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Polanco, Rodrigo Javier (2024). Recepción del derecho económico internacional en los sistemas jurídicos nacionales: un análisis comparado. In: Estudios de derecho comparado (pp. 625-654). Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch
Polanco, Rodrigo (2024). Limited home state measures in the WTO Investment Facilitation for Development Agreement: a missed opportunity or a starting point? Columbia FDI Perspectives
Panizzon, Marion (2024). Book review: The Ties that Bind: Immigration and the Global Political Economy. International relations of the Asia-Pacific Oxford University Press 10.1093/irap/lcae006
Panizzon, Marion; Allinson, Kathryn; Grundler, Maja (2024). Editorial: Forms and functions of soft norms and informal law-making in international migration law: a different frontier. Frontiers in human dynamics, 6 Frontiers Media 10.3389/fhumd.2024.1368925
Garcés, Irene; Vogt, Achim (2024). Global value chain integration and non-tariff measures. Economics letters, 235, p. 111518. Elsevier 10.1016/j.econlet.2024.111518
Garcés, Irene; Vogt, Achim (2024). Patterns of regulatory heterogeneity in international trade: Intensity, coverage, and structure. Review of International Economics, pp. 1-41. Wiley 10.1111/roie.12736
Fornale, Elisa (15 January 2024). GEM METHODOLOGY. Gender Equality in the Mirror (GEM): Clothing the Invisibility of Women at International Level (Submitted).
Nadakavukaren, Krista; Cottier, Thomas (eds.) (2024). Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited 10.4337/9781800882324
Cottier, Thomas; Drolshammer, Jens; Wolfgang, Ernst; Gasser, Urs; Probst, Thomas; Rigamonti, Cyrill P.; Vogt, Hans-Ueli; Werro, Franz (eds.) (2024). Dike Law Books. Dike Verlag AG
Panizzon, Marion; Jurt, Luzia (2024). Of patterns, processes and priorities: what the Global Compact for Migration Means by ‘aligning’ partnerships to the UN Agenda 2030 (In Press). In: The Elgar Companion to Migration and the Sustainable Development Goals. Edward Elgar
Fornalé, E.; Bilkova, V.; Burgorgue-Larsen, L.; Cristani, F.; De Vido, S.; Doebbler, C.; Hertogen, A. (2023). Amicus Curiae - Request for an advisory opinion on the Climate Emergency and Human Rights submitted to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights by the Republic of Colombia and the Republic of Chile of January 9, 2023 (Submitted) World Trade Institute, University of Bern
Polanco, Rodrigo; Rodríguez-Chiffelle, Cristián (2023). Investment facilitation at the WTO: What's old? What's new? What's missing? In: Chaisse, Julienne; Rodríguez-Chiffelle, Cristián (eds.) The Elgar Companion to the World Trade Organization. Elgar Companions to International Organisations series (pp. 301-324). Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781800882867.00025
Polanco, Rodrigo (2023). Sustainable Development in Chile‘s Investment Agreements. Justicia ambiental : Revista de Derecho Ambiental de Fiscalía del Medio Ambiente(15), pp. 117-157. ONG Fiscalía del Medio Ambiente-FIMA
Bogdanova, Iryna (2023). Use of the immobilized Russian Central Bank assets to rebuild Ukraine: between political will and legal hurdles. In: Treading softly: How central banks are addressing current global challenges (pp. 134-145). European Central Bank 10.2866/8913
Bogdanova, Iryna (2023). Human Rights and Unilateral Economic Sanctions: A New Perspective on a Twisted Relationship. In: Czech, Philip; Heschl, Lisa; Lukas, Karin; Nowak, Manfred; Oberleitner, Gerd (eds.) European Yearbook on Human Rights 2023 (pp. 171-203). Larcier-Intersentia
Polanco, Rodrigo (2023). Three generations of digital trade provisions in preferential trade agreements. In: Collins, David; Geist, Michael (eds.) Research Handbook on Digital Trade (pp. 28-53). Edward Elgar Publishing 10.4337/9781800884953.00009
Panizzon, Marion (15 October 2023). Analyzing the legality of the EU Commission’s proposed withdrawal of preferential tariffs for third countries when cooperation on migrant returns ‘fails’: an unholy alliance of trade and migration? EU Law Analysis. Expert insight into EU law developments
Van den Bossche, Peter (October 2023). Can the WTO Dispute Settlement System Be Revived? Options for Addressing a Major Governance Failure of the World Trade Organization. (Submitted) (WTI working paper 3). HEC conference book
Fornalé, Elisa (2023). Slow violence, gender and climate agency in times of ‘polycrisis’. Revista general de derecho europeo(61) Iustel
Bogdanova, Iryna; Wang, Anqi (2023). China’s Use of Export Restrictions and WTO Law: Heading toward “Weaponization” of Exports? In: Gao, Henry; Raess, Damian; Zeng, Ka (eds.) China and the WTO. A Twenty-Year Assessment (pp. 160-180). Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781009291804.011
Bacchus, James; Singh Bhatia, Ujal; Celli Junior, Umberto; Coppens, Dominic; Hillman, Jennifer A.; Lockhart, Nicolas J.S.; Mbengue, Makane Moise; Bondi Ogolla, Dan; Oral, Nilufer; Peel, Jacqueline; Qin, Tianbao; Remy, Jan Yves; Unterhalter, Justice David; Van den Bossche, Peter L. H.; Viñuales, Jorge E.; Wewerinke-Singh, Margaretha; Young, Margaret A.; Cima, Elena; Deere Birkbeck, Carolyn and Bellmann, Christophe (2023). Principles of International Law Relevant for Consideration in the Design and Implementation of Trade-Related Climate Measures and Policies. Report of an International Legal Expert Group. Forum on Trade, Environment, & the SDGs (TESS)
Gao, Henry; Raess, Damian; Zeng, Ka (eds.) (2023). China and the WTO: A Twenty-Year Assessment. World Trade Forum series. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781009291804
Gao, Henry; Raess, Damian; Zeng, Ka (2023). Introduction. China’s 20-Year Engagement with the WTO: Opportunities, Challenges, and Responses. In: Gao, Henry; Raess, Damian; Zeng, Ka (eds.) China and the WTO: A Twenty-Year Assessment. World Trade Forum series (pp. 1-18). Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781009291804.002
Atkinson, Craig (2023). Leveraging Electronic Documents for Sustainable Agricultural Trade hinrich foundation
Panizzon, Marion (2023). Der UNO-Migrationspakt: Von der Architektur zur Infrastruktur für die internationale Migration. In: Almanach Entwicklungspolitik 2024. Gehen müssen, bleiben können. Infrastrukturen der globalen Migration (pp. 83-106). Luzern: Caritas-Verlag
Räss, Damian (2023). Disentangling public opposition to Chinese FDI: trade unions, patient capital, and members’ preferences over FDI inflows. European journal of international relations, 30(1), pp. 176-202. Sage 10.1177/13540661231186382
Fornalé, Elisa (2023). Vulnerability, Intertemporality, and Climate Litigation. Nordic journal of human rights, 41(4), pp. 357-377. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/18918131.2023.2225973
Fornalé, Elisa; Armiero, Marco; Odasso, Laura (2023). Trust in disaster resilience. Disaster prevention and management, 32(2), pp. 253-267. Emerald Publishing Limited 10.1108/DPM-04-2022-0082
Fornalé, Elisa; Cristani, Federica (eds.) (2023). Women’s Empowerment and Its Limits. Interdisciplinary and Transnational Perspectives Toward Sustainable Progress. Palgrave Macmillan Cham 10.1007/978-3-031-29332-0
Gonçalves Sales, Vilane (2023). Modelling non-linear deforestation trends for an ecological tension zone in Brazil. Science of remote Sensing, 7, p. 100076. Elsevier 10.1016/j.srs.2023.100076
Polanco, Rodrigo (2023). The Impact of Digitalization on International Investment Law: Are Investment Treaties Analogue or Digital? German law journal, 24(3), pp. 574-588. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/glj.2023.30
Panizzon, Marion; Jurt, Luzia (2023). Through the Looking-Glass: The IOM Recasting the Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration Narrative at the UN and in West Africa. Geopolitics, 29(4), pp. 1166-1197. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/14650045.2023.2212239
Atkinson, Craig (12 May 2023). A Legal-Technical Basis for a Computational Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) Agreement. Stanford-Vienna Transatlantic Antitrust and IPR Developments Newsletter(1/2023), pp. 31-37.
Polanco, Rodrigo (2023). EU Investment Policy: Regional Convergence or International Standards? In: Duina, Francesco; Viju-Miljusevic, Crina (eds.) Standardizing the World: EU Trade Policy and the Road to Convergence (pp. 103-128). Oxford University Press 10.2139/ssrn.4438916
Elsig, Manfred (12 April 2023). Reflections on Geopolitics (WTI Working Paper 02).
Bogdanova, Iryna (31 January 2023). Politicization of the 5G Rollout: Litigation Way for Huawei? (WTI Working Paper 01). World Trade Institute, University of Bern
Cottier, Thomas; Drolshammer, Jens; Ernst, Wolfgang; Gasser, Urs; Probst, Thomas; Vogt, Hans-Ueli; Werro, Franz (eds.) (2023). Dike Law Books. Dike Verlag AG
Gonçalves Sales, Vilane; Strobl, Eric (2023). Using Extreme Value Theory to Assess the Mortality Risk of Tornado Outbreaks. International journal of disaster risk science, 14(1), pp. 14-25. Springer 10.1007/s13753-023-00474-1
Fernández-Amador, Octavio; Francois, Joseph F.; Oberdabernig, Doris A.; Tomberger, Patrick (2023). Energy footprints and the international trade network: A new dataset. Is the European Union doing it better? Ecological economics, 204, p. 107635. Elsevier 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2022.107635
Francois, Joseph F.; Hoekman, Bernard; Nelson, Douglas R. (2023). Trade and Sustainable Development: Non-Economic Objectives in the Theory of Economic Policy. World trade review, 22(3-4), pp. 463-473. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S147474562300006X
Fornalè, Elisa (2023). Embracing gender parity at International and European level. In: De Vido, Sara; Frulli, Micaela (eds.) Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence. A Commentary on the Istanbul Convention. Elgar Commentaries in Human Rights series (pp. 62-74). Edward Elgar Publishing
Wagner, Patrick; Raess, Damian (2022). South to north investment linkages and decent work in Brazil. Labour economics, 37(1), pp. 122-159. Elsevier 10.1111/labr.12239
Panizzon, Marion; Vitiello, Daniela; Molnár, Tamás (2022). The Rule of Law and Human Mobility in the Age of Global Compacts: Relativizing the Risks and Gains of Soft Normativity? Laws, 11(6), pp. 1-15. MDPI 10.3390/laws11060089
Alschner, Wolfgang; Elsig, Manfred; Wüthrich, Simon (2022). Main Act or Side Show? Model Agreements by International Institutions and Their Reuse in Investment Treaty Texts. Journal of international economic law, 25(4), pp. 592-610. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jiel/jgac044
Polanco, Rodrigo Javier (22 November 2022). Sustainable Development in Chilean International Investment Agreements (WTI Working Paper Series 07/2022). Bern: World Trade Institute
Francois, Joseph; Hoekman, Bernard; Manchin, Mirjam; Santi, Filippo (20 November 2022). Pursuing Environmental and Social Objectives through Trade Agreements (WTI Working Paper Series 08/2022). Bern: World Trade Institute
Odasso, Laura; Fornale, Elisa (2022). The ‘inconfinables’ or the creation of superfluous life in time of crisis. Migration letters, 19(6), pp. 739-749. Transnational Press London 10.33182/ml.v19i6.2225
Fornale, Elisa; Odasso, Laura (2022). Gli ‘inconfinabili’: L’eccezione che conferma la regola? In: Ambrosini, Maurizio; D'Amico, Marilisa; Perassi, Emilia (eds.) Confini, migrazioni e diritti umani (pp. 239-263). Milano University Press 10.54103/milanoup.83.90
Fornale, Elisa; Cristani, Federica; Gonçalves Sales, Vilane (2022). Sustainable management of fisheries resources in a time of climate change: An overview of initiatives in the Mediterranean Region. The Italian Yearbook of International Law Online, 31(1), pp. 171-187. 10.1163/22116133-03101009
Espa, Ilaria; Francois, Joseph; van Asselt, Harro (November 2022). The EU Proposal for a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM): An Analysis under WTO and Climate Change Law (Submitted) (WTI Working Paper Series 06/2022). Bern: World Trade Institute
Atkinson, Craig; Potvin, Joseph (2022). Implementing the African Continental Free Trade Area: A Simple, Scalable, and Fast Computational Approach for Algorithmic Governance (In Press). In: Olayele, Fred; Samy, Yiagadeesen (eds.) Sustainable Development in Post-Pandemic Africa: Effective Strategies for Resource Mobilization. Routledge Studies in African Development. Routledge
Kucheriava, Yuliia (2022). Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: a WTO Perspective. Global Trade and Customs Journal, 17(10), pp. 417-430. Wolters Kluwer 10.54648/gtcj2022060
Fornale, Elisa; Doebbler, Curtis (2022). International human rights law and the detention of asylum seekers. American Immigration Law Journal, 4(2), pp. 171-188. Full Court Press
Panizzon, Marion (2022). Adjudicating Labor Mobility under France's Agreements on the Joint Management of Migration Flows: How Courts Politicize Bilateral Migration Diplomacy. Theoretical Inquiries in Law, 23(2), pp. 326-373. The Cegla Center for Interdisciplinary Research of the Law at the Buchmann Faculty of Law
Bogdanova, Iryna (2022). Unilateral Sanctions in International Law and the Enforcement of Human Rights. The Impact of the Principle of Common Concern of Humankind. World Trade Institute Advanced Studies: Vol. 9. Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhof 10.1163/9789004507890
Arp, Björn; Polanco, Rodrigo (eds.) (2022). International Arbitration in Times of Economic Nationalism. Alphen aan den Rijn, NL: Kluwer Law International
van Riemsdijk, Micheline; Panizzon, Marion (2022). A collective commitment to improving cooperation on migration’: analysis of a thematic consultation session for the Global Compact for Migration. Third world quarterly, 43(9), pp. 2169-2187. Routledge 10.1080/01436597.2022.2083600
Panizzon, Marion (13 May 2022). Delivering on the Promise? Partnering for Implementing Global Political Commitments in the Global Compact for Migration and the Agenda 2030. Global Asylum Governance and the European Union's Role (ASILE) Forum
Räss, Damian; Ren, Wanlin; Wagner, Patrick (2022). Hidden Strings Attached? Chinese (Commercially Oriented) Foreign Aid and International Political Alignment. Foreign Policy Analysis, 18(3) Oxford University Press 10.1093/fpa/orac010
Räss, Damian (2022). Evidence on the impact of labor provisions in preferential trade agreements. In: Elliott, Kimberley A. (ed.) Handbook on Globalisation and Labour Standards. Handbooks on Globalisation Series (pp. 226-243). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
Panizzon, Marion (16 March 2022). Passt der Schweizer Schutzstatus «S» für Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine zum temporären Schutz der EU oder welche Risiken erwachsen aus der Parallelität? foraus-the Swiss Think Tank on Foreign Policy foraus Office Zurich
Chaisse, Julien; Elsig, Manfred; Jusoh, Sufian; Lugg, Andrew (2022). Drafting Investment Law: Patterns of Influence in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). Journal of international economic law, 25(1), pp. 110-128. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jiel/jgac006
Panizzon, Marion (22 February 2022). COVID-19 and Migration: Compromised Mobility and Shaky Governance Frameworks. In: Cooperadio: The Global Cooperation Podcast. Käte Hamburger Kolleg Universität Duisburg
Espa, Ilaria; Imeli, Brigitta (February 2022). Switzerland-based private sustainability standards and WTO law (WTI Working Paper Series 02/2022). Bern: World Trade Insitute
Polanco, Rodrigo Javier; Ferreira, Felipe (2022). International investment and human rights in Latin America: A quest for balance. In: Droubi, Sufyan; Flores Elizondo, Cecilia Juliana (eds.) Latin America and international investment law. A mosaic of resistance. Melland Schill Perspectives on International Law (pp. 261-294). Manchester: Manchester University Press
Vasquez Callo-Müller, Maria; Bogdanova, Iryna (24 January 2022). Unilateral Cyber Sanctions and Global Cybersecurity Law-Making. Opinio Juris
Van den Bossche, Peter (January 2022). Is there a Future for the WTO Appellate Body and WTO Dispute Settlement? (WTI Working Papers 01/2022). Bern: World Trade Institute
Van den Bossche, Peter Leo Henri (2022). The TRIPS Agreement and WTO Dispute Settlement: Past, Present and Future. In: Heath, Christopher; Kamperman Sanders, Anselm (eds.) 25 Years of the TRIPS Agreement - Past, Present, Future (pp. 257-275). Kluwers Law International B.V.
Cottier-Holzer, Thomas; Drolshammer, Jens; Ernst, Wolfgang; Gasser, Urs; Probst, Thomas; Rigamonti, Cyrill P.; Vogt, Hans-Ueli; Werro, Franz (eds.) (2022). Dike Law Books. Dike Verlag AG
Baccini, Leonardo; Guidi, Mattia; Poletti, Arlo; Yildirim, Aydin B. (2022). Trade Liberalization and Labor Market Institutions. International organization, 76(1), pp. 70-104. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0020818321000138
Yildirim, Aydin B. (2022). Multinational Corporations and Governance of Political Activity (WTI Working Paper 03/2022). World Trade Institute
Atkinson, Craig; Burri, Mira (2022). Global Trade Rules Access and Computational Law. In: The promise of TradeTech: Policy approaches to harness trade digitalization (pp. 52-57). World Economic Forum and World Trade Organization
Alessi, Nicolò Paolo; Palermo, Francesco (2022). Intergovernmental Relations and Identity Politics in Italy. In: Fessha, Yonatan T.; Kössler, Karl; Palermo, Francesco (eds.) Intergovernmental Relations in Divided Societies. Comparative Territorial Politics (pp. 183-218). Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-030-88785-8_8
Cristani, Federica; Fornale, Elisa; Busch, Paula Sophie (13 December 2021). Gender parity and small businesses: What role for the Trade Agenda? Trade Forum(4) International Trade Centre
Fernandez-Amador, Octavio; Oberdabernig, Doris Anita; Tomberger, Patrick (2021). Do methane emissions converge? Evidence from global panel data on production- and consumption-based emissions. Empirical Economics, 63(2), pp. 877-900. Springer 10.1007/s00181-021-02162-9
Polanco, Rodrigo; Manrique de Lara Seminario, Jorge Luis (2021). Clausulas Paraguas. In: Álvarez Zárate, José Manuel; Zenkievwicz, Maciej (eds.) El derecho internacional de las inversiones - Desarrollo actual de normas y principios. Derecho económico internacional (pp. 473-496). Asociacion de Editoriales Universitarias de Colombia (ASEUC)
Häberli, Christian (2021). Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism + WTO = Impasse Totale? Jean Monnet Network on Transatlantic Trade Politics
Häberli, Christian (2021). Food Crises (cont’d): What’s Wrong with Trade and Investment Rules? Trade, Law and Development, 13(2), pp. 264-316. National Law University
Bogdanova, Iryna; Vásquez Callo-Müller, María (2021). Unilateral Cyber Sanctions: Between Questioned Legality and Normative Value. Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 54(911), pp. 912-954.
Fornale, Elisa (11 November 2021). Per la nostra vita pubblica. InGenere. Dati, Politiche, Questioni di genere Editore Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini
Van den Bossche, Peter (28 October 2021). The Demise of the WTO Appellate Body: Lessons for Governance of International Adjudication? (WTI Working Paper 02/2021). Bern: World Trade Institute
Bogdanova, Iryna Volodymyrivna (2021). Turning Crisis into Opportunity: Unfolding Ukraine's Trade Potential with the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement. East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies, 8(2), pp. 151-191. 10.21226/ewjus561
Dash, Priyadarshi; Espa, Ilaria; Gonzalez Sembla, Facundo; Häberli, Christian; Kansal, Shreya; Idowu Kareem, Olayinka (2021). Agricultural trade in a post-pandemic world (Policy brief). G20 Insights
Musselli, Irene; Cottier, Thomas; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth (2021). SECO Roundtable on trade, climate change, and the SDGs, CDE/WTI summary report Bern: SECO
Bogdanova, Iryna Volodymyrivna (2021). Book Review: Sanctions with Chinese Characteristics: Rhetoric and Restraint in China’s Diplomacy. South African Journal of International Affairs, 28(3), pp. 494-496. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/10220461.2021.1965651
Raess, Damian (9 August 2021). Left-wing austerity during international crises – it’s the financial markets, stupid! The Loop - ECPR’s Political Science Blog
Lionnet, Philippe (2021). International Economic Dispute Settlement and Digital Trade in Services : Useful Multilateral Principles for the Emerging Global Regulatory Landscape? In: Elsig, Manfred; Polanco, Rodrigo; van den Bossche, Peter (eds.) International Economic Dispute Settlement. Demise or Transformation? World Trade Forum (pp. 323-349). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781108966122.013
Fernandez-Amador, Octavio; Francois, Joseph; Oberdabernig, Doris Anita; Tomberger, Patrick (3 August 2021). Energy footprints and the international trade network: A new dataset. Is the European Union doing it better? (WTI Working Paper 01/2021). Bern, Switzerland: World Trade Institute (WTI)
Elsig, Manfred; Klotz, Sebastian (2021). Data Flow-Related Provisions in Preferential Trade Agreements : Trends and Patterns of Diffusion. In: Burri, Mira (ed.) Big Data and Global Trade Law (pp. 42-62). Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781108919234.004
Boza, Sofia; Saco, Victor; Polanco, Rodrigo Javier (2021). Front-of-package nutrition labelling in Latin America: review of the cases of Chile and Peru. Boletim do Instituto de Saúde, 21(1), pp. 141-150. Instituto de Saúde
Polanco, Rodrigo Javier (2021). Regulatory Convergence of Data Rules in Latin America. In: Burri, Mira (ed.) Big Data and Global Trade Law (pp. 268-300). Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781108919234.018
Elsig, Manfred; Polanco, Rodrigo Javier; Van den Bossche, Peter Leo Henri (eds.) (2021). International Economic Dispute Settlement: Demise or Transformation? Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781108966122
Raess, Damian (2021). Globalization and Austerity: Flipping Partisan Effects on Fiscal Policy During (Recent) International Crises. Political studies review, 71(2), pp. 332-358. Sage Publications 10.1177/00323217211015811
Raess, Damian (18 June 2021). Are social clauses really just hidden protectionism? Social Europe Social Europe
Raess, Damian (31 May 2021). Clauses sociales: protectionnisme masqué? Le Temps Le Temps
Carrère, Céline; Olarreaga, Marcelo; Raess, Damian (2021). Labor clauses in trade agreements: Hidden protectionism? The review of international organizations, 17(3), pp. 453-483. Springer 10.1007/s11558-021-09423-3
Cottier-Holzer, Thomas; Ahmad, Zaker (eds.) (2021). The Prospects of Common Concern of Humankind in International Law. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781108878739
Bogdanova, Iryna Volodymyrivna (2021). Targeted Economic Sanctions and WTO Law: Examining the Adequacy of the National Security Exception. Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 48(2), pp. 171-200. Wolters Kluwer
Fornale, Elisa; Bieri, Elias (31 March 2021). Innovation, Digitalization and Skills Development for the Implementation of Objective 18. RLI Blog on Refugee Law and Forced Migration School of Advanced Studies, University of London
Fornale, Elisa; Cristani, Federica (29 March 2021). Framing Labour Mobility, Investment Migration and Development Cooperation as Emerging Strategies to Implement Objectives 2 and 5 of the GCM. RLI Blog on Refugee Law and Forced Migration School of Advanced Studies, University of London
Fornale, Elisa; Germano, Chiara (2021). La parità di genere nell’emergenza: un’analisi del carattere democratico-rappresentativo delle “task forces” alla luce del diritto internazionale. Gruppo di Pisa - Dibattito aperto sul Diritto e la Giustizia costituzionale(1), pp. 342-359. Associazione Gruppo di Pisa
Panizzon, Marion (25 February 2021). Bildungschancen in der COVID-19 Pandemie. Blogpost Plattform Agenda 2030
Wüthrich, Simon; Elsig, Manfred (2021). Challenged in Geneva: WTO Litigation Experience and the Design of Preferential Trade Agreements. Business and Politics, 23(3), pp. 344-363. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/bap.2020.20
Häberli, Christian (17 February 2021). Can Panels Save WTO? SSRN http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3787577
Panizzon, Marion (2 February 2021). COVID-19 was a big test for UN migration initiatives. Did they succeed? Open Democracy OpenDemocracy
Fornale, Elisa; Köhler, Tamara (20 January 2021). Climate Change Inaction and Children’s Rights. Jurist University of Pittsburgh School of Law
Behnisch, Urs Robert; Cottier-Holzer, Thomas; Kunz, Peter V.; Lienhard, Andreas; Matteotti, René; Oesch, Matthias (eds.) (2021). Schriften zum Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht (SSW). Stämpfli Verlag AG
Cottier-Holzer, Thomas; Drolshammer, Jens; Ernst, Wolfgang; Gasser, Urs; Probst, Thomas; Rigamonti, Cyrill P.; Vogt, Hans-Ueli; Werro, Franz (eds.) (2021). Dike Law Books. Dike Verlag AG
Poletti, Arlo; Sicurelli, Daniela; Yildirim, Aydin B. (2021). Promoting sustainable development through trade? EU trade agreements and global value chains. Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 51(3), pp. 339-354. Cambridge 10.1017/ipo.2020.33
Polanco, Rodrigo Javier (2021). Sustainable Development in Swiss International Investment Agreements. Swiss Review of International and European Law, 31(2), pp. 211-230. Schulthess
Fornalè, Elisa (2021). MIGRAZIONI DIRITTI FRONTIERE. Manuale di formazione giuridica.
Fornale, Elisa (2020). A l’envers: Setting the Stage for a Protective Environment to Deal with ‘Climate Refugees’ in Europe. European Journal of Migration and Law, 22(4), pp. 518-540. Brill 10.1163/15718166-12340088
Louvin, Roberto; Alessi, Nicolò Paolo (2020). The maze of languages in Aosta Valley (Italy). Europäisches Journal für Minderheitenfragen, 13(3-4), pp. 167-190. 10.35998/ejm-2020-0011
Panizzon, Marion (27 November 2020). Armut, Arbeitslosigkeit und Hunger: Folgekrisen der Corona-Pandemie. Plattform Agenda 2030 - Aktualität
Ballor, Grace A.; Yildirim, Aydin B. (2020). Multinational Corporations and the Politics of International Trade in Multidisciplinary Perspective. Business and politics, 22(4), pp. 573-586. De Gruyter 10.1017/bap.2020.14
Van der Loo, Guillaume; Hahn, Michael (2020). EU Trade and Investment Policy since the Treaty of Lisbon - Achievements and future priorities Brussels: CEPS
Elsig, Manfred; Klotz, Sebastian (October 2020). Digital trade rules in preferential trade agreements: Is there a WTO impact? (WTI Working Paper 04/2020). Bern: World Trade Institute
Yildirim, Aydin Baris (2020). Dispute Settlement Compliance Dataset (DISCOD) [Dataset].
Van den Bossche, Peter; Akpofure, Sarah (15 September 2020). The Use and Abuse of the National Security Exception under Article XXI(b)(iii) of the GATT 1994 (WTI Working Paper 03/2020). Bern: World Trade Institute
Fernandez-Amador, Octavio; Oberdabernig, Doris Anita; Tomberger, Patrick (September 2020). Do methane emissions converge? Evidence from global panel data on production- and consumption-based emissions (Submitted) (WTI Working Paper 01/2020). Bern: World Trade Institute
Beverelli, Cosimo; Kurtz, Jürgen; Raess, Damian (eds.) (2020). International Trade, Investment, and the Sustainable Development Goals - World Trade Forum. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781108881364
Beverelli, Cosimo; Kurtz, Jürgen; Raess, Damian (2020). International Trade, Investment, and the Sustainable Development Goals: Introduction. In: Beverelli, Cosimo; Kurtz, Jürgen; Raess, Damian (eds.) International Trade, Investment, and the Sustainable Development Goals (pp. 1-12). Cambridge University Press 10.1017/9781108881364.002
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Polanco Lazo, Rodrigo; Wang, Angi (2019). Intra-Latin America Investor-State Dispute Settlement. In: Chaisse, Julien; Choukroune, Leïla; Jusoh, Sufian (eds.) Handbook of International Investment Law and Policy (pp. 1-31). Singapore: Springer 10.1007/978-981-13-5744-2_44-1
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Polanco Lazo, Rodrigo; Sauvé, Pierre (2018). The Treatment of Regulatory Convergence in Preferential Trade Agreements. World trade review, 17(4), pp. 575-607. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S1474745617000519
Davies, Ronald; Francois, Joseph (1 October 2018). Hard Brexit, hard decisions, and ‘Irexit’. Vox - CEPR policy portal Centre for Economic Policy Research
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Bekkers, Eddy; Francois, Joseph; Rojas-Romagosa, Hugo (8 August 2018). Melting ice caps will open the northern sea to commercial traffic and change world trade patterns. LSE Business Review blog London School of Economics
Raess, Damian; Sari, Dora (2018). Labor Provisions in Trade Agreements (LABPTA): Introducing a New Dataset. Global Policy, 9(4), pp. 451-466. Durham University and John Wiley & Sons Ltd 10.1111/1758-5899.12577
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Polanco Lazo, Rodrigo; Desilvestro, Valentino; Bazrafkan, Azernoosh (2018). Missing Investment Treaties. Journal of international economic law, 21(3), pp. 703-731. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jiel/jgy013
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Oberdabernig, Doris Anita; Humer, Stefan; Crespo Cuaresma, Jesus (2018). Democracy, Geography and Model Uncertainty. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 65(2), pp. 154-185. Wiley 10.1111/sjpe.12140
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Fornalé, Elisa; Rehouma, Najma; Yildiz, Aylin; Doebbler, Curtis; Cristani, Federica (2018). Contribution to the OHCHR Questionnaire in relation to Human Rights Council Resolution A/HRC/35/20 on human rights and climate change Geneva, Switzerland: OHCHR
Häberli, Christian (20 March 2018). Water management in Peru: what avocados are we eating? In: Education, Gender Partnership, Finance: decisive keys to combat water stress? 5th Interdisciplinary Colloquium organized by the W4W Group. Geneva, Switzerland. 20.03.2018.
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Cottier, Thomas (12 March 2018). In Search of a Post-Brexit Trade Policy - The United Kingdom can't survive on bilateral agreements alone. Opinions (Centre for International Governance Innovation) Centre for International Governance Innovation
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Francois, Joseph; Baughman, Laura M. (2018). Does Import Protection Save Jobs? The Estimated Impacts of Proposed Tariffs on Imports of U.S. Steel and Aluminum Washington, DC: The Trade Partnership
Cottier-Holzer, Thomas (2018). The Implications of EC – Seal Products for the Protection of Core Labour Standards in WTO Law. In: Gött, Henner (ed.) Labour Standards in International Economic Law (pp. 69-92). Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-319-69447-4_5
Fornalé, E.; Cristani, F.; Yildiz, A. (2018). Objective 18: Invest in skills development and facilitate recognition of skills, qualifications and competences (Legal Studies Research Paper 272/2018). London: Queen Mary University of London, School of Law
Häberli, Christian (February 2018). Potential Conflicts between Agricultural Trade Rules and Climate Change Treaty Commitments Bern, Switzerland: World Trade Institute, University of Bern
Fernandez-Amador, Octavio; Francois, Joseph; Oberdabernig, Doris Anita; Tomberger, Patrick (24 January 2018). The methane footprint of nations: Evidence from global panel data (WTI Working Paper 01/2018). Bern: World Trade Institute
Oberdabernig, Doris A. (2018). The determinants of IMF lending: How different is Sub-Saharan Africa? Economics bulletin, 38(1), pp. 136-145. Economics Bulletin
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Kunz, Peter V.; Behnisch, Urs Robert; Cottier-Holzer, Thomas; Lienhard, Andreas; Matteotti, René; Oesch, Matthias (eds.) (2018). Schriften zum Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht. Stämpfli Verlag AG
Polanco Lazo, Rodrigo; Desilvestro, Valentino (2018). Does an Arbitrator’s Background Influence the Outcome of an Investor-State Arbitration? The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 17(1), pp. 18-48. Brill Nijhoff 10.1163/15718034-12341366
Zampetti, Americo B.; Polanco Lazo, Rodrigo (2018). Encouraging Sustainable Foreign Investment to the LDCs: Options for Support (Occasional Policy Papers Series On The Least Developed Countries 3, 2018). New York, NY, USA: United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States
Sauvé, Pierre; Polanco Lazo, Rodrigo; Álvarez Zárate, José Manuel (eds.) (2018). The Pacific Alliance in a World of Preferential Trade Agreements: Lessons in Comparative Regionalism. United Nations University Series on Regionalism: Vol. 16. Cham: Springer 10.1007/978-3-319-78464-9
Hahn, Michael Johannes; Liechti, Rachel; Payosova, Tetyana; Imeli, Brigitta (2018). The Jurisprudence of the World Trade Organization in 2017. Swiss Review of International and European Law, 28(2), pp. 269-294. Schulthess
Hahn, Michael Johannes (2018). The Multilateral and EU Legal Framework on TDIs: An Introduction. In: The Future of Trade Defence Instruments. European Yearbook of International Economic Law, Special Issue (pp. 3-16). Cham, Switzerland: Springer 10.1007/978-3-319-95306-9_1
Bungenberg, Marc; Hahn, Michael Johannes; Hermann, Christoph; Müller-Ibold, Till (eds.) (2018). The future of trade defence instruments: global policy trends and legal challenges. European yearbook of international economic law. Special issue: Vol. 2018. Cham, Switzerland: Springer 10.1007/978-3-319-95306-9
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Davies, Ronald B:; Francois, Joseph (2018). Making the Worst of a Bad Situation: A Note on Irexit. The Economic and Social Review, 49(4), pp. 455-462. Economic and Social Studies
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Fornale, Elisa (2018). Regional migration governance and social protection of migrant workers. In: Foppiani, Oreste; Scarlatescu, Oana A. (eds.) Family, separation, and migration: an evolution-involution of the global refugee crisis. Population, family and society: Vol. 28 (pp. 107-120). Bern: Peter Lang 10.3726/b11388
Hahn, Michael Johannes (2018). The Day After: Access to the Single Market in Times of Brexit, Equivalence and Extraterritoriality. Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien, 21(4), pp. 409-420. Nomos 10.5771/1435-439X-2018-4-409
Hahn, Michael Johannes (2018). Die Zuständigkeitsverteilung zwischen EU und Mitgliedstaaten beim Abschluss von Freihandelsabkommen nach Gutachten 2/15. In: Ludwigs, Markus; Remien, Oliver (eds.) Investitionsschutz, Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und Rechtsstaat in der EU. IUS EUROPAEUM: Vol. 65 (pp. 201-224). Baden-Baden: Nomos
Cottier-Holzer, Thomas (2018). The Prospects of Equity in International Economic Law. In: Prévost, Denise; Alexovičová, Iveta; Hillebrand Pohl, Jens (eds.) Restoring trust in trade: liber amicorum in honour of Peter van den Bossche (pp. 119-138). Oxford: Hart
Berger, Axel; Sauvant, Karl P.; Fiezzoni, Silvia Karina; Polanco, Rodrigo Javier; Stephenson, Matthew; Tamura, Akihiko; Trunin, Pavel (2018). Moving the G20’s investment agenda forward. Transnational Corporations Review, 10(3), pp. 262-267. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/19186444.2018.1507793
Fornalé, Elisa (3 December 2017). Klima und Migration: Wer übernimmt Verantwortung? UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern, 172(16), pp. 16-17. Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern
Polanco Lazo, Rodrigo; Yañez, Felipe (2017). Chile. In: Lang, Michael; Owens, Jeffrey; Pistone, Pasquale; Rust, Alexander; Schuch, Josef; Staringer, Claus (eds.) The Impact of Bilateral Investment Treaties on Taxation. European and international tax law and policy series: Vol. 8 (pp. 203-232). Amsterdam: IBFD
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Phung Duy, Quang; Pham Anh, Tuan; Nguyen Thi Xuan, Thu (December 2017). Intra-ASEAN trade – Gravity model and spatial Housman-Taylor approach (SECO Working Paper Series 20/2017). Bern, Switzerland: SECO, World Trade Institute University of Bern
Morillo Remesnitzky, Jaquelin (December 2017). WTO Dispute Settlement System: Latin American countries behavior in the period 1995-2017 (SECO Working Paper Series 21/2017). Bern, Switzerland: SECO, World Trade Institute University of Bern
Fornale, Elisa; Kagan, Sophia (December 2017). Climate Change and Human Mobility in the Pacific Region: Plans, Policies and Lessons Learned (KNOMAD Working Paper 31). Washington, DC: World Bank
Oberdabernig, Doris Anita (December 2017). Testing for Convergence in Carbon Dioxide Emissions using a Bayesian Robust Structural Model (Unpublished). In: NOeG Winter Workshop. WU Wien, Österreich. 19.-21.12.2017.
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Egger, Peter; Shingal, Anirudh (December 2013). Determinants of services trade agreements: Regulatory incidence and convergence (Unpublished)
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Cottier, Thomas; Holzer, Kateryna; Liechti, Rachel; Naef, Tobias (2013). Gutachten zu den ökologischen Anforderungen an das Inverkehrbringen von Produkten erstattet dem Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU Bern: Bundesamt für Umwelt
Müller, Andre; Böhringer, Christoph; Cottier, Thomas; Holzer, Kateryna; Matteotti, René (2013). Border tax adjustments: Can energy and carbon taxes be adjusted at the border? Bern: Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft SECO
Burri, Mira (2013). The UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity: An Appraisal Five Years after Its Entry into Force. International journal of cultural property, 20(4), pp. 357-380. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0940739113000209
Burri, Mira (2013). Business as Usual? : The Implementation of the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity and EU Media Law and Policies. European Law Review, 3(6), pp. 802-825. Sweet and Maxwell
Burri, Mira (2013). Book Review: Public Service Media and Policy in Europe. Common market law review, 50(2), pp. 667-669. Kluwer Law International
Burri, Mira (2013). Book Symposium The Electronic Silk Road: Connecting Dots in a World of Bits. Opinio Juris
Häberli, Christian (2013). Rechtliche Grundlagen für die Ernährungssicherheit in der Schweiz. Blätter für Agrarrecht, 47(3), pp. 181-213. Stämpfli
Häberli, Christian (2013). God, the WTO – and hunger. In: Nadakavukaren Schefer, Krista (ed.) Poverty and the International Economic Legal System. Duties to the World’s Poor (pp. 79-106). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Polanco, Rodrigo Javier (2013). The Investment Chapter in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: A Possibility for Change and Convergence? SSRN Electronic Journal. 10.2139/ssrn.2515216
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Espa, Ilaria (2012). The Appellate Body Approach to the Applicability of Article XX GATT In the Light of China - Raw Materials: A Missed Opportunity? Journal of world trade, 46(6), pp. 1399-1423. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business
Leal-Arcas, Rafael (2012). Linking energy and climate change. Outreach Stakeholderforum, 2012, p. 4.
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Jost, Dannie (19 September 2012). Challenges to the Patent System in face of Open Hardware (Unpublished). In: Open Knowledge Festival. Helsinki, Finland. 17.-22.09.2012.
Andonova, Liliana; Elsig, Manfred (2012). Informal international law-making: a conceptual view from international relations. In: Pauwelyn, Joost; Wessel, Ramses; Wouters, Jan (eds.) Informal international lawmaking (pp. 63-80). Oxford: Oxford University Press
Holzer, Kateryna; de Sépibus, Joëlle (September 2012). The Arduous Process of Climate Change Negotiations: How Science Can Facilitate the Desired Outcome (NCCR Trade Working Paper 2012/17). Bern: NCCR Trade Regulation
Holzer, Kateryna (27 August 2012). Regulating Water Footprint in Trade: The Role of WTO Rules & Principles (Unpublished). In: World Water Week, Seminar on Trade, Food Security and Sustainable Management of Water Resources. Stockholm, Schweden. 26.-31.08.2012.
Burri, Mira (22 August 2012). Business as Usual? : An Appraisal of the Implementation of the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity into EU’s Media Law and Policies (NCCR Trade Regulation Working Paper 33).
Jost, Dannie (July 2012). Patenting Systems, Patentable Subject Matter, and Prior Art. In: Materials for Renewable Energy. Erice, Italy. 18.-28.07.2012.
Jost, Dannie; Cottier, Thomas (June 2012). Broad Concerns about Nanotechnology Patents: Symptoms and Diagnosis (NCCR Trade Working Paper 2012/13). Bern: NCCR Trade Regulation
Jost, Dannie; Müller, Heinz; Foltea, Marina; Cottier, Thomas (June 2012). Is there a case to be made for a global patent system? The example of plant biotechnology (NCCR Trade Working Paper 2012/12). Bern, Switzerland: NCCR Trade Regulation
Holzer, Kateryna; Shariff, Nashina (June 2012). The Inclusion of Border Carbon Adjustments in Preferential Trade Agreements: Policy Implications (NCCR Trade Working Paper 2012/16). Bern, Switzerland: NCCR Trade Regulation
Sauvé, Pierre (8 May 2012). The future of the WTO and the international trading system: investigating the institutional crisis (Unpublished). In: The Future of the WTO and the International Trading System. Brussels, Belgium. 08.05.2012.
Dupont, Cédric; Elsig, Manfred (2012). Persistent Deadlock in Multilateral Trade Negotiations: The Case of Doha. In: Narlikar, Amrita; Daunton, Martin; Stern, Robert M. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook on The World Trade Organization (pp. 587-606). Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199586103.013.0027
Burri, Mira; Cottier, Thomas (2012). Trade Governance in the Digital Age (Preface). In: Burri, Mira; Cottier, Thomas (eds.) Trade governance in the digital age (xxi-xxii). 978-1-107-02243-0: Cambridge University Press
Jost, Dannie (28 February 2012). The times ahead will surprise us. In: Third Wave.
Wehrli, Judith (January 2012). Clustering Assessment: Enhancing Synergies among Multilateral Environmental Agreements (Governance and Sustainability Issue Brief Series 3). Center for Governance and Sustainability, University of Massachusetts Boston
Sauvé, Pierre; Ward, Natasha (January 2012). The Preferential Liberalization of Trade in Services: African Perspectives And Challenges (NCCR Trade Working Paper 2012/01). Bern: NCCR Trade Regulation
Cottier, Thomas; Jackson, John H.; Lastra, Rosa M. (eds.) (2012). International Law in Financial Regulation and Monetary Affairs. International Economic Law Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Bartels, Lorand; Cottier, Thomas; Davey, Wiiliam (eds.) (2012). Cambridge International Trade and Economic Law. Cambridge University Press
Burri, Mira; Cottier, Thomas (eds.) (2012). Trade Governance in the Digital Age. World Trade Forum. World Trade Forum: Vol. 12. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
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Cottier, Thomas (2012). Confidence-Building for Global Challenges: The Experience of International Economic Law and Relations. In: Greenspan Bell, Ruth; Ziegler, Micah S. (eds.) Building International Climate Cooperation. Lessons from the Weapons and Trade Regimes for Achieving International Climate Goals (pp. 117-172). Washington DC: World Resources Institute
Cottier, Thomas (2012). The Role of Domestic Courts in the Implementation of WTO Law: The Political Economy of Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances in International Trade Relations. In: Narlikar, Amrita; Daunton, Martin; Stern, Robert M. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook on the World Trade Organization. Oxford Handbooks in Politics & International Relations (pp. 607-631). Oxford: Oxford University Press
Cottier, Thomas; Oesch, Matthias (2012). Direct and indirect discrimination in WTO and EU Law. In: Gaines, Sanford E.; Olsen, Birgitte Egelund; Sorensen, Karsten Engsig (eds.) Liberalising Trade in the EU and the WTO. A Legal Comparison (pp. 141-175). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Cottier, Thomas; Lastra, Rosa M. (2012). Introduction. In: Cottier, Thomas; Jackson, John H.; Lastra, Rosa M. (eds.) International Law in Financial Regulation and Monetary Affairs. International Economic Law Series (pp. 1-5). Oxford: Oxford University Press
Cottier, Thomas; Lastra, Rosa M. (2012). Conclusions. In: Cottier, Thomas; Jackson, John H.; Lastra, Rosa M. (eds.) International Law in Financial Regulation and Monetary Affairs. International Economic Law Series (pp. 411-426). Oxford: Oxford University Press
Cottier, Thomas; Krajewski, Markus (2012). What Role for Non-Discrimination and Prudential Standards in International Financial Law? In: Cottier, Thomas; Jackson, John H.; Lastra, Rosa M. (eds.) International Law in Financial Regulation and Monetary Affairs. International Economic Law Series (pp. 271-287). Oxford: Oxford University Press
Wehrli, Judith; Cottier, Thomas; Elsig, Manfred (2012). Lessons from the Multilateral Trading System for Reforming the Architecture of the International Environmental Regime (Governance and Sustainability Issue Brief Series 4). Center for Governance and Sustainability, University of Massachusetts Boston
Baltensperger, Ernst; Cottier, Thomas (2012). The Role of International Law in Monetary Affairs. In: Cottier, Thomas; Jackson, John H.; Lastra, Rosa M. (eds.) International Law in Financial Regulation and Monetary Affairs. International Economic Law Series (pp. 357-381). Oxford University Press
Cottier, Thomas; Foltea, Marina (2012). Global governance in intellectual property protection: does the decision-making forum matter? The WIPO journal: analysis and debate of global intellectual property issues, 3(2), pp. 139-165.
Elsig, Manfred; Stucki, Philipp (2012). Low-Income Developing Countries and WTO Litigation: Why Wake Up the Sleeping Dog? Review of international political economy, 19(2), pp. 292-316. Routledge 10.1080/09692290.2010.528313
Elsig, Manfred; Dupont, Cédric (2012). European Union Meets South Korea: Bureaucratic Interests, Exporter Discrimination and the Negotiations of Trade Agreements. Journal of common market studies JCMS, 50(3), pp. 492-507. Wiley-Blackwell 10.1111/j.1468-5965.2011.02243.x
Leal-Arcas, Rafael (2012). The Role of the EU, The US, and China in Addressing Climate Change. In: Laursen, Finn (ed.) The EU and the Political Economy of Transatlantic Relations. European Policy: Vol. 51 (pp. 221-260). Bruxelles: Peter Lang
Leal-Arcas, Rafael (2012). The European Union's New Common Commercial Policy after the Treaty of Lisbon. In: Trybus, Martin; Rubini, Luca (eds.) The Treaty of Lisbon and the Future of European Law and Policy (pp. 262-284). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Leal-Arcas, Rafael (2012). European Union-China Trade Relations: Difficulties, Possible Solutions, and the Way Forward. In: van der Harst, Jan; Swieringa, Pieter C.M. (eds.) China and the EU : concord or conflict? (pp. 129-145). Maastricht: Shaker
Leal-Arcas, Rafael (2012). Unilateral Trade-related Climate Change Measures. Journal of world investment & trade, 13(6), pp. 875-927. Brill
Burri-Nenova, Mira (2012). The International Law of Culture : Prospects and Challenges. International journal of cultural property, 19(4), pp. 579-581. Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S0940739112000392
Leal-Arcas, Rafael; Filis, Andrew (2012). Geoengineering a Future for Humankind: Some Technical and Ethical Considerations. Carbon and climate law review (CCLR), 6(2), pp. 128-148. Lexxion
Burri, Mira (2012). Controlling New Media (without the Law). In: Verhulst, Stefaan; Price, Monroe; Morgan, Libby (eds.) Handbook of media law and policy. Routledge Handbooks (pp. 327-342). Oxon: Routledge
Burri, Mira (2012). The Global Digital Divide as Impeded Access to Content. In: Burri, Mira; Cottier, Thomas (eds.) Trade governance in the digital age (pp. 396-420). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Burri, Mira (2012). Cultural Protectionism 2.0 : Updating Cultural Policy Tools for the Digital Age. In: Pager, Sean A.; Candeub, Adam (eds.) Transnational culture in the internet age. Elgar law, technology and society series (pp. 182-202). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
Pauwelyn, Joost; Elsig, Manfred (2012). The politics of treaty interpretation : variations and explanations across international tribunals. In: Dunoff, Jeffrey C.; Pollack, Mark A. (eds.) Interdisciplinary Perspectives on International Law and International Relations : The State of the Art (pp. 445-473). New York: Cambridge University Press
Elsig, Manfred; Pauwelyn, Joost; Bernauer, Thomas (2012). Dispute Settlement Mechanism - Analysis and Problems. In: Narlikar, Amrita; Daunton, Martin; Stern, Robert M. (eds.) Oxford Handbook on the World Trade Organization (pp. 485-506). Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199586103.013.0023
Leal-Arcas, Rafael (2012). Geoengineering the Climate: An Overview. Oil, Gas & Energy Law Journal, 10(3), pp. 1-15. MARIS
Leal-Arcas, Rafael (2012). On Climate Migration and International Trade. Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law, 6(3-4), pp. 410-440. Österreich
Leal-Arcas, Rafael (2012). The Role of the European Union and China in Global Climate Change Negotiations: A Critical Analysis. Journal of European Integration History, 18(1), pp. 67-81. Nomos
Leal-Arcas, Rafael (2012). Climate Migrants: Legal Options. Procedia - social and behavioral sciences, 37, pp. 86-96. Elsevier 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.03.277
Leal-Arcas, Rafael (2012). Reflections on EU International Trade Law: An Introspective View. Frontiers of Law in China, 7(1), pp. 1-20. Springer
Elsig, Manfred (2012). Christina L. Davis. 2012. Why adjudicate? Enforcing trade rules in the WTO Princeton: Princeton University Press. Review of International Organizations, 7(4), pp. 453-455. Springer 10.1007/s11558-012-9151-z
Häberli, Christian; Jansen, Marion; Monteiro, José-Antonio (2012). Regional Trade Agreements and domestic labour market regulation. In: Lippoldt, Douglas (ed.) Policy Priorities for International Trade and Jobs (pp. 287-326). Paris: OECD
Cottier, Thomas; Echandi, Roberto; Leal, Rafael; Liechti, Rachel; Payosova, Tetyana; Sieber, Charlotte (2012). The Principle of Proportionality in International Law (NCCR Trade Working Paper 2012/38). Bern, Switzerland: NCCR Trade Regulation
Sieber, Charlotte (2012). Das Prinzip der Freizügigkeit: eine Idee für alle. In: 2. Doktorierendentagung des Zentrums für Migrationsrecht (ZFM). Oberdorf, Switzerland. 30.11.-01.12.2012.
Jost, Dannie (2012). EU and Swiss regulatory action on Nanomaterials (Unpublished). In: Interdisciplinary Training for Young Scientists 2012 NRP 62 and NRP 64. Murten, Switzerland. 02.11.2012.
Fukunaga, Yoshifumi; Riady, John; Sauvé, Pierre (2012). The Road to Bali: ERIA Perspectives on the WTO Ministerial and Asian Integration (ERIA Research Project Report 31). Jakarta, Indonesia: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), the Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH), World Trade Institute at the University of Bern (WTI)
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Cottier, Thomas; Sieber, Charlotte (September 2011). Trade Policy, Investment and Migration: The Liberalisation Paradigm (Unpublished). In: Markets for Migration and Development (M4MD): Trade and Labour Mobility Linkages – Prospects for Development?. Bern, Switzerland. 13.-15.09.2011.
Baccini, Leonardo; Dür, Andreas; Elsig, Manfred; Milewicz, Karolina (16 June 2011). The Design of Preferential Trade Agreements: A New Dataset in the Making (Unpublished) (World Trade Organization Staff Working Paper ERSD-2011-10). Geneva, Switzerland: World Trade Organization
Burri, Mira (2011). Reconciling Trade and Culture : A Global Law Perspective. Journal of Arts Management, 41(2), pp. 138-158. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/10632921.2011.573447
Lopez Gonzalez, Javier; Mendez Parra, Maximiliano; Holmes, Peter; Shingal, Anirudh (May 2011). TRIPS and Special & Differential Treatment – Revisiting the Case for Derogations in Applying Patent Protection for Pharmaceuticals in Developing Count (NCCR Trade Working Paper 2011/37). Bern, Switzerland: NCCR Trade Regulation
Sieber, Charlotte (May 2011). The Legal Character of Sino-African Tied Aid: Cunning Fox or Wise Dragon? (NCCR Trade Working Paper 2011/47). Bern: NCCR Trade Regulation
Shingal, Anirudh (14 April 2011). Services Procurement under the WTO’s Agreement on Government Procurement: Whither Market Access? (NCCR Trade Working Paper 2011/02). Bern, Switzerland: NCCR Trade Regulation
Sauvé, Pierre; Shingal, Anirudh (March 2011). Reflections on the Preferential Liberalization of Services Trade (NCCR Trade Working Paper 2011/05). Bern, Switzerland: NCCR Trade Regulation
Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth (2011). Trade Law and Responsible Investment. In: International Instruments Influencing the Rights of People Facing Investment in Agricultural Lands (pp. 68-88). Rom, Italien: International Land Coalition ILC
Abbott, Frederick; Cottier, Thomas; Gurry, Francis (2011). International Intellectual Property in an Integrated World Economy. Köln: Wolters Kluwer Deutschland
Cottier, Thomas; Delimatsis, Panagiotis (eds.) (2011). The Prospects of International Trade Regulation. From Fragmentation to Coherence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Cottier, Thomas (2011). Introduction. Fragmentation and coherrence in international trade regulation: analysis and conceptual foundations. In: Cottier, Thomas; Delimatsis, Panagiotis (eds.) The Prospects of International Trade Regulation. From Fragmentation to Coherence (pp. 1-65). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Cottier, Thomas (2011). Energy in WTO law and policy. In: Cottier, Thomas; Delimatsis, Panagiotis (eds.) The Prospects of International Trade Regulation. From Fragmentation to Coherence (pp. 211-244). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Cottier, Thomas (2011). Challenges of biotechnology in international trade regulation. In: Cottier, Thomas; Delimatsis, Panagiotis (eds.) The Prospects of International Trade Regulation. From Fragmentation to Coherence (pp. 284-320). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Cottier, Thomas (2011). Introduction. In: Cottier, Thomas; Elsig, Manfred (eds.) Governing the World Trade Organization. Past, present and beyond Doha. World Trade Forum (pp. 1-9). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Elsig, Manfred; Cottier, Thomas (2011). Reforming the WTO: the decision-making triangle revisited. In: Cottier, Thomas; Elsig, Manfred (eds.) Governing the World Trade Organization: Past, present and beyond Doha. World Trade Forum (pp. 289-312). New York: Cambridge University Press
Cottier, Thomas (2011). Towards a five storey house. In: Joerges, Christian; Petersmann, Ernst-Ulrich (eds.) Constitutionalism, Multilevel Governance and International Economic Law. Studies in International Trade Law: Vol. 12 (pp. 495-532). Oxford: Hart
Cottier, Thomas (2011). Third country relations in EU unbundling of natural Gas markets. The "gazprom Clause" of Directive 2009/73 EC and WTO law. In: Buschle, Dirk; Hirsbrunner, Simon; Kaddous, Christine (eds.) European Energy Law - droit européen de l'énergie. Dossiers de droit européen: Vol. 22 (pp. 263-284). Basel: Helbing & Lichtenhahn
Cottier, Thomas (2011). Handel und Menschenrechte - Humanisierung des WTO-Rechts? In: Giegerich, Thomas; Heinz, Ursula E. (eds.) Internationales Wirtschafts- und Finanzrecht in der Krise (pp. 203-227). Berlin: Duncker & Humblot
Cottier, Thomas (2011). Challenges in international monetary law. In: Govaere, Ingo; Quick, Reinhard; Bronckers, Marco (eds.) Trade and Competition in the EU and Beyond (pp. 35-47). Cheltenham: Elgar
Cottier, Thomas (2011). Tax fraud or the like: Überlegungen und Lehren zum Legalitätsprinzip im Staatsvertragsrecht. Zeitschrift für schweizerisches Recht, 130(2), pp. 97-122. Basel: Helbing Lichtenhahn
Cottier, Thomas (2011). Ein Binnenmarkt für Rechte des geistigen Eigentums. Mitteilung der Kommission an das europäische Parlament, den Rat, den europäischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss und den Ausschuss der Regionen; Förderung von Kreativität und Innovation zur Gewährleistung von Wirtschaftswachstum, hochwertigen Arbeitsplätzen sowie erstklassigen Produkten und Dienstleistungen in Europa. Brüssel, den 24.5.2011 KOM(2011) 287 endgültig. sic! Zeitschrift für Immaterialgüter-, Informations- und Wettbewerbsrecht(12), pp. 751-753. Zürich: Schulthess
Aerni, Philipp; Boie, Bertram; Cottier, Thomas; Holzer, Kateryna; Jost, Dannie; Karapinar, Baris; Matteotti, Sofya; Nartova, Olga; Payosova, Tetyana; Rubini, Luca; Shingal, Anirudh; Temmerman, Fitzgerald Robert Plato; Xoplaki, Elena; Ziaeebigdeli, Sadeq (2011). Climate Change and International Law. Exploring the Linkages Between Human Rights, Environment, Trade and Investment. In: Giegerich, Thomas; Proless, Alexander (eds.) German Yearbook of International Law 2010 53 (pp. 139-188). Berlin: Duncker & Humblot
Cottier, Thomas (ed.) (2011). World Trade Forum. Cambridge University Press
Bartels, Lorand; Cottier, Thomas; Davey, William (eds.) (2011). Cambridge International Trade and Economic Law. Cambridge University Press
Häberli, Christian (2011). Reframing sustainable agriculture. In: Cottier, Thomas; Delimatsis, Panagiotis (eds.) The Prospects of International Trade Regulation. From Fragmentation to Coherence (pp. 169-210). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Häberli, Christian (2011). Dolakha - eine Generation später. In: Wilhelm, Rolf (ed.) Eine Zeitreise durch 60 Jahre Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Schweiz-Nepal (pp. 242-253). Bern: Haupt
Häberli, Christian (2011). Can the World Trade Organization ensure that food aid is genuine? Developing world review on trade and competiton, 1(1), pp. 1-70. Gandhinagar (India): Gujarat National Law University
Leal-Arcas, Rafael (2011). International Trade and Investment Law: Multilateral, Regional and Bilateral Governance. Cheltenham: Elgar
Leal-Arcas, Rafael (2011). China's attitude to multilateralism in international economic law and governance. In: Liu, D. (ed.) English School Theory and International History Studies (pp. 194-214). Peking University Press
Leal-Arcas, Rafael (2011). China's economic rise and regional trade. In: Ho, L.; Wong, J. (eds.) APEC and the Rise of China (pp. 93-120). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing
Leal-Arcas, Rafael (2011). A bottom-up approach for climate change: The trade experience. Asian journal of law and economics, 2(4), pp. 1-54. Berlin: De Gruyter 10.1515/2154-4611.1061
Leal-Arcas, Rafael (2011). Top-down versus bottom-up approaches for climate change negotiations: An analysis. IUP journal of governance and public policy, 6(4), pp. 7-52. Hyderabad (India): IUP Publications
Leal-Arcas, Rafael (2011). Comparative Analysis of NAFTA's Chapter 20 and the WTO's Dispute Settlement Understanding. Transnational dispute management TDM, 8(3), pp. 1-25. Leidschendam: Maris
Leal-Arcas, Rafael (2011). Alternative Architecture for Climate Change - Major Economies. European journal of legal studies, 4(1), pp. 25-56. Firenze: Bart Van Vooren
Leal-Arcas, Rafael (2011). The Fragmentation of International Trade Law: Is Now the Time for Variable Geometry? Journal of world investment & trade, 12(2), pp. 145-195. Leiden: Brill
Leal-Arcas, Rafael (2011). Proliferation of regional trade agreements: Complementing or supplanting multilateralism? Chicago journal of international law, 11(2), pp. 597-629. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Law School
Dür, Andreas; Elsig, Manfred (2011). Principals, agents, and the European Union’s foreign economic policies. Journal of European public policy, 18(3), pp. 323-338. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/13501763.2011.551066
Elsig, Manfred (2011). Principal-Agent Theory and the World Trade Organization: Complex Agency and ‘Missing Delegation’. European journal of international relations, 17(3), pp. 495-517. Sage 10.1177/1354066109351078
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Burri, Mira (2011). Misunderstanding Creativity : User Created Content in Virtual Worlds and its Constraints by Code and Law. International journal of communications law and policy IJCLP, 14, pp. 1-28. IJCLP
Burri, Mira (2011). Enquiry into the Notion of Cultural Protectionism in the Media and its Dimensions in Cyberspace (NCCR Trade Regulation Working Paper 3). University of Bern Law School - World Trade Institute
Burri, Mira; Graber, Beat Christoph; Steiner, Thomas (2011). The Protection and Promotion of Cultural Diversity in a Digital Networked Environment : Mapping Possible Advances to Coherence. In: Delimatsis, Panagiotis; Cottier, Thomas (eds.) The prospects of international trade regulation (pp. 359-393). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Burri, Mira (2011). Re-Conceptualizing the Global Digital Divide. Journal of intellectual property, information technology and electronic commerce law JIPITEC, 2(3), pp. 217-225. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Elsig, Manfred; Dür, Andreas (eds.) (2011). The European Union’s Foreign Economic Policies : A Principal-Agent Perspective. Journal of European public policy series. London: Routledge
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Sieber, Charlotte (November 2010). Sino-African State Trading in Services: Added-Value through Angola-Model loaning, GATS commitments or FTAs? (NCCR Trade Working Paper 2011/48). Bern, Switzerland: NCCR Trade Regulation
Burri, Mira (12 October 2010). Immer mehr staatlich verordnete Grenzen im Cyberspace. Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ, 231(237), p. 31. Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Sauvé, Pierre (5 May 2010). The WTO beyond Doha: Thinking Ahead (Unpublished). In: ICC Commission on Trade and Investment Policy. Paris, France. 05.05.2010.
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Bartels, Lorand; Cottier, Thomas; Davey, William (eds.) (2010). Cambridge International Trade and Economic Law. Cambridge University Press
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Cottier, Thomas; Matteotti, René (2010). Das Abkommen über ein Amtshilfegesuch zwischen der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika vom 19. August 2009: Grundlagen und innerstaatliche Anwendbarkeit. Archiv für Schweizerisches Abgaberecht, 78(6-7), pp. 349-392. Bern: Stiftung Archiv für Schweizerisches Abgaberecht
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Cottier, Thomas; Lastra, Rosa M. (eds.) (2010). The Quest for International Law in Financial Regulation and Monetary Affairs. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Cottier, Thomas (2010). A Two-Tier Approach to WTO Decision-Making. In: Steger, Debra P. (ed.) Redesigning the World Trade Organization for the Twenty-first Century (pp. 43-66). Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Panizzon, Marion; Arnold, Luca; Cottier, Thomas (2010). Handel und Umwelt in der WTO: Entwicklungen und Perspektiven. Umweltrecht in der Praxis, 24(3), pp. 199-248. Zürich: Vereinigung für Umweltrecht VUR
Cottier, Thomas; Krajewski, Markus (2010). What Role for Non-Discrimination and Prudential Standards in International Financial Law? Journal of international economic law, 13(3), pp. 817-835. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jiel/jgq025
Baltensperger, Ernst; Cottier, Thomas (2010). The Role of International Law in Monetary Affairs. Journal of international economic law, 13(3), pp. 911-937. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jiel/jgq039
Cottier, Thomas (2010). Die Verfassung ist gefordert. Verfassung und Völkerrecht als Garanten von Demokratie und Minderheitenschutz. Der Bund(15.1.2010), p. 10.
Cottier, Thomas (2010). Erschreckende aussenpolitische Sorglosigkeit: UBS-Abkommen. Die Glaubwürdigkeit der Schweiz ist gefährdet. Der Bund(14.6.2010), p. 35.
Cottier, Thomas; Lastra, Rosa M. (2010). The Quest for International Law in Financial Regulation and Monetaryaffairs. Introduction. Journal of international economic law, 13(3), pp. 527-530. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/jiel/jgq045
Cottier, Thomas (ed.) (2010). Studies in Global Economic Law / Studien zum globalen Wirtschaftsrecht / Etudes en droit économique mondial. Lang
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Elsig, Manfred (2010). European Union Trade Policy after Enlargement: Larger Crowds, Shifting Priorities and Informal Decision-Making. Journal of European public policy, 17(6), pp. 781-798. Abingdon, UK: Taylor & Francis 10.1080/13501763.2010.486975
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Panizzon, Marion (2010). Joel P. Trachtman: The International Law of Economic Migration. Toward the Fourth Freedom, Kalamazoo, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2009 [Rezension]. European journal of international law, 21(2), pp. 477-483. Oxford: Oxford University Press 10.1093/ejil/chq033
Elsig, Manfred (2010). The World Trade Organization at Work: Performance in a Member-Driven Milieu. Review of International Organizations, 5(3), pp. 345-363. Boston, Mass.: Springer US; http://www.springer-ny.com 10.1007/s11558-010-9093-2
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Cottier, Thomas (2010). Das Völkerrecht im Spannungsfeld von Nationalstaatlichkeit und Universalität. Zeitschrift für Politik, 57(2), pp. 157-170. Baden-Baden: Nomos
Cottier, Thomas (2010). When Cooperation Fails: The International Law and Politics of Genetically Modified Foods by Mark A. Pollack and Gregory C. Shaffer, Oxford, UK Oxford University Press, 2009. World trade review, 9(2), pp. 391-395. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10.1017/S1474745610000108
Cottier, Thomas; Liechti-McKee, Rachel (2010). Wohin geht die Schweiz? Inline - Zeitschrift des Dachverbandes Absolventinnen und Absolventen Fachhochschulen(28 (Mai)), p. 27. Zürich: FH Schweiz
Panizzon, Marion (2010). Trade and Labor Migration. GATS Mode 4 and Migration Agreements (Dialogue on Globalization - Occasional Paper 47). Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)
Panizzon, Marion (2010). Standing together apart: Bilateral migration agreements and the temporary movement of persons under "mode 4" of GATS (Working Paper 77). Oxford: Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS)
Panizzon, Marion (2010). Pratiques en droit des migrations. Migration et économique. In: Cesla, Amarelle; Nguyen, Minh Son (eds.) Dispositifs multilatéraux de mobilité internationale et impacts sur la libéralisation de la migration de travail en Suisse (pp. 17-50).
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Burri, Mira (2010). Cultural Diversity as a Concept of Global Law : Origins, Evolution and Prospects. Diversity, 2(8), pp. 1059-1084. MDPI AG 10.3390/d2081059
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Burri, Mira (2010). Keeping Promises : Implementing the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity into EU's Internal Policies (NCCR Trade Regulation Working Paper 17). NCCR / WTI: University of Bern Law School - World Trade Institute
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Burri, Mira (2010). Implementing the UNESCO Convention in EU's Internal Policies (Unpublished) (Studies). European Parliament - Directorate-General for internal policies
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Burri, Mira (4 September 2009). Electronic Communications as a Distinct and Unique Object of Regulation
Cottier, Thomas; Nartova, Olga; Ziaeebigdeli, Sadeq (eds.) (2009). International Trade Regulation and the Mitigation of Climate Change. World Trade Forum. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Cottier, Thomas; Matteotti-Berkutova, Sofya; Nartova, Olga (2009). Winterkrieg im Gasgeschäft: Ursachen und Auswirkungen. UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern(140), p. 40. Bern: Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern
Cottier, Thomas; Herren, David (2009). Das Äquivalenzprinzip im schweizerischen Aussenwirtschaftsrecht: von Cassis de Dijon zu Cassis de Berne. In: Epiney, Astrid; Gammenthaler, Nina (eds.) Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Europarecht / Annuaire Suisse de droit européen 2009/2010 (pp. 249-276). Zürich / Bern: Schulthess / Stämpfli
Burri, Mira (2009). Trade and Culture : Keep the Border Fuzzy, Please (NCCR Trade Working Paper 2). University of Bern Law School - World Trade Institute
Burri, Mira (2009). Trade Versus Culture in the Digital Environment : An Old Conflict in Need of a New Definition. Journal of international economic law, 12(1), pp. 17-62. Oxford University Press 10.1093/jiel/jgn038
Burri, Mira (2009). Rezension zu: Inge Govaere and Hanns Ulrich (eds.): Intellectual Property, Public Policy and International Trade. European journal of international law, 20(3), pp. 923-925. Oxford University Press
Burri, Mira (2009). Rezension zu: Irini Katsirea, Public Broadcasting and European Law. European Law Review, 34(2), pp. 336-338. Sweet and Maxwell
Burri, Mira (2009). International Regulation of Postal Communications. In: Wolfrum, Rüdiger (ed.) Max Planck Encyclopedia of public international law. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Elsig, Manfred (2009). The EU in the Doha negotiations: a conflicted sponsor? In: Narlikar, Amrita; Vickers, Brendan (eds.) Leadership and change in the multilateral trading system. Studies in international institutional dynamics: Vol. 2. Dordrecht: Brill
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Burri, Mira; Graber, Christoph Beat (2008). Intellectual Property and Traditional Cultural Expressions in a Digital Environment. Preface. In: Burri, Mira; Graber, Christoph Beat (eds.) Intellectual Property and Traditional Cultural Expressions in a Digital Environment. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
Burri, Mira (28 February 2008). Cultural Diversity (Unpublished)
Burri, Mira; Bigdeli, Sadeq Z. (26 January 2008). Commentary of GATS Article IX : Business Practices (Unpublished) (Working Paper Series). University of Bern Law School - World Trade Institute 10.2139/ssrn.1307671
Panizzon, Marion; Pohl, Nicole; Sauvé, Pierre (eds.) (2008). GATS and the Regulation of Trade in Services. World Trade Forum: Vol. 10. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Panizzon, Marion; Pohl, Nicole (2008). Testing Regulatory autonomy, disciplining trade and regulating variable peripheres: Can a cosmopolitan GATS do it all? In: Panizzon, Marion; Pohl, Nicole; Sauvé, Pierre (eds.) GATS and the Regulation of International Trade in Services. World Trade Forum: Vol. 10 (pp. 3-19). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Sauvé, Pierre (2008). Been there, not yet done that: Lessons and challenges in services trade. In: Panizzon, Marion; Pohl, Nicole; Sauvé, Pierre (eds.) GATS and the Regulation of International Trade in Services. World Trade Forum: Vol. 10 (pp. 599-630). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Elsig, Manfred; Amalric, Franck (2008). Business and Public–Private Partnerships for Sustainability: Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility? Global Society, 22(3), pp. 387-404. Carfax Publ. Co. 10.1080/13600820802090538
Burri, Mira (2008). Defining Regulatory Objectives for Contemporary Electronic Communications : Between a Rock and a Hard Place. International journal of communications law and policy IJCLP, 12, pp. 274-312. IJCLP
Burri, Mira (2008). New Technologies and the Protection and Promotion of Traditional Cultural Expressions. In: Madhuri, V. (ed.) Traditional knowledge : Impediments to IPR Protection (pp. 131-168). Hyderabad: Icfai University Press
Burri, Mira (2007). The Changing Environment of Audiovisual Media. New Technologies, New Patterns of Consumer/Business Behaviour and Their Implications for Audiovisual Media Regulation. Medialex - Zeitschrift für Kommunikationsrecht, 10(4), pp. 171-177. Stämpfli
Elsig, Manfred (2007). The World Trade Organization’s Legitimacy Crisis: What Does The Beast Look Like? Journal of world trade, 41(1), pp. 75-98. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business
Elsig, Manfred (2007). The EU’s Choice of Regulatory Venues for Trade Negotiations: A Tale of Agency Power? Journal of common market studies JCMS, 45(4), pp. 927-948. Wiley-Blackwell
Burri, Mira (2007). The New Audiovisual Media Services Directive : Television without Frontiers, Television without Cultural Diversity. Common market law review, 44(6), pp. 1689-1725. Kluwer Law International
Burri, Mira (2007). The New Concept of Universal Service in a Digital Networked Communications Environment. I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society, 3(1), pp. 117-146. The Ohio State University : Michael E. Moritz College of Law
Burri, Mira (2007). The Law of the WTO and the Communications Law of the EC : On a Path of Harmony or Discord? Journal of world trade, 41(4), pp. 833-878. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business
Burri, Mira (2007). EC Electronic Communications and Competition Law [Textbook] . London: Cameron May Publishing
Burri, Mira (2007). The Reform of the EC Audiovisual Media Regulation : Television Without Cultural Diversity. International journal of cultural property, 14(2), pp. 169-204. Cambridge University Press 10.1017 / S0940739107070105
Burri, Mira (2007). Book Review: M. Holoubek, D. Damjanovic, M. Trainer: Regulating Content. The European Regulatory Framework for the Media and Related Creative Sectors. Common market law review, 44(6), pp. 1835-1837. Kluwer Law International
Burri, Mira (7 July 2006). Regulatory Objectives for Contemporary Electronic Communications : Talking Business or Talking Culture? (NCCR Trade Working Paper 9). NCCR Trade Regulation
Burri, Mira (25 May 2006). European Community Communications Law : An Introduction (Unpublished) (Working Paper Series). University of Bern Law School - World Trade Institute 10.2139/ssrn.1306960
Burri, Mira (25 May 2006). Typology of the Tools of EC Communications Regulation (Unpublished) (Working Paper Series). 10.2139/ssrn.1306921
Elsig, Manfred (2006). Swiss Air Traffic Policy: Noise Between Berne and Berlin. Swiss political science review / Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 12(3), pp. 35-62. Wiley
Cottier, Thomas; Pauwelyn, Joost; Bürgi, Elisabeth (eds.) (2005). Human rights and international trade. International Economic Law Series. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press
Bürgi, Elisabeth; Niklaus, Hans Jakob (2005). A country study on trade in tobacco: Switzerland. In: Meyer, Matthias (ed.) Agricultural exports as engine of growth for developing countries? (pp. 69-89). Bern, Switzerland: Seco
Bürgi, Elisabeth (2005). The regulatory aspects of international trade in tobacco. In: Meyer, Matthias (ed.) Agricultural exports as engine of growth for developing countries? (pp. 17-28). Bern, Switzerland: Seco
Cottier, Thomas; Bürgi, Elisabeth; Wüger, Daniel; Foltea, Marina (2005). Helping to tackle non-tariff barriers in South Eastern Europe (SEE): Final report to the Stability Pact Working Group on trade liberalisation and facilitation Bern, Switzerland: World Trade Institute (WTI)
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Burri, Mira; Graber, Christoph Beat; Girsberger, Michael (2004). Collecting Societies - Not Yet 'Six Feet Under'. INDICARE Monitor, 1(4), pp. 29-32. Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
Elsig, Manfred (2002). The EU’s Common Commercial Policy : Institutions, Interests and Ideas. Aldershot: Ashgate
Bürgi, Elisabeth (2000). Ausländerrecht für die Praxis (Unpublished) Bern, Schweiz: Rechtsberatungsstelle Infra