04 Faculty of Medicine > Department of Gynaecology, Paediatrics and Endocrinology (DFKE) > Clinic of Paediatric Surgery

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Abu-Isa, Janine

Abu-Isa, Janine; Oesch, Valerie; Mariani, Luigi (2008). Endoscopic Treatment of Intraventricular, Neuroepithelial Cysts - Report of two Cases. In: ESPN. Montreux.

Abu-Isa, J.; Joeris, A.; Oesch, V.; Mariani, L. (2008). Growing subgaleal swelling as an early indicater for development of a growing skull fracture. In: ESPN. Montreux.

Aebi, Christoph

Schöbi, Nina; Duppenthaler, Andrea; Horn, Matthias; Bartenstein, Andreas; Keitel, Kristina; Kopp, Matthias V; Agyeman, Philipp; Aebi, Christoph (2024). Preadmission course and management of severe pediatric group A streptococcal infections during the 2022-2023 outbreak: a single-center experience. Infection, 52(4), pp. 1397-1405. Springer-Medizin-Verlag 10.1007/s15010-024-02198-w

Starvaggi, Carl Alessandro; Travaglini, Nicola; Aebi, Christoph; Romano, Fabrizio; Steiner, Isabelle; Sauter, Thomas Christian; Keitel, Kristina (2023). www.coronabambini.ch: Development and usage of an online decision support tool for paediatric COVID-19-testing in Switzerland: a cross-sectional analysis. BMJ open, 13(3), e063820. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-063820

Bölsterli, E; Keller, P M; Suter, F; Krüger, L; Duppenthaler, A; Aebi, Christoph; Agyeman, P K A (2023). A comparison of bronchoalveolar lavage and gastric aspirate for diagnosis of paediatric TB. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease, 27(2), pp. 148-150. IUATLD 10.5588/ijtld.22.0359

Schöbi, Nina; Agyeman, Philipp KA; Duppenthaler, Andrea; Bartenstein, Andreas; Keller, Peter M; Suter-Riniker, Franziska; Schmidt, Kristina M; Kopp, Matthias V; Aebi, Christoph (2022). PEDIATRIC TULAREMIA– A CASE SERIES FROM A SINGLE CENTER IN SWITZERLAND. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 9(7) Oxford University Press 10.1093/ofid/ofac292

Flohr, Sarah; Ramette, Alban; Agyeman, Philipp K. A.; Duppenthaler, Andrea; Scherer, Cordula; Keller, Peter M.; Aebi, Christoph (2020). Recurrent Mycobacterium chelonae Skin Infection Unmasked as Factitious Disorder Using Bacterial Whole Genome Sequence Analysis. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 7(11), ofaa506. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ofid/ofaa506

Schlapbach, Luregn J; Thiel, Steffen; Kessler, Ulf; Ammann, Roland A; Aebi, Christoph; Jensenius, Jens C (2011). Congenital H-ficolin deficiency in premature infants with severe necrotising enterocolitis. Gut, 60(10), pp. 1438-9. London: BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/gut.2010.226027

Schlapbach, J L; Mattmann, M; Thiel, S; Boillat, C; Otth, M; Nelle, M; Wagner, B; Jensenius, C J; Aebi, Ch (2010). Differential Role of the Lectin Pathway of Complement Activation in Susceptibility to Neonatal Sepsis. Clinical infectious diseases, 51(2), pp. 153-162. Cary, N.C.: The University of Chicago Press 10.1086/653531

Lüer, Sonja; Berger, Steffen; Diepold, Miriam; Duppenthaler, Andrea; von Gunten, Michael; Mühlethaler, Konrad; Wolf, Rainer; Aebi, Christoph (2009). Treatment of intestinal and hepatic mucormycosis in an immunocompromized child. Pediatric blood & cancer, 52(7), pp. 872-4. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Liss 10.1002/pbc.21918

Schlapbach, Luregn J; Aebi, Christoph; Fisch, Urs; Ammann, Roland A; Otth, Margrith; Bigler, Susanne; Nelle, Mathias; Berger, Steffen; Kessler, Ulf (2008). Higher cord blood levels of mannose-binding lectin-associated serine protease-2 in infants with necrotising enterocolitis. Pediatric research, 64(5), pp. 562-6. New York, N.Y.: Nature Publishing Group 10.1203/PDR.0b013e3181841335

Aghayev, Emin

Lenoir, U; Slongo, T; Aghayev, E; Joeris, A (2017). [The Value of Conventional Radiographs of the Pelvis in Detection of Perthes Disease 3 Months After an Episode of Acute Transient Synovitis]. Klinische Pädiatrie, 229(2), pp. 76-81. Thieme 10.1055/s-0042-116150

Agyeman, Philipp Kwame Abayie

Schöbi, Nina; Duppenthaler, Andrea; Horn, Matthias; Bartenstein, Andreas; Keitel, Kristina; Kopp, Matthias V; Agyeman, Philipp; Aebi, Christoph (2024). Preadmission course and management of severe pediatric group A streptococcal infections during the 2022-2023 outbreak: a single-center experience. Infection, 52(4), pp. 1397-1405. Springer-Medizin-Verlag 10.1007/s15010-024-02198-w

Bölsterli, E; Keller, P M; Suter, F; Krüger, L; Duppenthaler, A; Aebi, Christoph; Agyeman, P K A (2023). A comparison of bronchoalveolar lavage and gastric aspirate for diagnosis of paediatric TB. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease, 27(2), pp. 148-150. IUATLD 10.5588/ijtld.22.0359

Schöbi, Nina; Agyeman, Philipp KA; Duppenthaler, Andrea; Bartenstein, Andreas; Keller, Peter M; Suter-Riniker, Franziska; Schmidt, Kristina M; Kopp, Matthias V; Aebi, Christoph (2022). PEDIATRIC TULAREMIA– A CASE SERIES FROM A SINGLE CENTER IN SWITZERLAND. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 9(7) Oxford University Press 10.1093/ofid/ofac292

Flohr, Sarah; Ramette, Alban; Agyeman, Philipp K. A.; Duppenthaler, Andrea; Scherer, Cordula; Keller, Peter M.; Aebi, Christoph (2020). Recurrent Mycobacterium chelonae Skin Infection Unmasked as Factitious Disorder Using Bacterial Whole Genome Sequence Analysis. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 7(11), ofaa506. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ofid/ofaa506

Zimmermann, Petra; Berlinger, Livia; Liniger, Benjamin; Grunt, Sebastian; Agyeman, Philipp; Ritz, Nicole (2012). Actinobaculum schaalii an emerging pediatric pathogen? BMC infectious diseases, 12(1), p. 201. London: BioMed Central 10.1186/1471-2334-12-201

Ahmad, Sufian

Schmid, Timo Georg Johannes; Joeris, Alexander; Slongo, Theddy; Ahmad, Sufian; Ziebarth, Kai (2015). Displaced supracondylar humeral fractures: influence of delay of surgery on the incidence of open reduction, complications and outcome. Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery, 135(7), pp. 963-969. Springer 10.1007/s00402-015-2248-0

Kohl, Sandro; Stutz, Chantal; Decker, Sebastian; Ziebarth, Kai; Slongo, Theddy; Ahmad, Sufian S.; Kohlhof, Hendrik; Eggli, Stefan; Zumstein, Matthias; Evangelopoulos, Dimitrios S. (2014). Mid-term results of transphyseal anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in children and adolescents. The knee, 21(1), pp. 80-85. Elsevier 10.1016/j.knee.2013.07.004

Ahrens, Olaf

Schlapbach, Luregn J; Ahrens, Olaf; Klimek, Peter; Berger, Steffen; Kessler, Ulf (2010). Clostridium perfringens and necrotizing enterocolitis. Journal of pediatrics, 157(1), p. 175. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpeds.2010.03.027

Aliu, Nijas

Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Milošević, Milan; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Aliu, Nijas; Cholewa, Dietmar; Häcker, Frank-Martin; Dekany, Gabriela; Bartenstein, Andreas; Berger, Steffen M. (2024). Cytokine Signaling in Pediatric Kidney Tumor Cell Lines WT-CLS1, WT-3ab and G-401. International journal of molecular sciences, 25(4) MDPI 10.3390/ijms25042281

Schlichtner, Stephanie; Yasinska, Inna M; Lall, Gurprit S; Berger, Steffen M; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Cholewa, Dietmar; Aliu, Nijas; Gibbs, Bernhard F; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V (2023). T lymphocytes induce human cancer cells derived from solid malignant tumors to secrete galectin-9 which facilitates immunosuppression in cooperation with other immune checkpoint proteins. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer, 11(1) BioMed Central 10.1136/jitc-2022-005714

Schlichtner, Stephanie; Yasinska, Inna M; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Berger, Steffen M; Aliu, Nijas; Prunk, Mateja; Kos, Janko; Meyer, N Helge; Gibbs, Bernhard F; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V (2022). Expression of the Immune Checkpoint Protein VISTA Is Differentially Regulated by the TGF-β1 - Smad3 Signaling Pathway in Rapidly Proliferating Human Cells and T Lymphocytes. Frontiers in medicine, 9, p. 790995. Frontiers 10.3389/fmed.2022.790995

Santi, Maristella; Grafmüller, Stefanie; Zeino, Mazen; Cools, Martine; Van De Vijver, Koen; Trippel, Mafalda; Aliu, Nijas; Flück, Christa E (2021). Approach to the Virilizing Girl at Puberty. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 106(5), pp. 1530-1539. Oxford University Press 10.1210/clinem/dgaa948

Schlichtner, Stephanie; Meyer, N. Helge; Yasinska, Inna M.; Aliu, Nijas; Berger, Steffen M.; Gibbs, Bernhard F.; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V. (2021). Functional role of galectin-9 in directing human innate immune reactions to Gram-negative bacteria and T cell apoptosis. International immunopharmacology, 100, p. 108155. Elsevier 10.1016/j.intimp.2021.108155

Ammann, Roland

Schlapbach, Luregn J; Thiel, Steffen; Kessler, Ulf; Ammann, Roland A; Aebi, Christoph; Jensenius, Jens C (2011). Congenital H-ficolin deficiency in premature infants with severe necrotising enterocolitis. Gut, 60(10), pp. 1438-9. London: BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/gut.2010.226027

Schlapbach, Luregn J; Aebi, Christoph; Fisch, Urs; Ammann, Roland A; Otth, Margrith; Bigler, Susanne; Nelle, Mathias; Berger, Steffen; Kessler, Ulf (2008). Higher cord blood levels of mannose-binding lectin-associated serine protease-2 in infants with necrotising enterocolitis. Pediatric research, 64(5), pp. 562-6. New York, N.Y.: Nature Publishing Group 10.1203/PDR.0b013e3181841335

Anschütz, Lukas Peter

Borner, Urs; Anschütz, Lukas; Kaiser, Nadine; Rieke, Alexander; Dubach, Patrick; Caversaccio, Marco (2019). Blunt nasal trauma in children: a frequent diagnostic challenge. European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology, 276(1), pp. 85-91. Springer 10.1007/s00405-018-5183-1

Anwander, Helen

Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno; Anwander, Helen; Zurmühle, Corinne; Tannast, Moritz; Slongo, Theddy; Steppacher, Simon Damian (2015). Head Reduction Osteotomy With Additional Containment Surgery Improves Sphericity and Containment and Reduces Pain in Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 473(4), pp. 1274-1283. Springer 10.1007/s11999-014-4048-1

Arenz, Stephan

Wüest, Alyssa Laurence; Manser, Helen; Küster, Helmut; Löllgen, Ruth Mari; Arenz, Tina; Arenz, Stephan; Nelle, Mathias; Gerull, Roland (2016). Comparison of treatment strategies for anaemia of prematurity in extremely low birthweight infants between 1997 and 2011. Archives of disease in childhood - fetal and neonatal edition, 101(5), F480-F481. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/archdischild-2016-310752

Arenz, Tina

Wüest, Alyssa Laurence; Manser, Helen; Küster, Helmut; Löllgen, Ruth Mari; Arenz, Tina; Arenz, Stephan; Nelle, Mathias; Gerull, Roland (2016). Comparison of treatment strategies for anaemia of prematurity in extremely low birthweight infants between 1997 and 2011. Archives of disease in childhood - fetal and neonatal edition, 101(5), F480-F481. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/archdischild-2016-310752

Audigé, Laurent

Joeris, Alexander; Lutz, Nicolas; Wicki, Bárbara; Slongo, Theddy; Audigé, Laurent (2014). An epidemiological evaluation of pediatric long bone fractures - a retrospective cohort study of 2716 patients from two Swiss tertiary pediatric hospitals. BMC pediatrics, 14, p. 314. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12887-014-0314-3

Bartenstein, Andreas

Schöbi, Nina; Duppenthaler, Andrea; Horn, Matthias; Bartenstein, Andreas; Keitel, Kristina; Kopp, Matthias V; Agyeman, Philipp; Aebi, Christoph (2024). Preadmission course and management of severe pediatric group A streptococcal infections during the 2022-2023 outbreak: a single-center experience. Infection, 52(4), pp. 1397-1405. Springer-Medizin-Verlag 10.1007/s15010-024-02198-w

Streibel, Carmen; Willers, C Corin; Bauman, Grzegorz; Pusterla, Orso; Bieri, Oliver; Curdy, Marion; Horn, Matthias; Casaulta, Carmen; Berger, Steffen; Dekany, Gabriela Marta; Kieninger, Elisabeth; Bartenstein, Andreas; Latzin, Philipp (2024). Long-term pulmonary outcome of children with congenital diaphragmatic hernia: functional lung MRI using matrix-pencil decomposition enables side-specific assessment of lung function. European radiology, 34(6), pp. 3773-3785. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00330-023-10395-8

Schnabel, Kai; Guttormsen, Sissel; Bartenstein, Andreas (22 March 2024). Qualitätskriterien für interdisziplinäre und interprofessionelle pädiatrische Skills Labs. In: 18. Internationales Skills Lab Symposium. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House

Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Milošević, Milan; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Aliu, Nijas; Cholewa, Dietmar; Häcker, Frank-Martin; Dekany, Gabriela; Bartenstein, Andreas; Berger, Steffen M. (2024). Cytokine Signaling in Pediatric Kidney Tumor Cell Lines WT-CLS1, WT-3ab and G-401. International journal of molecular sciences, 25(4) MDPI 10.3390/ijms25042281

Abooali, Maryam; Yasinska, Inna M; Schlichtner, Stephanie; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Berger, Steffen M; Cholewa, Dietmar; Milošević, Milan; Bartenstein, Andreas; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V (2024). Activation of immune evasion machinery is a part of the process of malignant transformation of human cells. Translational oncology, 39(101805), p. 101805. Elsevier 10.1016/j.tranon.2023.101805

Schwitz, Fabienne; Bartenstein, Andreas; Huwendiek, Sören (2022). [Workplace-based Assessments: A Needs Analysis of Residents and Supervisors]. Praxis, 111(11), pp. 605-611. Hogrefe 10.1024/1661-8157/a003877

Ulmer, Francis; Pallivathukal, Sabine; Bartenstein, Andreas; Bieri, Ruth; Studer, Daniela; Lava, Sebastiano A G (2022). Preparedness for Life-Threatening Situations in a Pediatric Tertiary-Care University Children's Hospital: A Survey. Children, 9(2) MDPI 10.3390/children9020271

Schöbi, Nina; Agyeman, Philipp KA; Duppenthaler, Andrea; Bartenstein, Andreas; Keller, Peter M; Suter-Riniker, Franziska; Schmidt, Kristina M; Kopp, Matthias V; Aebi, Christoph (2022). PEDIATRIC TULAREMIA– A CASE SERIES FROM A SINGLE CENTER IN SWITZERLAND. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 9(7) Oxford University Press 10.1093/ofid/ofac292

Bartenstein, Andreas; Stranzinger, Enno; Ziebarth, Kai (2019). Traitement des fractures-un guide pratique. Paediatrica, 30(2), pp. 9-18. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Pädiatrie SGP

Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Aliu, Nijas; Haecker, Frank-Martin; Maltsev, Natalia; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Cholewa, Dietmar; Bartenstein, Andreas; Milosevic, Milan; Berger, Steffen M. (2019). Chromosomal Heterogeneity of the G-401 Rhabdoid Tumor Cell Line: Unusual Partial 7p Trisomy. Frontiers in medicine, 6, p. 187. Frontiers 10.3389/fmed.2019.00187

Morr, A.-K.; Hofstaetter, Cornelia; Benetti, Cecilia; Bartenstein, Andreas; Surbek, Daniel (31 October 2018). Intrauterine fetale Ovarialtorsion (Unpublished). In: Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe.

Berger, Steffen; Bartenstein, Andreas (2018). Schädel-Hirn-Trauma bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. In: von Schweinitz, Dietrich; Ure, Benno (eds.) Kinderchirurgie : viszerale und allgemeine Chirurgie des Kindesalters. Springer Reference Medizin (pp. 1-13). Springer 10.1007/978-3-662-53390-1_21-1

Berger, Steffen Michael; Bartenstein, Andreas; Schweizer, Paul (2016). True congenital cysts of the pancreas in the newborn and infant. Clinics in Surgery, 1(1149), pp. 1-6. Remedy Publications LLC.

Bartenstein, Andreas; Kolp, Dagmar; Berger, Steffen Michael; Ziebarth, Kai (2015). Frakturversorgung in der Praxis - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Kinderärzte Schweiz(01), pp. 11-15.

Berger, Steffen Michael; Bartenstein, Andreas (12 December 2014). Kinderchirurgie - Aktuelle Möglichkeiten, Chancen und Grenzen. Pädiatrie, 2014(6), pp. 4-9. Rosenfluh

Bartenstein, Andreas (2014). Schmerz und Angst sind bei Kindern besonders zu berücksichtigen. Hausarzt Praxis, 9(5), pp. 2-7.

Ziebarth, Kai; Bartenstein, Andreas; Kolp, Dagmar (2014). Frakturen der unteren Extremitäten. Hausarzt Praxis, 9(6), pp. 38-40. PPM MEDIC

Bartenstein, Andreas; Cholewa, Dietmar; Boillat, Colette; Zachariou, Zacharias (2009). Dissection of the Appendix with Ultrasound-Activated Scalpel: An Experimental Study in Pediatric Laparoscopic Appendectomy. Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques, 20(2), pp. 199-204. New York, N.Y.: Mary Ann Liebert 10.1089/lap.2009.0028

Bartholdi, Deborah

Hofstaetter, Cornelia; Courage, Carolina; Bartholdi, Deborah; Biskup, Saskia; Raio, Luigi (2018). Prenatal diagnosis of diaphanospondylodysostosis (DSD): a case report. Clinical case reports, 6(2), pp. 420-425. Wiley 10.1002/ccr3.1368

Bartkevics, Maris

Bartkevics, Maris; Stankovic, Zoran; Schibli, Susanne; Fluri, Simon; Berger, Steffen; Schmidli, Jürg; Kadner, Alexander (2020). A Near Miss and Salvage Management of Aortoesophageal Fistula Secondary to Cell Battery Ingestion. World journal for pediatric & congenital heart surgery, 11(1), pp. 120-122. Sage 10.1177/2150135119880549

Bayer, Stefan

Enkling, Norbert; Utz, Karl Heinz; Bayer, Stefan; Stern, Regina Mericske (2010). Osseoperception: active tactile sensibility of osseointegrated dental implants. International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants, 25(6), pp. 1159-67. Hanover Park, Ill.: Quintessence Publ.

Beck, Martin

Stäbe-Heyl, J; Slongo, T; Beck, M; Ganz, R (2006). Bilateral post-traumatic acetabular dysplasia. Orthopäde, 35(5), pp. 566-70. Heidelberg: Springer-Medizin-Verlag 10.1007/s00132-006-0933-y

Benetti, Cecilia

Morr, A.-K.; Hofstaetter, Cornelia; Benetti, Cecilia; Bartenstein, Andreas; Surbek, Daniel (31 October 2018). Intrauterine fetale Ovarialtorsion (Unpublished). In: Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe.

Berchtold, Marlene Brigitte

Berchtold, Marlene Brigitte; Wüthrich, Christian; Garcia, Daniel; Berger, Steffen; Löllgen, Ruth Mari (2023). Nurses' and physicians' reported difficulties and enablers to recognising and reporting child abuse in Swiss paediatric emergency and paediatric surgery departments - an observational study. Swiss medical weekly, 153(40017), p. 40017. SMW supporting association 10.57187/smw.2023.40017

Berendonk, Christoph

Hennel, Eva Kathrin; Subotic, Ulrike; Berendonk, Christoph; Huwendiek, Sören (2017). Multisource-Feedback zur Unterstützung der ärztlichen Weiterbildung: Welche Faktoren führen zum Erfolg? Eine Fokusgruppen- Studie. In: Joint congress of the Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA) and the Arbeitskreis zur Weiterentwicklung der Lehre in der Zahnmedizin (AKWLZ). GMS Publishing House 10.3205/17gma162

Berger, Steffen Michael

Streibel, Carmen; Willers, C Corin; Bauman, Grzegorz; Pusterla, Orso; Bieri, Oliver; Curdy, Marion; Horn, Matthias; Casaulta, Carmen; Berger, Steffen; Dekany, Gabriela Marta; Kieninger, Elisabeth; Bartenstein, Andreas; Latzin, Philipp (2024). Long-term pulmonary outcome of children with congenital diaphragmatic hernia: functional lung MRI using matrix-pencil decomposition enables side-specific assessment of lung function. European radiology, 34(6), pp. 3773-3785. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00330-023-10395-8

Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Milošević, Milan; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Aliu, Nijas; Cholewa, Dietmar; Häcker, Frank-Martin; Dekany, Gabriela; Bartenstein, Andreas; Berger, Steffen M. (2024). Cytokine Signaling in Pediatric Kidney Tumor Cell Lines WT-CLS1, WT-3ab and G-401. International journal of molecular sciences, 25(4) MDPI 10.3390/ijms25042281

Abooali, Maryam; Yasinska, Inna M; Schlichtner, Stephanie; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Berger, Steffen M; Cholewa, Dietmar; Milošević, Milan; Bartenstein, Andreas; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V (2024). Activation of immune evasion machinery is a part of the process of malignant transformation of human cells. Translational oncology, 39(101805), p. 101805. Elsevier 10.1016/j.tranon.2023.101805

Krause, Tobias; Cholewa, Dietmar; Liniger, Benjamin; Berger, Steffen Michael; Milosevic, Milan (2024). Torsion of an Accessory Liver Lobe in a Newborn. European journal of pediatric surgery reports, 12(1), e7-e10. Thieme 10.1055/s-0043-1778663

Berchtold, Marlene Brigitte; Wüthrich, Christian; Garcia, Daniel; Berger, Steffen; Löllgen, Ruth Mari (2023). Nurses' and physicians' reported difficulties and enablers to recognising and reporting child abuse in Swiss paediatric emergency and paediatric surgery departments - an observational study. Swiss medical weekly, 153(40017), p. 40017. SMW supporting association 10.57187/smw.2023.40017

Schlichtner, Stephanie; Yasinska, Inna M; Lall, Gurprit S; Berger, Steffen M; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Cholewa, Dietmar; Aliu, Nijas; Gibbs, Bernhard F; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V (2023). T lymphocytes induce human cancer cells derived from solid malignant tumors to secrete galectin-9 which facilitates immunosuppression in cooperation with other immune checkpoint proteins. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer, 11(1) BioMed Central 10.1136/jitc-2022-005714

Schlichtner, Stephanie; Yasinska, Inna M; Klenova, Elena; Abooali, Maryam; Lall, Gurprit S; Berger, Steffen M; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Cholewa, Dietmar; Milošević, Milan; Gibbs, Bernhard F; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V (2023). L-Kynurenine participates in cancer immune evasion by downregulating hypoxic signaling in T lymphocytes. Oncoimmunology, 12(1), p. 2244330. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/2162402X.2023.2244330

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Lorance, Alex; Berger, Steffen Michael; Kaiser, Nadine; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). Health-Related Quality of Life after Fractures of the Distal Forearm in Children and Adolescents-Results from a Center in Switzerland in 432 Patients. Children, 9(10) MDPI 10.3390/children9101487

Mukaddam, Khaled; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Berger, Steffen M; Cholewa, Dietmar; Kühl, Sebastian; Vegh, Daniel; Payer, Michael; Bornstein, Michael M; Alhawasli, Farah; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta (2022). Cytokines Activate JAK-STAT Signaling Pathway in MG-63 Cells on Titanium and Zirconia. Materials, 15(16) MDPI 10.3390/ma15165621

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Meßling, Anna; Milosevic, Milan; Berger, Steffen Michael; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). Health-Related Quality of Life after Adolescent Fractures of the Femoral Shaft Stabilized by a Lateral Entry Femoral Nail. Children, 9(3) MDPI 10.3390/children9030327

Kordasz, Marcin; Racine, Michaël; Szavay, Philipp; Lehner, Markus; Krebs, Thomas; Luckert, Christian; Hau, Eva-Maria; Berger, Steffen; Kessler, Ulf (2022). Risk factors for mortality in preterm infants with necrotizing enterocolitis: a retrospective multicenter analysis. European journal of pediatrics, 181(3), pp. 933-939. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00431-021-04266-x

Schlichtner, Stephanie; Yasinska, Inna M; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Berger, Steffen M; Aliu, Nijas; Prunk, Mateja; Kos, Janko; Meyer, N Helge; Gibbs, Bernhard F; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V (2022). Expression of the Immune Checkpoint Protein VISTA Is Differentially Regulated by the TGF-β1 - Smad3 Signaling Pathway in Rapidly Proliferating Human Cells and T Lymphocytes. Frontiers in medicine, 9, p. 790995. Frontiers 10.3389/fmed.2022.790995

Huber, Jasmin L.; Berger, Steffen; Löllgen, Ruth M. (2021). Balanced Electrolyte Solutions or Normal Saline? Resuscitative Fluid Administration Practice in Swiss Pediatric Acute Care. Pediatric emergency care, 37(12), e812-e816. Wolters Kluwer Health 10.1097/PEC.0000000000001813

Löflath, Viola; Hau, Eva-Maria; Garcia, Daniel; Berger, Steffen; Löllgen, Ruth (2021). Parental satisfaction with waiting time in a Swiss tertiary paediatric emergency department. Emergency medicine journal, 38(8), pp. 617-623. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/emermed-2019-208616

Teo Hansen Selnø, Anette; Schlichtner, Stephanie; Yasinska, Inna M.; Sakhnevych, Svetlana S.; Fiedler, Walter; Wellbrock, Jasmin; Berger, Steffen M.; Klenova, Elena; Gibbs, Bernhard F.; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V. (2021). High Mobility Group Box 1 (HMGB1) Induces Toll-Like Receptor 4-Mediated Production of the Immunosuppressive Protein Galectin-9 in Human Cancer Cells. Frontiers in immunology, 12(675731) Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fimmu.2021.675731

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Rompen, Ingmar; Berger, Steffen M.; Ziebarth, Kai (2021). Health-related quality of life after conservatively and surgically-treated paediatric proximal humeral fractures. Journal of children's orthopaedics, 15(3), pp. 204-214. EPOS 10.1302/1863-2548.15.210054

Schlichtner, Stephanie; Meyer, N. Helge; Yasinska, Inna M.; Aliu, Nijas; Berger, Steffen M.; Gibbs, Bernhard F.; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V. (2021). Functional role of galectin-9 in directing human innate immune reactions to Gram-negative bacteria and T cell apoptosis. International immunopharmacology, 100, p. 108155. Elsevier 10.1016/j.intimp.2021.108155

Selnø, Anette Teo Hansen; Schlichtner, Stephanie; Yasinska, Inna M.; Sakhnevych, Svetlana S.; Fiedler, Walter; Wellbrock, Jasmin; Klenova, Elena; Pavlova, Ludmila; Gibbs, Bernhard F.; Degen, Martin; Schnyder, Isabelle; Aliu, Nijas; Berger, Steffen M.; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V. (2020). Transforming growth factor beta type 1 (TGF-β) and hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) transcription complex as master regulators of the immunosuppressive protein galectin-9 expression in human cancer and embryonic cells. Aging, 12(23), pp. 23478-23496. Impact Journals 10.18632/aging.202343

Liebs, Thoralf R.; Burgard, Marie; Kaiser, Nadine; Slongo, Theddy; Berger, Steffen; Ryser, Basil; Ziebarth, Kai (2020). Health-related quality of life after paediatric supracondylar humeral fractures. The Bone & Joint Journal, 102-B(6), pp. 755-765. British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery 10.1302/0301-620X.102B6.BJJ-2019-1391.R2

Bartkevics, Maris; Stankovic, Zoran; Schibli, Susanne; Fluri, Simon; Berger, Steffen; Schmidli, Jürg; Kadner, Alexander (2020). A Near Miss and Salvage Management of Aortoesophageal Fistula Secondary to Cell Battery Ingestion. World journal for pediatric & congenital heart surgery, 11(1), pp. 120-122. Sage 10.1177/2150135119880549

Haefeli, Stephanie; Kordasz, Marcin; Tsai, Catherine; Hau, Eva-Maria; Klimek, Peter; Cholewa, Dietmar; Pavlovic, Mladen; Berger, Steffen; Kessler, Ulf (2020). Risk Factors for Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Infants With Patent Arterial Duct. A Retrospective Matched Paired Analysis. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 8(179), p. 179. Frontiers 10.3389/fped.2020.00179

Scherer, Cordula; Berger, Steffen (2020). [Primary wound care in children]. Therapeutische Umschau, 77(5), pp. 179-184. Hogrefe 10.1024/0040-5930/a001181

Yasinska, Inna M.; Meyer, N. Helge; Schlichtner, Stephanie; Hussain, Rohanah; Siligardi, Giuliano; Casely-Hayford, Maxwell; Fiedler, Walter; Wellbrock, Jasmin; Desmet, Cloe; Calzolai, Luigi; Varani, Luca; Berger, Steffen M.; Raap, Ulrike; Gibbs, Bernhard F.; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V. (2020). Ligand-Receptor Interactions of Galectin-9 and VISTA Suppress Human T Lymphocyte Cytotoxic Activity. Frontiers in immunology, 11, p. 580557. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fimmu.2020.580557

Hau Grosch, Eva-Maria; Meyer, Sarah C; Berger, Steffen; Goutaki, Myrofora; Kordasz, Marcin; Kessler, Ulf (2019). Gastrointestinal sequelae after surgery for necrotising enterocolitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of disease in childhood - fetal and neonatal edition, 104(3), F265-F273. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/archdischild-2017-314435

Liebs, Thoralf R.; Ryser, Basil; Kaiser, Nadine; Slongo, Theddy; Berger, Steffen; Ziebarth, Kai (2019). Health-related Quality of Life After Fractures of the Lateral Third of the Clavicle in Children and Adolescents. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 39(7), e542-e547. Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BPO.0000000000001332

Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Aliu, Nijas; Haecker, Frank-Martin; Maltsev, Natalia; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Cholewa, Dietmar; Bartenstein, Andreas; Milosevic, Milan; Berger, Steffen M. (2019). Chromosomal Heterogeneity of the G-401 Rhabdoid Tumor Cell Line: Unusual Partial 7p Trisomy. Frontiers in medicine, 6, p. 187. Frontiers 10.3389/fmed.2019.00187

Yasinska, Inna M.; Sakhnevych, Svetlana S.; Pavlova, Ludmila; Teo Hansen Selnø, Anette; Teuscher Abeleira, Ana Maria; Benlaouer, Ouafa; Gonçalves Silva, Isabel; Mosimann, Marianne; Varani, Luca; Bardelli, Marco; Hussain, Rohanah; Siligardi, Giuliano; Cholewa, Dietmar; Berger, Steffen Michael; Gibbs, Bernhard F.; Ushkaryov, Yuri A.; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Klenova, Elena; Sumbayev, Vadim V. (2019). The Tim-3-Galectin-9 Pathway and Its Regulatory Mechanisms in Human Breast Cancer. Frontiers in immunology, 10, p. 1594. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fimmu.2019.01594

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Ziebarth, Kai; Berger, Steffen Michael (2018). Randomized Controlled Trials for Arthroscopy in Degenerative Knee Disease: Was Conservative Therapy Appropriately Tried Prior to Arthroscopy? Arthroscopy - the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery, 34(5), 1680-1687.e6. Elsevier 10.1016/j.arthro.2017.12.016

Kissling, Pascal; Wyss, Thomas; Constantinescu, Mihai Adrian; Berger, Steffen Michael; Surke, Carsten; Carrel, Thierry; Schmidli, Jürg (2018). Erfolgreiche Oberarm-Replantation. Swiss Medical Forum, 18(5), pp. 114-117. EMH Swiss Medical Publishers 10.4414/smf.2018.03181

Yasinska, Inna M.; Gonçalves Silva, Isabel; Sakhnevych, Svetlana S.; Ruegg, Laura; Hussain, Rohanah; Siligardi, Giuliano; Fiedler, Walter; Wellbrock, Jasmin; Bardelli, Marco; Varani, Luca; Raap, Ulrike; Berger, Steffen; Gibbs, Bernhard F.; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V. (2018). High mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) acts as an “alarmin” to promote acute myeloid leukaemia progression. Oncoimmunology, 7(6), e1438109. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/2162402X.2018.1438109

Yasinska, Inna M.; Ceccone, Giacomo; Ojea-Jimenez, Isaac; Ponti, Jessica; Hussain, Rohanah; Siligardi, Giuliano; Berger, Steffen M.; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Bardelli, Marco; Varani, Luca; Fiedler, Walter; Wellbrock, Jasmin; Raap, Ulrike; Gibbs, Bernhard F.; Calzolai, Luigi; Sumbayev, Vadim V. (2018). Highly specific targeting of human acute myeloid leukaemia cells using pharmacologically active nanoconjugates. Nanoscale, 10(13), pp. 5827-5833. Royal Society of Chemistry 10.1039/c7nr09436a

Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Aliu, Nijas; Wunderlich, Kerstin; Ketterer, Sylvia; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Berger, Steffen; Meyer, Peter (2018). The Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cell Line (ARPE-19) Displays Mosaic Structural Chromosomal Aberrations. In: BartenevaIvan, Natasha S.; Vorobjev, A. (eds.) Cellular Heterogeneity. Methods in Molecular Biology: Vol. 1745 (pp. 305-314). New York, NY: Springer 10.1007/978-1-4939-7680-5_17

Kessler, Ulf; Hau Grosch, Eva-Maria; Kordasz, Marcin; Haefeli, Stephanie; Tsai, Catherine; Klimek, Peter; Cholewa, Dietmar; Nelle, Mathias; Pavlovic, Mladen; Berger, Steffen Michael (2018). Congenital Heart Disease Increases Mortality in Neonates With Necrotizing Enterocolitis. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 6, p. 312. Frontiers 10.3389/fped.2018.00312

Berger, Steffen; Bartenstein, Andreas (2018). Schädel-Hirn-Trauma bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. In: von Schweinitz, Dietrich; Ure, Benno (eds.) Kinderchirurgie : viszerale und allgemeine Chirurgie des Kindesalters. Springer Reference Medizin (pp. 1-13). Springer 10.1007/978-3-662-53390-1_21-1

Berger, Steffen Michael; Raio, Luigi; Nelle, Mathias; Wagner, Bendicht Peter; Gronau, Jürgen; Seiler, Stefan Jürg; Kadner, Alexander; Wildhaber, Barbara (2017). Trennung frühgeborener siamesischer Zwillinge: möglich durch Zusammenarbeit. Swiss Medical Forum, 17(1-2), pp. 19-21. EMH Swiss Medical Publishers 10.4414/smf.2017.02845

Kessler, Ulf; Mosbahi, Selim; Walker, Benedict; Hau Grosch, Eva-Maria; Cotton, Michael; Peiry, Barbara; Berger, Steffen Michael; Egger, Bernhard (2017). Conservative treatment versus surgery for uncomplicated appendicitis in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of disease in childhood, 102(12), pp. 1118-1124. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/archdischild-2017-313127

Gonçalves Silva, Isabel; Yasinska, Inna M.; Sakhnevych, Svetlana S.; Fiedler, Walter; Wellbrock, Jasmin; Bardelli, Marco; Varani, Luca; Hussain, Rohanah; Siligardi, Giuliano; Ceccone, Giacomo; Berger, Steffen Michael; Ushkaryov, Yuri A.; Gibbs, Bernhard F.; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V. (2017). The Tim-3-galectin-9 Secretory Pathway is Involved in the Immune Escape of Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells. EBioMedicine, 22, pp. 44-57. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ebiom.2017.07.018

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Berger, Steffen Michael (2017). [Termination of Reimbursement of Arthroscopy in Osteoarthritis of the Knee: Is This Decision Based on Scientific Grounds?]. Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, 155(04), pp. 417-428. Thieme 10.1055/s-0043-103957

Berger, Steffen Michael; Bartenstein, Andreas; Schweizer, Paul (2016). True congenital cysts of the pancreas in the newborn and infant. Clinics in Surgery, 1(1149), pp. 1-6. Remedy Publications LLC.

Löllgen, Ruth Mari Caroline; Sabo, Jan; Mettler, Anja; Liniger, Benjamin; Berger, Steffen Michael (2016). Unique Presentation of Hematometrocolpos Mimicking Cauda Equina Syndrome: Severe Back Pain and Urinary Incontinence in an Adolescent Girl. Journal of emergency medicine, 51(2), e19-e23. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jemermed.2016.01.031

König, Christa; Stranzinger, Enno; Berger, Steffen Michael; Löllgen, Ruth Mari Caroline (9 June 2016). Foreign body aspiration and ingestion in children in a Swiss tertiary pediatric emergency department (Unpublished). In: SGP 2016. Bern. 09.-10.06.2016.

Kessler, Ulf; Schulte, Franzisca; Cholewa, Dietmar; Nelle, Mathias; Schaefer, Stephan C; Klimek, Peter Michael; Berger, Steffen Michael (2016). Outcome in neonates with necrotizing enterocolitis and patent ductus arteriosus. World journal of pediatrics WJP, 12(1), pp. 55-59. Institute of Pediatrics 10.1007/s12519-015-0059-6

Gonçalves Silva, Isabel; Rüegg, Laura; Gibbs, Bernhard F.; Bardelli, Marco; Fruehwirth, Alexander; Varani, Luca; Berger, Steffen Michael; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V. (2016). The immune receptor Tim-3 acts as a trafficker in a Tim-3/galectin-9 autocrine loop in human myeloid leukemia cells. Oncoimmunology, 5(7), e1195535. Landes Bioscience 10.1080/2162402X.2016.1195535

Löllgen, Ruth M; Chouchou, Pagona; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis K; Garcia, Daniel; Berger, Steffen (2016). The Peculiarity of Presenting Signs and Symptoms among Paediatric Patients Aged Less than 16 Years in a Mixed University Emergency Department. Emergency Medicine: Open Access, 06(03) Omics Publishing Group 10.4172/2165-7548.1000326

Studer, Martina; Goeggel Simonetti, Barbara; Heinks Maldonado, Theda; Steinlin, Maja; Leichtle, Alexander Benedikt; Berger, Steffen Michael; Joeris, Alexander (2015). Acute S100B in serum is associated with cognitive symptoms and memory performance 4 months after paediatric mild traumatic brain injury. Brain injury, 29(13-14), pp. 1667-1673. Informa Healthcare 10.3109/02699052.2015.1075250

Gibbs, Bernhard F; Gonçalves Silva, Isabel; Prokhorov, Alexandr; Abooali, Maryam; Yasinska, Inna M; Casely-Hayford, Maxwell A; Berger, Steffen Michael; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V (2015). Caffeine affects the biological responses of human hematopoietic cells of myeloid lineage via downregulation of the mTOR pathway and xanthine oxidase activity. OncoTarget, 6(30), pp. 28678-28692. Impact Journals LLC 10.18632/oncotarget.5212

Da Paz, Stephanie Nunes; Stalder, Andreas; Berger, Steffen Michael; Ziebarth, Kai (2015). Range of Motion of the Upper Extremity in a Healthy Pediatric Population: Introduction to Normative Data. European journal of pediatric surgery, 26(5), pp. 454-461. Thieme 10.1055/s-0035-1563676

Nau, Christoph; Marzi, Ingo; Ziebarth, Kai; Berger, Steffen Michael (2015). Fractures in Children and Adolescents. In: Rommens, Pol M.; Hessmann, Martin H. (eds.) Intramedullary Nailing: A Comprehensive Guide (pp. 395-417). London: Springer 10.1007/978-1-4471-6612-2_24

Höffe, Julia; Duppenthaler, Andrea; Garcia, Daniel; Berger, Steffen Michael; Löllgen, Ruth Mari Caroline (2015). Interdisziplinarität und Organisationsstruktur von Kindernotfallstationen. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung, 96(36), pp. 1288-1291. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag AG

Bartenstein, Andreas; Kolp, Dagmar; Berger, Steffen Michael; Ziebarth, Kai (2015). Frakturversorgung in der Praxis - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Kinderärzte Schweiz(01), pp. 11-15.

Berger, Steffen Michael; Bartenstein, Andreas (12 December 2014). Kinderchirurgie - Aktuelle Möglichkeiten, Chancen und Grenzen. Pädiatrie, 2014(6), pp. 4-9. Rosenfluh

Fahrner, René; Übersax, Lucia; Mettler, Anja; Berger, Steffen Michael; Seiler, Christian A. (2014). Paediatric thyroid surgery is safe - experiences at a tertiary surgical centre. Swiss medical weekly, 144, w13939. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2014.13939

Schnyder, Isabelle; Georgi Abbühl, Regula; Berger, Steffen Michael; McDougall Müller, Felicity Jane (February 2014). Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis in a preterm infant - Case of the month. Swiss Society of Neonatology

Berger, Steffen Michael; Cholewa, Dietmar (2014). Kinderchirurgische Aspekte der Pädiatrischen Pneumologie. Lunge. In: Mutius, E.; Gappa, M.; Eber, E.; Frey, U. (eds.) Pädiatrische Pneumologie (pp. 832-837). Berlin: Springer

Berger, Steffen Michael; Cholewa, Dietmar (2014). Kinderchirurgische Aspekte der Pädiatrischen Pneumologie. Zwerchfell. In: Mutius, E.; Gappa, M.; Eber, E.; Frey, U. (eds.) Pädiatrische Pneumologie (pp. 837-838). Berlin: Springer

Berger, Steffen Michael; Cholewa, Dietmar (2014). Kinderchirurgische Aspekte der Pädiatrischen Pneumologie. Thoraxtrauma. In: Mutius, E.; Gappa, M.; Eber, E.; Frey, U. (eds.) Pädiatrische Pneumologie (pp. 838-842). Berlin: Springer

Klimek, Peter Michael; Lutz, Thomas; Stranzinger, Enno; Zachariou, Zacharias; Kessler, Ulf; Berger, Steffen Michael (2013). Handlebar injuries in children. Pediatric surgery international, 29(3), pp. 269-273. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00383-012-3227-y

Berger, Steffen; Schibli, Susanne; Stranzinger, Enno; Cholewa, Dietmar (2013). One-stage laparoscopic surgery for inspissated bile syndrome: case report and review of surgical techniques. SpringerPlus, 2, p. 648. Springer 10.1186/2193-1801-2-648

Berger, Steffen; Rufener, Janine; Klimek, Peter; Zachariou, Zacharias; Boillat, Colette (2012). Effects of potato-derived protease inhibitors on perianal dermatitis after colon resection for long-segment Hirschsprung's disease. World journal of pediatrics WJP, 8(2), pp. 173-176. Hangzhou: SP Children’s Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine 10.1007/s12519-012-0356-2

Berger, Steffen Michael; Schweizer, Paul (2012). Kapitel 10 Kinderchirurgie. In: Siewert, Jörg Rüdiger; Stein, Hubert J (eds.) Chirurgie (9. Aufl.). Springer Lehrbuch (pp. 1019-1098). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer 10.1007/978-3-642-11331-4_10

Boettcher, Michael; Göttler, Susanne; Stoffel, Lilian; Schwab, Ketsia; Berger, Steffen Michael; Mérat, Michèle (2012). Pain management for children in Switzerland. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde, 160(9), pp. 887-894. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00112-012-2680-y

Berger, Steffen Michael; Göppl, Maximilian; Tzantzaroudis, E; Engel, Veronika; Zachariou, Zacharias (2012). Präoperative Kompressions-Behandlung grosser Omphalozelen. Päd - praktische Pädiatrie, 2012(18), pp. 275-280. Hamburg: OmniMed-Verl.-Ges.

Goeggel, Barbara; Berger, Steffen Michael; Hagmann Britschgi, Brigitte; Steinlin, Maja (2012). Traumatic brain injury in children. Praxis - schweizerische Rundschau für Medizin, 101(5), pp. 317-324. Bern: Huber 10.1024/1661-8157/a000858

Bender, H.U.; Berger, S; Oesch, V; Nelle, M; Schäfer, S.C.; Stranzinger, E; McDougall, J (2011). Neonatal appendicitis: a short report of a favorable course Swiss Scoiety of Neonatology

Dietz, H.G.; Illing, P; Schmittenbecher, P.P.; Slongo, Th; Sommerfeldt, D.W.; Berger, S.; Heini, P.; Lieber, J.; Liniger, B.; Marzi, I.; Meenen, N.; Nowack, K.; Joeris, A.; Klimek, P.; Dragowsky, K.; David, S.; Heinrich, M.; Lehner, M.; Gresing, T.; Fuchs, J.; ... (2011). Praxis der Kinder- und Jugendtraumatologie. Heidelberg: Springer Medizin Verlag Heidelberg

Berger, S (2011). Schädel-Hirn-Trauma. In: Dietz H.G., Illing P. (ed.) Praxis der Kinder- und Jugendtraumatologie (pp. 117-138). Heidelberg: Springer Medizin Verlag Heidelberg

Slongo, Th; Audige, L; Hunter, J; Berger, S (2011). Clinical evaluation of end caps in elastic stable intramedullary nailing of femoral and tibial shaft fractures in children. European journal of trauma and emergency surgery, 37(3), pp. 305-312. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00068-011-0091-8

Berger, S; Dietz, ; Schmittenbecher, ; Slongo, Th (2011). Schädelhirntrauma im Kindesalter. In: , (ed.) Praktische Kindertraumatologie. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

Berger, S (2011). Kapitel Kinderchirurgie. In: , (ed.) Pädiatrische Pneumologie. Frey und v. Mutius

Kessler, Ulf; Grau, Tamar; Gronchi, Fabrizio; Berger, Steffen; Brandt, Sebastian; Bracht, Hendrik; Marcucci, Carlo; Zachariou, Zacharias; Jakob, Stephan M (2011). Comparison of porcine and human coagulation by thrombelastometry. Thrombosis research, 128(5), pp. 477-82. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.thromres.2011.03.013

Schlapbach, Luregn J; Ahrens, Olaf; Klimek, Peter; Berger, Steffen; Kessler, Ulf (2010). Clostridium perfringens and necrotizing enterocolitis. Journal of pediatrics, 157(1), p. 175. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpeds.2010.03.027

Lüer, Sonja; Berger, Steffen; Diepold, Miriam; Duppenthaler, Andrea; von Gunten, Michael; Mühlethaler, Konrad; Wolf, Rainer; Aebi, Christoph (2009). Treatment of intestinal and hepatic mucormycosis in an immunocompromized child. Pediatric blood & cancer, 52(7), pp. 872-4. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Liss 10.1002/pbc.21918

Kessler, Ulf; Ebneter, Marc; Zachariou, Zacharias; Berger, Steffen (2009). Postoperative sepsis in infants below 6 months of age. World journal of pediatrics WJP, 5(2), pp. 113-7. Hangzhou: SP Children’s Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine 10.1007/s12519-009-0022-5

Berger, S.; Audigé, L; Slongo, Th (2009). First Clinical Experience with End Caps in Elastic Stable Intramedullary Nailing of Femoral Shaft Fractures in Children. New Pediatric Products - Product-Related News from AO Clinical Investigations and Documentation, pp. 29-30.

Berger, S; Oesch, V (2009). Special Situations. In: , (ed.) Pediatric Surgery Digest (pp. 165-177). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

Berger, S; Wagner, B; Raio, L; Nelle, M; Zachariou, Z (2008). Delayed closure of large ompahloceles after external compression of the ompahlocele sac. Päd - praktische Pädiatrie OmniMed-Verl.-Ges.

Schlapbach, Luregn J; Aebi, Christoph; Fisch, Urs; Ammann, Roland A; Otth, Margrith; Bigler, Susanne; Nelle, Mathias; Berger, Steffen; Kessler, Ulf (2008). Higher cord blood levels of mannose-binding lectin-associated serine protease-2 in infants with necrotising enterocolitis. Pediatric research, 64(5), pp. 562-6. New York, N.Y.: Nature Publishing Group 10.1203/PDR.0b013e3181841335

Joeris, A; Berger, S; Grütter, T; Slongo, Th (2008). Pediatric Trauma Brain Injuries - Review and single centre experiences. In: 4 th International Meeting on Mild Trauma Brain Injuries in Sports, March 10th to 15t 2008. St. Moritz, Switzerland.

Cholewa, D; Berger, S; Wolf, R; Exadaktylos, A; Zachariou, Z (2008). Low Dosis Digitales Ganzkörperröntgen (LODOX) beim mehrfach verletzten Kind. Berliner Journal für Soziologie(April), pp. 22-25. Berlin: Akademie Verlag

Berger, Steffen Michael; Oesch, Valérie (2008). The polytraumatized or multiply injured child. In: Zachariou, Zacharias (ed.) Pediatric Surgery Digest (pp. 165-177). Heidelberg: Springer 10.1007/978-3-540-34033-1_10

Fluri, S; Neuhäuser, C; Daetwyler, K; Berger, S; Aebi, C; Wagner, B (2008). When staphylococcus aureus infection needs rescue therapy: successful treatment of septic shock and purpura fulminans with vasopressin and protein c. Swiss medical weekly(138), p. 37. Muttenz: EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag

Schlapbach, LJ; Aebi, C; Nelle, M; Ammann, RA; Berger, S; Kessler, U (2008). Elevated cord blood levels of mannose-binding lectin associated serine prtease-2 in infants with necrotizing enterocolitis a case control study. Swiss medical weekly(138), p. 6. Muttenz: EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag

Berger, S (2008). Congenital pancreatic cysts. In: EUPSA. Türkei.

Berger, S (2008). Nailing in the femur: clinical experience and problems. In: 3rd AO IM-nailing experts symposium.. Mainz.

Berger, S (2008). Nailing in the tibia: clinical experience and problems. In: 3rd AO IM-nailing experts symposium.. Mainz.

Berger, S (2008). Chirurgische Therapie der Obstipation. In: Fortbildung der Kinderchirurgischen Klinik Inselspital Bern.. Bern.

Klimek, P; Kessler, U; Schibli, S; Berger, S; Zachariou, Z (2008). Gallensteine bei Kindern. Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum SMF / Swiss medical forum / Forum médical suisse FMS Basel: EMH Editores Medicorum Helveticorum

Berger, S; Schweizer, M; Schweizer, P (2007). Surgical anatomy of the pelvis as a basis for pull-through procedures in Hirschsprung's disease. World journal of pediatrics WJP, 3(2), pp. 134-139. Hangzhou: Institute of Pediatrics

Schweizer, P; Berger, S; Schweizer, M; Holschneider, AM; Beck, O (2007). Repeat pull-through surgery for complicated Hirschsprung's disease - principles derived from clinical experience. Journal of pediatric surgery, 42(3), 536 - 43. Orlando, Fla.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2006.10.058

Werner, Thomas; Engel, Veronika; Berger, Steffen Michael (2007). Small omphalocele with umbilical evagination. A distinct entity? Journal of pediatric urology, 3(1), pp. 70-72. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpurol.2006.02.005

Waldschmidt, U; Berger, S; Zachariou, Z (2007). Die Behandlung von Hämangiomen im Kindesalter. Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum SMF / Swiss medical forum / Forum médical suisse FMS(7), 613 - 620. Basel: EMH Editores Medicorum Helveticorum

Berger, Steffen Michael; Göppl, Maximilian; Zachariou, Zacharias (2005). The syndromology of anorectal malformations revisited: from patterns of associated malformations to the recognition of syndromes. World journal of pediatrics WJP, 1(1), pp. 8-14. Hangzhou: Institute of Pediatrics

Beyeler, Joël

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Boettcher, Michael

Boettcher, Michael; Göttler, Susanne; Stoffel, Lilian; Schwab, Ketsia; Berger, Steffen Michael; Mérat, Michèle (2012). Pain management for children in Switzerland. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde, 160(9), pp. 887-894. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00112-012-2680-y

Bogdanovic, Daniel

Krokidis, Miltiadis; Tappero, Carlo Mario Stefano; Bogdanovic, Daniel; Ziebarth, Kai; Stamm, Anna-Christina (2017). Computed tomography guided navigation assisted percutaneous ablation of osteoid osteoma in a 7-year-old patient: the low dose approach. Skeletal radiology, 46(7), pp. 989-993. Springer 10.1007/s00256-017-2620-y

Boillat, Colette

Berger, Steffen; Rufener, Janine; Klimek, Peter; Zachariou, Zacharias; Boillat, Colette (2012). Effects of potato-derived protease inhibitors on perianal dermatitis after colon resection for long-segment Hirschsprung's disease. World journal of pediatrics WJP, 8(2), pp. 173-176. Hangzhou: SP Children’s Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine 10.1007/s12519-012-0356-2

Schlapbach, J L; Mattmann, M; Thiel, S; Boillat, C; Otth, M; Nelle, M; Wagner, B; Jensenius, C J; Aebi, Ch (2010). Differential Role of the Lectin Pathway of Complement Activation in Susceptibility to Neonatal Sepsis. Clinical infectious diseases, 51(2), pp. 153-162. Cary, N.C.: The University of Chicago Press 10.1086/653531

Bartenstein, Andreas; Cholewa, Dietmar; Boillat, Colette; Zachariou, Zacharias (2009). Dissection of the Appendix with Ultrasound-Activated Scalpel: An Experimental Study in Pediatric Laparoscopic Appendectomy. Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques, 20(2), pp. 199-204. New York, N.Y.: Mary Ann Liebert 10.1089/lap.2009.0028

Borner, Urs

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Boschung, Adam

Lerch, Till D.; Boschung, Adam; Leibold, Christiane; Kalla, Roger; Kerkeni, Hassen; Baur, Heiner; Eichelberger, Patric; Steppacher, Simon D.; Liechti, Emanuel F.; Siebenrock, Klaus A.; Tannast, Moritz; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). Minimal Out-Toeing and Good Hip Scores of Severe SCFE Patients Treated With Modified Dunn Procedure and Contralateral Prophylactic Pinning at Minimal 5-year Follow up. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 42(5), e421-e426. Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BPO.0000000000002127

Lerch, Till; Boschung, Adam; Leibold, Christiane Sylvia; Hanke, Markus; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Ziebarth, Kai; Kalla, Roger; Baur, Heiner; Eichelberger, Patric; Tannast, Moritz; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (October 2020). Normal Gait And Normal Hip Function At Longterm Followup In Severe SCFE Patients Treated With A Modified Dunn Procedure-Gait Analysis Study (Unpublished). In: EFORT Virtual Congress (European Federation of Orthopaedics and Traumatology).

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Brack, Eva Katharina

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Brem, Beate

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Burckhardt, Marie-Anne

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Burgard, Marie

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Busch, Jasmin D.

Lerch, Till D; Kaim, Tilman; Grob, Valentin; Hanke, Markus; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon D; Busch, Jasmin D; Ziebarth, Kai (2024). MR-based Bony 3D models enable radiation-free preoperative patient-specific analysis and 3D printing for SCFE patients. Journal of children's orthopaedics Sage 10.1177/18632521241229618

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Bölsterli, Evita Magdalena

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Büchler, Lorenz

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Büchler, Philippe

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Bürgler, Christina

Baghin, Veronika; Weibel, Lisa; Häfliger, Stephanie; Schwieger-Briel, Agnes; Christen-Zaech, Stéphanie; Rast, Anna Christina; Bürgler, Christina; Neuhaus, Kathrin; Cholewa, Dietmar; Morren, Marie-Anne; de Buys Roessingh, Anthony S.; Desax-Willer, Diana; Calza, Anne-Marie; Luchsinger, Isabelle; La Scala, Giorgio; Theiler, Martin (1 June 2022). Updated Swiss Guidelines for the treatment of infantile hemangiomas with betablockers. Dermatologica Helvetica(6), pp. 23-27. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Dermatologie und Venerologie

Carmann, Christina

Degen, Martin; Wiederkehr, Astrid; La Scala, Giorgio C.; Carmann, Christina; Schnyder, Isabelle; Katsaros, Christos (2018). Keratinocytes Isolated From Individual Cleft Lip/Palate Patients Display Variations in Their Differentiation Potential in vitro. Frontiers in physiology, 9, p. 1703. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fphys.2018.01703

Carrel, Thierry

Kissling, Pascal; Wyss, Thomas; Constantinescu, Mihai Adrian; Berger, Steffen Michael; Surke, Carsten; Carrel, Thierry; Schmidli, Jürg (2018). Erfolgreiche Oberarm-Replantation. Swiss Medical Forum, 18(5), pp. 114-117. EMH Swiss Medical Publishers 10.4414/smf.2018.03181

Casaulta, Carmen

Streibel, Carmen; Willers, C Corin; Bauman, Grzegorz; Pusterla, Orso; Bieri, Oliver; Curdy, Marion; Horn, Matthias; Casaulta, Carmen; Berger, Steffen; Dekany, Gabriela Marta; Kieninger, Elisabeth; Bartenstein, Andreas; Latzin, Philipp (2024). Long-term pulmonary outcome of children with congenital diaphragmatic hernia: functional lung MRI using matrix-pencil decomposition enables side-specific assessment of lung function. European radiology, 34(6), pp. 3773-3785. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00330-023-10395-8

Willers, Corin; Maager, Lukas; Bauman, Grzegorz; Cholewa, Dietmar; Stranzinger, Enno; Raio, Luigi; Casaulta, Carmen; Latzin, Philipp (2022). School-age structural and functional MRI and lung function in children following lung resection for congenital lung malformation in infancy. Pediatric radiology, 52(7), pp. 1255-1265. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00247-022-05317-7

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Caversaccio, Marco

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Chiquet, Matthias

Beyeler, Joël; Schnyder, Isabelle; Katsaros, Christos; Chiquet, Matthias (2014). Accelerated wound closure in vitro by fibroblasts from a subgroup of cleft lip/palate patients: role of transforming growth factor-α. PLoS ONE, 9(10), e111752. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0111752

Cholewa, Dietmar

Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Milošević, Milan; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Aliu, Nijas; Cholewa, Dietmar; Häcker, Frank-Martin; Dekany, Gabriela; Bartenstein, Andreas; Berger, Steffen M. (2024). Cytokine Signaling in Pediatric Kidney Tumor Cell Lines WT-CLS1, WT-3ab and G-401. International journal of molecular sciences, 25(4) MDPI 10.3390/ijms25042281

Abooali, Maryam; Yasinska, Inna M; Schlichtner, Stephanie; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Berger, Steffen M; Cholewa, Dietmar; Milošević, Milan; Bartenstein, Andreas; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V (2024). Activation of immune evasion machinery is a part of the process of malignant transformation of human cells. Translational oncology, 39(101805), p. 101805. Elsevier 10.1016/j.tranon.2023.101805

Krause, Tobias; Cholewa, Dietmar; Liniger, Benjamin; Berger, Steffen Michael; Milosevic, Milan (2024). Torsion of an Accessory Liver Lobe in a Newborn. European journal of pediatric surgery reports, 12(1), e7-e10. Thieme 10.1055/s-0043-1778663

Schlichtner, Stephanie; Yasinska, Inna M; Lall, Gurprit S; Berger, Steffen M; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Cholewa, Dietmar; Aliu, Nijas; Gibbs, Bernhard F; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V (2023). T lymphocytes induce human cancer cells derived from solid malignant tumors to secrete galectin-9 which facilitates immunosuppression in cooperation with other immune checkpoint proteins. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer, 11(1) BioMed Central 10.1136/jitc-2022-005714

Schlichtner, Stephanie; Yasinska, Inna M; Klenova, Elena; Abooali, Maryam; Lall, Gurprit S; Berger, Steffen M; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Cholewa, Dietmar; Milošević, Milan; Gibbs, Bernhard F; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V (2023). L-Kynurenine participates in cancer immune evasion by downregulating hypoxic signaling in T lymphocytes. Oncoimmunology, 12(1), p. 2244330. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/2162402X.2023.2244330

Mukaddam, Khaled; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Berger, Steffen M; Cholewa, Dietmar; Kühl, Sebastian; Vegh, Daniel; Payer, Michael; Bornstein, Michael M; Alhawasli, Farah; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta (2022). Cytokines Activate JAK-STAT Signaling Pathway in MG-63 Cells on Titanium and Zirconia. Materials, 15(16) MDPI 10.3390/ma15165621

Baghin, Veronika; Weibel, Lisa; Häfliger, Stephanie; Schwieger-Briel, Agnes; Christen-Zaech, Stéphanie; Rast, Anna Christina; Bürgler, Christina; Neuhaus, Kathrin; Cholewa, Dietmar; Morren, Marie-Anne; de Buys Roessingh, Anthony S.; Desax-Willer, Diana; Calza, Anne-Marie; Luchsinger, Isabelle; La Scala, Giorgio; Theiler, Martin (1 June 2022). Updated Swiss Guidelines for the treatment of infantile hemangiomas with betablockers. Dermatologica Helvetica(6), pp. 23-27. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Dermatologie und Venerologie

Willers, Corin; Maager, Lukas; Bauman, Grzegorz; Cholewa, Dietmar; Stranzinger, Enno; Raio, Luigi; Casaulta, Carmen; Latzin, Philipp (2022). School-age structural and functional MRI and lung function in children following lung resection for congenital lung malformation in infancy. Pediatric radiology, 52(7), pp. 1255-1265. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00247-022-05317-7

Müller, Isabelle; Kym, Urs; Galati, Virginie; Tharakan, Sasha; Subotic, Ulrike; Krebs, Thomas; Stathopoulos, Eleuthere; Schmittenbecher, Peter; Cholewa, Dietmar; Romero, Philipp; Reingruber, Bertram; Holland-Cunz, Stefan; Keck, Simone (2022). Cholinergic Signaling Attenuates Pro-Inflammatory Interleukin-8 Response in Colonic Epithelial Cells. Frontiers in immunology, 12, p. 781147. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fimmu.2021.781147

Keck, Simone; Galati-Fournier, Virginie; Kym, Urs; Moesch, Michèle; Usemann, Jakob; Müller, Isabelle; Subotic, Ulrike; Tharakan, Sasha J.; Krebs, Thomas; Stathopoulos, Eleuthere; Schmittenbecher, Peter; Cholewa, Dietmar; Romero, Philipp; Reingruber, Bertram; Bruder, Elisabeth; NIG, Study Group; Holland-Cunz, Stefan (2021). Lack of Mucosal Cholinergic Innervation Is Associated With Increased Risk of Enterocolitis in Hirschsprung’s Disease. Cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology, 12(2), pp. 507-545. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jcmgh.2021.03.004

Haefeli, Stephanie; Kordasz, Marcin; Tsai, Catherine; Hau, Eva-Maria; Klimek, Peter; Cholewa, Dietmar; Pavlovic, Mladen; Berger, Steffen; Kessler, Ulf (2020). Risk Factors for Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Infants With Patent Arterial Duct. A Retrospective Matched Paired Analysis. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 8(179), p. 179. Frontiers 10.3389/fped.2020.00179

Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Aliu, Nijas; Haecker, Frank-Martin; Maltsev, Natalia; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Cholewa, Dietmar; Bartenstein, Andreas; Milosevic, Milan; Berger, Steffen M. (2019). Chromosomal Heterogeneity of the G-401 Rhabdoid Tumor Cell Line: Unusual Partial 7p Trisomy. Frontiers in medicine, 6, p. 187. Frontiers 10.3389/fmed.2019.00187

Yasinska, Inna M.; Sakhnevych, Svetlana S.; Pavlova, Ludmila; Teo Hansen Selnø, Anette; Teuscher Abeleira, Ana Maria; Benlaouer, Ouafa; Gonçalves Silva, Isabel; Mosimann, Marianne; Varani, Luca; Bardelli, Marco; Hussain, Rohanah; Siligardi, Giuliano; Cholewa, Dietmar; Berger, Steffen Michael; Gibbs, Bernhard F.; Ushkaryov, Yuri A.; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Klenova, Elena; Sumbayev, Vadim V. (2019). The Tim-3-Galectin-9 Pathway and Its Regulatory Mechanisms in Human Breast Cancer. Frontiers in immunology, 10, p. 1594. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fimmu.2019.01594

Vidal, Isabelle; Wildhaber, Barabara E.; Moehrlen, Ueli; Regamey, Nicolas; Trachsel, Daniel; Cholewa, Dietmar; Barben, Juerg; Barazzone-Argiroffo, Constance; Ruchonnet-Mtrailler, Isabelle (2019). A Swiss database and biobank to better understand and manage congenital lung anomalies. Swiss medical weekly, 149, w20081. EMH Media 10.4414/smw.2019.20081

Kessler, Ulf; Hau Grosch, Eva-Maria; Kordasz, Marcin; Haefeli, Stephanie; Tsai, Catherine; Klimek, Peter; Cholewa, Dietmar; Nelle, Mathias; Pavlovic, Mladen; Berger, Steffen Michael (2018). Congenital Heart Disease Increases Mortality in Neonates With Necrotizing Enterocolitis. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 6, p. 312. Frontiers 10.3389/fped.2018.00312

Kessler, Ulf; Schulte, Franzisca; Cholewa, Dietmar; Nelle, Mathias; Schaefer, Stephan C; Klimek, Peter Michael; Berger, Steffen Michael (2016). Outcome in neonates with necrotizing enterocolitis and patent ductus arteriosus. World journal of pediatrics WJP, 12(1), pp. 55-59. Institute of Pediatrics 10.1007/s12519-015-0059-6

Smith, A.; Theiler, M.; Lange, K.; Hauser, V.; Angst, R.; Seeger, M.; Esslinger, P.; Cholewa, Dietmar; Brönnimann, E.; Christen-Zaech, S.; Neuhaus, Klaus; Schiestl, C.; Calza, A.-M.; La Scala, G.; Weibel, L. (2016). Schweizer Richtlinien zur Propranolol-Therapie infantiler Hämangiome. Paediatrica, 27(2), pp. 12-17. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Pädiatrie SGP

Berger, Steffen Michael; Cholewa, Dietmar (2014). Kinderchirurgische Aspekte der Pädiatrischen Pneumologie. Lunge. In: Mutius, E.; Gappa, M.; Eber, E.; Frey, U. (eds.) Pädiatrische Pneumologie (pp. 832-837). Berlin: Springer

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Berger, Steffen; Schibli, Susanne; Stranzinger, Enno; Cholewa, Dietmar (2013). One-stage laparoscopic surgery for inspissated bile syndrome: case report and review of surgical techniques. SpringerPlus, 2, p. 648. Springer 10.1186/2193-1801-2-648

Cholewa, D; Kadner, A; Casaulta, C; Zachariou, Z (2010). Endotracheal monitored correction of aortic ring anomalies. In: 11th European Congress of Pediatric Surgery. Bern, Switzerland. June 2nd - 5th, 2010.

Cholewa, D; Zachariou, Z (2010). Photodynamics in the treatment of paediatric solid tumors. In: VIII th International Congress of Mediterranean Association of Pediatric Surgery. Limassol, Cyprus, October 8th-10th, 2010.

Cholewa, D; Kessler, U; Klimek, P; Zachariou, Z (2010). The effect of taurolidine on neuroblastoma tumor cells. In: 3rd World Congress of Pediatric Surgery. New Dehli, India, October 21th - 23th, 2010.

Cholewa, D; Kessler, U; Klimek, P; Zachariou, Z (2010). The effect of taurolidine on neuroblastoma tumor cells. In: Tag der klinischen Forschung. Bern, November 3th, 2010.

Cholewa, D; Bartenstein, A; Zachariou, Z (2010). Technique of Nd: YAG 1064nm Video assisted thoracoscopic laser surgery in congenital cystic lung disease. In: Annual Scientific Meeting British Association of Paediatric Endoscopic Surgeons. Berne, Switzerland, November 15th-17th, 2010.

Bartenstein, A; Cholewa, D; Aebi, C; Zachariou, Z (2010). The role of thoracoscopic pleural debridement (VATS) in children with parapneumic effusion - a retrospective study of 5 years. In: 11th European Congress of Pediatric Surgery. Bern, Switzerland. June 2nd - 5th, 2010.

Grau, T; Berger, S; Kessler, U; Cholewa, D (2010). Protophorphyrin IX production on neuroblastoma with 5 aminolevulinic acid and its hexylester. In: 11th European Congress of Pediatric Surgery. Bern, Switzerland. June 2nd - 5th, 2010.

Schott, C; Klaeser, B; Hagemann, K; Cholewa, D (2010). PET-CT as a diagnostic option in recurrence of extended caval wilms tumor. In: 11th European Congress of Pediatric Surgery. Bern, Switzerland. June 2nd - 5th, 2010.

Grau, T; Diepold, M; Klimek, P; Cholewa, D (2010). Malignant ectomesenchymoma after neuroblastoma treatment. In: 11th European Congress of Pediatric Surgery. Bern, Switzerland. June 2nd - 5th, 2010.

Bartenstein, A; Agyeman, P; Aebi, Ch; Cholewa, D (2010). VATS best in empyema? The latest literature and our experiences with the bernies algorithm. In: Annual Scientific Meeting British Association of Paediatric Endoscopic Surgeons. Berne, Switzerland, November 15th-17th, 2010.

Bartenstein, Andreas; Cholewa, Dietmar; Boillat, Colette; Zachariou, Zacharias (2009). Dissection of the Appendix with Ultrasound-Activated Scalpel: An Experimental Study in Pediatric Laparoscopic Appendectomy. Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques, 20(2), pp. 199-204. New York, N.Y.: Mary Ann Liebert 10.1089/lap.2009.0028

Cholewa, D; Zachariou, Z (2009). Interstitial laser therapy in hemangiomatosis of the liver - A case report. Medical laser application(24), 272 - 278. Amsterdam: Elsevier

Cholewa, D; Zachariou, Z (2009). Interstitial laser therapy of hemangiomatosis of the liver. Medical laser application, p. 133. Amsterdam: Elsevier

Schulte, D; Cholewa, D; Casaulta, C; Zachariou, Z (2008). Die Rolle der Thorakoskopie beim kindlichen Spontanpneumothorax. Praxis - schweizerische Rundschau für Medizin, 1033 - 1036. Bern: Huber

Cholewa, D; Zachariou, Z (2008). Laparoskopie bei chronischer Appendizitis - invasive Diagnostik der chronisch rezidivierenden Bauchschmerzen. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde, 156(Suppl 1), p. 96. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag

Cholewa, D (2008). Der operative Notfall im Kindesalter. In: Pädiatrietage. Rhein-Sieg-Halle Siegburg (Klinik Sankt Augustin). 11-13. Dezember 2008.

Cholewa, Dietmar; Waldschmidt, Ulrike; Zachariou, Zacharias (2008). Differentiallasertherapie kongenitaler vaskulärer Erkrankungen. In: 125. Kongress Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie. Berlin, Germany. 22-25. April 2008.

Cholewa, D; Hunger, RE; Obregon, C; Zachariou, Z (2008). In vitro Kinetics of Protoporphyrin IX Production on Neuroblastoma with 5-Aminolevulinic Acid and its Hexylester. In: Annual Research Day , Nov. 8th 2008. Research Department University Bern, Switzerland.

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Cholewa, D; Berger, S; Wolf, R; Exadaktylos, A; Zachariou, Z (2008). Low Dosis Digitales Ganzkörperröntgen (LODOX) beim mehrfach verletzten Kind. Berliner Journal für Soziologie(April), pp. 22-25. Berlin: Akademie Verlag

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Constantinescu, Mihai Adrian

Kissling, Pascal; Wyss, Thomas; Constantinescu, Mihai Adrian; Berger, Steffen Michael; Surke, Carsten; Carrel, Thierry; Schmidli, Jürg (2018). Erfolgreiche Oberarm-Replantation. Swiss Medical Forum, 18(5), pp. 114-117. EMH Swiss Medical Publishers 10.4414/smf.2018.03181

Courage, Carolina

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Dantonello, Tobias

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Degen, Martin

Rihs, Silvia; Parisi, Ludovica; Lauener, Anic; Mansour, Farah; Schnyder, Isabelle; Dekany, Gabriela M; La Scala, Giorgio C; Katsaros, Christos; Degen, Martin (2024). Reflecting the human lip in vitro: Cleft lip skin and mucosa keratinocytes keep their identities. (In Press). Oral diseases Wiley 10.1111/odi.14844

Parisi, Ludovica; Rihs, Silvia; La Scala, Giorgio C; Schnyder, Isabelle; Katsaros, Christos; Degen, Martin (2022). Discovery and characterization of heterogeneous and multipotent fibroblast populations isolated from excised cleft lip tissue. Stem cell research & therapy, 13(1), p. 469. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13287-022-03154-x

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Degen, Martin; Girousi, Eleftheria; Feldmann, Julia; Parisi, Ludovica; La Scala, Giorgio C.; Schnyder, Isabelle; Schaller, André; Katsaros, Christos (2020). A Novel Van der Woude Syndrome-Causing IRF6 Variant Is Subject to Incomplete Non-sense-Mediated mRNA Decay Affecting the Phenotype of Keratinocytes. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 8, p. 583115. Frontiers 10.3389/fcell.2020.583115

Degen, Martin; Wiederkehr, Astrid; La Scala, Giorgio C.; Carmann, Christina; Schnyder, Isabelle; Katsaros, Christos (2018). Keratinocytes Isolated From Individual Cleft Lip/Palate Patients Display Variations in Their Differentiation Potential in vitro. Frontiers in physiology, 9, p. 1703. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fphys.2018.01703

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Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Milošević, Milan; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Aliu, Nijas; Cholewa, Dietmar; Häcker, Frank-Martin; Dekany, Gabriela; Bartenstein, Andreas; Berger, Steffen M. (2024). Cytokine Signaling in Pediatric Kidney Tumor Cell Lines WT-CLS1, WT-3ab and G-401. International journal of molecular sciences, 25(4) MDPI 10.3390/ijms25042281

Rihs, Silvia; Parisi, Ludovica; Lauener, Anic; Mansour, Farah; Schnyder, Isabelle; Dekany, Gabriela M; La Scala, Giorgio C; Katsaros, Christos; Degen, Martin (2024). Reflecting the human lip in vitro: Cleft lip skin and mucosa keratinocytes keep their identities. (In Press). Oral diseases Wiley 10.1111/odi.14844

Diepold, Miriam

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Ebner, Lukas

Dobrocky, Tomas; Ebner, Lukas Michael; Liniger, Benjamin; Weisstanner, Christian; Stranzinger, Enno (2015). Pre- and postnatal imaging of Pai syndrome with spontaneous intrauterine closure of a frontal cephalocele. Pediatric radiology, 45(6), pp. 936-940. Springer 10.1007/s00247-014-3205-8

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Evangelopoulos, Dimitrios Stergios

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Fahrner, René

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Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta

Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Milošević, Milan; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Aliu, Nijas; Cholewa, Dietmar; Häcker, Frank-Martin; Dekany, Gabriela; Bartenstein, Andreas; Berger, Steffen M. (2024). Cytokine Signaling in Pediatric Kidney Tumor Cell Lines WT-CLS1, WT-3ab and G-401. International journal of molecular sciences, 25(4) MDPI 10.3390/ijms25042281

Abooali, Maryam; Yasinska, Inna M; Schlichtner, Stephanie; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Berger, Steffen M; Cholewa, Dietmar; Milošević, Milan; Bartenstein, Andreas; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V (2024). Activation of immune evasion machinery is a part of the process of malignant transformation of human cells. Translational oncology, 39(101805), p. 101805. Elsevier 10.1016/j.tranon.2023.101805

Mukaddam, Khaled; Astasov-Frauenhoffer, Monika; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Alhawasli, Farah; Kisiel, Marcin; Meyer, Ernst; Köser, Jochen; Bornstein, Michael M; Wagner, Raphael S; Kühl, Sebastian (2023). Piranha-etched titanium nanostructure reduces biofilm formation in vitro. Clinical oral investigations, 27(10), pp. 6187-6197. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00784-023-05235-4

Nugumanova, Galina; Ponomarev, Eugene D; Askarova, Sholpan; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Barteneva, Natasha S (2023). Freshwater Cyanobacterial Toxins, Cyanopeptides and Neurodegenerative Diseases. Toxins, 15(3) MDPI 10.3390/toxins15030233

Schlichtner, Stephanie; Yasinska, Inna M; Lall, Gurprit S; Berger, Steffen M; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Cholewa, Dietmar; Aliu, Nijas; Gibbs, Bernhard F; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V (2023). T lymphocytes induce human cancer cells derived from solid malignant tumors to secrete galectin-9 which facilitates immunosuppression in cooperation with other immune checkpoint proteins. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer, 11(1) BioMed Central 10.1136/jitc-2022-005714

Sumbayev, Vadim V; Gibbs, Bernhard F; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta (2023). Editorial: Pathological reactions of cytotoxic lymphoid cells as universal therapeutic targets in cancer and autoimmune disease. Frontiers in medicine, 10(1186318), p. 1186318. Frontiers 10.3389/fmed.2023.1186318

Schlichtner, Stephanie; Yasinska, Inna M; Klenova, Elena; Abooali, Maryam; Lall, Gurprit S; Berger, Steffen M; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Cholewa, Dietmar; Milošević, Milan; Gibbs, Bernhard F; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V (2023). L-Kynurenine participates in cancer immune evasion by downregulating hypoxic signaling in T lymphocytes. Oncoimmunology, 12(1), p. 2244330. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/2162402X.2023.2244330

Mukaddam, Khaled; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Berger, Steffen M; Cholewa, Dietmar; Kühl, Sebastian; Vegh, Daniel; Payer, Michael; Bornstein, Michael M; Alhawasli, Farah; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta (2022). Cytokines Activate JAK-STAT Signaling Pathway in MG-63 Cells on Titanium and Zirconia. Materials, 15(16) MDPI 10.3390/ma15165621

Noubissi Nzeteu, Gaetan Aime; Schlichtner, Stephanie; David, Sulamith; Ruppenstein, Aylin; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Raap, Ulrike; Sumbayev, Vadim V; Gibbs, Bernhard F; Meyer, N Helge (2022). Macrophage Differentiation and Polarization Regulate the Release of the Immune Checkpoint Protein V-Domain Ig Suppressor of T Cell Activation. Frontiers in immunology, 13, p. 837097. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fimmu.2022.837097

Mukaddam, Khaled; Astasov-Frauenhoffer, Monika; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Marot, Laurent; Kisiel, Marcin; Steiner, Roland; Sanchez, Fabien; Meyer, Ernst; Köser, Joachim; Bornstein, Michael M; Kühl, Sebastian (2022). Novel Titanium Nanospike Structure Using Low-Energy Helium Ion Bombardment for the Transgingival Part of a Dental Implant. Nanomaterials, 12(7) MDPI 10.3390/nano12071065

Schlichtner, Stephanie; Yasinska, Inna M; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Berger, Steffen M; Aliu, Nijas; Prunk, Mateja; Kos, Janko; Meyer, N Helge; Gibbs, Bernhard F; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V (2022). Expression of the Immune Checkpoint Protein VISTA Is Differentially Regulated by the TGF-β1 - Smad3 Signaling Pathway in Rapidly Proliferating Human Cells and T Lymphocytes. Frontiers in medicine, 9, p. 790995. Frontiers 10.3389/fmed.2022.790995

Teo Hansen Selnø, Anette; Schlichtner, Stephanie; Yasinska, Inna M.; Sakhnevych, Svetlana S.; Fiedler, Walter; Wellbrock, Jasmin; Berger, Steffen M.; Klenova, Elena; Gibbs, Bernhard F.; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V. (2021). High Mobility Group Box 1 (HMGB1) Induces Toll-Like Receptor 4-Mediated Production of the Immunosuppressive Protein Galectin-9 in Human Cancer Cells. Frontiers in immunology, 12(675731) Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fimmu.2021.675731

Schlichtner, Stephanie; Meyer, N. Helge; Yasinska, Inna M.; Aliu, Nijas; Berger, Steffen M.; Gibbs, Bernhard F.; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V. (2021). Functional role of galectin-9 in directing human innate immune reactions to Gram-negative bacteria and T cell apoptosis. International immunopharmacology, 100, p. 108155. Elsevier 10.1016/j.intimp.2021.108155

Mukaddam, Khaled; Astasov-Frauenhoffer, Monika; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Marot, Laurent; Kisiel, Marcin; Meyer, Ernst; Köser, Joachim; Waser, Marcus; Bornstein, Michael M.; Kühl, Sebastian (2021). Effect of a Nanostructured Titanium Surface on Gingival Cell Adhesion, Viability and Properties against P. gingivalis. Materials, 14(24) MDPI 10.3390/ma14247686

Selnø, Anette Teo Hansen; Schlichtner, Stephanie; Yasinska, Inna M.; Sakhnevych, Svetlana S.; Fiedler, Walter; Wellbrock, Jasmin; Klenova, Elena; Pavlova, Ludmila; Gibbs, Bernhard F.; Degen, Martin; Schnyder, Isabelle; Aliu, Nijas; Berger, Steffen M.; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V. (2020). Transforming growth factor beta type 1 (TGF-β) and hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) transcription complex as master regulators of the immunosuppressive protein galectin-9 expression in human cancer and embryonic cells. Aging, 12(23), pp. 23478-23496. Impact Journals 10.18632/aging.202343

Yasinska, Inna M.; Meyer, N. Helge; Schlichtner, Stephanie; Hussain, Rohanah; Siligardi, Giuliano; Casely-Hayford, Maxwell; Fiedler, Walter; Wellbrock, Jasmin; Desmet, Cloe; Calzolai, Luigi; Varani, Luca; Berger, Steffen M.; Raap, Ulrike; Gibbs, Bernhard F.; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V. (2020). Ligand-Receptor Interactions of Galectin-9 and VISTA Suppress Human T Lymphocyte Cytotoxic Activity. Frontiers in immunology, 11, p. 580557. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fimmu.2020.580557

Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Aliu, Nijas; Haecker, Frank-Martin; Maltsev, Natalia; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Cholewa, Dietmar; Bartenstein, Andreas; Milosevic, Milan; Berger, Steffen M. (2019). Chromosomal Heterogeneity of the G-401 Rhabdoid Tumor Cell Line: Unusual Partial 7p Trisomy. Frontiers in medicine, 6, p. 187. Frontiers 10.3389/fmed.2019.00187

Yasinska, Inna M.; Sakhnevych, Svetlana S.; Pavlova, Ludmila; Teo Hansen Selnø, Anette; Teuscher Abeleira, Ana Maria; Benlaouer, Ouafa; Gonçalves Silva, Isabel; Mosimann, Marianne; Varani, Luca; Bardelli, Marco; Hussain, Rohanah; Siligardi, Giuliano; Cholewa, Dietmar; Berger, Steffen Michael; Gibbs, Bernhard F.; Ushkaryov, Yuri A.; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Klenova, Elena; Sumbayev, Vadim V. (2019). The Tim-3-Galectin-9 Pathway and Its Regulatory Mechanisms in Human Breast Cancer. Frontiers in immunology, 10, p. 1594. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fimmu.2019.01594

Sakhnevych, Svetlana S.; Yasinska, Inna M.; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V. (2019). Mitochondrial Defunctionalization Supresses Tim-3-Galectin-9 Secretory Pathway in Human Colorectal Cancer Cells and Thus Can Possibly Affect Tumor Immune Escape. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 10 Frontiers 10.3389/fphar.2019.00342

Yasinska, Inna M.; Gonçalves Silva, Isabel; Sakhnevych, Svetlana S.; Ruegg, Laura; Hussain, Rohanah; Siligardi, Giuliano; Fiedler, Walter; Wellbrock, Jasmin; Bardelli, Marco; Varani, Luca; Raap, Ulrike; Berger, Steffen; Gibbs, Bernhard F.; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V. (2018). High mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) acts as an “alarmin” to promote acute myeloid leukaemia progression. Oncoimmunology, 7(6), e1438109. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/2162402X.2018.1438109

Yasinska, Inna M.; Gonçalves Silva, Isabel; Sakhnevych, Svetlana; Gibbs, Bernhard F.; Raap, Ulrike; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V. (2018). Biochemical mechanisms implemented by human acute myeloid leukemia cells to suppress host immune surveillance. Cellular & molecular immunology, 15(11), pp. 989-991. Nature Publ. Group 10.1038/s41423-018-0047-6

Yasinska, Inna M.; Ceccone, Giacomo; Ojea-Jimenez, Isaac; Ponti, Jessica; Hussain, Rohanah; Siligardi, Giuliano; Berger, Steffen M.; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Bardelli, Marco; Varani, Luca; Fiedler, Walter; Wellbrock, Jasmin; Raap, Ulrike; Gibbs, Bernhard F.; Calzolai, Luigi; Sumbayev, Vadim V. (2018). Highly specific targeting of human acute myeloid leukaemia cells using pharmacologically active nanoconjugates. Nanoscale, 10(13), pp. 5827-5833. Royal Society of Chemistry 10.1039/c7nr09436a

Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Aliu, Nijas; Wunderlich, Kerstin; Ketterer, Sylvia; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Berger, Steffen; Meyer, Peter (2018). The Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cell Line (ARPE-19) Displays Mosaic Structural Chromosomal Aberrations. In: BartenevaIvan, Natasha S.; Vorobjev, A. (eds.) Cellular Heterogeneity. Methods in Molecular Biology: Vol. 1745 (pp. 305-314). New York, NY: Springer 10.1007/978-1-4939-7680-5_17

Gonçalves Silva, Isabel; Yasinska, Inna M.; Sakhnevych, Svetlana S.; Fiedler, Walter; Wellbrock, Jasmin; Bardelli, Marco; Varani, Luca; Hussain, Rohanah; Siligardi, Giuliano; Ceccone, Giacomo; Berger, Steffen Michael; Ushkaryov, Yuri A.; Gibbs, Bernhard F.; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V. (2017). The Tim-3-galectin-9 Secretory Pathway is Involved in the Immune Escape of Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells. EBioMedicine, 22, pp. 44-57. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ebiom.2017.07.018

Barteneva, Natasha S.; Baiken, Yeldar; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Alibek, Kenneth; Wang, Sheng; Maltsev, Natalia; Ponomarev, Eugene D.; Sautbayeva, Zarina; Kauanova, Sholpan; Moore, Anna; Beglinger, Christoph; Vorobjev, Ivan A. (2017). Extracellular vesicles in gastrointestinal cancer in conjunction with microbiota: On the border of Kingdoms. Biochimica et biophysica acta (BBA) : Reviews on cancer, 1868(2), pp. 372-393. Elsevier 10.1016/j.bbcan.2017.06.005

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Gonçalves Silva, Isabel; Rüegg, Laura; Gibbs, Bernhard F.; Bardelli, Marco; Fruehwirth, Alexander; Varani, Luca; Berger, Steffen Michael; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V. (2016). The immune receptor Tim-3 acts as a trafficker in a Tim-3/galectin-9 autocrine loop in human myeloid leukemia cells. Oncoimmunology, 5(7), e1195535. Landes Bioscience 10.1080/2162402X.2016.1195535

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Gibbs, Bernhard F; Gonçalves Silva, Isabel; Prokhorov, Alexandr; Abooali, Maryam; Yasinska, Inna M; Casely-Hayford, Maxwell A; Berger, Steffen Michael; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V (2015). Caffeine affects the biological responses of human hematopoietic cells of myeloid lineage via downregulation of the mTOR pathway and xanthine oxidase activity. OncoTarget, 6(30), pp. 28678-28692. Impact Journals LLC 10.18632/oncotarget.5212

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Degen, Martin; Girousi, Eleftheria; Feldmann, Julia; Parisi, Ludovica; La Scala, Giorgio C.; Schnyder, Isabelle; Schaller, André; Katsaros, Christos (2020). A Novel Van der Woude Syndrome-Causing IRF6 Variant Is Subject to Incomplete Non-sense-Mediated mRNA Decay Affecting the Phenotype of Keratinocytes. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 8, p. 583115. Frontiers 10.3389/fcell.2020.583115

Feller, Sabine

Krings, Rabea; Feller, Sabine; Wiedemar, Lina; Schnabel, Kai; Steiner, Isabelle; Merz, Franziska; Steinlin, Maja; Kroiss Benninger, Sabine; Brem, Beate; Wagner, Felicitas Lony; Huwendiek, Sören (16 September 2016). Grundschulkinder als standardisierte Patienten in einer regulären summativen OSCE-Prüfung: eine Mixed Method Studie bezüglich Fairness, Akzeptanz, Machbarkeit und „Educational Impact“ aus Sicht der Beteiligten. In: Jahrestagung GMA. Abstractband. Bern. 14.-17.09.2016. 10.3205/16gma181

Fleischmann, Achim

Liniger, B; Fleischmann, A; Zachariou, Z (2012). Benign cystic lesions in the testis of children. Journal of pediatric urology, 8(3), pp. 226-33. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpurol.2011.06.008

Liniger, Benjamin; Wolf, Rainer Walter; Fleischmann, Achim; Kluwe, Wolfram (2009). Local resection of metanephric adenoma with kidney preservation. Journal of pediatric surgery, 44(8), E21-3. Orlando, Fla.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2009.05.028

Flohr, Sarah

Flohr, Sarah; Ramette, Alban; Agyeman, Philipp K. A.; Duppenthaler, Andrea; Scherer, Cordula; Keller, Peter M.; Aebi, Christoph (2020). Recurrent Mycobacterium chelonae Skin Infection Unmasked as Factitious Disorder Using Bacterial Whole Genome Sequence Analysis. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 7(11), ofaa506. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ofid/ofaa506

Flück Pandey, Christa Emma

Santi, Maristella; Grafmüller, Stefanie; Zeino, Mazen; Cools, Martine; Van De Vijver, Koen; Trippel, Mafalda; Aliu, Nijas; Flück, Christa E (2021). Approach to the Virilizing Girl at Puberty. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 106(5), pp. 1530-1539. Oxford University Press 10.1210/clinem/dgaa948

Stranzinger, Enno; Scherer, Cordula; Pabst, Werner Lukas; Schuster, Frederick; Flück, Christa Emma (2016). Unilateral Stimulation of the Right Ovary in a 10-Year-Old Girl with Perforated Appendicitis. Ultrasound international open, 02(03), E102-E104. Thieme 10.1055/s-0042-110658

Burckhardt, Marie-Anne; Udhane, Sameer Sopanrao; Marti, Nesa Magdalena; Schnyder, Isabelle; Tapia, Coya; Nielsen, John E; Mullis, Primus-Eugen; Rajpert-De Meyts, Ewa; Flück, Christa Emma (2015). Human 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency seems to affect fertility but may not harbor a tumor risk: lesson from an experiment of nature. European journal of endocrinology, 173(5), K1-K12. BioScientifica Ltd. 10.1530/EJE-15-0599

Friedrich, Max

Kohlhof, Hendrik; Heidt, Christoph; Bähler, Alexandrine; Kohl, Sandro; Gravius, Sascha; Friedrich, Max; Ziebarth, Kai; Stranzinger, Enno (2015). Can 3D ultrasound identify trochlea dysplasia in newborns? Evaluation and applicability of a technique. European journal of radiology, 84(6), pp. 1159-1164. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ejrad.2015.03.015

Ganz, Reinhold

Aprato, A.; Leunig, Michael; Massé, A.; Slongo, Theddy; Ganz, Reinhold (2017). Instability of the hip after anatomical re-alignment in patients with a slipped capital femoral epiphysis. The Bone & Joint Journal, 99-B(1), pp. 16-21. British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery 10.1302/0301-620X.99B1.BJJ-2016-0575

Ziebarth, Kai; Leunig, Michael; Slongo, Theddy; Kim, Young-Jo; Ganz, Reinhold (2013). Slipped capital femoral epiphysis: relevant pathophysiological findings with open surgery. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 471(7), pp. 2156-2162. Springer 10.1007/s11999-013-2818-9

Ganz, Reinhold; Slongo, Theddy; Turchetto, Luigino; Massè, Alessandro; Whitehead, David; Leunig, Michael (2013). The lesser trochanter as a cause of hip impingement: pathophysiology and treatment options. Hip International, 23(Suppl. 9), S35-S41. Wichtig Editore 10.5301/hipint.5000063

Schoeniger, R.; Kain, M. S.; Ziebarth, K.; Ganz, R. (2010). Epiphyseal reperfusion after subcapital realignement of an unstable SCFE. Hip International, 20(2), pp. 273-279. Milano: Wichtig Editore

Garcia, Daniel

Berchtold, Marlene Brigitte; Wüthrich, Christian; Garcia, Daniel; Berger, Steffen; Löllgen, Ruth Mari (2023). Nurses' and physicians' reported difficulties and enablers to recognising and reporting child abuse in Swiss paediatric emergency and paediatric surgery departments - an observational study. Swiss medical weekly, 153(40017), p. 40017. SMW supporting association 10.57187/smw.2023.40017

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Löllgen, Ruth M; Chouchou, Pagona; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis K; Garcia, Daniel; Berger, Steffen (2016). The Peculiarity of Presenting Signs and Symptoms among Paediatric Patients Aged Less than 16 Years in a Mixed University Emergency Department. Emergency Medicine: Open Access, 06(03) Omics Publishing Group 10.4172/2165-7548.1000326

Höffe, Julia; Duppenthaler, Andrea; Garcia, Daniel; Berger, Steffen Michael; Löllgen, Ruth Mari Caroline (2015). Interdisziplinarität und Organisationsstruktur von Kindernotfallstationen. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung, 96(36), pp. 1288-1291. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag AG

Garofalo, Carla

de Kruif, Jan Kendall; Ledergerber, Gisela; Garofalo, Carla; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Kuentz, Martin (2016). On prilled Nanotubes-in-Microgel Oral Systems for protein delivery. European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics, 101, pp. 90-102. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ejpb.2016.01.014

Georgi Abbühl, Regula

Schnyder, Isabelle; Georgi Abbühl, Regula; Berger, Steffen Michael; McDougall Müller, Felicity Jane (February 2014). Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis in a preterm infant - Case of the month. Swiss Society of Neonatology

Gerull, Roland

Wüest, Alyssa Laurence; Manser, Helen; Küster, Helmut; Löllgen, Ruth Mari; Arenz, Tina; Arenz, Stephan; Nelle, Mathias; Gerull, Roland (2016). Comparison of treatment strategies for anaemia of prematurity in extremely low birthweight infants between 1997 and 2011. Archives of disease in childhood - fetal and neonatal edition, 101(5), F480-F481. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/archdischild-2016-310752

Girousi, Eleftheria

Parisi, Ludovica; Knapp, Patrick O.; Girousi, Eleftheria; Rihs, Silvia; La Scala, Giorgio C.; Schnyder, Isabelle; Stähli, Alexandra; Sculean, Anton; Bosshardt, Dieter; Katsaros, Christos; Degen, Martin (2021). A Living Cell Repository of the Cranio-/Orofacial Region to Advance Research and Promote Personalized Medicine. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 9, p. 682944. Frontiers 10.3389/fcell.2021.682944

Degen, Martin; Girousi, Eleftheria; Feldmann, Julia; Parisi, Ludovica; La Scala, Giorgio C.; Schnyder, Isabelle; Schaller, André; Katsaros, Christos (2020). A Novel Van der Woude Syndrome-Causing IRF6 Variant Is Subject to Incomplete Non-sense-Mediated mRNA Decay Affecting the Phenotype of Keratinocytes. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 8, p. 583115. Frontiers 10.3389/fcell.2020.583115

Goeggel Simonetti, Barbara

Studer, M.; Goeggel, Barbara; Joeris, Alexander; Margelisch, Katja; Steinlin, Maja; Roebers, Claudia M.; Heinks, T. (2014). Post-concussive symptoms and neuropsychological performance in the post-acute period following pediatric mild traumatic brain injury. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 20(10), pp. 982-993. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S1355617714000927

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Gorsler, Clark

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Goutaki, Myrofora

Hau Grosch, Eva-Maria; Meyer, Sarah C; Berger, Steffen; Goutaki, Myrofora; Kordasz, Marcin; Kessler, Ulf (2019). Gastrointestinal sequelae after surgery for necrotising enterocolitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of disease in childhood - fetal and neonatal edition, 104(3), F265-F273. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/archdischild-2017-314435

Grafmüller, Stefanie

Santi, Maristella; Grafmüller, Stefanie; Zeino, Mazen; Cools, Martine; Van De Vijver, Koen; Trippel, Mafalda; Aliu, Nijas; Flück, Christa E (2021). Approach to the Virilizing Girl at Puberty. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 106(5), pp. 1530-1539. Oxford University Press 10.1210/clinem/dgaa948

Grau, Tamar

Kessler, Ulf; Grau, Tamar; Gronchi, Fabrizio; Berger, Steffen; Brandt, Sebastian; Bracht, Hendrik; Marcucci, Carlo; Zachariou, Zacharias; Jakob, Stephan M (2011). Comparison of porcine and human coagulation by thrombelastometry. Thrombosis research, 128(5), pp. 477-82. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.thromres.2011.03.013

Gronau, Jürgen

Berger, Steffen Michael; Raio, Luigi; Nelle, Mathias; Wagner, Bendicht Peter; Gronau, Jürgen; Seiler, Stefan Jürg; Kadner, Alexander; Wildhaber, Barbara (2017). Trennung frühgeborener siamesischer Zwillinge: möglich durch Zusammenarbeit. Swiss Medical Forum, 17(1-2), pp. 19-21. EMH Swiss Medical Publishers 10.4414/smf.2017.02845

Grunt, Sebastian

Benninger, Irina; Lampart, Patricia; Mueller, Gabi; Augutis, Marika; Eriks-Hoogland, Inge; Grunt, Sebastian; Kelly, Erin Hayes; Padden, Beth; Scherer, Cordula; Shavit, Sandra; Taylor, Julian; Rutz, Erich; Scheel-Sailer, Anke (2022). Needs and Research Priorities for Young People with Spinal Cord Lesion or Spina Bifida and Their Caregivers: A National Survey in Switzerland within the PEPSCI Collaboration. Children, 9(3) MDPI 10.3390/children9030318

Zimmermann, Petra; Berlinger, Livia; Liniger, Benjamin; Grunt, Sebastian; Agyeman, Philipp; Ritz, Nicole (2012). Actinobaculum schaalii an emerging pediatric pathogen? BMC infectious diseases, 12(1), p. 201. London: BioMed Central 10.1186/1471-2334-12-201

Guttormsen, Sissel

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Haefeli, Stephanie

Haefeli, Stephanie; Kordasz, Marcin; Tsai, Catherine; Hau, Eva-Maria; Klimek, Peter; Cholewa, Dietmar; Pavlovic, Mladen; Berger, Steffen; Kessler, Ulf (2020). Risk Factors for Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Infants With Patent Arterial Duct. A Retrospective Matched Paired Analysis. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 8(179), p. 179. Frontiers 10.3389/fped.2020.00179

Kessler, Ulf; Hau Grosch, Eva-Maria; Kordasz, Marcin; Haefeli, Stephanie; Tsai, Catherine; Klimek, Peter; Cholewa, Dietmar; Nelle, Mathias; Pavlovic, Mladen; Berger, Steffen Michael (2018). Congenital Heart Disease Increases Mortality in Neonates With Necrotizing Enterocolitis. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 6, p. 312. Frontiers 10.3389/fped.2018.00312

Hagmann Britschgi, Brigitte

Goeggel, Barbara; Berger, Steffen Michael; Hagmann Britschgi, Brigitte; Steinlin, Maja (2012). Traumatic brain injury in children. Praxis - schweizerische Rundschau für Medizin, 101(5), pp. 317-324. Bern: Huber 10.1024/1661-8157/a000858

Hanke, Markus

Lerch, Till D; Kaim, Tilman; Grob, Valentin; Hanke, Markus; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon D; Busch, Jasmin D; Ziebarth, Kai (2024). MR-based Bony 3D models enable radiation-free preoperative patient-specific analysis and 3D printing for SCFE patients. Journal of children's orthopaedics Sage 10.1177/18632521241229618

Lerch, Till D; Kaim, Tilman; Hanke, Markus S; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon D; Busch, Jasmin D.; Novais, Eduardo N; Ziebarth, Kai (2023). Assessment of femoral retroversion on preoperative hip magnetic resonance imaging in patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis: Theoretical implications for hip impingement risk estimation. Journal of children's orthopaedics, 17(2), pp. 116-125. Sage 10.1177/18632521221149044

Lerch, Till; Hanke, Markus; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Busch, Jasmin D.; Ziebarth, Kai; Schmaranzer, Florian (2023). Two third of Symptomatic SCFE Patients exhibit Peritubercle edema combined with edema of the physis and joint effusion on preoperative MRI (Unpublished). In: European Congress of Radiology (ECR), 2023. Vienna. March 2023.

Lerch, Till; Hanke, Markus; Schmaranzer, Florian; Busch, Jasmin D.; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Ziebarth, Kai (June 2022). Longterm radiographic followup of patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis that underwent modified Dunn procedure (Unpublished). In: SCR (Swiss Congress of Radiology).

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Lerch, Till; Kaim, Tilman; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Schmaranzer, Florian; Hanke, Markus; Busch, Jasmin D.; Ziebarth, Kai (June 2022). Slip angle on preoperative MRI changes severity classification of pediatric patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis (Unpublished). In: 56th Annual Meeting and the 42nd Post Graduate Course of the European Society of Paediatric Radiology.

Lerch, Till; Boschung, Adam; Leibold, Christiane Sylvia; Hanke, Markus; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Ziebarth, Kai; Kalla, Roger; Baur, Heiner; Eichelberger, Patric; Tannast, Moritz; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (October 2020). Normal Gait And Normal Hip Function At Longterm Followup In Severe SCFE Patients Treated With A Modified Dunn Procedure-Gait Analysis Study (Unpublished). In: EFORT Virtual Congress (European Federation of Orthopaedics and Traumatology).

Hau Grosch, Eva-Maria

Kordasz, Marcin; Racine, Michaël; Szavay, Philipp; Lehner, Markus; Krebs, Thomas; Luckert, Christian; Hau, Eva-Maria; Berger, Steffen; Kessler, Ulf (2022). Risk factors for mortality in preterm infants with necrotizing enterocolitis: a retrospective multicenter analysis. European journal of pediatrics, 181(3), pp. 933-939. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00431-021-04266-x

Löflath, Viola; Hau, Eva-Maria; Garcia, Daniel; Berger, Steffen; Löllgen, Ruth (2021). Parental satisfaction with waiting time in a Swiss tertiary paediatric emergency department. Emergency medicine journal, 38(8), pp. 617-623. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/emermed-2019-208616

Haefeli, Stephanie; Kordasz, Marcin; Tsai, Catherine; Hau, Eva-Maria; Klimek, Peter; Cholewa, Dietmar; Pavlovic, Mladen; Berger, Steffen; Kessler, Ulf (2020). Risk Factors for Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Infants With Patent Arterial Duct. A Retrospective Matched Paired Analysis. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 8(179), p. 179. Frontiers 10.3389/fped.2020.00179

Hau Grosch, Eva-Maria; Meyer, Sarah C; Berger, Steffen; Goutaki, Myrofora; Kordasz, Marcin; Kessler, Ulf (2019). Gastrointestinal sequelae after surgery for necrotising enterocolitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of disease in childhood - fetal and neonatal edition, 104(3), F265-F273. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/archdischild-2017-314435

Kessler, Ulf; Hau Grosch, Eva-Maria; Kordasz, Marcin; Haefeli, Stephanie; Tsai, Catherine; Klimek, Peter; Cholewa, Dietmar; Nelle, Mathias; Pavlovic, Mladen; Berger, Steffen Michael (2018). Congenital Heart Disease Increases Mortality in Neonates With Necrotizing Enterocolitis. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 6, p. 312. Frontiers 10.3389/fped.2018.00312

Kessler, Ulf; Mosbahi, Selim; Walker, Benedict; Hau Grosch, Eva-Maria; Cotton, Michael; Peiry, Barbara; Berger, Steffen Michael; Egger, Bernhard (2017). Conservative treatment versus surgery for uncomplicated appendicitis in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of disease in childhood, 102(12), pp. 1118-1124. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/archdischild-2017-313127

Haupt, Ulrich Rudolf

Krause, FG; Haupt, U; Ziebarth, K; Slongo, T (2009). Mini-arthrotomy for lateral discoid menisci in children. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 29(2), pp. 130-6. Hagerstown, Md.: Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BPO.0b013e318198454d

Heidt, Christoph

Kohlhof, Hendrik; Heidt, Christoph; Bähler, Alexandrine; Kohl, Sandro; Gravius, Sascha; Friedrich, Max; Ziebarth, Kai; Stranzinger, Enno (2015). Can 3D ultrasound identify trochlea dysplasia in newborns? Evaluation and applicability of a technique. European journal of radiology, 84(6), pp. 1159-1164. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ejrad.2015.03.015

Heidt, Christoph; Ziebarth, Kai; Erni, Dominique; Slongo, Theddy; Joeris, Alexander (2014). Four years follow-up after clavicle reconstruction in a child: a case report. Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery, 67(12), pp. 1735-1739. Elsevier 10.1016/j.bjps.2014.08.050

Heimgartner, Samuel

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Heinks Maldonado, Theda

Studer, Martina; Goeggel Simonetti, Barbara; Heinks Maldonado, Theda; Steinlin, Maja; Leichtle, Alexander Benedikt; Berger, Steffen Michael; Joeris, Alexander (2015). Acute S100B in serum is associated with cognitive symptoms and memory performance 4 months after paediatric mild traumatic brain injury. Brain injury, 29(13-14), pp. 1667-1673. Informa Healthcare 10.3109/02699052.2015.1075250

Hennel, Eva Kathrin

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Hertel, Ralph

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Heverhagen, Johannes

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Hofstaetter, Cornelia

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Horn, Matthias Thomas

Schöbi, Nina; Duppenthaler, Andrea; Horn, Matthias; Bartenstein, Andreas; Keitel, Kristina; Kopp, Matthias V; Agyeman, Philipp; Aebi, Christoph (2024). Preadmission course and management of severe pediatric group A streptococcal infections during the 2022-2023 outbreak: a single-center experience. Infection, 52(4), pp. 1397-1405. Springer-Medizin-Verlag 10.1007/s15010-024-02198-w

Streibel, Carmen; Willers, C Corin; Bauman, Grzegorz; Pusterla, Orso; Bieri, Oliver; Curdy, Marion; Horn, Matthias; Casaulta, Carmen; Berger, Steffen; Dekany, Gabriela Marta; Kieninger, Elisabeth; Bartenstein, Andreas; Latzin, Philipp (2024). Long-term pulmonary outcome of children with congenital diaphragmatic hernia: functional lung MRI using matrix-pencil decomposition enables side-specific assessment of lung function. European radiology, 34(6), pp. 3773-3785. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00330-023-10395-8

Huth, Markus

Huth, Markus E; Heimgartner, Samuel; Schnyder, Isabelle; Caversaccio, Marco D (2008). Teratoma of the nasal septum in a neonate: an endoscopic approach. Journal of pediatric surgery, 43(11), pp. 2102-5. Orlando, Fla.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2008.07.020

Huwendiek, Sören

Lerch, S.P.; Bussmann, Y.; de la Croix, A; Huwendiek, S.; Macdonald, M. A.; Mauer, D.; Metry, B.; Schlegel, C.; Schnabel, K.; Walther, J.; Watzek, D.; Wagner, I.; Lörwald, A. C. (30 September 2023). Teaching Trust: Educational ingredients that stimulate trustful patient relationships (Unpublished). In: Gemeinsamer Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Psychologie und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Soziologie. Giessen. 30.09.2023.

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Steiner, Isabelle; Balsiger, Audrey; Goldszmidt, Mark; Huwendiek, Sören (2020). Innovating Pediatric Emergency Care and Learning Through Interprofessional Briefing and Workplace-Based Assessment. Pediatric emergency care, 36(12), pp. 575-581. Wolters Kluwer Health 10.1097/PEC.0000000000002218

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Häfliger, Stefanie

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Höffe, Julia

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Iizuka, Tateyuki

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Jakob, Roland Peter

Kaiser, Nadine; Jakob, Roland P.; Pagenstert, Geert; Tannast, Moritz; Petek, Daniel (2021). Stable clinical long term results after AMIC in the aligned knee. Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery, 141(11), pp. 1845-1854. Springer 10.1007/s00402-020-03564-7

Jakob, Stephan

Kessler, Ulf; Schlapbach, Luregn J.; Klimek, Peter Michael; Jakob, Stephan (2017). Low L-Ficolin associated with disease severity during sepsis in adult ICU patients. Liver international, 37(9), p. 1409. Blackwell Munksgaard 10.1111/liv.13448

Kessler, Ulf; Grau, Tamar; Gronchi, Fabrizio; Berger, Steffen; Brandt, Sebastian; Bracht, Hendrik; Marcucci, Carlo; Zachariou, Zacharias; Jakob, Stephan M (2011). Comparison of porcine and human coagulation by thrombelastometry. Thrombosis research, 128(5), pp. 477-82. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.thromres.2011.03.013

Joeris, Alexander

Joeris, Alexander; Ramseier, Leonhard; Langendörfer, Micha; von Knobloch, Michael; Patwardhan, Sandeep; Dwyer, Jonathan; Slongo, Theddy (2017). Paediatric lower limb deformity correction with the Eight Plate: adverse events and correction outcomes of 126 patients from an international multicentre study. Journal of pediatric orthopedics. Part B, 26(5), pp. 441-448. Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BPB.0000000000000397

Audigé, Laurent; Slongo, Theddy; Lutz, Nicolas; Blumenthal, Andrea; Joeris, Alexander (2017). The AO Pediatric Comprehensive Classification of Long Bone Fractures (PCCF) – Part III:. Acta orthopaedica, 88(2), pp. 133-139. Informa Healthcare 10.1080/17453674.2016.1258534

Joeris, Alexander; Lutz, Nicolas; Blumenthal, Andrea; Slongo, Theddy; Audigé, Laurent (2017). The AO Pediatric Comprehensive Classification of Long Bone Fractures (PCCF) – Part II:. Acta orthopaedica, 88(2), pp. 129-132. Informa Healthcare 10.1080/17453674.2016.1258533

Joeris, Alexander; Lutz, Nicolas; Blumenthal, Andrea; Slongo, Theddy; Audigé, Laurent (2017). The AO Pediatric Comprehensive Classification of Long Bone Fractures (PCCF) – Part I:. Acta orthopaedica, 88(2), pp. 123-128. Informa Healthcare 10.1080/17453674.2016.1258532

Studer, Martina; Goeggel Simonetti, Barbara; Heinks Maldonado, Theda; Steinlin, Maja; Leichtle, Alexander Benedikt; Berger, Steffen Michael; Joeris, Alexander (2015). Acute S100B in serum is associated with cognitive symptoms and memory performance 4 months after paediatric mild traumatic brain injury. Brain injury, 29(13-14), pp. 1667-1673. Informa Healthcare 10.3109/02699052.2015.1075250

Schmid, Timo Georg Johannes; Joeris, Alexander; Slongo, Theddy; Ahmad, Sufian; Ziebarth, Kai (2015). Displaced supracondylar humeral fractures: influence of delay of surgery on the incidence of open reduction, complications and outcome. Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery, 135(7), pp. 963-969. Springer 10.1007/s00402-015-2248-0

Stranzinger, Enno; Schankath, Adrian Clemens; Dobrocky, Tomas; Joeris, Alexander; Ziebarth, Kai (2015). MRI in Hip Dysplasia: How to Shorten your MR-Protocol? Orthopedic & Muscular System, 04(04) OMICS International 10.4172/2161-0533.1000199

Joeris, Alexander; Lutz, Nicolas; Wicki, Bárbara; Slongo, Theddy; Audigé, Laurent (2014). An epidemiological evaluation of pediatric long bone fractures - a retrospective cohort study of 2716 patients from two Swiss tertiary pediatric hospitals. BMC pediatrics, 14, p. 314. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12887-014-0314-3

Heidt, Christoph; Ziebarth, Kai; Erni, Dominique; Slongo, Theddy; Joeris, Alexander (2014). Four years follow-up after clavicle reconstruction in a child: a case report. Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery, 67(12), pp. 1735-1739. Elsevier 10.1016/j.bjps.2014.08.050

Studer, M.; Goeggel, Barbara; Joeris, Alexander; Margelisch, Katja; Steinlin, Maja; Roebers, Claudia M.; Heinks, T. (2014). Post-concussive symptoms and neuropsychological performance in the post-acute period following pediatric mild traumatic brain injury. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 20(10), pp. 982-993. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S1355617714000927

Joeris, Alexander; Audigé, Laurent; Ziebarth, Kai; Slongo, Theddy (2012). The Locking Compression Paediatric Hip Plate: technical guide and critical analysis. International orthopaedics, 36(11), pp. 2299-306. Heidelberg: Springer 10.1007/s00264-012-1643-1

Dietz, H.G.; Illing, P; Schmittenbecher, P.P.; Slongo, Th; Sommerfeldt, D.W.; Berger, S.; Heini, P.; Lieber, J.; Liniger, B.; Marzi, I.; Meenen, N.; Nowack, K.; Joeris, A.; Klimek, P.; Dragowsky, K.; David, S.; Heinrich, M.; Lehner, M.; Gresing, T.; Fuchs, J.; ... (2011). Praxis der Kinder- und Jugendtraumatologie. Heidelberg: Springer Medizin Verlag Heidelberg

Joeris, A; Slongo, T (2011). Pathologische Frakturen. In: Dietz H.G., Illing P. (ed.) Praxis der Kinder- und Jugendtraumatologie (pp. 531-546). Heidelberg: Springer Medizin Verlag Heidelberg

Al Mufargi, Yaqoub Sulaiman; Mouch, Charles Adam; Ziebarth, Kai; Joeris, Alexander; Slongo, Theddy (2011). RETRACTED: An unusual cause of paralysis of the peroneal nerve: a report of 3 cases. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 31(5), e50-2. Hagerstown, Md.: Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BPO.0b013e31821f50cb

Joeris, Alexander; Ondrus, Simon; Plánka, Ladislav; Gál, Petr; Slongo, Theddy (2010). ChronOS Inject in Children with Benign Bone Lesions – Does It Increase the Healing Rate? European journal of pediatric surgery, 20(01), pp. 24-28. Stuttgart: Thieme 10.1055/s-0029-1241866

Joeris, Alexander; Waldmeier, A. (2010). ChronOS Inject: Ein synthetisches Knochenersatzmaterial zur Ausheilung von Knochendefekten verschiedener Ätiologie. OP-Journal, 26(3), pp. 220-221. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag

Joeris, A (2010). Reduction of plain skull radiographs in children with mild traumatic brain injuries. In: Forschertag DKF. Bern, November 2010: Forschertag DKF

Joeris, A (2010). Das Schädelhirntrauma im Kindes- und Jugendalter. In: Physiotherapie, Dezember 2010.

Joeris, A (2010). Commotio - Management beim Kind. In: 97. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie. Interlaken, Mai 2010.

Joeris, A (2010). Die Behandlung der Femurfraktur - Nagelung, Fixateur externe, Fixateur interne, eingeschobene Platte, intraoperative Kontrolle der Rotation. In: 97. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie. Interlaken, Mai 2010.

Joeris, A (2010). Der radialseitige Mini-Fixateur - eine sichere Alternative als Therapieoption bei dislozierten supracondylären Humerusfrakturen. In: 29. Jahrestagung der Sektion Kindertraumatologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie. Hamburg Juni 2010.

Joeris, A (2010). Der radialseitige Mini-Fixateur - eine sichere Alternative als Therapieoption bei dislozierten supracondylären Humerusfrakturen. In: Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie. Berlin, Deutschland. 21.-24.10.09.

Joeris, A (2010). Korrekturen nach Fehlwachstum aufgrund von Fugenverletzungen im OSG-Bereich. In: Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie. Berlin, Deutschland. 21.-24.10.09.

Joeris, A (2010). Therapie zystischer Läsionen am proximalen Femur. In: Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie. Berlin, Deutschland. 21.-24.10.09.

Joeris, A (2010). Lodox STATSCAN - a novel low radiation imaging technique in leg deformity and leg-lengt discrepancy. In: 40. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinderchirurgie. Anzère.

Joeris, Alexander (2010). Traumatic Brain Injury in Children - A Single Center Clinical Trial including 1100 Patients. In: 40. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kinderchirurgie. Anzère.

Joeris, A (2010). Traumatic Brain Injury in Children - A Single Center Clinical Trial including 1100 Patients. In: 11th European Congress of Paediatric Surgery. Bern, June 2010.

Slongo, T; Schmid, T; Wilkins, K; Joeris, A (2008). Lateral external fixation: a new surgical technique for displaced unreducible supracondylar humeral fractures in children. Journal of bone and joint surgery - American volume, 90(8), pp. 1690-7. Needham, Mass.: Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery Inc. 10.2106/JBJS.G.00528

Joeris, A; Berger, S; Grütter, T; Slongo, Th (2008). Pediatric Trauma Brain Injuries - Review and single centre experiences. In: 4 th International Meeting on Mild Trauma Brain Injuries in Sports, March 10th to 15t 2008. St. Moritz, Switzerland.

Joeris, A; Planka, L; Gal, P; Slongo, Th (2008). ChronOS TM Inject bei Kindern mit gutartigen Knochenzysten. In: 27. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie, Sektion Kindertraumatologie, 6.-7. Juni 2008. Mainz, Deutschland.

Abu-Isa, J.; Joeris, A.; Oesch, V.; Mariani, L. (2008). Growing subgaleal swelling as an early indicater for development of a growing skull fracture. In: ESPN. Montreux.

Kraus, R; Joeris, A; Castellani, C; Weinberg, A; Slongo, T; Schnettler, R (2007). Intraoperative radiation exposure in displaced supracondylar humeral fractures: a comparison of surgical methods. Journal of pediatric orthopedics. Part B, 16(1), pp. 44-7. Hagerstown, Md.: Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/01.bpb.0000236238.87763.cf

Joeris, Alexander; Bansi, Gretel; Knorr, Peter; Lieber, Justus; Schalamon, Peter; Slongo, Theddy (2005). ESIN in Femur Fractures. European journal of trauma, 31(1), pp. 24-32. Urban & Vogel 10.1007/s00068-005-1075-3

Joeris, Alexander; Bansi, Gretel; Knorr, Peter; Lieber, Justus; Schalamon, Johannes; Slongo, Theddy (2005). ESIN in Femur Fractures. European journal of trauma, 31(2), p. 194. Urban & Vogel 10.1007/s00068-005-9205-5

Kadner, Alexander

Bartkevics, Maris; Stankovic, Zoran; Schibli, Susanne; Fluri, Simon; Berger, Steffen; Schmidli, Jürg; Kadner, Alexander (2020). A Near Miss and Salvage Management of Aortoesophageal Fistula Secondary to Cell Battery Ingestion. World journal for pediatric & congenital heart surgery, 11(1), pp. 120-122. Sage 10.1177/2150135119880549

Berger, Steffen Michael; Raio, Luigi; Nelle, Mathias; Wagner, Bendicht Peter; Gronau, Jürgen; Seiler, Stefan Jürg; Kadner, Alexander; Wildhaber, Barbara (2017). Trennung frühgeborener siamesischer Zwillinge: möglich durch Zusammenarbeit. Swiss Medical Forum, 17(1-2), pp. 19-21. EMH Swiss Medical Publishers 10.4414/smf.2017.02845

Kaim, Tilman Konstantin

Lerch, Till D; Kaim, Tilman; Grob, Valentin; Hanke, Markus; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon D; Busch, Jasmin D; Ziebarth, Kai (2024). MR-based Bony 3D models enable radiation-free preoperative patient-specific analysis and 3D printing for SCFE patients. Journal of children's orthopaedics Sage 10.1177/18632521241229618

Kaim, Tilman; Kaiser, Nadine; Slongo, Theddy; Liebs, Thoralf; Ziebarth, Kai (2023). High rates of lateral patellar redislocation and inconsistent subjective satisfaction in pediatric patients at 7-year follow-up (Unpublished)

Kaiser, Georges

Kaiser, G. L.; Steffen, Chr. (2020). Visualization of skull remodeling and re-ossification after reconstructive surgery and mosaic-like cranioplasty in sagittal synostosis and deformational brachycephaly. Child's nervous system, 36(7), pp. 1489-1498. Springer 10.1007/s00381-020-04511-y

Kaiser, G; Oesch, V (2009). Sagittal craniosynostosis combined with ossified cephalhematoma-a tricky and demanding puzzle. Child's nervous system, 25(1), pp. 103-110. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00381-008-0726-1

Hug, Martina; Tönz, Martin; Kaiser, Georges (2005). Parental stress in paediatric day-case surgery. Pediatric surgery international, 21(2), pp. 94-99. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00383-004-1333-1

Tönz, Martin Andreas; Köhli, Sandra; Kaiser, Georges (2004). Oesophageal atresia: what has changed in the last 3 decades? Pediatric surgery international, 20(10), pp. 768-772. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00383-004-1139-1

Kaiser, Nadine

Bullmann, T; Stucki, C; Kaiser, N; Ziebarth, K (2024). [Fractures of the lateral condyle of the humerus in children : High risk of secondary dislocation with conservative treatment]. Unfallchirurgie, 127(7), pp. 522-530. Springer 10.1007/s00113-024-01432-2

Kaim, Tilman; Kaiser, Nadine; Slongo, Theddy; Liebs, Thoralf; Ziebarth, Kai (2023). High rates of lateral patellar redislocation and inconsistent subjective satisfaction in pediatric patients at 7-year follow-up (Unpublished)

Ziebarth, Kai; Kaiser, Nadine; Slongo, Theddy (2022). [Triple osteotomy for patients with Legg-Calve-Perthes disease]. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 34(5), pp. 323-332. Springer 10.1007/s00064-022-00784-5

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Lorance, Alex; Berger, Steffen Michael; Kaiser, Nadine; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). Health-Related Quality of Life after Fractures of the Distal Forearm in Children and Adolescents-Results from a Center in Switzerland in 432 Patients. Children, 9(10) MDPI 10.3390/children9101487

Ziebarth, Kai; Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Kaiser, Nadine; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno; Lerch, Till (April 2022). What is the AVN Rate of SCFE Patients with complete epi-metaphyseal discontinuity treated with the modified Dunn Procedure? (Unpublished). In: EPOS Annual Meeting (European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society).

Kaiser, Nadine; Jakob, Roland P.; Pagenstert, Geert; Tannast, Moritz; Petek, Daniel (2021). Stable clinical long term results after AMIC in the aligned knee. Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery, 141(11), pp. 1845-1854. Springer 10.1007/s00402-020-03564-7

Kaiser, N.; Slongo, T. (2021). Elastic, stable intramedullary nailing of pertrochanteric femoral fractures in children (<6–8 years). Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 33(1), pp. 46-54. Springer 10.1007/s00064-020-00696-2

Ziebarth, Kai; Kaiser, Nadine; Slongo, Theddy (2021). Approaches and fixation of femoral neck fractures in children—transgluteal approach. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 33(1), pp. 36-45. Springer 10.1007/s00064-020-00694-4

Liebs, Thoralf R.; Burgard, Marie; Kaiser, Nadine; Slongo, Theddy; Berger, Steffen; Ryser, Basil; Ziebarth, Kai (2020). Health-related quality of life after paediatric supracondylar humeral fractures. The Bone & Joint Journal, 102-B(6), pp. 755-765. British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery 10.1302/0301-620X.102B6.BJJ-2019-1391.R2

Borner, Urs; Anschütz, Lukas; Kaiser, Nadine; Rieke, Alexander; Dubach, Patrick; Caversaccio, Marco (2019). Blunt nasal trauma in children: a frequent diagnostic challenge. European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology, 276(1), pp. 85-91. Springer 10.1007/s00405-018-5183-1

Liebs, Thoralf R.; Ryser, Basil; Kaiser, Nadine; Slongo, Theddy; Berger, Steffen; Ziebarth, Kai (2019). Health-related Quality of Life After Fractures of the Lateral Third of the Clavicle in Children and Adolescents. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 39(7), e542-e547. Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BPO.0000000000001332

Kakaty, Diganta Kumar

Slongo, T; Kakaty, D; Krause, F; Ziebarth, K (2010). Treatment of slipped capital femoral epiphysis with a modified Dunn procedure. Journal of bone and joint surgery - American volume, 92(18), pp. 2898-908. Needham, Mass.: Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery Inc. 10.2106/JBJS.I.01385

Kalla, Roger

Lerch, Till D.; Boschung, Adam; Leibold, Christiane; Kalla, Roger; Kerkeni, Hassen; Baur, Heiner; Eichelberger, Patric; Steppacher, Simon D.; Liechti, Emanuel F.; Siebenrock, Klaus A.; Tannast, Moritz; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). Minimal Out-Toeing and Good Hip Scores of Severe SCFE Patients Treated With Modified Dunn Procedure and Contralateral Prophylactic Pinning at Minimal 5-year Follow up. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 42(5), e421-e426. Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BPO.0000000000002127

Lerch, Till; Boschung, Adam; Leibold, Christiane Sylvia; Hanke, Markus; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Ziebarth, Kai; Kalla, Roger; Baur, Heiner; Eichelberger, Patric; Tannast, Moritz; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (October 2020). Normal Gait And Normal Hip Function At Longterm Followup In Severe SCFE Patients Treated With A Modified Dunn Procedure-Gait Analysis Study (Unpublished). In: EFORT Virtual Congress (European Federation of Orthopaedics and Traumatology).

Katsaros, Christos

Rihs, Silvia; Parisi, Ludovica; Lauener, Anic; Mansour, Farah; Schnyder, Isabelle; Dekany, Gabriela M; La Scala, Giorgio C; Katsaros, Christos; Degen, Martin (2024). Reflecting the human lip in vitro: Cleft lip skin and mucosa keratinocytes keep their identities. (In Press). Oral diseases Wiley 10.1111/odi.14844

Parisi, Ludovica; Rihs, Silvia; La Scala, Giorgio C; Schnyder, Isabelle; Katsaros, Christos; Degen, Martin (2022). Discovery and characterization of heterogeneous and multipotent fibroblast populations isolated from excised cleft lip tissue. Stem cell research & therapy, 13(1), p. 469. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13287-022-03154-x

Parisi, Ludovica; Knapp, Patrick O.; Girousi, Eleftheria; Rihs, Silvia; La Scala, Giorgio C.; Schnyder, Isabelle; Stähli, Alexandra; Sculean, Anton; Bosshardt, Dieter; Katsaros, Christos; Degen, Martin (2021). A Living Cell Repository of the Cranio-/Orofacial Region to Advance Research and Promote Personalized Medicine. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 9, p. 682944. Frontiers 10.3389/fcell.2021.682944

Degen, Martin; Girousi, Eleftheria; Feldmann, Julia; Parisi, Ludovica; La Scala, Giorgio C.; Schnyder, Isabelle; Schaller, André; Katsaros, Christos (2020). A Novel Van der Woude Syndrome-Causing IRF6 Variant Is Subject to Incomplete Non-sense-Mediated mRNA Decay Affecting the Phenotype of Keratinocytes. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 8, p. 583115. Frontiers 10.3389/fcell.2020.583115

Degen, Martin; Wiederkehr, Astrid; La Scala, Giorgio C.; Carmann, Christina; Schnyder, Isabelle; Katsaros, Christos (2018). Keratinocytes Isolated From Individual Cleft Lip/Palate Patients Display Variations in Their Differentiation Potential in vitro. Frontiers in physiology, 9, p. 1703. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fphys.2018.01703

Beyeler, Joël; Schnyder, Isabelle; Katsaros, Christos; Chiquet, Matthias (2014). Accelerated wound closure in vitro by fibroblasts from a subgroup of cleft lip/palate patients: role of transforming growth factor-α. PLoS ONE, 9(10), e111752. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0111752

Keitel, Kristina

Schöbi, Nina; Duppenthaler, Andrea; Horn, Matthias; Bartenstein, Andreas; Keitel, Kristina; Kopp, Matthias V; Agyeman, Philipp; Aebi, Christoph (2024). Preadmission course and management of severe pediatric group A streptococcal infections during the 2022-2023 outbreak: a single-center experience. Infection, 52(4), pp. 1397-1405. Springer-Medizin-Verlag 10.1007/s15010-024-02198-w

Starvaggi, Carl Alessandro; Travaglini, Nicola; Aebi, Christoph; Romano, Fabrizio; Steiner, Isabelle; Sauter, Thomas Christian; Keitel, Kristina (2023). www.coronabambini.ch: Development and usage of an online decision support tool for paediatric COVID-19-testing in Switzerland: a cross-sectional analysis. BMJ open, 13(3), e063820. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-063820

Keller, Peter Michael

Bölsterli, E; Keller, P M; Suter, F; Krüger, L; Duppenthaler, A; Aebi, Christoph; Agyeman, P K A (2023). A comparison of bronchoalveolar lavage and gastric aspirate for diagnosis of paediatric TB. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease, 27(2), pp. 148-150. IUATLD 10.5588/ijtld.22.0359

Schöbi, Nina; Agyeman, Philipp KA; Duppenthaler, Andrea; Bartenstein, Andreas; Keller, Peter M; Suter-Riniker, Franziska; Schmidt, Kristina M; Kopp, Matthias V; Aebi, Christoph (2022). PEDIATRIC TULAREMIA– A CASE SERIES FROM A SINGLE CENTER IN SWITZERLAND. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 9(7) Oxford University Press 10.1093/ofid/ofac292

Flohr, Sarah; Ramette, Alban; Agyeman, Philipp K. A.; Duppenthaler, Andrea; Scherer, Cordula; Keller, Peter M.; Aebi, Christoph (2020). Recurrent Mycobacterium chelonae Skin Infection Unmasked as Factitious Disorder Using Bacterial Whole Genome Sequence Analysis. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 7(11), ofaa506. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ofid/ofaa506

Kerkeni, Hassen

Lerch, Till D.; Boschung, Adam; Leibold, Christiane; Kalla, Roger; Kerkeni, Hassen; Baur, Heiner; Eichelberger, Patric; Steppacher, Simon D.; Liechti, Emanuel F.; Siebenrock, Klaus A.; Tannast, Moritz; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). Minimal Out-Toeing and Good Hip Scores of Severe SCFE Patients Treated With Modified Dunn Procedure and Contralateral Prophylactic Pinning at Minimal 5-year Follow up. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 42(5), e421-e426. Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BPO.0000000000002127

Kessler, Ulf

Müller, Philip C.; Frey, Michael C.; Ruzza, Claudio M.; Nickel, Felix; Jost, Christian; Gwerder, Christoph; Hackert, Thilo; Z’graggen, Kaspar; Kessler, Ulf (2021). Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Pancreatic Cancer: An Appraisal of the Current High-Level Evidence. Pharmacology, 106(3-4), pp. 143-153. Karger 10.1159/000510343

Haefeli, Stephanie; Kordasz, Marcin; Tsai, Catherine; Hau, Eva-Maria; Klimek, Peter; Cholewa, Dietmar; Pavlovic, Mladen; Berger, Steffen; Kessler, Ulf (2020). Risk Factors for Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Infants With Patent Arterial Duct. A Retrospective Matched Paired Analysis. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 8(179), p. 179. Frontiers 10.3389/fped.2020.00179

Hau Grosch, Eva-Maria; Meyer, Sarah C; Berger, Steffen; Goutaki, Myrofora; Kordasz, Marcin; Kessler, Ulf (2019). Gastrointestinal sequelae after surgery for necrotising enterocolitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of disease in childhood - fetal and neonatal edition, 104(3), F265-F273. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/archdischild-2017-314435

Vuille-dit-Bille, RN; Leu, S.; R. Delcont, M.; Kessler, Ulf; Zeino, M.; Klimek, P (2018). Urethral Duplications in Children - A Case Series. Clinics in Surgery, 3, pp. 1-4. Remedy Publications LLC.

Kessler, Ulf; Hau Grosch, Eva-Maria; Kordasz, Marcin; Haefeli, Stephanie; Tsai, Catherine; Klimek, Peter; Cholewa, Dietmar; Nelle, Mathias; Pavlovic, Mladen; Berger, Steffen Michael (2018). Congenital Heart Disease Increases Mortality in Neonates With Necrotizing Enterocolitis. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 6, p. 312. Frontiers 10.3389/fped.2018.00312

Kessler, Ulf; Schlapbach, Luregn J.; Klimek, Peter Michael; Jakob, Stephan (2017). Low L-Ficolin associated with disease severity during sepsis in adult ICU patients. Liver international, 37(9), p. 1409. Blackwell Munksgaard 10.1111/liv.13448

Kessler, Ulf; Schulte, Franzisca; Cholewa, Dietmar; Nelle, Mathias; Schaefer, Stephan C; Klimek, Peter Michael; Berger, Steffen Michael (2016). Outcome in neonates with necrotizing enterocolitis and patent ductus arteriosus. World journal of pediatrics WJP, 12(1), pp. 55-59. Institute of Pediatrics 10.1007/s12519-015-0059-6

Colombier, Sebastian; Kessler, Ulf; Ferrari, Enrico; von Segesser, Ludwig; Berdajs, Denis (2013). Influence of deep sternal wound infection on long-term survival after cardiac surgery. Medical Science Monitor, 19, pp. 668-673. 10.12659/MSM.889191

Klimek, Peter Michael; Lutz, Thomas; Stranzinger, Enno; Zachariou, Zacharias; Kessler, Ulf; Berger, Steffen Michael (2013). Handlebar injuries in children. Pediatric surgery international, 29(3), pp. 269-273. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00383-012-3227-y

Rachmani, Evangelia; Zachariou, Zacharias; Kessler, Ulf (2013). Aseptic intussuscepted incidental appendectomy: three successful cases. World journal of pediatrics WJP, 9(4), pp. 369-372. Hangzhou: Springer Berlin Heidelberg 10.1007/s12519-013-0422-4

Klimek, P; Klimek, M; Kessler, U; Oesch, V; Wolf, R; Stranzinger, E; Mueller, MD; Zachariou, Z (2012). A postmenarchal girl with hematometra. World journal of pediatrics WJP Hangzhou: Institute of Pediatrics

Berdajs, D; Marinakis, S; Kessler, U; Muradbegovic, M; Ferrari, E; von Segesser, LK (2012). Impaired left ventricular function as a predictive factor for mid-term survival in octogenarians after primary coronary artery bypass surgery. Swiss medical weekly(5 November), pp. 1-8. Muttenz: EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2012.13704

Schlapbach, Luregn J; Thiel, Steffen; Kessler, Ulf; Ammann, Roland A; Aebi, Christoph; Jensenius, Jens C (2011). Congenital H-ficolin deficiency in premature infants with severe necrotising enterocolitis. Gut, 60(10), pp. 1438-9. London: BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/gut.2010.226027

Kessler, Ulf; Grau, Tamar; Gronchi, Fabrizio; Berger, Steffen; Brandt, Sebastian; Bracht, Hendrik; Marcucci, Carlo; Zachariou, Zacharias; Jakob, Stephan M (2011). Comparison of porcine and human coagulation by thrombelastometry. Thrombosis research, 128(5), pp. 477-82. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.thromres.2011.03.013

Schlapbach, Luregn J; Ahrens, Olaf; Klimek, Peter; Berger, Steffen; Kessler, Ulf (2010). Clostridium perfringens and necrotizing enterocolitis. Journal of pediatrics, 157(1), p. 175. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpeds.2010.03.027

Kessler, Ulf; Zachariou, Zaccharious; Schlapbach, Luregn J.; Berger, Steffen (2010). Vitamin D supplementation could reduce risk of sepsis in infants. World journal of pediatrics WJP, 6(2), pp. 185-186. Hangzhou: SP Children’s Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine 10.1007/s12519-010-0035-0

Treichel, Markus; Schwendener Scholl, Katharina; Kessler, Ulf; Joeris, Alexander; Nelle, Mathias (2009). Is there a correlation between venlafaxine therapy during pregnancy and a higher incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis? World journal of pediatrics WJP, 5(1), pp. 65-7. Hangzhou: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s12519-009-0013-6

Kessler, Ulf; Ebneter, Marc; Zachariou, Zacharias; Berger, Steffen (2009). Postoperative sepsis in infants below 6 months of age. World journal of pediatrics WJP, 5(2), pp. 113-7. Hangzhou: SP Children’s Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine 10.1007/s12519-009-0022-5

Schlapbach, L.J.; Kessler, U; Thiel, S; Hansen, A.G.; Nelle, M; Ammann, A.R.; Aebi Ch.Jensenius, J.C. (2009). M-ficolin in the neonatal period: Associations with need for mechanical ventilation and mortality in premature infants with necrotising enterocolitis. Molecular immunology, 46(13), pp. 2597-603. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.molimm.2009.05.003

Kessler, U; Zachariou, Z (2008). Gerinnungsstörungen im Kindesalter. In: Gerinnungsstörungen im Kindesalter.

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Schlapbach, Luregn J; Aebi, Christoph; Fisch, Urs; Ammann, Roland A; Otth, Margrith; Bigler, Susanne; Nelle, Mathias; Berger, Steffen; Kessler, Ulf (2008). Higher cord blood levels of mannose-binding lectin-associated serine protease-2 in infants with necrotising enterocolitis. Pediatric research, 64(5), pp. 562-6. New York, N.Y.: Nature Publishing Group 10.1203/PDR.0b013e3181841335

Schlapbach, LJ; Aebi, C; Nelle, M; Ammann, RA; Berger, S; Kessler, U (2008). Elevated cord blood levels of mannose-binding lectin associated serine prtease-2 in infants with necrotizing enterocolitis a case control study. Swiss medical weekly(138), p. 6. Muttenz: EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag

Klimek, P; Kessler, U; Schibli, S; Berger, S; Zachariou, Z (2008). Gallensteine bei Kindern. Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum SMF / Swiss medical forum / Forum médical suisse FMS Basel: EMH Editores Medicorum Helveticorum

Seibel, Kerstin; Berdat, Pascal; Boillat, Colette; Wagner, Bendicht; Zachariou, Zacharias; Kessler, Ulf (2008). Hemostasis management in pediatric mechanical circulatory support. Annals of thoracic surgery, 85(4), pp. 1453-6. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2007.10.039

Knorr, B; Kessler, U; Poschl, J; Fickenscher, H; Linderkamp, O (2007). A haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH)-like picture following breatmilk transmitted cytomegalovirus infection in a preterm infant. Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases, 39(2), 173 - 6. Oslo: Informa Healthcare 10.1080/00365540600786598

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Kessler, Ulf; Guenther, Patrick; Zachariou, Zacharias (2006). The relationship between coagulation and the extend of surgery and postoperative infection in surgical infants below 6 months of age. Clinical hemorheology and microcirculation, 34(3), pp. 447-52. Amsterdam: IOS Press

Gunther, P; Schenk, J P; Wunsch, R; Holland-Cunz, S; Kessler, U; Troger, J; Waag, K L (2006). Acute testicular torsion in children: the role of sonography in the diagnostic workup. European radiology, 16(11), pp. 2527-32. Berlin: Springer 10.1007/s00330-006-0287-1

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Kieninger, Elisabeth

Streibel, Carmen; Willers, C Corin; Bauman, Grzegorz; Pusterla, Orso; Bieri, Oliver; Curdy, Marion; Horn, Matthias; Casaulta, Carmen; Berger, Steffen; Dekany, Gabriela Marta; Kieninger, Elisabeth; Bartenstein, Andreas; Latzin, Philipp (2024). Long-term pulmonary outcome of children with congenital diaphragmatic hernia: functional lung MRI using matrix-pencil decomposition enables side-specific assessment of lung function. European radiology, 34(6), pp. 3773-3785. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00330-023-10395-8

Kissling, Pascal

Kissling, Pascal; Wyss, Thomas; Constantinescu, Mihai Adrian; Berger, Steffen Michael; Surke, Carsten; Carrel, Thierry; Schmidli, Jürg (2018). Erfolgreiche Oberarm-Replantation. Swiss Medical Forum, 18(5), pp. 114-117. EMH Swiss Medical Publishers 10.4414/smf.2018.03181

Klenke, Frank M.

Brack, Eva; Dantonello, Tobias; Olariu, Radu; Ziebarth, Kai; Trippel, Mafalda; Bütschi, Anja; Klenke, Frank M.; Rössler, Jochen (2021). Osteosarkome – die häufigsten Knochentumore bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. physiopaed Bulletin(39), pp. 42-48.

Klimek, Peter Michael

Haefeli, Stephanie; Kordasz, Marcin; Tsai, Catherine; Hau, Eva-Maria; Klimek, Peter; Cholewa, Dietmar; Pavlovic, Mladen; Berger, Steffen; Kessler, Ulf (2020). Risk Factors for Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Infants With Patent Arterial Duct. A Retrospective Matched Paired Analysis. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 8(179), p. 179. Frontiers 10.3389/fped.2020.00179

Kessler, Ulf; Hau Grosch, Eva-Maria; Kordasz, Marcin; Haefeli, Stephanie; Tsai, Catherine; Klimek, Peter; Cholewa, Dietmar; Nelle, Mathias; Pavlovic, Mladen; Berger, Steffen Michael (2018). Congenital Heart Disease Increases Mortality in Neonates With Necrotizing Enterocolitis. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 6, p. 312. Frontiers 10.3389/fped.2018.00312

Kessler, Ulf; Schlapbach, Luregn J.; Klimek, Peter Michael; Jakob, Stephan (2017). Low L-Ficolin associated with disease severity during sepsis in adult ICU patients. Liver international, 37(9), p. 1409. Blackwell Munksgaard 10.1111/liv.13448

Kessler, Ulf; Schulte, Franzisca; Cholewa, Dietmar; Nelle, Mathias; Schaefer, Stephan C; Klimek, Peter Michael; Berger, Steffen Michael (2016). Outcome in neonates with necrotizing enterocolitis and patent ductus arteriosus. World journal of pediatrics WJP, 12(1), pp. 55-59. Institute of Pediatrics 10.1007/s12519-015-0059-6

Berger, Steffen; Rufener, Janine; Klimek, Peter; Zachariou, Zacharias; Boillat, Colette (2012). Effects of potato-derived protease inhibitors on perianal dermatitis after colon resection for long-segment Hirschsprung's disease. World journal of pediatrics WJP, 8(2), pp. 173-176. Hangzhou: SP Children’s Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine 10.1007/s12519-012-0356-2

Klimek, Peter Michael; Klimek, Miriam; Kessler, Ulf; Oesch, Valerie; Wolf, Rainer; Stranzinger, Enno; Mueller, Michael D.; Zachariou, Zacharias (2012). Hematometra presenting as an acute abdomen in a 13-year-old postmenarchal girl: a case report. Journal of medical case reports, 6(1), p. 419. London: BioMed Central 10.1186/1752-1947-6-419

Dietz, H.G.; Illing, P; Schmittenbecher, P.P.; Slongo, Th; Sommerfeldt, D.W.; Berger, S.; Heini, P.; Lieber, J.; Liniger, B.; Marzi, I.; Meenen, N.; Nowack, K.; Joeris, A.; Klimek, P.; Dragowsky, K.; David, S.; Heinrich, M.; Lehner, M.; Gresing, T.; Fuchs, J.; ... (2011). Praxis der Kinder- und Jugendtraumatologie. Heidelberg: Springer Medizin Verlag Heidelberg

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Schlapbach, Luregn J; Ahrens, Olaf; Klimek, Peter; Berger, Steffen; Kessler, Ulf (2010). Clostridium perfringens and necrotizing enterocolitis. Journal of pediatrics, 157(1), p. 175. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpeds.2010.03.027

Klimek, P; Juen, D; Wolf, R; Slongo, T (2010). Backyard trampoline injuries in children in Switzerland. In: EUPSA 2010. Bern.

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Kluwe, Wolfram

Liniger, Benjamin; Wolf, Rainer Walter; Fleischmann, Achim; Kluwe, Wolfram (2009). Local resection of metanephric adenoma with kidney preservation. Journal of pediatric surgery, 44(8), E21-3. Orlando, Fla.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2009.05.028

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Kohl, Sandro

Kohlhof, Hendrik; Heidt, Christoph; Bähler, Alexandrine; Kohl, Sandro; Gravius, Sascha; Friedrich, Max; Ziebarth, Kai; Stranzinger, Enno (2015). Can 3D ultrasound identify trochlea dysplasia in newborns? Evaluation and applicability of a technique. European journal of radiology, 84(6), pp. 1159-1164. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ejrad.2015.03.015

Kohl, Sandro; Stutz, Chantal; Decker, Sebastian; Ziebarth, Kai; Slongo, Theddy; Ahmad, Sufian S.; Kohlhof, Hendrik; Eggli, Stefan; Zumstein, Matthias; Evangelopoulos, Dimitrios S. (2014). Mid-term results of transphyseal anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in children and adolescents. The knee, 21(1), pp. 80-85. Elsevier 10.1016/j.knee.2013.07.004

Ziebarth, Kai; Kolp, Dagmar; Kohl, Sandro; Slongo, Theddy (2013). Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Children and Adolescents: A Review of the Recent Literature. European journal of pediatric surgery, 23(06), pp. 464-469. Thieme 10.1055/s-0033-1363162

Kohl Schwartz, Alexandra

Purtschert, Livia Amanda; Mitter, Vera Ruth; Zdanowicz, Jarmila Anna; Minger, Mirja Amadea; Spaeth, Anna; von Wolff, Michael; Kohl Schwartz, Alexandra Sabrina (2021). Breastfeeding following in vitro fertilisation in Switzerland-Does mode of conception affect breastfeeding behaviour? Acta paediatrica, 110(4), pp. 1171-1180. Wiley 10.1111/apa.15553

Minger, M; Sommer, G; Mitter, V; Purtschert, L; von Wolff, M; Kohl Schwartz, Alexandra (2021). Childhood growth of singletons conceived following in vitro fertilization (IVF) - does gonadotropin-stimulation matter? Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie, 225(Suppl 1), e48-e48. Thieme

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Kohlhof, Hendrik

Kohlhof, Hendrik; Heidt, Christoph; Bähler, Alexandrine; Kohl, Sandro; Gravius, Sascha; Friedrich, Max; Ziebarth, Kai; Stranzinger, Enno (2015). Can 3D ultrasound identify trochlea dysplasia in newborns? Evaluation and applicability of a technique. European journal of radiology, 84(6), pp. 1159-1164. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ejrad.2015.03.015

Stranzinger, E.; Bähler, A.; Heverhagen, J.T.; Ziebarth, K.; Kohlhof, H. (9 March 2014). 3D ultrasound of the femoro-patellar articulation in newborns (Unpublished). In: European Congress of Radiology (ECR). Vienna, Austria. 06.-10.03.2014.

Kohl, Sandro; Stutz, Chantal; Decker, Sebastian; Ziebarth, Kai; Slongo, Theddy; Ahmad, Sufian S.; Kohlhof, Hendrik; Eggli, Stefan; Zumstein, Matthias; Evangelopoulos, Dimitrios S. (2014). Mid-term results of transphyseal anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in children and adolescents. The knee, 21(1), pp. 80-85. Elsevier 10.1016/j.knee.2013.07.004

Kohlhof, H.; Ziebarth, K.; Gravius, S.; Wirtz, D.C.; Siebenrock, K.A. (2013). Operative treatment of congenital hip osteoarthritis with high hip luxation (Crowe type IV). Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 25(5), pp. 469-482. Springer Berlin Heidelberg 10.1007/s00064-013-0241-8

Kolp, Dagmar

Kolp, Dagmar; Ziebarth, Kai; Slongo, Theddy (2017). [Rotation or derotation osteotomy of the tibia]. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 29(2), pp. 163-172. Springer-Medizin-Verlag 10.1007/s00064-016-0473-5

Bartenstein, Andreas; Kolp, Dagmar; Berger, Steffen Michael; Ziebarth, Kai (2015). Frakturversorgung in der Praxis - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Kinderärzte Schweiz(01), pp. 11-15.

Euler, S A; Hengg, C; Kolp, Dagmar; Wambacher, M; Kralinger, F (2014). Lack of fifth anchoring point and violation of the insertion of the rotator cuff during antegrade humeral nailing: pitfalls in straight antegrade humeral nailing. The Bone & Joint Journal, 96-B(2), pp. 249-253. British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery 10.1302/0301-620X.96B2.31293

Ziebarth, Kai; Bartenstein, Andreas; Kolp, Dagmar (2014). Frakturen der unteren Extremitäten. Hausarzt Praxis, 9(6), pp. 38-40. PPM MEDIC

Ziebarth, Kai; Kolp, Dagmar; Kohl, Sandro; Slongo, Theddy (2013). Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Children and Adolescents: A Review of the Recent Literature. European journal of pediatric surgery, 23(06), pp. 464-469. Thieme 10.1055/s-0033-1363162

Kopp, Matthias Volkmar

Schöbi, Nina; Duppenthaler, Andrea; Horn, Matthias; Bartenstein, Andreas; Keitel, Kristina; Kopp, Matthias V; Agyeman, Philipp; Aebi, Christoph (2024). Preadmission course and management of severe pediatric group A streptococcal infections during the 2022-2023 outbreak: a single-center experience. Infection, 52(4), pp. 1397-1405. Springer-Medizin-Verlag 10.1007/s15010-024-02198-w

Schöbi, Nina; Agyeman, Philipp KA; Duppenthaler, Andrea; Bartenstein, Andreas; Keller, Peter M; Suter-Riniker, Franziska; Schmidt, Kristina M; Kopp, Matthias V; Aebi, Christoph (2022). PEDIATRIC TULAREMIA– A CASE SERIES FROM A SINGLE CENTER IN SWITZERLAND. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 9(7) Oxford University Press 10.1093/ofid/ofac292

Kordasz, Marcin

Haefeli, Stephanie; Kordasz, Marcin; Tsai, Catherine; Hau, Eva-Maria; Klimek, Peter; Cholewa, Dietmar; Pavlovic, Mladen; Berger, Steffen; Kessler, Ulf (2020). Risk Factors for Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Infants With Patent Arterial Duct. A Retrospective Matched Paired Analysis. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 8(179), p. 179. Frontiers 10.3389/fped.2020.00179

Hau Grosch, Eva-Maria; Meyer, Sarah C; Berger, Steffen; Goutaki, Myrofora; Kordasz, Marcin; Kessler, Ulf (2019). Gastrointestinal sequelae after surgery for necrotising enterocolitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of disease in childhood - fetal and neonatal edition, 104(3), F265-F273. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/archdischild-2017-314435

Kessler, Ulf; Hau Grosch, Eva-Maria; Kordasz, Marcin; Haefeli, Stephanie; Tsai, Catherine; Klimek, Peter; Cholewa, Dietmar; Nelle, Mathias; Pavlovic, Mladen; Berger, Steffen Michael (2018). Congenital Heart Disease Increases Mortality in Neonates With Necrotizing Enterocolitis. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 6, p. 312. Frontiers 10.3389/fped.2018.00312

Krause, Fabian

Ziebarth, Kai; Krause, Fabian (2019). Updates in Pediatric Cavovarus Deformity. Foot and ankle clinics, 24(2), pp. 205-217. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fcl.2019.02.010

Slongo, T; Kakaty, D; Krause, F; Ziebarth, K (2010). Treatment of slipped capital femoral epiphysis with a modified Dunn procedure. Journal of bone and joint surgery - American volume, 92(18), pp. 2898-908. Needham, Mass.: Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery Inc. 10.2106/JBJS.I.01385

Krause, FG; Haupt, U; Ziebarth, K; Slongo, T (2009). Mini-arthrotomy for lateral discoid menisci in children. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 29(2), pp. 130-6. Hagerstown, Md.: Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BPO.0b013e318198454d

Krause, Tobias Tjalf

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Krings, Rabea

Krings, Rabea; Feller, Sabine; Wiedemar, Lina; Schnabel, Kai; Steiner, Isabelle; Merz, Franziska; Steinlin, Maja; Kroiss Benninger, Sabine; Brem, Beate; Wagner, Felicitas Lony; Huwendiek, Sören (16 September 2016). Grundschulkinder als standardisierte Patienten in einer regulären summativen OSCE-Prüfung: eine Mixed Method Studie bezüglich Fairness, Akzeptanz, Machbarkeit und „Educational Impact“ aus Sicht der Beteiligten. In: Jahrestagung GMA. Abstractband. Bern. 14.-17.09.2016. 10.3205/16gma181

Krokidis, Miltiadis

Krokidis, Miltiadis; Tappero, Carlo Mario Stefano; Bogdanovic, Daniel; Ziebarth, Kai; Stamm, Anna-Christina (2017). Computed tomography guided navigation assisted percutaneous ablation of osteoid osteoma in a 7-year-old patient: the low dose approach. Skeletal radiology, 46(7), pp. 989-993. Springer 10.1007/s00256-017-2620-y

Krüger, Linn

Bölsterli, E; Keller, P M; Suter, F; Krüger, L; Duppenthaler, A; Aebi, Christoph; Agyeman, P K A (2023). A comparison of bronchoalveolar lavage and gastric aspirate for diagnosis of paediatric TB. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease, 27(2), pp. 148-150. IUATLD 10.5588/ijtld.22.0359

König, Christa

König, Christa; Stranzinger, Enno; Berger, Steffen Michael; Löllgen, Ruth Mari Caroline (9 June 2016). Foreign body aspiration and ingestion in children in a Swiss tertiary pediatric emergency department (Unpublished). In: SGP 2016. Bern. 09.-10.06.2016.

Latzin, Philipp

Streibel, Carmen; Willers, C Corin; Bauman, Grzegorz; Pusterla, Orso; Bieri, Oliver; Curdy, Marion; Horn, Matthias; Casaulta, Carmen; Berger, Steffen; Dekany, Gabriela Marta; Kieninger, Elisabeth; Bartenstein, Andreas; Latzin, Philipp (2024). Long-term pulmonary outcome of children with congenital diaphragmatic hernia: functional lung MRI using matrix-pencil decomposition enables side-specific assessment of lung function. European radiology, 34(6), pp. 3773-3785. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00330-023-10395-8

Willers, Corin; Maager, Lukas; Bauman, Grzegorz; Cholewa, Dietmar; Stranzinger, Enno; Raio, Luigi; Casaulta, Carmen; Latzin, Philipp (2022). School-age structural and functional MRI and lung function in children following lung resection for congenital lung malformation in infancy. Pediatric radiology, 52(7), pp. 1255-1265. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00247-022-05317-7

Lauener, Anic Sara

Rihs, Silvia; Parisi, Ludovica; Lauener, Anic; Mansour, Farah; Schnyder, Isabelle; Dekany, Gabriela M; La Scala, Giorgio C; Katsaros, Christos; Degen, Martin (2024). Reflecting the human lip in vitro: Cleft lip skin and mucosa keratinocytes keep their identities. (In Press). Oral diseases Wiley 10.1111/odi.14844

Leibold, Christiane Sylvia

Leibold, Christiane Sylvia; Whitlock, Patrick; Schmaranzer, Florian; Ziebarth, Kai; Tannast, Moritz; Steppacher, Simon Damian (2023). Development of acetabular retroversion in LCPD hips-an observational radiographic study from early stage to healing. Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery, 143(7), pp. 3945-3956. Springer 10.1007/s00402-022-04612-0

Lerch, Till D.; Boschung, Adam; Leibold, Christiane; Kalla, Roger; Kerkeni, Hassen; Baur, Heiner; Eichelberger, Patric; Steppacher, Simon D.; Liechti, Emanuel F.; Siebenrock, Klaus A.; Tannast, Moritz; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). Minimal Out-Toeing and Good Hip Scores of Severe SCFE Patients Treated With Modified Dunn Procedure and Contralateral Prophylactic Pinning at Minimal 5-year Follow up. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 42(5), e421-e426. Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BPO.0000000000002127

Lerch, Till; Boschung, Adam; Leibold, Christiane Sylvia; Hanke, Markus; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Ziebarth, Kai; Kalla, Roger; Baur, Heiner; Eichelberger, Patric; Tannast, Moritz; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (October 2020). Normal Gait And Normal Hip Function At Longterm Followup In Severe SCFE Patients Treated With A Modified Dunn Procedure-Gait Analysis Study (Unpublished). In: EFORT Virtual Congress (European Federation of Orthopaedics and Traumatology).

Leichtle, Alexander Benedikt

Studer, Martina; Goeggel Simonetti, Barbara; Heinks Maldonado, Theda; Steinlin, Maja; Leichtle, Alexander Benedikt; Berger, Steffen Michael; Joeris, Alexander (2015). Acute S100B in serum is associated with cognitive symptoms and memory performance 4 months after paediatric mild traumatic brain injury. Brain injury, 29(13-14), pp. 1667-1673. Informa Healthcare 10.3109/02699052.2015.1075250

Lenoir-Wiedmer, Ursina

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Lerch, Seraina Petra

Lerch, S.P.; Bussmann, Y.; de la Croix, A; Huwendiek, S.; Macdonald, M. A.; Mauer, D.; Metry, B.; Schlegel, C.; Schnabel, K.; Walther, J.; Watzek, D.; Wagner, I.; Lörwald, A. C. (30 September 2023). Teaching Trust: Educational ingredients that stimulate trustful patient relationships (Unpublished). In: Gemeinsamer Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Psychologie und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Soziologie. Giessen. 30.09.2023.

Lerch, Till

Lerch, Till D; Kaim, Tilman; Grob, Valentin; Hanke, Markus; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon D; Busch, Jasmin D; Ziebarth, Kai (2024). MR-based Bony 3D models enable radiation-free preoperative patient-specific analysis and 3D printing for SCFE patients. Journal of children's orthopaedics Sage 10.1177/18632521241229618

Lerch, Till D; Kaim, Tilman; Hanke, Markus S; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon D; Busch, Jasmin D.; Novais, Eduardo N; Ziebarth, Kai (2023). Assessment of femoral retroversion on preoperative hip magnetic resonance imaging in patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis: Theoretical implications for hip impingement risk estimation. Journal of children's orthopaedics, 17(2), pp. 116-125. Sage 10.1177/18632521221149044

Lerch, Till; Hanke, Markus; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Busch, Jasmin D.; Ziebarth, Kai; Schmaranzer, Florian (2023). Two third of Symptomatic SCFE Patients exhibit Peritubercle edema combined with edema of the physis and joint effusion on preoperative MRI (Unpublished). In: European Congress of Radiology (ECR), 2023. Vienna. March 2023.

Lerch, Till; Hanke, Markus; Schmaranzer, Florian; Busch, Jasmin D.; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Ziebarth, Kai (June 2022). Longterm radiographic followup of patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis that underwent modified Dunn procedure (Unpublished). In: SCR (Swiss Congress of Radiology).

Lerch, Till; Schmaranzer, Florian; Hanke, Markus; Ziebarth, Kai; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Busch, Jasmin D. (June 2022). MRI based measurement of femoral version for pediatric patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis and Perthes disease with T1 VIBE DIXON (Unpublished). In: SCR (Swiss Congress of Radiology).

Lerch, Till; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Hanke, Markus; Ziebarth, Kai; Busch, Jasmin D. (June 2022). Classification of SCFE Severity on lateral radiograph of symptomatic SCFE Patients changes compared to preoperative MRI (Unpublished). In: ESSR Annual Scientific Meeting (European Society of Skeletal Radiology).

Lerch, Till; Hanke, Markus; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Ziebarth, Kai; Busch, Jasmin D. (June 2022). MR-based 3D-models for SCFE patients for patient-specific preoperative planning of modified Dunn procedure or hip preservation surgery -feasibility study (Unpublished). In: ESSR Annual Scientific Meeting (European Society of Skeletal Radiology).

Lerch, Till; Kaim, Tilman; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Schmaranzer, Florian; Hanke, Markus; Busch, Jasmin D.; Ziebarth, Kai (June 2022). Slip angle on preoperative MRI changes severity classification of pediatric patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis (Unpublished). In: 56th Annual Meeting and the 42nd Post Graduate Course of the European Society of Paediatric Radiology.

Ziebarth, Kai; Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Kaiser, Nadine; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno; Lerch, Till (April 2022). What is the AVN Rate of SCFE Patients with complete epi-metaphyseal discontinuity treated with the modified Dunn Procedure? (Unpublished). In: EPOS Annual Meeting (European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society).

Lerch, Till D.; Boschung, Adam; Leibold, Christiane; Kalla, Roger; Kerkeni, Hassen; Baur, Heiner; Eichelberger, Patric; Steppacher, Simon D.; Liechti, Emanuel F.; Siebenrock, Klaus A.; Tannast, Moritz; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). Minimal Out-Toeing and Good Hip Scores of Severe SCFE Patients Treated With Modified Dunn Procedure and Contralateral Prophylactic Pinning at Minimal 5-year Follow up. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 42(5), e421-e426. Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BPO.0000000000002127

Lerch, Till; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon D.; Ziebarth, Kai; Tannast, Moritz; Siebenrock, Klaus A. (2022). Most of patients with femoral derotation osteotomy for posterior extraarticular hip impingement and high femoral version would do surgery again. Hip International, 32(2), pp. 253-264. SAGE Publications 10.1177/1120700020953100

Lerch, Till; Boschung, Adam; Leibold, Christiane Sylvia; Hanke, Markus; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Ziebarth, Kai; Kalla, Roger; Baur, Heiner; Eichelberger, Patric; Tannast, Moritz; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (October 2020). Normal Gait And Normal Hip Function At Longterm Followup In Severe SCFE Patients Treated With A Modified Dunn Procedure-Gait Analysis Study (Unpublished). In: EFORT Virtual Congress (European Federation of Orthopaedics and Traumatology).

Lerch, Till D.; Novais, Eduardo N.; Schmaranzer, Florian; Ziebarth, Kai; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Tannast, Moritz; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (2019). What Is the Prevalence of Cam Deformity After Prophylactic Pinning of the Contralateral Asymptomatic Hip in Unilateral Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis? A 10-year Minimum Followup Study. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 477(5), pp. 1111-1122. Springer-Verlag 10.1097/CORR.0000000000000592

Lerch, T. D.; Vuilleumier, S.; Schmaranzer, F.; Ziebarth, K.; Steppacher, S. D.; Tannast, M.; Siebenrock, K. A. (2019). Patients with severe slipped capital femoral epiphysis treated by the modified Dunn procedure have low rates of avascular necrosis, good outcomes, and little osteoarthritis at long-term follow-up. The Bone & Joint Journal, 101-B(4), pp. 403-414. British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery 10.1302/0301-620X.101B4.BJJ-2018-1303.R1

Tannast, Moritz; Jost, Lukas M.; Lerch, Till; Schmaranzer, Florian; Ziebarth, Kai; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (2017). The modified Dunn procedure for slipped capital femoral epiphysis: the Bernese experience. Journal of children's orthopaedics JCO, 11(2), pp. 138-146. Springer 10.1302/1863-2548-11-170046

Ziebarth, Kai; Milosevic, Milan; Lerch, Till; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Slongo, Theddy; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (2017). High Survivorship and Little Osteoarthritis at 10-year Followup in SCFE Patients Treated With a Modified Dunn Procedure. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 475(4), pp. 1212-1228. Springer 10.1007/s11999-017-5252-6

Leunig, Michael

Aprato, A.; Leunig, Michael; Massé, A.; Slongo, Theddy; Ganz, Reinhold (2017). Instability of the hip after anatomical re-alignment in patients with a slipped capital femoral epiphysis. The Bone & Joint Journal, 99-B(1), pp. 16-21. British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery 10.1302/0301-620X.99B1.BJJ-2016-0575

Ziebarth, Kai; Leunig, Michael; Slongo, Theddy; Kim, Young-Jo; Ganz, Reinhold (2013). Slipped capital femoral epiphysis: relevant pathophysiological findings with open surgery. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 471(7), pp. 2156-2162. Springer 10.1007/s11999-013-2818-9

Ganz, Reinhold; Slongo, Theddy; Turchetto, Luigino; Massè, Alessandro; Whitehead, David; Leunig, Michael (2013). The lesser trochanter as a cause of hip impingement: pathophysiology and treatment options. Hip International, 23(Suppl. 9), S35-S41. Wichtig Editore 10.5301/hipint.5000063

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph

Kaim, Tilman; Kaiser, Nadine; Slongo, Theddy; Liebs, Thoralf; Ziebarth, Kai (2023). High rates of lateral patellar redislocation and inconsistent subjective satisfaction in pediatric patients at 7-year follow-up (Unpublished)

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Lorance, Alex; Berger, Steffen Michael; Kaiser, Nadine; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). Health-Related Quality of Life after Fractures of the Distal Forearm in Children and Adolescents-Results from a Center in Switzerland in 432 Patients. Children, 9(10) MDPI 10.3390/children9101487

Liebs, Thoralf R; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). Epiphyseolysis capitis femoris. Swiss medical forum, 22(35), pp. 569-574. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag AG 10.4414/smf.2022.09101

Ziebarth, Kai; Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Kaiser, Nadine; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno; Lerch, Till (April 2022). What is the AVN Rate of SCFE Patients with complete epi-metaphyseal discontinuity treated with the modified Dunn Procedure? (Unpublished). In: EPOS Annual Meeting (European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society).

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Meßling, Anna; Milosevic, Milan; Berger, Steffen Michael; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). Health-Related Quality of Life after Adolescent Fractures of the Femoral Shaft Stabilized by a Lateral Entry Femoral Nail. Children, 9(3) MDPI 10.3390/children9030327

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Rompen, Ingmar; Berger, Steffen M.; Ziebarth, Kai (2021). Health-related quality of life after conservatively and surgically-treated paediatric proximal humeral fractures. Journal of children's orthopaedics, 15(3), pp. 204-214. EPOS 10.1302/1863-2548.15.210054

Liebs, Thoralf R.; Burgard, Marie; Kaiser, Nadine; Slongo, Theddy; Berger, Steffen; Ryser, Basil; Ziebarth, Kai (2020). Health-related quality of life after paediatric supracondylar humeral fractures. The Bone & Joint Journal, 102-B(6), pp. 755-765. British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery 10.1302/0301-620X.102B6.BJJ-2019-1391.R2

Liebs, Thoralf R.; Ryser, Basil; Kaiser, Nadine; Slongo, Theddy; Berger, Steffen; Ziebarth, Kai (2019). Health-related Quality of Life After Fractures of the Lateral Third of the Clavicle in Children and Adolescents. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 39(7), e542-e547. Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BPO.0000000000001332

Liebs, Thoralf R. (2019). Arthroscopic Partial Meniscectomy vs Physical Therapy for Nonobstructive Meniscal Tears. JAMA - the journal of the American Medical Association, 321(8), pp. 805-806. American Medical Association 10.1001/jama.2018.20261

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Ziebarth, Kai; Berger, Steffen Michael (2018). Randomized Controlled Trials for Arthroscopy in Degenerative Knee Disease: Was Conservative Therapy Appropriately Tried Prior to Arthroscopy? Arthroscopy - the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery, 34(5), 1680-1687.e6. Elsevier 10.1016/j.arthro.2017.12.016

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph (2018). CORR Insights®: Dual Interlocking Telescopic Rod Provides Effective Tibial Stabilization in children With Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 476(11), pp. 2247-2248. Wolters Kluwer Health 10.1097/CORR.0000000000000491

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph (2018). CORR Insights®: Validation of the Chinese (Mandarin) Version of the Oxford Knee Score in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 476(3), pp. 612-614. Wolters Kluwer Health 10.1007/s11999.0000000000000157

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Berger, Steffen Michael (2017). [Termination of Reimbursement of Arthroscopy in Osteoarthritis of the Knee: Is This Decision Based on Scientific Grounds?]. Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, 155(04), pp. 417-428. Thieme 10.1055/s-0043-103957

Grimberg, A.; Jansson, V.; Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Melsheimer, O.; Steinbrück, A. (2017). Endoprothesenregister Deutschland (EPRD). Jahresbericht 2016. Mit Sicherheit mehr Qualität 978-3-9817673-2-2: EPRD

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph (ed.) (2016). EPRD-Jahresbericht 2015. Berlin: EPRD Endoprothesenregister Deutschland

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph (2016). CORR Insights®: The Role of Highly Selective Implant Retention in the Infected Hip Arthroplasty. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 474(10), pp. 2164-2167. Springer 10.1007/s11999-016-4987-9

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Herzberg, Wolfgang; Rüther, Wolfgang; Russlies, Martin; Hassenpflug, Joachim (2016). Quality-Adjusted Life Years Gained by Hip and Knee Replacement Surgery and Its Aftercare. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 97(5), pp. 691-700. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apmr.2015.12.021

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph (2016). Quality of Life as a Biomarker in Hip Fractures. In: Preedy, Victor R. (ed.) Biomarkers in Bone Disease. Biomarkers in Disease: Methods, Discoveries and Applications (pp. 1-15). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands 10.1007/978-94-007-7745-3_48-1

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Hassenpflug, J. (2016). The influence of arthroplasty registries on patient care. Gesundheitsökonomie & Qualitätsmanagement, 21(02), pp. 91-95. Thieme 10.1055/s-0042-104259

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Splietker, Farina; Hassenpflug, Joachim (2015). Is a Revision a Revision? An Analysis of National Arthroplasty Registries' Definitions of Revision. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 473(11), pp. 3421-3430. Springer 10.1007/s11999-015-4255-4

Blömer, Wilhelm; Steinbrück, Arnd; Schröder, Christian; Grothaus, Franz-Josef; Melsheimer, Oliver; Mannel, Henrich; Forkel, Gerhard; Eilers, Thomas; Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Hassenpflug, Joachim; Jansson, Volkmar (2015). A new universal, standardized implant database for product identification: a unique tool for arthroplasty registries. Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery, 135(7), pp. 919-926. Springer 10.1007/s00402-015-2238-2

Grothaus, FJ; Hassenpflug, J; Jansson, V; Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Mannel, H; Melsheimer, O; Steinbrück, A; Wente, M (2015). Statusbericht 2014. Endoprothesenregister Deutschland (EPRD). Mit Sicherheit mehr Qualität. Berlin: Endoprothesenregister Deutschland

Liechti, Emanuel

Lerch, Till D.; Boschung, Adam; Leibold, Christiane; Kalla, Roger; Kerkeni, Hassen; Baur, Heiner; Eichelberger, Patric; Steppacher, Simon D.; Liechti, Emanuel F.; Siebenrock, Klaus A.; Tannast, Moritz; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). Minimal Out-Toeing and Good Hip Scores of Severe SCFE Patients Treated With Modified Dunn Procedure and Contralateral Prophylactic Pinning at Minimal 5-year Follow up. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 42(5), e421-e426. Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BPO.0000000000002127

Liniger, Benjamin

Krause, Tobias; Cholewa, Dietmar; Liniger, Benjamin; Berger, Steffen Michael; Milosevic, Milan (2024). Torsion of an Accessory Liver Lobe in a Newborn. European journal of pediatric surgery reports, 12(1), e7-e10. Thieme 10.1055/s-0043-1778663

Liniger, Benjamin (2023). Circumscribed thinning of the calvaria - a long-term sequela after vacuum extraction delivery (Unpublished). In: ESPN Congress 2023. Rom. 7 - 10 Mai 2023.

Liniger, Benjamin (January 2018). Natürliches Schädelwachstum, Schädeldeformitäten, Untersuchungsmodalitäten. Kinderärzte.Schweiz, 2018(1), pp. 22-25. Verlag Praxispädiatrie, Zürich

Liniger, Benjamin (January 2018). Kraniosynostose. Kinderärzte.Schweiz, 2018(1), pp. 32-35. Verlag Praxispädiatrie, Zürich

Schnyder, Sara; Liniger, Benjamin (2017). Vakuum-Reposition einer Pingpong-Fraktur beim Neugeborenen. Swiss Medical Forum, 17(41), pp. 886-889. EMH Swiss Medical Publishers 10.4414/smf.2017.03075

Löllgen, Ruth Mari Caroline; Sabo, Jan; Mettler, Anja; Liniger, Benjamin; Berger, Steffen Michael (2016). Unique Presentation of Hematometrocolpos Mimicking Cauda Equina Syndrome: Severe Back Pain and Urinary Incontinence in an Adolescent Girl. Journal of emergency medicine, 51(2), e19-e23. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jemermed.2016.01.031

Dobrocky, Tomas; Ebner, Lukas Michael; Liniger, Benjamin; Weisstanner, Christian; Stranzinger, Enno (2015). Pre- and postnatal imaging of Pai syndrome with spontaneous intrauterine closure of a frontal cephalocele. Pediatric radiology, 45(6), pp. 936-940. Springer 10.1007/s00247-014-3205-8

Liniger, B; Fleischmann, A; Zachariou, Z (2012). Benign cystic lesions in the testis of children. Journal of pediatric urology, 8(3), pp. 226-33. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpurol.2011.06.008

Zimmermann, Petra; Berlinger, Livia; Liniger, Benjamin; Grunt, Sebastian; Agyeman, Philipp; Ritz, Nicole (2012). Actinobaculum schaalii an emerging pediatric pathogen? BMC infectious diseases, 12(1), p. 201. London: BioMed Central 10.1186/1471-2334-12-201

Dietz, H.G.; Illing, P; Schmittenbecher, P.P.; Slongo, Th; Sommerfeldt, D.W.; Berger, S.; Heini, P.; Lieber, J.; Liniger, B.; Marzi, I.; Meenen, N.; Nowack, K.; Joeris, A.; Klimek, P.; Dragowsky, K.; David, S.; Heinrich, M.; Lehner, M.; Gresing, T.; Fuchs, J.; ... (2011). Praxis der Kinder- und Jugendtraumatologie. Heidelberg: Springer Medizin Verlag Heidelberg

Liniger, B (2011). Geburtstrauma. In: Dietz H.G., Illing P. (ed.) Praxis der Kinder- und Jugendtraumatologie (pp. 521-530). Heidelberg: Springer Medizin Verlag Heidelberg

Liniger, Benjamin; Wolf, Rainer Walter; Fleischmann, Achim; Kluwe, Wolfram (2009). Local resection of metanephric adenoma with kidney preservation. Journal of pediatric surgery, 44(8), E21-3. Orlando, Fla.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2009.05.028

Löllgen, Ruth Mari Caroline

Berchtold, Marlene Brigitte; Wüthrich, Christian; Garcia, Daniel; Berger, Steffen; Löllgen, Ruth Mari (2023). Nurses' and physicians' reported difficulties and enablers to recognising and reporting child abuse in Swiss paediatric emergency and paediatric surgery departments - an observational study. Swiss medical weekly, 153(40017), p. 40017. SMW supporting association 10.57187/smw.2023.40017

Huber, Jasmin L.; Berger, Steffen; Löllgen, Ruth M. (2021). Balanced Electrolyte Solutions or Normal Saline? Resuscitative Fluid Administration Practice in Swiss Pediatric Acute Care. Pediatric emergency care, 37(12), e812-e816. Wolters Kluwer Health 10.1097/PEC.0000000000001813

Löflath, Viola; Hau, Eva-Maria; Garcia, Daniel; Berger, Steffen; Löllgen, Ruth (2021). Parental satisfaction with waiting time in a Swiss tertiary paediatric emergency department. Emergency medicine journal, 38(8), pp. 617-623. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/emermed-2019-208616

Wüest, Alyssa Laurence; Manser, Helen; Küster, Helmut; Löllgen, Ruth Mari; Arenz, Tina; Arenz, Stephan; Nelle, Mathias; Gerull, Roland (2016). Comparison of treatment strategies for anaemia of prematurity in extremely low birthweight infants between 1997 and 2011. Archives of disease in childhood - fetal and neonatal edition, 101(5), F480-F481. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/archdischild-2016-310752

Löllgen, Ruth Mari Caroline; Sabo, Jan; Mettler, Anja; Liniger, Benjamin; Berger, Steffen Michael (2016). Unique Presentation of Hematometrocolpos Mimicking Cauda Equina Syndrome: Severe Back Pain and Urinary Incontinence in an Adolescent Girl. Journal of emergency medicine, 51(2), e19-e23. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jemermed.2016.01.031

König, Christa; Stranzinger, Enno; Berger, Steffen Michael; Löllgen, Ruth Mari Caroline (9 June 2016). Foreign body aspiration and ingestion in children in a Swiss tertiary pediatric emergency department (Unpublished). In: SGP 2016. Bern. 09.-10.06.2016.

Löllgen, Ruth M; Chouchou, Pagona; Exadaktylos, Aristomenis K; Garcia, Daniel; Berger, Steffen (2016). The Peculiarity of Presenting Signs and Symptoms among Paediatric Patients Aged Less than 16 Years in a Mixed University Emergency Department. Emergency Medicine: Open Access, 06(03) Omics Publishing Group 10.4172/2165-7548.1000326

Höffe, Julia; Duppenthaler, Andrea; Garcia, Daniel; Berger, Steffen Michael; Löllgen, Ruth Mari Caroline (2015). Interdisziplinarität und Organisationsstruktur von Kindernotfallstationen. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung, 96(36), pp. 1288-1291. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag AG

Lörwald, Andrea Carolin

Lerch, S.P.; Bussmann, Y.; de la Croix, A; Huwendiek, S.; Macdonald, M. A.; Mauer, D.; Metry, B.; Schlegel, C.; Schnabel, K.; Walther, J.; Watzek, D.; Wagner, I.; Lörwald, A. C. (30 September 2023). Teaching Trust: Educational ingredients that stimulate trustful patient relationships (Unpublished). In: Gemeinsamer Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Psychologie und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Soziologie. Giessen. 30.09.2023.

Lüer, Sonja

Lüer, Sonja; Berger, Steffen; Diepold, Miriam; Duppenthaler, Andrea; von Gunten, Michael; Mühlethaler, Konrad; Wolf, Rainer; Aebi, Christoph (2009). Treatment of intestinal and hepatic mucormycosis in an immunocompromized child. Pediatric blood & cancer, 52(7), pp. 872-4. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Liss 10.1002/pbc.21918

Maager, Lukas

Willers, Corin; Maager, Lukas; Bauman, Grzegorz; Cholewa, Dietmar; Stranzinger, Enno; Raio, Luigi; Casaulta, Carmen; Latzin, Philipp (2022). School-age structural and functional MRI and lung function in children following lung resection for congenital lung malformation in infancy. Pediatric radiology, 52(7), pp. 1255-1265. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00247-022-05317-7

Macdonald, Mia Aurelia

Lerch, S.P.; Bussmann, Y.; de la Croix, A; Huwendiek, S.; Macdonald, M. A.; Mauer, D.; Metry, B.; Schlegel, C.; Schnabel, K.; Walther, J.; Watzek, D.; Wagner, I.; Lörwald, A. C. (30 September 2023). Teaching Trust: Educational ingredients that stimulate trustful patient relationships (Unpublished). In: Gemeinsamer Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Psychologie und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Soziologie. Giessen. 30.09.2023.

Mamisch, Tallal Charles

Domayer, S E; Ziebarth, K; Chan, J; Bixby, S; Mamisch, T C; Kim, Y J (2011). Femoroacetabular cam-type impingement: diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of radiographic views compared to radial MRI. European journal of radiology, 80(3), pp. 805-10. Stuttgart: Thieme 10.1016/j.ejrad.2010.10.016

Mansour, Farah

Rihs, Silvia; Parisi, Ludovica; Lauener, Anic; Mansour, Farah; Schnyder, Isabelle; Dekany, Gabriela M; La Scala, Giorgio C; Katsaros, Christos; Degen, Martin (2024). Reflecting the human lip in vitro: Cleft lip skin and mucosa keratinocytes keep their identities. (In Press). Oral diseases Wiley 10.1111/odi.14844

Margelisch, Katja

Studer, M.; Goeggel, Barbara; Joeris, Alexander; Margelisch, Katja; Steinlin, Maja; Roebers, Claudia M.; Heinks, T. (2014). Post-concussive symptoms and neuropsychological performance in the post-acute period following pediatric mild traumatic brain injury. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 20(10), pp. 982-993. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S1355617714000927

Mariani, Luigi

Abu-Isa, Janine; Oesch, Valerie; Mariani, Luigi (2008). Endoscopic Treatment of Intraventricular, Neuroepithelial Cysts - Report of two Cases. In: ESPN. Montreux.

Abu-Isa, J.; Joeris, A.; Oesch, V.; Mariani, L. (2008). Growing subgaleal swelling as an early indicater for development of a growing skull fracture. In: ESPN. Montreux.

Marti, Nesa Magdalena

Burckhardt, Marie-Anne; Udhane, Sameer Sopanrao; Marti, Nesa Magdalena; Schnyder, Isabelle; Tapia, Coya; Nielsen, John E; Mullis, Primus-Eugen; Rajpert-De Meyts, Ewa; Flück, Christa Emma (2015). Human 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency seems to affect fertility but may not harbor a tumor risk: lesson from an experiment of nature. European journal of endocrinology, 173(5), K1-K12. BioScientifica Ltd. 10.1530/EJE-15-0599

Maurer, Daniela Kareen

Lerch, S.P.; Bussmann, Y.; de la Croix, A; Huwendiek, S.; Macdonald, M. A.; Mauer, D.; Metry, B.; Schlegel, C.; Schnabel, K.; Walther, J.; Watzek, D.; Wagner, I.; Lörwald, A. C. (30 September 2023). Teaching Trust: Educational ingredients that stimulate trustful patient relationships (Unpublished). In: Gemeinsamer Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Psychologie und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Soziologie. Giessen. 30.09.2023.

McDougall Müller, Felicity Jane

Schnyder, Isabelle; Georgi Abbühl, Regula; Berger, Steffen Michael; McDougall Müller, Felicity Jane (February 2014). Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis in a preterm infant - Case of the month. Swiss Society of Neonatology

Meier, Rahel

Bodmer, Elvira Susanne; Meier, Rahel; Slongo, Theddy; Vögelin, Esther (2017). [Thumb Lengthening Following Amputation at the Proximal Phalanx using a Semicircular Distraction Ring Fixator: Results of 5 Cases]. Handchirurgie, Mikrochirurgie, plastische Chirurgie, 49(1), pp. 42-46. Thieme 10.1055/s-0043-102685

Merz, Franziska

Krings, Rabea; Feller, Sabine; Wiedemar, Lina; Schnabel, Kai; Steiner, Isabelle; Merz, Franziska; Steinlin, Maja; Kroiss Benninger, Sabine; Brem, Beate; Wagner, Felicitas Lony; Huwendiek, Sören (16 September 2016). Grundschulkinder als standardisierte Patienten in einer regulären summativen OSCE-Prüfung: eine Mixed Method Studie bezüglich Fairness, Akzeptanz, Machbarkeit und „Educational Impact“ aus Sicht der Beteiligten. In: Jahrestagung GMA. Abstractband. Bern. 14.-17.09.2016. 10.3205/16gma181

Metry, Beatrice

Lerch, S.P.; Bussmann, Y.; de la Croix, A; Huwendiek, S.; Macdonald, M. A.; Mauer, D.; Metry, B.; Schlegel, C.; Schnabel, K.; Walther, J.; Watzek, D.; Wagner, I.; Lörwald, A. C. (30 September 2023). Teaching Trust: Educational ingredients that stimulate trustful patient relationships (Unpublished). In: Gemeinsamer Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Psychologie und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Soziologie. Giessen. 30.09.2023.

Milosevic, Milan

Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Milošević, Milan; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Aliu, Nijas; Cholewa, Dietmar; Häcker, Frank-Martin; Dekany, Gabriela; Bartenstein, Andreas; Berger, Steffen M. (2024). Cytokine Signaling in Pediatric Kidney Tumor Cell Lines WT-CLS1, WT-3ab and G-401. International journal of molecular sciences, 25(4) MDPI 10.3390/ijms25042281

Abooali, Maryam; Yasinska, Inna M; Schlichtner, Stephanie; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Berger, Steffen M; Cholewa, Dietmar; Milošević, Milan; Bartenstein, Andreas; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V (2024). Activation of immune evasion machinery is a part of the process of malignant transformation of human cells. Translational oncology, 39(101805), p. 101805. Elsevier 10.1016/j.tranon.2023.101805

Krause, Tobias; Cholewa, Dietmar; Liniger, Benjamin; Berger, Steffen Michael; Milosevic, Milan (2024). Torsion of an Accessory Liver Lobe in a Newborn. European journal of pediatric surgery reports, 12(1), e7-e10. Thieme 10.1055/s-0043-1778663

Schlichtner, Stephanie; Yasinska, Inna M; Klenova, Elena; Abooali, Maryam; Lall, Gurprit S; Berger, Steffen M; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Cholewa, Dietmar; Milošević, Milan; Gibbs, Bernhard F; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V (2023). L-Kynurenine participates in cancer immune evasion by downregulating hypoxic signaling in T lymphocytes. Oncoimmunology, 12(1), p. 2244330. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/2162402X.2023.2244330

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Meßling, Anna; Milosevic, Milan; Berger, Steffen Michael; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). Health-Related Quality of Life after Adolescent Fractures of the Femoral Shaft Stabilized by a Lateral Entry Femoral Nail. Children, 9(3) MDPI 10.3390/children9030327

Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Aliu, Nijas; Haecker, Frank-Martin; Maltsev, Natalia; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Cholewa, Dietmar; Bartenstein, Andreas; Milosevic, Milan; Berger, Steffen M. (2019). Chromosomal Heterogeneity of the G-401 Rhabdoid Tumor Cell Line: Unusual Partial 7p Trisomy. Frontiers in medicine, 6, p. 187. Frontiers 10.3389/fmed.2019.00187

Ziebarth, Kai; Milosevic, Milan; Lerch, Till; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Slongo, Theddy; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (2017). High Survivorship and Little Osteoarthritis at 10-year Followup in SCFE Patients Treated With a Modified Dunn Procedure. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 475(4), pp. 1212-1228. Springer 10.1007/s11999-017-5252-6

Minger, Mirja Amadea

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Mitter, Vera Ruth

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Minger, M; Sommer, G; Mitter, V; Purtschert, L; von Wolff, M; Kohl Schwartz, Alexandra (2021). Childhood growth of singletons conceived following in vitro fertilization (IVF) - does gonadotropin-stimulation matter? Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie, 225(Suppl 1), e48-e48. Thieme

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Mueller, Michael

Klimek, Peter Michael; Klimek, Miriam; Kessler, Ulf; Oesch, Valerie; Wolf, Rainer; Stranzinger, Enno; Mueller, Michael D.; Zachariou, Zacharias (2012). Hematometra presenting as an acute abdomen in a 13-year-old postmenarchal girl: a case report. Journal of medical case reports, 6(1), p. 419. London: BioMed Central 10.1186/1752-1947-6-419

Mullis, Primus-Eugen

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Nelle, Mathias

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Nolte, Lutz-Peter

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Olariu, Radu

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Pabst, Werner Lukas

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Pallivathukal, Sabine

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Parisi, Ludovica

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Parisi, Ludovica; Rihs, Silvia; La Scala, Giorgio C; Schnyder, Isabelle; Katsaros, Christos; Degen, Martin (2022). Discovery and characterization of heterogeneous and multipotent fibroblast populations isolated from excised cleft lip tissue. Stem cell research & therapy, 13(1), p. 469. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13287-022-03154-x

Parisi, Ludovica; Knapp, Patrick O.; Girousi, Eleftheria; Rihs, Silvia; La Scala, Giorgio C.; Schnyder, Isabelle; Stähli, Alexandra; Sculean, Anton; Bosshardt, Dieter; Katsaros, Christos; Degen, Martin (2021). A Living Cell Repository of the Cranio-/Orofacial Region to Advance Research and Promote Personalized Medicine. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 9, p. 682944. Frontiers 10.3389/fcell.2021.682944

Degen, Martin; Girousi, Eleftheria; Feldmann, Julia; Parisi, Ludovica; La Scala, Giorgio C.; Schnyder, Isabelle; Schaller, André; Katsaros, Christos (2020). A Novel Van der Woude Syndrome-Causing IRF6 Variant Is Subject to Incomplete Non-sense-Mediated mRNA Decay Affecting the Phenotype of Keratinocytes. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 8, p. 583115. Frontiers 10.3389/fcell.2020.583115

Pavlovic, Mladen

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Perrig, Walter

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Pusterla, Andrea Orso

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Racine, Michaël

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Raio, Luigi

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Ramette, Alban Nicolas

Flohr, Sarah; Ramette, Alban; Agyeman, Philipp K. A.; Duppenthaler, Andrea; Scherer, Cordula; Keller, Peter M.; Aebi, Christoph (2020). Recurrent Mycobacterium chelonae Skin Infection Unmasked as Factitious Disorder Using Bacterial Whole Genome Sequence Analysis. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 7(11), ofaa506. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ofid/ofaa506

Rihs, Silvia

Rihs, Silvia; Parisi, Ludovica; Lauener, Anic; Mansour, Farah; Schnyder, Isabelle; Dekany, Gabriela M; La Scala, Giorgio C; Katsaros, Christos; Degen, Martin (2024). Reflecting the human lip in vitro: Cleft lip skin and mucosa keratinocytes keep their identities. (In Press). Oral diseases Wiley 10.1111/odi.14844

Parisi, Ludovica; Rihs, Silvia; La Scala, Giorgio C; Schnyder, Isabelle; Katsaros, Christos; Degen, Martin (2022). Discovery and characterization of heterogeneous and multipotent fibroblast populations isolated from excised cleft lip tissue. Stem cell research & therapy, 13(1), p. 469. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13287-022-03154-x

Parisi, Ludovica; Knapp, Patrick O.; Girousi, Eleftheria; Rihs, Silvia; La Scala, Giorgio C.; Schnyder, Isabelle; Stähli, Alexandra; Sculean, Anton; Bosshardt, Dieter; Katsaros, Christos; Degen, Martin (2021). A Living Cell Repository of the Cranio-/Orofacial Region to Advance Research and Promote Personalized Medicine. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 9, p. 682944. Frontiers 10.3389/fcell.2021.682944

Roebers, Claudia

Studer, M.; Goeggel, Barbara; Joeris, Alexander; Margelisch, Katja; Steinlin, Maja; Roebers, Claudia M.; Heinks, T. (2014). Post-concussive symptoms and neuropsychological performance in the post-acute period following pediatric mild traumatic brain injury. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 20(10), pp. 982-993. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S1355617714000927

Romano, Fabrizio

Starvaggi, Carl Alessandro; Travaglini, Nicola; Aebi, Christoph; Romano, Fabrizio; Steiner, Isabelle; Sauter, Thomas Christian; Keitel, Kristina (2023). www.coronabambini.ch: Development and usage of an online decision support tool for paediatric COVID-19-testing in Switzerland: a cross-sectional analysis. BMJ open, 13(3), e063820. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-063820

Ruggiero, Sabrina

Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Milošević, Milan; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Aliu, Nijas; Cholewa, Dietmar; Häcker, Frank-Martin; Dekany, Gabriela; Bartenstein, Andreas; Berger, Steffen M. (2024). Cytokine Signaling in Pediatric Kidney Tumor Cell Lines WT-CLS1, WT-3ab and G-401. International journal of molecular sciences, 25(4) MDPI 10.3390/ijms25042281

Abooali, Maryam; Yasinska, Inna M; Schlichtner, Stephanie; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Berger, Steffen M; Cholewa, Dietmar; Milošević, Milan; Bartenstein, Andreas; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V (2024). Activation of immune evasion machinery is a part of the process of malignant transformation of human cells. Translational oncology, 39(101805), p. 101805. Elsevier 10.1016/j.tranon.2023.101805

Mukaddam, Khaled; Astasov-Frauenhoffer, Monika; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Alhawasli, Farah; Kisiel, Marcin; Meyer, Ernst; Köser, Jochen; Bornstein, Michael M; Wagner, Raphael S; Kühl, Sebastian (2023). Piranha-etched titanium nanostructure reduces biofilm formation in vitro. Clinical oral investigations, 27(10), pp. 6187-6197. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00784-023-05235-4

Schlichtner, Stephanie; Yasinska, Inna M; Lall, Gurprit S; Berger, Steffen M; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Cholewa, Dietmar; Aliu, Nijas; Gibbs, Bernhard F; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V (2023). T lymphocytes induce human cancer cells derived from solid malignant tumors to secrete galectin-9 which facilitates immunosuppression in cooperation with other immune checkpoint proteins. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer, 11(1) BioMed Central 10.1136/jitc-2022-005714

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Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Aliu, Nijas; Haecker, Frank-Martin; Maltsev, Natalia; Ruggiero, Sabrina; Cholewa, Dietmar; Bartenstein, Andreas; Milosevic, Milan; Berger, Steffen M. (2019). Chromosomal Heterogeneity of the G-401 Rhabdoid Tumor Cell Line: Unusual Partial 7p Trisomy. Frontiers in medicine, 6, p. 187. Frontiers 10.3389/fmed.2019.00187

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Rössler, Jochen Karl

Brack, Eva; Dantonello, Tobias; Olariu, Radu; Ziebarth, Kai; Trippel, Mafalda; Bütschi, Anja; Klenke, Frank M.; Rössler, Jochen (2021). Osteosarkome – die häufigsten Knochentumore bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. physiopaed Bulletin(39), pp. 42-48.

Santi, Maristella

Santi, Maristella; Grafmüller, Stefanie; Zeino, Mazen; Cools, Martine; Van De Vijver, Koen; Trippel, Mafalda; Aliu, Nijas; Flück, Christa E (2021). Approach to the Virilizing Girl at Puberty. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 106(5), pp. 1530-1539. Oxford University Press 10.1210/clinem/dgaa948

Sauter, Thomas Christian

Starvaggi, Carl Alessandro; Travaglini, Nicola; Aebi, Christoph; Romano, Fabrizio; Steiner, Isabelle; Sauter, Thomas Christian; Keitel, Kristina (2023). www.coronabambini.ch: Development and usage of an online decision support tool for paediatric COVID-19-testing in Switzerland: a cross-sectional analysis. BMJ open, 13(3), e063820. BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-063820

Schaller, André

Degen, Martin; Girousi, Eleftheria; Feldmann, Julia; Parisi, Ludovica; La Scala, Giorgio C.; Schnyder, Isabelle; Schaller, André; Katsaros, Christos (2020). A Novel Van der Woude Syndrome-Causing IRF6 Variant Is Subject to Incomplete Non-sense-Mediated mRNA Decay Affecting the Phenotype of Keratinocytes. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 8, p. 583115. Frontiers 10.3389/fcell.2020.583115

Schankath, Adrian Clemens

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Scherer, Cordula

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Flohr, Sarah; Ramette, Alban; Agyeman, Philipp K. A.; Duppenthaler, Andrea; Scherer, Cordula; Keller, Peter M.; Aebi, Christoph (2020). Recurrent Mycobacterium chelonae Skin Infection Unmasked as Factitious Disorder Using Bacterial Whole Genome Sequence Analysis. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 7(11), ofaa506. Oxford University Press 10.1093/ofid/ofaa506

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Schibli, Susanne

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Schlapbach, Luregn Jan

Schlapbach, Luregn J; Thiel, Steffen; Kessler, Ulf; Ammann, Roland A; Aebi, Christoph; Jensenius, Jens C (2011). Congenital H-ficolin deficiency in premature infants with severe necrotising enterocolitis. Gut, 60(10), pp. 1438-9. London: BMJ Publishing Group 10.1136/gut.2010.226027

Schlapbach, Luregn J; Ahrens, Olaf; Klimek, Peter; Berger, Steffen; Kessler, Ulf (2010). Clostridium perfringens and necrotizing enterocolitis. Journal of pediatrics, 157(1), p. 175. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpeds.2010.03.027

Schlapbach, J L; Mattmann, M; Thiel, S; Boillat, C; Otth, M; Nelle, M; Wagner, B; Jensenius, C J; Aebi, Ch (2010). Differential Role of the Lectin Pathway of Complement Activation in Susceptibility to Neonatal Sepsis. Clinical infectious diseases, 51(2), pp. 153-162. Cary, N.C.: The University of Chicago Press 10.1086/653531

Schlapbach, L.J.; Kessler, U; Thiel, S; Hansen, A.G.; Nelle, M; Ammann, A.R.; Aebi Ch.Jensenius, J.C. (2009). M-ficolin in the neonatal period: Associations with need for mechanical ventilation and mortality in premature infants with necrotising enterocolitis. Molecular immunology, 46(13), pp. 2597-603. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.molimm.2009.05.003

Schlapbach, Luregn J; Aebi, Christoph; Fisch, Urs; Ammann, Roland A; Otth, Margrith; Bigler, Susanne; Nelle, Mathias; Berger, Steffen; Kessler, Ulf (2008). Higher cord blood levels of mannose-binding lectin-associated serine protease-2 in infants with necrotising enterocolitis. Pediatric research, 64(5), pp. 562-6. New York, N.Y.: Nature Publishing Group 10.1203/PDR.0b013e3181841335

Schlapbach, L; Liniger, B; Schibli, S; Cholewa, D (2006). [A young child with acute abdomen and iron deficiency anemia]. Praxis - schweizerische Rundschau für Medizin, 95(22), pp. 913-6. Bern: Huber

Schlegel, Claudia

Lerch, S.P.; Bussmann, Y.; de la Croix, A; Huwendiek, S.; Macdonald, M. A.; Mauer, D.; Metry, B.; Schlegel, C.; Schnabel, K.; Walther, J.; Watzek, D.; Wagner, I.; Lörwald, A. C. (30 September 2023). Teaching Trust: Educational ingredients that stimulate trustful patient relationships (Unpublished). In: Gemeinsamer Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Psychologie und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Soziologie. Giessen. 30.09.2023.

Schmaranzer, Florian

Lerch, Till D; Kaim, Tilman; Grob, Valentin; Hanke, Markus; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon D; Busch, Jasmin D; Ziebarth, Kai (2024). MR-based Bony 3D models enable radiation-free preoperative patient-specific analysis and 3D printing for SCFE patients. Journal of children's orthopaedics Sage 10.1177/18632521241229618

Leibold, Christiane Sylvia; Whitlock, Patrick; Schmaranzer, Florian; Ziebarth, Kai; Tannast, Moritz; Steppacher, Simon Damian (2023). Development of acetabular retroversion in LCPD hips-an observational radiographic study from early stage to healing. Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery, 143(7), pp. 3945-3956. Springer 10.1007/s00402-022-04612-0

Lerch, Till D; Kaim, Tilman; Hanke, Markus S; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon D; Busch, Jasmin D.; Novais, Eduardo N; Ziebarth, Kai (2023). Assessment of femoral retroversion on preoperative hip magnetic resonance imaging in patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis: Theoretical implications for hip impingement risk estimation. Journal of children's orthopaedics, 17(2), pp. 116-125. Sage 10.1177/18632521221149044

Lerch, Till; Hanke, Markus; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Busch, Jasmin D.; Ziebarth, Kai; Schmaranzer, Florian (2023). Two third of Symptomatic SCFE Patients exhibit Peritubercle edema combined with edema of the physis and joint effusion on preoperative MRI (Unpublished). In: European Congress of Radiology (ECR), 2023. Vienna. March 2023.

Lerch, Till; Hanke, Markus; Schmaranzer, Florian; Busch, Jasmin D.; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Ziebarth, Kai (June 2022). Longterm radiographic followup of patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis that underwent modified Dunn procedure (Unpublished). In: SCR (Swiss Congress of Radiology).

Lerch, Till; Schmaranzer, Florian; Hanke, Markus; Ziebarth, Kai; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Busch, Jasmin D. (June 2022). MRI based measurement of femoral version for pediatric patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis and Perthes disease with T1 VIBE DIXON (Unpublished). In: SCR (Swiss Congress of Radiology).

Lerch, Till; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Hanke, Markus; Ziebarth, Kai; Busch, Jasmin D. (June 2022). Classification of SCFE Severity on lateral radiograph of symptomatic SCFE Patients changes compared to preoperative MRI (Unpublished). In: ESSR Annual Scientific Meeting (European Society of Skeletal Radiology).

Lerch, Till; Hanke, Markus; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Ziebarth, Kai; Busch, Jasmin D. (June 2022). MR-based 3D-models for SCFE patients for patient-specific preoperative planning of modified Dunn procedure or hip preservation surgery -feasibility study (Unpublished). In: ESSR Annual Scientific Meeting (European Society of Skeletal Radiology).

Lerch, Till; Kaim, Tilman; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Schmaranzer, Florian; Hanke, Markus; Busch, Jasmin D.; Ziebarth, Kai (June 2022). Slip angle on preoperative MRI changes severity classification of pediatric patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis (Unpublished). In: 56th Annual Meeting and the 42nd Post Graduate Course of the European Society of Paediatric Radiology.

Lerch, Till; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon D.; Ziebarth, Kai; Tannast, Moritz; Siebenrock, Klaus A. (2022). Most of patients with femoral derotation osteotomy for posterior extraarticular hip impingement and high femoral version would do surgery again. Hip International, 32(2), pp. 253-264. SAGE Publications 10.1177/1120700020953100

Lerch, Till D.; Novais, Eduardo N.; Schmaranzer, Florian; Ziebarth, Kai; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Tannast, Moritz; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (2019). What Is the Prevalence of Cam Deformity After Prophylactic Pinning of the Contralateral Asymptomatic Hip in Unilateral Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis? A 10-year Minimum Followup Study. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 477(5), pp. 1111-1122. Springer-Verlag 10.1097/CORR.0000000000000592

Lerch, T. D.; Vuilleumier, S.; Schmaranzer, F.; Ziebarth, K.; Steppacher, S. D.; Tannast, M.; Siebenrock, K. A. (2019). Patients with severe slipped capital femoral epiphysis treated by the modified Dunn procedure have low rates of avascular necrosis, good outcomes, and little osteoarthritis at long-term follow-up. The Bone & Joint Journal, 101-B(4), pp. 403-414. British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery 10.1302/0301-620X.101B4.BJJ-2018-1303.R1

Tannast, Moritz; Jost, Lukas M.; Lerch, Till; Schmaranzer, Florian; Ziebarth, Kai; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (2017). The modified Dunn procedure for slipped capital femoral epiphysis: the Bernese experience. Journal of children's orthopaedics JCO, 11(2), pp. 138-146. Springer 10.1302/1863-2548-11-170046

Schmid, Timo Georg Johannes

Schmid, Timo Georg Johannes; Joeris, Alexander; Slongo, Theddy; Ahmad, Sufian; Ziebarth, Kai (2015). Displaced supracondylar humeral fractures: influence of delay of surgery on the incidence of open reduction, complications and outcome. Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery, 135(7), pp. 963-969. Springer 10.1007/s00402-015-2248-0

Slongo, T; Schmid, T; Wilkins, K; Joeris, A (2008). Lateral external fixation: a new surgical technique for displaced unreducible supracondylar humeral fractures in children. Journal of bone and joint surgery - American volume, 90(8), pp. 1690-7. Needham, Mass.: Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery Inc. 10.2106/JBJS.G.00528

Schmidli, Jürg

Bartkevics, Maris; Stankovic, Zoran; Schibli, Susanne; Fluri, Simon; Berger, Steffen; Schmidli, Jürg; Kadner, Alexander (2020). A Near Miss and Salvage Management of Aortoesophageal Fistula Secondary to Cell Battery Ingestion. World journal for pediatric & congenital heart surgery, 11(1), pp. 120-122. Sage 10.1177/2150135119880549

Kissling, Pascal; Wyss, Thomas; Constantinescu, Mihai Adrian; Berger, Steffen Michael; Surke, Carsten; Carrel, Thierry; Schmidli, Jürg (2018). Erfolgreiche Oberarm-Replantation. Swiss Medical Forum, 18(5), pp. 114-117. EMH Swiss Medical Publishers 10.4414/smf.2018.03181

Schnabel, Kai

Schnabel, Kai; Guttormsen, Sissel; Bartenstein, Andreas (22 March 2024). Qualitätskriterien für interdisziplinäre und interprofessionelle pädiatrische Skills Labs. In: 18. Internationales Skills Lab Symposium. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House

Lerch, S.P.; Bussmann, Y.; de la Croix, A; Huwendiek, S.; Macdonald, M. A.; Mauer, D.; Metry, B.; Schlegel, C.; Schnabel, K.; Walther, J.; Watzek, D.; Wagner, I.; Lörwald, A. C. (30 September 2023). Teaching Trust: Educational ingredients that stimulate trustful patient relationships (Unpublished). In: Gemeinsamer Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Psychologie und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Soziologie. Giessen. 30.09.2023.

Krings, Rabea; Feller, Sabine; Wiedemar, Lina; Schnabel, Kai; Steiner, Isabelle; Merz, Franziska; Steinlin, Maja; Kroiss Benninger, Sabine; Brem, Beate; Wagner, Felicitas Lony; Huwendiek, Sören (16 September 2016). Grundschulkinder als standardisierte Patienten in einer regulären summativen OSCE-Prüfung: eine Mixed Method Studie bezüglich Fairness, Akzeptanz, Machbarkeit und „Educational Impact“ aus Sicht der Beteiligten. In: Jahrestagung GMA. Abstractband. Bern. 14.-17.09.2016. 10.3205/16gma181

Schnyder, Isabelle

Rihs, Silvia; Parisi, Ludovica; Lauener, Anic; Mansour, Farah; Schnyder, Isabelle; Dekany, Gabriela M; La Scala, Giorgio C; Katsaros, Christos; Degen, Martin (2024). Reflecting the human lip in vitro: Cleft lip skin and mucosa keratinocytes keep their identities. (In Press). Oral diseases Wiley 10.1111/odi.14844

Parisi, Ludovica; Rihs, Silvia; La Scala, Giorgio C; Schnyder, Isabelle; Katsaros, Christos; Degen, Martin (2022). Discovery and characterization of heterogeneous and multipotent fibroblast populations isolated from excised cleft lip tissue. Stem cell research & therapy, 13(1), p. 469. BioMed Central 10.1186/s13287-022-03154-x

Parisi, Ludovica; Knapp, Patrick O.; Girousi, Eleftheria; Rihs, Silvia; La Scala, Giorgio C.; Schnyder, Isabelle; Stähli, Alexandra; Sculean, Anton; Bosshardt, Dieter; Katsaros, Christos; Degen, Martin (2021). A Living Cell Repository of the Cranio-/Orofacial Region to Advance Research and Promote Personalized Medicine. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 9, p. 682944. Frontiers 10.3389/fcell.2021.682944

Selnø, Anette Teo Hansen; Schlichtner, Stephanie; Yasinska, Inna M.; Sakhnevych, Svetlana S.; Fiedler, Walter; Wellbrock, Jasmin; Klenova, Elena; Pavlova, Ludmila; Gibbs, Bernhard F.; Degen, Martin; Schnyder, Isabelle; Aliu, Nijas; Berger, Steffen M.; Fasler-Kan, Elizaveta; Sumbayev, Vadim V. (2020). Transforming growth factor beta type 1 (TGF-β) and hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) transcription complex as master regulators of the immunosuppressive protein galectin-9 expression in human cancer and embryonic cells. Aging, 12(23), pp. 23478-23496. Impact Journals 10.18632/aging.202343

Degen, Martin; Girousi, Eleftheria; Feldmann, Julia; Parisi, Ludovica; La Scala, Giorgio C.; Schnyder, Isabelle; Schaller, André; Katsaros, Christos (2020). A Novel Van der Woude Syndrome-Causing IRF6 Variant Is Subject to Incomplete Non-sense-Mediated mRNA Decay Affecting the Phenotype of Keratinocytes. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 8, p. 583115. Frontiers 10.3389/fcell.2020.583115

Degen, Martin; Wiederkehr, Astrid; La Scala, Giorgio C.; Carmann, Christina; Schnyder, Isabelle; Katsaros, Christos (2018). Keratinocytes Isolated From Individual Cleft Lip/Palate Patients Display Variations in Their Differentiation Potential in vitro. Frontiers in physiology, 9, p. 1703. Frontiers Research Foundation 10.3389/fphys.2018.01703

Burckhardt, Marie-Anne; Udhane, Sameer Sopanrao; Marti, Nesa Magdalena; Schnyder, Isabelle; Tapia, Coya; Nielsen, John E; Mullis, Primus-Eugen; Rajpert-De Meyts, Ewa; Flück, Christa Emma (2015). Human 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency seems to affect fertility but may not harbor a tumor risk: lesson from an experiment of nature. European journal of endocrinology, 173(5), K1-K12. BioScientifica Ltd. 10.1530/EJE-15-0599

Beyeler, Joël; Schnyder, Isabelle; Katsaros, Christos; Chiquet, Matthias (2014). Accelerated wound closure in vitro by fibroblasts from a subgroup of cleft lip/palate patients: role of transforming growth factor-α. PLoS ONE, 9(10), e111752. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0111752

Schnyder, Isabelle; Georgi Abbühl, Regula; Berger, Steffen Michael; McDougall Müller, Felicity Jane (February 2014). Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis in a preterm infant - Case of the month. Swiss Society of Neonatology

Dietz, H.G.; Illing, P; Schmittenbecher, P.P.; Slongo, Th; Sommerfeldt, D.W.; Berger, S.; Heini, P.; Lieber, J.; Liniger, B.; Marzi, I.; Meenen, N.; Nowack, K.; Joeris, A.; Klimek, P.; Dragowsky, K.; David, S.; Heinrich, M.; Lehner, M.; Gresing, T.; Fuchs, J.; ... (2011). Praxis der Kinder- und Jugendtraumatologie. Heidelberg: Springer Medizin Verlag Heidelberg

Schnyder, I (2011). Weichteilverletzung. In: Dietz H.G., Illing P. (ed.) Praxis der Kinder- und Jugendtraumatologie (pp. 497-514). Heidelberg: Springer Medizin Verlag Heidelberg

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Huth, Markus E; Heimgartner, Samuel; Schnyder, Isabelle; Caversaccio, Marco D (2008). Teratoma of the nasal septum in a neonate: an endoscopic approach. Journal of pediatric surgery, 43(11), pp. 2102-5. Orlando, Fla.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2008.07.020

Schnyder, Sara

Schnyder, Sara; Liniger, Benjamin (2017). Vakuum-Reposition einer Pingpong-Fraktur beim Neugeborenen. Swiss Medical Forum, 17(41), pp. 886-889. EMH Swiss Medical Publishers 10.4414/smf.2017.03075

Schoepke, Niklaus

Stranzinger, Enno; Schoepke, Niklaus; Pabst, Werner Lukas (June 2023). The Role of Imaging in the "Lego Player's Foot" (Unpublished). In: Swiss Congress of Radiology (SCR), June 2023, Davos.

Schulte, Daniel Wolfgang

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Schulte, Franzisca

Kessler, Ulf; Schulte, Franzisca; Cholewa, Dietmar; Nelle, Mathias; Schaefer, Stephan C; Klimek, Peter Michael; Berger, Steffen Michael (2016). Outcome in neonates with necrotizing enterocolitis and patent ductus arteriosus. World journal of pediatrics WJP, 12(1), pp. 55-59. Institute of Pediatrics 10.1007/s12519-015-0059-6

Schuster, Frederick

Stranzinger, Enno; Scherer, Cordula; Pabst, Werner Lukas; Schuster, Frederick; Flück, Christa Emma (2016). Unilateral Stimulation of the Right Ovary in a 10-Year-Old Girl with Perforated Appendicitis. Ultrasound international open, 02(03), E102-E104. Thieme 10.1055/s-0042-110658

Schweizer, Paul

Berger, Steffen Michael; Bartenstein, Andreas; Schweizer, Paul (2016). True congenital cysts of the pancreas in the newborn and infant. Clinics in Surgery, 1(1149), pp. 1-6. Remedy Publications LLC.

Schwendener Scholl, Katharina

Treichel, Markus; Schwendener Scholl, Katharina; Kessler, Ulf; Joeris, Alexander; Nelle, Mathias (2009). Is there a correlation between venlafaxine therapy during pregnancy and a higher incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis? World journal of pediatrics WJP, 5(1), pp. 65-7. Hangzhou: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s12519-009-0013-6

Schwitz, Fabienne Muriel

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Schöbi, Nina

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Schöbi, Nina; Agyeman, Philipp KA; Duppenthaler, Andrea; Bartenstein, Andreas; Keller, Peter M; Suter-Riniker, Franziska; Schmidt, Kristina M; Kopp, Matthias V; Aebi, Christoph (2022). PEDIATRIC TULAREMIA– A CASE SERIES FROM A SINGLE CENTER IN SWITZERLAND. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 9(7) Oxford University Press 10.1093/ofid/ofac292

Sculean, Anton

Parisi, Ludovica; Knapp, Patrick O.; Girousi, Eleftheria; Rihs, Silvia; La Scala, Giorgio C.; Schnyder, Isabelle; Stähli, Alexandra; Sculean, Anton; Bosshardt, Dieter; Katsaros, Christos; Degen, Martin (2021). A Living Cell Repository of the Cranio-/Orofacial Region to Advance Research and Promote Personalized Medicine. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 9, p. 682944. Frontiers 10.3389/fcell.2021.682944

Seibel, Kerstin

Seibel, Kerstin; Berdat, Pascal; Boillat, Colette; Wagner, Bendicht; Zachariou, Zacharias; Kessler, Ulf (2008). Hemostasis management in pediatric mechanical circulatory support. Annals of thoracic surgery, 85(4), pp. 1453-6. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2007.10.039

Seiler, Christian A.

Fahrner, René; Übersax, Lucia; Mettler, Anja; Berger, Steffen Michael; Seiler, Christian A. (2014). Paediatric thyroid surgery is safe - experiences at a tertiary surgical centre. Swiss medical weekly, 144, w13939. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2014.13939

Seiler, Stefan Jürg

Berger, Steffen Michael; Raio, Luigi; Nelle, Mathias; Wagner, Bendicht Peter; Gronau, Jürgen; Seiler, Stefan Jürg; Kadner, Alexander; Wildhaber, Barbara (2017). Trennung frühgeborener siamesischer Zwillinge: möglich durch Zusammenarbeit. Swiss Medical Forum, 17(1-2), pp. 19-21. EMH Swiss Medical Publishers 10.4414/smf.2017.02845

Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno

Siebenrock, Klaus A; Steppacher, Simon D; Ziebarth, Kai; Schwab, Joseph M; Büchler, Lorenz (2024). Modified Dunn Procedure for Open Reduction of Chronic Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis. JBJS essential surgical techniques, 14(3) Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 10.2106/JBJS.ST.23.00072

Ziebarth, Kai; Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Kaiser, Nadine; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno; Lerch, Till (April 2022). What is the AVN Rate of SCFE Patients with complete epi-metaphyseal discontinuity treated with the modified Dunn Procedure? (Unpublished). In: EPOS Annual Meeting (European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society).

Lerch, Till D.; Boschung, Adam; Leibold, Christiane; Kalla, Roger; Kerkeni, Hassen; Baur, Heiner; Eichelberger, Patric; Steppacher, Simon D.; Liechti, Emanuel F.; Siebenrock, Klaus A.; Tannast, Moritz; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). Minimal Out-Toeing and Good Hip Scores of Severe SCFE Patients Treated With Modified Dunn Procedure and Contralateral Prophylactic Pinning at Minimal 5-year Follow up. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 42(5), e421-e426. Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BPO.0000000000002127

Lerch, Till; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon D.; Ziebarth, Kai; Tannast, Moritz; Siebenrock, Klaus A. (2022). Most of patients with femoral derotation osteotomy for posterior extraarticular hip impingement and high femoral version would do surgery again. Hip International, 32(2), pp. 253-264. SAGE Publications 10.1177/1120700020953100

Lerch, Till; Boschung, Adam; Leibold, Christiane Sylvia; Hanke, Markus; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Ziebarth, Kai; Kalla, Roger; Baur, Heiner; Eichelberger, Patric; Tannast, Moritz; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (October 2020). Normal Gait And Normal Hip Function At Longterm Followup In Severe SCFE Patients Treated With A Modified Dunn Procedure-Gait Analysis Study (Unpublished). In: EFORT Virtual Congress (European Federation of Orthopaedics and Traumatology).

Ziebarth, Kai; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (2019). [The modified Dunn procedure to treat severe slipped capital femoral epiphysis]. Der Orthopäde, 48(8), pp. 668-676. Springer 10.1007/s00132-019-03774-x

Lerch, Till D.; Novais, Eduardo N.; Schmaranzer, Florian; Ziebarth, Kai; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Tannast, Moritz; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (2019). What Is the Prevalence of Cam Deformity After Prophylactic Pinning of the Contralateral Asymptomatic Hip in Unilateral Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis? A 10-year Minimum Followup Study. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 477(5), pp. 1111-1122. Springer-Verlag 10.1097/CORR.0000000000000592

Lerch, T. D.; Vuilleumier, S.; Schmaranzer, F.; Ziebarth, K.; Steppacher, S. D.; Tannast, M.; Siebenrock, K. A. (2019). Patients with severe slipped capital femoral epiphysis treated by the modified Dunn procedure have low rates of avascular necrosis, good outcomes, and little osteoarthritis at long-term follow-up. The Bone & Joint Journal, 101-B(4), pp. 403-414. British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery 10.1302/0301-620X.101B4.BJJ-2018-1303.R1

Tannast, Moritz; Jost, Lukas M.; Lerch, Till; Schmaranzer, Florian; Ziebarth, Kai; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (2017). The modified Dunn procedure for slipped capital femoral epiphysis: the Bernese experience. Journal of children's orthopaedics JCO, 11(2), pp. 138-146. Springer 10.1302/1863-2548-11-170046

Ziebarth, Kai; Milosevic, Milan; Lerch, Till; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Slongo, Theddy; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (2017). High Survivorship and Little Osteoarthritis at 10-year Followup in SCFE Patients Treated With a Modified Dunn Procedure. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 475(4), pp. 1212-1228. Springer 10.1007/s11999-017-5252-6

Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno; Anwander, Helen; Zurmühle, Corinne; Tannast, Moritz; Slongo, Theddy; Steppacher, Simon Damian (2015). Head Reduction Osteotomy With Additional Containment Surgery Improves Sphericity and Containment and Reduces Pain in Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 473(4), pp. 1274-1283. Springer 10.1007/s11999-014-4048-1

Kohlhof, H.; Ziebarth, K.; Gravius, S.; Wirtz, D.C.; Siebenrock, K.A. (2013). Operative treatment of congenital hip osteoarthritis with high hip luxation (Crowe type IV). Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 25(5), pp. 469-482. Springer Berlin Heidelberg 10.1007/s00064-013-0241-8

Ganz, Reinhold; Slongo, Theddy; Siebenrock, Klaus A; Turchetto, Luigino; Leunig, Michael (2012). Surgical technique: The capsular arthroplasty: a useful but abandoned procedure for young patients with developmental dysplasia of the hip. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 470(11), pp. 2957-67. Heidelberg: Springer 10.1007/s11999-012-2444-y

Simonetti, Giacomo

Simonetti, Giacomo D; Markwalder, Regula; Tönz, Martin; Pfenninger, Juerg; Bianchetti, Mario G (2007). Severe systemic vasculitis in a neonate. European journal of pediatrics, 166(4), pp. 381-2. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00431-006-0242-9

Slongo, Theddy

Kaim, Tilman; Kaiser, Nadine; Slongo, Theddy; Liebs, Thoralf; Ziebarth, Kai (2023). High rates of lateral patellar redislocation and inconsistent subjective satisfaction in pediatric patients at 7-year follow-up (Unpublished)

Slongo, Theddy; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). [Femoral head reduction osteotomy to improve femoroacetabular containment in Legg-Calve-Perthes disease]. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 34(5), pp. 333-351. Springer 10.1007/s00064-022-00779-2

Ziebarth, Kai; Kaiser, Nadine; Slongo, Theddy (2022). [Triple osteotomy for patients with Legg-Calve-Perthes disease]. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 34(5), pp. 323-332. Springer 10.1007/s00064-022-00784-5

Slongo, Theddy; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). [Perthes disease]. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 34(5), pp. 305-306. Springer 10.1007/s00064-022-00785-4

Kaiser, N.; Slongo, T. (2021). Elastic, stable intramedullary nailing of pertrochanteric femoral fractures in children (<6–8 years). Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 33(1), pp. 46-54. Springer 10.1007/s00064-020-00696-2

Ziebarth, Kai; Kaiser, Nadine; Slongo, Theddy (2021). Approaches and fixation of femoral neck fractures in children—transgluteal approach. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 33(1), pp. 36-45. Springer 10.1007/s00064-020-00694-4

Slongo, Theddy (2021). Approaches and fixation of femoral neck fractures in children. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 33(1), pp. 2-3. Springer 10.1007/s00064-021-00698-8

Dresing, Klaus; Langer, Martin Franz; Slongo, Theddy (2021). Surgical needles in orthopedics and trauma surgery. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 33(5), pp. 405-421. Springer 10.1007/s00064-021-00734-7

Buschbaum, Jan; Freitag, Linda; Slongo, Theddy F; Zeiter, Stephan; Schütz, Michael; Windolf, Markus (2021). Growth modulation of angular deformities with a novel constant force implant concept-preclinical results. Journal of children's orthopaedics, 15(2), pp. 137-148. EPOS 10.1302/1863-2548.15.200218

Liebs, Thoralf R.; Burgard, Marie; Kaiser, Nadine; Slongo, Theddy; Berger, Steffen; Ryser, Basil; Ziebarth, Kai (2020). Health-related quality of life after paediatric supracondylar humeral fractures. The Bone & Joint Journal, 102-B(6), pp. 755-765. British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery 10.1302/0301-620X.102B6.BJJ-2019-1391.R2

Slongo, Theddy (2020). [Technique and biomechanics of Kirschner wire osteosynthesis in children]. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 32(6), pp. 509-529. Springer 10.1007/s00064-020-00684-6

Tang, Xin; Wang, Jing; Slongo, Theddy; Wang, ShangYu; Ze, RenHao; Zhou, Rui; Li, Jin (2020). Comparison of internal fixation vs. external fixation after corrective osteotomy in children with cubitus varus. Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery, 29(4), pp. 845-852. Elsevier 10.1016/j.jse.2019.12.026

Liebs, Thoralf R.; Ryser, Basil; Kaiser, Nadine; Slongo, Theddy; Berger, Steffen; Ziebarth, Kai (2019). Health-related Quality of Life After Fractures of the Lateral Third of the Clavicle in Children and Adolescents. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 39(7), e542-e547. Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BPO.0000000000001332

Li, YiQiang; Xu, HongWen; Slongo, Theddy; Zhou, QingHe; Liu, Yuanzhong; Chen, WeiDong; Li, JingChun; Canavese, Federico (2018). Bernese-type triple pelvic osteotomy through a single incision in children over five years: a retrospective study of twenty eight cases. International orthopaedics, 42(12), pp. 2961-2968. Springer 10.1007/s00264-018-3946-3

Schneider, Manuel; Buschbaum, Jan; Joeris, Alexander; Röhrle, Oliver; Dwyer, Jonathan; Hunter, James B.; Reynolds, Richard A.K.; Slongo, Theddy; Gueorguiev, Boyko; Varga, Peter (2018). Biomechanical investigation of two long bone growth modulation techniques by finite element simulations. Journal of orthopaedic research, 36(5), pp. 1398-1405. Wiley 10.1002/jor.23762

Slongo, Theddy (2018). Tips in the treatment of supracondylar humeral fractures in childhood. Trauma und Berufskrankheit, 20(S2), pp. 82-92. Springer 10.1007/s10039-018-0357-z

Joeris, Alexander; Ramseier, Leonhard; Langendörfer, Micha; von Knobloch, Michael; Patwardhan, Sandeep; Dwyer, Jonathan; Slongo, Theddy (2017). Paediatric lower limb deformity correction with the Eight Plate: adverse events and correction outcomes of 126 patients from an international multicentre study. Journal of pediatric orthopedics. Part B, 26(5), pp. 441-448. Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BPB.0000000000000397

Lenoir, U; Slongo, T; Aghayev, E; Joeris, A (2017). [The Value of Conventional Radiographs of the Pelvis in Detection of Perthes Disease 3 Months After an Episode of Acute Transient Synovitis]. Klinische Pädiatrie, 229(2), pp. 76-81. Thieme 10.1055/s-0042-116150

Bodmer, Elvira Susanne; Meier, Rahel; Slongo, Theddy; Vögelin, Esther (2017). [Thumb Lengthening Following Amputation at the Proximal Phalanx using a Semicircular Distraction Ring Fixator: Results of 5 Cases]. Handchirurgie, Mikrochirurgie, plastische Chirurgie, 49(1), pp. 42-46. Thieme 10.1055/s-0043-102685

Kolp, Dagmar; Ziebarth, Kai; Slongo, Theddy (2017). [Rotation or derotation osteotomy of the tibia]. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 29(2), pp. 163-172. Springer-Medizin-Verlag 10.1007/s00064-016-0473-5

Audigé, Laurent; Slongo, Theddy; Lutz, Nicolas; Blumenthal, Andrea; Joeris, Alexander (2017). The AO Pediatric Comprehensive Classification of Long Bone Fractures (PCCF) – Part III:. Acta orthopaedica, 88(2), pp. 133-139. Informa Healthcare 10.1080/17453674.2016.1258534

Joeris, Alexander; Lutz, Nicolas; Blumenthal, Andrea; Slongo, Theddy; Audigé, Laurent (2017). The AO Pediatric Comprehensive Classification of Long Bone Fractures (PCCF) – Part II:. Acta orthopaedica, 88(2), pp. 129-132. Informa Healthcare 10.1080/17453674.2016.1258533

Joeris, Alexander; Lutz, Nicolas; Blumenthal, Andrea; Slongo, Theddy; Audigé, Laurent (2017). The AO Pediatric Comprehensive Classification of Long Bone Fractures (PCCF) – Part I:. Acta orthopaedica, 88(2), pp. 123-128. Informa Healthcare 10.1080/17453674.2016.1258532

Aprato, A.; Leunig, Michael; Massé, A.; Slongo, Theddy; Ganz, Reinhold (2017). Instability of the hip after anatomical re-alignment in patients with a slipped capital femoral epiphysis. The Bone & Joint Journal, 99-B(1), pp. 16-21. British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery 10.1302/0301-620X.99B1.BJJ-2016-0575

Ziebarth, Kai; Milosevic, Milan; Lerch, Till; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Slongo, Theddy; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (2017). High Survivorship and Little Osteoarthritis at 10-year Followup in SCFE Patients Treated With a Modified Dunn Procedure. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 475(4), pp. 1212-1228. Springer 10.1007/s11999-017-5252-6

Grünwald, Leonard; Döbele, Stephan; Höntzsch, Dankward; Slongo, Theddy; Stöckle, Ulrich; Freude, Thomas; Schröter, Steffen (2015). Callus massage after distraction osteogenesis using the concept of lengthening then dynamic plating. Strategies in trauma and limb reconstruction, 10(2), pp. 129-135. Springer 10.1007/s11751-015-0233-3

Slongo, Theddy (2015). Treatment of posttraumatic cubitus varus in children and adolescents. Supracondylar humeral osteotomy using radial external fixation. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 27(3), pp. 194-209. Springer 10.1007/s00064-015-0403-y

Ziebarth, Kai; Slongo, Theddy (2015). Proximal Femoral Osteotomies with the Paediatric Hip Plate (LCP): Valgus osteotomy. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 27(3), pp. 210-220. Springer 10.1007/s00064-015-0402-z

Slongo, Theddy (2015). Osteotomies in children and adolescents. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 27(3), p. 193. Springer 10.1007/s00064-015-0407-7

Rutz, E; Suter, Thomas; Slongo, Theddy; Brunner, Roland (2015). Osteotomy of the distal femur. Surgical technique using the LCP Pediatric Condylar Plate 90°. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 27(3), pp. 221-236. Springer 10.1007/s00064-015-0401-0

Schmid, Timo Georg Johannes; Joeris, Alexander; Slongo, Theddy; Ahmad, Sufian; Ziebarth, Kai (2015). Displaced supracondylar humeral fractures: influence of delay of surgery on the incidence of open reduction, complications and outcome. Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery, 135(7), pp. 963-969. Springer 10.1007/s00402-015-2248-0

Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno; Anwander, Helen; Zurmühle, Corinne; Tannast, Moritz; Slongo, Theddy; Steppacher, Simon Damian (2015). Head Reduction Osteotomy With Additional Containment Surgery Improves Sphericity and Containment and Reduces Pain in Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 473(4), pp. 1274-1283. Springer 10.1007/s11999-014-4048-1

Windolf, M; Fischer, M F; Popp, Albrecht; Matthys, R; Schwieger, K; Gueorguiev, B; Hunter, J B; Slongo, Theddy (2015). End caps prevent nail migration in elastic stable intramedullary nailing in paediatric femoral fractures: a biomechanical study using synthetic and cadaveric bones. The Bone & Joint Journal, 97-B(4), pp. 558-563. British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery 10.1302/0301-620X.97B4.34169

Slongo, Theddy (2015). Was tun, wenn die elastisch-stabile intramedulläre Nagelung (ESIN) an ihre Grenzen stösst? Trauma und Berufskrankheit, 17(S1), pp. 216-228. Springer 10.1007/s10039-014-2115-1

Joeris, Alexander; Lutz, Nicolas; Wicki, Bárbara; Slongo, Theddy; Audigé, Laurent (2014). An epidemiological evaluation of pediatric long bone fractures - a retrospective cohort study of 2716 patients from two Swiss tertiary pediatric hospitals. BMC pediatrics, 14, p. 314. BioMed Central 10.1186/s12887-014-0314-3

Heidt, Christoph; Ziebarth, Kai; Erni, Dominique; Slongo, Theddy; Joeris, Alexander (2014). Four years follow-up after clavicle reconstruction in a child: a case report. Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery, 67(12), pp. 1735-1739. Elsevier 10.1016/j.bjps.2014.08.050

Slongo, Theddy (2014). Radial external fixator for closed treatment of type III and IV supracondylar humerus fractures in children. A new surgical technique. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 26(1), pp. 75-97. Springer-Medizin-Verlag 10.1007/s00064-013-0291-y

Kohl, Sandro; Stutz, Chantal; Decker, Sebastian; Ziebarth, Kai; Slongo, Theddy; Ahmad, Sufian S.; Kohlhof, Hendrik; Eggli, Stefan; Zumstein, Matthias; Evangelopoulos, Dimitrios S. (2014). Mid-term results of transphyseal anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in children and adolescents. The knee, 21(1), pp. 80-85. Elsevier 10.1016/j.knee.2013.07.004

Slongo, Theddy F. (2014). The Pediatric Patient. In: Smith, Wade R.; Stahel, Philip F. (eds.) Management of Musculoskeletal Injuries in the Trauma Patient (pp. 29-83). New York: Springer 10.1007/978-1-4614-8551-3

Ziebarth, Kai; Kolp, Dagmar; Kohl, Sandro; Slongo, Theddy (2013). Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Children and Adolescents: A Review of the Recent Literature. European journal of pediatric surgery, 23(06), pp. 464-469. Thieme 10.1055/s-0033-1363162

Ziebarth, Kai; Leunig, Michael; Slongo, Theddy; Kim, Young-Jo; Ganz, Reinhold (2013). Slipped capital femoral epiphysis: relevant pathophysiological findings with open surgery. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 471(7), pp. 2156-2162. Springer 10.1007/s11999-013-2818-9

Ganz, Reinhold; Slongo, Theddy; Turchetto, Luigino; Massè, Alessandro; Whitehead, David; Leunig, Michael (2013). The lesser trochanter as a cause of hip impingement: pathophysiology and treatment options. Hip International, 23(Suppl. 9), S35-S41. Wichtig Editore 10.5301/hipint.5000063

Klimek, Peter Michael; Juen, David; Stranzinger, Enno; Wolf, Rainer Walter; Slongo, Theddy (2013). Trampoline related injuries in children: risk factors and radiographic findings. World journal of pediatrics WJP, 9(2), pp. 169-174. Hangzhou: SP Children’s Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine 10.1007/s12519-013-0416-2

Slongo, T. F. (2013). Acetabulum injuries in infancy and childhood. Unfallchirurg, 116(12), pp. 1076-1084. Springer Berlin Heidelberg 10.1007/s00113-013-2462-6

Reynolds, Richard A. K.; Legakis, Julie E.; Thomas, Ronald; Slongo, Theddy F.; Hunter, James B.; Clavert, Jean-Michel (2012). Intramedullary nails for pediatric diaphyseal femur fractures in older, heavier children: early results. Journal of children's orthopaedics JCO, 6(3), pp. 181-188. Springer 10.1007/s11832-012-0404-4

Ganz, Reinhold; Slongo, Theddy; Siebenrock, Klaus A; Turchetto, Luigino; Leunig, Michael (2012). Surgical technique: The capsular arthroplasty: a useful but abandoned procedure for young patients with developmental dysplasia of the hip. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 470(11), pp. 2957-67. Heidelberg: Springer 10.1007/s11999-012-2444-y

Slongo, T; Schmittenbecher, P.P; Ganz, R (2011). Slippage of the Proximal Femoral Epiphysis Related to Multiple Enchondromatosis: Treatment with Staged Surgical Dislocation and Epiphyseal Realignement. A Case Report at Seven Years Follow up. European journal of pediatric surgery, 2011(21), pp. 131-134. Stuttgart: Thieme 10.1055/s-0030-1262792

Dietz, H.G.; Illing, P; Schmittenbecher, P.P.; Slongo, Th; Sommerfeldt, D.W.; Berger, S.; Heini, P.; Lieber, J.; Liniger, B.; Marzi, I.; Meenen, N.; Nowack, K.; Joeris, A.; Klimek, P.; Dragowsky, K.; David, S.; Heinrich, M.; Lehner, M.; Gresing, T.; Fuchs, J.; ... (2011). Praxis der Kinder- und Jugendtraumatologie. Heidelberg: Springer Medizin Verlag Heidelberg

Slongo, Th. (2011). Repositionstechniken. In: Dietz H.G., Illing P. (ed.) Praxis der Kinder- und Jugendtraumatologie (pp. 67-98). Heidelberg: Springer Medizin Verlag Heidelberg

Oesch, V; Slongo, Th (2011). Battered-Child-Syndrom. In: Dietz H.G., Illing P. (ed.) Praxis der Kinder- und Jugendtraumatologie (pp. 515-520). Heidelberg: Springer Medizin Verlag Heidelberg

Joeris, A; Slongo, T (2011). Pathologische Frakturen. In: Dietz H.G., Illing P. (ed.) Praxis der Kinder- und Jugendtraumatologie (pp. 531-546). Heidelberg: Springer Medizin Verlag Heidelberg

Slongo, T; Fernandez, F.F. (2011). Incorrectly healed Monteggia lesion in childhood and adolescence. Unfallchirurg, 114(4), pp. 311-322. Heidelberg: Springer-Medizin-Verlag 10.1007/s00113-011-1961-6

Cortes, Luis E; Triana, Miguel; Vallejo, Francisco; Slongo, Theddy; Streubel, Philipp N (2011). Adult Proximal Humerus Locking Plate for the Treatment of a Pediatric Subtrochanteric Femoral Nonunion: A Case Report. Journal of orthopaedic trauma, 25(7), e63-e67. Hagerstown, Md.: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BOT.0b013e3181f8d9c3

Slongo, Th; Audige, L; Hunter, J; Berger, S (2011). Clinical evaluation of end caps in elastic stable intramedullary nailing of femoral and tibial shaft fractures in children. European journal of trauma and emergency surgery, 37(3), pp. 305-312. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00068-011-0091-8

Al Mufargi, Yaqoub Sulaiman; Mouch, Charles Adam; Ziebarth, Kai; Joeris, Alexander; Slongo, Theddy (2011). RETRACTED: An unusual cause of paralysis of the peroneal nerve: a report of 3 cases. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 31(5), e50-2. Hagerstown, Md.: Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BPO.0b013e31821f50cb

Joeris, Alexander; Ondrus, Simon; Plánka, Ladislav; Gál, Petr; Slongo, Theddy (2010). ChronOS Inject in Children with Benign Bone Lesions – Does It Increase the Healing Rate? European journal of pediatric surgery, 20(01), pp. 24-28. Stuttgart: Thieme 10.1055/s-0029-1241866

Erni, Dominique; de Kerviler, Sora; Hertel, Ralph; Slongo, Theddy (2010). Vascularised fibula grafts for early tibia reconstruction in infants with congenital pseudarthrosis. Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery, 63(10), pp. 1699-1704. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.bjps.2009.09.016

Schmuck, T; Altermatt, S; Büchler, P; Klima-Lange, D; Krieg, A; Nolte, L; Muermann, J; Slongo, T; Sossai, R; Hasler, C (2010). Greenstick fractures of the middle third of the forearm. A prospective multi-centre study. European journal of pediatric surgery, 20(5), pp. 316-20. Stuttgart: Thieme 10.1055/s-0030-1255038

Slongo, T; Kakaty, D; Krause, F; Ziebarth, K (2010). Treatment of slipped capital femoral epiphysis with a modified Dunn procedure. Journal of bone and joint surgery - American volume, 92(18), pp. 2898-908. Needham, Mass.: Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery Inc. 10.2106/JBJS.I.01385

Krause, FG; Haupt, U; Ziebarth, K; Slongo, T (2009). Mini-arthrotomy for lateral discoid menisci in children. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 29(2), pp. 130-6. Hagerstown, Md.: Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BPO.0b013e318198454d

Slongo, Th (2009). Skeletal System. In: , (ed.) Pediatric Surgery Digest (pp. 735-800). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

Waldschmidt, U; Slongo, Th (2009). An unusual cause of paralysis of the peroneal nerve - a case report. Journal of pediatric surgery, 45(1), pp. 259-261. Orlando, Fla.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2009.09.039

Slongo, T (2009). New aspects in SCFE / SUFE surgery; 10 years result with surgical hip dislocation. In: AO Combined Courses, Paediatric Course, February 19-21 2009. Yokohama, Japan.

Slongo, Th (2009). Impingement syndrome in older children and young adults. In: 2nd Saudi Orthopaedic Association International Conference. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Slongo, Th (2009). New aspects in SCFE / SUFE surgery; 10 years result with surgical hip dislocation. In: 2nd Saudi Orthopaedic Association International Conference. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Slongo, Th (2009). Technique of surgical hip dislocation. In: 2nd Saudi Orthopaedic Association International Conference. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Slongo, Th (2009). New aspects in Perthes surgery. In: 2nd Saudi Orthopaedic Association International Conference. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Slongo, Th (2009). Bernese Triple Pelvic support Osteotomy. In: 2nd Saudi Orthopaedic Association International Conference. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Slongo, Th (2009). Surgical Hip Dislocation. In: 47th Meeting of the British Society for Children s Orthopaedic Surgery, 23.01.2009,. Birmingham, England.

Slongo, Th (2009). Antegrade ESIN. In: AO Paediatric Course for Surgeons, 11 + 12 February 2009,. Nottingham, England.

Slongo, Th (2009). Radial External fixator. In: AO Paediatric Course for Surgeons, 11 + 12 February 2009,. Nottingham, England.

Slongo, Th (2009). Radial neck fractures. In: AO Paediatric Course for Surgeons, 11 + 12 February 2009,. Nottingham, England.

Slongo, Th (2009). Slipped upper femoral epiphysis; What the specialist might do (Unpublished). In: AO Paediatric Course for Surgeons, 11 + 12 February 2009. Nottingham, England.

Slongo, Th (2009). Elastic nails-Indications and pitfalls. In: AO Paediatric Course for Surgeons, 11 + 12 February 2009,. Nottingham, England.

Slongo, Th (2009). Teatment of femoral fractures in adolescents; Elastic nails and endcaps. In: AO Paediatric Course for Surgeons, 11 + 12 February 2009,. Nottingham, England.

Slongo, Th (2009). Introduction to the Pediatric Course, Goal / Faculty / Participants (ARS). In: AO Combined Courses, Paediatric Course, February 19-21 2009. Yokohama, Japan.

Slongo, Th (2009). Adequate imaging and quality: X-Ray / CT / MRI ? In: AO Combined Courses, Paediatric Course, February 19-21 2009. Yokohama, Japan.

Slongo, Th (2009). AO Pediatric Group (PAEG), - Developments, - Projects, - Education. In: AO Combined Courses, Paediatric Course, February 19-21 2009. Yokohama, Japan.

Slongo, Th (2009). The new Comprehensive AO Children Long Bone Fracture Classification. In: AO Combined Courses, Paediatric Course, February 19-21 2009. Yokohama, Japan.

Slongo, Th (2009). The TEN system: - Biomechanics, - Implants, - Technique, - End caps. In: AO Combined Courses, Paediatric Course, February 19-21 2009. Yokohama, Japan.

Slongo, Th (2009). External fixator in childhood. In: AO Combined Courses, Paediatric Course. Yokohama, Japan. February 19-21 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Cannulated screws. In: AO Combined Courses, Paediatric Course. Yokohama, Japan. February 19-21 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Proximal femoral fractures (without SUFE / SCFE). In: AO Combined Courses, Paediatric Course. Yokohama, Japan. February 19-21 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Femoral fractures: What I have to do up to 3 year olds, - Traction, - Hipspica, - elastic nails. In: AO Combined Courses, Paediatric Course. Yokohama, Japan. February 19-21 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Proximal humerus and humeral shaft Supracondylar humerus fracture. In: AO Combined Courses, Paediatric Course. Yokohama, Japan. February 19-21 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). K-wires. In: AO Combined Courses, Paediatric Course. Yokohama, Japan. February 19-21 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Radial neck fracture. In: AO Combined Courses, Paediatric Course. Yokohama, Japan. February 19-21 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Problems and complications of tibial / fibular fractures. In: AO Combined Courses, Paediatric Course. Yokohama, Japan. February 19-21 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Distal tibial fractures, - Tillaux / two-plane, - Triplane, - Ankle. In: AO Combined Courses, Paediatric Course. Yokohama, Japan. February 19-21 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). The origin and treatment of post fracture deformity: what needs correction. In: AO Combined Courses, Paediatric Course. Yokohama, Japan. February 19-21 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Impingement syndrome in young adults: does it exist? In: AO Combined Courses, Paediatric Course. Yokohama, Japan. February 19-21 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Muss beim Kind alles operiert werden, oder geht es auch konservativ? In: AO Alumni Association, Jahrestagung 2009, Eisenach, 5.-7. März 2009, Eisenach Deutschland.

Slongo, Th (2009). Impingement, Présentation de dossiers. In: 33e séminaire de la SOFOP, Déformation des Membres Inférieurs, 26-27 mars 2009, Nancy, Frankreich.

Slongo, Th (2009). LCP Principle and Clinical Experience. In: Synthes Rxpert Meet Expert Seminar. Nanchang, China. 19.04.09.

Slongo, Th (2009). The History, scientific basis and application of LCP Pediatric Hip Plate (LCP PHP). In: Synthes Rxpert Meet Expert Seminar. Nanchang, China. 19.04.09.

Slongo, Th (2009). AO Pediatric Comprehensive Classification of Long-Bone Fractures. In: Synthes Rxpert Meet Expert Seminar. Nanchang, China. 19.04.09.

Slongo, Th (2009). Proximal Femur Treatment with LCP PHP. In: Synthes Rxpert Meet Expert Seminar. Nanchang, China. 19.04.09.

Slongo, Th (2009). Femoroacetabular Impingement. A new Disease? In: Annual Post Graduate Training Day, Old and Young New and Old, 24.04.09, Luzern, Schweiz.

Slongo, Th (2009). Introduction to Paediatric Course, Goal / Faculty / Participants. In: Curso AO, Pediátrico. Caracas, Venezuela. 7-9 May 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Adequate imaging and quality. W-ray / CT / MRI? In: Curso AO, Pediátrico. Caracas, Venezuela. 7-9 May 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). AO Paediatric Course (PAEG), Developments, Projects, Education. In: Curso AO, Pediátrico. Caracas, Venezuela. 7-9 May 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). The new comprehensive AO Children Long Bone Fracture Classification. In: Curso AO, Pediátrico. Caracas, Venezuela. 7-9 May 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). The TEN System: Biomechanics, Implants, Technique, End Caps. In: Curso AO, Pediátrico. Caracas, Venezuela. 7-9 May 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Cannulated screws. In: Curso AO, Pediátrico. Caracas, Venezuela. 7-9 May 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Proximal femoral fractures (without SUFE/SCFE). In: Curso AO, Pediátrico. Caracas, Venezuela. 7-9 May 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Proximal humerus and humeral shaft. In: Curso AO, Pediátrico. Caracas, Venezuela. 7-9 May 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Radial neck fracture. In: Curso AO, Pediátrico. Caracas, Venezuela. 7-9 May 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Teatment of these fractures: distal femur, Patela, Tibial spine, Tibial tuberosity. In: Curso AO, Pediátrico. Caracas, Venezuela. 7-9 May 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Spine fractures. In: Curso AO, Pediátrico. Caracas, Venezuela. 7-9 May 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Pelvic and acetabular fractures. In: Curso AO, Pediátrico. Caracas, Venezuela. 7-9 May 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Osteotomy of the upper end of the femur: New approach. In: Curso AO, Pediátrico. Caracas, Venezuela. 7-9 May 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Impingement Syndrome in Young adults. Does it exist? In: Curso AO, Pediátrico. Caracas, Venezuela. 7-9 May 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Video SCFE. In: Curso AO, Pediátrico. Caracas, Venezuela. 7-9 May 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). End remarks / Evaluation. In: Curso AO, Pediátrico. Caracas, Venezuela. 7-9 May 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Fusstraumata im Kindesalter Behandlungsstrategien und outcome. In: 58. Jahrestagung Süddeutsche Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin / Kinderchirugie, 15.-17.05.2009, Karlsruhe, Deutschland.

Slongo, Th (2009). Plates against nail in femur fractures in childhood. In: 10th Effort Congress Vienna, Austria 3 6 June 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Introduction to the Paediatric Course: Goal / Faculty / Participants (ARS). In: 2° Curso AO Pediátrico. São Paulo, Brasil. Junho 25 a 27, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Adequate imaging and quality; x-ray / CT / MRI? In: 2° Curso AO Pediátrico. São Paulo, Brasil. Junho 25 a 27, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Fracture-displacement; how much displacements is permitted? / Remodelling. In: 2° Curso AO Pediátrico. São Paulo, Brasil. Junho 25 a 27, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). AO Paediatric Group (PAEG): Developments / Projects / Education. In: 2° Curso AO Pediátrico. São Paulo, Brasil. Junho 25 a 27, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). The new Comprehensive AO Children Long Bone Fracture Classification. In: 2° Curso AO Pediátrico. São Paulo, Brasil. Junho 25 a 27, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Conservative management of fractures: fundamentals and basic principles / correct plaster cast / plaster cast wedging. In: 2° Curso AO Pediátrico. São Paulo, Brasil. Junho 25 a 27, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). History, Scientific basis and application of elastic nailing in childhood. In: 2° Curso AO Pediátrico. São Paulo, Brasil. Junho 25 a 27, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). The TEN System: Biomechanics, Implants, Technique, End Caps. In: 2° Curso AO Pediátrico. São Paulo, Brasil. Junho 25 a 27, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Cannulated Screws. In: 2° Curso AO Pediátrico. São Paulo, Brasil. Junho 25 a 27, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Proximal femoral fractures (without SUFE / SCFE). In: 2° Curso AO Pediátrico. São Paulo, Brasil. Junho 25 a 27, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Femoral fractures: What I have to do up to 3 year olds: traction, hip spica, elastic nails. In: 2° Curso AO Pediátrico. São Paulo, Brasil. Junho 25 a 27, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Supracondylar humerus fracture: Blount Method, ESIN and radial ExFix. In: 2° Curso AO Pediátrico. São Paulo, Brasil. Junho 25 a 27, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). European state of the art in the treatment of forearm shaft fractures today. In: 2° Curso AO Pediátrico. São Paulo, Brasil. Junho 25 a 27, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Radial neck fracture. In: 2° Curso AO Pediátrico. São Paulo, Brasil. Junho 25 a 27, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Problems and complications of tibial / fibular fractures. In: 2° Curso AO Pediátrico. São Paulo, Brasil. Junho 25 a 27, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Different treatment Philosophies in the treatment of lower leg fractures: central European perspective. In: 2° Curso AO Pediátrico. São Paulo, Brasil. Junho 25 a 27, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Spine fracture. In: 2° Curso AO Pediátrico. São Paulo, Brasil. Junho 25 a 27, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). The origin and treatment of post fracture deformity; what needs correction. In: 2° Curso AO Pediátrico. São Paulo, Brasil. Junho 25 a 27, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Osteotomy of the upper end of the femur: new approach. In: 2° Curso AO Pediátrico. São Paulo, Brasil. Junho 25 a 27, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Impingement Syndrome in young adults; does it exists? In: 2° Curso AO Pediátrico. São Paulo, Brasil. Junho 25 a 27, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). New aspects in SCFE. In: 2° Curso AO Pediátrico. São Paulo, Brasil. Junho 25 a 27, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). SCFE Video. In: 2° Curso AO Pediátrico. São Paulo, Brasil. Junho 25 a 27, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Discussion. In: 2° Curso AO Pediátrico. São Paulo, Brasil. Junho 25 a 27, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). End remarks / Evaluation. In: 2° Curso AO Pediátrico. São Paulo, Brasil. Junho 25 a 27, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Slongo Th: Der Weg zur Stabilitätsverbesserung bei ESIN Versorgung am Femur von der Idee zum Produkt. In: 28. Jahrestagung der Sektion Kindertraumatologie in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie e.V., 19.-20. Juni 2009, Mannheim, Deutschland.

Slongo, Theddy (2009). Offene Reposition. In: 12. Basler Symposium für Kinderorthopädie, das kindliche Hüftgelenk. Basel, Schweiz. 4./5. September 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Introduction to the Paediatric Course: Goal / Faculty / Participants (ARS). In: AO Trauma Paediatric Course. CMC Vellore, India. 10-12 September 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Adequate imaging and quality; x-ray / CT / MRI. In: AO Trauma Paediatric Course. CMC Vellore, India. 10-12 September 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). AO Paediatric Group (PAEG): Developments / Projects / Education. In: AO Trauma Paediatric Course. CMC Vellore, India. 10-12 September 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). The TEN System: Biomechanics, Implants, Technique, End Caps. In: AO Trauma Paediatric Course. CMC Vellore, India. 10-12 September 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Cannulated Screws. In: AO Trauma Paediatric Course. CMC Vellore, India. 10-12 September 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Proximal femoral fractures (without SUFE / SCFE). In: AO Trauma Paediatric Course. CMC Vellore, India. 10-12 September 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Femoral fractures: What I have to do up to 3 year olds: traction, hip spica, elastic nails. In: AO Trauma Paediatric Course. CMC Vellore, India. 10-12 September 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Proximal humerus and humeral shaft; Actual treatment in Europa. In: AO Trauma Paediatric Course. CMC Vellore, India. 10-12 September 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Supracondylar humerus fracture: Blount Method, ESIN and radial ExFix. In: AO Trauma Paediatric Course. CMC Vellore, India. 10-12 September 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Monteggia / Galeazzi Lesion. In: AO Trauma Paediatric Course. CMC Vellore, India. 10-12 September 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Radial neck fracture. In: AO Trauma Paediatric Course. CMC Vellore, India. 10-12 September 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Problems and Complications of fractures around the Knee. In: AO Trauma Paediatric Course. CMC Vellore, India. 10-12 September 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Problems and complications of tibial / fibular shaft fractures with ESIN. In: AO Trauma Paediatric Course. CMC Vellore, India. 10-12 September 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Distal tibial fractures: Tillaux / Two-plane / Triplane / ankle. In: AO Trauma Paediatric Course. CMC Vellore, India. 10-12 September 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Pelvic and acetabular fractures. In: AO Trauma Paediatric Course. CMC Vellore, India. 10-12 September 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). The origin and treatment of post fracture deformity; what needs correction. In: AO Trauma Paediatric Course. CMC Vellore, India. 10-12 September 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). When and why we plan implant removal? In: AO Trauma Paediatric Course. CMC Vellore, India. 10-12 September 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Osteotomy of the upper end of the femur: new approach. In: AO Trauma Paediatric Course. CMC Vellore, India. 10-12 September 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Impingment Syndrome in young adults; does it exists? In: AO Trauma Paediatric Course. CMC Vellore, India. 10-12 September 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Surgical Hip dislocation in Childhood; new view, new approach. In: AO Trauma Paediatric Course. CMC Vellore, India. 10-12 September 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Klassifikationen Frakturen im Kindesalter. In: 'VI. AO Kurs, Kindertraumatologie. Hamburg, Deutschland. 21.-23.09.2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Problemfälle Femur. In: 'VI. AO Kurs, Kindertraumatologie. Hamburg, Deutschland. 21.-23.09.2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Frakturen Kniegelenk / proximale Tibia. In: 'VI. AO Kurs, Kindertraumatologie. Hamburg, Deutschland. 21.-23.09.2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Korrektureingriffe untere Extremität. In: 'VI. AO Kurs, Kindertraumatologie. Hamburg, Deutschland. 21.-23.09.2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Generalidades y objetivos del Curso. In: Curso AO de Fijación Externa. Santiago, Chile. 5-7 Oct 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Traumatología infantil-politrauma. In: Curso AO de Fijación Externa. Santiago, Chile. 5-7 Oct 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Trucos y recomendaciones, areas de seguridad. In: Curso AO de Fijación Externa. Santiago, Chile. 5-7 Oct 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Fijadores circulars S. Antiguo-conceptos nuevos. In: Curso AO de Fijación Externa. Santiago, Chile. 5-7 Oct 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Alargamientos óseos con S. circular. In: Curso AO de Fijación Externa. Santiago, Chile. 5-7 Oct 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Circulares en adolescents y adulto joven. In: Curso AO de Fijación Externa. Santiago, Chile. 5-7 Oct 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Nuevos conceptos: alargamientos en casos complejos. In: Curso AO de Fijación Externa. Santiago, Chile. 5-7 Oct 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Intertrochantäre Osteotomien: OP-Technisches Update 2009. In: Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie. Berlin, Deutschland. 21.-24.10.09.

Slongo, Theddy (2009). Ring Fixator in Young Patient. In: Combined SICOT/RCOST 2009 annual Meeting. Pattaya, Thailand. 29.10.-01.11.2009.

Slongo, Theddy (2009). Deformity Correction in children and young adult. In: Combined SICOT/RCOST 2009 annual Meeting. Pattaya, Thailand. 29.10.-01.11.2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Selection of Treatment in diaphyseal and periarticular fractures. In: 7° Curso Avanzado de Malalineamiento, Alargamientos óseos y Reconstrucción de Extremidades. Medellín, Colombia. Noviembre 4 al 9 de 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Percutaneous Fixation method (cannulated scews and K wires). In: 7° Curso Avanzado de Malalineamiento, Alargamientos óseos y Reconstrucción de Extremidades. Medellín, Colombia. Noviembre 4 al 9 de 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Plates Fixation Method Principles (Approach, techniques). In: 7° Curso Avanzado de Malalineamiento, Alargamientos óseos y Reconstrucción de Extremidades. Medellín, Colombia. Noviembre 4 al 9 de 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Hip Malunions. In: 7° Curso Avanzado de Malalineamiento, Alargamientos óseos y Reconstrucción de Extremidades. Medellín, Colombia. Noviembre 4 al 9 de 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Tibia and Ankle deformities. In: 7° Curso Avanzado de Malalineamiento, Alargamientos óseos y Reconstrucción de Extremidades. Medellín, Colombia. Noviembre 4 al 9 de 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Clubfeet Method Tips and Tricks, Techniques. In: 7° Curso Avanzado de Malalineamiento, Alargamientos óseos y Reconstrucción de Extremidades. Medellín, Colombia. Noviembre 4 al 9 de 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Congenital Tibia Pseudoarthrosis (Approach, techniques). In: 7° Curso Avanzado de Malalineamiento, Alargamientos óseos y Reconstrucción de Extremidades. Medellín, Colombia. Noviembre 4 al 9 de 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Fibular Hemimelia When Amputation? In: 7° Curso Avanzado de Malalineamiento, Alargamientos óseos y Reconstrucción de Extremidades. Medellín, Colombia. Noviembre 4 al 9 de 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Surgical Luxation oft he Hip. In: 7° Curso Avanzado de Malalineamiento, Alargamientos óseos y Reconstrucción de Extremidades. Medellín, Colombia. Noviembre 4 al 9 de 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Pelvic Osteotomy (Indications and Techniques). In: 7° Curso Avanzado de Malalineamiento, Alargamientos óseos y Reconstrucción de Extremidades. Medellín, Colombia. Noviembre 4 al 9 de 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Surgical Techniques in SCFE. In: 7° Curso Avanzado de Malalineamiento, Alargamientos óseos y Reconstrucción de Extremidades. Medellín, Colombia. Noviembre 4 al 9 de 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Femoro-Acetabular Impingement. In: 7° Curso Avanzado de Malalineamiento, Alargamientos óseos y Reconstrucción de Extremidades. Medellín, Colombia. Noviembre 4 al 9 de 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Femoral Head Reduction Osteotomy. In: 7° Curso Avanzado de Malalineamiento, Alargamientos óseos y Reconstrucción de Extremidades. Medellín, Colombia. Noviembre 4 al 9 de 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Triple Osteotomy. In: Synthes Symposium. New Innovations for Trauma and Orthopedics in Children. Zürich Airport, Switzerland. November 19-20, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). LCP Pediatric Hip Plate. In: Synthes Symposium. New Innovations for Trauma and Orthopedics in Children. Zürich Airport, Switzerland. November 19-20, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Video of LCP Pediatric Hip Plate surgery. In: Synthes Symposium. New Innovations for Trauma and Orthopedics in Children. Zürich Airport, Switzerland. November 19-20, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). ChronOS Inject, a new way to treat benign bone cysts. In: Synthes Symposium. New Innovations for Trauma and Orthopedics in Children. Zürich Airport, Switzerland. November 19-20, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). TEN vs ALFN Indications. In: Synthes Symposium. New Innovations for Trauma and Orthopedics in Children. Zürich Airport, Switzerland. November 19-20, 2009.

Slongo, Th (2009). Non Union Tibia (inkl. Infekt Pseudoarthrose). In: 3. Ring-Fixateur Kurs (advanced), 27.11.09, Oberdorf, Schweiz.

Slongo, Th (2009). Indikationen obere Extremität. In: 3. Ring-Fixateur Kurs (advanced), 27.11.09, Oberdorf, Schweiz.

Slongo, Th (2009). Kindliche Frakturen. In: AO Trauma Fortgeschrittenen-Kurs für operative Frakturbehandlung, 5.-10.12.2009, Davos, Schweiz.

Slongo, T; Schmid, T; Wilkins, K; Joeris, A (2008). Lateral external fixation: a new surgical technique for displaced unreducible supracondylar humeral fractures in children. Journal of bone and joint surgery - American volume, 90(8), pp. 1690-7. Needham, Mass.: Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery Inc. 10.2106/JBJS.G.00528

Joeris, A; Berger, S; Grütter, T; Slongo, Th (2008). Pediatric Trauma Brain Injuries - Review and single centre experiences. In: 4 th International Meeting on Mild Trauma Brain Injuries in Sports, March 10th to 15t 2008. St. Moritz, Switzerland.

Joeris, A; Planka, L; Gal, P; Slongo, Th (2008). ChronOS TM Inject bei Kindern mit gutartigen Knochenzysten. In: 27. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie, Sektion Kindertraumatologie, 6.-7. Juni 2008. Mainz, Deutschland.

Leunig, M; Slongo, T; Ganz, R (2008). Subcapital realignment in slipped capital femoral epiphysis: surgical hip dislocation and trimming of the stable trochanter to protect the perfusion of the epiphysis. Instructional course lectures(57), pp. 499-507. St. Louis, Mo.: Mosby

Slongo, T (2008). Correction Osteotomy of Neglected Monteggia Lesion with an External Fixator. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, Oct-Nov 20(4-5), pp. 435-49. Heidelberg: Urban and Vogel 10.1007/s00064-008-1414-8

Slongo, T (2008). Ante- and Retrograde Intramedullary Nailing of Humerus Fractures. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, Oct-No(4-5), pp. 373-86. Heidelberg: Urban and Vogel 10.1007/s00064-008-1409-5

Slongo, T (2008). Intertrochanteric Osteotomy of the Proximal Femur in Childhood. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, Oct-Nov 20(4-5), pp. 334-53. Heidelberg: Urban and Vogel 10.1007/s00064-008-1406-8

Slongo, Th (2008). Antero- und retrograde elastisch-stabile Markraumschienung (ESIN) bei Humerusfrakturen im Kindesalter. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 20(4-5), pp. 373-386. Heidelberg: Springer-Medizin-Verlag

Slongo, Th (2008). Osteotomien am proximalen Femur bei Kindern. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 20(4-5), pp. 334-353. Heidelberg: Springer-Medizin-Verlag

Maile, S; Slongo, T (2007). Atlantoaxial rotatory subluxation: Realignment and discharge within 48 h. Emergency medicine journal, 14(3), 167 - 9. London: BMJ Publishing Group 10.1097/MEJ.0b013e328014081c

Slongo, T; Audige, L; Lutz, N; Frick, S; Schmittenbecher, P; Hunter, J; Clavert, JM (2007). Documentation of fracture severity with the AO classification of pediatric long-bone fractures. Acta orthopaedica, 78(2), 247 - 53. Oslo: Informa Healthcare 10.1080/17453670710013753

Slongo, T; Audige, L; Clavert, JM; Lutz, N; Frick, S; Hunter, J (2007). The AO comprehensive classification of pediatric long-bone fractures: a web-based multicenter agreement study. Journal of pediatric orthopedics. Part B, 27(2), 171 - 80. Hagerstown, Md.: Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/01.bpb.0000248569.43251.f9

Slongo, T; Audigé, L; Schlickewei, W (2007). Development and validation of the AO pediatric comprehensive classification of long-bone fractures by the Pediatric Expert Group of the AO Foundation in collaboration with AO Clinical Investigation and Documentation and the International Association for Pediatric Traumatology. Journal of pediatric orthopedics. Part B, 26(1), 43 - 49. Hagerstown, Md.: Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/01.bpo.0000187989.64021.ml

Slongo, T; Audigé, L (2007). AO Klassifikation für Frakturen im Kindesalter. In: , (ed.) (pp. 30-33). Darmstadt: Steinkopff Verlag

Leunig, M; Slongo, T; Kleinschmidt, M; Ganz, R (2007). Subcapital correction osteotomy in slipped capital femoral epiphysis by means of surgical hip dislocation. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 19(4), 389 -410. Heidelberg: Springer-Medizin-Verlag 10.1007/s00064-007-1213-7

Slongo, T; Audigé, L (2007). Appendix - AO Comprehensive classification of pediatric long-bone fractures. In: Stuttgart-New York/Athen: Thieme

Slongo, Theddy; Hunter, Jacob B (2007). Pediatric fractures. In: Rüedi, Thomas; Buckley, Richard E; Moran, Christopher G (eds.) AO principles of fracture management (pp. 291-423). Stuttgart New York: Thieme

Stäbe-Heyl, J; Slongo, T; Beck, M; Ganz, R (2006). Bilateral post-traumatic acetabular dysplasia. Orthopäde, 35(5), pp. 566-70. Heidelberg: Springer-Medizin-Verlag 10.1007/s00132-006-0933-y

Joeris, Alexander; Bansi, Gretel; Knorr, Peter; Lieber, Justus; Schalamon, Peter; Slongo, Theddy (2005). ESIN in Femur Fractures. European journal of trauma, 31(1), pp. 24-32. Urban & Vogel 10.1007/s00068-005-1075-3

Joeris, Alexander; Bansi, Gretel; Knorr, Peter; Lieber, Justus; Schalamon, Johannes; Slongo, Theddy (2005). ESIN in Femur Fractures. European journal of trauma, 31(2), p. 194. Urban & Vogel 10.1007/s00068-005-9205-5

Sommer, Grit

Minger, M; Sommer, G; Mitter, V; Purtschert, L; von Wolff, M; Kohl Schwartz, Alexandra (2021). Childhood growth of singletons conceived following in vitro fertilization (IVF) - does gonadotropin-stimulation matter? Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie, 225(Suppl 1), e48-e48. Thieme

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Stamm, Anna-Christina

Krokidis, Miltiadis; Tappero, Carlo Mario Stefano; Bogdanovic, Daniel; Ziebarth, Kai; Stamm, Anna-Christina (2017). Computed tomography guided navigation assisted percutaneous ablation of osteoid osteoma in a 7-year-old patient: the low dose approach. Skeletal radiology, 46(7), pp. 989-993. Springer 10.1007/s00256-017-2620-y

Stankovic, Zoran

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Starvaggi, Carl Alessandro

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Steffen, Christoph

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Steiner, Isabelle

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Steiner, Isabelle; Balsiger, Audrey; Goldszmidt, Mark; Huwendiek, Sören (2020). Innovating Pediatric Emergency Care and Learning Through Interprofessional Briefing and Workplace-Based Assessment. Pediatric emergency care, 36(12), pp. 575-581. Wolters Kluwer Health 10.1097/PEC.0000000000002218

Steiner, Isabelle; Huwendiek, Sören (16 September 2016). Sind „feed forward“ und interprofessionelle Mini-CEX sinnvolle Instrumente zur Unterstützung des Lernens von Assistenz-Ärztinnen und -Ärzten bei der Behandlung von kritisch kranken Kindern? In: Jahrestagung GMA. Abstractband. Bern. 14.-17.09.2016. 10.3205/16gma122

Krings, Rabea; Feller, Sabine; Wiedemar, Lina; Schnabel, Kai; Steiner, Isabelle; Merz, Franziska; Steinlin, Maja; Kroiss Benninger, Sabine; Brem, Beate; Wagner, Felicitas Lony; Huwendiek, Sören (16 September 2016). Grundschulkinder als standardisierte Patienten in einer regulären summativen OSCE-Prüfung: eine Mixed Method Studie bezüglich Fairness, Akzeptanz, Machbarkeit und „Educational Impact“ aus Sicht der Beteiligten. In: Jahrestagung GMA. Abstractband. Bern. 14.-17.09.2016. 10.3205/16gma181

Steinlin, Maja

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Studer, Martina; Goeggel Simonetti, Barbara; Heinks Maldonado, Theda; Steinlin, Maja; Leichtle, Alexander Benedikt; Berger, Steffen Michael; Joeris, Alexander (2015). Acute S100B in serum is associated with cognitive symptoms and memory performance 4 months after paediatric mild traumatic brain injury. Brain injury, 29(13-14), pp. 1667-1673. Informa Healthcare 10.3109/02699052.2015.1075250

Studer, M.; Goeggel, Barbara; Joeris, Alexander; Margelisch, Katja; Steinlin, Maja; Roebers, Claudia M.; Heinks, T. (2014). Post-concussive symptoms and neuropsychological performance in the post-acute period following pediatric mild traumatic brain injury. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 20(10), pp. 982-993. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S1355617714000927

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Steppacher, Simon Damian

Lerch, Till D; Kaim, Tilman; Grob, Valentin; Hanke, Markus; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon D; Busch, Jasmin D; Ziebarth, Kai (2024). MR-based Bony 3D models enable radiation-free preoperative patient-specific analysis and 3D printing for SCFE patients. Journal of children's orthopaedics Sage 10.1177/18632521241229618

Siebenrock, Klaus A; Steppacher, Simon D; Ziebarth, Kai; Schwab, Joseph M; Büchler, Lorenz (2024). Modified Dunn Procedure for Open Reduction of Chronic Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis. JBJS essential surgical techniques, 14(3) Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 10.2106/JBJS.ST.23.00072

Leibold, Christiane Sylvia; Whitlock, Patrick; Schmaranzer, Florian; Ziebarth, Kai; Tannast, Moritz; Steppacher, Simon Damian (2023). Development of acetabular retroversion in LCPD hips-an observational radiographic study from early stage to healing. Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery, 143(7), pp. 3945-3956. Springer 10.1007/s00402-022-04612-0

Lerch, Till D; Kaim, Tilman; Hanke, Markus S; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon D; Busch, Jasmin D.; Novais, Eduardo N; Ziebarth, Kai (2023). Assessment of femoral retroversion on preoperative hip magnetic resonance imaging in patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis: Theoretical implications for hip impingement risk estimation. Journal of children's orthopaedics, 17(2), pp. 116-125. Sage 10.1177/18632521221149044

Lerch, Till; Hanke, Markus; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Busch, Jasmin D.; Ziebarth, Kai; Schmaranzer, Florian (2023). Two third of Symptomatic SCFE Patients exhibit Peritubercle edema combined with edema of the physis and joint effusion on preoperative MRI (Unpublished). In: European Congress of Radiology (ECR), 2023. Vienna. March 2023.

Lerch, Till; Hanke, Markus; Schmaranzer, Florian; Busch, Jasmin D.; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Ziebarth, Kai (June 2022). Longterm radiographic followup of patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis that underwent modified Dunn procedure (Unpublished). In: SCR (Swiss Congress of Radiology).

Lerch, Till; Schmaranzer, Florian; Hanke, Markus; Ziebarth, Kai; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Busch, Jasmin D. (June 2022). MRI based measurement of femoral version for pediatric patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis and Perthes disease with T1 VIBE DIXON (Unpublished). In: SCR (Swiss Congress of Radiology).

Lerch, Till; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Hanke, Markus; Ziebarth, Kai; Busch, Jasmin D. (June 2022). Classification of SCFE Severity on lateral radiograph of symptomatic SCFE Patients changes compared to preoperative MRI (Unpublished). In: ESSR Annual Scientific Meeting (European Society of Skeletal Radiology).

Lerch, Till; Hanke, Markus; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Ziebarth, Kai; Busch, Jasmin D. (June 2022). MR-based 3D-models for SCFE patients for patient-specific preoperative planning of modified Dunn procedure or hip preservation surgery -feasibility study (Unpublished). In: ESSR Annual Scientific Meeting (European Society of Skeletal Radiology).

Lerch, Till; Kaim, Tilman; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Schmaranzer, Florian; Hanke, Markus; Busch, Jasmin D.; Ziebarth, Kai (June 2022). Slip angle on preoperative MRI changes severity classification of pediatric patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis (Unpublished). In: 56th Annual Meeting and the 42nd Post Graduate Course of the European Society of Paediatric Radiology.

Lerch, Till D.; Boschung, Adam; Leibold, Christiane; Kalla, Roger; Kerkeni, Hassen; Baur, Heiner; Eichelberger, Patric; Steppacher, Simon D.; Liechti, Emanuel F.; Siebenrock, Klaus A.; Tannast, Moritz; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). Minimal Out-Toeing and Good Hip Scores of Severe SCFE Patients Treated With Modified Dunn Procedure and Contralateral Prophylactic Pinning at Minimal 5-year Follow up. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 42(5), e421-e426. Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BPO.0000000000002127

Lerch, Till; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon D.; Ziebarth, Kai; Tannast, Moritz; Siebenrock, Klaus A. (2022). Most of patients with femoral derotation osteotomy for posterior extraarticular hip impingement and high femoral version would do surgery again. Hip International, 32(2), pp. 253-264. SAGE Publications 10.1177/1120700020953100

Lerch, Till; Boschung, Adam; Leibold, Christiane Sylvia; Hanke, Markus; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Ziebarth, Kai; Kalla, Roger; Baur, Heiner; Eichelberger, Patric; Tannast, Moritz; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (October 2020). Normal Gait And Normal Hip Function At Longterm Followup In Severe SCFE Patients Treated With A Modified Dunn Procedure-Gait Analysis Study (Unpublished). In: EFORT Virtual Congress (European Federation of Orthopaedics and Traumatology).

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Lerch, Till D.; Novais, Eduardo N.; Schmaranzer, Florian; Ziebarth, Kai; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Tannast, Moritz; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (2019). What Is the Prevalence of Cam Deformity After Prophylactic Pinning of the Contralateral Asymptomatic Hip in Unilateral Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis? A 10-year Minimum Followup Study. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 477(5), pp. 1111-1122. Springer-Verlag 10.1097/CORR.0000000000000592

Lerch, T. D.; Vuilleumier, S.; Schmaranzer, F.; Ziebarth, K.; Steppacher, S. D.; Tannast, M.; Siebenrock, K. A. (2019). Patients with severe slipped capital femoral epiphysis treated by the modified Dunn procedure have low rates of avascular necrosis, good outcomes, and little osteoarthritis at long-term follow-up. The Bone & Joint Journal, 101-B(4), pp. 403-414. British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery 10.1302/0301-620X.101B4.BJJ-2018-1303.R1

Ziebarth, Kai; Milosevic, Milan; Lerch, Till; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Slongo, Theddy; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (2017). High Survivorship and Little Osteoarthritis at 10-year Followup in SCFE Patients Treated With a Modified Dunn Procedure. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 475(4), pp. 1212-1228. Springer 10.1007/s11999-017-5252-6

Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno; Anwander, Helen; Zurmühle, Corinne; Tannast, Moritz; Slongo, Theddy; Steppacher, Simon Damian (2015). Head Reduction Osteotomy With Additional Containment Surgery Improves Sphericity and Containment and Reduces Pain in Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 473(4), pp. 1274-1283. Springer 10.1007/s11999-014-4048-1

Stern, Robert

Enkling, Norbert; Utz, Karl Heinz; Bayer, Stefan; Stern, Regina Mericske (2010). Osseoperception: active tactile sensibility of osseointegrated dental implants. International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants, 25(6), pp. 1159-67. Hanover Park, Ill.: Quintessence Publ.

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Stranzinger, Enno

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Zaccaria, Laura; Stranzinger, Enno; Xydias, Theodoros; Schaedelin, Sabine; Ziebarth, Kai; Trück, Mike; Sommer-Joergensen, Vivienne; Aufdenblatten, Christoph; Klimek, Peter Michael (2023). Partial Remodeling after Conservative Treatment of Trampoline Fractures in Children. Children, 10(2), p. 282. MDPI 10.3390/children10020282

Willers, Corin; Maager, Lukas; Bauman, Grzegorz; Cholewa, Dietmar; Stranzinger, Enno; Raio, Luigi; Casaulta, Carmen; Latzin, Philipp (2022). School-age structural and functional MRI and lung function in children following lung resection for congenital lung malformation in infancy. Pediatric radiology, 52(7), pp. 1255-1265. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00247-022-05317-7

Bartenstein, Andreas; Stranzinger, Enno; Ziebarth, Kai (2019). Traitement des fractures-un guide pratique. Paediatrica, 30(2), pp. 9-18. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Pädiatrie SGP

König, Christa; Stranzinger, Enno; Berger, Steffen Michael; Löllgen, Ruth Mari Caroline (9 June 2016). Foreign body aspiration and ingestion in children in a Swiss tertiary pediatric emergency department (Unpublished). In: SGP 2016. Bern. 09.-10.06.2016.

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Dobrocky, Tomas; Ebner, Lukas Michael; Liniger, Benjamin; Weisstanner, Christian; Stranzinger, Enno (2015). Pre- and postnatal imaging of Pai syndrome with spontaneous intrauterine closure of a frontal cephalocele. Pediatric radiology, 45(6), pp. 936-940. Springer 10.1007/s00247-014-3205-8

Kohlhof, Hendrik; Heidt, Christoph; Bähler, Alexandrine; Kohl, Sandro; Gravius, Sascha; Friedrich, Max; Ziebarth, Kai; Stranzinger, Enno (2015). Can 3D ultrasound identify trochlea dysplasia in newborns? Evaluation and applicability of a technique. European journal of radiology, 84(6), pp. 1159-1164. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ejrad.2015.03.015

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Stranzinger, E.; Bähler, A.; Heverhagen, J.T.; Ziebarth, K.; Kohlhof, H. (9 March 2014). 3D ultrasound of the femoro-patellar articulation in newborns (Unpublished). In: European Congress of Radiology (ECR). Vienna, Austria. 06.-10.03.2014.

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Klimek, Peter Michael; Klimek, Miriam; Kessler, Ulf; Oesch, Valerie; Wolf, Rainer; Stranzinger, Enno; Mueller, Michael D.; Zachariou, Zacharias (2012). Hematometra presenting as an acute abdomen in a 13-year-old postmenarchal girl: a case report. Journal of medical case reports, 6(1), p. 419. London: BioMed Central 10.1186/1752-1947-6-419

Streibel, Carmen

Streibel, Carmen; Willers, C Corin; Bauman, Grzegorz; Pusterla, Orso; Bieri, Oliver; Curdy, Marion; Horn, Matthias; Casaulta, Carmen; Berger, Steffen; Dekany, Gabriela Marta; Kieninger, Elisabeth; Bartenstein, Andreas; Latzin, Philipp (2024). Long-term pulmonary outcome of children with congenital diaphragmatic hernia: functional lung MRI using matrix-pencil decomposition enables side-specific assessment of lung function. European radiology, 34(6), pp. 3773-3785. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00330-023-10395-8

Studer, Martina

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Suter, Franziska Marta

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Tannast, Moritz

Lerch, Till D.; Boschung, Adam; Leibold, Christiane; Kalla, Roger; Kerkeni, Hassen; Baur, Heiner; Eichelberger, Patric; Steppacher, Simon D.; Liechti, Emanuel F.; Siebenrock, Klaus A.; Tannast, Moritz; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). Minimal Out-Toeing and Good Hip Scores of Severe SCFE Patients Treated With Modified Dunn Procedure and Contralateral Prophylactic Pinning at Minimal 5-year Follow up. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 42(5), e421-e426. Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BPO.0000000000002127

Lerch, Till; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon D.; Ziebarth, Kai; Tannast, Moritz; Siebenrock, Klaus A. (2022). Most of patients with femoral derotation osteotomy for posterior extraarticular hip impingement and high femoral version would do surgery again. Hip International, 32(2), pp. 253-264. SAGE Publications 10.1177/1120700020953100

Kaiser, Nadine; Jakob, Roland P.; Pagenstert, Geert; Tannast, Moritz; Petek, Daniel (2021). Stable clinical long term results after AMIC in the aligned knee. Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery, 141(11), pp. 1845-1854. Springer 10.1007/s00402-020-03564-7

Lerch, Till; Boschung, Adam; Leibold, Christiane Sylvia; Hanke, Markus; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Ziebarth, Kai; Kalla, Roger; Baur, Heiner; Eichelberger, Patric; Tannast, Moritz; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (October 2020). Normal Gait And Normal Hip Function At Longterm Followup In Severe SCFE Patients Treated With A Modified Dunn Procedure-Gait Analysis Study (Unpublished). In: EFORT Virtual Congress (European Federation of Orthopaedics and Traumatology).

Lerch, Till D.; Novais, Eduardo N.; Schmaranzer, Florian; Ziebarth, Kai; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Tannast, Moritz; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (2019). What Is the Prevalence of Cam Deformity After Prophylactic Pinning of the Contralateral Asymptomatic Hip in Unilateral Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis? A 10-year Minimum Followup Study. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 477(5), pp. 1111-1122. Springer-Verlag 10.1097/CORR.0000000000000592

Lerch, T. D.; Vuilleumier, S.; Schmaranzer, F.; Ziebarth, K.; Steppacher, S. D.; Tannast, M.; Siebenrock, K. A. (2019). Patients with severe slipped capital femoral epiphysis treated by the modified Dunn procedure have low rates of avascular necrosis, good outcomes, and little osteoarthritis at long-term follow-up. The Bone & Joint Journal, 101-B(4), pp. 403-414. British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery 10.1302/0301-620X.101B4.BJJ-2018-1303.R1

Tannast, Moritz; Jost, Lukas M.; Lerch, Till; Schmaranzer, Florian; Ziebarth, Kai; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (2017). The modified Dunn procedure for slipped capital femoral epiphysis: the Bernese experience. Journal of children's orthopaedics JCO, 11(2), pp. 138-146. Springer 10.1302/1863-2548-11-170046

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Tapia, Coya

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Udhane, Sameer Sopanrao

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Ulmer, Francis

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Weisstanner, Christian

Dobrocky, Tomas; Ebner, Lukas Michael; Liniger, Benjamin; Weisstanner, Christian; Stranzinger, Enno (2015). Pre- and postnatal imaging of Pai syndrome with spontaneous intrauterine closure of a frontal cephalocele. Pediatric radiology, 45(6), pp. 936-940. Springer 10.1007/s00247-014-3205-8

Wiedemar, Lina

Krings, Rabea; Feller, Sabine; Wiedemar, Lina; Schnabel, Kai; Steiner, Isabelle; Merz, Franziska; Steinlin, Maja; Kroiss Benninger, Sabine; Brem, Beate; Wagner, Felicitas Lony; Huwendiek, Sören (16 September 2016). Grundschulkinder als standardisierte Patienten in einer regulären summativen OSCE-Prüfung: eine Mixed Method Studie bezüglich Fairness, Akzeptanz, Machbarkeit und „Educational Impact“ aus Sicht der Beteiligten. In: Jahrestagung GMA. Abstractband. Bern. 14.-17.09.2016. 10.3205/16gma181

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Willers, Christoph Corin

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Willers, Corin; Maager, Lukas; Bauman, Grzegorz; Cholewa, Dietmar; Stranzinger, Enno; Raio, Luigi; Casaulta, Carmen; Latzin, Philipp (2022). School-age structural and functional MRI and lung function in children following lung resection for congenital lung malformation in infancy. Pediatric radiology, 52(7), pp. 1255-1265. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00247-022-05317-7

Wirtz, Christian

Kohlhof, H.; Ziebarth, K.; Gravius, S.; Wirtz, D.C.; Siebenrock, K.A. (2013). Operative treatment of congenital hip osteoarthritis with high hip luxation (Crowe type IV). Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 25(5), pp. 469-482. Springer Berlin Heidelberg 10.1007/s00064-013-0241-8

Wolf, Rainer Walter

Klimek, Peter Michael; Juen, David; Stranzinger, Enno; Wolf, Rainer Walter; Slongo, Theddy (2013). Trampoline related injuries in children: risk factors and radiographic findings. World journal of pediatrics WJP, 9(2), pp. 169-174. Hangzhou: SP Children’s Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine 10.1007/s12519-013-0416-2

Evangelopoulos, S.D.; von Tobel, M; Cholewa, D; Wolf, R; Exadaktylos, K.A.; Zachariou, Z (2010). Impact of Lodox Statscan on Radiation Dose and Screening Time in Paediatric Trauma Patients. European journal of pediatric surgery, 20(6), pp. 382-386. Stuttgart: Thieme 10.1055/s-0030-1261941

Liniger, Benjamin; Wolf, Rainer Walter; Fleischmann, Achim; Kluwe, Wolfram (2009). Local resection of metanephric adenoma with kidney preservation. Journal of pediatric surgery, 44(8), E21-3. Orlando, Fla.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2009.05.028

Wyss, Thomas

Kissling, Pascal; Wyss, Thomas; Constantinescu, Mihai Adrian; Berger, Steffen Michael; Surke, Carsten; Carrel, Thierry; Schmidli, Jürg (2018). Erfolgreiche Oberarm-Replantation. Swiss Medical Forum, 18(5), pp. 114-117. EMH Swiss Medical Publishers 10.4414/smf.2018.03181

Wüest, Alyssa Laurence

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Zaccaria, Laura

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Zachariou, Zacharias

Rachmani, Evangelia; Zachariou, Zacharias; Kessler, Ulf (2013). Aseptic intussuscepted incidental appendectomy: three successful cases. World journal of pediatrics WJP, 9(4), pp. 369-372. Hangzhou: Springer Berlin Heidelberg 10.1007/s12519-013-0422-4

Berger, Steffen; Rufener, Janine; Klimek, Peter; Zachariou, Zacharias; Boillat, Colette (2012). Effects of potato-derived protease inhibitors on perianal dermatitis after colon resection for long-segment Hirschsprung's disease. World journal of pediatrics WJP, 8(2), pp. 173-176. Hangzhou: SP Children’s Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine 10.1007/s12519-012-0356-2

Berger, Steffen Michael; Göppl, Maximilian; Tzantzaroudis, E; Engel, Veronika; Zachariou, Zacharias (2012). Präoperative Kompressions-Behandlung grosser Omphalozelen. Päd - praktische Pädiatrie, 2012(18), pp. 275-280. Hamburg: OmniMed-Verl.-Ges.

Klimek, Peter Michael; Klimek, Miriam; Kessler, Ulf; Oesch, Valerie; Wolf, Rainer; Stranzinger, Enno; Mueller, Michael D.; Zachariou, Zacharias (2012). Hematometra presenting as an acute abdomen in a 13-year-old postmenarchal girl: a case report. Journal of medical case reports, 6(1), p. 419. London: BioMed Central 10.1186/1752-1947-6-419

Rachmani, E; Zachariou, Z; Snyder, H; Hadziselimovic, F (2012). Complete Testis-Epididymis Nonfusion Anomaly: A Typical Association with Cryptorchid Testis. Urologia internationalis, 89(3), pp. 355-357. Basel: Karger 10.1159/000342665

Zachariou, Z (2011). Bauchschmerzen beim Kind. Therapeutische Umschau, 68 (8), pp. 444-448. Bern: Huber

Kessler, Ulf; Grau, Tamar; Gronchi, Fabrizio; Berger, Steffen; Brandt, Sebastian; Bracht, Hendrik; Marcucci, Carlo; Zachariou, Zacharias; Jakob, Stephan M (2011). Comparison of porcine and human coagulation by thrombelastometry. Thrombosis research, 128(5), pp. 477-82. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.thromres.2011.03.013

Evangelopoulos, S.D.; von Tobel, M; Cholewa, D; Wolf, R; Exadaktylos, K.A.; Zachariou, Z (2010). Impact of Lodox Statscan on Radiation Dose and Screening Time in Paediatric Trauma Patients. European journal of pediatric surgery, 20(6), pp. 382-386. Stuttgart: Thieme 10.1055/s-0030-1261941

Zachariou, Zacharias (ed.) (2009). Pediatric Surgery Digest. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag 10.1007/978-3-540-34033-1

Bartenstein, Andreas; Cholewa, Dietmar; Boillat, Colette; Zachariou, Zacharias (2009). Dissection of the Appendix with Ultrasound-Activated Scalpel: An Experimental Study in Pediatric Laparoscopic Appendectomy. Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques, 20(2), pp. 199-204. New York, N.Y.: Mary Ann Liebert 10.1089/lap.2009.0028

Kessler, Ulf; Ebneter, Marc; Zachariou, Zacharias; Berger, Steffen (2009). Postoperative sepsis in infants below 6 months of age. World journal of pediatrics WJP, 5(2), pp. 113-7. Hangzhou: SP Children’s Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine 10.1007/s12519-009-0022-5

Boemers, T M; Städtler, C; Schnyder, I; Zachariou, Z (2009). Covered Bladder Exstrophy with Scrotal Duplication. European journal of pediatric surgery, -(-), -. Stuttgart: Thieme 10.1055/s-0029-1216377

Wildhaber, B; Majno, P; Mayr, J; Zachariou, Z; Hohlfeld, J; Schwoebel, M; Kistler, W; Meuli, M; Le Coultre, C; Mentha, G; Belli, D; Chardot, Ch (2008). Biliary Atresia: Swiss National Study, 1994 - 2004. Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, 46(3), pp. 299-307. Hagerstown, Md.: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/MPG.0b013e3181633562

Eggensperger Wymann, Nicole M; Hölzle, Alexander; Zachariou, Zacharias; Iizuka, Tateyuki (2008). Pediatric craniofacial trauma. Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery, 66(1), pp. 58-64. Maryland Heights, Mo.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.joms.2007.04.023

Schulte, D; Cholewa, D; Casaulta, C; Zachariou, Z (2008). Die Rolle der Thorakoskopie beim kindlichen Spontanpneumothorax. Praxis - schweizerische Rundschau für Medizin, 1033 - 1036. Bern: Huber

Oesch, Valérie; Zachariou, Zacharias (2008). Kindesmisshandlung und Vernachlässigung. In: Jacobi, Gert (ed.) Kindesmisshandlung aus kinderchirurgischer Sicht (pp. 297-318). Bern: Huber

Cholewa, D; Zachariou, Z (2008). Laparoskopie bei chronischer Appendizitis - invasive Diagnostik der chronisch rezidivierenden Bauchschmerzen. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde, 156(Suppl 1), p. 96. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag

Berger, S; Wagner, B; Raio, L; Nelle, M; Zachariou, Z (2008). Delayed closure of large ompahloceles after external compression of the ompahlocele sac. Päd - praktische Pädiatrie OmniMed-Verl.-Ges.

Kessler, U; Zachariou, Z (2008). Gerinnungsstörungen im Kindesalter. In: Gerinnungsstörungen im Kindesalter.

Kessler, U; Zachariou, Z (2008). Dilutionskoagulopathie. Swiss perfusion, 22(2008), pp. 4-8. Bern: Schweizer Gesellschaft für Perfusionstechniken SGfP

Cholewa, Dietmar; Waldschmidt, Ulrike; Zachariou, Zacharias (2008). Differentiallasertherapie kongenitaler vaskulärer Erkrankungen. In: 125. Kongress Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie. Berlin, Germany. 22-25. April 2008.

Cholewa, D; Hunger, RE; Obregon, C; Zachariou, Z (2008). In vitro Kinetics of Protoporphyrin IX Production on Neuroblastoma with 5-Aminolevulinic Acid and its Hexylester. In: Annual Research Day , Nov. 8th 2008. Research Department University Bern, Switzerland.

Cholewa, D; Berger, S; Wolf, R; Exadaktylos, A; Zachariou, Z (2008). Low Dosis Digitales Ganzkörperröntgen (LODOX) beim mehrfach verletzten Kind. Berliner Journal für Soziologie(April), pp. 22-25. Berlin: Akademie Verlag

Cholewa, D; Hunger, RE; Obregon, C; Zachariou, Z (2008). Annual Research Day, 8th November.

Klimek, P; Kessler, U; Schibli, S; Berger, S; Zachariou, Z (2008). Gallensteine bei Kindern. Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum SMF / Swiss medical forum / Forum médical suisse FMS Basel: EMH Editores Medicorum Helveticorum

Seibel, Kerstin; Berdat, Pascal; Boillat, Colette; Wagner, Bendicht; Zachariou, Zacharias; Kessler, Ulf (2008). Hemostasis management in pediatric mechanical circulatory support. Annals of thoracic surgery, 85(4), pp. 1453-6. New York, N.Y.: Elsevier 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2007.10.039

Gougoudi, E; Pikoulis, E; Karavokyros, I; Gorgas, K; Felekouras, E; Georgopoulos, S; Tsigris, C; Giannopoulos, A; Zachariou, Z (2007). Outcome of Fowler-Stephens operation for undescended testes. Experimental study. Journal of andrology, 28(6), pp. 813-820. Philadelphia, Pa.: Lippincott 10.2164/jandrol.106.002212

Waldschmidt, U; Berger, S; Zachariou, Z (2007). Die Behandlung von Hämangiomen im Kindesalter. Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum SMF / Swiss medical forum / Forum médical suisse FMS(7), 613 - 620. Basel: EMH Editores Medicorum Helveticorum

Tang, D; Gorgas, K; Zachariou, Z (2007). Effects of laparoscopic division of spermatic vessels on histological changes of testes: long-term observation in the model of prepubertal rat. Pediatric surgery international, 24(2), pp. 213-217. Berlin: Springer 10.1007/s00383-007-2064-x

Kessler, U; Mungnirandr, A; Nelle, M; Nimmo, A F; Zachariou, Z; Berger, S (2006). A simple presurgical necrotizing enterocolitis-mortality scoring system. Journal of perinatology, 26(12), pp. 764-8. New York, N.Y.: Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/sj.jp.7211613

Kessler, Ulf; Guenther, Patrick; Zachariou, Zacharias (2006). The relationship between coagulation and the extend of surgery and postoperative infection in surgical infants below 6 months of age. Clinical hemorheology and microcirculation, 34(3), pp. 447-52. Amsterdam: IOS Press

Berger, Steffen Michael; Göppl, Maximilian; Zachariou, Zacharias (2005). The syndromology of anorectal malformations revisited: from patterns of associated malformations to the recognition of syndromes. World journal of pediatrics WJP, 1(1), pp. 8-14. Hangzhou: Institute of Pediatrics

Kessler, Ulf; Zachariou, Zacharias; Raz, Dorothea; Poeschl, Johannes; Linderkamp, Otwin (2005). Effects of Intralipid infusion on hemorheology and peripheral resistance in neonates and children. Pediatric surgery international, 21(3), pp. 197-202. Springer-Verlag 10.1007/s00383-004-1319-z

Zahnd, Daniela

Zahnd, D (2006). Fehler verarbeiten statt Schuld zuweisen.

Zdanowicz, Jarmila Anna

Purtschert, Livia Amanda; Mitter, Vera Ruth; Zdanowicz, Jarmila Anna; Minger, Mirja Amadea; Spaeth, Anna; von Wolff, Michael; Kohl Schwartz, Alexandra Sabrina (2021). Breastfeeding following in vitro fertilisation in Switzerland-Does mode of conception affect breastfeeding behaviour? Acta paediatrica, 110(4), pp. 1171-1180. Wiley 10.1111/apa.15553

Zeino, Mazen

Oppelt, Peter; Binder, Helge; Birraux, Jacques; Brucker, Sara; Dingeldein, Irene; Draths, Ruth; Eckoldt, Felicitas; Füllers, Ulrich; Hiort, Olaf; Hoffmann, Dorit; Hoopmann, Markus; Hucke, Jürgen; Korell, Matthias; Kühnert, Maritta; Ludwikowski, Barbara; Mentzel, Hans-Joachim; Mon OʼDey, Dan; Rall, Katharina; Riccabona, Michael; Rimbach, Stefan; ... (2021). Diagnosis and Therapy of Female Genital Malformations (Part 1). Guideline of the DGGG, OEGGG and SGGG (S2k Level, AWMF Registry Number 015/052, May 2019). Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde, 81(12), pp. 1307-1328. Thieme 10.1055/a-1471-4781

Oppelt, Peter; Binder, Helge; Birraux, Jacques; Brucker, Sara; Dingeldein, Irene; Draths, Ruth; Eckoldt, Felicitas; Füllers, Ulrich; Hiort, Olaf; Hoffmann, Dorit; Hoopmann, Markus; Hucke, Jürgen; Korell, Matthias; Kühnert, Maritta; Ludwikowski, Barbara; Mentzel, Hans-Joachim; Mon OʼDey, Dan; Rall, Katharina; Riccabona, Michael; Rimbach, Stefan; ... (2021). Diagnosis and Therapy of Female Genital Malformations (Part 2). Guideline of the DGGG, OEGGG and SGGG (S2k Level, AWMF Registry Number 015/052, May 2019). Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde, 81(12), pp. 1329-1347. Thieme 10.1055/a-1471-4988

Santi, Maristella; Grafmüller, Stefanie; Zeino, Mazen; Cools, Martine; Van De Vijver, Koen; Trippel, Mafalda; Aliu, Nijas; Flück, Christa E (2021). Approach to the Virilizing Girl at Puberty. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 106(5), pp. 1530-1539. Oxford University Press 10.1210/clinem/dgaa948

Vuille-dit-Bille, RN; Leu, S.; R. Delcont, M.; Kessler, Ulf; Zeino, M.; Klimek, P (2018). Urethral Duplications in Children - A Case Series. Clinics in Surgery, 3, pp. 1-4. Remedy Publications LLC.

Ziebarth, Kai

Bullmann, T; Stucki, C; Kaiser, N; Ziebarth, K (2024). [Fractures of the lateral condyle of the humerus in children : High risk of secondary dislocation with conservative treatment]. Unfallchirurgie, 127(7), pp. 522-530. Springer 10.1007/s00113-024-01432-2

Lerch, Till D; Kaim, Tilman; Grob, Valentin; Hanke, Markus; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon D; Busch, Jasmin D; Ziebarth, Kai (2024). MR-based Bony 3D models enable radiation-free preoperative patient-specific analysis and 3D printing for SCFE patients. Journal of children's orthopaedics Sage 10.1177/18632521241229618

Siebenrock, Klaus A; Steppacher, Simon D; Ziebarth, Kai; Schwab, Joseph M; Büchler, Lorenz (2024). Modified Dunn Procedure for Open Reduction of Chronic Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis. JBJS essential surgical techniques, 14(3) Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 10.2106/JBJS.ST.23.00072

Kocher, Franziska; Ziebarth, Kai (2023). Epiphysiolysis capitis femoris - Wie man sie nicht verpasst. Paediatrica, 34(4), pp. 8-11. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Pädiatrie SGP 10.35190/Paediatrica.d.2023.4.2

Leibold, Christiane Sylvia; Whitlock, Patrick; Schmaranzer, Florian; Ziebarth, Kai; Tannast, Moritz; Steppacher, Simon Damian (2023). Development of acetabular retroversion in LCPD hips-an observational radiographic study from early stage to healing. Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery, 143(7), pp. 3945-3956. Springer 10.1007/s00402-022-04612-0

Lerch, Till D; Kaim, Tilman; Hanke, Markus S; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon D; Busch, Jasmin D.; Novais, Eduardo N; Ziebarth, Kai (2023). Assessment of femoral retroversion on preoperative hip magnetic resonance imaging in patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis: Theoretical implications for hip impingement risk estimation. Journal of children's orthopaedics, 17(2), pp. 116-125. Sage 10.1177/18632521221149044

Zaccaria, Laura; Stranzinger, Enno; Xydias, Theodoros; Schaedelin, Sabine; Ziebarth, Kai; Trück, Mike; Sommer-Joergensen, Vivienne; Aufdenblatten, Christoph; Klimek, Peter Michael (2023). Partial Remodeling after Conservative Treatment of Trampoline Fractures in Children. Children, 10(2), p. 282. MDPI 10.3390/children10020282

Lerch, Till; Hanke, Markus; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Busch, Jasmin D.; Ziebarth, Kai; Schmaranzer, Florian (2023). Two third of Symptomatic SCFE Patients exhibit Peritubercle edema combined with edema of the physis and joint effusion on preoperative MRI (Unpublished). In: European Congress of Radiology (ECR), 2023. Vienna. March 2023.

Kaim, Tilman; Kaiser, Nadine; Slongo, Theddy; Liebs, Thoralf; Ziebarth, Kai (2023). High rates of lateral patellar redislocation and inconsistent subjective satisfaction in pediatric patients at 7-year follow-up (Unpublished)

Nyffeler, RW; Ziebarth, K (2022). Grade 3 Giant Cell Tumour of the Distal Humeral Epiphysis Treated with Intralesional Curettage, High Speed Burring and Bone Grafting: A Case Report. Malaysian orthopaedic journal, 16(3), pp. 132-135. Malaysian Orthopaedic Association 10.5704/MOJ.2211.020

Slongo, Theddy; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). [Femoral head reduction osteotomy to improve femoroacetabular containment in Legg-Calve-Perthes disease]. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 34(5), pp. 333-351. Springer 10.1007/s00064-022-00779-2

Ziebarth, Kai; Kaiser, Nadine; Slongo, Theddy (2022). [Triple osteotomy for patients with Legg-Calve-Perthes disease]. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 34(5), pp. 323-332. Springer 10.1007/s00064-022-00784-5

Slongo, Theddy; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). [Perthes disease]. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 34(5), pp. 305-306. Springer 10.1007/s00064-022-00785-4

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Lorance, Alex; Berger, Steffen Michael; Kaiser, Nadine; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). Health-Related Quality of Life after Fractures of the Distal Forearm in Children and Adolescents-Results from a Center in Switzerland in 432 Patients. Children, 9(10) MDPI 10.3390/children9101487

Liebs, Thoralf R; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). Epiphyseolysis capitis femoris. Swiss medical forum, 22(35), pp. 569-574. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag AG 10.4414/smf.2022.09101

Lerch, Till; Hanke, Markus; Schmaranzer, Florian; Busch, Jasmin D.; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Ziebarth, Kai (June 2022). Longterm radiographic followup of patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis that underwent modified Dunn procedure (Unpublished). In: SCR (Swiss Congress of Radiology).

Lerch, Till; Schmaranzer, Florian; Hanke, Markus; Ziebarth, Kai; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Busch, Jasmin D. (June 2022). MRI based measurement of femoral version for pediatric patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis and Perthes disease with T1 VIBE DIXON (Unpublished). In: SCR (Swiss Congress of Radiology).

Lerch, Till; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Hanke, Markus; Ziebarth, Kai; Busch, Jasmin D. (June 2022). Classification of SCFE Severity on lateral radiograph of symptomatic SCFE Patients changes compared to preoperative MRI (Unpublished). In: ESSR Annual Scientific Meeting (European Society of Skeletal Radiology).

Lerch, Till; Hanke, Markus; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Ziebarth, Kai; Busch, Jasmin D. (June 2022). MR-based 3D-models for SCFE patients for patient-specific preoperative planning of modified Dunn procedure or hip preservation surgery -feasibility study (Unpublished). In: ESSR Annual Scientific Meeting (European Society of Skeletal Radiology).

Lerch, Till; Kaim, Tilman; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Schmaranzer, Florian; Hanke, Markus; Busch, Jasmin D.; Ziebarth, Kai (June 2022). Slip angle on preoperative MRI changes severity classification of pediatric patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis (Unpublished). In: 56th Annual Meeting and the 42nd Post Graduate Course of the European Society of Paediatric Radiology.

Ziebarth, Kai; Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Kaiser, Nadine; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno; Lerch, Till (April 2022). What is the AVN Rate of SCFE Patients with complete epi-metaphyseal discontinuity treated with the modified Dunn Procedure? (Unpublished). In: EPOS Annual Meeting (European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society).

Lerch, Till D.; Boschung, Adam; Leibold, Christiane; Kalla, Roger; Kerkeni, Hassen; Baur, Heiner; Eichelberger, Patric; Steppacher, Simon D.; Liechti, Emanuel F.; Siebenrock, Klaus A.; Tannast, Moritz; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). Minimal Out-Toeing and Good Hip Scores of Severe SCFE Patients Treated With Modified Dunn Procedure and Contralateral Prophylactic Pinning at Minimal 5-year Follow up. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 42(5), e421-e426. Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BPO.0000000000002127

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Meßling, Anna; Milosevic, Milan; Berger, Steffen Michael; Ziebarth, Kai (2022). Health-Related Quality of Life after Adolescent Fractures of the Femoral Shaft Stabilized by a Lateral Entry Femoral Nail. Children, 9(3) MDPI 10.3390/children9030327

Lerch, Till; Schmaranzer, Florian; Steppacher, Simon D.; Ziebarth, Kai; Tannast, Moritz; Siebenrock, Klaus A. (2022). Most of patients with femoral derotation osteotomy for posterior extraarticular hip impingement and high femoral version would do surgery again. Hip International, 32(2), pp. 253-264. SAGE Publications 10.1177/1120700020953100

Brack, Eva; Dantonello, Tobias; Olariu, Radu; Ziebarth, Kai; Trippel, Mafalda; Bütschi, Anja; Klenke, Frank M.; Rössler, Jochen (2021). Osteosarkome – die häufigsten Knochentumore bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. physiopaed Bulletin(39), pp. 42-48.

Ziebarth, Kai; Kaiser, Nadine; Slongo, Theddy (2021). Approaches and fixation of femoral neck fractures in children—transgluteal approach. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 33(1), pp. 36-45. Springer 10.1007/s00064-020-00694-4

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Rompen, Ingmar; Berger, Steffen M.; Ziebarth, Kai (2021). Health-related quality of life after conservatively and surgically-treated paediatric proximal humeral fractures. Journal of children's orthopaedics, 15(3), pp. 204-214. EPOS 10.1302/1863-2548.15.210054

Lerch, Till; Boschung, Adam; Leibold, Christiane Sylvia; Hanke, Markus; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Ziebarth, Kai; Kalla, Roger; Baur, Heiner; Eichelberger, Patric; Tannast, Moritz; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (October 2020). Normal Gait And Normal Hip Function At Longterm Followup In Severe SCFE Patients Treated With A Modified Dunn Procedure-Gait Analysis Study (Unpublished). In: EFORT Virtual Congress (European Federation of Orthopaedics and Traumatology).

Liebs, Thoralf R.; Burgard, Marie; Kaiser, Nadine; Slongo, Theddy; Berger, Steffen; Ryser, Basil; Ziebarth, Kai (2020). Health-related quality of life after paediatric supracondylar humeral fractures. The Bone & Joint Journal, 102-B(6), pp. 755-765. British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery 10.1302/0301-620X.102B6.BJJ-2019-1391.R2

Ziebarth, Kai; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (2019). [The modified Dunn procedure to treat severe slipped capital femoral epiphysis]. Der Orthopäde, 48(8), pp. 668-676. Springer 10.1007/s00132-019-03774-x

Lerch, Till D.; Novais, Eduardo N.; Schmaranzer, Florian; Ziebarth, Kai; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Tannast, Moritz; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (2019). What Is the Prevalence of Cam Deformity After Prophylactic Pinning of the Contralateral Asymptomatic Hip in Unilateral Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis? A 10-year Minimum Followup Study. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 477(5), pp. 1111-1122. Springer-Verlag 10.1097/CORR.0000000000000592

Bartenstein, Andreas; Stranzinger, Enno; Ziebarth, Kai (2019). Traitement des fractures-un guide pratique. Paediatrica, 30(2), pp. 9-18. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Pädiatrie SGP

Liebs, Thoralf R.; Ryser, Basil; Kaiser, Nadine; Slongo, Theddy; Berger, Steffen; Ziebarth, Kai (2019). Health-related Quality of Life After Fractures of the Lateral Third of the Clavicle in Children and Adolescents. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 39(7), e542-e547. Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BPO.0000000000001332

Ziebarth, Kai; Krause, Fabian (2019). Updates in Pediatric Cavovarus Deformity. Foot and ankle clinics, 24(2), pp. 205-217. Elsevier 10.1016/j.fcl.2019.02.010

Lerch, T. D.; Vuilleumier, S.; Schmaranzer, F.; Ziebarth, K.; Steppacher, S. D.; Tannast, M.; Siebenrock, K. A. (2019). Patients with severe slipped capital femoral epiphysis treated by the modified Dunn procedure have low rates of avascular necrosis, good outcomes, and little osteoarthritis at long-term follow-up. The Bone & Joint Journal, 101-B(4), pp. 403-414. British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery 10.1302/0301-620X.101B4.BJJ-2018-1303.R1

Liebs, Thoralf Randolph; Ziebarth, Kai; Berger, Steffen Michael (2018). Randomized Controlled Trials for Arthroscopy in Degenerative Knee Disease: Was Conservative Therapy Appropriately Tried Prior to Arthroscopy? Arthroscopy - the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery, 34(5), 1680-1687.e6. Elsevier 10.1016/j.arthro.2017.12.016

Kolp, Dagmar; Ziebarth, Kai; Slongo, Theddy (2017). [Rotation or derotation osteotomy of the tibia]. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 29(2), pp. 163-172. Springer-Medizin-Verlag 10.1007/s00064-016-0473-5

Tannast, Moritz; Jost, Lukas M.; Lerch, Till; Schmaranzer, Florian; Ziebarth, Kai; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (2017). The modified Dunn procedure for slipped capital femoral epiphysis: the Bernese experience. Journal of children's orthopaedics JCO, 11(2), pp. 138-146. Springer 10.1302/1863-2548-11-170046

Krokidis, Miltiadis; Tappero, Carlo Mario Stefano; Bogdanovic, Daniel; Ziebarth, Kai; Stamm, Anna-Christina (2017). Computed tomography guided navigation assisted percutaneous ablation of osteoid osteoma in a 7-year-old patient: the low dose approach. Skeletal radiology, 46(7), pp. 989-993. Springer 10.1007/s00256-017-2620-y

Ziebarth, Kai; Milosevic, Milan; Lerch, Till; Steppacher, Simon Damian; Slongo, Theddy; Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno (2017). High Survivorship and Little Osteoarthritis at 10-year Followup in SCFE Patients Treated With a Modified Dunn Procedure. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 475(4), pp. 1212-1228. Springer 10.1007/s11999-017-5252-6

Da Paz, Stephanie Nunes; Stalder, Andreas; Berger, Steffen Michael; Ziebarth, Kai (2015). Range of Motion of the Upper Extremity in a Healthy Pediatric Population: Introduction to Normative Data. European journal of pediatric surgery, 26(5), pp. 454-461. Thieme 10.1055/s-0035-1563676

Kohlhof, Hendrik; Heidt, Christoph; Bähler, Alexandrine; Kohl, Sandro; Gravius, Sascha; Friedrich, Max; Ziebarth, Kai; Stranzinger, Enno (2015). Can 3D ultrasound identify trochlea dysplasia in newborns? Evaluation and applicability of a technique. European journal of radiology, 84(6), pp. 1159-1164. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ejrad.2015.03.015

Ziebarth, Kai; Slongo, Theddy (2015). Proximal Femoral Osteotomies with the Paediatric Hip Plate (LCP): Valgus osteotomy. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 27(3), pp. 210-220. Springer 10.1007/s00064-015-0402-z

Schmid, Timo Georg Johannes; Joeris, Alexander; Slongo, Theddy; Ahmad, Sufian; Ziebarth, Kai (2015). Displaced supracondylar humeral fractures: influence of delay of surgery on the incidence of open reduction, complications and outcome. Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery, 135(7), pp. 963-969. Springer 10.1007/s00402-015-2248-0

Nau, Christoph; Marzi, Ingo; Ziebarth, Kai; Berger, Steffen Michael (2015). Fractures in Children and Adolescents. In: Rommens, Pol M.; Hessmann, Martin H. (eds.) Intramedullary Nailing: A Comprehensive Guide (pp. 395-417). London: Springer 10.1007/978-1-4471-6612-2_24

Bartenstein, Andreas; Kolp, Dagmar; Berger, Steffen Michael; Ziebarth, Kai (2015). Frakturversorgung in der Praxis - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Kinderärzte Schweiz(01), pp. 11-15.

Stranzinger, Enno; Schankath, Adrian Clemens; Dobrocky, Tomas; Joeris, Alexander; Ziebarth, Kai (2015). MRI in Hip Dysplasia: How to Shorten your MR-Protocol? Orthopedic & Muscular System, 04(04) OMICS International 10.4172/2161-0533.1000199

Heidt, Christoph; Ziebarth, Kai; Erni, Dominique; Slongo, Theddy; Joeris, Alexander (2014). Four years follow-up after clavicle reconstruction in a child: a case report. Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery, 67(12), pp. 1735-1739. Elsevier 10.1016/j.bjps.2014.08.050

Stranzinger, E.; Bähler, A.; Heverhagen, J.T.; Ziebarth, K.; Kohlhof, H. (9 March 2014). 3D ultrasound of the femoro-patellar articulation in newborns (Unpublished). In: European Congress of Radiology (ECR). Vienna, Austria. 06.-10.03.2014.

Kohl, Sandro; Stutz, Chantal; Decker, Sebastian; Ziebarth, Kai; Slongo, Theddy; Ahmad, Sufian S.; Kohlhof, Hendrik; Eggli, Stefan; Zumstein, Matthias; Evangelopoulos, Dimitrios S. (2014). Mid-term results of transphyseal anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in children and adolescents. The knee, 21(1), pp. 80-85. Elsevier 10.1016/j.knee.2013.07.004

Ziebarth, Kai; Bartenstein, Andreas; Kolp, Dagmar (2014). Frakturen der unteren Extremitäten. Hausarzt Praxis, 9(6), pp. 38-40. PPM MEDIC

Ziebarth, Kai; Kolp, Dagmar; Kohl, Sandro; Slongo, Theddy (2013). Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Children and Adolescents: A Review of the Recent Literature. European journal of pediatric surgery, 23(06), pp. 464-469. Thieme 10.1055/s-0033-1363162

Ziebarth, Kai; Leunig, Michael; Slongo, Theddy; Kim, Young-Jo; Ganz, Reinhold (2013). Slipped capital femoral epiphysis: relevant pathophysiological findings with open surgery. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 471(7), pp. 2156-2162. Springer 10.1007/s11999-013-2818-9

Kohlhof, H.; Ziebarth, K.; Gravius, S.; Wirtz, D.C.; Siebenrock, K.A. (2013). Operative treatment of congenital hip osteoarthritis with high hip luxation (Crowe type IV). Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie, 25(5), pp. 469-482. Springer Berlin Heidelberg 10.1007/s00064-013-0241-8

Joeris, Alexander; Audigé, Laurent; Ziebarth, Kai; Slongo, Theddy (2012). The Locking Compression Paediatric Hip Plate: technical guide and critical analysis. International orthopaedics, 36(11), pp. 2299-306. Heidelberg: Springer 10.1007/s00264-012-1643-1

Hosalkar, H; Cunha, A; Ziebarth, K; Wenger, D (2011). Acetabular remodelling after triple osteotomy in Legg-Calve-Perthes patients. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 2011 Heidelberg: Springer

Al Mufargi, Yaqoub Sulaiman; Mouch, Charles Adam; Ziebarth, Kai; Joeris, Alexander; Slongo, Theddy (2011). RETRACTED: An unusual cause of paralysis of the peroneal nerve: a report of 3 cases. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 31(5), e50-2. Hagerstown, Md.: Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BPO.0b013e31821f50cb

Domayer, S E; Ziebarth, K; Chan, J; Bixby, S; Mamisch, T C; Kim, Y J (2011). Femoroacetabular cam-type impingement: diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of radiographic views compared to radial MRI. European journal of radiology, 80(3), pp. 805-10. Stuttgart: Thieme 10.1016/j.ejrad.2010.10.016

Ziebarth, K; Balakumar, J; Domayer, S; Kim, Y J; Millis, M B (2011). Bernese periacetabular osteotomy in males: is there an increased risk of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) after Bernese periacetabular osteotomy? Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 469(2), pp. 447-53. Heidelberg: Springer 10.1007/s11999-010-1544-9

Slongo, T; Kakaty, D; Krause, F; Ziebarth, K (2010). Treatment of slipped capital femoral epiphysis with a modified Dunn procedure. Journal of bone and joint surgery - American volume, 92(18), pp. 2898-908. Needham, Mass.: Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery Inc. 10.2106/JBJS.I.01385

Schoeniger, R.; Kain, M. S.; Ziebarth, K.; Ganz, R. (2010). Epiphyseal reperfusion after subcapital realignement of an unstable SCFE. Hip International, 20(2), pp. 273-279. Milano: Wichtig Editore

Ziebarth, K; Slongo, Th; Domayer, S; Kim, YJ; Ganz, R (2010). Surgical treatment of unstable slipped capital femoral epiphysis with a modified Dunn Procedure. In: SGO Kongress. Juni 2010: SGO Kongress

Ziebarth, K (2010). Slipped capital femoral epiphysis: The Bernese Experience. In: Gastvortrag im Rahmen eines Fellowships, Rady's Childrens Hospital San Diego CA. Gastvortrag im Rahmen eines Fellowships, Rady's Childrens Hospital San Diego CA

Ziebarth, K (2010). Behandlung der instabilen Epiphysiolysis capitis femoris (SCFE) mit der modifizierten Dunn Operation. In: DGU. Berlin, Okt. 2010: DGU

Ziebarth, K (2010). Behandlung von kindlichen Frakturen mit Fixateur extern. In: DGU. Berlin, Okt. 2010: DGU

Ziebarth, K (2010). AO Pediatric Fracture Management Course. In: AO-Course. San Diego, 26. - 27.03.2010.

Krause, FG; Haupt, U; Ziebarth, K; Slongo, T (2009). Mini-arthrotomy for lateral discoid menisci in children. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, 29(2), pp. 130-6. Hagerstown, Md.: Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 10.1097/BPO.0b013e318198454d

Zimmermann, Petra Sabine

Zimmermann, Petra; Berlinger, Livia; Liniger, Benjamin; Grunt, Sebastian; Agyeman, Philipp; Ritz, Nicole (2012). Actinobaculum schaalii an emerging pediatric pathogen? BMC infectious diseases, 12(1), p. 201. London: BioMed Central 10.1186/1471-2334-12-201

Zumstein, Matthias

Kohl, Sandro; Stutz, Chantal; Decker, Sebastian; Ziebarth, Kai; Slongo, Theddy; Ahmad, Sufian S.; Kohlhof, Hendrik; Eggli, Stefan; Zumstein, Matthias; Evangelopoulos, Dimitrios S. (2014). Mid-term results of transphyseal anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in children and adolescents. The knee, 21(1), pp. 80-85. Elsevier 10.1016/j.knee.2013.07.004

Zurmühle, Corinne Andrea

Siebenrock, Klaus-Arno; Anwander, Helen; Zurmühle, Corinne; Tannast, Moritz; Slongo, Theddy; Steppacher, Simon Damian (2015). Head Reduction Osteotomy With Additional Containment Surgery Improves Sphericity and Containment and Reduces Pain in Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 473(4), pp. 1274-1283. Springer 10.1007/s11999-014-4048-1

de Kerviler, Sora

Erni, Dominique; de Kerviler, Sora; Hertel, Ralph; Slongo, Theddy (2010). Vascularised fibula grafts for early tibia reconstruction in infants with congenital pseudarthrosis. Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery, 63(10), pp. 1699-1704. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.bjps.2009.09.016

von Gunten, Michael

Lüer, Sonja; Berger, Steffen; Diepold, Miriam; Duppenthaler, Andrea; von Gunten, Michael; Mühlethaler, Konrad; Wolf, Rainer; Aebi, Christoph (2009). Treatment of intestinal and hepatic mucormycosis in an immunocompromized child. Pediatric blood & cancer, 52(7), pp. 872-4. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Liss 10.1002/pbc.21918

von Wolff, Michael

Purtschert, Livia Amanda; Mitter, Vera Ruth; Zdanowicz, Jarmila Anna; Minger, Mirja Amadea; Spaeth, Anna; von Wolff, Michael; Kohl Schwartz, Alexandra Sabrina (2021). Breastfeeding following in vitro fertilisation in Switzerland-Does mode of conception affect breastfeeding behaviour? Acta paediatrica, 110(4), pp. 1171-1180. Wiley 10.1111/apa.15553

Minger, M; Sommer, G; Mitter, V; Purtschert, L; von Wolff, M; Kohl Schwartz, Alexandra (2021). Childhood growth of singletons conceived following in vitro fertilization (IVF) - does gonadotropin-stimulation matter? Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie, 225(Suppl 1), e48-e48. Thieme

Minger, M.; Sommer, G.; Mitter, V.; Purtschert, L.; von Wolff, M.; Kohl Schwartz, A. (2021). Childhood growth of singletons conceived following in vitro fertilization (IVF) - does gonadotropin-stimulation matter? Human reproduction, 36(Suppl 1), i487-i487. Oxford University Press 10.1093/humrep/deab130.767

Übersax, Lucia

Fahrner, René; Übersax, Lucia; Mettler, Anja; Berger, Steffen Michael; Seiler, Christian A. (2014). Paediatric thyroid surgery is safe - experiences at a tertiary surgical centre. Swiss medical weekly, 144, w13939. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag 10.4414/smw.2014.13939

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