Messner, Claude Mathias

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Aschwanden, Rahel; Messner, Claude; Höchli, Bettina; Holenweger, Geraldine (2024). Employee behavior: the psychological gateway for cyberattacks. Organizational Cybersecurity Journal: Practice, Process and People Emerald 10.1108/OCJ-02-2023-0004

Höchli, Bettina Rebekka; Dorn, Michael; Holenweger, Geraldine; Messner, Claude; Schuller, Simone; Rohrbach, Helene (2023). Improving Hand Hygiene Adherence in Small Animal Hospitals: A Social Marketing Approach. Social marketing quarterly, 29(3) Sage 10.1177/15245004231191567

Messner, Claude; Carnelli, Mattia; Höhener, Patrick Stefan (2022). The Performance and Likability of the Federal Council of Switzerland Is Assessed More Positively than That of its Members on Average. Swiss Psychology Open, 2(1), p. 8. Ubiquity Press 10.5334/spo.45

Höchli, Bettina; Brügger, Adrian; Messner, Claude (2021). Exploring the influence of goals at different levels of abstraction on self-reported and electronically measured exercise frequency: an experimental field study. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 20(2), pp. 474-496. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/1612197X.2021.1891000

Messner, Claude; Carnelli, Mattia; Höhener, Patrick (2021). Change in Evaluation Mode can Cause a Cheerleader Effect. Frontiers in psychology, 12 Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.607448

Höchli, Bettina; Messner, Claude Mathias (October 2020). RealExperienceInsight: A smartphone app to conduct survey and experimental research (Unpublished). In: Swiss Academy of Marketing Science Conference. Luzern. 16.10.2020.

Höchli, Bettina; Brügger, Adrian; Messner, Claude (2020). Making New Year's Resolutions that Stick: Exploring how Superordinate and Subordinate Goals Motivate Goal Pursuit. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 12(1), pp. 30-52. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/aphw.12172

Stämpfli, Aline E.; Stöckli, Sabrina; Brunner, Thomas A.; Messner, Claude (2020). A Dieting Facilitator on the Fridge Door: Can Dieters Deliberately Apply Environmental Dieting Cues to Lose Weight? Frontiers in psychology, 11, p. 582369. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.582369

Messner, Claude; Carnelli, Mattia (September 2019). Cheerleadereffect without Cheerleader (Unpublished). In: Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie. Köln, Germany. 16. bis 18. September 2019.

Stöckli, Sabrina; Höchli, Bettina; Dorn, Michael Hans; Messner, Claude Mathias (21 June 2019). Improving Personality-Mining Algorithms Used for Psychological Targeting with a Psychometric Scale for Susceptibility to Social Influence (Unpublished). In: INFORMS Marketing Science Conference. Roma, Italy. 20.-22.06.2019.

Stöckli, Sabrina; Dorn, Michael Hans; Messner, Claude Mathias (3 May 2019). The better-than-average effect drives norm misperceptions (Unpublished). In: 6th International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Social Sciences. Utrecht, Netherlands. 02.-04.05. 2019.

Messner, Claude; Höchli, Bettina; Brügger, Adrian (March 2019). To Make New Year’s Resolutions Stick: Focusing on Subordiante as Well as Superordinate Goals (Unpublished). In: Annual Conference of the Society of Consumer Psychology. Savannah, Georgia. Feb. 28 - Mar. 2, 2019.

Messner, Claude; Friese, M. (2019). Gewalthaltige Medien und aggressives Verhalten. In: Schneider, Silvia; Margraf, Jürgen (eds.) Lehrbuch der Verhaltenstherapie, Band 3 (pp. 91-107). Springer 10.1007/978-3-662-57369-3_6

Höchli, Bettina; Brügger, Adrian; Abegglen, Roman; Messner, Claude (2019). Using a Goal Theoretical Perspective to Reduce Negative and Promote Positive Spillover After a Bike-to-Work Campaign. Frontiers in psychology, 10, p. 433. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00433

Stöckli, Sabrina; Messner, Claude; Sterchi, Martin; Dorn, Michael (2019). Unreliable is better: Theoretical and practical impulses for performance management. Die Unternehmung : Swiss journal of business research and practice, 73(2), pp. 167-180. Nomos 10.5771/0042-059X-2019-2-167

Brügger, Adrian; Dorn, Michael H.; Messner, Claude; Kaiser, Florian G. (2019). Conformity Within the Campbell Paradigm: Proposing a New Measurement Instrument. Social Psychology, 50(3), pp. 133-144. Hogrefe & Huber 10.1027/1864-9335/a000366

Höchli, Bettina; Messner, Claude; Brügger, Adrian (October 2018). Using Goal Theory to Promote Habit Formation During and After a Bike-to-Work Campaign. Advances in consumer research, 46, p. 909. Association for Consumer Research

Messner, Claude; Höchli, Bettina; Brügger, Adrian (September 2018). Vorteile von übergeordneten Zielen (Unpublished). In: Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Frankfurt, Germany.

Höchli, Bettina; Brügger, Adrian; Messner, Claude (2018). How Focusing on Superordinate Goals Motivates Broad, Long-Term Goal Pursuit: A Theoretical Perspective. Frontiers in psychology, 9 Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01879

Messner, Claude; Kunz, Alexis H.; Wallmeier, Martin (5 September 2017). Diet-Paradox bei Finanzprodukten (Unpublished). In: 16. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie. Ulm. 4.-6. September 2017.

Kunz, Alexis H.; Messner, Claude; Wallmeier, Martin (2017). Investors’ Risk Perceptions of Structured Financial Products with Worst-of Payout Characteristics. Journal of behavioral and experimental finance, 15(15), pp. 66-73. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jbef.2017.07.005

Stämpfli, Aline (2017). How Environmental Health Cues Affect Dieting. (Dissertation, Universität Bern, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät)

Dorn, Michael Hans; Brügger, Adrian; Messner, Claude (28 October 2016). Do you cut in line? Predicting individuals’ compliance to social norms from day-to-day behavior (Unpublished). In: North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research. Berlin. 27.-30.10.2016.

Messner, Claude; Kunz, Alexis H.; Wallmeier, Martin (20 October 2016). The Dieter’s Paradox in Financial Markets (Unpublished). In: Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Leipzig. 18.-22. Sept. 2016.

Dorn, Michael; Messner, Claude; Wänke, Michaela (2016). Partitioning the choice task makes Starbucks coffee taste better. Journal of Marketing Behavior, 1(3-4), pp. 363-384. now publishers 10.1561/107.00000023

Stöckli, Sabrina; Stämpfli, Aline; Messner, Claude; Brunner, Thomas A. (2016). An (un) healthy poster: When environmental cues affect consumers’ food choices at vending machines. Appetite, 96(1), pp. 368-374. Elsevier 10.1016/j.appet.2015.09.034

Stämpfli, Aline; Brunner, Thomas; Stöckli, Sabrina; Messner, Claude (2016). How hunger facilities dieting: the paradoxical effect of hunger when individuals are primed with an environmental dieting cue. Advances in consumer research, 44, p. 759. Association for Consumer Research

Dorn, Michael; Messner, Claude; Wänke, Michaela (2016). Partitioning the Choice Task Makes Starbucks Coffee Taste Better. Corrigendum. Journal of Marketing Behavior, 1(3-4), pp. 363-384. now publishers 10.1561/107.00000023-corr

Dorn, Michael Hans; Messner, Claude; Brügger, Adrian (1 October 2015). A double-edged sword: How perceived variety and perceived choice difficulty jointly determine consumers’ satisfaction with a customized product. In: North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research. New Orleans, USA. 01.-04.10.2015.

Stämpfli, Aline; Brunner, Thomas; Messner, Claude; Stöckli, Sabrina (1 October 2015). Of two minds about eating: How thin human-like sculptures help to resist tempting food. In: North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research 2015. New Orleans, USA. 01.-04.10.2015.

Stämpfli, Aline; Brunner, Thomas; Messner, Claude (24 August 2015). Unconsciously eating less: How artwork reduces unhealthy food intake (Unpublished). In: 11th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium. Svenska Mässan, The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Messner, Claude; Brügger, Adrian (2015). Nazis by Kraut: A playful application of moral self-licensing. Psychology, 06(09), pp. 1144-1149. Scientific Research 10.4236/psych.2015.69112

Dorn, Michael Hans; Messner, Claude; Ouertani, Jasmin (2015). Pay for performance does not always increase performance. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 59(2), pp. 85-94. Hogrefe 10.1026/0932-4089/a000180

Dorn, Michael Hans; Messner, Claude (24 October 2014). Pralines from a smaller gift box taste better. In: Association for Consumer Research North American Conference 2014. Baltimore, MD. 23.-26.10. 2014.

Messner, Claude; Brügger, Adrian (21 September 2014). Nazis & Krauts (Unpublished). In: 49. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Bochum, Deutschland. 21.- 25.09.2014.

Weibel, Christian; Messner, Claude; Brügger, Adrian (2014). Completed egoism and intended altruism boost healthy food choices. Appetite, 77, pp. 38-45. Elsevier 10.1016/j.appet.2014.02.010

Dorn, Michael Hans; Brügger, Adrian; Messner, Claude (2014). Repeatedly experiencing information overload in a product customization: a case of sequential overchoice. In: Society for Consumer Psychology 2014 Annual Winter Conference. Miami, USA. 6.-8. Mrz. 2014.

Dorn, Michael Hans; Brügger, Adrian; Messner, Claude (3 October 2013). Sequential overchoice in product customization. In: North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research 2013. Chicago, USA. 03.-06.10.2013.

Weibel, Christian; Messner, Claude (3 October 2013). Self-licensing effects on food choices. In: North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research 2013. Chicago, USA. 03.-06.10.2013.

Messner, Claude; Dorn, Michael Hans (7 August 2013). Eine Vorlesung dauert 90 Minuten. NZZ Campus NZZ

Dorn, Michael Hans; Messner, Claude (28 February 2013). Balance theory in eWOM: Even if you red-flag this product, I like it, as I dislike you. In: Society for Consumer Psychology 2013 Annual Winter Conference. Society for Consumer Psychology

Messner, Claude; Tiaden, Corinne; Brügger, Adrian; Ulrich, Milena (2013). Der mittelfristige Einfluss von Feedback auf die Leistung von Mastery oder Performance motivierten Personen. Frankfurt am Main: peDOCS

Messner, Claude; Wänke, Michaela (4 October 2012). Coffee without overchoice. In: North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research 2012. Association for Consumer Research

Dorn, Michael Hans; Messner, Claude (4 October 2012). Devaluing the recommendation of a proficient but dissimilar reviewer (Unpublished). In: North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research 2012. Vancouver, Kanada. 04.-07.10.2012.

Messner, Claude; Wänke, Michaela (February 2012). Why Starbucks coffee tastes better. In: Society for Consumer Psychology 2012 Annual Winter Conference. Las Vegas. 16.-18.02.2012.

Friese, Malte; Messner, Claude; Schaffner, Yves (2012). Mindfulness meditation counteracts self-control depletion. Consciousness and cognition, 21(2), pp. 1016-1022. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.concog.2012.01.008

Messner, Claude; Tiaden, Corinne; Brügger, Adrian (2012). Einfluss von Feedback und Zielorientierung auf die Leistung. In: 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Bielefeld. 23.-27.9.2012.

Friese, Malte; Messner, Claude; Schweizer, Lea; Schaffner, Yves; Wänke, Michaela (2012). Achtsamkeitsmeditation, Beten und Selbstkontrollerschöpfung. In: 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Bielefeld. 23.-27.9.2012.

Dorn, Michael Hans; Messner, Claude (2012). Assimilation and contrast in web product reviews: devaluing the recommendation of a proficient but dissimilar reviewer (Unpublished). In: Transfer of Knowledge Conference. Estoril, Portugal. 05.-09.09.2012.

Messner, Claude; Merz, Thomas (1 June 2011). Schwimmen in der Flut von Informationen (Radiointerview). In: Wissenschaft im Gespräch.

Messner, Claude; Wänke, Michaela (2011). Unconscious personnel selection. Social Cognition, 29(6), pp. 699-710. New York, N.Y.: Guilford Press

Messner, Claude; Wänke, Michaela (2011). Good weather for Schwarz and Clore. Emotion, 11(2), pp. 436-437. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association 10.1037/a0022821

Messner, Claude; Wänke, Michaela (2011). Unconscious information processing reduces information overload and increase product satisfaction. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 21(1), pp. 9-13. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jcps.2010.09.010

Messner, Claude; Ouertani, J.; Dorn, M. (2011). Leistungslohn reduziert nicht immer die Leistung. In: 7. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- & Wirtschaftspsychologie. Rostock.

Malte, F.; Messner, Claude; Schweizer, L.; Schaffner, Y.; Wänke, M. (2011). Meditation und Beten fördern Selbstkontrolle nach Selbstkontrollerschöpfung. In: 13. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie in Hamburg.

Messner, Claude; Wänke, M. (2011). When more is better: Reaping the benefits of large assortment sizes through unconscious thought. In: 16th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology in Stockholm.

Messner, Claude; Vosgerau, Joachim (2010). Cognitive inertia and the implicit association test. Journal of Marketing Research, 47(2), pp. 374-386. American Marketing Association 10.1509/jmkr.47.2.374

Friese, M.; Messner, Claude (2010). Der Passepartout zum Lebenserfolg? Aktuelle Forschung zum psychologischen Konzept der Selbstkontrolle. Psychoscope, 31(5), pp. 8-11. Föderation der Schweizer Psychologinnen und Psychologen

Messner, Claude (2009). Medien und Gewalt. In: Schneider, Silvia; Margraf, Jürgen (eds.) Störungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Lehrbuch der Verhaltenstherapie: Vol. 3 (pp. 95-110). Berlin: Springer

Messner, Claude; Vosgerau, Joachim (2009). Order effects in the IAT. In: McGill, Ann L.; Shavitt, Sharon (eds.) Advances in Consumer Research 36 (pp. 38-40). Duluth: Association for Consumer Research

Messner, Claude; Schmid, Benjamin (2007). Über die Schwierigkeit, unparteiische Entscheidungen zu fällen: Schiedsrichter bevorzugen Fussballteams ihrer Kultur. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 38(2), pp. 105-110. Huber 10.1024/0044-3514.38.2.105

Florack, Arnd; Messner, Claude (2006). Führungsstrategien und Personalentwicklung in der Hochschule. Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung, 1(1), pp. 6-20. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik ÖGHD

Fiedler, Klaus; Messner, Claude; Blümke, Matthias (2006). Unresolved Problems with the "I", the "A" and the "T": Logical and Psychometric Critique of the Implicit Association Test (IAT). European Review of Social Psychology, 17(1), pp. 74-147. Psychology Press 10.1080/10463280600681248

Brendl, C. Miguel; Markman, Arthur B.; Messner, Claude (2005). Indirectly measuring evaluations of several attitude objects in relation to a neutral reference point. Journal of experimental social psychology, 41(4), pp. 346-368. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jesp.2004.07.006

Brendl, C. Miguel; Markman, Arthur B.; Messner, Claude (2003). The devaluation effect: activating a need devalues unrelated objects. Journal of Consumer Research, 29(4), pp. 463-473. American Marketing Association

Brendl, C. Miguel; Markman, Arthur B.; Messner, Claude (2003). Implicit and explicit evaluations: a declaration of dependence. In: Keller, Punam Anand; Rook, Dennis W. (eds.) Advances in Consumer Research 30 (pp. 152-153). Valdosta: Association for Consumer Research

Brendl, C Miguel; Markman, Arthur B; Messner, Claude (2001). How do indirect measures of evaluation work? Evaluating the inference of prejudice in the Implicit Association Test. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 81(5), pp. 760-773. American Psychological Association 10.1037/0022-3514.81.5.760

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