06 Faculty of Humanities > Other Institutions > Walter Benjamin Kolleg (WBKolleg)

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Acker, Antoine

Acker, Antoine; Capellini, Nathalia (2017). Tales of the Transamazonian: hopes and disillusion on a route of ecological migrations. Interdisciplinary studies in literature and environment, 24(2), pp. 306-324. Oxford University Press 10.1093/isle/isx012

Acker, Antoine (February 2016). Building a self-sufficient Brazil. Nation and natural resources in the 20th century (Unpublished). In: Junior Fellows Day of the Walter Benjamin Kolleg. Bern, Schweiz. Feb. 2016.

Acker, Antoine; Kaltmeier, Olaf; Tittor, Anne (2016). The social production of nature between coloniality and capitalism (introduction). FIAR - Forum for Inter-American Research, 9(2), pp. 5-24. American Studies section of the English Department at Bielefeld University

Acker, Antoine; Kaltmeier, Olaf; Tittor, Anne (eds.) (2016). Negotiating Nature in the Americas: Imaginaries and Interventions between Preservation and Exploitation. Special issue of the Forum for InterAmerican Research, 9(2). Forum for Inter-American Research

Acker, Antoine (2015). Amazon. InterAmerican Wiki: Terms - Concepts - Critical Perspectives Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld

Affolter, Laura

Affolter, Laura; Loher, David; Zinn, Isabelle; Bolay, Matthieu; Calvão, Filipe; Menet, Joanna (2023). Editorial SJSCA 28/2022. Swiss journal of sociocultural anthropology, 28, pp. 5-8. Seismo 10.36950/sjsca.2022.28.8923

Afzali Ardekani Krauthammer, Minou

Caduff, Corina; Stetter, Bitten Anja; Afzali, Minou; Müller, Francis; Soom Ammann, Eva (eds.) (2024). Sterben gestalten. Möglichkeitsräume am Lebensende. Zürich: Scheidegger & Spiess 10.53788/STST0001

Stetter, Bitten; Soom Ammann, Eva; Müller, Francis; Caduff, Corina; Afzali, Minou (2024). Einleitung. In: Caduff, Corina; Stetter, Bitten; Afzali, Minou; Müller, Francis (eds.) Sterben gestalten. Möglichkeitsräume am Lebensende (pp. 7-11). Zürich: Scheidegger & Spiess 10.53788/STST0100

Afzali, Minou (2023). Methodenvielfalt in der Designforschung. In: Gartmann, Thomas; Urchueguía, Cristina; Ambühl-Baur, Hannah (eds.) Studies in the Arts II - Künste, Design und Wissenschaft im Austausch. Image (pp. 37-52). Bielefeld: transcript 10.14361/9783839469545-003

Agudin, Catalina Lucia

Trillo, Joaquín; Agudin, Catalina Lucia; Ceciaga, Mercedes; Pasin, Malena (10 November 2023). Diseños Participativos en el Chaco Central (Unpublished). In: IV JORNADAS INTERDISCIPLINARIAS SOBRE TECNOLOGÍAS Y DESARROLLO SOCIAL. San Salvador de Jujuy. 9. - 10. noviembre 2023.

Agudin, Catalina Lucia; Ceciaga, Mercedes; Pasin, Malena (8 November 2023). Recursos Etnográficos y de Diseño en Territorio Indígena Argentino (Unpublished). In: 1er Foro Iberoamericano de Investigación y Diseño. Madrid. 6 - 8 Noviembre 2023.

Agudin, Catalina Lucia; Pasin, Malena; Ceciaga, Mercedes (2023). DISEÑO SITUADO: Línea Alimentos y Nutrición: Experiencias en territorio indígena Lhaka Honhat [Performance or Exhibition]. In: 11o Encuentro Latinoamericano de Diseño y Alimentos, Paraguay.

Agudin, Catalina Lucia; Pasin, Malena; Ceciaga, Mercedes; Trillo, Joaquín (4 October 2023). Diseño Participativo en territorio Lhaka Honhat: Experiencias con miembros de comunidades indígenas en Salta y estudiantes de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (FADU, UBA) (Unpublished). In: 4° CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DEL GRAN CHACO AMERICANO. Santiago del Estero, Argentina. 4. - 6.10.2023.

Agudin, Catalina Lucia; Pasin, Malena; Ceciaga, Mercedes; Trillo, Joaquín (4 October 2023). Trabajos proyectuales en territorio indígena: Investigación acción con miembros de comunidades indígenas de la provincia de Salta (Unpublished). In: XXXVII Jornadas de Investigación XIX Encuentro Regional SI+Escalas. 04.10.2023.

Agudin, Catalina Lucia; Leonhardt, Lorena (4 October 2023). Generación de narrativas y sistemas ilustrados a partir de registros etnográficos para EIB (Unpublished). In: XXXVII Jornadas de Investigación XIX Encuentro Regional SI+Escalas. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 04.10.2023.

Diaz, Valeria Cynthia; Agudin, Catalina Lucia (4 October 2023). A escala comunitaria: un estudio sobre los aportes de la investigadora Beatriz Galán al campo del diseño industrial en Argentina (Unpublished). In: XXXVII Jornadas de Investigación XIX Encuentro Regional SI+Escalas. 04.10.2023.

Trillo, Joaquín; Pasín, Malena; Ceciaga, Mercedes; Agudin, Catalina Lucia (4 October 2023). Hacer la casa: Procesos participativos de diseño con comunidades Wichi del Chaco Salteño (Unpublished). In: XXXVII Jornadas de Investigación XIX Encuentro Regional SI+Escalas. 04.10.2023.

Gerber, Eliane Helena; Grögen, Arno; Agudin, Catalina Lucia (27 September 2023). Von fremden Blicken und vertrauten Formen. Im Gespräch mit Catalina Agudin. In: Design. Macht. Gesellschaft. Aktuelles aus der Designforschung.

Agudin, Catalina Lucia (25 August 2023). Diseño Situado: Proyectos participativos con miembros de una comunidad indígena argentina, investigadores y estudiantes de diseño (Unpublished). In: 2023 ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE LATIN AMERICAN CENTER ZURICH AND WORKSHOP OF THE SWISS SCHOOL OF LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES: AMÉRICA DEL SUR AMERINDIA: orígenes, diversidad cultural y transformaciones. Zürich. 24. - 25.08.2023.

Perez, Cristina Lunaya; Diaz, Ervis Nifwotaj; Colombero, Paola; Schmidhuber, Erika; Aldao, Martín; Carrasco, Morita; Agudin, Catalina Lucia; Álvarez, Ana (6 June 2023). Memoria para seguir siendo: identidad, territorio y autonomía, Argentina, Instituto Gioja Derecho (Unpublished). In: Memoria para seguir siendo: identidad, territorio y autonomía. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 06.06.2023.

Agudin, Catalina Lucia; Ceciaga, Mercedes; Pasin, Malena (2023). Diseño Situado. Experiencias en Territorio Indígena Lhaka Honhat, Argentina [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Situated Design. Experiences in Indigenous Territory Lhaka Honhat. Buenos Aires, Argentina. June 5th - 09th 2023

Agudin, Catalina Lucia; Pasin, Malena; Ceciaga, Mercedes; Safón Pérez, Lautaro (1 June 2023). Diseño Situado: Recursos etnográficos y proyectos colaborativos en territorio Wichi (Unpublished). In: 8 DiSUR. 01.06.2023.

Agudin, Catalina Lucia; Díaz, Valeria Cynthia (1 June 2023). Nuevos roles para el Diseño desde el legado del trabajo en red de Beatriz Galán (Unpublished). In: 8 DiSUR. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 01.06.2023.

Agudin, Catalina Lucia (2023). Participaciones entre miembros indígenas de Salta y estudiantes de diseño de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Debates Latinoamericanos, 21(43), pp. 50-66. Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios Avanzados (CLEA)

Agudin, Catalina Lucia; Ceciaga, Mercedes; Pasin, Malena (7 December 2022). Diseño situado. Exploraciones de diseño en territorio Wichi (Unpublished). In: VI CONGRESO DE ESTUDIOS POSCOLONIALES: VIII JORNADAS DE FEMINISMO POSCOLONIAL: Viajar: Mundes poscoloniales desde el Sur: Estéticas y Performances de la tierra en las protestas contemporáneas. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 5. - 7.12.2022.

Agudin, Catalina Lucia (11 November 2022). Diseño y Territorio. Recursos etnográficos en un proyecto participativo con estudiantes de diseño y miembros de la comunidad Wichi (Unpublished). In: DI:EX #5 2022: DISEÑO E IDENTIDAD LOCAL. Rafaela, Santa Fé, Argentina. 3.11.2022.

Agudin, Catalina Lucia; Pasin, Malena; Ceciaga, Mercedes; Sfón Pérez, Lautaro; Sánchez Ramírez, María; Duarte, Florencia Luz (25 October 2022). Recursos etnográficos en territorio. Metodologías de construcción, enunciación y diseño de conocimientos compartidos en contextos complejos para las disciplinas proyectuales (Unpublished). In: ADU SI+Categorías: XXXVI Jornadas de Investigación y XVIII Encuentro Regional. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 25.10.2022.

Agudin, Catalina Lucia (25 September 2022). Recursos Etnográficos en Territorio Proyecto participativo con un grupo Wichi y estudiantes FADU (Unpublished). In: Congreso Académico de Diseño: CADi 2022: Pluriversos. Lima, Perú. 21. - 25. September 2022.

Agudin, Catalina Lucia (4 March 2022). Projecting Between Worlds: Applying Anthropological and Design Methods in a Participatory Project within the Wichi Argentinian Aboriginal Community (Unpublished). In: 6. SINTA Tag. Bern. 04. März 2022.

Agudin, Catalina Lucia (3 December 2021). Working with Wichi traditions: Thinking a design co- project with aboriginals in a decolonialistic way (Unpublished). In: SSLAS: Migration: Crossing Borders – Constructing Spaces. Bern. 03. Dezember 2021.

Alexandra, Darcy

Schäuble, Michaela; Alexandra, Darcy (10 September 2022). Multimodale Herangehensweisen in Forschung und Lehre & Einblicke in aktuelle Forschungsprojekte (Unpublished). In: Lange Nacht der Forschung. Universität Bern. 10. September 2022.

Aubry, Gilles Joseph André

Aubry, Gilles (2023). Stonesound: A Collaborative Experiment in Stone Sounding in Moulay Bouchta. In: Gartmann, Thomas; Urchueguía, Cristina; Ambühl-Baur, Hannah (eds.) Studies in the Arts II - Künste, Design und Wissenschaft im Austausch. Image (pp. 255-269). Bielefeld: transcript 10.14361/9783839469545-014

Barber, James Henry

Barber, James Henry (22 March 2022). "United Ghettos of America": The Aesthetics of Intercultural Exchange and Bricolage in New York City and the Case of the Jamaican Influence on Hip-Hop (1987-1995) (Submitted). In: Heidelberg Centre for American Studies Spring Academy 2021. Online. March 22–26 2021.

Barber, James (2022). Shinehead’s “Jamaican in New York”: Cultural Circularity and Reggae’s Eventual Resonance in Hip-Hop, from the Bronx to Brooklyn and Beyond (Submitted). In: From the Bowery to the Bronx - A Cultural History of New York Through Song. Bristol, UK: Intellect

Barber, James Henry (30 October 2021). The Historical Circularity of Jamaican and African+/American Cultural Practice: Re-Framing the Jamaican Influence on Hip-Hop in New York (Submitted). In: Hip-Hop Transcultural: Constructing and Contesting Identity, Space, and Place in the Americas and Beyond. Online. October 28th-30th 2021.

Barber, James Henry (9 May 2019). "Negotiating nationalism(s): the construction of “traditional narratives” and their impact on transcultural readings of reggae and hip-hop, 1970 to 1995. (Submitted). In: Constructing and Contesting Community. University of Bern. May 9th-10th.

Berthod, Jonas Théo Orient

Berthod, Jonas (2024). The Prize of Success. The Swiss Design Awards and the Closed Networks of Promotion. Design: Vol. 64. Bielefeld: transcript 10.14361/9783839471913

Barbieri, Chiara; Berthod, Jonas; Delamadeleine, Constance; Fornari, Davide; Owens, Sarah (eds.) (2021). Swiss Graphic Design Histories — Multiple Voices. Swiss Graphic Design Histories: Vol. 2. Zurich: Scheidegger & Spiess

Berthod, Jonas (2021). Award Catalogs. In: Bischler, Sandra; Klein, Sarah; Niedermann, Jonas; Renner, Michael (eds.) Swiss Graphic Design Histories — Visual Arguments 1 (pp. 74-89). Zurich: Scheidegger & Spiess

Berthod, Jonas (2021). Netzwerke/Réseaux/Networks: A Relaunch to Reposition Federal Design Promotion. In: Kaufmann, Ueli; Schneemann, Peter J.; Zeller, Sara (eds.) Swiss Graphic Design Histories — Tempting Terms 3 (pp. 101-110). Zurich: Scheidegger & Spiess

Barbieri, Chiara; Berthod, Jonas; Delamadeleine, Constance; Fornari, Davide; Owens, Sarah (2021). Figures of Speech. In: Barbieri, Chiara; Berthod, Jonas; Delamadeleine, Constance; Fornari, Davide; Owens, Sarah (eds.) Swiss Graphic Design Histories – Multiple Voices 2 (pp. 7-11). Zurich: Scheidegger & Spiess

Berthod, Jonas (2021). Awards. In: Barbieri, Chiara; Berthod, Jonas; Delamadeleine, Constance; Fornari, Davide; Owens, Sarah (eds.) Swiss Graphic Design Histories — Multiple voices 2 (pp. 19-31). Zurich: Scheidegger & Spiess

Berthod, Jonas (2021). Careers. In: Barbieri, Chiara; Berthod, Jonas; Delamadeleine, Constance; Fornari, Davide; Owens, Sarah (eds.) Swiss Graphic Design Histories — Multiple voices 2 (pp. 32-48). Zurich: Scheidegger & Spiess

Berthod, Jonas (2021). Collaboration. In: Barbieri, Chiara; Berthod, Jonas; Delamadeleine, Constance; Fornari, Davide; Owens, Sarah (eds.) Swiss Graphic Design Histories — Multiple voices 2 (pp. 63-82). Zurich: Scheidegger & Spiess

Berthod, Jonas (2021). Studio. In: Barbieri, Chiara; Berthod, Jonas; Delamadeleine, Constance; Fornari, Davide; Owens, Sarah (eds.) Swiss Graphic Design Histories — Multiple voices 2 (pp. 112-126). Zurich: Scheidegger & Spiess

Berthod, Jonas (September 2020). Read more: Teaching Design and the Need for Change. Weltformat Magazin, pp. 25-28. Weltformat Verein

Berthod, Jonas Théo Orient (June 2020). Time and the essence. In: Swiss Design Awards 2020. Bern: Bundesamt für Kultur

Berthod, Jonas Théo Orient (May 2020). Careers and the cultural field. In: Swiss Design Awards 2020. Bern: Bundesamt für Kultur

Berthod, Jonas; Wicki, Lilla; Kouto, Rafael (2020). Excess and Restraint. In: Niederhäuser, Anna (ed.) Swiss Design Awards 2020: Failure is not an option? (pp. 144-149). Bern: Bundesamt für Kultur

Berthod, Jonas Théo Orient; Anner, Andrea; Brevet, Thibault; Mercier, Julien; Schumann, Marie (2020). Art, culture and commerce. In: Swiss Design Awards 2020: Failure is not an option? (pp. 161-167). Bern: Bundesamt für Kultur

Berthod, Jonas (2018). The 2002 Relaunch of the Swiss Design Awards: Key Changes and their Influence on Designers’ Careers and Networks. In: Gartmann, Thomas; Schäuble, Michaela (eds.) Beiträge der Graduate School of the Arts II. Beiträge der Graduate School of the Arts: Vol. 2 (pp. 9-20). Bern: Hochschule der Künste Bern und Universität Bern

Bloch, Sarah

Bloch, Sarah Kviat; Lubrich, Oliver; Steinke, Hubert (eds.) (2021). Alexander von Humboldt – Wissenschaften zusammendenken. Berner Universitätsschriften: Vol. 62. Bern: Haupt / Bern Open Publishing 10.36950/BUS.62

Bolay, Matthieu

Affolter, Laura; Loher, David; Zinn, Isabelle; Bolay, Matthieu; Calvão, Filipe; Menet, Joanna (2023). Editorial SJSCA 28/2022. Swiss journal of sociocultural anthropology, 28, pp. 5-8. Seismo 10.36950/sjsca.2022.28.8923

Borkowski, Sebastian Georg

Hunger, Silvana; Borkowski, Sebastian Georg (2 February 2023). The Digital Atlas of Notched Bone Artefacts (DANBA): A Collaborative Open Science Database (Unpublished). In: Digital Archaeology Bern 2023. Bern, Schweiz. 1.–3. Feb. 2023.

Braun, Tina Kathrin

Metzger, Gaudenz; Braun, Tina (2024). Die visuelle Rhetorik von Stockbildern zum Thema "Palliative Care". In: Caduff, Corina; Stetter, Bitten; Afzali, Minou; Müller, Francis; Soom Ammann, Eva (eds.) Sterben gestalten. Möglichkeitsräume am Lebensende (pp. 126-151). Zürich: Scheidegger & Spiess

Braun, Tina (2024). Gestaltete Vorstellungen vom Lebensende. Über die Neukonzeption von Palliative-Care-Bildwelten. In: Caduff, Corina; Stetter, Bitten; Afzali, Minou; Müller, Francis; Soom Ammann, Eva (eds.) Sterben gestalten. Möglichkeitsräume am Lebensende (pp. 152-193). Zürich: Scheidegger & Spiess 10.53788/STST0107

Braun, Tina (2023). Visuelle Narrative zum Lebensende: Eine Analyse der Bildwelten von Palliative-Care-Institutionen. In: Gartmann, Thomas; Urchueguía, Cristina; Ambühl-Baur, Hannah (eds.) Studies in the Arts II - Künste, Design und Wissenschaft im Austausch. Image (pp. 81-106). Bielefeld: transcript 10.14361/9783839469545-005

Britain, David

Britain, David (10 November 2023). Morphosyntactic variation in the dialects of England (Unpublished). In: Invited talk in the Department of English Philology. University of Murcia, Spain.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (13 October 2023). “We was one big happy family there”: tracking the evolution of past BE in Falkland Island English (Unpublished). In: NWAV-51. Queens College CUNY, New York, USA. 13-15.10.23.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (6 October 2023). Seclusion, Scottishness and Sound Change: the phonological evolution of an Atlantic English variety (Unpublished). In: Phonetik und Phonologie 2023. University of Bern. 6-7.10.23.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah (27 June 2023). PRICE and MOUTH four ways: nucleus quality, diphthong length, offglide quality and allophonic raising in Falkland Island English (Unpublished). In: UKLVC 14. University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland. 26 - 27 June 2023.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah (22 June 2023). No one thinks twice: variation, change and the personal compound determinative doublets –body and – one in Falkland Island English (Unpublished). In: The 7th meeting of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE 7). University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. 19 - 23 June 2023.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah (22 June 2023). A multidimensional vowel analysis of PRICE and MOUTH in Falkland Island English (Unpublished). In: The 7th meeting of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE 7). University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. 19 - 23 June 2023.

Britain, David (1 June 2023). Socio-historical Perspectives on Dialect Contact: a discussion. 12th Historical Sociolinguistics Network Conference. (Unpublished). In: 12th Historical Sociolinguistics Network Conference.. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium.. 31.5.23-2.6.23.

Britain, David; Büchler, Andrin (1 June 2023). Everyone's here and nobody's missing: 100 years of human pronominal quantifier variation in Norwich. (Unpublished). In: Festtagung 'Variabilitaet und Wandel'. Universität Graz, Austria. 8-9 June 2023.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah (31 May 2023). Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue?: On the Fate of the Falkland Island Colonial Koine. (Unpublished). In: Historical Sociolinguistics Network Conference. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.. 31 May - 2 June.

Britain, David (25 May 2023). New dialect formation and contemporary change in Falkland Island English (Unpublished). In: Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, France. 6-7.10.23.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah (13 May 2023). There’s nobody there: variation, change and the pronominal quantifier doublets –body and –one in Falkland Island English. (Unpublished). In: Soziolinguistische Perspektiven: Kontakt – Variation – Wandel. Department of German, University of Bern. May 12-13.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (13 April 2023). 100 years of Falkland Island English: settler roots, koine formation and contemporary change (Unpublished). In: Conference on the Phonology of Contemporary English (PAC) 2023: Spoken English Varieties: Interfaces and Multidimensional Approaches. Université de Nanterre, Paris, France. 12-14 April, 2023.

Britain, David (22 March 2023). Deconstructing evidence in (socio)linguistic research (Unpublished). In: Invited talk in the Department of English Philology. University of Murcia, Spain.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black; Sudbury, Andrea; Hall, Rosemary; Holliday, Nicole; Schreier, Daniel (2023). The Sociolinguistics of the Atlantic Englishes. In: Ball, Martin; Mesthrie, Rajend; Meluzzi, Chiara (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Sociolinguistics Around the World (pp. 120-130). Routledge

Britain, David; Büchler, Andrin (2023). Is there anybody there?: a century of human pronominal quantifier variation in Norwich. In: Braun, Christian; Scherr, Elisabeth (eds.) Variabilität und Wandel: Sprache im Spannungsfeld zwischen System und Gebrauch (pp. 13-24). Wien: Praesens

Hernández-Campoy, Juan Manuel; Britain, David (2023). 500 years of past BE in East Anglia: a variationist investigation. Roczniki Humanistyczne, 71(6), pp. 103-123. John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin 10.18290/rh237106.5s

Vergeiner, Philip C.; Luttenberger, Jan; Bülow, Lars; Wallner, Dominik; Britain, David (2023). Revisiting areal and lexical diffusion: the case of Viennese Monophthongization in Austria’s traditional dialects. Linguistics, 61(4), pp. 915-957. De Gruyter 10.1515/ling-2021-0105

Britain, David (9 November 2022). Using new technologies to study dialect in Britain (Unpublished). In: Swiss-British Society of Bern. Bern, Switzerland.

Britain, David (3 November 2022). The countryside strikes back: using ideologies of the urban to promote the rural (Unpublished). In: Workshop WBK Forschungsplattform Urbane und rurale Räume: Ein transphilologischer Dialog. Walter Benjamin Kolleg, University of Bern.

Britain, David (21 October 2022). The English Dialects App: how, why and what happened? (Unpublished). In: Guest lecture. University of Zurich. 21. October 2022.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (15 October 2022). Canadian Raising beyond /ai/ and /au/: /oi/ in Falkland Island English (Unpublished). In: New Ways of Analyzing Variation 50 (NWAV50). Stanford University. 13.-15. October 2022.

Britain, David; Rupp, Laura Marie (14 October 2022). Let’s talk about –s (again): constraints on variable verbal marking in Norwich (Unpublished). In: New Ways of Analyzing Variation 50 (NWAV50). Stanford University. 13.-15. October 2022.

Britain, David (10 September 2022). 150 years of the English North-South dialect divide (Unpublished). In: 40th International Conference of the Società Linguistica Italiana. Brixen-Bressanone. 08.-10. September.

Britain, David (22 August 2022). Escape to the country?: the phonological construction of the ‘rural’ in English film and TV (Unpublished). In: Convegno interdisciplinare Traiettorie dinamiche della rappresentazione audiovisiva: Cinema, TV, serialità, web. University of Bergen, Norway. 22.-23. August 2022.

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko (5 August 2022). A moribund Japanese colonial koiné in the Pacific: a panel study of language obsolescence. (Unpublished). In: 17th International Conference on Methods in Dialectology (Methods XVII). Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany. 01.-05. August 2022.

Vergeiner, Philip C.; Bülow, Lars; Luttenberger, Jan; Britain, David (2 August 2022). Diffusion of Viennese Monophthongization in Austria’s traditional dialects (Unpublished). In: 17th International Conference on Methods in Dialectology (Methods XVII). Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany. 01.-05. August 2022.

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko (13 July 2022). A real-time study of language obsolescence: An endangered postcolonial Japanese in the Pacific (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistics Symposium 24. University of Ghent, Belgium. 13.-16. July 2022.

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko (8 June 2022). A panel study of the obsolescence of a Pacific Japanese colonial koine (Unpublished). In: LinguisTisch. Sociolinguistics Lab, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. 08. June 2022.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (1 June 2022). The history of Spanish influence on Falkland Island English (Unpublished). In: Historical Sociolinguistic Network Conference. University of Murcia, Spain. 01.-03. June 2022.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (27 April 2022). How influential has Spanish been on the structure of Falkland Island English? (Unpublished). In: 39th AESLA conference. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 27. April 2022.

Britain, David; Rupp, Laura Marie (22 April 2022). A new look at third person present-tense English in Norwich English (Unpublished). In: Language Variation and Change in the South of England. University of Suffolk, Ipswich. 22. April 2022.

Britain, David; Rupp, Laura Marie (12 April 2022). Beyond the NP/PRO constraint: factors governing the use of third person present tense zero in Norwich English. (Unpublished). In: ICLAVE 11. University of Vienna. 11.-14. April 2022.

Matsumoto, Kazuko; Britain, David (eds.) (2022). International Journal of the Sociology of Language Special Issue: Diaspora Japanese, 2022(273). De Gruyter Mouton

Matsumoto, Kazuko; Britain, David (2022). The vernacularity of Palauan Japanese. International journal of the sociology of language, 2022(273), pp. 103-144. Oxford: Mouton de Gruyter 10.1515/ijsl-2021-0010

Matsumoto, Kazuko; Britain, David (2022). Diaspora Japanese: transnational mobility and language contact. International journal of the sociology of language, 2022(273), pp. 1-29. Oxford: De Gruyter Mouton 10.1515/ijsl-2021-0009

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko (25 January 2022). Transplanted Japanese in the colonial diaspora: dialect and language contact and obsolescence (Unpublished). In: East Asian Linguistics Workshop. Stanford University, USA. 25. January 2022.

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko (2022). English in Micronesia (In Press). In: Bolton, Kingsley; Davis, Daniel (eds.) Encyclopaedia of World Englishes. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black; Sudbury, Andrea (2022). English in the Falkland Islands (In Press). In: Bolton, Kingsley; Davis, Daniel (eds.) Encyclopaedia of World Englishes. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell

Young, Nathan Joel; Britain, David; Leemann, Adrian (2022). A blueprint for using deepfakes in sociolinguistic matched-guise experiments. In: Interspeech 2022. Proceedings (pp. 5268-5272). International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) 10.21437/Interspeech.2022-10782

Britain, David (2022). Grammatical variation in England (In Press). In: Fox, Susan Patricia (ed.) Language in the British Isles. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko (2022). The history of English in Micronesia (In Press). In: Bolton, Kingsley; Davis, Daniel (eds.) Encyclopaedia of World Englishes. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko; Prompapakorn, Praparat (2022). Rural koineisation: three cases studies from Palau, Thailand and England (In Press). In: Tzitzilis, Chr.; Papanastassiou, G. (eds.) Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Koine, koines and the formation of Standard Modern Greek. Thessaloniki: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black; Sudbury, Andrea (2022). English in the Falkland Islands (In Press). In: Hickey, Raymond (ed.) Cambridge History of the English Language. Volume 5, English in Britain and Overseas: Origins and Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Britain, David; Leemann, Adrian Martin; Blaxter, Tamsin (2022). English Dialects App (In Press). In: Montgomery, Christopher; Moore, Emma (eds.) Oxford Handbook of British Englishes. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Britain, David (2022). Ethnolects, multiethnolects and urban contact dialects: Looking forward, looking back, looking around. In: Kerswill, Paul; Wiese, Heike (eds.) Urban contact dialects and language change: Insights from the global North and South (pp. 325-336). London: Routledge

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Büchler, Andrin

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Bürki, Yvette

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Büschges, Christian

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Rota, Andrea; Claviez, Thomas; Büschges, Christian (9 May 2019). Introductory Remarks to "Constructing and Contesting Community" (Unpublished). In: International Workshop Constructing and Contesting Community. Center for Global Studies, Universität Bern. 09. - 10.05.2019.

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Büschges, Christian (ed.) (2018). 50 años de la Teología de Liberación. Dossier der Zeitschrift Iberoamericana. Spanien - Portugal - Lateinamerika: Vol. 68. Madrid, Frankfurt/M.: Iberoamericana, Vervuert

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Büschges, Christian (2018). Ethnicity. In: Kaltmeier, Olaf; Raab, Josef; Foley, Michael Stewart; Nash, Alice; Rinke, Stefan; Rufer, Mario (eds.) The Routledge Handbook to History and Society of the Americas (pp. 259-269). London, New York: Routledge

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Büschges, Christian (27 May 2016). Religion, Class and Ethnicity: Liberation Theology and the Transformation of Social Movements in Ecuador and Peru (1960s to 1980s) (Unpublished). In: 34. International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA). New York, USA. 27.-30. Mai 2016.

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Büschges, Christian (2008). Reason and Its Others. Italy, Spain, and the New World. Iberoamericana - América Latina, España, Portugal, 8(31), pp. 245-247. Iberoamericana/Ed.Vervuert

Büschges, Christian (2007). Das Europa der Aufklärung und die außereuropäische koloniale Welt. H-Soz-u-Kult (Internetpublikation) Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Büschges, Christian (2007). Politische Sprachen? Sprache, Identität und Herrschaft in der Monarchie der spanischen Habsburger. In: Nicklas, Thomas; Schnettger, Matthias (eds.) Politik und Sprache im frühneuzeitlichen Europa. Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte: Vol. 71 (pp. 15-31). Mainz: von Zabern 10.25534/tudigit-15696#0020

Büschges, Christian (2007). L’Espagne contre Napoléon. La Guerre d’Indépendence espagnole (1808-1814). Iberoamericana - América Latina, España, Portugal, 7(25), pp. 272-273. Iberoamericana/Ed.Vervuert

Büschges, Christian (2006). Leben auf der Grenze. Diskursive Aus- und Abgrenzungen von Mexican Americans und Puertoricanern in den USA. Iberoamericana - América Latina, España, Portugal, 6(23), pp. 307-308. Iberoamericana/Ed.Vervuert

Büschges, Christian (2005). Indigenous Movements, Self-Representation and the State in Latin America. Iberoamericana - América Latina, España, Portugal, 5(17), pp. 279-281. Iberoamericana/Ed.Vervuert

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Büschges, Christian (2002). The Places of History. Regionalism revisited in Latin America. Iberoamericana - América Latina, España, Portugal, 2(6), pp. 303-305. Iberoamericana/Ed.Vervuert

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Büschges, Christian; Schröter, Bernd (1999). Las capas altas urbanas en la América hispánica colonial. Reflexiones sobre un tema y una conferencia. In: Beneméritos, aristócratas y empresarios. Identidades y estructuras sociales de las capas altas urbanas en América hispánica. Acta Coloniensia. Estudios Ibéricos y Latinoamericanos: Vol. 4 (pp. 299-315). Frankfurt/M.: Vervuert

Büschges, Christian (1996). Quito et la crise de l’alcabala (1580-1600). Anuario de Estudios Americanos, 53(2), pp. 321-323.

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Caduff, Ursula Corina

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Claviez, Thomas

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Coppens, Laura

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Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia

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Dreschke, Anja Susanne

Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja Susanne (July 2022). Arachnoid Webs: on creating a research-based multimodal website. (Unpublished). In: EASA22: Transformation, Hope and the Commons. School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics at Queen’s University Belfast. 26-29 July, 2022.

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Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja Susanne (25 June 2019). Re-enactment as an audio-visual research tool: from De Martino to today (Unpublished). In: CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE DI STUDI “ERNESTO DE MARTINO E IL FOLKLORE. Matera & Galatina. 24.-25. Juni 2019.

Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja Susanne (15 February 2019). Mediating Tarantism –How to create shared experiences of an Apulian ritual (Unpublished). In: Creating Shared Experience - Sensory Ethnography and Collaborative Filmmaking. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. 15.2.2019.

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Gartmann, Thomas

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Gasser, Sonja Cornelia

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Gasser, Sonja (2021). Eva & Franco Mattes — Zirkulierende Bilder. Kunst-Bulletin(3), pp. 24-31. Schweizerischer Kunstverein

Gasser, Sonja (2021). NFT und Kunst — Ein digitaler Hype oder konzeptuell interessante Gegenwartskunst? Kunst-Bulletin(9), pp. 68-71. Schweizerischer Kunstverein

Gasser, Sonja (2021). Sur les traces d’Harald Naegeli. Schweizer Museumszeitschrift(18), pp. 18-19. Verband der Museen der Schweiz VMS, ICOM Schweiz - Internationaler Museumsrat

Gasser, Sonja (2021). Collection Data in the Cultural Gap. The Dissemination of Knowledge in a Precarious State at the Intersection of Museums, Art History and the Digital Humanities. Book of Abstracts.

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Gerber, Eliane Helena

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Grossenbacher, Sarah

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Hagmann, Lea Salome

Hagmann, Lea Salome (8 February 2024). Beyond Tradition - a self-critical reflection (Unpublished). In: Planetary Listening? Toward a Decolonial Ecomusicology. University of Cambridge. 8.2.2024.

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Hagmann, Lea Salome (15 January 2024). Beyond «Beyond Tradition»: Reflexionen zum ethnomusikologischen Filmprojekt. (Unpublished). In: Musik mobil. Hochschule für Musik und Theater München. 15. Januar 2024.

Hagmann, Lea (8 January 2024). Volksmusik-Revivals: Was steckt dahinter. In: Naturtöne.ch.

Hagmann, Lea (23 September 2023). Schweizer Volksmusik ist Trend: Wie und wo sie vermittelt wird. In: Künste im Gespräch. Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen SRF, Radio SRF2 Kultur

Hagmann, Lea (29 July 2023). Rückzug in die Natur (Musikmagazin). In: Musikmagazin. Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen SRF, Radio SRF2 Kultur

Hagmann, Lea (2023). Beyond Tradition: Of Yodeling and Yoiking. [Movie].

Hagmann, Lea Salome (17 July 2023). Beyond Tradition: Some reflections on the film production (2018-2023) (Unpublished). In: 47th ICTMD annual world conference. Legon, Ghana. 13.-19. Juli 2023.

Hagmann, Lea (15 April 2023). Visions of Cornish Trad Dances (Unpublished). In: BFE Annual Conference. University of Edinburgh. 13.-16. April 2023.

Hagmann, Lea (20 January 2023). Klänge der Freiheit: Das Folk-Festival auf der Lenzburg. In: Passage.

Moeckli, Laura; Ottomano, Vincenzina C.; Scharrer, Margret; Hagmann, Lea (2022). Vorwort. Schweizer Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft, 39, pp. 1-12. Bern Open Publishing 10.36950/sjm.39.0

Hagmann, Lea (12 December 2022). Auf Schatzsuche: Hanny Christen und die Schweizer Volksmusik. In: Kontext.

Hagmann, Lea (5 November 2022). Urs Klauser schafft neue Klänge aus der Vergangenheit. In: Musikmagazin.

Hagmann, Lea (22 October 2022). Humor darf in der Klassik nicht fehlen (Musikmagazin). In: Musikmagazin. Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen SRF, Radio SRF2 Kultur

Hagmann, Lea (15 February 2022). Keltische Music in Cornwall: Entstehung eines neuen Musikgenres (Unpublished). In: Buch am Mittag. Bern. 15. 2. 2022.

Hagmann, Lea (2021). Celtic Music and Dance in Cornwall : Cornu-Copia. London and New York: Routledge https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003140559

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Hagmann, Lea (2021). Einsingen um 9: Gespräch mit Julia Schiwowa zum Corona-Projekt. Schweizer Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft, 38, pp. 63-67. Bern Open Publishing 10.36950/sjm.38.8

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Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (13 October 2023). “We was one big happy family there”: tracking the evolution of past BE in Falkland Island English (Unpublished). In: NWAV-51. Queens College CUNY, New York, USA. 13-15.10.23.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (6 October 2023). Seclusion, Scottishness and Sound Change: the phonological evolution of an Atlantic English variety (Unpublished). In: Phonetik und Phonologie 2023. University of Bern. 6-7.10.23.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah (27 June 2023). PRICE and MOUTH four ways: nucleus quality, diphthong length, offglide quality and allophonic raising in Falkland Island English (Unpublished). In: UKLVC 14. University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland. 26 - 27 June 2023.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah (22 June 2023). No one thinks twice: variation, change and the personal compound determinative doublets –body and – one in Falkland Island English (Unpublished). In: The 7th meeting of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE 7). University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. 19 - 23 June 2023.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah (22 June 2023). A multidimensional vowel analysis of PRICE and MOUTH in Falkland Island English (Unpublished). In: The 7th meeting of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE 7). University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. 19 - 23 June 2023.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah (31 May 2023). Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue?: On the Fate of the Falkland Island Colonial Koine. (Unpublished). In: Historical Sociolinguistics Network Conference. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.. 31 May - 2 June.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah (13 May 2023). There’s nobody there: variation, change and the pronominal quantifier doublets –body and –one in Falkland Island English. (Unpublished). In: Soziolinguistische Perspektiven: Kontakt – Variation – Wandel. Department of German, University of Bern. May 12-13.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (13 April 2023). 100 years of Falkland Island English: settler roots, koine formation and contemporary change (Unpublished). In: Conference on the Phonology of Contemporary English (PAC) 2023: Spoken English Varieties: Interfaces and Multidimensional Approaches. Université de Nanterre, Paris, France. 12-14 April, 2023.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black; Sudbury, Andrea; Hall, Rosemary; Holliday, Nicole; Schreier, Daniel (2023). The Sociolinguistics of the Atlantic Englishes. In: Ball, Martin; Mesthrie, Rajend; Meluzzi, Chiara (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Sociolinguistics Around the World (pp. 120-130). Routledge

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (15 October 2022). Canadian Raising beyond /ai/ and /au/: /oi/ in Falkland Island English (Unpublished). In: New Ways of Analyzing Variation 50 (NWAV50). Stanford University. 13.-15. October 2022.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (1 June 2022). The history of Spanish influence on Falkland Island English (Unpublished). In: Historical Sociolinguistic Network Conference. University of Murcia, Spain. 01.-03. June 2022.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (27 April 2022). How influential has Spanish been on the structure of Falkland Island English? (Unpublished). In: 39th AESLA conference. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 27. April 2022.

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Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black (2022). University of Bern Manx English Corpus (Dialect Corpus) (Submitted). In: University of Bern Manx English Corpus.

Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black; Bovenizer, Noah (2022). Swiss students visiting island to study dialect. Isle of Man Today

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black; Leemann, Adrian Martin; Steiner, Carina Laura; Jeszenzsky, Peter (23 August 2021). Earwitness evidence accuracy revisited: estimating speaker age, height, weight, geographical origin, political affiliation, and education (Unpublished). In: International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (IAFPA) 2021. University of Marburg, Germany. 22. - 25. August 2021.

Heer, Martina Anna

Schneider, Christa; Heer, Martina (29 November 2018). Änneli, gimer es Müntschi. The use of Bernese Swiss-German personal names in the works of Jeremias Gotthelf (Unpublished). In: Namn i skrift. Names in Writing – NORNA:s 48:e symposium. Göteborg. 29th – 30th November 2018.

Herzog, Linda Marlene

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Hilbold, Ilse Caroline Abigail

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Hirsch, Thilo

Hirsch, Thilo (2023). Der Spielmann als Pfau: Musikikonographie nach Panofskys Dreistufen-Modell am Beispiel einer mittelalterlichen Buchmalerei. In: Gartmann, Thomas; Urchueguía, Cristina; Ambühl-Baur, Hannah (eds.) Studies in the Arts II - Künste, Design und Wissenschaft im Austausch. Image (pp. 235-253). Bielefeld: transcript 10.14361/9783839469545-013

Hirsch, Thilo (1 May 2023). Das Rabab: Revival eines 'da gamba' gespielten mittelalterlichen Streichinstruments. Mitteilungen der Viola da gamba-Gesellschaft, 124, pp. 14-15. Viola da gamba-Gesellschaft

Hirsch, Thilo (April 2023). Rubebe, rubechette e rubecone – Das Rabab in Italien im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert (Unpublished). In: Rabab & Rebec – Fellbespannte Streichinstrumente des späten Mittelalters und der Renaissance und ihre aussereuropäischen Verwandten. Bern. 28.-30. April 2023.

Hirsch, Thilo (10 November 2022). The Wartburg Gittern: New Insights and Outlooks (Unpublished). In: Online Study Day on the Wartburg Gittern. Bern. 10.11.2022.

Hirsch, Thilo (23 October 2022). The Skin of the Others: Skin-Covered Bowed String Instruments Between Central Asia and Europe (Unpublished). In: Between Ulm and Jerusalem: Sound and Hearing Cultures in Mutual Perception (500–1500). Istanbul. 21. - 23.10.2022.

Hirsch, Thilo (6 July 2022). El son del purgamẽo: The Rabab in the Cantigas de Santa Maria and its Reconstruction (Unpublished). In: Annual Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference – MedRen. Uppsala. 4.-7.7.2022.

Hirsch, Thilo (25 June 2022). El son del purgamẽo: the Rabab in the Cantigas de Santa Maria and its Reconstruction (Unpublished). In: The Galpin Society - Conference on Musical Instruments. Edinburg. 23.-25.06.2022.

Hirsch, Thilo; Haiduk, Marina (2021). Mehr Aug' als Ohr? Das Rebecchino im Kunsthistorischen Museum Wien. Nachrichten der Gesellschaft der Freunde alter Musikinstrumente, 69(2), pp. 7-35. Gesellschaft der Freunde Alter Musikinstrumente

Hirsch, Thilo (19 November 2021). Das mittelalterliche Rabab, ein Streichinstrument mit arabisch-islamischer Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Schweizer Musikzeitung, p. 36.

Hirsch, Thilo (6 November 2021). El son del purgamẽo: Das Rabab in den Cantigas de Santa Maria und dessen Rekonstruktion (Unpublished). In: Das mittelalterliche Rabab – ein Streichinstrument mit arabisch-islamischer Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Bern. 5.-6.11.2021.

Hirsch, Thilo; Haiduk, Marina (5 November 2021). Zur Interpretation und Rekonstruktion von Musikinstrumenten in Bildquellen. Versuch eines methodisch-praktischen Leitfadens (Unpublished). In: Das mittelalterliche Rabab. Ein Streichinstrument mit arabisch-islamischer Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Bern. 05.-06.11.2021.

Hirsch, Thilo (October 2021). "Wie ich selbsten eins habe" – Das Trumscheit in Praetorius’ Syntagma musicum (Unpublished). In: XLIV. Wissenschaftliche Arbeitstagung und 37. Musikinstrumentenbau-Symposium Michael Praetorius: Innovationen – Traditionen – Theatrum Instrumentorum. Kloster Michaelstein. 08. - 10.10.2021.

Hirsch, Thilo (25 September 2021). Consistency and change in the musical structure of Moroccan andalusi music on the example of recordings from 1932–2018 (Unpublished). In: 13th Symposium of the ICTM Mediterranean Music Studies Group Music, Power, and Space: A Mediterranean Perspective. Online. 23.-28.9.2021.

Hirsch, Thilo; Haiduk, Marina; Sayim, Bilge (2021). Rapahel's 'imperfect' viol: a question of perspective. Early music, 49(3), pp. 329-346. Oxford University Press 10.1093/em/caab047

Hirsch, Thilo; Haiduk, Marina (19 June 2021). Die leisen Klänge der Macht – Das Rebecchino im Kunsthistorischen Museum Wien (Unpublished). In: Sounds of Power - Sonic Court Rituals In- and Outside Europe in the 15th - 17th Centuries. Bern. 17.-19.06.2021.

Hirsch, Thilo (9 June 2021). Consistency and change in the musical structure of Moroccan andalusi music studied on recordings from 1932 to 2018 (Unpublished). In: Sixt International Conference on Analytical Approaches to World Music. Paris. 09.-12.06.2021.

Hirsch, Thilo (15 April 2021). Le ménestrel en tant que Paon? - Iconographie musicale selon le modèle en trois étapes de Panofsky à l’exemple d’une enluminure médiévale (Unpublished). In: ller au-delà des limites : expérimenter le timbre dans les pratiques vocales et instrumentales des musiques modales. Montpellier. 15.-16.04.2021.

Hirsch, Thilo (20 September 2020). Rabab und Rebec – fellbespannte Streichinstrumente. Schweizer Musikzeitung, 5, p. 16.

Hirsch, Thilo (19 October 2019). Konstanz und Veränderung in der musikalischen Struktur der marokkanischen andalusi-Musik am Beispiel von Aufnahmen aus den Jahren 1932 und 2018 (Unpublished). In: CH-EM, Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Ethnomusikologie, Herbsttagung. Université de Fribourg. 19.10.2019.

Hirsch, Thilo (4 July 2019). Evidence-based reconstruction of a Spanish Renaissance vihuela de arco and its “Andalusian” playing technique. (Unpublished). In: 47th Medieval & Renaissance Music Conference 2019. Schola Cantorum Basiliensis / FHNW, Leonhardstrasse 6, CH-4051 Basel. Basel, 3.–6.7. 2019.

Hirsch, Thilo (3 July 2019). Il dolce suono – Acoustical measurements and practical experiences with ’new’ viols after Ganassi 1542/43 (Unpublished). In: 47th Medieval & Renaissance Music Conference 2019. Schola Cantorum Basiliensis / FHNW, Leonhardstrasse 6, CH-4051 Basel. 3.–6.7. 2019.

Hirsch, Thilo (2019). Groß Geigen und Rybeben – Nordalpine Viola da gamba-Ensembles im frühen 16. Jahrhundert. In: Papiro, Martina (ed.) Gross Geigen um 1500. Orazio Michi und die Harfe um 1600. Basler Beiträge zur Historischen Musikpraxis: Vol. 39 (pp. 99-123). Basel: Schwabe

Hirsch, Thilo (18 October 2018). Evidence-based reconstruction of a Spanish renaissance vihuela de arco and its „andalusian“ playing technique (Unpublished). In: 15th Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Iconography of the Performing Arts IBERIAN MUSICAL CROSSROADS THROUGH THE AGES: MUSIC, IMAGES AND TRANSCULTURAL EXCHANGES. Barcelona. 17.-19.10.2018.

Hirsch, Thilo (2018). Artikel „Grande Ecurie“. In: Hofer, Achim; Kramer, Ursula; Sirker, Udo (eds.) Lexikon der Holzblasinstrumente (pp. 310-312). Laaber Verlag

Hirsch, Thilo (2018). Artikel „Cromorne“. In: Hofer, Achim; Kramer, Ursula; Sirker, Udo (eds.) Lexikon der Holzblasinstrumente (pp. 194-195). Laaber Verlag

Hirsch, Thilo (2018). Zur nachweisorientierten Rekonstruktion einer Renaissance-Viola da Gamba nach Silvestro Ganassi. In: Drescher, Thomas; Kirnbauer, Martin (eds.) Basler Jahrbuch für Historische Musikpraxis 35/36 (pp. 245-282). Amadeus

Hodel, Tobias

Weber, Dominic; Schwandt, Silke; Huang, Angela; Hodel, Tobias; Tolino, Serena; Kuhlmann, Christopher; Meyer, Dana; Wilde, Melvin; Kirschnick, Inga; Jentsch, Patrick; Hostettler, Myrjam; Widmer, Jonas; Lange, Inga; Popken, Vivien (2024). not opaque flow – Workflows zur Aufbereitung und Auswertung historischer Dokumente. In: Weis, Joëlle; Bunout, Estelle; Haider, Thomas; Helling, Patrick; Gerstmeier, Markus; Perschl, Tobias; Huber, Elisabeth; Haider, Thomas; Debbeler, Anke; Majka, Nicole (eds.) DHd 2024 Quo Vadis DH (DHd2024). Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.10698512

Hodel, Tobias; Burkart, Lucas; Hitz, Benjamin; Aeby, Jonas; Prada Ziegler, Ismail; Vonwiller, Aline (2024). Ökonomien des Raums: Ein historisches Findmittel digital denken. In: Weis, Joëlle; Bunout, Estelle; Haider, Thomas; Helling, Patrick; Gerstmeier, Markus; Perschl, Tobias; Huber, Elisabeth; Haider, Thomas; Debbeler, Anke; Majka, Nicole (eds.) DHd 2024 Quo Vadis DH (DHd2024). Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.10698311

Hodel, Tobias; Dängeli, Peter (2024). Review: Europäische Religionsfrieden Digital, Dingel, Irene and Stäcker Thomas; Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte Mainz/ULB Darmstadt (ed.), 2020-. https://eured.de. RIDE: a review journal for digital editions and resources, 17 IDE 10.18716/ride.a.17.3

Diekjobst, Anne; Geelhaar, Tim; Hodel, Tobias; Mähr, Moritz; Seltmann, Melanie (2024). 2.3. Mit Standards forschen und Handlungsräume schaffen. In: Deicke, Aline; Geiger, Jonathan D.; Lemaire, Marina; Schmunk, Stefan (eds.) Living Handbook “Digitale Quellenkritik”. Trier: Selbstverlag 10.5281/zenodo.12656766

Ströbel, Phillip; Hodel, Tobias; Fischer, Andreas; Scius, Anna; Wolf, Beat; Janka, Anna; Widmer, Jonas; Scheurer, Patricia; Volk, Martin (2023). Bullingers Briefwechsel zugänglich machen: Stand der Handschriftenerkennung. In: Trilcke, Peer; Busch, Anna; Helling, Patrick (eds.) DHd 2023 Open Humanities Open Culture. 9. Tagung des Verbands "Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum" (DHd 2023). Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.7715356

Hodel, Tobias Mathias

Hodel, Tobias (2024). Das Ende der Edition? Ein Blick auf geschichtswissenschaftliche Editionen mit Fokus auf die Frühe Neuzeit – eine Provokation. In: Post aus Nürnberg. Interdisziplinäre Forschungen zu den Briefbüchern des 15. Jahrhunderts. Nürnberger Forschungen: Vol. 34 (pp. 61-66). Neustadt an der Aisch: Verlagsdruckerei Schmidt

Romein, C. Annemieke; Hodel, Tobias; Gordijn, Femke; Zundert, Joris J. van; Chagué, Alix; Lange, Milan van; Jensen, Helle Strandgaard; Stauder, Andy; Purcell, Jake; Terras, Melissa M.; Heuvel, Pauline van den; Keijzer, Carlijn; Rabus, Achim; Sitaram, Chantal; Bhatia, Aakriti; Depuydt, Katrien; Afolabi-Adeolu, Mary Aderonke; Anikina, Anastasiia; Bastianello, Elisa; Benzinger, Lukas Vincent; ... (2024). Exploring Data Provenance in Handwritten Text Recognition Infrastructure: Sharing and Reusing Ground Truth Data, Referencing Models, and Acknowledging Contributions. Starting the Conversation on How We Could Get It Done. Journal of data mining and digital humanities Episciences 10.46298/jdmdh.10403

Scius-Bertrand, Anna; Ströbel, Phillip; Volk, Martin; Hodel, Tobias; Fischer, Andreas (August 2023). The Bullinger Dataset: A Writer Adaptation Challenge. In: Fink, Gernot A.; Jain, Rajiv; Kise, Koichi; Zanibbi, Richard (eds.) ICDAR 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 14187 (pp. 397-410). Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-031-41676-7_23

Hodel, Tobias; Schneider, Christa (2023). Vom Crowdsourcing zu Co-Design. Ansätze zum Einbezug der Öffentlichkeit in die geschichtswissenschaftliche Forschung. In: Smolarski, René; Carius, Hendrikje; Prell, Martin (eds.) Citizen Science in den Geschichtswissenschaften. Methodische Perspektive oder perspektivlose Methode? DH&CS. Schriften des Netzwerks für digitale Geisteswissenschaften und Citizen Science: Vol. 3 (pp. 41-68). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 10.14220/9783737015714.41

Hodel, Tobias Mathias (2023). Max Kemman, Trading Zones of Digital History. Historische Zeitschrift, 316(1), pp. 182-184. De Gruyter Oldenbourg 10.1515/hzhz-2023-1002

Hodel, Tobias; Prada Ziegler, Ismail; Schneider, Christa (2023). Pre-Modern Data: Applying Language Modeling and Named Entity Recognition on Criminal Records in the City of Bern. In: Digital Humanities 2023. Collaboration as Opportunity (DH2023). Graz. 13.07.2023. 10.5281/zenodo.8107616

Ströbel, Phillip Benjamin; Hodel, Tobias; Boente, Walter; Volk, Martin (2023). The Adaptability of a Transformer-Based OCR Model for Historical Documents. In: Coustaty, Mickael; Fornés, Alicia (eds.) Document Analysis and Recognition - ICDAR 2023 Workshops. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 14193 (pp. 34-48). Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-031-41498-5_3

Fan, Tao; Wang, Hao; Hodel, Tobias (2023). CICHMKG: a large-scale and comprehensive Chinese intangible cultural heritage multimodal knowledge graph. Heritage Science, 11(1) Springer 10.1186/s40494-023-00927-2

Fan, Tao; Wang, Hao; Hodel, Tobias (2023). Multimodal genre recognition of Chinese operas with hybrid fusion. In: Digital Humanities 2023. Collaboration as Opportunity (DH2023). 10.5281/zenodo.8108089

Hodel, Tobias Mathias; Janka, Anna; Widmer, Jonas (2022). Digital Mappa – Simple and Web-based Annotations. Tool review. RIDE: a review journal for digital editions and resources(15) IDE 10.18716/ride.a.15.1

Hodel, Tobias (2022). Consequences of Handwritten Text Recognition and Machine Learning for the Study of History. Application, Classification, and Methodological Critiques. Historische Zeitschrift, 316(1), pp. 151-180. De Gruyter Oldenbourg 10.1515/hzhz-2023-0006

Hodel, Tobias; Gasser, Sonja; Schneider, Christa; Schoch, David (2022). Zugang zu Informationen in digitalen Sammlungen: Fokus Archive. Informationswissenschaft - Theorie, Methode und Praxis, 7(1), pp. 27-91. Bern Open Publishing 10.18755/iw.2022.5

Ströbel, Phillip Benjamin; Clematide, Simon; Volk, Martin; Schwitter, Raphael; Hodel, Tobias; Schoch, David (2022). Evaluation of HTR models without Ground Truth Material. In: Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (pp. 4395-4404). ACL Anthology

Schneider, Christa; Hodel, Tobias (6 November 2020). Ist uß gnaden unnd barmhertzigkeyt enthouptet worden – Ein historisch-soziolinguistisches Projekt zum Berndeutschen der Frühen Neuzeit (Unpublished). In: 11. Tage der Schweizer Linguistik. Fribourg. 06.11.2020.

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Kluwick, Ursula Maria

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Krueger, Birgit

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Laederach, Kurt

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Leemann, Adrian Martin

Parrott-Gräppi, Christine; Steiner, Carina Laura; Leemann, Adrian Martin (1 October 2023). Difference in Gender in the Realisation of the English STRUT vowel in Swiss German (Unpublished). In: Phonetik & Phonologie.

Parrott-Gräppi, Christine; Leemann, Adrian Martin (1 June 2022). Macro-social variation in the articulation of labio-velar approximants by Swiss learners of English (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistics Symposium.

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Britain, David; Leemann, Adrian Martin; Blaxter, Tamsin (2022). English Dialects App (In Press). In: Montgomery, Christopher; Moore, Emma (eds.) Oxford Handbook of British Englishes. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black; Leemann, Adrian Martin; Steiner, Carina Laura; Jeszenzsky, Peter (23 August 2021). Earwitness evidence accuracy revisited: estimating speaker age, height, weight, geographical origin, political affiliation, and education (Unpublished). In: International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (IAFPA) 2021. University of Marburg, Germany. 22. - 25. August 2021.

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Leemann, Adrian Martin; Jeszenszky, Péter; Steiner, Carina Laura (2 December 2020). Feldforschung trotz Pandemie (Unpublished). In: Forschungskolloquium / Invited talk. Marburg (DE), virtual. 02.12.20.

Leemann, Adrian Martin; Jeszenszky, Péter; Steiner, Carina Laura (25 November 2020). Feldforschung trotz Pandemie (Unpublished). In: Forschungskolloquium, Invited talk. Jena (DE), virtual. 25.11.2020.

Jeszenszky, Péter; Demiray, B; Steiner, Carina; Leemann, Adrian (June 2020). Towards a regionally representative and socio-demographically diverse resource of Swiss German (Unpublished). In: 5th SwissText & 16th KONVENS Joint Conference 2020. virtual. 06.2020.

Büchler, Andrin; Leemann, Adrian Martin (7 November 2019). Phonetic stability across time: a diaspora community in Switzerland (Unpublished). In: Language Variation and Change in Diaspora Communities. Universität Bern. 06.–08.11.2019.

Büchler, Andrin; Leemann, Adrian Martin (4 September 2019). Phonetic stability across time: Linguistic enclaves in Switzerland (Unpublished). In: UK Language Variation and Change (UKLVC 12). Queen Mary University of London. 03.–05.09.2019.

Strycharczuk, Patrycja; Brown, Georgina; Leemann, Adrian; Britain, David (2019). Investigating FOOT-STRUT in Northern Englishes using crowdsourced data. Proceedings of the ICPhS, pp. 1337-1341.

Leemann, Adrian Martin; Derungs, Curdin; Elspass, Stephan (2019). Analyzing linguistic variation and change using gamification web apps: The case of German-speaking Europe. PLoS ONE, 14(12), pp. 1-29. Public Library of Science 10.1371/journal.pone.0225399

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Britain, David; Leemann, Adrian; Kolly, Marie-José (27 May 2015). The English Dialect App (Unpublished). In: 8th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe. University of Leipzig, Germany. 27.-29.05.2015.

Levon, Erez

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Lindt, Angela

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Loher, David

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Lubrich, Oliver

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Lubrich, Oliver (11 October 2023). Auftaktveranstaltung zur Friedrich Dürrenmatt Gastprofessur mit Abdourahman Waberi (Unpublished). In: Friedrich Dürrenmatt Gastprofessur, Walter Benjamin Kolleg. Burgerbibliothek Bern. 11. Oktober 2023.

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Magnin, Emilie

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Hölling, Hanna Barbara; Magnin, Emilie (30 May 2023). Writing Performance: On Preservation through Documentation in Performance-based Works (Unpublished). In: Workshop at University of Rio de Janeiro, Center for Heritage Management and Documentation in Museums. Rio de Janeiro. 30.05.2023.

Hölling, Hanna Barbara; Pelta Feldman, Jules; Magnin, Emilie; Falsnaes, Christian; Feder, Ido; Gaweda, Dorota; Grau, Pascale; Raymond, Rosanna; Sanvy, Davide-Christelle (16 May 2023). Conserving Performance: Artists Speak - Third Annual Colloquium (Unpublished). In: Third Annual Colloquium. Bern. 16. May 2023.

Magnin, Emilie (13 March 2023). Divergent Conservations – conservations divergentes. In: Performance: Conservation, Materiality Knowledge.

Magnin, Emilie; Fortunato, Flaminia (10 March 2023). Two Questions with Flaminia Fortunato.

Hölling, Hanna B.; Pelta Feldman, Jules; Magnin, Emilie (eds.) (2023). Performance: The Ethics and the Politics of Conservation and Care, Volume I. London: Routledge 10.4324/9781003309987

Hölling, Hanna B.; Pelta Feldman, Jules; Magnin, Emilie (2023). Introduction: Caring for Performance. In: Hölling, Hanna B.; Pelta Feldmann, Jules; Magnin, Emilie (eds.) Performance: The Ethics and Politics of Care, Volume I (pp. 1-20). London and New York: Routledge 10.4324/9781003309987-1

Hölling, Hanna B.; Pelta Feldman, Jules; Magnin, Emilie (2023). Performing the 'Mask': Kongo Astronauts (Eléonore Hellio and Michel Ekeba) on Postcolonial Entanglements. In: Hölling, Hanna B.; Pelta Feldman, Jules; Magnin, Emilie (eds.) Performance: The Ethics and Politics of Care, Volume I (pp. 200-216). London and New York: Taylor & Francis 10.4324/9781003309987-13

Hölling, Hanna B.; Pelta Feldman, Jules; Magnin, Emilie (2023). Peeling the Paint off the Walls: Kelli Morgan on Black Performance and Racial Justice in Western Institutions. In: Hölling, Hanna B.; Pelta Feldman, Jules; Magnin, Emilie (eds.) Performance: The Ethics and Politics of Care, Volume I (pp. 188-199). London and New York: Taylor & Francis 10.4324/9781003309987-12

Schäffler, Anna; Hölling, Hanna Barbara; Wielocha, Aga; Feldman, Julia Pelta; Magnin, Emilie (21 December 2022). Anna Schäffler: The Art of Preservation. An invited lecture and a panel discussion jointly organized by SNSF Activating Fluxus and SNSF Performance: Conservation, Materiality, Knowledge within the Research Wednesday seminar series, Bern University of the Arts (Unpublished). In: Research Wednesday seminar series. Bern University of the Arts. 21. December 2022.

Magnin, Emilie (20 June 2022). Looking back at Conserving “Us:” Caring for Living Heritage, Oral Tradition and Indigenous Knowledge — A Conversation with Brandie Macdonald. In: Performance: Conservation, Materiality Knowledge.

Magnin, Emilie (10 June 2022). Performance Conservation and Documentation Methods. (Unpublished). In: Revolving Documents #1: Narrations of the Beginnings of Performance Art. Basel. 09.-10.06.2022.

Hölling, Hanna Barbara; Feldman, Julia Pelta; Magnin, Emilie; Wielocha, Aga (30 May 2022). Conserving Performance: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Second Annual Colloquium organized by SNSF Performance: Conservation, Materiality, Knowledge, Bern University of the Arts. (Unpublished). In: Conserving Performance: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Bern University of the Arts. 30. September 2022.

Magnin, Emilie; Macdonald, Brandie; Hölling, Hanna Barbara (12 May 2022). Conserving “Us:” Caring for Living Heritage, Oral Tradition and Indigenous Knowledge (Unpublished). In: Performance: Conservation, Materiality Knowledge. Bern. 12.05.2022.

Magnin, Emilie; Feldman, Julia Pelta; Hölling, Hanna Barbara; Bishop, Claire (2021). Can Performance Art be Conserved? Claire Bishop in Conversation [Movie]. In: Performance: Conservation, Materiality, Knowledge.

Magnin, Emilie; Hölling, Hanna Barbara; Metcalf, Megan; Olinghaus, Cori; Feldman, Julia Pelta (2021). Living Materials: Ethics and Principles For Embodied Stewardship - A Panel and a Conversation between Cori Olinghaus and Megan Metcalf. In: Performance: Conservation, Materiality, Knowledge.

Magnin, Emilie; Hölling, Hanna Barbara; Feldman, Julia Pelta; Maly, Valerian (2021). Performance: The Ethics and the Politics of Care. In: Colloquia within the research project Performance: Conservation, Materiality, Knowledge.

Magnin, Emilie (2015). Defining an Ethical Framework for Preserving Cory Arcangel’s Super Mario Clouds. The Electronic Media Review, 4 American Institute for Conservation

Maier, Daniela Carmen

Maier, Daniela Carmen (2019). Kopien zwischen Kunst und Technik. Galvanoplastische Reproduktionen in Kunstgewerbemuseen des 19. Jahrhunderts (Unpublished). (Dissertation, University of Bern)

Matsumoto, Kazuko

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko (5 August 2022). A moribund Japanese colonial koiné in the Pacific: a panel study of language obsolescence. (Unpublished). In: 17th International Conference on Methods in Dialectology (Methods XVII). Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany. 01.-05. August 2022.

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko (13 July 2022). A real-time study of language obsolescence: An endangered postcolonial Japanese in the Pacific (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistics Symposium 24. University of Ghent, Belgium. 13.-16. July 2022.

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko (8 June 2022). A panel study of the obsolescence of a Pacific Japanese colonial koine (Unpublished). In: LinguisTisch. Sociolinguistics Lab, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. 08. June 2022.

Matsumoto, Kazuko; Britain, David (eds.) (2022). International Journal of the Sociology of Language Special Issue: Diaspora Japanese, 2022(273). De Gruyter Mouton

Matsumoto, Kazuko; Britain, David (2022). The vernacularity of Palauan Japanese. International journal of the sociology of language, 2022(273), pp. 103-144. Oxford: Mouton de Gruyter 10.1515/ijsl-2021-0010

Matsumoto, Kazuko; Britain, David (2022). Diaspora Japanese: transnational mobility and language contact. International journal of the sociology of language, 2022(273), pp. 1-29. Oxford: De Gruyter Mouton 10.1515/ijsl-2021-0009

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko (25 January 2022). Transplanted Japanese in the colonial diaspora: dialect and language contact and obsolescence (Unpublished). In: East Asian Linguistics Workshop. Stanford University, USA. 25. January 2022.

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko (2022). English in Micronesia (In Press). In: Bolton, Kingsley; Davis, Daniel (eds.) Encyclopaedia of World Englishes. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko (2022). The history of English in Micronesia (In Press). In: Bolton, Kingsley; Davis, Daniel (eds.) Encyclopaedia of World Englishes. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell

Britain, David; Matsumoto, Kazuko; Prompapakorn, Praparat (2022). Rural koineisation: three cases studies from Palau, Thailand and England (In Press). In: Tzitzilis, Chr.; Papanastassiou, G. (eds.) Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Koine, koines and the formation of Standard Modern Greek. Thessaloniki: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Mausfeld, Dianne Violeta

Mausfeld, Dianne Violeta (2021). ’Brown and Proud!‘ Die Ästhetik von Chicano Rap im Südwesten der USA. In: Holtsträter, Knut; Greve, Julius (eds.) Lied und populäre Kultur: Musikalische Regionen und Regionalismen in den USA/ Song and Popular Culture: Musical Regions and Regionalisms in the USA. Jahrbuch des Zentrums für Populäre Kultur und Musik: Vol. 66 (pp. 89-106). Münster; New York: Waxmann Verlag

Mausfeld, Dianne Violeta (30 October 2021). “Double the Struggle” Latino/Chicano Hip-Hop and the East Coast-West Coast Dialectic (Unpublished). In: Transcultural Hip-Hop. Constructing and Contesting Identity, Space, and Place in the Americas and beyond. Universität Bern/Virtuell. 28.-30. Oktober 2021.

Mausfeld, Dianne Violeta; Mausfeld, Dianne Violeta (28 May 2021). “We’re Hip-Hop’s Minority!“ Transcultural Collaboration and the Chicano Struggle for Recognition in Los Angeles Hip-Hop (Unpublished). In: 29th Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Virtual Event. 26.-29.5.2021.

Mausfeld, Dianne Violeta; Mausfeld, Dianne Violeta (28 May 2021). “We’re Hip-Hop’s Minority!“ Transcultural Collaboration and the Chicano Struggle for Recognition in Los Angeles Hip-Hop (Unpublished). In: 29th Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Virtual Event. 26.-29.5.2021.

Mausfeld, Dianne Violeta (22 February 2021). A Matter of Style Appropriation. In: Commentary. Online: Norient

Mausfeld, Dianne Violeta (14 February 2020). “The radio won’t play you, but the neighborhood will” – Chicano Rap, Space & Identity in L.A., 1980s & 1990s (Unpublished). In: Groove the City 2020 Conference. Constructing and Deconstructing Urban Spaces through Music. Leuphana University Lüneburg. February 13-15 2020.

Mausfeld, Dianne Violeta (4 October 2019). “I’m from the varrio – East Los – Aztlán”: Place, Space & Identity in L.A. Chicano Rap (Unpublished). In: Music and Society in the Americas/ Música y sociedad en Latino America. Universität Bern. 04. - 05.10.2019.

Mausfeld, Dianne Violeta (24 May 2019). Mexican-American Cultural Signifiers in West Coast Hip-Hop during the 1980s & 1990s (Unpublished). In: 27th Conference of the Latin American Studies Association. Boston Marriott Copley Place/ Boston Sheraton Hotel, Boston, USA. 24. - 27.05.2019.

Mausfeld, Dianne Violeta (30 March 2019). Chicano Rap & Chicano Cinema during the early 1990s. Narratives of Social Struggle and (in-) Justice (Unpublished). In: Balancing The Mix: A Conference On Popular Music And Social Justice. University of Memphis, USA. 30.3.2019.

Mausfeld, Dianne Violeta (2019). ‘These Stories have to be told’: Chicano Rap as Historical Source. Popular music history, 12(2), pp. 174-193. Equinox 10.1558/pomh.39209

Michel, Simon Livio

Rota, Andrea; Michel, Simon Livio; Wyttenbach, Christina (13 May 2019). The Legacy of the 1960s and 1970s (Unpublished). In: Research Day of the Faculty of Humanities. Walter Benjamin Kolleg, Universität Bern. 13. Mai 2019.

Rota, Andrea; Michel, Simon Livio; Wyttenbach, Christina (9 November 2018). The Legacy of the 1960s and 1970s: Preliminary Questions (Unpublished). In: International Workshop The Legacy of the 1960s and 1970s: Kickoff Workshop. Münchenwiler Castle (Bern). 09.-10.11.18.

Michler, Robert

Michler, Robert (2023). A Romanticized Narrative: and the Overlooked Birth of Electronic Beats. In: Gartmann, Thomas; Urchueguía, Cristina; Ambühl-Baur, Hannah (eds.) Studies in the Arts II - Künste, Design und Wissenschaft im Austausch. Image (pp. 289-307). Bielefeld: transcript 10.14361/9783839469545-016

Moeckli, Laura Elisabeth

Moeckli, Laura; Ottomano, Vincenzina C.; Scharrer, Margret; Hagmann, Lea (2022). Vorwort. Schweizer Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft, 39, pp. 1-12. Bern Open Publishing 10.36950/sjm.39.0

Hagmann, Lea; Moeckli, Laura; Ottomano, Vincenzina; Scharrer, Margret (2021). Vorwort. Schweizer Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft, 38, pp. 1-12. Bern Open Publishing 10.36950/sjm.38.0

Movahedi Sichani, Mahroo

Movahedi Sichani, Mahroo (2023). Sensing the senses of place (Unpublished). In: RAI Film Festival 2023. Online. 06.-10.03.2023.

Mähr, Moritz

Diekjobst, Anne; Geelhaar, Tim; Hodel, Tobias; Mähr, Moritz; Seltmann, Melanie (2024). 2.3. Mit Standards forschen und Handlungsräume schaffen. In: Deicke, Aline; Geiger, Jonathan D.; Lemaire, Marina; Schmunk, Stefan (eds.) Living Handbook “Digitale Quellenkritik”. Trier: Selbstverlag 10.5281/zenodo.12656766

Mähr, Moritz (21 April 2023). Literature research with ChatGPT: Excerpting and summarizing for the impatient researcher (Unpublished). In: Interaktive Sprachmodelle: Lehre und Forschung mit ChatGPT & Co. University of Bern. 21.04.2023.

Mähr, Moritz (1 March 2023). Die Entwicklung der Internet Governance: Wie kann ein grosses Korpus an digital entstandenen Quellen in einem kollaborativen Forschungsprojekt untersucht werden? (Unpublished). In: Forschungskolloquium zur Geschichte nach 1800. Historisches Institut der Universität Bern. 1.3.2023.

Mähr, Moritz (4 October 2022). Wer entscheidet darüber, wie das Internet funktioniert? (Unpublished). In: 8. Tag der Junior Fellows. Walter Benjamin Kolleg. 4.10.2022.

Müller, Andrea Heidy

Büschges, Christian; Müller, Andrea; Oehri, Noah (eds.) (2021). Liberation Theology and the Others: Contextualizing Catholic Activism in 20th Century Latin America. Lanham: Lexington

Büschges, Christian; Müller, Andrea; Oehri, Noah (2021). Introduction: Liberation Theology and the Other(s). In: Büschges, Christian; Müller, Andrea; Oehri, Noah (eds.) Liberation Theology and the Others: Contextualizing Catholic Activism in 20th Century Latin America (pp. 1-21). Lanham: Lexington

Naguib, Tarek

Schilliger, Sarah Berit; Wa Baile, Mohamed Shee; Naguib, Tarek; Plümecke, Tino; Wilopo, Claudia (2020). Racial Profiling – Erfahrungen, Wirkungen, Widerstand. In: Kritik rassistischer Praktiken. Konferenz des Rats für Migration. Frankfurt/online. 13. November 2020.

Oberholzer, Linus Clemens

Leemann, Adrian Martin; Jeszenszky, P.; Steiner, Carina Laura; Studerus, Melanie Tanja; Messerli, J.; Oberholzer, Linus Clemens (1 April 2021). Swiss German Dialects Across Time and Space –Project presentation. (Unpublished). In: Forschung zum Schweizerdeutschen (FZS).

Oehri, Noah

Büschges, Christian; Müller, Andrea; Oehri, Noah (2021). Introduction: Liberation Theology and the Other(s). In: Büschges, Christian; Müller, Andrea; Oehri, Noah (eds.) Liberation Theology and the Others: Contextualizing Catholic Activism in 20th Century Latin America (pp. 1-21). Lanham: Lexington

Okyere, Mark

Okyere, Mark (2023). Towards a Definition of the Concept of "Non-Formally Trained Graphic Designers". In: Gartmann, Thomas; Urchueguía, Cristina; Ambühl-Baur, Hannah (eds.) Studies in the Arts II - Künste, Design und Wissenschaft im Austausch. Image (pp. 107-120). Bielefeld: transcript 10.14361/9783839469545-006

Parrott-Gräppi, Christine

Parrott-Gräppi, Christine; Steiner, Carina Laura; Leemann, Adrian Martin (1 October 2023). Difference in Gender in the Realisation of the English STRUT vowel in Swiss German (Unpublished). In: Phonetik & Phonologie.

Parrott-Gräppi, Christine; Leemann, Adrian Martin (1 June 2022). Macro-social variation in the articulation of labio-velar approximants by Swiss learners of English (Unpublished). In: Sociolinguistics Symposium.

Prada Ziegler, Ismail Muhammad

Hodel, Tobias; Prada Ziegler, Ismail; Schneider, Christa (2023). Pre-Modern Data: Applying Language Modeling and Named Entity Recognition on Criminal Records in the City of Bern. In: Digital Humanities 2023. Collaboration as Opportunity (DH2023). Graz. 13.07.2023. 10.5281/zenodo.8107616

Pretzer, Christoph Joseph

Pretzer, Christoph (2022). Columns of Time - Fictional Spolia as Chronometers in 12th-century Middle High German Literature (Submitted). Interfaces Centre Interlangues Texte, Image, Langage

Pugin, Laurent Xavier

Pugin, Laurent; Bacciagaluppi, Claudio (October 2020). An Analysis of Musical Work Datasets and their Current Level of Linkage. In: 7th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology (DLfM 2020) (pp. 32-39). Online: The ACM Digital Library 10.1145/3424911.3425518

Bell, Eamonn; Pugin, Laurent (2019). Heuristic and Supervised Approaches to Handwritten Annotation Extraction for Musical Score Images. International journal on digital libraries, 20(1), pp. 49-59. Springer 10.1007/s00799-018-0249-7

Keil, Klaus; Pugin, Laurent (2018). The International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM). A Joint Project of Research Institutions and Libraries. Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 42(2), pp. 309-318. De Gruyter 10.1515/bfp-2018-0042

Fujinaga, Ichiro; Hankinson, Andrew; Pugin, Laurent (2018). Automatic Score Extraction with Optical Music Recognition (OMR). In: Bader, Rolf (ed.) Springer Handbook of Systematic Musicology (pp. 299-311). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer 10.1007/978-3-662-55004-5_16

Pugin, Laurent (2018). Interaction Perspectives for Music Notation Applications. In: Workshop on Semantic Applications for Audio and Music (SAAM 2018). Monterey, California USA. October 2018. 10.1145/3243907.3243911

Pugin, Laurent (2018). Aruspix and the Marenzio Online Digital Edition: Some Lessons and the Evolution of the Project Plan. Troja. Jahrbuch für Renaissancemusik, 17, pp. 103-123. 10.25371/troja.v20182604

Kepper, Johannes; Pugin, Laurent (2017). Was ist eine Digitale Edition? Versuch einer Positionsbestimmung zum Stand der Musikphilologie im Jahr 2017. Musiktheorie : Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft, 32(4), pp. 347-363. Laaber-Verlag

Güggi, Cédric; Pugin, Laurent (2017). Zehn Jahre Entwicklungs-und Katalogisierungserfahrung mit Muscat. Forum Musikbibliothek, 38(1), pp. 20-26. Ortus Musikverlag

Zitellini, Rodolfo; Pugin, Laurent (2016). Representing Atypical Music Notation Practices: An Example with Late 17th Century Music. In: Second International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation (TENOR 2016) (pp. 71-76). Cambridge, UK: Anglia Ruskin University

Bell, Eamonn; Pugin, Laurent (2016). Approaches to Handwritten Conductor Annotation Extraction in Musical Scores. In: 3rd ACM International workshop on Digital Libraries for Musicology (DLfM 2016). ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (pp. 33-36). New York: ACM Press 10.1145/2970044.2970053

Pugin, Laurent (2016). Interaction with Music Encoding. In: Richts, Kristina; Stadler, Peter (eds.) »Ei, dem alten Herrn zoll’ ich Achtung gern’«. Festschrift für Joachim Veit zum 60. Geburtstag (pp. 617-630). München: Allitera Verlag

Pugin, Laurent (2016). Encodage de documents musicaux avec la MEI. In: Martin, Sylvaine Leblond (ed.) Musiques orales, notations musicales et encodages numériques (pp. 162-175). Paris: Les Editions de l'Immatériel

Pugin, Laurent (2015). The Challenge of Data in Digital Musicology. Frontiers in digital humanities, 2(4) Frontiers 10.3389/fdigh.2015.00004

Roland, Perry; Hankinson, Andrew; Pugin, Laurent (2014). Early Music and the Music Encoding Initiative. Early music, 42(4), pp. 605-611. Oxford University Press 10.1093/em/cau098

Pugin, Laurent (2014). Music Printers at Work: Comparing Editions of Marenzio's Primo libro di madrigali a quattro. In: Calcagno, Mauro (ed.) Perspectives on Luca Marenzio’s Secular Music. Collection Epitome musicale (pp. 409-429). Turnhout: Brepols

Pugin, Laurent; Zitellini, Rodolfo; Roland, Perry (2014). Verovio: A Library for Engraving MEI Music Notation into SVG. In: 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2014). Taipei. 27-31 Oktober 2014.

Pugin, Laurent; Zitellini, Rodolfo (July 2013). Instrument Distribution and Music Notation Search for Enhancing Bibliographic Music Score Retrieval. In: ACM-IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2013) (pp. 195-198). New York: Association for Computing Machinery 10.1145/2467696.2467728

Pugin, Laurent; Crawford, Tim (2013). Evaluating OMR on the Early Music Online Collection. In: 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2013). Curitiba. 4-8 November 2013.

Pugin, Laurent (2013). Going Digital: Finding the Right Path for Critical Music Editions. In: Boccadoro, Brenno; Starobinski, Georges (eds.) A Fresco: Mélanges offerts au Professeur Etienne Darbellay (pp. 231-251). Bern: Peter Lang International Academic Publishers

Pugin, Laurent Xavier; Kepper, Johannes; Roland, Perry; Hartwig, Maja; Hankinson, Andrew (2012). Separating Content and Presentation in MEI. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. Porto.

Hankinson, Andrew; Liu, Wendy; Pugin, Laurent; Fujinaga, Ichiro (2012). Diva: A Web-Based High-Resolution Digital Document Viewer. In: Zaphiris, Panayiotis; Buchanan, George; Rasmussen, Edie; Loizides, Fernando (eds.) International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2012). Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 7489 (pp. 455-460). Springer 10.1007/978-3-642-33290-6_51

Geertinger, Axel Teich; Pugin, Laurent (2011). MEI for Bridging the Gap between Music Cataloguing and Digital Critical Edition. Die Tonkunst - Magazin für klassische Musik und Musikwissenschaft, 5(3), pp. 289-294. Die Tonkunst e.V.

Pugin, Laurent Xavier; Claudio, Bacciagaluppi; Luigi, Collarile (2010). The Music Inventory Database (Unpublished). In: 11th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2010). Utrecht.

Burgoyne, John Ashley; Ouyang, Yue; Himmelman, Tristan; Devaney, Johanna; Pugin, Laurent; Fujinaga, Ichiro (2009). Lyric Extraction and Recognition on Digital Images of Early Music Sources. In: 10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2009) 10 (pp. 723-727). International Society for Music Information Retrieval

Hankinson, Andrew; Pugin, Laurent; Fujinaga, Ichiro (2009). Interfaces for Document Representation in Digital Music Libraries. In: 10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2009) (pp. 39-44). International Society for Music Information Retrieval

Ouyang, Yue; Burgoyne, John Ashley; Pugin, Laurent Xavier; Fujinaga, Ichiro (2009). A Robust Border Detection Algorithm with Application to Medieval Music Manuscripts. In: Proceedings of the 2009 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2009). Montreal.

Pugin, Laurent (2009). Editing Renaissance Music: The Aruspix Project. Beihefte zu editio, pp. 64-103. De Gruyter

Burgoyne, John Ashley; Pugin, Laurent; Eustace, Greg; Fujinaga, Ichiro (2007). A Comparative Survey of Image Binarisation Algorithms for Optical Recognition on Degraded Musical Sources. In: 8th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2007) (pp. 509-512). Austrian Computer Society

Pugin, Laurent Xavier; Burgoyne, John Ashley; Fujinaga, Ichiro (2007). Reducing costs for digitising early music with dynamic adaptation. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL 2007). Budapest.

Pugin, Laurent Xavier; Burgoyne, John Ashley; Eck, Douglas; Fujinaga, Ichiro (2007). Book-Adaptive and Book-Dependent Models to Accelerate Digitization of Early Music. In: NIPS Workshop on Music, Brain & Cognition. Whisler.

Pugin, Laurent Xavier (2006). Lecture et traitement informatique de typographies musicales anciennes: un logiciel de reconnaissance de partitions par modèles de Markov cachés. (Dissertation, University of Geneva)

Pugin, Laurent (2006). Aruspix: An Automatic Source-Comparison System. Computing in musicology : an international directory of applications(14), pp. 49-59. Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities

Pugin, Laurent (2006). Wolfgang: Notation Software for Musicological Applications. Computing in musicology : an international directory of applications(14), pp. 61-71. Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities

Radwan, Nadia Susanne

Schäuble, Michaela; Radwan, Nadia Susanne; Sweers, Britta (21 October 2021). Podiumsdiskussion: Wie wissenschaftlich muss künstlerische Forschung sein? Wie künstlerisch darf eine Dissertation sein? (Unpublished). In: SINTA-Modul , GSAH Walter Benjamin Kolleg. Universität Bern 21.10.2021. 21.10.2021.

Rehsmann, Julia

Rehsmann, Julia; Stetter, Bitten (2024). Nichtstun. In: Caduff, Corina; Stetter, Bitten; Afzali, Minou; Müller, Francis; Soom Ammann, Eva (eds.) Sterben gestalten. Möglichkeitsräume am Lebensende (pp. 13-36). Zürich: Scheidegger & Spiess 10.53788/STST0101

Rehsmann, Julia; Stetter, Bitten; Caduff, Corina (2024). Sterben gendern. Wie Geschlechterverhältnisse das Lebensende prägen. In: Caduff, Corina; Stetter, Bitten; Afzali, Minou; Müller, Francis; Soom Ammann, Eva (eds.) Sterben gestalten. Möglichkeitsräume am Lebensende (pp. 195-215). Zürich: Scheidegger & Spiess 10.53788/STST0108

Reisigl, Martin

Reisigl, Martin; Spiess, Constanze (2017). Sprache und Geschlecht als Gegenstand der Linguistik. In: Spiess, Constanze; Reisgl, Martin (eds.) Sprache und Geschlecht. Band 1: Sprachpolitiken und Grammatik. Osnabrücker Beiträge zur Sprachtheorie (OBST) (pp. 7-32). Universitätsverlag Rhein-Ruhr

Rota, Andrea

Kirsch, Anja; Krüger, Oliver; Monnot, Christophe; Rota, Andrea (eds.) (2022). AЯGOS – A New Journal in the Study of Religion, 1.

Kirsch, Anja; Krüger, Oliver; Monnot, Christophe; Rota, Andrea (2022). Editorial: AЯGOS – A New Journal in the Study of Religion. AЯGOS: perspectives in the study of religion, 1, pp. 2-22. 10.26034/fr.argos.2022.3564

Rota, Andrea (4 November 2022). “Relations and Social Ontology.” (Unpublished). In: International Workshop Religion in Relation. Theoretische Probleme und Perspektiven. Universität Zürich. 4-6 November 2022.

Rota, Andrea (6 September 2022). “Religionswissenschaft als Bezugsdisziplin zwischen Didaktik und Politik” (Unpublished). In: Annual conference of the Swiss Forum for Religious Education Didactics (Forum Fachdidaktik ERG). College of Teacher Training St. Gallen. 6. September 2022.

Rota, Andrea (28 June 2022). “The Boomer’s Journey to NowHere. Psychology, Religion, and Utopia” (Unpublished). In: Annual conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions. University College Cork. 28. Juni 2022.

Rota, Andrea (13 June 2022). “Religion and Psychedelics in the Cognitive Blender. Creativity – Flows – Collective Intentions” (Unpublished). In: International Workshop Philosophy’s Contribution to the Study of Religion. Universität Bern. 13. Juni 2022.

Rota, Andrea (13 June 2022). “Religion, Ritual, and Collective Intentionality” (Unpublished). In: International Workshop Philosophy’s Contribution to the Study of Religion. Universität Bern. 13. Juni 2022.

Rota, Andrea (10 June 2022). “Religion im Plural” (Unpublished). In: Workshop series Mapping RW. Universities of Bonn, Bremen, and Marburg (online). 10. Juni 2022.

Rota, Andrea (14 May 2022). “Religiöse und musikalische flows. Die 1960er-Jahre zwischen Asien und dem Westen” (Unpublished). In: CGS Forum “Move.”. Center for Global Studies, University of Bern. 14. Mai 2022.

Rota, Andrea (3 May 2022). “Le ‘religioni del mondo.’ Essenze, intrecci, flussi” (Unpublished). In: Global history lecture series Storia d’Europa e società globale. University Roma Tre. 3. Mai 2022.

Rota, Andrea (27 April 2022). “La Suisse n’est plus un ‘patchwork’” (Unpublished). In: Round table discussion Enseigner l’histoire des religions à l’école. University of Geneva. 27. April 2022.

Rota, Andrea (2022). “(Re)Connecting Analytic Philosophy and Empirical Research. The Example of Ritual Speech Acts and Religious Collectivities”. Sophia, 61(1), pp. 79-92. Springer 10.1007/s11841-021-00899-5

Rota, Andrea (8 October 2021). La formation des cadres religieux musulmans en Suisse (Unpublished). In: International Conference La formation des cadres religieux musulmans en France et en Europe. Paris, EPHE – Institut d'étude des religions et de la laïcité. 08.10.2021.

Rota, Andrea (28 September 2021). Regionale Glaubenstransparenz. Eine religionswissenschaftliche Einordnung. (Unpublished). In: Interkulturelle Woche: Was glaubt Krefeld?. Evangelischer Kirchenkreis, Krefeld. 28.09.2021.

Rota, Andrea (23 September 2021). Religion, Medien und öffentliche Gesundheit. Historische und gegenwärtige Formen der Impfskepsis (Unpublished). In: Einzelvortrag auf Einladung. University of Zurich. 23.09.2021.

Rota, Andrea; Wyttenbach, Christina (16 September 2021). Religion and ‘Religious-Social Engineering’ in the Long Sixties (Unpublished). In: Annual Conference of the German Society for the Study of Religion (DVRW). University of Leipzig (online). 16.09.2021.

Rota, Andrea (2 September 2021). Acid Utopias and Sober Self-Empowerment. Visions of Society and the Self in the American Counterculture of the 1960s and 1970s (Unpublished). In: 18th annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR). Pisa. 30.08. - 03.09.21.

Rota, Andrea (1 September 2021). Analytical Clarity and Normative Fuzziness. A Response.” Panel Religion and Public Schools: International Perspectives (Unpublished). In: 18th Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR). Pisa. 30.08 - 03.09.21.

Rota, Andrea (18 February 2021). Response “Analytische Begriffe kollektiver Akteure in der Geschichtsschreibung.” (Unpublished). In: Internationaler Workshop Religion in Kontakt und Konflikt. University of Fribourg (online). 18.02.2021.

Rota, Andrea (12 February 2021). Jacques Waardenburg (Unpublished). In: Annual Conference of the Swiss Society for the Study of Religion New Classics in the Study of Religion. University of Zurich (online). 12-13.02.2021.

Rota, Andrea (4 February 2021). Reframing Religion and Academia in the Long Sixties. An Introduction (Unpublished). In: International conference Religion and Academia Reframed. Connecting Religion, Science, and Society in the Long Sixties.. University of Bern (online). 04.-05.02.21.

Rota, Andrea (2021). Review of L. Ambasciano, An Unnatural History of Religions: Academia, Post-truth and the Quest for Scientific Knowledge (London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2019) (In Press). Asdiwal. Revue genevoise d'anthropologie et d'histoire des religions, 15 Association des étudiants en histoire des religions de l'Université de Genève

Mostowlansky, Till; Rota, Andrea (2020). Emic and Etic. In: Stein, F.; Lazar, S.; Candea, M.; Diemberger, H.; Robbins, J.; Sanchez, A.; Stasch, R. (eds.) The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology (pp. 1-16). Cambridge: University of Cambridge 10.29164/20emicetic

Rota, Andrea (8 October 2020). Response "Epistemological, theoretical, and methodological issues" (Unpublished). In: Review Panel on François Gauthier's Book Religion, Modernity, Globalization.. Universität Freiburg. 8. Oktober 2020.

Rota, Andrea (14 February 2020). Response "Empirical Research and Normative Expectations" (Unpublished). In: International Conference "Ordinary Readers of the Bible in Switzerland". Universität Bern. 14. Februar 2020.

Rota, Andrea (7 November 2019). Aktuelle Forschungen zu den Zeugen Jehovas (Unpublished). In: Die Zeugen Jehovas in Europa. Universität Fribourg. 07.11.2019.

Rota, Andrea (20 August 2019). Le fait religieux? La boîte noire de l’enseignement. Le Temps Le Temps

Kirsch, Anja; Rota, Andrea; Schlieter, Jens (2019). Multiple Religious Identities: Student’s Interviews with Keynote Speakers of the 2018 EASR Conference, Bern. Introductory Remarks: Turning an Academic Conference into a Master’s Seminar. Zeitschrift für junge Religionswissenschaft, 14 Zeitschrift für junge Religionswissenschaft

Rota, Andrea; Michel, Simon Livio; Wyttenbach, Christina (13 May 2019). The Legacy of the 1960s and 1970s (Unpublished). In: Research Day of the Faculty of Humanities. Walter Benjamin Kolleg, Universität Bern. 13. Mai 2019.

Rota, Andrea; Claviez, Thomas; Büschges, Christian (9 May 2019). Introductory Remarks to "Constructing and Contesting Community" (Unpublished). In: International Workshop Constructing and Contesting Community. Center for Global Studies, Universität Bern. 09. - 10.05.2019.

Rota, Andrea (22 March 2019). La question des stéréotypes à l’école comme instrument de positionnement social. In: Préjugés, questions vives et enseignement des faits religieux: Quelles réponses en europe?. L’Institut européen en sciences des religions (IESR), Paris. 22. - 23. März 2019.

Rota, Andrea; Krüger, Oliver (2019). The Dynamics of Religion, Media, and Community: An Introduction. ONLINE – Heidelberg Journal of Religions on the Internet, 14(2019), pp. 1-19. Institut für Religionswissenschaft Heidelberg

Rota, Andrea; Krüger, Oliver (eds.) (2019). ONLINE – Heidelberg Journal of Religions on the Internet, 2019(14). Institut für Religionswissenschaft Heidelberg

Rota, Andrea (2019). Religion, Media, and Joint Commitment. Jehovah’s Witnesses as a ‘Plural Subject’. ONLINE – Heidelberg Journal of Religions on the Internet, 14, pp. 79-107. Institut für Religionswissenschaft Heidelberg 10.17885/heiup.rel.2019.0.23949

Rota, Andrea; Michel, Simon Livio; Wyttenbach, Christina (9 November 2018). The Legacy of the 1960s and 1970s: Preliminary Questions (Unpublished). In: International Workshop The Legacy of the 1960s and 1970s: Kickoff Workshop. Münchenwiler Castle (Bern). 09.-10.11.18.

Rota, Andrea (19 June 2018). Regulative and Constitutive Rules: Individual Attitudes and Collective Norms in Jehovah’s Witnesses’s Ministry Work (Unpublished). In: 16th Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR). Bern. 17-21.6.2018.

Rota, Andrea (25 May 2018). The Legacy of the 1960s and 1970s. Religious and Scientific Entanglements. Introducing a New Research Project (Unpublished). In: Research Seminar of the Institute for the Science of Religion. Universität Bern. 25.5.2018.

Rota, Andrea (18 May 2018). The Ritualized Use of Media and the Constitution of Religious Community (Unpublished). In: Workshop Religion and New Media – Religion and Innovation Series. Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento (Italy). 18.5.2018.

Rota, Andrea (17 May 2018). Innovazione mediatica e rappresentazione di sé. Il caso dei Testimoni di Geova (Unpublished). In: Workshop Religion and New Media – Religion and Innovation Series. Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento (Italy). 17.5.2018.

Rota, Andrea (13 April 2018). Collective Emotions Reconsidered: The Case of Jehovah’s Witnesses (Unpublished). In: Research Seminar of the Geneva Society for the History of Religion. University of Geneva. 13.4.2018.

Rota, Andrea (9 March 2018). Religious Community and Collective Intentionality. Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives (Unpublished). In: Conference series CGS-Forum: Contesting and Constructing Community. University of Bern, Center for Global Studies. 9.3.2018.

Rota, Andrea (2018). Innovazione mediatica e rappresentazione di sé. L’esempio dei Testimoni di Geova. Annali di Studi Religiosi(19), pp. 141-171. FBK Press 10.14598/Annali_studi_relig_19201809

Rota, Andrea; Schmid, Hansjörg (2018). Wer spricht für den Islam in der Schweiz? Im Spannungsfeld von Alltag und Ansprüchen. Swiss academies communications, 13(4), pp. 24-26. SAGW

Rota, Andrea (9 December 2017). Media Theory and Transcendence: Some Deliberations (Unpublished). In: Workshop Immanenz und Transzendenz. Semantik, Metaphorik und Unterscheidungslogigk. Universität Bern (Schloss Münchenwiler). 8.-9. Dezember 2017.

Rota, Andrea; Bleisch Bouzar, Petra (2017). Representations and concepts of professional ethos among Swiss religious education teacher trainers. British journal of religious education, 39(1), pp. 75-92. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/01416200.2015.1128388

Rupp, Laura Marie

Britain, David; Rupp, Laura Marie (14 October 2022). Let’s talk about –s (again): constraints on variable verbal marking in Norwich (Unpublished). In: New Ways of Analyzing Variation 50 (NWAV50). Stanford University. 13.-15. October 2022.

Britain, David; Rupp, Laura Marie (22 April 2022). A new look at third person present-tense English in Norwich English (Unpublished). In: Language Variation and Change in the South of England. University of Suffolk, Ipswich. 22. April 2022.

Britain, David; Rupp, Laura Marie (12 April 2022). Beyond the NP/PRO constraint: factors governing the use of third person present tense zero in Norwich English. (Unpublished). In: ICLAVE 11. University of Vienna. 11.-14. April 2022.

Ruprecht, Seraina

Ruprecht, Seraina (8 April 2022). Christliche Freundschaftskonzepte zwischen Tradition und Transformation (Unpublished). In: Die Spätantike als Rezeptionsepoche. Rezeption einer rezipierenden Epoche. Bern. 7.-9. April 2022.

Sayim, Bilge

Hirsch, Thilo; Haiduk, Marina; Sayim, Bilge (2021). Rapahel's 'imperfect' viol: a question of perspective. Early music, 49(3), pp. 329-346. Oxford University Press 10.1093/em/caab047

Scharrer, Margret

Moeckli, Laura; Ottomano, Vincenzina C.; Scharrer, Margret; Hagmann, Lea (2022). Vorwort. Schweizer Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft, 39, pp. 1-12. Bern Open Publishing 10.36950/sjm.39.0

Hagmann, Lea; Moeckli, Laura; Ottomano, Vincenzina; Scharrer, Margret (2021). Vorwort. Schweizer Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft, 38, pp. 1-12. Bern Open Publishing 10.36950/sjm.38.0

Scheide, Carmen

Scheide, Carmen (13 September 2023). Putins ideologische Kriegsführung gegen den Westen: rechtsextreme Denktraditionen in der heutigen russischen politischen Kultur (Unpublished). In: Universität am Mittag. Universität Bern. 13.09.2023.

Scheide, Carmen (2022). Michel Abeßer: Den Jazz sowjetisch machen. Kulturelle Leitbilder, Musikmarkt und Distinktion zwischen 1953 und 1970 (rezensiert von Carmen Scheide). Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, 70(3-4), pp. 617-619. Franz Steiner

Scheide, Carmen (5 November 2021). Ein süddeutscher Ort in der NS-Zeit. Eine Rohfassung zur Mikrogeschichte des ländlichen Raumes. Konzeptuelle und methodische Fragen. (Unpublished)

Scheide, Carmen (2021). Rezension von Irina Scherbakowa: Die Hände meines Vaters. München 2017. Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, 68(3-4), pp. 631-633. Franz Steiner

Scheide, Carmen (30 January 2020). Lifeworlds and Entanglements in Central Ukraine in the 20th century. A Research Perspective. Or: Making the Countryside visible as place of history, agency and meaning (Unpublished). In: Ukrainian Studies Today. Basel. 29.1.-31.1.2020.

Collmer, Peter; Scheide, Carmen (eds.) (2018). Scheide, Carmen, ed. "Pop and Politics in Late Soviet Society." Euxeinos - Culture and Governance in the Black Sea Region, Vol. 8, No. 25-26 (2018), 2018(25-26).

Scheide, Carmen (14 May 2018). Schweigen und Weitermachen: Umgang mit Kriegserfahrungen in lokalen Gesellschaften nach 1945 am Beispiel von Süddeutschland und der Zentralukraine (Unpublished). In: CGS Forum Bern. Universität Bern. 14. Mai 2018.

Scheller, Katharina

Troxler, Marion Irena; í Jákupsstovu, Gudrun; Kluwick, Ursula Maria; Scheller, Katharina (6 June 2024). Launch of Digital Shores – An Interactive Atlas of Beach Narratives (Unpublished). In: A Million Atoms of Soft Blue: Rethinking Water and Littoral Space in the Humanities. Bern, Switzerland. 06.06-07.06.2024.

Scheuermann, Arne

Scheuermann, Arne (2023). Visuelle Auslegeordnung und Rhetorische Designanalyse nach dem Berner Modell: Zwei neue Methoden der angewandten Grafikdesignforschung - ein Praxisbericht. In: Gartmann, Thomas; Urchueguía, Cristina; Ambühl-Baur, Hannah (eds.) Studies in the Arts II - Künste, Design und Wissenschaft im Austausch. Image (pp. 15-36). Bielefeld: transcript 10.14361/9783839469545-002

Klingemann, H.; Scheuermann, Arne; Laederach, Kurt; Krueger, Birgit; Schmutz, E.; Stähli, S.; Afzali, Minou; Kernen, Valérie (2015). Public art and public space - Waiting stress and waiting pleasure. Time & Society, 27(1), pp. 69-91. 10.1177/0961463X15596701

Scheuzger, Stephan

Büschges, Christian; Scheuzger, Stephan (eds.) (2019). Global History and Area Histories. Comparativ: Vol. 29:2. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag

Schild, Pascale

Schild, Pascale (2022). From earthquake victims to citizens: dependencies and precarious claims on the state in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. Citzenship studies, 26(3), pp. 305-321. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/13621025.2022.2062703

Schild, Pascale (7 July 2021). Reciprocal Vulnerability in the Face of Patriarchal Violence. Allegra Lab: Anthropology, Law, Art, World

Schild, Pascale; Schild, Pascale (2019). Alltag nach dem Erdbeben. Eine politische Ethnografie des Wiederaufbaus in Azad Kaschmir, Pakistan. Umweltethnologie: Vol. 1. Bielefeld: transcript

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Schilliger, Sarah Berit

Schilliger, Sarah (2021). Alle von hier. Die heutige Migrationsgesellschaft – vom «Wir und die Anderen» zum «Neuen Wir» [Audio]. In: Podcast. Eidgenössische Migrationskommission EKM

Schilliger, Sarah (2021). Infrastrukturen der Solidarität gegen Racial Profiling. In: Kubaczek, Niki; Mokre, Monika (eds.) Die Stadt als Stätte der Solidarität (pp. 229-253). Wien: Transversal

Schilliger, Sarah (2021). «Wir haben das Recht, dass die Gesetze der Schweiz auch für uns gelten!» Der Kampf von Care-Arbeiterinnen um Respekt und würdige Arbeitsbedingungen. In: Handbuch Neue Schweiz. Diaphanes Verlag

Repetti, Marion; Schilliger, Sarah (2021). In Search of a Good Life in and out of Switzerland: Making Use of Migration in Old Age. In: Repetti, Marion; Calasanti, Toni; Phillipson, Chris (eds.) Ageing and Migration in a Global Context. Challenges for Welfare States. Life Course Research and Social Policies: Vol. 13 (pp. 147-161). Springer 10.1007/978-3-030-71442-0_10

Schilliger, Sarah (2021). Verschärfte Normalität im Ausnahmezustand. Transnationale Care-Arbeit in Privathaushalten unter COVID-19.

Schilliger, Sarah Berit (2021). Perspektiven der Sozialen Arbeit auf transnationale Care-Arbeit. In: Gastvortrag an der Fachhochschule Fulda, Soziale Arbeit. 14. Januar 2021.

Schilliger, Sarah (3 December 2020). Migrant*innen werden wieder mal zu Sündenböcken gemacht (Interview durch Adelina Gashi). Bajour

Schilliger, Sarah Berit; Wa Baile, Mohamed Shee; Naguib, Tarek; Plümecke, Tino; Wilopo, Claudia (2020). Racial Profiling – Erfahrungen, Wirkungen, Widerstand. In: Kritik rassistischer Praktiken. Konferenz des Rats für Migration. Frankfurt/online. 13. November 2020.

Schilliger, Sarah Berit (2020). Männliche Räume der Macht. Wie gelingt eine Transformation der Geschlechterordnung in Wissenschaft und Politik? (Unpublished). In: Conference ‘Critical Gender & Diversity Knowledge. Challenges and Prospects’, Think Tank Gender & Diversity. Basel/online. 21 November 2020.

Schilliger, Sarah Berit (2020). «Wir wollen Respekt!» Auseinandersetzungen um Anerkennung und Rechte im Kontext von Prekarität und Migration (Unpublished). In: Caritas Armutsforum. Volkshaus, Zürich. 21. Oktober 2020.

Schilliger, Sarah Berit (2020). Die Corona-Krise aus der Perspektive der Ungleichheitsforschung und der border studies (Unpublished). In: Symposium "Zwischen Pest und Cholera: Krisenbewältigung angesichts von Corona". Stellwerk, Basel. 9. Oktober 2020.

Schilliger, Sarah Berit (2020). Care-Migration. Hintergründe, Realitäten und Brennpunkte (Unpublished). In: Anhörung durch die Parlamentarische Gruppe Alter, Kanton St. Gallen. Olma Halle, St. Gallen. 14. September 2020.

Schlieter, Jens

Schlieter, Jens; Wisler, Michaela (29 September 2020). "Thou shalt not exhibit": Provenienzforschung in religionswissenschaftlicher Perspektive (Unpublished). In: Ringvorlesung – Provenienzforschung interdisziplinär. Universität Bern. 29.09.2020.

Kirsch, Anja; Rota, Andrea; Schlieter, Jens (2019). Multiple Religious Identities: Student’s Interviews with Keynote Speakers of the 2018 EASR Conference, Bern. Introductory Remarks: Turning an Academic Conference into a Master’s Seminar. Zeitschrift für junge Religionswissenschaft, 14 Zeitschrift für junge Religionswissenschaft

Schlieter, Jens (2018). What is it like to be dead? Near-death Experiences, Christianity, and the Occult. Oxford Studies in Western Esotericism: Vol. 4. New York: Oxford University Press

Schlieter, Jens (2018). “Death-x-Pulse”: A Hermeneutics for the “Panoramic Life Review” in Near-Death Experiences. In: Blamberger, Günter; Kakar, Sudhir (eds.) Imaginations of Death and the Beyond in India and Europe (pp. 145-169). Singapore: Springer Nature

Schmid, Hansjörg

Rota, Andrea; Schmid, Hansjörg (2018). Wer spricht für den Islam in der Schweiz? Im Spannungsfeld von Alltag und Ansprüchen. Swiss academies communications, 13(4), pp. 24-26. SAGW

Schneider, Christa

Hodel, Tobias; Schneider, Christa (2023). Vom Crowdsourcing zu Co-Design. Ansätze zum Einbezug der Öffentlichkeit in die geschichtswissenschaftliche Forschung. In: Smolarski, René; Carius, Hendrikje; Prell, Martin (eds.) Citizen Science in den Geschichtswissenschaften. Methodische Perspektive oder perspektivlose Methode? DH&CS. Schriften des Netzwerks für digitale Geisteswissenschaften und Citizen Science: Vol. 3 (pp. 41-68). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 10.14220/9783737015714.41

Hodel, Tobias; Prada Ziegler, Ismail; Schneider, Christa (2023). Pre-Modern Data: Applying Language Modeling and Named Entity Recognition on Criminal Records in the City of Bern. In: Digital Humanities 2023. Collaboration as Opportunity (DH2023). Graz. 13.07.2023. 10.5281/zenodo.8107616

Hodel, Tobias; Gasser, Sonja; Schneider, Christa; Schoch, David (2022). Zugang zu Informationen in digitalen Sammlungen: Fokus Archive. Informationswissenschaft - Theorie, Methode und Praxis, 7(1), pp. 27-91. Bern Open Publishing 10.18755/iw.2022.5

Schneider, Christa (17 March 2021). (Written) language in Early Modern Bern (Switzerland) (Unpublished). In: HiSoN 2021 Conference. 17.-19.03.2021.

Schneider, Christa (13 November 2020). Regional distribution of contemporary Lithuanian dialects – An approach towards a different method (Unpublished). In: 27th Jonas Jablonskis Conference. Vilnius. 13.11.2020.

Schneider, Christa; Hodel, Tobias (6 November 2020). Ist uß gnaden unnd barmhertzigkeyt enthouptet worden – Ein historisch-soziolinguistisches Projekt zum Berndeutschen der Frühen Neuzeit (Unpublished). In: 11. Tage der Schweizer Linguistik. Fribourg. 06.11.2020.

Schneider, Christa (2020). Can you English? Das Steak auf des Berners Teller im Berner Mittelland. Germanistik in der Schweiz, 16, pp. 50-70. Schweizerische Akademische Gesellschaft für Germanistik

Schneider, Christa; Kardelis, Vytautas (3 October 2019). Mapping linguistic variation now and then (Unpublished). In: 26th Jonas Jablonskis Conference. Vilnius. 03.-04.10.2019.

Schneider, Christa; Kardelis, Vytautas (28 June 2019). Regional distrubition of contemporary Lithuanian dialects (Unpublished). In: IClave 10. Leeuwarden. 26.-28.06.2019.

Schneider, Christa (26 June 2019). Changes in the historical lexicon of Bernese Swiss German (Unpublished). In: IClave 10. Leeuwarden. 26.-28.06.2019.

Schneider, Christa (13 May 2019). Almost everybody buys the same milk in Lithuania (Unpublished). In: PRA 17 / IV Incontro di Baltistica. Pisa. 13.-14.05.2019.

Schneider, Christa; Heer, Martina (29 November 2018). Änneli, gimer es Müntschi. The use of Bernese Swiss-German personal names in the works of Jeremias Gotthelf (Unpublished). In: Namn i skrift. Names in Writing – NORNA:s 48:e symposium. Göteborg. 29th – 30th November 2018.

Schneider, Christa (27 September 2018). Language variation and change in Lithuania (Unpublished). In: 25th Jonas Jablonskis Conference. Vilnius. 27.-28.09.2018.

Schneider, Christa (13 September 2018). Ein Regiolekt im Berner Mittelland? Ein Arbeitsbericht. (Unpublished). In: IGDD-Tagung.

Schneider, Christa (23 June 2018). Foreign Influences in Bernese Swiss German (Unpublished). In: 23. SIDG Conference. Vilnius. 23.-27.06.2018.

Kardelis, Vytautas; Schneider, Christa (23 June 2018). A study in modern dialectology in Lithuania (Unpublished). In: 23. SIDG Conference. Vilnius. 23.-27.06.2018.

Schneider, Christa (20 June 2018). Ein Regiolekt im Berner Mittelland? (Unpublished). In: 25. Language Variation: Research, Models, and Perspectives. München. 20.-22.06.2018.

Schneider, Christa (6 June 2018). Language variation and change in Bernese Swiss German (Unpublished). In: IClave 9. Malaga. 06.-09.06.2018.

Schneider, Christa (10 September 2017). The Gender of the Numeral Two in Bernese Swiss German (Unpublished). In: SLE- Tagung. 10.09.2017.

Schneider, Christa (7 August 2017). Numeral Gender in Bernese German (Unpublished). In: Methods in Dialectology XVI. Tokyo. 07.-11.08.2017.

Schneider, Christa; Britain, David; Grossenbacher, Sarah (9 June 2017). U när i so, es geit ume dialäkt hie: Quotative Variation in Bernese Swiss German (Unpublished). In: International Conference on Language Variation in Europe 9. Malaga, Spain. 06.- 09.06.2017.

Schneider, Christa; Britain, David; Grossenbacher, Sarah (6 June 2017). U när i so, es geit ume Dialäkt hie: quotative variation in Bernese Swiss German (Unpublished). In: International Conferene on Language Variation in Europe 9. Malaga. 06.- 09.06.2017.

Schneider, Christa (6 May 2017). A Dialect App for Lithuanian Dialectology (Unpublished). In: Revitalizing Baltic Linguistics. Bern. 06.- 08. 05. 2017.

Schneider, Christa; Britain, David (27 September 2016). How to play with linguistic data (Unpublished). In: 4th international conference of applied linguistics, Language and people: Diversity and harmony. Vilnius. 27.-29.09.2016.

Schneider, Christa (22 September 2016). New methods used in a traditional field. Also in Lithuanian dialectology? (Unpublished). In: 23rd International Scientific Conference of Jonas Jablonskis: Meaning in Language and Culture. Vilnius.

Schneider, Christa (1 February 2016). Neuer Sprachatlas des Berner Mittellandes (Unpublished). In: Kolloquium Namenforschung Schweiz. Olten. 01. 02. 2016.

Schneider, Christa (28 October 2015). Dialect prestige in contemporary Lithuania. A pilot study. (Unpublished). In: 12th International Congress of Baltistics. Vilnius. 28. – 31. 10. 2015.

Schneider, Christa (16 October 2015). Dialect Variation in Bern. Driven by Public Transport? (Unpublished). In: Transcultural Urban Spaces: Where Geography Meets Language.. Bern. 16.-18. 10. 2015.

Schneider, Christa (5 June 2014). Neologismen im Litauischen (Unpublished). In: Wortbildungskongress. Bern. 5-6. 06. 2014.

Schneider, Christa (12 October 2013). Das Staubsche Gesetz in Hasle-Rüegsau (Unpublished). In: Phonetik und Phonologie 9. Zürich. 12.10.13.

Schoch, David Selim

Hodel, Tobias; Gasser, Sonja; Schneider, Christa; Schoch, David (2022). Zugang zu Informationen in digitalen Sammlungen: Fokus Archive. Informationswissenschaft - Theorie, Methode und Praxis, 7(1), pp. 27-91. Bern Open Publishing 10.18755/iw.2022.5

Ströbel, Phillip Benjamin; Clematide, Simon; Volk, Martin; Schwitter, Raphael; Hodel, Tobias; Schoch, David (2022). Evaluation of HTR models without Ground Truth Material. In: Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (pp. 4395-4404). ACL Anthology

Schultheis, Franz Josef Karl

Schultheis, Franz (2023). Der Preis von Dingen unschätzbaren Wertes: Soziologische Streifzüge durch einen Markt singulärer Güter. In: Gartmann, Thomas; Urchueguía, Cristina; Ambühl-Baur, Hannah (eds.) Studies in the Arts II - Künste, Design und Wissenschaft im Austausch. Image (pp. 221-234). Bielefeld: transcript 10.14361/9783839469545-012

Schäuble, Michaela

Schäuble, Michaela (2023). The hero and the ‘whore’: Croatia’s sexualised and gendered (self-)ascriptions and its desire for European Belonging. In: Pulkinnen, Tuija; Helms, Elissa (eds.) Borders of Desire: Gender and Seuxality at the Eastern Borders of Europe (pp. 117-143). Manchester: Manchester University Press

Schäuble, Michaela (14 December 2022). Ausser sich sein – Choreomanie und religiöse Ekstase in Süditalien. (Unpublished). In: Ringvorlesung Collegium Generale. Universität Bern. 14. Dezember 2022.

Schäuble, Michaela; Senkpiel, Fabiana (25 November 2022). «Sehen und Zeigen». Workshop Transfer auf die eigene Forschung in interdisziplinären Tandems. (Unpublished). In: SINTA-Modul GSAH Walter Benjamin Kolleg. Universität Bern. 25.11. 2022.

Schäuble, Michaela (24 November 2022). Autoethnografische Methoden. Methodenwerkstatt (Unpublished). In: SINTA-Modul, GSAH Walter Benjamin Kolleg. Universität Bern. 24.11.2022.

Schäuble, Michaela (7 October 2022). Of spiders, dead olive trees and industrial contamination: an artistic-ethnographic site visit in Puglia (Unpublished). In: International Conference: Toward a Sustainable Attitude. Aesthetics, the Arts, and the Environment. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. 6-8 October 2022.

Schäuble, Michaela (30 September 2022). Critical Acts of Repetition? (Ritual) Performance and Reenactment from an Anthropological Perspective (Unpublished). In: Symposium: Performance Conservation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. HKB (online). 30. September 2022.

Schäuble, Michaela; Alexandra, Darcy (10 September 2022). Multimodale Herangehensweisen in Forschung und Lehre & Einblicke in aktuelle Forschungsprojekte (Unpublished). In: Lange Nacht der Forschung. Universität Bern. 10. September 2022.

Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja Susanne (July 2022). Arachnoid Webs: on creating a research-based multimodal website. (Unpublished). In: EASA22: Transformation, Hope and the Commons. School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics at Queen’s University Belfast. 26-29 July, 2022.

Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja Susanne (29 May 2022). Moving Images / Shifting Voices - (Re-)Negotiating Authorship and Essayistic Montage in Ethnographic Cinema (Unpublished). In: Collaboration and Authorial Diversity in Film. German International Ethnographic Film Festival (GIEFF), Panel: Working in Different Ways. Paulinerkirche, Göttingen. 28-30 May 2022.

Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja Susanne; AG Visuelle Anthropologie, DGSKA (5 May 2022). (Re-)Searching – Layering – Transmitting. Setting up a Camera Ethnography in Southern Italy (Unpublished). In: Werkstattgespräch: (Re-)Searching – Layering – Transmitting. Setting up a Camera Ethnography in Southern Italy. 5.5.2022.

Schäuble, Michaela (4 April 2022). Interfering in the “Field”? When you Co-create what you Study in Ethnographic and Art-based research (Unpublished). In: Laboratory of Arts-based Research. Re-appropriating and Re-presenting Documentaries and (Mediated) Memories. Austrian Academy of Sciences, Wien/Vienna. April 4-6, 2022.

Schäuble, Michaela; Amberg, Annette (2022). Führung durch die Ausstellung "Vídeo nas Aldeias: An Audiovisual Movement by and Among Indigenous Peoples in Brazil". [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Finissage der Ausstellung von Vídeo nas Aldeias mit Führung und Kinoabend.

Schäuble, Michaela; Hürzeler, Luzia (21 October 2021). „Sozialanthropologie & Künste“ Workshop Forschung aktuell – Fallbeispiele und ihre Methoden. (Unpublished). In: SINTA-Modul, GSAH Walter Benjamin Kolleg. Universität Bern. 21.10.2021.

Schäuble, Michaela; Radwan, Nadia Susanne; Sweers, Britta (21 October 2021). Podiumsdiskussion: Wie wissenschaftlich muss künstlerische Forschung sein? Wie künstlerisch darf eine Dissertation sein? (Unpublished). In: SINTA-Modul , GSAH Walter Benjamin Kolleg. Universität Bern 21.10.2021. 21.10.2021.

Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja (22 July 2021). Essay Films as Multimodal Ethnographic Practice. (Unpublished). In: Workshop “Anthropology beyond text? Experiments, devices and platforms of multimodal ethnographic practice. Workshop Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology, IfEE, HU Berlin. 22-23 July 2021.

Schäuble, Michaela (14 May 2021). Rintracciare il tarantismo: gestic thinking and the filmic, site-specific exploration of a multifaceted phenomenon (Unpublished). In: Aprire le porte della memoria. Una giornata di studi su Ernesto de Martino. Uni Roma 3 (online). 14 May 2021.

Schäuble, Michaela (26 April 2021). The conserveability of performance: A conversation about reenactment and artistic/ritualistic performance with Prof. Michaela Schäuble (Unpublished). In: Performance: Conservation, Materiality Knowledge. HKB. 26. April 2021.

Schäuble, Michaela; Belloni, Jacopo (20 April 2021). Artists talk: Jacopo Belloni in conversation with Michaela Schäuble. (Unpublished). In: CASTRO, Artists talk. online. 20.4.2021.

Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja (25 March 2021). The potentiality of form. Essayistic modes in ethnographic documentary and the making of an Italian ritual. (Unpublished). In: RAI Film Festival conference 2021, “Creative Engagement with Crisis». Bristol (online). 19-28. March 2021.

Schäuble, Michaela (2021). A Political Passion Play: Review of The New Gospel. Fieldsights Society for Cultural Anthropology

Schäuble, Michaela (2021). >>The Struggle between the Self and the God>>. Maya Derens haitianisches Filmmaterial (1947-1952). In: Bertrams, Björn; Roselli, Antonio (eds.) Selbstverlust und Welterfahrung. Erkundungen einer pathischen Moderne (226 -253). Wien: Turia & Kant

Schäuble, Michaela; Holdermann, Simon; Lange, Christoph; Zillinger, Martin (eds.) (2021). Rethinking the Mediterranean (Teil 2) (In Press). Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Special Issue: Vol. 146. Reimer

Schäuble, Michaela (2021). Introduction. Rethinking the Mediterranean. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie Reimer

Schäuble, Michaela (2021). Performing and Re-enacting Lament in the Mediterranean: Ritual Mourning and the Migration of Images in Rural Southern Italy. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 146, pp. 53-74. Reimer

Schäuble, Michaela (2021). Performing and Re-enacting Lament in the Mediterranean: Ritual Mourning and the Migration of Images in Rural Southern Italy. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 146, pp. 53-74. Reimer

Gartmann, Thomas; Schäuble, Michaela (2021). Studies in the Arts? Überlegungen zu einem künstlerisch-wissenschaftlichen Doktoratsprogramm. In: Gartmann, Thomas; Schäuble, Michaela (eds.) Studies in the Arts – Neue Perspektiven auf Forschung über, in und durch Kunst und Design (pp. 7-14). Bielefeld & London: trancript Verlag 10.14361/9783839457368-001

Gartmann, Thomas; Schäuble, Michaela (eds.) (2021). Studies in the Arts – Neue Perspektiven auf Forschung über, in und durch Kunst und Design. Image: Vol. 195. Bielefeld & London: trancript Verlag 10.14361/9783839457368

Schäuble, Michaela (5 November 2020). Wie sehen sie mich? „Die Menschwerdung des Affen“ von Heike Behrend erinnert an die kritische Tradition der Ethnologie. Der Freitag. Die Wochenzeitung, 2020(45) Der Freitag Mediengesellschaft

Schäuble, Michaela (2020). Perception of the Seen and Unsee World. A conversation with Paul Stoller. Tsantsa – Journal of the Swiss Anthropological Association, 25, pp. 187-195. Seismo 10.36950/tsantsa.2020.025.19

Schäuble, Michaela (10 September 2020). Practices and Performances in the Mediterranean (Unpublished). In: International Conference Material Culture in Transit. Bernisches historisches Museum, online. September 10, 2020.

Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja Susanne (24 July 2020). Re-Imagening the past as a strategy of future-making in Southern Italian Tarantism (Unpublished). In: EASA conference: New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe. Lisbon (Portugal) online. 20-24 July 2020.

Schäuble, Michaela; Wildner, Kathrin (27 May 2020). Trancedisciplinarity? Transgressing Global Realities (Unpublished). In: Transdisziplinarität in und mit den Künsten. ZHdK, online. 27.05.2020.

Schäuble, Michaela (12 May 2020). Feldforschung Draussen und im Netz. In: Universität Bern in Zeiten Coronas, Carte Blanche. Universität Bern: Universität Bern

Schäuble, Michaela (6 March 2020). Flucht - Tarantismo: Odyssey Of An Italian Ritual (Unpublished). In: Odyssey of an Italian Ritual by FLEE project. Gallery Last Tango Zürich. March 06, 2020.

Schäuble, Michaela; Dierks, Klaas (2020). Die letzten Tage des Sommers. Ein E-mail Dialog (mit Klaas Dierks). In: Nierhaus, I.; Heinz, K. (eds.) Unbehaust Wohnen. Konflikthafte Räume in Kunst – Architektur – Visueller Kultur. wohnen+/-ausstellen: Vol. 7 (pp. 227-248). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag 10.14361/9783839451229-010

Schäuble, Michaela (2020). Tracing Tarantism - An ethnographic study of Apulian ritual between art performance and cultural heritagen. (Unpublished). In: Departmental Seminar, Faculty of Theology and Sciences of Religion, University of Lausanne. University of Lausanne/ online. 2020.

Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja (15 November 2019). Crisis and Communitas in Southern Italian Tarantism (Unpublished). In: Symposium: Crisis and Communitas: Performative Concepts of Commonality in Arts and Politics. Universität Zürich UZH. 15.11.2019.

Schäuble, Michaela (28 October 2019). Sextourist oder queerer Vordenker. Die Welt Alex Springer

Schäuble, Michaela (25 October 2019). Instrumentalizing Historical Hostilities and Advancing Religious Conflict: The Case of Mart Bax and the Marian Apparitions of Medjugorje (Unpublished). In: Claiming History. The Role of Historical Reasoning in Religious Conflicts. Istituto Svizzero, Rom. 25.10.2019.

Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja Susanne (25 June 2019). Re-enactment as an audio-visual research tool: from De Martino to today (Unpublished). In: CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE DI STUDI “ERNESTO DE MARTINO E IL FOLKLORE. Matera & Galatina. 24.-25. Juni 2019.

Schäuble, Michaela (2019). Tarantismus [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Ekstase. Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern. 03.06.2019

Schäuble, Michaela; Tošić, J; Streinzer, A; Lange, K; Zillinger, M (22 May 2019). Rurality and Future-Making. Comparative Perspectives from Europe, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean (Unpublished). In: Rurality and Future-Making. Comparative Perspectives from Europe, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean. Köln. 22.05.2019 - 24.05.2019.

Schäuble, Michaela (2019). Ecstasy, Choreography, and Re-enactment: Aesthetic and Political Dimensions of Filming States of Trance and Spirit Possession in 1960s Southern Italy. Visual Anthropology, 32(1), pp. 33-55. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/08949468.2019.1568112

Schäuble, Michaela (29 March 2019). Capture the Spectacle! Theorising re-enactment and the aesthetics of performativity in "contested footage" (Unpublished). In: Expanding the Frame: Ethnographic Film and its Others. 16th RAI Film Festival, Bristol. 27.-30.3.2019.

Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja Susanne (15 February 2019). Mediating Tarantism –How to create shared experiences of an Apulian ritual (Unpublished). In: Creating Shared Experience - Sensory Ethnography and Collaborative Filmmaking. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. 15.2.2019.

Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja Susanne (8 February 2019). Tracing Tarantism – An ethnographic study of an Apulian ritual between art performance and cultural heritage (Unpublished). In: GLOBAL TRACES Conference: Art Practice, Ethnography, Constested Heritage. University of Oslo, Norway. 8.2.2019.

Schäuble, Michaela (23 January 2019). Ecstasy: A review of two recent exhibitions on consciousness-expanding experience. Focaalblog

Schäuble, Michaela (2019). "Aber alles kann nicht zur Inszenierung werden": Doku-Fiktion, ethnographische Rekonstruktion und der poetische Realismus in den Filmen Luigi di Giannis (In Press). In: Barck, Joanna; von der Heiden, Anne (eds.) Magie und Medien. Das filmische Schaffen von Luigi die Gianni. Wien: Sonderzahl

Schäuble, Michaela (2019). Der Zauberlehrling (Nachwort). In: Stoller, Paul; Olkes, Cheryl (eds.) Im Schatten der Zauberer. Als Ethnologe bei den Songhai im Niger (pp. 399-406). Bern: Piet Meyer Verlag

Schäuble, Michaela; Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Coppens, Laura (2019). Visuelle Forschungsmethoden. In: Beer, Bettina; König, Anika (eds.) Methoden ethnologischer Feldforschung. Ethnologische Paperbacks. Berlin: Reimer Verlag

Schäuble, Michaela (6 December 2018). Wie Wunder gemacht werden. VSAO-Journal -Verband schweizerischer Assistenz- und Oberärzte / Journal ASMAC(6), pp. 30-31. Mediservice VSAO-ASMAC

Schäuble, Michaela (6 June 2018). Maya Deren und die Kunst des kontrollierten Zufalls (Unpublished). In: Medien der Fremderfahrung. Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln (KHM). 6.6.2018.

Schäuble, Michaela (1 June 2018). Reenactment and Realist Representation as Ethnographic Approaches (Unpublished). In: Art, Materiality, Representation. Royal Anthropological Institute and British Museum on Art, London. 1.6.2018.

Schäuble, Michaela (June 2018). Maestro Gigi's Tochter. In: Anthroblog. Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern

Schäuble, Michaela (28 March 2018). Reenactment and Performance between Ethnographic Research and Cultural Heritage (Unpublished). In: Reenactment and Performance between Ethnographic Research and Cultural Heritage. Museu de les Cultures del Mon, Barcelona. 27.3.2018.

Schäuble, Michaela (1 February 2018). Experimental ethnographic film and the Mediterranean Museum (Unpublished). In: KOMA-Filmreihe. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. 1.2.2018.

Schäuble, Michaela (16 January 2018). Moroloja – ritualisierte Totenklage und ihre medialisierten Inszenierungen im Salento (Süditalien) (Unpublished). In: Departmental Seminar Series. Department of Anthropology and African Studies, University of Mainz. 16.1.2018.

Schäuble, Michaela (2018). Visual Anthropology. In: Callan, Hilary (ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Vol. 12, Anthropology beyond Text. (pp. 1-21). Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell 10.1002/9781118924396.wbiea1969

Gartmann, Thomas; Schäuble, Michaela (eds.) (2018). Beiträge der Graduate School of the Arts II. Beiträge der Graduate School of the Arts: Vol. 2. Bern: Hochschule der Künste Bern und Universität Bern 10.7892/boris.120740

Berthod, Jonas (2018). The 2002 Relaunch of the Swiss Design Awards: Key Changes and their Influence on Designers’ Careers and Networks. In: Gartmann, Thomas; Schäuble, Michaela (eds.) Beiträge der Graduate School of the Arts II. Beiträge der Graduate School of the Arts: Vol. 2 (pp. 9-20). Bern: Hochschule der Künste Bern und Universität Bern

Schäuble, Michaela (13 December 2017). Ecstasy, Choreography, and Re-enactment: Aesthetic and Political Dimensions of Filming States of Trance and Spirit Possession in 1950s-1960s Southern Italy (Unpublished). In: Departmental Seminar Series. ISEK University of Zürich. 13.12.2019.

Schäuble, Michaela (5 July 2017). The implications of the so-called 'sensory turn' for ethnographic filmmaking and anthropological theory (Unpublished). In: Sensory Transformation, CREOLE IP & SENSOTRA Sumemr School. Piran. 4.-7. Juli 2017.

Schäuble, Michaela (25 May 2017). Cinematografie Demartiniana, Introduction to the oeuvre of Cecilia Mangini and Luigi di Gianni (Unpublished). In: Discussion and Film screenings, freiburger film forum. Freiburg. 22-28 May 2017.

Schäuble, Michaela (22 May 2017). Einführung zur Cinematografie Demartiniana. Ethnographische Dokumentarfilme aus dem Italien der 1950er/60er Jahre (Unpublished). In: Freiburger film forum. Freiburg. 22.-28. Mai 2017.

Schäuble, Michaela (4 May 2017). Radicalizing Realism in Documentary Film. Keynote Ethnocineca (Unpublished). In: International Documentary Film Festival. Vienna.

Schäuble, Michaela (2 March 2017). Auf Grosser Fahrt: Unterwegs mit Ulrike Ottinger (Introduction) (Unpublished). In: Film screening of the oeuvre of Ulrike Ottinger. Kino Rex, Bern.

Schäuble, Michaela (2 March 2017). Auf grosser Fahrt: unterwegs mit Ulrike Ottinger. Programmheft Kino Rex Bern, 3, pp. 1-2.

Schäuble, Michaela (24 January 2017). Spektakel der Krise und ihre Medialisierungen (Unpublished). In: Probevortrag zur Besetzung der W3-Professur in Medientheologie. Universität Siegen.

Schäuble, Michaela (2017). Living History? Enacting the Past and Promoting 'Tradition' in the Dalmatian Hinterland. Nationalities Papers, Special Issue Taylor & Francis

Schäuble, Michaela (13 December 2016). Ecstasy, Choreography, and Re-enactment: Aesthetic and Political Dimensions of Tilming States of Trance and Spirit Possession in 1950s-1960s Southern Italy (Unpublished). In: Institutskolloquium. ISEK Universität Zürich. 13.12.2016.

Schäuble, Michaela (8 December 2016). Zur Schnittstelle Dokumentation/Fiktion (Unpublished). In: Abendvortrag und Workshop der GSA. Universität Bern. 08.12.2016.

Schäuble, Michaela (4 December 2016). Ecstasy, Choreography, and Re-enactment: Aesthetic and Political Dimensions of Filming States of Trance and Spirit Possession in 1950s-1960s Southern Italy (Unpublished). In: Institut für Sozialanthropologie. FU Berlin. 04.12.2016.

Schäuble, Michaela (4 December 2016). Voodoo- Die Kraft des Heilens (Unpublished). In: Discussion and Film Screening at Bone Festival. Kino Rex, Bern.

Schäuble, Michaela (28 November 2016). Filming States of Trance and Spirit Possession (Unpublished). In: Gastvortrag am Institut für Sozial-und Kulturanthropologie. Freie Universität Berlin. 28.11.2016.

Schäuble, Michaela (8 May 2016). Does the so-called 'sensory turn' mean the end of storytelling? (Unpublished). In: Keynote beim GIEFF-Göttingen International Ethnographic Film Festival. Göttingen. 04.-08.05.2016.

Schäuble, Michaela (15 April 2016). Reenacting the Past and Promoting 'Tradition' in the Dalmatian Hinterland (Unpublished). In: Institutskolloquium der Graduiertenschule für Ost- und Südosteuropastudien. Regensburg. 15.04.2016.

Schäuble, Michaela (ed.) (2016). Visual Anthropology. Mining Imagination: Ethnographic Approaches Beyond the Written Word, 29(4.2). Taylor & Francis

Schäuble, Michaela (2016). Von der Passion und Poetik des Wahren. Betrachtungen zum audio-visouellen documentarismo demartiniano. In: Van Loyen, Ulrich (ed.) Der besessene Süden. Ernesto de Martino und das andere Europa. (pp. 105-134). Wien: Tumulat bei Sonderzahl

Schäuble, Michaela (ed.) (2016). AnthroVision - Vaneasa Online Journal: Imagination/Ineffability, 4(2). VANEASA

Schäuble, Michaela (2016). Introduction. Mining Imagination: Ethnographic Approaches Beyond the Written Word. AnthroVision - Vaneasa Online Journal, 4(4.2) VANEASA 10.4000/anthrovision.2407

Schäuble, Michaela (2016). Images of Ecstasy and Affliction. The Camera as Instrument for Researching and Reproducing Choreographies of Deviance in a Southern Italian Spider Possession Cult. AnthroVision - Vaneasa Online Journal, 4(4.2) VANEASA 10.4000/anthrovision.2409

Schäuble, Michaela (2015). Tarantism Revisited. Ecstatic and Mimetic Pracitses in Art and Anthropology (Werkstattgespräch und Filmvorführungen gemeinsam mit dem Konzeptionskünstler Joachim Koester) [Performance or Exhibition]. In: Ausstellung "See, So I See So". Messages from Harry Smith. Temporary Gallery, Köln.

Schäuble, Michaela (25 October 2015). Does Montage in Film deny the Ambiguity of Images and thereby of Reality? (Unpublished). In: Symposium "Monatage as Artistic, Cultural and Scientific Practice". Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich. 15.10.2015.

Schäuble, Michaela (14 October 2015). Studying Re-enactments. Makeshift method of effective ethnographic research approach? (Unpublished). In: Vortrag im Institutskolloquium des Fakultätszentrums für Methoden der Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Wien im Rahmen der Paul-Lazarsfeld Gastprofessur. Universität Wien. 14.10.2015.

Schäuble, Michaela (2 October 2015). 'Wie von der Tarantel gestochen.' Das "Spektakel der Krise" und seine Medialisierung in einem süditalienischen Spinnenbesessenheitskult (Unpublished). In: "Krise - Trance - Medien", DGV-Tagung. Marburg. 02.10.2015.

Schäuble, Michaela (9 July 2015). Ecstatic Encounters. Spectacle and Re-enactment in the Work of Ernesto de Martino and his Successors (Unpublished). In: Vortrag im Rahmen der internationalen Konferenz "Mourning, Magic, Ecstatic Healing. Ernesto de Martino". Zentrum für Literaturforschung (ZLF) Berlin. 09.-10.07.2015.

Schäuble, Michaela (2 April 2015). Interview Schweizer Radio SRF1 in der Sendung Nachtclub zum Thema "Rituale" [Interview von Ralph Wicki]. In: Nachtclub. SRF

Schäuble, Michaela (3 March 2015). The Virgin at the Border: Corporeality of Belief and the Politics of Marian Apparitions in Coratia (Unpublished). In: Vortrag im Rahmen des Institutkolloquium. Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern. 03.03.2015.

Schäuble, Michaela (30 January 2015). Visuelle Ethnologie in theoretischer Perspektive (Unpublished). In: Mit Bildern forschen - Aktuelle Positionen der Visuellen Ethnologie. Universität Koblenz-Landau. 30.-31.01.015.

Schäuble, Michaela (22 January 2015). Narrating Victimhood: Gender, Religion, and the Making of Place in Post-War Croatia (Unpublished). In: Buchpräsentation. Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Zagreb. 22.01.015.

Schäuble, Michaela (2015). Progressive Folklore oder proletarischer Exotismus? Wie sich die Bilder der Expeditionen des italienischen Ethnologen Ernesto de Martino verselbständigten. In Begeisterung und Blashepmie. Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften, 9(2), pp. 103-109. Transcript

Schäuble, Michaela (2015). Stephanie Spray und Pancho Velez: Manakamana (film review). Visual Anthropologiy Review, 32(2), pp. 204-207. Wiley-Blackwell

Schäuble, Michaela (2015). Suhr, Christian and Rane Willerslev (eds.) 2013. Transcultural montage. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books. 300 pp. ISBN: 978-0-85745-964-0. Social Anthropology, 23(3), pp. 404-407. Wiley 10.1111/1469-8676.12217

Schäuble, Michaela (5 December 2014). Ecstasy, Choreography, and Re-enactment: Aesthetic and Political Dimensions of Filming Trance and Spirit Possession in Southern Italy (Unpublished). In: Envisioning Rituals through Film: Studying Body Techniques as Symbolic Action and Visual Culture, Jahrestagung der AAA (American Anthropological Association). Washington. 05.12.2014.

Schäuble, Michaela (2014). Ethnologie als Bildwissenschaft. In: Günzel, Stephan; Mersch, Dieter (eds.) Bild. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch (pp. 379-384). Stuttgart/Weimar: Verlag J.B. Metzler

Schäuble, Michaela; Helms, Elissa (June 2014). Book presentation panel “Narrating Victimhood: Gender, Religion and the Making of Place” (Unpublished). In: ASN Conference. Budapest. Juni 2014.

Schäuble, Michaela (16 May 2014). Picturing Post-War Croatia. A Photo-Essay. In: Blog of Berghahn Publishers.

Schäuble, Michaela (25 April 2014). Visual Voice: 'Narrating Victimhood' in Photos. A Photo-Essay. In: Blog of Berghahn Publishers.

Schäuble, Michaela (10 April 2014). Bilder der Ekstase. Cinematografia demartiniana - Dokumentar- oder Autorenfilm? (Unpublished). In: International Symposium: Italy's 'different status'. Anthropology of the 'possessed South' between Friedrich Nietzsche and Ernesto de Martino. Vignoi, Italy. 07.-11.04.2014.

Schäuble, Michaela (2014). Narrating Victimhood: Gender, Religion, and the Making of Place in Post-War Croatia. New York & Oxford: Berghahn Books

Schäuble, Michaela (2014). Familien Filme(n): Die Kamera als Katalysator für Kommunikation, Konfrontation und Krise. In: Bender, Cora; Zillinger, Martin (eds.) Medienethnographie: Ein Handbuch. Ethnologische Paperbacks (pp. 307-332). Berlin: Reimer

Schäuble, Michaela (2014). Friedenskönigin, Apokalyptische Frau oder Handlangerin nationalistischer Demagogen? Der Kult der Gospa Sinjska als visuelle Manifestation lokaler Erinnerung an Krieg und Gewalt. In: Troebst, Stefan; Gąsior, Agnieszka (eds.) Gebrochene Kontinuitäten. Transnationalität in den Erinnerungskulturen Ostmitteleuropas im 20. Jahrhundert. Visuelle Geschichtskultur: Vol. 13 (pp. 99-123). Köln, Böhlau: Böhlau

Senkpiel, Fabiana

Heim, Sibylle; Senkpiel, Fabiana; Kandathil, Mira (eds.) (2024). Kunstfiguren. Ästhetische Strategien und performative Praktiken von künstlerisch gestalteten Identitäten. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter 10.1515/9783110779202

Heim, Sibylle; Kandathil, Mira; Senkpiel, Fabiana (2024). Kunstfiguren? Ästhetische Strategien und performative Praktiken von künstlerisch gestalteten Identitäten zur Einführung. In: Senkpiel, Fabiana; Heim, Sibylle; Kandathil, Mira (eds.) Kunstfiguren. Ästhetische Strategien und performative Praktiken von künstlerisch gestalteten Identitäten (pp. 9-22). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter 10.1515/9783110779202-002

Heim, Sibylle; Kandathil, Mira; Senkpiel, Fabiana (2024). Kunstfiguren? Ästhetische Strategien und performative Praktiken von künstlerisch gestalteten Identitäten zur Einführung. In: Senkpiel, Fabiana; Heim, Sibylle; Kandathil, Mira (eds.) Kunstfiguren. Ästhetische Strategien und performative Praktiken von künstlerisch gestalteten Identitäten (pp. 9-22). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter 10.1515/9783110779202-002

Siegl, Veronika

Siegl, Veronika (6 February 2020). The fragile truths of commercial surrogacy (Unpublished). In: Residents' Presentations. Brocher Foundation, Hermance. 06.02.2020.

Siegl, Veronika (26 November 2019). Imaginaries of freedom and coercion. An ethnography of surrogacy in Ukraine (Unpublished). In: Colloquium of the Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies. University of Zürich. 26.11.2019.

Siegl, Veronika (16 November 2019). Zehn Monate. Leihmutterschaft in Russland (Unpublished). In: Frauenkörper und ihre Geschichten: der andere Blick. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychosomatik in der Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe. Medizinische Universität Wien. 15. - 16.11.19.

Siegl, Veronika (12 November 2019). Negotiating un/born life (Unpublished). In: Brown Bag Lunch. Walter Benjamin Kolleg, Universität Bern. 12.11.2019.

Siegl, Veronika (30 September 2019). Free to choose? The fragile truths of commercial surrogacy (Unpublished). In: Conference of the German Anthropological Association. University of Konstanz. 29.09. - 02.10.2019.

Siegl, Veronika (28 March 2019). Agencies as “buffers”? How infertility agencies shape the discourses and practices of surrogacy in Russia and Ukraine (Unpublished). In: 14th Global Labour University Conference. Berlin School of Economics and Law, Berlin. 27. - 29.03.2019.

Sievers, Christine

Sievers, Christine (2022). Interaction and Ostension: The myth of 4th order Intentionality. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society. Series B - biological sciences, 377(1859) Royal Society of London 10.1098/rstb.2021.0105

Hessen, Raphaela; Fröhlich, Marlen; Sievers, Christine; Woensdregt, Marieke; Dingemanse, Mark (2022). Coordinating social action: A primer for the cross-species investigation of communicative repair. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society. Series B - biological sciences, 377(1859) Royal Society of London 10.1098/rstb.2021.0110

Heesen, R.; Sievers, C.; Gruber, T.; Clay, Z. (2022). Primate communication: Affective, intentional, or both? (In Press). In: Schwartz, Bennett L.; Beran, Michael J. (eds.) Primate Cognitive Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Simon, Laura Sarah

Hilbold, Ilse Caroline Abigail; Simon, Laura Sarah; Späth, Thomas (2017). Holding the Reins: Miss Ernst and Twentieth-Century Classics. Classical Receptions Journal, 9(4), pp. 487-506. Oxford University Press 10.1093/crj/clx008

Simon, Marika Anja

Simon, Marika Anja (2023). Expanded Cultural Probes in der Designforschung: Eine qualitative Methode zur Bedürfniserhebung von Pädiatriepatient*innen. In: Gartmann, Thomas; Urchueguía, Cristina; Ambühl-Baur, Hannah (eds.) Studies in the Arts II - Künste, Design und Wissenschaft im Austausch. image (pp. 53-80). Bielefeld: transcript 10.14361/9783839469545-004

Soom Ammann, Eva

Caduff, Corina; Stetter, Bitten Anja; Afzali, Minou; Müller, Francis; Soom Ammann, Eva (eds.) (2024). Sterben gestalten. Möglichkeitsräume am Lebensende. Zürich: Scheidegger & Spiess 10.53788/STST0001

Stetter, Bitten; Soom Ammann, Eva; Müller, Francis; Caduff, Corina; Afzali, Minou (2024). Einleitung. In: Caduff, Corina; Stetter, Bitten; Afzali, Minou; Müller, Francis (eds.) Sterben gestalten. Möglichkeitsräume am Lebensende (pp. 7-11). Zürich: Scheidegger & Spiess 10.53788/STST0100

Späth, Thomas

Späth, Thomas (11 November 2019). Monument, Rede, Ritual: Medien der Erinnerungspraxis in der römischen Antike (Unpublished). In: Workshop "Medialität von Erinnerung". Universität Zürich: Zentrum für Historische Mediologie. 01.11.2019.

Späth, Thomas (15 February 2019). Dependency and Leadership. Women between Tutelage and Influence in Ancient Rome (Unpublished). In: Workshop "Female Leadership in Academia". Rom. 13.-17.02.2019.

Späth, Thomas (2019). Les femmes ont-elles gouverné Rome ? In: Ripa, Yannick (ed.) La véritable histoire des femmes. De l'Antiquité à nos jours (pp. 37-54). Paris: Nouveau Monde éditions

Hilbold, Ilse Caroline Abigail; Simon, Laura Sarah; Späth, Thomas (2017). Holding the Reins: Miss Ernst and Twentieth-Century Classics. Classical Receptions Journal, 9(4), pp. 487-506. Oxford University Press 10.1093/crj/clx008

Steiner, Carina Laura

Parrott-Gräppi, Christine; Steiner, Carina Laura; Leemann, Adrian Martin (1 October 2023). Difference in Gender in the Realisation of the English STRUT vowel in Swiss German (Unpublished). In: Phonetik & Phonologie.

Britain, David; Hedegard, Hannah Joy Black; Leemann, Adrian Martin; Steiner, Carina Laura; Jeszenzsky, Peter (23 August 2021). Earwitness evidence accuracy revisited: estimating speaker age, height, weight, geographical origin, political affiliation, and education (Unpublished). In: International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (IAFPA) 2021. University of Marburg, Germany. 22. - 25. August 2021.

Leemann, Adrian Martin; Jeszenszky, P.; Steiner, Carina Laura; Studerus, Melanie Tanja; Messerli, J.; Oberholzer, Linus Clemens (1 April 2021). Swiss German Dialects Across Time and Space –Project presentation. (Unpublished). In: Forschung zum Schweizerdeutschen (FZS).

Leemann, Adrian Martin; Jeszenszky, Péter; Steiner, Carina Laura (2 December 2020). Feldforschung trotz Pandemie (Unpublished). In: Forschungskolloquium / Invited talk. Marburg (DE), virtual. 02.12.20.

Leemann, Adrian Martin; Jeszenszky, Péter; Steiner, Carina Laura (25 November 2020). Feldforschung trotz Pandemie (Unpublished). In: Forschungskolloquium, Invited talk. Jena (DE), virtual. 25.11.2020.

Jeszenszky, Péter; Demiray, B; Steiner, Carina; Leemann, Adrian (June 2020). Towards a regionally representative and socio-demographically diverse resource of Swiss German (Unpublished). In: 5th SwissText & 16th KONVENS Joint Conference 2020. virtual. 06.2020.

Steinke, Hubert

Bloch, Sarah Kviat; Lubrich, Oliver; Steinke, Hubert (eds.) (2021). Alexander von Humboldt – Wissenschaften zusammendenken. Berner Universitätsschriften: Vol. 62. Bern: Haupt / Bern Open Publishing 10.36950/BUS.62

Stetter, Bitten Anja

Caduff, Corina; Stetter, Bitten Anja; Afzali, Minou; Müller, Francis; Soom Ammann, Eva (eds.) (2024). Sterben gestalten. Möglichkeitsräume am Lebensende. Zürich: Scheidegger & Spiess 10.53788/STST0001

Stetter, Bitten; Soom Ammann, Eva; Müller, Francis; Caduff, Corina; Afzali, Minou (2024). Einleitung. In: Caduff, Corina; Stetter, Bitten; Afzali, Minou; Müller, Francis (eds.) Sterben gestalten. Möglichkeitsräume am Lebensende (pp. 7-11). Zürich: Scheidegger & Spiess 10.53788/STST0100

Rehsmann, Julia; Stetter, Bitten (2024). Nichtstun. In: Caduff, Corina; Stetter, Bitten; Afzali, Minou; Müller, Francis; Soom Ammann, Eva (eds.) Sterben gestalten. Möglichkeitsräume am Lebensende (pp. 13-36). Zürich: Scheidegger & Spiess 10.53788/STST0101

Stetter, Bitten (2024). Grusskarten mit Texten von Ruth Schweikert. In: Caduff, Corina; Stetter, Bitten; Afzali, Minou; Müller, Francis; Soom Ammann, Eva (eds.) Sterben gestalten. Möglichkeitsräume am Lebensende (pp. 39-53). Zürich: Scheidegger & Spiess 10.53788/STST0102

Rehsmann, Julia; Stetter, Bitten; Caduff, Corina (2024). Sterben gendern. Wie Geschlechterverhältnisse das Lebensende prägen. In: Caduff, Corina; Stetter, Bitten; Afzali, Minou; Müller, Francis; Soom Ammann, Eva (eds.) Sterben gestalten. Möglichkeitsräume am Lebensende (pp. 195-215). Zürich: Scheidegger & Spiess 10.53788/STST0108

Müller, Francis; Stetter, Bitten (2024). Beseelte Übergangsdinge. In: Caduff, Corina; Stetter, Bitten; Afzali, Minou; Müller, Francis; Soom Ammann, Eva (eds.) Sterben gestalten. Möglichkeitsräume am Lebensende (pp. 217-245). Zürich: Scheidegger & Spiess 10.53788/STST0109

Stetter, Bitten; Caduff, Corina (2024). Gestimmtes Sterben. Ein Perspektivenwechsel zwischen Sterbeliteratur und zukunftsweisendem End-of-Life Care Design. In: Caduff, Corina; Stetter, Bitten; Afzali, Minou; Müller, Francis; Soom Ammann, Eva (eds.) Sterben gestalten. Möglichkeitsräume am Lebensende (pp. 24-285). Zürich: Scheidegger & Spiess 10.53788/STST0110

Stolz, Michael

Stolz, Michael (2018). Copying, Emergence and Digital Reproduction. Transferring Medieval Manuscript Culture into an Electronic Edition. Digital Philology. A Journal of Medieval Cultures, 6(2), pp. 257-287. Johns Hopkins University Press

Stolz, Michael (2018). Otium et negotium. Reading processes in Early Italian and German Humanism. In: Stead, Evanghelia (ed.) Reading Books and Prints as Cultural Objects. New Directions in Book History (pp. 81-106). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 10.1007/978-3-319-53832-7_4

Stolz, Michael (2015). New Philology and the Biogenetics of Texts. Wolfram von Eschenbach’s ›Parzival‹ in a New Electronic Edition (The Parzival Project). Florilegium, 32, pp. 99-130. University of Toronto Press 10.3138/for.32.005

Ströbel, Phillip Benjamin

Scius-Bertrand, Anna; Ströbel, Phillip; Volk, Martin; Hodel, Tobias; Fischer, Andreas (August 2023). The Bullinger Dataset: A Writer Adaptation Challenge. In: Fink, Gernot A.; Jain, Rajiv; Kise, Koichi; Zanibbi, Richard (eds.) ICDAR 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 14187 (pp. 397-410). Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-031-41676-7_23

Ströbel, Phillip Benjamin; Hodel, Tobias; Boente, Walter; Volk, Martin (2023). The Adaptability of a Transformer-Based OCR Model for Historical Documents. In: Coustaty, Mickael; Fornés, Alicia (eds.) Document Analysis and Recognition - ICDAR 2023 Workshops. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 14193 (pp. 34-48). Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-031-41498-5_3

Ströbel, Phillip Benjamin; Clematide, Simon; Volk, Martin; Schwitter, Raphael; Hodel, Tobias; Schoch, David (2022). Evaluation of HTR models without Ground Truth Material. In: Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (pp. 4395-4404). ACL Anthology

Studerus, Melanie Tanja

Leemann, Adrian Martin; Jeszenszky, P.; Steiner, Carina Laura; Studerus, Melanie Tanja; Messerli, J.; Oberholzer, Linus Clemens (1 April 2021). Swiss German Dialects Across Time and Space –Project presentation. (Unpublished). In: Forschung zum Schweizerdeutschen (FZS).

Sudan, Raphaël

Sudan, Raphaël (4 March 2022). Free Improvisation in the academy: A comparative study between the Conservatoire National de Paris and the Musik Akademie Basel (Unpublished). In: SINTA TAG FS 2022. Unitobler, Universität Bern. 04.03.2022.

Sudan, Raphaël (17 December 2021). Free improvisation : nod to the future, crystallization of the present or reminiscence of the past ? (Unpublished). In: Musicking Collective. Bern - HKB. 16-18.12.2021.

Sudan, Raphaël (13 November 2021). Techniques pianistiques étendues : Dans les entrailles de l'instrument (Unpublished). In: Conférence d'automne EPTA.. Conservatoire de Montreux-Vevey-Riviera. 13.11.2021.

Sweers, Britta

Schäuble, Michaela; Radwan, Nadia Susanne; Sweers, Britta (21 October 2021). Podiumsdiskussion: Wie wissenschaftlich muss künstlerische Forschung sein? Wie künstlerisch darf eine Dissertation sein? (Unpublished). In: SINTA-Modul , GSAH Walter Benjamin Kolleg. Universität Bern 21.10.2021. 21.10.2021.

Sweers, Britta (18 October 2018). Opening speech Pop – Power – Positions: Global Relations and Popular Music (Unpublished). In: 3rd Biennial Conference of the German-Speaking Branch of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music. Bern. 18.-20.10.2018.

Sweers, Britta (2018). George Michael. In: Lütteken, Laurenz (ed.) MGG Online. Kassel, Stuttgart, New York: Bärenreiter

Sweers, Britta (3 September 2018). Opening Speech (Unpublished). In: XXXIV Meeting of the European Seminar in Ethnomusicology. Jazeps Vitols Latvian Academy of Music Riga, Latvia. 3.-7.9.2018.

Sweers, Britta (13 April 2018). Keynote Lecture „Ethnomusicology in the 21st Century: A European Perspective.“ (Unpublished). In: British Forum for Ethnomusicology 2018. University of Newcastle, UK. 12.-15.4.2018.

Sweers, Britta (2018). Protestant-Lutheran Choir Singing in Northern Germany: Dimensions of Presentational Musicking in the Local Community. In: Reily, Suzel A.; Brucher, Katherine (eds.) The Routledge Companion to the Study of Local Musicking. Routledge Music Companions (pp. 29-42). New York: Routledge 10.4324/9781315687353-4

Sweers, Britta (2018). Rezension: Susanne Ziegler, Ingrid Akesson, Gerda Lechleitner, Susana Sardo (Hrsg.), Historical Sources of Ethnomusicology in Contemporary Debate. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017. In: Holtsträter, Knut (ed.) Musik im Krieg – Music in War. Lied und populäre Kultur / Song and Popular Culture. Jahrbuch des Zentrums für Populäre Kultur und Musik: Vol. 63 (pp. 257-259). Münster: Waxmann

Sweers, Britta (2018). Wege in die Ethnomusikologie: Weibliche Perspektiven. In: Kreuziger-Herr, Annette; Noeske, Nina; Strohmann, Nicole K.; Tumat, Antje; Unseld, Melanie; Weiss, Stefan (eds.) Wege - Festschrift für Susanne Rohde-Breymann. Studien und Materialien zur Musikwissenschaft: Vol. 100 (pp. 343-356). Hildesheim: Olms

Sweers, Britta; Inniger, Samuel; Jordi, Julia (2018). Projekt Jeki – Jedem Kind ein Instrument: zur Förderung des Instrumentalunterrichts für Kinder mit geringerem sozioökonomischen Status. Information Bildungsforschung, 2018(3) Schweizerische Koordinationsstelle für Bildungsforschung

Sweers, Britta (2018). Die gesellschaftliche Bedeutung von Musik. Schweizer Musikzeitung / Revue Musicale Suisse / Rivista Musicale Svizzera(7-8), p. 31. Galledia Fachmedien AG

Foerger, Annette; Hilder, Thomas; Losleben, Katrin; Ross, Sarah; Sweers, Britta; Wegner, Sascha (eds.) (2018). European Journal of Musicology, 17. Institut für Musikwissenschaft

Krüger Bridge, Simone; Sweers, Britta (eds.) (2018). Transcultural Music Studies. Equinox

Gartmann, Thomas; Gueswill, Angelika; Senn, Olivier; Sweers, Britta (eds.) (2017). European Journal of Musicology, 16(1). European Journal of Musicology

Sweers, Britta (2017). Deutschland und die World Music: Eine Spurensuche. Musikforum, 2017(4), pp. 24-27. Deutscher Musikrat

Sweers, Britta (ed.) (2004). The World of Music: Contemporary British Music Traditions, 2004(1). VWB, Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung

Teubner, Melina Anna

Teubner, Melina (2021). Die «zweite Sklaverei» ernähren, Sklavenschiffsköche und Strassenverkäuferinnen im Südatlantik (1800-1870). Globalgeschichte. Frankfurt New York: Campus

Teubner, Melina (2020). Cooking at Sea. Different Forms of Labor in the Era of Second Slavery. Población & Sociedad, 27(2), pp. 54-81. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa 10.19137/pys-2020-270204

Teubner, Melina (7 February 2020). "A Arte De Cozinhar" Sklavenschiffköche, Ernährung und Diaspora im südlichen Atlantik 1800–1870. In: Zur Freiheit der Arbeit im Kapitalismus. GLHA Schriften: Vol. 1 (pp. 1-35). Bochum: German Labour History Association

Teubner, Melina (2019). Street Food, Urban Space, and Gender: Working on the Streets of Nineteenth-Century Rio de Janeiro (1830–1870). International Review of Social History, 64(S27), pp. 229-254. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0020859019000130

Thurner, Christina

Thurner, Christina (2020). Bewegte Referenzen. Bei-/Spiele re-/produktiver Abweichung im Tanz. Kulturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, Special Issue: Original – Kopie: Techniken und Ästhetiken der Reproduzierbarkeit, 4(3), pp. 63-76. De Gruyter 10.2478/kwg-2020-0006

Tolino, Serena

Weber, Dominic; Schwandt, Silke; Huang, Angela; Hodel, Tobias; Tolino, Serena; Kuhlmann, Christopher; Meyer, Dana; Wilde, Melvin; Kirschnick, Inga; Jentsch, Patrick; Hostettler, Myrjam; Widmer, Jonas; Lange, Inga; Popken, Vivien (2024). not opaque flow – Workflows zur Aufbereitung und Auswertung historischer Dokumente. In: Weis, Joëlle; Bunout, Estelle; Haider, Thomas; Helling, Patrick; Gerstmeier, Markus; Perschl, Tobias; Huber, Elisabeth; Haider, Thomas; Debbeler, Anke; Majka, Nicole (eds.) DHd 2024 Quo Vadis DH (DHd2024). Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.10698512

Troxler, Marion Irena

Troxler, Marion Irena; í Jákupsstovu, Gudrun; Kluwick, Ursula Maria; Scheller, Katharina (6 June 2024). Launch of Digital Shores – An Interactive Atlas of Beach Narratives (Unpublished). In: A Million Atoms of Soft Blue: Rethinking Water and Littoral Space in the Humanities. Bern, Switzerland. 06.06-07.06.2024.

Velasco Pufleau, Luis Alberto

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis (18 January 2024). A Struggle for Memory: Composer Hèctor Parra on his new opera "Justice". VAN Magazine VAN Verlag

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis (2024). Une lutte pour la mémoire : entretien avec Hèctor Parra à propos de son opéra Justice. Music, Sound and Conflict OpenEdition 10.58079/vmet

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis (2023). Listening is action : une promenade sonore avec Hildegard Westerkamp. Music, Sound and Conflict OpenEdition 10.58079/vf09

Velasco Pufleau, Luis (2023). Listening is Action: A Soundwalk with Hildegard Westerkamp. Performance Philosophy, 8(1), pp. 86-100. 10.21476/PP.2023.81430

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis (25 May 2023). Sounding Out Absent Bodies: Ghost Harmonies, Resonances and Remembering in Marisol Jiménez’s XLIII Memoriam Vivere (Unpublished). In: The Aesthetics of Absence in Music of the Twenty-First Century. Oslo. 25-26 May 2023.

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis (13 April 2023). Conflits armés contemporains, systèmes de notation et écologie documentale : penser à travers low intensity conflicts de Franck Leibovici (Unpublished). In: SICM 2023 – Le conflit dans la création musicale contemporaine : Violences, idéologies, territoires, hybridations. Paris. 13-14 April 2023.

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis (23 March 2023). Sonic Agencies, Hybrid Improvised Sounds and the Politics of Collective Memory in the Work of Marisol Jiménez (Unpublished). In: Music Discourses after 1970. Bern. 23-25 March 2023.

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis (13 November 2022). Music and Human Rights: Exploring New Relationships between Music and Politics in the Twenty-First Century (Unpublished). In: 2022 AMS-SEM-SMT Joint Annual Meeting. New Orleans. 10-13 November 2022.

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis; Lussier, René (2022). Some have said I ‘manipulated history’: René Lussier on sound archives, people’s voices and Quebec history in Le trésor de la langue. Music, Sound and Conflict OpenEdition 10.58079/rny2

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis (23 August 2022). Sounds, Echoes and Silences in Listening Experiences of Survivors of the Bataclan Terrorist Attack in Paris (Unpublished). In: 21st Quinquennial IMS Congress. Athens. 22-26 August 2022.

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis (8 July 2022). Exploring Trauma and Recovery through Listening Experiences of Survivors of the Bataclan Terrorist Attack in Paris: On the (Co-)Construction of Knowledge and Ethical Responsibility of Bearing Witness in Music Research (Unpublished). In: Music/Sound Through the Lens of Trauma: Methodology, Theory and History. Utrecht. 7-8 July 2022.

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis (23 June 2022). Cartographies of Meaning: Can musicians stand for Ukraine without participating in propaganda? VAN Magazine VAN Verlag

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis (2022). Musique et solidarité avec l’Ukraine : Comment les musiciens peuvent-ils s’opposer à la guerre sans devenir un instrument des dispositifs de propagande ? Music, Sound and Conflict OpenEdition 10.58079/rny1

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis (2022). La musique est-elle une arme de propagande comme les autres ? Réflexions sur l’écriture d’un texte d’opinion critique en contexte de guerre. Revue musicale OICRM, 9(1), pp. 181-193. Observatoire interdisciplinaire de création et recherche en musique (OICRM) 10.7202/1090521ar

Egli, Florian; Pearce, BinBin; Velasco-Pufleau, Luis (8 December 2021). So schaffen wir eine echte Brücke zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. In: Higgs. Online: Scitec-Media GmbH

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis (6 October 2021). Only fear grew inside my body’: Ethics, femicide and compositional strategies in Hilda Paredes’ La tierra de la miel (Unpublished). In: Sounding Out Musical Ethics. London. 6 October 2021.

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis (8 September 2021). Did you say ‘music’? Exploring the relationship between narratives on musicology and ontological assumptions of music (Unpublished). In: Narrating musicology. Reviewing the history/histories of musicology. Bern. 5-8 September 2021.

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis; Atlani-Duault, Laëtitia (eds.) (2021). Lieux de mémoire sonore : Des sons pour survivre, des sons pour tuer. Paris: Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme 10.4000/books.editionsmsh.28800

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis (2021). Jihadi Anashid, Islamic State Warfare and the Agency of Sound. In: Siegel, Dina; Bovenkerk, Frank (eds.) Crime and Music (pp. 233-243). Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-030-49878-8_12

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis; Atlani-Duault, Laëtitia (2021). Lieux de mémoire sonore. In: Velasco-Pufleau, Luis; Atlani-Duault, Laëtitia (eds.) Lieux de mémoire sonore : Des sons pour survivre, des sons pour tuer (pp. 7-17). Paris: Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis; Paredes, Hilda (2020). On Music and Political Concerns: An Interview with Hilda Paredes. Revista Vórtex, 8(2), pp. 1-22. Universidade Estadual do Paraná 10.33871/23179937.2020.8.2.16

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis; Manoury, Philippe (2020). ‘It is important artists react to the world in which we all live’: An interview with Philippe Manoury on Lab.Oratorium. Tempo : a quarterly review of modern music, 74(293), pp. 6-13. Cambridge Univ. Press 10.1017/s0040298220000224

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis (2020). Introduction. Son, musique et violence. Transposition(Hors-série 2), pp. 1-11. Centre de Recherches sur les Arts et le Langage 10.4000/transposition.5067

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis (2020). From Music to Armed Struggle, from 1968 to Action Directe: An Interview with Jean-Marc Rouillan. Transposition(Hors-série 2) Centre de Recherches sur les Arts et le Langage 10.4000/transposition.3780

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis (2020). Transposition: Sound, Music and Violence, (Hors-série 2). OpenEdition Journals 10.4000/transposition.3213

Velasco Pufleau, Luis; Manoury, Philippe (2019). Lab.Oratorium et l’Europe : Entretien avec Philippe Manoury. L'Étincelle(19), pp. 10-11. IRCAM

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis (2018). Critical reflections on music and humanitarian narratives. Arts & International Affairs, 3(2), pp. 25-32. 10.18278/aia.3.2.3

Velasco Pufleau, Luis (2015). One says Mexico: The Mexican Soundscapes of Stefano Scodanibbio. Glissando(26), pp. 117-122.

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis (2011). La Liga de Escritores y Artistas Revolucionarios (L.E.A.R.) : l'antifascisme communiste au Mexique. Aden, 10(1), pp. 184-204. Groupe interdisciplinaire d'études nizaniennes 10.3917/aden.010.0184

Wa Baile, Mohamed Shee

Schilliger, Sarah Berit; Wa Baile, Mohamed Shee; Naguib, Tarek; Plümecke, Tino; Wilopo, Claudia (2020). Racial Profiling – Erfahrungen, Wirkungen, Widerstand. In: Kritik rassistischer Praktiken. Konferenz des Rats für Migration. Frankfurt/online. 13. November 2020.

Waterhouse, Elizabeth Neumann

Waterhouse, Elizabeth (2020). As "Duo": Thinking with Dance. In: A Practical Aesthetics (pp. 183-194). London: Bloomsbury

Wegner, Sascha

Foerger, Annette; Hilder, Thomas; Losleben, Katrin; Ross, Sarah; Sweers, Britta; Wegner, Sascha (eds.) (2018). European Journal of Musicology, 17. Institut für Musikwissenschaft

Widmer, Jonas Mikhael

Ströbel, Phillip; Hodel, Tobias; Fischer, Andreas; Scius, Anna; Wolf, Beat; Janka, Anna; Widmer, Jonas; Scheurer, Patricia; Volk, Martin (2023). Bullingers Briefwechsel zugänglich machen: Stand der Handschriftenerkennung. In: Trilcke, Peer; Busch, Anna; Helling, Patrick (eds.) DHd 2023 Open Humanities Open Culture. 9. Tagung des Verbands "Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum" (DHd 2023). Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.7715356

Hodel, Tobias Mathias; Janka, Anna; Widmer, Jonas (2022). Digital Mappa – Simple and Web-based Annotations. Tool review. RIDE: a review journal for digital editions and resources(15) IDE 10.18716/ride.a.15.1

Wirtz, Irmgard

Dubosson, Fabien; Gisi, Lucas Marco; Wirtz, Irmgard M. (eds.) (2022). Lettres dans la toile. Les réseaux épistolaires dans les archives littéraires. 7. Göttingen: Wallstein/Chronos

Wisler, Michaela

Schlieter, Jens; Wisler, Michaela (29 September 2020). "Thou shalt not exhibit": Provenienzforschung in religionswissenschaftlicher Perspektive (Unpublished). In: Ringvorlesung – Provenienzforschung interdisziplinär. Universität Bern. 29.09.2020.

Wyttenbach, Christina

Rota, Andrea; Wyttenbach, Christina (16 September 2021). Religion and ‘Religious-Social Engineering’ in the Long Sixties (Unpublished). In: Annual Conference of the German Society for the Study of Religion (DVRW). University of Leipzig (online). 16.09.2021.

Rota, Andrea; Michel, Simon Livio; Wyttenbach, Christina (13 May 2019). The Legacy of the 1960s and 1970s (Unpublished). In: Research Day of the Faculty of Humanities. Walter Benjamin Kolleg, Universität Bern. 13. Mai 2019.

Rota, Andrea; Michel, Simon Livio; Wyttenbach, Christina (9 November 2018). The Legacy of the 1960s and 1970s: Preliminary Questions (Unpublished). In: International Workshop The Legacy of the 1960s and 1970s: Kickoff Workshop. Münchenwiler Castle (Bern). 09.-10.11.18.

Young, Nathan Joel

Young, Nathan Joel; Britain, David; Leemann, Adrian (2022). A blueprint for using deepfakes in sociolinguistic matched-guise experiments. In: Interspeech 2022. Proceedings (pp. 5268-5272). International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) 10.21437/Interspeech.2022-10782

Znoj, Heinzpeter

Znoj, Heinzpeter (2021). Performance-Ethnographie an der Schnittfläche von künstlerischer und sozial- und kulturwissenschaftlicher Forschung. In: Gartmann, Thomas; Schäuble, Michaela (eds.) Studies in the Arts. Neue Perspektiven auf Forschung über, in und durch Kunst und Design. Image: Vol. 195 (pp. 31-44). Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag 10.14361/9783839457368-003

í Jákupsstovu, Gudrun

Troxler, Marion Irena; í Jákupsstovu, Gudrun; Kluwick, Ursula Maria; Scheller, Katharina (6 June 2024). Launch of Digital Shores – An Interactive Atlas of Beach Narratives (Unpublished). In: A Million Atoms of Soft Blue: Rethinking Water and Littoral Space in the Humanities. Bern, Switzerland. 06.06-07.06.2024.

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