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Alexandrou, Constantia; Bacchio, Simone; De Santis, Alessandro; Evangelista, Antonio; Finkenrath, Jacob; Frezzotti, Roberto; Gagliardi, Giuseppe; Garofalo, Marco; Kostrzewa, Bartosz; Lubicz, Vittorio; Romiti, Simone; Sanfilippo, Francesco; Simula, Silvano; Tantalo, Nazario; Urbach, Carsten; Wenger, Urs (2024). Inclusive Hadronic Decay Rate of the τ Lepton from Lattice QCD: The u[over ¯]s Flavor Channel and the Cabibbo Angle. Physical review letters, 132(261901) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.261901
Braccini, Saverio; Casolaro, Pierluigi; Dellepiane, Gaia; Kottler, Christian; Lüthi, Matthias; Mercolli, Lorenzo; Peier, Peter; Scampoli, Paola; Türler, Andreas (2024). Methodology for measuring photonuclear reaction cross sections with an electron accelerator based on Bayesian analysis. Applied radiation and isotopes, 208, p. 111275. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apradiso.2024.111275
Maia Oliveira, Andreia; Akkerman, Hylke B; Braccini, Saverio; van Breemen, Albert J J M; Gelinck, Gerwin H; Heracleous, Natalie; Leidner, Johannes; Murtas, Fabrizio; Peeters, Bart; Silari, Marco (2024). A high-resolution large-area detector for quality assurance in radiotherapy. Scientific reports, 14(1), p. 10637. Springer Nature 10.1038/s41598-024-61095-2
Antusch, Stefan; Greljo, Admir; Stefanek, Ben A; Thomsen, Anders Eller (2024). U(2) Is Right for Leptons and Left for Quarks. Physical review letters, 132(151802) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.151802
Dellepiane, Gaia; Casolaro, Pierluigi; Gottstein, Alexander; Mateu, Isidre; Scampoli, Paola; Braccini, Saverio (2024). 44Sc production from enriched 47TiO2 targets with a medical cyclotron. Applied radiation and isotopes, 206, p. 111220. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apradiso.2024.111220
Ayres, N J; Ban, G; Bison, G; Bodek, K; Bondar, V; Bouillaud, T; Bowles, D; Chanel, E; Chen, W; Chiu, P-J; Crawford, C B; Naviliat-Cuncic, O; Doorenbos, C B; Emmenegger, S; Fertl, M; Fratangelo, A; Griffith, W C; Grujic, Z D; Harris, P G; Kirch, K; ... (2024). Achieving ultra-low and -uniform residual magnetic fields in a very large magnetically shielded room for fundamental physics experiments. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 84(1), p. 18. Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-12351-8
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O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Measurement of the Higgs boson mass with H → γγ decays in 140 fb⁻¹ of s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 847(138315), p. 138315. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2023.138315
Blum, Thomas; Boyle, Peter A.; Hoying, Daniel; Izubuchi, Taku; Jin, Luchang; Jung, Chulwoo; Kelly, Christopher; Lehner, Christoph; Soni, Amarjit; Tomii, Masaaki (2023). Δ I = 3 / 2 and Δ I = 1 / 2 channels of K → π π decay at the physical point with periodic boundary conditions. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 108(9) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.094517
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Search for a new pseudoscalar decaying into a pair of muons in events with a top-quark pair at s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 108(9) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.092007
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Bruno, Mattia; Cè, Marco; Francis, Anthony; Fritzsch, Patrick; Green, Jeremy R.; Hansen, Maxwell T.; Rago, Antonio (2023). Exploiting stochastic locality in lattice QCD: hadronic observables and their uncertainties. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(11) Springer 10.1007/JHEP11(2023)167
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Measurement of the cross-sections of the electroweak and total production of a Zγ pair in association with two jets in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 846(138222), p. 138222. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2023.138222
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Alexandrou, C.; Bacchio, S.; Bergner, G.; Burri, S.; Finkenrath, J.; Gasbarro, A.; Hadjiyiannakou, K.; Jansen, K.; Kanwar, G.; Kostrzewa, B.; Koutsou, G.; Ottnad, K.; Petschlies, M.; Pittler, F.; Steffens, F.; Urbach, C.; Wenger, U. (2023). Pion transition form factor from twisted-mass lattice QCD and the hadronic light-by-light π 0 -pole contribution to the muon g − 2. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 108(9) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.094514
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Hoferichter, Martin (2023). Dispersive determination of the HVP contribution to the muon g − 2. EPJ web of conferences, 289, 01004. EDP Sciences 10.1051/epjconf/202328901004
Fajfer, Svjetlana; Kamenik, Jernej F.; Košnik, Nejc; Smolkovic, Aleks; Tammaro, Michele (2023). New Physics in CP violating and flavour changing quark dipole transitions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(10) Springer 10.1007/JHEP10(2023)133
Hoferichter, Martin; Colangelo, Gilberto; Hoid, Bai-Long; Kubis, Bastian; Ruiz de Elvira, Jacobo; Schuh, Dominic; Stamen, Dominik; Stoffer, Peter (2023). Phenomenological Estimate of Isospin Breaking in Hadronic Vacuum Polarization. Physical review letters, 131(16), p. 161905. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.161905
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Search for periodic signals in the dielectron and diphoton invariant mass spectra using 139 fb−1 of pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(10) Springer 10.1007/JHEP10(2023)079
Crivellin, Andreas; Hoferichter, Martin (2023). Rescattering effects in nucleon-to-meson form factors and application to tau-lepton-induced proton decay. Physics letters. B, 845, p. 138169. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2023.138169
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O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Search for leptoquarks decaying into the bτ final state in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(10) Springer 10.1007/JHEP10(2023)001
Dellepiane, Gaia; Casolaro, Pierluigi; Favaretto, Chiara; Gottstein, Alexander; Grundler, Pascal V; Mateu, Isidre; Renaldin, Edoardo; Scampoli, Paola; Talip, Zeynep; van der Meulen, Nicholas P; Braccini, Saverio (2023). Cross-section measurement of thulium radioisotopes with an 18 MeV medical PET cyclotron for an optimized 165Er production. Applied radiation and isotopes, 200(110954), p. 110954. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apradiso.2023.110954
Dellepiane, Gaia; Casolaro, Pierluigi; Gottstein, Alexander; Mateu, Isidre; Scampoli, Paola; Braccini, Saverio (2023). Experimental assessment of nuclear cross sections for the production of Tb radioisotopes with a medical cyclotron. Applied radiation and isotopes, 200(110969), p. 110969. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apradiso.2023.110969
Alexandrou, Constantia; Bacchio, Simone; Burri, Sebastian Andreas; Finkenrath, Jacob; Gasbarro, Andrew; Hadjiyiannakou, Kyriakos; Jansen, Karl; Kanwar, Gurtej; Kostrzewa, Bartosz; Ottnad, Konstantin; Petschlies, Marcus; Pittler, Ferenc; Urbach, Carsten; Wenger, Urs (2023). η → γ * γ * transition form factor and the hadronic light-by-light η -pole contribution to the muon g − 2 from lattice QCD. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 108(5) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.054509
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Search for dark matter produced in association with a Higgs boson decaying to tau leptons at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(9) Springer 10.1007/JHEP09(2023)189
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Search for Majorana neutrinos in same-sign WW scattering events from pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 83(9) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11915-y
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Search for pairs of muons with small displacements in pp collisions at s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 846(138172), p. 138172. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2023.138172
Hoferichter, Martin; Kubis, Bastian; Zanke, Marvin (2023). Axial-vector transition form factors and e+e− → f1π+π−. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(8) Springer 10.1007/JHEP08(2023)209
Hoferichter, Martin; Hoid, Bai-Long; Kubis, Bastian; Schuh, Dominic (2023). Isospin-breaking effects in the three-pion contribution to hadronic vacuum polarization. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(8) Springer 10.1007/JHEP08(2023)208
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Hoferichter, Martin; Ruiz de Elvira, Jacobo; Kubis, Bastian; Meißner, Ulf-G. (2023). On the role of isospin violation in the pion–nucleon σ-term. Physics letters. B, 843, p. 138001. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2023.138001
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Crivellin, Andreas; Hoferichter, Martin (2023). Width effects of broad new resonances in loop observables and application to ( g − 2 ) μ. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 108(1) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.013005
Kolesova, Helena (2023). Attenuation of cosmic-ray up-scattered dark matter (In Press). SciPost physics proceedings(12) SciPost Foundation 10.21468/SciPostPhysProc.12.055
Alexandrou, Constantia; Bacchio, Simone; De Santis, Alessandro; Dimopoulos, Petros; Finkenrath, Jacob; Frezzotti, Roberto; Gagliardi, Giuseppe; Garofalo, Marco; Hadjiyiannakou, Kyriakos; Kostrzewa, Bartosz; Jansen, Karl; Lubicz, Vittorio; Petschlies, Marcus; Sanfilippo, Francesco; Simula, Silvano; Tantalo, Nazario; Urbach, Carsten; Wenger, Urs (2023). Probing the Energy-Smeared R Ratio Using Lattice QCD. Physical review letters, 130(24), p. 241901. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.241901
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Blum, Thomas; Boyle, Peter A.; Bruno, Mattia; Hoying, Daniel; Izubuchi, Taku; Jin, Luchang; Jung, Chulwoo; Kelly, Christopher; Lehner, Christoph; Meyer, Aaron S.; Soni, Amarjit; Tomii, Masaaki (2023). Isospin 0 and 2 two-pion scattering at physical pion mass using all-to-all propagators with periodic boundary conditions in lattice QCD. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 107(9) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.107.094512
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Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Dal Santo, D.; Halser, L.; Mobius, S.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for direct production of electroweakinos in final states with one lepton, jets and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(12) Springer 10.1007/JHEP12(2023)167
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Dal Santo, D.; Halser, L.; Mobius, S.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Evidence of pair production of longitudinally polarised vector bosons and study of CP properties in ZZ → 4ℓ events with the ATLAS detector at √s = 13 TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(12) Springer 10.1007/JHEP12(2023)107
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Dal Santo, D.; Halser, L.; Mobius, S.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for flavour-changing neutral tqH interactions with H → γγ in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV using the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(12) Springer 10.1007/JHEP12(2023)195
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Dal Santo, D.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Mobius, S.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for vector-boson resonances decaying into a top quark and a bottom quark using pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(12) Springer 10.1007/JHEP12(2023)073
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Dal Santo, D.; Halser, L.; Mobius, S.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for magnetic monopoles and stable particles with high electric charges in √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(11) Springer 10.1007/JHEP11(2023)112
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Dal Santo, D.; Halser, L.; Mobius, S.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Measurement of the Bs⁰ → μμ effective lifetime with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(9) Springer 10.1007/JHEP09(2023)199
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Pursuit of paired dijet resonances in the Run 2 dataset with ATLAS. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 108(11), p. 112005. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.112005
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Mobius, S.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for heavy Higgs bosons with flavour-violating couplings in multi-lepton plus b-jets final states in pp collisions at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(12) Springer 10.1007/JHEP12(2023)081
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Dal Santo, D.; Halser, L.; Mobius, S.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for a new heavy scalar particle decaying into a Higgs boson and a new scalar singlet in final states with one or two light leptons and a pair of τ-leptons with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(10) Springer 10.1007/JHEP10(2023)009
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Fast b-tagging at the high-level trigger of the ATLAS experiment in LHC Run~3. Journal of instrumentation, 18(11), P11006. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/18/11/P11006
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Search for dark photons in rare Z boson decays with the ATLAS detector. Physical review letters, 131(25) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.251801
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Measurements of multijet event isotropies using optimal transport with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(10) Springer 10.1007/JHEP10(2023)060
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Search for single production of vector-like T quarks decaying into Ht or Zt in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(8) Springer 10.1007/JHEP08(2023)153
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Lehmann, N.; Müller, R.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for high-mass Wγ and Zγ resonances using hadronic W/Z boson decays from 139 fb−1 of pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2023)125
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Mobius, S.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for an axion-like particle with forward proton scattering in association with photon pairs at ATLAS. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2023)234
O'Neill, Aaron; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Search for heavy Majorana or Dirac neutrinos and right-handed W gauge bosons in final states with charged leptons and jets in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 83(12) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-12021-9
O'Neill, Aaron; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Observation of an Excess of Dicharmonium Events in the Four-Muon Final State with the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 131(15) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.151902
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Integrated and differential fiducial cross-section measurements for the vector-boson-fusion production of the Higgs boson in the H → WW* → eνμν decay channel at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 108(7) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.072003
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Evidence of off-shell Higgs boson production from ZZ leptonic decay channels and constraints on its total width with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 846(138223), p. 138223. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2023.138223
Weber, Michele; Kreslo, Igor (2023). First demonstration of O(1 ns) timing resolution in the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 108(5), 052010. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.052010
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). New techniques for jet calibration with the ATLAS detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 83(8) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11837-9
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Measurement of the Sensitivity of Two-Particle Correlations in pp Collisions to the Presence of Hard Scatterings. Physical review letters, 131(16) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.162301
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Observation of four-top-quark production in the multilepton final state with the ATLAS detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 83(6), p. 496. Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11573-0
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Inclusive and differential cross-sections for dilepton tt̅ production measured in √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2023)141
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Search for heavy long-lived multi-charged particles in the full LHC Run 2 pp collision data at s = 13 TeV using the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 847(138316), p. 138316. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2023.138316
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Comparison of inclusive and photon-tagged jet suppression in 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb collisions with ATLAS. Physics letters. B, 846(138154), p. 138154. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2023.138154
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for excited τ-leptons and leptoquarks in the final state with τ-leptons and jets in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(6) Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2023)199
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; Möbius, Silke; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for third-generation vector-like leptons in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2023)118
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Search for pair production of third-generation leptoquarks decaying into a bottom quark and a τ-lepton with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 83(11) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-12104-7
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Lehmann, N.; Müller, R.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for a light charged Higgs boson in t → H±b decays, with H± → cb, in the lepton+jets final state in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(9) Springer 10.1007/JHEP09(2023)004
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Searches for lepton-flavour-violating decays of the Higgs boson into eτ and μτ in √s=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2023)166
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Measurements of the suppression and correlations of dijets in Xe+Xe collisions at sNN=5.44 TeV. Physical review. C - nuclear physics, 108(2) American Institute of Physics 10.1103/PhysRevC.108.024906
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Observation of Single-Top-Quark Production in Association with a Photon Using the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 131(18) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.181901
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Measurement of the production of a W boson in association with a charmed hadron in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 108(3) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.032012
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Inclusive-photon production and its dependence on photon isolation in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV using 139 fb⁻¹ of ATLAS data. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2023)086
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for long-lived, massive particles in events with displaced vertices and multiple jets in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(6) Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2023)200
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hanspeter (2023). Search for flavor-changing neutral-current couplings between the top quark and the Z boson with proton-proton collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 108(3) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.032019
O'Neill, Aaron; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Combination of searches for invisible decays of the Higgs boson using 139 fb⁻¹ of proton-proton collision data at s=13 TeV collected with the ATLAS experiment. Physics letters. B, 842(137963), p. 137963. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2023.137963
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Model-independent search for the presence of new physics in events including H → γγ with √s = 13 TeV pp data recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2023)176
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Search for exclusive Higgs and Z boson decays to ωγ and Higgs boson decays to K*γ with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 847(138292), p. 138292. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2023.138292
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for a new Z' gauge boson in 4μ events with the ATLAS experiment. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2023)090
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Determination of the strong coupling constant from transverse energy-energy correlations in multijet events at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2023)085
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Measurements of differential cross sections of Higgs boson production through gluon fusion in the H→WW*→eνμν final state at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 83(9) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11873-5
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Calibration of the light-flavour jet mistagging efficiency of the b-tagging algorithms with Z+jets events using 139~fb⁻¹ of ATLAS proton-proton collision data at √s = 13 TeV. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 83(8) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11736-z
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Measurement of Suppression of Large-Radius Jets and Its Dependence on Substructure in Pb+Pb Collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV with the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 131(17) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.172301
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for a new scalar resonance in flavour-changing neutral-current top-quark decays t → qX (q=u,c), with X → b¯b, in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2023)199
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for leptonic charge asymmetry in t¯tW production in final states with three leptons at √s = 13 TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2023)033
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Search for nonresonant pair production of Higgs bosons in the bb̅bb̅ final state in pp collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 108(5) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.052003
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Measurement of the charge asymmetry in top-quark pair production in association with a photon with the ATLAS experiment. Physics letters. B, 843(137848), p. 137848. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2023.137848
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Luminosity determination in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV using the ATLAS detector at the LHC. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 83(10) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11747-w
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for dark photons from Higgs boson decays via ZH production with a photon plus missing transverse momentum signature from pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2023)133
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Measurements of Zγ+jets differential cross sections in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2023)072
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Studies of the muon momentum calibration and performance of the ATLAS detector with pp collisions at √s=13 TeV. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 83(8) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11584-x
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Measurement of the CP properties of Higgs boson interactions with τ-leptons with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 83(7) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11583-y
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Search for pair-produced vector-like top and bottom partners in events with large missing transverse momentum in pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 83(8) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11790-7
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Measurement of exclusive pion pair production in proton–proton collisions at √s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 83(7) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11700-x
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hanspeter (2023). Measurement of the inclusive tt̅ production cross section in the lepton+jets channel in pp collisions at s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector using support vector machines. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 108(3) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.032014
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Tools for estimating fake/non-prompt lepton backgrounds with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Journal of instrumentation, 18(11), T11004. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/18/11/T11004
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Charged-hadron production in pp, p+Pb, Pb+Pb, and Xe+Xe collisions at √sNN=5 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2023)074
Beck, H. P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A. P.; Schefer, M. M.; Weber, M. S. (2023). Measurement of Zγγ production in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 83(6) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11579-8
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). ATLAS flavour-tagging algorithms for the LHC Run 2 pp collision dataset. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 83(7) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11699-1
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Search for dark matter produced in association with a single top quark and an energetic W boson in √s=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 83(7) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11582-z
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hans Peter (2023). Measurement of substructure-dependent jet suppression in Pb+Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. C - nuclear physics, 107(5) American Institute of Physics 10.1103/PhysRevC.107.054909
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Möbius, Silke; Weber, Michele; Beck, Hanspeter (2023). Observation of gauge boson joint-polarisation states in W±Z production from pp collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 843(137895), p. 137895. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2023.137895
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for new phenomena in multi-body invariant masses in events with at least one isolated lepton and two jets using √s=13 TeV proton–proton collision data collected by the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2023)202
Beck, H. P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A. P.; Schefer, M. M.; Weber, M. S. (2023). Search for supersymmetry in final states with missing transverse momentum and three or more b-jets in 139 fb⁻¹ of proton–proton collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 83(7) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11543-6
Anders, J. K.; Beck, H. P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A. P.; Weber, M. S. (2023). Search for doubly charged Higgs boson production in multi-lepton final states using 139 fb⁻¹ of proton–proton collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 83(7) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11578-9
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for dark matter produced in association with a dark Higgs boson decaying into W⁺W⁻ in the one-lepton final state at √s=13 TeV using 139 fb⁻¹ of pp collisions recorded with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2023)116
Anders, J. K.; Beck, H. P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A. P.; Weber, M. S. (2023). Constraints on spin-0 dark matter mediators and invisible Higgs decays using ATLAS 13 TeV pp collision data with two top quarks and missing transverse momentum in the final state. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 83(6) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11477-z
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for boosted diphoton resonances in the 10 to 70 GeV mass range using 138 fb⁻¹ of 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2023)155
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Weber, M.S. (2023). A search for heavy Higgs bosons decaying into vector bosons in same-sign two-lepton final states in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2023)200
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for t¯tH/A→t¯tt¯t production in the multilepton final state in proton–proton collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2023)203
Beck, H. P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A. P.; Schefer, M. M.; Weber, M. S. (2023). Search for Higgs boson pair production in association with a vector boson in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 83(6) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11559-y
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for pair-produced scalar and vector leptoquarks decaying into third-generation quarks and first- or second-generation leptons in pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(6), p. 188. Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2023)188
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). A search for new resonances in multiple final states with a high transverse momentum Z boson in √s=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(6) Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2023)036
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for direct pair production of sleptons and charginos decaying to two leptons and neutralinos with mass splittings near the W-boson mass in √s=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(6) Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2023)031
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Lehmann, N.; Müller, R.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for resonant and non-resonant Higgs boson pair production in the b¯bτ⁺τ⁻ decay channel using 13 TeV pp collision data from the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2023)040
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Measurement of single top-quark production in the s-channel in proton–proton collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(6) Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2023)191
Beck, H. P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A. P.; Schefer, M. M.; Weber, M. S. (2023). Measurements of observables sensitive to colour reconnection in t¯t events with the ATLAS detector at √s=13 TeV. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 83(6) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11479-x
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Miucci, A.; Weber, M.S.; Weston, T.D. (2023). Measurement of the top-quark mass using a leptonic invariant mass in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(6) Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2023)019
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Measurement of electroweak Z(νν̅)γjj production and limits on anomalous quartic gauge couplings in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(6) Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2023)082
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Evidence for the charge asymmetry in pp → tt̅ production at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(8) Springer 10.1007/JHEP08(2023)077
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for flavour-changing neutral current interactions of the top quark and the Higgs boson in events with a pair of τ-leptons in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(6) Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2023)155
Anders, J. K.; Beck, H. P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A. P.; Schefer, M. M.; Weber, M. S. (2023). Searches for exclusive Higgs and Z boson decays into a vector quarkonium state and a photon using 139 fb⁻¹ of ATLAS √s=13 TeV proton–proton collision data. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 83(9) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11869-1
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Exclusive dielectron production in ultraperipheral Pb+Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV with ATLAS. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(6) Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2023)182
Anders, J. K.; Beck, H. P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A. P.; Schefer, M. M.; Weber, M. S. (2023). Measurement of the total cross section and ρ-parameter from elastic scattering in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 83(5) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11436-8
Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Schefer, M.M.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Measurement of the total and differential Higgs boson production cross-sections at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector by combining the H → ZZ* → 4l and H → γγ decay channels. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(5) Springer 10.1007/JHEP05(2023)028
Anders, J. K.; Beck, H. P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A. P.; Weber, M. S. (2023). Search for resonant WZ production in the fully leptonic final state in proton–proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 83(7) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11437-7
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Measurement of the tt̅ production cross-section in pp collisions at √s = 5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 06 Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2023)138
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for heavy resonances decaying into a Z or W boson and a Higgs boson in final states with leptons and b-jets in 139 fb⁻¹ of pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 06 Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2023)016
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Measurement of the properties of Higgs boson production at √s = 13 TeV in the H → γγ channel using 139 fb⁻¹ of pp collision data with the ATLAS experiment. Journal of High Energy Physics, 07 Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2023)088
Anders, J. K.; Beck, H. P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A. P.; Weber, M. S. (2023). Measurements of W⁺W⁻ production in decay topologies inspired by searches for electroweak supersymmetry. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 83(8) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11508-9
Berner, R. M.; Chen, Y.; Diurba, R.; Haenni, R.; Koller, P. P.; Kreslo, I.; Piastra, F.; Porzio, S.; Weber, M. (2023). Reconstruction of interactions in the ProtoDUNE-SP detector with Pandora. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 83(7) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11733-2
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for light long-lived neutral particles that decay to collimated pairs of leptons or light hadrons in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 06 Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2023)153
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Lehmann, N.; Müller, R.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for new phenomena in final states with photons, jets and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 07 Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2023)021
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Lehmann, N.; Müller, R.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Combination of inclusive top-quark pair production cross-section measurements using ATLAS and CMS data at √s = 7 and 8 TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 07 Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2023)213
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Search for heavy, long-lived, charged particles with large ionisation energy loss in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV using the ATLAS experiment and the full Run 2 dataset. Journal of High Energy Physics, 06 Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2023)158
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Cross-section measurements for the production of a Z boson in association with high-transverse-momentum jets in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 06 Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2023)080
Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Lehmann, N.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A.P.; Weber, M.S. (2023). Differential tt̅ cross-section measurements using boosted top quarks in the all-hadronic final state with 139 fb⁻¹ of ATLAS data. Journal of High Energy Physics, 04 Springer 10.1007/JHEP04(2023)080
Anders, J. K.; Beck, H. P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A. P.; Weber, M. S. (2023). Measurement of the nuclear modification factor of b-jets in 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 83(5) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11427-9
Anders, J. K.; Beck, H. P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Müller, R.; O'Neill, A. P.; Weber, M. S. (2023). Searches for new phenomena in events with two leptons, jets, and missing transverse momentum in 139 fb⁻¹ of √s=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 83(6) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11434-w
Dellepiane, Gaia; Casolaro, Pierluigi; Mateu, Isidre; Scampoli, Paola; Voeten, Naomi; Braccini, Saverio (2022). Cross-section measurement for an optimized 61Cu production at an 18 MeV medical cyclotron from natural Zn and enriched 64Zn solid targets. Applied radiation and isotopes, 190, p. 110466. Elsevier 10.1016/j.apradiso.2022.110466
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Anders, J. K.; Beck, H. P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Mueller, R.; O'Neill, A. P.; Weber, M. S. (2022). Direct constraint on the Higgs-charm coupling from a search for Higgs boson decays into charm quarks with the ATLAS detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 82(8) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-022-10588-3
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Anders, J.; Braccini, S.; Carzaniga, T.S.; Casolaro, P.; Chatterjee, M.; Dellepiane, G.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Ilg, A.; Mateu, I.; Meloni, F.; Merlassino, C.; Miucci, A.; Müller, R.; Rimoldi, M.; Weber, M. (2022). A facility for radiation hardness studies based on a medical cyclotron. Journal of instrumentation, 17(04), P04021. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/17/04/P04021
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Anders, J. K.; Beck, H. P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Mueller, R.; O'Neill, A. P.; Weber, M. S. (2022). Measurements of azimuthal anisotropies of jet production in Pb+Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. C - nuclear physics, 105(6) American Institute of Physics 10.1103/PhysRevC.105.064903
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Chen, Y.; Ereditato, A.; Kreslo, I.; Mettler, T.; Sinclair, J.; Weber, M. (2022). Novel approach for evaluating detector-related uncertainties in a LArTPC using MicroBooNE data. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 82(5) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-022-10270-8
Chen, Y.; Ereditato, A.; Kreslo, I.; Mettler, T.; Sinclair, J.; Weber, M. (2022). Wire-cell 3D pattern recognition techniques for neutrino event reconstruction in large LArTPCs: algorithm description and quantitative evaluation with MicroBooNE simulation. Journal of instrumentation, 17(01), P01037. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/17/01/P01037
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Beck, H. P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, S.; Ilg, A.; Lehmann, N.; Mueller, R.; O'Neill, A. P.; Weber, M. S. (2022). Measurement of the energy asymmetry in tt¯ j production at 13 TeV with the ATLAS experiment and interpretation in the SMEFT framework. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 82(4) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-022-10101-w
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Anders, J. K.; Beck, H. P.; Chatterjee, M.; Ereditato, A.; Franconi, L.; Halser, L.; Haug, Sigve; Ilg, A.; Lehmann, N.; Mueller, R.; Weber, M. S. (2022). Measurement of the energy response of the ATLAS~calorimeter to charged pions from W± → τ ± (→ π ± ν τ )ν τ events in Run 2 data. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 82(3) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-022-10117-2
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O'Neill, Aaron; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). Search for bottom-squark pair production in pp collision events at √s = 13 TeV with hadronically decaying τ-leptons, b-jets and missing transverse momentum using the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 104(3), 032014. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.104.032014
O'Neill, Aaron; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). Reconstruction improvements for the measurements of the H → bb decay at the ATLAS experiment. Il nuovo cimento C, 44(2-3), p. 41. Società Italiana di Fisica 10.1393/ncc/i2021-21041-6
O'Neill, Aaron; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). Measurements of the inclusive and differential production cross sections of a top-quark–antiquark pair in association with a Z~boson at \sqrts = 13~TeV with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 81(8), p. 737. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-021-09439-4
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O'Neill, Aaron; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). Beam-induced background identification with image vision techniques at ATLAS. Il nuovo cimento C, 44(2-3), p. 53. Società Italiana di Fisica 10.1393/ncc/i2021-21053-2
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O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). Measurement of single top-quark production in association with a W boson in the single-lepton channel at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 81(8), p. 720. Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-021-09371-7
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O'Neill, Aaron; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). Jet energy scale and resolution measured in proton–proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 81(8), p. 689. Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-021-09402-3
O'Neill, Aaron; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). 3D pixel modules characterization with RD53A readout for ATLAS ITk Upgrade. Il nuovo cimento C, 44(2-3), p. 82. Società Italiana di Fisica 10.1393/ncc/i2021-21082-9
O'Neill, Aaron; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). Determination of the parton distribution functions of the proton from ATLAS measurements of differential W± and Z boson production in association with jets. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(7), p. 223. Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2021)223
O'Neill, Aaron; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). Search for Displaced Leptons in √s = 13 TeV pp Collisions with the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 127(5), 051802. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.051802
O'Neill, Aaron; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). Measurement of the relative B±c/B± production cross section with the ATLAS detector at √s = 8 TeV. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 104(1), 012010. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.104.012010
O'Neill, Aaron; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). A search for the decays of stopped long-lived particles at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(7), p. 173. Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2021)173
O'Neill, Aaron; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). Search for supersymmetry in events with four or more charged leptons in 139 fb−1 of √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(7), p. 167. Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2021)167
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Crivellin, Andreas; Hoferichter, Martin (2021). Consequences of chirally enhanced explanations of (g − 2)μ for h → μμ and Z → μμ. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(7), p. 135. Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2021)135
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O'Neill, Aaron; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). Performance of the ATLAS RPC detector and Level-1 muon barrel trigger at √(s)=13 TeV. Journal of instrumentation, 16(07), P07029. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/16/07/P07029
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O'Neill, Aaron; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). Search for rare decays of the observed Higgs boson and additional Higgs bosons with the ATLAS detector. Physica scripta, 96(10), p. 104012. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1402-4896/ac0f91
O'Neill, Aaron Paul; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). Two-particle azimuthal correlations in photonuclear ultraperipheral Pb+Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV with ATLAS. Physical review. C - nuclear physics, 104(1), 014903. American Institute of Physics 10.1103/PhysRevC.104.014903
O'Neill, Aaron; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). Muon reconstruction and identification efficiency in ATLAS using the full Run 2 pp collision data set at √s =13 TeV. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 81(7), p. 578. Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-021-09233-2
O'Neill, Aaron; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). Test of the universality of τ and μ lepton couplings in W-boson decays with the ATLAS detector. Nature physics, 17(7), pp. 813-818. Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/s41567-021-01236-w
O'Neill, Aaron; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). Measurements of differential cross-sections in four-lepton events in 13 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(7), 005. Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2021)005
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O'Neill, Aaron; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). Search for pair production of third-generation scalar leptoquarks decaying into a top quark and a τ-lepton in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(6), p. 179. Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2021)179
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O'Neill, Aaron; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). Search for charged Higgs bosons decaying into a top quark and a bottom quark at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(6), p. 145. Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2021)145
O'Neill, Aaron; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). Search for doubly and singly charged Higgs bosons decaying into vector bosons in multi-lepton final states with the ATLAS detector using proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(6), p. 146. Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2021)146
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O'Neill, Aaron; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). Search for trilepton resonances from chargino and neutralino pair production in √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 103(11), p. 112003. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.103.112003
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O'Neill, Aaron; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). Measurements of W+W−+ ≥ 1 jet production cross-sections in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(6), 003. Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2021)003
Cirigliano, Vincenzo; Dekens, Wouter; de Vries, Jordy; Hoferichter, Martin; Mereghetti, Emanuele (2021). Determining the leading-order contact term in neutrinoless double β decay. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(5) Springer 10.1007/JHEP05(2021)289
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O'Neill, Aaron; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). Search for heavy resonances decaying into a pair of Z bosons in the ℓ+ℓ−ℓ′+ℓ′− and ℓ+ℓ− vv final states using 139 fb−1 of proton–proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 81(4), p. 332. Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-021-09013-y
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O'Neill, Aaron; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). Search for new phenomena in events with two opposite-charge leptons, jets and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(4), p. 165. Springer 10.1007/JHEP04(2021)165
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O'Neill, Aaron; Franconi, Laura; Weber, Michele; Anders, John; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter (2021). Differential cross-section measurements for the electroweak production of dijets in association with a ℤ boson in proton–proton collisions at ATLAS. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 81(2), p. 163. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-08734-w
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Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Chatterjee, Meghranjana; Lehmann, Niklaus; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Search for heavy resonances decaying into a photon and a hadronically decaying Higgs boson in pp collisions at \sqrts=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review letters, 125(25) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.251802
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Weber, Michele; Ereditato, Antonio; Kreslo, Igor; Chen, Yifan; Sinclair, James Robert; Lorca Galindo, David (2020). First results on ProtoDUNE-SP liquid argon time projection chamber performance from a beam test at the CERN Neutrino Platform. Journal of instrumentation, 15(12), P12004-P12004. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/15/12/P12004
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Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Chatterjee, Meghranjana; Lehmann, Niklaus; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Search for pairs of scalar leptoquarks decaying into quarks and electrons or muons in \sqrts = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(10) Springer 10.1007/JHEP10(2020)112
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Lehmann, Niklaus; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Search for top squarks in events with a Higgs or ℤ boson using 139 fb⁻¹ of pp collision data at \sqrts=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 80(11) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-08469-8
Weber, Michele; Ereditato, Antonio; Kreslo, Igor; Chen, Yifan; Lorca Galindo, David; Sinclair, James Robert (2020). First Measurement of Differential Charged Current Quasielastic-like νμ-Argon Scattering Cross Sections with the MicroBooNE Detector. Physical review letters, 125(20) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.201803
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Lehmann, Niklaus; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Search for Higgs boson decays into two new low-mass spin-0 particles in the 4b channel with the ATLAS detector using pp collisions at \sqrts= 13 TeV. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 102(11) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.102.112006
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Lehmann, Niklaus; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Performance of the missing transverse momentum triggers for the ATLAS detector during Run-2 data taking. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(8) Springer 10.1007/JHEP08(2020)080
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio (2020). A search for the ℤγ decay mode of the Higgs boson in pp collisions at \sqrts = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 809(135754), p. 135754. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2020.135754
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Lehmann, Niklaus; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Search for tøverlinet resonances in fully hadronic final states in pp collisions at \sqrts = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(10) Springer 10.1007/JHEP10(2020)061
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Lehmann, Niklaus; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Performance of the upgraded PreProcessor of the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger. Journal of instrumentation, 15(11), P11016-P11016. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/15/11/P11016
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Lehmann, Niklaus; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Combination of the W boson polarization measurements in top quark decays using ATLAS and CMS data at \sqrts = 8 TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(8) Springer 10.1007/JHEP08(2020)051
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Lehmann, Niklaus; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Dijet resonance search with weak supervision using \sqrts=13 TeV pp collisions in the ATLAS detector. Physical review letters, 125(13) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.131801
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Lehmann, Niklaus; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Search for heavy diboson resonances in semileptonic final states in pp collisions at \sqrts=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 80(12) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-08554-y
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Lehmann, Niklaus; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Search for a scalar partner of the top quark in the all-hadronic t\bart plus missing transverse momentum final state at \sqrts=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 80(8) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-8102-8
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Lehmann, Niklaus; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Performance of the ATLAS muon triggers in Run 2. Journal of instrumentation, 15(09), P09015-P09015. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/15/09/p09015
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Search for direct production of electroweakinos in final states with missing transverse momentum and a Higgs boson decaying into photons in pp collisions at \sqrts = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(10) Springer 10.1007/JHEP10(2020)005
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Miucci, Antonio; Lehmann, Niklaus; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). CP Properties of Higgs Boson Interactions with Top Quarks in the t\bartH and tH Processes Using H → γγ with the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 125(6) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.061802
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Lehmann, Niklaus; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Measurements of the Higgs boson inclusive and differential fiducial cross sections in the 4\ell decay channel at \sqrts = 13 TeV. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 80(942), p. 942. Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-8223-0
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Lehmann, Niklaus; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Measurement of the Lund Jet Plane Using Charged Particles in 13 TeV Proton-Proton Collisions with the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 124(22) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.222002
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Lehmann, Niklaus; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Search for Higgs Boson Decays into a ℤ Boson and a Light Hadronically Decaying Resonance Using 13 TeV pp Collision Data from the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 125(22) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.221802
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Lehmann, Niklaus; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Search for long-lived, massive particles in events with a displaced vertex and a muon with large impact parameter in pp collisions at \sqrts = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 102(3) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.102.032006
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Lehmann, Niklaus; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Measurements of the production cross-section for a ℤ boson in association with b-jets in proton-proton collisions at \sqrts = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2020)044
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Lehmann, Niklaus; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Measurement of azimuthal anisotropy of muons from charm and bottom hadrons in Pb+Pb collisions at \sqrt sNN = 5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 807(135595), p. 135595. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2020.135595
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Lehmann, Niklaus; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Search for heavy Higgs bosons decaying into two tau leptons with the ATLAS detector using pp collisions at \sqrts=13 TeV. Physical review letters, 125(5) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.051801
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Search for dijet resonances in events with an isolated charged lepton using \sqrts = 13 TeV proton-proton collision data collected by the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(6), p. 151. Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2020)151
Weber, Michele; Ereditato, Antonio; Kreslo, Igor; Mettler, Thomas Josua; Chen, Yifan; Sinclair, James Robert; Lorca Galindo, David (2020). Construction of precision wire readout planes for the Short-Baseline Near Detector (SBND). Journal of instrumentation, 15(06), P06033-P06033. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/15/06/P06033
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Observation of the associated production of a top quark and a ℤ boson in pp collisions at \sqrts = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2020)124
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Lehmann, Niklaus; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Test of CP invariance in vector-boson fusion production of the Higgs boson in the H→ττ channel in proton-proton collisions at \sqrts = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 805(135426), p. 135426. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2020.135426
Weber, Michele; Ereditato, Antonio; Kreslo, Igor; Chen, Yifan; Lorca Galindo, David; Sinclair, James Robert (2020). Volume III. DUNE far detector technical coordination. Journal of instrumentation, 15(08), T08009-T08009. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/15/08/T08009
Weber, Michele; Ereditato, Antonio; Kreslo, Igor; Chen, Yifan; Sinclair, James Robert; Lorca Galindo, David (2020). Volume I. Introduction to DUNE. Journal of instrumentation, 15(08), T08008-T08008. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/15/08/T08008
Weber, Michele; Ereditato, Antonio; Kreslo, Igor; Chen, Yifan; Sinclair, James Robert; Lorca Galindo, David (2020). Volume IV. The DUNE far detector single-phase technology. Journal of instrumentation, 15(08), T08010-T08010. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/15/08/T08010
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Lehmann, Niklaus; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Measurement of soft-drop jet observables in pp collisions with the ATLAS detector at \sqrt s =13 TeV. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 101(5) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.052007
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Lehmann, Niklaus; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Measurement of isolated-photon plus two-jet production in pp collisions at \sqrt s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(3) Springer 10.1007/JHEP03(2020)179
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel; Lehmann, Niklaus (2020). Search for chargino-neutralino production with mass splittings near the electroweak scale in three-lepton final states in \sqrt s=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 101(7) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.072001
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Measurement of the transverse momentum distribution of Drell–Yan lepton pairs in proton–proton collisions at \sqrts=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 80(7) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-8001-z
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Search for long-lived neutral particles produced in pp collisions at \sqrts = 13 TeV decaying into displaced hadronic jets in the ATLAS inner detector and muon spectrometer. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 101(5) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.052013
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Searches for electroweak production of supersymmetric particles with compressed mass spectra in \sqrts= 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 101(5) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.052005
Weber, Michele; Ereditato, Antonio; Kreslo, Igor; Chen, Yifan; Sinclair, James Robert; Lorca Galindo, David; Mettler, Thomas Josua (2020). Search for Heavy Neutral Leptons Decaying into Muon-Pion Pairs in the MicroBooNE Detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 101(5) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.052001
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Search for direct stau production in events with two hadronic τ-leptons in \sqrts = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 101(3) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.032009
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Measurement of the ℤ(→\ell⁺\ell-)γ production cross-section in pp collisions at \sqrts =13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(3) Springer 10.1007/JHEP03(2020)054
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Measurement of the azimuthal anisotropy of charged-particle production in Xe+Xe collisions at \sqrts\mathrmNN=5.44 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. C - nuclear physics, 101(2) American Institute of Physics 10.1103/PhysRevC.101.024906
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). ATLAS data quality operations and performance for 2015–2018 data-taking. Journal of instrumentation, 15(04), P04003-P04003. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/15/04/P04003
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Transverse momentum and process dependent azimuthal anisotropies in \sqrts\mathrmNN=8.16 TeV p+Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector. European Heart Journal, 80(1), p. 73. Oxford University Press 10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-7624-4
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). ℤ boson production in Pb+Pb collisions at \sqrts\textrmNN= 5.02 TeV measured by the ATLAS experiment. Physics letters. B, 802(135262), p. 135262. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2020.135262
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Weston, Thomas Daniel; Miucci, Antonio (2020). Evidence for electroweak production of two jets in association with a ℤγ pair in pp collisions at \sqrts = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 803(135341), p. 135341. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2020.135341
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Measurement of the t\bart production cross-section and lepton differential distributions in eμ dilepton events from pp collisions at \sqrts=13\,\text TeV with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 80(6) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-7907-9
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Search for new resonances in mass distributions of jet pairs using 139 fb⁻¹ of pp collisions at \sqrts=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(3) Springer 10.1007/JHEP03(2020)145
Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Determination of jet calibration and energy resolution in proton-proton collisions at \sqrts = 8 TeV using the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 80(12) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-08477-8
Weber, Michele; Ereditato, Antonio; Kreslo, Igor; Chen, Yifan; Lorca Galindo, David; Mettler, Thomas Josua; Sinclair, James Robert (2020). Reconstruction and Measurement of \mathcalO(100) MeV Energy Electromagnetic Activity from π⁰ → γγ Decays in the MicroBooNE LArTPC. Journal of instrumentation, 15(02), P02007-P02007. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/15/02/P02007
Weber, Michele; Ereditato, Antonio; Kreslo, Igor; Chen, Yifan; Lorca Galindo, David; Mettler, Thomas Josua; Sinclair, James Robert (2020). A method to determine the electric field of liquid argon time projection chambers using a UV laser system and its application in MicroBooNE. Journal of instrumentation, 15(07), P07010-P07010. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/15/07/P07010
Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel; Merlassino, Claudia; Miucci, Antonio (2020). Measurement of J/ψ production in association with a W± boson with pp data at 8 TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(1) Springer 10.1007/JHEP01(2020)095
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio (2020). Search for the Higgs boson decays H \to ee and H \to eμ in pp collisions at \sqrts = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 801(135148), p. 135148. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2019.135148
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Search for squarks and gluinos in final states with same-sign leptons and jets using 139 fb⁻¹ of data collected with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(6) Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2020)046
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Combined measurements of Higgs boson production and decay using up to 80 fb⁻¹ of proton-proton collision data at \sqrts= 13 TeV collected with the ATLAS experiment. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 101(1) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.012002
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Measurement of azimuthal anisotropy of muons from charm and bottom hadrons in pp collisions at \sqrts=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review letters, 124(8) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.082301
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Search for light long-lived neutral particles produced in pp collisions at \sqrts = 13 TeV and decaying into collimated leptons or light hadrons with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 80(5) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-7997-4
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Performance of electron and photon triggers in ATLAS during LHC Run 2. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 80(1) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-7500-2
Weber, Michele; Ereditato, Antonio; Kreslo, Igor; Auger, Martin; Berner, Roman Matthias; Chen, Yifan; Göldi, Damian; Mettler, Thomas Josua; Sinclair, James Robert; Wilkinson, Callum (2020). A New Concept for Kilotonne Scale Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers. Instruments, 4(1), p. 6. MDPI 10.3390/instruments4010006
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Search for flavour-changing neutral currents in processes with one top quark and a photon using 81 fb⁻¹ of pp collisions at \sqrts = 13 TeV with the ATLAS experiment. Physics letters. B, 800(135082), p. 135082. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2019.135082
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Search for electroweak production of charginos and sleptons decaying into final states with two leptons and missing transverse momentum in \sqrts=13 TeV pp collisions using the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 80(2) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-7594-6
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Fehr, Armin; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Search for non-resonant Higgs boson pair production in the bb\ellν\ellν final state with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at \sqrts = 13 TeV. Physics letters. B, 801(135145), p. 135145. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2019.135145
Weber, Michele; Ereditato, Antonio; Kreslo, Igor; Chen, Yifan; Lorca Galindo, David; Lüthi, Matthias; Mettler, Thomas Josua; Sinclair, James Robert (2020). Calibration of the charge and energy loss per unit length of the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber using muons and protons. Journal of instrumentation, 15(03), P03022-P03022. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/15/03/P03022
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Search for displaced vertices of oppositely charged leptons from decays of long-lived particles in pp collisions at \sqrt s =13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 801(135114), p. 135114. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2019.135114
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Searches for lepton-flavour-violating decays of the Higgs boson in \sqrts=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 800(135069), p. 135069. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2019.135069
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Search for heavy neutral Higgs bosons produced in association with b-quarks and decaying into b-quarks at \sqrts=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 102(3) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.102.032004
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Measurement of long-range two-particle azimuthal correlations in ℤ-boson tagged pp collisions at \sqrts=8 and 13 TeV. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 80(1) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-7606-6
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Combination of searches for Higgs boson pairs in pp collisions at \sqrts = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 800(135103), p. 135103. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2019.135103
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Search for Magnetic Monopoles and Stable High-Electric-Charge Objects in 13 Tev Proton-Proton Collisions with the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 124(3) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.031802
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Fluctuations of anisotropic flow in Pb+Pb collisions at \sqrt\mathrms\mathrmNN = 5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(1) Springer 10.1007/JHEP01(2020)051
Franconi, Laura; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michele; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Miucci, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2020). Measurements of top-quark pair spin correlations in the eμ channel at \sqrts = 13 TeV using pp collisions in the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 80(8) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-8181-6
Weber, Michele; Ereditato, Antonio; Kreslo, Igor; Auger, Martin; Göldi, Damian; Lorca Galindo, David; Lüthi, Matthias; Rudolf von Rohr, Christoph; Sinclair, James Robert; Stocker, Francesca Agnes (2020). First Demonstration of a Pixelated Charge Readout for Single-Phase Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers. Instruments, 4(1), p. 9. MDPI 10.3390/instruments4010009
Alvarez-Gaume, Luis; Orlando, Domenico; Reffert, Susanne (2019). Large charge at large N. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(12), p. 142. Springer 10.1007/JHEP12(2019)142
Franconi, L.; Miucci, A.; Merlassino, C.; Haug, S.; Weber, M.S.; Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Ereditato, A.; Weston, T.D. (2019). Measurement of K0S and Λ0 production in tt¯ dileptonic events in pp collisions at s√= 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 79(12) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-7512-y
Pelaez, J. R.; Rodas, A.; Ruiz de Elvira Carrascal, Jacobo (2019). Global parameterization of ππ scattering up to 2 GeV. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 79(12) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-7509-6
Gould, Oliver; Kozaczuk, Jonathan; Niemi, Lauri; Ramsey-Musolf, Michael J.; Tenkanen, Tuomas V. I.; Weir, David J. (2019). Nonperturbative analysis of the gravitational waves from a first-order electroweak phase transition. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 100(11) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.100.115024
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Franconi, Laura; Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Search for pairs of highly collimated photon-jets in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 99(1) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.99.012008
Franconi, Laura; Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Search for squarks and gluinos in final states with hadronically decaying τ-leptons, jets, and missing transverse momentum using pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 99(1) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.99.012009
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Franconi, L.; Miucci, A.; Merlassino, C.; Haug, S.; Weber, M.S.; Anders, J.K.; Beck, H.P.; Ereditato, A. (2019). Electron and photon performance measurements with the ATLAS detector using the 2015--2017 LHC proton-proton collision data. Journal of instrumentation, 14(12), P12006-P12006. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/14/12/P12006
Franconi, Laura; Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Weston, Thomas Daniel; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio (2019). Identification of boosted Higgs bosons decaying into b-quark pairs with the ATLAS detector at 13 TeV. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 79(10) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-7335-x
Franconi, Laura; Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Measurement of the cross-section and charge asymmetry of W bosons produced in proton--proton collisions at s√=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 79(9) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-7199-0
Franconi, Laura; Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Search for high-mass dilepton resonances using 139 fb⁻¹ of pp collision data collected at \sqrts=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 796(68), pp. 68-87. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2019.07.016
Franconi, Laura; Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Measurement of VH, H→bb¯¯¯ production as a function of the vector-boson transverse momentum in 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(5) Springer 10.1007/JHEP05(2019)141
Franconi, Laura; Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Measurement of jet-substructure observables in top quark, W boson and light jet production in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(8) Springer 10.1007/JHEP08(2019)033
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Constraints on mediator-based dark matter and scalar dark energy models using √s = 13 TeV pp collision data collected by the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(5), p. 142. Springer 10.1007/JHEP05(2019)142
Franconi, Laura; Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Combinations of single-top-quark production cross-section measurements and |fLVVtb| determinations at √s = 7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS and CMS experiments. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(5) Springer 10.1007/JHEP05(2019)088
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Measurement of the four-lepton invariant mass spectrum in 13 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(4) Springer 10.1007/JHEP04(2019)048
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Measurement of W±Z production cross sections and gauge boson polarisation in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 79(6) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-7027-6
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Electron reconstruction and identification in the ATLAS experiment using the 2015 and 2016 LHC proton-proton collision data at s√=13 TeV. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 79(8) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-7140-6
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Search for long-lived neutral particles in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV that decay into displaced hadronic jets in the ATLAS calorimeter. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 79(6) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-6962-6
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Searches for scalar leptoquarks and differential cross-section measurements in dilepton-dijet events in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS experiment. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 79(9) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-7181-x
Franconi, Laura; Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Dijet azimuthal correlations and conditional yields in pp and p+Pb collisions at sNN=5.02TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. C - nuclear physics, 100(3) American Institute of Physics 10.1103/PhysRevC.100.034903
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Measurement of the ratio of cross sections for inclusive isolated-photon production in pp collisions at √s = 13 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(4) Springer 10.1007/JHEP04(2019)093
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Search for scalar resonances decaying into μ⁺μ⁻ in events with and without b-tagged jets produced in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2019)117
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Measurement of the tt¯Z and tt¯W cross sections in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 99(7) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.99.072009
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Search for top-quark decays t → Hq with 36 fb⁻¹ of pp collision data at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(5) Springer 10.1007/JHEP05(2019)123
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Observation of electroweak W±Z boson pair production in association with two jets in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 793, pp. 469-492. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2019.05.012
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Search for large missing transverse momentum in association with one top-quark in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(5) Springer 10.1007/JHEP05(2019)041
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Properties of g→bb¯ at small opening angles in pp collisions with the ATLAS detector at √s=13 TeV. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 99(5) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.99.052004
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Search for chargino and neutralino production in final states with a Higgs boson and missing transverse momentum at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 100(1) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.100.012006
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Search for single production of vector-like quarks decaying into Wb in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(5) Springer 10.1007/JHEP05(2019)164
Franconi, Laura; Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Electron and photon energy calibration with the ATLAS detector using 2015--2016 LHC proton-proton collision data. Journal of instrumentation, 14(03), P03017-P03017. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/14/03/P03017
Weber, Michael; Ereditato, Antonio; Kreslo, Igor; Auger, Martin; Chen, Yifan; Göldi, Damian; Lorca Galindo, David; Lüthi, Matthias; Mettler, Thomas; Sinclair, James Robert (2019). Rejecting cosmic background for exclusive charged current quasi elastic neutrino interaction studies with Liquid Argon TPCs; a case study with the MicroBooNE detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 79(8) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-7184-7
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Study of the rare decays of B⁰s and B⁰ mesons into muon pairs using data collected during 2015 and 2016 with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(4) Springer 10.1007/JHEP04(2019)098
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Measurements of inclusive and differential fiducial cross-sections of tt¯γ production in leptonic final states at √s = 13t TeV in ATLAS. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 79(5) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-6849-6
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Measurements of inclusive and differential fiducial cross-sections of tt¯ production with additional heavy-flavour jets in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(4) Springer 10.1007/JHEP04(2019)046
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Study of the hard double-parton scattering contribution to inclusive four-lepton production in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 790, pp. 595-614. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2019.01.062
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Search for Higgs boson pair production in the WW(*)WW(*) decay channel using ATLAS data recorded at √s = 13 TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(5), p. 124. Springer 10.1007/JHEP05(2019)124
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Cross-section measurements of the Higgs boson decaying into a pair of τ-leptons in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 99(7) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.99.072001
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Search for Higgs boson pair production in the bb¯¯WW* decay mode at √s =13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(4) Springer 10.1007/JHEP04(2019)092
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Search for four-top-quark production in the single-lepton and opposite-sign dilepton final states in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 99(5) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.99.052009
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Measurements of W and Z boson production in pp collisions at √s = 5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 79(2) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-6622-x
Weber, Michael; Ereditato, Antonio (2019). Demonstration of MeV-Scale Physics in Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers Using ArgoNeuT. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 99(1) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.99.012002
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Measurement of the photon identification efficiencies with the ATLAS detector using LHC Run 2 data collected in 2015 and 2016. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 79(3) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-6650-6
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Measurement of the top quark mass in the tt¯→ lepton+jets channel from √s = 8 TeV ATLAS data and combination with previous results. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 79(4) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-6757-9
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Search for heavy Majorana or Dirac neutrinos and right-handed W gauge bosons in final states with two charged leptons and two jets at √s =13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(1) Springer 10.1007/JHEP01(2019)016
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Measurement of photon–jet transverse momentum correlations in 5.02 TeV Pb + Pb and pp collisions with ATLAS. Physics letters. B, 789, pp. 167-190. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.12.023
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Search for invisible Higgs boson decays in vector boson fusion at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 793, pp. 499-519. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2019.04.024
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Measurements of gluon–gluon fusion and vector-boson fusion Higgs boson production cross-sections in the H→WW*→eνμν decay channel in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 789, pp. 508-529. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.11.064
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Performance of top-quark and W-boson tagging with ATLAS in Run 2 of the LHC. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 79(5) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-6847-8
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Search for heavy charged long-lived particles in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV using an ionisation measurement with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 788, pp. 96-116. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.10.055
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Search for doubly charged scalar bosons decaying into same-sign W boson pairs with the ATLAS detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 79(1) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-018-6500-y
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Search for vector-boson resonances decaying to a top quark and bottom quark in the lepton plus jets final state in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 788, pp. 347-370. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.11.032
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). In situ calibration of large-radius jet energy and mass in 13 TeV proton--proton collisions with the ATLAS detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 79(2) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-6632-8
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). A strategy for a general search for new phenomena using data-derived signal regions and its application within the ATLAS experiment. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 79(2) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-6540-y
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Correlated long-range mixed-harmonic fluctuations measured in pp, p+Pb and low-multiplicity Pb+Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 789, pp. 444-471. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.11.065
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Search for Higgs boson decays into a pair of light bosons in the bbμμ final state in pp collision at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 790, pp. 1-21. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.10.073
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Measurement of the nuclear modification factor for inclusive jets in Pb+Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 790, pp. 108-128. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.10.076
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Search for pair production of Higgs bosons in the bb¯¯bb¯¯ final state using proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(1) Springer 10.1007/JHEP01(2019)030
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Search for light resonances decaying to boosted quark pairs and produced in association with a photon or a jet in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 788, pp. 316-335. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.09.062
Miucci, Antonio; Merlassino, Claudia; Haug, Sigve; Weber, Michael; Anders, John Kenneth; Beck, Hans Peter; Ereditato, Antonio; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Rimoldi, Marco; Weston, Thomas Daniel (2019). Erratum to: Measurements of W and Z boson production in pp collisions at √s = 5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector. The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 79(5) Springer 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-6870-9
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Bergner, Georg; Giudice, Pietro; Münster, Gernot; Piemonte, Stefano (2016). Witten index and phase diagram of compactified N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on the lattice. PoS - proceedings of science, LATTICE2015(239). Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati SISSA
Bergner, Georg; Giudice, Pietro; Montvay, Istvan; Münster, Gernot; Piemonte, Stefano (2016). Supermultiplets of the N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in the continuum limit. PoS - proceedings of science, LATTICE2015(240). Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati SISSA
Giudice, Pietro; Bergner, Georg; Montvay, Istvan; Münster, Gernot; Piemonte, Stefano (2016). The low-lying spectrum of N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. PoS - proceedings of science, EPS-HEP2015(372). Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati SISSA
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Ali, Sajid; Bergner, Georg; Gerber, Henning; Giudice, Pietro; Montvay, Istvan; Munster, Gernot; Piemonte, Stefano (2016). Simulations of N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with three colours. PoS - proceedings of science, LATTICE2016(222). Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati SISSA
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ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for flavour-changing neutral current top quark decays t→Hq in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 12(12), p. 61. Springer 10.1007/JHEP12(2015)061
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Searches for Higgs boson pair production in the hh→bbττ,γγWW∗,γγbb,bbbb channels with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D92(9), 092004. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.92.092004
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for pair production of a new heavy quark that decays into a W boson and a light quark in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D92(11), p. 112007. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.92.112007
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Constraints on new phenomena via Higgs boson couplings and invisible decays with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 11(11), p. 206. Springer 10.1007/JHEP11(2015)206
ATLAS, Collabroation; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Summary of the ATLAS experiment's sensitivity to supersymmetry after LHC Run 1 - interpreted in the phenomenological MSSM. Journal of High Energy Physics, 10(10), p. 134. Springer 10.1007/JHEP10(2015)134
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for lepton-flavour-violating H → μτ decays of the Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 11(11), p. 211. Springer 10.1007/JHEP11(2015)211
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurement of transverse energy-energy correlations in multi-jet events in pp collisions at √s =7 TeV using the ATLAS detector and determination of the strong coupling constant αs (m Z ). Physics letters. B, B750, pp. 427-447. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2015.09.050
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Determination of the ratio of b -quark fragmentation fractions f s /f d in pp collisions at √s =7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review letters, 115(26), p. 262001. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.262001
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurement of the branching ratio Γ(Λ 0 b →ψ(2S)Λ 0 )/Γ(Λ 0 b →J/ψΛ 0 ) with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 751, pp. 63-80. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2015.10.009
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Z boson production in p + Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV measured with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. C - nuclear physics, C92, 044915. American Institute of Physics 10.1103/PhysRevC.92.044915
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Summary of the searches for squarks and gluinos using √s = 8 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. Journal of High Energy Physics, 10(10), p. 54. Springer 10.1007/JHEP10(2015)054
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for photonic signatures of gauge-mediated supersymmetry in 8 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D92(7), 072001. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.92.072001
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Determination of the top-quark pole mass using tt ¯ +1 -jet events collected with the ATLAS experiment in 7 TeV pp collisions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 10(10), p. 121. Springer 10.1007/JHEP10(2015)121
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurement of the production of neighbouring jets in lead-lead collisions at √sNN=2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 751, pp. 376-395. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2015.10.059
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). ATLAS Run 1 searches for direct pair production of third-generation squarks at the Large Hadron Collider. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C75, p. 510. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3726-9
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurement of exclusive γγ→ℓ + ℓ − production in proton-proton collisions at √s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 749, pp. 242-261. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2015.07.069
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Study of (W/Z)H production and Higgs boson couplings using H→WW∗ decays with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 8(8), p. 137. Springer 10.1007/JHEP08(2015)137
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for heavy Majorana neutrinos with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 7(7), p. 162. Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2015)162
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for the associated production of the Higgs boson with a top quark pair in multilepton final states with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 749, pp. 519-541. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2015.07.079
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Study of the spin and parity of the Higgs boson in diboson decays with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C75(10), p. 476. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3685-1
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurement of colour flow with the jet pull angle in tt ¯ events using the ATLAS detector at √s=8 TeV. Physics letters. B, 750, pp. 475-493. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2015.09.051
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Modelling Z → ττ processes in ATLAS with τ-embeddedZ → μμ data. Journal of instrumentation, 10(09), P09018. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/10/09/P09018
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for metastable heavy charged particles with large ionisation energy loss in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV using the ATLAS experiment. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C75(9), p. 407. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3609-0
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurements of the top quark branching ratios into channels with leptons and quarks with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D92(7), 072005. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.92.072005
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for type-III Seesaw heavy leptons in pp collisions at √s =8 TeV with the ATLAS Detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D92(3), 032001. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.92.032001
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for heavy lepton resonances decaying to a Z boson and a lepton in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 09(9), p. 108. Springer 10.1007/JHEP09(2015)108
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for Dark Matter in Events with Missing Transverse Momentum and a Higgs Boson Decaying to Two Photons in pp Collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 115(13), p. 131801. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.131801
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for high-mass diboson resonances with boson-tagged jets in proton-proton collisions at √s= 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 12(12), p. 55. Springer 10.1007/JHEP12(2015)055
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search For Higgs Boson Pair Production in the γγbb Final State using pp Collision Data at √s=8 TeV from the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 114(8), 081802. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.081802
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurement of differential J/ψ production cross-sections and forward-backward ratio in p+Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. C - nuclear physics, C92(3), 034904. American Institute of Physics 10.1103/PhysRevC.92.034904
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for new light gauge bosons in Higgs boson decays to four-lepton final states in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D92(9), 092001. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.92.092001
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). A search for tt ¯ resonances using lepton-plus-jets events in proton-proton collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 8(8), p. 148. Springer 10.1007/JHEP08(2015)148
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for production of vector-like quark pairs and of four top quarks in the lepton-plus-jets final state in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 8(8), p. 105. Springer 10.1007/JHEP08(2015)105
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for Higgs bosons decaying to aa in the μμττ final state in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS experiment. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D92(5), 052002. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.92.052002
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurements of the Total and Differential Higgs Boson Production Cross Sections Combining the H→γγ and H→ZZ ∗ →4ℓ Decay Channels at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 115(9), 091801. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.091801
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for high-mass diphoton resonances in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D92(3), 032004. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.92.032004
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for massive, long-lived particles using multitrack displaced vertices or displaced lepton pairs in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D92(7), 072004. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.92.072004
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Analysis of events with b -jets and a pair of leptons of the same charge in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 10(10), p. 150. Springer 10.1007/JHEP10(2015)150
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurement of charged-particle spectra in Pb+Pb collisions at √sNN =2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Journal of High Energy Physics, 9(9), p. 50. Springer 10.1007/JHEP09(2015)050
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for invisible decays of the Higgs boson produced in association with a hadronically decaying vector boson in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C75(7), p. 337. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3551-1
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurement of the top pair production cross-section in 8 TeV proton-proton collisions using kinematic information in the lepton+jets final state with ATLAS. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D91(11), p. 112013. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.91.112013
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for heavy long-lived multi-charged particles in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV using the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C75(8), p. 362. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3534-2
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for long-lived, weakly interacting particles that decay to displaced hadronic jets in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D92(1), 012010. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.92.012010
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurement of the correlation between flow harmonics of different order in lead-lead collisions at √sNN=2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, C92(3), 034903. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevC.92.034903
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for New Phenomena in Dijet Angular Distributions in Proton-Proton Collisions at √s=8 TeV Measured with the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 114(22), p. 221802. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.221802
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for low-scale gravity signatures in multi-jet final states with the ATLAS detector at √s=8 TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 7(7), p. 32. Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2015)032
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for new resonances decaying to a W or Z boson and a Higgs boson in the ℓ + ℓ − bb ¯ , ℓνbb ¯ , and νν ¯ bb ¯ channels with pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C75(6), p. 263. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3474-x
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Combined Measurement of the Higgs Boson Mass in pp Collisions at √s=7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS and CMS Experiments. Physical review letters, 114(19), p. 191803. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.191803
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurement of the top quark mass in the t ¯t → lepton+jets and t ¯t → dilepton channels using √s = 7 TeV ATLAS data. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C75(7), p. 330. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3544-0
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for vector-like B quarks in events with one isolated lepton, missing transverse momentum and jets at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D91(11), p. 112011. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.91.112011
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson produced in association with top quarks and decaying into bb ¯ in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C75(7), p. 349. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3543-1
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for production of WW/WZ resonances decaying to a lepton, neutrino and jets in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C75(5), p. 209. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3425-6
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for a Heavy Neutral Particle Decaying to eμ , eτ , or μτ in pp Collisions at √s =8 TeV with the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 115(3), 031801. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.031801
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for a Charged Higgs Boson Produced in the Vector-boson Fusion Mode with Decay H ± →W ± Z using pp Collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS Experiment. Physical review letters, 114(23), p. 231801. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.231801
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry of electron and muon pair-production in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 09(9), p. 49. Springer 10.1007/JHEP09(2015)049
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Determination of spin and parity of the Higgs boson in the WW ∗ →eνμν decay channel with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C75(5), p. 231. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3436-3
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for supersymmetry in events containing a same-flavour opposite-sign dilepton pair, jets, and large missing transverse momentum in √s =8 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C75(7), p. 318. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3518-2
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Evidence of Wγγ production in pp collisions at √s =8 TeV and limits on anomalous quartic gauge couplings with the ATLAS detector. Physical review letters, 115(3), 031802. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.031802
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Mullier, Geoffrey André Adrien; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Constraints on the off-shell Higgs boson signal strength in the high-mass ZZ and WW final states with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C75(7), p. 335. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3542-2
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Two-particle Bose-Einstein correlations in pp collisions at √s = 0.9 and 7 TeV measured with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C75(10), p. 466. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3644-x
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). A search for high-mass resonances decaying to τ + τ − in pp collisions at √s =8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 7(7), p. 157. Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2015)157
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Differential top-antitop cross-section measurements as a function of observables constructed from final-state particles using pp collisions at √s =7 TeV in the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 6(6), p. 100. Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2015)100
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for massive supersymmetric particles decaying to many jets using the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D91(11), p. 112016. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.91.112016
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for a CP-odd Higgs boson decaying to Zh in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 744, pp. 163-183. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2015.03.054
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael; ATLAS, Collaboration (2015). Search for new phenomena in final states with an energetic jet and large missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C75(7), p. 299. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3517-3
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Observation of top-quark pair production in association with a photon and measurement of the tt ¯ γ production cross section in pp collisions at s √ =7 TeV using the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D91(7), 072007. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.91.072007
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurement of the charge asymmetry in dileptonic decays of top quark pairs in pp collisions at s √ =7 TeV using the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015(5), p. 61. Springer 10.1007/JHEP05(2015)061
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for direct pair production of a chargino and a neutralino decaying to the 125 GeV Higgs boson in √s = 8 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C75(5), p. 208. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3408-7
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Evidence for the Higgs-boson Yukawa coupling to tau leptons with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 4(4), p. 117. Springer 10.1007/JHEP04(2015)117
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for pair-produced long-lived neutral particles decaying in the ATLAS hadronic calorimeter in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV. Physics letters. B, 743, pp. 15-34. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2015.02.015
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for squarks and gluinos in events with isolated leptons, jets and missing transverse momentum at √s =8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 04, p. 116. Springer 10.1007/JHEP04(2015)116
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for Higgs and Z Boson Decays to J/ψγ and Υ(nS)γ with the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 114(12), p. 121801. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.121801
ATLAS, Collaboration; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for Scalar Charm Quark Pair Production in pp Collisions at √s =8 TeV with the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 114, p. 161801. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.161801
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Identification and energy calibration of hadronically decaying tau leptons with the ATLAS experiment in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C75(7), p. 303. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3500-z
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for charged Higgs bosons decaying via H ± →τ ± ν in fully hadronic final states using pp collision data at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 3(3), p. 88. Springer 10.1007/JHEP03(2015)088
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Observation and measurements of the production of prompt and non-prompt J/ψ mesons in association with a Z boson in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C75(5), p. 229. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3406-9
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurement of Spin Correlation in Top-Antitop Quark Events and Search for Top Squark Pair Production in pp Collisions at √s=8 TeV Using the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 114(14), p. 142001. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.142001
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Centrality and rapidity dependence of inclusive jet production in √sNN =5.02 TeV proton-lead collisions with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 748, pp. 392-413. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2015.07.023
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Observation and measurement of Higgs boson decays to WW* with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D92(1), 012006. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.92.012006
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurement of the transverse polarization of Λ and Λ ¯ hyperons produced in proton-proton collisions at √s=7 TeV using the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D91(3), 032004. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.91.032004
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for anomalous production of prompt same-sign lepton pairs and pair-produced doubly charged Higgs bosons with √s=8 TeV pp collisions using the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 3(3), p. 41. Springer 10.1007/JHEP03(2015)041
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Searches for heavy long-lived charged particles with the ATLAS detector in proton-proton collisions at √s= 8 TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1(1), p. 68. Springer 10.1007/JHEP01(2015)068
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for new phenomena in events with three or more charged leptons in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015(8) Springer 10.1007/JHEP08(2015)138
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurements of the Nuclear Modification Factor for Jets in Pb+Pb Collisions at √sNN=2.76 TeV with the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 114(7) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.072302
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurement of three-jet production cross-sections in pp collisions at 7 TeV centre-of-mass energy using the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C75(5), p. 228. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3363-3
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for new phenomena in events with a photon and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D91(1), 012008. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.91.012008
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurement of the inclusive jet cross-section in proton-proton collisions at √s=7 TeV using 4.5 fb⁻¹ of data with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2(2), p. 153. Springer 10.1007/JHEP02(2015)153
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurement of the WW+WZ cross section and limits on anomalous triple gauge couplings using final states with one lepton, missing transverse momentum, and two jets with the ATLAS detector at √s=7 TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1(1), p. 49. Springer 10.1007/JHEP01(2015)049
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for invisible particles produced in association with single-top-quarks in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C75(2), p. 79. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-3233-4
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for the Xb and other hidden-beauty states in the π⁺ π⁻ Υ(1S) channel at ATLAS. Physics letters. B, 740, pp. 199-217. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.11.055
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for W ′ →tb ¯ in the lepton plus jets final state in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of √s= 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 743, pp. 235-255. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2015.02.051
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for dark matter in events with heavy quarks and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C75(2), p. 92. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3306-z
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for s-channel single top-quark production in proton-proton collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 740, pp. 118-136. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.11.042
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurements of the W production cross sections in association with jets with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C75(2), p. 82. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3262-7
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for the bb ¯ decay of the Standard Model Higgs boson in associated (W/Z)H production with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1(1), p. 69. Springer 10.1007/JHEP01(2015)069
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for resonant diboson production in the ℓℓqq¯ final state in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C75(2), p. 69. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3261-8
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for H→γγ produced in association with top quarks and constraints on the Yukawa coupling between the top quark and the Higgs boson using data taken at 7 TeV and 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 740, pp. 222-242. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.11.049
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurement of the top-quark mass in the fully hadronic decay channel from ATLAS data at √s=7 TeV. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C75(4), p. 158. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3373-1
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurements of Higgs boson production and couplings in the four-lepton channel in pp collisions at center-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 91(1) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.91.012006
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurement of the production and lepton charge asymmetry of W bosons in Pb+Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 75(1) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-3231-6
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Performance of the ATLAS muon trigger in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 75(3) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3325-9
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for W ′ →tb→qqbb Decays in pp Collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS Detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 75(4) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3372-2
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Search for new phenomena in the dijet mass distribution using p-p collision data at √s =8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D91, 052007. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.91.052007
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Measurement of the tt ¯ production cross-section as a function of jet multiplicity and jet transverse momentum in 7 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015(1) Springer 10.1007/JHEP01(2015)020
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Simultaneous measurements of the tt ¯, W + W −, and Z/γ ∗ →ττ production cross-sections in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 91(5) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.91.052005
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria Elena; Stucci, Stefania; Weber, Michael (2015). Jet energy measurement and its systematic uncertainty in proton-proton collisions at √s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 75(1) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-3190-y
Vlasii, Nadiia Dmytrivna; Hofmann, C.P.; Jiang, F.-J.; Wiese, Uwe-Jens (2014). Holes localized on a Skyrmion in a doped antiferromagnet on the honeycomb lattice: Symmetry analysis. Annals of physics, 354, pp. 213-243. Elsevier 10.1016/j.aop.2014.12.012
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Hoferichter, Martin; Kubis, Bastian; Leupold, Stefan; Niecknig, Franz; Schneider, Sebastian P. (2014). Dispersive analysis of the pion transition form factor. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C74(11), p. 3180. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-3180-0
Stoffer, Peter; Colangelo, Gilberto; Hoferichter, Martin; Procura, Massimiliano (26 November 2014). Dispersive approach to hadronic light-by-light scattering and the muon ɡ − 2. EPJ web of conferences, 81(05026), 05026. EDP Sciences 10.1051/epjconf/20148105026
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Abdel-Rehim, A.; Boucaud, Ph.; Carrasco, N.; Deuzeman, Albert; Dimopoulos, P.; Wenger, Urs (20 November 2014). A first look at maximally twisted mass lattice QCD calculations at the physical point. PoS - proceedings of science, LATTICE2013(264). Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati SISSA
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Bietenholz, Wolfgang; Bögli, Michael; Gerber, Urs; Niedermayer, Ferenc; Pepe, Michele; Wiese, Uwe-Jens; Rejón-Barrera, Fernando G. (20 November 2014). O(N) Models with Topological Lattice Actions. PoS - proceedings of science, LATTICE2013(051). Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati SISSA
Ereditato, Antonio; Kreslo, Igor; Lüthi, Matthias; Rudolf von Rohr, Christoph; Schenk, Michael; Strauss, Thomas; Weber, Michael; Zeller, Marcel (2014). A steerable UV laser system for the calibration of liquid argon time projection chambers. Journal of instrumentation, 9(11), T11007. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/9/11/T11007
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Crivellin, Andreas; Rosiek, Janusz (9 April 2014). SUSYFLAVOR library for rare decays in the MSSM. PoS - proceedings of science, EPS-HEP2013(081). Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati SISSA
Crivellin, Andreas; Hoferichter, Martin; Procura, Massimiliano (2014). Accurate evaluation of hadronic uncertainties in spin-independent WIMP-nucleon scattering: Disentangling two- and three-flavor effects. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 89(5) Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.89.054021
Ariga, Akitaka; Ariga, Tomoko; Ben Dhahbi, Anis; Brunetti, Giulia; Ereditato, Antonio; Kawada, Jiro; Kimura, Mitsuhiro; Kreslo, Igor; Pistillo, Ciro; Strauss, Thomas; Tufanli, Serhan; Vuilleumier, Jean-Luc (2014). Evidence for νμ → ντ appearance in the CNGS neutrino beam with the OPERA experiment. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D89(5), 051102. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.89.051102
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Amsler, Claude; Ariga, Akitaka; Ariga, Tomoko; Ereditato, Antonio; Kawada, Jiro; Kimura, Mitsuhiro; Pistillo, Ciro; Scampoli, Paola; Storey, James William (2014). AEgIS experiment: Towards antihydrogen beam production for antimatter gravity measurements. European physical journal. D, D68(3), p. 41. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjd/e2013-40690-3
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Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael; ATLAS, Collaboration (2014). Standalone vertex finding in the ATLAS muon spectrometer. Journal of instrumentation, 9(02), P02001-P02001. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/9/02/P02001
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ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of the top quark pair production charge asymmetry in proton-proton collisions at s√ = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(2) Springer 10.1007/JHEP02(2014)107
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for a multi-Higgs-boson cascade in W(+)W(-)b(b)over-bar events with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 89(3), 032002. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.89.032002
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for Quantum Black Hole Production in High-Invariant-Mass Lepton plus Jet Final States Using pp Collisions at root s=8 TeV and the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 112(9), 091804. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.091804
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Cervelli, Alberto; Marti, Lukas; Stucci, Stefania Antonia (2014). Search for Dark Matter in Events with a Hadronically Decaying W or Z Boson and Missing Transverse Momentum in pp Collisions at root s=8 TeV with the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 112(4), 041802. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.041802
Amsler, Claude; Scampoli, Paola (eds.) (2014). Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Antimatter and Gravity (WAG 2013). International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series: Vol. 30. World Scientific Publishing
Amsler, Claude; Ariga, Akitaka; Ariga, Tomoko; Ereditato, Antonio; Kawada, Jiro; Kimura, Mitsuhiro; Pistillo, Ciro; Scampoli, Paola; Storey, James William (2014). Measuring GBAR with emulsion detector. International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series, 30(1460268), p. 1460268. 10.1142/S2010194514602683
Amsler, Claude; Ariga, Akitaka; Ariga, Tomoko; Ereditato, Antonio; Kawada, Jiro; Kimura, Mitsuhiro; Pistillo, Ciro; Scampoli, Paola; Storey, James William (2014). Measuring gbar with AEgIS, progress and perspectives. International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series, 30(1460262), p. 1460262. 10.1142/S2010194514602622
Scampoli, Paola; Storey, James William (2014). The AEgIS experiment at CERN for the measurement of antihydrogen gravity acceleration. Modern Physics Letters A, 29(17), p. 1430017. World Scientific Publishing 10.1142/S0217732314300171
Amsler, Claude; Ariga, Akitaka; Ariga, Tomoko; Ereditato, Antonio; Kawada, Jiro; Kimura, Mitsuhiro; Pistillo, Ciro; Scampoli, Paola; Storey, James William (2014). Measuring the gravitational free-fall of antihydrogen. Hyperfine Interactions, 228(1-3), pp. 151-157. Springer 10.1007/s10751-014-1055-2
AEgIS, Experiment; Amsler, Claude; Ariga, Akitaka; Ariga, Tomoko; Ereditato, Antonio; Kawada, Jiro; Kimura, Mitsuhiro; Pistillo, Ciro; Scampoli, Paola; Storey, James William (2014). AEgIS Experiment: Measuring the acceleration g of the earth gravitational field on antihydrogen beam. EPJ web of conferences, 71(00128), 00128. EDP Sciences 10.1051/epjconf/20147100128
Amsler, Claude; Schacher, Jürg (2014). First πK atom lifetime and πK scattering length measurements. Physics letters. B, 735, pp. 288-294. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.06.043
Amsler, Claude (2014). The ATHENA experiment for the study of antihydrogen. International journal of modern physics. A - particles and fields, gravitation, cosmology, A29(20), p. 1430035. World Scientific 10.1142/S0217751X1430035X
Amsler, Claude; Ariga, Akitaka; Ariga, Tomoko; Ereditato, Antonio; Kawada, Jiro; Kimura, Mitsuhiro; Pistillo, Ciro; Scampoli, Paola; Storey, James William (2014). A moiré deflectometer for antimatter. Nature communications, 5(1) Nature Publishing Group 10.1038/ncomms5538
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for nonpointing and delayed photons in the diphoton and missing transverse momentum final state in 8 TeV pp collisions at the LHC using the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D90(11), p. 112005. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.112005
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for pair and single production of new heavy quarks that decay to a ℤ boson and a third-generation quark in pp collisions at √ s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(11) Springer 10.1007/JHEP11(2014)104
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of distributions sensitive to the underlying event in inclusive Z-boson production in pp collisions at √ s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 74(12) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-3195-6
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of long-range pseudorapidity correlations and azimuthal harmonics in √s_NN=5.02 TeV proton-lead collisions with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. C - nuclear physics, C90(4), 044906. American Institute of Physics 10.1103/PhysRevC.90.044906
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for long-lived neutral particles decaying into lepton jets in proton-proton collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(11) Springer 10.1007/JHEP11(2014)088
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of Higgs boson production in the diphoton decay channel in pp collisions at center-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D90(11), p. 112015. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.112015
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). A measurement of the ratio of the production cross sections for W and ℤ bosons in association with jets with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 74(12) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-3168-9
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of the total cross section from elastic scattering in pp collisions at √s=7TeV with the ATLAS detector. Nuclear physics. B, 889, pp. 486-548. North Holland 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2014.10.019
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for the lepton flavor violating decay Z→eμ in pp collisions at √s =8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D90(7), 072010. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.072010
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of flow harmonics with multi-particle cumulants in Pb+Pb collisions at √sNN=2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 74(11) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-3157-z
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Fiducial and differential cross sections of Higgs boson production measured in the four-lepton decay channel in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 738, pp. 234-253. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.09.054
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for new resonances in Wѵ and ℤѵ final states in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 738, pp. 428-447. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.10.002
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for new particles in events with one lepton and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(9) Springer 10.1007/JHEP09(2014)037
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for Scalar Diphoton Resonances in the Mass Range 65-600 GeV with the ATLAS Detector in pp Collision Data at √s = 8 TeV. Physical review letters, 113(17), p. 171801. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.171801
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurements of jet vetoes and azimuthal decorrelations in dijet events produced in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 74(11) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-3117-7
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of the production cross-section of ψ → J/ψ ( o μ+ μ) π π in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV at ATLAS. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(9) Springer 10.1007/JHEP09(2014)079
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Electron and photon energy calibration with the ATLAS detector using LHC Run 1 data. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 74(10) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-3071-4
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurements of spin correlation in top-antitop quark events from proton-proton collisions at √s=7 TeV using the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D90(11), p. 112016. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.112016
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurements of fiducial and differential cross sections for Higgs boson production in the diphoton decay channel at √s=8 TeV with ATLAS. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(9), p. 112. Springer 10.1007/JHEP09(2014)112
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of the muon reconstruction performance of the ATLAS detector using 2011 and 2012 LHC proton-proton collision data. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 74(11) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-3130-x
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of differential production cross-sections for a ℤ boson in association with b-jets in 7 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(10), pp. 1-49. Springer 10.1007/JHEP10(2014)141
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for contact interactions and large extra dimensions in the dilepton channel using proton-proton collisions at s√ = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 74(12) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-3134-6
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Flavor tagged time-dependent angular analysis of the B0s → J/ψΦ decay and extraction of Δ Γs and the weak phase Φs in ATLAS. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D90(5), 052007. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.052007
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Observation of an Excited B±c Meson State with the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 113(21), p. 212004. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.212004
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of the cross-section of high transverse momentum vector bosons reconstructed as single jets and studies of jet substructure in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. New journal of physics, 16(11), p. 113013. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1367-2630/16/11/113013
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for pair-produced third-generation squarks decaying via charm quarks or in compressed supersymmetric scenarios in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D90(5), 052008. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.052008
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for supersymmetry in events with large missing transverse momentum, jets, and at least one tau lepton in 20 fb⁻¹ of √s= 8 TeV proton-proton collision data with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(9) Springer 10.1007/JHEP09(2014)103
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for strong production of supersymmetric particles in final states with missing transverse momentum and at least three b-jets at √s= 8 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector. Journal of instrumentation, 2014(10), pp. 1-53. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1007/JHEP10(2014)024
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for top squark pair production in final states with one isolated lepton, jets, and missing transverse momentum in sqrt s =8 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(11) Springer 10.1007/JHEP11(2014)118
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurements of normalized differential cross sections for $t\bar t$ production in pp collisions at sqrts=7 TeV using the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 90(7) Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.072004
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for the direct production of charginos, neutralinos and staus in final states with at least two hadronically decaying taus and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at sqrts = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(10), pp. 1-52. Springer 10.1007/JHEP10(2014)096
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Comprehensive measurements of t-channel single top-quark production cross sections at sqrts = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D90(11), p. 112006. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.112006
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). A neural network clustering algorithm for the ATLAS silicon pixel detector. Journal of instrumentation, 9(09), P09009-P09009. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/9/09/P09009
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson decay to mu⁺mu⁻ with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 738, pp. 68-86. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.09.008
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of the toverlinet production cross-section using emu events with b -tagged jets in pp collisions at sqrts=7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 74(10) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-3109-7
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for WZ resonances in the fully leptonic channel using pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 737, pp. 223-243. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.08.039
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of the Higgs boson mass from the H→γγ and H→ZZ ∗ →4ℓ collisions at center-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D90(5), 052004. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.052004
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of the Z/ѵ* boson transverse momentum distribution in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(9) Springer 10.1007/JHEP09(2014)145
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of inclusive jet charged-particle fragmentation functions in Pb+Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 739, pp. 320-342. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.10.065
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for direct pair production of the top squark in all-hadronic final states in proton-proton collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(9) Springer 10.1007/JHEP09(2014)015
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of the underlying event in jet events from 7 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 74(8) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-2965-5
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for squarks and gluinos with the ATLAS detector in final states with jets and missing transverse momentum using √s=8 TeV proton--proton collision data. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(9) Springer 10.1007/JHEP09(2014)176
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Light-quark and gluon jet discrimination in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 74(8) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-3023-z
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Evidence for Electroweak Production of W±W±jj in pp Collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 113(14), p. 141803. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.141803
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for supersymmetry in events with four or more leptons in √s = 8 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D90(5), 052001. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.052001
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for microscopic black holes and string balls in final states with leptons and jets with the ATLAS detector at √s = 8 TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(8) Springer 10.1007/JHEP08(2014)103
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for high-mass dilepton resonances in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D90(5), 052005. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.052005
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of the centrality and pseudorapidity dependence of the integrated elliptic flow in lead-lead collisions at √sNN=2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 74(8) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-2982-4
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Monitoring and data quality assessment of the ATLAS liquid argon calorimeter. Journal of instrumentation, 9(07), P07024-P07024. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/9/07/P07024
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Operation and performance of the ATLAS semiconductor tracker. Journal of instrumentation, 9(08), P08009-P08009. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/9/08/P08009
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of the cross section of high transverse momentum $Z\rightarrow b\bar{b}$ production in proton--proton collisions at sqrts=8 TeV with the ATLAS Detector. Physics letters. B, 738, pp. 25-43. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.09.020
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of chi_c1 and chi_c2 production with sqrts = 7 TeV pp collisions at ATLAS. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2014)154
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Muon reconstruction efficiency and momentum resolution of the ATLAS experiment in proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV in 2010. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 74(9) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-3034-9
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for supersymmetry at √8=8 TeV in final states with jets and two same-sign leptons or three leptons with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(6) Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2014)035
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Electron reconstruction and identification efficiency measurements with the ATLAS detector using the 2011 LHC proton-proton collision data. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 74(7) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-2941-0
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of the low-mass Drell-Yan differential cross section at √8 = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(6) Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2014)112
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of the parity-violating asymmetry parameter αb and the helicity amplitudes for the decay Λ 0 b →J/ψ⁰ with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D89(9), 092009. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.89.092009
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for dark matter in events with a Z boson and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D90(1), 012004. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.012004
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for top quark decays t → qH with H → ƴƴ using the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(6) Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2014)008
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurements of Four-Lepton Production at the Z Resonance in pp Collisions at √s=7 and 8 TeV with ATLAS. Physical review letters, 112(23), p. 231806. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.231806
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for direct production of charginos, neutralinos and sleptons in final states with two leptons and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(5) Springer 10.1007/JHEP05(2014)071
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for direct top squark pair production in events with a Z boson, b-jets and missing transverse momentum in √s=8 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 74(6) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-2883-6
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for direct top-squark pair production in final states with two leptons in pp collisions at sqrts = 8TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(6) Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2014)124
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Meloni, Federico; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of event-plane correlations in √s_NN=2.76 TeV lead-lead collisions with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. C - nuclear physics, C90(2), 024905. American Institute of Physics 10.1103/PhysRevC.90.024905
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for direct production of charginos and neutralinos in events with three leptons and missing transverse momentum in sqrts = 8TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(4) Springer 10.1007/JHEP04(2014)169
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of the production of a W boson in association with a charm quark in pp collisions at sqrts = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(5) Springer 10.1007/JHEP05(2014)068
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). The differential production cross section of the phi (1020) meson in sqrts = 7 TeV pp collisions measured with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 74(7) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-2895-2
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for Invisible Decays of a Higgs Boson Produced in Association with a Z Boson in ATLAS. Physical review letters, 112(20), p. 201802. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.201802
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stramaglia, Maria; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Search for Higgs boson decays to a photon and a Z boson in pp collisions at √s=7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 732, pp. 8-27. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.03.015
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of the electroweak production of dijets in association with a Z-boson and distributions sensitive to vector boson fusion in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV using the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(4) Springer 10.1007/JHEP04(2014)031
Agustoni, Marco; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of the production cross section of prompt J/ψ mesons in association with a W± boson in pp collisions at √8 = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(4) Springer 10.1007/JHEP04(2014)172
Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of dijet cross sections in pp collisions at 7 TeV centre-of-mass energy using the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(5) Springer 10.1007/JHEP05(2014)059
Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of the inclusive isolated prompt photons cross section in pp collisions at s √ =7 TeV with the ATLAS detector using 4.6 fb −1. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 89(5), 052004. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.89.052004
Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2014). Measurement of the mass difference between top and anti-top quarks in pp collisions at View the MathML √s=7 TeV using the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 728, pp. 363-379. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.12.010
Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Fonseca, Maria; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2014). Study of heavy-flavor quarks produced in association with top-quark pairs at s √ =7 TeV using the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D89(7), 072012. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.89.072012
Schumann, Marc (2014). Dual-Phase Liquid Xenon Detectors for Dark Matter Searches. Journal of instrumentation, 9(08), C08004-C08004. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/9/08/C08004
Schumann, Marc (2014). First Axion Results from the XENON100 Experiment. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D90(6), 062009. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.062009
Ereditato, Antonio; Ariga, Akitaka; Ariga, Tomoko; Kawada, Jiro; Kreslo, Igor; Pistillo, Ciro; Tufanli, Serhan; Vuilleumier, Jean-Luc (2014). Measurement of the TeV atmospheric muon charge ratio with the complete OPERA data set. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C74(7), p. 2933. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-2933-0
Ereditato, Antonio; Weber, Michael (2014). First Measurement of Neutrino and Antineutrino Coherent Charged Pion Production on Argon. Physical review letters, 113(26), p. 261801. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.261801
Weber, Michael; Strauss, Thomas (2014). Breakdown voltage of metal-oxide resistors in liquid argon. Journal of instrumentation, 11(9), T11004. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/9/11/T11004
Ereditato, Antonio; Göldi, Damian; Janos, Stefan; Kreslo, Igor; Lüthi, Matthias; Rudolf von Rohr, Christoph; Schenk, Michael; Strauss, Thomas; Weber, Michael; Zeller, Marcel (2014). Measurement of the drift field in the ARGONTUBE LAr TPC with 266 nm pulsed laser beams. Journal of instrumentation, 9(11), P11010. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/9/11/P11010
Ariga, Akitaka; Ereditato, Antonio; Göldi, Damian; Hierholzer, Martin; Nirkko, Martti; Pistillo, Ciro; Redij, Asmita Ajit (2014). Measurement of the Inclusive Electron Neutrino Charged Current Cross Section on Carbon with the T2K Near Detector. Physical review letters, 113(24), p. 241803. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.241803
Auger, Martin; Ereditato, Antonio; Göldi, Damian; Janos, Stefan; Kreslo, Igor; Lüthi, Matthias; Rudolf von Rohr, Christoph; Strauss, Thomas; Tolba, Tamer; Weber, Michael (2014). A method to suppress dielectric breakdowns in liquid argon ionization detectors for cathode to ground distances of several millimeters. Journal of instrumentation, 9(07), P07023-P07023. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/9/07/P07023
Ariga, Akitaka; Ariga, Tomoko; Ereditato, Antonio; Kawada, Jiro; Kreslo, Igor; Pistillo, Ciro; Strauss, Thomas; Tufanli, Serhan; Vuilleumier, Jean-Michel (2014). Procedure for short-lived particle detection in the OPERA experiment and its application to charm decays. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C74(8), p. 2986. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-2986-0
Ariga, Akitaka; Ariga, Tomoko; Ereditato, Antonio; Göldi, Damian; Hierholzer, Martin; Kreslo, Igor; Martti, Nirkko; Pistillo, Ciro; Redij, Asmita Ajit (2014). Measurement of the neutrino-oxygen neutral-current interaction cross section by observing nuclear deexcitation γ rays. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D90(7), 072012. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.072012
Ariga, Akitaka; Ariga, Tomoko; Ereditato, Antonio; Göldi, Damian; Hierholzer, Martin; Kreslo, Igor; Nirkko, Martti; Pistillo, Ciro; Redij, Asmita Ajit (2014). Measurement of the intrinsic electron neutrino component in the T2K neutrino beam with the ND280 detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D89(9), 092003. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.89.092003
Blatter, Alexander; Ereditato, Antonio; Janos, Stefan; Kreslo, Igor; Lüthi, Matthias; Rudolf von Rohr, Christoph; Schenk, Michael; Strauss, Thomas; Weber, Michael; Zeller, Marcel (2014). Experimental study of electric breakdowns in liquid argon at centimeter scale. Journal of instrumentation, 9(P040006), P04006-P04006. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/9/04/P04006
Ariga, Akitaka; Ariga, Tomoko; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Hierholzer, Martin; Kawada, Jiro; Kreslo, Igor; Pistillo, Ciro; Strauss, Thomas; Weber, Michael (2014). The mass-hierarchy and CP-violation discovery reach of the LBNO long-baseline neutrino experiment. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1405, 094. Springer 10.1007/JHEP05(2014)094
Ereditato, Antonio; Hierholzer, Martin; Martti, Nirkko; Pistillo, Ciro; Redij, Asmita Ajit (2014). Measurement of negatively charged pion spectra in inelastic p+p interactions at plab = 20, 31, 40, 80 and 158 GeV/c. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, C74(3), p. 2794. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-2794-6
Banerjee, Debasish; Jiang, F-J; Widmer, Philippe; Wiese, Uwe-Jens (2013). The (2 + 1)-d U (1) quantum link model masquerading as deconfined criticality. Journal of statistical mechanics - theory and experiment, 2013(12), pp. 1-11. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1742-5468/2013/12/P12010
Baumgartner, David; Steinhauer, Kyle; Wenger, Urs (20 November 2013). Spontaneous supersymmetry breaking in the 2d N=1 Wess-Zumino model. PoS - proceedings of science, LATTICE 2012(043). Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati SISSA
Abe, K.; Adam, J.; Aihara, H.; Akiri, T.; Andreopoulos, C.; Aoki, S.; Ariga, Tomoko; Assylbekov, S.; Autiero, D.; Barbi, M.; Barker, G. J.; Barr, G.; Bass, M.; Batkiewicz, M.; Bay, F.; Bentham, S. W.; Berardi, V.; Berger, B. E.; Berkman, S.; Bertram, I.; ... (2013). Measurement of Neutrino Oscillation Parameters from Muon Neutrino Disappearance with an Off-Axis Beam. Physical review letters, 111(21) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.211803
Abe, K.; Adam, J.; Aihara, H.; Akiri, T.; Andreopoulos, C.; Aoki, S.; Ariga, Akitaka; Ariga, Tomoko; Assylbekov, S.; Autiero, D.; Barbi, M.; Barker, G. J.; Barr, G.; Bass, M.; Batkiewicz, M.; Bay, F.; Bentham, S. W.; Berardi, V.; Berger, B. E.; Berkman, S.; ... (2013). Observation of Electron Neutrino Appearance in a Muon Neutrino Beam. Physical review letters, 112(6), 061802. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.061802
Laine, Mikko Sakari (2013). NLO thermal dilepton rate at non-zero momentum. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(11) Springer 10.1007/JHEP11(2013)120
Burnier, Yannis; Laine, Mikko Sakari (2013). Charm mass effects in bulk channel correlations. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(11), pp. 1-21. Springer 10.1007/JHEP11(2013)012
Burnier, Yannis; Rothkopf, Alexander (2013). Bayesian Approach to Spectral Function Reconstruction for Euclidean Quantum Field Theories. Physical review letters, 111(18), p. 182003. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.182003
Agafonova, N.; Aleksandrov, A.; Anokhina, A.; Aoki, S.; Ariga, Akitaka; Ariga, Tomoko; Asada, T.; Autiero, D.; Badertscher, A.; Ben Dhahbi, A.; Bender, D.; Bertolin, A.; Bozza, C.; Brugnera, R.; Brunetti, G.; Büttner, B.; Buontempo, S.; Chaussard, L.; Chernyavskiy, M.; Chiarella, V.; ... (2013). New results on ν μ → ν τ appearance with the OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(11) Springer 10.1007/JHEP11(2013)036
Becher, Thomas; Neubert, Matthias; Rothen, Lorena (2013). Factorization and N3LLp+NNLO predictions for the Higgs cross section with a jet veto. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(10) Springer 10.1007/JHEP10(2013)125
ATLAS, Collaboration; Ereditato, Antonio; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2013). Dynamics of isolated-photon plus jet production in pp collisions at with the ATLAS detector. Nuclear physics. B, 875(3), pp. 483-535. North Holland 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2013.07.025
Armas, Jay; Obers, Niels A.; Pedersen, Andreas Vigand (2013). Null-wave giant gravitons from thermal spinning brane probes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(10), p. 109. Springer 10.1007/JHEP10(2013)109
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Armas, Jay; Gath, Jakob; Obers, Niels A. (2013). Electroelasticity of charged black branes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(10), p. 35. Springer 10.1007/JHEP10(2013)035
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Schneider, Basil; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurements of Higgs boson production and couplings in diboson final states with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Physics letters. B, 726(1-3), pp. 88-119. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.08.010
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Beck, Hans Peter; Battaglia, Andreas; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurement of the high-mass Drell–Yan differential cross-section in pp collisions at with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 725(4-5), pp. 223-242. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.07.049
Al-Hashimi, M. H.; Salman, M.; Shalaby, A.; Wiese, U.-J. (2013). Supersymmetric descendants of self-adjointly extended quantum mechanical Hamiltonians. Annals of physics, 337, pp. 1-24. Elsevier 10.1016/j.aop.2013.06.002
Garcia i Tormo, Xavier (2013). REVIEW ON THE DETERMINATION OF α s FROM THE QCD STATIC ENERGY. Modern Physics Letters A, 28(33), p. 1330028. World Scientific Publishing 10.1142/S0217732313300280
Ereditato, Antonio; Hierholzer, Martin; Martti, Nirkko; Pistillo, Ciro; Redij, Asmita Ajit; Redij, Asmita Ajit (2013). Measurements of Production Properties of K0S mesons and Lambda hyperons in Proton-Carbon Interactions at 31 GeV/c. Physical review. C - nuclear physics, 89(2), 025205. American Institute of Physics 10.1103/PhysRevC.89.025205
Armas, Jay (2013). How fluids bend: the elastic expansion for higher-dimensional black holes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(9), 073. Springer 10.1007/JHEP09(2013)073
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for new phenomena in photon+jet events collected in proton–proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 728, pp. 562-578. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.12.029
Blau, Matthias; Thompson, George (2013). Chern-Simons theory on Seifert 3-manifolds. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(9), pp. 1-25. Springer 10.1007/JHEP09(2013)033
Chang, Hsi-Ming; Procura, Massimiliano; Thaler, Jesse; Waalewijn, Wouter J. (2013). Calculating Track-Based Observables for the LHC. Physical review letters, 111(10), p. 102002. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.102002
Laine, Mikko Sakari (2013). Thermal right-handed neutrino production rate in the relativistic regime. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(8), pp. 1-34. Springer 10.1007/JHEP08(2013)138
Chang, Hsi-Ming; Procura, Massimiliano; Thaler, Jesse; Waalewijn, Wouter J. (2013). Calculating track thrust with track functions. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 88(3), 034030. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.034030
Ferroglia, Andrea; Greub, Christoph; Sirlin, Alberto; Zhang, Zhibai (2013). Contributions of the W-boson propagator to the μ and τ leptonic decay rates. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 88(3), 033012. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.033012
Aghion, S; Ahlén, O; Amsler, Claude; Ariga, Akitaka; Ariga, Tomoko; Belov, A S; Bonomi, G; Bräunig, P; Bremer, J; Brusa, R S; Cabaret, L; Canali, C; Caravita, R; Castelli, F; Cerchiari, G; Cialdi, S; Comparat, D; Consolati, G; Derking, J H; Domizio, S Di; ... (2013). Prospects for measuring the gravitational free-fall of antihydrogen with emulsion detectors. Journal of instrumentation, 8(08), P08013-P08013. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/8/08/P08013
Becher, Thomas (2013). Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 3. Higgs Properties. Report of the LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group Geneva: CERN 10.5170/CERN-2013-004
Ereditato, Antonio; Hsu, Ching-Cheng; Janos, Stefan; Kreslo, Igor; Messina, Marcello; Rudolf von Rohr, Christoph; Rossi, Biagio; Strauss, Thomas; Weber, Michael; Zeller, Marcel (2013). Design and operation of ARGONTUBE: a 5 m long drift liquid argon TPC. Journal of instrumentation, 8(07), P07002-P07002. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/8/07/P07002
Wiese, Uwe-Jens (2013). Ultracold Quantum Gases and Lattice Systems: Quantum Simulation of Lattice Gauge Theories. Annalen der Physik, 525(10-11), pp. 777-796. Wiley 10.1002/andp.201300104
Becher, Thomas; Garcia Tormo, Xavier (2013). Electroweak Sudakov effects in W, Z and γ production at large transverse momentum. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 88(1), pp. 1-13. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.013009
Laine, Mikko; Rothkopf, Alexander (2013). Light-cone Wilson loop in classical lattice gauge theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(7), 082. Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2013)082
Agafonova, N.; Aleksandrov, A.; Anokhina, A.; Aoki, S.; Ariga, Akitaka; Ariga, Tomoko; Autiero, D.; Badertscher, A.; Ben Dhahbi, A.; Bertolin, A.; Bozza, C.; Brugnera, R.; Brunet, F.; Brunetti, G.; Buettner, B.; Buontempo, S.; Chaussard, L.; Chernyavsky, M.; Chiarella, V.; Chukanov, A.; ... (2013). Addendum: search for ν μ → ν e oscillations with the OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2013)085
Braccini, Saverio; Pellegrinelli, Olivier; Krämer, Karl (2013). Mössbauer, X-ray and Magnetic Studies of Black Sand from the Italian Mediterranean Sea. World journal of nuclear science and technology, 03(03), pp. 91-95. Irvine, Calif.: Scientific Research Publishing 10.4236/wjnst.2013.33016
Burnier, Yannis; Rothkopf, Alexander (2013). Hard thermal loop benchmark for the extraction of the nonperturbative QQ[over ¯] potential. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 87(11), pp. 114019-1. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.114019
Geissbühler, David; Marqués, Diego; Núñez, Carmen; Penas, Victor (2013). Exploring double field theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(6), p. 101. Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2013)101
Crivellin, Andreas; Greub, Christoph; Kokulu, Ahmet (2013). Flavor-phenomenology of two-Higgs-doublet models with generic Yukawa structure. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 87(9), pp. 1-37. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.094031
Borghese, Andrea; Guarino, Adolfo; Roest, Diederik (2013). Triality, periodicity and stability of SO(8) gauged supergravity. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(5), p. 107. Springer 10.1007/JHEP05(2013)107
Laine, Mikko (2013). Thermal 2-loop master spectral function at finite momentum. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(5), 083. Springer 10.1007/JHEP05(2013)083
Becher, Thomas; Neubert, Matthias; Wilhelm, Daniel (2013). Higgs-boson production at small transverse momentum. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(5), p. 110. Springer 10.1007/JHEP05(2013)110
Baudis, L; Behrens, A; Ferella, A; Kish, A; Undagoitia, T Marrodán; Mayani, D; Schumann, Marc (2013). Performance of the Hamamatsu R11410 photomultiplier tube in cryogenic xenon environments. Journal of instrumentation, 8(04), P04026-P04026. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/8/04/P04026
Deuzeman, Albert; Lombardo, Maria Paola; Miura, Kohtaroh; Nunes da Silva, Tiago; Pallante, Elisabetta (11 April 2013). Phases of many flavors QCD: Lattice results. PoS - proceedings of science, Confin(274). Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati SISSA
Jain, Ambar; Procura, Massimiliano; Shotwell, Brian; Waalewijn, Wouter J. (2013). Fragmentation with a Cut on Thrust: Predictions for B-factories. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D87(7), 074013. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.074013
Mund, D.; Märkisch, B.; Deissenroth, M.; Krempel, J.; Schumann, Marc; Abele, H.; Petoukhov, A.; Soldner, T. (2013). Determination of the Weak Axial Vector Coupling λ=g_{A}/g_{V} from a Measurement of the β-Asymmetry Parameter A in Neutron Beta Decay. Physical review letters, 110(17) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.172502
Bietenholz, W.; Bögli, Michael; Niedermayer, Ferenc; Pepe, M.; Rejón-Barrera, F. G.; Wiese, Uwe-Jens (2013). Topological lattice actions for the 2d XY model. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(3) Springer 10.1007/JHEP03(2013)141
Banerjee, Debasish; Bögli, Michael; Dalmonte, M.; Rico, E.; Stebler, Pascal; Wiese, Uwe-Jens; Zoller, P. (2013). Atomic Quantum Simulation of U(N) and SU(N) Abelian Lattice Gauge Theories. Physical review letters, 110(12), pp. 1-5. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.125303
Borghese, A.; Dibitetto, G.; Guarino, Adolfo; Roest, D.; Varelad, O. (2013). The SU(3)-invariant sector of new maximal supergravity. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(3), 082. Springer 10.1007/JHEP03(2013)082
Rothkopf, Alexander (2013). From Complex to Stochastic Potential: Heavy Quarkonia in the Quark-Gluon Plasma. Modern Physics Letters A, 28(8), p. 1330005. World Scientific Publishing 10.1142/S021773231330005X
Crivellin, A.; Rosiek, J.; Chankowski, P. H.; Dedes, A.; Jaeger, S.; Tanedo, P. (2013). SUSYFLAVOR v2: A Computational tool for FCNC and CP-violating processes in the MSSM. Computer Physics Communications, 184(3), pp. 1004-1032. Elsevier 10.1016/j.cpc.2012.11.007
ATLAS, Collaboration; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hanspeter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Fonseca, Maria; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Weber, Michael (2013). Jet energy measurement with the ATLAS detector in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 73(3), p. 2304. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2304-2
Amsler, Claude; Ariga, Akitaka; Ariga, Tomoko; Braccini, Saverio; Canali, C; Ereditato, Antonio; Kawada, Jiro; Kimura, Mitsuhiro; Kreslo, Igor; Pistillo, Ciro; Scampoli, Paola; Storey, James William (2013). A new application of emulsions to measure the gravitational force on antihydrogen. Journal of instrumentation, 8(02), P02015-P02015. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/8/02/P02015
Crivellin, Andreas; Greub, Christoph (2013). Two-loop supersymmetric QCD corrections to Higgs-quark-quark couplings in the generic MSSM. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 87(1), p. 15013. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.015013
Laine, Mikko; Nardini, G.; Rummukainen, K. (2013). Lattice study of an electroweak phase transition at mh ~ 126 GeV. Journal of cosmology and astroparticle physics, 2013(1), 011. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1475-7516/2013/01/011
Bödeker, D.; Laine, Mikko (2013). Sommerfeld effect in heavy quark chemical equilibration. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(1), 037. Springer 10.1007/JHEP01(2013)037
Martti, Nirkko; Braccini, Saverio; Ereditato, Antonio; Kreslo, Igor; Scampoli, Paola; Weber, Michael (2013). An adjustable focusing system for a 2 MeV H- ion beam line based on permanent magnet quadrupoles. Journal of instrumentation, 8(02), P02001-P02001. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/8/02/P02001
Becher, Thomas; Neubert, Matthias; Wilhelm, Daniel (2013). Massive Boson Production at Small qT in Soft-Collinear Effective Theory. NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS, 234, pp. 85-88. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2012.11.020
Garcia Tormo, Xavier (January 2013). αs from the static energy in QCD. NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS, 234, v. Elsevier 10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2012.11.001
Arnold, Daniel; Derendinger, Jean-Pierre; Hartong, Jelle (2013). On supercurrent superfields and Fayet–Iliopoulos terms in N=1N=1 gauge theories. Nuclear physics. B, 867(2), pp. 370-393. Amsterdam: North Holland 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2012.10.010
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Observation of Associated Near-Side and Away-Side Long-Range Correlations in √sNN=5.02 TeV Proton-Lead Collisions with the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 110(18), p. 182302. Ridge, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.182302
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for a heavy narrow resonance decaying to eμ, eτ, or μτ with the ATLAS detector in View the MathML sourcepp collisions at the LHC. Physics letters. B, 723(1-3), pp. 15-32. Amsterdam: Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.04.035
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hanspeter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Topfel, Cyril; Weber, Michele (2013). Measurement of charged-particle event shape variables in inclusive √(s)=7 TeV proton-proton interactions with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 88(3), p. 32004. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.032004
Stoffer, Peter; Colangelo, Gilberto; Passemar, Emile (2013). A Dispersive Treatment of Kl4 Decays. PoS - proceedings of science, CD12, 058. Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati SISSA
Colangelo, Gilberto; Procura, Massimiliano; Rothen, Lorena; Stucki, Ramon; Tarrús Castellà, J. (2013). A scrutiny of hard pion chiral perturbation theory. PoS - proceedings of science, CD12, 049. Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati SISSA
Ditsche, Christoph; Hoferichter, Martin; Kubis, Bastian; Meissner, Ulf-G. (2013). Roy–Steiner equations for π N scattering. PoS - proceedings of science, CD12, 064. Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati SISSA
Hoferichter, Martin; Ditsche, Christoph; Kubis, Bastian; Meissner, Ulf-G. (2013). Improved dispersive analysis of the scalar form factor of the nucleon. PoS - proceedings of science, CD12, 069. Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati SISSA
Hoferichter, Martin; Baru, Vadim; Hanhart, Christoph; Kubis, Bastian; Nogga, Andreas; Phillips, Daniel R. (2013). Isospin breaking in pion–deuteron scattering and the pion–nucleon scattering lengths. PoS - proceedings of science, CD12, 093. Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati SISSA
Garcia Tormo, Xavier (2013). Determination of the strong coupling alphas from the QCD static energy. PoS - proceedings of science, Confin(158). Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati SISSA
Banerjee, Debasish; Datta, Saumen; Gavai, Rajiv V.; Majumdar, Pushan (2013). An estimate of heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient in gluon plasma. In: 30th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2012). Cairns, Australia. 24.-29.06.2012.
Al-Hashimi, Munir H. (2013). Harmonic Oscillator in a 1D or 2D Cavity with General Perfectly Reflecting Walls. Molecular Physics, 111(2), pp. 225-241. Taylor & Francis 10.1080/00268976.2012.716526
de Forcrand, P.; Pepe, M.; Wiese, Uwe-Jens (2013). Walking near a conformal fixed point. PoS - proceedings of science, LATTIC(041), pp. 1-7. Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati SISSA
Laine, Mikko Sakari (2013). Hot QCD vs cosmology. PoS - proceedings of science, Confin(25). Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati SISSA
Colangelo, Gilberto; Procura, Massimiliano; Rothen, Lorena; Stucki, Ramon; Tarrús Castellà, J. (2013). Factorization of leading chiral logarithms in the pion form factors. PoS - proceedings of science, Confin(121). Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati SISSA
Zeller, Marcel; Ereditato, Antonio; Haug, Sigve; Hsu, Ching-Cheng; Janos, Stefan; Kreslo, Igor; Messina, Marcello; Rudolf von Rohr, Christoph; Rossi, Biagio; Strauss, Thomas; Weber, Michael (2013). First measurements with ARGONTUBE, a 5m long drift Liquid Argon TPC. Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A - accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 718, pp. 454-458. North-Holland 10.1016/j.nima.2012.11.181
Kimura, Mitsuhiro; Aghion, S.; Ahlén, O.; Amsler, Claude; Ariga, Akitaka; Ariga, Tomoko; Belov, A.S.; Bonomi, G.; Bräunig, P.; Bremer, J.; Brusa, R.S.; Burghart, G.; Cabaret, L.; Canali, C.; Caravita, R.; Castelli, F.; Cerchiari, G.; Cialdi, S.; Comparat, D.; Consolati, G.; ... (2013). Development of nuclear emulsions with 1 μm spatial resolution for the AEgIS experiment. Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A - accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 732(732), pp. 325-329. North-Holland 10.1016/j.nima.2013.04.082
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Schneider, Basil; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurement of Top Quark Polarization in Top-Antitop Events from Proton-Proton Collisions at s√=7 TeV Using the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 111(23) American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.232002
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurement of the differential cross-section of B⁺ meson production in pp collisions at sqrts = 7 TeV at ATLAS. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(10) Springer 10.1007/JHEP10(2013)042
T2K, Collaboration; Ariga, Akitaka; Ariga, Tomoko; Bay, Fatih; Ereditato, Antonio; Frank, Eike; Kreslo, Igor; Messina, Marcello (2013). The T2K Neutrino Flux Prediction. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 87(1), 012001. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.012001
Ariga, Akitaka; Ariga, Tomoko; Ben Dhahbi, Anis; Brunetti, Giulia; Ereditato, Antonio; Hierholzer, Martin; Kawada, Jiro; Kimura, Mitsuhiro; Kreslo, Igor; Mancini, Carlo; Moser, Urs; Pistillo, Ciro; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Strauss, Thomas; Tufanli, Serhan; Vuilleumier, Jean-Luc (2013). Measurement of the neutrino velocity with the OPERA detector in the CNGS beam using the 2012 dedicated data. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1301(1), p. 153. Springer 10.1007/JHEP01(2013)153
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Multi-channel search for squarks and gluinos in sqrts=7 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 73(3), p. 2362. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2362-5
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). A search for prompt lepton-jets in pp collisions at sqrts=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 719(4-5), pp. 299-317. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.01.034
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for charged Higgs bosons through the violation of lepton universality in t art events using collision data at sqrts=7 TeV with the AT experiment. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(3) Springer 10.1007/JHEP03(2013)076
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurement of the distributions of event-by-event flow harmonics in lead-lead collisions at = 2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(11), p. 183. Springer 10.1007/JHEP11(2013)183
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurement of Upsilon production in 7 TeV pp collisions at ATLAS. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 87(5), 052004. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.052004
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurement of the ttbar production cross section in the tau+jets channel using the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 73(3), p. 2328. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2328-7
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for the neutral Higgs bosons of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model in pp collisions at sqrts=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(2), 095. Springer 10.1007/JHEP02(2013)095
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurement of angular correlations in Drell-Yan lepton pairs to probe Z/gamma* boson transverse momentum at sqrt(s)=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 720(1-3), pp. 32-51. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.01.054
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for new phenomena in events with three charged leptons at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 87(5), 052002. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.052002
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurement of ℤℤ production in pp collisions at sqrts=7 TeV and limits on anomalous ℤℤℤ ℤℤgamma couplings with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1303(3), p. 128. Springer 10.1007/JHEP03(2013)128
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for resonances decaying into top-quark pairs using fully hadronic decays in pp collisions with ATLAS at sqrts=7 TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(1), p. 116. Springer 10.1007/JHEP01(2013)116
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurement of isolated-photon pair production in pp collisions at sqrts=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(1) Springer 10.1007/JHEP01(2013)086
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Searches for heavy long-lived sleptons and R-Hadrons with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at sqrts TeV. Physics letters. B, 720(4-5), pp. 277-308. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.02.015
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for supersymmetry in events with photons, bottom quarks, and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 719(4-5), pp. 261-279. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.01.041
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for contact interactions and large extra dimensions in dilepton events from pp collisions at sqrts=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 87(1), 015010. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.015010
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2013). Performance of jet substructure techniques for large-ℝ jets in proton-proton collisions at sqrts = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(9), 076. Springer 10.1007/JHEP09(2013)076
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Topfel, Cyril; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for direct chargino production in anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking models based on a disappearing-track signature in pp collisions at sqrts=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(1), p. 131. Springer 10.1007/JHEP01(2013)131
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Topfel, Cyril; Weber, Michael (2013). ATLAS search for new phenomena in dijet mass and angular distributions using pp collisions at sqrts=7 TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(1), 029. Springer 10.1007/JHEP01(2013)029
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Topfel, Cyril; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurement of the flavour composition of dijet events in pp collisions at sqrts=7 TeV with the AT detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 73(2), p. 2301. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2301-5
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Topfel, Cyril; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for displaced muonic lepton jets from light Higgs boson decay in proton-proton collisions at sqrts TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 721(1-3), pp. 32-50. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.02.058
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Topfel, Cyril; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for dark matter candidates and large extra dimensions in events with a photon and missing transverse momentum in pp collision data at sqrts=7 TeV w the ATLAS detector. Physical review letters, 110(1), 011802. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.011802
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Topfel, Cyril; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for light top squark pair production in final states with leptons and b⁻ jets with the ATLAS detector in sqrts=7 TeV proton-proton collisions. Physics letters. B, 720(1-3), pp. 13-31. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.01.049
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Topfel, Cyril; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for long-lived, heavy particles in final states with a muon and multi-track displaced vertex in proton–proton collisions at View the MathML sources=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 718(3), pp. 841-859. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2012.11.039
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Topfel, Cyril; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for direct slepton and gaugino production in final states with two leptons and missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at sqrts=7 TeV. Physics letters. B, 718(3), pp. 879-901. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2012.11.058
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Topfel, Cyril; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for new phenomena in the W W to ell u ell' u' final state in pp collisions at sqrts=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 718(3), pp. 860-878. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2012.11.040
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Topfel, Cyril; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurement of the jet radius and transverse momentum dependence of inclusive jet suppression in lead-lead collisions at sqrtsNN=2.76 TeV with the AT detector. Physics letters. B, 719(4-5), pp. 220-241. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.01.024
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Topfel, Cyril; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for squarks and gluinos with the ATLAS detector in final states with jets and missing transverse momentum using 4.7 fb⁻¹ of sqrts=7 TeV proton-pro collision data. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 87(1), 012008. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.012008
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurement of the Azimuthal Angle Dependence of Inclusive Jet Yields in Pb+Pb Collisions at sqrts_NN= 2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review letters, 111(15), p. 152301. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.152301
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Topfel, Cyril; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurements of top quark pair relative differential cross-sections with ATLAS in pp collisions at sqrts=7 TeV. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 73(1), p. 2261. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-012-2261-1
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus; Schneider, Basil; Topfel, Cyril; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurement of the Lambdab lifetime and mass in the ATLAS experiment. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 87, 032002. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.032002
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Fonseca Martin, Teresa; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Topfel, Cyril; Weber, Michael (2013). Single hadron response measurement and calorimeter jet energy scale uncertainty with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 73(3), p. 2305. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2305-1
OPERA, Collaboration; Ariga, Akitaka; Ariga, Tomoko; Ben Dhahbi, Anis; Brunetti, Giulia; Ereditato, Antonio; Juget, Frédéric; Kawada, Jiro; Kimura, Mitsuhiro; Kreslo, Igor; Mancini Terracciano, Carlo; Meisel, Frank; Pistillo, Ciro; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Strauss, Thomas; Tufanli, Serhan; Vuilleumier, Jean-Luc (2013). Search for νμ→νe oscillations with the OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(7), 004. Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2013)004
T2K, Collaboration; Ariga, Akitaka; Ariga, Tomoko; Bay, Fatih; Ereditato, Antonio; Frank, Eike; Kreslo, Igor; Messina, Marcello (2013). Measurement of the Inclusive NuMu Charged Current Cross Section on Carbon in the Near Detector of the T2K. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 87(9), 092003. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.092003
Ereditato, Antonio; Weber, Michael (2013). A study of electron recombination using highly ionizing particles in the ArgoNeuT Liquid Argon TPC. Journal of instrumentation, 8(08), P08005-P08005. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/8/08/P08005
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2013). Evidence for the spin-0 nature of the Higgs boson using ATLAS data. Physics letters. B, 726(1-3), pp. 120-144. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.08.026
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurement of the top quark charge in pp collisions at sqrts = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1311(11), 031. Springer 10.1007/JHEP11(2013)031
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurement of jet shapes in top-quark pair events at sqrts = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 73(12) EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2676-3
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for excited electrons and muons in sqrts=8 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector. New journal of physics, 15(9), 093011. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1367-2630/15/9/093011
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for new phenomena in final states with large jet multiplicities and missing transverse momentum at sqrt(s)=8 TeV proton-proton collisions using the ATLAS experiment. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(10), p. 130. Springer 10.1007/JHEP10(2013)130
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for direct third-generation squark pair production in final states with missing transverse momentum and two b-jets in sqrts = 8 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1310(10), p. 189. Springer 10.1007/JHEP10(2013)189
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). A search for ttbar resonances in the lepton plus jets final state with ATLAS using 4.7 fb⁻¹ of collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 88(1), 012004. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.012004
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Triggers for displaced decays of long-lived neutral particles in the ATLAS detector. Journal of instrumentation, 8(07), P07015-P07015. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/8/07/P07015
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for resonant diboson production in the lvjj decay channels with the ATLAS detector at 7 TeV. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 87(11), p. 112006. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.112006
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurement of the production cross section of jets in association with a Z boson in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(7) Springer 10.1007/JHEP07(2013)032
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for microscopic black holes in a like-sign dimuon final state using large track multiplicity with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, D88(7), 072001. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.072001
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for non-pointing photons in the diphoton and ETmiss final state in sqrt(s) = 7 TeV proton-proton collisions using the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 88(1), 012001. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.012001
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurement of the inclusive jet cross section in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=2.76 TeV and comparison to the inclusive jet cross section at sqrt(s)=7 TeV using the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 73(8), p. 2509. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2509-4
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurement with the ATLAS detector of multi-particle azimuthal correlations in p+Pb collisions at sqrtsNN=5.02 TeV. Physics letters. B, 725(1-3), pp. 60-78. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.06.057
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for third generation scalar leptoquarks in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(6) Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2013)033
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Characterisation and mitigation of beam-induced backgrounds observed in the ATLAS detector during the 2011 proton-proton run. Journal of instrumentation, 8(07), P07004-P07004. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1748-0221/8/07/P07004
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for WH production with a light Higgs boson decaying to prompt electron-jets in proton-proton collisions at sqrts=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. New journal of physics, 15(4), 043009. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1367-2630/15/4/043009
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Improved luminosity determination in pp collisions at sqrts = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector at the LHC. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 73(8), p. 2518. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2518-3
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for a light charged Higgs boson in the decay channel H⁺ o c ars in t art events using collisions at sqrts = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 73(6), p. 2465. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2465-z
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurement of the cross-section for W boson production in association with b-jets in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(6), 084. Springer 10.1007/JHEP06(2013)084
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurement of kT splitting scales in W→lv events at sqrt(s)=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 73(5), p. 2432. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2432-8
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurements of Wgamma and Zgamma production in pp collisions at sqrts= 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector the LHC. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 87(11), p. 112003. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.112003
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurement of hard double-parton interactions in W→lv+ 2 jet events at sqrt(s)=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. New journal of physics, 15(3), 033038. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1367-2630/15/3/033038
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for long-lived, multi-charged particles in pp collisions at sqrts=7 TeV using the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 722(4-5), pp. 305-323. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.04.036
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for single b*-quark production with the ATLAS detector at sqrts=7 TeV. Physics letters. B, 721(4-5), pp. 171-189. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.03.016
T2K, Collaboration; Ariga, Akitaka; Ariga, Tomoko; Ereditato, Antonio; Frank, Eike; Hierholzer, Martin; Kreslo, Igor; Messina, Marcello; Martti, Nirkko (2013). Evidence of Electron Neutrino Appearance in a Muon Neutrino Beam. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 88(3), 032002. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.032002
NA61/SHINE, Collaboration; Ereditato, Antonio; Messina, Marcello; Rossi, Biagio (2013). Pion emission from the T2K replica target: method, results and application. Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A - accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 701, pp. 99-114. North-Holland 10.1016/j.nima.2012.10.079
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for Extra Dimensions in diphoton events using proton-proton collisions recorded at sqrts=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. New journal of physics, 15(4), 043007. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/1367-2630/15/4/043007
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for long-lived, heavy particles in final states with a muon and multi-track displaced vertex in proton-proton collisions at sqrts=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 719(4-5), pp. 280-298. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.01.042
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). A search for high-mass resonances decaying to tau⁺ tau⁻ in pp collisions at sqrts=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 719(4-5), pp. 242-260. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.01.040
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Measurement of ℤ boson Production in Pb+Pb Collision at sqrtsNN=2.76 TeV with the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 110(1), 022301. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.022301
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Jet energy resolution in proton-proton collisions at sqrts=7 TeV recorded in 2010 with the ATLAS detector. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 73(3), p. 2306. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2306-0
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for pair production of heavy top-like quarks decaying to a high-pT W boson and a b quark in the lepton plus jets final state at sqrts=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics letters. B, 718(4-5), pp. 1284-1302. Elsevier 10.1016/j.physletb.2012.11.071
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for pair-produced massive coloured scalars in four-jet final states with the ATLAS detector in proton-proton collisions at sqrts=7 TeV. European physical journal. C - particles and fields, 73(1), p. 2263. EDP Sciences 10.1140/epjc/s10052-012-2263-z
XENON, Collaboration; Schumann, Marc (2013). The neutron background of the XENON100 dark matter experiment. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 40(11), p. 115201. Institute of Physics Publishing IOP 10.1088/0954-3899/40/11/115201
XENON, Collaboration; Schumann, Marc (2013). Response of the XENON100 Dark Matter Detector to Nuclear Recoils. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 88(1), 012006. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.012006
XENON100, Collaboration; Schumann, Marc (2013). Limits on Spin-Dependent WIMP-Nucleon Cross Sections from 225 Live Days of XENON100 Data. Physical review letters, 111(2), 021301. American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.021301
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Topfel, Cyril; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for long-lived stopped R-hadrons decaying out-of-time with pp collisions using the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 88(11), p. 112003. Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.112003
ATLAS, Collaboration; Agustoni, Marco; Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Cervelli, Alberto; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kabana, Sonja; Kruker, Tobias; Marti, Lukas; Pretzl, Klaus-Peter; Schneider, Basil; Sciacca, Gianfranco; Stucci, Stefania Antonia; Topfel, Cyril; Weber, Michael (2013). Search for charginos nearly mass-degenerate with the lightest neutralino based on a disappearing-track signature in pp collisions at sqrts = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review. D - particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, 88(11) Melville, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.112006
Braccini, Saverio (2013). The new bern PET cyclotron, its research beam line, and the development of an innovative beam monitor detector. In: McDaniel, Floyd D.; Doyle, Barney L.; Glass, Gary A.; Wang, Yongqiang (eds.) APPLICATION OF ACCELERATORS IN RESEARCH AND INDUSTRY: Twenty-Second International Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings: Vol. 1525 (pp. 144-150). AIP Publishing LLC 10.1063/1.4802308
Braccini, Saverio; Ereditato, Antonio; Kreslo, Igor; Nirkko, Martti; Scampoli, Paola; von Bremen, K.; Weber, Michael (2013). The cyclotron laboratory and the RFQ accelerator in Bern. In: Ricci, R.A.; Rigato, V.; Mazzoldi, P. (eds.) MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS WITH ION BEAMS (ION BEAMS '12). Legnaro-Padova, Italy. 06.-08.06.2012. 10.1063/1.4812922
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Ancu, Lucian; Battaglia, Andreas; Beck, Hans Peter; Borer, Claudia; Ereditato, Antonio; Gallo, Valentina; Haug, Sigve; Kruker, Tobias; Topfel, Cyril; Weber, Michael (2012). Search for the Higgs boson in the H-->WW(*)-->l(+)nul(-)nu decay channel in pp collisions at radicals=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical review letters, 108(11) Ridge, N.Y.: American Physical Society 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.111802
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