, Hafdis Hanna; Jespersen, Daniela; Kuss, Patrick; Stocklin, Jürg (2007). No inbreeding depression in an outcrossing alpine species: The breeding system of Campanula thyrsoides. Flora, 202(3), pp. 218-225. München: Elsevier 10.1016/j.flora.2006.06.003

Fischer, Markus; Kuss, Patrick; Stöcklin, Jürg (2007). Neophytische Opuntien im Sukkulentenbusch auf Teneriffa. Bauhinia(20), pp. 35-44. Basel: Wepf

Noel, Florence; Machon, Nathalie; Porcher, Emmanuelle (2007). No genetic diversity at molecular markers and strong phenotypic plasticity in populations of Ranunculus nodiflorus, an endangered plant species in France. Annals of Botany, 99(6), pp. 1203-1212. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/aob/mcm067

Raabova, Jana; Muenzbergova, Zuzana; Fischer, Markus (2007). Ecological rather than geographic or genetic distance affects local adaptation of the rare perennial herb, Aster amellus. Biological conservation, 139(3-4), pp. 348-357. Barking, UK: Elsevier 10.1016/j.biocon.2007.07.007

Rudmann-Maurer, Katrin; Weyand, Anne; Fischer, Markus; Stöcklin, Jürg (2007). Microsatellite diversity of the agriculturally important alpine grass. Annals of Botany, 100(6), pp. 1249-1258. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/aob/mcm203

van Kleunen, Mark (2007). Adaptive genetic differentiation in life-history traits between populations of Mimulus guttatus with annual and perennial life-cycles. Evolutionary ecology, 2(21), pp. 185-199. London: Chapman and Hall 10.1007/s10682-006-0019-7

van Kleunen, Mark; Fischer, Markus (2007). Progress in the detection of costs of phenotypic plasticity in plants. New Phytologist, 176(4), pp. 727-730. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2007.02296.x

van Kleunen, Mark; Fischer, Markus; Johnson, Steven (2007). Reproductive assurance through self-fertilization does not vary with population size in the alien invasive plant Datura stramonium. Oikos, 116(8), pp. 1400-1412. Oxford: Blackwell 10.1111/j.2007.0030-1299.16004.x

van Kleunen, Mark; Johnson, Steven (2007). Effects of self-compatibility on the distribution range of invasive European plants in North America. Conservation Biology, 6(21), pp. 1537-1544. Boston, Mass.: Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2007.00765.x

van Kleunen, Mark; Johnson, Steven (2007). South African Iridaceae with rapid and profuse seedling emergence are more likely to become naturalized in other regions. Journal of Ecology, 95(4), pp. 674-681. Oxford: Blackwell 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2007.01250.x

van Kleunen, Mark; Johnson, Steven (2007). Out of Africa: Reproductive traits of species of South African Iridaceae indicate their likelihood of naturalisation elsewhere. South African Journal of Botany, 73(2), pp. 317-318. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.sajb.2007.02.133

van Kleunen, Mark; Johnson, Steven; Fischer, Markus (2007). Predicting naturalization of southern African Iridaceae in other regions. Journal of Applied Ecology, 44(3), pp. 594-603. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2007.01304.x

van Kleunen, Mark; Lenssen, John; Fischer, Markus; de Kroon, Hans (2007). Selection on phenotypic plasticity of morphological traits in response to flooding and competition in the clonal shore plant Ranunculus reptans. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 20(6), pp. 2126-2137. Basel: Wiley 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2007.01431.x

van Kleunen, Mark; Nanni, Ingrid; Donaldson, John; Manning, John (2007). The role of beetle marks and flower colour on visitation by monkey beetles (Hopliini) in the greater cape floral region, South Africa. Annals of Botany, 100(7), pp. 1483-1489. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/aob/mcm256

van Kleunen, Mark; Richardson, David (2007). Invasion biology and conservation biology: time to join forces to explore the links between species traits and extinction risk and invasiveness. Progress in physical geography, 31(4), pp. 447-450. London: Sage 10.1177/0309133307081295

Willi, Yvonne; Dietrich, Stefan; van Kleunen, Mark; Fischer, Markus (2007). Inter-specific competitive stress does not affect the magnitude of inbreeding depression. Evolutionary ecology research, 6(9), pp. 959-974. Tucson, Ariz.: Evolutionary Ecology

Willi, Yvonne; Van Buskirk, Josh; Schmid, Bernhard; Fischer, Markus (2007). Genetic isolation of fragmented populations is exacerbated by drift and selection. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 20(2), pp. 534-542. Basel: Wiley 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2006.01263.x

Willi, Yvonne; Van Kleunen, Mark; Dietrich, Stefan; Fischer, Markus (2007). Genetic rescue persists beyond first-generation outbreeding in small populations of a rare plant. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series B - biological sciences, 274(1623), pp. 2357-2364. London: Royal Society of London 10.1098/rspb.2007.0768

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